honourburned · 4 years
{ STARTER CALL }  >> @boundlesshsentity​
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“ hey-- do you know any place i could find good tea around here? ”   While he’s nowhere near as much of a tea-fanatic as his uncle, Zuko hasn’t been able to find good tea leaves since his arrival-- and that just won’t do.
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adjudicxtor · 4 years
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“Could you find something else to stare at?” One of the ears atop his head twitched in irritation.
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bxsiliisk · 4 years
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“man, this whooooole situation was exhaaaausting!!!!”
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isolaradiale · 4 years
[Whoops, looks like I got activity checked! I'd like to re-app the Protagonist/Wanderer from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners if possible!]
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Wanderer!
You'll be housed in APARTMENT 322
You'll retain everything you had during your previous stay.
Enjoy! :)
– ⋆ δCaeli
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breath-of-stone · 4 years
@boundlesshsentity liked for a starter.
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A knock on the front door caused Gyomei to lift his head and give pause to what he was doing. He couldn’t imagine someone had come to see him– nor could he imagine Tezcatlipoca would take very long answering the door on his own.
He remembered then that his housemate was gone; he’d stepped out that morning and was yet to return. The chances it was him at the door were slim to none. Tezcatlipoca probably would have just strode in and started shouting. So Gyomei got to his feet and went to the door, only hesitating a moment before opening it partway.
“Can I help you...?” He asked in tremulous voice incredibly mismatched to his appearance. Though it wasn’t a surprise, Gyomei didn’t recognize the visitor.
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0pluckmylife0 · 4 years
Flying a kite around in the park sounded like a good idea to Red; at first. The weather was fair, and the wind was favorable. Yes, what could go wrong? Red had crafted the kite himself and tested it before bringing it out to the park. So, with the odds in his favor he was uncharacteristically optimistic about this outing.  
Of course, things didn’t usually work out for Red. Especially not when he was trying to relax or enjoy a fun hobby. While the kite had worked perfectly and it seemed like it was going to soar through the sky, the wind picked up a little too strongly for Red to handle and it flew straight into a tree, getting stuck. “You gotta be kidding me...”
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Red let out a sigh; disappointed but accepting his fate. He then attempted to tug at the kite’s string to pull it down, but the string snapped. “....” The bird’s temper quickly began to rise. He ran into the tree with his body, which caused some leaves to fall, but not the kite. “...Why you...!!” He placed his wings on the trunk of the tree and attempted to pull at it with a grunt of effort as he did so, but that didn’t work at all, which only served to frustrate him more.
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wumpaiism · 5 years
// Isola starter call ;; @boundlesshsentity​
Crash was not used to not having much to do for long periods of time. Back on the wumpa islands he would have something to entertain himself and that either came in the form of doing tasks for his brother,sister or Aku or saving the planet from some form of evil....Mainly Cortex of course.
He should really explore this place more,get used to the many streets and areas it had to offer,but Crash would rather make some acquaintances first before doing that. Mainly because he would like someone to call if he ever got lost. So he stuck to either resting by a tree or in the tree,or playing with his yo-yo,which the latter is what he was currently doing!
Or he was attempting too.....Despite being very good with his yo-yo,the orange Bandicoot had yet again gotten himself all tangled within the string but this time it seemed to be very much tangled that the only way he would get out of it was by spinning....
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But he had lost the ability to do so. His brows furrows as his eyes glance around to find anyone to help him,a wide grin forming on his face as he spotted someone! Not really able to yell out for help,Crash just resorted to letting out gibberish sounds to gain the others attention.
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akafilogaallgrior · 4 years
       Summer was approaching. Sieg had never really put much thought into the season prior, having never had much time to devote to it. (He did recall the incident involving the Servant Summer Festival, but that was a little different...) In any case, he was probably going to be expected to spend time at the beach, knowing their Master. He would need to find the appropriate clothing for the job.
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“... Hm, this isn’t good.”
       But, where was he supposed to really begin? There were lots of different swimsuits on display, but... What was appropriate? He’d never really done this before. Should he just pick one at random? No, that wouldn’t do... 
       ... Perhaps he should’ve just swallowed his pride and asked Ritsuka or Rider for help.
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beyondtheglasswall · 5 years
“This place... It’s seriously weird.”
       The city was filled with numerous mysteries, many of which lacked any kind of answer. The Cotes Ward, in particular the Castle of the Koi, felt like something out of an old storybook he’d read as a child. An underwater castle, surrounded by a bubble of oxygen, that could only be accessed by taking a ride with the local kappa... 
       He had to admit, it was really surreal. Fantastical, even. But that wasn’t why they were here.
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“What do you think, Mumei? Feels like there’s some big secret here, but I can’t find any signs of it...”
       Maybe with Oversight... No, he’d still need to know where to look, if that were the case. Even now, his Oversight wasn’t as sharp as someone like Ion or Nelo. It would have been like trying to apply an eyedrop from the second--no, fifth floor. There was no way he could guess that accurately.
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silversurvival · 4 years
he toys with the phone given to him by this world, but fails to find the feature to help him out of the dreadful neighborhood in the fibonnaci ward he accidentally wandered into. silverash can feel the daggers being stared into his back as he walks, trying to retrace his steps, but the streets look almost the same. he curses himself for relaxing so much so, the slip in his attention earlier now resulted in him not knowing how to leave. 
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yet, despite the negative attention from the residents here, it seems they aren’t violent. yet, he remains wary now, on guard, knowing full well he has no abilities or weaponry to protect himself. however, he won’t go down without a fight and the confidence in his weakened ability is reflected in his posture and walk.
but then, someone... non-aggressive catches his eye. someone who seems like they didn’t instinctively hate him. he hesitates, and then speaks, 
“pardon, but i only recently arrived. i’m afraid i’m lost -- would you mind telling me how to exit this place?”
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ribellaione · 5 years
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       “ The ones in charge here can pull others from different worlds, but...can they pull the creatures from there? “
@boundlesshsentity​ -- mini s.c.
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The incessant groaning of his stomach was too much to bear at that point for Touma. He sighs, trying not to dwell too deeply on the possible wonders each restaurant that was right along the Star Trail had in store for him, various salivating scents wafting through the air as a result of the various delicacies and dishes they had to offer. Not that he was having any such luck. Thoughts of mashed potato salad, nikujaga and fresh bread was already trying to break through his last wall of resistance. It had been a few days since he had arrived at the “scenic” island of Isola. While he was struggling to fully acclimate to the changes forced on him the night he was transported to this place, he wouldn’t say it was downright bad. Sure, he had lots of other things to do back home, and he was worried sick over what Index could possibly be doing now that he was gone, but the city wasn’t anything terrible per se. He just had to hope that Index was doing well for herself while he tried to find a way to get back home post-haste.  Now if only Illusion Breaker’s tendency to call misfortune on him was weakened as well. He was pretty sure that had a hand with his current situation. 
Its not that he didn’t have money to buy food. Its just that he lost the city issued phone they gave him, and with it, the special wallet app they use for purchases. He had been busy looking for a job all morning, and had just realized he didn’t have his phone with him a few minutes ago. In a panic Touma retraced his steps and ventured to all the shops he visited earlier, but not one of the shop owners or customers had seen his phone. 
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His stomach protested loudly again. Trying to ignore the looks he was getting from passersby, he sighs loudly to no one in particular as he slumped against a nearby bench. “Such misfortune.”
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hosttrick · 5 years
“ and i knew exactly what to do. but in a much more real sense , i had no idea what to do. “
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“So... you just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.”
He’s stuck under some fallen construction materials. He’s been there for about ten minutes. He should absolutely be dead at this point.
“If you don’t know what you’re doing, could you at least call for help from someone who does?”
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mryorozuya-blog · 5 years
Gintoki twirled the pink magical girl themed blade he’d been given after coming to this place. Somehow, it was more insulting than the sword ban the Amanto — the aliens that had infested his universe — had set forth to make him carry a wooden sword in the first place. The toy glew with flashing pink lights and made sparkling ‘kira kira’ sound effects. He would never be able to call himself a samurai again. He slung his head as he sat on the park bench manspreading his sadness out to the world. “My legs are too hairy to be a sailor scout… IS THIS FUNNY TO YOU? DO YOU ENJOY LAUGHING AT A MIDDLE-AGED MAN PLAYING WITH KID’S TOY IN PUBLIC, AM I ENTERTAINING YOU?! DO I LOOK LIKE AN OTAKU AT COMIKET?!”
His anger launched him onto his feet to shake the plastic blade at the heavens hoping whatever rulers of this domain would give him a sign of acknowledging his frustration. He tried tossing the dumb toy into some brushes but his fingers wouldn’t let go of the winged handle. He was having a public breakdown. There he went fetal on the pavement as fellow civilians tried their best to avoid the madman. A thought clicked through to the perm-headed bastard: maybe this just wasn’t a real world. 
Yeah, yeah… this couldn’t possibly be real—fantasy, what was that anime genre becoming popular? Isekai? Yeah, that’s what this was right, another world. RPGs were all about the slaying, getting loot, wasting your life. That’s all this could be, so it was time to get started on his murder hobo ways. First was finding a mob his relevant level or weaker—almost on queue he spotted a kid in a school uniform, that would be easy prey for a grown man. Almost insultingly, the kid seemed to be carrying a wooden sword, maybe not a bokuto but it would do. 
“Heeeey,” Gintoki crawled over to the kid a la the grudge. “It’s against school policy to carry a weapon, you should hand it over, I promise I won’t tell your homeroom teacher!” He lunged with the toy in arm attempting to be threatening in his assault.
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isolaradiale · 5 years
(Well thanks to not having money I won’t have internet for the next few weeks, so I can I put The Wanderer (Tokyo Afterschool Summoners), Riku Haruna (OC), Jounoichi Nakahara (OC), Frau (07-Ghost), and Haseo (.Hack//G.U. Last Recode) on semi-hiatus?)
– ⋆ betelgeuse.
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ombraventi · 5 years
❝ well, it’s no secret that the best thing about a secret is secretly telling someone your secret, thereby secretly adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets… secretly.
my favorite spongebob quotes starters
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“Shut up. Just shut up and go away.” Looks like he didn’t like that!
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