#king!steve rogers x reader
buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Cedar Trees
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a collection of Royal AU stories centered around a King Steve Rogers and Queen!Reader
You came into this betrothal to Steve Rogers, King of York, with no illusions to the situation – yours was a marriage to ensure the continuation of many generations of alliance and peace between your respective kingdoms. It was your duty as the second-born. Very early, however, you learn what your royal union truly means to you both, and it's more than either of you expect.
Content Warnings: [check individual parts for their respective warnings] politically arranged marriage, reluctant pining, SMUT (rough fucking and fluffy and intimate sexual situations)
AUTHOR NOTE: The setting for this is a semi-Georgian era in a loose version of a North America based in no reality, only aesthetic and general royal protocols of the time.
ADDITIONALLY: I actively and eagerly accept questions about this AU as well as requests - asks I can get to fairly quickly, requests may take me longer. I know their general story, but I have no agenda for a plot for them, so I'm willing to fulfill requests based on what people would like to see in this couple's story.
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ORIGINAL FOUNDATION PIECE: Fire Burning From a Cedar Tree
Release Order:
Fire Burning From a Cedar Tree [3.4k]
The Thrill of Knowing How Alone We Are [1.2k]
Winter Solstice (response to an ask)
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts [1.3k]
A Shift in the Morning Routine [1.1k]
Love That's Laid Beside Me [5k]
The Silence of the Hushed Sublime [4.8k]
Chronological Order:
The Thrill of Knowing How Alone We Are
Fire Burning From a Cedar Tree
A Shift in the Morning Routine
Winter Solstice (an ask that plays into their narrative)
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts
Love That's Laid Beside Me
The Silence of the Hushed Sublime [4.8k]
what if Cedar Trees was also an omegaverse?
ask re: kinks and physical intimacy
Collection Cover by me
Divider by @firefly-graphics / #evansyhelp
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. Part 30/?
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<Part 29<
"I need you to wake-up, My love." Steve whispered, looking down at where you rested your head against his chest, smiling lovingly at you.
The journey to Brook was long, tiring and uncomfortable. Even with a stop off for lunch and to stretch your legs, you still found yourself being lulled to sleep after a few hours as you cuddled up against Steve's warmth. Well, that and because Steve couldn't keep his hands to himself. Not that you were complaining.
You mumbled something incoherent as you snuggled closer to Steve making him chuckle and kissed the top of your head.
"I guess, you don't want my surprise then." He whispered.
You raised your head with a hum, "What surprise?" You asked groggily.
Steve smiled to himself, "Knew that would work." He sat up, untangling himself from you. "C'mon sleepy head. You can go back to sleep soon."
Your brow furrowed as you watched him open the carriage door and get out. "Are we back already?" You asked.
Steve shook his head. "Not quite." He held his hand out and helped you out of the carriage. "This is your surprise." He smiled.
You stood in silence as you looked at the cute (not so) little cottage in front of you that was tucked away behind a wall of trees and rose bushes. It was lit up with an orange glow and smoke pouring out of the chimney, looking warm and cosy.
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Steve smiled to himself as he gave you a gentle nudge, encouraging you forward. "I thought this would be a good place for the two of us to hide away for a week or so. Enjoy married life without any worries. Just us." He whispered.
You stepped into the cottage with a grin, "Where are we?"
"Not far from the castle. My hunting cabin isn't far from here."
"It's beautiful... Who does it belong to?" You looked around the place, taking it all in.
Steve smiled as he stepped closer to you, placing his hands on your hips. "You."
You spun around to face Steve with a gasp, "Me?"
Steve nodded. "My father wanted mother to have a quiet place to retreat to if the castle got too much whilst she was carrying me, so he had this place built. Once I was born, it became a place the three of us would use to hide away from the castle..."
Your brow furrowed, "It's not mine then if your father had it built for your mother."
Steve sighed softly, "Sweetheart, it was my mother who gifted it to you... To us. She knows how difficult it can be for a young Princess... She wanted you to have a place that you feel safe in, like she did." He smiled lovingly st ypu as he took yoyr hands in his. "Wha'cha say, happy to spend some time alone with me here, wife?"
You bit you bottom lip and nodded with a giggle, "I certainly am, husband." You wrapped your arms around Steve's neck and kissed him.
The sound of birds tweeting and the sun leaking through the drapes slowly aroused you from your sleep just enough for you to sense something was happening around you that could only be described as chaos. You could hear voices, shouting and cursing over the top of one another, heavy footsteps stomping back and forth. You let out a tired groan and rolled over in the large empty bed, frowning as you blindly searched for Steve. You opened your eyes and looked around the room, empty. You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes before climbing out of bed and making your way out of the room, in search of your husband.
The cottage wasn't too big that you'd end up lost like you did on your very first visit to the castle, but there were still plenty of rooms to explore.
You fell in love with the cottage the moment your eyes landed on it. It was much bigger than you first thought, but it still managed to have a cosy feel to it.
The room you and Steve were occupying was larger than the others that filled the cottage. It had a four poster bed at the farthest side of the room, a dressing table and chair against the wall opposite the door, a fireplace opposite the bed, as well as having a small closet attached. There was a smaller room opposite that had been used as Steve's when he was much younger and had been turned back into a nursery for when the time arrived for yours and Steve's children to use. A small water closet sat at the end of the hallway on the left that held a large bathtub (big enough for two) and next door to your room was what had been a study that Steve's father used before Steve had it changed into a miniature library for the two of you to use. That, too, had a fireplace that the two of you could sit in front of. At the other end of the hallway was a door that led into the front of the cottage. The door opened up into the sitting room, a large space that had a couple of armchairs in front of another fireplace as well as a dining table by the window that looked out onto the small garden that was filled with rose bushes and trees. To the right of the sitting room was a joining kitchen, and that was where you found your husband and the chaos.
You watched as Steve, Sam and Bucky coughed, trying to wave smoke away from them as they each yelled over one another.
"What on earth is going on?" You asked with a cough, quickly covering your mouth.
The three of them turned towards you like startled deer, panic in their eyes.
When no one answered, you huffed and folded your arms across your chest. "Well?"
"His fault!" Sam and Bucky said in unison as they pointed at Steve.
Steve glared at them, "Is not."
You rolled your eyes as the three of them began to talk over each other once more. "Enough!" You huffed and made your way over to the large wooden door at the front of the cottage that lead out into the garden, "You're like children... Worse than Morgana." You mumbled.
"What are you doing, My love?" Steve asked as he watched you open the door.
"Letting the smoke out so we don't choke to death." You turned back to the three of them. "Perhaps one of you could open the windows?"
Sam and Bucky quickly and began moving around the cottage. Steve stayed in the same spot with his head lowered, chewing on his bottom lip looking a lot like a child that's about to be scolded.
You smiled to yourself as you walked towards him, reminding yourself to tease him later on about it. "What happened?"
Steve opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Bucky and Sam bet him to it.
"His Majesty, was attempting to cook."
"And like it usually does, it ended in disaster." Bucky shook his head with a huff, "I told him to stay out of the kitchen."
Sam nodded, "But His Majesty knows best." Sam rolled his eyes.
You let out a small giggle as Steve continued to glare at them.
It was true, Steve wasn't the best cook. Any time he attempted cooking, something disastrous happened.
"Boys," You stood in front of Steve and placed a comforting hand on his chest as you faced Bucky and Sam. "Could the two of you fetch some more firewood, please?" You smiled sweetly.
The pair nodded before bowing to you and making their exit.
You cleared your throat before you turned back to face Steve. "So... What happened?"
Steve sighed as he gently placed his hands on your waist and tugged you against his chest. "I wanted to bring you breakfast." He frowned. "I don't know what happened. One minute I had everything set, and the next the pan of water boiled over and-"
"Put the fire out?" You asked already knowing the answer. Steve nodded with a pout. You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself cooing at him. How can a man be so soft and adorable, yet feared by so many? You gently cupped his cheeks with your hands and pressed your lips against his softly, letting out a moan as Steve gave your waist a squeeze. "Don't worry about it. It's an easy fix." You smiled at him before slipping out of his arms. "Let's get this cleaned up then we'll cook breakfast together."
Steve raised his eyebrow at you as you began moving things around. "Do you know how to cook?" Steve asked.
You giggled as you looked back at him over your shoulder. "Yes, Steve."
"You do?"
"Don't sound so surprised." You smirked.
"Sorry." Steve blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I just, don't understand how you know?"
"Well, I learnt, Steven." You teased making him roll his eyes.
"I get that smart-ass." He chuckled, coming up beside you. "When?"
"What did you think I did when I wasn't attending sowing circles?"
Steve smiled, "Who taught you?"
"The Castle's cooks." You smiled with a shrug. "Even Dum-Dum taught me how to cook his famous battle stew last year."
Steve's brows raised in surprise just as Sam and Bucky returned. "Dum-Dum gave you his secret recipe?"
"Her Highness cooks it even better than Dum-Dum." Bucky winked at you with a grin making you blush.
Sam nodded and rubbed his belly. "Oh man, what I'd give to have some of that stew."
Steve frowned as he looked at them then at you. "Why have I never tried it?" He pouted.
You turned away from him to hide your smirk before clearing your throat, "You're always busy with meetings when I cook it." You let out a soft sigh.
Steve frowned to himself as he thought back to your visits. He usually did have a few meetings that lasted hours and hours, plenty of time for you to cook Dum-Dum's stew and share it with his men. He can't remember how many times he's found you training with them, even in rain, as you tried to pass the time.
"No matter," You smiled at him. "I'll make it tonight for us all."
Steve chuckled, "Let's focus on breakfast first, love." He kissed your cheek. "Now, tell me what to do."
"Nothing!" Bucky and Sam groaned in unison making Steve glare at them.
You began to laugh, quickly disguising it as a cough and looking away as Steve turned his glare to you. He smiled to himself as he watched you busy yourself before he sent Sam and Bucky another glare.
"Piss off," He mouthed to them, waving his hand around.
Bucky smirked, shaking his head at him as he walked up to you, "What can I do to help, Your Highness?" He asked, sending Steve a wink once you began telling him what to do.
You giggled as Steve kissed your bare shoulder, working his way up your neck until you were a giggling mess. "Stop it," You tapped his bicep, pushing slightly to get him off you.
Steve pulled back with a grin. "You're just too sweet," He teased before pressing his lips to yours. He rolled over on to his back, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his chest. Steve panted softly against the top of your head before kissing it. "You know... They won't be here all the time... I promise."
You smiled to yourself, snuggling further into his chest, wrapping your arms tighter around his body as you hiked your leg up over his. "Stop... I had fun today. Besides, I don't mind Bucky and Sam being around."
Steve sighed, "I know you don't... But I wanted it just to be us. I wanted us to have some time together... To get to know each other."
You carefully pushed yourself up so you were looking down at Steve, not care in the world as you let your naked body show as you looked down at your husband lovingly. "We already know each other, darling."
Steve shook his head, "But we're married now..." He smiled as he reached up brushed your hair back as he cupped your cheek. "Things are different."
"How? We're still the same people, Steve."
Steve smiled, "But now I can do this," He gently pulled your face down to his and pressed his lips against yours, easily slipping his tongue past your lips and deepening kiss momentarily before pulling back, "As much as I want." He grinned at you. "As well as other things," He teased.
You lowered your head, trying to hide your face as you blushed. "When you put it like that." You smiled to yourself. "Maybe Bucky and Sam shouldn't be around so much."
@letsdisneythings @smile1318 @readawaythereality @dad-supremedeactivated04291992 @marebare21 @imjustanotherperson @slutforchrisjamalevans @summersong69 @gretavankleep37 @calimoi @noonenuts @nighttimestan @sarahbellesaurus @bloodyinspiredfuck @coffeebooksandfandom @lewisroscoelove @oceansrose2002 @teambarnes72
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talesofadragon · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝
Synopsis: The Kingdom of Brooklyn needs a queen, and the Royal Council needs a noble princess. As for newly crowned King Steven Rogers, he needs a love that rebels against conformity, granting him the solace he yearns for. So what happens when all he needs is not what his kingdom wants?
Pairing: King!Steve Rogers x Chambermaid!Reader
Warnings: None.
Genre: Angst | Fluff
Word Count: 6.1K
Author’s Notes: Requested by the sweetest @crazyunsexycool. Thank you, Val, for this wholesome idea! To all Marvel fans out there, go check out her incredible work!🩵
All Masterlists | Steve Rogers Masterlist
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 and deceiving word in history will evermore be art. At first glance, it’s enticing, delicate, and memorable. A barrage of emotional responses to the tragedies and the grievances of life. Whether in color or in monochrome, in words or emotions, art is a melodrama that lures you in, pulls you toward its undertow. Until there comes a time when you realize that all these stories were never quite this scintillating, they just were. 
“Your Majesty.” 
Steve shakes his head as the voice registers in his mind. It takes him a fleeting moment, about five seconds, to realize that he stands within the confines of his chambers. The vibrant rays of the morning sun cascade through the windows, casting an ardent glow. Another five minutes elapse as Steve blinks away his confusion, his gaze withdrawing from the withered pages of his sketchbook, evidence of the relentless assault of his charcoals and ink.
“Maiden Katherine,” he acknowledges the chambermaid in his room. Her eyes are downcast, evading his cerulean hues. “Pardon me, what was it that you said?”
The young woman gasps, though covers it quickly with a cough. Her errant gaze lands briefly on Steve before it strays away once more. “Your Majesty, I was merely asking if you needed anything more.”
A fleeting furrow emerges between Steve's eyebrows, and he casts a swift glance around the room. To his surprise, he finds it immaculate, untouched by the tumultuous night he had spent, forming dents in his rugs and battling wars within the confines of his sheets. 
As Steve turns his gaze toward Maiden Katherine, a gentle smile graces his lips. Unable to discern the woman's face due to her position, he finds himself succumbing to a glimmer of hope, however fleeting and insubstantial. Within the recesses of his imagination, he relishes the liberty to conjure an image of someone entirely different, a figure who embodies the yearnings of his heart.
“No,” he says, somewhat resentfully. Because his needs are conditional, and what he truly desires cannot be attained beyond the realm of his mind. “That will be all. Thank you.”
Maiden Katherine dutifully bows to her king, leaving him to his own devices. As soon as the door closes, Steve reaches back to trace the somber outlines of his sketchbook. Once more, his mind veers away from the confines of his chambers, transporting him to a realm far brighter.
King Joseph and Prince Steven are a juxtaposition.
The King is the valiant moon. The Prince is the selfless sun. The former breathes preservation and prowess, while the latter longs for equilibrium and benevolence. And no matter their dualism, King Joseph sees otherwise, constantly building bridges upon bridges to force his son to concede and meet him. Not in the middle, but where he stands—light years away. 
Steve, though ten years old, has a keen sense of understanding. His mother, Sarah, never misses a chance to remind him that he’s a whirlwind for this world, and he couldn’t possibly disagree. 
When, like today, the pressures of the crown seem too hard to grapple with, Steve decides to step away. Not forever. Just a little while, until he’s able to face them all again. 
He’s at the Royal Gardens, a place he hasn’t visited since last spring after his allergies restricted him to his room. Now, almost a year later, he comes back, disappointed to see that his favorite tree has grown faster than he has. 
Steve approaches it, hands on hips and lips pursed in thought. How am I supposed to climb it now? he asks himself. He wishes Bucky was here, but he knows his best friend has sparring lessons, so he tries his very best to follow his own lead and climb it. 
He tries to climb, and he manages to pull himself up, but three branches and a half are more than enough to steal his breath. He sighs, seeing that he can’t climb higher. His hands ache from the effort. 
Just as Steve contemplates his next move, a small voice calls out, “What are you doing up there, silly?” Startled, he turns his gaze downward, meeting a pair of eyes that feel both familiar and unknown. 
“Who are you?” he asks the young girl in the blue dress. He knows she’s not a princess from the fabric’s quality, though her charming face suggests otherwise. 
“I asked you first.” 
Steve laughs at the girl’s spirited nature. “I am sitting.” She narrows her eyes, unsatisfied with his response. “I like sitting up here. The tree overlooks the castle grounds. It’s nice.”
The girl hums, accepting his answer. She looks up and then around before meeting his eyes again. “Do you care for some company?” 
Steve would normally say no. Aside from Bucky, he doesn’t like to spend time with anyone. But the little girl seems nice and curious, something he decides that he likes about her. So he nods his head.
He watches the faint smile on her lips as she holds tightly to the nearest branch and places her weight on it. Within a couple of seconds, she perches herself on the branch facing him.
“Hi!” she giggles, kicking her feet in the air. Now that she’s closer, he can see that she’s much smaller than him. A few years younger too. He watches her lean against the tree’s trunk, gazing around with pure wonder. “You’re right. It is quite nice here.” 
Steve shares a laugh with her before speaking again. “Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N,” she announces confidently. He likes it. Both her name and her attitude. “And you?” 
He bites the inside of his cheek. Steve has been conditioned to answer this question in one way only: Crown Prince Steven Grant Rogers of Brooklyn. But he’s scared that if Y/N hears this, she might jump down and leave him alone. 
He thinks she’s adorable and kind. Definitely someone Bucky is going to like. So, instead, he says something else. Something he’s never said to anyone. “I’m Steve.” 
“Nice to meet you, Steve! How old are you?” 
“I’m ten,” he replies apprehensively. He knows that he looks much younger because of his height and weight.
Y/N seems to disagree, marveling at his answer. She beams, kicking her legs higher. “I’m six. Is it nice to be ten? My momma says the number ten is a two-digit number, so it’s bigger than six.” 
Steve barely blinks before a soft chuckle escapes his lips. He leans forward a little bit, making sure not to fall. Y/N is sitting there with anticipation governing her features, eagerly waiting for an answer. 
“It’s nice. I can retire to bed a bit later than usual.” That seems to satisfy Y/N, who claps excitedly in response. “I have never seen you before,” Steve then remarks.
Y/N hums. “My momma is Queen Sarah’s new chambermaid. I came to the castle with her.” 
Y/N nods. “And you? Does your momma work here, too?” 
“Somewhat, yes,” Steve replies. A comfortable silence stretches for a while, both kids hidden amongst the tree branches, listening to the humming of the birds and the voices of the wind. 
The birds fly around, some even landing atop the tree and catching Y/N’s attention. She marvels at them, then she suddenly stands up, looking at Steve. 
“It must be nicer up there for the birds to sit. Shall we go see?”
Steve hesitates. His blue eyes fill with apprehension as they count the number of branches left. There are six in total, two more than there were last spring. The tree is not too far from the ground, yet high enough for Steve to break his bones if he decides to venture up. 
“I can’t climb that high,” he sighs dejectedly. 
Y/N cranes her head to study Steve’s face. “Do you want to?” she asks to which he nods. “Then of course you can. You simply need a little help.” 
She says it so lightheartedly and surely, it makes Steve’s heart soar. Y/N braces herself and climbs one more branch. She extends her hand, palm open for Steve to take. He hesitates, knowing he shouldn’t and that his father will surely scold him for his actions. 
Y/N shakes her hand once, silently asking him to take it. Without thinking much, Steve does. Two minutes later, he finds himself atop the tree with two birds and a new friend. 
Steve exhales loudly, his gaze fixed upon the tree etched within the pages of his sketchbook. He traces the delicate curves with his eyes, although he knows them by heart. Every intricate detail is etched into his memory from the countless days spent perched upon the tree’s branches alongside Y/N.
With a wistful glance, he closes the sketchbook and casts it aside, a reminder that before this artful piece and the memories it holds existed, there only ever was an unadorned tree.
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“Your Majesty, I can say with absolute certainty that if you continue to wear that expression, it won't be long before the entire court assumes the Robe Bearers have skillfully concealed a stick within your regal attire.” 
“Bucky,” Steve grumbles. Though when he catches his reflection in the mirror, he relents, knowing his best friend, and Lord High Constable, isn’t all too wrong. He raises his hand to dismiss his attendants. They bow and exit, leaving the two men alone. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be anywhere else?” 
Dramatically as always, Bucky covers his heart with his palm. He looks down, seemingly wounded, before his cobalt blue eyes lift. “I am deeply wounded by your implicit dismissal and your forthright irritation, My King.” 
Steve rubs a hand down his face. He has endured twenty-seven years with this man, and sometimes, he wonders if befriending Lord James Buchanan Barnes was a good idea. He knows him all too well now. And if those remarks are any indication, Bucky is, without a doubt, mere seconds away from asking him what’s wrong. 
So Steve speaks his mind before the questions begin. “Must I attend this ball?” 
“You are the King,” Bucky replies. “And tonight you shall not only be celebrated but you shall also—”
“Subdue to the Royal Council’s wishes and secure the future of the throne.” 
Steve’s words have a bite to them. They’re sharp and terse, accentuating the resentment he feels toward this ordeal. He walks away from Bucky, attempting to gather his wits before saying anything else. He sits down on his large bed, one hand on his knee and the other holding his chin. 
“Do not think of it this way.” 
“How else must I think of this when I have no say?” 
“Perhaps you don’t have the freedom of choice when it comes to the matter, but you still have a choice, Steve,” Bucky reminds him. He joins his side, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. He taps him on the shoulder, letting his hand linger there. “The Council has dictated that you shall marry, but only you shall choose who.” 
You couldn’t be more wrong, Steve says to himself. He looks away, the words a sharp slap to his face. He’s never been one for conformity, and Bucky knows this. He’s aware of Steve’s rebellious tendencies and audacious disregard for the Crown's decisions.
Steve knows what this kingdom needs—what queen it longs to have. So why should it be one of noble descent when it could be one of noble spirit? What significance holds the nature of her blood, when in truth, we are all blood in nature? 
“If the choice was truly mine, I would choose no one but her.” 
His eyes are still errant, following a pathway of their own. Though he can’t see it, he feels Bucky’s heavy gaze on him. 
“I should have known you were thinking of Y/N back then,” Bucky comments. He nudges Steve’s shoulder with his until the King concedes and gives the Lord his full attention. He remains quiet, though his eyes say it all. “When are you never thinking about her?” 
“How is she faring?” Steve asks. Each letter is spelled with a plethora of emotions. Carved with longing and desire. It has been a considerable length of time since Steve last laid eyes upon Y/N. Ever since his father banished her to a distant corner of the castle, accompanied by strict instructions to avoid any form of interaction with Steve.
“Well. Though it is beyond evident that she misses you terribly. The mention of you is the only thing that seems to brighten her day.” 
The answer draws a small smile on Steve’s face. He nods, his mind already taking a trek on its own accord, reminiscing the days Steve had spent with Y/N growing up, picturing her dulcet smile and the light that inhabited her eyes. 
Steve has forever been a captive of duty. The blood coursing through his veins tethers him to the crown while unwavering loyalty anchors him to his kingdom. His spirit, alas, was never truly his own, and his heart had long been barricaded by the Council. However, within his mind, a sanctuary exists where his thoughts could roam, untamed and unrestrained, as they collide and soar amidst the vivid memories of Y/N and the alluring freedom she perpetually bestows.
He is on the cusp of replying. With what, he isn't quite sure yet. The mere thought of Y/N has left him momentarily speechless, his mind struggling to find the right words. But the insistent knock on his door reverberates louder than any words he could muster.
“Enter,” Steve says as Bucky straightens and stands up. 
The door opens and in walks Peter, one of the new guards in Brooklyn. “Your Majesty.” Peter bows. “Lord Barnes.”
“What is it, Peter?” Steve asks. 
“His Majesty, King Father Joseph, is requesting your presence.” 
Something within Steve throbs, an ache that resonates through his being. His father possesses an innate knack for impeccable timing, a seemingly supernatural ability to intrude upon Steve's most cherished moments.
Reluctantly, Steve pushes himself up and follows Peter to his father's quarters. He treads the well-worn path, the bitterness seeping through every step. The portraits lining the walls and the chandeliers adorning the taupe ceilings are all too familiar, etched into his memory from countless prior journeys.
His footsteps weigh heavily upon the carpet, each one echoing his disdain for the impending encounter. He takes in a deep breath, steeling himself before the guards deliver a resounding knock, heralding his arrival. With a measured breath, he crosses the threshold and enters the room.
Upon doing so, the pain within him heightens, intensifying to a raw and poignant state. It feels as if every fiber of his being wants to claw its way out from within. His gaze fixates on his father, who lies weak and feeble on the bed, attended to by hovering nurses. Yet, within Steve's mind, contrasting images begin to form.
He envisions himself from years past, confined to his own bed, accompanied by illness and fragility as constant companions. But gradually, the image takes on a bitter-sweet memory.
Steve shakes, uncertain whether it's the cold air or his nightmares that make him tremble. His room feels empty and lonely since his mother's departure, and his father is too busy to give him a second thought. Bucky is off with the troops, stuck in endless meetings. The looming war hangs heavy in the air, and Steve's father has made his choice of soldier, and it's not him.
Steve hates it. Hates being so useless. He cannot even fight for his kingdom, so how is he supposed to rule it one day? He huffs an exasperated sigh, turning around in his sheets. He shuts his eyes, partially because he wants to sleep and purely because he’s trying to force himself not to cry. 
It’s not working, though, as he feels the world closing in. The ceiling’s shadows are suddenly creeping closer, and the walls are wailing as they speed ahead. The door to his chambers squeaks, and he thinks it’s flying off its hinges. But in an unexpected shift, the world around him takes on a different hue, one that brings a soothing and calming sensation he didn't anticipate.
“Stevie.” His eyes snap open, and in that instant, he becomes aware of the rapid pounding of his heart. 
“I heard you weren’t feeling your best.” Y/N smiles sheepishly. She moves a strand of her long wavy hair away, taking a tentative step closer. “I thought, perhaps, you needed some company.” 
Steve wants to say a lot of things. But seeing her in her long blue-green dress made him fall quiet. He’s always loved that color on her. It’s his favorite. 
You look beautiful, he tries to say. I have missed you. How are you faring? But nothing of the sort comes out. 
“You will be in trouble if you get caught,” he hears himself say. Instantly he regrets it. But Y/N doesn’t seem to mind. 
She shakes her head and moves closer. “Being with you is no trouble at all, my prince," she murmurs, settling down beside him and clasping his hand in her own. Steve occasionally wishes his hands were larger, more powerful. He feels a pang of shame for the thoughts that have crossed his mind, imagining the different ways his hands would hold her and explore every inch of her being.
His temperature rises at the thought, and even Y/N feels it. She hovers over him, pressing her lips sweetly to his forehead. His eyes close involuntarily. One of his hands weekly clutch Y/N’s own while the other fists her dress. Steve moans under his breath. “You are burning up,” she says with concern lacing her tone. She moves away, and Steve instinctively reaches for her. She sees the worry in his eyes, deciding to brush it away by running her fingers through his hair. “I will not leave, Your Highness.” 
“Y/N,” he grumbles weakly. 
Y/N smiles, reaching for the bowl of water and the wet rag left behind. “I will not leave you, Steve. I promise.”
“Steve,” King Joseph calls. 
Steve is engulfed in a whirlwind of internal battles, ignited by his father's actions that have shattered everything. Promises that were never his to break have been torn apart, and as a result, Steve decides that he's unable to forgive him. He feels no trace of mercy toward him. No trace of love.
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The coronation ball is a spectacle of extravagance, opulence, and sheer absurdity. The entire Brooklyn Court has gathered along with monarchs from neighboring kingdoms. 
King Stark graces the event with his Queen and their young Princess, joined by King Thor, Queen Sif, and Prince Loki. Steve's gaze catches sight of his trusted Lord Chancellor, Samuel “Sam” Wilson, engaged in conversation with his father and the King of Wakanda. 
And though he cannot see him, he knows Bucky must be lurking in the shadows, sharing a hidden moment with Princess Romanoff.
Steve lingers for a few moments before revealing his presence. He stands atop the banister, peering down at the chaos he is about to face. His gaze sweeps across the room, longing for a glimpse of someone familiar, although deep down he knows it's merely a futile hope.
With a heavy sigh, he descends the stairs, fully aware that his destiny lies in wait.
"Announcing His Royal Majesty, King Steven Grant Rogers."
The music begins, and the doors swing open. Steve steps forward, discomforted by the weight of all the attention upon him. He offers nods as others bow and curtsy, attempting to keep a smile on his face. Reaching the throne, he settles into it with more haste than necessary. As soon as he is seated, his subjects rise from their positions.
"Thank you all for joining us tonight," he declares, projecting his voice with a hint of implicit hesitation. “We’re honored to welcome you to Brooklyn Palace. Please, do enjoy yourself. May this merry occasion pave the way ahead for our kingdom.” 
The crowd cheers enthusiastically, chanting Steve’s name and singing his praises. They raise their hands in the air and clap without restraint, though Steve doesn’t hear them. He’s out of tune with his senses, his consciousness hauntingly distant. Suddenly and prematurely, he’s thrust back into the moment. He doesn’t know how to react when Princess Sharon enters his line of sight.
“Your Majesty,” she curtseys. Steve has always noticed that she overdoes it, lowering herself far more than necessary. Sam once remarked she did it to appear meek and subdued—traits many men apparently seek in a woman—Bucky, on the other hand, remarked that she was desperate for attention. 
“Princess Carter.” 
“Sharon, Your Majesty,” she rectifies while meeting his eyes. “You may call me Sharon. If you please, Your Majesty.” 
To his ears, it’s more of a plea than anything else. Which is why he doesn’t recede. Engaging in idle conversation with her isn't what he desires, for he can already discern the thoughts swirling within her mind, mirroring the thoughts of many other women in the palace. His father had made it unequivocally clear that Steve cannot rule without a queen by his side.
“Your Majesty,” Sharon’s voice beckons. Steve gazes at her, failing to mimic her enthusiasm. “Are you not going to ask me to dance?” 
No, he feels the need to say. I do not wish to dance with anyone. But the musicians are getting ready and his father is pinning him down with a glare. 
Reluctantly, he extends his hand and picks Sharon’s. “Of course.” Steve kisses the back of her hand. Carefully, he leads her to the dance floor, front and center, waiting for everyone to join. 
Bucky stands to his right and Sam to his left. Facing them are Princess Natasha and Duchess Wanda, respectively. Kings Tony, Thor, and T'Challa join next, accompanied by their Queens. 
Gradually, the room transforms into a parade of eager guests, lining up in anticipation of the forthcoming dance. A cacophony of music erupts, and the rhythm permeates the air, setting the stage for a whirlwind of movement. 
The men bow with a flourish, while the ladies curtsy in graceful synchronization. In the timeless tradition of the dance, they take a bold step forward, closing the distance between them. Steve's hands, steady yet tinged with anticipation, find their place upon the small of Sharon’s back, guiding her with gentle precision.
He sweeps across the dance floor, leading Sharon in elaborate and pristine circles. Her gaze on him is imperturbable, features soft under the lights of the chandelier. Steve cannot understand how her eyes can be so alight—they’re looking at him as if he was the present and the future when he is, in fact, counting the musical notes, anticipating the next switch in partners. 
The dance is Steve’s “seven minutes in heaven,” as Sam so eloquently worded it. Though, in reality, it’s a vicious torment. This dance offers Steve the chance to dance with four women—three for two minutes and one for no more than a fleeting sixty seconds. And luckily for him, Sharon’s two minutes are now up. 
He spins her to the right, fueled by a sense of anticipation at the thought of stealing a precious moment of respite. She leaves his arms, and he breathes deeply for a moment before Princess Shuri joins him. 
"Your Majesty, do me a favor and grace us with a smile. I would hate for my brother to be proven right. He is constantly rambling about how my mere presence seems to unsettle everyone around."
Steve offers Shuri beyond what she has asked for. A heartfelt laugh tumbles from his lips, and he’s elated to know that the music is far louder than his unrestrained chortle. 
“Your presence is welcome and cherished, Princess Shuri.” Steve dips the princess, ensuring she doesn’t fall. He brings her back on her feet and continues with the rest of the choreography. “Tell T’Challa you are the single spark of joy and delight this evening has brought.” 
“Oh, I will most certainly tell him that.” 
With a final smile, Steve releases his grip on Shuri, allowing her to navigate her way toward Loki's outstretched arms. Though her departure may lack grace, it’s far more captivating to watch than the arrival of yet another noble lady, who is now nestled in his arms. 
Princess Carol’s face is stoic, and her movements feel robotic, pre-programmed. The silence between her and Steve is tumultuous as the prince leads her through the dance. He’s grateful for her aloofness, granting him the chance to focus on something else other than an unnecessary conversation, or worse yet, a proposal. 
His blue eyes meander, traversing the room with a wandering gaze. In the midst of his observation, he catches sight of Princess Natasha and Marquess Barton engaged in a dance. Their movements may lack the refinement of the other nobles, but they appear unperturbed, swaying to a rhythm that is uniquely theirs. Steve notices Natasha intermittently locking eyes with Bucky, exchanging playful winks and smirks that stir a bitter sensation within him.
He thinks he will never experience this. Never be given the chance to love with all his heart and not his mind. To love for love and not the kingdom. To live for his love to rule and not to rule for his love to die.  
Princess Carol slips from his grasp with unexpected swiftness, leaving Steve momentarily stunned. His attention lingers on her abrupt departure, forgetting the need to steady himself. 
As Steve's palm rests open, a hand slips into his, catching him off guard. His arm instinctively reaches out, hastening to steady the woman who has joined him. The sudden touch electrifies his senses, igniting a rush of anticipation within him.
Blue orbs lock onto a wistful masterpiece, refusing to blink and allowing the moisture to gather, lending a subtle glassy sheen. Steve's steps falter, his footing shaken. Only now does he realize that he has been granted six minutes to breathe and a single dance partner that has stolen his every breath.
At this moment, Steve grasps the true might of the human mind as the dance fades into the background though his feet glide effortlessly across the floor. His heart races with joyous abandon, his thoughts sprint in a frenzy, and his eyes struggle to keep pace, captivated by the dazzling radiance emanating from the figure in front of him. 
Steve's eyes fixate on the familiar turquoise dress adorning the woman’s figure, a sight he has imagined countless times in his most indulgent thoughts. Yet, reality surpasses any fantasy he could conjure. With fervent intensity, he absorbs every detail of the woman before him, noting the familiarities that stir his heart and the subtle differences that ignite a sense of curiosity.
He towers over her now, his height surpassing hers by more than an inch. His presence is imposing, a protective and ardent force. They stand close, near enough for her to catch glimpses of green in his eyes and for him to feel the softness of her bodice against his chest.
Time passes, maybe a minute, or perhaps more. He doesn’t know. Because with her, time is a paradox, too complex to comprehend. Or perhaps, plain unnecessary. 
He notes that no one is dancing, noble men and women retreating to the ballroom's margins. They're entranced by Steve and his partner. Their glances multifaceted, both welcoming and unnerving. But he doesn't pay attention to them. Not when the musicians are still playing, granting him an infinity of respite.
He clutches the woman tighter, lifting her up in the air. The light catches the tiara on her head, the one he had specifically requested for her as a gift on her sixteenth birthday. She had once refused to wear it, claiming she wasn't a princess. And she was right. She's not just a princess; she's a queen.
There is so much to say. Too many questions to ask. And yet, Steve can only whisper one thing as he sets her down on her feet, his lips lingering close to her ear.
“You are divinity in human nature, and I have evermore longed to confess to you this.” 
Y/N says nothing, but the gasp that tumbles out and the fingers that trace Steve’s elbow speak of it all. “You haven’t changed,” she notes. He shakes his head and gives her a disbelieving look as if to urge her to look at him again. “You are just as warm and just as kind. Just as beautiful,” she enunciates, whispering the last part. 
The words reach his ears, carrying with them a genuine sincerity that resonates deep within him. He releases a soft exhale, a breath that caresses her face. Her delicate lashes gracefully meet, pulling his attention away from her magnetic eyes to her angelic smile. 
Steve is captivated by every aspect of her presence, his senses entranced by the enchantment that surrounds them both. “I have longed for you,” he admits. Immediately, Y/N's eyes burst open, revealing a clash of waves within her irises—a turbulent ocean of swirling emotions.
“I’ve heard, and I’m here to satiate your longing, My King.” 
"Prince," Steve corrects briskly. As he holds her waist, Y/N places both hands on his chest. He tenderly caresses her bottom lip. "Don't cease to see me in a different light now, princess."
“I am not a princess,” Y/N refutes. “As for the last half of your sentence, no matter who you become to the world, you will always be my prince, Stevie.” 
In that brief moment, her eyes reveal a vulnerability that tugs at Steve's heartstrings. “Y/N, tell me you are truly here. Tell me this is not yet another deceiving portrait my mind has conjured.” 
“I am real.” 
“Queen Mother Sarah,” she admits. Her voice carries a tinge of sadness at the memory of the late queen. “Before her demise, she called for me. You were away at the time, fighting the war against Hydra’s army. She made me swear to attend your coronation ball. To be by your side once more.” 
Oh, mother. Steve stands in disbelief. Though his mother passed seven years ago, her presence lingers within him. A constant source of comfort and guidance. He can't help but compare the stark contrast between his mother's love and his father's hostility, fueling a mix of emotions within him. The dominance and aggression of his father's actions only serve to heighten his appreciation for his mother's enduring tenderness and thoughtfulness, even in the realm of the afterlife.
“I needed to be by your side, even though I know I will be in trouble.” Y/N’s voice shakes him out of his stupor. She’s biting on her lower lip, her long hair hiding half her face. “Your father will surely order me farther away.” 
“Let him try,” Steve challenges with determination, causing Y/N to wear a wearied expression of disbelief. With tenderness, he adds, "I'd like to witness anyone daring to separate the future Queen of Brooklyn from my embrace."
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King Joseph seethes with a fiery intensity, teetering on the edge of explosion. Anger courses through his veins, overwhelming his senses in the wake of what he has just witnessed. With resolute determination, he guides his son towards the Council chamber, his mind already brimming with scathing words, poised to unleash his fury upon him.
“Of all of the women in this court and beyond, you have decided to entertain a chambermaid for the better half of the evening!” 
“She is not a mere chambermaid, father. You know well who Y/N is!” 
"A mere distraction," the King counters vehemently, his fist slamming down on the dark oak table with a resounding thud. "A disgrace," he continues, his voice filled with simmering indignation.
“A queen.” 
"Never! Over my dead body, you imbecile!" King Joseph retorts, his voice laced with venomous defiance, unwilling to yield to his son's audacious declaration.
"So be it then, father!" Steve roars with fiery determination. "All you have ever cared for is for Brooklyn to be the nexus of the Grand American Dynasty, no matter the cost, no matter the price! Your vision is so narrow that you fail to see the alternative paths, the possibilities beyond the ones you have carved for yourself."
“The avenues you traverse in your thoughts are nothing but insignificant alleyways leading to nowhere, boy!” 
"They are mine. All of them belong to me alone," Steve asserts with unwavering conviction. "They are the boulevards of my childhood and the thoroughfares of my future. They are paths carved by a woman who has treated me far better than my own father ever has!"
“She is insignificant!” 
"How dare you! You have waged wars and battles, leaving me to mend the relationships you have severed. You have sowed fear and wielded despair in your son and your kingdom, and I will not allow you to condemn me or my future any longer."
“No! You will listen, and I will lend my ears no longer. I am the only heir to the throne. You and the Council be damned if you do not willingly allow me to marry the woman who will rule Brooklyn with far more grace and vigor than you ever had. Mark my words, I will take matters into my own hands and fight for love and justice, even if it means defying the entire kingdom.” 
“You would never," King Joseph says, his voice seething with anger and contempt, his eyes blazing with fiery defiance.
Steve smirk. It’s dark and vindictive, sending shivers down the spine of his father. “Watch me,” he whispers, his voice laced with a chilling determination.
He marches out of the chamber and onto the grand ballroom. His heart thumps in his chest, louder than the mellifluous sounds of the musician's instruments. 
He moves through the crowd like a lion king walking through his kingdom. His gaze locks on Y/N, standing beside Bucky and Sam. As their eyes meet, a mixture of surprise and anticipation reflects in the depths of her gaze, mirroring the emotions pulsating within him.
As the world around them fades into a blur, leaving only the two of them standing in the spotlight, Steve's years of etiquette training and courtship knowledge seem insignificant. Despite his mastery of courting rituals and the art of conversation, Y/N possesses the uncanny ability to shatter his carefully crafted facade. With a mere glance, she erases the learned scripts from his mind, leaving it a blank canvas, ready to be painted by her presence alone.
He doesn’t count his steps though he suspects they’re brisk. He reaches out and tugs at her hand, drawing her closer. Steve lets go of his thoughts and his constraints, deciding to focus on her. His lips are fierce as they suddenly clash with hers, and the sound of their lips moving together seems to echo louder than the
The kiss becomes a clarion call, a declaration of war and surrender in a single act. It symbolizes the culmination of suppressed emotions and unspoken promises, a deluge of feelings too long restrained. It ignites a storm of passionate responses, an uproar of joy and relief that reverberates through the room.
In that fleeting moment, it embodies Y/N's tenderness and longing, intertwining with Steve's defiance and resolve. The kiss bridges the fractures of their past and ushers in the promise of a shared future.
Like an art piece, it's crafted with meticulous detail and profound meaning. Its evocative power lingers in the air, leaving a trace of its essence. The kiss is not just a mere gesture. It's an effervescent expression of their love, unique and incomparable.
At this moment, Steve and Y/N claim their own narrative, painting their own masterpiece of connection and desire. It's an art piece that captivates all who witness it, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and memories.
“I need a queen,” Steve breathes in haste. I need you, he’s trying to say. I breathe you. 
And Y/N laughs, delicately and boldly. She presses her palms against his cheeks, the warmth of her touch fanning the flames of Steve’s love. 
“Let me be everything you need and more.”
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Steve Rogers has my whole heart, and I was unbelievably happy when Val overflooded my inbox with requests!! Still got one Mob!Steve and Professor!Steve one shots to write, which I'm super excited to start with. Btw, how the hell does Val know all my favorite tropes?
Anyhow, I was so excited, so I powered through this one. The others? Might take anywhere between 3 to 5 business months to release them. But Sab will try her best to release them sooner.
Don’t forget to send in your Marvel/Harry Potter requests!
Can’t wait to share more!!
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toastedkiwi · 2 years
Kidnapped Princess
Summary: you’re taking a flight with a king who’s obsessed with you.
Pairing: King!Steve Rogers x Pop Princess!Reader
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“You’ve kidnapped me,” you said.
He hummed for a thought and then said, “no, you went willingly.”
You huffed looking at this man. His eyes are lil puffy from a good night’s rest. His beard is well kept and his hair just looks so soft. He’s got you in his lap with a blanket. It’s not the safest place but he wanted to sit by the window and so did you. He also wanted you right next to him. He settled for you sitting in his lap like a child.
“You’re a big pain in my ass,” you said straight to his face.
A small gasp escaped from one of his aids— how dare you say that to the king? Meanwhile, the king’s head guard chuckled from his seat behind the king.
“As long as I’m the only one,” Steve said cupping your cheek.
“I have many problems,” you admitted. “You’re the biggest fucking one I got.”
“You’re my biggest one and I run a country,” he said.
You snorted throwing your head back.
“I think I know how we can solve this problem between us,” the king said.
“How?” you questioned.
“Marry me,” he said.
His left hand left your waist and dug into his jacket’s hidden breast pocket. You narrowed your eyes. He pulled out this sparkly princess cut diamond ring.
“Hold out your hand,” Steve said.
Your left hand went up. He slipped the ring on and you bit your bottom lip. It fits perfectly. You looked at him and he’s looking at the ring he placed on your finger. He’s admiring it.
“You didn’t even ask,” you said softly.
“Will you marry me?” the king asked.
“Well, you already put it on,” you said.
“So, it’s a yes?” he asked.
You nodded and grumbled. He smiled and your face towards his. He kissed your lips sweetly.
“You’re stuck with me,” Steve said.
“This is a big problem,” you whispered.
“How so?” he asked.
“You’re a king. I’m a pop princess,” you said. “You’re old. I’m young.”
He frowned and said, “I’m young too.”
“You’re nearly forty, Your Majesty,” James said flipping the page of his magazine.
The king immediately glared at the man behind him. You giggled. Of course, you find this amusing much to his dismay.
“I am not. I’m 36 years young,” Steve argued.
“You’re cute, old man,” you said running your fingers through his hair.
He narrowed his eyes at you and said, “I think I’ll leave you at the next stop.”
“Nope, you can’t do that. You can’t leave your kidnapee just anywhere,” you sassed.
“I’ll lock you in a tower then,” he said.
“Just like Tangled,” James said.
“Tangled?” Steve said confused.
“It’s a Disney movie. I’ll show you it, bubs,” you said.
“And then I’ll lock you in a tower,” he informed.
“Okay. But I get to pick the tower,” you said. “And get to decorate it.”
“Fine,” he said. “You got a deal. Now, sleep.”
“You’re so demanding,” you said.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Two kings (1)
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Summary: You have fallen in love with the king of Brooklyn. When your wedding day arrives, there is much more to discover about the man you fell in love with than you thought...
Pairing: Prince!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader  
Warnings: angst, modern royal au, mentions of destruction/war/fighting/mystery, dystopian world (kinda), royals bashing (kinda), kind fluff, mentions of killing/murder (nothing happens)
A/N: We are living in modern times, but in a dystopian/post war world. Most of the technology got destroyed. (We will get to know how in later chapters.)
Two kings masterlist
<< Prologue
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Fifty years ago, in the year 2000, …
After the war was won, the royals formed a bond.
It was agreed that they would never raise their weapons against each other.
There was a price to pay. It was the one everyone agreed to pay.
There can only be one son in a family. A firstborn child. The heir.
Second sons must die if they are born.
No one has dared to break this law so far. No one…
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Now, in the year 2050, … age of nine, …
It’s been two years since you first met the prince. You and Steven became friends over the years and exchanged letters on a regular basis.
Two weeks ago, he came back.
It’s time to get to know him even better. One day, when you are both at age, you are going to become his queen.
“This place is very beautiful,” the prince says as he walks next to you and your mother. “I cannot wait to show you my homeland. Brooklyn is beautiful in spring.”
Your nose wrinkles as you think, "Hmm...I've never been far away from home." It’s only a matter of time before you must leave your home to live with your husband. The prince of Brooklyn. "My homeland is beautiful all the time. Even in winter.”
The prince nods thoughtfully at your words. “Did you ever read about the old world?” He glances at you. “I wonder if the invention they called the internet was useful. A shame the world war happened. We lost so much.”
“I heard that factories, technology, and cars almost destroyed this world. We can’t change what happened, my prince. All we can do is accept the world we are living in and do our very best to never start a war again.”
“Maybe you are right," the prince’s cheek twitches as he watches two boys chase each other around the garden. He watches them with darkened eyes, and his posture changes.
“They look like brothers,” he grumbles. “It’s forbidden to have two male children.”
“My prince,” your mother finally speaks. She was watching you interact with the prince but now, she steps in, “we do not allow two male children in one family. They are cousins, I assure you.”
“Cousins,” he nods, but he keeps on watching the boys. “I hope you do not lie, your highness. You know the law.”
Stomping your right foot, you say, "You're impolite. What’s wrong with you? You are not the boy I met two years ago. All you do is nag and you didn’t even hold my hand…”
You run off, sniffling as your mother calls your name. “I’m sorry, my prince. She’s just having a bad day. One of her favorite kittens is sick.” She sighs as you won’t wait for her and the prince.
“I don’t mind,” the prince clears his throat. “I must apologize, your highness. I forgot my manners. I just heard about so many second sons getting killed. I lost my temper. Please forgive me.”
“There is nothing to forgive, my prince,” your mother whisperes in a soft voice. “We are blessed with a daughter. If I conceive another child, we won’t have to kill him.”
It is important for your mother not to reveal how much she dislikes his outburst. You are right. The prince has changed over the last two years.
“May I apologize to the princess, your highness? I don’t want her to be mad at me.”
Your mother urges the prince to follow you, "of course. She likes you a lot. All the letters you wrote. She cherishes every single one. Especially the last one. She loved the bird you drew.”
“She did?” He gasps. “I wasn’t sure…I mean…it’s not my best drawing,” the prince sheepishly admits. “I was afraid she'd laugh about it.”
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“Princess?” The prince enters your room, calling your name. “I wanted to apologize. Your mother said it was okay to enter your room.”
“Oh, hi,” you nervously stammer. “What do you want?” You glance at the wall plastered with all the drawings the prince sent to you over the last two years.
“You put the bird on the wall too,” he walks toward the wall to look at all the drawings he sent to you. “And the frog!”
“Yeah, they are so adorable. Different from the others but cute,” you hum as the prince points to the frog he drew for you. “I like cute things.”
“I know you do,” he says grinning. “Last time you sent me a pressed flower. I put it in my favorite book.”
“You did,” you grab his hand and squeeze it tightly. “Do you…do you want to see my collection of books? We can go to the library.”
"Y/N," he says, "I'd really like that. I’m glad to be here and finally see you…again.”
"I'm glad you're here with me," you say, pecking his cheek. "I like you too..." you add.
>> Part 2
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Since today is headcanon kinda day, I would like to suggest something I thought about few weeks ago.
I was hit by nostalgia and rewatched few videos about bookcanon of Game of Thrones. One of them was about real size of Winterfell and it made me think about Exile.
I don't know if the castle in the Exile is big - you didn't specify it I think (but maybe, I should re-read it since it is one my favorite fics of yours), but... If it is big or there is free space, my headcanon is that Steve would plant a little forest within castle walls like a godswood in GOT universe. He knows that Reader would be content living in the forest for the rest of her life if she wasn't stolen by him. Her connection to nature, her ability to live off the resources the forest provided fascinated Steve and (I think) he would want her to have that land of solitude, where her soul could rest. So, he would ask to plant lots young trees as a start (I think it was possible even in medieval times to replant trees that has grown for some time), maybe also some wild flowers and forest berries to create beautiful glade in the center of the forest.
idk - but reading how devoted Steve is and how much he loves Reader even when she fights with him, made me think he absolutely would do that for her.
(Tumblr, please, don't make the ask disappear 😢)
While I didn’t specify how big it was, I love this idea of Steve giving her her own forest in the interior grounds of the castle. Its her own private escape and it helps mend bridges between them
“I told you not to look.”
“I told you I’d cut your hand off and feed it to the crocodiles.” You spur him and his attempt to scold you almost playfully, and jut back against him when he gets a little too close to your back.
And that still doesn’t stop him.
“There’s no crocodiles in this area.” Despite your warning, Steve still leans in close enough to whisper in your ear, a husky drone that elicits a shiver.
“Where are you taking me anyway? To a torture chamber? A bottomless pit?” Your spite draws a laugh from him and with his hands still covering your eyes you’re forced to put a little faith and trust in him.
“I think I’ll suspend you from the tower, make an example of you.” The teasing continues and Steve is decidingly coy about how eased he is now, and much to your dismay you find yourself relaxing around him.
Instead of commenting on the teasing nature as you perhaps should have, you avoided the immediate easement of your relationship to comment on the surprise that he had for you.
“What are you doing? Where are you taking me? And if you don’t tell me in the next few minutes, I’m going to-”
“A surprise, spitfire.” Steve embraced you fully, drawing his hands from your eyes to place them on your hips, and as your vision had come to fruition you had seen an encased forest and meadow before you.
“Your own private meadow and wilderness. Somewhere for you to feel safe with nature while being home-”
“I remember these flowers.” You departed from him immediately, drawing toward a bushel of petals and greenery that reminded you of the brook you’d cross every morning on your walk.
“And these vines…” you were at a loss for words, truly and wholly unaware of how much detail Steve had picked up on when he heard you talk about missing your freedom away from this all.
It was overwhelming to see it, no small amount of space for you to experience life as you once had and yet you were safely nestled within the confines of the castle walls. It was endless, a seamless and even compromise between the nature that raised you and the man who would be your husband.
“Steve-” you turned on your heel, silence befalling you as you watched him, gazed at him with some unreserved and unfiltered emotional shift reflecting in your eyes.
It was as if you were seeing him cast in an entirely new light, as if every ounce of bitterness had been carved away to reveal true person lingering beneath his animosity and heavy guard he had held in place.
“Do you…want to walk with me?” It wasn’t what you really wished to say, but it was something akin to the truth bubbling on your tongue.
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And now that I handed in my thesis I can focus on writing and posting again! As I said before, to celebrate I'll post chapter 13 of legacies later today and I also got great news for everyone waiting on an update for My Kingdom, Your Kingdom! I've started with the next chapter there too (a while ago actually) and I can't wait to continue writing it
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
the pained peace treaty
fused with the foe, chapter one
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a/n: oh wow, i have no idea how to introduce this beast of a story except to say hi, hello, welcome! i really hope you enjoy this story, as well as the rest of the trilogy, idk if i've ever gone as in depth and all out with any story as i have with these.
summary: “now, everything is already set into motion, so we don’t have time for any of your theatrics,” not looking you in the eye, he frostily told you, “you are to be married. A carriage has just arrived a few minutes ago to pick you up and transport you to Eflorr.”
warnings: king!steve rogers x reader, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, slow burn, innocent!reader, abusive father (like super bad. he is a garbage person), wedding, blood, injury
word count: 4813
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Your majesty, I must warn you, if, gods forbid, our people come to discover the great lengths you’ve been willing to go in this disagreement over the past two decades, they might start an uprising. And if you keep going, then it’ll turn into a full-blown war and you know our kingdom wouldn’t be able to survive that, not with them. Our city’s walls may be high, high enough to keep out any beasts that may wander this far south, but it wouldn’t keep them out. You know better than most how people from Eflorr are. If you don’t wanna lose your crown, one way or another, then I’d strongly advise that we come up with some peace treaty.”
“I know, I know…” King Ivan leaned back in his gilded throne with a huff, the quality of his voice was as thin as his towering frame, “a trade I think should suffice.”
A different advisor then timidly pipped up, “but our mines ran cold ages ago, what could we possibly offer that would be satisfactory?”
Not lifting his cold gaze, the king stared at a fixed spot on the marble floor as he said, “I know one thing the king lacks that we may be able to provide for him… a wife.”
“A wife–,” both of the men’s eyes grew wide, “but do you mean–, your majesty, she is your only daughter, are you certain this is the fate you want her to have? Those people are barbaric! If one of the dangers that rule the north doesn’t get to her first, one of their citizens surely will. Sire, what if history repeats itself?”
“Then let it do so. In fact, perhaps this could have been her purpose all along and I just didn’t realise it. Couldn’t see past my own rage to grasp how useful she actually could be…”
Sharing a nervous glance, one of the advisors asked, “should we send for her? See if she agrees with the plans?”
“No, I’ll tell her when the time is right. Wouldn’t want her to do anything stupid and ruin the one good thing she could ever provide,” finally lifting his stony gaze, the king commanded, “make the arrangements, I’ll see to it that she doesn’t ruin it.” 
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Deep within the opulent halls of the gilded palace, standing grand and safe behind Ingorn’s tall city walls, twisting up towards the clouds, up in a window in the western tower, there you sat. 
Book in your lap, you leaned back against the small pillow you’d propped behind you to make the wide windowsill more comfortable. Small paper butterflies hung from strings above and some dangled so low that the childhood craft that still decorated your window trickled the crown of your head. Flipping the page, your fingertips brushed down over the illustration that appeared in the agricultural tome you’d found in one of your brothers’ rooms. 
As long as you put it back before Angus returned then you’d probably be good. And if he were to somehow notice, then as long as he didn’t rat you out to your father then it would be alright. Both Angus and a few of the others that were closer to your age, Oliver and Francis respectively, were always a bit of a gamble whether or not they would do such a thing. They didn’t always have the same spirit as the eldest pair of your older brothers, Xavier and Callum. 
You missed them so much your heart ached. The older they got, the longer their diplomatic missions seemed to stretch out, making the quiet palace that much more lonely in your solitude. 
A knock then suddenly boomed at your door, causing you to jump edgily in your seat before you slammed the book shut and nervously stuffed it behind the firm pillow. 
“Come in!” you called out, swiftly straightening out your dress that had crumbled around your legs at the comfortable seat. As the door to your room slammed open, the figure that stood in it caught you by surprise, “Father–, oh, hello,” you straightened your posture that much further at his arrival. 
Skipping over any niceties, King Ivan simply stated, “you need to pack up your stuff.”
Your brows knitted into a fierce furrow, “what?”
“Not everything, of course,” he cast a cold glance around the room though didn’t take a step to enter it, “just the things you are particularly attached to.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” your head lightly shook from side to side, “where am I going?”
When his eyes finally gave you the time of day, it swiftly dropped to the floor as a heavy sigh flowed from his lips, “why do you have to be the spitting image of her…” the muttering was unfortunately just loud enough for your ears to catch. His disappointment was always just loud enough for your ears to catch. When he entered the room and you moved to get up, he swiftly said, “stay seated, Y/n,” before he planted himself next to you on the wide windowsill, “now, everything is already set into motion, so we don’t have time for any of your theatrics,” not looking you in the eye, he frostily told you, “you are to be married. A carriage has just arrived a few minutes ago to pick you up and transport you to Eflorr.”
“To Eflorr?” your gaze grew wide, “you wish for me to marry someone there?”
“Not just someone, you are to marry their king.”
“I–… I–…” your chest rose and fell rapidly beneath your rosy dress, “but father, you can’t–, I can’t go live with the people who killed mom.”
“We don’t know if they actually murdered her. But I do know that you did,” his glare locked upon you as he let himself seethe, “if you hadn’t been born then she’d still be alive,” the fact that the only thing he blamed more for his late wife’s untimely demise then the kingdom she’d perished in was you, remained a point that the sovereign had never been shy about sharing with you for as long as you could recall, “your duty is to protect and serve this land, this crown,” your eyes naturally fluttered up to gaze at the twisted gold balanced upon his head, “if you don’t go through with this, then those savages will come pillage and ruin your home. You are, regrettably, the very last hope this kingdom has of survival. You have no choice, Y/n. This marriage is the only thing that can stop a war we would never survive,” exhaling slowly, he then dominantly nodded in a concluding fashion, “pack your stuff, you have an hour.”
You felt tears sting your eyes as your bottom lip quivered, “an hour? But–, can’t we wait at least a few days before I leave? Can’t I get a chance to say goodbye to at least one of my brothers? None of them are home yet.”
Regret instantly washed over you as your father’s nostrils flared angrily. Seizing your arm in a bruising grip, he yanked you close as he hissed, “you listen, and you listen carefully, you little brat. You have been the bane of my existence ever since you took your first breath. You took away the love of my life. You don’t deserve a goodbye, you don’t deserve anything. Do you think I got a goodbye when your mother suddenly went into labour on that diplomatic mission? No. All I got was you. Not another son, but a living, breathing reminder of what I lost that day,” your eyes squeezed shut as your cheek tingled at the memory of his strikes, “now, be a good girl and go wet his prick, give him a few babies, do anything he’d fucking please, so that him and his barbaric army doesn’t come here and slaughter everything you know and love.”
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“Your highness, are you cold?” the high-ranking warden sitting across from you in the carriage noticed the shiver that your body couldn’t seem to shake. 
Tearing your eyes off of the scenery along The Emerald Path that the narrow window granted you a view of, you glanced back at the warrior. The brown hair he had practically tied off at the base of his neck blossomed into a dark beard. A bare palm clasped over an inked one in his lap as you met his gaze and said, “no, I’m–…” in truth, you were scared, so scared that you were trembling like a leaf, but you couldn’t tell the foreign king’s advisor that, too much weighted on your shoulders, you couldn’t screw this up, “no,” glancing back out of the window, you only stared a moment at the sparse cottages that slowly came into view on the rolling hills before you turned your head again and let the nauseating nerves control your words, “pardon me, Barnes, is it?”
“Yes, your highness?”
“Sir, how much further till we get there?” your quiet voice echoed within the carriage, “it’s just–, it’s been days.”
“Oh, not long at all,” he shook his head lightly, “actually,” the knight leaned forward in his seat and cast his glance outside, “if you look out the window now, right there,” a small smile tugged at his lips as his finger shot up to point, “that river, that means we’re getting close to Borün city.”
As the river then suddenly curved before the dirt road, the clomping hooves of the horses that hauled the coach resonated as they trotted over a stone bridge. 
Twisting your head, you glanced out to your right and spotted farmlands curve over the rolling hills that swiftly blossomed into thickets and towering flora you’d only assume was the southern perimeter of The Noll Woods. Books about this kingdom had been banned in your homeland for as long as you could remember, but even though you were essentially going in blind, you still weren’t completely ignorant when it came to the dangers that called that sprawling forest its home, not that you were an expert in the slightest, but your brothers had from time to time told you tales of the monsters who dominated in this part. From giant and twisted insect-like creatures, to mischievous pixies, to even the rare dragon, those stories had always been your favourite. Apart from the rare occasion where Callum would share stories with you about your mother. Being the eldest, he was the only one who truly remembered her. 
Instinctively, your fingers fluttered up to fiddle with the opalescent stone that hung from a chain around your neck. In the middle of the milky jewel was a small rune engraved into it. You had no idea what it meant, but your fingers had still traced the carving countless of times before as it had hung from your neck for as long as you could recall. It hadn’t been till you were a ways into your teens that you’d come to discover that it had belonged to your mother. 
Casting your glance out the other side as you passed a tall watchtower, behind the wide city stables unfolded a port town so quaint that it surprised you. Over the small valley of gabled roofs towered a central tree, and beyond all of that, the sparkle of the sea caught your eye, a sight you’d never beheld before, haven not only stemmed from a landlocked metropolis, but also not haven been permitted to leave your room as much as your heart had desired. 
“This is Eflorr?” you asked as the carriage began to roll up the winding path to the stone castle that loomed on the cliff, granting you a new view of how the river that you’d crossed slid through the city and spilt into the ocean.
“This is Eflorr, your highness,” the corners of his lips twitched at the sight of how wide your curious eyes were. 
“It’s–… it’s–…” your stare danced over the lush ivy that climbed the solid towers, “not what I expected…”
“What did you expect?”
Tearing your gaze away from the window, you blinked, “oh, I didn’t mean–,” suddenly worried that your shock had come out sounding rude, “I just–… I don’t know a lot about this land,” in the few tales you’d heard about this place, there had been a running gag that the people of Eflorr had lived so close to the dangerous beasts that called this part of the continent their home that they too had turned into monsters, “it’s just different than I imagined.” 
Ascending the jagged hill and passing through the front gate, it opened up into a wide courtyard before you felt the carriage finally roll to a stop. 
The wagon creaked gently as Barnes stepped out first, though when his boots were firmly on the cobblestone, his frame twisted as he reached an outstretched hand back for you to grasp in support of your own exit. Ever so apprehensively, you slid your own palm into his as your other twisted in your long skirts before you slipped out of the carriage. 
Letting go of his gasp, the soldier's low timbre washed over you as your head tilted back to take in the vast stronghold, “his majesty, unfortunately, couldn’t be here for your arrival as there was a bit of a dryad problem further up north he had to take care of,” you gaze tore away from the fort and fell upon him, “but I assure you he should be back in time for the wedding.”
“Oh, alright,” you breathed, unsure if that fact made you feel better or worse about the entire predicament.
“If you’d like, I can give you a brief tour of the castle,” he offered as he led you towards the main entrance into the castle proper, “or if you’re exhausted after the journey, then I can just show you directly up to your chambers.”
Offering him a polite smile, you nodded, “a tour would be lovely, thank you.”
He only briefly went over the buildings surrounding the courtyard you’d entered into, as they were mainly designed as barracks and various other facilities for the local wardens, though the horses that stuck their heads out of the royal stalls in the corner did catch your eye before you moved on inside. 
Barnes’ voice echoed in most of the chambers he showed you in the castle’s western wing. The vast stained-glass windows that were in the ballroom for instance took your breath away as you saw how the light streamed through them and warmed up the room with glittering little rays of colour. 
Behind the great halls, squeezed in between and connecting the two major parts of the fort, there you crossed through a much more quiet and lush courtyard. The pebble paths that curved around the central fountain too curled around various topiary bushes that were trimmed to perfection like living sculptures. 
Though as your guide showed you the eastern wing that crested over the foaming sea below, your curiosity got the better of you. 
“Hey, Barnes?”
Slowing his leisurely stride, he tilted his head slightly, “yes, your highness?”
“What are dryads?” your brows knit lightly together, “you mentioned there was a problem with them, but what are they?”
“You don’t know?” he glanced over at you, clearly trying to mask his surprise as you shook your head, “oh, well, they are forest spirits, nymphs,” he explained as you roamed deeper down a broad hallway on the second floor, passing many private chambers both to your right and your left, “it’s not uncommon for them to wander and bother the folks who live further up the coast. Have you never encountered one? They are not as uncommon in Obelón as most of the other creatures that thrive this far north.”
“No, I’ve never seen one…” you shook your head as a low sigh flowed from your lips, “never really seen anything…”
“Not much of an outdoorsy person?” he guessed in a light-hearted tone. 
Forcing a smile, you replied, “you could say that…” as you hadn’t been allowed to be one even if you wanted to. Passing a set of double doors that stood wide open, the sight inside made you halt your steps, “is this the library?”
Shadowing you as your feet crossed the threshold, he nodded, “yes, it is,” then pointed back over his shoulder, “and your quarters are right down that hall.”
Numerous grand bookcases stood lined up all the way down to where a tall window allowed the sunlight in and let it stream through the rows. 
“Can I–… would it be alright if I read some of them?” 
“Of course, your highness.” 
“Would you mind showing me which ones I’m allowed to read?” you briefly peeked back at him as a bubble of anxiety fluttered in your belly, “I don’t wanna accidentally read something that I’m not allowed to.”
Barnes then blinked back at you a moment before he uttered, “your highness, you can read each and every one of them if you’d like. Why wouldn’t you be allowed to read whatever you wish? They are yours after all, or will be after the wedding,” the corners of your lips twitched upwards as he then asked, “would you like to peruse the titles now or do you want to see your chambers?”
“Oh, uhm,” you tore your gaze away from the tomes and turned back, “I’ll look later.”
“Alright,” he nodded, extending his inked arm to show you the way. As he pushed the heavy wooden door open to the room at the very end of the hall, his voice rang out once more, “this is the peacock suite,” following him inside, he settled to a stop near the exit for you to explore the space on your own, “you can, of course, change anything you’d like for it to match your taste.”
“Thank you,” you breathed as you slowly made your way deeper into the chamber. It was gently divided with a more formal area towards the front where both tufted couches and a crackling fireplace stood, as well as a set of doors that opened up to a quaint balcony. Towards the left, under a swirling archway, twisted a broad canopy bed up towards the tall ceilings, warm with blankets and furs, and in the corner, by a breezy partition, stood a deep cobber bathtub.
Haven not noticed that he’d moved, you then heard as Barnes creaked the doors to a close, “if you need anything, anything at all, I’ll be right outside.”
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With a loud creak, the heavy double doors opened before you and revealed the grand hall. As soft music gushed out, you nearly didn’t recognise the space from your tour the other day as it was now decorated with vibrant flowers and flowing banners that dropped down from the high ceilings above, as well as being completely packed with a swarm of people. A thin path parted the giddy crowd right down the middle towards the opposing grand door that guards opened simultaneously to yours. 
A shaky breath filled your lungs as you stared at the man crossing over the threshold. The flickering candlelight caught the honeyed shine of the locks that came down to tickle the nape of his neck. A bit darker, his short beard was full and warmed up the bottom half of his gruff features. He sure looked like a man who could slay a kraken with his bare fists, as the soft fur cloak that draped over his shoulders did not conceal his bulky physic one bit. The neckline of his indigo tunic stretched low enough for you to see the concave of his fuzzy chest and the impressive battle scars that broke up the rippling flesh. 
You’d seen the portrait of the king that hung in the hallway that stretched up towards the throne room, but to see him before your very eyes, in flesh and blood and not precise paint, was something else entirely. 
The long and embroidered train of the blue silk kirtle you wore dragged across the store floor behind you as both you and the monarch slowly stepped into the chamber to join in the very middle. 
The enchanting music stopped as you reached one another and the parted paths to either exit slowly closed as the crowd gathered and enclosed around the sacred vow that was about to ensue. 
Parting the sea of people like a divine force, an elderly woman, with a braided grey mane so long that it hit the floor, stepped up beside the both of you. 
“People of Eflorr,” the crone’s calm voice boomed, “today marks a day of unity, a day of peace, and most of all a day of love. Like a seed planted in the soil, tonight we will all witness this relationship blossom and go on the journey of growing into a magnificent tree, with roots strong enough to endure any storm, to propagate new seedlings that will watch over and shade our kingdom when yours have fallen.” 
Looking to the king, she handed him a small dagger from her belt and spoke, “blade across skin,” and he reached out for your right hand, “strike out your seedling’s love line,” your breath hitched as you felt him slice the top of your palm. Crimson blood trickled down onto his own hand as yours rested atop it, “and claim it as your own,” he flipped the blade around and handed it to you, before presenting you his own palm, open in yours. He didn’t even blink as you hesitantly pierced the calloused skin and traced the line already adoring his broad palm, “weave your lines together, so they become the same,” he then moved to clasp your hands together, his wide grip engulfed yours completely. Your teeth sank into just the faintest bit of your bottom lip at the fresh sting of your wound as it bled into his, “and may this scar serve you as a reminder, of the vow you made on this momentous day.” 
And as the last of the matron's words flowed from her lips so did the roar of celebration that erupted throughout the crowd as the festivities of the night bloomed at an instant.
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The feast had been nothing short of immaculate. Countless of dishes had been spread out on the crowded banquet tables ranging from the savoury braised legumes to the sweet and shiny pies. It was an impossible task to try and taste every one of them, but an excuse you still used to stay glued to your seat and not get up and mingle with the boisterous gathering of strangers. 
As a stark contrast, you thought you only noticed the king take two bites before he rose to greet some latecomers who had arrived. Laughing and chatting with the sea of people, he hadn’t offered you a single word, barely even a brief glance the whole night. Though your gaze still followed him from your seat up at the high table as he moved through the crowd like they were all his dearest friends. 
When the moon had floated up to be high in the sky, clearly visible on the other side of the stained glass, your head had dropped down into a propped-up palm as a deep yawn forced its way out of your frame. 
“Are you tired, your majesty?” a deep timbre suddenly found your ears, a specific tone that caused your spine to straighten out at once. 
Whipping your head to your right, your weary eyes grew wide as you saw the king again at his seat, “no, I’m alright,” you hastily coughed out, “I’m so sorry for behaving like that in your presence. This party is exquisite.” 
“It’s alright, you can yawn,” you suddenly felt the need to look away now that his ocean stare was finally fixed upon you, “it’s late, I was about to retire for the night as well, so I can only imagine how you must feel. If you’d like, I could escort you back to your chambers. I’m not sure how familiar you’ve become with the castle since you’ve arrived, but even I can still get lost when the corridors are this dark and I’ve indulged in perhaps one too many goblets of wine.”
A flutter of nauseating nerves rushed within your belly, but even so, you still pushed through and forced a smile, “if that’s what the king desires, then sure, you can escort me.”
It was your wedding night. You knew what was about to happen. 
Or, actually, you didn’t quite know what the marital act entailed, but you were sure a man such as Steve had enough of an understanding to take charge. All you knew was what little you’d been told. To strip down naked, not whine or scream, and do as he tells you. 
The soaring butterflies within you only grew more ferocious as you followed his long stride throughout the castle. Out of the ballroom and through a cold stone hallway, when you crossed the bridge that linked the two wings over a part of the cliff that descended dramatically, you nearly doubled over the parapet to empty your stomach over the town of Borün that blossomed below. 
But with a shaky intake of breath, your fist closed around the silk of your skirt as you settled yourself and forced your feet to keep moving. Even as you passed the threshold into the eastern part of the castle, you still shadowed the monarch up the many steps until his broad palm held the door to your chambers open for you to enter. 
The fire had been lit while you were gone, and the room was encased in the warm glow. 
“Did, uh…” you heard the door close behind you as the king attempted a bit of small talk, “did you have a nice time tonight?” 
“I did, your majesty,” you kept your answer brief out of fear that he’d hear the tremble to your tone. 
Slowly turning his back to you, his gaze washed over the room, “are you pleased with your bed chambers?” he settled to face the balcony, the door slightly ajar to let the night breeze seep through and rustle the sheer curtains, “because if you don’t like it, if you’d rather have a view of the town then the sea, then that’s an easy problem to fix.” 
“I think the view is just fine from here, but thank you,” you answered politely as you gathered up the last bit of your courage and reached back to undo the long row of buttons that went down the spine of the light blue dress. 
When the silky garment dropped to the floor, the quiet rustle was enough to draw the king’s attention.
First offering you just a quick glance over his shoulder, he then swiftly whirled around completely, “what are you doing?”
Weaving your fingers in the thin material of your chemise, you blinked back at his stunned features, “I’m sorry, am I doing it wrong?” sure that he could already see everything through the sheer, white fabric. 
His feet didn’t move as he asked, “what are trying to do?” before he averted his gaze to the stone floor. 
“Well,” you uttered quietly, “it’s our wedding night.”
“Oh…” was all he breathed. 
“To be transparent, I’m actually not quite sure what’s to happen, but I do know it’s something,” reaching up, you took the gold and twisted circlet, that crowned your head, off and carefully sat it down on the side table to your left, “I don’t know the details, I just know that I should strip down. Do you know what we’re supposed to do?”
“Fuck,” he cursed, briefly squeezing his eyes shut, “yes I do, but, your majesty, please, keep your clothes on,” his gaze flickered back to you as you slowly began to hike up the last layer. 
“Why?” your fingers froze, “isn’t it a tradition here for us to–”
“Well, yes, but–…” he let out a strained sigh before slowly stating, “I’m gonna go.” 
A chill crawled up your skin, “…oh, I see…” you uttered quietly as he crossed the room, “did I do something wrong?”
Halting in the doorway as he ripped it open, “no, you–…” but the rest of his words crumbled as his gaze settled upon you one last time, instead letting a low sigh flow from his lungs, “sleep well,” and added nearly subconsciously just before the door slammed shut, “goodnight, dove.”
Even though a wave of relief washed over you, a sting of hurt also followed suit as the king left. 
Had you done something wrong, or did he just find you that repellent, that hideous, that he refused to perform his marital duties?
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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stuckyslut8 · 3 months
Tastes like strawberries.
Pairing: chubby baker bucky x mob reader x mob steve.
Summary :your sweet boyfriend bucky is stuck in a tight spot between you and your rival steve rogers.
Warning : 18+ under the cut, minors dni, smut, fluff, oral receiving, anal, kind of cheating.(poly).typos.
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"ughh bucky.." you moaned as bucky sucked on your clit, teasing your sensitive nub, "fuck I'm I'm gonna come baby."
Bucky looked up from where he was, still on his knees in the middle of your office as he gave you his wicked smile. "Come for me sugar."
You came on cue, letting out a loud moan as bucky worked on 'eating his favorite dessert '. You leaned further back in your chair, in exhaustion from the fifth time he's made you come using his fingers and mouth.
You see bucky only came here to drop off your favorite red velvet cupcakes,but of course it wasn't free ,you had to pay for it by letting him eat 'his pussy'. You'd told him you only had about an hour before you had to meet steve to discuss about your new shipment. So bucky got straight to work, 'that's more than enough time sugar, think we could beat our record this time?'
And who were you to deny your sweet baker boyfriend his favorite meal. So here you were panting for breath as he was finally done and cleaned you up just in time as steve knocked on your door. "Just a minute rogers. "
You qucikly pressed a kiss to your favorite baker, thanking him for the cupcakes, "of course sugar , meet ya tonight."
You gave his ass a pat as he walked out, but it was not just you who had your eyes on his cake, the one and only steve rogers too was watching watching the sweet baker go.
"Come in steve." Steve entered with a knowing smirk on his face, "that your new toy sweetheart?" He asked sitting down on the big cozy chair.
"Shut up rogers,he's just my delivery boy ,came to give me my favorite cupcakes." You said motioning towards the box , steve eagerly took one and had a bite ,he moaned at he taste of it.
"Mmph it's really good sweetheart, wish i had a sweet delivery boy who came to my office in the middle of the day, to give me sweet cupcakes and a pussyjob, or in my case a blowjob, i bet he'd like that." Steve saw your eyes widening, "oh come on you don't think i'd know that you've been fucking that sweet baker boy from brooklyn, it's my territory after all."
"No it's not yours..and who i fuck is none of your business. " you said pouring yourself and steve each a glass of whiskey.
"Hmm such a shame, I'd love to make him ride my cock while you got yourself off watching us, wouldn't that be a dream, pretty girl." You'd be lying if you said Steve's words didn't turn you on, or make you imagine the scenario vividly in your head , but you can't do this now.
"Keep your dirty hands off of him...let's talk business, that's what you're here for."
"Alright then ." the blonde said downing his whiskey.
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You got home after the long day to find bucky on the couch, "welcome home sugar." He stood up to give you a longing kiss. "I ordered us pizza for dinner it'll be here in 10."
"Hmm i don't think i can wait until then , I'm hungry.." you pouted to your six foot boyfriend, hands grabbing his soft belly ,giving it a squeeze.
"Oh maybe i can make you something in the meantime- " his words died down as he saw tou drop to your knees and pulling down his sweatpants, "I'm hungry for your cock daddy." Bucky's mouth formed an o in realizing your words.
"Uh of course you can always have my cock prettygirl." He said blushing.
You got to work right then, making your boyfriend see heaven as he came thrice by the time the pizza arrived.
"I uh I'll go get it." Bucky hasitly pulled up his pants as he went to get the pizza knocking down some things on his way. 'Such a sexy clumsy man' you thought.
"oh and bucky." You said as you were eating rhe pizza, "did steve come to the bakery recently ?"
Bucky almost choked on the drink he was having ,"uh steve? The blonde guy at your office today sugar?" He enquired .
"Yeah that guy."
"Uhm no sugar." He said ,like a liar as he thought about that night, a week ago when the blonde mobster decided to 'visit' his bakery at the time of closing it was almost 9, with no one around.
He somehow convinced bucky into having a drink at his bar, saying he needed to discuss some important things about your safety , and bucky being the good boyfriend he is of course agreed.
Bucky didn't miss the way the blonde's eyes raked all over his body and he'd be lying if he said he didn't check out Steve's spectacular ass in those tight jeans .
Steve told him some bullshit story about the mobsters in newyork ...and went on to flirt with bucky shamelessly.
One thing led to another, and he ended up in Steve's place, sucking his cock like a gold boy.
"Oh fuck ,i knew y/n kept you around for a reason bucky aghh..you're so good keep going pretty boy. " he said as he came in bucky's mouth.
And ended up fucking bucky on his bed all night, making bucky cry in pleasure.
"Oh i know prettt boy, you're tight asshole hasn't been fucked like that in a long time ,has it?" Steve showered him in praises and told him about how much of a good boy bucky is, taking him so well in his tight hole.
Bucky never spoke of that night to anybody, he knew it was wrong getting involved with your rival, he knew how dangerous it was too. But he liked the thrill, and loved how Steve's big cock split him open. He hoped it would be a one time thing that never happened again.
But steve's got other plans.
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ronearoundblindly · 3 months
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Okay, so, hear me out.
I know I've got a Beauty and the Beast AU coming for skinny!Steve, but @darsynia gave me/let me have this idea of a Cinderella AU with him, too, except he is the Cinderella character who gets transformed to live his dream for a day.
I present to you the setup of:
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*All photos from Pinterest
Steven is the only child of an exiled prince, and due to happenstance of the aged Warrior King Phillips having no male heir of his own, Steve becomes true royalty overnight.
His cousins, Princesses Margaret and Sharon, angry at the circumstance of their demotions at court, offer no help to the young, small, and often sickly new king.
No one is allowed to see him until his coronation. The few knights and advisors who have laid eyes on Steve are sworn to secrecy, and though he has a mind for strategy, Steve is burdened by his appearance.
Given the coronation crown the night before the big ceremony, Steve stares deep into the massive yellow gem at its front and wishes to look like the "ruler they all want to see."
And he does.
He wears the heavy crown easily, he stands tall over most of the court, and he carries a heavy, steel sword at his hip for the first time ever without the blade dragging across the stone floor.
The court is elated. No one looks twice, not even the handful of men who knew, but that's the magic of the stone...
Steve meets a seemingly endless stream of people, but the most curious is the apprentice of King Phillips' military advisor, a young man he saw befriending a stray cat in the courtyard while everyone else ogled and angled for him. The apprentice's eyes...there's just something about them...
After a long celebration feast where he charmed the nobility with humility, practicality, and honor, Steve falls asleep small again, but certain he can win over the whole realm if he can simply be known for his actions, not his physique.
That becomes the plan; Steve will work behind the scenes, make the kingdom better for people high and low, and then he'll be loved and accepted for who he is. In the meantime, he, in his natural form, can act as a sort of messenger or page boy 'for King Steven' and move around freely. Why not? They all are on the lookout for a man standing two hands higher and broader than him.
One of his first visits is to his inherited military advisor. Of course, Steve doesn't expect the apprentice to live inside the family home, possibly somewhere on the estate maybe, but after a long ride to get there and a long discussion while sitting in the man's study, Steve asks if he might walk the garden before leaving.
He asks about the woman by the roses, and his advisor simply replies "that's my daughter."
Of course, he won't bother to introduce him. Steve's an untitled nobody like he's been his entire life thus far.
Steve might not have seen the resemblance, truly, if not for the exact movement of your finger to gently lift a wilting petal back into place.
It's the move the apprentice made when scratching beneath the cat's chin, and he'll never forget that smile.
"You," he blurts, startled at the otherwise drastic change in your appearance.
You jump back before composing yourself, shielding your eyes from the bright sun above as you look him over.
He's more alarmed by your curtsy than you are by him, watching you bow deeply where moments ago your father dismissed him offhand.
"Your Majesty," you say to the ground.
You recognize him like this? How? How is that possible?
His wish was granted. They all saw a perfect soldier, but that's just the thing: you didn't want to be ruled by a perfect soldier.
You wanted a good man.
You, who secretly longs to offer more to your father and family than a bartering chip for marriage, same as his cousins, need the king to be a good man because then he'll understand this...
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A/N: Ok, full disclosure, I might already be very protective of this one, so we'll see if I can bring myself to put it all out there. Anyway! Thank you for the gif, Brandy! It was a great opportunity to get this down.
Also, if it's just an idea/intro, do I include the taglist? Idk. I hate pinging y'all if it's not like a lot of content.
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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dandelionxbby · 5 months
how I feel whenever someone reblogs my post and leaves rant tags
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Congrats again on 300 my love ❤️❤️ so you may already know which AU I’m going to be requesting, because it’s my favourite story of yours (so far) and that is Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree!! This story made my heart ache and if you have the inspiration for it I’d love love love to see more!! I don’t want to restrict your imagination by being too specific, but literally anything with those two and I would die of happiness 💙💙
Em, I squealed when you dropped this into my box for the request fest! Partly because I adore you. Partly because you know I also really adore Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree. And partly I squealed out of terror because...I was worried I wouldn't be able to do any kind of follow up to this fic justice. But I took a deep breath and let that go and decided to just let whatever happen happen. I was also a little worried because when I wrote Cedar Tree, it felt very finished, so I didn't have any leftover thoughts to pick up and play around with, so I literally took that first week to just think about them and their story. And then... a lot of scenes started to emerge - stuff before and after Cedar Tree, stuff that was just them, stuff with the people around them.
This is where I landed for now. It's not the same as Cedar Tree - first thing being that it's told from Steve's perspective instead of the reader's - but I'm thinking it will make sense in their overall narrative.
This it the end of their honeymoon, a few weeks before Cedar Tree.
Fandom: MCU Title: The Thrill of Knowing How Alone We Are Characters/Pairings: King!Steve Rogers x female!Queen!Reader, brief Sam and Bucky Word Count: 1.2k Summary: The final night and morning of King Steven's royal honeymoon.
Content Warnings: brief sexual relations (p in v)
Additional Notes: The third offering to celebrate 300 followers with the request fest! While this depicts events before Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree, it does not stand alone and should be read AFTER reading the original piece. Song title inspiration from Better Love by Hozier, which is one of the songs on my original Cedar Tree writing playlist. A/N 2: This still is pretty arbitrary, but although I knew the original was a historical royal AU setting, I basically closed my eyes and pointed when I ended up saying it was medieval. I debated between medieval or Georgian/regency vibe, but NOW it's decidedly Georgian, which will be more relevant if/as I share more of their story in the future.
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It’s as he’s on his back, staring at the ceiling, that Steve realizes he’s already deciphered the difference between how it sounds when you’re asleep, when you’re awake, and when you’re somewhere in between. He didn’t expect that.
He expected a lot of things after taking you as his queen, but there were so many small things that make sense, but he simply hadn’t thought of, like this – knowing so quickly the sounds of your breathing.
Ten days and in some ways he knew so much more about you than he knew about anyone else but himself – more than he’d known about his parents, than Bucky whom he’d grown up with and trusted else as his closest friend and advisor, more than his general Sam who he trusted with the security of his kingdom and his own life.
The betrothal, the brief period of engagement, the wedding, and the wedding feast had all been very public and formal. The moment the two of you had entered the royal carriage to make the journey to his small palace in the lake country for the honeymoon, everything was suddenly private and intimate. It was the first time Steve had truly been alone with you, and the first moments alone would have been awkward – he certainly hadn’t thought about that moment until suddenly the two of you were there alone – but you had clearly thought of the circumstance in advance and had been prepared to make easy conversation. While the first few minutes had been an effort to make conversation, they swiftly did progress to easy conversation. The topics had been largely trivial and unimportant, but the words were not stilted.
After a late and quick supper upon arrival, the two of you had retired to the royal bedchamber. Steve had expected a dutiful consummation, and duty may have called for the deed, but the execution had unexpectedly run deeper, warmer, with the undertones of the fledgling familiarity built over the few hours alone earlier. Each day the familiarity grew, and though there could have perhaps been moments that could have allowed each of you two part naturally, you both drew each other into extending conversations, going on walks or rides or visiting a new area of the palace together, continuing formally in the first few days until it became merely natural and the two of you forgot altogether the idea of spending much of the time apart.
Now he understood the nostalgia with which many referred to the honeymoon. It was a pity it was coming to an end. Two weeks ago, you were little more than strangers to be wed and fulfill your royal duties. Here on this final night, he could not think of it ending. Tomorrow he would go back to being the king again.
He sighed and turned his head to look at you. He wanted to reach for you, pull you closer, touch you, but the touching wouldn’t be enough, and he’d said sensibly that the two of you should retire early specifically so he could sleep and be well rested for his early departure. He hadn’t thought you warming his bed would be torture. He thought that it would be soothing and help him sleep. But this was worse, and the longer he listened, the less it seemed sleep would ever come to him. But he would not leave or send you away, it was the last night he would have this kind of closeness afforded to him with ease. He also didn’t want to disturb you if you were perhaps close to dropping off to sleep. Nearness was enough, even if it meant no sleep.
Suddenly you shifted, rolling to lie on your back, and you let out a long sigh of your own.
“Sleep alluding you, my queen?”
“As it seems to be alluding you, my king. I know the time is only slipping away until you’re required to wake and depart. Is my restless state keeping you awake?”
Steve laughed. “Perhaps, but not in the way you think.”
He rolled up on his elbow and places a hand on your hip, drawing circles there with his fingers.
“Perhaps I can beckon sleep for both of us in…other ways.”
His hand moved up to cup your breast. He gave a squeeze and brushed his thumb over your nipple, the thin fabric of your night shift barely there. You whimpered his name, arching slightly into his palm.
“Yes?” he pressed.
“Yes,” you pleaded.
While he reached down to pull up the hem of your nightdress, your hands went quickly to free his growing desire for you. Quickly he shifted his body over yours, nestling between your eagerly parting legs. He smiled as he guided his cock to your heated folds, happy to find you were already wet. He looked up to your face, and you bit your lip before reaching your hands up to his jaw and drawing him down to meet your lips. Steve devoured you with his kiss as he plunged into you, and you gave yourself up to him completely until you were both exhausted and sleep finally overtook you.
When one of his esquires woke him in the pre-dawn glow, he suppressed a groan of agitation. It is not the kind of king he has ever wanted to portray to his subjects. He will always be a dignified king. He was diligent in making sure you were tucked in with propriety before falling asleep himself, but he looks over to make sure your modesty is preserved this morning now with someone else in the room. He wants to kiss you goodbye, and while part of him wants nothing more than to wake you, see your eyes look up at him before he leaves, he refrains from doing anything more than brushing the hair off and away from your face with only the lightest caress. It would be silly to wake you for any more sentimentality. The honeymoon is truly over, and he only feels this consuming tie because of the unique circumstances of here and now. When you are both back in the capitol, it will be more normal and less sentimental. He will be himself again.
Downstairs in the hall there were simple foods ready for him to break his fast, and Lord Barnes and General Wilson were both waiting and ready to receive their king. Barnes would accompany him to Stark’s kingdom, but Wilson was there to escort the queen back to the castle.
“Guard her with your life,” Steve commanded.
Wilson gave a slight bow. “Yes, my king.”
Steve turns to look at Barnes only to find a smirk on the man’s face. “What is so amusing at this hour?”
“You gave that order as if he hasn’t been in your service for years.”
“She is the queen,” Steve reminded them.
“I will afford her the same safety and security that I have for your majesty since given the responsibility of this position.”
Steve shook his head, “You should afford her more than you do me.”
Without hesitation, he responded, “It will be done.”
Steve strode out of the foyer and Barnes fell in just one step behind him. “We need not rush away from the palace so soon. The official royal business of Stark’s expo does not require you so immediately.”
“This was the plan,” Steve retorted, “why would we alter course?”
“The sooner we leave, the sooner we can return to your queen,” he agreed.
“The sooner we can return to my kingdom, Lord Barnes.”
“Yes, your majesty.”
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read the next part: A SHIFT IN THE MORNING ROUTINE
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Part 27
<Part 26<
The Royal carriage of York New...
You ran your thumb over your pendant nervously as you stared out of the carriage window, an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You wanted nothing more than to jump on the back of Storm and charge to the Abbey so you could be in Steve's arms.
You let out a startled gasp as the carriage came to a sudden stop. You lurched forwards along with Morgana, holding onto her as Tony caught the two of you.
You looked at him with a panicked look. "Tony?"
He held his hands up in front of you as he peered out of the window to see what was going on. His brow furrowed with a huff. "Wait here." He ordered as he opened the door and got out of the carriage.
Morgana cuddled closer to you and looked up at you. "I'm scared." She whispered.
"I'm not." You offered her a smile to cover your lie and moved to look out of the window, frowning as Pietro charged past on his horse.
"Princess," Bucky jogged up to you. "Please, stay inside." He stood before you, blocking the door and your view out of the carriage.
"What's going on, Bucky?" You asked. "Is something wrong?"
Bucky looked back at where Tony stood and nodded with a soft sigh. He looked back to you and then to Morgana. "Just some interesting news from the castle..." He smiled at Morgana, although you could tell from how his brow furrowed he was lying. "Nothing to worry about. Sir Pietro, is on his way to share the news with, King Steven. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it once he sees you." He winked at Morgana making her giggle and hide her face in her hands. He looked back at you and nodded. "It's fine."
You nodded and drew in a deep breath, "If you say so..."
Bucky nodded before he stood to the side, opening the door for Tony as he approached the carriage once more.
Your brother gave you a concerned look before he smiled at Morgana. "I need to practice my speech." He declared as he climb back inside the carriage.
Morgana rolled her eyes with a groan and fell back into the seat making you giggle. "Not again, daddy."
The Abbey of York New where King Steven waits...
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Steve's hands were clasped behind his back as he marched back and forth across the stone floor. Dread and fear eating away at his insides. He needed you by his side where he knew you were safe.
"Oh, for heaven's sake, Steven, do stop pacing back and forth. You're going to wear a hole in the floor." Sarah scolded her son with a roll of her eyes.
Steve barely stopped as he looked back at his mother. "My apologies, mother."
Sarah furrowed her brow as she watched him continue. "You're nervous." She stated. Steve nodded as he continued to walk back and forth. "The only other time I've seen you this nervous was your Coronation," Sarah stated. "What troubles you, son?"
Steve drew in a deep breath as he turned to face his mother and dropped himself into the armchair opposite her. "I'm scared, mother. There's so much that threatens our happiness... Y/n's, happiness. And all I want to do is protect her, and my brain is telling me the only way to do that is to lock her up in a tower away from danger..." He shook his head with a chuckle. "But that's ridiculous... Because I know she's far braver and stronger than anyone believes... Plus, she'd just scale the side of the tower to yell at me." He smiled thinking about you.
Sarah smiled as she reached over and took his hand. "You believe." She said. "You've always believed in her. And you've always been there to protect her and fight for her. And you will do so until the day you die." Sarah smiled at her son. "Now, stop worrying. My beautiful daughter-in-law will be here shortly... She can read you like a book and I don't want her-"
"Your Majesty!" Sam burst into the room with Pietro closely behind him startling Steve and his mother.
Steve shot up out of his chair, "What's wrong?"
"A young boy... He came to the castle, Your Majesty," Pietro began as he tried to catch his breath. "... He witnessed... Hydra bandits murder his father in the village... Not long ago."
Sarah gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh, that poor boy."
Steve turned to his mouth. "Mother, please," He took her hand in his. "I assume, Sir Rhodey, has already checked the castle and grounds?"
Pietro nodded. "Everywhere possible after last time."
Steve nodded and looked at Sam. "It has to be a tactic." Steve sighed as he sat down in the armchair.
Sam nodded. "They're trying to scare us."
"How can you be so sure?" Sarah looked between the two.
"Because they'd be stupid to attack today of all days, mother." Steve said as he pulled his pocket watch out and looked at the inscription.
"His Majesty is right," Sam said. "Every Kingdom that Brook and York New allies with, are invited to the King and Princess' wedding. It would be a guaranteed blood bath for Lower East."
Steve nodded and looked at Pietro. "You passed them on your way?"
Pietro nodded with a reassuring grin. "She looks beautiful, Your Majesty."
Steve nodded, a smile filling his face as he looked down at his pocket watch. "Does she know?"
Pietro shook his head. "King Anthony didn't want to worry her before she arrived, nor did he want to scare, Princess Morgana. When I was leaving, Bucky was going to talk to her."
"Bucky will have made sure she wasn't worrying." Sam gave him a reassuring smile.
Steve nodded. "I want to be the one to tell her." He stood up and put his pocket watch away. "Now, no more talk of this, not until we're back at the castle. My beautiful bride is almost here." Steve smiled and held his arm out to his mother. "Shall we?"
Sarah got up and took Steve's arm. "Come along then." She smiled proudly at him.
The abbey doors were closed behind you, muffling the sounds of the cheering crowds and making your nerves shoot through the roof. After your brief stop on your way to the abbey, dread and fear settled in the pit of your stomach. You were sure something bad was going to happen and stop you from marrying Steve.
"Morgana." Tony huffed as he quickly wandered off after the young girl down a corridor making you giggle.
You turned to Natasha and Wanda, "Could you give me a minute, please? I just need some space to breathe." You asked.
"Of course, Your Highness." They both bowed to you before following Tony to help.
You closed your eyes taking a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves as you ran a hand over the bodice of your wedding dress.
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"Your Highness," Bucky whispered as he placed his hand on yours to stop them from shaking. You opened your eyes and looked up at him. "King Steven, asked me to give you this before you walked down the aisle." He smiled at you as he handed you an envelope.
You thanked him as you took it, handing your flowers to him with a giggle. The sight of a feared knight holding a bouquet of delicate flowers was amusing. You opened the envelope and began smiling as you read it.
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My love,
I write this in hopes of calming your nerves as you stand on the other side of the chapel doors, minutes away from becoming my darling wife. I promise to love and protect you with my whole heart, body and soul. There's no reason to be nervous, my love.
We will face the enemies together as one. You have my word and love.
I'm just on the other side of those doors and soon you'll be in my arms as my wife and I, your husband.
So hurry along. I miss you.
Your King and soon-to-be darling husband.
P.S. The answer to your riddle is a needle.
You began smiling to yourself, quickly brushing your happy tears away and looked up at Bucky. "Thank you, Bucky, for giving me this."
He shook his head, "It's nothing to do with me, Your Highness..." He smiled. "I also wanted to give you this?" He handed you a red velvet pouch. "Natasha mentioned you still didn't have your something borrowed." He nodded to the pouch. "I wanted you to use this."
You smiled up at him as you emptied the contents into the palm of your hand. Your eyes widened at the beautiful ring that sat there. "Oh, James,"
He chuckled, "I was hoping to get your blessing, Your Highness. You're Natasha's, closest friend... Almost like a sister, even..."
You once again wiped away your happy tears as you nodded. "Of course, you have my blessing, Bucky." You smiled up at him as you safely tucked the velvet pouch away.
Bucky gave you a shy smile as he looked down. "Thank you, Your Highness." He handed you your flowers back.
"Sorry to interrupt." Tony smiled at you. "It's time... Ready?" He asked as he held his arm out to you.
You drew in a deep breath as you nodded. "More than anything." You grinned up at him.
The moment the chapel doors were opened and your eyes met Steve's, your nerves and dread disappeared. You couldn't hear the choir as they sang or the organist play. You couldn't see the hundreds of guests that watched you walk down the aisle. The only thing that you could see before you, the only thing that mattered to you, was Steve.
Steve winked at you, his smile widening as yours did. You were thankful for the veil covering your face, it hid the blush you were sure covering your face. You turned to Tony and gave him a kiss on the cheek making him smile.
He took Steve's hand and put yours in it, "You best take care of her, Rogers, or I'll be coming for you." He warned the younger man as he gave him a stern look, trying to intimidate him before the pair began laughing at each other and shook hands. Tony looked back at you and gave you a kiss on the temple before whispering. "Mother would be proud of you, little princess."
You smiled up at him, trying not to cry at his sweet words.
As Tony sat down, you handed your flowers to Natasha before facing Steve. He raised your veil over your head. "You look beautiful, My love," Steve whispered making you blush even more.
"The same can be said for you, Your Majesty." You whispered back.
It seemed you and Steve were lost in your own world, looking at each other with so much love as he held your hands firmly in his, softly caressing the backs of your knuckles. The storm of negative emotions you'd been harbouring inside had calmed and all it took was Steve's touch.
The Bishop cleared his throat before he began the ceremony, "Blessings and merry meet. Your Majesties, Lords and Ladies, we are gathered here today to join, King Steve of Brook and Princess Y/n of York New, together in holy matrimony. They have asked you here to share in their joy, and to declare their love for one another before you as a community." The Bishop smiled and looked between you and Steve. "Your Majesty, art thou here this day in pledged truth of thy own free will and choice?"
Steve looked at you as he nodded with a grin. "Yes, Father."
The Bishop nodded and looked at you. "Princess, art thou here this day in pledged truth of thy own free will and choice?"
"Yes, Father." You nodded with your own grin. Steve gave your hands a reassuring squeeze as he winked at you making you giggle.
The Bishop smiled, "In as much as, King Steven and Princess Y/n, have pledged their troth to be married this day, we call upon Heaven to bless this union."
You held your breath and your body tensed as you waited for the part you feared most, dread once more filling the pit of your stomach.
"Therefore if anyone can show just cause, why they may not be joined together, by God's Law, or the Laws of the Realm; let them now speak, or else hereafter keep silent for all time.
"Lest it not be overlooked, however, there is rumour amongst the fair princess' people that any such scurrilous objector shall be later beheaded today at the feast for the entertainment and amusement of the Lords and Ladies in attendance." The Bishop chuckled.
Your eyes widened as laughter eruptted throughout the room. Steve shook his head with a chuckle and looked over at where Tony sat. You looked over at your brother with a frown and shook your head as he sat there with a smug grin on his face.
The Bishop looked out to your guests as he waited and once satisfied he nodded before continuing. "There being no objection to this marriage, let us continue."
The Bishop turned to the stand beside him where a sacred blade sat upon a red and gold velvet pillow. The same blade that your brother used during his wedding and the same one your parents used in there's. And it will be the same blade Morgana uses during her wedding when that day comes.
The Bishop holds the sacred blade in his hands and holds it between you and Steve. "Your Majesty, swear on this sacred blade, that there is no reason known to you that this union should not proceed."
Steve placed his right hand over the blade as he bobbed his head. "I do so swear."
The Bishop turned to you, "Princess, is there any reason known to you why this partnership should not be made?"
You placed your hand over Steve's and shook your head before answering, "There is none."
"Heavenly Father, creator of all things both in heaven and Earth, we humbly ask thee to bless this union, may these thy servants seek goodness all the days of their lives, may they be strong in defence of what is right, may they be united as one even as thou art with God. May they be numbered amongst thy sheep. We humbly pray in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
"I forgot how much these things drag on," Tony muttered under his breath with a heavy sigh. Morgana gave her father an elbow in his side as she scolded him, making Rhodey and others around them chuckle.
You lowered your head to hide your amusement at the pair, quickly straightening yourself as the Bishop cleared his throat and drew everyone's attention back to him.
"Do you King Steven, take unto thyself as husband to Princess Y/n and pledge unto her before God and these witnesses to be her protector, defender and sure resort, to honour and sustain her, in sickness and in health, in fair and in foul, with all thy worldly powers, to cherish and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?"
Steve smiled at you. "I will, with all my heart." He said as he raised your left hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to where your engagement ring sat. You felt your cheeks blush as you heard the ladies of the court in awe.
"Do you Princess Y/n, take unto thyself the Noble King Steven to be thy rightful wife and pledge unto him before God and these witnesses to honour and cherish him, to cleave unto him, in sickness and in health, in fair and in foul, be his one true and lasting counsellor and solace, and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?" The Bishop asked as he looked at you.
You nodded as you smiled at Steve. "I will."
"The rings," The Bishop looked to Sir Samuel with his hand out.
Sam nodded as he patted himself down as searched for the rings, his eyes widening in panic. "Hmm, what would you say if I said, I forgot them?" He asked Steve.
Steve stared at him unamused, "For your sake, you better be fooling around."
Sam began grinning as he pulled the rings out of his pocket and handed them to the Bishop.
You held in your amusement as the Bishop shook his head with a small huff as he snatched the rings from Sam, equally unimpressed by Sam's foolery.
"Heavenly Father, bless these rings which King Steven and Princess Y/n have set apart to be visible signs of the inward and spiritual bond which unites their hearts. As they give and receive these rings, may they testify to the world of the covenant made between them.
Steve took the respected ring for you and gently slipped it onto your finger as he said, "Receive and wear this ring as a symbol of my trust, my respect and my love for you."
You took his ring and repeated the same words as you slipped the ring onto his finger.
"This circle will now seal the vows of this marriage and will symbolize the purity and endlessness of their love." The Bishop declared to the chapel. "We will now do the ancient hand fastening ritual where three cords will be placed over their joined hands."
Steve's mother made her way up to the pair of you holding a burgundy cord that symbolized romance, partnership and happiness and placed it over yours and Steve's joined hands.
Peter walked up to the two of you next with an ivory cord which stands for peace, sincerity and devotion, and placed that over your hands.
Then Morgana and Tony walked up to the two of you, Morgana holding a gold cord which represents unity, prosperity and longevity, and with the help of her father placed it over your hands. She let out a giggle as Steve winked at her and thanked her.
Tony rolled his eyes and sent Morgana back to her seat where Nanny Friday was waiting for her. He then turned back to you with a smile before he tied the cords together to signify the tying of the knot.
"As this knot is tied, so are your lives now bound. Woven into this cord, imbued into its very fibres, are all the hopes of thy friends and family, and of themselves, for a new life together. With the fashioning of this knot you tie all the desires, dreams, love, and happiness wished here in this place to your lives for as long as love shall last, your lives now bound, one to another. By this cord you are thus now and forevermore bound to your vow. May this knot remain tied for as long as love shall last. May this cord draw your hands together in love, never to be used in anger. May the vows you have spoken never grow bitter in your mouths.
"As your hands are bound by this cord, so is your partnership held by the symbol of this knot. Two entwined in love, bound by commitment and fear, sadness and joy, hardship and victory, anger and reconciliation, all of which bring strength to this union. Hold tight to one another through both good times and bad, and watch as your strength grows. I shall now remove the cords."
The Bishop removed the cords from your hands before continuing to talk, "Thou has pledged truth of thy own free will and sworn upon the sacred blade. Thou hast exchanged rings and been bound together by the ritual of the cords. May it be granted that what is done before the gods be not undone by man." The Bishop smiled, "By the power vested in me by the Realm, I now pronounce you King Steven and Princess Y/n of Brook. Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Steve gently cupped your face in his left hand, as the chapel filled with cheers and applause. Your eyes closed as you slipped your hand that Steve held up his arm until it rested on his shoulder, letting yourself melt against him as he pressed his lips against yours in a loving kiss.
You pulled back from Steve beaming up at him, "We're married." You giggled.
"We are indeed wife." He grinned at you. He went to give you another kiss but the Bishop cleared his throat.
"Join me in cheer as the newly wedded couple make their way up the aisle on the first of their many journeys together."
The room erupted into cheers once more as Steve offered his arm to you, and the two of you began to make your way up the aisle.
With the help of your darling husband, the two of you climbed into the royal carriage of Brook and began to make your journey back to the castle.
You looked at Steve and began to blush when you realised he was already looking at you. "What is it?" You asked.
He shook his head and grinned at you. "... I'm just," He let out a soft sigh as he sat forwards and took your left hand in his. "I'm so very happy, my love."
You smiled back at him as you held his hand. "As am I." Then you remember everything that happened before you arrived at the abbey. Your brow creased as you looked at him. "What happened?" You asked making Steve's brow furrow.
"With what, my love?"
"Why did, Pietro, come? Bucky said there was some interesting news from the castle. So what was it?" You asked him.
"Ah, that," Steve nodded, "Well, according to, Pietro, a young boy arrived at the castle in distress. He witnessed his father's murder..."
You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand as you felt tears form. "It was Hydra, wasn't it?" You asked already knowing the answer.
Steve nodded, "Apparently so."
You felt a lump in your throat as you glanced out of the window and saw the crowds of happy villagers cheering and celebrating your and Steve's marriage.
Steve moved closer to you and cupped your cheek with his hand, smiling as you nuzzled into his palm. "I promise you, my love, you're safe. They're not going to try anything, especially today."
You nodded, "I know... But, that poor boy... And his father... What about his mother? Oh, Steve, I feel awful that these poor people have gotten dragged into all this because of some... Bastards!" You huffed. Steve's eyebrows raised in surprise at your outburst. You looked up at Steve with puppy-like eyes as you held his hands in yours. "I want to make sure the young boy and his family are looked after, Steven. Please."
Steve began smiling at you. "I knew you would. I asked Sam to arrange a meeting with the boy as soon as we returned to the castle. Things will be sorted, my love. I promise." He smiled.
You smiled back, "Oh, thank you... Darling Husband." You grinned before leaning forwards and kissing him. "I can't believe we're really married."
Steve chuckled as he sat back in his seat with your hand in his lap. "I know. It feels almost like a dream." He kissed your knuckles and smiled at you. "You've made me the happiest man alive, Y/n. I hope you understand how much I love you. And my vows to you are my law. I will do everything in my power to-" You cut Steve off by crashing your lips against his, your arms around his neck as he let your tongue into his mouth.
After a few seconds you pulled back from him, your face even redder than before as you cleared your throat. "My apologies... But you talk too much," You laughed softly at him.
Steve shook his head with a chuckle, "I was trying to be romantic and woo you with my words, wife."
You rolled your eyes playfully at him. "Haven't you learnt by now, husband, that I already trust everything you say to me?"
"As I, you." Steve hummed as he slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "I love you, Y/n." He whispered.
"I love you too, Steve."
"Where is he, Sam?" Steve asked, as the pair of you walked down the hallway of the castle, your hands intertwined.
"Library, Your Majesty," Sam said. "However, he's not alone."
"Meaning?" Steve raised his eyebrow.
Sam let out a heavy sigh, "King Anthony and his council are... Questioning, the young boy." Sam grimaced as he said the words.
You huffed and pulled your hand out of Steve's as you quickly marched ahead of Steve and Sam, Bucky hot on your trail being careful not to trip on the skirts of your wedding gown.
Steve grinned to himself as he watched you, "That's my wife, Sam."
Sam rolled his eyes playfully, "Yes... That poor girl." He joked receiving a slap on the back of the head from Steve. "Ow."
"Whimp." Steve chuckled and hurried after you.
Tony was slouched in a chair with his hand covering his face as he listened to his council huff and puff at the young boy. He didn't need this, not today.
"Gentlemen," He groaned. "Could this not wait?"
"We need to ask these questions, Your Majesty. Now."
"What if he's a rat, Sire?"
"It could all be a trick."
"We don't even know who he is."
"Perhaps the man that was killed, wasn't even his father."
"Yes! He could be working for Hydra. I bet he is. What better way to get into the castle than to pretend-"
The library doors were suddenly pushed open with force, startling everyone inside the room. Bucky stood on the other side before stepping to the side and allowing you entry.
"That's enough!" You shouted as you stormed into the room.
"This doesn't concern you, Your-"
"ENOUGH!" You snarled. "This is my wedding day! Not a time for you to be interrogating a poor young boy that-"
"Oh, please!" One of the older council members scoffed. "Of course, you would see him as a poor young boy. You're a woman! You don't know anything about this-"
"Watch how you speak to my wife, Sir." Steve stepped into the room and stood by your side as he glared at the older man. He looked over at Tony and raised his eyebrow, "Mind telling me why you're here?"
Tony shrugged and nodded to his council, "Ask them. They seem to think the boy is working for King Brock or-"
"I bloody well am not." The young boy cut Tony off as he scowled up at the old men that stood in front of him making you laugh.
"I believe you," Tony chuckled as he stood behind the young boy. "Gentlemen, perhaps it's time you left. After all, it was King Steven that asked for this meeting."
"Yes... So, bugger off." The young boy stuck his tongue out at them making you laugh even more and the council mad.
"I like him." You looked up at Steve as he nodded.
"He's certainly got some bite, hasn't he?" Steve smiled.
"Gentlemen, King Anthony has asked you to leave." Bucky and Rhodey held the doors open as Peter guided the council members out of them. Once the doors were shut Peter huffed, "That was like herding sheep... Only sheep listen to you."
Steve chuckled and looked at you. "Go ahead, my love." He nodded to the boy.
You smiled lovingly at him before kissing his cheek. You then turned to the boy with a sorrowful look and walked over to him. "Hello, young man."
The boy bowed to you, "Hello, Your Highness."
You crouched down before him with a heavy sigh. "I apologise for those... Old farts."
The young boy smiled at you. "It's alright, Your Highness."
You shook your head. "No, it isn't..." You let out a heavy sigh. "I'd like to talk to you, about what happened?" You asked him with a soft smile. "May I?"
He nodded. "I don't know anything. I swear." He gave you a pleading look.
You nodded, "I believe you, but we need to know everything that you can remember to work out what those men are after." You stood up with Steve's help and held your hand out for the young boy to take. "Trust me?"
He nodded and took your hand. You smiled down at him and lead him over to the bottom of the stairs where you sat down. The young boy sat down beside you.
"Now, first things first... My name is Y/n." You smiled at him.
He laughed, "I know who you are, Princess."
You chuckled, "Yes, well, it's always polite to give your name. And besides, you don't have to be formal when it's just us."
The young boy looked up at the others as they all took a seat nearby.
"Will you tell me your name?" You asked.
He nodded, "Harry." He whispered.
"Pleasure to meet you, Harry..." You shook his hand. "I'm sorry for what happened to your father."
He shook his head as he looked down. "It's not your fault." He sighed. "So... What do you want to know? I've already told, Sir James, everything I saw."
"We know you have, but the Princess and I would like to hear it for ourselves," Steve said.
"And me. It is my Kingdom after all." Tony added under his breath making you roll your eyes.
"Well, why were you in the alley? Let's start there." You smiled warmly at him.
"We were on our way to watch you pass in the royal carriage."
You felt a lump in your throat as you looked over to Steve. It was your fault. "I see... And, hm, then what happened, Harry?"
"Father noticed the men at the end of the alley. Said he didn't like the look of them, so he told me to hide."
"How many men were there?" Steve asked as he walked up the steps and sat down behind you.
"Two..." Harry answered. He closed his eyes with a sniffle.
"What happened after you hid, Harry?" Steve asked.
"Father approached them, making polite conversation, talking about the wedding-" He sniffled.
"Then what, Harry?" You asked him.
Harry shrugged, "It was like... They spooked him..." He looked up at you. "He started moving back but they-" He shook his head as he began crying. "I ran to him when they left, and that's when he told me who they were."
"How did he know they were Hydra bandits, Harry?" Tony asked.
Harry looked over to the King. "Hydra bandits killed my mother when I was two. My father always said he'd never forget any of the monsters that took her from us."
Your heart broke for him. Hydra bandits had been terrorising even the poorest of souls for as long as you could remember. They took pleasure in other people's misery and pain.
Steve placed his hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze as he kissed the top of your head, trying to comfort you.
"We're sorry to hear that, Harry." You said to the young boy and wrapped your arms around him and consoled him as he cried. "It's okay, Harry." You whispered.
"What, happens now?..." Harry looked up at you with tears rolling down his face. "I have no one to look after me."
You gulped and looked over to your brother with a pleading look.
He cleared his throat and stood up from where he sat. "Sister, didn't you mention something about the blacksmith, wanting an apprentice?"
You began smiling at him. "I did..." You smiled down at the boy. "Do you like horses, Harry?"
He nodded. "Very much so." He sniffled and wiped his tears away.
"Then, how does working in the castle stables sound?" You asked him.
"You wouldn't have to worry about anywhere to sleep, there's plenty of rooms here. Nor worry about food or clothes." Tony stood in front of him.
"Or education." You added.
Tony's brows furrowed, "Since when?"
"Since Princess Morgana, started refusing to attend her lessons." You said to him. "She's more likely to attend them if she thinks she's going to be smarter than a boy." You smiled.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Girls smell." He huffed making you all chuckle.
"Is that a yes, young man? You'll earn yourself a decent wage if you work hard enough." Tony asked him as he knelt down before him.
Harry nodded. "Yes, Sir. Thank you."
Tony held his hand out for him and smiled as the young boy took it. "You're very welcome, young man."
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bean-bean2000 · 7 months
The Maid - Part 3
Pairing: Loki x reader (on going series)
Warnings: Angst, abuse, mental health (depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts). Eventual loki x reader pairing. Reader is a maid.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 2 Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You return to the maid's quarters, shaking in disbelief at your interaction with the king.
I just lied to his face. I'm such an idiot. Will he change his mind and punish me? Why was he so nice to me if he sends his guards to beat me almost daily? Why did he look concerned when he saw my injuries? Is this some cruel manipulative twisted joke so he can trap me into trusting him, just so he can rip my trust for him into pieces? To finally break me like the guards say they will?
Your mind is racing; confused, angry, hurt. You say nothing to the other maids when you return to your cot. If they are to know you spoke to the king, rumours will spread.
You decide you can't risk it, you have to request a change of duties.
You rush to the man in charge of separating the help's duties amongst the castle.
You bow your head and curtsy when you approach him "Good evening, sir. I am here to place a request, if possible." you say quietly, staring at the floor.
He says nothing so you decide to continue "I would like to change duties. I believe the king is no longer fond of my work, nor my presence and think a change would be best to appease his anger."
"Very well. I doubt he will notice the change anyway. You are quiet and forgettable. You will be placed on the rotation team. You will work multiple different duties at my discretion. You may leave now." he says to you coldly.
You thank him quckly and return to your chambers.
He's right. He won't even notice I'm gone. This is for the best, I must avoid him at all costs to stay alive. Stay quiet, do as they say and stay small. It's the only way I'll survive.
Over the next two weeks you successfully avoid all contact with the king. You're continuously rotating duties from maid, to kitchen staff, to laundry and you're body is aching from the physical exertion. The abuse from the guards subdued but did not stop from the Snake. He would search for you exclusively and insist it was at kings personal request. He did everything he could to try to break you, but you repeated the same words "Never". Sometimes you would fight back and other times you would simply take it so it could be over with faster, but one thing you made sure of is that he never touched you. You would go feral at the mention of it.
Yesterday, the Snake went too far and tried holding you down to 'teach you a lesson', you screamed and swung your hands as you scratched his face from his eyebrow to his lip so deeply he was bleeding profusely all over his bedroom floor. You took your upper hand to your advantage and threatened him " I can take your abuse, you will not break me and I will die before I let you touch me. Next time, I will scratch your eyes out." you hissed at him. He screamed for the other guards as he swung at you but you side stepped and tried running out but was caught by the other guards.
"Now, you will see what the king truly thinks of you once he discovers what you've done, witch. He will not be as merciful as I was. Bring her to the dungeons." he spits at you as you're dragged away.
You're thrown to the damp stone floor covered in hay, scratching your palms and knees as you roll on the floor.
"This is where you belong, witch." One of them says as the door locks behind you.
You hear their laughter fade as they walk away. The cell is disgustingly dirty, there is only a small space with bars that acts as a window. Besides the moonlight, you're left in complete darkness, the only sound to occupy your mind is the squeaks of the mice running around. You bring your knees to your chest and begin crying "What have I done? Why didn't I just let him do what he wanted? I wouldn't be here... At least I would have a chance at life... now I'm as good as dead" you cry to yourself.
The next day you're woken abruptly and dragged outside. Your hand are tied to a post and they rip open the back of your shirt.
Your heart races as you realize what is happening. You hear the Snake laugh and then the searing pain of the whip across your back.
You scream out in pain and dig your nails into the post to ground yourself.
"So the whore can scream afterall. Let's see how loud she can be. You've been holding out on me." the Snake mocks you.
This continued 10 times. For everyday the nurse said he would need to heal from the wound you created in his eye.
They drag you away and throw you back onto the dungeon floor. Bleeding profusely from your back, unable to move from the pain, you curly yourself into a ball and beg for death to take you.
You awake to a nurse tending to your back. You both stay quiet as she puts the familiar balm to your back and wraps your wounds to prevent infection.
Two days pass, no guards have come to bring you food or water. You're famished and parched. Your back is in continuous searing pain, your breathing has become more shallow every day. You're in such pain, you try to force yourself to sleep to avoid the pain. Eventually, you pass out. You're awakened by the sound of a crow squawking and the sun shining on you.
You look up and see the bird standing at the makeshift window, in between the bars. It crows a few times before turning around and flying away.
Even the birds don't want to be near me.
You hear heavy footsteps approach your cell when the Snake opens the door "Learned you lesson yet, witch? Get up, you reek. Bathe and get ready for work tomorrow. Maybe this will make you think twice before fighting me." he sneers at you.
You struggle to get up so he grabs you by the arm and yanks you to your feet making you shriek in pain from the deep cuts in your back.
"Shut up, harlot. Get out of my face." he spits at you.
You slowly walk out of the dungeons and back to the maids quarters. You're so weak, you collapse on your cot and pass out when you arrive.
You awoke before dawn, bathing to ease the pain. The nurse helps apply the balm to your back and wrap the wounds once more. You look at yourself in the mirror. Your left eye is severely bruised, you look exhausted and in pain.
Today you're placed on kitchen duty. You're slowly walking to the kitchen, when you see a crow fly overhead and land nearby on a statue.
A crow, again? ... Is it staring at me?
You shake your head in dismissal and you near the kitchen. You were to prep everything for the breakfast run before the cooks arrived.
You were deep in thought and humming to yourself while cutting vegetables and boiling some water to make yourself a coffee that you didn't notice somebody walk in behind you.
"Where have you been?" a familiar voice cuts through the silence. You yelp in surprise and cut your finger with the knife. You hiss in pain and rush to place a towel over it to stop the bleeding.
"Sorry darling, l keep frightening you." He approaches you but you back up in fear, your back hitting the kitchen counter. You groan out loud at the pain from your back hitting the counter. He stops and looks at you with hurt and confusion.
You keep your down "It's okay your highness. I'm fine." you say quietly.
He sighs "I've been looking for you."
Your eyes widen at that statement. Oh my god, he's going to kill me, just like the Snake said he would.
"Why were you replaced as my maid? I made no such request. I was very content with your work. Are you avoiding your king?" he presses on.
"Your highness, please. I will do as he says. I will not fight him next time. I beg you to please forgive me and spare my life. I was stupid, it was done in fear. I will never do it again!" you beg, your eyes brimming with tears. You're shaking, straining to breathe properly with the pain coursing through your entire body.
"What none sense do you speak of? Where were you?." he asks again, more urgently. It sounded more like a command than a question.
You bite your lip hard, making it bleed.
"My king...I don't... you ordered the guards..." you're unable to form a sentence through the fear shaking through you.
His eyes narrow and he inspects you and tries to make sense of the words you're hiccuping out.
"Who did I order to do what?" he asks you, his voice rising with anger.
I can't tell him. This is a trick. It was his orders. He knows, he wants to see if I will question his orders.
You take in a deep breath and steady yourself, stopping the tears from falling down your face.
If I avoid his question about the guards, I won't be lying to him.
"I requested a change of duties, your highness." you blurt out.
He looks taken aback "Why? Did I make you uncomfortable? Do you fear me?"
You're confused by his line of questions "No, your highness... I -"
"You're lying. I will give you one last chance." he says sternly.
You swallow thickly, your anger and frustration from the past months of mistreatment bubbles up inside. A sudden burst of confidence, you look up at stare at him. You notice his shock when he sees the damage to your face.
"No, your highness you did not make me uncomfortable. I have received your messages daily from the guards, and the whipping you ordered I received. I have heard the rumours and they ring true. You cannot blame me for fearing you."
"Whipping? Rumours? What -" Loki begins but is interrupted by the cooks entering the kitchen to start the day. His eyes fall to the bandages he can see at the bottom of your shirt, wrapping up and around your back. You see his eyes darken and his fists clench at his sides.
They freeze when they see the king speaking to you.
"Sorry your highness, we will -" one of the cooks begins.
"No. I will be taking my leave. There is something I must tend to."
He quickly exits the kitchen and the cooks stare at you in confusion. You dismiss their looks and return to your duties.
Part 4
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feedback is always welcome. Feel free to send me suggestions for scenes/drabbles that I could add into the stroy :)
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biteofcherry · 4 months
Happy Wetnessday 💦
I think it's time for some King Steve, don't you? Here's a little this or that for your life with him:
modern day or medieval times
arranged marriage or king falling for "peasant"
summer or winter solstice wedding
castle in the nature or city centre
reads to you before bed or cuddles by the fireplace
No matter what you choose he's completely smitten and can't let his hands off you.
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
STEEVIE 🥹💖 back in my arms ❤️
And King Steve on top of it? You spoil me, Wetnessday Anon! Thank you!
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I'd pick medieval times, because I'm in deep need of wearing beautiful gowns daily, not just for shmancy galas. Also more forests and fields than skyscrapers and yelling car drivers. Besides, I want Steve with a sword, not just some ceremonial stick 😎
While I love me some romantic falling for who you shouldn't be with, I was never actually fond of such drastic class difference romance? Idk, I always thought of them to be bullshit in the making and maintaining 😂 How about we mix it up a bit? An arranged marriage, but not with a Princess equal to Steve's status, but perhaps a daughter/sister of a knight who was Steve's very loyal, close friend, but after death you'd be left with no protection and possibly some nasty distant uncle would claim all everything and decide on your marriage. So Steve arranges for your marriage to him, to protect you. And no one would dare make any claims on you and your dowry when the king himself has taken you.
The castle is built on a hill, overlooking the grounds below and the wide, blue ribbon of river crossing right next to it. There are fields and forests around; a long main road with hawthorns growing on both sides and blooming beautifully in spring.
Steve is absolutely wonderful. Your marriage may have happened due to his strong sense of duty and protectiveness, but he doesn't close his heart on the love that blooms between you two. He's absolutely smitten and most doting. Sometimes he will read out to you some formal replies, seeking your opinion, and sometimes you will visit him when he reads piles of letters, requests and reports. You'd pick one of the letters and read it in a silly, mocking voice to make Steve laugh. But one of your favorite ways to spend time with Steve alone, with no duties to fulfill, is to be in his arms as you sit by the fireplace, drinking some mead or wine and just enjoying the quiet, or some hushed intimate conversation.
Though you also love to go on rides with him. Especially in winter, when you're bundled in most lush coat lined with fur and Steve holds you in his embrace as you sit in front of him on his horse. Winter rides remind you of your winter wedding. How the light from the torches stuck in the snow reflected in the frosty layer as you were lead through the courtyard. The evergreens weaved into your hair, as a symbol for the solstice, white gold of the stunning jewelry you were gifted as brilliant as the sparkling snow. Steve awaited you at the bottom of the stairs and then, hand holding yours, lead you up and into the main hall where you were married.
It's also on winter solstice that you give birth to your first child (and Steve gets so happy drunk on mead he forgets you're married and asks you to be his queen 😆)
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Before you - Normal ending
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Summary: King Steven Grant Rogers once was a good king and a gentle alpha. Now he’s a cruel shadow of his former self. Can he find the light again? 
Pairing: King(Alpha)!Steve Rogers x Maid(Omega)!Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Lady Natalia
Warnings: angst, a/b/o, fluff, implied smut, implied claiming, unrequited love, implied characters death
A/N: This is the first of three endings. 
Before you masterlist 
<< Part 18
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The day Sharon and Rumlow died you hid in Steve’s chamber. 
You crawled under the bed and didn’t make a sound. It had to be done. 
Sharon and Rumlow did horrid things. They are responsible for your family’s death, but you couldn’t bring yourself to watch them die.
You’re just not like this.
The king had to watch. Just like his brother.
It was their duty. The people expected them to watch Sharon and Rumlow die.
The executioner ended their lives fast. It was your wish. You didn’t want him to hurt them even more.
Steve respected your wish and told the executioner to use a sharp axe.
“Off with their heads,” the crowd cheered as you lay still under the bed, hands pressed to your ears to fade out the voices. You curled into a ball, waiting for their end. 
You heard a scream. Applause. And then silence. 
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“My love, how are you today?” Steve walks next to you. It’s been a while since you had the time to leave the castle and just go for a walk in the gardens. “I know the last months were stressful.”
“I like the dress very much,” you whisper. “Do you think your mom would want me to wear it? I’m not sure. Your father didn’t want me to become your mate.”
“She would have loved you, Y/N,” the king softly says. “I wish you could wear your mother’s dress. I know how important traditions are to an omega.”
“It got lost as so many things from my past,” you squeeze Steve’s hand tightly. “But I gladly wear your mother’s dress.”
“What if you had a new dress?” he stops walking to look at you. “A new beginning for the both of us. I know someone who makes the most beautiful dresses.”
“Steve, my king,” you bite your tongue. Can you ask him for a new dress? Can you reject the offer to wear his mother’s wedding gown?
“It’s settled then,” Steve softly says. “I will call for her. She will make you the most beautiful gown you ever saw. I want you to tell her what you want, my love.”
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Two months later, …
“How are you, my lady?” the maid asks as you look at yourself in the mirror again. A woman you don’t recognize looks back at you. She smiles, and her eyes shine. “My lady?”
“I’m just…I don’t know,” you press your hands to your warm cheeks. “Do you think the king will like the dress?”
“He will love it, my lady,” she says, but you are too nervous to believe her. “You are a beautiful bride.”
You look in the mirror one last time to admire the gown again. It is made of rich fabric in a white and gold pattern, and the upper waistline is tied with a matching golden sash. The dramatically long angel sleeves are lined with gold satin.
“He will love it, Y/N,” you gasp as Bucky steps inside the room. He smiles when you twirl around to grasp his hands. “You look beautiful.”
Bucky fights the urge to just tell you how beautiful and precious you are to him. He came here to decide what to do about his feelings. It’s all or nothing now. 
“Do you really think so?” you look up at Bucky. “Bucky, do you think Grant will like the dress? I hope so. I want to be beautiful for him.”
He nods and swallows thickly. You smile dreamily and he knows, there is no chance you will open your heart to him. 
“I promise, Steve will love it. He loves you so much,” Bucky lowers himself to press a soft kiss on your cheek. “I would be happy to have someone like you in my life. Please be happy and live your life to the fullest.”
“Bucky?” you watch him step away from you. He smiles softly, but there is something else in his eyes again. “You will be there, right? I will still have my friend.”
“Of course, you will,” he bows. “I can’t leave my queen, can I?” Bucky promises. “I’ll be waiting for you outside to watch you fulfill your fate.”
You nod as he turns to leave. “Bucky…thank you. For everything.”
He nods but doesn’t turn around. If Bucky would turn around you’d see the tears in his eyes, and he doesn’t want to ruin your wedding day.
He loves you too much to be selfish…
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Steve’s heart beats out of his chest as he waits for you to walk down the aisle. Your father isn’t there to give you to your groom so, Bucky took his place.
You smile softly and try not to make a false step as Bucky guides you along the aisle and toward his brother.
He’s silent now and doesn’t even look at you. “Thank you again, Bucky.”
“All for you,” he finally speaks again. “You deserve the best, Y/N. Steve will give you the world.”
You think about Bucky’s words long after Steve took your hand.
The ceremony is a blur. You say your vows, but all you hear are the words another man said to you.
Bucky is right. Steve will give you the world, but even more important, he will love you just like he promised so many years ago.
The Bischof raises his voice as you try to focus on his words. “In as much as this King and Lady have pledged their troth to be married today, we call upon Heaven to bless this union.”
He looks around the church, searching the faces of the guests. “Therefore, if anyone can show just cause, why they may not be joined together by God’s Law, let them now speak, or else remain silent for all time.”
Silence is his answer.
His eyes land on Bucky for a moment who dares not to look at you standing next to Steve. If he does, he might jump up and speak his mind.
But he doesn’t. Bucky made his decision and now, he will live with it.
He finally lifts his gaze and smiles as you lovingly look up at Steve. The alpha knows your heart and soul belong to his brother, and it fills his heart with something else than pain.
Hope blooms in his chest as the ceremony continues. If Steve found his fate and true mate after so many years again, there is still hope for Bucky to find his happiness too.
“If you love someone, you must let them go,” he whispers as you seal your bond with Steve with a kiss. Bucky gets up, just like the others to cheer for you and share your happiness.
“She’s a beautiful bride,” Natalia whispers. “Just not the one for you. How about you join me for a dance at the feast?”
“You just don’t give up, huh?” Bucky laughs as Natalia gives him a smirk. She always was a feisty omega. “Maybe I’ll give you the honor and dance with you.”
“You mean I will give you the honor and dance with you…”
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“You are so beautiful,” Steve whispers as he kisses you again. “My love. My mate. My fate. Before you there was only darkness. Now I have this light in my life and I couldn’t be happier.”
“My alpha,” you sigh happily when he starts exploring your body.
Steve takes his time. He kisses your skin and touches you carefully.
His alpha wants to claim, mate, and own you. But Grant, the boy falling in love with you, wants to be gentle and kind. He won’t hurt you. 
Steve will make you his mate that night too, not only his queen. He slowly sinks into you to claim your body as his lips press against your mating gland. 
“Steve,” you whisper as he slowly begins to move inside of you. “My alpha.” Your hands run all over his body as he lays claim to your body and soul. 
When his teeth sink into your neck to claim your omega too, you close your eyes and give in to the bond and the love you feel for your alpha.
It’s your fate, your destiny, and all you ever wanted…
This is Steve’s ending...
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Bonus scene for Steve’s ending. A few weeks after the wedding...
“So…what now,” Natalia asks while patting Bucky’s naked chest. “That was unexpected…”
He laughs as she crawls up his body to inspect the bite mark she left on his shoulder. She always was a little possessive too.
“Unexpected? You were pouncing on me, my lady…”
“I wanted to soothe the pain, my lord.”
“You’re good at soothing a man’s pain…”
“Well then, ask me to stick around, Bucky…”
>> Bucky’s ending
>> Alternative ending
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