goongiveusnothing 1 year
The way your nicknames WIGRRY, TOUPERRY and BOTOXRRY are becoming reality!!!!
LMFAOOOOOOO!!!!! 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぁ馃ぁ馃ぁ
it wasn't even manifestation lmao
we just noticed what was going on!!!
the botox thing has been obvious since around the start of his 2022 tour but it was harder to tell as we weren't getting enough high quality photos so there was plausible deniability.
and the wig stuff i totally didn't buy for AGES but thought maybe he was doing some trickery but not flat out wigs, until after the brits it's just been so fucking obvious. that masters thing is like the chef's kiss to all of the debate. i think he's still working it out as he didn't bring out that masters toupee for james corden.
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clarinhasarchive 3 months
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wellthatwasaletdown 1 year
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People on twitter are talking about this. WOW! It鈥檚 true!! If I think about all the nasty harries that make fun of Louis Liam and Niall for their looks, wrinkles, grey hair...OMG! Look at botoxrry at 29!! 馃拃鈿帮笍
We've been saying talking about that since his Coachella interviews last year.
Remember these:
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fallingsunflower 2 years
h has botox?
Not that it really matters but probably not. That anon is basing it off of one video and while although sure he could have tried it, generally Harry has a lot of forehead movement
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limmastyles 2 years
h has botox?
Send me a photo because I can't see the post馃ゴ
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goldenfharry 2 years
h has botox?
what 馃ゲ馃ゲ馃ゲ
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
Did he get his forehead botoxed? Also, I wonder if he鈥檚 wearing glasses to hide under eye fillers or laser work. His tear troughs looked very deep in the previous picture and I noticed they usually are filled in at the start of tour with refreshers throughout the year.
i really do think he's had botox.
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here when he's smiling and you can see all his wrinkles around his face, but despite his eyebrows being raised, and clear strain around his forehead, he has no forehead wrinkles! his forehead is totally smooth! a tell tell sign of botox. i think he likely gets baby botox to try and make it look more normal.
i would not be surprised if he's getting other minor work done with fillers and botox. maybe in 10 years he'll also look like a stuffed taxidermied version of a person like simon cowell.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
Oh hell馃拃馃拃
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over 3000 quote tweets to mock him, and 4.5 million views because many of those quote tweets have tens of thousands of likes.
and a fan posted this thinking he looked good!
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
I saw where in one of your posts you mentioned H having work done?? ive never noticed this before(i try to spend as little time as possible looking at him) and was wanting to know when you first noticed and what led you to believe he had botox and a nose job done
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I think this is a good comparison photo. Harry has had noticeable frown lines between his eyebrows and his forehead. He's clearly aging at a very fast rate. You can see how smooth and shiny and flat his forehead looks in the recent photo vs the one from years ago. He no longer seems to wrinkle his forehead as much now. These two photos also show his nose jobs. Look at how narrow his nose looks now. There's also photos which show the scars on his nostrils from the nose jobs.
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When people make big expressions, most of their face moves. Here you can see only parts of his face are full of wrinkles, but his forehead miraculously has none and is incredibly smooth.
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goongiveusnothing 1 year
The funniest thing is that most of his fans try to hide that botoxrry uses botox, and they ignore it.
of course they do. they're gonna hope nobody else notices it, but if they've noticed it, others will.
it's like harry starting to look old as fuck last year. they all noticed it but pretended they didn't, then recently he went viral for looking like a before and after photo of a meth user. his botox stuff is really obvious, so it'll be picked up soon.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
Well even harries are saying it lol. Also he for sure gets botox and fillers. Wait for him to come up with a brand new hairline next year.
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Well now I DEFINITELY see it! Yes, he had a nose job, you can even see the scars. It's strange because it's not that small, but definitely smaller than it was. For someone incredibly vain to be losing all his looks at this pace must be devastating. This is likely why that Anon saw the length between his lip and nose seeming larger. That happens with nose jobs. I definitely think we can expect him to look all fillered and botoxed out in the next few years. Wondering when we can expect that suspiciously stuffed out hairline to appear. It's amazing he didn't try and get that done during quarantine.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
www(.)instagram(.)com/p/CixdL2lrE5_/?igshid=NjQxMzA2Mjk= <<< this insta post shows the nose things better than any of the other pictures I鈥檝e seen do.
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Yeah you can see his nose has been narrowed and the tip is less wide.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
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@true-kahnum Same LOL. Even if he fixed his hairline, he would still look 10 or even maybe 20 years older than he is. I think he seems to have gotten the nose job a while back. I think what we're learning about Harry is he's got a massive ego and he's incredibly vain. The whole down to earth stuff he sells... is just a sale. In the background he's trying to do as much as he possibly can to be a Hollywood IT boy.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
Maybeeee the nose jobs are to fix the cocaine consumption? It does wreck havoc to your nose and we know from the lyrics on Harry's House.. he's quite fond of a line.
I just think he's probably too young to need that? It seems much more of a vanity thing, because his nose is changing in shape and getting smaller. I do wonder how much he uses though. And the other drugs. He also drinks a lot in his music and smokes a lot of pot.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
Alright, I'm not that great at this stuff but to me it seems like he still had his original nose while filming DWD and MP. So I just wanna know what happened post 2020 that made him do such a thing to his face in addition to the botox? Is he going through a midlife crisis at 27-28? Or is it something he felt like he needed to do for his acting career, I just have so many questions 馃き
I honestly feel like the nosejob was when he was younger, his fans think he had a SECOND nose job recently. Which is wild. Two of them! I tend to side with the fans, as I do not stare at this man's nose with as much vigour as they do.
The botox is obvious, his skin is not doing so good right now. He was developing a frownline between his brows because of how degraded his skin quality is. His girlfriend clearly uses it. He likely just decided to go for it. I definitely think it's a recent thing though, because he was able to move his brows more before this year. I do feel he's going through a bit of a midlife crisis, yeah. Likely about to get worst because of how he's become a giant meme.
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goongiveusnothing 2 years
I think he's recently got filler in his cheekbones, because they looks very very visible at the moment.
Do they? I feel like he used to have decent bone structure but his aging process has even nuked that? But I was wrong about the nose job, so I'm open to it. Whatever he's doing isn't exactly working for him. The botox with such a high forehead just makes that forehead look even bigger.
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