#braided catheters
rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter twelve
Series Masterlist
Previous Part: Courage Next Part: Cardboard Castle
Word Count: 7,220
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of medical equipment, loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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"Alright, just a small pinch." Bruce explained to you before inserting an IV catheter into a vein in the ditch of your arm.
This moment felt a little unreal. Sitting criss-crossed in an armchair in the Avengers living room in their own compound somewhere in upstate New York. Bruce Banner, the fucking hulk, on your left giving you medical attention, and Steve on your right, holding your hand giving you emotional support.
After a whole night of Steve trying his hardest to nurse you back to health with lots of love, cuddles, and bribery in the form of your favorite Chinese food, you just couldn't keep anything down.
Even though you wanted to drink and you desperately wanted to shove Crab Rangoons down your throat, you just couldn't. Half a glass of water and two bites of fried rice had you feeling nauseous and uncomfortable. This time, the discomfort wasn't from trying to out eat a super soldier.
Steve was such a sweetheart, he didn't push it too hard, but he did push for exactly what was happening right now. Some fluid and parental nutrition through an IV to get you right on track for a smooth recovery from what the agents put you through. He could tell that although settling more and more by the minute, your nerves were still off the chart. Your lack of eating made perfect psychological sense, but he still wanted you to feel better.
So he convinced you to let Bruce do this, and you agreed without hesitation. The lack of medical environment and the never ending warmth you've felt from every Avenger you've met thus far made you feel comfortable and brave enough for something like this. Really, it was no biggy.
The IV went in without a hitch, and you barely even felt it.
"Okay, I'm going to flush this out with a little bit of saline. It might taste kind've metallic in your mouth for a few moments. That's normal." He told you while inserting a syringe looking thing into the end of the line going straight to your vein.
Just like he said, you tasted metal. "Ooh" Your eyebrows pinched together. "Weird."
"I think it tastes like expo markers" Steve commented.
"How do you know what expo markers taste like?" Natasha asked, head leaning to the side with a grin.
"I don't know... it just tastes how they smell." He shrugged.
"You're so weird, Rogers." She commented before looking back down at her laptop.
You giggled at her comment before biting your tongue considering he was right next to you.
"Come on, back me up, Sweetie." He asked.
"I wish I could" You laughed. "But I have no idea what you're talking about."
He pouted, Bruce didn't even give him a chance to rebuttal. "You're all set and ready to go. The bag should be done in about an hour then I'll come take the IV out."
"Thank you, Bruce, I appreciate it." You grinned.
"Of course, I'll be back in a bit." He gave you a polite nod before leaving again.
As Bruce left, Nat sprung up from her spot on the couch and approached you and Steve before knocking his hand off of yours.
"Let me have her" Nat said, walking around the back of your chair.
"What the f- Nat!" Steve complained.
"Stealing his girl and he still won't drop the f bomb" She teased, running her fingers through your hair that you washed yesterday but had yet to do anything with.
You had no idea what was going on, but you remembered the first warning Steve gave you about being around the Avengers, there would always be chaos. So you sat there with an uncontrollable smile as Nat played with your hair, and Steve argued with her like a child.
"You aren't stealing anyone from me." Steve whined. "What are you doing? Did you even ask?"
"She has such beautiful hair, I want to braid it." Nat answered Steve, then leaned over to see your face. "Is that alright, Cupcake?"
"That's more than alright" You grinned.
"Cupcake?!" Steve puffed playfully. "I know you're not calling my girl Cupcake."
"How is it any different than sugar cookie?" Nat asked as your cheeks blushed at Steve calling you his girl.
"I don't know, it just sounds patronizing." He complained.
"Do you feel patronized, Cupcake?" Nat asked you, parting your hair from behind the armchair you were sitting in.
"This feels like a trap." You giggled, reaching out to hold Steve's hand again. He accepted it quickly, then gave it a little squeeze.
"Smart girl" Nat smiled.
The three of you chatted away while she sectioned your hair down the middle, and worked on the first of the two french braids she was putting into your hair.
Once it was finished she tied off the end with a hair tie, then worked on the next one on the other side. You guys were so preoccupied I'm the easy flowing conversation that the opening door, and approaching footsteps went unnoticed.
"What is this?" An iconic voice asked, immediately sending a shiver down your spine.
You looked from Steve's laughing face over to the source, none other than Tony Stark. Steve's face fell into an expression that was much more guarded, and you immediately felt uncomfortable.
He warned you about everything. Talking raccoons, blue Cyborgs, bickering, weapons you might see, emergency codes you might hear. You felt prepared for every situation but this one.
You didn't know what terms Steve and Tony were on, but you did know he was one of the most powerful people in the country. Quite honestly, you didn't even know if you were allowed to make eye contact, or speak unless spoken to. So you sat respectfully quiet, and tried to keep your cool.
No one responded to Tony as he pointed to you, a measly little thing sitting criss cross in a chair wearing Steve's clothes that were far too big for you, with an IV in your arm, all while Natasha braided your hair.
"Make a wish foundation?" Tony asked again.
"Oh god, Tony-" Steve scuffed, shaking his head.
"Okay? Another super-person I need to worry about?" Tony's eyes went from Steve's to Natasha's, everyone but your own.
"Well, she's certainly super, that's for sure" Natasha smiled.
"So, no one's going to tell me who you are?" Tony finally asked you, looking at you directly.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out, so you looked at Steve to help guide you through this. He could see the worried look in your eye, so he took over.
"This is my-" Steve stared fully confident before realizing that you didn't even really have a title in his life.
Girlfriend. No? He never officially asked you to be his considering you both knew he had to leave.
Friend? Kind've, but not really?
Neighbor was an absolute no, you were way more than just a friendly face next door.
He looked at you, and you were thinking the same thing he was. The confused look on his face made you bite the insides of your cheeks to hold back laughter.
"Well I'm certainly a girl, and I'm definitely his friend." You took the pressure off of him. If the two of you were doing down, you would go down together.
"Wait a second," Tony started. "You're sugar cookie?"
"Didn't know I had a reputation around here, but I guess so." You confirmed.
"No way." Tony shook his head. "Let me see your hands"
With reluctance and no confidence whatsoever, your put your hands out to him. He walked closer and saw the scar on your palm.
"Well no shit!" He enthused. "A baker who caught a falling knife, you're real! That's incredibly stupid by the way, you should always let the knife drop."
"Why are you here, Tony." Steve redirected him, you could hear the annoyance in his voice and feel the tension in the room.
"Just here to grab some stuff then I'll be out of your hair." Tony addressed him, then immediately started pestering you again. "So, what's wrong with you?"
"Oh, I just- I was arrested and it's bee-"
"No" Tony cut you off. "I mean which wires are loose in your head that makes you want to play stuffin' the muffin with Rogers?"
"Enough." Steve put his foot down.
"Leave her alone, Stark." Nat sounded from behind you.
"Damn, tough crowd. Reminds me of exactly why I'm leaving for the woods and never coming back." Tony quipped. "Peace out."
You watched as Tony left, and Steve let out a breath of annoyance. You didn't need to see Nat's face to know she was holding back a smile.
Silence fell over the three of you for a little while, it seemed as though Steve was steaming in a lump of his own negative emotions over the billionaire while Nat kept her mouth shut as to not fuel the fire.
In attempts to calm him down without even needing to use your words, while simultaneously comforting yourself, you pulled his forearm onto the arm of the chair you were sitting in. You played with his fingers and rubbed his soft skin.
When the second braid was done, Nat tied off the end then hugged you from behind while excusing herself to get some work done.
Still feeling emotionally and physically exhausted from the past few days, you readjusted with your IV arm out where it should be, but curled your legs beneath you and rested your head on Steve's arm.
You could feel him relax under your touch, and his hand moved up to gently cup the side of your head before placing a kiss to your temple.
"M'sorry about that" Steve apologized quietly. "Really wasn't expecting him to be around today... or ever."
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault." You reminded him. "Never thought I'd be here, but this is definitely a story I'll tell my grandkids one day."
Steve giggled at your comment, the thought of you old and grey with grand kids running around with endless cookies in their hands made him smile. "I never really thought you'd be here either but I'm glad you are."
"As cool as this is though, I can't wait to get back to Greenwood." You explained, feeling homesick. You barely ever left the small town, so being away combined with the three most terrifying days of your life, you were longing for your own house.
"I can't even tell you how much I miss it." Steve shook his head in disbelief. "I miss the bakery."
"The bakery misses you too, she told me every day." You joked.
"I wonder if Bruce can make this IV drip faster so we can leave sooner" Steve pondered.
Unfortunately for Steve, he had to wait the full hour before he could take you home. But luckily, getting you home was a breeze.
You were a rockstar in the Jet, to Steve's surprise, you found in interesting. Tiny bits of your personality were starting to shine back through as you asked him a million and one questions about what everything did on board. He was more than happy to answer every single question, and let you push every single button so long as it didn't interfere with a smooth flight.
Sometimes he found it really easy to normalize these aspects of his life that were completely out of the ordinary to the average civilian. He didn't know if it was because it was a survival tactic of his own, or because he so desperately craved to feel normal even when most of his life was everything but average, but he found so much happiness and beauty in sharing moments like this with you.
You quickly brought him back to earth, and your childlike curiosity and amazement for even something as simple as transportation that was a normal part of life as a superhero reminded him of all the ways his life was enriched.
This time bringing the Jet to Greenwood was a lot more welcomed with a lot more accommodations. The police department cleared Steve to land in their private runway and store it in their hangars. Immediately upon exiting, you were met with the chief and a few officers who came to check in on you and make sure you were okay. And for the first time ever, you saw Steve hold himself high and be greeted with respect by anyone in Greenwood.
The police escorted you two home, which lead to more fascination by you because you had never been in a police car before. Steve reminded you more than once that it was a really great thing that this was a whole new experience for you, but once again he couldn't stop smiling.
Both of you had never felt more relief than when he opened the car door and helped you out. Waiting for you in your driveway was a handful of your friends and neighbors who were worried sick about you, and had heard about your arrival back home.
While each one greeted you with long, tight hugs, hair pets, back rubs, and cheek kisses, Steve watched from a slight distance while he sorted out the rest of the information the police needed to make sure you were as safe as could be.
His heart was happy knowing you were so loved by your community, and when he caught a glimpse of all the flowers and letters and pictures in his own driveway that you had told him about, he couldn't help but to feel loved as well.
After Steve introduced himself to everyone at your homecoming, he got you back in your house safe and sound. Right back where the journey started, you picked your phone up from underneath the couch and plugged it in.
He could see it on your face that you were still drained regardless of the excitement of getting back home. Some of your employees and friends had promised they'd be over at your place tonight with dinner and good company to try and ease up the hardship of the past few days, so now was a good time to leave you alone.
You were thankful to have someone like him who understood your needs without even having to express them, someone who understood the value of processing your thoughts by yourself without being offended.
So he tucked you into your bed, then sat next to your hip before giving you a series of sweet kisses.
"Are you doing okay?" He questioned genuinely.
You grinned and nodded, feeling relaxed and relieved. "thank you for rescuing me, Stevie."
"That's what I'm here for, Sunflower." He rubbed your cheek with his thumb. "I'll be back here in a few hours, but if you need me before then you know where I live."
A smile took over your face, then a thought occurred. "Hey, can I have your real phone number now?"
"Are you hitting on me?" Steve questioned cheekily.
"Of course I am" You confirmed. "What's a pretty boy like you doing all alone in this part of town?"
He shook his head at your antics, before giving you another kiss. "Yes, you can have my real phone number now."
"I'm really moving on up in this world." You celebrated.
"I'll put it in your phone on my way out." He assured you. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Okay" You agreed as he tucked you in tighter.
"I love you" He reminded you sincerely.
"I love you too" You happily wrapped your arms around him in a goodbye hug, this time you kissed him. "So so much."
He said goodbye then put his real personal phone number in your contacts just as promised before making his way to his house. Checking the inside before dealing with the fanfare in the front, he found something he suspected, the loss of some of his clothes.
But, everything else was just as he left it but tidier. He could tell you had gone in there a few times to clean up and make sure everything was as it should be.
After checking upstairs he made his way back down to the garage to open up the big door to make clearing out the front of his house a lot easier. The pile of broken down cardboard boxes neatly stacked against the wall reminded him that he still owed you a cardboard castle.
Steve opened up the door and spent hours picking up each letter and reading every word, looking at every picture, saving every little shield and stuffed animal that was left for him. Some of the kind words brought tears to his eyes, most of them were words of thanks for what he and the Avengers did and how they continued to be a beacon of hope during uncertain times.
It reminded him of how much had changed since he was in Greenwood last, it looked a little different, felt a little different, but now it was a little different. Because as neighbors walked by they finally made it a point to introduce themselves and apologize that they had never come by before now.
The a few of the neighbors kids even came out to talk to him, their parents pulling them away after asking for a picture. This time around, the eyes on him felt starstruck rather than judgmental.
Although some of it felt hypocritical, he was happy to be back and involved in a community rather than having to isolate himself and hide from the world. Every word, every picture, every dead flower and passing neighbor felt bitter sweet.
That was until he was in the middle of reading another letter he had picked up from the ground and he could hear footsteps approaching behind him. He stopped what he was doing and looked back with a friendly smile, only for it to drop when he was met with Georgia rather than another new friendly face.
She wasn't worth his time, he didn't even want to hear her out after what she did to you. Yes he heard all the awful things she had said about him. Terrorist, war criminal, out of control, selfish, manipulator, but he didn't care. He could let all of that go, in fact, sometimes the avengers needed to be criticized by civilians. But what she did to his love was unforgivable.
So, he ignored her and proceeded to read the letter right where he left off. This one was from a 17 year old named Jack, currently telling him all about how his plans for the future. He wanted to go to school to become a fire fighter and a paramedic as the avengers inspired him to save lives ever since he was just a little ki-
"You killed my husband." Georgia's voice sounded from behind him.
Ah yes, another thing Steve has had to come to terms with. People directly blaming him for the loss of people he had no control over. Guilt ate him alive over the blip every single day, but he was working on it and this simply wasn't helping.
"I'm sorry?" Steve turned around, eyebrows furrowed.
"Michael is gone. He was blipped." Georgia explained.
"I'm very sorry for your loss." Steve monotoned, turning around as to end the conversation before it got out of hand. His heart was beating out of his chest.
"You don't even have remorse." She practically spat. "Do you even care? Look what you've done."
Steve took a big deep breath before he bit his tongue and turned back around to face her. "Last time I checked, I was trying my absolute hardest to make sure nobody had to go through this. My hand isn't the one that snapped."
"How hard could you have possibly been trying? I have to live everyday without the love of my life because the Avengers can never get their act together."
"Well if it's any consolation I lost a lot of people that I loved too." Steve scoffed, heart beating even faster, trying so hard to push down the guilt.  "People I loved died trying to keep this from happening. So I'm sorry for your loss, but we really did all we could."
Georgia rendered silent for a few moments as she could unexpectedly see the pain of what he had gone through in his eyes, and the faded scar on his forehead. But it wasn't enough to appease her anger and hatred. Nothing was. "You took my sweet baby away from me." All he did was cock an eyebrow and tilt his head to the side, not understanding who she was referring to. "She was nothing but kind, all she did was mind her own business and run the bakery but you swooped in here and you changed her."
"I didn't take her away from you" Steve shook his head. "You pushed her away. That was your own choice."
"I pushed her away because I already knew what was going to happen and I was trying to spare her." Georgia explained. "Has she even told you anything about what the last men like you did to her?"
"I have an idea, yes." Steve nodded. "I understand and appreciate that you're trying to look out for her, but I would never hurt her. She's a grown woman, she makes good choices, and you went about it all wrong."
"Oh? Really? You'd never hurt her?" Georgia scoffed.
"Do you understand how traumatic the passed few days have been for her because you reported her to the government?" Steve questioned. "They hurt her, you hurt her, and now she has to pick up the pieces all over again. I don't want to hear anything else about how much you care about her, because someone who cares wouldn't cause her even more pain."
"Had you never been here, I would've never had to report her." Georgia pointed out. "And you know what? If I put the pieces of this stupid little puzzle together and I didn't report her, then I would be a criminal too. So guess what? That's also your fault."
"Her criminal record is completely clean by the way, but I did notice that assault charge on yours from a few years back." Steve chirped. "Spitting on an officer is not a good look."
"You killed her mother." She barked. That statement took Steve down a notch... or two. "She just lost her dad not too long ago, and now her Mom is gone. Of course she didn't tell me that, I found out on a Facebook post she was tagged in. Did you know about that?"
"We haven't talked abo-"
"Of course you didn't, and guess what? She's never going to tell you that. You know why? Because she's incapable of healthy relationships."  Georgia ranted. "She's going to love you so hard but emotionally shut you out whenever things get hard in her head so much so that it'll suffocate you. I'm the only one who knows what really happened between her and her ex, she didn't even tell her Mom. Wherever her Mom fell flat in the emotional support department, I picked up that slack. And guess what? She doesn't have either of us now. And that's your fault."
Once again, Steve was speechless. He wasn't sure if it was from her words or her audacity, but either way he wanted to throw up.
"I don't care who you are or what you've done. I see past the whole superhero facade. You say you'd never hurt her and she believes it, but I don't because you've already hurt her in the worst way imaginable."
"But you've done nothing wrong, right?" Steve questioned. "You're just this perfect person who's done nothing but improve her life?"
"I know what I did wrong, the difference between you and I is that I can admit that while you sit here and act like you're better than everyone else because you wear stars and stripes."
"Georgia, I've felt unimaginable guilt every single day of my life since I became Captain America." Steve admitted. "Survivors guilt. Guilt that I haven't done enough. Guilt every single time I try to relax. Guilt that I put the kindest person I know in a tough situation. And though I don't need to explain myself to you, you have to understand that I'm human too. I try my hardest to be the best that I can be and make good choices, but sometimes I mess up. Should I have just left her alone at the start? Yeah, probably. But she was the only person I could connect with after almost a whole year on my own. She made me feel like I could keep going when I was about to give up. Yes, she knew who I was, but she chose to stay by my side. Do I regret letting her do that? Absolutely not. Do I feel guilty about everything I've put her through? Every waking moment."
"So why do you continue to be in her life when you could so easily just let her go?" Georgia questioned.
"Because I love her, and the one thing I will never allow myself to feel guilty about is staying with someone I love." Steve explained. "She was loyal to me at my lowest and I intend on being there for her whenever she needs me. So I'm sorry that Thano's blipped Michael, and I'm sorry for unintentionally driving a wedge between you and her, but her and I have enough on our plate at the moment so please just give her some space."
"I don't hate you, Captain Rogers, but I will continue to be your harshest critic."
"I don't need you to like me, and I am my own harshest critic." Steve stood his ground.
"Take care of her, treat her well." She lectured. "By all means, you've got to do better than this."
"I'm not interested in continuing this conversation."
"I'll be praying that she tells you the whole truth about what happened with her last boyfriend, and that her love doesn't suffocate you into insanity like it did to him."
"I know gods, ma'am. Your prayers don't mean anything to me." Steve sassed, throughly annoyed by Georgia's comments. "The only person I feel suffocated by is you."
"So be it."
She walked off back to her own house, Steve let out a puffed breath, trying his hardest to remain composed regardless of the nausea and anger settling into the pit of his stomach.
Luckily, reading the rest of the letters and clearing off the rest of the driveway did wonders to improve his mood. Though he still felt awful for the reality of what he did to you, he felt better nonetheless.
Even better after a shower, a change of clothes, and the promise of you behind your front door when he made his way back to your house half an hour before everyone else said they were going to arrive.
"Stevieeeee!" You cheered enthusiastically, opening your arms wide for him.
"Baby! It's been so long!" Steve cheered with your same enthusiasm, accepting the hug after stepping into your house.
"It should be illegal for a man to look this handsome in a t-shirt and jeans, you heathen!" Your smiley face did wonders for his mood.
"Says you, pretty girl." Steve said before kissing you. "Ooh, you smell so nice."
"Thanks, I tried." You shrugged. "How's it feel to be back?"
You started walking further into your living room, Steve trailed behind you like the big dog he was.
"Feels great" You could hear the smile in his voice. "I cleared out my driveway. Surprisingly, a lot of people are actually happy to have me here."
"I could've told you that, you should see how insane the bakery has been since everyone found out you were hanging out there."
"What?" Steve questioned, wanting you to elaborate.
"A line wrapped around the building every morning" You nodded proudly, gracefully plopping down on the couch. "Everyone from every surrounding town wants to try the same treats Captain America has been eating. We usually sell out around noon, but haven't had the hands or kitchen capacity to keep up with the demands."
"Oh gosh" Steve sat next to you, welcoming your legs being thrown over his thighs as he threw his arm around your shoulder. "I'm glad business is going well, but you and your poor employees must be exhausted"
"I was pretty worried about it when I was in custody, but I talked to the head baker not too long ago. She held down the fort perfectly."
"Has there been press?" Steve asked. "I haven't been checking local news at all, it's been a little overwhelming."
"I understand" You placed your hand on his chest to feel the comforting thumps of his heart against your palm. "Yeah, there has been. A lot of people try shoving cameras in my face or try asking me about you. I try my hardest to just be polite while not saying anything about you. Which is really hard by the way, you're my favorite person and I could talk about you for hours."
"I'm sorry that's happening" Steve sighed, gently running his knuckles down the side of your cheek.
"Don't be sorry" You grinned, reaching up and grabbing his hand. Guiding it to your mouth, you kissed the back of it. "If anything, you've brought in a ton of business and new customers. The store has never been so busy even with the other half of the population still around, so thank you."
"Nope, uh-uh." Steve denied. "The line is wrapped around the building because you're amazing at what you do. You're not allowed to accredit your success on anything other than that."
"I'd be ignorant, and it would be a disservice to not acknowledge everyone who's helped me get to where I am, I certainly didn't do this on my own." You grinned, both of your connected hands now resting in your lap as you squeezed and massaged his lovingly yet absentmindedly. "I think that's a beautiful thing, by the way. I really cherish the love and effort it takes to keep the bakery running. Every person who adds to its success story makes me love it even more."
Steve squeezed your hand and let out a sigh. "You're heart is too good for this world."
"You say that like it's a bad thing." You raised an eyebrow.
"No, it's definitely not." Steve grinned even though the residual guilt was pounding at the forefront of his brain, "Sometimes I just have a hard time believing that I deserve so much grace for everything that I've put you through."
"You're far too hard on yourself, Honey." You told him sympathetically. "You know what you've put me through?"
"Hmm?" He questioned.
"You've put me through one of the best friendships I've ever had. You've put me through facing my fear of being trusting and vulnerable to new people in my life, less lonely hours by myself in the kitchen, more time smiling and laughing, so much more time loving." You reminded him. "But you also did put me through that five mile run that one time and I'll never forgive you for that."
A real laugh escaped his throat, and you smiled in accomplishment. "That was your idea."
"I don't care." You denied with a giggle. "I didn't even know who you were yet, and I signed myself up for a run with Captain America. I deserved a warning... or an Advil... or like, a gallon of caffeine first."
"Well now you know for next time!" His cheeky smile poked through.
"Yeah... next time!" You said super sarcastically. "My point is, I can tell you feel guilty, but I don't blame you for any of it. I love you, I love that you care so much, but I just want you to relax."
Steve closed his eyes for a moment to try and get your reassurance really sink into his brain.
"We both deserve to enjoy each other without all the weird emotional strings and heavy baggage we've had with us before, and now we have a whole month together."
He leaned closer to you and laid a loving kiss on his lips. They were as sweet as him, it lasted a while, but you were perfectly happy to kiss his brain noise away.
"You always know how to make me feel better." He stated, your two foreheads pressed together.
"I'm my happiest when I'm with you." You smiled against his lips.
"I love you, baby" He stated before reconnecting your lips for a little while. The two of you stayed like that for a while, holding each other close and exchanging slow, romantic kisses. But it wouldn't be Steve if his mind wasn't always one step ahead of himself, so he pulled away when a piece of information came to the forefront of his mind. "Would this be a good time to tell you tha-"
He was cut off by the doorbell.
"No, actually, now is a terrible time to tell me." You joked with a giggle as you slowly got up off of him and the couch. "You should hold onto that thought for a few hours while we socialize then just hope you remember it later."
"Yep, I'll just live with this information for a few more hours, no problem." Steve laughed, getting up to follow you, hoping it didn't look like the two of you had been making out for ten minutes.
Company filled your house and warmed the inside of the walls alongside the parts of your soul that had felt so cold and dark for months. Friends, neighbors, and coworkers alike, you all ate dinner together while exchanging stories and laughs.
After dinner everyone squeezed in the living room around the coffee table. Uno cards and wine glasses occupied its surface while everyone sat shoulder to shoulder on the couches and on the fluffy rug. Occasional competitive shouting sounded from the area while a few of the bakers in the group had snuck into your fully stocked pantry to provide a tray of brownies and a batch of warm chocolate chip cookies.
Steve was almost overwhelmed by the sense of comfort and familiarity he hadn't felt in a long time. It was this small town magic he had always heard about. A group of people, most of whom had never met each other before, coming together and truly enjoying each other.
Just for you, there were strangers sitting together on your living room floor, a shared blanket across their laps, and giggling together after a glass of wine. Your sweet employees in the kitchen teaching your neighbor the secret to the perfect chocolate chip cookie with a gooey center and a crispy edge. You snuggled on the couch with your head resting on one of your best friend's shoulder, while Steve made his rounds and got to know everyone as much as he could.
Each one was kinder than the last, and each one asked him questions about himself. They weren't about the Sokovia accords, or what Thanos had ripped away from everyone, they were about his interests and hobbies, what he did to occupy his time, and how long the two of you had been together.
Through a mixed group of people, the one thing they all had in common was their love for you, and that was more than enough for them. Strangers became friends, and Steve finally felt like he might've been part of the small town community.
Steve's mind ran back to that same night you suggested a cardboard castle. You invited him to the neighborhood game night at Georgia and Michael's place, but rather than attending, he watched the lively get together through a double pained glass window and open sheer curtains from across the street. He remembered how isolated he felt after all that time on his own, how badly he craved to be surrounded by people who cared.
And now here he was, inside the four walls, surrounded by people who cared, and right on track to getting all he's ever wanted since his mom passed leaving him on his own at 18 years old. A family.
The Avengers were a little less than put together at the moment, and that wasn't their fault as a collective, but he was happy to have some real, normal people in his life to keep him grounded. The only thing that could've made him feel complete was if Nat, Sam, and Bucky were here.
But he had you, and you were more than enough.
Committed to forcing you to relax and enjoy yourself after all you had been through, he helped the girls clean up the kitchen, refilled wine glasses, and did all the dishes.
Then when the time come and the grip was dropping like flies, he offered rides home just in case anyone was too sleepy or had one glass to much, and stood in the driveway to make sure everyone got to their cars safely in the dark.
Of course it was a safe neighborhood and everyone lived on the block or just a few minutes away, but who would Steve Rogers be if not a protector.
As he leaned over the porch railing watching the cars drive away and enjoying the fresh, crisp air, you came out to join him. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders around his too, and your arms snaked around his waist in a side hug.
His arm was quick to sling around your shoulders and pull you in closer before pressing a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help the invasive smile tugging on the corners of your lips. He was happy, you could tell he was, and you were happy too.
An easy, simple, small town life with Steve was something you could imagine for yourself. Blanket covered snuggles on the porch under the stars, a house full of people you cared for, the man you loved dearly in your arms.
"How are you doing, my love?" He questioned above you, both of you looking out into the neighborhood.
"Good; happy." You said confidently. "You?"
"Good and happy." He copied your answer.
"Even better now that you finally got a homemade cookie?" You questioned knowing it was one of the things he had missed the most in his time away.
"I think I ate five, no joke." Steve smiled.
"You deserve them all." You squeezed him tight. "Will you stay over tonight?"
"Of course."
"Or we can go to your house? Whichever one you want." You threw out there. "Fist night back, we can be wherever you missed the most."
"Well I missed you the most, so I'll sleep whenever you want to sleep."
"Well we're already here, so might as well." You shrugged. "Hey, what we're you going to tell me earlier?!"
"Oh! Right!" Steve perked up. "So, remember how you like... hid me away for all that time and like... made me so happy and took good care of me and then you were abducted by the government and I yelled at them really bad?"
"Yeah," You laughed at his means of explanation. "I think I remember that."
"Okay good." He smiled. "So I thought the government owed you for A, doing super illegal stuff to you and B, doing them a favor by keeping me safe and sound so I bargained a deal with them as reparations of sorts."
"What was the deal?" You asked, eyebrows furrowing together.
"Well for all the time you spent with me and kept me from losing me mind, I made them pay off your mortgage. So, your house is completely taken care of." He smiled.
You turned to him, shock smeared across your face. "What?!"
"It's done." He reassured you. "No more home loan, you owe nothing else. It's all yours."
"Steve-" tears welled in your eyes, feeling the weight of the world slip off your shoulders.
"And for the time they took you away for the bakery, your business rent was payed off for the rest of the five year contract." He explained the kicker.
"No way." You shook your head.
"Yes way." He nodded in assurance.
"That's too much, you didn't have to do that." A tear slipped off your cheek.
Thought business was doing well again, those few months of being closed were weighing on you. Once again, this was a huge relief.
"I didn't do anything other than get you want you deserved." He reminded you. "All it took was some glaring and some yelling."
"Damnit, Baby. I didn't want to cry anymore!" You playfully yelled at him, very gently hitting his chest before he pulled you against him and you hurried your face in it.
Gently swaying you from side to side, he continued to explain. "I can't imagine life has been easy for you since we met or even before then, but any chance I have to make it better I'm going to take no questions asked."
"But this? This is a lot Steve, that's a lot of money. And the business?"
"Use the rent money to give yourself and your employees a raise. You all work hard, you deserve it." He suggested. "I told you, the Avengers are yours now and you'd get everything you deserve because of what you did. You were here exactly when I needed you. You took good care of me, so now I get to take good care of you."
"I'm so grateful, thank you so much."
"No, thank you." He kissed your forehead before you looked up to kiss his lips.
"Wow, I'm going to sleep so well tonight" You laughed, wiping the tears off your cheeks. "I'm back home, I'm feeling better, I get to sleep in a completely paid off house, and my favorite person is back here with me alive and well. That's all I could ever want."
"What if we throw in a bag of spicy Doritos?" Steve questioned playfully, raising an eyebrow.
"That's too much, that would be an embarrassment of riches." You laughed, a yawn taking over.
"Alright, let's get you to bed, Honey." Steve giggled before kissing you and sweeping you off your feet like a groom carrying his bride through the doorway.
You shrieked before laughing and tightly wrapping your arms behind his neck, peppering kisses all over his face.
Right before bringing you inside and closing the door, Steve caught a glimpse of Georgia staring at them through her window.
Now she was the one watching game night through the windows, watching love after her lover was gone, and living an isolated life away from the people she once loved.
Maybe now she'd understand Steve a little better, everything he had to go through, all the choices he had to make, the extreme isolation through the hardest part of his life.
He made eye contact and gave her a friendly grin, empathizing with the feeling of loneliness. But now he knew better, and now he felt better than he did before.
He would never feel guilty for loving you.
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Next Part: Cardboard Castle
Tag list: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @lokislady82 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @xxxalicerogersxx @avid-fic-reader-05 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash @crazyunsexycool @openup-yourmind @selella @kattreffic @benedict-squirtle @magnificentsaladllama @natashassandwich @theroyalmanatee @calwitch @avengersinitiative2012
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allylikethecat · 1 year
Ooo can I ask for gatty #49?
Hi! Thank you so much for sending in this prompt! I'm sorry it took a few days for me to finish! This entire Kiss Prompt situation was so much fun and I really enjoyed working on them! I hope this is what you were looking for and that even if it wasn’t you still enjoy it! I had surgery to correct a deviated septum a few years ago and have thus decided to give Matty the same ailment. 
Kiss…out of necessity
“I’m scared,” Matty said, looking up at George with wide, wet eyes. His curls, grown longer during the break, had been french braided and tucked under a surgical cap to keep them out of the way during the procedure. He was fiddling with the tape on the back of his hand and George reached forward, covering Matty’s hands with his own, lest he rip out the catheter and make a break for it. He was honestly impressed that Matty had held it together this long. 
George had thought he was going to be in for a fight, that he would have to physically drag Matty into the car that morning. But instead, he had made his way into the kitchen wearing a pair of black joggers and a zip up hoodie, hair braided, and his jaw set with determination. He had nodded once when George had asked if he was ready to go, and had followed him wordlessly out to the car, messing with his phone, changing the song playing through the stereo every few notes as George drove them to the hospital.  
“I know,” he said softly, flipping Matty’s hand, the one with the catheter, over and raising it to his lips to press a kiss to his palm. Matty blushed and dropped his gaze to the pastel blue blanket covering his lap. He wondered why everything in the hospital was always blue. Blue hospital gown, blue blankets. He would have thought white- easier to bleach, or black, easier to hide the stains. George intertwined their fingers and gave Matty’s hand a squeeze before letting it drop back down to his lap. 
“I’ll be right here, with you the whole time, until they tell me I can’t be anymore,” George said, “and then I’ll be right here waiting for you when you wake up.” 
“Do you promise?” Matty asked, his voice wavering. “Because I’m really fucking scared.” 
“Think of how much better you’re going to feel,” George said, “maybe not right away, but in a few weeks? You’ll be able to breathe better, and no more sinus infections, no more migraines.” 
It had been a shock to discover, at thirty four years old, that Matty had a deviated septum and that was the cause of his near chronic sinus infections. He had stared at the doctor in shock initially, not believing the diagnosis. He was a singer. How had no one else noticed that structurally, his nose wasn’t put together properly until now? They said it might even be the cause of his migraine disorder. Corrective surgery was scheduled for the next break in their schedule. The date had come sooner than Matty had expected, and now he was sitting in a hospital bed, George by his side in pre-op. 
“What if,” he hesitated, looking down at his lap again. There was a loose thread on the blanket they had given him, it had been warm from the dryer when they wrapped him in it, but it didn’t matter, he was still trembling. “What if, what if I don’t wake up?” 
“You will,” said George with full confidence, causing Matty to smile, a quick up turn of his lips despite himself.
“What if it ruins my voice?” Matty asked quietly, and there it was, thought George, the root of Matty’s fear.
“They’re not going to be anywhere near your vocal cords,” George said soothingly, rubbing his thumb back and forth against Matty’s sweaty palm.
“But-” Matty started, thinking of how in the pre-op appointment they had gone over all of the risk factors, of the general anesthesia, of infection, and the footnote that some patients experienced a change in voice. 
He had been quiet on the drive home from the doctor’s office, holding onto his packet of information like it was the only thing grounding him in the passenger seat of the car. He hadn’t even connected his phone to the CarPlay, instead listening to the radio as he stared blankly out the window, pressing his forehead against the glass. George had asked if he wanted to talk about it, if he had any more questions he wanted George to reach out with, knowing that Matty often got overwhelmed and shut down when it came to medical matters. But Matty just shook his head. Don’t really have a choice but to do the surgery. He had said ruefully, and the subject was dropped, other than the surgery date being circled, on the white board calendar George insisted on in the kitchen because it reminded him of his childhood, in red.    
“No buts,” said George, “you have the best ear, nose and throat surgeon in the UK doing the procedure, she said you’ll be in and out, ninety minutes max, and that once the swelling goes down, you’ll be able to breathe.” 
Oh no, thought George, taking in the glassy sheen to Matty’s eyes. He was about to start crying. George couldn’t have that, couldn’t have Matty going into surgery crying in fear. Without thinking, George leaned forward and pressed his lips to Matty’s. He made a soft noise of surprise before melting into the kiss, reaching up to cup the back of George’s head, pulling him closer while being mindful of the tubing connecting the catheter in his hand to the hanging IV bag. 
George licked into Matty’s mouth, deepening the kiss, pulling a soft whine from his throat before biting down gently on Matty’s lower lip, knowing it would drive him mad. It had the desired effect because Matty’s other hand came up to wrap around George’s shoulders and in a shocking show of strength that George still couldn’t get used to, Matty yanked him forward, nearly pulling him over the railing of his hospital bed. It was crazy, thought Matty, losing himself in the taste of George, that they had been together, for as long as they had and George was still able to drive him wild, still able to turn him on with something as simple as a kiss, even if it was coated in filth. 
A shrill beeping sound echoed through the room, and Matty and George jerked apart, just as the curtain was pulled back and a young, stressed looking nurse stared at them with wide eyes. Matty flushed, realizing it was the heart monitor he was hooked up to that they had just set off. She looked from Matty and then to George, taking in George’s disheveled appearance, their flushed cheeks, Matty’s swollen lips, and the way he had pulled his knees to his chest, his hands in his lap. She nodded to herself.
“Okay, so you’re not seizing,” she said looking at Matty with a knowing smirk. “The anesthesiologist will be by shortly,” she said. They could read between the lines. What she really meant was keep it in your pants.
Not waking up from his surgery was sounding better and better, Matty thought, turning to glare at George as soon as the nurse was gone. 
“Was that really necessary?” he hissed, pretending to be more angry than he really was. 
George chuckled. “It seemed to have calmed you down,” he said, “so yes, it was necessary.”
Matty looked down at his crotch. “I don’t think any part of me is calm.” 
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bhavesh2022 · 5 months
Europe Medical Tubing Market Analysis, Strategic Assessment, Trend Outlook and Business Opportunities 2021-2028
Business Market Insights latest offering, titled “Europe Medical Tubing Market Size and Share Analysis to 2028,” provides comprehensive insights for startups and big market players. The report covers industry performance, risk factors, growth determinants, economics of cost, and ROI streams. It combines qualitative and primary research methods, making it an essential product for companies, investors, and business strategists aiming to excel in the Europe Medical Tubing market in a projected timeframe.
Market Overview
Europe Medical Tubing market has experienced dynamic transformations in recent years, anticipated to remain an investible domain for investors in the projected time. The market is propelled by consumer preferences, regulatory parameters, and advancements in technology. Concurrently, the surge in automation has favored Europe Medical Tubing market share expansion. Advancements in manufacturing technologies have made the Europe Medical Tubing market viable and accessible, which is further expected to contribute to market growth.
In confluence with the aforementioned growth drivers, the Europe Medical Tubing market is also gauged for restraints and trends. The emerging trends in the market are analyzed in this chapter to assist market players in trying to retain their competitive edge. Strategic insights on key players and their tactics are perks of this research. This section brings forward different organic business strategies, strategic partnerships, and collaborations in the Europe Medical Tubing market.
Market Segmentation
To adequately aid their customers in a competitive Europe Medical Tubing market, enterprises must educate themselves on key segments. Streamlining market approaches is an effective application of market research. The market segmentation section focuses on product, application, and regional categories. Understanding demographics and high-ROI geographical regions helps entrepreneurs optimize their products. 
Regional Insights
The report attempts to explore both global and regional market aspects through authorized sources. Regional share, trends, key market players, and future scope are perks under this section.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
PTFE/Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPES)
Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (TPUS)
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)
Polypropylene and Polyethylene
and Other
Multi-Layer Extruded Tubing
Tapered or Bump Tubing
Braided Tubing
Balloon Tubing
Corrugated Tubing
Heat Shrink Tubing
and Others
Bulk Disposable Tubing
Catheter & Cannula
Drug Delivery System
and Others
End User
Hospitals and Clinics
Ambulatory Care Centres
Medical Device Companies
and Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA
Nordson Corp
Optinova AB
Spectrum Plastics Group Inc
TE Connectivity Ltd
Trelleborg AB
Other key companies 
Need a Customized Market Research Report?
You can always share any specific requirements that you have, and our team will adjust the scope of research offerings as per your needs. the following are some customizations our clients ask for:
The report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Key Questions Addressed in the Europe Medical Tubing Market Research Include:
What are present Europe Medical Tubing market values, and what can be expected in the upcoming decade?
What are the key segments in the Europe Medical Tubing market?
What is the regional distribution of the Europe Medical Tubing market report?
What are the key players and their recent strategies?
What are the key factors driving Europe Medical Tubing market growth?
What are regulatory concerns and requirements businesses have to compel?
Our Unique Research Methods at Business Market Insights
We offer syndicated market research solutions and consultation services that provide complete coverage of global markets. This report includes a snapshot of global and regional insights. We pay attention to business growth and partner preferences, that why we offer customization on all our reports to meet individual scope and regional requirements.
Our team of researchers utilizes exhaustive primary research and secondary methods to gather precise and reliable information. Our analysts cross-verify facts to ensure validity. We are committed to offering actionable insights based on our vast research databases.
Author’s Bio: Bhavesh Shinde Senior Market Research Expert at Business Market Insights
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sophiareddy123 · 1 year
The Medical Tubing Market is Segmented by Material, (Plastics, Rubbers, and Specialty Polymers), by Application, (Bulk Disposable Tubing, Drug Delivery Systems, Catheters, and Cannulas, and Others (Peristaltic Pump Tubing, Gas Supply Tubing, and Smoke Evacuation Tubing)), by Structure (Single Lumen, Co-Extruded, Multi Lumen, and Braided Tubing) and by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle-East and Africa, and South America). 
Download Free Sample Report - Medical Tubing Market
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tonysunhf · 2 years
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Bigger Reinforced Introducer Sheath (Custom Service) Structure and Composition / Main Components: * Four Layers + Two Sections * Pebax + Reinforced Coil + Reinforced Braiding+ PTFE Liner * Coil overlap Braiding * Two colours - Transparent + Colourful * Partial Hydrophilic Coating Product Main Features: * Unique large lumen provides ease of instrument delivery and retrieval * Distal coil reinforcement resists stent release resistance * Rounded tip reduces damage to blood vessels during placement R&D and Production Experience: 16Fr x 610mm 18Fr x 950mm 20Fr x 950mm 22Fr x 950mm 23Fr x 950mm 24Fr x 950mm Product Package:  * Individual Pack or Custom(在 Enove Precision Plastics Catheter) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7GAxyOQhh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sueheaven · 2 years
Medical Tubing Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2022
Global Medical Tubing Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, players market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include :
Zeus Industrial Products (United States)
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics (France)
Teleflex Incorporated (United States)
Optinova Holding AB (Finland)
Nordson Corporation (United States)
The Lubrizol Corporation (United States)
Putnam Plastics (United States)
Tekni-Plex (United States)
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (United States)
Smiths Group plc (United Kingdom)
Medical Tubing is plastic tubing used for various non-invasive medical and laboratory applications and is required to meet specific standards based on abrasion resistance, flexibility, hardness, and durability. It is mainly used for fluid management and drainage, anesthesiology and respiratory equipment, IVs, catheters, peristaltic pumps, and biopharmaceutical laboratory equipment. On the basis of type, medical tubing is segmented as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), polyolefin, silicone, and others. Various applications of medical tubing include single-lumen, multi-lumen, Co-extruded or bump tubing, braided tubing, balloon tubing, and heat shrink tubing. Rising demand for invasive surgical techniques, growing ageing population and developing a claim for medical devices that incorporate tubing are anticipated for the growth of the global medical tubing market. Market Drivers Rising demand for invasive surgical techniques
Growing Ageing Population
Developing Claim for Medical Devices That Incorporate Tubing
Opportunities Increasing Investments in Healthcare Industry in Emerging Economies
Invention and Customization of Polymers and Tubing Structure
Replacement of Metals with Plastics
Challenges Strict Regulatory Policies
The Medical Tubing market study is being classified by Type (Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), Polyolefin, Silicone, Others), Application (Catheters & Cannulas, Bulk Disposable Tubing, Drug Delivery Systems, Biopharmaceutical Laboratory Equipment, Other Applications), By Structure (Single-lumen, Multi-lumen, Co-extruded, Tapered or Bump Tubing, Braided Tubing, Balloon Tubing, Heat Shrink Tubing) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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dutchcatheters · 4 years
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Dutch Technology Catheters has the industry best cost to performance ratio and specializes specifically in angiographic catheters manufacturing OEM for high volumes. Our facility is equipped with the latest technology in catheter manufacturing and quality control. Visit us.
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paddedtrucker · 3 years
Stent Construction.
A lot of you have been asking how I make my stents and I’m here today to hopefully answer those questions and help some of you achieve your dreams.  As a disclaimer, what I do is in no way, shape, or form meant to make fun of people who are truly incontinent.  Without staying on my soapbox, on to the build guide.
Some of the items you’ll need are pictured below.  You’ll need something to use as a base tube.  I personally use a foley catheter that I will cut down to size. you’ll need some hard plastic tubing usually found for cheap in cleaning spray bottles.  Be sure to clean the plastic tubing well before use.  You’ll also need a lighter or other source of heat to bend the plastic tubing into the proper angles that will best suit your body.  I won’t give specific angle degrees as what works for me might not work for you.  This type of play is very personal as you have to find what is most comfortable for you.  The scissors are pretty self explanatory.
Close up photos to follow.
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The fishing line is used for making the safety retrieval line for when you want to remove the stent.  The type of line is up to you.  Some people use monofiliment, I use braided line as pictured below, others use dental floss though I can’t attest to how well that works.
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The pulley pictured below might seem out of place but I can assure you that it’s used.  It’s how I get my uniform bends without having the plastic tube bunch up on itself.
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The following 3 photos are just a suggestion but one that I feel makes the construction process much easier.  You can take one or more lobe packets and put them inside an empty syringe.  You’ll see why I suggest this later on.
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Below is the starting of how I make the bends. I put the plastic tube inside the pulley and with the other hand apply heat to soften up the tube so it’ll bend easy.  Once I have my bend where I want it I’ll run cold water over it to set the plastic in that shape.
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Here’s a couple of completed hard plastic bends.  The order in which you insert them into the stent tube is purely on you as you will have to test what angles work best for your body type.  This isn’t a thing where you paint by numbers and everything comes out perfect.  A lot of trial and error will be involved.
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The following two photos are a before and after when I cut my stent to size.
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Next take one of the bends and a good length of retrieval line and attach it to the bend.  How I do it is I’ll thread one side through the bend and the other will stay outside the bend.  Once this is done tie several good knots to make sure the line doesn’t come off.
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Next you’ll want to put a bit of lube inside the stent tube.  This helps when you go to insert the plastic bend with the retrieval line attached.
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Below is the first bend fully inserted to where it works best for myself.  This will be something that you will have to test out for yourself.
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the second plastic bend will have the retrieval line threaded through the tube as pictured below. 
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Below is both plastic bends in place in the stent tube.
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Next, and probably the most difficult part, the fold over.  you will be folding the end of the stent back into itself as to not have any sharp edges that will cut or scratch you from the inside.  As you can see, sometimes it doesn’t leave the end open so things can drain which is why I take a small piece of plastic tube and insert it into the end to hold it open.
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I hope this answers a lot of your questions and hopefully I will be able to help someone experience this crazy world of uncontrollable wetting as someone did for me.  Some of the tips and ideas are my own, others are not and the people who helped me know which is which.  With that being said, remember to stay safe, stay wet, stay padded and have fun.
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archipelagolago · 3 years
For Harringrove April Day 26: "Easy"
Debajo de las estrellas, empezamos de nuevo (Beneath the stars, we start anew)
They agree to take it slow this time.
After Billy is released from the hospital with scars over his chest, arms, and torso that will never fade. Wounds to his psyche that will never fully heal. A new pacemaker and a nephrostomy catheter he has to drain with every trip to the bathroom.
After Steve's latest concussion leaves him with terrible migraines, motion sickness, and defective depth perception. After his latest run-in with the upside down leaves him with horrifying nightmares, debilitatingly anxiety, and life-threatening recklessness.
They no longer share quick and sloppy sex in cramped cars, closets, bathrooms. Instead they share warm cuddles, gentle words, late night crying fits.
Instead, they take it easy, do this slowly, touch softly.
Make it work for real.
The night Billy is discharged from the hospital, he picks Steve up, drives them out to the quarry. Steve doesn't drive anymore; can't, with his messed up depth perception and memories of the Camaro up in flames.
When they get there, laying over gravel and resilient shoots of grass, staring up at the distant stars,
Steve says, "I wanna take it slow this time around. Wanna take it easy with you."
And Billy nods. Says with a sigh, "It always feels easy when I'm with you."
Steve makes a sound at the edge of his throat, almost like a whimper. Almost like a song.
He rolls to the side and leans over Billy. Gives his forehead a melodic kiss and says, "Never thought I'd be able to do this. Never thought you'd let me feel at home with you."
Tears are dripping from Billy's eyes by the time Steve pulls back. But he isn't sad. He's symphonic. He's melting in the symphony that is Steve's hand in his. Melting in the knowledge that this- this is what it feels like, to be truly loved.
And things will never be perfect, but from now on, he will always know he is loved.
One quiet afternoon in spring, Steve comes back from work looking forward to mindless cartoons and cooking dinner with Billy. Instead. He finds Billy breaking down.
Finds him locked in the upstairs bathroom. Curled in the bathtub, shower running with the water on the hottest setting. Their two heaters running full blast. Billy is convinced he's been possessed again, is trying to force the shadow out.
Steve has to break down the door. Turn off the heaters and the water. Force Billy to look at him with two hands cradling his jaw. Convince him the shadow passed months ago. Rub his back when the adrenaline dies down and the heat has him vomiting.
He takes Billy to the downstairs bathroom for a cold shower. Gets in and holds him through it.
They go to bed early that night. Blanket kicked off and holding each other tightly under Steve's plaid sheet.
Sometimes, when Steve wakes up from yet another nightmare. Yet another replay of Billy's body hitting the mall floor for what could have been the last time. He reaches out and grips Billy's shoulders too tightly.
He sobs and begs him to make it stop.
Cries, "Please. Promise me you're really here. Promise me I'm not dreaming this."
And Billy does. Promises he's here and safe and living. Slowly pulls Steve's shaking, squeezing hands from his shoulders. Wraps his lover's arms around his middle so Steve can hold him. So Steve can trace his fingers over Billy's scars and confirm that he lived through it.
So. Nothing will ever be perfect. But they share a love that makes moving forward possible.
Because Billy meant it when he said that everything feels easy when he's with Steve. Steve makes it easy, to be happy, sad, angry, terrified. Steve let's him be genuine. Let's him be honest about what he's feeling. Doesn't make him force on a mask.
Steve laughs with him when he's happy. Brings him ice cream when he's sad. Walks out to the treeline and screams with him when he's mad; let's him throw punches into the earth.
Steve holds him close and makes promises he can keep when Billy gets frightened. Smiles when Billy restlessly braids sections of chestnut hair to soothe his anxiety.
Steve lets him be. Steve lets him be himself.
And Billy, he. He feels like home for Steve.
Because sometimes, Steve starts to think he's stopped being a solid human being. Feels like he's floating away. Feels.. wispy. Thinks maybe he's started dissolving. Wonders if he every really was solid matter. But then Billy is there. And Steve can exhale and feel real. Feel like he exists in an undeniable way. He remembers what home feels like. It feels like Billy.
Being with Billy is being at home.
So. Being together means unstoppable force meets immovable object. In a way that feels safe. In a way that means, even though the world falls through, they will always be pushing up against each other. They will always be head to head, heart to heart, never pushing each other off the road. Never crashing past and leaving behind. And in the early-morning-dead-of-night, they know: this love is enough.☄️
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Untrained - Ivar x Roman
Title: Untrained
Characters: AU Roman x AU Ivar
Description: Roman’s debauchery forces his company into the hands of a man who is no stranger to underestimation.  
Warning: 18+ anal sex/coarse language/story-related ableism/degradation/dash of daddy kink. I use likenesses in parody.
Note: This fic was commissioned by one of my fave babes. If you want to commission me, head over to my Ko-Fi to purchase a commission slot!
I wanted to pair up two hot boys because I really like gay stuff and you should too! I definitely want to write more stuff like this in the future. So if you’re into it, let me know! Shoot me a comment and/or reblog and squeal all the livelong day at me.
“... you’re just a little boy without a daddy to set you straight.”
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To the staff gathering around the oblong table, it was a day of change long overdue. Severe mouths mixed with trepidations gave the conference room a dusting of tension. The fateful day was upon them. Gourmet doughnuts and cookies laid on trays, but nobody made a move to take any. The wide, polished conference room was quiet enough to hear air pulling through nostrils.
On one side of the table, Dr. Pryce and Olivia Godfrey sat patiently, flanked by two high-ranking employees of Godfrey Industries. They looked across the table with smiles that did nothing to chip the icy strain in the room. One of the larger of three suited men on the opposite side reached out a hulking arm to drag a chocolate chip cookie onto a napkin and then pulled it closer. Olivia and Pryce watched with dutiful pleasantry as the tall, bearded man with a low ponytail took a bite of the cookie, crumbs falling into his beard and scattering over the previously immaculate table. His boss side-glanced him and shook his head as a mother might silently admonish their child for squirming in church, yet the brutish man continued chewing thoroughly. The man with the cookie crumb beard sat next to a shorter man that bore a likeness to himself, but no beard. He had a pair of blue hailstones for eyes, set beneath a dark, intimidatory brow. His hair tied back into a braided tail similarly to his partners. Three rows of braids striped a proud head and highlighted the severity of his shifting cheekbones. When he cracked a smile, two rows of sharp white teeth flashed like shorn daggers. He wasn’t as massive as the other two, but formidably thick of shoulder and arm. The sharpness of his stare made up for his lack of mass. Their physical similarities could make them brothers, but Olivia was unsure and didn’t care enough to ask. The one on the left rarely spoke and none offered up polite conversation. The man with the dark brown braided hair crossed his arms, displaying his first hint of impatience. Their meeting was for ten AM, but fifteen long minutes passed with no sign of the missing member. Ivar pulled back his jacket sleeve and glanced at the proud face of a sparkling new watch banded with fine espresso leather and accented with gold. “Is your son always this late, Mrs. Godfrey?” He tapped his watch. Olivia glanced at Pryce while the doctor shielded his eyes from the embarrassment of having to rely on a Godfrey to make a positive first impression. They were foolish to put even the smallest drop of reliance on the heir walking through the doors on time. “We should tell him to come at nine. Perhaps he would show up on time,” Pryce hissed. Olivia gestured Pryce to stop his complaint, then turned to the security guard behind them. “Will you please find out if Roman has arrived?” “Or if he’s even entered the building,” Pryce rubbed at tired eyes. The doctor spent the entire night awake and was running on his last fumes and a stretch of patience, for he suspected something might go wrong with the deal they were about to strike. He felt it in his bones that something would go awry. With Roman in a hospital bed, Pryce’s life became ten times easier. The progress they made in two weeks superseded any growth spike they saw in recent years. The doctor knew it was because of no reckless teenagers around to drive wedges in the clockwork.  Like a bad omen, Roman roused from his drug-induced coma just in time to befuddle the deal that would get Godfrey Industries back in the black and well on its way into the green. Pryce spent the previous night sweating and trying to think of how to exclude the heir from their meeting today, but the little shit insisted on being present, despite not knowing a whisper of the progress. It didn’t help that Olivia practically breastfed him while he was comatic, so the moment Roman cracked an eye open, she alerted the entire building and told her sweet son that he woke up just in time to be a part of monumental changes. Roman didn’t give a severed rat’s ass about Godfrey Industries and knew even less about what delicate work that went on in each wing of the building. Inevitably, he would stumble in and destroy whatever he could merely by existing. It was what he was great at. The guard radioed the lower levels to ask if Mr. Godfrey was on his way. After a half moment of silence, the speaker crackled to life on his shoulder clip. “Affirmative. Mr. Godfrey boarded elevator 3B. Should head up any second.” Olivia nodded with a satisfied smile, Pryce fought not to roll his eyes, and the department heads blinked their acknowledgements, but the three men across the table didn’t relax an inch. A sudden distant clamour drew everyone’s attention away from their unease. “Please don’t speak to me, honey. I have a meeting to deal with.” Through the panes of double-thick glass, all eight of the people in the conference room saw Roman Godfrey. Olivia folded her hands in her lap, nodding proudly as her son swung into the room with his sizable gait. The three strangers caused Roman to flinch. Six ice blue eyeballs bore into him like falling icicles. None of them looked happy. Dr. Pryce sat at the opposite side of the table to Olivia’s immediate left, wringing his hands to keep himself from shielding his face from the embarrassment. Roman read the room as hostile and proceeded with a stooping bow. “Mother, Doctor Pryce, whoever you all are. Let’s make this quick.” “Roman--“ Olivia began. Pryce cleared his throat. “Uh, Roman. Please meet our guests and new partners, Ivar Lothbrok and his brothers, Bjorn and Ubbe. They’re from Northroom Cryogenics.” Roman noticed the three hadn’t blinked since he walked in. But he had daggers for eyes too and didn’t shy away as most might. His attention fell to the shorter one in the middle.  “Ivar and his brothers will lead the reconstruction of the North wing,” Pryce explained as Roman circled the table, stopping at the unoccupied head. He turned around and displayed the fine lines of his stately suit and the wan complexion of a man that just had a catheter removed. “Reconstruction? Please treat me like I have no fucking idea what’s going on,” Roman blinked dramatically. “That shouldn’t be too difficult.” Roman turned toward the shortest man sitting to his left. He looked at all of them once but settled his hardened green eyes on the one with the braids. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” Roman pounded his words like hammering out hot metal. “They warned us there might be needless bravado from you, but I didn’t expect you to prove them right so soon. I can see we’re working with honest people.” Ivar nodded across the table at everyone else but Roman. “Get whatever the fuck jargon over with so someone smarter and cheaper can replace you. I don’t want to be here longer than I have to,” Roman splayed his hands out on the table. “Roman, will you please sit and listen? You’re still foggy. Mind your tongue.” Ivar’s smirk transformed into a patronizing grin that Roman took as another personal slight. He noticed two carbon black crutches leaning up against the table and quirked an eyebrow. “Uh oh, did somebody break a leg?” The room shuddered. Roman searched for why everybody suddenly looked monumentally uncomfortable. The two bearded men cracked their knuckles inside of tight fists as their younger brother tilted his head with a wistful sigh. “Doctor Pryce, I see no reason we should continue this business endeavour now that certain parties appear to be unfortunately present. Miss Godfrey, if you presume to preserve our so far sterling relationship, I implore you to put a muzzle on your son since the boy is untrained.” “Ivar, I apologize. Roman isn’t normally so brash. Surely you can understand. The coma...” “All right, all right!” Roman blared over them. “So sorry for the rude introductions. As my mother said, I just woke up, and yes, my head isn’t all there. But I wanted to be present. It is my conference room, after all.” He drove his finger against the table, establishing a silence before him. With a nod to his left, he opened his hands full and motioned for them to discuss.  “So... As you all well know, construction begins tomorrow--“ “Tomorrow? How can it begin tomorrow when I haven’t signed off on anything?” “Roman, please.” “We facilitated the contract to exempt you from responsibility while you were... Asleep. There’s not a facet of this that you need to worry about, Mister Godfrey.” Roman scowled at Ivar and motioned for him to stop. “What do you mean? Of course, I must worry about it. This is my building. You’re talking of demolishing an entire wing. What’s in that wing that’s less important than whatever giant freezers you boys have?” “Roman, if I may... Cryogenics will help us make leaps in several other fields of study. Trust me when I tell you that this is a good move. Consider it a renovation. We must keep up with the times,” Pryce said before his voice was swallowed up. The heir leaned back in his seat, blowing off an answer with a flutter of his eyes and a fake yawn. “Very well. Continue.” They hashed the plans out over the course of a long hour punctuated by Roman’s plain disinterest. The three men to his left occasionally glanced at him with abhorrence exuding from unflinching faces. Roman eyed the crutches and the man they belonged to, turning his head whenever Ivar made a move to look his way. Confusion about the crutches still irked him until their business concluded with several strained nods of approval. Ivar sensed someone staring at him, and as he placed both of his palms on the table to lift himself out of his chair, he did not give the perpetrator a chance to gawk without going unnoticed. Roman stood up abruptly and a faint stir of dizziness wrapped around his head. He had to steady himself on the table as well until he shook away the odd sensation swirling beneath his skull. “Don’t strain yourself,” Ivar said to Roman as he placed the blunted feet of his crutches a few supportive inches away from where he would take his next step. Olivia watched her son noticing Ivar’s weak legs shuffling beneath him and felt the residual humiliation of Roman’s off-colour comment from earlier. It pained her she couldn’t tear a strip out of him, but she wouldn’t chastise him with his subordinates present. Once the room was clear, Olivia dismissed everyone else but Pryce. When the door shut behind the security guard, she angled a fierce glare at her son. “I can’t believe the narcissism. The misrule of your mouth, Roman! That nearly cost us a half a billion in intricate framework and trust!” “How the fuck was I supposed to know the guy’s fucking handicapped? What fucking planet are we living on that you might think it a good idea not share that?” Pryce shook his head. The lines around his eyes seemed to deepen in Roman’s presence. “It’s disabled, not handicapped. He has a physical disability.” “Why would you make us look so foolish?” The combined admonishing of his mother and Pryce caused a frail band to snap in him, and he drew up to his full height. “What the fuck do you two think you’re doing striking these kinds of major deals without my knowledge? Were you trying to get this underway before I woke up?” “If you woke up,” Pryce muttered. “I’m warning you, doctor. I’ll have you tossed out on your ass too.” Olivia motioned between Roman and Pryce. “You see! This is why we needed to intervene, darling. You can’t go around firing everybody that looks at you sideways. We’ve been making more progress than you know.” “Exactly. Why don’t I know what’s going on in my company? I should hear of every shit taken in this building! From now on, stuff like this does not happen without my knowledge. Last time I checked, I was head of this company!” Roman stormed out of the conference room, muttering a customary one-sided soliloquy as he went. 
He watched the camera feed all morning from the comfort of his desk. The trio of Viking brothers showed up to orchestrate the extensive project of which he knew nothing.  More times than not, Roman’s eyes stuck on the shorter of the three brothers, Ivar Lothbrok. With a quick internet search, Roman found out where he went to school and just how big their company was in Norway. He cared not about the older brothers, for they hadn’t flung words as Ivar had. A shameful resonation echoed in Roman’s chest as he recalled making a careless comment about Ivar’s crutches. On the screen, he could see his employees conferring with Ivar, smiles on their faces and pride straightening their backs. They laughed with him, listened to him and nodded their heads in agreement with everything he said.  Ivar had a redoubtable background of education and Roman seethed from the memory of being talked down to by the Norwegian. The Viking brothers were proud, but Roman suspected the youngest had a little extra zest for upstaging. He tried not to draw the wrong conclusions. Roman excelled at a few things, and making an ass out of himself was near the top of his list of natural skills, right under making inappropriate comments and getting himself into sizeable amounts of trouble.
Ivar inspected the condition of the equipment that arrived at the bay doors of the Tower. He cast a scrutinizing look over every boxed piece of machinery to check for dents and signs of mishandling. Satisfied with his inventory, the truck driver handed him a tablet to sign his name. Ivar scrawled his signature over the screen and gave the driver a hearty nod. When he turned around, a young intern stood six feet away with something to say. “Hello,” Ivar greeted her. “Mr. Godfrey requested to see you up in his office when you have a moment, Mr. Lothbrok,” her voice rattled with nerves. “Certainly. I’ll go now. Would you perhaps show me the way? I’m afraid I haven’t memorized the layout of the building yet,” he flashed a kind smile and helped ease the girl out of her fidgeting for a time. “Sure. Right this way.” Ivar ambled along, giving his brother Ubbe a confident tilt as he followed the woman to an elevator door. They rode up to the top floor in silence. When the door slid open, the intern stuck her hand out into the corridor. “Just over there,” she pointed left as though she might lose her hand if somebody saw it. “Thank you very much,” Ivar gave her one more charming smile and made off. Making twice as much noise while walking at three quarters the average pace, Ivar glared ahead at the closed door to Godfrey’s office as though he wanted to see it burn. As though that little shit Roman was ushering him in. “Mr. Lothbrok,” a small girl behind a kiosk of a desk greeted him. Ivar nodded as she ducked out of sight. He didn’t need to knock or be buzzed in, for Roman opened the door and, cockeyed and impatient. “Come in.” Roman’s office was spick, span, and new as the equipment Ivar was neglecting. He hoped that the kid was summoning him to apologize for his crass behaviour. Otherwise, he had to get back to his job. Roman didn’t have any responsibilities, and his office was too modish for somebody that just drugged himself into weeks-long slumber. On the outside, Roman looked a man of valour, but Ivar was wary of a spoiled character. He didn’t deal well with entitled brats or little boys still at the tit. “You wanted to see me, sir?” “Sir? Wow, you sure know how to make a man feel important,” Roman said. Ivar fought not to shiver. He needed to speed this along and get back downstairs to unhouse his latest facility. There was no time to entertain. Roman could sense Ivar’s urgency and let him dangle for a moment. There was a sting of liquor permeating the air and Ivar saw a nearly empty square bottle of whiskey and two tumblers. One already had an inch of amber in it. He shook his head and rolled his eyes to the high ceiling. “It’s a little early to be celebrating, ah?” “Celebrating? This is just a Tuesday morning for me.” “Very good. I suppose some of us need a little extra dose of confidence to get the day started.” Roman’s smugness melted into annoyance. He turned away from the whiskey and straightened his back. “I just wanted to congratulate you on charming your way into my mother’s and Pryce’s heart, but it’s me you will have to court.” “I think after the comment you made yesterday; it might be you that must court me.” “May I remind you who's building you’re standing in? I can pull the plug on you any time I want to, but I don’t want to do that,” Roman’s voice flourished at the tail. “I’m afraid there’s already a contract in place. It’s binding, Mr. Godfrey.” “That’s what an army of lawyers is for.” Ivar simpered. Neither of them moved to sit down as the mood darkened another notch. The Norwegian may have been smiling, but inside his chest was riling and agitated. His hands began to sweat. He wanted to wrap the conversation, but Ivar sensed that Roman had a lot more to say to him. “How old are you, Roman? Can I call you Roman?” Ivar made a placating gesture, the stems of his crutches moving along with him. “I’ll be twenty-one next week.” “Ah, twenty-one. That’s a good age here, no? Legal drinking age.” Roman shrugged his shoulders. “Must have missed the memo.” “Indeed. You just came out of a coma. Drug-fuelled, I heard,” Ivar then clicked his tongue several times. “We could have lost a monumental figure. It would be best if you took better care of yourself, you know. Keep your young body strong. Don’t you want to see all your aspirations come to fruition?” “I aspire to run this company however the fuck I like and not take health advice from somebody like—” “You have monstrous balls, Roman. Did you do any research at all before the meeting? Do you realize who the fuck I am?” Roman paled for only a moment before his eyes widened along with his stance. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a slim pack of cigarettes and a silver lighter. Ignoring Ivar’s question, he selected one from the pack and tucked it back into his inner pocket before lighting it. He took a heavy haul and exhaled a thick white cloud of smoke before answering. “I know you’re a smartass. Blah, blah university bullshit. So what? You’re smart. I have the smartest minds in the world working for me.” “Hm, maybe just one. Your company is running so badly that a handful of your top performers have quit. Didn’t you know that? Your mother had to intervene when you went down for a nap. And that’s why we’re here; to drag your whiny ass out of the mess you made. With my help, I will save your company and put yet another notch on my post.” Roman scoffed, more smoke curling out of his mouth. “Notch on your post? This company is one of country’s most influential corporations. Might as well take an axe to your post.” “In that, you’re not mistaken, but my legacy is worldwide. Did you only read my Wikipedia page? Roman, you should know better. You went to, what, high school? You’re not supposed to copy your projects from the internet!” “Oh, fuck you! Smug little bastard. I don’t give a fuck who you are or what schools you attended. I’m untouchable.” He stubbed out his cigarette in a shallow ashtray on the desk. “Maybe financially. You’re a powerhouse of wealth. But you’re a skinny bitch boy, and even though my legs don’t work as yours do, I could still put you back into a coma. So, you better watch that smartass mouth. I don’t think you want to go there.” “Threatening me physically? That’s not very professional of you, Mr. Lothbrok.” Ivar set his right crutch far from his right foot and began the short shuffle it took to come a foot away from Roman’s face. When Ivar steadied himself and drew up to full height, he came up only two inches shorter than the heir. His muscled torso was broad like Roman’s but thicker and more robust.  “The time to dance around has passed. Why don’t you pack your nose full of cocaine and go off on another bender while the adults get the work done?” Roman’s eyes grew wild with anger yet still could not match the venomous beam Ivar returned.  “You get by, don’t you, Ivar? May I call you Ivar?” Roman relinquished the stare-down and softened a little. “Yes. What you lack physically, you make up for with an advanced brain and perhaps a little with your looks?” “Looks is all you have going for you,” Ivar spat. “I have a facility on nearly every continent. You have your little white tower, and I’m here trying to help you keep it from toppling, and this is how you treat me? Insulting me, wasting my time and now what? You’re flirting with me?” “Hardly. Although I’m not opposed to giving credit where it’s due, I find you impressive. I’d love to learn more about you. Maybe we can go out for real celebratory drinks later on? I’m sure there’s a place around here that serves mead.” “Now, you presume to make merry with my family and me?” “Why not? I’m sure you’ve made merry with plenty of people worse than me.” “I wish I could agree. You have to be one of the most insufferable brats I’ve ever had the displeasure of showing who’s boss.” “Oh, yeah?” “Yeah,” Ivar deposited his right crutch against the desk and shot out his hand to grab the knot of Roman’s tie. The clash of mouths and teeth was hard enough to make Roman seethe and pull back only as far as Ivar would let him. “I didn’t read you for a cocksucker,” Roman snickered with his eyes closed, words fanning over Ivar’s cheeks. “You read it right. But I can’t say the same for you. So, get down on your knees, pretty boy.” “I don’t think so.” Ivar wound the silk tie around his solid fist and yanked, dropping his other crutch to the floor with a deafening clatter. The severe grip on the taller man’s shoulder pinched, causing his knees to buckle. He worked to unfasten his belt while keeping a reassuring hand cradling the back of Roman’s head. “You’re a yappy little bottom, aren’t you? You talk a big game, but you’re beneath me, and you know it. You pale in the face of real power. Right, sugar lips?” “Fuck you,” Roman growled, round eyes glinting like volcanic rock.  “Come on, puppy dog. Show us those fangs,” Ivar cooed, squeezing Roman’s chin until his jaw unhinged. “Yes, let’s feel the back of that throat. Oh, I’ve heard many stories about you, Roman. Nymphomaniacal drug-addict. Master of depravity at only twenty years old.” The unsavoury titles did nothing to offend the man on his knees. Roman knew what he was. Denying what they both knew was pointless. That’s what his bender was about. Roman grew bored with his local entertainment. He wanted something foreign and untrodden; a tryst that could entice a man that fucked and snorted his way through his teenage years. Ivar was different. The Norseman was a shining beacon on top of a multi-billion dollar foundation that spanned the planet. Getting close and intimate with somebody of his stature would be like hanging a gold medal next to hundreds of participation ribbons. Even Roman knew that, but he would never give him the satisfaction of knowing his respect. Not yet. Ivar pulled out his half-hard cock and gave it some firm strokes until it pointed directly at glistening lips. He drew over Roman’s O-shaped mouth with the tip and soughed when he realized the colours almost matched.   “Oh, that’s a nice, warm mouth. And such beautiful lips.” The weight of Ivar’s belt caused his trousers to droop. He winced away when Roman’s hands rose to grip his thighs. The heir felt a hard touch of metal beneath the fabric and realized he grazed a bracing. Unsure if the touch had offended, Roman busied his hands instead, taking off his jacket and loosening his tie. Roman closed his eyes on his first dip down, taking Ivar to the back of his tongue and then an inch further. The pink lips fuelling Ivar’s arousal enclosed him tightly and helped squeeze out a soft moan of pleasure from above.  A windy breath left Ivar’s pursed lips as he drew his hips back. The rounded head shone from a coating of saliva. Roman stared upward, licking his lips in waiting, innocent as a kitten. Ivar pulled Roman’s head forward. The motion was not quick or shallow, and his nose smashed up against Ivar’s groin. The Norseman did not let go. He waited until Roman’s cheeks turned pink again, and even still, he kept one hand firmly on the back of his head.  When Roman fought back, Ivar laughed sinisterly. The tight, wet encasing spasmed around him, cracking his smile in half from the sounds of choking. “I have to admit, the moment I saw you in the flesh, I couldn’t help but think about what your face might look like choking on my cock,” Ivar laughed, chin anchored to his chest so he could watch him flail his arms. “Now I know how to shut you up.” A sharp gasp of air tore through the room. Roman pulled back, but only because Ivar loosened his hold. He grasped the edge of the desk and pulled himself up. A single bubble of drool crawled down his chin and Ivar licked at it. Hands then scurried to unbutton shirts until the two of them stood facing each other, unable to stop staring. Ivar’s chest barreled out, firm and tanned, punctuated by two small nipples that met the interest of Roman’s tongue. He couldn’t believe how little of a fight Roman put up against him. It was almost sweet the way his rosy lips bequeathed his skin with little sucking kisses. Neither thought about the door and how easy an unsuspecting employee could walk in to discover the heads locked like wild animals. Ivar didn’t care, and if his concern wasn’t present, Roman’s never existed. He allowed himself to be thrown up against the desk facing away from his Viking adversary. “The yappy pup has nothing to say? No? I didn’t think so. You want to get fucked nice and hard by a man that’s better than you.” A rebuttal dissipated like smoke after Ivar forced him to bend over. Nobody ever had the guts to handle him with such roughness. He had been slapped, bitten, cut, teased and pinched by delicate hands before, but nothing prepared him for the rush he felt when Ivar forced him down and delivered a boorish slap to his bare ass. “Fuck yes, make it hurt,” Roman’s desperation leaked through clenched teeth. “Make me fucking hurt.” Unsatisfied until both Roman’s cheeks were ripe red, Ivar continued delivering stinging blows. Each slap echoed through the office, accompanied by ominous giggles and whimpering. “Look at you, mister bigshot. You’re just a whining little mess on your big boy’s desk. You are just waiting to have that ass pounded. And I bet you weren’t expecting the cripple to be hung, did you? What a world of trouble you’ve found yourself in.” “Why don’t you quit talking so much and fuck me already? Unless you can’t get it up?” Ivar smouldered, but the challenge was what he needed to flatten his opponent on top of the desk. Gripping his cock, he bounced it against one supple cheek. “Who wouldn’t be able to get it up with such a pretty little ass right here?” Roman heard Ivar spitting into his palm and then felt the swipe of saliva gliding between the cleft of his cheeks. But it wasn’t enough to mow Ivar’s appetite. He reached down his left thigh to grasp one of the metal bones of his brace, using it as a handhold to swing his leg back. He did the same with the right leg and leaned over to trail his dripping tongue up between Roman’s cheeks.  He took a moment to appreciate the graceful dip of Roman’s broad back and the buzzing handprints decorating paper white skin. “We have to get that hole nice and wet,” Ivar whispered against his tailbone after coming up from a long taste. “God, just fuck me!” Ivar brought down another harsh smack to his hot skin. “Oh, what is it? You don’t like having your ass eaten? Tell me it doesn’t feel good when daddy tongues that little asshole.” The teasing continued for only a minute longer before Ivar righted himself to mount. The pressure had Roman wincing and muttering. And then a harmonious lull of moaning filled the air. Ivar rocked his hips gently for only a moment until Roman rechallenged him. “Fuck me. You want to be called daddy? Fucking earn it.” A powerful thrust sent Roman forward so fast he had to prop himself up with two hands splayed out on the desk. A stack of papers slid out from under his palm, flattening his stomach against the polished wood again. Ivar agreed with the new position and picked up speed. “I’m better than you, Roman. I’m smarter, more successful, and more personable than you could ever hope to be. That’s why you submit yourself. Your place is beneath me because, underneath all this finery, you’re just a little boy without a daddy to set you straight.” Roman ignored the accusations as a sweet chord rang through his abdomen. He thought about a white cap of cocaine and the wonders it could do to numb him, prolonging the pleasure of having his prostate struck over and over. Ivar filled him too perfectly, and without his powdery secret ingredient, he knew he would not last long. Especially not after Ivar reached around and goaded his cock with a firm grip. “Oh, fuck, give me that nasty cock. You sick bastard. Fuck me. Come on, fuck me harder, pussy,” Roman hissed. Laughter erupted from Ivar’s throat as he picked up a faster pace. No more words fell from Roman’s lips. Only grunts and warnings of impending orgasm. Five fingers harrowed through Roman’s hair, pulling until he rose up from the desk. The same five fingers then enclosed around his neck. Ivar intended to have the last say before they both lost control. “Get your hand around your cock. That’s right. Pump it for me. Oh, you’re going to come, aren’t you? Bad boys love to come for me. And aren’t you a bad boy?” Roman said nothing. Ivar shook him by the neck until he spoke. “I’m a... Bad boy,” he choked.  “What do bad boys do for me?” “C-come.” “Very good,” Ivar’s tone was patronizing to the fullest degree. “When are you going to come?” “When you tell me to,” he whispered. A peal of delighted laughter left Ivar. “Yes. My smart boy learns quickly!” The slap of skin and wheezing bounced off the walls and only then did Roman realize anyone could pass by his office and hear the whole exchange. But it was too late to worry. They both skittered to a sharp peak, too close to look back. Roman whined more with every inch lost. Ivar pushed him to the brink, hammering him and tightening his grip around his neck. “You will come for me. All over your desk here,” Ivar’s words held no hint of suggestion. It was a demand that Roman was glad to fill with a hard knot of tension, threatening to snap inside of him. All he needed was a few more seconds of air deprivation and a strong hand to guide him. When the drop came, they both fell hard and fast. The knot in Roman’s stomach broke, spilling forth in a flurry of thick, white cum. Ivar busied himself, trying not to break his teeth from clenching. The spasm undulating through his victim’s body swaddled him tight, making it difficult to hold back. With a harsh growl, Ivar spilled as well and rode out his orgasm until his blood drained, leaving him weakened and panting. Ivar wasn’t ready to yield and held Roman hostage against the desk while whispering in his ear. “Bend over and lick your fucking cum off the desk. Clean up after yourself, you filthy fuck.” The aftermath played out in eerie silence after all the vitriol and seed spilled between them. They got dressed without a word. Roman snuck a peek at Ivar’s braced legs before the Viking pulled his pants up while wearing a sharp smirk. Roman clicked his tongue, scoffing at the luxuriant look of satisfaction. “I suppose I shouldn’t keep you much longer,” Roman said in a casual tone. “Certainly not. There is much work to do.” “And I have every bit of confidence in you, Mr. Lothbrok.” “Don’t flatter me.” The Viking waved his hand. “Oh, now you can’t take a compliment?” “Why don’t you get yourself cleaned up, Mr. Godfrey? And if you’d like to talk more business, I’ll have my assistant give you the name of the hotel I’m staying at.” “I probably own the hotel you’re staying at.” Ivar fastened the last button of his shirt, smirking at the comment, but letting it slide. He was too jittery from recent orgasm to keep biting back. “I look forward to our continued partnership, Roman.” “Likewise.”
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jzrncevic-blog · 5 years
What’s new in the world of vascular medicine?
We are presenting you the three latest devices used for blood clot removal that are bringing further improvement in this area.
Stryker Neurovascular’s FlowGate² Balloon Guide Catheter is the latest product of the modern technology and offers proximal flow control and a stable platform to facilitate the insertion and guidance of an intravascular catheter. It provides a balance of trackability and support with a large lumen and is indicated for use as a conduit for retrieval devices.
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What makes it special is the slight reduction in outer jacket diameter beneath the balloon to allow it to be flush-mounted to the shaft. Along with this feature it was designed to support superior trackability and it allows maximum clot capture while its stainless steel double braid and five transition zones enhance the stability around the arch and at the tip. The brand new Berenstein tip guide assist makes the access easier than ever before.
The latest product of Solitaire™ family is the FR Revascularization Device. This product combines the best from the previous models with the newest technology advances. It is a mechanical thrombectomy device combining the ability to restore blood flow, administer medical therapy, and retrieve clot in patients experiencing acute ischemic stroke.
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One of the products specially designed for removing thrombi in patients is the new Trevo® XP ProVue Retriever. It is specially designed to make placement, integration and retrieval easy. It is achieved by its soft distal tip and full length radiopacity.
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Full length visibility gives the physician real-time procedural feedback and the ability to manipulate the device or modify their technique based on what they are seeing. It also comes with a complete portfolio that allows physicians to customize their treatment to each patient. Its size can be modified from 3 to 6mm in diameter and 20 to 30mm in length.
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jelicabratanic-blog · 6 years
Neurovascular catheters
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Success in neurovascular interventions often depends upon achieving a stable position with an appropriately chosen guide catheter. Here is a list of few you should know more about.
FlowGate² Balloon Guide Catheter offers proximal flow control and a stable platform to facilitate the insertion and guidance of an intravascular catheter. It provides a balance of trackability and support with a large lumen and is indicated for use as a conduit for retrieval devices.
Proximal flow control With a 10mm compliant balloon, designed to conform to the vessel wall.
Superior trackability For rapid neurovascular access with a balance of proximal support and distal flexibility.
Designed for maximum clot capture With the largest inner diameter of any 8F balloon guide catheter
Enhanced stability around the arch and at the tip With stainless steel double braid and five transition zones.
Easy access with the new Berenstein tip guide assist.
Find out more on video https://bit.ly/2VVFi6D
Solitaire FR revascularization device 
The Solitaire™ Platinum revascularization device, featuring Parametric™ design, a unique overlapping stent retriever-based technology, restores blood flow and retrieves clots from occluded blood vessels in the brain for patients experiencing acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to a large vessel occlusion (LVO).
In fact, the Solitaire device is indicated to reduce stroke-related disability by showing nearly 70% relative improvement in functional outcomes at 90 days in patients suffering a large vessel occlusion.
Clinical evidence
Clinical studies prove the Solitaire thrombectomy device reduces stroke-related disability in patients suffering large vessel acute ischemic stroke (AIS) following IV t PA.
Find out more on video https://bit.ly/2QLFLVf
Neuron Max
This is truly the only soft-tipped long sheath specifically designed for neurovascular use. This is the foundation of every Ischemic stroke treatment and a stable, widely compatible .088” delivery catheter useful to deliver a WIDE variety of devices. NeuronMAX 6F Long sheath comes packaged with dilator for access directly through the skin, if desired.
Design goals
Increase the inner diameter to accommodate a wider variety of therapies
Improve the visibility of the catheter and treatment vessels
Maintain ability of Neuron 053 to provide robust anatomical support in tortuous anatomy
Designed to delivery the most complex multi device therapies
Hybrid shaft with multi-layer stainless steel braid re-enforced proximal support zone
Platinum reinforced distal shaft provides improved radiopacity
Distal shaft has hydrophilic coating for optimal trackability
Find out more on video https://bit.ly/2ClH1cy
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bhavesh2022 · 5 months
Europe Medical Tubing Market Forecast Size Estimated to Observe Significant Growth by 2028
Business Market Insights recently announced the release of the market research titled Europe Medical Tubing Market Outlook to 2028 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the Europe Medical Tubing market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their offerings and preparing for the upcoming decade. Listing out the opportunities in the market, this report intends to prepare businesses for the market dynamics in an estimated period.
Is Investing in the Market Research Worth It?
Some businesses are just lucky to manage their performance without opting for market research, but these incidences are rare. Having information on longer sample sizes helps companies to eliminate bias and assumptions. As a result, entrepreneurs can make better decisions from the outset. Europe Medical Tubing Market report allows business to reduce their risks by offering a closer picture of consumer behavior, competition landscape, leading tactics, and risk management.
A trusted market researcher can guide you to not only avoid pitfalls but also help you devise production, marketing, and distribution tactics. With the right research methodologies, Business Market Insights is helping brands unlock revenue opportunities in the Europe Medical Tubing market.
If your business falls under any of these categories – Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer, or Distributor, this syndicated Europe Medical Tubing market research has all that you need.
  What are Key Offerings Under this Europe Medical Tubing Market Research?
Global Europe Medical Tubing market summary, current and future Europe Medical Tubing market size
Market Competition in Terms of Key Market Players, their Revenue, and their Share
Economic Impact on the Industry
Europe Medical Tubing Market Analysis by Application
Production, Revenue (value), Price Trend
Cost Investigation and Consumer Insights
Industrial Chain, Raw Material Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Geographical Segmentation
Marketing Strategy Comprehension, Distributors and Traders
Global Europe Medical Tubing Market Forecast
Study on Market Research Factors
Who are the Major Market Players in the Europe Medical Tubing Market?
Europe Medical Tubing market is all set to accommodate more companies and is foreseen to intensify market competition in coming years. Companies focus on consistent new launches and regional expansion can be outlined as dominant tactics. Europe Medical Tubing market giants have widespread reach which has favored them with a wide consumer base and subsequently increased their Europe Medical Tubing market share.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
PTFE/Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPES)
Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (TPUS)
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)
Polypropylene and Polyethylene
and Other
Multi-Layer Extruded Tubing
Tapered or Bump Tubing
Braided Tubing
Balloon Tubing
Corrugated Tubing
Heat Shrink Tubing
and Others
Bulk Disposable Tubing
Catheter & Cannula
Drug Delivery System
and Others
End User
Hospitals and Clinics
Ambulatory Care Centres
Medical Device Companies
and Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
Rest of APAC
South / South & Central America
Rest of South/South & Central America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Rest of MEA
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
  Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA, Nordson Corp, Optinova AB, Spectrum Plastics Group Inc, TE Connectivity Ltd, Trelleborg AB , and other key companies 
What are Perks for Buyers?
The research will guide you in decisions and technology trends to adopt in the projected period.
Take effective Europe Medical Tubing market growth decisions and stay ahead of competitors
Improve product/services and marketing strategies.
Unlock suitable market entry tactics and ways to sustain in the market
Knowing market players can help you in planning future mergers and acquisitions
Visual representation of data by our team makes it easier to interpret and present the data further to investors, and your other stakeholders.
Do We Offer Customized Insights? Yes, We Do!
Business Market Insights offer customized insights based on the client’s requirements. The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Europe Medical Tubing market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Author’s Bio: Bhavesh Shinde Senior Market Research Expert at Business Market Insights
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nikotechworld-blog · 2 years
Which manufacturing company provides the best guide wire in India
Nikotech is one of the leading manufacturers of guidewires and their guide wires are designed with efficiency to navigate vessels to reach the vessel segment.  Our guide wires offer perfect steerability, torque, and opacity.
We have more than 8 years of experience and know-how in the field of manufacturing, sales, and development of guide wires for the medical market. We provide a detailed description of the OD size, length, tip, and catalog code.
Guidewire manufacturers have two basic configurations: nitinol core wires or solid steel and solid core wires wrapped in a smaller braid or coil. Braided guidewires are more flexible and have kink resistance. The wire has various configurations like J-shaped and has angles or straight tips. The diameter ranges from 0.014 and 0.038 inches, and the length can vary from 8 to 450 cm.
We offer PTFE coated guide wire, guide wire hydrophilic, and guide wire ss. The tight and right specifications provide accurate measurements for improved catheter tracking. The coating of PTFE provides lubricity and a smooth surface for easy insertion. Solid steel core wire offers excellent torque transmission and kink resistance. Coil wire offers outstanding deliverability and radiopacity.
We offer guide wires and dispensers as customized products with our standard range. We focus on packing where guide wirs are bulk-packed or supplied sterile and individually customized packing according to the usage. The dispenser is offered in oval shape or circular tailored to guide wire lengths. Female Luer and straighteners are available in a different range of colors.
Quality is our responsibility!
All the products are manufactured in a hygienic environment and guidewire manufacturers ensure high-quality products at competitive prices and are performed through automation to comply with strict regulations.
Products are marketed and sold in bulk or single packs to manufacturers of medical devices. The company distributes, develops, and manufactures disposable items that focus on the minimally invasive procedure for radiology, urology, cardiology, gynecology, and many more.
Guidewire manufacturers focus on product features like:
·         Smooth Tip for insertion
·         Kink resistance
·         Variety of sizes, lengths, and shapes
·         Smooth advancer for  dispensing of the guidewire
·         Easy to insert and removal
·         Angle and straight tip
·         Safety cover for unwanted hazard damage
·         Accurate measurement for catheter tracking
Nikotech focus on sterile, disposable, individually packed, and non-pyrogenic.  It also provides good torque to ensure firm insertion. Their products go through several testing procedures to give the best quality.
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tonysunhf · 2 years
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Bigger Reinforced Introducer Sheath Structure and Composition / Main Components: * Four Layers + Two Sections * Pebax + Reinforced Coil + Reinforced Braiding+ PTFE Liner * Coil overlap Braiding * Two colours - Transparent + Colourful * Partial Hydrophilic Coating Product Main Features: * Unique large lumen provides ease of instrument delivery and retrieval * Distal coil reinforcement resists stent release resistance * Rounded tip reduces damage to blood vessels during placement R&D and Production Experience: 16Fr x 610mm 18Fr x 950mm 20Fr x 950mm 22Fr x 950mm 23Fr x 950mm 24Fr x 950mm Product Package:  * Individual Pack or Custom(在 Enove Precision Plastics Catheter) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6j58SO3GH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wemarketresearch22 · 2 years
Medical Tubing Market Growth, Size, Analysis, Outlook by Trends, Opportunities and Forecast to 2030
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Global Medical Tubing Market is valued at USD 13.04 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach a value of USD 22.41 billion in 2030 expanding at a CAGR of 7.00% over the forecast period of 2022-2030.
The market is primarily being driven by increased access to healthcare supplies on a global scale, the ease of obtaining medical-grade plastics at affordable prices, and rising demand for tubing-integrated medical devices. The demand for disposable medical equipment is expected to rise as people's awareness of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and concerns about the spread of these illnesses rise. The market is anticipated to be driven by expanding strategic collaborations within the global medical equipment industry.
Medical equipment OEMs are developing new designs and materials to improve the performance of the devices in order to compete in the quickly developing medical equipment market. OEMs call for medical tubing solutions that are simpler to replace and lower the risk of infection and drug contamination. Key manufacturers provide a wide range of customised tubes, including braided, balloon, and multi-layer tubes, to fulfil the various needs of end customers. To expand production capacity, major manufacturers are establishing new factories.
Get A Free Sample Report:- https://wemarketresearch.com/upcomingreports/sample-request/medical-tubing-market/29/
Segmental Analysis Based On Product: • Silicone • Polyolefin • Polyvinyl Chloride • Polycarbonates • Fluoropolymers • Others Based On Application: • Bulk Disposable Tubing • Drug Delivery Systems • Catheters • Biopharmaceutical Laboratory Equipment • Others
Competitive Landscape Some of the prominent companies operating in the market are Asahi Tec Corp.; MDC Industries; Nordson Corp.; ZARYS International Group; Hitachi Cable America, Inc.; NewAge Industries, Inc.; TE Connectivity; Freudenberg & Co. KG; Spectrum Plastics Group; ATAG SpA; Saint-Gobain; Bentec Medical; Trelleborg AB; MicroLumen, Inc.; Optinova; Vanguard Products Corp.
Segments Covered: Product, Application, Region
Regions Covered: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, And Middle East And Africa.
Companies covered- Asahi Tec Corp.; MDC Industries; Nordson Corp.; ZARYS International Group; Hitachi Cable America, Inc.; NewAge Industries, Inc.; TE Connectivity; Freudenberg & Co. KG; Spectrum Plastics Group; ATAG SpA; Saint-Gobain; Bentec Medical; Trelleborg AB; MicroLumen, Inc.; Optinova; Vanguard Products Corp.
Interested In Purchasing This Report:- https://wemarketresearch.com/upcomingreports/purchase/medical-tubing-market/29/?license=single
What are the factors influencing the growth of the medical tubing market?
Which are the key applications driving the medical tubing market?
Who are the major manufacturers?
What is the biggest restraint for medical tubing?
How is COVID-19 affecting the overall medical tubing market?
What will be the growth prospects of the medical tubing market?
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WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
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