#both serve the Sovereign dragon as retainers
katartna · 6 months
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Dragon Brothers 🌘🌸
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lexsssu · 9 months
Nature (Neuvillette)
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TAGS: Neuvillette/Dragoness!reader, introspection, fluff, parenthood, whipped!Neuvi, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
As Fontaine’s Chief Justice, Neuvillette is all too used to waking up as soon as the first rays of dawn filter through the floor-to-ceiling windows in his bedroom. 
He’s all too used to waking up to an empty bed. 
And for even longer, an empty nest.
Despite being one, if not the last hydro dragon left in Teyvat, he’d never raised hatchlings nor even taken a mate of his own. 
While he could have taken a mortal lover throughout the years, his already suppressed draconic instincts never allowed him even a hint of attraction toward humans. It’s as if what was left of his dragonhood refused to ‘taint’ the dragonsblood that flowed through his veins by taking anything other than a fellow dragon.
After five hundred years of serving as Fontaine’s ludex , he had all but given up ever being able to settle down. 
How could he when his species had all but died off? 
What’s more, the few other survivors were more or less located at the farthest corners of Teyvat.
He must simply content himself with protecting and guiding his people to the best of his ability, especially as he’d reclaimed both his powers and Authority as the Hydro Dragon Sovereign.
If someone told Neuvillette that all his worries were for naught barely a year after he’d become Fontaine’s chief justice and ruler, he’d have thought them mad.
But when the first sight that meets his eyes is your sleeping visage illuminated by the soft morning rays that slid through the tiny gaps in between the curtains, the dragonheart within that had all but given up any hope practically roared to life. He is rendered immobile by your beauty, even as a hint of saliva dripped from your slightly open mouth to reveal a pearly-white fang.
Your own pearlescent scales that decorated the sides of your face and continued below before disappearing below the neckline of your nightgown seemed to shimmer against the light. 
It hits him again that behind closed doors, there is no need for any sort of pretense. Not when you too, were a dragon, a different element for sure, but there is no denying the purity of your blood. He need not hide any part of himself when, for once in his life, there is no need for judgment.
And it is that very same blood that flowed through the veins of your children who chirped from within their large bassinet. 
Your three hatchlings still retained their draconic forms at such an early stage of their life and won’t develop their human forms until they mature into the equivalent of human toddlers.
Like clockwork, Neuvillette rose from the bed and scooped up the three hatchlings who sported a mix of dark blue and silvery-white scales. Dominique, the eldest, was coiled around his right arm, while his second child and only daughter, Odette, draped herself on his neck like an accessory. The youngest, Raphiel, clutched the soft hairs atop his head with his tiny claws and looked around in wonder from such a high vantage point.
“Good morning, my dearest. I apologize for interrupting your sleep, but it seems our children are in need of nourishment. If it were only possible for me to provide it for them, I wouldn’t have had to cut your slumber short…”
Your sweet laughter is like a balm to his soul, but it’s the peck you press against the corner of his lips that has his inner dragon roaring at him to get started on another batch of hatchlings and the tips of his ears burning a bright red.
Neuvillette hugged Raphiel to his chest, letting his son snooze a bit more while you fed Dominique and Odette from your own.
With your own tail curled around his the whole time, the dragon of water allowed a single tear to slip from his eyes.
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dragonladdie · 3 years
Warning: The following document delves into topics such as (systemic)racism, classism, colonization, (implied)genocide, and slavery. This is not to promote, justify, humanize, or normalize these things in any way, shape or form, and, quite frankly, the opposite of the story's initial message.
The author does NOT approve of such things. If you think any of the above is justifiable in ANY manner, you can leave right now, thanks.
Xeno-Hiraeth was the first ever planet made by the Seraphs, a race of divine entities with the power to create entire galaxies with the simple flick of their wrist.
There are four sapient species on this ancient planet: The proud dragons, the reclusive lungs, the gentle sphinxes, and finally, the mageia, the first Beings, and made in the Seraph's image.
Not only is Xeno-Hiraeth the first world, it is by far the largest. It is infinitely larger than our Earth, and far more magical. It's teeming with wild magic and a myriad of magical and strange creatures. At its center is Cor Meum, seven continents surrounding the Heartland. The Heartland holds the Capitol, where the Queen resides.
As previously said, there are four sapient species of Xeno-Hiraeth. You would believe the mageia would rule the world, as they were the first Beings, and are made in the Seraph's image. You would be correct, but, millions of years ago, when all but one Seraph suddenly vanished from the cosmos, the mageia fell into chaos.
The mageia waged war on each other, dragging the other three races with them. This started the Cold Age. After thousands of years of distrust, chaos, and all-out war, the remaining Seraph could no longer speak to their people.
They ended up turning the world over to the dragons and lungs, giving them a secret gift that allowed them to reunite the world again. They were supposed to rule the land together in order to retain at least some form of unity. But, another thousand years later, after high tensions, the dragons and lungs turned on each other. The lungs ended up breaking from the dragons and went into hiding, making dragons the singular dominant species of Xeno-Hiraeth.
Sphinxes are a somewhat independent species, and try not to get involved with the other three species' affairs. They normally exist in one of twelve clans, but few unlucky sphinxes live their lives as personal servants and slaves to dragon nobility, and are treated as wealth statuses rather than individuals.
Geography of Notable Landmasses
The Heartland is the central continent of Cor Meum. A vast valley surrounded by mountains, and at its center is the Capitol, the largest metropolis in the world. The Capitol is mostly inhabited by dragons, and is also where a good 60% of dragons in Xeno-Hiraeth live. The Heartstone Palace is both the tallest and largest built structure in Cor Meum as well, and it's tallest tower can be seen from miles in any direction. The Heartstone Palace is the home of the Queen and their family.
Makatu Valley
The continent just North of Heartland is a combination of floating isles and mountains. It's the home of the longmas' kingdom, Sahar. Mistiko, the capital city for Sahar is located between one of the two largest mountains on Cor Meum, known as the Twin Peaks. Instead of sitting at the foot of the two mountains, the city actually stands on the top of a huge floating aisle, just above their peaks. It's only accessible by airships and flying.
Rama Forests
The continent of Rama sits upon a rich iron mine that stretches down and out for miles. Even though they have a seemingly infinite amount of it, every scrap of metal is treated graciously, and no amount is wasted. On the surface are lush forests on the foot of a small mountain range. The capital city, Stonehill, sits on the base of said mountain range.
The continent of Taiao is a combination of forest and open plain, perfect for the diverse population of Alam. Taiao has bountiful lands to raise crops, and thus there are countless farming villages across the continent. The "capital" of Alam is called the Thicket, which is a town surrounding a huge tree. Inside the tree is the High Sage and their council, made up of all sorts of backgrounds.
Vjetar Plateau
The Vjetar plateau is located at the furthest Northeast point in Cor Meum. The only way up is by flying, airships, or making your way up Zephyr's Road, a dangerous foot trail filled with predators and rogues. Atop the plateau is a flat, lush steppe occasionally dotted with rich forests. There is a small patch of frigid mountains to the north, and the west drops off into the sea. The soil is adequate for the nation's agricultural needs, and produce farms are the majority of what you will find when exploring the land. The capital city of Gisa stands in the middle of a windy meadow.
The Sear
The Sear is a scorching desert to the West of Cor Meum. The farther center you go, the hotter the sun beats, and the taller the sand dunes stand. But, smack in the middle of the desert, springs the Blessing Oasis. It's the largest oasis in the Sear, and most of the qilin population lives here.
The Wai Peninsula
The Wai peninsula is home to Ngaru, the native kingdom of the kelpies. To the Northern entrance to the peninsula are swamps, marshes, bogs, and mangroves. Then, there's the Iridescent Jungle. Though it's a gorgeous sight to behold, it's filled with dangerous animals and man-eating plants. Then, once you finally make it out of the jungle, you are rewarded with a calm, tropical paradise. The capital city is located on the shore, along with the Summer Palace. But, during the winter and fall months, the royal family retreats to the Underwater Palace. A secret entrance on the surface is provided for non-kelpie visitors.
Kahore Mountains
Nihil, the native kingdom of the nix, is based underground and in the mountains of Kahore. The entirety of the continent is just mountains that stretch almost completely off the Eastern coast of Cor Meum. The capital city of Covert lays below the surface of Titan's Maw Summit, the largest mountain in the world.
A combination of icy plain and taiga to the north of Cor Meum. It is mostly unexplored by the other Beings, and is occupied by the Fa and Noh sphinx clans.
The Barrier Mountains
Several oceanic mountain ranges that erupt from the water, and surround Cor Meum. There is presumably nothing past these mountains, only open ocean. However, all voyages that set out past these mountains never return. Rumor has it that beyond these mountains lies the secret home of the lungs.
Additional landmasses
Within the Barrier Mountains are several other small islands, whether they humbly sit on the water or float above it. None of them are big enough to be marked fully as continents, however, and most of them are colonized by dragon villages.
General Society
The Queen is a hereditary, gender-neutral title worn by the ruling dragon. It's passed on from parent to oldest child, but it's not unheard of for the crown to go to one of the Queen's spouses, siblings, or even a trusted Council member if either they believe their children aren't cut out for the job or die before they have any.
The King is the first spouse of the Queen(the King is also a gender-neutral title). The King acts as an advisor to the Queen as well as a companion, and is incredibly influential. Consorts hold no political power, but may hold certain influence as well, depending on their background/actions outside of the palace walls.
The current Queen is Nefriah, and her heir is her first son, Valo. She has one spouse, King Solan. Their other children are Naika, Naseem, Kasigo, and Vanja.
That being said, there are no gender roles in Xeno-Hiraeth! Gender identity and expression is something that is a personal preference, and is figured out during childhood(all children are referred to with they/them pronouns at first, unless they choose differently later on). Androgyny is the dominant gender expression, and no individual would be made fun of, judged, or barred from certain tasks/jobs for their gender identity and/or expression, or lack thereof.
While the Queen rules over both dragons and mageia(and to some extent, the sphinxes), it's the Omnis-Sovereign who carries out the laws to the mageia. The Omnis-Sovereign is typically a longma mageia who not only rules their own kingdom, but the other kingdoms as well. While all kingdoms have their individual leader or leaders, they all answer to the Omnis-Sovereign, and the Omnis-Sovereign answers to the Queen. The current Omnis-Sovereign is Jerome.
The Prophet is the religious leader of Cor Meum, and secondary advisor to the Queen. Their job(supposedly) is to make sure the will of the Seraph is followed. They also are responsible for keeping the Queen in check. They are hand-picked by the Queen themself, and serve until death. The current Prophet is Rek'yen.
The Queen's council consists of the King, Prophet, General, Treasurer, High Mage, Archive Keeper, Charter, and High Judge. King Solan currently doubles as the High Mage.
There is an unspoken racial hierarchy amongst the mageia, in order of preference of the dragons; the longmas, the re'em, the dryads, the perytons, the qilins, the kelpies, and then the nixes.
Disabilities are not usually an issue in Xeno-Hiraeth. Non-verbal and/or deaf beings are taught some form of sign language, or given a slate to write your thoughts down. Blind individuals are taught to use their other senses to make their way around, and/or given a guide(whether they be a Being or familiar), or a cane to feel around with as you step. For those with lost limbs, there's a number of different prosthetics to choose from, and there are special prosthetics for different jobs and activities(including wings!).
In regards to technology, think steampunk-esque. Tech such as robotic prosthetics, arcane-powered machines, airships, explosives, and simple firearms such as pistols, bayonets, and shotguns are craftable items.
Tharcanas are enchanted items, all with differing abilities. Some examples would be a piece of jewelry that immediately returns to the owner of it's ever stolen, a small orb that gives off light when needed, a flute that puts listeners to sleep, bracers that give the wearer super strength, etc.
Being Biology & Info
Dragons and Lungs
Dragons and Lungs have a rather… chaotic biology, to say the least. While they can't be classified into several distinct races, almost every dragon or lung family has something unique about their pedigree. For example, some families may be able to grow plant life on themselves, or breathe fire, or have insect-like wings, etc.
Curiously enough, some dragons and lungs have similar features, such as some dragons having manes down their topline, and lungs having small, vestigial wings.
No matter what their features are, dragons are the largest species, standing at around 7-8 ½ feet at the shoulder. They are typically scaled, with at least one pair of wings, and at least one horn.
Lungs, on the other hand, are only slightly taller than the average mageia, but have long, snake-like bodies. They have fur and/or scales, with a mane down their topline/around their head like a lion. They usually have at least one horn.
Mageia are huge creatures(the average mageia is about 6 ½ feet at the shoulder) with a canine-like head filled with sharp teeth, front paws(or claws, or talons) back hooves(can be one toed or cloven) a horse-like mane, and a lionel tail.
The mageia have seven races, each with their own unique features:
Longma biology
Pure longmas are mageia who share a common ancestor who was half dragon. All Longmas have at least one horn and draconic wings.
Pure longmas always have:
draconic wings
at least one horn
Longmas can have:
scales somewhere other than the topline, wings, and tail
scales along their topline
serpentine tails
draconic fins
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Famously pompous and devoted to individualism, Longmas are proud, innovative, and fiercely passionate.
Traditionally classist, recent years have seen the ladder to success grow more accessible, but the line between nobility and commoners remains distinct and nearly impossible to cross.
Longmas consider themselves the ideal and dismiss other mageia as uncultured, barbaric entities.
The gap between Sahar's civilian classes is significant, with the nobility sitting comfortably at the top of the ladder. The Nobility are revered, or at the very least begrudgingly respected, by the lower classes. Their political significance is rivaled only by their implied wealth, which may or may not be as grand as an individual noble claims. Nobles are the only longmas who have surnames, portrayed by their House. While there is some wiggle room for wealthy commoners to rub shoulders with the elite, they are unlikely to be accepted as an equal.
Re'em biology
Re'em are readily identified by their horns, which range from the traditional single spiral to jagged monstrosities, sometimes made of gemstone and metal.
Pure re'em always have:
horn(s), typically on the head.
Pure re'em can have:
Horns made of minerals such as precious gemstones, metals, glass or rock
Gemstone/metal attributes
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The re'em of Lux are proud people, known for their prowess in battle. Thus, friendly sparring is a common pastime for young re'em, though older re'em enjoy the activity as well.
When a re'em dies, a replica of their horn is carved and shaped from the same gemstone/metal that their real horn was made from. Simply painting a clay sculpture is an alternative to those with simple keratin horns.
Although the re'em have a reputation in other kingdoms as being uneducated, simplistic brutes, intellectual prowess is lauded, and complex, strategy-based games are enjoyed in households.
A single back hoof stomp is a more "aggressive" greeting, and thus is conducted by soldiers and rowdy adolescents, the harder/louder the more impressive.
Dryad biology
A pureblooded dryad is identified by the plant or animal life that thrives from their body. Plant life usually goes through seasonal changes or stagnates at full bloom, but there are always anomalies. A depressed or sick dryad usually suffers from wilted, or even withered growth.
Pure Dryads always have:
plantlife (or plant-esque, such as coral, bark, rocks/minerals/gemstones, etc.) growing from their body
Dryads can have:
extra hair (such as an extended mane down their top line).
bark or rock like texture on their body.
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When hunting and farming, no part of the plant or animal goes to waste. Anything one does not eat is made into jewelry, tools, or simply fertilizer for the next batch of crops.
Outsiders are welcomed, but watched carefully. The dryads of Alam are hospitable and friendly to all, but won't hesitate to give you the boot if you choose violence.
The native mageia of Taiao live in peace with the environment, never taking more than what they need. Wastefulness, in any capacity, is not tolerated. What you take from the land is a blessing, and should be treated as such.
The High Sage is the religious leader of Alam. They interpret signs seemingly sent by the Seraph themself, predict the success of the next year/harvest, and make sure traditions are followed, and outdated ones are updated. The Council are the political leaders, and do most of the paperwork, overseeing official events, recounting population, distributing resources, etc.
Peryton biology
All pureblooded perytons will have at least one set of wings. Feathered wings are the most common, but there are plenty of individuals who sport wings reminiscent of bats, and rarer still are the individuals who grow insect-like wings.
Pure perytons always have:
at least one set of wings(wings can be feathered, bat-like, or insect based)
Perytons can have:
feathering on the body.
feathers in place of a mane or tail.
more than one set of wings.
Additional info:
The perytons are proud, loyal, and cunning, and reside in a nation shrouded in mystery. While often misunderstood, they have a rich history and culture that defines them.
There is so much freestanding land in Vjetar that it is commonplace just to petition for a small plot to build on, and more often than not, it will be granted.
Most families in Sirocco are rather large, as couples generally have anywhere from three to seven children.
The Divine is the kingdom's spiritual leader, acting as the conduit through which the last Seraph makes their will known, while the clerics act as the kingdom's clergy and healers. While the Divine rarely leaves the Holy Temple of the Seraph, and never leaves the great city of Gisa, Clerics live all throughout the nation and assist where the Divine can not.
Qilin biology
The Qilin is immediately recognizable by the presence of body scales and antlers. This race is almost entirely resilient to heat.
Pure qilins always have:
at least one antler, though typically two.
scaling somewhere on their body.
Qilins can have:
antlers that resemble various different deeror antelope.
Additional info
Qilins of Hariq are hardy survivors, a family of mostly nomadic individuals joined together by their mutual love and respect for every member of the Sear.
Humble, accepting, and naive, these gentle mageia are trusting of others to a sometimes dangerous fault. Though they make up the smallest population, they are not to be trifled with: every member has received some form of combat training, and their desert home is a frightful place to wage war.
The traditional qilin would die for their virtues and the safety of another.
Deeply spiritual and fixated on being one with and coexisting with the world, the qilin ways are mystical and rooted in their religion.
Kelpie biology
Kelpies will always possess two forms that they are able to shift between: a land form for traversing terrain, and a water form that allows them to swim and breathe underwater. The aquatic half of a kelpie can be based on fish, cetaceans, octopi, seals, or any other marine creature.
Pure kelpies always have:
a land form.
a water form.
Kelpies can have (in both forms):
fins and scales.
a fishtail.
stingers, tentacles, barbels - anything that correlates to their aquatic animal(s) really.
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Kelpies are famously the most accepting of outsiders, and thus hybrids are not a rare sight in Ngaru.
They are skilled soldiers, fishers, and sailors, but extremely superstitious. Angering the last Seraph is said enough to damn you and your family for generations.
While they are accepting of outside races, they stay as distant as they possibly can from the other nations, and try not to get mixed up in their politics.
As a collective community, Ngaru generally works together to keep themselves in check to prevent interference from the dragons.
Nix biology
Though they lack the fantastical features of their counterparts, there is beauty in simplicity. Rare genetic mutations can give this race additional eyes or even visible auras.
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Since nixes lack any interesting features, they're seen as boring, tasteless individuals, which is far from the truth.
They're secretive and selective on who they let into the Underground, and fewer ever get to see the capitol city.
The nation is built on a sense of community, and secrets rarely stay hidden for long.
A lot of nixes travel the continents of Cor Meum in hopes of finding wealth elsewhere, and it isn't uncommon to find a travelling Nix merchant setting up shop in the streets in a completely different continent than their own.
Opinions on hybrids vary from kingdom to kingdom. In Sahar, Lux, Sirocco, and Nihil, hybrids are frowned upon or at the very least judged, but in Alam, Hariq, and Ngaru, it's not as much of a big deal. Still, most hybrids are vagabonds, finding their place elsewhere, outside the binary kingdoms.
There is a rumor floating around that off the shore of the Wai Peninsula is a floating isle that is a safe haven for hybrids and wayward beings of the like, conducted by a longma with strange abilities and a gun-slinging nix. They're referred to as the Devil's Duo. Urban legend says that they're a pair of adopted siblings who took control of a ship that once hauled kidnapped sphinxes to slavery. Now, they recruit runaways and misfits, looting and raiding unsuspecting ships, whether they be in the water or the air. This group of misfits is called the Vindicators. The Duo's true names are unknown to all but this group.
The Sphinxes are felines about the size of an Earth horse, with wings and talons like birds. They naturally belong to one of twelve clans, and usually communicate in a series of both feline and bird-like sounds(such as, but not limited to: chirps, hisses, meowing, cawing, roars, etc). This language is referred to as Dimali colloquially amongst the Sphinxes.
The Sa Clan
The vast desert sand dunes are occupied by the Sa, the smallest of all the clans. The Sa sphinxes closely resemble sand cats, but with a more slim face. They have longer fur that sprouts between their toes to protect their feet from the hot surface sand. Sa culture surrounds on how precious water is, treating water wells as sacred locations. The Sa worship snake spirits, and have elaborate hunting rituals for the rare giant serpents of the Sear.
The Ri Clan
The Ri are a very reclusive clan, preferring to hide deep in their forests surrounded by ancient trees and spirits. They are typically much smaller than the average sphinx, and display dark colors with rich reds on their fur. They have small, "kitten-like" faces with mildly fluffy tails. The Ri are adept with magic, often hoarding their secrets from outsiders. It is said that they have a close connection with the lungs, which is where they derive their magical knowledge.
The Tas Clan
The Tas live in the tropical rainforests of the Wai peninsula. They're the most colorful and vibrant of the sphinxes, with an endless range of fur colors and patterns. Their wings are similar to cockatoos. These sphinxes have a special fondness for feather and fur dyes, and can produce every conceivable color(including UV reactive and glowing dyes).
The Fa Clan
They occupy Ledas, the snow covered isle to the north of Cor Meum. This clan is nomadic, wandering their large territory to hunt and sustain themselves. They're the only sphinxes that hunt whales, more specifically the ivory B'Eshuul whales. These sphinxes have long, white fur and are similar to Norwegian Forest cats. They are so similar physiologically to their slightly southern neighbors, the Noh, that they might be considered a subgroup of them.
The Noh Clan
To the southern part of the Ledas are the vast pine forests, the home of the Noh Clan. Like the Fa, they have long fur and resemble Norwegian Forest cats, only their fur is more darkly colored. Both are also large, tough, and cold-resistant. With dark colors, keen instincts, and incredible strength, they make excellent hunters and warriors.
The Wen Clan
The sphinxes of the Wen occupy an island southwest of Cor Meum dominated by ancient red trees and volcanic activity. While they tend to be more disconnected from the other clans, it's not entirely by choice. There are many rumors about the Wen that make even dragons fear them. From their close connection to volcanism, to the idea they are spirit possessed, or possibly immortal. Tall and graceful, the sphinxes of this clan bear pale fur and sleek, noble eyes. They also have unique feather arrangements and tufted ears, which adds to their exotic profile. They have a knack for creating delicate and beautifully crafted jewelry and adornments.
The Fen Clan
The Fen sphinxes occupy the coastal cliffs of the Vjetar plateau and the islands surrounding it. Characterized by their bright orange colorization, they are shipbuilders and explorers. Having mastered the art of navigation, they bring goods and news from distant islands that are untouched by any of the four Beings. Sphinxes of Fen have more narrow, elongated wings similar to seabirds. This clan has close ties to the Noc, who have provided star charts to them for generations.
The Noc Clan
The Noc are loosely based in the mountains around the continent, mostly nomadic and nocturnal. The sphinxes of this clan are very owl-like, with large eyes and wings built for stealth. They are known to be great astronomers. They are often traders of secrets and information.
The Pel Clan
The clan of Pel occupy a large swath of land between the Sear and Taiao. Tricksters at heart, they are fond of poisons, venoms, and weaving. Mythology for the Pel surrounds storms and lightning, and the most impressive thunderstorms can be found in their territory. Though they're tricksters at heart, their elixirs are mainly used for medicine crafting. They are excellent runners for their species as well, mastering the art of long distance travel.
The Ku Clan
The Ku Clan make their homes in the northernmost point in the Sear, and their territory is a mix between red canyons and pine forests. They tend towards a rusty red color in the canyons, but to the north their coat coloring is grey and ticked. The typical Ku home is an elaborate, carved out chamber in the canyon walls, often with multiple chambers. After many generations of the practice, masonry and stonework are common skills. The Ku territory is rich with salt deposits, which is mined and sold to generate some of the greatest wealth amongst all the sphinx clans of the continents.
The Mal Clan
The sphinxes of Mal inhabit the dense mangrove and marshes between Wai and Taiao. They're the largest clan next to the Fa and Noh, with short fur in different shades of brown, and large, webbed wings. These sphinxes have the unusual ability to breathe underwater, and have developed fins on their topline, webbed talons, and a fish-like tail. Even though they're big clunky, these fins make them surprisingly aerodynamic, making them some of the best fliers amongst the sphinxes. They worship fish and water serpent spirits, and have a deep connection to the winged snakes of the swamps called amphipteres.
The Lin Clan
A mysterious, secretive clan who dwells in perpetual darkness beneath the surface of Cor Meum. They are very much bat-like, with large, beady eyes, huge ears, and bat-like wings that have finger-like appendages at the top to help them grip the cave walls. Their patron spirit is the Iron Root Spirit, also called the Mirror Tree. On the surface, it looks like a normal tree, but its roots take form to grow another tree seemingly growing from the cavern ceiling. Stories say that it talks to all of those able to listen, and will sometimes bestow the iron legs of their ancestor, Diersha. Rumored to be extinct, the Lin Clan spends their days mining and crafting prosthetics, unbothered by the world above… and blissfully ignorant of its current state.
Enslaved Sphinxes
Sphinxes that are owned by dragon nobility. Most are born into slavery, while others are clan sphinxes kidnapped by slave traders. Those who are born into slavery do not typically have any specific features to any one clan, but rather a cluster of hybrids of sick, selective "breeding" over generations. Many have grown accustomed to this life, and keep their heads low in order to survive. The existence of these slaves are exactly the reason why most sphinx clans keep far away from the other Beings.
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fuyonggu · 5 years
SGZ Biography of Zhuge Liang (Until Liu Bei’s Death)
I had a draft of this I was working on earlier. Daolun might appreciate it for his articles.
Zhuge Liang, styled Kongming, was a native of Yangdu county in Langye commandary. He was a descendant of the Han dynasty's Colonel-Director of Retainers, Zhuge Feng. 
Zhuge Liang’s father was Zhuge Gui, styled Jungong, who served as a Minister of Taishan commandary during the final years of the Han dynasty. But Zhuge Gui passed away while Zhuge Liang was still young. Zhuge Liang thus went to live with his uncle, Zhuge Xuan, when Zhuge Xuan was appointed by Yuan Shu as Administrator of Yuzhang. Not long afterwards, the Han court appointed Zhu Hao to replace Zhuge Xuan as Administrator. So since Zhuge Xuan had an existing relationship with the Governor of Jingzhou, Liu Biao, he and his nephews went to stay with Liu Biao instead. 
By the time Zhuge Xuan passed away, Zhuge Liang had taken up farming, and he was fond of the Song of Liangfu. He grew to be eight chi tall. He was always comparing himself to the ancients Guan Zhong and Yue Yi. Hardly anyone agreed with such an assessment; only Cui Zhouping of Boling commandary and Xu Shu of Yingchuan commandary (styled Yuanzhi), who were his good friends, said he was right to think so.
(The Annals of Emperor Xian states, "When the Administrator of Yuzhang, Zhou Shu, passed away of illness, Liu Biao originally sent up a petition stating that he had appointed Zhuge Xuan as the new Administrator, with his headquarters at Nanchang. But when the Han court heard that Zhou Shu had died, they sent Zhu Hao to take over the post from Zhuge Xuan. Zhu Hao asked the Inspector of Yangzhou, Liu Yao, for troops and then attacked Zhuge Xuan. Zhuge Xuan withdrew to camp at Xicheng, while Zhu Hao entered Nanchang. In the second year of Jian'an (197), the first month, the people of Xicheng rebelled; they killed Zhuge Xuan and brought his head to Liu Yao." This account naturally conflicts with the base biography.
Xi Zuochi's Annals of Han and Jin states, "Zhuge Liang's family lived in Deng county in Nanyang commandary, twenty li west from the city of Xiangyang, at a place called Longzhong."
According to the Registry of the Cui Clan, this Cui Zhouping was "the son of the Grand Commandant, Cui Lie, and the younger brother of Cui Jun".
The Weilue states, "During the days that Zhuge Liang lived in Jingzhou at the beginning of the Jian'an reign era (after 196), he spent his time wandering and learning in the company of such people as Shi Guangyuan and Xu Yuanzhi (Xu Shu) of Yingchuan commandary and Meng Gongwei of Runan commandary. Now these three fellows each had their talents, but Zhuge Liang still saw himself as greater than them. Whenever they were enjoying a moment of respite during the mornings or evenings, Zhuge Liang would often rub his knees and make a long sigh. He would say to the other three, 'Perhaps you gentlemen will rise high enough to become Inspectors or Administrators.' When they asked him what fate he saw for himself, he would only laugh without answering. Later, when Shi Guangyuan grew homesick and wished to return north, Zhuge Liang said to him, 'The Middle Kingdom is full of great leaders and gentlemen. Wander if you like, but can you really be sure of getting home again?'"
This Meng Gongwei was named Meng Jian; he also enjoyed honor and success in Wei.
In my (Pei Songzhi's) view, both Zhuge Liang's comments to Shi Guangyuan and his earlier words were indications that Zhuge Liang felt that he was not yet able to fulfill his desires. Laozi commended those who could recognize the value of others as knowledgeable and those who could appreciate their own worth as wise, and truly worthy and successful were those who displayed both these talents. Could a man of Zhuge Liang's perception and intellect have failed to recognize his own worth? He may have been indulging in songs and playing for time, but judging by his words and his feelings, his great ambitions and passions were already formed by this time.
Suppose Zhuge Liang had decided to wander through the heartlands of the dynasty and display his magnificence. Even a deluge of talents would not have been enough to obscure him! He might have given himself over to Wei, and there developed his potential and his abilities. Had he done so, he truly would have outshone even Chen Changwen (Chen Qun) and Sima Zhongda (Sima Yi), much less anyone else! No deed or endeavor would have been impossible for him; no path would have been closed to him. Yet despite being a man of such boundless ambition, in the end, he did not go north. He must have done so because he perceived that the dynasty's authority was already gone and it was on the brink of collapse, and so he wished to serve and assist some worthy relative of the dynasty to restore what had fallen, continue what had been broken, and revive what had been ended. Would he have ever limited himself to merely eking out a meager living in some border region? The proverb sums it up: "the great birds soar across the wide world, but even a bound one will still glance longingly towards the lakes and ponds."
At this time, Liu Bei was camped at Xinye. Xu Shu came to see him, and Liu Bei appreciated him. Xu Shu told Liu Bei, "Zhuge Kongming (Zhuge Liang) is known as Sleeping Dragon. General, would you be willing to meet him?" 
Liu Bei said, "Sir, let him come with you to see me." 
Xu Shu replied, "He is the sort of man whom you may visit, but he will not deign to come to you. I hope you will condescend to visit him." 
So Liu Bei went to meet Zhuge Liang, finally seeing him on his third visit. Liu Bei privately said to him, "The house of Han is in dire straights; a wicked (or perverse) minister is eyeing the Mandate for himself, while our sovereign suffers in exile. Though I am not possessed of virtue or blessed with strength, still I wish to restore what is right to the realm. My cunning and my skills are shallow and lacking, which has caused me to suffer several terrible stumbles. But even so, I have not given up on my ambition. Sir, what do you propose that I should do?"
Zhuge Liang replied, "Ever since Dong Zhuo's day, countless heroes have risen up to stand astride the provinces and control the commandaries. Consider Cao Cao: if we compare him to Yuan Shao, his reputation was not as great, and his army was not as numerous. Yet in the end, he was able to overcome Yuan Shao. This was an instance of the weak defeating the strong. Even if you say that Heaven had willed it to be so, it still required the planning of mortals to see it through. By now, Cao Cao has already assembled an army of a million soldiers, and he keeps the Son of Heaven in his power so that he may 'command the feudal lords' to heed his will. He cannot be confronted directly. There is also Sun Quan to consider: he wields control over the Southland, where his family has enjoyed power for three generations. His domain enjoys good natural defenses, his people are bonded to him, and he employs the worthy and able. You would be able to gain support from him, but he too cannot be conquered.
"Now consider Jingzhou: it is flanked by the Han and Mian Rivers to the north while enjoying all the bounty of the southern sea, and it borders Wu and Kuaiji to the east and Ba and Shu to the west. It is well suited for supporting military endeavors. Yet the lord of Jingzhou is unable to defend it. General, it is almost as though Heaven has furnished Jingzhou in order to deliver it right into your own hands; can you have no desire for it? Not only that, there is Yizhou: blessed with both sturdy natural defenses and a thousand li of fertile fields for harvest, it is a storehouse of Heaven's produce. It was for that reason that Gaozu (Liu Bang), using this region as his base, was able to achieve his ambition of becoming Emperor. But the current lord of Yizhou, Liu Zhang, is blind and weak, and Zhang Lu is to his north. Yizhou is a rich land and filled with people, yet he cannot (or, does not know how to) bring them comfort, and people of ability and intellect long to be ruled by a wise sovereign.
"General, you yourself are a descendant of the royal lineage, and your trustworthy and righteous reputation has spread all throughout the Four Seas; you gather and command bold heroes, and you seek worthy people like one thirsts for water. So I propose that you take control of Jingzhou and Yizhou for yourself. Then guard their defensive points (or mountain ranges), while you achieve peace with the Rong tribes in the west, bring comfort to the Yi tribes of Yue in the south, form ties with Sun Quan without, and reform and perfect your government within. Eventually, once some great opportunity presents itself, you may appoint a supreme general to lead the armies of Jingzhou towards Wan and Luoyang, while you lead the armies of Yizhou out into Qinzhou. At that time, who will dare not to come to welcome you and present you with food and drink? By doing these things, you may achieve your design as a hegemon, and the Han royal family may flourish once more."
Liu Bei said, "Excellent!" And he became close to Zhuge Liang and spent days together with him. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and others were not pleased, but Liu Bei explained to them, "Now that I have found Kongming, I am like a fish that has found water. Gentlemen, please say nothing further about this." So Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stopped.
(Xi Zuochi's Records of Xiangyang states, "Liu Bei discussed the affairs of the day with Sima Decao (Sima Hui). Sima Decao told him, 'What could mere scholars or common fellows understand of modern circumstances? It is those who are knowledgeable of such things that are the real talents. And among this sort are Crouching Dragon and Fledging Phoenix.' Liu Bei asked him who these two were, and Sima Decao replied, 'Zhuge Kongming and Xu Shiyuan.'"
The Weilue states, "During the time that Cao Cao was pacifying the region north of the Yellow River, Liu Bei was camped at Fancheng. Zhuge Liang knew that Jingzhou would be Cao Cao's next target. Yet Liu Biao had a complacent nature and did not grasp military matters. So Zhuge Liang went north to see Liu Bei. 
“Since Zhuge Liang was a young man and had no prior relationship with Liu Bei, Liu Bei received him in the company of several other people. After the meeting had ended and the other guests all left, Zhuge Liang remained behind. However, Liu Bei did not ask him what he wanted to say. Instead, since Liu Bei had a habit of braiding bits of hair together and someone had given him some tail-hairs from horses and oxen, he was braiding them together. Zhuge Liang stepped forward and declared, 'A wise general ought to be considering long-term plans, not merely braid together some hairs!' 
“Liu Bei realized that Zhuge Liang was no ordinary fellow. He tossed the hairs aside and laughed, saying, 'Why say such a thing? I was merely amusing myself to forget my concerns.' 
“Zhuge Liang then said, 'General, do you think General Liu (Liu Biao) is any match for Lord Cao (Cao Cao)?' 
“Liu Bei replied, 'He is not.' 
“Zhuge Liang said, 'And how do you yourself compare?' 
“Liu Bei replied, 'I am not his equal either.'
“Zhuge Liang said, 'So you recognize that neither of you is a match for him. Yet General, your army is no more than a few thousand soldiers. You intend to meet the enemy with such an army? What sort of plan is that?' 
“Liu Bei replied, 'That is just what concerns me. But what am I to do about it?' 
“Zhuge Liang said, 'Jingzhou currently has a considerable population. Yet the official population registries are quite meager. If you attempted to draft soldiers from among those who are already registered and have settled lives here, they will not be happy to suffer such disturbances. But you might tell General Liu to command all refugee households in the province to register themselves, and once they do so, you can further your numbers by drafting from among them instead.' 
“Liu Bei followed his advice, and his army was thus strengthened. So Liu Bei knew that Zhuge Liang had heroic cunning, and he treated him as a guest of honor." 
The Annals of the Nine Provinces has the same account. 
Now regarding these two accounts, your servant Pei Songzhi notes that Zhuge Liang later wrote in his first petition to Liu Shan that "The First Sovereign (Liu Bei) overlooked my obscurity and humbled himself to come three times to my thatched cottage seeking me, in order to discuss the affairs of the age with me". So it seems clear that it cannot have been the case that Zhuge Liang was the one who approached Liu Bei first. Yet it does seem remarkable that two other texts would have an account of their meeting both so similar to one another and so different from Chen Shou's version.)
Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi also highly esteemed Zhuge Liang. Now Liu Biao had heeded the words of his second wife and began to favor his younger son Liu Cong, and was no longer pleased with Liu Qi. Liu Qi thus kept asking Zhuge Liang for a plan to help secure his position. However, Zhuge Liang kept putting him off, not wanting to be compelled to make a plan for him. 
Thus, during an occasion when Liu Qi had brought Zhuge Liang to walk through and observe the rear gardens and they went up into a tall tower together, Liu Qi ordered someone to take the ladder away. He then said to Zhuge Liang, "Today we are cut off from both Heaven above and the earth below, so the words you speak shall be heard by my ears alone. Will you not say something?" 
Zhuge Liang replied, "Sir, you are perhaps familiar with the ancient Duke Xian of Jin, whose wife Li Ji turned him against his sons Shensheng and Chong'er. Do you recall that Shensheng remained with his family and thus met his doom, while Chong'er fled the state and thus saved his life and became Duke Wen of Jin in the end?" 
Liu Qi realized what Zhuge Liang was suggesting, so he secretly developed a plan to make his own escape. Not long afterwards, the border general Huang Zu was killed, and thus offered an opportunity to leave Xiangyang, Liu Qi had himself appointed as Administrator of Jiangxia to succeed Huang Zu. 
Soon afterwards, Liu Biao passed away. When Liu Cong heard that Cao Cao was coming to campaign against Jingzhou, he sent envoys to him asking to surrender. Liu Bei was still at Fan, but when he learned that Liu Cong was surrendering, he led his forces south. Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu both accompanied him. But Liu Bei's forces were pursued and routed by Cao Cao, and Xu Shu's mother was captured. Xu Shu then took his leave of Liu Bei; pointing to his heart, he said, "This little heart of mine dearly wished to help you achieve your conquest, General. But now my old mother is lost, and my heart is in such turmoil that I would be of no use to you. Please allow us to part ways." And he went to visit Cao Cao.
(The Weilue states, "Xu Shu was originally named Shan Fu. As a young man, he enjoyed being a wandering tough and fighting people with his sword. 
“On one occasion during the Zhongping reign era (184-189), he took revenge on behalf of someone else. Then, marking his face with chalk and letting down his hair, he tried to flee, but was caught by the officials. They asked him to identify himself, but he refused to say anything. The officials then tied him to a post atop a cart and beat the drums as they paraded him through the marketplace, but no one dared to recognize him. However, his fellows were able to break his bonds and let him escape. 
“Shan Fu was so moved by this experience that he gave up the life of the blade, and putting on a thin scarf and plain clothes, he began applying himself to his studies. When he first came to the house of refinement, the other students ostracized him because they had heard about his past misdeeds. But Shan Fu remained humble, rose early, often swept the place alone, thought before he acted, remained diligent in his studies, and perfected his morals and his reasoning. He became good friends with a man from the same commandary as him, Shi Tao.
“At the beginning of the Chuping reign era (~190), when civil strife in the Central Provinces began, Shan Fu and Shi Tao went south to live as refugees in Jingzhou, and upon arriving there Shan Fu became especially close to Zhuge Liang. After Jingzhou fell under the control of Cao Cao, Kongming left along with Liu Bei, while Shan Fu and Shi Tao returned home to the north. 
“By the time of the Huangchu reign era (220-226), Shi Tao had served as an Administrator and as Colonel of Agriculture, while Shan Fu had served as General of the Household Gentlemen of the Right and Middle Assistant to the Imperial Secretary. During the Dahe [Taihe] reign era (226-233), when Zhuge Liang came to Longyou on his northern campaign, when he heard that Yuanzhi and Guangyuan had been given such meager ranks and salaries, he lamented, 'How many talents Wei must have! Why did they not make greater use of those two gentlemen?' 
“Shan Fu passed away of illness several years later. A stele was erected for him at Pengcheng, and even today (~265) it is still there.")
[Due to the uncertainties of the end of quotes, it’s possible that Pei Songzhi was saying that this stele still existed in his own time, ie ~429.]
When Liu Bei arrived at Xiakou, Zhuge Liang said to him, "The situation is serious. Please grant me your authority to ask for aid from General Sun Quan." 
At that time, Sun Quan was keeping his army held back at Chaisang, watching and waiting to see who was going to triumph. Zhuge Liang advised him, "General, you see for yourself how all the land within the seas is in great turmoil. You have risen up with troops and occupied the Southland as your own, while the Inspector of Yuzhou (Liu Bei) has gathered an army from those people living south of the Han River. Currently, both of you are contending with Cao Cao for control of the realm. However, Cao Cao has nearly already rooted out and vanquished the major internal threats to his rule, and now that he has routed General Liu, his authority shakes the Four Seas. Even heroes have not been able to stand against him, and thus General Liu has been compelled to flee here. 
“As for you, General, you have considerable strength of your own at your command. Yet you remain waiting here. If you truly believe that the armies of the Wu and Yue regions are strong enough to oppose those of the Middle Kingdom, then you ought to break off relations with Cao Cao at once. And if you do not believe that you are a match for Cao Cao, then why haven't you disbanded your army, laid aside your armor, and faced north in submission to him? General, you give off an appearance of one who is about to submit, yet you continue to harbor uncertain plans as well. The situation is critical, yet you have made no decision. Disaster is at hand!" 
Sun Quan said, "Sir, if my own situation is as serious as you say, then why hasn't General Liu submitted already?" 
Zhuge Liang replied, "In ancient times, when the state of Qi was nearly conquered, Tian Heng still held fast to righteousness and refused to disgrace himself by surrendering to the enemy, and in the end he was able to restore Qi to its former glory. Now Tian Heng had no more personal attachment to Qi than that he was one of its generals. Could General Liu, who is a descendant of the royal family of the Han dynasty, fail to match Tian Heng's example and serve the dynasty to the end? He is a hero whose talents surpass the age, and both the great men and the people bow to and respect him like various rivers all flowing into the great sea. If he is defeated in the end, that will be one thing; it would have been the will of Heaven. But how could he possibly submit to another?" 
Sun Quan then became agitated and declared, "I shall not give up my full possession of the Wu region or my army of a hundred thousand and submit to someone else. My plan is decided! None but General Liu can oppose Cao Cao. However, wasn't General Liu recently defeated? How then can he face such a threat?"
Zhuge Liang replied, "It's true that General Liu's army was defeated at Chang Slope. However, he still has personal command of an army of ten thousand elite soldiers counting those warriors who have returned to him and the reinforcements from Guan Yu's naval forces. And Liu Qi at Jiangxia also commands no less than another ten thousand warriors. 
“As for Cao Cao, his army is far from home and suffering from exhaustion and illness. I heard that when he was pursuing General Liu, he made his light cavalry ride more than three hundred li in a single day and night. As the saying goes, 'when it's at the end of its flight, even a crossbow bolt cannot pierce the silk of Lu'. Even the Art of War argues against such a headlong march, warning that the army that does so 'will surely lose its vanguard commanders'. You should also consider that of the soldiers of Cao Cao's army, the northerners are unfamiliar with naval warfare, while the people of Jingzhou who are now serving Cao Cao have only been compelled by force to do so, and their hearts have not truly submitted to him. 
“General, if you will only give the command for your fierce generals to lead a few tens of thousands of your soldiers to join forces with General Liu, you will surely rout Cao Cao's army. Having been defeated, Cao Cao will then return north. Power will split between the regions of Wu and Jing, and the realm will thus settle into a tripartite division. This is the very moment which will determine your triumph or your doom."
Sun Quan was greatly pleased with this advice. He thus sent Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lu Su, and others with a naval force of thirty thousand to go with Zhuge Liang and join Liu Bei, so that with their combined strength they could oppose Cao Cao. Cao Cao was then defeated at Chibi, and he led his army back to Ye. 
Liu Bei then occupied the region south of the Yangzi. He appointed Zhuge Liang as his Directing Instructor and General of the Household Gentlemen and had him administer the commandaries of Lingling, Guiyang, and Changsha, where Zhuge Liang collected taxes and rent in order to supply the army.
(Yuan Zhun's Yuanzi states, "Zhang Zibu (Zhang Zhao) recommended to Sun Quan that he should employ Zhuge Liang as one of his own officers. However, Zhuge Liang declined to remain in his service. When people asked him why he left, Zhuge Liang told them, 'One could indeed call General Sun a leader of men. But when I judge his character, I recognize that although he would respect me, he would not make full use of me. That is why I could not stay with him.'"
Your servant Pei Songzhi notes that Yuan Xiaoni (Yuan Zhun) was very fond of Zhuge Liang as a person in all his collections of writings and recordings of discussions. But in this account he really goes too far. We have already seen that following their meeting with one another, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei developed such a rare relationship. Who could have possibly come between them? In what situation would Zhuge Liang have gone so far as break off his relationship with Liu Bei to serve Sun Quan? And would it have made a difference whether Sun Quan really would have used Zhuge Liang to his full potential? Could Zhuge Liang possibly have been that kind of person, to then abandon his lord? Remember that when Guan Yu was captured by Cao Cao, Cao Cao treated him with great favor, and surely it could be said that he made full use of Guan Yu. Yet Guan Yu still remained righteous and would not abandon his former lord. How then could one claim that Kongming would have proved himself inferior to Yunchang?
The Records of the Past Worthies of Lingling states, "During the time of this appointment, Zhuge Liang had his base at Linzheng county (probably in Changsha commandary).")
In the sixteenth year of Jian'an (211), the Governor of Yizhou, Liu Zhang, sent Fa Zheng to bring Liu Bei to Yizhou and ordered him to attack Zhang Lu. Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu remained behind to defend Jingzhou. When Liu Bei marched back from Jiameng to attack Liu Zhang, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and others led an army up the Yangzi to assist him. They split up to settle various commandaries and counties, then joined Liu Bei's army to besiege Chengdu together. After Chengdu was taken, Liu Bei appointed Zhuge Liang as Directing Instructor and Chief of Staff of the General of the Left (Liu Bei's title). Whenever Liu Bei went away on campaign, Zhuge Liang often remained behind to guard Chengdu and ensure a steady supply of troops and provisions. 
In the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an (221), Liu Bei's subordinates urged him to declare himself Emperor, but Liu Bei would not agree to do so. Then Zhuge Liang advised him, "In former times, Wu Han, Geng Yan, and others urged Shizu (Emperor Guangwu of Han) to do the same as we now urge you to do. Shizu, too, tried to decline, four times in all. But then Geng Yan stepped forward and told him, 'The heroes of the realm are flailing, seeking someone they can place their hopes in. If you do not follow our counsel, then every man will turn towards his own master, and no one will follow you.' Shizu appreciated the truth of this advice, and he did as Geng Yan proposed. Now the Cao family has usurped the throne from the Han dynasty, and the realm is without a ruler. Great Prince, you are of the lineage of the Liu clan and you have risen to this height already, so you must follow Shizu's example and take up the title of Emperor. Those people who have followed you and worked hard on your behalf also wish to have a chance to gain merits for themselves, just as Geng Yan once said."
Liu Bei thus declared himself Emperor. He wrote an edict appointing Zhuge Liang as Prime Minister, stating, "Due to the tragedy that has befallen my family, I am compelled to inherit the grand role. 'I am full of terror and feel the peril', and I dare not be complacent; I ponder how to bring peace to the people, yet fear that I shall not be able to achieve tranquility. Alas! May Prime Minister Zhuge Liang realize my intentions, never fail to help make up for my shortcomings, help to expand and magnify my glory and make it bright and clear to all the realm. Sir, be thus encouraged!" Zhuge Liang was appointed as Prime Minister, Chief of Affairs of the Masters of Writing, and Credential Holder. 
After Zhang Fei passed away, Zhuge Liang was appointed as acting Colonel-Director of Retainers.
(The Records of Shu states, "At the beginning of the Jin dynasty (~265), the Prince of Fufeng, Sima Jun, was stationed in Guanzhong. He was discussing the affairs of Zhuge Liang together with his Marshal, Liu Bao of Gaoping commandary, his Chief Clerk, Huan Xi of Xingyang commandary, and his other ministers and officials. During the discussion, most of the people present felt that Zhuge Liang had both pushed himself past his limit and exhausted the people of the Shu region. They felt that his meager power had been insufficient to carry out his grand plans, and that he had not taken proper measure either of his virtue or of his strength. But there was present a certain Guo Chong of Jincheng commandary, who put forth the view that Zhuge Liang had been a man of authority and intellect, heroic and cunning, and that he had surpassed even the ancient chancellors Guan Zhong and Yan Ying. It was only because he had been unsuccessful in the end that people did not properly appreciate him. Guo Chong then related five untold stories about Zhuge Liang, previously unknown. Having heard these stories, Liu Bao and the others could no longer offer any objections, and the Prince of Fufeng was deeply moved by Guo Chong's words."
Your servant Pei Songzhi interjects here to note that, naturally, I am most inclined to hear tales of Zhuge Liang's excellence. However, we have good reason to be suspicious of these five stories that Guo Chong reported. I will continue to relate his accounts one at a time, but with my own objections following each tale.
This was Guo Chong's first tale: "Zhuge Liang administered the laws and punishments severely, laying a heavy hand upon the people, such that everyone from gentlemen to commoners were moved to anger and indignation against him. Fa Zheng remonstrated with him, saying, 'In former times, when Gaozu (Liu Bang) occupied the Qin dynasty's stronghold at Guanzhong, he charged the people only to keep his Three Precepts. Even so, the people of Qin knew virtue. Now you, Sir, have been granted power and authority and you stand astride this province. Having just come into control of the state, you rather ought to show leniency and demonstrate kindness and comfort. Besides, by the principles of host and guests, both should demonstrate humility to one another. Therefore, I ask you to slacken your restrictions and loosen your regulations, in order to reassure the people.'
"Zhuge Liang replied, 'Sir, you understand part of the situation, but you do not grasp the whole. The Qin dynasty ruled without principle, and their oppression roused the anger of the people against them. At that time, all it took was the great shout of some mere common fellow (Chen Sheng), and the whole realm came crashing down. Those were the circumstances under which Gaozu found success by demonstrating magnanimity and mercy. 
“‘But it has been different with our recent past. Liu Zhang was a blind and weak ruler, and the people of the Shu region had enjoyed generous treatment even since the time of his predecessors. The law codes were such that everyone did whatever they saw best; the virtues of the administration were not upheld, nor was the authority of its punishments respected. All the people of the Shu region, from the gentry down to the commoners, claimed power for themselves and became arrogant, and the proper relationship between sovereign and subjects slowly decayed. If they were favored with offices, they looked upon even the highest of offices as cheap; if they were shown grace, they were slow to be grateful for even the most bountiful mercies. It was for those reasons that Liu Zhang's domain came to ruin. 
“‘That is why I now overawe these people through laws. When the laws can be carried out, that is when the people will appreciate grace. And for the same reason, I am stingy with granting offices. For when such is the case, then when people are promoted, they will understand the honor in it. Once grace and honor are properly understood, then everyone will uphold their duty. That is the reason I govern them so." 
Objections: According to the Biography of Fa Zheng, Fa Zheng passed away before Liu Bei did. So since Fa Zheng appears in this story, Liu Bei must have still been alive at the time. Yet Zhuge Liang always acted like one of the limbs of the state, which is to say, he referred all such matters to the head, that being Liu Bei. Furthermore, Zhuge Liang was never directly in charge of Yizhou itself while Liu Bei was still alive, and he did not make decisions on such matters as honors, rewards, punishments, or administration. I also note that Guo Chong's main point in his account of Zhuge Liang's response was to play up his talents and abilities. But at the same time, such a response would have demonstrated a violation of a subject's proper place. And considering how modest and submissive Zhuge Liang was, it is almost impossible that he would have done such a thing. Lastly, the tale states that "Zhuge Liang administered the laws and punishments severely, laying a heavy hand upon the people". I have never heard of good government coming about as a result of oppression.
The second tale: "Cao Cao sent an assassin to visit Liu Bei. Having met, the two of them began discussing strategies for how best to campaign against Wei, and the man's proposals neatly accorded with Liu Bei's own ideas. During this time, the assassin slowly moved closer, and was about to have an opportunity to carry out his mission. But just then, Zhuge Liang entered the room, causing the assassin to lose his previously calm composure. Zhuge Liang thus scrutinized him, and discerned that he was no ordinary man. 
“A short time later, the man left to go to the lavatory. Liu Bei mentioned to Zhuge Liang, ‘I have just obtained an exceptional fellow. He'll be well-suited to assist you, Sir, and cover your weak points.' When Zhuge Liang asked to whom he was referring, Liu Bei replied, 'I mean that man who just got up.' 
“Zhuge Liang slowly sighed and replied, 'Did you not witness his strange movements and fearful trembling, how he looked down and mumbled so? A perverse exterior hides a wicked heart within. He is surely some assassin sent by the Cao clan.' 
“Liu Bei sent someone after the man, but he had already climbed over the wall and fled."
Objections: The kind of person who would be an assassin is someone who would cast themselves into the tiger's maw or fling themselves into the roaring river, and die without any regrets. And Liu Bei was the kind of man who could appreciate someone's character. Yet he was enticed by this guest? If that were the case, the man must have been an exceptional talent of that era. Especially considering that Liu Bei comments that he could "cover Zhuge Liang's weak points"; in that case, he would have been nearly on par with Zhuge Liang himself. Would someone who was a match for Zhuge Liang ever play the part of an assassin? And even if so, any ruler of that time would have greatly lamented the loss of such a man, obviously of great use and potential, and would never have sent him on a suicide mission. And if the man really did not die, then he must have gone on to have an illustrious career in Wei. But who, indeed, was he? How could he have ever remained obscure, a mere nobody?)
In the third year of Zhangwu (223), Liu Bei was bedridden with illness at Yong'an. He summoned Zhuge Liang from Chengdu and instructed him on what to do after his death. He told Zhuge Liang, "Sir, your talents are ten times greater than those of Cao Pi, so you will surely be able to restore peace to the state and bring our grand endeavor to its conclusion. If my heir can be supported, then support him. But if he lacks talents, take his place for yourself." 
Zhuge Liang wept as he replied, "I have always done my utmost to support you as one of your own limbs and fully uphold my loyalty and faithfulness to you, and I shall continue to do so until the death!" 
Liu Bei also arranged an edict instructing Liu Shan, "You must follow the Prime Minister's commands, and treat him as a father."
(Sun Sheng remarked, "It is when one wields propriety and holds fast to righteousness, and in their own person encourage trust and submission, that they may indeed assist their ruler to achieve success and bring about the fulfillment of the grand design. Even a weiqi player cannot expect to overcome their opponent if their formation is unorganized. How much less can a ruler expect to compel the submission of powerful neighbors and embrace all the realm within the Four Seas by first attempting to split power into two or three camps? Liu Bei's instructions to Zhuge Liang posed the potential for immense instability! 
“There are some who claim that Liu Bei's instructions on his deathbed were only a ploy to stiffen the loyalty of the one he intended to entrust his heir to and ensure that the wishes of the people of Shu were all of one accord. But the superior fellow can dismiss this idea. It is quite useless to instruct anyone in such a manner, for if the minister is loyal and worthy they will never heed it, while if they are not, it is only further indulging their traitorous desires. And ever since ancient times, it has been critical that a ruler speaks the truth when they are on their deathbed; when it is time to entrust one's heir to another, deceit and falsehood have no place. 
“It was fortunate indeed that Liu Shan was so blind and unassuming that he had no paranoia or suspicion, while Zhuge Liang's power and authority were just sufficient to guard against the divergent plans of anyone else. It was merely for those reasons that no cause ever arose for divisions between them. If it had not been so, then surely suspicions and grudges between them would have given way to an open confrontation. 
“Thus, to say that Liu Bei's instructions were to support Zhuge Liang's authority is nonsense!")
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Great Strides: Geralthin
Welcome to “Great Strides”! This is a little something I came up with a short while ago and recently decided to undertake. In this, we will take a look at the way nations in Deaco have transformed over time, politically, culturally, religiously and militarily. First up is the beating heart of the continent: The Kingdom of Geralthin, the metropolitan state of prosperity and the home to the human race! Everything’s under the cut.
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Earliest Records/Pre-Imperium
"Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization."
Humanity was dormant for most of their early years. Relegated to small tribes scattered around the wilds, they lived somewhat mobile, hunter-gatherer lives, though settling was not unheard of. After the discovery of farming, the hunter-gatherer lifestyle quickly died and civilization sprung up. A population boom as a result of agricultural pursuits led to the first economic systems, cities and production of goods and services. This led to the foundation of record keeping, an alphabet, and a legal code, which in turn led to a centralization of power for those who held the most resources...humanity had just laid the foundations for their illustrious future.
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The Empire
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read."
Wars between cities led to a grand master of most known human civilization. This man, Lucian, named himself Emperor of the Deacan Empire, known to historians as the Human Empire. The ultimate meaning behind the empire was the complete mastery of the entire known world, hence their claim to be “Deacan”, as they saw themselves as the heart of Deaco itself. Rapid expansion in technology, military and administration transformed the tribes and city-states of humanity into a highly cultured, advanced society. Art, literature and philosophy burst onto the scene, and soon humanity was living a rich, happy life.
That was not enough. They had the finest warriors and largest army in all the world...and so they laid their claim to their namesake. They would truly become the Deacan Empire by subjugating the rest of Deaco.
The pona were a joke. The koutu were pushovers. The savage berserkers of the dacuni were a true challenge, but the Empire prevailed. After several centuries of expansion and almost unending warfare, the Deacan Empire was in complete control of the known world...aside from the Abinsil, though they were close friends and trading partners of the Empire, and off the mainland on their own sub-continent. The Empire decided they could rule their own little petty kingdom, it wasn’t on the mainland anyway.
At the same time during all of these developments, the Order of God was formed. A new monotheistic faith took the Empire by storm, and soon the Old Gods were all but forgotten under the new faith. A religion that stressed honor, devotion, sacrifice, self-mastery and unity among the faithful spread far and wide. It came to a halt at the non-human frontiers...all except the koutu. They eagerly embraced the new faith, though not unscathed. Several concessions to the old ways and gods left the religion different from the way it entered. The koutu did not discard their old gods, instead weaving them into the new faith as demigods, and champions of the one true God who they served. This syncretic melding of faith left the koutu with those new values of selflessness and discipline, but allowed them to retain their old culture and stories...though altered with the hindsight that the gods weren’t really gods anymore. The fact that those who accepted the new human God could perform miracles helped to cement their new belief.
The Empire lacked tolerance in many things. It didn’t treat non-humans equally, the wolfmen rampantly oppressed as they were seen as barbarians and troublemakers, the pona pushed around and forcefully taken to be doctors for the emperor, though the koutu were treated with some degree of kindness, as their overly friendly and outgoing natures helped to endear humanity to them.
This state led to unrest, which would soon spiral out of control...
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The Fall
“And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains.”
It was a wondrous age of peace and prosperity that followed the complete unification of Deaco, but it was not to last.
The first signs of trouble were the unrest in the dacuni tribes. Their stubbornness was incredible, and they absolutely refused all attempts at integration. They rejected faith, culture, government, language and mere presence alike.
At the same time, calls for koutu independence were being called for by the koutu...and humans. Apparently, many priests, high and low in the church hierarchy, from both koutu and human orders had received visions that God himself wished for the koutu to be free. Even the emperor had no support for a forced continuation of their status as an imperial province, so the koutu were let go from the empire. This has became a famous legend in the Koutu Kingdom, that the great heroine Sila laid down her weapons and vowed to serve God in exchange for her peoples’ freedom.
Smelling blood in the air, the wolfmen redoubled their efforts to break free, beginning an all-out war of rebellion. The pona too began to resist human presence in their lands, and soon the Empire was submerged in a state of civil war across all their territories.
Then, the dragons attacked.
They had been watching the development of humanity with some bemused interest, and now that they were rich and prosperous, now seemed the perfect time to stop observing and start conquering.
The humans did not yet possess the ability to wield magic or enchant their armaments, and so their weapons would bounce harmlessly off the dragons’ unbreakable scales.
They stood no chance.
There were zero recorded instances of dragons being slain during the “war”. Soon enough, the empire had collapsed entirely, their foreign provinces retaken by the non-humans, and their heartlands conquered. The Deacan Empire was no more.
The remnants of the imperial army evacuated as many cities as they could guiding the civilians to relative safety. Any independent humans were enclaves hiding out in the forests and hills of the deep wilds. The rest of humanity that wasn’t destroyed during the draconic invasion were now at the mercy of the dragons.
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Under Dragonlaw/The Dark Ages
"The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest."
The free humans hid. It was all they could do to keep their freedoms and lives. Life was hard, and lacked the wealth, liberties and luxuries the Empire provided.
The subjugated humans had their lives in the hands of draconic tyrants. Each dragon would claim a free city as their own, and ruled it independently. As a result, the most widespread legal system during this age...was actually the republican system. This was only due to the fact that cities were “free” and thus were ruled by a mayor, who in turn served whichever dragon took the city.
Treatment varied wildly. Each dragon ruled in absolute independence, and so they made their own law.
Some exterminated the cities. Some made humans little more than slaves. Most simply taxed them into poverty, amassing their horde off the backs of human laborers.
Some few were benevolent. They claimed a city and then allowed them to govern themselves, merely there to keep away other dragons that would subject them to a far worse fate. Gira was one such example of this.
This disunited state of affairs caused human culture to slowly drift apart. North, South, East and West began to take on their own customs and their language evolved so that some speech and expressions were like a whole different languange to someone on the other side of Geralthin. Soon enough, they ways of the Imperial Humans were but a distant memory.
After many generations under the heels of the dragons, a lone figure emerged to challenge them: Lord Godfrey. This obscure lord of a city began a series of wars against other human cities with the backing of the dragons, who he lied to through a lengthy series of webweavings that led the dragons to believe they were plotting against one another. As a result, the dragons fought and killed one another while Godfrey amassed power and tested new military theories.
With the discovery of the art of magic, now was the time. Spears, arrows and ballistae were magically enchanted, allowing them to piece the scales of dragons. By the time they realized what was happening, the dragons were already too disunited and weak to crush the uprising.
A decade of war against the dragons and invading armies of non-humans looking to snag a few cities from the dying dragons later, and Geralthin was at last free. Godfrey crowned himself king of the new Kingdom of Geralthin, and the rest, as they say, was history.
This led to feudal law and centralization. The hundreds of different constitutions and legal systems of cities and towns were scrapped for a set of royal laws that would apply to all. The sovereign of Geralthin, the king or queen, ruled all. The nobility under him worked to administrate their slices of land for him, and the nobles below them oversaw small baronies and cities. Soon, the Kingdom was a Feudal Monarchy in both name and deed. There was little restriction or oversight, for the royals and nobles were expected to act in good faith. For the most part, they did.
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Administrative Overhaul/The Early Kingdom
"The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy."
Over the reign of the first few kings and queens, the royal family worked to refine their administration and improve its capabilities. Gira offered advice from the legal system of the city she ruled over during the dark ages, and while the legal system of a city did not work in a kingdom-wide scale, it did help.
Godfrey drew from old city laws when drafting his own set of laws, so to allow the cities and towns to retain some freedoms and familiar rules to make the transition to a kingdom easier.
Crime and justice were penned into existence. The punishments of the old Empire, such as burning traitors alive, were banned. The free for all, anything goes way of the dark age were swept aside. Executions were reserved for the most dire offensives, and designed to be swift. Hanging, decapitation and poisoning became the standard go-to for those that would commit dark deeds such as murder.
Slavery was officially banned, though it wasn’t truly used by anyone but the dragons since the collapse of the Empire. Thieves, thugs and con-men were jailed or fined, the amount of time or money needed depending on the severity of the time. Small crimes such as fights and stealing of low costing goods like candy could be waved by the victim if they so chose. Public indecency, intoxication or disturbance of the peace allowed perpetrators to spend some time performing community service, such as street-sweeping, muck-cleaning, and road-paving. Such sentencing was viewed as favorable, and didn’t last for long. Repeat offenders would begin to receive harsher sentencing as judges grew tired of having to deal with them.
Trade and diplomacy came back into being as the kingdom recovered from its divided state and crippling war. Bureaus of commerce and international relations were founded to make such things matters of state rather than on-the-fly proceedings. All in all, humanity became closer to one another, more informed about the land they lived, and unified in power and purpose.
Finally, Godfrey’s son, Rufus, amended the succession laws. The standard succession meathod was Primogeniture, meaning the eldest inherits the throne, but Rufus introduced a law that allowed the king or queen to choose any of their children as the heir, for any reason. He hoped this meant that future monarchs would have some degree of responsibility, as drunkards, fools and those without Geralthin in mind would be passed over for better heirs.
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Magic’s Introduction
"The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops."
Humanity first learned the art of magic during the War of Liberation, but inklings were there beforehand. From the miracles of saints and those possessing indescribable powers, magic had always been in the background, waiting for humanity to learn and master it.
That time came during the lead up to the war.
Godfrey bribed several “allied” dragons a fortune for them to divulge their secrets, but even then they were tight-lipped. As arrogance and blind to humanity’s potential as they were, even they knew humans learning such power would turn out very, very badly for them later down the line.
They were correct, but that didn’t matter. The greedier of the dragons relented and taught humans some of what they knew. Once human magicians knew the basics, how to harness one’s own energy and warp it into magical power, all those secrets stopped mattering.
Humans mastered themselves, and journeyed into the heart of experimentation to invent spells themselves. This blind experimenting of course led to several accidents, mistakes and tragedies, but it was their only chance.
Once they learned how to control necrotic energy, it was over. The sorcerers blasted dragons out of the sky, dooming them to death as the necrosis ate away whatever survived the blast. This in turn, led to the kobolds’ death warding ritual, the precursor to modern restorative magic.
Once the kingdom came into being, the experimenting changed. Now that the dragons were no longer a threat, and stability was blanketing the land, sorcerers began to study magic that would undo the potential damage such terrifying power held. Newly invented spells were heavily defensively oriented, such as dispelling other magics or creating wards that protected against hostile sorcerers.
Since magic takes such a great time to master, the introduction of magicians merely shook things up instead of uprooting the ways or war entirely. They were far too small in number to replace soldiers with, so the sword, spear and bow remained the primary way of combat, and armies were still nearly all infantry and cavalry, though a couple magicians could give an army the edge in battle.
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Divine Magic
"The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light."
The magic of God is far different than the magic of man. It’s always been there, but unable to be harnessed through normal means. As the sorcerers battled the dragons, however, a few priests and soldiers began to think. Those “great works”, those “miracles” of the saints of old...were they tangible? Could they be replicated?
As it turned out, the answer was yes.
Once humans learned how to channel their energy and weave it into magic, they found that when their thoughts and desires turned to the divine...that the process remained unchanged. If one knew what to do and how to do it, they could use magic in the way the saints of old did, and show all those on Deaco the might of God.
There was one small caveat to this line of magic, however...it was tied directly to the Lord, and thus, faith.
Thoughts, desires and deeds must remain pure and true to channel such holy powers. The man or woman using the power of God must not only be unflinching in their conviction of the defense of goodness and holiness, but they must truly BELIEVE. Forsake the tenants of the faith or lose the desire to use such power for good, and you will suddenly find yourself unable to channel your power to these ends.
As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.
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Early Centralization and Looking Forward
"A multitude of rulers is not a good thing, let there be one ruler, one king."
The Kings and Queens of Geralthin fell into a steady legal battle with their vassals.
While the dukes, duchesses, counts, barons and lords were at first loyal to the king, this obedience and unity was born of mankind’s struggle with dragons. The nobles of the realm unquestioningly followed Godfrey, as he has thrown off the draconic yoke and founded the kingdom.
As soon as he died, things slowly began to change.
The nobles became increasingly petty and demanding of the monarch with each new generation, having grown complacent with their power.
Now, the monarch would struggle to draft new laws with their vassals refusing to back such rulings. It was then that they realized just how little power a king or queen held without politicking in the courts or the loyalty of their vassals.
For generations, the kings and queens battled with the aristocracy, inch by inch weakening them. Every generation of rulers, at least one or two laws would come into fruition that lessened the political power of the nobility in some way.
Monarchs of Geralthin were taught how important it was to be a good ruler. Since childhood, they were told by their parents, tutors and Gira herself that a true monarch serves the people, that they do their duty so that their lands could live in peace and prosperity for future generations.
While not eliminated, the nobility had lost most of their political power by the end of the middle ages, though they retained their possessions. Even their military power began to wane as the first professional armies came into being, trained by and loyal to the kingdom rather than their lieges. While still relying on the feudal levy system for now, the army had a small core of elite soldiers that could always be relied on.
While centralization and chastening of noble privileges continued, time marched on. As Geralthin left the early middle ages, technology improved, magic flourished, and the realm grew wealthy.
The military changed greatly over time, as fully-plated cavalry, heavily armored pikemen and crossbowmen overtook light cavalry, spearmen militias and peasant bowmen. Catapults gave way to trebuchets, and the military in general became better disciplined, trained, experienced and professional.
As for magic, more spells began to be invented, and old ones were improved. The art of magic became more and more refined, as academies for magicians and temples for clerics and priest gave newcomers a thorough drilling on how to properly use magic. It slowly became easier and cheaper to learn, and as a result became more widespread.
Architecture evolved, medicine improved, and quality of life improved for all, from the royal family themselves, to the most destitute of commoners.
As laws against serfdom put an end to “peasants” as an entity, there is now only paid laborers and mercenaries. Farmers became their own men and women, not beholden to laws binding them physically and economically to a noble. City dwellers worked in labor and service industries of their own volition, and society grew increasingly optimistic.
As time marches on, these things will keep improving. More prosperity, more inventions, more magic and more new technology and laws to protect the people from tyrants and robber-barons.
The future is looking bright.
And that’s all for now! There’s the whole renaissance to modern day thing, but this is everything that leads up to Blackheart.
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @candy687, @fierywords, @shewrites-sometimes
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gameofthronestldr · 6 years
House Stark
Winter is Coming
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Sigil: A grey direwolf racing across a white field
Region: The North
Seat: Winterfell
Founder: Bran the Builder
Founded: During the Age of Heroes
Lords of Winterfell
Lords Paramount of the North
Wardens of the North
Kings in the North (formerly)
House Targaryen
Sovereign (formerly)
House Baratheon of King's Landing (formerly)
Old Gods of the Forest
Faith of the Seven
Ancestral weapon:
Longclaw (de facto)
Ice (destroyed by Tywin Lannister)
Common Physical Traits:
Hair: Dark brown
Eye Color: Grey
Features: Lean of build and long of face
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House Stark is the former ruling house the North. Their seat was Winterfell. Their sigil is a grey direwolf on a field of white, and their words are "Winter Is Coming."
The Starks are descended from Bran the Builder, a legendary figure from the Age of Heroes, thousands of years in the past, who built Winterfell and the Wall. They were Kings in the North until Torrhen Stark submitted to Aegon the Conqueror at the end of the War of Conquest. King Torrhen Stark was on the throne at the time of the Targaryen conquest and marched his army south to face them. He surrendered when he saw the Targaryens' vast host and dragons, believing that fighting was futile. He was made Lord Paramount of the North and served the Targaryens as Warden of the North, thus escaping the fates of House Gardener of the Reach and House Hoare of the Riverlands whose lords refused to bend the knee and were rendered extinct for their troubles. Thereafter, Torrhen was known as "the king who knelt", though those who criticize him for this often forget that they are only alive to do so thanks to his surrender.
From that time until the Red Wedding, the Starks held the North for the Kings of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men as Lords of Winterfell, Lords Paramount of the North, and Wardens of the North.
Their rule in the North seemingly ended after the events of the Red Wedding when House Frey and House Bolton betrayed House Stark after forming a secret alliance with House Lannister, during which Roose Bolton murdered King Robb Stark. Both the North and Winterfell were taken over by House Bolton. However, the Bolton's hold was jeopardized when Sansa Stark escaped their clutches after learning her brothers Bran and Rickon Stark were still alive and reunited with her half-brother Jon Snow at Castle Black. Sansa and Jon marched on the Boltons to save their younger brother Rickon, who was later murdered by Ramsay Bolton, and retake their family home Winterfell. House Stark was restored to their former stature after the Battle of the Bastards. The Stark victory led to House Stark's return to royal status in the North with their bannermen declaring Ned Stark's illegitimate son Jon Snow as the King in the North. He later abdicated his title as king in order to gain the full support of Daenerys Targaryen in the Great War, becoming the Warden of the North.
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Lord Rickard Stark, the former head of the family. Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, and Warden of the North. Burned alive with wildfire on the orders of Aerys II.
Brandon Stark, his eldest son and heir, called "the Wild Wolf". Formerly betrothed to Catelyn Tully. Killed alongside his father on the orders of the Mad King.
Lord Eddard Stark, his second son, commonly called "Ned Stark", the former head of the family. Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, Warden of the North, Hand of the King to Robert I, and Lord Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm for Joffrey I. Executed under a false charge of treason by Joffrey Baratheon.
Lady Catelyn, his wife of House Tully. Murdered by Walder Rivers at the Red Wedding.
King Robb Stark, their eldest son. Called "the Young Wolf" and "the King Who Lost the North", Lord of Winterfell and King in the North. Betrayed and murdered by Roose Bolton at the Red Wedding.
Robb's wife, Queen Talisa, of the Maegyr family from the Free City of Volantis. Stabbed to death by Lothar Frey at the Red Wedding.
Their unborn child. Killed when Lothar Frey stabbed Talisa.
Lady Sansa Stark, their oldest daughter. Former wife of both the fugitive Tyrion Lannister and Ramsay Bolton. Serving as Lady of Winterfell.
Arya Stark, their youngest daughter. Heir to Sansa Stark.
Brandon Stark, their second son, commonly called "Bran Stark". Lawful head of House Stark but abdicated his position in order to train in greensight. Bran is paraplegic due to Jaime Lannister pushing him out of a tower at Winterfell, and now emotionless as a side-effect of becoming the new Three-Eyed Raven.
Rickon Stark, their youngest son. Shot with an arrow by Ramsay Bolton just seconds before the Battle of the Bastards.
Princess Lyanna Stark, his only daughter. Once betrothed to Robert Baratheon, said to be abducted by Rhaegar Targaryen, though in reality ran away with him and married him. Died during Robert's Rebellion after giving birth to her son Jon, whom she named "Aegon Targaryen".
Warden Jon Snow; Born Prince "Aegon Targaryen", called "the White Wolf". Son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, but raised by Eddard Stark as his own, claiming Jon as his illegitimate son to protect him from being killed by Robert Baratheon. Jon volunteered to join the Night's Watch, and was later elected as the 998th Lord Commander. Stabbed to death in a mutiny but later resurrected by Melisandre and relieved of his vows. Named the King in the North by the bannermen of House Stark and House Arryn after their victory at the Battle of the Bastards. Currently Warden of the North after bending the knee to Daenerys Targaryen.
Benjen Stark, his youngest son, former First Ranger of the Night's Watch. Sacrificed himself to rescue his nephew Jon Snow from the Army of the Dead beyond the Wall.
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Household and retainers
Maester Luwin, counselor, healer, and tutor of Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark and Jon Snow. Injured by Dagmer Cleftjaw prior to the Sack of Winterfell and mercy-killed by Osha shortly after.
Theon Greyjoy, former ward and hostage of Lord Eddard. Betrayed House Stark for his father Balon and took over Winterfell in the name of House Greyjoy. Named himself the Prince of Winterfell shortly after this attack. Betrayed in turn by his men and delivered to Ramsay Snow, who tortured him into submission and called him "Reek". Fled Winterfell with Sansa Stark and is now a follower of Daenerys Targaryen alongside his sister, Yara Greyjoy.
Vayon Poole, steward of Winterfell. Executed during the purge of the Stark household.
Jeyne Poole, his daughter. Whereabouts unknown.
Ser Rodrik Cassel, master-at-arms of Winterfell. Executed by Theon Greyjoy.
Captain Jory Cassel, his nephew and Lord Stark's captain of the guards. Killed by Ser Jaime Lannister with a sword through his left eye.
Septa Mordane, tutor of Sansa and Arya Stark. Beheaded on the orders of Joffrey Baratheon during the purge of the Stark household in King's Landing.
Nan, called "Old Nan", a former wet nurse turned storyteller and a great-grandmother to Hodor. Died of old age.
Hodor, a simple-minded stable boy, went with Bran beyond the Wall. Torn apart by wights while protecting Bran Stark and Meera Reed from wights by holding the door.
Osha, a captive wildling spearwife made kitchen wench, was a captive of Ramsay Bolton when handed over by Smalljon Umber, however mortally wounded and murdered by Ramsay.
Farlen, the kennelmaster at Winterfell. Possibly killed during the Sack of Winterfell.
Palla, his daughter. Possibly killed during the Sack of Winterfell.
Mikken, a smith. Possibly killed during the Sack of Winterfell.
Shae, a former whore and Lady Sansa's handmaiden and confidante until Sansa's flight from King's Landing. Betrayed Sansa and Tyrion Lannister, later killed by Tyrion.
Jojen Reed, son of Howland Reed, Lord of Greywater Watch, and ruler of the Crannogmen. Escorted Lord Bran beyond the Wall. Mortally wounded by a wight and then mercy-killed by Meera.
Meera Reed, daughter and heir of Howland Reed, Lord of Greywater Watch, and ruler of the Crannogmen. Returned back to the Neck after they traveled south of the wall.
Brienne Tarth, commonly called "Brienne of Tarth", a skilled female warrior and heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth, formerly the sworn sword of Lady Catelyn, currently Sansa's sworn sword and advisor. Aspires to become the first female knight in the Seven Kingdoms.
Podrick Payne, Brienne's squire.
Ser Davos Seaworth, known as "the Onion Knight" and head of House Seaworth, former claimant Hand of the King to Stannis Baratheon, now the principal advisor and right-hand man of Jon Snow.
Melisandre, a red priestess of the Lord of Light, known "the Red Woman", former advisor and lover of Stannis Baratheon, now a follower of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen in the belief that they are both Azor Ahai reborn in two bodies. Exiled from the North for the murder of Shireen Baratheon.
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King Brandon Stark, called "Bran the Builder", legendary founder of House Stark, built Winterfell and erected the Wall, established the Night's Watch, rumored first King in the North.
King Brandon Stark, King in the North, called "Bran the Breaker", united with King Joramun to defeat the Night's King and Queen and free the Night's Watch.
King Theon Stark, called the Hungry Wolf
King Jon Stark, who built the Wolf's Den at White Harbor after driving away sea raiders.
King Rickard Stark, his son who defeated the Marsh King, extending their kingdom to include the Neck. He was called the Laughing Wolf.
King Rodrik Stark, King in the North, wrestled the Ironborn for the control of Bear Island and gave it to House Mormont.
King Edrick Stark, called the Snowbeard, ruled for nearly a century, although he lost the Wolf's Den to pirates from the Stepstones.
Brandon Stark, called the Ice-Eyes. His great-grandson.
Lord Karlon Stark, founder of House Karstark after putting down a rebellion of House Bolton of the Dreadfort.
Osric Stark, elected Lord Commander of the Night's Watch at the age of 10.
King Torrhen Stark, called "The King Who Knelt", the last King in the North, who bent the knee to King Aegon Targaryen.
Brandon Snow, bastard brother of King Torrhen.
Lord Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North and Warden of the North. Fought Prince Aemon the Dragonknight.
Artos Stark, also called Artos the Implacable
Willam Stark, father of Edwyle Stark, brother of Artos Stark
Edwyle Stark, father of Rickard Stark
Rodrik Stark, called the Wandering Wolf, father of Lyarra Stark, brother of Willam and Artos
Lyarra Stark, daughter of Rodrik Stark and Arya Flint, mother of Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna and Benjen Stark.
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Sworn to House Stark
Vassal houses
House Bolton of the Dreadfort. Usurped House Stark after the Red Wedding, but was later defeated at the Battle of the Bastards. Now extinct. 
House Whitehill of Highpoint
House Cassel
House Cerwyn of Castle Cerwyn
House Dustin of Barrowton
House Glover of Deepwood Motte
House Forrester of Ironrat
House Hornwood of Hornwood
House Karstark of Karhold
House Manderly of White Harbor
House Mazin
House Mollen
House Mormont of Bear Island
House Reed of Greywater Watch
House Marsh
House Poole
House Ryswell of the Rills
House Glenmore of Rillwater Crossing
House Tallhart of Torrhen's Square
House Umber of Last Hearth
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Prominent allies
The Lords of the North
Lord Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort. Betrayer of House Stark, former Lord Paramount and Warden of the North. Killed by a knife in the heart by his son Ramsay Bolton.
Lord Jon Umber, called "The Greatjon", Lord of Last Hearth. Died during the War of the Five Kings.
Robett Glover, his brother and new Lord of Deepwood Motte.
Galbart Glover, Lord of Deepwood Motte.
Lord Gregor Forrester, Lord of Ironrath. Murdered by Frey soldiers at the Red Wedding.
Lady Maege Mormont, Lady of Bear Island. Died during the War of the Five Kings.
Lady Lyanna Mormont, her daughter and Lady of Bear Island.
Lord Rickard Karstark, Lord of Karhold. Executed by King Robb Stark for treason and merciless killing of two Lannister hostages.
Torrhen and Harrion Karstark, his sons. Killed by Jaime Lannister during the War of the Five Kings.
Lord Wyman Manderly, Lord of White Harbor.
Ser Wendel Manderly, his son. Slain at the Red Wedding
Lady Barbrey Dustin, Lady of Barrowton.
Lord Howland Reed, Lord of Greywater Watch.
The Riverlords
Lord Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident, now deceased.
Lord Edmure Tully, his only son and heir, former Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident, currently prisoner of war.
Ser Brynden Tully, called "the Blackfish", his brother. Killed during the Second Siege of Riverrun.
Lord Walder Frey, called "the Late Lord Frey", Lord of the Crossing. Betrayer of House Stark, rewarded with the titles Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident. Throat slit by Arya Stark for his role in the Red Wedding.
Lord Jonos Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge.
Lord Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagard.
Ser Jaremy Mallister, executed along the prisoners at Harrenhal.
The Vale of Arryn
Lord Robin Arryn, the Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East under House Targaryen.
Lord Yohn Royce, the Lord of Runestone. A powerful bannerman of House Arryn, declared Jon Snow the King in the North after the Battle of the Bastards.
Lord Petyr Baelish, Lord of Harrenhal, Lord of Baelish Castle and Lord Protector of the Vale. Sentenced to death by Sansa Stark and executed by Arya Stark.
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Military strength
Due to the North's vast size, gathering the full military strength of the Starks and their vassals is a difficult process, requiring months of travel time and the ability to supply and feed the host even before it sets out. The total force of the north is 45,000.
For this reason, the 18,000 men Robb Stark takes south to confront the army of the Westerlands is not the full strength of the North, only what could be assembled at relatively short notice.
By the time of the Battle of the Yellow Fork, however, the Stark force is allied with House Tully and their vassals, including House Frey, so it is estimated that their force is even or greater than the Lannister force, which would place it at around 30,000-35,000 soldiers at least in the Westerlands/Riverlands, with at least 1,000 further soldiers left to guard The North.
The average Stark soldier wears a brown or dark blue coat with green or grey sleeves, with chainmail worn under it and a suit of studded leather armor worn over it, also wears a pair of grey or brown leather boots. The soldiers are often equipped with helmets and rounded shields of steel or iron, both grey in color and the shields emblazoned with the Stark Direwolf. Warriors in the Northern heavy cavalry or heavy infantry wear relatively cheap brigandine armor, with many choosing to wear mail underneath as well, as compared with the expensive plate armor of the well-equipped Lannister troops.
During the Red Wedding, almost the entire army sworn to House Stark present at the Twins is annihilated, with anyone who managed to escape the massacre being hunted by House Frey. While Houses Bolton and Karstark remain mostly unscathed and possess the largest armies in the North, the only possibility of military support to the scattered heirs of House Stark comes from the remaining garrison and levies of other northern houses, provided they do not bend the knee to the new Warden of the North, Roose Bolton.
During the Conflict Beyond the Wall Jon Snow establishes an alliance between the Night's Watch and at least 2000 Free Folk. With his temporary death freeing him from his vows, and the Wildlings still loyal to him, the Wildlings are now unofficial Stark soldiers. Jon and Sansa are able to convince some of the smaller houses to unite around them, giving them 2,405 men. During the Battle of the Bastards, the Starks and their limited allied forces came close to total destruction; they were saved by the intervention of a sizable force from The Vale. It is unknown how many Stark loyalists survived the battle, but they likely number no more than 800.
Shortly after The Battle of the Bastards, Jon and Sansa treat with all the Northern Lords and the Lords of the Vale of Arryn. Lyanna Mormont declares Jon the King in the North and is soon followed by Wyman Manderly, Robett Glover, Cley Cerwyn and the rest of the Northern Lords. With all of the Northern Houses and wildings combined, they have around 16,000 men, backed by further 20,000 men from The Vale, which declares for the Starks.
When Jon travels as an envoy to Dragonstone, he laments to Davos that the entire combined strength of arms in the North at this point is probably fewer than 10,000 men at this point. While it is not specified, it is possible that the north possesses several ships, as Jon Snow uses one for his voyage from White Harbor to Dragonstone.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Manna For The Soul - Daily Prayers To Promote The Spiritual Life - Part 3
A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who recite devoutly, according to any legitimate formula, the acts of the theological virtues (Faith, Hope, Charity) and of Contrition. Each Act Is Indulgenced.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in our hour of conflict; Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God restrain Him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast Satan into Hell, and with him all the other evil spirits, who wander through the world, for the ruin of souls. Amen.
The Holy Father exhorts priests to say this prayer as often as possible, as a simple exorcism to curb the power of the devil and prevent him from doing harm. The faithful also may say it in their own name, for the same purpose, as any approved prayer. Its use is recommended whenever action of the devil is suspected, causing malice in men, violent temptations and even storms and various calamities. It could be used as a solemn exorcism (an official and public ceremony, in Latin), to expel the devil: It would then be said by a priest, in the name of the Church and only with the Bishop's permission.
In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel. defend us in "our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places" (Ephes. 6:12). Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. Holy Church venerates thee as her guardian and protector; to thee, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church. Offer our prayers unto the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of "the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan." Bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit "so that he may no longer seduce the nations" (Apoc. 20:2).
Variation of a Prayer Recited by St. Gerard Majella
MY GOD, I make the intention of offering to Thee as many acts of love and praise as the Blessed Virgin, all the Saints and Angels, as well as all the faithful on earth have ever made. I desire to love Thee as much as Jesus Christ loves Thee. I wish to renew these acts at every pulsation of my heart.
O MY GOD! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Thy sovereign power. While recalling the wasted years that are past, I believe that Thou, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that Thou can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Thy grace, both now and the future, that I may appear before Thee in "wedding garments." Amen.
Eternal Father, we humbly offer Thee our poor presence, and that of the whole of humanity, from the beginning to the end of the world at all the Masses that ever have or ever will be prayed. We offer Thee all the pains, sufferings, prayers, sacrifices, joys, and relaxations of our lives, in union with those of our Lord Jesus here on earth. May the Most Precious Blood of Christ, all His Blood, Wounds, and Agony save us, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen.
[This prayer should be recited daily, and be made known.]
God's mercy is so abundant that He wants to shower it upon earth. He sent His only Son, Our Lord to redeem sinners at the cost of Calvary. Christ would have died on that Cross to redeem but one soul, yet the One Sacrifice was sufficient for all. Redemption, however, does not suffice for salvation, as St. Paul warns us to work out our salvation "in fear and trembling."
With the great Apostasy predicted by the Apostle to the Gentiles come upon us in these last days many souls are going to Hell: they either do not know how, or cannot pray for themselves.
But Jesus Christ is waiting and now is the acceptable time, if only we, who do believe and do pray would only make it a daily habit of unfathomable charity and mercy, to spiritually adopt an unknown dying sinner, asking God for the grace for that person to repent or ask for mercy in his last moments. As a pledge of our fidelity and trust in Christ's mercy, all we have to do is ask through our prayer offering, perhaps, if so moved, to offer the intention of our entire day, or to forego one small pleasure that is licit in exchange [not necessary but a gracious little work]; at the very least we should make the intention of bearing one inconvenience that day with more patience than is our usual wont, for the repentance of that soul.
Any formula of prayer can be used, but for those who prefer an assist, here is a short invocation that can be said for that soul:
O MOST MERCIFUL JESUS, lover of souls, I beseech Thee, by the agony of Thy most Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of Thine Immaculate Mother, wash clean in the Thy Blood the sinners of the whole world who are to die this day.
Remember most especially the soul I spiritually adopt with the intention of entrusting him or her to Thy Shepherd's care: I beseech Thee for the grace to move this sinner, who is in danger of going to Hell, to repent. I ask this because of my trust in Thy great mercy.
If it should please Thy Majesty to send me a suffering this day in exchange for the grace I ask for this soul, then, it, too, shall please me very much, and I thank Thee, Most Sweet Jesus, Shepherd and Lover of Souls; I thank Thee for this opportunity to give mercy in thanksgiving for all the mercies Thou hast shown me. Amen.
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying.
O MOST holy Angel of God, appointed by God to be my guardian, I give thee thanks for all the benefits which thou hast ever bestowed on me in body and soul. I praise and glorify thee that thou condescended to assist me with such patient fidelity, and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemy.Blessed be the hour in which thou were assigned me for my guardian, my defender and my patron. In acknowledgment
and return for all thy loving ministries to me, I offer thee the infinitely precious and noble Heart of Jesus, and firmly purpose to obey thee henceforward, and most faithfully to serve my God. Amen.
O my good Angel, whom God, by His Divine mercy, hath appointed to be my guardian, enlighten and protect me, direct and govern me this day. Amen.
PENANCE: The Sacrament by which, as a repentant sinner, I receive forgiveness of even mortal sins, and thus become again a living member of Christ's Mystical Body. Tonight, therefore, I shall examine my conscience in preparation for a full Confession, realizing that I must have a genuine sorrow for sin, together with a determination to sin no more.
ETERNAL FATHER, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all Its Love, all Its sufferings, and all Its merits:
TO EXPIATE all the sins I have committed this day, and during all my life.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
TO PURIFY the good I have done poorly this day, and during all my life.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
TO SUPPLY for the good I ought to have done, and that I have neglected this day and during all my life.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Now recite An Act of Contrition
O MY GOD, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
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