faggotette · 9 months
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me trying on clothes
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singularity1508 · 1 year
14:40- Slow Down
//I'm on my work break, but there is something i couldn't get out of my head all day// Paring: Vernon x Fem Reader Stablished relationship
It has been a long day of work, but the only thing that was running through your mind was your boyfriend's dick inside you. You kept watching the clock till it marked your finishing hour. Vernon was working on his desk with headphones on, super concentrated, and you? Just super needy.
As you shut down your laptop you ran to your boyfriend's lap taking him by surprise.
-What are you doing?- He asked taking his headphones off.
-I just need you Hansol....like now- You kissed his lips softly. He was taking out of surprise, because you never act so desperate and needy for anything, even for him.
-I have work to do, Y/N- He tried ignoring you by looking at his screen.
-Oh, please Daddy...I'll be a good girl for you- You whispered in his ear and ran away to the bed. Something in his brain just broke and followed you with a smirk.
-How did you call me?- You just stared at him smiling playful waiting for him at the corner of your shared bed.
-Daddy...I need you so bad- He leaned in to kiss you but just stayed there close enough so you could feel his breath as he spoke.
-Look at you, so desperately needy for my cock.- You placed your hand on his chest going down little by little. -My eyes are here darling- He gave you a smirk putting his arm around your waist and guiding you to the bed placing himself above you in between your legs kissing your neck and pressing his hand softly against your panties. -Already wet and I haven't done anything- He took off your shirt revealing a lacey brallett you wore during home office and cupped your breast, he was now probably hornier than you, as you felt his erection against you. He stopped kissing you to get rid of the few clothes that separated your bodies.
-Nonie I need you now- He took out his already hard dick pumping it staring at your fuck me eyes.
- I’m gonna fuck the brat out of you - he said with a smirk as he started thirsting into you with a low pace pressing his fingers against your tights. Soft moans left your mouth finally getting your man after a long stressful day.
-Daddy? I’m starting to like that- he increased the pace thirsting all of him inside you. Your moans got louder and he seemed to enjoy watching you all crazy over him. He kept thursting into you adapting to the pace you enjoyed the most making you cum as he did as well.
-now is time for daddy to take care of you darling-
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
Hello!! 4, 16, 19 and 27 for the weirdly specific asks ♥️
Hello Kay, always a pleasure to see you here 😌🍄
4: mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Humm, probably creatures like the Kraken, Leviathans, or even some weird mermaid-like creature. The ocean is so vast and ancient, and we know virtually nothing about it. Who knows what's lurking in the deep waters?
(Also, I do subscribe to your idea of dragons! biologically speaking is not impossible for some type of reptilian that spits fire to have existed. Maybe not the wings but who am I to say?)
16: thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Love mint-choco combo, not a fan of it in cookie/biscuit form. But mint-choco ice-cream?? Min-choco hot cocoa?? Yum yum yum. We love it.
19: the veggie you dislike the most?
Hummm, tbh I'm extremely picky and veggies will forever be my boulder to push. I'm trying to slowly incorporate more veg into my diet, but it's hard. The one I absolutely can't stand in any way, shape, or form, would be lentilles. Or brussel sprouts. I just can't.
27: what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
Back pants, black inner top, with a black sheer knit long sleeve - I've had that shirt for yearss and it's my favourite. During summer I'll just wear a cute brallette under it. I always feel hot af haha. Or black pants with a square-neck cleavage white long sleeve (another favourite shirt). Maybe a red or mustard yellow shirt if I want some colour. Or royal blue! With black boots or converse and a black jacket or coat. If I'm at home, sweatpants and a hoodie it is.
Did I mention I like black? 🖤
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trashpandacafe · 1 year
Crumbs in my brallette is a tear jerker.
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noeliamitchell · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: aerie Brallette.
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daydreaming-juna · 9 months
even just your hand and knee are hot wtf
Thank you 😉 but I was feeling far from hot behind the camera 😂 Just me in a old lady style pajama shorts that are ready for the trash, a sporty brallette for the top and finally all covered in dust and paint droplets + sweating buckets ( I guess I was hot at least in one sense of the word 😅)
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lizg4ever · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Eyelash laced ribbed brallette.
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tortorellashop · 1 year
Abbigliamento Allattamento in Italia: Comfort e Stile per le Mamme
L'allattamento è un momento prezioso per le mamme e i loro piccoli, e l'abbigliamento adeguato può rendere questa esperienza ancora più piacevole. In Italia, l'abbigliamento allattamento offre una combinazione di comfort, praticità e stile per le mamme che desiderano alimentare i loro bambini con facilità e senza rinunciare alla moda. Esploriamo le opzioni disponibili e come l'abbigliamento allattamento sta diventando una tendenza sempre più diffusa nel paese.
Comfort e Accessibilità
L'abbigliamento allattamento è progettato per offrire comfort e facilità di accesso al seno durante l'allattamento. I capi di abbigliamento allattamento in Italia spaziano da tuniche e top a maglie e vestiti appositamente progettati. Solitamente, questi capi presentano aperture discrete o bottoni nella zona del seno, consentendo alle mamme di allattare in modo discreto e comodo.
Inoltre, l'uso di tessuti morbidi e elasticizzati garantisce un'aderenza confortevole senza costringere o irritare il seno sensibile. I capi di abbigliamento allattamento italiani sono pensati per adattarsi alle diverse fasi del corpo postpartum, fornendo un sostegno adeguato e adattandosi ai cambiamenti del busto durante il periodo di allattamento.
Stile e Versatilità
L'abbigliamento allattamento in Italia si distingue per il suo stile moderno e alla moda. Le mamme possono trovare una vasta gamma di opzioni che si adattano al loro stile personale, dai capi casual ai look più eleganti. Gli abiti allattamento sono progettati per apparire come capi tradizionali, con tagli e design attuali che si adattano alle tendenze della moda.
Inoltre, l'abbigliamento allattamento offre versatilità alle mamme. Molti capi possono essere indossati anche dopo il periodo di allattamento, poiché le aperture o i bottoni possono essere nascosti o camuffati. Ciò significa che le mamme possono investire in capi che dureranno nel tempo e non saranno limitati solo al periodo di allattamento.
Facilità di Acquisto e Variegata Scelta
In Italia, l'abbigliamento allattamento è diventato sempre più accessibile grazie alla varietà di opzioni disponibili sul mercato. Le mamme possono trovare capi allattamento presso negozi specializzati, boutique online e grandi magazzini. La scelta è ampia, con numerosi marchi italiani e internazionali che offrono capi progettati appositamente per le esigenze delle mamme che allattano.
Per maggiori informazioni.:-
prodotti per la cura della mamma online
abbigliamento allattamento Italia
acquistare online brallette per l'allattamento
acquistare reggiseno premaman online
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just got a fruity brallette that hopefully fit my tiddies perfectly
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eastcoastpikeplace · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Free People | Grey Lace Brallette.
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drunk-n-fuck · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Free People see through Hooded Poncho.
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okay jeff garlin just opened up about bipolar disorder and got kicked off his show for......harrassment??'
in the dream.....well it was a LONG dream. But we were on a school bus/big van on a school trip to the philharmonics and our bus crashed cause some kid flipped the emergency thing. Anyway, we were crashed and jeff garlin was......nearby? i guess he just stumbled upon the bus and he likes kids so he thought there would be kids but really everyone was my age
Anyway he came on and did comedy and told jokes but ended up sitting with me for the majority of the ride and i was wearing a white frilly short dress with crinoline and everything. Looked like a first communion ballerina. But when he was about to leave and i asked him for a picture and the iphone was about to die so i was doing in quick but in the camera i was wearing my grey brallette and i didnt know?? so then after i took the pic i was like omg i look so hot, thats why he sat with me. Like he was a grown man looking at my boobs??
There were other themes of pedophilia. A young girl found a pair of panties on the ground and lied and said "these are mine, can u throw them out" because she didnt want one of the creepy bus attendants to keep it and jerk off to it. He was like "are you sure its yours?, cause if not i can take it for further inspection, let me hold it in my hands" and she was like NO, throw it OUT.
So much other shit bro. Including actual shit. Like at one point these fucking little girls but not that little lmao were playing a "game" where they wore all black, snuck around on the floor and wiped literal shit on our ankles and the bottom of our clothes. It was so fucking disgusting like....i cant even....i dont even. There were these sponges in the seat pockets so i was trying to wet mine with some random girls drink and wipe it off but instead of moving forward and attacking other parts of the bus they were just hitting me cause i kept removing it. Like sorry im not gonna keep shit on my pants it smells so bad GO AWAY but they were basically like, well its supposed to be a challenge, stop wiping it off.
So i moved forward in the bus to get away from them but also to warn my other friends. Btw lots of sixth grade characters. Hailey was there and apparently we both went on tour. It was chilly bc people were complaining about traveling and kins and i were like "bro we literally did this in a tiny sprinter in 102 degree heat count ur blessings"
We kept stopping at motels but not staying at them cause they were too small and gross. We ended up missing the philharmonic show, out teacher/chaperone was so done lol she was pissed. Everything kept going wrong. There were additional celebrity guests.
There were cute boys who we were all wrestling with in the rain and being cute with. It was giving school trip vibes but im popular and friends with all the cute boys.
I dont know what state we were in, but we were on the bus and time kept passing like it was almost 11pm and the sun was still HIGH in the sky. It was so eerie and weird. I was like we're not in alaska whats going on broooo.
Umm....trying to think of more. When we finally arrived at a place all the florida fam was there and it was a rich mansion, i lost my class and then one of the workers at this luxery villa directed me to my mom and suddenly i was just like....with family trying to explain the crazy time i'd had. There was a movie playing on a projector screen in front of this big pretty heated pool. We were planning to watch a movie but there was a dance group performance on the screen first.
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jodilee1211 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lace Overlay Bralette.
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beyondshoping · 2 years
2020 New Sexy Women Strapless Bra Brallette Bras For Women Lingerie Cotton Breathable Tube Tops Strapless Female Underwear B0062
2020 New Sexy Women Strapless Bra Brallette Bras For Women Lingerie Cotton Breathable Tube Tops Strapless Female Underwear B0062
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sophiabarbie799 · 4 years
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the-other-girl-here · 5 years
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She is not perfect, yet she doesn’t care.
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