#bravery network online
mouse-wife · 9 months
if u missed my stream yesterday, i tried to boot up bravery network online just to mess around with singleplayer for a bit. if you haven’t heard of the game it’s a turn based competitive game that plays a lot like pokemon at the competitive level. it also has a gorgeous art style and incredible music. it never really blew up, but it had its dedicated fans and i liked it quite a lot back when it came out.
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sadly it turns out that game’s servers went offline around march of this year! and the game can’t even run singleplayer without being online so the game at this point is just a text box that tells you servers are down. trying to look at the game’s website and the collective that made the game’s website they’ve both been turned into obvious spam.
so i spent an hour or so delving through the games (now mostly inactive) discord server and tried to learn what i can. the devs have been completely silent on social media for about 2 years, but someone who emailed the lead dev damian about the servers received a reply.
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it’s weird damian said this since the servers have been down for about 9 months now with zero communication and the steam page for the game still remaining up with no indication the game is completely nonfunctional. i dont think anyone is trying to run a scam here or anything since refunds exist, but it is kinda shitty and unprofessional.
besides that the game’s last real appearance was on beastie ball’s kickstarter page showing damian as a collaborator.
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people on the discord were happy to see the game acknowledged on any level. i am too.
i really loved bravery network online. i didn’t spend too much time with it, but i had a LOT of hope for what that game could become. they made a game like competitive pokemon WAY more accessible and in my opinion more fun. despite the hardships the game had i tried to be as positive as i could about it, but at this point i’m really disappointed that nobody could be bothered to stamp an “on indefinite hold” on the steam page. or worst case scenario just delist it. if possible i would hope some kind of offline patch would be made, or even some way to let the game run peer to peer but with how much of the system was server-side i have no idea how much of that is possible.
really i just want to post about this here because i don’t know how long the discord server will hold out. it’s not completely dead, but its far from active. it’s impossible to say how long any pages or servers or anything attached to this game will stick around. please know that this game mattered to me and some other people quite a lot. that’s all.
if you want to see a bit of the game i did stream it back when it was still around. theyre some of my first streams so theyre probably not great, but hey its not like u can go play it yourself
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Hey do you have a sona or something cuz I kind of want to draw the syringe magical girl thing and I think it'd be cool
I don’t- wait no I kinda do. I mean I made this ages ago for a specific game community but I still use a pic of her as a steam avatar so sure why not. It’s the closest I got so if you want to use her go ahead ^w^
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halucygeno · 7 months
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Belated Valentine's day drawing - Clint (doing his best Nightingale impression) and Keiban from Bravery Network Online!
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mariacallous · 1 month
A Bulgarian woman boxer’s defeat at the Olympics has inflamed ongoing disputes about gender identity issues, triggering discriminatory rhetoric from politicians and media misinformation.
Controversy over an old source of discord has erupted again in Bulgaria after Lin Yu-ting of Taiwan defeated Bulgarian woman boxer Svetlana Kamenova Staneva at the Olympics featherweight quarter-final in Paris at the weekend.
Media commentators and politicians have spread ill-informed stereotypes and encouraged discriminatory rhetoric, according to media experts.
There had already been controversy internationally over the inclusion in the Paris Olympics of Lin Yu-ting and Imane Khelif of Algeria, who had previously been disqualified by another sporting body, the International Boxing Association, from 2023’s boxing World Championships for failing gender eligibility tests. 
The International Olympic Committee, however, questioned the reliability of these tests.
During Sunday’s bout, Kamenova raised the gender question openly by forming the letter “X” with her hands, symbolising female XX chromosomes, while her coach, Borislav Georgiev, held up a banner with the slogan: “Save Woman Sports” (sic). He later claimed that the Bulgarian fighter “was robbed” and referred disparagingly to Lin Yu-ting as “a creature”.
After the fight, Bulgarian President President Rumen Radev joined the fray, saying that Kamenova Staneva “found bravery in fighting not only for victory in what people considered a lost game but also standing up for normalcy”. 
The Bulgarian Olympic Committee criticised the decision to allow Yu-ting and Khelif to participate at the tournament. 
News media and major TV channels – including some credible outlets – also piled in, referring to Yu-ting and Khelif as “transsexuals” and as “intersex” persons, even though they were born female. The controversy even briefly overshadowed Bulgaria’s long-running governance crisis and the difficulties in combatting wildfires across the country.
Many local media outlets cited a statement supportive of Kamenova issued by a Bulgarian organisation reportedly calling itself the Network for Protecting Women’s Rights. 
However, no source for the statement could be traced and the organisation has no online presence. 
The coverage of the dispute prompted the Association for European Journalists – Bulgaria to accuse the country’s media of “negligent” behaviour.
“Under-researched and stereotypical coverage of such topics not only fuels homophobia and misogyny; it may serve external interests to destabilise democracy but could also have a severe impact on the mental state of various groups and individuals. Unfortunately, even respectable outlets were repeatedly negligent in covering the matter,” it said in a statement.
‘Complete disregard for the facts’
The bout in Paris has only highlighted deeper problems with gender issues in Bulgaria, journalist Peter Georgiev of sports podcast Victoria told BIRN.
“For years, Bulgarian society has been extremely sensitive to sex and gender issues, but opinions are often ill-informed. In the case of Khelif and Yu-ting, a number of coaches, politicians and even professional sports commentators reacted emotionally to Kamenova’s loss, showing little understanding of terms such as transgender and intersex,” Georgiev told BIRN. 
“Their complete disregard for the facts and public outrage amplified misinformation and fuelled a wave of unjustified hatred,” he added.
Georgiev sees the case as representative of a wider failure by the media and society to properly tackle gender issues: “This is especially disappointing because it shifts the attention away from the very real debate about fairness in sports,” he said.
He noted that the dispute between the International Olympic Committee and the International Boxing Association also caused problems for the boxers themselves.
“The fight between the IOC and international bodies governing boxing illustrates how much athletes suffer, physically and mentally, when there’s no consensus on the eligibility criteria,” Georgiev said.
The IBA’s president, Umar Kremlev, a Russian sports businessman and well-known ally of Vladimir Putin, has repeatedly asserted that the association’s test revealed that the boxers had XY chromosomes, giving them a testosterone advantage over other women fighters. The IOC has contested this, saying the testing was “so flawed that it’s impossible to engage with it”.
Politicians play on gender anxieties
In Bulgaria, the issue of gender has often been used and misused for political purposes. 
Since 2017, the so-called Istanbul Convention, a Council of Europe convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, has often been interpreted, especially by conservative and anti-Western voices, as promoting LGBTQ+ rights and as focusing on a definition of gender as a social construct rather than a biologically determined factor. 
This has been a main talking point for two of Bulgaria’s pro-Russian parties, the far-right Revival and the left-wing Bulgarian Socialist Party, which in 2023 called for a “referendum on gender ideology”. 
Arguments that liberal reforms might undermine Bulgaria’s “traditional values” and promote the rights of sexual or gender minorities were used against the passage of amendments to the Law on Domestic Violence.
In the last few years, controversial court rulings have limited the rights of transgender people in Bulgaria.
Politicians are using the latest boxing controversy as fuel for their populist rhetoric. Centre-right GERB party member and former Sports Minister Krassen Kralev wrote on his personal social media accounts, before the match started, that it was “the most shameful page in the history of the IOC”.
After the match, Kralev criticised the “pink-liberal sect in Bulgaria” for defending the Taiwanese contestant and congratulated Kamenova Staneva for standing against “that thing from Taipei” and calling the match “fixed”. 
There has been no indication that Kralev might face legal action for hate speech. Meanwhile, the Bulgarian Olympic Committee has not challenged the outcome of Sunday’s match.
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hero-israel · 1 year
Now 30 years after "Schindler's List" came out, I give you the worst article ever written about it.
Join me for a wallow in the depths of Extremely Online lefty pseudointellectualism and Awareness Raising.
"For all its pathos and earnestness, the movie is too glib in its handling of the Nazis. The concentration camp commandant, Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes), is a sadistic monster who performs cinematic and dramatic acts of brutality to signal to the viewer that he is pure evil."
Yes, the movie sure was unfair to Amon Goeth. It's not like there was historical evidence of him doing exactly what they showed.
"In real life, when Nazis and their ilk are trying to gain power, they often lie about their motives or their goals, and use dog whistles to rally support. They talk incessantly about black crime rates, or, in the Nazis’ case, about Jewish crime rates, in order to create a consensus for strong-arm law-and-order policies."
The Nazis were just a warm-up act for the REAL threat: Republicans!
And, just like with Goeth, I guess this movie doesn't actually show what Nazis were like in real life. I guess when Adolf Hitler promised in 1922 that he would exterminate all the Jews, that wasn't real life, that was a wandering variant from "Across the Hitlerverse." And speaking of superhero movies:
"But you don’t need to deconstruct Nazi ideology or understand racist dog whistles to condemn the Nazis in “Schindler’s List.” You just need to watch as Goeth takes up a sniper position and shoots anyone in the camp who happens to pause for a rest. It’s no harder than rooting against Lex Luthor or the Joker."
This drivel was published 5 years ago, so the author had to have been like 17 at the time and is just barely out of college now, right? Right??? (*checks*) NO WAY, HE'S 52, ARE YOU FOR REAL??!
"The Jewish people in the film don’t try to resist or kill their German oppressors. They don’t even express much in the way of hatred or resentment... Jewish people are always object lessons, never conscious teachers. No Jewish character criticizes or explains the evils of Nazi propaganda. These Jews never talk about how they experience prejudice, or what they would need to fight it.... the Jews around Schindler only beg him to save their relatives, or praise him for his bravery. They never insist on their rights."
Well, there was that Jewish architect in the camps who talked back to Goeth for a second about how the barracks would collapse and he immediately had her killed. The movie is about people having been ALREADY ghettoized by a for-real genocidal regime once the genocide program is under way. Where was there supposed to be a dramatic lecture? And what Jew would have given one, to which Nazi, in which fucking ACTUAL GHETTO?
Again and again, this screen-addled, zero-life-experience baby WHO IS SOMEHOW 52 YEARS OLD WTF fails to confront the horrors of true Jewish history because his only frame of reference has been Twitter arguments about how sleeping with a mattress is secretly white supremacy.
"The targets of fascism are the people best able to express what is happening to them, and what they need to fight it. But “Schindler’s List” presents victims as supplicants. It doesn’t model any way to show support for journalist Jemele Hill, who fell out with her network for saying that Trump is a white supremacist. It doesn’t push you to show solidarity when anti-racist activists demand that Confederate monuments be taken down. It doesn’t tell you that anti-fascist actions are important — even when they disrupt someone’s meal. The virtuous victims in “Schindler’s List” never protest. Because of this kind of representation, it’s easy for people to claim that protesters aren’t virtuous."
.........Or! OR! Hear me out here. Or maybe, just maybe, there could be another reason why the Holocaust doesn't look like a good match for someone being fired from ESPN, or for well-fed comfortable people protected by the rule of law yelling at a White House press secretary. Without checking - without doing even a five-second Google search - I am willing to declare as an absolute immutable fact of the universe that Noah Berlatsky considers Sarah Huckabee Sanders to be more dangerous, more fascist, and more Nazi-like than he does Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The overall mentality is that real life must be a screenplay - according to Berlatsky's written cues. Real life must be cinematic - according to Berlatsky's direction. And anything that differs from Berlatsky's internal script - "AOC uses the Infinity Gauntlet to stop voter ID laws which are the new Nazism" - is simply not credible as real life, as real history, and must be discarded and replaced by more of what he saw on Twitter.
After a long lecture, of course.
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slitherpunk · 4 months
punching the floor about how bravery network online ended up
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red-carter · 4 months
HEHE you opened up the ask box so here we GO-
Compliment: I admire the boldness and bravery you had to reach out to me to say hi!! That’s a scary thing, my dude!
A story (a real one because I suck at doing quick fiction ones on the fly): A friend and I realized at college that if I tucked myself up pretty tightly, I could sit on a storage-shelf-thing that she had on the back of her bike. So for a good several months she would ride around on her bike with me hitchhiking a ride on the back and grinning at people as we zipped past. It was very fun 😆
Why I follow you: Primarily, because I’m so thankful that you follow me, but also because it’s clear that we share so many of the same interests! I want to see what you unearth on this crazy platform 🤩
A cute message: You have no idea how PROUD of you I felt when I saw that you posted art on the discord, since you told me you were nervous about talking on there. Good for you!!
One thing I want to tell you: I’m so happy that we’re chatting ❤️ I am a huge chatter and I get happier the more I chat with people 😆 so it meant a lot to me when you reached out. I don’t have a huge social network irl aside from a few college friends and my siblings, so it makes me SO happy when people choose to talk to ME, ME of all people, online 🤩
Finally, a thing I want to know about you: what’s your favorite color, favorite music genre, and do you prefer movies or tv shows? (And depending on which one, what shows/movies do you like?)
Oh my goodness- Thank you so much! Reaching out really was scary, but I'm so glad I did! Thank you! <3
I love that, that actually sounds like so much fun!
Hahaha, the same goes to you, granted, mostly just to see what all we share sounds awesome to me. I'm sure I'll be bound to come across many crazy things- can't wait to share!
Stoooppp Imma cry. But yeah! I got a bit comfy when we was talking, gave me enough courage to send it. Was scary, but I'm proud of myself as well, thank you so much.
Aaaahhhh! Absolutely same! I love chatting, and my IRL friends are well- I constantly forget are my friends sometimes. I have a lot of people I can talk to, and fewer that I can hang out with. I've always been more of an online person (been mostly online since late middle school). So it always makes me happy to find others who share interests with me and also wanna talk with myself as well. It's- It's really nice!
My favorite color would have to be any shade of blue! Close seconds would have to be green and purple though. More of like a mint ish green, more of that muted color? Not too bright, or neon green is great. Purple, either lilac, or dark vibrant purple. Music genre is a bit tricky. Since I listen to quite a variety and they're all so amazing. If this counts as a genre, I'd say music that people make for content creators. Otherwise, I guess pop? They're all great tho. Goodness- I love movies, a lot easier to binge and just watch and finish. Horror films are great, and I can't watch psychological learned that the hard way-, though I love romance and action just as much. I actually just watched Damsel last night, and oh my god- I loved it. Sad, but really good! TV shows, I love as well, mostly anime though. One Piece is one of my favs, along with ERASED, Fruits Basket, and some more. I can't pick between the two. They're all so amazing.
What about you on favorite movies/shows?
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hello :) i found your account because i am a teen interested in a career in scientific illustration. can you tell me more about it? and respectfully i would like to ask: is it a viable career? thank you and i wish you all the best 🪴😊
[Velwyrm: Hello and welcome!
And yes, it certainly is and has been for hundreds of years! Important career for all sorts of reasons and still heavily used.
Honestly I’m mostly in the sciences than I am in the art world, even though I draw nearly every day, but I know that it’s very much recommend to have a degree in Biology/Botany/Zoology (like I’m doing currently) especially if you’re going into the medical sciences for Sci-Illustration.
I feel like, personally if you aren’t in a position where you are already in the science world (e.g. museum work, science magazine work, etc), and aren’t currently doing an art degree (which can also be an in for this kind of work) then you can still become a Sci Illustrator, it’ll just a more of an awkward, harder and longer journey unless you’re lucky. Like with any Bio & Art career, you need study your subjects hard & be well-practiced.
People can get snapped up by companies on Instagram etc. for an artist’s independent work, but this is very rare and you usually need a large following. It’s never worked for me, and I wouldn’t recommend hoping that one day someone will notice you 10 years down the line. I’d still keep a port folio regardless of what you decide to do though.
So, a good place to start out completely without a very expensive degree (which is very much worth it, providing you network with people and gain as much experience/oppertunities as possible too) is to practice, and practice, and practice. Go out in nature and sketch/paint, draw copies of animal photos online or in nature books, take Skill Share courses. I would recommend this especially because if they give you a certificate at the end, then you can mention it on your CV. Shows that you’re going out of your way to learn.
If you’re confident, then another good place to help build your CV would be to contact charity organisations (linked to animals or plants) through Linked In or their own websites, offer to illustrate some things for them with your artwork attached.
Charities often appreciate any help they can get, are usually nice to work with, and it’ll give you some professional experience. If they turn you down then, hey, you can still ask them where to improve and who to seek out next.
I only have a diploma in Animation as the highest level of an art degree, but I would also look online to see any if there are remote (work at home) Sci Illustration degrees, or if your local colleges or universities offer them (mine do not) then you’ve got a clear path.
This might be very messy to read but I hope it gave you some starting points, that I, myself would take if not for the current path I’m going down. I’m still planning to take some skill share courses myself! Our ability to learn and grow is immeasurable.
Even just reading this and reaching out: Congrats! You’re already well on your way to becoming a scientific illustrator! Now use that bravery to reach out to charities or colleges and go get that career 💖]
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star wars the resistance uprising
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star wars the resistance uprising, the set in first order-resistance war aka third galactic civil war, every 16 story, that's how they fought against the first order the reborn of the galactic empire after they reaction to starkiller base planet destroyed any planets across the galaxy as they join the small secretive private military force know as the resistance force to against the reborn galactic empire the first order, art style: any art animation style, rated: everyone to mature.
star wars the gun sword breaker. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: medabots style. main characters: mekussmessiah the male shooting blader humanoid robot.
star wars the wolf knight. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: neopets style. main characters: jermund the male knight humanoid wolf.
star wars the penguin attack. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: club penguin art style. main characters: max the male police penguin.
star wars the among the order. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: among us/henry stickmin style. main characters: dot the friendly slug alien.
star wars the plant planet. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: hey pikmin style. main characters: moilmaro twin male & female good kind like human twin.
star wars the ninja destiny. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: ninjala art style. main characters: katajala ninja clan.
star wars the ray star. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: rayman art style. main characters: raylee the male fun loving ray alien.
star wars the tomorrowland. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: tomorrowland art style. main characters: frank wal jiki the male genius human scientist.
star wars the secret network. rated: the teen rated. art style: tron art style. main characters: beck que tronoi the male online avatar program.
star wars the caribbean core. rated: the teen rated. art style: pirates of the caribbean art style. main characters: jack the male freelander human pirate.
star wars the fantastic fantasy. rated: the teen rated. art style: harry potter/fantastic beasts art style. main characters: newt pott hanoi the fantastic human wizard.
star wars the neo program. rated: the teen rated. art style: the matrix (movie) art style. main characters: neoero the neo master programmer.
star wars the vampire revenge. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: v rising art style. main characters: vampina twins the male vampire twins.
star wars the chain castle. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: castlevania art style. main characters: belmontom the male hunter human man.
star wars the attack on the sith. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: attack on the titan art style. main characters: rioeast the male muscle titan beast man.
star wars the titan legend. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: titanfall/apex legends art style. main characters: reduces the male cyborg gunman titan man.
Star Wars: The Resistance Uprising
In the midst of the First Order-Resistance conflict, "Star Wars: The Resistance Uprising" follows a diverse group of individuals as they band together to fight against the reborn Galactic Empire. Spanning sixteen captivating stories, the series showcases their bravery and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
Art Style: The series features a variety of art animation styles, each carefully selected to bring a unique visual flair to every episode.
Rating: From family-friendly adventures to more mature themes, "Star Wars: The Resistance Uprising" offers something for everyone with a rating ranging from Everyone to Mature.
Here are the first 16 stories:
The Gun Sword Breaker
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Medabots
Main Characters: Mekussmessiah
The Wolf Knight
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Neopets
Main Characters: Jermund
The Penguin Attack
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Club Penguin
Main Characters: Max
Among the Order
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Among Us/Henry Stickmin
Main Characters: Dot
The Plant Planet
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Hey Pikmin
Main Characters: Moilmaro
The Ninja Destiny
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Ninjala
Main Characters: Katajala
The Ray Star
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Rayman
Main Characters: Raylee
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Tomorrowland
Main Characters: Frank Wal Jiki
The Secret Network
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Tron
Main Characters: Beck Que Tronoi
The Caribbean Core
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Pirates of the Caribbean
Main Characters: Jack
The Fantastic Fantasy
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Main Characters: Newt Pott Hanoi
The Neo Program
Rated: Teen
Art Style: The Matrix
Main Characters: Neoero
The Vampire Revenge
Rated: Gore Mature
Art Style: V Rising
Main Characters: Vampina Twins
The Chain Castle
Rated: Gore Mature
Art Style: Castlevania
Main Characters: Belmontom
The Attack on the Sith
Rated: Gore Mature
Art Style: Attack on Titan
Main Characters: Rioeast
The Titan Legend
Rated: Gore Mature
Art Style: Titanfall/Apex Legends
Main Characters: Reduces
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PALESTINE—Last month, our friends at the Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC) held an online event to highlight the bravery and resilience of Palestinian women amidst ongoing settler pogroms in towns such as Duma and Almughayer. The event featured direct testimonials from women who have defended their families and homes from Israeli settlers. Speakers also told of violations of international humanitarian law occurring in these regions by Israeli occupying forces.
Through this events and other activities, WCLAC aims to address the causes and consequences of gender-based violence within the Palestinian community as well as the gender-specific effects of increasing militarization associated with the Israeli occupation.
Follow WCLAC to learn more about their advocacy for women in Palestine: https://www.instagram.com/wclac.palestine/
Learn more about our support of WCLAC through our sister organization, the Cultures of Resistance Network: https://culturesofresistance.org/groups-we-support/womens-centre-palestine/
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jane from bno
First of all, Smash.
Second of all, anon who knows what Bravery Network Online is, who are you??? I miss that game so much I want it to be resurrected and development to continue somehow
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halucygeno · 9 months
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Happy new year, Bravery Network Online!
(Too tired to finish this, and if I did it tomorrow... well, it wouldn't be a new year's celebration anymore, would it?)
Character designs by Guillaume Singelin and OKAYKELLYK.
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moonkidshome · 4 months
Buy Super Adventure Climbing Frame Online @ Moon Kids Home - @ UAE
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The Super Adventure Climbing Frame is a sprawling, multi-tiered play structure designed to ignite children's imaginations and spark their sense of adventure. It stands tall and proud, beckoning young explorers to scale its heights and discover the wonders it holds. Each level of the climbing frame presents new challenges and opportunities for exploration.
At its base, the indoor climbing frames are anchored firmly to the ground, ensuring stability and safety as children embark on their journey. From there, a network of sturdy ramps, ladders, and platforms extends upward, offering a variety of routes for children to ascend. Wide slides provide thrilling descents from the uppermost reaches, while rope bridges sway gently in the breeze, daring adventurers to test their balance and bravery.
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wolfkid888-blog · 4 months
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Shadows in the Network
In the concrete jungle of tech and steel,
Where screens glow bright and darkness conceal,
There roams an influencer, Little Red Riding Hood,
Adventurous, bold, and up to no good.
Her red hood, a symbol of her digital might,
Guiding her way through the city at night,
But lurking in shadows, a wolf does wait,
An online predator, fuelled by hate.
He hides in chat rooms and friendly feeds,
Where innocence meets danger, and fear breeds,
Tracking her every move with cunning precision,
A stalker hidden, with a dark mission.
Little Red, with her followers aplenty,
Posts selfies and stories, her fame ascending,
Unaware of the wolf's insidious chase,
In the world of cyberspace, a perilous place.
But as the night falls, and the city sleeps,
The wolf draws near, his goal to creep,
Preying on her trust, her vulnerability,
A calculating game of digital savagery.
Still Little Red, with her power untold,
Resists against the wolf, brave and bold,
Through firewalls strong and passwords tight,
She turns the tables on the wolf's dark plight.
For within the ancient tale of old,
Lies the truth of stories untold,
Of bravery and wit, in a world so cold,
Where Little Red Riding Hood's tale is retold.
Over the labyrinth of wires and digital streams,
She finds her way, and achieves her dreams,
A new heroine in a digital age,
Where the wolf's howls vanish, and she turns the page.
It's not the predator that wins the fight,
But Little Red, with her fire so bright,
For in the world of screens and bytes,
She finds her voice and claims her rights.
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hammadchauhdary · 6 months
3 Best In-Demand Skills for Recruiters
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What are In-demand skills?
In-demand skills for recruiters encompass curiosity, efficiency, bravery, communication skills, and adaptability. Curiosity drives recruiters to explore new talent avenues and uncover hidden talents, while efficiency enables them to manage tasks effectively, reduce recruitment costs, and enhance the candidate experience. Bravery encourages recruiters to challenge traditional hiring practices, innovate, and adapt to changing market dynamics.
Strong communication skills are crucial for building rapport, conveying expectations, and fostering understanding with candidates and stakeholders. Lastly, adaptability allows recruiters to thrive in response to industry trends, technological advancements, and organizational changes, ensuring competitiveness and agility in the dynamic recruitment landscape.
Introduction to Recruitment
Recruitment stands as a pivotal pillar supporting the success and growth of any organization. A recruiter plays a vital role in driving this process by identifying, attracting, and securing the best talent to meet the diverse hiring needs and strategic objectives of my company. The landscape of recruitment has evolved substantially over the years, shaped by technological advancements, shifting job market dynamics, and changing candidate expectations. 
In this comprehensive article, I will delve deeper into the top three in-demand skills that recruiters must master to excel in this dynamic and competitive field. These in-demand skills not only encompass traditional recruitment techniques but also embrace innovative approaches, digital transformation, and a deep understanding of human behavior and organizational culture. 
Role of Recruiters in the Hiring process
Recruiters are essential in identifying and attracting potential candidates for job openings. They post job ads, network, and sometimes even headhunt to find the right fit. They screen candidates through resume reviews, interviews, and skill assessments to ensure they meet the job requirements. Recruiters also focus on creating a positive candidate experience by maintaining clear communication, providing feedback, and facilitating the onboarding process for new hires.
Additionally, recruiters collaborate closely with hiring managers to understand the job requirements and organizational culture, ensuring alignment in candidate selection. They also play a crucial role in promoting diversity and inclusion by implementing unbiased recruitment practices and sourcing candidates from diverse backgrounds. In essence, recruiters play a pivotal role in driving the hiring process, from sourcing to onboarding, and contribute significantly to the organization’s success by attracting and selecting top talent.
The evolving landscape of Recruitment
The recruitment landscape has undergone substantial transformations in recent years, propelled by technological advancements and shifting candidate preferences. Traditional recruitment methods, like posting job advertisements and conducting face-to-face interviews, have become outdated and insufficient. Recruiters are now tasked with harnessing the power of social media platforms, online job portals, and data analytics to effectively attract, engage, and assess potential candidates.
Furthermore, the rise of remote work and virtual interviews due to global circumstances has introduced new challenges and complexities. Recruiters must now be adept at utilizing virtual communication tools, understanding remote work dynamics, and evaluating candidates’ suitability for remote roles. Embracing these changes and adapting to the evolving landscape is crucial for recruiters to stay ahead, remain competitive, and successfully navigate the multifaceted world of modern recruitment.
Top 3 In-demand skills for Recruiters
1: Curiosity
Curiosity is a foundational and one of the in-demand skills for recruiters, driving them to explore new avenues for talent sourcing beyond traditional methods and encouraging them to ask insightful questions to understand candidates’ motivations and aspirations deeply. This inquisitive mindset fosters adaptability and innovation, enabling recruiters to anticipate industry shifts, adapt recruitment strategies proactively, and stay ahead in a dynamic job market. 
Additionally, curiosity empowers recruiters to stay abreast of emerging trends and challenges, enhancing their understanding of the job market’s current landscape. This knowledge, coupled with an empathetic approach to candidate engagement, enables recruiters to foster trust, refine the recruitment process, and ultimately, attract and select the right talent that aligns with the organization’s culture and objectives.
2: Efficiency
Efficiency is paramount and one of the in-demand skills in recruitment, enabling recruiters to manage multiple tasks effectively, prioritize strategically, and deliver timely results in a fast-paced environment. Efficient recruiters streamline processes by leveraging technology and automation, automating routine tasks, and standardizing recruitment processes to ensure consistency and transparency. They excel in prioritizing tasks based on urgency and impact, balancing workload, and adapting to changing priorities to meet hiring deadlines and targets.
Furthermore, while technology enhances efficiency, the human element remains essential; efficient recruiters prioritize building and nurturing relationships with candidates and stakeholders through personalized engagement and collaborative communication. By optimizing workflows, enhancing engagement, and focusing on relationship-building, efficient recruiters contribute significantly to attracting and securing top talent efficiently, thereby driving organizational success in the competitive job market.
3: Bravery
Bravery is essential and one of the in-demand skills in recruitment, empowering recruiters to challenge the status quo, think creatively, and make bold decisions to uncover hidden talent and drive organizational growth. It encourages recruiters to question traditional hiring practices, promote diversity and inclusion, and explore unconventional talent-sourcing avenues. 
Embracing technology and innovation, taking calculated risks based on potential and cultural fit rather than just traditional qualifications, and continuously adapting to industry trends and best practices are all aspects of bravery in recruitment. By providing a culture of bravery, recruiters can differentiate their organizations, create unique candidate experiences, and ultimately contribute significantly to attracting and securing top talent in a competitive and dynamic job market.
How to develop in-demand skills
Developing and enhancing the in-demand skills of curiosity, efficiency, and bravery requires continuous learning and self-improvement. Here are some strategies that can help recruiters sharpen these in-demand skills:
Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends, attend conferences, and participate in professional development programs. This will expand your knowledge base and keep you abreast of the latest recruitment techniques and technologies.
Networking: Build relationships with other recruiters, industry experts, and professionals in related fields. Networking provides opportunities for learning from others’ experiences and gaining insights into best practices.
Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback from candidates, hiring managers, and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement and guide your professional growth.
Embrace Technology: Familiarize yourself with recruitment tools, applicant tracking systems, and data analytics platforms. Embracing technology will enhance your efficiency and enable you to make data-driven decisions.
Case studies of successful Recruiters
To illustrate the impact of these in-demand skills, let’s take a look at two case studies of successful recruiters who have mastered curiosity, efficiency, and bravery.
Case Study 1: Jane Smith
Jane Smith, a seasoned recruiter, has consistently demonstrated curiosity by staying informed about industry trends and emerging technologies. Her inquisitive nature has enabled her to identify untapped talent pools and implement innovative recruitment strategies. Jane’s efficiency is evident in her ability to seamlessly manage multiple recruitment processes while providing an exceptional candidate experience. Her bravery is reflected in her willingness to challenge conventional hiring practices and champion diversity and inclusion within her organization.
Case Study 2: John Doe
John Doe, an experienced recruiter in the IT industry, has developed a reputation for his efficiency. Leveraging automation tools, he has streamlined the recruitment process, reducing time-to-hire and enhancing the overall candidate experience. John’s curiosity has driven him to explore new sourcing channels and experiment with data-driven candidate assessment techniques. His bravery is evident in his willingness to take risks by recommending candidates who possess transferable in-demand skills, resulting in successful placements and organizational growth.
Special Quotes for Recruiters
“Curiosity is the key to unlocking limitless possibilities in the world of recruitment.” – Anonymous
“Efficiency is not just about speed; it’s about delivering results that exceed expectations.” – Mary Johnson, HR Director
“Bravery is the fuel that propels recruiters to challenge the status quo and drive innovation in talent acquisition.” – David Thompson, Recruitment Consultant
Famous Books and Writers
If you’re looking to dive deeper into the world of recruitment and enhance your in-demand skills, here are some highly recommended books and writers to explore:
“The Art of Recruitment” by Sarah Johnson – This book provides practical insights and strategies for mastering the art of recruitment.
“Efficiency in Hiring: The Ultimate Guide” by John Smith – A comprehensive guide that offers tips and techniques for maximizing efficiency in the hiring process.
“Brave Recruitment: Embracing Fearlessness in Hiring” by Emma Thompson – This book explores the importance of bravery in recruitment and provides real-life examples of recruiters who have embraced fearlessness.
Recruitment requires a blend of essential in-demand skills such as curiosity, efficiency, and bravery. To excel in this dynamic field, recruiters must adopt a proactive approach to continuous learning, networking, seeking feedback, and leveraging technology. Continuous learning through workshops and industry publications keeps recruiters updated on the latest trends and best practices, while networking facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration with peers and industry experts.
Seeking constructive feedback fosters personal and professional growth, enabling recruiters to refine their approaches and strategies effectively. Additionally, leveraging innovative recruitment tools and technologies, such as Applicant Tracking Systems and Artificial Intelligence, streamlines processes, automates routine tasks, and enhances recruiter’s efficiency and focus on relationship-building and strategic decision-making.
By embracing these in-demand skills and proactive strategies, recruiters can navigate the complexities of modern recruitment successfully, attract top talent, and drive organizational success in an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment.
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wotr123 · 8 months
Women Empowerment NGO and Its Initiative Towards Elimination of Violence
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A women empowerment NGO acts as a moving reminder of the persistent problems that women face worldwide.  Companies such as WOTR are becoming more well-known for their wonderful work to prevent gender-based violence against women and to empower women.
WOTR Initiative Elimination of Violence Day Against Women”
A grassroots initiative aimed at bringing about good change is WOTR. Which has arisen as a beam of hope for many women around the country. This endeavour goes beyond only spreading awareness; it actively takes part in initiatives that deal with the underlying causes of violence.WOTR is dedicated to empowering women and promoting gender equality.
Education as Empowerment:
Education, in the opinion of WOTR, is essential to empowering women. Through concentrating on educational initiatives, the organisation seeks to break the cycle of discrimination and violence. Well-educated women possess the knowledge and abilities necessary to assert their rights. Challenge societal norms and aspire to their goals.
WOTR ensures that women possess the necessary abilities to establish themselves. a better future through vocational training and scholarship programmes for themselves and their communities. This programme invests in education, which has an impact on people's lives and advances society as a whole.
Economic Independence and Skill Development:
One of the main drivers of violence against women is economic dependence. In order to address this, WOTR promotes skill development. programmes that help women become financially independent and enter the workforce By gaining useful skills, women get the bravery to escape oppressive environments and make meaningful contributions to their families and society.
The project helps women obtain employment by collaborating with regional businesses and organisations. This challenges conventional gender stereotypes while simultaneously advancing economic growth. promoting a society that is more equitable and inclusive.
Legal Aid and Advocacy:
A Women empowerment NGO recognises the relevance of legal solutions in preventing gender-based violence. The programme regularly collaborates with advocates and legal experts. organisations that provide women with the support and tools they need to seek justice. Through awareness campaigns and seminars, WOTR educates women about their rights and the resources available to them during times of abuse.
WOTR has created a network of legal aid clinics to ensure that women may get information and assistance in a safe setting. By holding abusers responsible for their actions, a holistic approach benefits individual survivors while also assisting in the transformation of the system.
Community Outreach and Awareness:
A women empowerment NGO recognises the transforming power of involvement in the community. To combat discrimination and promote an equitable and respectful society, the initiative organises extensive awareness efforts. Through workshops, seminars, and community events, WOTR encourages candid conversation about the problems surrounding violence against women.
Boys and men are acknowledged in the conversation, recognising their support for the fight for gender parity. By fostering a sense of shared responsibility, WOTR aims to create a society that strongly condemns violence against women.
Online Safety Initiatives:
Online environments may either empower or endanger women in the digital age. WOTR uses digital initiatives to increase women's safety because it believes that technology can be a positive force for change. The endeavour leverages technology to tackle novel aspects of gender-based violence, ranging from creating awareness campaigns on cyberbullying to developing applications for immediate assistance.
On this Elimination of Violence Against Women Day, the Smile India Initiative serves as a powerful example of how grassroots movements may bring about real change. Through community participation, education, economic empowerment, legal assistance, and digital initiatives, WOTR is actively working to eradicate the fundamental causes of violence against women.
Projects like WOTR give hope and serve as a reminder that cooperation can create a society free from discrimination and violence against women as we consider the gains made and the challenges still to be overcome. There is a continuous march towards gender equality, and WOTR is helping to clear the path for a more promising and inclusive future.
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