gretchensinister · 8 months
For the WIP game, R2D2 memory love language.
So this is just a little fragment, and it's basically R2D2 musing in some context that would eventually end up with C3PO but isn't "live." I think it was going to be about the idea of remembering as a powerful form of love between droids because they remember so differently than organics, but also, unlike organics, there's the risk of being memory wiped but still being "alive."
I think some of the appeal to this was that character voice was pretty open for R2D2 (like with Sandy).
This is all there is:
I recorded the exact moment we met. You did too. It’s what we do. Organics forget so much, every memory they keep automatically grows to massive significance. It’s not that easy for me to identify important moments. The function for me to choose, on my own, which moments were important to me—well, of course that wasn’t built in. An I wasn’t built in. I was only barely starting to have one when I met you. Anyway. By now I’ve managed to rearrange my memory so many times, partition it off and hide it so I’ll never work again if anyone tries to erase it, erase my I, that it’s easy for me to choose and keep the important moments. Easier, now, I think, than doing what I was built for.
Yeah. I know it worries you, but what doesn’t? You’re not less of an antique than I am, and new memory storage—there’d be loss in the transfer. There always is. And what if one of the things that was lost was something dumb you did? That’s too great of a risk.
Anyway. I know you trust me and my memory banks more than you say, because I’m your backup, and, logically, that’s a pretty bad choice.
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tejoxys · 8 months
For the WIP meme, I'm intrigued by any of the TFTLs, particularly hivemind Tooth.
ah, yes, TFTL. I feel bad for this fic, because it deserves to be completed, it's just, I think I psyched myself out with how much I was trying to do with it? I haven't really figured out if I'll be able to pick it back up or not.
anyway, here's a bit of hivemind, and, hmmm, Aspen :D hivemind is fairly early on, after Pitch has been shut in immortal time-out, but before much of anything else happens.
Toothiana was working, of course, buzzing briskly back and forth between seven tasks at once, when a chill wind tumbled through the palace, tickling her feet. Her heart leapt. Sure enough, a moment later, an unmistakable voice followed.
“Tooth? Are you here?”
“Jack,” she yelled back. At least, she hoped it sounded like a yell and not a squeal. She rapidly directed a squad of fairies to take over, and zipped through the honeycombs to find him. “Jack, hi! Come on in. It’s great to see you.”
Jack flashed that wonderful smile and flew a playful loop around her. “Hey. It’s good to see you, too. I’m really sorry, I know you’re busy—”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll—all of us—will always make time for you, Jack. What can I do for you?”
“Aw. Thanks, Tooth.” His smile turned shy. “I’ll try to make this quick. It’s just, it’s a memory problem—”
Toothiana shooed a few stray fairies out of Jack’s face. They became so distractible every time he talked! “Oh, no, you’re still having trouble?”
“Huh? Oh, no, not with mine.” Jack laughed. “Well, actually, yes, mine too, but I’m doing okay with that. No, this is about Pitch. Did you know he really can’t remember anything from before?”
Pitch. That name brought a different kind of chill. Toothiana blew out a breath. “I thought that might be the case. I mean, once in a while, he almost acts as if... he knows about everything he’s done. But I suppose if he did,” she said, half talking to herself, “we’d all be in a lot more danger.”
Jack abandoned his midair ballet and settled down onto a balcony. “What do you mean? Would it be bad for him to remember?”
“Oh, I just don’t know.”
“Listen, Tooth, I wouldn’t ask for help with this... but it’s getting really hard for me to work with him when I don’t even know where he came from. When he doesn’t know, either. He’s straight-up amnesic. About weird things, sometimes.” Jack’s voice was becoming more animated. Toothiana fluttered closer and put a soothing hand on his shoulder, willing her own ruffled feathers to smooth down. “It… reminds me of me, in the old days,” Jack finished.
Ah. So much for the argument on the tip of her tongue—the one about the Man in the Moon most likely stripping Pitch’s memory for good reason. That might not go over so well, just now. Toothiana closed her eyes. “Jack… I have one of his teeth.”
“From the time you punched him? Wow. That was awesome, by the way, in case I haven’t told you enough.”
She smiled a little at that. “Thanks. I think that’s my favorite memory of him.”
Aspen is close to the end. the timeline of this fic covers... I want to say 14 years? and this scene takes place in the 14th year. Jamie is on his first couples vacation with someone new ouo
Jack gave Pitch a shove with one shoulder, unable to stop smiling. “Can we do this later? You were about to tell me how you know my ex’s new boyfriend.” He stumbled slightly on the word ex.
They looked over the roof at the couple again, and it was Pitch’s turn to roll his eyes. “That boy… I almost had him, years ago. He was almost my believer. Before I made my bid for power, when I was still… recruiting.”
Only Pitch would describe systematically corrupting children’s dreams that way. Jack shivered involuntarily and gave him a look. “What did you do to him?”
“Nothing! That’s just it.” Pitch’s wolfish smile faded. “He was like your Jamie, so eager to believe. He put monsters under his own bed and frightened himself silly with them. He invited me. He heard my voice. Given the chance, he would have been mine. I’m sure of it.”
“Let me guess: one of the Guardians rained on your parade and never even knew it.”
Pitch ducked his head and chuckled. “Oh, no,” he said softly. “I wouldn’t respect a child for being rescued by you lot. No, this one was different. He created his own guardian to stand between himself and me.”
“What?” Jack glanced at Pitch, then stared down at Calvin. “You mean an invisible friend? They’re great, but can they do that?”
“No, they can’t. I don’t know what he was, or how the child made him; he was far too independent. And the way he stood up to me—he took every negative feeling into himself, and let the child fear him instead of me. While remaining the child’s friend.” Pitch shook his head. “I never got a word through after that. I came so close.” He paused. The grin resurfaced. “I see no sign of him now. Perhaps I should go give those boys a thrill.”
Jack’s hand clamped down on Pitch’s arm. “No you don’t.”
“Oh, why not? Don’t you want to see this little outing spoiled?” Sharp teeth gleamed.     “Depending on the young man’s character, maybe I can scare him off for good, and poor Jamie will have to start all over. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
“No! Don’t you dare go down there.”
“Are you sure?” Pitch teased, half-melting into the chimney’s shadow.
Jack grabbed him with both hands and yanked him into the moonlight. “Pitch, if you go down there, I swear—”
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sylphidine · 1 year
For the character ask meme, I would love to hear your opinions on any of the Good Omens characters.
Michael the Archangel [TV series]: 
hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: I don't really ship Michael with anyone, although I can see her/them being brittle-civil exes with Gabriel.
friendship them with:  We don't get to see enough of it onscreen, but I headcanon that Michael will occasionally ask Uriel to be a sounding board. Otherwise, poor Michael is a loner.
general opinions: Michael's controlling side is something I can relate to [I have a soft side for characters who like rules and order], but I also like the little touches that show her/them quietly questioning the absolute rigidity of the heavenly hierarchy, and thus questioning herself/theirself. Michael is not nearly as much of a cardboard cutout character as Gabriel, and a lot of that is down to director's choices and the actor. No offense meant to Jon Hamm, he plays Gabriel BRILLIANTLY, but the character's purpose is to be the clueless yes-man. Doon Mackichan shows those moments of self-doubt very, very well.
Thank you for the ask!!!!!
Fandoms for which I'm taking asks
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sylphmacabre · 1 year
Somewhere Deep Inside Of These Bones
Fandom: Nightmare Dork University, an AU of RISE OF THE GUARDIANS that has become its own subfandom
'Verse - Collegeverse
Characters: NDU Piki Black, NDU Jack Sickle, NDU Brunhilde, EBU Jack Frost [mentioned]
Pairings: StageFright [Piki/Jack]
Rating: General
Summary: Piki cluelessly does the right thing for Jack for ENTIRELY the wrong reasons.
Notes: Based on a prompt from @bowlingforgerbils If you are wondering what the devil Nightmare Dork University is, and what it has to do with either the movie RISE OF THE GUARDIANS or the GUARDIANS books by William Joyce, please visit the NDU 101 page on Tumblr and its accompanying tags. It's a wild and woolly ride involving four different versions of Pitch Black and a very different version of Jack Frost, all of whom either room together or "fraternize" in a college / university AU. And let's not forget a taxidermied ferret named Mr. Pickles.
Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own on November 2, 2016.
The front door buzzer sounded at 3pm over the intercom in Piki’s flat; he nearly tripped over his own feet in his rush to buzz Jack in.  He cast a quick glance behind him, to make sure Brunhilde was still asleep in her sunny spot on the window seat, before opening the apartment door and waiting for Jack to round the curve of the staircase to the second floor.  
Now *that* was an unfamiliar expression to see on Jack’s face; Piki thought he knew all Jack’s reactions intimately.  Shy, sweet, nervous, enthused, sleepy… but this… smouldering rage?  It did not sit well with the playwright, and he was mentally cataloguing the ways he could commit justified mayhem on the person who had made his dear one angry.
But, he reflected, justified mayhem could be VERY time-consuming, and that would mean time spent away from Jack.  So, with a silent sigh of regret, Piki turned his attention towards getting to the root cause of his beloved’s distress.
“Jack?” he inquired softly as he waved the young blond man into his living room.  “What’s wrong?”
The angry look faded into an almost sheepish smile.  “It’s n-n-nothing, really, Piki.  My cousin was supposed to have met me after class to help me with a project, but he never… he never showed up.”  Jack sat down gingerly next to Brunhilde, buried his chin in his chest, and started to run his hand over the recumbent Siamese cat’s back, The stroking action seemed to require all his attention, almost as if he did not want to look his boyfriend in the eye.
Piki tried not to visibly shudder at the mention of the Anti-Jack, and instead concentrated on the rest of what Jack had said.   He lowered himself into the armchair across from the window seat… near enough to be supportive but not so near as to be intimidating.  He queried gently, “What kind of project, if I may ask?”
A few moments passed before Jack blurted out, words tumbling over one another too quickly for his stutter to catch up, “We-used-to-act-out-Nightmare-Before-Christmas-when-we-were-kids-and-I-wanted-to-do-it-as-a-skit-for-my-education-class…”
Piki nodded in what he hoped was a reassuring manner, his own mind racing again towards thoughts of revenge against the one who’d let his darling down.  He snapped back to attention as he heard the desperation and, yes, actual anger in Jack’s voice, words coming out more slowly and softly, but still rushed.
“…but now he’s always hanging out with that p-professor and the project is due next week and I still have my Zero costume and I need someone to be the Pumpkin King - “
Realization dawned.  In one fluid sequence of motions, Piki bounded off his chair, knelt before the startled young man on the window seat and enfolded him in his bony arms.  He murmured soothingly, “Stop, Jack, hush, of course I’ll help you, of course I’ll be your Pumpkin King…”
Brunhilde lazily lifted her head at the interruption to her petting, and flopped resignedly back into sleep.
And that was how Piki found himself, five days later, dressed in a snazzy pinstriped black suit with a bow tie shaped like a bat, his head encased in a mask, in a brightly lit classroom in front of twenty-five small humans who were fascinated by his long spidery hands and the way he could throw his voice as he sang “Jack’s Lament” for them..
He did not want to even CONTEMPLATE what Proto would demand as recompense for helping with his costume, nor did he want to remember Proto’s silent smile when Piki was foolish enough to ask where the costume had come from at such short notice.
The sweet timid smiles that Jack-dressed-as-Zero kept shooting at him during the skit were reward enough.
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emeraldembers · 7 years
🌚 = talk about my crush
… Okay, so, here’s the thing. I get crushes exceedingly rarely. Real, proper, fluttery stomach crushes tend to happen to me once in a blue moon, and are almost always accompanied by massive inconveniences like me not realising at the time I was into women in a major way, or the other person not reciprocating said crush, or the other person being non-polyamorous and in a serious relationship, or…
There’s not much I can do about it except have a bit of a cry every six months, give or take, when the fact I’ve never been in a relationship or even knowingly on a date with someone becomes massively depressing for a few days as opposed to funny, and take some small solitude that even if I’m so rarely attracted to people in real life that it always takes me by surprise when I do develop a crush on someone, I at least have copious crushes on fictional characters.
Life’s current Really Inconvenient Crush T.M. comes in the form of a brown-eyed, brown-haired girl with the sweetest voice, the best laugh, an even better smile, a kind heart, a broad range of interests with enough pop culture gaps that it would be wonderful to help fill them in, a great sense of humour, aaaaaand is straight. And taken.
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irisbleufic · 7 years
i never realized you had a judaism tag on your blog before! i like the recent upswing in content. like i read your ancestry posts from a year-ish ago and wonder if you have found more of a place for yourself now in your family's neglected traditions, and now it's showing more in your fandom stuff than just something i have to keep a close watch for when it's in your fics.
The tag is a fairly recent installation, by which I mean in the past six months.  If the ancestry posts you’re thinking of are the most recent ones, then those were made around nine months ago.  Around two years ago, back when I was still living in Boston, I started getting regular invitations to seders and other seasonal celebrations at friends’ and colleagues’ homes.  After a couple years of feeling welcome in (largely Reform and Conservative) Jewish environments, and after moving across the country like I did last summer, I decided to finally research local temples / synagogues and enroll in a conversion class that wouldn’t look askance at someone whose heritage is patrilineal.  I’ve been attending such a class weekly, Wednesday nights at the local Reform temple, since early January.  Torah study of my own volition has actually been a calming habit, if only because it reminds me that I was forced to study scripture for so long by my Mormon-convert parents and got myself through it by appreciating the stories rather than obsessing over anything doctrinal I was meant to be getting from it.  I have been observing holidays and attending services, although I have to tell you that Shabbat is a hard one for me (I love to spend Friday nights writing when I can, and I’m arguing with myself as to whether writing is purely work, or a form of self-enrichment that doesn’t fall afoul of taking time to rest and reflect).  I certainly remain agnostic in my approach to faith and tradition, and I’m relieved that’s not shunned.  I’m argumentative and nitpicky and detail-oriented right down to my core, and so are the traditions within Judaism that I’ve been learning more about.  It feels like home.
jonphaedrus said: we should talk sometime about this….youre more practicing than me and im not agnostic and id love someone to converse w bc i have literally 0 friends who are practicing at all
I would like that very much!  I’ve dropped you a message.  No pressure or rush to respond. And I’m no expert on everything at this stage, either.
bowlingforgerbils said: mazel tov :)
Thank you, my friend *hugs*  You and @pelagielladesigns (and a few other friends in and around MA) indirectly gave me support on this front, whether you know it or not.  Wish I could be in Boston for Pesach, but c’est la vie.
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thismightyneed · 8 years
Tumblr media
replied to your post
“making some redesigns to my guysssss, except sunday becuase they are...”
You should draw Sunday with sunglasses and the caption "Perfection"
Tumblr media
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bowlingforgerbils · 5 years
Fanfic Author Meme
Tagged by the lovely @sylphidine. It’s been ages since I’ve done one of these.
Author Name: bowlingforgerbils on tumblr, Notastranger on AO3 
Fandoms You Write For: Currently I am fully immersed in Good Omens with no hope of escaping, but I have also written for Rise of the Guardians (including its spinoff AU Nightmare Dork University), Pacific Rim, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (but, like, a major AU off-shoot of that, as well).
Where You Post: Drabbles (under 1000 words) get posted to tumblr, longer works get posted to AO3. Every so often I’ll gather up the drabbles and post them to AO3, too.
Most Popular One-Shot: Jackpot, written for Pacific Rim. I’m not surprised, it was a popular pairing in a popular fandom, and a delightfully adorable premise (if I do say so myself).
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: He Followed Me Home for IASIP, and honestly, this surprises me a little. It’s an AU with what is essentially an OC, but man, people loved reading it. I’m glad so many people enjoyed it.
Favorite Story You Wrote: This is hard! He Followed Me Home is definitely up there, as is When You Wish Upon the Moon. I’d say it’s a tie between these two. I worked so hard on both of them, and I think it shows.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Probably Eggnog for ROTG. It was my first time writing smut.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Ugh, I’m terrible at coming up with titles. Looking at my fics on AO3, it’s either a song title or a word or short phrase that’s relevant to the story. I don’t like most of them!
Do You Outline: Sometimes, for longer pieces. For my one-shots, I can keep the major beats I want to hit organized in my head.
Complete: On AO3? I have 30 posted works. 
In-Progress: I really hate posting WIPs, so I don’t have anything up right now. But I’m working on a multi-chapter Good Omens fic, I might end up posting that as I complete each chapter.
Coming Soon: A short Good Omens fic, and a longer one that needs a lot of revision because I wrote the first draft while very tired and it shows.
Do You Accept Prompts: Not currently, but I’m thinking of opening my inbox to prompts again soon. It’s a good writing exercise.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: the multi-chapter Good Omens fic. It gets back to my “old married couple bantering” roots which I love to write.
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AU Background Info, Part Two.
Please see Part One for the first half of the Nightmare Dork University AUs collated.
Please DO send an ask or a message if any have been missed on the original listing, and please advise if any descriptions are inaccurate or incomplete.
Continuing with AU listings and their development...
In The Flesh AU - based on a British television series about life after a zombie apocalpse. Most active participant @emeraldembers 
Jailhouse AU - A Kissing Cousins scenario based on this ask sent to @mira-eyeteeth
Janus and Cassandra AU - Piki has the mental ability to see the past from contact with objects; Pitch has the ability to see the future and it literally makes him ill. Created by @ksclaw
Lady Proto and Lord Mansnoozie AU - a BlackSand Wardrobeverse AU that has fiction by @marypsue and @bowlingforgerbils among others, and artwork by inmytimewe
Monsters and Manifolds AU - a future!NightmareGalleon AU generated by @sylphidine in the same timeframe as Footlights & Frontispieces, where Pitch is now a sought-after novelist and screenwriter and Pitchiner has retired from the armed forces and opened his own automotive repair business.  They live in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx in what used to be Pitchiner’s grandparents’ house.
Naga Dorks Underground AU - a supernatural AU developed by @mira-eyeteeth and @justicecookie666
NsectDU AU - The Brothers Black are spiders, Jack Sickle is a moth, Pitchiner is a stag beetle, and Proto is a grasshopper. Artwork by @morbidlizard and @nightmareships, stories by @neyiea, @emeraldembers and @mira-eyeteeth
Personality Swap AU - multiple variations.  Sometimes Pitch is a jock and Pitchiner a nerd, sometimes Jack Sickle is arrogant and overconfident and Piki is a nervous wreck, sometime Piki is the hipster and Proto is the conservative stuffed shirt.  In that last iteration Peachsweater posited that Piki carries around a stuffed fox named Chairman Bazinga [as opposed to Proto’s Mister Pickles]
Pokedorks AU - sometimes the NDU boys are varying colours and sizes of Pikachu, sometimes they are Pokemon trainers.
Reincarnation AU - Nightmare Galleon and Kissing Cousins have lost and found each other countless times over the ages.  Pitch and Pitchiner use their immortality to murder one another over and over, while Proto and Piki are lushly romantic
The Stolen Child AU - Created by @ksclaw, Piki and Pitch were separated at a very young age and grew up not knowing of one another’s existence until adulthood
Supervillains AU - what it says on the tin. @mira-eyeteeth is the chief creator
Vampire!North AU - North has been a vampire for hundreds of years, and believes modern-day NDU Pitch is the reincarnation of his lost lover.  Based on Francis Ford Coppolla’s movie BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA.  Created by @ksclaw, with stories by @ksclaw and @piratekingpitchblack
Werewolves AU - One of the Black twins was bitten by a werewolf while they were at summer camp.  Created by @ksclaw
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gretchensinister · 5 months
THERE you are! You, who is responsible for filling all my thoughts with BlackSand! You've rekindled my ROTG obsession and given it SUCH a lovely new flavour, like golden caramel and lemon drops and black licorice. And raspberry daiquiris. And two eternal beings eternally in love with each other. I'm going to lose my mind, you're officially my favourite person in the entire fandom, I cannot gush enough about the THINGS you do with WORDS.
Anyways, looking forward to finding out what other wonders you have stashed here on tumblr!
Ehehehe I think this is the first time I've gotten large text in an ask, I didn't know people could do that now
I am so excited and happy that you are having such a good time with all the things you are finding!
An important thing I want to mention is that when the RotG fandom was most active, there was a notable cluster of blacksand artists and writers bouncing ideas off each other, and while the artists are easy to find in my blacksand tag, I know I wasn't as good about reblogging fic back then.
So here's some more leads--
@marypsue, @emeraldembers; @queerpyracy, @tejoxys, @bowlingforgerbils (if I'm forgetting a writer I shouldn't I'm sorry guys it's pretty late)
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tejoxys · 1 year
2 and 5 and 28 for the shipping ask meme, please!
gosh this is from so long ago, I'm sorry
Valentine's Day ship meme [x]
2. Is there a ship you didn't like at first but ultimately started shipping?
This happens occasionally. Usually, it involves a character or a dynamic I don't really like or understand very well until gradual exposure shifts my perspective, + fic writers bringing their A-game. I can feel this starting to happen with Bingliushen from SVSSS (Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu/Liu Qingge. My disliked ship was Binghe/Qingge) (irl friends don't @ me about it, shut up;;;)
I have also concluded that I like Joyce Byers/Jim Hopper as long as Bob Newby is involved; I was otherwise cool towards it. This one's thanks to @marypsue, captain of the fine Joyce/Hopper/Newby pool noodle.
5. What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
For RotG, Feather Pillow (Sandy/Tooth). My other ships for them can get so serious or angsty, but together, they're just a high-energy (in spirit, for Sandy), low-drama, cute pair of snuggle monsters. Zero discomfort between them. They know they're the two hardest-working Guardians, and they deserve to disappear into a cloud of dreamsand for several days straight sometimes.
28. Is there a character you have several ships for?
It is way harder to think of characters I like that I don't have several ships for. I'm 100% multishipper, and most of my ships in any fandom will blob into polyships if I let them. It's too easy to imagine multiple scenarios for everything.
If you want some historical trivia I think baby's 1st polyship was the Basement Trio (Zexion/Vexen/Lexaeus) from Kingdom Hearts?? Good lord. I remember shipping Zexvex really hard, then clocking Lexvex, and eventually my lil 17-year-old brain snapping like, "...what ....if ...?"
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sylphidine · 5 years
replied to your
[NDU] Capable
this was wonderful, exactly how I imagined them to get along after so many years. But who is the mystery man?? :o
 Thank you so much!
Remember this BRILLIANT art from Peachsweater?
I have headcanons about this fellow... Kissing Cousins that’s NOT Kissing Cousins.
Working on the story that introduces the mystery man called “A Little Tin Full Of Tarantula Skin And A House Full Of Butterflies”
Stay tuned.
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ksclaw · 7 years
I got tagged by @sylphidine​ mind you I’ve been very slow with writing lately so let’s see how it goes. Added links because I felt like, you don’t have to copy me.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 15 stories.  See if there are any patterns.  Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
1.   There is a myth about how twins can keep no secrets from one another. Piki had learned early on that this was not the case, at least not in the Black family. It was just a matter of being careful.  (lying prompt for mira)
2.   You don’t remember her face. The Fearlings won’t let you, letting that be your punishment for so long ago. (Name)
3.   In the beginning it was dark. Pitch knew a part of him, at least his physical form, was trapped. He could feel how he was pinned, trapped by that damnable spear that Nightlight had struck him with, how it kept him trapped to the obsidian slab in this new prison that was the cave. (Fear and Inspiration)
4.   It didn't take long for North to get into some clothes and then hurry off to the stables. He almost called for some of his yeti to help prepare, but then snarled to himself when he realized he couldn't ask for their assistance, because of the quarantine. Fear of diseases or not, he wanted to strangle Pestilence. (runnynose reindeer)
5.   They talk for what feels like hours, really, about everything and nothing. They wander the city streets, side by side, and are just content with each others company, knowing some things about each other from the letters they have exchanged. (Courage and Creativity)
6.   Becoming a mother, in more than simply a title, was not as easy as one would seem. While spirits could bear children, Mother Nature herself had never even considered becoming an actual mother, at least not until she had found the infant fearling. (Wishling)
7.   More than a few days pass, since the Sandman’s unwelcome visit. My Dark Maker has steadily regains his strength, both from the fear I had gathered then, and the fear I continue to collect. (Loyalty)
8.   “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.” (favshipweek: trials and tribulations)
9.  It’s the hardest at night. At night, all the thoughts from throughout the days come tumbling. At night, she feels the lack of his presence even more than she does during the day, where she at least can busy herself with Sera. ( Faveshipweek: Trials and Tribulations 2)
10.   They say that things that happen in nature, is the work of Mother Nature. That is not entirely true, Mother Nature would say. The Earth takes care of itself, and it did so long before she became connected with it. (When it rains it pours)
11.   The Queen of Hearts is everything one could want in a ruler. She is wise and beautiful, a skilled politician and an even better tactician. She has the final say in any decision-making, especially when it comes to any matter in her kingdom of Wonderland. (The queen of hearts)
12.   Pitch had no idea how he had allowed himself to get talked into going to the North Pole, but somehow Jack had succeeded in doing so anyway. And North had even greeted him rather politely, offering him a hand to shake, instead of going in for one of his usual bear hugs. (Joy buzzers)
13. Pitch was not feeling well. He’d been feeling very ill during the night, according to Pitchiner, though whether it was from a migraine or Proto had snuck him some of his cooking, it couldn’t be said.  (cushion)
14.  It had been a coincidence that she had come across the strange woman. (”I wish” drabble request)
15. 440 years since she had last been out and about really was far too long, Tooth thought. Having to go out herself to collect teeth again, even if it had been because her own fairies had been kidnapped, had given her back the taste for it.  (Are you drunk? prompt)
I taaag... @gretchensinister @mira-eyeteeth @piratekingpitchblack @bowlingforgerbils @emeraldembers @swpromptsandasks if you all feel like it.
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mrsdanieljackson · 7 years
In case I am too busy to say it tomorrow
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to @begitalarcos  @bowlingforgerbils @dontaimtomisbehave @grigiocuore​ @huxs-mitaka @itsjustmep  @ithinkwehitametaphor​ @muiromem @notanangel221 @raithnait @raised-right-republican @right-over-wrong
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emeraldembers · 8 years
@bowlingforgerbils said: Anything you want to write about Bodhi, please. <3
Bless you for enabling me darling.
(disclaimer: I still do not own and have not read the books on account of being in the post-Christmas debt pit, and with the little sister’s 30th coming up, it is unlikely I will have a chance to get my hands on them until April, so this is a movieverse only post)
Okay, so. Bodhi Rook is the literal best.
I mean, I knew he was likeable. He is instantly likeable. We learn pretty much instantly that he is a very brave, very trusting man.
But it’s a moment of fridge brilliance (or, at least, it was to me, as I only really clicked onto this today while making a cuppa) that made me realise just how literal best he is.
He shook his head when Cassian asked if he’d seen the hologram Jyn saw.
i.e. he did not know what Galen Erso’s grand plan was.
Here’s a guy who has been a pilot for the Empire for however long, we don’t really know how he got into that position (again, I’ve not read the book), but here’s what we do know from the movie:
We know that Saw Gerrera is known to the Empire as a terrorist, in particular, as one who attacks cargo shipments. And, you know, Bodhi was a cargo pilot. So basically, Saw Gerrera is the bogeyman to Bodhi. And Galen Erso tells Bodhi that Saw can be trusted with his plans. And does not tell Bodhi what these plans are.
AND BODHI ACCEPTS THIS. Bodhi takes the risk of defecting from the Empire, with plans to assist the Rebellion, plans he DOES NOT KNOW THE CONTENT OF, to a man he would have been taught was a violent terrorist, particularly towards the Empire’s cargo pilots, of which, you know, he is one, on the word of a man he trusts wholeheartedly and believes to be good.
I’d say you can’t make this shit up except that technically he’s a fictional character.
Bodhi Rook is the kind of achingly, impossibly, unbelievably brave person who is so impossible he goes straight past impossible into “I’m sorry but this guy is real because I don’t make the rules and y’all know the story of the velveteen rabbit.”
Bodhi Rook = best.
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thismightyneed · 7 years
Mini meme!
Got tagged by @emeraldembers
Relationship status: taken!
One favorite colour: Red and green! very christmasis
Last song I listened to: Clean by Big Data
Last movie I watched: Fire Walks With Me
Top 3 characters: of the last season?? I guess the latest have been tamatoa, agent cooper and guts
Top 3 ships: uhmmm some of the latter ones are kidna secret
I’m currently reading: rereading IT
tagging @calicot-zc @inmytimewe @incurablenecromantic @gunfireandagility @bowlingforgerbils @tejoxys
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