#boyfriend! kim jaehwan
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Boyfriend! Kim Jaehwan
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Thank you for requesting this @hyukwonz! It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Boyfriend scenario, so let’s hope I can do this one justice! Jaehwan is such an interesting character, so let’s find out how he’d be as a boyfriend.
Please note: his Different Kisses was also requested and will be posted tomorrow. They will directly tie into this scenario.
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Like most things in life for Jaehwan, if he wants something, he’s going to do his very best to get it. He noticed you on campus at the start of the first semester, charmed by how you stood out from the rest. He had learned you were an art student, and whilst you seemed much more reserved than he was, you definitely knew who you were as an individual and that attracted him. But you were aloof in behaviour when he tried to approach you, giving him short answers and polite smiles before departing quickly.
It took him some effort to actually get you alone enough to ask you out on a date, and even when he did, well, you seemed to have a lot of excuses. He wondered if you just weren’t all that interested in him.
That wasn’t the case at all. Jaehwan steadily became the muse for all your art, secretly drawing him in your sketchbook over and over at night when you couldn’t get him off your mind. Sometimes he’d end up within your projects too; his hands or his eyes captured by your pencil only becoming obvious when you finished. He was a distraction. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to date him, you really did. But you had made a promise to yourself that for the first year at university there would be no boys. You wanted to establish good grades and friendships but nothing more. You didn’t even know where you would have the time to date either with how busy your schedule each day was. Frankly, you over-thought the situation and that’s why you became flustered whenever Jaehwan would approach you, wanting to run and hide in case you blurted out how much you thought of him in an embarrassing way.
By the second semester, he backed off though. You heard from friends that Jaehwan had really liked someone and they had turned him down after all attempts. It made you feel guilty but you managed to continue through, chanting that you were here to get good grades in art, not kissing. When you also heard Jaehwan was planning one last attempt and would give up after this, it made you strangely hopeful. For the next two days, you floated around campus in a daze, waiting to see what Jaehwan was going to do next. When nothing happened though, you filled with dread. What if they hadn’t meant you? You tried to keep your head down and focus on your semester project and not on foolish daydreams of you painting whilst Jaehwan played his guitar.
It was actually the sound of a guitar that attracted you to the court the next day. He was strumming his guitar outside the art building too eagerly and had garnered a small crowd, enjoying the free show. When you stepped into the circle and he spotted you, there was more than just the guitar sounds. The crowd gasped when he started to sing, his love confession strongly delivered through the song.
It was obvious it was for you with the way he stared at you as he said each word, smiling a little when the crowd encouraged him on. And on the final line of the song, he mentioned your name, asking if you would finally accept his heart.
Of course, you did. I mean, you couldn’t let such an amazing performance go to waste in front of everyone, right? But on a serious note, you had been so touched by the song that all resolve you had to ban yourself from dating was all forgotten then.
Starting out:
Once you got over the initial worry about dating Jaehwan, it was surprisingly very easy to grow comfortable around him and his playful nature.
Physical affection started almost from the beginning too and soon you were that college couple that everyone wanted to hate but couldn’t because they were too envious at how in love you both were.
Lots of cuddles and sweet moments occurred when you were together, but it was evident he had a really quirky and fun side to him right away too.
Although his loudness took a little to get used to when you’re a quiet person by nature, you enjoyed the vibrancy and colour he added to your world and the encouragement to break out of the structured lifestyle you maintained was exciting.
You were both different from each other, and sure, sometimes it meant you had to work to understand each other more, overall it made your relationship interesting and worth all the added learning on how to work together.
Dating pros:
Everything is always exciting and interesting with Jaehwan. He adds an element of anticipation to everything you do together just with how hyped up he often is. It keeps you on your toes and you like this about him.
He’s comfortable, you know that even when he’s joking around he’s only doing it to have fun with you. This has taught you to relax and allow yourself to be whatever you want to be around him without judgement.
His goal in life is to see you smile and be happy and he fulfils this every day he is with you. There is no way you’re not happy when he’s around. Even if you’ve had a really bad day, Jaehwan knows how to turn it around and have you smiling in no time.
He’ll do anything for you. He might whine as he does it or tease you incessantly, but he’s never going to let you down when you need him.
And on that note, he’s very much so a tease to you all the time. He loves hearing you whine and begging him to stop, it’s something that makes him feel fulfilled when he’s got your full attention like that. He finds you the cutest when he’s teasing you and often diffuses it with lots of kisses.
He’s the ideal romantic underneath all that joking he does, he is the proper wine, dine and cherish you kind of guy. I mean, he confessed with a freaking love song! He is well in touch with his emotions.
His laughter is so loud and piercing yet it’s addictive and makes your energy levels rise with it.
Jaehwan is dedicated. He works hard at any goal he wants to achieve, in a methodical and admirable way. He constantly challenges himself to be a better person and partner, and you’ve noticed yourself influenced by his mannerisms, striving for your own goals with better precision than before.
This means you’re a very productive couple who speak often about any problems that arise and have solutions for them promptly. Communication is a huge part of your relationship, both through playful and serious moods, and you can understand each other very well now.
He knows when to be extra, but more importantly, Jaehwan is able to tell when he needs to tone it down, which is such an attractive feature to him. Get yourself a man who can do it all.
He has an odd sense of humour and in the beginning you didn’t understand it completely, but now you live for all his dumb jokes and get excited when you can give him one back.
He’s very affectionate and showers you in physical and emotional attention which you give back in equal amounts too.
Will happily pose for you whenever you need him to for your artwork and openly offers to be your nude model teasingly (which he’s done from the start and was the cause of many of your earlier blushing sessions until things got intimate).
Likewise, you understand his music is very important to him, and you support him by listening to his compositions, and helping him fine tune anything that’s not quite right to you.
Ending this here, he has the voice of an angel. How are you not blessed whenever he sings to you? Lullabies, ballads, upbeat bops, he is always singing and serenading you.
Dating cons:
Even though you love his happy bursts of energy, some days you are too tired/stressed for his antics, and it irks you when he can’t take anything serious (even though he’s very capable at doing so). He’ll tone it down immediately when he notices your mood, but sometimes it’s a bit too late for you.
His laughter is amazing, but it’s also very loud. In fact, he’s just loud by nature. On days when you need to think, he’s not the first choice of person you choose to be around.
He sometimes pushes himself too hard when striving for his goals. He can easily get wound up and self-critical and whilst he has a great determination to get to the other side, he can often get so invested that his focus on you or your relationship can be pushed aside to cater for this greater need he has to improve/meet his deadline. Whilst you understand this as a fellow artist always striving for further realism and creativity from yourself, you wished he would sit back a little and enjoy the process, instead of rushing through.
Since becoming an idol, he’s naturally been a lot more invested with his work, and it was hard to deal with in the beginning since you started dating before his big break. You knew his determination would always make him succeed with his dreams but it was definitely hard on you both to adjust to his idol life.
He’s domestically challenged and very lazy. It’s ironic how lazy he is when it comes to how driven he is, but he prioritises things very differently from some people and being clean or doing chores is not something he puts high on his list. If you ask him to do something, he’ll try so A+ for effort, but his actual efforts aren’t worth praising and you’ve just naturally adapted to doing all the cooking and cleaning for proficiency.
When arguing, he’s petty and easily wound up which makes you defensive. Fighting can be loud and dramatic.
He’s clumsy, but so are the best kind of people in life (aka me). So you know to have the first aid kit well stocked and heaps of healing kisses on standby!    
Jaehwan is a passionate lover and knows what he wants from his partner.
He’s always been very strong with his PDA from the beginning and to this day he showers you in his attention no matter where you both are. He’ll also expect it back, and whine if you don’t offer it up right away.
Forehead kisses and back hugs!!
Always touching you, no matter where you are, he has to have a hand on you at all times, a constant connection is important to him.
Loves days where all you do is snuggle up together and eat good food (cooked by you or take outs because you’ll never let him in the kitchen again after he almost burned it down that one time).
Because he’s naturally affectionate, kisses happen often and so does making out. You can read more about his kisses in the link in the reblog (coming soon).
Making out with Jaehwan is where things get easily worked up so you have a pretty active sex life.
He likes to be in control and hear you beg.
A needy lover, Jaehwan wants to make sure all his wants are met whilst meeting all yours as well.
Not so much of a slow and sensual guy but he can make that happen if you want it.
Prefers making love with you in a way that is loud and active. Definitely vocal in bed and knows how to have you singing out all night long, if you get what I mean.
Morning sex is his favourite and because he’s naturally a tease, he’ll often wake you up with his hands and lips as opposed to anything endearing and soft.
Long and arduous sex sessions are a must after being away from you for too long.
Aftercare is somewhat lazy but he has a way of looking at you as if you are a piece of artwork.
And to him, you are the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen so he’d definitely admire you in that satisfied glow you feel after sex and tell you just how much he loves you until you fall asleep together.
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Dating Jaehwan is lively and full of the unexpected. Even from the start, you anticipated what he would do with you, and nothing has changed there. Although you know each other well, you know he’ll continue to keep you guessing for the rest of your lives and that’s part of the reason you love him so much. Even though you are complete opposites, you definitely attract endless love and excitement from each other.
I accept requests on other idols for the Boyfriend! series whenever my requests are open! To check to see if I’ve written your bias already, check the reblog or my bio for the Boyfriend! Masterlist and my Main Masterlist. 
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toooldforkpop · 3 years
round up: feb. 27, 2021
round up: feb. 27, 2021
in which a.c.e. goes old school, daniel earns a 4th tropy, txt gets spicy, shinee & iu bond & more read on, stans, read on A.C.E. gave a fantastic performance of Full of Happiness on Immortal Songs 2. ATEEZ continued running toward their comeback with a new teaser poster. Jeongmin of BOYFRIEND did a couple of performances for COOL LIVE. CHEETAH gave a Stone LIVE performance of Villain feat.…
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leerang · 5 years
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jaehwan’s drawing for wonshik ♡
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sakuchangbin · 4 years
a small secret: stanning Kim Jaehwan is one of the best things I’ve ever done.
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hoondrafts · 5 years
boyfriend! jihoon
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aegyo machine
pouts a lot
specialty: naturally cute
blinks his eyes a lot in front of you to get your attention
he knows you find him cute when he does that
it runs in his blood
acts all cutesy but gets shy right away then covers his face
acts manly in front of his friends but gets all cuddly when he’s with you
posts pictures of you on instagram with cheesy captions
says pick-up lines to make your heart flutter but he ends up the one being flustered and shy
gets flustered easily
usually not the type to initiate skinships but when you do it first, he’ll ride along
takes you out on animal cafe dates with max
loves watching kdramas
secretly plans a dinner date to surprise you but spoils it bcs he’s too excited
eating together is your typical quality time
nom nom nom
finishes your food when you’re already full
tries to impress you with his skills
“hey, you look so cute”
shy shy shy
more of a jeojang jihoon than dorm jihoon
sends cute video messages when he’s away
randomly shows you a new dance he practiced
“seriously? broccoli?”
pet grooming baby max can also be considered quality time
“max~ your mom is with meee”
loves showing off to you but blushes when you give him compliments
he loves warm hugs uwu
spoils you with your favorite things
adventurous and happy-go-lucky
no boring days with him bcs he loves trying out new things with you
enjoys extreme rides & activities and asks you to come with him
laughs at you when you get scared bcs of it but holds your hand and reassures you’re safe with him
he loves it most when you feed him
stares at you and looks away when you catch him off guard
loves it when you play with his small hands uwu
you can’t resist his puppy eyes charm
acts exaggerately shocked when you tell him how did your day go
has clingy days which happens very often
gets shy when someone asks about you
you do skincare routines together
loves buying pink stuffs for you and himself
mommy’s little boy
has mesmerizing eyes, it looks like his eyes holds an entire galaxy in them
“will you still love me even if i get fat?”
gets jealous but doesn’t say anything
but he gives you silent treatment after
“you’re mine” glares then pouts
fights rarely happen
very polite especially to your parents
teases you a lot
teaches you basic beatbox
“pls don’t be mad :<”
“i was just watching v sunbaenim’s fancams”
winks A LOT
you sometimes just get speechless bcs of his angelic visuals
in conclusion, park jihoon is an ultimate softie!
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rainywriteskpop · 5 years
VIXX as Boyfriends~
requested by: anon but i think i know who <3 
authors note: i’ve had a decently solid headcannon on VIXX for years now...here’s hoping you enjoy it as much as I huehue ; sorry if some are shorter x)
also anything crossed out means its an author note cuz im extra and need a say in everything apparently
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»uwu »soft af »tsundere ASF »did i mention soft? »for real tho, at first he’d be cold »and once he starts liking you, he’d kinda just accept how talkative you are »he’ll do that kind of.. nose exhale to laugh at one of your jokes »he’ll slowly find it hard to keep in his giggles and comments because he loves you so much »cafe dates »always gives you tiny gifts, but are always 1000% meaningful  »at first not so skinship, but members expose him about how much he talks about you to them »not long after dating, he’ll never want to leave your side »uses you as a pillow literally every chance he gets »BACK »HUGS »teases you a lot, and snickers to himself about it while you pout »quick pecks so no one sees    »leaves that heavy shit for when you’re alone »you know this boi gets shy easy, so public affection is minimal »but when he does, you melt every time (i know i do) »would def adopt a pet with you »prob a cat, let’s be real (prob 9 tbh) »would talk about having kids with you »uwu »did i mention soft? (imma stop here, i love my husband too much)
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»out fabs you and knows it »teases you (kinda like leo) but far more sassy about it »lots of hugs »would show you off at every chance he gets »then proceed to show how he’s more fab »real talks late at night »would always ask if his teasing and overconfidence is annoying »would do anything to make sure you’re happy »Hongdae dates »COUPLE »RINGS »this man would literally pay to get a plane to spell your name out in the sky »or hire a blimp to have a banner saying “HAKYEON ♥︎ Y/N FOREVER” »loves shopping with you (but then you eventually get bored cuz jfc hakyeon lets go) »lockscreen is either a cute picture of you, or a couple picture where he’s obviously the centre of attention »but of course, his wallpaper is only you :3  »oh and he steals your clothes every so often
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»aegyo for days »makes you do aegyo too (but you love him so even if you hate aegyo you do it too) »pretty neutral as a boyfie »literally feels like hanging out with your best friend all the time  »has his moments where he’s super over-protective of you »anyone gives you a look, he’ll step up and eye them back until they leave (or give them an awkward smile) »weird store dates (like random convenience stores, or stores that sell weird products) »his life goal is to make you laugh and keep you smiling »he’ll even bust out that stupid water bottle joke if he has to »or dance like an idiot even in public to cheer you up (fr tho watch the entire minute of that song, i die every time x) »sings you to sleep  »he’d get you a GINORMOUS teddy bear (or plushy of your choosing) and name it after him so you’re always hugging him »but proceed to have a wrestling match with it every time he’s over cuz you spend more time with it
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»super cool boyfie »nuff said »fr tho he’d glare at anyone looking at your dirty or trying to get at you »kInKy »movie theatre dates »the type to rest his hand on your thigh comfortably »always has a hand on you soMeWhErE (shoulder, wrist, waist, literally anywhere) »maybe not a couple ring, but he’d get you matching shoes »hehe or give you one of his personal necklaces »would bring you to the studio while he works on songs and asks for your opinion »even includes an alias name for credits in albums he helps produce
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»you thought n showed off his yeochin a lot? pft »hongbin never stops talking about you »it’s like he lives to show you off »remember how he’s a photographer? »never fails to take 1000s of pictures of you every date »you have to pry him from his camera so you can enjoy the date »of course, being a painting like him, he asks you to take a few pictures too, but he still takes years to stop taking pictures of you »nature walk dates »hand holding everywhere you go (laced fingers and all) »matching bracelets for SURE »when you’re lying in bed, he likes to draw shapes on your back
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»NOONA »dorky »would get you to play video games with him »let you win at games you’re bad at »but gets frustrated at games you’re good at cuz he’d have to try hard without getting genuinely mad »if he’s in the middle of a game and you ask him something, he’d drop his controller to pay attention to you »amusement park dates omG »members always tease him about you, but he’s not shy about it »doesn’t usually do aegyo, but will give it his 110% if you ask him to
~rainy ☁︎
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luvrluzer · 6 years
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vipstarlight1990 · 6 years
Vixx Reactions
Vixx reacting to being on vacation with you
Cha Hakyeon - N
You were super excited when Hakyeon had promised to take you on vacation. Though where to go became an argument you both settled on jeju island since you could have an extra day or two. With a big suitcase on your bed you go through all your clothes. There was the echoing as the front door closed.
"Jagiya!", you heard him shout before coming into the room. "In here!", you yell putting a dress in you suitcase. He walked in and saw the mess and you could feel him suppressing the urge to nag. "Sorry I'm running late.", you say grabbing a few bathing suits and tossing them in the bag. "Why didn't you pack last night like I told you I was doing.", he said folding while you picked some things out. "I.....um fell asleep.", you laughed as he popped you on top of the head. "Don't know what I'm going to do with you.", he said as you thought over everything you needed. "Do you have comfortable shoes we may go on a hike.", he thought. "I'm wearing them....dress, suits, underwear, pajamas, toiletries....Okay I think I have everything.", you said as Hakyeon grabbed a few light sweaters and jackets. "Don't want to catch a cold.", he said as he zipped up your suitcase.
Taking a cab and a bus gets you to the airport with about thirty minutes to spare. Hakyeon makes a point to mention how much earlier you would've gotten there is you had left when he got to the apartment. "Are we staying on the beach?", you asked as he went over the itinerary. "Yes and no....the resort is on the beach but we are on the other side of the hotel.", he said still being somewhat vague.
It was time to board as you walked towards the gate, Hakyeon was holding your hand so tight that you thought you were glued together. This was the first time you went away just the two of you. Both of your parents had been chaperone on the last two trips. The flight was fairly quick since you nodded off not to long after taking off.
Hakyeon gently woke you up as the other travelers deboard. "You sleep okay jagi?", he whispered. "Yea...can't wait to stretch out on a bed.", you yawned. Laughing he took your hand as you got off the plane.
The ride to the hotel took a while but she noticed the beach fairly close to the resort they park at. "Its really close.", you said almost giddy. "Jagiya this way we have to check in before you go frolicking.", he said as you went to the front desk. Checking in took a few minutes but you couldn't wait to get upstairs and change into your swimsuit. After finishing up the paperwork you expected to go upstairs but the bellman and Hakyeon started walking back outside. "If you flew me out here just to go back home?", you said almost pouting. Hakyeon laughed as they were led to a golf cart. "Am I that michevious?", he asked. "Yes.", you said bluntly as he smirked at you. "I'm hurt...", he said as you drove up this side drive way to a road filled with private houses. As you stopped at one you realized what he had done. Taking your bags into the private villa the bellhop put their bags down and she gave him a tip. "Surprised?", he said as he hugged you tightly. "Yes...you weren't kidding about walking.", you laughed. "I wanted it to be perfect..Now that I can finally have time with you.", he said softly
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N would plan every detail. He would want to spend as much time with you as possible. I think it would be less traditionally romantic. He would find every activity he could possibly fit into your time there. Going anywhere with N would be fun and probably around nature just so you can recharge. So beach, country, maybe mountain trips would be in-store for you.
Jung Taekwoon - Leo
It was early as you opened the curtains of the hotel you were staying. Taekwoon was still asleep in the comfy bed. Time to wake up sleepy head. You said pulling him up, he looked at you intensely as he pulled you back down into bed and held you closely. "No..we did not fly all the way to France to sleep.", you groaned trying to pull away. Grumbling he finally got you to lay down in cuddling position and held you until you relented. "Ten more minutes.", you said sternly as he wrapped his arms around you.
It was almost noon when you two finally left the hotel. Taekwoon held your hand tightly as you walked around the beautiful Persian street. Of course the first thing you did was get brunch. Ordering was difficult for you but you managed to figure out what you liked. "So what should we do today?", you ask as the waiter brought your drinks. "We would just enjoy the sights.", Taekwoon said looking around. "Okay.", you smiled because Taekwoon was never talkative, but you could tell he was enjoying himself. The waiters brought the food and set it down in front of you. You picked up the your food and started to eat. "You want some?", you asked as he leaned over and took a bite. "Is it good.", you asked. "Yes.", he said with a sweet smile as he took his spoon and fed you from his plate. "That is so good.", you smile as you finished eating. You both ended up sharing your food with each other.
After finishing your meal you decided to walk around. Taking pictures everywhere you could think of. You never really got a chance to do couples pictures but today that was all you could think to take. When Taekwoon offered to take you on a trip you had no idea he meant this far out. You walked together a a somewhat leisurely pace for the first time in a long time.
As the day went on you find yourself at a bridge. Locks covering it from head to toe. "What's this?", this you ask him. "The locks symbolize an unbreakable love between two people.", he said with his hands in his pocket. "That's really sweet.", you say looking over the different padlocks. Taekwoon takes your hand as he walks down the bridge scanning each spot. Finally he finds a small open and takes out a lock. Handing it too you he gives you the key. Smiling you turn it to unlock the clasp and you both place it on the bridge locking it. You hand the key to him. Looking at you he tosses the key in the river. "The things you come up with.", you say as you continue your walk through the beautiful city.
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Leo wouldn't have everything planned he would mostly want to relax. But the one or two thing he would want to do would be unforgettable. Not even super romantic just somethings that would make you remember the trip fondly.
Lee Jaehwan - Ken
"Jaehwan?!", you laugh as ran through the stone maze. You stopped and listened for footsteps, or Jaehwan's loud voice. "I know you are hiding!", you said walking down another path. You walked a little while longer now you were getting annoyed. It was funny the first 15 minutes, then it was just excited. Now you were lost and you were now hungry. "Lee Jaehwan!", you yelled looking around.
"JAGIYA!", you finally looked up and saw him waving from a an over head walking bridge. "You ran ahead?!", you yelled. "Yea just keep going your close to the end, now hurry up it's cold and I need warm hugs!", he yelled making you smile. Like he said as you kept walking you, calming your mind you quickly found your way out. You were greeted by the tightest warmest hug you ever felt. "Come on let's get some coffee.", Jaehwan said taking you back to the house you were renting.
You were in the kitchen making drinks while Jaehwan tried starting the fire pit. You walked outside and sat down next to him with a large blanket. Jaehwan sat close as you two cuddle under the thick blanket and watch the night. "This is nice.", you say softly as jaehwan starts humming softly. "I wish we could do this more often.", he said as he ran his fingers through your hair. "Me too.", you smile as he covers you up more.
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Like N, Ken will want to do something more in nature. He would want do fun out there activities as well as relaxing kinds. Just no you will probably have to bring the brochures to him. He will get excited and then plan your trip accordingly. No surprise here because you will be apart of everything from the word go.
Kim Wonshik - Ravi
"Let me do it.", you said putting food ready to cook on the outdoor kitchen island. "I got it.", he said as he continued to attempt to light the grill. "You're not doing it right.", you say under you breath. After messing with it a few more minute he finally got the fire going. "I promised to cook go make yourself busy that is not in my way.", you say as he kissed you on the forehead.
You start cooking while Wonshik changed into less smoky clothes. Bringing his computer outside he worked while you cooked, it wasn't any different from when you were home. He did attempt to relax but that only lasted a few hours when his phone started ringing. "I was thinking we could go to that boardwalk.", you said as he looked over his computer screen. "play some games, ride some rides.", you say as he still look at his computer. "Maybe I'll streak through the house.", you muttered. " Okay but do that after we go to the boardwalk.", he said slowly looking up and sending a flirty wink your way. You laughed and finished cooking the food.
While setting the table Wonshik kissed you on the cheek and sat down. Dinner is quiet with a few sprinkles of conversation. "You didn't have to do this we could've went to a restaurant.", he said softly. "We rented a house and you want to waist this kitchen.", you laugh. "I just don't like to see you working so Mich while we are on vacation.", he said looking at you sincerely. "Okay then we will split cooking.", you smile as you finished your meal.
After cleaning up you get ready for bed while Wonshik picked a movie out. "You know it's funny.", you say sitting down next to him. "Hmm?", he said as you lay on his arm. "We really didn't change anything but location.", you laughed. "That's because I'm most comfortable and at home with you.", he yawned as a movie starts up. "Maybe we can finally finish it tonight.", you laughed as you felt him get comfortable.
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With ravi you might as well have a staycation. He would want to just shut his phone off and spend time with you.
Lee Hongbin - Hongbin
You look at the hotel room while hongbin excepts the room service. "Oh food!", you said as he placed it on the table. "Greedy.", he laughed as you mad a face and looked at the two desserts sitting there. "I'm not looking forward to this comeback.", hongbin said as you both relax on the bed. "Why is That?", you asked. "I won't see you for a month.", he said as you waited for some form of sarcasm. "What?", he asked. "Waiting for the other boot.", you laughed.
"I'm serious...it'll be a month before you'll be able to come to a show, we'll have a long distance relationship even though I live ten minutes from you.", he sighed. "It is what it is....I'd rather have a long distance relationship with you then none at all.", you smiled. He kissed you on the cheek as you finish your snack.
After showering and changing into your swimsuits you two walk to the indoor pool. The water was warm as you slowly walked into the chlorinated water. Hongbin sat on the steps while you swam back and forth. "Come on.", you said swimming back towards him. "No.", he whinned as you took his hand and pulled him along with you.
You laugh as he swam around with you on his back. You were happy when there weren't a lot of people around. This is when you two had a lot of fun. Smiling you hug hongbin tightly as he made a loud choking noise. "That's not funny!", you say as he laughs.
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Short and sweet but I stop when it makes sense. I think with hongbin travelling would be just an escape from everyone and everything. You'll get him at his most sincere. So expect to be up late talking laughing and playing.
Han Sanghyuk - Hyuk
You slip on your jersey while hyuk bangs on the door. You knew he was excited to go to this game, hell you scheduled time to go see it. "Hold on!", you said pulling your hair back. As you opened the door he picked you up. "This is going to be awesome!", he laughed. "Put me down.", you laughed as he kissed you and went to get his bookbag. You grabbed your messenger bag and the two of you left the hotel room.
The walk to the arena was filled with beautiful architecture. "I could live here.", you mutter. "No.", hyuk says holding your hand. "No I can't move to Spain?", you laughed. "Yup.", he said putting his arm around your shoulder. "You are not leaving me alone with my hyungs.", he said as you shook your head. "You don't control where I live.", you muttered. "How are we suppose to live together if you live in another country.", he said as you looked up at him. You never knew if he was joking or being serious.
You finally make it to the arena, take your tickets out and find your seats. You two always agreed on stuff but today you were enemies. Wearing opposing team merchandise was part of the fun. This mad the game fun as you shit talked each other. Which made the day so much better when your team won.
You spent the rest of the day poking fun. You could tell he was getting annoyed. It was the first time in awhile that you could tease him. While getting dinner you still kinda wanted to poke at him but you knew you were creeping into the no return zone. "We still have a few more games before we go home.", he said as you nodded while eating.
On the walk home you take in more scenery. Taking a bunch of pictures that hyuk threw up on social media. You wished he would ask but he just does it out of habit. Getting some ice cream before going back to the room. You lay on the bed and finished you snack while hyuk talked to his mother. "Yea we are taking the train tomorrow.", he explained their tiring schedule. After hanging up he hopped on the bed. "Hey.", he said with a sly smirk. "You wants a bite?", you ask holding the spoon out. Taking a bite of the cold treat he clenched down on the plastic spoon and grabbed your cup. "Hey no give that back!", you said reaching for it. "No this is for earlier!", he laughed.
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Hyuk is going to want to go for a specific reason. Vacation is nothing over the top, so travelling is a special thing for him. You will have fun of course. Twitter, Instagram all of social media will be flooded with annoyingly sweet pictures of the two of you.
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For more writing click the thing : 🔜 Masterlist
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peachynicsy · 6 years
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"Mr. Ha, is there anything else you want me to do?" "You don't have work tomorrow." "Are you going somewhere, Sir?" "Yes. I'm going on a date with my girlfriend." "She so lucky to have you as her boyfriend." "*Smiles*... see you tomorrow.. My Girlfriend."
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sailorjisunq · 6 years
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.˚ ₍ 🍶 ₎┊… 𝓿𝓲𝔁𝔁 𝓲𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓼 ꒰๑・ᴗ・๑꒱◞♡
🍑 ˀˀ ↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ ​ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ꒰ @ɴᴡᴏᴄɪᴛʏ ꒱
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essuhove · 7 years
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Different Kisses with Kim Jaehwan
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Thank you for requesting Jaehwan for kisses. I posted his Boyfriend scenario on Friday which directly links into this. Because I wrote these at the same time together, I highly recommend you read both to get the full picture. Normally I write a lot for Different Kisses scenarios as they’ve become a bit of a hybrid between Boyfriend and Kisses so this scenario will be less detailed than some of my others because of this. Funnily enough, it’s just as long as my usual ones, so I guess I still had a lot to say!
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Kissing Jaehwan is full of playful laughter because every kiss with you brings him so much joy.
First kiss:
Your first kiss was at the end of your first date. After finally winning you over to go out with him with his love confession on campus, Jaehwan wasted no time in taking you out for your first date on the weekend. You didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, you had dinner together and went and saw a movie. To end it on a sweet note, you both got ice-cream on the way back to your dorms, smiling up at each other as you walked hand in hand. And much like how smooth he had been with you on the entire date, when you asked if he wanted to try your ice-cream since you had different flavours he happily agreed, missing the cone you held out towards him and went straight for your lips instead. He kissed you briefly before pulling back, pouting to himself as you tried to recover from his action. “Hm, I didn’t really get a proper taste,” he mentioned, his eyes locking on yours to see what you would suggest. You couldn’t help but smile at how well-played this first kiss was and purposely ate more of your ice-cream before looking over at him again. You didn’t have to say anything and his lips found yourself again, this time heating you up despite the frozen dessert you were enjoying. His lips were full and hungry, tasting you and even licking over your bottom lip before he shifted back, grinning lazily down at you. “I think this is my new favourite flavour.”
You had to admit; he was definitely yours now too.
Public kisses:
Jaehwan is needy for your attention so being out and about isn’t going to stop him from finding your lips if he wants to kiss you. He’s the type to hug you from behind a lot, even insists on making you walk whilst he’s attached to you and laughing away. You weren’t so open to PDA in the beginning of your relationship but Jaehwan has a way of making you feel like it’s just you and him wherever you are, that you stopped caring so much about what others might think and more about enjoying your time together.
If you don’t shower him in attention, he’ll turn rather petulant, demanding you kiss him and hug him whilst he’s being overbearing about it all. You don’t exactly like when he gets like this so it’s a good thing you’ve gotten into the routine of checking in often with his lips wherever you are.
You go out on a lot of varied dates, both indoors and out, and kissing often accompanies you on all of these. At concerts when the music is right and the hype around you is electrifying, Jaehwan will kiss you passionately, still moving his body in beat with the rhythm of the music. On most dates though it’s a lot of quick kisses to your cheek, forehead or lips which you have grown used to anticipating every time.
And just like Daniel, Jaehwan would find a thrill in taking things a little too far in public. You however, might be used to most of his ways, but you definitely like to keep that behind closed doors and know you either have to diffuse the mood or get him someplace private fast.
Private kisses:
Life with Jaehwan is very playful, so a lot of the time his kisses are dictated by a light and cheerful mood. He’ll often pepper you in kisses all over your face to hear you giggle, hugging you happily because he loves nothing more than making you smile each and every day. Jaehwan’s goal is important to him, because if you’re happy then you won’t be so frustrated by his lack of domestic skill. He’s lazy by nature and prioritises his work and goals in life much higher than washing up the dishes. It’s a good thing he’s so good at showering you in kisses because he’s definitely useless with helping you around the house without some major nagging on your behalf. He’s clingy and will enjoy following you around as you clean, hugging you or kissing you in distraction and it can sometimes make it a lot harder to get through anything when he’s home. It must be the name, because I wrote a very similar thing for Lee Jaehwan/Ken but it’s all true. Minhyun can vouch for how hard Jaehwan is to motivate to tidy up, and you’ve all but given up most days, trying to get everything in order when he’s at work so you don’t have his constant need to be attached to you interrupting what tasks need to be done. But you are all too accepting of this trait at night, snuggling up in his embrace on the sofa and watching movies or playing games with kisses filtering throughout the session. If he’s not laughing, then his lips are on yours, kissing you warmly and smiling into them quite often too.
He’s a tease and we’ll get into this a little further on, but sometimes if you’re all too happy to kiss him (which let’s be real is his daily objective), he’ll put up a fuss, making a big deal over how much you seem to want his lips on yours. If you protest since in reality, it’s him who’s delivering all these kisses day and night, he’ll scoop you up in his arms, nuzzle into you and kiss you a little more passionately before pulling away chuckling. He just can’t help himself, kissing you is one of his favourite activities.
Making out:
Making out happens often between you both. There isn’t any rhyme or reason, sometimes all Jaehwan needs is to see you and suddenly he is crossing the group and scooping you up in a passionate embrace. Other times it can come from all your playful interactions that normally end in a kiss. That one kiss can then lead to many more and soon have you panting up against a wall that Jaehwan has strategically encased you against. I mentioned it in his Boyfriend scenario and I’ll repeat it here, Jaehwan might be a tease by nature, but he’s not one for slow and sensual. With how passionate he feels about you, there’s no way he could attempt to drag any making out to slow and lingering. Instead, his hands are hot and exploring over you, his mouth kissing you hungrily. The only pace here is lead by a need to have more of each other, the moans falling from your mouth as his lips attack your neck making him groan in response. This is definitely going to end up going to the bedroom, with Jaehwan’s heated actions demanding a lot of vocal appreciation from you for quite some time.
Morning kisses:
Waking up with Jaehwan can go either two ways. If you wake up first, then it’s going to be soft and endearing with endless snuggles and many forehead kisses in between asking each other how you slept. You could almost go back to sleep with how he has you pressed against his chest, the steady rhythm of his breathing and the warmth of his skin almost nodding you off again. You choose to leave little kisses across his skin in attempts to remain awake and to focus on what he’s saying to you within this otherwise delicious embrace.
And speaking of delicious, if Jaehwan is the first to wake up, he’ll take a much different approach, his hands roaming over your body and his lips are leaving soft, sensual kisses over you until you’re awake and letting out a soft moan. Morning sex is one of his favourite ways to wake you up, and have you both feeling on form for the rest of your day.
Making up:
Fighting with Jaehwan is something you never like to do. He’s petty when things don’t go his way and when arguing this is a very evident trait of his. Because he’s throwing things out immaturely, you yourself become defensive and it’s just really loud and off-putting. You can both hear what you’re saying to each other but it’s rolling out all too fast until the damage is done and neither of you wants to face it anymore. It can be rather dramatic when things get to this stage and a cool down period is definitely needed.
Since connection is important to you both, you won’t last too long apart, coming back to one another once calm to apologise. There is definitely more passion and need in the kisses you receive during these make-up times, and there is a high probability of make-up sex too. The good thing is you both are normally so good at communicating with each other that fighting like this is pretty rare, thank goodness.
Serenading kisses:
From the start, Jaehwan has been serenading you. He confessed to you with a song and continues to write love songs on the regular about you and your relationship. But it doesn’t just end there, Jaehwan is always singing or humming out a tune around the apartment when he’s home. And because singing makes him really happy, as do you, he loves nothing more than singing away and then halfway pressing his lips into yours. You can feel the remnants of the vibrato of his voice as his lips lovingly caress yours before he grabs you in his arms and dances you around the house, singing away loudly. What a dream.
Healing kisses:
Jaehwan is clumsy and it’s often that you have to deal with some kind of injury. Thankfully it’s always very minor, a bruise here and a scratch there, all because he’s too focused on whatever he’s invested in and not his surroundings. Though, this man could trip over his own two feet if he tried (and he has), so have learned over the years to be prepared for anything and have plenty of healing kisses on the ready. Once you’ve addressed any wound or booboo, chastising him the whole time to be more careful, you then lightly place a kiss on the affected area and listen as he chuckles happily. You can’t help but reach for his lips and peck him there as well, making sure the healing magic overwhelms him and he can feel better quickly.
Teasing kisses:
I mentioned it in his private kisses, but Jaehwan is a pretty playful guy. He loves having fun with you or more importantly, at your expense. Some days, he has no chill and will roast you, making your voice rise up an octave and your annoyance is on the rise too. Winding you up is something he takes great pleasure in. For most playful idols, they generally have a partner who is ready to give it back just as much, but with you, until you met Jaehwan and fell in love with him, you had never been someone who joked around as much as you do now. Although you have some skills from being heavily influenced by his humour, you know you’re no match for him. So by the time he’s gotten you good, your cheeks are puffed up and red and you’re ready to hit him.
Jaehwan is good at reading situations though and knows how to push you right to the limit and then come down on you with his lips in a way that makes you almost forget who you even are. These kisses are so powerful; you would drop to the ground if you hadn’t anchored yourself to him, holding on for dear life as he kisses you into another dimension. And boy, is he so pleased with himself when he’s done. You want to wipe that big ol’ smug right off his face, but you can’t. Because that kiss was something he should be proud of and you have to admit, even if you get irritated with his incessant ways, at least he knows how to make it all better in the end.
Selfie kisses:
Since you’re both creative people, taking photos together as keepsakes of your relationship is a natural hobby you both enjoy. Jaehwan definitely is more finger-happy with his endless snaps of your time together, documenting meals, dates and of course, you all the time. He loves having a steady collection of new and old candids of you to look at when he’s away. But it’s actually you who seems to like the kissing photos the most, often reaching up as he points the camera at you both to take a selfie and pressing your lips to his cheek. Sometimes Jaehwan will anticipate it and turn his head right when you lean in so he can pucker his lips up with yours and you hit his arm playfully, unprepared for the impromptu kiss. Of course, this now has him whining about being hit and needing you to make it up to him, pointing at his lips as if you hit him there instead of on his arm. And you play along with his dramatics, kissing him gently before shaking your head at his playful antics. Life is never dull when you’re with Jaehwan and the great thing is you have photographic proof to show just how fun your relationship is.
Lazy kisses:
Jaehwan’s favourite way to de-stress is by laying in your lap and playfully talking with you. Although his chatter is fun, his actions are more endearing, reaching up to caress your cheek in his hand or getting his hand lost through your hair mindlessly. It’s soothing for him, especially when you do the same, softly running your hand over his forehead and through his hair in a rhythm that slows his banter down and leaves him simply smiling up at you. He could stare at you all day long and never get bored, spending an immeasurable amount of time soaking in all your individual details. Your long lashes, the way your cheeks are full as you smile back at him, and just your lips in themselves too. He’s lost in a world of admiring the greatest work of art he’s ever seen. He often turns to kiss your arm softly, his hands now playing with your free one that was resting on his chest. He’ll start kissing your hand gently, noticing the stains of your artwork and the small indent in your finger from forever holding a pencil within it. He loves your hands because they create so much magic in this world and when he’s laying in your lap like this, he feels as if those hands are now capturing him within them, planning on finding a new way to capture him in your next project.
And he’s not wrong either, you’ve equally been staring at him, feeling the growing itch to pick up a sketchpad and pencil to capture this moment how you envision it. Sometimes he’ll fall asleep in your lap and allow you the chance to precariously perch your sketchpad on your knee, staring down at the peaceful image of Jaehwan sleeping on your thigh.
When he wakes up, he’ll find a new sketch well into the works and bury into your stomach, kissing you lightly before sitting up and nuzzling into your shoulder so he can continue showering you in love and watch you finalise strokes with the medium in your hand. You’ll turn and look at him a few times, trying to ensure you got the right angle to his jaw, or the way his hair is styled and he’ll use this as a perfect opportunity to kiss you deeply, overwhelmed with how much he loves you. Even if you protest about abandoning the sketch, you can’t help but let the pencil drop from your hand and move to kiss him more comfortably, smiling as you pull away and utter just how much you love each other.
 Dating Jaehwan is lively and full of the unexpected. Even from the start, you anticipated what he would do with you, and nothing has changed there. Although you know each other well, you know he’ll continue to keep you guessing for the rest of your lives and that’s part of the reason you love him so much. Even though you are complete opposites, you definitely attract endless love and excitement from each other.
Other Wanna One members: Jisung // Sungwoon // Minhyun // Seongwoo // Jaehwan // Daniel // Jihoon // Woojin //  Jinyoung // Daehwi
[Different Kisses Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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toooldforkpop · 3 years
round up: mar. 27, 2021
round up: mar. 27, 2021
in which hoshi gets ready to go solo, jeongmin shines, sejeong stans get a name, shinee is remixed & more read on, stans, read on Baekhyun of EXO released a sound room video for his upcoming solo album Bambi. BDC continued their comeback with a Music Core performance of Moon Rider. Rosé of BLACKPINK got her fourth trophy for On the Ground, scoring 8,394 points on Music Core. Jeongmin of…
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pjimyoung · 6 years
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Kim Jaehwan is boyfriend material♥️✨
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sakuchangbin · 4 years
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I’m so proud. 💙
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cheonjaem-blog · 7 years
wanna one as types of boyfriends
yoon jisung:
the walking meme. everything he does is fucking hilarious. you literally have 2000 photos of him on your phone which could be edited into potential memes. there’s never a sad/boring day in your life. he’s actually always super excited about everything and you always sometimes question his mental age but you still think it’s really cute. always makes stupid puns and jokes to make you laugh (that sometimes even results to self degradation). all that makes him happy is seeing you smile, so he makes that his daily goal. likes to send you weird pictures of him using different filters on snapchat that you obviously screenshot. he’s super funny and your whole family loves him, especially the kids. “auntie when are you getting married to uncle jisung?” “soon” “um jisung wtf stop lying to the kids” “i never said i was lying”
ha sungwoon:
the tea sipper. he has the dirt on everyone, and i mean everyone. knows what’s going on in your life, your neighbor’s life, and your second cousin’s uncle’s grandfather’s life. your dates consist of gossiping with the neighborhood aunties every week at the book club he organized. wants to know how your day is and knows you so well that he can tell when your feeling down. sings to make you feel better, and if that doesn’t make you smile, he’ll probably pull out the big guns and start dancing to girl’s day something. doesn’t mind embarrassing himself if it makes you happy :’). doesn’t like it when you call him cute bc he’s “manly not cute”. tries to fight other people when they talk shit about you. talks a lot!!! like when you’re trying to catch some z’s, all he does is talk about how your neighbor’s husband is cheating on her with her sister??? “omg don’t tell anyone but jisoo’s husband is cheating on her with her own sister” “wtf how do you know?? did you stalk her husband again??” “no way, i was throwing away the trash and i saw them?? coincidentally??”
hwang minhyun:
the perfectionist. a little ocd and always needs everything to be super clean and organized. he told you that he had perfect attendance in school and always had straight a’s. his skin is perfect, his visuals are perfect, and his voice is perfect. sometimes you feel like he’s too good for you, but then you remember how much of an awkward loser he is in real life. texts you the most romantic things, but can’t say it in person to you. you like to tease him a lot for being an awkward antisocial person. very easily embarrassed person. not a big pda person. blushes a lot. doesn’t know how to convey his feelings into words or actions, but it’s okay bc you know he’s trying hard. he looks like a cold tsundere but sike he’s a soft mochi on the inside. smiles a lot more now bc “you make me happy i guess”. 
ong seongwoo:
the prankster. he loves messing around with you and pissing you off. one time he put blue dye into your body wash and you came out of the shower looking like a smurf. you guys end up having prank wars and once you even super glued his feet into his shoes. when he’s not thinking of ingenious plans to prank you, he’s actually a really sweet boyfriend. sometimes he takes you out on spontaneous dates to that fancy restaurant across town to make up an excuse to see you wear a beautiful dress. but he loves taking you on midnight rides. like he’ll drive you in silence as you enjoy the night sky and talk to you about random things and let you rant about your inner thoughts. “stop staring at me ong!! focus on the road” “you’re just too beautiful. you distracted me”
kim jaehwan:
the musician. he confessed to you in broad daylight while playing the guitar and singing a song written for you. you guys were sitting on a bench in the city and he randomly whips out his guitar and starts singing. a crowd gathers around you eventually, and they cheer when you accept his confession. he likes to write songs in the middle of the night, so you’ll probably wake up at 3 AM and hear him playing random chords on the piano and writing lyrics in the dark. he writes songs thinking about you and likes to sing to you when you have trouble sleeping. also super extra!! likes to boast about things that he can’t do like karate and playing soccer. he told you that he used to play soccer in middle school, but when you actually took him out to play he said “yeah i played soccer. i played fifa” “ugh i hate you so much right now”
kang daniel:
the gamer. he’s a huge fucking loser, and he loves playing league and overwatch and basically every game ever. tried to teach you how to play league once but you never understood anything, so he ended up carrying the team and winning. spends 95% of his time indoors, but he also likes to cuddle with you when he’s gaming. makes you sit on his lap while he wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head when he plays. likes taking you to comicon or any other nerdy convention. but it’s endearing to see him so excited about cosplayers. “cosplay with me next year” “lol how about a no”
park jihoon:
the prince. on top of his handsome looks and dancing skills, he was also born with a silver spoon in his mouth. buys you everything you’ve ever wanted and then some. but you’re not interested in materialism ok yes you are but you’re more interested in him. so he doesn’t really understand love?? like he’s always been loved by his parents but he tries his hardest to convey his feelings for you without extravagant gifts. like this is the first time someone told him that they didn’t want a new car and he doesn’t understand why you don’t want a mercedes benz but it’s your loss?? he takes you to nice dates at super expensive high end restaurants while you assure him that getting a take-away pizza is always fine too. wears gucci and givenchy and saint laurent and tries to buy you clothes from there too but one dress is worth more than your life??? he likes to sleep on your shoulder while you stroke his hair. really cute relationship full of $$$. if you need a sugar daddy you know who to call. “you want a new car?” “wtf no i want a new boyfriend” “>:((((”  
park woojin:
the shy turned wild one. yeah he was really shy when you first met but now he wildin. you tried taking him to a family party once but he was getting too into his dancing and ended up grinding the floor. what happened to the shy bean that couldn’t look you in the eye?? sometimes he’s still really shy around people he just met, and he kind of attaches himself to you. but dancing really makes him let everything go, and he tries to teach you choreographies to your favorite songs. taught you how to dance to red velvet and exo and rap to okey dokey. dates consists of dance lessons and chilling at home watching smtm together. bet milk tea on who’s going to make it to the finals. “yo it’s gonna be nucksal” “oh hell no i’m betting on hangzoo” “wow it’s only bc you like zico & dean more smh i thought you loved me”
bae jinyoung:
the nerd that turned hot. you known him since elementary school but boy did he glow up in high school. the last thing you remember was him being that smart nerd that never talked, but now he has a whole army of girls chasing after him. outside appearance may have changed but he’s still a nerd. dates consists of chilling at home and watching the latest episode of the anime y’all like while cuddling. takes you to animecon where you cringe at the weebs but where he enjoys every moment of it. likes taking you to manga and anime stores. dreams of going to japan with you. also likes to buy you cute couple charms for your phone. “i bought you the touka charm bc you’re the touka to my kaneki” “you’re such a fucking weeb lmao but sasaki is better”
lee daehwi:
the foreign swagger. yeah he lived in america for 4 years, that’s why he’s here man. just kidding, he’s a super adorable boyfriend that sometimes mixes up his languages when he’s flustered. super caring and always frets over you. nags you a lot when you get sick. “i told you not to go outside without a jacket!” but really good music tastes. makes different spotify playlists for you to listen to when you’re sad or tryna to get turnt. likes shopping dates!! he is your personal fashion designer and buys cute dresses when he thinks you look cute in them. “i thought this color suited you really well, so i bought it!” “um but it says it’s $300″ “oops?”
lai guanlin:
the athlete. he likes every sport but he’s super obsessed with basketball dude. like he’ll take you out to the nearest basketball court to shoot with him even if you can’t make a shot for your life. dw he’ll teach you the proper shooting form and how to dribble. you’ll end up having lots of cute basketball dates and afterward he’ll probably take you out for ice cream. likes to rest his head in your lap as he practices his shooting form laying down. lots of after-practice cuddles. “ew guanlin you’re so sweaty. get off of me” “no i like staying with you like this”
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