saltyverse · 1 year
How's your creeper interract with the other heroes? Do they like having him around?
tis but a little guy. batman just sort of. lets him roam around. he doesnt hurt anyone and he isnt apart of the rogues gallery and what have you, so he just . gets to hang out. he pops up here and there at crime scenes rlly to just be apart of the peanut gallery and watch.
Now its the Villains who he has the most interactions with. unfortunately. you see, the rogues gallery finds him entertaining and most of them Love to mess with the guy. they cant rlly fuck with him like they can when hes jack ryder, since creeper is a very slippery guy, so no kidnappings (sad). doesnt mean the rogues dont try rho. creeper also doesnt. try to stop the rogues like crimes when hes watching mainly bc. even tho hes a slippery dude, shmoving all over the place. he isnt That strong of a guy. he'd get beat up Very quick (he knows this from experience)
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hermannco · 2 years
Murder House of Mystery is on a separate Playlist from Rogues on Spotify. Guess I got allot of catching up to do. *cracks knuckles*
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Oh yeah! They are official Rogues! playlists on spotify, they are delightful!
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
[Roman Deity Asks - ACCEPTING]
Voluptas: What brings them pleasure?
We'll start with Creeper on this one, because it's simple. It doesn't seek pleasure of any sensual kind, and does not feel sexual attraction. You're more likely to get a few rounds of Roger Rabbit style patty-cake than actual sexual activity.
Now, Jack...
Sensually, Jack is gains pleasure from being the one to please. He likes to give massages, give oral sex, grope and body worship. He also likes to bite lightly on places like the neck, thigh, buttocks, and fingers. Otherwise, he likes temperature play, but not with any form of being restrained. He prefers to sit in an open area, almost meditating, while candles, ice, or water is dripped onto him.
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Misconception: You look even weirder without clothes
Definitely not true. I've heard no complaints.
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saltyverse · 1 year
Do Jack Sprout a pair of arms every time he becomes The Creeper?
yknow how stitch in lilo and stitch has the extra set of arms hidden. yeah its like that i think. which basically means, yeah he does. doesn't hurt tho . ithink. hopefully!
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
[Roman Deity Asks - ACCEPTING]
Hercules: What do they consider to be their greatest strength?
For Jack, it would be his unyielding pursuit of the truth. He will stop at nothing to uncover the truth behind a matter and share it with the public. It's not just their right to know, it's their obligation to know.
Creeper views his greatest strength as his ability to protect. His main goal is to make sure people are safe and sound from the evils of the world. He'll go to great lengths to protect Jack from the painful truth.
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
[Roman Deity Asks - ACCEPTING]
Angerona: What is the best way to relieve them of pain or sorrow? What do they do to help themselves?
TRIGGER WARNING: drug mention
Jack will usually turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse. His preferred methods are alcohol and cocaine, though he's been known to smoke marijuana with the right crowd around.
Creeper has a hard time feeling sorrow in the first place, and often doesn't know what to do with it. His way of working though it is most often violent physical activity, like fighting someone, or breaking things.
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
⌛️ Rebirth
[A Trip Down Memory Lane -- ACCEPTING]
TRIGGER WARNING: needles, injection, graphic depiction of medical procedures
There is a stinging, singing, burning pain running down its back. Sweat drops down its brow as it is suspended on a board like a crucifix. Its back is exposed, specifically its spine.
Have to stay out.
Needles and tubes and clamps and pumps. Dim lab light is all it can see by. In the shadows cast by the light, it sees the huge set of nine syringes mounted to a machine, each with a six inch needle attached.
Have to protect Jacko.
The needles go in with agonizing slowness. Blood is flowing down it's skin, dripping onto the floor in below it. It cannot shout. It cannot roar. It cannot move anything from the neck down.
Have to take the hurt.
Searing white hot pain engulfs its whole nervous system, pulsing and pounding. Blackness envelops its mind in waves, but it wakes for just long enough to see his face looking at it.
Have to remember.
"Good work, Mr. Ryder. You may survive this, yet."
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
Numbah 14 my leige ●.●
[small details - ACCEPTING]
14. is there a sound that drives them crazy? ( like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, styrofoam rubbing together, cardboard boxes, etc?)
Jack has a difficult time around dental drills, and hates the dentist for that. He still goes, however, because he has to maintain a perfect smile for his work.
For Creeper, not many sounds can manage to bother him. However, Silver Banshee's scream left him deeply affected, causing panic, fear, and dread. These are emotions Creeper very much does not like to experience.
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
[small details - ACCEPTING]
how long are their nails? do they paint them?
Jack does not paint his nails, though he gets them professionally manicured at least twice a month. Otherwise, he keeps them trimmed short, nearly to the nail bed.
Creeper's nails are long, thick, and come to a sharp point like talons. He's never painted them before, but would be open to it! Probably a nice black or a crimson red.
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
... apple sauce?
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"Now that's a completely different sensory experience. Chunky and wet, but at least it's sweet and goes nicely with some latkes."
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
Mashed potatoes??
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"EEEYUCK. You'd never get me near those brutalized spuds. It's like chewing on something that wanted to be crispy! Maybe settle down with a mandoline and become some zesty waffle fries, but ended up at a dead end job in middle management at 'Tastes Like Paper Mulch Incorporated'."
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Misconception: Youz is some sort of freaky werewolf
I'm not, but I have been sought after by some paranormal beings.
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rydr--system · 1 year
@boxofevilart asked:
*steals Jack's Glasses* Ey, what hind of prescription are these things? *puts on the glasses*
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"... A -3.50 in one eye and a -3.25 in the other. Now, can I have those back? I hate wearing contacts outside of work."
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