#brachio staff
regaliasonata · 4 months
Arctifex Megazord
Arctic Tommy’s megazord via the Brachio Zord, its name is derived from Arctic and Carnifex which is a Latin word for executioner. The motif here resembles that of both a monarch and executioner of sorts, the drills near the shoulders and neck actually release energy and can extend out as boosters. The staff is dual weapon being both a lance and axe that can shift modes, his arms have two cased in shells that can blast out lasers.
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I didn’t realize zord creation took work…I applaud all those concept artists for Sentai and PR.
For @skyland2703 @hesploro12
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Lightning Collection Wave 14 revealed -- Mesogog, Lost Galaxy Pink, Dino Thunder Black, Dino Fury Blue
For the first segment of today's Hasbro Pulse Power Rangers stream, the next wave of the 14th Lightning Collection wave was announced in its entirety following much of it being teased at the last Pulsecon.
Starting things off, the biggest surprise of the wave was Dino Thunder's Mesogog; the main antagonist of the second dinosaur-themed season. The figure replicates the villain's monstrous mutated form with a movable hinged jaw and hooked claws; coming with a pair of alternate fists and two energy effect parts -- both of which can be mounted on his hands, but one of which can be fired from his head.
To compliment the Mesogog release, his notable rival Tommy Oliver is included in the wave as Dino Thunder Black; finally finishing off all 5 of the Dino Thunder rangers in Lightning Collection. Cast in flat black plastic with shining gold paint applications for the patterns all over his body, Dino Thunder Black comes with his signature Brachio Staff weapon with complete paint applications for full accuracy to the show - which is also able to be holstered on his waist - an orange lightning effect part that mounts on its tip; and an alternate unhelmeted headsculpt. For hand options, he includes two weapon-holding hands, a left fist and a right 'clawed' posing hand.
Leaving only one ranger of the team left to go, the next figure in the wave is Lost Galaxy Pink. Specifically representing the power as used by the scientist Kendrix Morgan, an unhelmeted headsculpt is included to represent her; whose glasses are even a separate removable piece. For accessories, she comes with her signature Trans Dagger configuration and the Quasar Saber in both its holstered and full saber modes; with the former able to slot in her holster. A blue lightning effect piece is included which can wrap around the sword, while the hand options included are two weapon-holding hands, a left fist and a right chopping hand.
Finally, the Dino Fury coverage in the line continues with Dino Fury Blue. Featuring similar paint applications to Dino Fury Red to capture the jagged bolt design on the chest, Dino Fury Blue naturally includes his signature sword which can be holstered on his waist, with a yellow lightning effect piece to complement it. An unhelmeted headsculpt is included as well, with the hand options being two weapon-holding hands, a right fist and a left open posing hand.
Lightning Collection Wave 14 releases at general retail in June 2023 for $24.99 per figure, with pre-orders now available on websites such as Hasbro Pulse.
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maelysgriffonne · 2 years
Ok so at first I wasn't gonna put this on tumblr and just twitter but since an interaction with an old post of @charkyzombicorn I decided to put it here to.
Explanation, I'm doing a challenge were I redraw most of the One Piece ships has humans and the first that I got was Merry.
So here she is with some headcanons:
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- Her full name is Going Merry (duh) but almost everyone just call her Merry
- She is at least 20 years old and was born in Syrup Village.
- She has 6 little siblings and they are Sunny, Shiro (Shiro Mokuba I), Mary (Mini Merry II), Sharky (Shark Submerge III), Kurosai (Kurosai FR-U IV) and Brachio (Brachio Tank V). All adopted.
- She loves adventures, she can chicken out a bit at the start but she can fight and/or lie her way out if shit it the fan.
- Don't be fooled she can and will bench press you, she quite grood at hand in hand combat, using sword and staff to fight but she will demolish you in a gun fight.
- She carry a bag full of very different, like a healing kit, books, maps, snacks, dials, money and many more. She also carry her gun and a bag of mikans.
- She has a giant garden full of mikans tree at home. If you take one without asking or destroy one of the tree you're dead, you can't run, she is already pointing her gun at your head.
- Dress has a chicken ones for Halloween for her siblings, she is not embarrassed at all.
- She is friends with Red (Red Force), Baratie, Striker and Swanda (Swanda Express). Her and Foxy (Sexy Foxy) have a bit of a frenemie relationship (she humiliate him in a boxing match and let Sunny draw Foxy new blackjack). She absolutely hate Miss Love Duck, Bezan Black and Shark Superb.
- She can scream like a baby goat (one of the cutest things ever to Red).
And here is her post Enies Lobby:
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- Sadly during her adventures she accumulated quite the injuries and it end when she got into an accident with some Marine ships at Enies Lobby, forcing her into an hospital bed for two month and after she need to use a wheelchair.
- Even she is stuck in a wheelchair she still like to go on adventurous or to just visit so when she go out she is usually accompanied by someone to wheel her around mostly Sunny.
- In the hospital she was mostly visit by Sunny, she give the blackjack and the strawhat to him so he can continue for her.
- Now she spend more time with her younger siblings (except Sunny) and taking care of her garden.
- She can be a bit nostalgic when she sees a old photo of her and her siblings when Sunny was shorter then her (his growth spurt was has much of a surprise to him then to her).
- She snicker everytime Sunny hit his head on the doorframes, or when he still try to hide behind her like he used to do when he was younger.
- She is undergoing walking therapy to be able to walk again, it's hard sometimes and She takes breaks but she will not give up.
- She also meet with the other "retired" ships like Oro, Moby and Rocket Man.
- She meet Polar, one of Sunny's (reluctant) friends, there and they get together sometime to gossip (they will talk shit about anyone especially Sunny).
- Even in a wheelchair she is still a goddess at using her gun.
Done, it was a bit long but i'm quite happy on how it turn out. I still have some work to do in wolrd and story building for this.
But that all, if you have more headcanons for her feel free to tell me, I will be happy to had them :).
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(Fade back in)
(Some Where Downtown Angel Grove)
Almost like two cowboys waiting for the other to make a move so to did the two white rangers standing at the ready for what they both knew was gonna be a long fight. Then suddenly the evil white Dino Ranger dashed forward performing his super speed attack,
"HAHAHAHAHA! You have your youthful body but you still have the reflexes of an old man" mocked the evil white Dino Ranger,
"Ugh, true I may have my youth again but it will be my experience that will see me though this fight." Tommy retorted as he rose to his feet, at which point his Brachio-Staff appeared, holstered to his hip in a flash. Tommy took the newly acquired weapon and flipped it to fire mode,
"Normally I don't play for keeps, but your side seems to be when you took Conner's life" Tommy said,
"Oh boo hoo. Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it!" The evil white ranger taunted, which he would live to regret. Then all of a sudden Tommy jabbed the Brachio-Staff into the ground unleashing a fiery fissure heading quickly toward the white Dino Ranger, as it made it contact the white Dino Ranger was briefly engulfed in flames and then a great deal amount of sparks went flying from the white Dino Ranger.
"Looks like I'm not the only one with slow reflexes" mocked Tommy as the white Dino Ranger fell to the ground then proceeded to bull rush the ranger as he got back to his feet, Tommy then connected with the ranger with full force behind him and continued as the white ranger was stunned and being pushed with such force. The two rangers were running out of room between them and a near by wall, Tommy noticed this and braced himself behind the Dino Ranger for impact and continued on his collision course to the wall with full speed ahead, as the two made contact with the wall they made it with such force and strength that they surprisingly went through the wall. After the first wall Tommy just kept going with the white ranger to keep on inflicting damage to the Dino Ranger passing through offices and hallways, after the third the Dino Ranger regained his composure and stopped Tommy in his tracks and did the same to him in the opposite direction. They went through the same three walls back toward the square, after they had gotten out of the building the Dino Ranger threw Tommy back across the square where Tommy had first started. So here they were back to square one, both are winded but still stood fresh and ready for the battle. Then suddenly the dragon dagger showed up holstered around Tommy's waist, seeing this Tommy grabs the dagger with the blade facing down in his fist,
"I don't know what's going on but I'm going to use this to my advantage" Tommy thought,
Seeing this the white Dino Ranger reached for his blade max sword to match Tommy so they could go toe to toe more evenly. Both the rangers circled around the other sizing the other up,
"When ever your ready, old man" the white Dino Ranger teased
(Angel Grove Mountain Range 2004)
Meanwhile back at the ranger emergency bunker Hayley, Billy, and Trini worked quickly to get the emergency bunker's systems up and running while the others got settled into the bunker,
"Hayley I've tapped into the morphing grid" Billy exclaimed,
"Great now the connections with-" Hayley began,
"Wait the morphing grid, Hayley what are you planning?" Jason asked to everyone's interest,
"Well the current team of rangers are gone, Tommy is gone, and Messogog is running around unchecked by anyone. We need a team of rangers now." Hayley explained,
"Wait a minuet, you don't mean us do you?" Zack inquired,
"Well who else better to defend us in our time of need, than the best that ever was?" Hayley explained,
"Come on guys, the world needs us now. I'm sure some of you guys missed it" Adam spoke up,
"Well I did sorta miss it" Katherine sheepishly admitted,
"I did too" Jason admitted,
"You see there we go" Hayley said knowingly,
"HOLY SMOKES!" Aiesha exclaimed from seemingly nowhere,
"Aiesha where are you?" Zach yelled worried looking for his girlfriend,
"Over here" Aiesha yelled from a far back room, the other rushed over to see what she was yelling about. The group of former rangers and their technical advisor had found Aiesha in front of a large door with an intense bright light coming from it look up in awe,
"Babe, what . . . are . . . you . . ." Zach said as he and the others realized what she was staring in awe at,
"My god . . . " the former rangers said in awe.
(Reefside 2004)
In the past few hrs that the Dino Rangers and the former rangers had been away Messogog and his minions had continued to tighten their grip on the city, by now about half of the city laid under Messogog's rule, the other half being defended by the military. However the military is no match for the forces of Messogog,
"My lord we have taken half the city and Raxx is currently busy fortifying our advancing position" Zeltrax informed,
"What is taking you dolts so long? The whole city should be mine by now!" Messogog hissed in anger,
"My apologies my lord we-" Zeltrax started,
"I don't care about your apologies Zeltrax, just take the city!" Messogog hissed before he cut the transmission,
As Messogog's forces advance, the military troops that are stationed there try valiantly to hold the line. However sadly the troops are next to ineffective against the army of Tyranodrones and are greatly over whelmed.
(Moon Palace 1993)
The battle for control between Zedd and Elsa had been raging for a while now, Zed had been zapping Elsa with lightning from his staff while Elsa had been desperately defending against the blasts with her sword,
"Bow to your lord, you harpy!" Zedd shouted,
"My lord, there was a misunderstanding I apologize for my disrespect!" Elsa had yielded,
"That's right, you had better learn your place you worm!" Zedd shouted,
"Many apologies my lord." Elsa said as Zedd had lain off the lightning zap,
"I'll just do to this sap what I did to Rita, just have to wait for the right time to strike" Elsa thought,
"Now where is my darling wife, you hag?" Zedd inquired,
"Uhhhhh, she's out for a nap my lord, with no disrespect my lord why are no here?" Elsa quickly lied,
"I do not explain myself to worms, but if you must know I have come here because my darling wife cannot finish off those pesky power rangers" Zedd explained,
"Well my lord I'm afraid to tell you this but the ranger problem is a bit more serious than you know." Elsa explained,
(Split-screen, left is angel grove 1993. Right is Reefside 2003)
Both places where the fabric of space and time had been damaged had now gotten bigger, and now different realities are starting to mesh together as the barriers between realities and world's starts to crumble. As different versions of the world start to collide and try to push into one existence, but only one world can physically exist in one physical location. The phantom ranger watched in fear as the territory that he was left to govern for millennia was in grave danger and stood on the edge of destruction. As he continued to watch the events unfold with the fabric of time and space weaken so did his powers and his physical form, if the events continue to get worse so does his condition,
"I need to go see him" he says,
(Ranger Command center 1993)
Alpha and Zordon had had been monitoring both Tommy's fight, and time/space anomaly when the phantom ranger materialized in the command center,
"Zordon I had wished I was able to see you under better circumstances but as you can see my powers are very weak and getting weaker, if these events continue then my existence will be no more and the entire universe will be destroyed" Kronomus said,
"There was once a prophecy that foretold of a chosen pair of rangers that would journey a great distance home, they are the only ones that'll be able to save us" Kronomus spoke,
"What is it you plan to do Kronomus?" Alpha asked,
"I plan to take what is left of my powers and distribute them to the chosen rangers and then fuse my essence to one of them to assist them in the repairs of the fabric of space and time. With any luck when the repairs are made everything should be back to normal and none of us will have any recollection of this." Kronomus explained,
(Some where downtown Angel Grove 1993)
The other rangers had reunited with each other unaware that Tommy had already found and engaged the evil white Dino Ranger,
"Did you guys find anything?" Jason asked,
"No nothing yet" the others said scattered,
"Wait where's Tommy?" Kim asked,
"You guys don't think he-" Ethan started,
"He probably found him and is fighting him, we need to find him" Billy said,
"Not so fast rangers" Elsa said as she appeared with at least 25 piranhatrons,
"Arent they suppose to be putties?" Kim thought to herself,
"Guys we're surrounded" Trini said worriedly,
"ATTACK!" Elsa called out, and the foot soldiers obeyed and charged forward with their weapons drawn as Elsa slowly advanced with her sword drawn heading toward Jason. Just as she arrived at where Jason was fighting, Jason had finish fighting off another piranhatron,
"So your him huh, the first one. The first leader of the power rangers, consider it an honor to be thrashed from the future" Elsa said smugly,
"You should consider it an honor to lose to me" Jason said as he stood at the ready with his Tyrano sword at the ready to fight. Then suddenly Elsa just exploded at him with swift attacks with her sword that Jason easily defended against, the battle between these two was very fast and very ferocious. The others could see the fight but were unable to come to Jason's aid because they were each facing at least three piranhatrons at once, but for the moment Jason was handling himself well.
(Angel Grove Square 1993)
Tommy and the evil white Dino Ranger had now been fighting a long time now, and much like Jason's fight was very fast in that each attack was quick and merciless, they had finally locked their swords against each other,
"Your pretty good old man, but your still just as weak as that red that died." The Dino Ranger said mockingly,
"Then if I'm so weak how come, you're struggling to beat me?" Tommy asked,
"I can beat you any time I want, I'm just toying with you for the sport" the Dino Ranger said, at that moment Tommy caught the white Dino Ranger off guard by swinging his right leg behind the Dino Ranger's right leg and slammed him to the ground hard and pointed his Brachio Staff at his throat,
"Its over, I'm taking you in." Tommy said,
"This isn't over yet not by a long shot" the Dino Ranger said before he disappeared from sight signaling he had used his invisibility power to get away,
"Damn" Tommy said, then his communicator went off,
"Tommy where are you?" Kim asked worriedly,
"I just had a run in with the white Dino Ranger" Tommy explained,
"Tommy we need you, Elsa and some goons just attacked us and we're way overwhelmed and Jason is fighting Elsa one on one" Kim explained hurriedly,
"I'm on my way, where are you guys?" Tommy asked,
"Follow where you hear the noise" Kim said before she cut off communication, and Tommy used his ears to find the battlefield,
(Ranger Fortress 2003)
The team of former rangers looked in awe as they saw in a giant well-lighted room, the past ranger zords. There they all were, perfectly restored and in working condition. The component zords for the megazord, the component zords for the thunder megazord, the ninja megazord, and the shogun megazord, even the different zords from the dino thunder rangers were there,
"Hayley how are these here, and in working condition?" Jason asked,
"Well when me and Tommy started constructing this fortress we found the storage facility that was used for the zords when you guys were on active duty, but they were badly damaged and not maintained. So me and Tommy in addition to building this place decided to refurbish the zords here in the event we needed this kind of fire power which I'm sure at some point we'll need now." Hayley explained,
"Oh my god they've never looked better" Trini said tearfully,
"Talk about a blast from the past" Zach said,
"Tell you guys what, why don't you all go and get reacquainted with the zords while I finish getting the last bit of the fortress up and running" Hayley offered,
"Great" they all said at once and all took off like kids in a candy store which for the first time since this crisis broke out brought a smile to her face.
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royal--icing · 4 years
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prop commission 15-5-2020 power rangers dino thunder : brachio staff materials: acrylic paint - glossy finish - magnets - primer -3D printing - epoxy plamuur
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ailingwriter · 3 years
Who wants more Fossil Fighters Headcanons from Way Too Early In The Morning?!
Nasaurs are a popular pet Vivosaur for night owls. The fact that they are herbivores makes getting food for them somewhat harder though, since most Vivosaur pet food is for carnivores or piscavores.
Nasaurs are affectionate and good with kids, but they can be a bit ruthless at times.
Sopteryx are naturally curious little buggers, and will often get into places you'd rather they not be in. Other than that, though, they're a great pet vivosaur and are easily trainable.
Aopteryx are... not great as pets. They need a lot of wode open space and they have a tendency to knock things over. Also, they might spontaneously transform into a Brachio, so that's... inconvenient.
Rosie does eventually recover from the effects of the devolution ray. She never quite gets over the Digadig magic, but she grew to accept it.
After the events of Champions, Cole, Lester, and Lola were employed at the Caliosteo Fossil Park. They're all eventually welcomed by the staff, but it takes quite a while for things to get to that point.
(Joe accepts them, and at first, that's all they really care about.)
(They eventually care about more than just him, though.)
Actual Fossil battles are a lot more fluid than what is shown in the games. Some of the more gamey elements are carried over though, like FP.
Vivosaurs usually get along well with normal pets. They know better than to go after their housemates.
A lot of aquatic vivosaurs are used in ocean rescue. The usual team includes some combination of a Krona or Elasmo for transport, an Anomalo or Radox to deal with the rogue water vivosaurs that might appear, one of the ammonites for grabbing onto things, a Shoni or Duncle for speed, and one of the many pterosaurs for air support (typically a Ptera).
There are more vivosaurs than the ones shown in the games. By the time that this universe's version of Frontier rolls around, there are at least 200 normal ones, likely more.
(This isn't including weird ones like the Boneysaurs or Tonzilla. Those are just... weird.)
Pauline had actually met Rosie a few times before the events of Champions.
Pauline really looked up to Rosie. She was so brave and headstrong.
Pauline just...
She wanted to be strong. She wanted to be strong and cool and confident, like her role model.
She'd do anything to be as confident as Rosie.
(She was desperate.)
(She'd do anything.)
(So she did something.)
(The mask couldn't possibly be that bad, could it?)
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toyutopiausa · 3 years
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kevynthedevylman · 7 years
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Tommy Oliver AllRanger As a teenager, Dr. Thomas Oliver encountered an evil duplicate of himself from a world where evil triumphed over good and Lord Drakkon ruled with an iron fist. While Tommy and his friends inevitably dethroned Drakkon, he always feared the return of his dark alter-ego. To that end, following his retirement from active Ranger duty, Tommy worked with several scientific allies (including Billy Cranston, Hayley Ziktor, Dr. Angela Fairweather-Rawlings and Alphas 5 and 6) in order to construct something to give him an edge. The All Morpher; a Morpher that uses all five sources of Ranger Power Tommy used in his career: the Green and White Power Coins, the Red Zeonizer Crystal, the Red Turbo Key and the Black Dino Gem. Together, these disparate items allow Tommy to Morph into AllRanger. By turning the wheel of the Morpher and closing the Morpher halves on the top, AllRanger can summon any weapon used by the Ranger form represented by the item at the top. He can use the Dragon Dagger, Saba the Sword, the Zeo V Power Sword, the Turbo Lightning Sword and the Brachio Staff. The handle on the front of the Morpher detaches to form the All Power Saber, a weapon with power on-par with any Megazord's Sword. Using this much power all at once is extremely dangerous. If Tommy remains morphed for too long, he runs the risk of destroying his connection to the Morphing Grid and even himself. As a caution, the Morpher has an automatic cutoff after five minutes. For anyone else, this would be a severe handicap. From Tommy Oliver, it's likely four minutes more than he'd ever need.
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thvndring · 5 years
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❝ Dino Thunder Power Up! Brachio Power! ❞
The Legendary Green Ranger, White Ninja Ranger, Red Turbo Ranger & Red Zeo Ranger resurfaced as a science teacher at a school in the city of Reefside, California. A trio of detention hid students — Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford — unraveled Tommy's past as a Power Ranger after uncovering three artifacts from his lab that turned them into Power Rangers. Tommy recruited these students to become the Dino Thunder Power Rangers.
When he discovered that Mesogog was still active, he stole another Dino Gem from Mesogog and joined the other Rangers as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger, aided by the power of invisibility from the Black Dino Gem. His Dinozord is the Brachiozord carrier & he wields the Brachio Staff.
At the end of the battle, Tommy destroyed Zeltrax, alongside Kira. The Dino Rangers sacrificed their Dino Gems in order to destroy Mesogog's ultimate form(s). By that point, Mesogog had already managed to separate himself from Dr. Anton Mercer. In the end, Tommy would answer Anton's question of what he would do now by insisting he would pursue the simple life of a high school science teacher finally retiring his life as a Power Ranger for good, however, no Power Ranger, even Tommy, can escape the power forever.
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visforvictini13 · 5 years
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Name: Black Dino Thunder Ranger / Tommy Oliver
Trainer Card Number: 210
Gender: Male
Series Of Origin: Power Ranger Dino Thunder
Type Specialty: None
Meganium: Brachio Zord Keckleon: Invisibility Starmie: In reference to Forever Red before this where Tommy transformed into the Red Zeo Ranger. This was the Staryu on the team and now has evolved. Farfetch'd: Brachio Staff Aerodactyl: Being Frozen In Amber Gallade: Green, White, Red and Black Aesthetic
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jcurtisid · 5 years
Power Rangers 3D Accessories : Prototypes Gold Power Staff, Brachio Staff, Thundermax Saber#powerrangers #3dprinting #sentai #industrialdesign #bandai #toys pic.twitter.com/iH9YwE5avL
— Designincase (@DesignINcase) January 1, 2019
April 19, 2019 at 04:57AM
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toyutopiausa · 3 years
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toyutopiausa · 3 years
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toyutopiausa · 3 years
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toyutopiausa · 4 years
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darksteedstudios · 4 years
For just $130.00 Power Rangers Dino Thunder Brachio Staff 3d printed and painted! Total length is 37" long! Please note current time to ship is 3-4 weeks. If you need an item earlier please contact me to see if it can be arranged. I offer two options.. one finished and painted and unpainted. Please note the unpainted version may come in a different color than shown.
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