#both og and doppleganger
pinguwrites · 2 months
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naninadz · 1 year
Tell us about Adriel! They look so interesting
Pronouns? Backstory? Fun facts?
Backstory is in the wips but pretty much It's a doppelganger demon thing I call puppets that killed and replaced the original Adriel and accidentally also took over the chore of being a single mother type of thing like OOPS. Due to the nature of puppets they are man eaters and so, Adriel would also be considered a serial killer as it blends in over taking OG Adriel's life (being a teacher, etc) it picks its victims carefully such as "people nobody will miss".
Some fun facts:
It's 6'7 tall in human form, probably hits the 9 feet tall in its puppet form.
Personality wise, well it's a copy of original Adriel: Chill and polite, a generally pleasant person to talk to and all. It just has this off feeling to it idk how to explain it. Subtle things
Is a teacher as mentioned before, specialises with science basis stuff like biology. It's also good with and loves kids. Won't ever harm them even with its demonic nature.
Is completely aware that it both is, and isn't Adriel. It's completely neutral with that feeling. Puppets in general are quite lacking in the emotional spectrum, but they're very good at emulating it as after all, they are mimics/dopplegangers.
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tsarbomba567 · 2 years
Ninjago Post-Crystalized Headcanon/AU Thing
Ninjago Diffraction
I've been sitting on this Ninjago idea for a while, but basically the headcanon is that all creatures have a light side (good) and a dark side (evil). Naturally these sides cancel each other out, creating balance, but the creature may lean to one side or the other. Additionally, some may find that their balance is out of wack; for example Garmadon being bitten my the Devourer and slowly becoming more evil.
Why am I saying this? Well...
After some time, all the dopplegangers make their continued presence know to their real counterparts before fusing together to create a kaiju-like creature that is hellbent on obliterating Ninjago City (and Ninjago as a whole). Said evil kaiju easily defeats the OG and New Ninja, forcing Vangelis, the Mechanic, Pythor, Aspheera, Harumi and Mr. F to fuse together into their own kaiju, thanks to a spell out of Aspheera's spellbook. Both kaiju fiercely fight one another, but in the end the doppleganger kaiju is the one that's destroyed, leaving the fused Crystal Council victorious. Said Council then unfuses, where the denizens of Ninjago City celebrate them as heroes; the now reformed villians are then allowed to walk out of Kryptarium Prison as free men and women, with their respective peoples now warmly embracing them back into their societies.
What if after Mr. F, Harumi, Pythor, Aspheera, the Mechanic and Vangelis get imprisoned at Kryptarium Prison, they're kidnapped by this secret group that intends to remove the darkness tainting their souls, capture them in specially made containers, and destroy them via throwing them into the Golden Peaks volcano. The only problem is that they discover that their evil sides had been under the influence of the Overlord, and that because of this the containers won't hold long enough to travel all the way to the Golden Peaks. In a panic they inject their darkness into their respective statues in the Ninjago Museum of History, only for those statues to become living in-the-flesh dopplegangers that cause chaos and destruction throughout Ninjago City. Both the OG and New Ninja are unable to stop the dopplegangers' rampages, so its up to the ex-members of the Crystal Council to defeat their evil halves.
The evil dopplegangers' personalities are similar to their original counterparts but have become twisted and warped in their own ways. Additionally, the evil clones are stronger than their counterparts, with each doppleganger having unique ability:
Evil Pythor has the ability to steal one's life force, causing the victim to rapidly age and turn into a skeleton, before eventually crumbling into dust; he can also manipulate said life force, especially the victim's age. Once he steals the life forces of 250 people, whether human or Serpentine, Evil Pythor becomes the new Great Devourer.
Evil Aspheera can petrify people, turning them into stone statues; Evil Vangelis has a Mida's Touch, which can turn people and objects into gold.
Evil Mr.F can turn objects like cars, cellphones and computers into robot creatures that he has direct control over. Meanwhile, Evil Harumi - who has a spider bottom half - can extrude extremely strong spider silk, which she uses to spin webs and trap people via wrapping them in silk.
The Evil Mechanic can turn people into energy cubes.
Initially the evil dopplegangers manage to kill their counterparts by using their special abilities, with Evil Pythor becoming the New Devourer after taking Pythor's life force. Luckily for the ex-villians, Death tells them that they weren't supposed to die, and that she's going to resurrect all six of them, although Pythor would come back as a skeleton because his life force was stolen. Now back in the land of the living also known as Ninjago, the revived ex-villians manage to "kill" their evil clones, undoing all the damage they and their powers have caused. Unknown to the six of them, their evil clones aren't dead, but are regrouping to from the shadows to plan out their next attack.
The strangest thing about this entire event was that it was foretold in an ancient Serpentine prophecy, but it had to be reconstructed from various scripts and scrolls, drawings and tablets because the original mural the prophecy was written on was extensively damaged when it was found. It was only when the full mural was reconstructed and deciphered that it was too late to alter the coming events.
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ambitiouslyher · 11 months
5. top five favourite things not available in their canon verse.
15. how does their diet look like?
@danversiism // MEME.
top five favorite things not available in her canon verse.
although nina's world is pretty realistic in terms of fantastical elements, she's originally set next to the dc multiverse, so her original verse in itself isn't too fantastical ! ( which i now realize is the... point of the modern au prompt.... ajfjlfj ) BUT ! i will reverse this by instead giving you five things i would love if i were to make a fantasy / historical type au for her !
pirate!nina would be so cool. pirates have been my on and off from childhood hyperfixation and as you know, it's been revived due to watching one piece. but, i feel like she'd be an excellent pirate captain. she's greedy for power, ambitious, and ruthless. she would run in all woman crew, fr.
shapeshifter!nina.... that would be just be excellent. whether it's because she's a monster, mutant or both... would be so neat.
more cyberpunk elements within the og verse and especially in dc settings would be be so cool and nina would fit into that so well. although, i believe she prefers a lot of analog type equipment, the vibes would still be immaculate.
for historical elements, a verse with her as a queen / some royal type au with all the political intrigue. or even her as a queen that moonlights as an assassin? idk but i’m here for that.
doppleganger!au... or twin au. she's obviously the bad counterpart. a good nina would be so interesting, lmao.
how does their diet look ?
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE. i have a whole thing already written.  for the most part, she's pretty health conscious. she tends to really take care of herself, but she will indulge in richer foods, especially as mentioned below: pastries and the like, especially anything with dark chocolate.
for breakfast, she’ll have something light, usually toast with jam, a bowl of fruits, a green smoothie, a croissant with scrambled eggs is the heaviest.
seafood is more preferable than other proteins.
rice is a regular staple, seaweed in sesame oil, egg souffle.
her favourites are sashimi, seaweed soup, fried rice with shrimp, flaky pastries, danishes, and chocolate truffles.
she has tea with every meal.
she dislikes lavender scents and flavours.
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myundeadgayson · 3 years
Mystic Messenger, but it’s actually C!Quackity on the DSMP
 …C!Quackity treating the DSMP like a dating sim joke, except I take it literally and tell you all the datable characters and Good, Bad, and Neutral Ends like this Mystic Messenger. (Disclaimer Note: This is all based on C!Quackity’s lore. This is also all based around their characters, NOT the CC’s. I am also NOT encouraging you to ship any of these characters -- especially bc some DO NOT feel comfortable with that. Also, no Minors are included because NO. This has just been a running Quackity joke for a while, and the concept of C!Quackity trying to flirt with all of these characters to speedrun the server like a legit dating sim sounds just so funny to me. Please do not attack me.)
Main Character Routes:
Sapnap (Good End: “Burning Love”, Neutral End: “I Love You, But Not Like That”, Bad End: “Twice Burned”) — can be connected to Karl’s Route
Karl Jacobs (Good End: ”Forever and Always”, Neutral End: “Friendzoned”, Bad End: “When Time Runs Out”) — can be connected to Sapnap’s Route 
Schlatt (Good End: “Alone, but Better”, Neutral End: “As the World Caves In”, Bad End: “Yes, Mr. President”)
Advanced Character Routes (only accessible after all Main Routes are completed):
Wilbur Soot (Good End: ”Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust”, Neutral End: “Two Sides of the Same Coin”, Bad End: “Enemies to Enemies”)
Technoblade (Good End: ”Tame the Blade”, Neutral End: “Enemies to... Allies?”, Bad End: “Dental Appointment”)
Karlnapity (Advanced Version): (Good End: “It’s About Time!”, Neutral End: “Only Time Will Tell”, Bad End: “...Who?”)
Secret Character Routes (only accessible after all routes above are completed):
Eret (Good End: “Flirt with the Traitor”, Neutral End: “You Need Friends, I Need Therapy”, Bad End: “Never Meant to Be”)
BadBoyHalo (Good End: “Dance with the Demon”, Neutral End: “...Sapnap’s Your What?”, Bad End: “An Eggsellent Ending, but a New Beginning”)
Bonus Route (only accessible when reaching halfway through Advanced Routes; technically a Bad End):
Philza Minecraft (??? End: Dilf Hunter Achievement: Become a Stepdad)
These are just the routes I’ve come up with for fun, and you can kind of see how a lot of them turn out by the names asjhdgksaj. (I don’t mind explaining what happens in any of them if you wanna know.) ** For anyone that doesn’t know Mystic Messenger by the way, there are 3 Main Endings (Good, Neutral, Bad) for Every Character, a True Neutral End, a True Bad End, and some other Bad Ends along the way if you start Good, then turn Bad towards a Character you’re pursuing.
But also, since this is Quackity… Him balancing out affection towards Karl and Sapnap, gets the Karlnapity Route, which is technically also a Main Route.
I will say though… Karl would probably have secret bonus options in the Advanced Routes that become available that involve Quackity finding out Karl’s a Time Traveler (something he discovers vaguely in Karl’s Main Route), but it leads to Quackity finding out more about Karl’s Time Travelling— the way Karl dies each time, the Dopplegangers, the Inbetween, etc.
Upon discovering all these things and finishing Karl’s Route in Advanced as a Good End, Secret Endings become Available to him. (This is where we’re gonna get SERIOUS, just so you know. We’re living like the Dream Daddy Simulator and there’s more lore than you realize.) More about the Secret Endings under the cut with the actual hidden lore because this post is about to be LONG.
These Secret Endings actually include Quackity witnessing Karl’s Time Traveling firsthand… Also, potentially Quackity traveling WITH Karl through time and into the Inbetween.
Upon him finishing this Secret Ending (which ends with him calming Karl through everything and a hopeful ending of him promising to help Karl to learn more about Karl’s abilities and save Karl’s memories), another route is open.
There’s Three Secret Endings that reveal themselves in total. That was only the first. The final two are connected, but the third being revealed depends on Quackity getting all the Main Bad Ends.
The Second Secret End is directly tied to Karl’s Bad End and the Fiancés’ Bad End in Advanced where in both, Karl forgets Quackity and Quackity lives alone in Las Nevadas.
In the OG Good Ending with Karl, they get married and stay El Rapids with Sapnap (romantic or platonically). In the Good Advanced with Karl, Quackity builds Las Nevadas and Karl almost forgets him, but Quackity comes home and finds out what happened.
The Second Secret Ending is what happens after Karl’s Advanced Bad Ending where he forgets Quackity. This Quackity, who’s chosen not to find out why he wasn’t invited to Kinoko, finds Sapnap struggling enough between helping Karl, managing Kinoko, and everything with Dream. Karl is gone again. Quackity, though still angry with the two, decides to help find Karl.
What ends up happening though is Quackity and Sapnap discover The Library (something Quackity discovers only in the Good Advanced End). They search around and find The Books. Obviously, the two start freaking out until Karl appears. This Karl isn’t their Karl. He looks the same, but there’s a noticeable white streak in his hair. Another thing is that he remembers Quackity.
It’s discovered in that moment that this “Dating Sim” situation with Quackity being able to restart through every path (though he fully never remembers any of them once the paths end) is the work of Time Travel. It’s Karl sending him back in time to make things right. The Karl in their timeline will only continue to get worse and lose all his memories. He NEEDS his memories, otherwise Karl can’t fix the timeline. There’s a huge threat that is going to be showing itself. Everyone WILL be doomed if Karl can’t repair the timeline, however, this Karl can’t fix it for him. Whatever threat that is going to come after them in the near future is following this Karl’s trail too closely. If this Karl tried to do it, he’d be leading the threat back in time with him and things would be doomed even sooner. He can only send back one, which is how Quackity gets chosen. Even though Quackity protests, Sapnap insists that it be Quackity to go. Sapnap can’t leave. If he did, he would be abandoning their timeline’s Karl, along with George and Kinoko. There’s a small argument between Quackity and Sapnap over this, but Sapnap admits he just Can’t. The timeline might change, but he couldn’t live with himself imagining Karl coming home without someone there to remind him that it is Home. Or George finally waking up and Sapnap not being able to be there. Quackity might have Las Nevadas to worry about, but Sapnap has the weight of two of the most important people in their lives on his shoulders. He can’t do it. Future Karl assures Quackity that he’d be good for this, too. That past Karl NEEDS him. His Fiancé NEEDS him. And this way, Quackity can help Sapnap! In the end, Quackity agrees. He reluctantly agrees to go. Future Karl just grins at him and hands him a pocket watch that in future runs, Quackity will be more aware of having because he’s actually had it in every route that wasn’t Karl’s Advanced Route. Right as Future Karl is teaching Quackity how to use it, the portal behind Karl turns a sickly neon green and yellow. Karl looks panicked at the sight. He quickly starts ushering Quackity to leave. NOW. Right as Quackity does, he just manages to see a glimpse of a hooded being stepping through the portal. He’s gone before he can see who it is. The Final Secret Ending becomes available.
The Final Secret Ending is ENTIRELY based on Quackity getting to all the Bad Endings for the Mains and all Karl’s Endings. That’s because the Final Secret Ending is, of course, about Dream. Up until this point, Dream has been doing his typical Dream things. In the Main Routes, he’s more of an idle character for Quackity because Quackity’s not directly involved with him yet. In the Advanced, Dream has reached the point of being imprisoned, thus Quackity is incredibly aware of everything Dream’s done. Somehow, this Dream eventually finds a way to escape the prison. He becomes more powerful upon getting released and somehow finds out about Karl’s powers, leading him down the road of wanting to understand him so that he himself can “fix the server”. Karl can’t allow Dream to tamper with the timeline because it’ll ruin everything. Dream, of course, finds a way into getting into Karl’s library and trying to find the necessary information to do it himself. Insert more plot leading to Dream eventually chasing Karl through the portals to stop Karl from reaching a timeline where they can change the story, and thus enters Quackity. In this Final Secret Ending, Quackity discovers everything that happening because Dream appears before Karl in The Library and reveals everything. Karl arrives late, just as this version of Dream is about to actually kill Quackity because, you know, personal reasons, but also Dream’s figured out Karl’s plan. Right as Dream’s about to kill Quackity though, Karl manages at the last second to shove Quackity the pocket watch, but Karl ends up getting killed in the process. Quackity has no time to mourn before he wakes back up in the past. And that’s all the Karl routes (which technically along with Sapnap) make for the True Endings! So there’s all of that story! ^u^ Definitely way more than I considered plotting out... But ya know,,, I fucking love Mystic Messenger and I love C!Quackity lore, along with C!Karl... So this started as a joke, but now you get lore to it! So please enjoy this brainrot! I put WAYYYY too much thought into it ajsgalkdjghlkd
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
English! AU (1): “My Name is Hannah England.”
A/N: Yeah, it only took me like... 3 years to release this. Wow. Nice. If you’ve seen the OG post for the details for this AU, then you’ve seen it.
Hannah England. I love her.
Enough said.
~Shintori Khazumi
"What do you mean I have to come back?!"
An impatient tapping of a foot.
"Well, I can tell you that I bloody won't! Wasn't I removed from the- No! He said it himself. If I were to choose to be a witch, I'd- Mother! NO! Are you listening- Mother I cannot, WILL NOT- We had an agreement!"
She twirled the telephone wire around her finger anxiously until it was so short she had to release it.
No. This could not be happening. No, not now. They had promised! They'd talked about this! This wasn't fair! She had held up her end of the bargain-
"...HAH?! You've sent them to- NO, NO, NO... NO!"
There wasn't even a knock. There was barely even a warning.
It wasn't a cliche breaking down of doors, or smashing of windows, however. It was a swift opening of the door, so fast it barely made a sound.
And there they were.
"Miss England."
"No... NO! NO, you- YOU CAN'T TAKE ME!"
"These are national orders. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do."
There was nothing she could do.
"W-why..." She choked out, still in a defensive stance, a candleholder held up as a weapon. "We... My grandfather and I agreed on this. I was not to be included in the run-"
"Miss England- no." The bespectacled man caught himself, clearing his throat once before staring at the young girl dead on. "Miss Windsor."
Her eyes widened upon hearing that name, weapon dropping to the floor. She quickly narrowed those same eyes however as she remembered what it meant.
It filled her with rage.
"I- that's no longer-"
"You may only be the fourth in line. However..."
A document was presented to her, with the official signature of... the king... and...
"The prime minister is your primary backer. Do you really think you are in a position to reject?"
"You have been chosen by most ambassadors."
"Why." It pissed her off. It made her fume. Why. After so long. After all these years. After they'd agreed not to-
"Because according to his majesty... no one is better suited for winning the crown..."
She stepped back as he came forward, grasping her by the arm.
"Than the one who does not want to win the fight for it at all."
"Hannah? Hannah?" Barbara called out. "We're back?" She went to check Diana's section of the room, the bathroom, and even the closets, hoping to find her best friend in the room. "Hmm... maybe she went for dinner first?"
"Barbara? What's wrong?" Diana walked into the room, brushing some dirt off her coat. This made Barbara automatically check her appearance in the mirror.
"Oh... nothing." Though maybe she should have said that they looked all wrong.
Gosh. They both needed a bath. That five-day mission didn't do their appearances and smells too kindly, it seemed.
She couldn't face Hannah like this. She needed to wash up before meeting the person she'd missed the most these past few days.
Oh, just why did the latest missions have to be pair missions? At least Hannah had gone with Amanda. That put Barbara at ease with regards to her safety. Though, she admitted she was just a little jealous that two of her- ehem- “potential love interests” had been able to go with each other, enjoying themselves without her.
Yes, she’d boldly admit to liking them both.
Sucy’s shaming should never get to her!
Shaking such thoughts and feelings out of her head, she focused on the task at hand. The sooner she got cleaned up, the sooner she could see Hannah! (And Maybe Amanda at dinner, too.)
A warm shower was only half as good without Hannah.
Ahhhh... just where was she? Barbara could barely wait to sneak into her bed and cuddle 'til daybreak-
"Barbara?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the bathroom door.
Turning the running water off, she replied to the call, "Yes, Diana?"
"Did Hannah mention anything about another mission? I was under the impression she'd just gotten back from the previous one she'd told us about. Or has she not arrived yet?"
Huh? That was strange. Hannah was supposed to have arrived a day or two after she and Diana left.
Wiping herself down and wrapping a towel about her, she exited the steaming room, a frown decorating her features.
"Not that I know of. I didn't notice any notes or letters either..." Now she was beginning to feel strange. "She didn't send any familiar or anything, right?"
Diana mirrored her frown.
"...No. She did not."
A knock came against their door.
"Yes?" Diana answered it as her companion inside quickly got dressed, now in more casual wear.
"Diana! Hannah! Oh, thank goodness you're back!" Akko lunged at her bestfriend, holding tight, that faint blush on the heiress' face going unnoticed. "I was wondering if you knew! I just had to ask! I mean, I'm not that close with her and all yet, but I thought we were friends at least! She didn't say a word! Oh! But I figured you two would know, right? Strange that even Amanda doesn't know... I know they don't always get along, and quarrel and stuff, but Sucy always called them lovers' spats and-"
"Akko." Diana stilled Akko's rambling, grasping her face with both hands, then quickly noticing the intimacy of that gesture and stepping away, releasing the girl. "S-sorry."
"A-ah.. n-no... I-"
"Um... what was... what are you talking about?" Diana tried as she regained her composure. Barbara rolled her eyes fondly at the exchange.
"Oh right!" The girl rushed forward into the room to grab Barbara by the wrist, as well as Diana, dragging them out into the corridors towards the direction of the mess hall.
"I wanted to ask you!"
They had finally arrived in the dining room, quickly approaching their usual table where the group of friends were gathered about Lotte's magical orb that was now projecting something akin to what one would see on a television screen.
"This!" She pointed.
"Why is Hannah on TV?"
"...Huh?!" Barbara suddenly slammed her hands on the table at that sight, surprising everyone including herself because why was Hannah on TV?! And... Why was she next to...
"Also, why did Hannah suddenly have to leave school? It was announced during homeroom for the ones already back from missions."
"What?!" Now Barbara was even more confused. Hannah hadn't mentioned anything about this at all!
"Akko! Shhh!" Lotte scolded, Amanda clamping a hand over their loveable dork's mouth. "We're trying to find out what's going on!"
["The situation in the palace has not been disclosed to the press; however, it seems to be confirmed that dire conditions are currently in place as more and more of the possible successors have returned to the capitol."]
"That reporter is kinda my type- oof!"
"You deserved that." Sucy grinned as Amanda rubbed the sore spot Barbara had inflicted pain on.
"Fuck you."
"No thanks."
["None have been willing to give their statements thus far, but... Oh! We have here the fourth in line! Martin, go get her more focused in the shot since she's the closest- no! Miss Windsor!]
"Windsor?" Akko cocked her head to the side, clearly very confused. "But aren't they calling Hannah? They are calling Hannah... right?"
Barbara didn't really know anymore.
She didn’t know anymore.
Suddenly, a scary looking man came into view, the typical visage of a bodyguard. A low voice growled.
["It was announced that the press was not allowed to interview any of the returning heirs and heiresses. Please return back behind the line."]
The camera view had become shaky, as if the person holding it was being pushed away.
["Miss Windsor! Miss Windsor!"]
["Hey! Didn’t I just-"]
["Miss Hannah Windsor!"]
Barbara stared at the moving image in front of her. This was...There was no mistaking it.
["You're wrong."]
Those words may have seemingly contradicted her inner thoughts, but Barbara knew one thing. This person....
"Hannah..." She murmured, hand clenched over her heart. The girl had spoken up, camera focused on her even at its odd angle. Barbara’s heart couldn’t help but flutter at the voice she’d missed for days. But... it also hurt. To only hear it through a medium like this... “Hannah.”
["You're wrong. My name... isn't Hannah Windsor...] The girl on camera stated with shaky breaths. 
She was right. This wasn’t some Hannah Windsor or someone Barbara didn’t know. This was Hannah England. Her Hannah.
So why...?
[It isn’t that... not... any- oi!"]
“Hannah!” Barbara exclaimed, reaching for a Hannah she couldn’t even touch.
["The press shall not receive any statement from any of the arrivals until further notice. Good day."]
A glasses-wearing man had said before speedily ushering Hannah into the gates, figure going further and further away from Barbara's view.
["We have a scoop! Did you hear that?! Did you-"]
"Heh... think they got shut down?" Amanda commented, everyone still focused on the now-static-filled projection.
"Maybe. But it's too late to hide some weird statement scandal like that. News spreads annoyingly fast." Sucy responded, taking a bite from her mushroom.
"Still... it's weird." Akko chirped. "Why'd they call Hannah, "Windsor"? That was Hannah, right? Or was she a look-alike? Doppleganger?" She proposed excitedly. "But... she's not here either." She deflated.
The fact that her mission partner, Amanda, was here, and Hannah wasn't ruled out a possibility of it just being a mere double existence.
"Windsor...? WIndsor... Hmmm... Windsor? Why do I feel like I've... heard of that.. before..." Barbara watched Akko wrack her brain for an answer, brows scrunched up in intense thought. "Windsor... that's the name of..."
"The royal family." Diana cut in after having watched everything unfold silently.
"Oh! That's right! The Royal family!" Akko exclaimed, happy to finally get that out of mind... before doing a double take, hurting her neck in the process. "THE ROYAL FAMILY?!"
"Akko, shhh!!"
"She can scream it all she wants, Lotte. Not gonna make a difference." Sucy pointed out. "It's already on the news."
Yes. It was indeed.
The fact that...
"Miss Hannah England is Royalty. Some of you may have caught wind of this kind of rumors or news." Finnelan spoke during the morning assembly. "This statement is something we have no right to confirm or deny. However, Miss Hannah, has been pulled out of school for personal reasons that shall not be disclosed. No questions shall be asked regarding Miss Eng-Windsor... er... ehem... England anymore.”
“So much for confidentiality and defeating rumors.” Sucy rolled her eyes, Jasminka nodding in agreement next to her.
“That is all. Now, with regards to the third years' mission statuses-"
Barbara had tuned out completely at that point.
Windsor this, Windsor that.
She hated it. Barbara hated it.
Hannah Windsor on news and articles.
Hannah Windsor here. Hannah Windsor... Hannah Windsor... HANNAH WINDSOR.
She... Hannah... Hannah wasn't Hannah Windsor... Hannah was...
"Barbara? Are you okay?" Diana whispered, covering Barbara's clenched one in her own. "Do you want to leave the hall? Get some air?"
"No... I'm fine." Barbara looked up, smiling at Diana unconvincingly. "I'm fine."
“Really. I am.”
Barbara ignored Diana’s concerned gazes, not wanting to talk about this anymore.
She could handle this.
She said it herself. She was fine. And she was.
But... even though she said she was fine...
Was Hannah fine?
["Hey. Nice to meet you."
"You're rather shy." The girl said with a grin. "You're really pretty too."
She felt herself flush red.
"What's your name?"
"B-Barbara... Barbara... Parker."
"That's a really pretty name, Barbara!" The girl held her hand out for a shake. "Let's get along well!"]
Barbara woke up. with a start, eyes immediately scanning the room, going over the spot next to her on the bed.
Cold. Empty.
Barbara held back a sob, hugging her knees tight to her chest.
Her dream... right. That girl. The one who has been by her side for years now, always there. Always so kind... sort of.
That girl... Barbara's best friend, the one who disappeared all of a sudden, the one who showed up on the news yesterday, who had left Luna Nova... She...
She wasn't Hannah Windsor. No.
She was...
["Oh right! I have to introduce myself as well! Silly me.
Hi! I'll be your friend starting today. And My name is...
Hannah England."]
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maximumjinx · 5 years
Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist!Adrien AU
Okay so hear me out- inspired by a song of the same name by Rory Webly (its on Youtube and an absolute bop), I have an idea that stems from Sentimonster Adrien AU, where the same happens (OG Adrien dies and in a fit of mourning his parents attempt to make a replica with the peacock miraculous that causes Emilie to become comatose and you get sentimonster adrien.
- OG Adrien is lingering in spirit, and despite never meeting the Dupont class or getting a miraculous he sees this doppleganger live out this brand new exciting life while his body is buried in the backyard (coz its sus if theres a documented dead Adrien)
- Because Emilie wanted SentiAdrien to be an embodient of what she loved about her son it makes sense hes either super ‘perfect’ as Adrien or a total goof as Chat
- While OG Adrien in reality was a nice blend of the two. I’m thinking Chat’s hair, Adrien’s personality, with lighthearted jokes and a bit of a scamp
- But not so over the top like Chat that he harrasses Ladybug or reserved like Adrien where he defends Lilas behavior to protect the status quo
- So anyways OG Adrien (FNP Adrien?) falls in love with Marinette from afar.
- He sees her sneak in to sign his birthday gift in Bubbler
- Smiles at her antics to get into the party in Party Crasher
- Swoons at how protective she is of both his counterparts in Volpina
- Saddened by how she doesnt seem to trust in herself or her instincts.
- He knows shes Ladybug bc it’s obvious and he just yearns so badly to reach out and let her know its all okay.
- When hes lonely he goes to the basement to talk to his mom in her coffin, since he doesnt have Plagg.
- Plagg senses him and has suspicions but doesn’t say anything, he does linger when FNP Adrien is present.
- Nooroo slips away sometimes to hover over the grave. He never knew Adrien, but as an emotionally connected Kwami can feel this poor soul that can’t communicate.
- FNPAdrien tries to reach out to Marinette, but she never has her eyes off SentiAdrien long enough to notice.
- A sad story about unrequited love from a lonely boy who only wants to see his counterpart thrive and live a life he never could
Guys I will literally pay actual money for an animatic of this to the song (seriously go listen this makes a lot more sense with it and its so goooood) I might write a fic but yes take my au
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alittleshocking · 4 years
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Shock Adamson Aesthetics: Shock as Katarina Petranova from The Vampire Diaries
I’m a survivor. - Katherine Pierce.
I hope this counts, because I don’t usually have characters that inspire mine. It usually works the other way around: I get a character and then I watch a piece of media and see something and am like...oh...that makes a lot of sense. Which is EXACTLY what happened with Shock and Katherine...literally like yesterday. I always joke with Ginny that Lock and Shock are the Salvatore brothers, but then I was in the TVD tag and saw a few Katherine Pierce inspos and was like HOLY shit.
So, for those who don’t know: Katherine is a pain in the ass to the main character. She’s a villain, but like a b-side villain. You find out she has a really tragic backstory where she pissed off like the OG vampires and has been running for her life for like 500 years. She constantly backstabs people and causes general mayhem by posing as the main character Elena (because they look exactly alike.) She fell in love with Stefan but dated both him and his brother (iconic) -- and continues to just pit them against each other for funnsies. She is constantly fighting to survive. Her arc is super solid because she has moments of sweetness and goodness and in the end you actually feel BAD for her because all she’s wanted to do was SURVIVE.
And that’s VERY much the theme of Shock’s story. She’s a survivor. Her morals are: do what it takes to survive and nothing else. If that means being nice here or there, sure. She prizes her own life over almost anything. The chaos energy is exactly the same, because Katherine becomes kind of the quirky family member the main cast has to deal with, even though she’s a huge bitch lmfao. At one point they literally have a scene where Katherine is dying and they’re all toasting to the shitty things she did to them and Caroline is like “she killed me...weirdly, I’m better off for it.” AND that is Shock energy.
Anyway, I love Katherine. They killed her off eventually and I always thought that was such a disservice to her character. I’m really happy to have accidentally spawned my own version of her. Someone get another Florence Pugh character as Shock’s doppleganger so she can torture them, it’ll be fun.
Shock Adamson Aesthetics (*) 1
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atarahderek · 5 years
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Dear DWD writers: Close Negaduck’s arc!
Darkwing Duck is one of the most popular Disney heroes 90s kids can name. And in the context of his show, Negaduck is at least equally as popular a character as Darkwing himself. Everything about him fascinates us. Evil, alternate dimension dopplegangers tend to do that. But in many, if not most other superhero stories, the evil twin is either a one-shot character who just drives the plot of a single story, or is developed and explored in great depth, often acting as a reflection of the hero’s own flaws. The writers of DWD clearly went with the latter for Negaduck, even showing us his universe, and later in the comics turning him into an expert at trans-dimensional travel. Both in the show and the comics, there was so much left of Negaduck’s character to explore when each respective series was cancelled. And we the fans still have a lot of questions about our favorite evil DW! How similar is his origin story to Darkwing’s? Was his universe really spawned by the tron splitter, and if so, is it retroactive so that his universe has a complete history? What’s his relationship with his Gosalyn really like? Why did he take her as his ward? Does he care about her at all? What does he really have planned for Darkwing? How much does it involve Darkwing’s Gosalyn? Does he ever remove his mask? Does he ever use the Drake Mallard persona for any reason whatsoever, or has he completely forsaken that name, perhaps even hating to be reminded of it?
Don’t get me wrong, we are all really excited for DT17′s iteration of Negaduck, who does have a real name that he recently used, but does not come from a mirror universe. I cannot wait to see how far gone Jim Starling is and what he has planned for Drake and Launchpad, as well as whether or not there’s even a hint of a prayer for his eventual redemption. But where Jim Starling’s story arc is just beginning, Nega-Drake’s story arc is just...hanging there, completely unfinished. And fans really want to know what his ultimate fate is.
So before we get to the meat of this guy’s intriguing story...
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...let’s please please PLEASE finish the OG Negsy’s story first.
Pretty please?
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razzleyd · 7 years
Yoooo so an atomwave (possible established relationship?) AU where the Legends travel to earth 2 to find that universe’s Rip– and they all end up meeting their dopplegangers.
This world’s Mick is a mechanic… But this Ray is a supervillian. He uses his version of the atom suit to shrink down and steal whatever he pleases and cause general mayhem.
Ray and Mick are tasked with keeping E2 Ray busy while the others handle their opposites (and seeing as how the other Mick was an ordinary mechanic, he posed no threat).
Mick meets earth2 Ray and instantly starts crushing on him. Hard. He was such a commanding presence of power and dominance that he couldn’t help but shamelessly flirt. (And hey, it was still Ray… so, no harm no foul, right?)
Mick and the other Ray talked break in strategies and recount old, successful heists. Then they decided to poke fun at OG Ray because he gets all flustered and stuttery– they both found it adorable.
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