#brain plz… we have talked about this… you’re allowed to enjoy things :p
artsy-dreamer · 2 years
I just… *cries* brotps
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Of Kings and Beasts  -  Seven
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Pairing: King!Bucky X Princess!Reader X King!Steve
Summary: Born a bastard of the King of Orlen, you’re thrust to the West to marry the Kings. However, the greeting you get is anything but warm, and your life with the King is far from enjoyable. He knows it isn’t your fault his husband is gone, but that fact alone won’t prevent him from taking it out on you.
Warnings: Angst, Injuries, Violence, Language (Maybe)
Word Count: 3.7K
A/n: hello friends! Enjoy this plz. also idk what’s wrong but I’m having a hard time remembering things and my brain is just super mush. I think I’m like, malnourished and exhausted but I really don’t know. Goodnight though, I love you all!
Series Masterlist
“How many times must I explain this? I hardly remember anything. I could barely see his face through the snow. I know not his name nor his rank, all I know is that he was wearing the armour of a Knight.” You’re getting frustrated now as you explain for what feels like the thousandth time what happened before you ventured out into the snow.
James and Steve exchange glances.
“I did not send for her. And I know you would not trust her safety in the hands of anyone who has not fought alongside you in battle. I believe-” James stops speaking abruptly, shaking his head. He’s not sure who is trying to sabotage his marriage, and he doesn’t want them to know that he knows.
“What?” You ask softly, stepping towards him. He takes a step back and you frown. You’d thought that after the night you had spent with the man that he would be more open to having you, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
“Nat!” The redhead is in Steve’s office as soon as he says her name.
“I want you or Sam with (Y/n) at all times. You may only leave her side if you are directly dismissed by one of the three of us. Do you understand?” She nods, guilt heavy in her gut at the fact that you could’ve died because of her carelessness.
“Have Clint bring the stable boy here. I want him to give me details. I need to know who the traitor is and why they want my wife dead,” Steve says after a moment, his eyes hard at the thought of someone wanting to bring you harm.
“I’ll go,” James pipes in, avoiding your eyes as he walks to the door, closing it tightly behind himself.
Your shoulders slump and you shake your head sadly. “I had thought that after our night... we may be starting to rebuild our relationship. However, it seems as though he does not wish for that to happen.” Steve sighs, walking around his desk to wrap his arms around your frame.
“He is sad and afraid. He has not been himself for a long while, but he will come back.” Your bottom lip quivers and you curse yourself for being so emotional.
“I do not wish to be the cause of his unhappiness. At times I wonder if it would be better if I stayed away. If I allowed the two of you to continue as if I were not here at all.” Steve turns you around and lifts your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“You are very important to both of us. If he truly wanted you out of the picture he would not have gone out to find you. You matter far too much to the both of us. He will come around again, he just needs some time.”
A knock on the door pulls your attention from him and you sniffle, wiping a stray tear off of your cheek.
“Come in.”
The door gets pushed open and a red-faced young man scurries in, his eyes focused on the ground as he bows.
“Y-you called for me, Your Majesties?” Your heart warms at the obvious nervousness.
“What is your name?” You ask, cutting Steve off. He raises his eyebrows at you and you simply smile, taking a step away from him and towards the boy.
“P-Peter, Your Majesty. A-and I did not mean for any harm to come to you. I was led to believe that the man was indeed a knight of the king and that the business transpiring was none that should involve me. I ask that you are lenient in your punishment, for I truly enjoy my position and I am so grateful that you have given me the opportunity to work here. I-” You raise your hand, silencing his rambling and looking every bit like the queen you are.
Steve watches from behind you, never having seen you truly take control of the title you have.
“You will not be punished for following the orders of someone who seemed to be an honest man. No harm came from it. We simply would like to know if you have any recollection of his name or his rank. Or perhaps a description of his appearance.” The boy stares at you in shock before looking to the King. Steve simply nods and the boy inhales deeply.
“I did not gather his name nor his rank, Your Majesty. But he seemed tall. Not as tall as the King, Mind you, but still taller than most knights. And his build was slimmer, which I found surprising. I should’ve questioned it and I will spend my days regretting that I did not because our Kingdom could have lost its queen due to my carelessness and-”
“Peter, please stay focused,” Steve says. The boy swallows hard and nods, clearing his throat before speaking again.
“He had... dark hair and dark eyes... bared no resemblance to any knight I’ve ever seen before. He lacked the composure of a knight as well. It almost seemed as if he were trying to mimic the actions of one.” You turn to Steve, brows raised at this new information.
“Thank you, Peter. That will be all.” The boy bows again then hurries out of the room.
“So someone was able to pose as a knight? But who? And why? I hardly have a purpose in the kingdom. Why did I become a target?” Steve shakes his head, wishing he had the answers of which you seek.
“I know not. But I will be bringing this up when James and I meet with the council next. Any threat against our wife is a direct threat against our kingdom, and justice needs to be served.” The mention of your other husband has your heart aching.
“Do... do you think he would talk to me were I to find him?” You ask. Steve purses his lips. James seemed so comfortable with you the other night. He hates the thought, but maybe it’s his presence that is making James so distant.
“There is no harm in trying. Have Natalia accompany you.” You nod, gathering your skirts and hurrying out of the room, the redhead hot on your heels.
“I offer you my sincerest apologies, your majesty. I should have been there.” You shake your head at her, smiling softly.
“Do not apologize, Natalia. No one was harmed.” you pause just as you’re about to walk past the glass doors leading to the gardens, a glint of silver catching your eye.
“You may wait here. I fear having any more of an audience will only have a negative effect,” you whisper, pushing the door open and venturing into the snow.
Natalia stands just outside the door, watching with her hand on the hilt of her sword as you walk down the path towards the brooding king.
“James?” You call, waiting until he looks at you.
“You should not be here,” he murmurs, his eyes closing tightly and his hands clenching into fists. He huffs out heavy breaths through his nose, the air forming a misty cloud that dissipates slowly.
“James, please. I cannot stand the distance you put between us. I am begging you to let me in.” He grinds his teeth together, his face contorting in what looks like pain before suddenly going stoic.
He’s quiet for a long moment, long enough for you to slowly approach him, fingers prickling in the cold winter air.
“James?” You ask softly, hoping he’s ready to open up to you again.
His eyes snap open and in a flash of silver, he’s got his metal hand wrapped around your throat, fingers flexing and nearly crushing your windpipe.
Your eyes widen and you instinctively grab at the metal appendage.
His face is devoid of emotion as he lifts you nearly clean off the ground, the tips of your toes hardly brushing the ground. Your lungs burn and tears of pain and discomfort well up in your eyes.
There’s a whooshing sound and then he grunts, toppling to the left and dropping you to the ground.
You collapse in a heap, hands grabbing at your throat protectively as you draw in huge lungfuls of air between painful coughs.
The sound of metal clanging against metal has your eyes shooting upwards just in time to see two swords connect above you, one belonging to the king and the other belonging to Natalia.
“Your Majesty, get back!” She shouts, her eyes on you for a brief moment.
You scramble through the snow, trying to get to the palace and call for help.
James overpowers the redhead with practiced ease, and then his murderous gaze is focused on you again.
Fear freezes you in place and you stare up at him with wide eyes while Natalia is screaming for him to stop, for someone to come to your aid.
His sword comes down right as a powerful hand jerks you to the side.
The blow that was meant to kill you draws a red line across your cheek, blood spilling out and trailing down your chin.
The hot liquid splatters against the frozen snow, melting a hole and staining the white.
For a moment you’re reminded of your place in the world. A stain against purity. A mistake.
You’re wrenched back to reality by hands yanking you backwards, away from where the two Kings fight each other, Steve with desperation and James with determination.
“Come, Majesty.” Nat helps you inside but you don’t move past the doors, heart hammering in your chest as guards rush out to help the blond king.
“Your Majesty, you’re injured. We must-” you shake your head at her, eyes far too focused on the fight.
James manages to knock Steve’s sword away but is quickly distracted by the other men, giving the blond an opportunity to deliver a nasty blow to the back of his head.
The brunet collapses in the snow, groaning and grabbing his head.
You watch with nothing but terror and tears in your eyes as he slowly pushes himself to his knees, familiar blue eyes looking around in confusion.
They land on you, blood on your cheek and fear in your eyes and he nearly throws up as he realizes what he’s done.
“James?” He shakes his head at Steve, stumbling to his feet and hurrying into the Palace.
“James!” He runs straight past you and down the hallway, disappearing after a few moments.
Steve stands in the snow, blue eyes narrowed and pink lips parted. He pants, trying to gather his thoughts while the cold air bites his cheeks and the tip of his nose.
Steve is at your side in a flash, his hand cupping your cheek and angling your head to allow himself to inspect your wound.
“Just a scratch,” he murmurs, brows drawn together as he glances to where his husband was.
Your eyes, however, are drawn to a movement in the garden.
A familiar pair of muddy brown eyes stand out against the snow and you inhale sharply.
“Steve, it’s him.” He follows your gaze to the garden,
“Guards!” He shouts, grabbing his sword and hurrying out into the snow.
“Please, your majesty. I need to tend to your wound.” You finally allow Natalia to drag you away, but not before hearing Steve mention something about the dungeon to one of the guards with him.
You toss and turn all throughout the night, missing the warmth of your husband and beyond afraid at the events of the day.
Not only were you attacked, but you also potentially caught the man who wants you dead.
The worst part? Steve has given you zero information. No matter how much you asked, he refused to say a single thing about James or the stranger in the garden.
So that is how you have ended up here, pacing through the dark palace halls in search of your blond husband.
As you’re leaving his empty office you hear a whisper of your name, followed by a soft laugh.
You frown and follow the sound, the voice beckoning you closer and yet getting further away every time you approach.
The voice leads you through the halls for what feels like hours until you find yourself in front of a wooden door that nearly blends in with the walls around it.
Steadying yourself with a deep breath, you push the door open. It creaks loudly and you instinctively look around to make sure that no one heard.
Once deeming the coast to be clear, you slowly walk through the doorway and nearly fall.
It’s a spiral staircase going downwards.
Your heart beats loudly in your ears as you take the steps one at a time, getting reminded of all the times you snuck around the Palace back home.
Through the darkness, there’s a yellow glow that you identify as candlelight.
You dare not step into the light, so instead, you stay tucked safely around the corner, ears straining to hear... anything.
You make out two voices, one of them far more familiar than the other.
“I am going to ask you one last time: who is it that is plotting against me?” Steve demands.
The other man sounds weak, his breath coming in ragged pants.
You risk a glance around the corner, eyes finding the two in the dimly lit room. Th man on the ground is bloody and bruised and you can hardly recognize him until he speaks.
“You’d best be careful who you allow into your circle, your Majesty. I serve my Kingdom, but not all who are close to you are true to their word. Is it not suspicious that so many terrible events have occurred so soon after the Queen was brought here?” Steve's hand comes down hard against the man’s face and you hold back a gasp.
“If you do not cooperate and answer truthfully, I will rip your teeth out one by one and force them down your throat.”
The man spits blood onto the ground then chuckles weakly.
His bloodied face is too much for you, and you turn on your heel and run up the stairs as silently as you can, hands trembling with fear and disgust as you realize that both kings are brutal in their own sick ways.
“You know I speak the truth. The change in your husband has only occurred since your wife has been here. Has Orlen always been a friend to us? Or have they been trying to get into our Kingdom to take what they wish?”
Steve is silent for just a moment too long, long enough for the man to know he struck a nerve.
“If you wish to kill me, do so. But remember my warning. And do not be surprised when she turns on you, too.”
He doesn’t return to his chambers for nearly an hour after that, and as much as you try, you cannot fall asleep after what you witnessed.
Sure, you expected there to be consequences, but you never imagined that Steve would torture the man with his own hands.
When he finally returns to you, he climbs into bed without noticing your stiff figure.
His arm comes around your waist as it usually would, and you try your hardest not to flinch away from him.
A single glance down shows you his split knuckles and you have to bite your lip to stop from making a noise of fear.
He falls asleep quickly behind you, and you’re horrified at how comfortable he is with being so brutal to another human being.
The King paces in his office, the question of the prisoner echoing in his mind.
He had not even considered the possibility of you being responsible for the change in his husband’s demeanour, but it only started since you came to the palace.
A weight settles in the pit of his stomach and he takes a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down.
He needs to speak to you immediately.
Just as he pulls the door to his study open, you raise your hand to knock.
“Oh!” You gasp, grabbing your chest and taking a sharp breath.
“You startled me. I was just coming to find you. H-have you any news of James?” Your eyes stray down to his split knuckles and Steve takes notice of the tension in your shoulders.
“He’s locked himself in the east wing. He refuses to speak to anyone but doctor banner,” he says, voice stiff and mechanical.
You nod slowly, stepping into the room when he steps aside and motions you to come in.
It’s silent for a long moment, the pressure nearly making your eardrums burst.
You want him to say something, anything. Explain what happened last night or what’s going on today. You’re far too terrified to ask him, however. After witnessing what you did... you do not want to anger him.
That seems to be a futile wish, however.
“Is he alright?” You try, hoping that this is a safe topic.
Steve doesn’t reply. No, instead he paces slowly around the room.
“Do you take me for a fool?” He asks, eyes finding you for the first time.
“What are you talking about?” You’re genuinely curious, trying to think of what you could’ve done to make him ask you this.
“I will ask you again, and this time you will answer. Do you take me for a fool?” He’s walking to you now, steps purposeful and intimidating, a walk that he has practiced and perfected.
You back up a step, fear coursing through your veins. “N-no, of course not. What is this about, Steve?”
“You will address me properly.” You’ve never seen this side of him before. Except for last night.
“I-I don’t think I am understanding... Your Majesty.” You’re not sure if you are more disappointed or sad, but you drop your eyes to the floor.
“Rumours have been spoken, words whispered of a traitor among us. Someone who wishes for the kingdom to fall. Someone close to myself.”
You furrow your brows, taken aback by the accusation.
“And you think me capable of that?” You demand.
He shrugs but his eyes are anything but calm. There’s a fiery storm in his blue eyes, accusation and rage simmering just beneath the surface.
“I hardly know you. It would be foolish of me to think you are anything more than a spy sent by Orlen.” Your heart hurts and you need to take a few deep breaths before you speak.
“I have been nothing but loyal to you, your husband, and your kingdom. Who might I even have to conspire with? I have not been allowed near the people, and I fear my own ladies because their loyalties lie with you.”
Your words ring with truths that even you didn’t consider until now. Steve opens his mouth to speak but you do not allow him a turn.
“I have not breathed a word of the brutalities I have experienced at the hand of your beloved. I have not even dreamed of leaving the castle walls for fear of what consequences would await such thoughts. From the moment I arrived, I have been treated like dirt and yet you stand here with the audacity to question my loyalties!”
He’s taken aback for a moment. He wants to trust you, he really does, but he just can't. Not after what the man said last night. It makes too much sense that you would do this.
“You speak of rumours... as if you do not have your own to worry about. Your brutality is spoken of throughout the continent. Clearly, the rumours hold true, for your brutality extends far beyond the lines of the battlefield. The kings show no mercy, not even to their wife in the privacy of their bed chambers.”
He grabs your forearms tightly, face full of fury.
“You will watch your tongue, woman!” You huff out a breath and shake your head, face contorting in pain as his grip tightens.
“You are so quick to accuse me when you were nowhere to be found in a time that I needed you.” His brows raise nearly to his hairline.
“Are you implying that I had a hand in that?” He demands, a vein in his forehead throbbing as he only gets more furious.
“I imply nothing, your majesty. I am simply taking note of the fact that you were conveniently away during a time when I was in peril.”
His hand comes up before he can register what’s happening, and then you’re tumbling to the floor, the crisp sound of a slap ringing in his ears.
Your hands tremble and your cheek burns. You stay rooted in place, eyes squeezed shut in fear as he towers over you.
He stands before you, chest heaving and eyes wide with horror at himself.
“Your actions only further prove my point,” you whisper, blinking your eyes open to suppress your tears.
“And do yours not prove mine?” He counters, glaring at you as you rub your aching wrists. Seeing you cower beneath him, so small and so fragile, his anger starts to melt away.
“I would like to remind you, Your Majesty, that I do not benefit from being here. I have only traded one prison for another, and I am not sure how much longer I will endure such treatment.”
He opens his mouth to speak, one hand extending to help you to your feet. His eyes find a line of red on your cheek and he glances down at his hand, the mark on your cheek matching his wedding band.
Now you have matching scratches on either side of your face.
“Do not touch me,” you hiss, glaring up at him with wet eyes.
He’s crouching down when there’s a knock on the door. Sam pushes it open without waiting for an invitation but the look on his face is enough for Steve not to snap at him.
“There’s been an attempt on Doctor Banner’s life.”
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