#braiding each others hair & lying in each other’s laps. kissing for the first time. etc
cdragons · 1 year
Persephone!Eternal (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn) Vaguely Sapphic Friendship Headcanons
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(AKA: Just All-Powerful Immortal Gals being All-Powerful Immortal Pals/Necessary Rundown of these Besties Powers & Dynamics)
Warning(s): mad bad b*tch energy, gals being gals, neurodivergent reader/OC being neurodivergent, Kaet is her own warning honestly, Druig x Hecate!Eternal & Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal if you squint
So, let’s review these two beautiful, i n c r e d i b l e, powerhouse Eternal goddesses, shall we?
Persephone!Eternal Reader (AKA Sephia) is an INFJ Thinker Eternal who can control crops and plants, as well as make any plant in any environment thrive. However, being the smart cookie she is, she knows that plants need to fit in their surrounding environment in order for an ecosystem to properly thrive and humanity to properly evolve from there. She does this through a very unique ability of actually listening to that specific region’s terrain depending where she is on Earth. Each specific region/different terrain has their own unique personality. Sephia listens and makes the plants/crops and can control from there. And yes, this technically also makes her an earthbender. She also has some neurodivergent tendencies, and has a lot of trouble connecting with her fellow Eternals, and especially humans. Although her mind works differently, she is extremely brilliant and find connections that most of the others in the team could never consider.
Hecate!Eternal Reader (AKA Kaetlyn) is an ENFP Fighter Eternal who has umbrakinesis (the ability to generate and manipulate shadows/darkness). She can control the shadows of her surroundings whether the objects are sentient or non-sentient. She can also use her shadows to create portals as a way to teleport, or she can merge with them and shadow travel. She is also incredibly intuitive and ambitious, always wanting to know more. It was through her perserverance to gain knowledge that she attracted the attentions of Agamotto, Freja, and Dormammu as her three teachers in the mystic arts. By the time she left with Druig, she had amassed such a huge amount of power and knowledge that she was sworn to make her identity unknown unless there was absolutely no other way. She was also the Eternal who founded many medicines and surgical techniques, as well as delivered the earliest human women’s children.
If you are still here, great! Let’s move forward!
Ok first things first, these two practically INVENTED the idea of best friends. They literally love each other so much, there are no words. These two make the term “opposite attract” because they are the perfect inverse of each other.
Also, how these two act around one another is pretty much the number one reason why Druig and Kaetlyn took so damn long to get together in the first place. If you don’t include the fact that the two dumbasses are also just oblivious idiots.
Sephia is very uncomfortable with social interaction, with both her family and humans. But all that goes out the window when she is around Kaetlyn.
Kaetlyn is insanely touchy and affectionate, she will never NOT shower Sephia with praise and love when they are together.
She will also typically be the one to initiate the affectionate acts, but Sephia has moments when she first acts too.
These two at any time of the day will likely be doing any of the following: holding hands; lying on each other’s laps; take naps while lying on said laps; dancing with each other; kissing each other on the nose, cheek, back of hand, hand’s palm, forehead, hair, etc.; arms wrapped around each other’s waist while chin placed in neck crook; finding free time to go on picnics; whispering inside jokes and giggling; giving each other flowers; feeding each other; wiping each other's tears; linking pinkies; linking arms; forehead touches; tender stares; sharing soft smiles; braiding each other’s hair; going shopping with each other; sleeping in the same bed
Honestly, the list could go on forever
Why would these two lovely ladies sleep in the same bed? Well that easy to answer! See Kaet may have dissected too many deviants and preserved them in so many jars to the point her old room had been secretly converted to a mad doctor’s surgical suite. As a result, she'll just sleep over at Sephia’s room.
Sephia had ZERO problem with this arrangement, and the girls tried their very best to keep it a secret. Granted she made sure Kaet thoroughly washed herself of any blood stains and bodily fluids because Sephia refuses to cuddle Kaet smelling like rotting flesh and chemicals.
But Ajak found out when Kaet had to leave for an emergency deviant ambush, and Cerbie wandered into her room because he missed his mama’s scent and he left the door opened a crack.
The reveal wasn’t that bad, but Phastos did in fact scream and faint, and Kaet thought it would be funny for him to wake up on her metal surgical table, only for Phastos to scream even louder and faint again.
Kaet is the definition of a mad lass menace
She did end up getting a new bedroom, but she still liked to sometimes have sleepovers with Sephia.
Kaet was so happy to get her lab approved, but she thought that Sephia deserved a place to conduct her own research too.
So naturally she fills Sephia’s room with her experimental crops to convince Ajak to get Phastos to make her another room so that this old new room can be used for plant research.
This poor man is so tired y’all
He just wants to go to one week without Kaet causing him a migraine but he loves her like a sibling
A very annoying younger sibling who won’t stop attempting to give him a heart attack
Also, because Sephia is so introverted, she will not go to social engagements
And if she’s there, it was done by one of the following: 1) forced by Ajak, 2) dragged by Sersi, 3) attached by Kaet’s side for the entire night
If at any point she loses sight of Kaet, she will freeze and just dart to the nearest empty corner to plan out her escape
But sometimes she will be approached by Ikaris, and she'll stay because he makes her feel comfortable and they will converse interesting topics
Once she escapes the party she is not stopping until she reaches the Domo and under her blankets and surrounded by her animals
Oh right, I should mention that Sephia has a serious love for animals
She and Kaet indulge each other on this so much
It drives everyone insane but they also love it because they love the animal cuddles
Guys these girls love each other so much, I actually can't-
Author's Note: Hey everyone! I hope you liked this post and its content! I am a little frazzled from my internship, but I really wanted to post these headcanons! A lot of these headcanons I came up with my actual psychic soulmate @ethereal-athalia! She's so wonderful and brilliant, and I have a lot more ideas planned out since she helped me! Of course, I want to also thank my brilliant beta @valeskafics who has always been so kind to look at my stuff despite how busy she always is! Please be sure to visit her works, your jaw will drop. I opened an ask box on my page, if you have any questions related to my fics or characters, please drop one in! Just don't be mean as Tumblr should remain a safe space for all users. Please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day!
PS: If you want to be tagged for notifs of any of works/posts, please drop an ask at my ask box!
Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @vikingqueen28, @unfinished-sen, @hold-my-dragons, @themeanestlittlewitch, @beananacake
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berjhawn · 7 years
You Don’t Love Me Anymore - 2
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Warnings: Cheating, lies, ETC
Pairings: Thor X Reader; Bucky X Reader; Thor X Reader X Bucky
Summary:  This is an AU. Reader and Bucky were married, until she caught him cheating on her. She then gave him a divorce and disappeared with their unborn child. now it’s 6 years later and a past reader hoped she left behind comes crawling back.
Six Years later –
You awaken to the sounds of a shower running making you slowly blink you eyes open. You reach to the other side of the bed and realize your boyfriend was gone. You frown for a moment before the realization that he’s in the shower hits you making you toss your head back onto your pillow. Maybe you could get a few more minutes of sleep. “MOM!”
“Or not,” you think to yourself as you hear your daughter call out from down the hall. Letting out a heavy sigh you wrap the blankets around your naked body as you push up off the bed keeping the blanket tight to your body. Before you have a second to collect yourself, your six-year-old bursts through your bedroom door carrying two different outfits in her hands. “Mom I can’t choose, help me!”
“Alright, come here baby.” You reply half asleep making her walk around the foot of her bed and up to you. Her long chocolatey brown hair was pulled back in a nice and neat French braid that hung down between her shoulders. “Who did your hair?”
“Daddy did.” She says a bright smile filling her face.
“Oh, he did, did he?” You say a smile filling your lips.
“Yup!” She replies her smile getting brighter.
“He did a very good job. I should have him do mine.” You joke admiring his handy work.
“Mom, my clothes?” She reminds you making you come back to your senses.
“Right, well let’s see what you have.” You take each outfit from her. One was a cute long sleeve light blue sweater and the other was a short sleeve red t-shirt with a picture of a horse on the front. Both shirts came with a set of blue denim jeans. You look at the shirts and back to your daughter as you ask, “What all do you have planned for today other than school?”
“Daddy’s taking me out for lunch.”
“Hey now,” You hear your boyfriend say from the bathroom doorway, his slight British accent filling the room, and turn to see him shirtless with only a pair of blue denim jeans on. His shaggy blonde hair was slicked back to air dry. “That was supposed to be a surprise for mom remember?”
“Oh, oops.” She says her smile fading.
“Hey, you’re not in trouble.” He adds noticing her sadness. “This just means you get to tell mom all about what you have planned for her.” He adds making your daughter’s smile return in an instant.
“Well, since you two have the day planned out.” You hand her the nice blue sweater. “I’d wear this one.”
“Okay!” She yells out as she runs out the door.
“I’ll be down in a minute to take you to school!” Thor hollers after her and from down the hall you hear a muffled reply of agreement. You let out a chuckle as his eyes move back to you and instantly feel with heat.
“Don’t look at me like that!” You chastise making him cock an eyebrow as he moves closer to you.
“Like what?” He asks all devilishly as he comes to stand in front of you.
“Like you want to continue from last night.” You answer making anticipation fill your body.
“Oh, but I do.” He says as he leans down and presses his lips against yours making a wave of heat fill your body.
“DAD! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!” Lilly yells out pulling the two of you from your heated embrace. Thor groans into your lips before he pulls away and placing a kiss on your forehead says, “I’ll be back in a few.”
“Be careful,” you reply as you stare at his ass as he walks over to his dresser and grabbing a white v neck gives you a little wave before he heads down the stairs. You shake your head as a smile fills your lips. Standing up you walk over to the window and smile as the two of them look up and wave at you before they climb into the silver pick-up. You smile and watch as they drive away before you move over to the bathroom for a shower.
“Tony, I sent the papers this morning.” You say to your friend and business partner over the phone as you sit in the passenger seat of Thor’s pickup.
“Then someone goofed, because I don’t see them.” Tony replies making you roll your eyes.
“Did you ask Pepper? Or Happy?” you ask reaching up to rub your forehead.
“You’re lying, ask Pepper she’ll know.”
“And if she doesn’t know?”
“I should have them saved to my hard drive. If you can’t find them, I’ll fax them over again. Now can I go? I’d really love to get back to my family.” You ask glancing over at Thor who chuckled at your words.
“Why you planning on doing something kinky with Thor?”
“And that the end. Good night Tony.” You say as you quickly hand up your cell phone and toss it into your bag. “Sorry about that.”
“No need to be sorry.” Thor says as he reaches over and taking your hand lifts it up to his lips as he gently places a kiss on it.
“Remind me to thank your brother for taking Lilly for the night.” You say as you slide across the front seat and lean into his chest. “He’s a lifesaver.”
“He offered. I think he loves her more than we do.” Thor adds and you smile.
“That’s not possible.” You reply kissing his cheek.
“So, my lady,” He jokes making you smile. “What do you wanna do now?”
“How about we go home, since we have the house to ourselves, and continue from where we left off this morning?”
“You read my mind.” He answers making you smile. Leaning into him, the two of you hold each other’s hands all the way back to yours and Thor’s shared ranch house.  Pulling up to the garage, he shifts the truck into park and then turning the truck off he opens the driver’s side door. Thor climbs out of the cab before he turns back to you and smiling holds his hand out to you. Returning his smile, you happily take his hand and let him pull you from the cab.
As soon as your feet hit the ground he lifts you off your feet bridal style making a giggle escape your lips as he uses his back to shove the door closed. He effortlessly carries you over to the front door and after unlocking it he kicks it open only stumbling a second making your laugh out loud as you grip tightly to his neck. “You better not drop me!”
“I’d never drop you my lady.” He replies as he kicks the door closed making your stomach fill with butterflies and your heart swell.
“Well aren’t you just my knight in shining denim?” You ask making him chuckle as he nods.
“You’re damned straight.” He answers as he carries you up the stairs to your shared room. He gives you a playful smile as he lays you down softly on your bed. He then pulls away momentarily to pull his white V neck over his shoulders as he tosses it somewhere in the room his dreamy blue eyes never leaving you. “Now honey, this doesn’t exactly seem fair.” He exclaims making you cock an eyebrow at him. “I’m taking off my clothes, but you’re still sitting there in yours.”
“I just wanted to admire the view.” You answer making him chuckle. “Plus, I like it when you take my clothes off for me.” You add as you bite your lip.
“Well then I guess I better get started.” Thor says as he climbs onto the bed his body hovering over you as he trails kisses up your stomach as he pulls your shirt up over your shoulders. After he discards your shirt to the vast abyss that is your room, his hands move back to your body as they explore every inch of your body. You moan out in excitement as your hands reach up to grip tightly to his hair holding his head in place.
“Thor, honey, I need more.” You say your legs wrapping around his waist in anticipation. He smiles and his eyes meet yours. His eyes were filled with a hunger your thought you’d never get to experience again after your divorce. You knew that this man loved you. From the moment you met all those years ago in that cab when you went into labor, there had been something about him that made you feel safe and happy.
Of course, you didn’t start dating until about three years later. You needed time to move on from Bucky and you didn’t want to leave one man for another. Even after all these years Thor still looked at you like the first moment he had seen you. His eyes were always filled with love and adoration. You smile at him as you pull his face toward yours, your lips meeting him in a wave of passion and heat.
Thor’s arms wrap around your body as he lifts you up to straddle his lap your legs still wrapped tightly around his waist. You feel Thor reach around to undo your bra when the sound of the door bell causes you both to freeze as your eyes meet. “You expecting someone?” You ask making him shake his head.
“Nope, it’s probably those damned Jehovah witness people again. Let’s ignore them.” He says before his lips crash back against yours making you giggle into his lips. Wrapping your arms around his neck you deepen the kiss making him growl into your lips. You were about to continue when the doorbell started to ring like crazy making Thor groan in annoyance. “What the hell is wrong with those people?” He says angrily as he gives you a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t shoot anyone babe!” You holler after Thor as he walks out of the room.
Thor walks down the stairs his annoyance clear on his face. The one thing he hoped he could avoid when he built this house out in the middle of no where was unwanted visitors; but apparently those people could find your anywhere. He reaches out and opens the door completely ready to tell whoever is out there to kick rocks but when his eyes meet the eye of the man standing in the doorway his body fills with rage. “What are you doing here?”
“Who are you? How do you know me?” The man replies hate lacing his every word.
“I know full well who you are. What do you want?” Thor replies folding his arms over his chest.
“Thor? Who is it?” you ask as you walk down the stairs Thor’s build shielding your view from the person outside.
“Someone who shouldn’t be here.” Thor replies making you furrow your brows as you pull your shirt over your head to cover your chest.
“I have every right to be here.” You hear the person retort and your eyes widen in a mixture of fear and anger as you move to stand in front of Thor.
“James?” You ask in disbelief as you clench your fist.
“Hi doll, can we talk?” He asks causing your body to move on its own as you swing your fist catching him in the chin knocking him backwards.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You yell as you move forward to hit him again only to have Thor wrap his arms around you holding you back.
“Calm down babe, he’s not worth it.” Thor says as he tries to diffuse your anger.
“I know, I had that coming,” Bucky says as he pushes himself back to his feet.
“Oh, you have a lot more coming.” You add trying to pull away from Thor.
“Look, I just want to talk.” Bucky says his brow furrowing.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You say tears threating to fall out of anger.
“Yes, there is.” Bucky says making your clench your jaw. “I want to see my daughter.”
“Not a damn chance.” You reply quickly making Bucky’s eyes fill with anger.
“God dammit (Name), she’s my kid. How could you never tell me about her?”
“She’s not your kid, she’s mine. You have no right to see her, let alone look at her.” You reply your chest heaving from anger.
“I have every right, honey.” He replies making your see red as you now try to kick him through Thor’s grasp.
“Don’t call me that! I’m not your wife anymore.” You yell as you thrash in Thor’s arms.
“Oh, didn’t Foggy tell you.” He adds a devious smile filling his lips making you stop thrashing and Thor release you.
“Tell me what?” You ask curiosity filling your voice.
“I never signed the divorce papers. We’re still married.” Bucky replies making your heart drop but before you have a chance to reply Thor shoots past you his fist hitting Bucky square in the jaw knocking him out.
Will Continue - 
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