#bove why are you so gorgeous
derangedratposting · 11 months
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BRO ZALEWSKI WAS ABOUT TO GO IN FOR THAT BOVE KISS LMAOO im gonna gi feral clipping this game
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maiuowrites · 6 months
Star told m'...
Long ago, when i was still wit' m'mate, Star...
she told m' somethin' special. she told m' ta continue livin' fer her when her time finally came.
bu'-... i was stubborn. stupid. selfish... i wanted t'share m'monsta heritage, wanted ta keep her goin' wit'me, no matta how i could wit' Undynes help. i knew there was a way-
...bu' she refused.
she refused all m'help, all m'thoughts on how ta continue her life. i told her we were gettin' close ta bustin' her outta th'hell she was in...
bu' she said she'd jus' b'livin' in hidin'... how would tha' b'betta than her life she had then? least she had some type o'free will. some type o'freedom... i didn' agree, bu' no matta how much i begged, pleaded, was s'desperate fer her ta continue livin' wit' me, fer us...
she refused each time.
n her reasonin' was so, so simple...
"You're going to be okay-"
she spoke like she knew th'future-
my future, wit' her green eyes shinin' so brightly, so softly n full o'tha' love she got me hooked on...
"You're needed elsewhere, Russ." Star stroked m'cheek, wipin' m'tears away. "When I'm gone, you're going to continue on. You're going to see so many new and interesting things! Things we've only read about now-"
"how do ya know?!" i snapped, regrettin' how i barked at m'Sweet n gentle Star... s'full o'rage n'anger, frustration...
"Because-" Star giggled- giggled her sweet giggle as a means ta blockin' m'verbal attack- "You're just like that, Russ."
confused; annoyed, i wanted ta yell again at her, thinkin' she wasn' takin' m'seriously...
"You travel; You have that freedom now, and maybe one day-... It'll be strained, yes. But you still travel and you're not scared to continue on. With your Soul, that curiosity, that bravery-"
"m'a coward..." i wasn't proud o'cuttin' her off; i knew she hated tha' th'most when talkin'... bu' how could she call m' brave when she was th'bravest b'tween us combined?...
hell, i was hidin' away from camera's b'cause i didn' wanna deal wit' Muff's bullshit o'stealin' her parlors pride n' joy...
"Oh, sure!" She spoke, voice still sugary sweet n' nah sarcastic. "Everyone has cowardly inside them; But, truthfully; You're tactical. Always have been, you just don't see it!"
Star would always say tha'.... jus' ta make m'shuddup n pout, cause no- i didn' b'lieve her... bu', i got tired o'arguin' wit'her.
"But honestly, Russ. Let's be honest here..." She signed, movin' her hair away from her face wit' a slight sight o'a sad face.
"You're going to live way longer than I will. That's a fact you'll have to live with!" she playfully pointed her fingah at m', knowin' i would fight tha'...
bu', i kept m'fangs shut.
"You're handsome, sweet, and gentle... And you're helpful. In this world, you'll hear your new calling... Though it might not be with me; It'll be out there! Just... Don't ignore it, okay?" Star smiled, almost like she knew.
"If you feel that tug on your chest-" she playfully made a tug on m'jacket, right 'bove m'achin' soul. "-You have to follow it!"
She beamed tha' gorgeous smile at m' again...
"And! You gotta do it." Star added cheekily, givin' m' a look tha' had m' reply-
"why's i gotta do it fer?" i pouted, tryin' hard t'scowl when i wanted t'smile wit' her.
"Because..." She paused, her own eyes mistin' jus' enough b'fer she dashed it b'hind tha' smile again...
"Do it for me!"
tha's all it took fer me...
tha's all it took fer m'ta agree.
n i agreed even afta her death. afta we broke free.
n then...
i felt tha' tug.
i felt tha' tug...
n i followed it.
i followed it-...
...to ya.
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tweetie-voice · 3 years
Episode #7 - The Cut - Brammer - Ugly - June 26, 2021
Welcome to twenty boys, the world's first audio radio, vocalizer social man tweets posts daily news, a stories today, yes june, twenty six, two, twenty twenty one. It is one, fifty seven, a m! Here's our first story. I think i might be ugly most viewed stories that cut com. I think i might be ugly by j p bramer june, twenty five, two thousand and twenty one. So i don't know if i'm an artist have extreme vision. Promise of my maoris want to buy lubercal the an anity warping, my sense of reality, but i think i look good thing is i don't think anyone else shares that view. I know this is typically the opposite problem for people who live with this morphia. They view themselves as being in hideous despite being breathtakingly gorgeous. For me, though, i often feel genuine love for the person i see in the mirror. I feel enamored when i see flattering photos on myself. I love myself. Well, i do until i'm remind that i'm wrong for doing so. If i were to describe my appearance and say i check most of the boxes, what could be considered conventionally decent? Looking not hot enough to have a recurring role on river deal, but so cute enough to be murdered as part of the beef story line. I'm happy with my weight and wear clothes at. I think suit me and have average bove tattoos and a perky ass people. Don't tell me i'm ugly, but they don't tell me i'm beautiful either and when you're beautiful people tell you you're beautiful, it's pretty clear. My confidence isn't terrible, i'm normally the first and message guys who are likely out of my lead, because i don't want to write myself for sometimes it works. I've hooked up with that salute tenant of tens, which grants me some temporary pride of validation until i soon discovered they just look up with anyone simply because it cannot, because i'm special. I know it's wrong to need validation for mothers. Myself. Love should be enough, but it's just not. I find myself deleting pictures of me on my phone instead of posting them because i know they're just going to flock. I give them style in my hair when getting ready, because i know no one cares. I don't say nice things about myself, because i probably sound illusion in doing so. I think i'm good looking a truly do, but how can everyone else be wrong? Bringing desire isn't everything but being undesirable as a life sent of nothingness sincerely on the cover ugly, how they on the cover? Yes, if self love manifests and studio apartment, but no one is around to hear it doesn't make a sound. I am interested in this question because i too identify as an undercover ugly. I don't really have the self esteem you mentioned, but i do have a nagging notion that the narrative art of my life is frequently interrupted by a certain inadequacy, one that i can't quite name but often feels a whole lot like not cute enough and so on to cover. If anything i say here sounds like tough love just now, i'm mostly directing it myself. Don't you feel better already, knowing that we're in this together? No well too bad because much like my fail dates and various brooklyn bars with port point three stars in google. You stuck with me for at least another few minutes i'll start by asking what purse you think you hot people, i'll start by asking what perks you think hot people are enjoying that you are not purty a letter. You say you feel good about yourself. You dress well, and you hook up with people. You find attractive a lot o to consult mascos hierarchy of needs, but my god reaction is you're, pretty doing pretty good. I do wish more stranger would mark on my beauty upon first playing eyes on me, but there's simply no. I can, if i taste either way, that is for a moment, be a little ridiculous. An entertainer thing suspicions on the cover. Yes, you and i were ugly. We fall outside the conventional beauty standards set by society. People do not stop us on the street and ask us if we like the guest star as hot person and the sketch comedy web series, the guys who find a track the ten to pass us over, because it was simply failed to meet the criteria. Now is any of that? True, i don't know now. Do i think it's a particularly useful question, here's a better one! If any of that word true, would we carry? Would we card carrying your members of the uglies? Only club, not anseres, to feel good about ourselves would not be. Would we not deserve love romance sexuality, the similar pleasure of wearing a nice offett? Do you look at random people on the street? I think that person has no business being so confident. Look at you on the cover living in a cage. You yourself is deecorations in your check box in your ratings one through ten and for what for whom? How does this serve you on anyone else? What are you doing, if not failing your own imagination, even if a good chunk of people were to tell you right to your face that you are not attractive? Well, what do you would you think? How do you feel? What about your daly, giving a right to define things for yourself to have your own criteria from one makes something beautiful a worthy, your precious isn't un more compelling than just being born into praise from a said culture that changes its mind. Every few minutes, i'm not in the business sugar coating anything i can't lie. It doesn't feel like gravitating that great navigating a world that has made exclusively be into a science. You can and will be excluded for any number of things in this live color ism your size, the way you express yourself the list goes on and on and on, and so like a few people would be deem worthy and will be celebrated in the ways you will not. You yourself would likely re benefits from the whole process, while others are punished. There is nothing fair about it. There were brutal things about this lap. Sadly, until i collect, if you remaining forbidding artifacts, i don't have the power to fix that for you right now, but concurrence. This harsh reality is another annotating that they can truth to a certain degree. We have the power to name ourselves, to determine what we make in the hand we been tell when i feel ugly on a cover. It's exactly that a feeling, a story, a way of seeing myself i'm method of moving clucky through a word that doesn't wami. That's real, that's unpleasant! That's a place and i'm a regular in life, though we visit many places, must have felt desirable. I felt capable of giving and receiving pleasure of being enchanting of a hold thing, a secret gravity at the center of my existence when it draws others in quite effortless lean. Why wouldn't it the fact that i can pitch my tents here in this place, where ii feel good as unfortunate, but movement is an evitable. We either learn we go when we suffer, as were dragged and short on. The cover. Human life is largely hallucinated. There was no gotcha here. You were not secretly ugly sure when you're rejected it when no one to retreat your selfe or when i want to retreat yourself and when you just in a funk ugliness can feel a lot more like the truth, but it isn't where it is and it's a temporary want. You are a more or less deserving of anything based on your looks nor as anyone else out there doing their best piloting a body. The most important thing is how you feel if you feel hot your hot, so my best advice is just to be hot. Thank you. Please buy my book on mota mortiboy, originally desire originally published in may tend four o tousand and twenty one the cut oile puppy. I think i might be ugly written by j p, brammer tweeder twenty june twenty six, two thousand and twenty one, two d, twelve, a m t
0 notes
montygreens · 8 years
Omnia Dicta Fortiora Si Dicta Latina
A soulmate au, where you get a sentence in black somewhere on your body on your 18th birthday, and at at the moment you realize you love them, your soulmate will say the sentence, and it will tingle and turn silver.
And of course Bellarke has the weirdest sentences.
Because Lana’s (@marauders-groupie) fics make me cry and I just wanted a soulmate au that didn’t rip my heart out.
Clarke was not looking forward to her 18th birthday.
Listen, soulmates were great and all, but she didn’t enjoy her life getting controlled by an arbitrary sentence tattooed on her body. It was actually kind of creepy, come to think of it.
“You excited?” Wells’ voice came over the phone. Wells was into soulmates. His tattoo had come in the form of neat words on his collarbone, the creating the sentence “I can make anything explode if I try hard enough.”
So obviously Wells’ soulmate seems awesome. They had to be, to deserve him.
She sighed into the phone. “Not really. I’m really just hoping it’s in an inconspicuous place. I don’t feel particularly inclined to waking up with a bad pickup line tattooed on my forehead.“
Clarke doesn’t trust soulmates, to tell the truth.
Her father didn’t have one. Her parents got divorced when Abby found Marcus Kane.
Soulmates weren’t worth the pain. She knew they were no guarantee.
Clarke wakes up in the morning to find her eyes drawn to her wrist.
There it was, in bold black script on the inside of her wrist.
“Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.”
“Is that…” Wells squints at her wrist. “Latin?”
Clarke shrugs. “I guess. I did a quick google search but it wasn’t particularly helpful. Did you know google translate is terrible?”
Wells just rolls his eyes at her.
Clarke’s in her first year at Columbia when she hears it used. She’s figured out that it means “everything said is stronger if said in Latin” which is not helpful at all.
Her dorm mate her first year is a girl named Octavia Blake, who Clarke finds is actually pretty cool. She’s gorgeous and intimidating and Clarke would totally be into her, if Octavia wasn’t in a committed relationship–with her soulmate.
“He’s so sweet, pretty damn hot, and 4 years older than us, so he’s also pissing my brother off.” Octavia confides. “He’s the best.”
After meeting Lincoln, she has to admit she’s pretty right. Lincoln is huge and buff, but also is basically like a giant ball of fluff, so he fits perfectly with tiny-but-angry Octavia.
One night Clarke was on a tirade about one of her professors, who was “a racist bigot who needs to get his head out of his ass.”
“And he uses the most pretentious language, like he quoted some thing in Latin yesterday, just because her could. It had practically no relevance whatsoever to the topic.” Clarke rolled her eyes.
Octavia nodded. “Yeah, I know the type. Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur, right?”
Clarke blinked.
There it was, spoken aloud, and yet there was no sting, no tingle that signified her tattoo was changing color.
She lifted her sleeve to check, and the words were still there, stark black against her skin.
“Something wrong?” Octavia asked.
Wordlessly, she showed Octavia the words on her wrist.
“Damn. Your soulmate is a fucking nerd.” Octavia laughed.
Clarke laughed too. “Okay, but I still don’t know what that means.”
“It means, like, Latin makes everyone sound smarter. It’s a joke, for pretentious assholes who use Latin to make themselves sound smarter than they are.” Octavia explained.
“And you know this how?”
“Bell is a fucking nerd.” was Octavia’s only explanation.
Bell, Clarke had learned, meant Bellamy, Octavia’s older brother, who, okay, was defiantly a giant nerd. Of course he taught Octavia mocking Latin phrases.
He named his sister Octavia after the Emperor Augustus’ sister when he was 6, okay? Bellamy was on a whole other level of nerd.
Clarke’d met him one or twice, when he came to visit Octavia. But she didn’t really get to know him until senior year, when she moved into a small apartment with Octavia and Raven in a better part of town.
Bellamy had come to help them move in, and they’d managed to get into a screaming match that had begun with them discussing Harry Potter and led to him accusing her of being a spoiled rich girl. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure how they’d gotten to that.
Afterwards, Clarke had dismissed it as a one time thing. She’d see him a couple times and they’d avoid each other, and that would be that.
But she’d underestimated Bellamy’s level of big brother instincts. He was over at least twice a week, being helpful while pretending to not care about anything.
He slowly got used to her too, his sarcastic asides of “Princess” gradually becoming less biting and more like affectionate teasing.
Carefully, grudgingly, Clarke admitted that he was actually a pretty cool guy, despite his penchant for being an asshole.
Turns out Clarke likes assholes.
So, friends was a gradual thing.
However, Clarke could pinpoint the exact moment she realized they were best friends. (Barring Wells, of course.)
Clarke groaned as she flopped onto the couch.
“Long day princess?” Bellamy laughed.
“Shut up Blake.” Clarke muttered. “Just turn on the movie.”
As he opened Netflix, Clarke moved to position herself against his side. “Why are you so warm?” Clarke muttered.
Without missing a beat, Bellamy answered, “I’m filled with righteous anger.”
“Mmm, sounds about right.”
And soon, watching Disney Hercules on the couch with him, all her weariness melted away. That’s when she knew. He was her person. Her best friend. And to think, she’d hated him.
“Stop laughing at me.” Bellamy muttered.
“I’m sorry!” She giggled. “It’s just, I get you’re full of righteous anger but the goat does not deserve it.”
She loved watching mythological movies him.
Bellamy didn’t answer. Almost unconsciously, his hand floated to his collarbone.
“Bellamy?” She gave him a little shake. “Hey? Bellamy? Something wrong?”
He shook his head and gave her a small smile. “Look, this fucking goat did not train Hercules. I’m offended on behalf of Chiron.”
“Okay, Bellamy.” She laughed. “Whatever you say.”
She probably should have figured it out then, bur Clarke has never been the most observant of people about things like this.
It took her about 3 years.
It was Octavia’s birthday and she was drunk, because Octavia loved alcohol but had no tolerance, a very bad, though usually entertaining combination.
“Macdonaldus Senex fundum habuit. E-I-E-I-O.” she slurred, leaning up against Lincoln.
Clarke took the drink from her hand. “No more for you, I think.”
She walked over to Bellamy, handing him the drink.
He took it, frowning at it. “Don’t you want some?”
Clarke shrugged. “I already had some. I’m good.”
With Lincoln, Octavia had resumed her song. “Et in hot fundo nonnullas boves domesticas habuitt. E-I-E-O. Cum moo moo hic, et cum moo moo ibi. Hic una moo, ibi una moo, ubique una moo moo. acdonaldus Senex fundum habuit. E-I-E-I-O!”
Clarke nudged Bellamy. “What’s she singing?”
“Old Macdonald Had a Farm. In Latin.” Bellamy answered, deadpan.
Clarke giggled. “Okay, okay. When did you teach her that?”
Bellamy smirked. “I wanted her to know the cool nursery rhymes.”
Clarke laughed. “You’re such a fucking nerd, Bellamy.”
He shrugged. “Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.”
Before Clarke could even react, her forearm stung, and something warm and light flowed through her.
She had to keep herself from gasping aloud.
She grabbed at her sleeve, watching the words on her wrist change from jet black to a gleaming silver.
Disoriented, Clarke headed toward the door.
Faintly, she heard Bellamy calling behind her.
“Clarke, hey Clarke!” He grabbed her hand. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
She shook him off.
“I-It’s nothing Bellamy. I don’t feel well. Wish Octavia a happy birthday for me, hm?” She managed.
“Want me to come with?” He’s genuinely worried, which makes her feel even worse.
She offers him a small smile. “It’s Octavia’s birthday. I can take care of myself, it’s just a headache.”
“You sure?”
She nods. “I’ll be fine.”
It’s not until she gets home that she allows herself to look at it again. But there it was still, shimmering against her skin.
Bellamy. Of course it was Bellamy. It had always been Bellamy.
She collapsed on the couch. Bellamy Blake was her soulmate.
And she barely had time to take a breath before it hit her like a truck.
For all she made fun of soulmates, she realized with dawning horror, she loved Bellamy. She’s loved him for a while.
She picked up her phone, and dialed.
He picked up on the 3rd ring. “Hey Clarke. Something wrong?”
Almost against her will, Clarke smiled. “Hey Wells.” It was good, to hear his voice again.
“I just wanted to let you know, I found my soulmate.”
Clarke heard Wells gasp. “And? Who is it?”
“Bellamy Blake?” Wells asked, careful.
“Yeah.” She replied.
“What are you going to do?”
Clarke sighed. “I don’t know yet. Heck, I don’t even know if I’m his soulmate.”
Wells paused. “Look Clarke. It’s simple. If you think you’re ready, if you love him? Go find out if you’re his soulmate.”
Clarke took a breath. “O-okay. Thanks Wells.”
“You know I’m always here for you.”
“I know. Thank you.” Clarke swallowed.
“Talk to you later?” Wells asked.
“Of course. Bye, Wells.” She hung up, and sighed, flopping onto the couch again.
She stared at the ceiling, her mind racing.
And the more she thought about it, the less shocking it felt. It felt almost obvious. Yeah. Bellamy was her soulmate.
She sighed and got up, pausing at the mirror to make sure her makeup was intact before shrugging on her coat.
No harm in trying to look good.
A short taxi ride later, Clarke took in a breath, standing in front of Bellamy’s apartment.
She rang the doorbell, a wave of panic hitting her as she waited for it to open.
What if I’m not his soulmate?
And suddenly the door was open.
Bellamy was standing in the doorway, blinking at her, wearing pajama pants and a worn t-shirt.
“Clarke? Is something–” he began.
“Show me your soulmate mark.” She spit out, before she could loose her nerve.
Bellamy stared.
“Please.” Clarke whispered, pleading.
She needed to know. She couldn’t stand not knowing because that meant there was a what if still lingering.
Bellamy finally nods, opening the door wider.
“Come in.”
She steps inside, more confused and worried than before.
Bellamy’s eyes flick to her forearm, which she was instinctively covering with her hand.
He swallows, and tugs of his shirt, turning around so his back was facing her.
And there they were, at the small of his back, one sentence shining silver against his skin.
“I get you’re full of righteous anger but the goat does not deserve it.”
She drew in a sharp breath.
“Hercules.” She whispered, hope flooding through her.
Bellamy laughed, soft. “I spent so long wondering exactly what the scenario was that I was angry at a goat.”
Clarke shifted her hand, slowly pulling up her sleeve and revealing the words on her arm. “I didn’t even know what mine meant.”
Bellamy smiled and grabbed her arm, pulling it up to his face to kiss the words.
Clarke beamed up at him. “You’re such a fucking nerd Bellamy. My soulmate mark is in Latin.”
Bellamy laughed quietly. “Te amo.”
And look, Clarke didn’t know the first thing about Latin.
But from what she understood of those words, there was only one response she could give.
She pulled him closer, and kissed him.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Northern France is a destination worth your time, partly thanks to the beauty of Arras.
If you do not know the story of Arras, you will surely be surprised that despite the beauty of this town, there is a dark history. It played a significant role in the First World War (WWI). The Carrière Wellington (a web of quarry tunnels) was even used by soldiers. The real drawcards of Arras are Heroes Square and Grand Place (main square). These two squares make an enchanting scene with plenty of Flemish-Baroque-style houses, shops, restaurants, and cafes. Arras has plenty of old charms, like the belfries in the historic County of Flanders (listed as UNESCO sites). There is more to love and to discover in this magnificent city. Check out our list of the best things to do in Arras, France.
1. Hear some great stories at Carrière Wellington
If you truly want to know France, you must know its history. In the northern part of Arras, you will find a great museum called Carrière Wellington. This underground quarry was formerly the refuge of World War I soldiers. It is hidden underground was used by soldiers as a place to eat ans sleep in safety. An English-speaking tour guide will assist you as you go through the tunnel. The tour will take one-and-a-half hours, plus the staff will instruct you to wear an automated headset and a WWI soldier style-hat, which will certainly lend a feeling that you are part of the army. The museum also features displays, gifts, and souvenirs.
2. Marvel at the beauty of Grand Place
Grand Place an amazing spot in Arras. These main squares in Europe are a favorite of many - and it’s not hard to see why. Buildings with distinct architectural charm, the best culinary scene, gorgeous shops, nightlife, and attractions are all here. It also has enough space for parking so you don’t have to worry. The whole place is impressive–in every turn, there is something that will surely inspire you. Grand’ Place is more stunning during the night and in the Christmas season.
3. Go back in time at Abbey of St. Vaast
Another interesting place with plenty of important stories to tell, Abbey of St. Vaast is a museum that highlights important events during the war era and France’s mining history. It presents sculptures, 17th- to 19th-century paintings and ceramics, graphic arts, map of the city in 1716 - the list just goes on and on. It is an interactive museum where all can learn, especially the children.
4. Admire the impressive architectural structures at Heroes Square
Another treasure in Arras that will captivate your heart is Heroes Square. It is a stunningly well-preserved square that is surrounded by beautiful structures, from 17th- and 18th-century Flemish Baroque-style homes (decorated with flowers and ribbons) to gorgeous shops and restaurants. This square was originally built to host markets, which shows Arras’ abundant trading economy. And yes, this is a great spot for some photo ops as well.
5. Get a new perspective from above at Beffroi d'Arras
Arras is full of old charm and the Gothic-style Beffroi d'Arras is no exception to that. It was erected in 1463 but, was only completed in 1554. Going up to this belfry can be frightening and thus not recommended for those who have fear of heights, but if you want to conquer your fear - this is the perfect opportunity. Don’t worry, you will never regret it as the reward is very much worth it - magnificent views of Arras await you.
6. Delve into the story behind the beauty of Les Boves sous la place d’Arras
Les Boves sous la place d’Arras gives you a glimpse of the past. The historic underground quarry will make you feel like you have gone back to medieval times. The historic basement also served as a shelter during time of war. During your visit here, a friendly and English-speaking tour guide will assist you and tell you historical anecdotes.
7. Visit the impressive Arras Cathedral
The original Arras Cathedral was situated in northern France and was built between 1030 to 1396. During the French Revolution, the cathedral was destroyed but it was built again after the war. Today, it is considered to be one of the most admirable Gothic structures. Moreover, the cathedral features magnificent paintings that are also great to admire.
8. Step into the historic La Citadelle d'Arras
Built in the 17th century by Vauban, La Citadelle d'Arras (Citadel of Arras) is a pentagonal fortress which has a lovely chapel and recreation center. In 2008, La Citadelle d'Arras was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The citadel has become a small town in the city which has full of charm and character, from historical structures to attractions and lush green paths.
9. Discover the wonders of nature at Cité Nature
Cité Nature is a scientific and cultural center that is committed to promoting agriculture and nature. They also promote well-being through a balanced and healthy diet. Here, your eyes would probably twinkle with their artistic and scientific displays and thematic gardens. The whole place is exciting for all ages - both kids and adults will learn a lot.
10. Catch a show from TANDEM National Scene | ArrasThéâtre
Of course, there are also places in Arras for some great school entertainment. Dance, circus, songs, theater–with over 150 films and almost 80 contemporary performances every year, TANDEM National Scene always has something for you here. TANDEM is a smart collaboration between Hippodrome de Douai and Théâtre d'Arras. Stay tuned for upcoming shows like La Boite A Sel and Visite Du Lam - these shows are a must-watch.
Top 10 things to do in arrasRead also: Top 9 things to do in Anzio, Italy that you shouldn’t miss
From : https://wikitopx.com/orther/top-10-things-to-do-in-arras-france-707534.html
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derangedratposting · 1 year
Going to need more Roma mutuals and to see more Bove love because lawdddd, this man is so damn fine 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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