#bowie bible
stylecouncil · 2 years
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“Springsteen came down to hear what we were doing with his stuff. He was very shy. I remember sitting in the corridor with him, talking about his lifestyle, which was very Dylanesque – you know, moving from town to town with a guitar on his back, all that kind of thing. Anyway, he didn’t like what we were doing, I remember that. At least, he didn’t express much enthusiasm. I guess he must have thought it was all kind of odd. I was in another universe at the time. I’ve got this extraordinarily strange photograph of us all – I look like I’m made out of wax.”
- David Bowie, 1997 (One Step Up/Two Step Back album liner notes)
“I didn’t want to play [‘It’s Hard To Be A Saint In The City’] to him because I wasn’t happy with it anyway. And I was out of my wig. I just couldn’t relate to him at all. It was a bad time for us to have met. I could see that he was thinking, ‘Who is this weird guy?’ And I was thinking, ‘What do I say to normal people?’
- David Bowie (Musician, August 1987)
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vampyre-kin · 11 months
Me, happily drawing horny fanart of old men: I am doing the lords work 🙏
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I hope God commissions me to draw her some gay smut.
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agapintheskin · 2 years
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It was an amazing experience. Thank you so much for taking such good care of us. Cheers 🍷🍷
Bible on ig!
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falldogbombsthemoon · 1 month
There is so much happening in this.
David is a mean businessman? And he dances on a typewriter and also he does tap dance and has a whip?? And there are Santa's?? Also, he sings the zestiest "you know you got style" you'll ever hear
Just go watch it. It's worth it.
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singeratlarge · 1 year
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peter chauncey’s VIDEO OF THE WEEK "Mother of Pearl” (cover of a Roxy Music song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrXjwnhvqRQ …Bryan Ferry's lyrics take the dead end of 'party love' and measures it against the durability of pure love, alluding to Boticelli's ‘Birth of Venus’ painting, The Bible, and Frederic Neitzsche. Notes from Johnny J. Blair, who produced + played piano & guitar on the track: “I’m grateful I had the opportunity to be part of this project. The original 'Mother of Pearl' was a two-tiered rock operetta, opening with a sinister shindig, like a Sam Cooke party crashed by speed freak bikers. That party-groove abruptly cuts to a pensive, down-tempo Velvet Underground-style chord meditation.” peter extrapolated the second tier of Ferry's operetta, hypnotizing with VU-like noise drones (channeling Nicky Hopkins on the plano) while celebrating the power of eternal love.”
View here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrXjwnhvqRQ
#MotherofPearl #RoxyMusic #BryanFerry #piano #guitar #operetta #VelvetUnderground #party #love #SamCooke #Boticelli #Venus #Bible #Neitzsche #NickyHopkins #peterchauncey #johnnyjblair #video #music #artrock
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youknowsureyya · 10 hours
Imagine Ziggy Stardust but it's david from the bible dancing with all his might
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fortressofserenity · 23 days
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turnleftaticela · 1 year
The Manics are the band that’s most important to me but they’re not my favorite band. Musically I probably wouldn’t even put them in my top 5
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notyourmajesty · 9 months
Henry's Dog David, and How RWRB (the Book and the Movie) Explore the Meaning of His Name.
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(GIF by @andysapril)
CW: Mentions of deaths, murder attempts, mostly from Bible verses.
An Easter Egg from the book that the film managed to incorporate in an entirely different context.
Henry naming his dog David is one of the things Alex comments on both in the film and the book. He finds the name particularly odd for a pet, and when Henry tells him later that the inspiration was David Bowie, Alex remarks that he could have just used the surname instead.
This is basically just me overthinking the way the book and the film added "David and Jonathan" to two totally different scenes haha.
David Bowie
There has been a lot of debate over Bowie's sexuality since the 70s, and possibly conflicting statements from Bowie himself over the decades, but he did leave quite an impact on queer people in his time (ref: this article). Henry both in the book and in the film has often turned to literature and art for inspiration, and solace, when it came to exploring his own identity as a gay man. All kinds of historical queer identities - both debated and confirmed - show up in the tapestry of people and ideas that have influenced Henry's own thoughts and ideas (Alex's too). So it definitely makes sense that he would name his beloved pet dog after one of those inspirations.
(notably, during Henry's dramatic entrance when Alex comes down to the UK for damage control, the song playing is Bowie's "Up the Hill Backwards". You also see him choose a Queen song for karaoke, which makes me want to really headcanon him as a 70s prog rock fan 😄)
David and Jonathan
In the book, Alex goes over the details of Henry's fact sheet with Nora and his sister June. When he mentions the name of Henry's dog, he claims his dislike for the name is because it sounds more like a "tax attorney" than a beloved pet (Ch 2).
In the film, it's his SS detail Amy who quizzes him. She responds to his quip about Henry's choice of name for a pet by telling him what she's named her own dog. It's a tiny, fun detail with no lasting importance in the film, but I feel it does work within the larger framework of how the film incorporates queer readings and figures too.
I see this as a reference to a popular reading of the Hebrew/Biblical story of David and Jonathan from the 2 books of Samuel. David was a shepherd anointed by the prophet Samuel (through orders from God), to succeed King Saul, and Jonathan was Saul's son who was extremely devoted to David and even saved him from his father's wrath. They were known to have made a covenant to each other soon after they met, and the first Book of Samuel gives us a picture of an immensely close bond between the two:
After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt. (1 Samuel 18, 1-4)
Interpretations of their relationship have ranged from close friendship to a romantic relationship, and there have been many, many queer readings on this pair.
In Casey McQuiston's RWRB too, Alex references both a saying from the Book of Proverbs (24:13), and the story of David and Jonathan in the same paragraph. This is in Ch 10, when Henry takes Alex to the V&A museum. This particular sequence is in the inner chamber of the museum, shortly after the couple dance to Elton John's "Your Song".
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He compares himself and Henry to "a lost David and Jonathan", and it's pretty obvious why when you think of their devotion, and the tragic end of the relationship of the latter. Like Jonathan, Henry is a prince utterly devoted to one man, and sure that his family too will be against their bond. Like David, Alex is an outsider who the royal family may view as a threat to their stability, and therefore must be kept away. David's love for Jonathan is immense: he makes the covenant with Saul's son soon after they meet, and when he mourns Jonathan's death, he says "Thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women." (2 Samuel 1:26).
This amazing post from @elipheleh explores this metaphor more in detail (as well as St. Chiara, and a quote from Oscar Wilde, who is referenced both in the book and the film as a writer Henry is fond of). It also speaks about the verse from the Book of Proverbs that Alex remembers, partly in Spanish, partly in English - Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste. (Proverbs 24:13-14)
(Jonathan in 1 Samuel also has his own reference to honey - there is a story that chronicles a tense moment between Jonathan and his father, King Saul, due to Jonathan eating wild honey on a day when the troops were bound by an oath to fast (he had not heard the oath himself). He almost faces death by Saul's hand for breaking the oath the latter had made, but is saved by the other people in the troops. (1 Samuel 14: 24-46). I've seen different ways of this passage being interpreted - as either Jonathan being judged for disobeying an oath even though he was not around when it was announced, or Saul being viewed as foolish for making such an oath in the first place. The main point is, Saul is ready to kill his son for breaching a certain protocol, and it is the people who save Jonathan.
Similarly IMO, Henry is prepared to live his whole life in the closet viewing his sexuality as something that would bring shame to his family, but eventually recognizes that he has support. Both within his family (in the form of his mother Catherine and his sister Bea), and in the public eye)
At this point in their lives, Alex and Henry see very little hope that things will get better soon enough for them to unite. It is more than likely that - in their minds - this one romantic visit will be their last for a long, long time. Of course David and Jonathan - who parted ways in the hope of being reunited after the battle with Jonathan's father, and whose friendship/love met a tragic end - would be considered a fitting parallel for the situation Alex and Henry find themselves in.
The book has the space and scope to explore many, many images and symbols that could fit Alex and Henry. Whether it's in the letters they send each other, the references Alex learns more about as he figures out his sexuality. The book can - at the V&A museum - describe the statues the two men linger at in loving detail, making us more aware how poignant their temporary separation will be and how bittersweet this last dance is.
The movie's focus is different - the V&A scene is a (presumably) final, deeply intimate moment that lets Alex see for real the weight of his role in Henry's environment, and how little he expects to see his dreams come true. It also lets Henry see how determined Alex is to make his every dream a reality.
Most moments of highlighting queer literature or history are pocketed away in smaller sequences in the film, as small references and Easter eggs (eg. the books they recommend each other), as the film focuses more on the relationship and it's effects both on the men and the world around them. The V&A is more a visual backdrop for that bittersweet last moment where the two can find equal ground and truly understand each other. I think mentioning the names of the statues would take away from that.
The movie didn't need to include David and Jonathan. Why is why I'm truly, truly grateful that they still did. Even as a tiny, cute Easter egg that is supposed to be banter about weirdly specific pet-naming protocol 💖
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bugsbenefit · 4 months
i'm mmmmh still thinking thoughts (it's about the poster, of course it is, been fascinated by that since s4)
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the last few minutes of every season always drop some major hints for the next season that are pretty explicit in hindsight. some examples
s1 shows the baby slugs Will coughs up that come back in s2, hints El might still be alive when Hopper leaves Eggo waffles out in the forest, and gives Nancy a sweet moment with Jonathan despite still dating Steve, s2 has El living with Hopper and J/ancy going canon
s2 shows the mindflayer looming over the school -> meatflayer is the main threat of s3 (as well as s2 having lumax and mleven dancing who will both be established couples by the start of s3)
s3 ends with the Byers moving away and Max sitting alone in Billy's room, s4 then has the Byers living in California be a major plotpoint as well as Max's trauma around Billy's death almost killing her
and so on you get it. in hindsight there will obviously be some pretty major hints in the last 10 minutes of s4
and some already seem pretty straight forward. obviously the gates opening is the big thing, the UD will be a focus in s5. the camera lingering on the church and Jason's bible quote outside also seems like it's a pretty solid nudge at the vibe in town next season. also things like the hill scene in general with the coupled grouping (doesn't even have to be about "endgames" necessarily, would also make sense as main groups of s5, since they're split into adults, teens (now young adults), and kids (teens) again)
but the whole blood thing going on in the last 10 minutes that comes out of nowhere? i want to know where that is going
we already had a ton of blood in s4, with the lab massacre and nose bleeds for the Vecna victims. so why does the donating blood theme come up after all that, what happens in s5 that makes it warrant the blood teaser (that sounds horrible) when s4 already had so much of it? and it's not just blood in general, there's a very specific focus on "giving" blood, however you want to interpret that
the poster in the hospital room already feels extremely foreshadowy in s4 given how bold it's written, how it's the only legible text on screen, and how it's in the negative space of the blocking the whole time so your eyes are drawn to it
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but it's not even just that one poster either. in case you missed that one or didn't bother reading it in the hospital they also give you the blood donations promo table that the shot lingers on, that has so many posters begging for your blood it's not even funny anymore. and hey, even for those not reading background posters, there's 4 separate blood drop graphics so you definitely know they want blood, the show seems to really really want people to acknowledge it
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and now they use the same exact poster from these last 10 minutes again? in another location? that's more focus on it than even i expected what are we going for here
be a hero give blood you say? on the show with the constant allusions to being a hero? "heroes" by david bowie, superheroes and powers, "don't try to be heroes" only for Eddie to die when he breaks his own advice? all of s4 was about how you shouldn't try to be a hero and that running away is okay. Max also almost dies when she stops running to distract Vecna. girl you know someone is fucked with that poster, that's a set up screaming for disaster (it's also not lost on me how even the stage show has a focus on blood and !TFS SPOILER! as far as i know Brenner senior even dies after not being able to receive blood donations due to his now abnormal blood type anymore. so there's some weird focus on blood going on even outside of the in show canon now, even specifically about giving blood, or well, not being able to give blood in this case. no one was a hero and gave blood in tfs i guess lmao. what are they cooking here)
the poster is also so vague there's so many ways this can be horrible for the characters. in the actual blood donation to save someone way? would be kind of tame but who knows what lore/plot s5 will deliver. in the sacrifice yourself/get injured to save someone way? or a secret third thing we don't have enough context to guess yet?
be a hero give blood my ass. who's giving blood for what tell me now. also how bad will "giving blood" be for them
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Pls reblog this if you vote the chaos needs to spread
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 3 months
inspired by @bloodcoveredgf's post because I'm curious
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forestdeath1 · 2 months
i don’t think atyd was that bad (not trying to bash the author ofc it was very well written) but the only mischaracterised character was remus. sirius would’ve probably said “she’s got the best tits” about mary, they would fatshame peter, etc. and people who say that mary wasn’t given a personality apart from being a stereotypical girl when we see her not trusting dumbledore because of how english people treated her jamaican grandpa after he fought ww2. etc etc etc.
You know, I don't really have any issues with ATYD because I see Remus and the other characters as OC. The problem isn't the story itself, but rather how some fans treat it like canon. You can enjoy any fanfic you want, but it's strange to treat one as the Marauders bible. I think, ATYD is a decent fanfic about OC. I'd portray Sirius and James way tougher, though. But I think, Sirius would never say "she’s got the best tits." And, honestly, I doubt Sirius would be into David Bowie. But hey, I'm not overly critical about other people's fanfics. If the author sees Sirius that way, that's their right to write him like that. The whole problem lies with fans who haven't read canon, only ATYD.
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singeratlarge · 2 years
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peter chauncey’s VIDEO OF THE WEEK "Mother of Pearl” (cover of a Roxy Music song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrXjwnhvqRQ …Bryan Ferry's lyrics take the dead end of 'party love' and measures it against the durability of pure love, alluding to Boticelli's ‘Birth of Venus’ painting, The Bible, and Frederic Neitzsche. Notes from Johnny J. Blair, who produced + played piano & guitar on the track: “I’m grateful I had the opportunity to be part of this project. The original 'Mother of Pearl' was a two-tiered rock operetta, opening with a sinister shindig, like a Sam Cooke party crashed by speed freak bikers. That party-groove abruptly cuts to a pensive, down-tempo Velvet Underground-style chord meditation. Bryan Ferry's lyrics take the dead end of 'party love' and measures it against the durability of pure love, alluding to Boticelli's ‘Birth of Venus’ painting, The Bible, and Frederic Neitzsche. peter extrapolated the second tier of Ferry's operetta, hypnotizing with VU-like noise drones (channeling Nicky Hopkins on the plano) while celebrating the power of eternal love.”
View here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrXjwnhvqRQ
#MotherofPearl #RoxyMusic #BryanFerry #piano #guitar #operetta #VelvetUnderground #party #love #SamCooke #Boticelli #Venus #Bible #Neitzsche #NickyHopkins #peterchauncey #johnnyjblair #video #music #artrock
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fortressofserenity · 6 months
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gayest-classiclit · 9 months
when the classic is litting but in a wacky new way
or, the adaptation bracket! we MAY have a losers bracket for this. i have many ideas hehe.
here is the link to submit to the autism bracket :)
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matchups are under the cut!
part a
metal gear solid v: the phantom pain (video game) vs much ado about nothing 2011 (movie/filmed production)
romeo + juliet 1996 (movie) vs diamond dogs by david bowie (album)
10 things i hate about you (movie) vs the lizzie bennett diaries (web series)
emma 2020 (movie) vs carmilla 2014 (web series)
natasha, pierre and the great comet of 1812 (musical) vs gates of delirium by yes (song)
my own private idaho (movie) vs the secret shanghai series by chloe gong (book series)
ophelia by the lumineers (song) vs the emma agenda (web series)
fahrenheit 451 (video game) vs i bleed by dahlia adler (short story)
part b
the great gatsby (video game) vs earnest 101 (web series)
dark hallucinations by steel prophet (album) vs duodecimal by max goosebooks (short story)
clueless (movie) vs the lion king (movie)
pride and prejudice 2005 (movie) vs she's the man (movie)
bible adventures (video game) vs public works' twelfth night (musical)
arm joe (video game) vs rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead (stage play)
the last true poets of the sea (book) vs ghost quartet (musical)
send them off! by bastille (song) vs like you like it (musical)
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