#brayden grant barnes
hamptonshqpromo · 2 years
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come bring faces like ben barnes, michael b jordan, sebastian stan, nicholas galitzine,henry cavil,  darren barnet, gavin casalegno, michael evans behling, joe keery, shawn mendes, herman tommeras, xavier serrano, joseph quinn, drew starky, lalisa manoban, jennie kim, se-jeong kim, minnie mills, natalia dyer, alba baptista, ella purnell, carlacia grant, hero fiennes tiffin, aron piper, taylor zakhar, brayden bradshaw, cierra ramirez, mishti rahman, ashley moore, ryan destiny, cindy kimberly and so many more !!
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Picture Perfect Valentine’s Day
Summary: Y/N has a Valentine’s Day surprise Bucky will never forget.
Word Count: 1,135
Characters: Bucky x Reader OFC: Brayden Grant Barnes, Nat, Steve, and Wanda
Warning: None!
A/N: Bucky ALWAYS deserves happiness. Hope you like it. Feedback is welcome!
Bucky didn’t think much about holidays. His past haunted him to distraction. So, when he married Y/N, everything changed. Vibrant hues of yellow, blue, and green replaced black and gray days.
Brayden Grant Barnes, 5 years old, was Bucky’s clone. Hair, eyes, and chubby cheeks. Yep, a pint size James Buchanan Barnes.
Valentine’s Day meant a homemade card, breakfast in bed, and a hot, hot make out session AFTER Brayden goes to sleep!
This year though was different because Y/N is 8 weeks pregnant. Nat and Wanda were her “partners in crime.” They especially kept it from “Chatterbox Rogers.” Steve reminded everyone of an old refrigerator; can’t keep anything!
Nat concocted an extravagant way to tell Bucky of the impending birth of baby #2. Brayden would present his homemade card to daddy. Y/N decorated an empty room on the 8th floor. This would knock Bucky’s socks off.
Brayden left for school. Bucky dragged himself into the kitchen. No pancakes, bacon, eggs, or biscuits; simply fresh brewed coffee.
Hearing footsteps, Y/N peeped over the sofa. “Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, slept like a log.” Bucky decided against confronting his wife about breakfast.
“Good baby. Brayden’s at school. He was excited about today’s arts and crafts!!”
Grabbing an energy bar, Bucky trudged to the door. “M’gonna go. Stevie’s waiting for me in the gym.”
Still playing along, Y/N told Bucky to have a good training session.
Bucky turned back to Y/N, “Thanks Doll.”
Grabbing her phone from the table, Y/N phoned Nat. “Nattie, ‘Operation Picture Perfect’ is a go! James thought I’d forgotten  Valentine’s Day.”
“Good. I’ll pick-up Brayden from school, while you get everything ready for tonight.”
“Thanks sweetie. You and Wanda are the best.”
“Yeah, we know. Ttyl.”
After an intense workout, Bucky went home, calling Y/N. “Hey Doll, I’m home.” Silence! “Brayden are ya here?”
Running down the hall yelling, “Stevie!!! Y/N and Brayden are missing!!!!” Reaching the common room, giggling erupted.
He followed the laughing. Steve, Nat, and Brayden were engaging in a rousing game of Mario Kart Deluxe. “Hey Daddy. I’m not missing. I have something for you.”
Brayden jumped in Bucky’s lap. Pulling out a crumpled Valentine’s Day card. “Sorry it’s ugly daddy.” The word ‘happy’ had two backward ‘P’s,’ Valentine’s misspelled Valentime, a crooked cut heart colored outside the line, on pink construction paper.
“Nah buddy, it’s perfect!! Thank you so much.. M’gonna hang it on the fridge right now!!”
“Okay daddy, I love you so much!”
Bucky returned the sentiment, “Love you too buddy.”
Still clueless, Bucky asked Wanda about Y/N. “Hey Wanda, have ya seen my beautiful wife?”
Wanda smirked, “Um, I haven’t seen her. Did you check your bedroom?”
Bucky nodded ‘no.’ “I forgot. I’ll go look now. See ya later Brayden.”
“Bye daddy!!!” Brayden, Nat, and Steve continued playing Mario Kart.
Opening the bedroom door, Bucky noticed an invitation written in Y/N’s pristene handwriting.
      💗 💖       💗 💖         💗 💖     💗 💖       💗 💖       💗 💖
                       Master Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes,
Your presence is requested tonight at 2000 hours in Room 813! 
Dress code: SNAZZY!!!
Do you remember the first time we met? You and Steve were jogging in Central Park; I walked into you, dropping my coffee. You told me, “A dame ain’t ‘spose to walk and talk on a cell phone!” My answer to you, “Big, sweaty oafs should watch where they’re going!” You offered to replace the coffee and I told you to go to hell!! We ran into each other, literally, a week later. This time, you dropped your hot dog.  I called you a clumsy jerk! That was the first time I knew you were my forever love.
Here we are 9 years later, two crazy kids still in love. When you found out I was pregnant with Brayden, your solemn promise was “I’ll never go back in the field. You and Brayden are my life and I refuse to do anything to mess that up.”
And speaking of Brayden. He’s so much like you. The way you guys sit with your feet on the coffee table reading. Well you have your feet on the table; his legs aren’t long enough! That little boy loves you to the moon and beyond.
So, I wanted you to know, this stubborn woman is yours for all eternity, in life, health, love, tears till the end of my life and beyond.
Your best girl,
Y/N Y/M/N Barnes
P.S. I GOTCHA!!!!! See you soon!
💗 💖 💗 💖 💗 💖 💗 💖 💗 💖
Opening the door of Room 813,  Bucky was blown away!. On each wall was a blown up picture of his old neighborhood.
He touched the walls, fondly thinking of times gone by. One wall sported Ebbits Field. “Me and Stevie would sneak in and watch a game. Didn’t have much money back then.”
“How did’ya do all of this?” Bucky still couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Steve and Tony found pictures online and worked their magic.”
Keeping with the 1940’s theme,  Y/N wore a navy blue sailor dress, white hat and red shoes. “Wow, you’re the prettiest dame I ever laid eyes on. Are ya seeing anyone?”
“Not at the moment. Did you have something in mind, soldier?”
“Yeah, how ‘bout we grab a hot dog and Coke?
“Sure, I know just the place. C’mon.”
Near “Downtown Brooklyn” was an old hot dog stand and soda stand. “May I fix ya a dog ma’am?”
“Why thank you sir. I’ll have chili, mustard and ketchup.” Bucky assisted Y/N with her food, preparing 3 hot dogs for himself.
Clearing her throat,  Y/N placed a foil wrapped red/pink/white embroidered card on the table.
As if it were glass, Bucky slowly opened the card: a picture fell to the floor. Bucky leaned over picking it up by the corner. There, in black and white, an ultrasound image of baby Barnes #2.
Bucky rubbed his callous finger over the front, unable to form an audible sentence.
Whispering, “I-is this real? How far along are ya?”
“Yes my love. I’m 8 weeks.”
“M’gonna be a daddy again?”
Sitting on his lap, Bucky broke down. Y/N tilted his head up so she could look him in the eyes, “James, you deserve all the happiness life can give. I love you.”
  “Ya know. Our hot dogs are getting cold.” “James Buchanan Barnes, I don’t care.”
Desi Arnaz’s“We’re Having A Baby” blared from the speakers. Extending her hand, Y/N faced Bucky. “May I have this dance?”
Waltzing around ‘Brooklyn’, Y/N and Bucky laughed, dined on hot dogs, cola, chocolate chip cookies, making plans for the future. Yes, this Valentine’s Day was picture perfect.
@omalleysgirl22 @rebelslicious @suz-123 @pegasusdragontiger @papi-chulo-bucky @debzybrazy @bolontiku @supersoldierslover @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th
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Picture Perfect
Summary: Y/N has a Valentine’s Day surprise Bucky will never forget.
Word Count: 1,157
Characters: Bucky x Reader. OFC: Brayden Grant Barnes, Nat, Steve, and Wanda
Warning: None!
A/N: I’m feeling warm and fuzzy inside. So, my fics are teeth rotting fluff!
Feedback appreciated!
Bucky didn’t think much about holidays. His past haunted him to distraction. But, when he married Y/N, everything changed. Vibrant hues of yellow, blue, and green replaced black and gray days.
Brayden Grant Rogers, 5 years old, was Bucky’s clone. Hair, eyes, and chubby cheeks. Yep, a pint size James Buchanan Barnes.
Valentine’s Day meant a homemade card, breakfast in bed, and a hot, hot make out session AFTER Brayden goes to sleep!
This year though was different because Y/N is 8 weeks pregnant. Nat and Wanda were her Steve “Chatterbox” Rogers reminded everyone of an old refrigerator; can’t keep anything!
Nat concocted an extravagant way to tell Bucky of the impending birth of baby #2. Brayden would present his homemade card to daddy. Y/N decorated an empty room on the 8th floor. This would knock Bucky’s socks off.
Brayden left for school. Dragging himself into the kitchen, the smell of fresh brewed coffee greeted him. No pancakes, bacon, eggs, or biscuits. Just coffee.
Hearing footsteps, Y/N peeped over the sofa. “Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, slept like a log.” Bucky decided against confronting his wife about breakfast.
“Good, baby. Brayden’s at school. He was excited about today’s arts and crafts!!”
Grabbing an energy bar, Bucky trudged to the door. “M’gonna go. Stevie’s waiting for me in the gym.”
Still playing along, Y/N told Bucky to have a good training session.
Bucky turned back to Y/N, “Thanks Doll.”
Grabbing her phone from the table, Y/N phoned Nat. “Nattie, ‘Operation Picture Perfect’ is a go! James thought I’d forgotten Valentine’s Day.”
“Good. I’ll pick-up Brayden from school, while you get everything ready for tonight.”
“Thanks sweetie. You and Wanda are the best.”
“Yeah, we know. Ttyl.”
After an intense workout, Bucky went home, calling Y/N. “Hey Doll, I’m home.” Silence.
“Brayden, are ya here?”
Running down the hall yelling, “Stevie!!! Y/N and Brayden are missing!!!!” Reaching the common room, giggling erupted.
He followed the laughing. Steve, Nat, and Brayden were engaging in a rousing game of Mario Kart Deluxe.
“Hey Daddy. I’m not missing. I have something for you.”
Brayden jumped in Bucky’s lap. Pulling out a crumpled Valentine’s Day card. “Sorry it’s ugly daddy.” The word ‘happy’ had two backward ‘P’s,’ Valentine’s misspelled Valentime, a crooked cut heart colored outside the line, on pink construction paper.
“Nah buddy, it’s perfect!! Thank you so much. M’gonna hang it on the fridge right now!!”
“Okay daddy, I love you so much!”
Bucky returned the sentiment, “Love you too buddy.”
Still clueless, Bucky asked Wanda about Y/N. “Hey Wanda, have ya seen my beautiful wife?”
Wanda smirked, “Um, I haven’t seen her. Did you check your bedroom?”
Bucky shook his head ‘no.’ “I forgot. I’ll go look now. See ya later Brayden.”
“Bye daddy!!!” Brayden, Nat, and Steve continued playing Mario Kart.
Master Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes,
Your presence is requested tonight at 2000 hours to The Old Neighborhood Room 813.
Do you remember the first time we met? You and Steve were jogging in Central Park. I walked into you, dropping my coffee. You told me, “A dame ain’t ‘spose to walk and talk on a cell phone!” 
My answer to you, “Big, sweaty oafs should watch where they’re going!” You offered to replace the coffee and I told you to go to hell!! 
We ran into each other, literally, a week later. This time, you dropped your hot dog.  I called you a clumsy jerk! That was the first time I knew you were my forever love.
Here we are 9 years later, two crazy kids still in love. When you  found out I was pregnant with Brayden, your solemn promise was “I’ll never go back in the field. You and Brayden are my life and I refuse to do anything to mess that up.”
And speaking of Brayden. He’s so much like you. The way you guys sit with your feet on the coffee table reading. Well you have your feet on the table; his legs aren’t long enough! That little boy loves you to the moon and beyond.
So, I wanted you to know James Buchanan Barnes, this stubborn woman is yours for all eternity. I’m yours in life, health, love, tears till the end of my life and beyond.
Your best girl,
Y/N Y/M/N Barnes
P.S. I GOTCHA!!!!! Your outfit is in the closet. See you soon!
Opening the door of Room 813,  Bucky was blown away!. On each wall was a blown up picture of his old neighborhood.
He touched the walls, fondly thinking of times gone by. One wall sported Ebbits Field. “Me and Stevie would sneak in and watch a game. Didn’t have much money back then.”
“How did’ya do all of this?” Bucky still couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Steve and Tony found pictures online and worked their magic.”
Keeping with the 1940’s theme,  Y/N wore a navy blue sailor dress, white hat and red shoes. “Wow, you’re the prettiest dame I ever laid eyes on. Are ya seeing anyone?”
“Not at the moment. Did you have something in mind, soldier?”
“Yeah, how ‘bout we grab a hot dog and Coke?
“Sure, I know just the place. C’mon.”
Near “Downtown Brooklyn” was an old hot dog stand and soda stand. “May I fix ya a dog ma’am?”
“Why thank you sir. I’ll have chili, mustard and ketchup.” Bucky assisted Y/N with her food, preparing 3 hot dogs for himself.
Clearing her throat,  Y/N placed a foil wrapped red/pink/white embroidered card on the table.
As if it were glass, Bucky slowly opened the card: a picture fell to the floor. Bucky leaned over picking it up by the corner. There, in black and white, an ultrasound image of baby Barnes #2.
Bucky rubbed his callous finger over the front, unable to form an audible sentence.
Whispering, “I-is this real? How far along are ya?”
“Yes my love. I’m 10 weeks.”
“M’gonna be a daddy again?”
Sitting on his lap, Bucky broke down. Y/N tilted his head up so she could look him in the eyes, “James, you deserve all the happiness life can give. I love you.”
“Ya know. Our hot dogs are getting cold.”
“James Buchanan Barnes, I don’t care.”
Desi Arnaz’s “We’re Having A Baby” blared from the speakers. Extending her hand, Y/N faced Bucky. “May I have this dance?”
Waltzing around ‘Brooklyn’, Y/N and Bucky laughed, dined on hot dogs, cola, chocolate chip cookies, making plans for the future. 
Yes, this Valentine’s Day was picture perfect.
@rebelslicious @goodnightwife @supersoldierslover @stars8melanin @wxntersoldiers @ek823 @yknott81 @redqueen1221 @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @theunsweetenedtruth @buckywintersoldierbarnes2017
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
HottyToddy.com would like to congratulate everyone who made the Honor Roll and Dean’s List this first nine weeks of the school year.
Della Davidson Elementary School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Abraham, Luke Elias Adams, Catherine Archer Adams, Indaniya A’myani Albadry, Malak Mohamed Alderson, Michael Rel Alford IV, John Warner Allen, Hardy Vinson Amidon, Annabelle Kristin Anderson, Chloe Ryan Baeshen, Norah Ruth Beard, Bradley William Belk, Rylee Erin Bell, Valerie Denise Blackburn, Collins Brantley Blackwood, Donald James Bodie, Eden Brooks Bouldin, William Maxwell Bowling, Poppy Katherine Bragg, John Lawson Brasell, Thomas Murry Burkes, Avery Jane Burlaka, Anna Campbell, James Bryan Carlisle, Dylan Cerny Carr, Sophie Anne Chambers, Chi Tianna Tameko Chavis, Ruby Maude Chen, Winnie Clark, Hudson Truett Colby, Andrew David Collums, Paisley Isabelle Cooper, Adam Michael Cormack, Madison Leigh Cowgill, Benjamin Garrett Curry, Nilydia Nicole Dale, Lake Reed Denevan, Brody Patrick Edlin, Lydia Catherine Embry, Mamie Caldwell Farese, Alexa Perry Feltenstein, Liza Kimbrell Ferguson, Jordyn Armani Fortyz, Xander Bryce Franks, Addison Elise Fruge’, Benjamin Guy Gandhi, Sanya Manish Gary, Walker Edmond Giles, Harris Fisher Gray, Sadie Alan Green, Mary Bea Greene, Isabel Faye Hale, Mary Elena Hall, Hayden Zackery Hamilton, Judson Silas Hill, Jordan Amir Hipp, Abigail Laura Houston, Zaria Mau’Ja Hyneman, Howard Povall James, Calvin Larry Jang, Jun Jones, Eleanor Claire Jones, Molly Caroline Jones, Sawyer Reed Kariuki, Claire Ng’endo Kava, Luseane Keskin, Adem Keskin, Sibel Elizabeth King, Eleanor Anne Knef, Ava Grace Knight, Evan Dewayne Koestler, Andrew Preston Kosko, Garrett Alexander Kovachev, Martin Evgeni Laporte, Kenton James Lauzon, Kimberly Madison Levy, Lillian Vera Lewis, Julia Slade Lowery, Ellie McCay Luber, Charlotte Allen Lynch, Breannah Danielle Lynn, Tate Alden Mason, Katherine Mims McGinness, Alexandria Eve McLellan, Elizabeth Rose Meyer, Logan Charles Milton, Henry Tucker Moore, Andrew Taygen Moore, Russell Paul Morales-Romero, Brittany Michelle Morgan, D’Nijha Danielle Morris, Wyatt Bryan Myers, Carter Lewis Nemesek, Jackson James Nichols, Kelling Elizabeth Nordstrom, Katherine Crenshaw Odom, Streater Bliss Oliver, Leecie Bella Overby, Hogan Ryan Oyler, Henry Chadwick Pan, Raymond Park, Jinseo Patel, Rishi Rakesh Payne, Peyton Rowe Pegues, Madison Renae Percy, Phinizy Davis Percy, William Strong Perry, Anna Reed Pettis, Jerkeria Amyai Phillips, Preston David Putt, Harrison Gage Rainey, Elijah Edward Rajesh, Saishri Reeder, Ella Grace Reynolds, Madison Nicole Rhodes, Mary Helen Roane, Kathryn Annette Robbins, Michael Anderson Roberson, Ann Lillian Robinson, James Barrett Robinson, Rachel Lynn Rogers, Chanijah Makaila Santiago, Krizhan Wynn Tubale Schuesselin, Nancy Elaine Shaw, Zoe Elizabeth Shelton, John Mack Sherman, Gracie Jackson Sherman, Olivia Cate Shinall, Trevor Dean Shipman, Samuel Aylon Sisk, Trinity Ja’Kiya Smith, Anna Prescott Smith, Collier Elizabeth Smith, JoAnna Maize Smith, Zander Kade Snider, Kylie Anne Stein, Michael Anthony Mack Steinriede, Eleanor Catherine Still, Michael Banks Sullivan, William Russell Tatum, Cohen Hux Thompson, William Wright Toms, Pearce Pegram Tosh, Amanda Claire Trout, Davis Walker Turner, James Talmadge Turner, Sullivan Catledge Urbanek, Evan Harper Van Every, Thaxton Delane Vaughan, Graham Thomas Vega, Isabella Leigh Vincent, Ari Levi Wadlington, Keirra Lynn Waldrop, Cameron Lee Waldrop, Elise Ann Waller, Andrew Hinton Warrington, John Patrick Weaver, Dorian Jacob White, John Wilson Wigginton, Aubrey Mae Wiley, Lorelei Kathryn Wilfawn, Claire Kamryn Wilkes, Alice Gardner Williams, Ellen Kate Wilson, Loughran Samantha Woo, Yewon Youngblood, Cameron Layne Zinn, Dequan Montez
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Adams, Olandria Lashea A’layshia Agnew, Andrew Laster Alhusban, Ghaith Ali Amaya Hernandez, Noeli Nicole Anthony, Joshua Cole Armstrong, Kylan Lashun Arya, Medha Avdiienko, Anatolii Balderama, Ingrid Yamilet Ball, Camden Jace Barnes, Lela Monae Barrett, Aniston Claire Bass, Eden Derartu Beard, Mary Virginia Beauchamp, Luly Anne Bell, Jacob Taylor Bennett, Callie Grace Blackwelder, Jaxon Xander Bogue, Ali Cheyanne Bolton, Parker Elizabeth Bondurant, Stanford James Booker-Wilkins, Mary Kay Booker, Zaniyah A’Leah Booth, Stephen Armand Brannon, Ca’Mari D’Aisha Brannon, Khalisia Anaya Brownlee, Addison Elizabeth Brownlee, Olivia Gracelyn Burrell, David Lee Carroll, Thomas David Cassidy, William Garner Castillo, Yostin Yarid Cayetano, Caitlin Cayetano, Caylee Denise Centellas, Javier Enrique Certion, Kasidy Allyse Chaney, Elliott Chavis, Bazil Major Cockrum, McKenna Renee Cook, Joe Garrett Cowgill, Isabella Katherine Crain, Kennedy Clark Crouch, Campbell Cathryn Crowe, Clara Darden Cunningham, Harper Ray Davis, Brooklyn Landry Davis, Lyric Alexander Davis, Sierra Niquel Denham, Emerson Grace Dennis, Elijah Daniel Ding, Joanna Donahoe, Barrett Hardy Douglas, Grace Adin Downing, Margaret Caroline Doyle, Sean Riley Elhawy, Abdallah Khaled Elhawy, Sohila Khalid Erwin, Parker Thomas Evans, Hunter Lee Feathers, Reagan Leigh Ferguson, Cade Baxter Fields, August Flowers, Marcus Jerome Foster, Nevan David Fountain, Thomas Whittingtion Freeman, Salayah Samere Frierson, Deslyn Reann Gaia, Wesley Stephens Gammill, Brayden Thomas Gilliom, Aryanna Kenise Ginn, Micah Joseph Gist, Grayson Taylor Gray, Parker Thompson Greer, Micah Alexxander Gregory, Kingston Wells Gregory, London Jules Griffin, Clayton Rusty Wayne Hankins, Deangelo Omari Harbin, Mariah Kionna Hardenburgh, Madelyn Brooke Harrington, Sophia Clair Harris, Lainey Elizabeth Harrison, Taylor Matthew Haymans, George Stouton Helveston, Susan Patton Hendrickson, Carson Alexander Herrington, Carter Matthew Hervey, Adaysia Holcomb, Benjamin Cade Hom, Nathanael Ioan Hopper, Jeremy Campbell Hosemann, Sarah Katherine Howell, LaKayla Lauren Maree Huchin, David Alexander Hunt, Kaden Deshawn Hunter, Riley Claire Jacobs, Da’Niya Rena James, William David Jernigan, Maier Dixon Johnson, Hannah Brooke Johnson, William Jay Jones, Makinzi Gabrielle Jones, William Wesley Kelley, Caroline Jewel Kelly, Jasmine Grace King, Emily Katherine Knighton, Cohen Hoyt Le, Ryan Gia Bao Lewellen, Grady Charles Lewis, Allyson Kate Lilly, Lucy Lujie Love, Caroline Grace Lovelady, William Niles Lowe, Nicholas Wallace Luke, Harrison Thomas Maiden, Simeon Rashad Marzouk, Farida Omar Masinelli, Andrew Charles Mathis, Isaiah Contrell Mayo, John Alexander Mayo, William Bradley McCullough, Brody Cole McEwen, Kennedy Brooke McJunkins, Addyson Auraiyana McKenzie, Layton Rose McThune, Deundrea Rowmel Montgomery, Ann Luckett Morgan, Emma Hardin Najjar, Noah Joseph Nautiyal, Riddhi Neely, Robert Myril Nguyen, Phuoc James Thien Nocentino, Gabrielle May Notestone, Nancy Carole Nuon, Ian Cole Oliver, Robert Eli Owens, Chequila Aeisha MyAngel Perez Alfaro, Itzari Perry, Jamari De’Juan Phillips, Antonio Deangelo Pritchard, Serenity Juliet Radwan, Renad Ramsey, Bradley Wayne Ray, Siobhan Julia Reed, Germaine Emmanuel Roane, Braxton Jewell Robinson, Andrea Nicole Robinson, Cory Brandon Robinson, Jada Sha’Mya Rodriguez-Padilla, Stephanie Ross, Elijah James Russell, John Alden Sanchez, Alexander Cash Sankar, Deekshita B Schock, Kennedy Jo Schornhorst, Lillian Hannah Schweigart, Tryston Scott Scoggins, Ethan Sheldon, George Lawson Shepard, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Shoaf, Jack Hamilton Shows, Anderson Grady Sims, A’niyah Jhana’e Sims, Ja’Niyah Zha’Rai Singletary, Jane Anne Sisk, Hannah A’lise Smith, Chase Manning Smith, Ly’Niyah Smith, Zyterrion Spight, Xavion Y’Urijah Staten, Haley Marie Stewart, Rebecca Ann Striplin, Alli Reese Sullivan, Anna Kate Summers, Brady Eli Terrell, Destiny L Tew, Dashiel Cohen Thompson, Mariah La’Vonne Torres, Miguel Angel Travis, Savannah Grace Trimble, Tristan Nathaniel Turner, Cortez Lamont Urbina, Alex David Urbina, Gustavo Ussery, Lauren Addison Walker, James Radford Wallace, Rakerion Rickyus Watts, Kayla Marie Watts, Madalynne E Webb, Colten Joseph Wells, Reid Thornton Westmoreland, Allie Jaymes Westmoreland, Luke Chadwick Wilkins, Jayden Rashaan Wilks, Alexis Makayla Williams, Cooper Marshall Williams, Olivia Louise Williams, Sarai’ Danielle Wilson, Jussyaih Keeyunnah Wilson, Zanija Alexis Nicole Windham, John Colvin Winkler, Lily Anne Woodard, Audarrius Dewayne Yourn, Kloey Lynn Zhang, Grant Ruiyuan
Oxford Intermediate School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Adams, Lily Belden Alexander, Captain Provine Allen, Hylan Gates Arevalo, Luis Angel Bain, Samuel Stewart Baker, Harley Jayne Barr, Nelson Mandrill Berry, Caroline Lillian Bigham, Ann Hunter Boone, Pharis Louise Bourn, Mary Mills Bradley, Taylor Kate Brown, Ajzah Iyuana-Jakia Bruce, Elliot Olen Bundren, Sara Kate Byars, Mary Dale Campbell, Benjamin Marshall Cancer, Zaria Cannon, Ty’Derrius Quavieon Carleton, Carley Gray Carlisle, Connor Hugh Carroll-Gonzalez, Sophia Jeanette Cassidy, Jillian Everett Claassen, Juneau Cohen, Rachel Cohn, Sofia Grace Coleman, Sariyah Mae-Lynn Colley, Megan Elizabeth Collins, Deandre Quevon Cooper, Nathaniel Harry Covington, Blake Elliot Crenshaw, Jacob D Dabbs, Alice Kathryn Dale, Atticus Darwin Daniels, John Swayze Daugherty, Miller Michael Denham, Evelyne Lee Dennis, Jeffrey Brown Dolan, John Henry Dossett-Bridgers, Elsie James Dossett-Bridgers, Lee Tucker East, Ava Lee Edwards, Lucas David Eubanks, Nikki Mae Farese, Luke William Ferriss, Cayden Quin Floate, Wyatt Matthew Flowers, Alexander Harris Foster, Larcen Michelle Fountain, James Michael Frierson, Camaria Calyse Fruge’, Charles Mitchell Fuller, Andrevion Rayshad Gentry, Claire Renae Gililland, Hayden Claire Golden, Quevyn Javion Golmon, William Bradley Goolsby, Victoria Ann Goulet, Gilad Grafton, Carolyn Chase Grantham, Bradley Wynne Gray, Harper Elizabeth Gray, Madeline Elizabeth Greene, Samuel Thomas Greenlee Doty, Georgia Love Hamilton, Taylor Grace Harper, John Andrew Heard, Parker Madison Helsel, Maci Hemmins, Scarlet Virginia Henderson, Susanna Elise Heuer, Sam Robertson Hill, Jack Westbrook Hill, William Maxwell Hilliard, Xaikeese Deontae Hitchcock, Jonas Grey Hollinger, Christopher William Homan, Madeline Taylor Hooker, Anna Elise Houston, Walker Wyatt Hurdle, Ella Beth Ibrahim, Mennah Mohamed Ali Ivy, Jack Whitten Jones, Henry Tucker Jones, Kamari Danielle Jones, Kobe Isaiah Jones, Madison Elizabeth Jones, Zoey Denise Karahan, Elisa Fonseca Kevin, Bridgette Kirk, Benjamin Carter Koestler, Leland Matthew Langendoen, Isabelle Terezija Lawhead, Christine Elizabeth Laws, Edward Knox Le, Michelle T Lowery, Madeline Grace Luber, Miles Atchison Majumdar, Sneha Makamson, Benjamin Joseph Maloney, Brady Michael Mauney, Ellie Katherine Maxwell, Mae Covington Mayo, Ian James McClellan, Ella Catherine McCready, Carson Neal McLellan, Andrews Mitchell Meagher, Mary Lucile Beatrice Mina-Reyes, Gabriel Alexander Monroe, George Henry Moss, Lucy Claire Murthy, Prajwal Narasimha Nagle, Nicholas Ming-Rui Najjar, Adam Alexander Nichol, Thomas Osborn Noel, Mary Grace Notestone, William King Oyler, Cole Madeline Perry, Lucy Clare Randle, Ava Caroline Rayburn, Thomas Harrison Rayner, Lila Elizabeth Reeder, Emma Kathryn Ritchie, Alexandra Ingrid Roland, Elijah Sessions Salau, Fawaz Olaitan Samuels, Charles Kane Sanchez, Tomas Alessandro Schmelzer, Carson Joseph Schmelzer, Catherine Elizabeth Scott, Anne Bailey Scott, Cooper Aubrey Shaw, Annie Cade Sherman, Evelyne Graham Shipman, Mary Margaret Shorter, Addyson Grace Shows, Emily Crawford Smith, Julia Anne Smith, Sharpe Holiman Smith, Sutherland Ross Solinger, Jordan Maxwell Srinath, Navaneeth Stinnett, Brady Patrick Sudduth, Ashley Lorraine Taylor, Janiya B A Tomlinson, Vivian Anne Tschumper, Katherine Mae Tulchinsky, Jacob Tulchinsky, Payton Ann Urbanek, Kaitlyn Sanders Valliant, Wells Gregory Van Every, Everhett Hawkins Vasilyev, Vivian Scott Vega, Sarah Kendall Vijayasankar, Arjun Vo, Binh Quoc Wages, Mallory Jennings Waldrop, Fisher Wells Walker, Ava Taylor Walker, Samantha Daye Walls, Jason Kendrick Weaver, Alana Ann White, Charles S Wicker, Claire Catherine Wigginton, Georgia Gray Wilkes, Carter Broom Wilkinson, William Pratt Williamson, Alice Lindley Wilson, Ava Elizabeth Wilson, Caroline Rose Wilson, Jeremiah Windham, Byron Pearson Windham, Clayton Page Young, Grant Powell
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Abbott, Carolyn Rose Al-Ostaz, Mohannad Ahmed Allen, Walker Harrison Almutairi, Hanin Anderson, Jakeria Anderson, Seger Cappaert Anjanappa, Saurab S Aquino, Zaiden Allen Arnold, Bailey Reighn Atkinson, Landon Kyle Austin, Mariam Catherine Avery, Kanalu Olamana Baddour, Paul Marion Balkin, Gabriela Analise Banks, Cam’Ron Barry, Brooke Padgitt Barton, Katherine Louise Bass, James Tanner Bean, Z’nyla Amor Belenchia, Natalie Paige Benedict, Anna Lauren Bishop, Margaret Ann Blackwelder, Jagger Anthony Blair, Natalie Elizabeth Blount, Levi Daniel Bombelli, Nicholas Boyas, William Joaquin Brasell, Jane Saxon Brown, Madison Ann Buford, Julian Burleson, Dixie Katherine Burns, Hunter Kylen Busby, Jack Garland Busby, Mary Caroline Buschlen, Keaton Vaughn Buzareiba, Raghad Omran Caldwell, Jordan Austin Campbell, A’Yhuna Nakeyia Carmean, Evelyn Rose Carmean, Jane Reeves Carrington, Glenn Elizabeth Carter, Callie Grace Case, Olivia Linton Castillo-Tabora, Genesis Causey, Jacquelynne Jeanne Edith Certion, M’Layjah Jovian Cerveny, Andrew David Coleman, Nadia Bethanie Cope, John Grayson Cormack, Kennedy Reese Cottom, Leiaidra Mi’Joi Crocker, Timothy Ezekiel Dale, Madelyn Sophia Daniels, Annika Marie Davis, Madison Rihanna Doner, Emileigh Grace Dowling, Larkin Bernini Dudley, Jeremiah Lajordan Ealey, So’Nia Carrie Christine East, Michael Ann Eastland, Hiram C Espinoza, Jayda Sophia Estes, Wesley Brett Farmer, Marjorie Elizabeth Fassinger, Kaden Chase Felix, Matthew Ripken Finner, Christopher A J Flaschka, Max Russell Wolf Flaschka, Mollie Blair Ford, Christopher Ezekiel Fowler, Kathryn Presley Franklin, Thomas Gerald Freeman, Wyatte Holden Fuller, Kardesia Janae’ Gaia, John Wallace Gandhi, Syna Manish Gillis, Lindsey Elizabeth Glenn, Raven Tarrell Dee Green, Ladaejah Jeriah Grem, William Miles Gussow, Shaun David Hamilton, Emma Kathleen Haralson, Hannah Lynn Harrington, Chloe Marie Hazlewood, Margaret Elaine Henderson, Evelyn Lynn Herrera, Alexander Santiago Herron, Kentravion Temelle Hilliard, Akevia Leigh-Ann Hilliard, Ryan Glenn Hillmer, Cailey Nicole Hobson, Breuna Cheri Hodges, Makyah Zaire Horton, Auriana Hyche, Avery Lynn Ibrahim, Zeyad Mohamed Ali Jackson, Elise Ann Jernigan, Patricia Bell Joyce, Colby Richard Jubera, Robert Judson, Braylen Terrell Kamman, Barrett Denton Kelley, Madelyn Kent, Reid Andrew Kimbrell, Elizabeth Rivers Knef, Andrew H Knight, Colton Gray Kosko, Bailey Mullins Landry-Rahaim, Rose Latimer, Sarah Ross Le, Kevin Lewis, Avery Pierce Lewis, Elaina Renee Lewis, Jon Allen Lewis, Samuel Wallace Lovorn, Rowan Elliott Lowe, Jane Claire Martin, Colton Andrew Martins, Pedro Machado May, Olivia Helen Mayo, Cait Frances Mayoral, Braden John McCarty, Tamiyiah MoShay McCollins, Zuri Ayana McCullen, Laura Kathleen McCurdy, Sean Thomas McDaniel, Aden Gregory McElroy, Mattie Elizabeth McMillian, Javien Malachi Mercier, Georgia Rose Metcalf, Zoe Abigail Miller, Ana Mitchell, Ameir Mercedes Montgomery, Elizabeth Stewart Moreton, Anders Morgan, Houston Rivers Morgan, Michaela Lynn Mott, William Ross Munoz-Pascacio, Nathalie Nautiyal, Rishi Ndaruhutse, Boaz Tonto Nichols, William Ray Nordstrom, William Davis Norman, Robert Harrell O’Dowd, Brendan Charles Osborne, Annelise Taylor Parker, Elijah Parsons, Madelyn Yahel Pascacio, Joshten Raul Patton, Nyla Danielle Perkins, Anna Claire Pharr, Luke Benjamin Pruitt, Parker Jude Randle, Ethan Monroe Ray, Layton Ramsey Reed, Virginia Lynn Richards, Benjamin Graham Richards, Elijah Davis Rico, Anna Beatrix Rico, Patrick Finlay Robertson, Rivers Burton Robinson, Chance Robinson, Lillian Grayson Roy, Sam Morgan Samaniego, Alexa Itsallana Saxton, Andrew Martin Schardan, Julian Schock, Landon David Schwaegerl, Lena Charlotte Schweigart, Brenleigh Paige Scott, Nicholas Dane Scruggs, Sydney Kathryn Shoaf, Abby Elliston Sipes, Brooks Sipps, Annabelle Grace Smith, Emaleigh Sosa Rodriguez, Franklin Speed, John Thomas Strum, Madison Grace Swingle, Jack Manning Tallie, Kamayia Tallie, Keon’Taye Da’Shan Tatum, Carlisle Emery Taylor, Avaleigh Renee Taylor, Sovient Zantrell Thigpen, Alicia Renee Thomas, Amelia Walker Toles, Noah Elex Tompkins, Lillie Lizabeth Toney, Deriah Elizabeth Treloar, Davis Alexander Tyson, Tara Nicole Urbina, Natalia Elena Ussery, Reed Fowler Valliant, Rebeka Claire Vaughn, Brinnan Jaynes Vaughn, Makinly Grace Wadley, Amari Latrice Wadley, JaMarion Martavis Weathersbee, Mary Carolyn Elizabeth Webb, Elizabeth Riggan White, Kierstan Marcia Wicker, Bryce Chapin Wiley, Violet Nicole Wilkins, Stella Kathryn Wilkinson, Katherine Owen Wishon, Dylan Lee Wymer, Abraham Young, Kasiyah Kevionna Youngblood, Olivia Ashlyn Zachos, Lucian
Oxford Middle School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Abernathy, Sallie Virginia Addy, Aiden Lamar Alluri, Ajay Varma Amidon, Noah Jared Atchley, Andrew Crawford Austin, Katherine Grace Baggett, Kanesha Latrice Ball, Braden Matthew Barksdale, Brianna Denise Barrett, Lealand Gracie Barrios, Emory Caperton Beauchamp, Mattie Hanks Berry, William Wells Bianco, Catherine Louise Bigham, Brock Thurman Blair, Lydia Helen Bland, Hudson Lawrence Boudreaux, Claire Brewer, Joshua Alexander Brown, Jonathan Campbell, William Hayden Caradine, Miles Milton Emett Carter, Elijah Guy Carter, Joseph Andrew Case, Audrey Davis Cassisa, Carolina Grace Clark, Lacey Katherine Clinton, Nora Dean Cook, Madeline Ellsworth Cooper, Ciara Jo Crawley, Carsyn Swayzie Dabbs, Walker Pace Daniels, Dorothy Grace Davis, Farryn Kennedy Dennis, Julia McQueen Devera, Rowan Hayes Douglas, Faith Ann Dyminski, Thomas Randall Farmer, Sadie Grace Fruge’, Rosemary Katherine Giles, Lucian Witherspoon Goulding, Aidan S. Green, Henry Hasselman Greene, Amelia Lea Greer, Allison Reed Habeeb, Reagan Leigh Harper, Hannah Heard, Kaitlyn Paige Heuer, Everett Bowen Hill, John Bailey Hunt, Addison Marleigh Johnson, Josianna Elizabeth Kang, Mina Karthikeyan, Keerthin Kendricks, John Scott Knight, Ethan Tyler Latil, Jacob Walker Le, Johnson Le, Thu Anh Lewis, Louise Anne Ligon, Charles Thomas Little, Rosemary Elizabeth Love IV, John Clark Maryam, Numa Mathis, Kaylin Jennae Maxwell, James Donald McClure, Jeffrey Williams Miller, Saylie Parker Monteith, Savannah Isabel Bel Moore, Sarah Grace Murphy, Patrick Francis Newsom, William Luke Nordstrom, Benjamin Eli Ormon, Ava Kathryn Patel, Aidan Rakeah Perry, John West Purdom, Kara Elizabeth Ratliff, Charleston Edward Rayburn, Cecilia Reed, Vanessa Nicha Reysen, Ember Noelle Rhodes, Katelin Faith Roberson, Riley Elizabeth Robinson, Grant Wilson Rock, Cassidy Nicole Rubenstein, Zoe Elizabeth Sawyer, MacKenzie Lee Sawyer, Madison Nicole Schmelzer, Callie Grace Sharp, Chloe Anne Shelton, Emma Sanders Shipley, Savannah Harlow Shorter, Ashten Dean Smith, Stratton Holt Steinriede, Anne Walcott Stevens, Heath Michael Stewart, Olivia Ellen Sullivan, Aidan Thomas Sweeney, Connor Patrick Swingle, Molly Caroline Thompson, Ella McKinley Tosh, Ella Kathryn Trujillo, Aaron Michael Valdez, Xavier Edgar Wages, Caroline Grayson Walker, Anna Caroline Warrington, James Davis Weathersbee, Jeremiah Davis White, Avery Hannah Wicker, Sarah Grace Wigginton, Luke Lafayette Wilkinson, John Franklin Hassell Windham, William Thomas Woo, Nathan Kyoungseo Yant, Jane Isabella Zhang, Luke Xi
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Alexander, Zakeri Alan Alger, Anna Aloia, Jonah Grayson Anderson, James Wilder Arizaga, Genoveva Grace Armstrong, Aubrey Laine Austin, Brooks Crockett Baeshen, Andrew Hesham Bailey, Ramey Elliott Barnett, Evelyn Eliot Barton, Grace Anne Beebe, John Robert Belk, Aiden James Bell, Diamond Kierra Bergeron, Molly Merritt Best, Lauren Elizabeth Bial IV, Joseph John Bishop, Steven Matthew Blaylock, Evelyn Isabella Blount, Hope Davidson Bogan, Ticyana Anecia Renay Booker, Kirsten Ja’Derria Bowling, Adam Miller Brazell, Jessica Paige Brewer, Kaitlyn Emma Bruce, Norah Mary Jane Buchanan, Joseph Thomas Burkes, Anna Sophia Burkes, Delaney Grace Busby, Hattie Elizabeth Buschlen, Ethan Gareth Bush, Levi Matthew Byars, Charles Randolph Cabello, Michael Caldwell, Kalvia O’Nealvea Caldwell, Sparkle Ariel Campbell, Alysia Michelle Carothers, Sharenity Lynn Carwile, William Westmoreland Case, Mary McLauren Childers, Eva Ruth Contractor, Ria Zaksis Cooper, Noah Emmanuel Cope, Aiden Saliba Crane, John Spencer Crowe, Ellen Emerson Dabney, Thompson Daugherty, Amelie Parker Dennis, Ivy Suzanne Dennis, Jackson William Dorrell, Colin Semmes Downing, Stephen Matthew Dunaway, Drue Alexis Elliott, William M Ellis, William Vaiden Enfinger, Jena Brooke Fair, Virginia Ross Brown Fiveash, Jayda Grace Floate, Aidan Mark Freeman, Grace Kennedy Freeman, Samari Shani Fyke, Lola Carter Gaia, Madeleine Barnett Gililland, Joshua Alan Grantham, Robert Sharp Hanbury, Lauren Elizabeth Hardy, Julia Brent Harvey, Michael David Helsel, Mia Claire Hemmins, Jude Owen Henderson, Isabel Morrow Hewitt, Mary Alexandra Hickey, Morgan Hill, Anna Louise Ho, Jennifer Hodge, Claire Elise Hood, Catelin Grace Houston, Audria Aerial Huggins, Lylian Douglas Hunter, Sara Grace Hyneman, Henry Lewis Jacob, Katherine Elizabeth Jo, Samuel Hwanhee Johnson, Luke Daniel Jones, Averie Taylor Kincaid, David William Kirkwood, Ryan Tray’Shawn Langley, Avery Marie Lewis, William Goodloe Lipsey, JaMichael Takyland Logan, Vincent Chase Lowery, Charles Gavin Lynch, Robert Michael Madkins, Sariah Monyae May, Sarah Lynlee McGinness, Arkady Walker McInnis, Taylor McKey, Jude McMillan, Andersen Elizabeth Mercier, Audrey Elizabeth Metts, Linley Ann-Marie Mims, Allyson Rhea Mitchell, Makalah Renea Montgomery, Joel David Moore, Hayden Tyler Moore, Kallie McKade Morarie, Veronica Magdalena Morse, Allie Lynn Mott, Tacie Jane Mullen, Bryce Owen Murphey, Archer Smith Murphey, Webb Smith Norphlet, Elijah JaQuon O’Dowd, Davis Winton Owens, Laila Arquel Pasco-Pranger, Asa James Patterson, Michael Elias Perry, Ada Grace Pettis, Keanna Ne’veah Ponder, Michael Stratton Porcha, Quincy Allen Porter, Sania Loronz Portera, Owen Samuel Radigan, Luke Thomas Regan, Natalie Grace Renfroe, Land Harris Rhodes, William Lawton Riddell, Ellis Walker Robertson, Lane Brice Rogers, Currie Benton Rousseau, Helen Reed Rowland, Margaret Herron Rucker, Tyler JaJuan Russell, Drake Alan Saenz-Lopez, Darlyn Karina Sanchez-Garcia, Carlos Sanders, Blake Lee Savage, Michael Baylor Schneider, Emery Kathryn Schove, John Stanley Seicshnaydre, Elizabeth Lee Sharp, Aaron Shipman, Bella Scott Short, Ethan Andrew Shows, Cashe Newell Shows, Ross Alan Shull, Charles Wallace Singletary, Matthew Ray Skipworth, Tyler Wesley Smith, Alexis Grace Smith, Chaffin Elizabeth Smith, L’Asia Shekendrea Smith, Larrmyne Colton Spears Smith, Lewis Wynne Smith, Zaria Tyanna Solomon, Ross Whitlow Stallings, James Kyle Stewart, Christian Hope Turner, John Preston Vaughn, Jakira Sharda Vaughn, Leona Abigale Waddell, Olivia Ann Webb, Dixon Thomas Webb, Wesley Whitaker, Martha Sutton JiLu Wicker, Addie Elise Wicker, Luke McNabb Wicker, Tyler Kent Wilfawn, Keegan Douglas Wilkinson, Mary Katherine Suzette Winters, Taylor Woodfin, Aiden Scott Yerger, Harlan Yoste, John Geraghty
Oxford High School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Abernathy, Frances Hazie Addy, Alaina Kathleen Al-Ostaz, Nadeen Ahmed Al-Sherri, Zynub A. Atchley, Abigail Taylor Austin, Lillian Rose Baker, Ellyn Elizabeth Bartholomew, Gretchen Case Beard, Ashley Paige Bial, Lauren Frances Boudreaux, Christian Thomas Boutwell, Allie Kathryn Buchanan, Niamke Conner Bundren, Megan Leigh Burcham, Abagail Elizabeth Buskes, Anneke Lee Jing Qiu Callicutt, William Houston Chatman, Raven Nichelle Cheng, Calendula Yunong Cizdziel, Claire Theresa Cizdziel, Siena Catherine Cohen, Ross Gabriel Coon, Walker Thomas Crawley, John-Russell Cooper Cromwell, Clay Hollingsworth Crouch, Carter Fox Deese, David Henry Doerksen, Edmund Siwei Duperier, Alfred Wortham Elgohry, Marawan Moustafa Farese, Ellis Kilbourne Forgette, Anna Kathryn Freeze, Jordan McKenzie Fruge’, Don Luis Gershon, Eve Miranda Golmon, Graham Truett Goulet, Gabrielle E Goulet, Nicole Mayan Grafton, Addison Hibbs Green, Johnson McCallum Greene, Mary Emma Heiskell, Lucia Lamar Hemmins, Lilian Carroll Ho, Vivian Thuy Hu, Edward Yang Johnson, Walter Warren Jones, Emma Katherine Jones, Grace Anne Kendricks, Mary Charles Larson, Anna Mathis Li, Qing Yun Ligon, John Allen Livingston, Magnolia B Lizotte, George Britson Logan, Grace Nicole Luber, Kurre Thomas Luke, Cayden Angela Mallette, Pope Dolby Maxwell, Ellinor Minhinnette McEachern, Lorie Jordan McIntosh, Ann Caroline McKey, James Keith McKey, Mia Maureen McPhail, Joshua Robert Meagher, John Micheal Mercier, Marcus Karl Mercier, Mary Isabella Metcalf, Zkyra Monique Meyers, Gillian Elizabeth Mills, Addison Marie Mitchell, Lilian Camille Mobley, Alexander James Moen, Rebekah Hannah Mounce, Abigail Lauren Mullen, Sarah Neely Nagle, Alexandra M Nelson, Lauren Anada Renee Norman, Neal Garner Norris, Joseph Landon O’Keefe, Daniel Ryan O’Keefe, Joseph Thomas Overby, Haeden Ryan Pasco-Pranger, Sadie Charlotte Patel, Karina Rakesh Patel, Suhani Ashok Patterson, George Alexander Pearson, Claire Love Pham-Dao, Albert Phu Pham, Tu Nha Anna Pittman, Cady Grace Quinn, Sophia Adams Randall, Hannah Elizabeth Ratliff, Sarah Ann Renfroe, Anna Lauren Rester, Ann Claire Rester, Sydney Ruth Riley, Katherine Cook Robinson, Joseph Daniel Rock, Katelyn Virginia Rogers, Donald Forrest Roland, Virginia Olivia Roth, Hays Spicer Shelton, Samuel David Simpson, Philip Ryan Smith, Keon De’Morris Smith, Lily McCalla Soto, Lorelai Makenzie Spillers, Hannah Elizabeth Stevens, Emily Elise Strum, Carissa Ann Sullivan, Ann Morgan Swords, Julia Adeline Tann, Julia Elizabeth Tannehill, Jack Rhea Teng, Emmanuelle Rachel Thompson, Addison Mae Thompson, Halford Madeline Torrent, James Thomas Travis, Jaxon Owen Van Ness, Peter Fancher Waller, Mary Marshall Ward, Andreel Ti’Keshia Webb, Jaqaun Darnell White, Ava Camille Williams, Ellen Benson Wymore, Martha Olivia Leigh Yerger, Sarah Jane Young, Carter Thomas Zediker, Charlie Evan
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Abel, Elijah Taylor Abraham, Katherine Louise Adams, Margaret Pepper Adamson, Michael Joel Addy, Elias James Alexander, Breiana LaShaye Andrews, Daniel Logan Archer, Thomas Neal Arnold, Madeline Jean Baggett, Tamyra Alicia Baker, Wilson Benton Barrett, Anna Katherine Beard, Brittni Gail Berry, Eleanor Alexander Best, Aubrey Caroline Bianco, Andrew Joseph Bianco, Samuel Marquette Bishop, Aubrey Reed Bishop, Mary Katherine Blake, Christian Quin-Maronye Boone, Morgan Taylor Boudreaux, Keith Anthony Boughton, Aaliyah Bourn, Gracie Caroline Bradley, Brandon DaShun Bradley, Connor Blake Bradley, Zachary Mar’Tez Brewer, Timothy Hutson Brines, Lawson Henry Brown, Ryan Edward Bruce, Owen Wulff Buskes, Elsie Lee Hua Da Byars, Kathryn Culpepper Byars, Wilton Vance Calderwood, Kathryn Rose Caldwell, Deijanee Nicole Campbell, Saniah Nicole Caraway, Savannah Eve Carothers, Karen Elise Carrington, William Tucker Carwyle, Davis Monroe Case, Catherine Bryan Case, Lucy Catherine Chandler, Lauren Claire Chiniche, Lucy Dale Cipkowski, Leo O’Neil Clark, Abigail Lynn Coleman, Alijah Montana Collins, Alice Cofield Cook, Mary Ellen Coon, Russell Connor Cooper, Jessica Lynn Copley, Jessica Elizabeth Cousar, Reece Franklin Creekmore, Catherine Elizabeth Crosby, Madison Elizabeth Culpepper, Robert Fallon Dabney, Sally Kate Davidson, Adrian J’Quarie Davis, Arden Alicia Davis, Emily R. Davis, Hallie Jane-Lord Dawkins, Anna Gabrielle Dear, Jackson Kent Desler, Elizabeth Brooks Douglas, Jonathan Michael Dukes, Kylin Maurice Durham, James Taylor Dyer, Grace Thompson Easley, Colby J. Eastland, Mary Allyn Edge, Jesse Clifton Evans Elgohry, Kareem Moustafa Evans, Christina Camilla Evans, David Aitken Farese, Emma Reed Farmer, Nolan Scott Field, Catherine Newell Finn, Matthew Evan Flowers, Ty’Derriya J Fogerty, Daryl Charles Franks, Sarah Grace Freelon, Khyan Marquee Frierson, Demarius Ja’Shoun Fuller, Brooks Brown Fulton, Joshua Grey Gardner, Andrew Stephens Gililland, John Michael Gordon, Kyle Dekendric Gordon, Taylor D Gough, Mary Mobley Goulet, Yaniv Liberman Goza, Meredith Tatum Grafton, Daniel Cole Gul, Sharjeel Waseem Gunn, Elizabeth Abigail Hakim, Benjamin Stewart Hale, Benjamin Lewis Hall, Daniel Louis Hardy, Sarah Katherine Harrell, Logan Andrew Avant Harris, Keiona Aaliyah Hartnett, Eli Curtis Hartnett, Samuel Mark Harvey, John McCormick Hayward, Mary Clark Henderson, Andrew Hollensworth Hester, Andrew David Hester, Emily Amanda Hill, Caroline McLain Hillmer, Carter Neil Hitchcock, Grayson Chance Hitchcock, Kaden Presley Hitchcock, Landon Grant Holben, Ethan Clay Holley, Abigail Rose Hollingsworth, William Thomas Holmes, Klaria Ernese Hooker, Preston Alexander Horton, Khaniaya Raquakkia Taylor Hubbell, Hayden Elizabeth Huggins, Nicholas David Hughes, Patricia Kathleen Hultman, Emerson Moffatt Hunter, Lilly McKay Huynh, Kelly Hyche, Nathan Howard Ivy, Anthony Clay Jackson, Charles Julian Jekabsons, Mathew Elias Jenkins, Ruth Anne Johnson, Grace Elizabeth Jones, Khloe Tzion Joyce, Grace Ann Kamman, Caroline Wood Kennedy, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Kimbrell, Avery Ryan Kincaid, Caroline Grace Koestler, William Downing Lamar, Elizabeth Merrill Langendoen, Noah Patrick Lewis, Desiree Nicole Little, William Jacob Longnecker, Alex Jeffery Loper, Michael Blake Lopez, Frida Esparza Madlock, Antonio Dewane Bailey Madlock, Kyndal Camille Marsh, Jeffrey Coleman Marzouk, Heba Omar Marzouk, Mohamed Omar Mayes, Tamara Octavia Divin Mayo, Thomas Hayes McCormick, Parker Keen McCready, Campbell Elizabeth McCullen, Mary Alice McCullough, Tajah Brianna McDaniel, Emma Kate McKeown, Lucas James McKinney, Savannah Rene’e Merrell, Aubrey Kate Metcalf, Zharia Dominique Meyer, Olivia Nicole Mims, Addison Grace Mitchell, Julia Braden Mitchell, Lilli-Grace Camille Moore, Martha Mikaela Moore, Robert Cole Morales Romero, Luis Antonio Morgan, Joshua Carr Morrow, Dolnesha Ka’Jettie Morse, Emily Elizabeth Mott, Matthew Dean Mullins, Ann McCall Munoz, Aldrin Harvey Munoz, Esmeralda Alondra Murphey, Carole Addison Murphy, Anna Lea Murthy, Srujana N. Nalls, Makayla Antoinette Nash, Bo Thomas Neilson, Marjorie Ann Nelson, Olivia Claire Renee Newsom, Anna Grace Newsom, Caroline Virginia Nichopoulos, Alexis Athena Norris, Christian Graham Norris, Niles Spencer O’Neill, Griffin Elliot O’Reilly, Felicity Rose Oliver, Corey Vincent Overby, Ryleigh Grace Parker, Landon Wyatt Parker, Sara Grace Patton, Kathleen Sampson Pearson, Joshua Eli Perkins, John Seton Perrier, Justine Elodie Perry, Knox Nelson Peters, Ann Fava Pettis, Darius Jordan Pittman, Anne Elizabeth Ponder, Stetson Lane Powell, Charles Obie Prillerman, Egypt Ayanna Purdon, Elinor Claire Rankin, Randi Elizabeth Ravishankar, Anish Reynolds, Evangeline Marie Reysen, Summer Victoria Roach, Tejeland Renee Robbins, Lydia Bailey Ross, Taylor Brooke Roth, Andrew Evan Rousseau, Jacob Louis Rowland, Whitman Morse Roy, Jackson Medwick Russell, Abby Grace Rychlak, Olivia Claire Salau, Farid Schove, Mary Dewitt Scott, Tucker Rhodes Scruggs, Michael Andrew Shinall, Ally Virginia Shorter, Tristan Dean Sisk, Syrena Victoriah Smith, Andrew Hartley Smith, Evelyn Gates Smith, Graham Benjamin Smith, Tyler James Smith, Virginia Madeline Smith, William Alexander Sockwell, Ryan James Solinger, Eli Charles Southern, Derrius Ke’Shaun Spears, Sydney Nicole Sterling, Benjamin Dakota Stewart, John Franklin Stinnett, Parker Joseph Stone, Anthony Cade Sudduth, Margaret Ann Sudduth, Virginia Kathryn Surbeck, Collin Queiroz Tann, William Harrison Tannehill, Margaret McKenzie Tatum, Julien Rundell Thompson, Grace Jean Thompson, Julie Marie Tidwell, Vasilios Zachery Tingle, Brooklyn Noelle Toma, Emily Anne Torrent, Charles Joseph Torrent, David Allan Tosh, Dennis Stone Treloar, Avery Elise Trott, Joseph Howard Tyner, Susan Rebecca Upton, Morgan Mackenzie Urbina, Alenys Van Ness, Morgan Alexandra Vijayasankar, Akshaya Wadlington, Hiram Donavon Waller, Sara Katherine Wang, Qi Hang Warrington, Wesley Anne Watts, Ana Brooke Watts, Brandon Hugh Waxler, Elijah Latimer Webb, Hollin Sebastein Webster, Lindsey Marie Wheeler, Kayla Kaprice Wheeler, Sophia Pauline White, Brian Garrett White, Jammie Marcell White, KeMariaha Elise White, Lindsey Cameron Whitehead, Dalton Garvis Whitwell, Davis Carroll Wicker, Eli Scott Wilfawn, Quentin Carter Wilkins, William Thomas Williams, Tyler Jamal Wilson, Paschal Peolia Woodard, Niquisha Monquie Yerger, Frank Montague Young, Jalon Kershun
Courtesy of the Oxford School District
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neverbeenbroken · 7 years
[IDEAS/FACTS] SPELLBOUND 5.0? | to be updated
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This is going to be a long list, so I’ll put under a read more. If you have anything to add, let me know!
was not a supporter of lohen
did not trust juliette and felt like something was off about her
called spencer babybear
was a fan of jesse
was one of the people that called emily mini keler
was super close to james
was close to valerie
was close to tyler
almost seemed like she had a thing for sam, but that could just be playful!brooke
seemed close with cordelia
the aunt she’s close with is named jemma
thought blake without alcohol is boring
convinced that brooke is bi
she broke up aaron and melanie
used tyler’s crush on melanie for him to do it
was the one that audrey that wyatt slept with alison
had or has feelings for aaron ( this never happened in any rp)
has feelings for wyatt
sort of resented audrey (during the og rp)
was pissed because she either overheard audrey tell wyatt that brooke liked/loved him or wyatt confronted her
she kind of drove a rift in wydrey’s relationship because the two didn’t want to cause her any more pain
this was during the time in the hospital when she overdosed on vervain
wyatt blamed himself
can’t tell if she’s closer to audrey or alison, probably loves samantha more than both of them honestly
kissed aaron during a movie “date”
discovered she had feelings for wyatt when she kissed him during truth or dare
hates ashlee
super close to blake
my dilemma is brodrey’s theme song
had a headcanon that brooke kept sabotaging audrey’s relationships because she had a crush on her
broke up with his girlfriend because someone else told him too (can you say FAKE)( should probably figure out why he did that)
grew closer to spencer after saving her from some bad college guys
didn’t think she would like him
made audrey apologize to brooke cause he knew brooke wouldn’t have
calls audrey doll
was close to valerie
was close to erica
close to emily
considers wyatt his bestest best friend
considers brayden his boyfriend and will fight tyler for him
really caring towards others
calls emily emsi
calls melanie melly g or melly bear
trying/tried to get melanie back
wanted to be friends with melanie
close to brooke then audrey then alison
doesn’t quite get along with samantha
liked the fact that samantha owned up to being a bitch
knew of brayden’s feelings for audrey and thought he should’ve squashed them
was probably more of a wydrey fan then a braudrey fan
melron is my otp and i considered them locked but now i knind of want melanie with brayden (this is an idea, but they could’ve happened once upon a time)
ever since i thought about it, i can’t stop thinking of why audrey and aaron never crossed my mind. like not in a romantic way, but a rip your clothes off way. like i think they’d have some pretty hot sex. i think that’s why.
used to hook up with rose, stopped when he began dating melanie, did it again once he broke up with her
isn’t sure if he likes brooke more than a friend due to their shared kiss
would date wyatt if he could
never had a sophie long enough
lost all of my cordelia blogs
when she first arrived, she was slightly cold
i think sam (?) cracked her shell first
is close to melissa
is close to maddison
doesn’t quite get along with blake
is close to samantha
is close to audrey
is close to tyler
is close to carson
had a fling or something with simon
changed during her junior year, must’ve been because she dyed her hair
turns into a vixen when she’s drunk
otherwise nervous to have sex with people cause she can’t control her powers
had sex with a teacher
would probably only stay for that teacher
super close to blake
close to juliette
closer to brooke
did not like audrey at first
audrey accused her of having issues so carson called her rude and said that she didn’t like her
close to cordelia
close to samantha
is a part of the evil genius club
likes erica
is really forward, blunt
ashlee found out she had sisters when she was 12?
she didn’t understand why audrey didn’t like her
but reciprocated the feelings
can’t control the evil in her
misses her father
sees ben as her second father
started a fwb rel. with tyler
grew feelings for him
doesn’t like emily
stopped liking cordelia
hates brooke
considers wyatt a close friend
thinks audrey broke wyatt’s heart
knows that juliette and her tend to bring out the worse in each other but still loves her and wants to be her freind
took april uner wing
took nick under her wing
closer to brayden
doesn’t particularly care for alison
close to rose
likes blake
didn’t have her long enough
used to be jennifer burton
is a (junior) ronan’s knight
blake tried to drink her blood when they first met
one nickname for blake is psycho
one nickname for blake is monster
eliza wasn’t the nicest
no matter what, she alwasys ends up on blake’s list
it never fails
blake took her off once
had feelings for blake
made out with blake like three times?
prefers allie to julia
is usually caught in the middle of them
is eden’s best friend
has/had feelings for jesse?
was called little bird by blake
was called shorty by blake
used to called blake mr. nerd
was never scared of blake for some reason
this is lowkey all about blake
called tyler mr. dude
hated kailey
tyler showed her how to get other people to do their homework for them
had like 4 friends
only came to spellbound because of julia
was simon’s mentor
didn’t really like simon at first
told audrey to give simon a chance
hated chloe
found valerie annoying and too talkative 
soon grew fond of chloe
they bonded over their crushes hanging out with each other
came to stop julia from doing something stupid
did not expect his sister to come too
always gives girls hickies after dates?
prefers to be invisible rather than noticeable
would probably go back to new york for college
valerie called him mean but said that she likes it
when i say val i’m talking about skye
wanted audrey to ber his campagin member and would run for school or student council president
tagged along
would most likely stay at spellbound
feels pressure from his family
can choose his own mate
would probably return to spellbound
loves dancing
is close to audrey
grows close to april
is close to julian
is dating or dated natasha
these might just be old headcanons from anna
cares for tasha but sometimes feels like giving up on their relationship
was not happy when he found out about blake & tasha
super close to julian
went to therapy for her anger management 
was cheated on by jesse
grew close to blake and started dating him
had no idea that she fought with tasha over another boy
sam told her about the love pentagon (sam, jules, blake, lindsay, tasha)
secretly hates that blake still cares about lindsay
super close to tyler
close to samantha
has a dark side
refers to adurey as her mom
refers to april as her sister
calls simon chimpunk
came to  
almost had a thing with tyler 
feels superior to julia
has a crush on rose
used to flirt with audrey
gives no fucks
may grow feelings for rachel?
should definitely have sex with blake
doesn’t know that linds and blake dated
broke up with wyatt because of what brooke told her
he still doesn’t know exactly why
he thinks it was the rose kiss
finds drinking blood gross
super close to blake
could’ve had a thing with brayden
was in love with aaron
wonders why tyler doesn’t like her
calls audrey audbo
aaron calls her melly bear, g-money
was sent to spellbound to spy on april and her pack
ended up growing close to april
things ended cause she found out
now the two avoid each other
dated valerie
still has feelings for her?
doesn’t like james?
sam hates him
close to audrey
close to jake
sam wants to punch him in the face
figured out that val has a daughter?
almost told sam something about val and james
told sam that val had a kid and the father was james
sam did not believe
tried to kill a teacher
used to be jennifer burton
has a kid with james
melanie considers her her favorite blonde
is dating samantha
used to almost have a thing with brooke?
don’t think he did much in the other rps
anya is his childhood friend
had a crush on her
likes valerie?
probably left
thought brent was pretty cool
has a kid with valerie
has feelings for valerie?
is blake’s little sister
was adopted by supernatural parents
hooked up with wyatt
we’ll see
we’ll see
mini keeler
loves coffee
has a crush on aaron?
has a crush on tyler?
hates ashlee
close to audrey
totally steals her clothes
danced with blake at a dance
a version of emily gave no fucks
the only other person that calls blake, blakey bear
was not scared of blake
hates when blake calls her sweetpea
almost shipped them
creator of the EGC
refers to Robbie’s friend group as the “Miller Posse”
didn’t like rachel in a more-than-friend way and found her annoying
everyone thinks that he broke her heart
but he only told her the truth regarding him and her
very blunt
protective of those he truly cares about
slightly scared of carson
thought samantha was really prety
had a fwb with natasha
was in a relathionship with lindsay
still has lingering feelings
audrey was the only other person he told about his relationship
carson knew while it was happening 
audrey knew after it ended
only kills people who truly pisses him off
had a crush on reid
had a crush on dylan
used to date simon
used to date blake
used to date april
went on a date with audrey
kissed her
kissed april
was roommates with chloe due to a mistake
dated chloe
is in a love/hate relationship with april
dylan was his mentor
had a thing with cordelia
maybe went after brittany
likes older girls
no one knew she was also half-demon until her sophomore year
hates simon
likes simon
hates chloe
likes chloe
loved nick
dislikes nick
enemies with melissa
enemies with brooke
thought she was straight until she met julia
close to jennifer
close to mal and jojo
grew close to darren
started trusting scott again
kissed simon
was nicknamed wolfy by sam
calls sam witchy
prefers natasha to jules
was nosy about blake and jules relationship
kept provoking blake
thinks julian sucks and that he would be a better boyfriend to tasha
was close to brayden
brooke’s cousin
gives no fucks
once got drunk and made a sex tape with valerie
caused samantha and valerie to grow apart
audrey supported the val and kailey ship
grew close to robbie
one of the ronan’s knights
was changed by alexandria
has a crush on anya
used to date audrey
she broke his heart
was heartbroken when she started dating brayden
slept with valerie
slept with rachel
is a player
feels like everyone will leave him
has a little sister
dated erica
dated brooke
almost had a thing with naomi
went on a date with chloe
is rose’s husband
likes melanie or liked her
conspired with brooke to end melron
kissed wyatt
used to have sex with aaron
has feelings for jake
doesn’t like alison
didn’t really get along with audrey
considers tyler her husband
was one of the firsts to find out that spencer was blake’s sister
was willing to help her 
dated tyler
addicted to candy
close to carson
close to juliette
close to audrey
close to aaron
close to samantha
close to brooke
close to spencer
dated noel jones
got attacked by robbie
doesn’t want to be invisible anymore
could’ve had feelings for wither melanie or ashlee
been in love with audrey
ignored audrey during the first rp
was a great boyfriend during the second one and etc
audrey is his oldest friend
died and became a whitelighter
aaron’s boyfriend
but also tyler’s
used to be called apples by samantha
was the “ghost” that paige saw
4 notes · View notes
csenews · 7 years
JSCC Spring Semester Honor Roll Announced
Spring Semester Honor Roll Announced
 Jackson, Tenn (June 21, 2017) – The Office of Admissions and Records at Jackson State Community College released the honor roll for the Spring 2017 semester. On the honor roll, there were 307 full-time students who achieved a quality point average over 3.00. There were 381 students who made the dean’s list by achieving a quality point average of 3.50 or better.
 Honor Roll is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more hours of college-level work (Learning Support excluded) and who complete a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.00 and 3.49.
Dean’s List is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more hours of college-level work and who complete a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.50 and 4.00.
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 1 of 5
Dylan Blake Furr
Tanner David Johnson
Kaitlyn Annette Page
William C Vick
John Henry Benjamin York
Samantha Madison Barrow
Kristina Marie Cannon
Kimberly Ryan Canoy
Jonathan Thomas Cash
Leslie Marie Cathey
David Michael Deloach
Samantha Leigh Ferguson
Scott Eugene Force
Kalee Jo Fountain
Whitney Nicole Hicks
Dan Ellsworth Hoffman
Carl William Joyner
Kirsten L Joyner
Mitchell Brandon McCartney
Cheyenne Harley Moran
Rachel E Noles
Russell Lee Noles
Deborah Ann OBryant
Steven Hunter Peterson
Lacy Jolene Pride
Channa Larame Ragsdale
Alysia Marlana Shear
Sarah C Taylor
Brittany Nicole Watson
Brittany Nicole Webb
Matthew Tyler Williams
Michael Elihu Wilson
Christopher Wesley Wood
James Howard Barber
Trae Daniel Brewer
Loleta Dorilean Carothers
David Gaddy Carroll
Christopher Edward Cox
Landon Thomas Cupples
McKinley Brooke Farley
Ashley Michelle Faulkner
Ashley Dianne Frye
Johnny Alfred Glass
Heath S Graves
Cameron Lane Greer
CHESTER continued:
Tori Brooke Hill
Haley Elaine Hughes
Coty Alan Laudermilk
Brooklyn Rene Miller
Peyton Randal Millner
Carlee Elizabeth Morris
Brand Edward Nicolay
Kenneth E Page
Eva Perez
Colton L Plunk
Reba Marie Price
Chase Colton Ross
Caitlin Jenee Sanchez
Michael Sinclair Segerson
Ezekiel Joesph Smith
Kendyl Dawn Smith
Peyton Wesley Stewart
Amber Dawn Thompson
Sydney Blair Watson
Marcus Lee White
Ryan Yates Dye
Jesus Aguirre
Telisa Shuntel Brown
Jill Anna Castellaw
Aaron Christopher Dennison
Kelsey Ann Gadberry
Meleah Rose Gateley
Michelle Lynn Jones
Candice Woods Kellough
Anthony Chance Lovelace
Jennifer Mooney
Whitney M Revelle
Micah C Riley
Ana Julissa Rios
Kayce Abigail Stallings
Latoya Antionette Gibbs
Whitlee Adraianna Camper
Lauren Ashlee Hays
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 2 of 5
Kyla Bree Linton
Stephanie Lynn Mitchell
Jessica Brooke Patton
Macy Camille Sumler
Decatur continued:
Bryan Wood Swafford
Misty R Swindle
Brandon M White
Talia Suzanne Alley
Dalton Wayne Harrison
Cara Lee Rose
Erica D Tipps
Chloe Jo West
Peyton Charles Adams
Karen Nicole Allen
Bryan Kevin Barnett
Seth Brayden Burchett
Dylan Warner Cole
Kendall Nicole Cox
Michael Scott Evans
Robert Mcgregor Fly
Andrew Joseph Gordon
Nicholas Grant Gutierrez
Hailey Brooke Hudgings
Kahmadre Jay-Quan Hudson
Hannah B Hutchison
Ryan Daniel Jones
Kaitlyn Michelle Kelly
Ryan Dennison Mayfield
Amy Alison McCoy
Madison Brooke Michael
Sa'Liyah Ann Newbill
Andrew Lloyd Oliver
Samantha Kelly Palmer
Ashley McClain Pierce
Alexander Popp
Benjamin Douglas Powell
Dylan Ray Powers
Jonathan Chase Prescott
Courtney Michelle Reese
Katelyn Nicole Rickman
Crystal Lee Rogers
Tasha N Romero
Gage Michael Schneeberger
Brooklyn Victoria Schrupp
Katherine Michelle Stephens
Hunter Michael Taylor
Michael Sean Threadgill
Colton R Tucker
Katherine Walters
Deonte Tyshawn Watson
Alexis Rebekah Beibers
Hannah Rose Black
Tyler D Callahan
Rachel Elise Davis
Austin Wade Greene
Luz D Gutierrez
Katlin Leigh Kelley
William Stewart Koimn
Brittany L Luttrell
Hannah Grace Scott
Marissa Drew Thweatt
Carly Rae Weems
Dustin Blake Ayers
Teara Genea Bearden
William Warren Bond
Amber Nicole Bowling
James Caleb Crotts
Kaylee Renea Gillis
Julia Renee Hall
Chandler Davis Harris
Caden Charles Holt
Savanna Cheyenne Liford
Sarah Ann Marshall
Katy Carroll Nix
Samantha Dawn Oaks
Sasia Sewilta Patterson
Savana Rae Payne
Hannah Lynne Roberts
Amanda Grace Sandusky
LauraAnn M Shiver
Jodie Lee Smith
Kaila Grace Smith
Lauren G Smith
Peggy Ann Snyder
Jessica Lee Ann Stricklin
Alexis Alley Thurman
Jennifer Michelle Vandiver
Destiny Brooke Weeks
Alison R Whaley
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 3 of 5
Haley LeAnne White
Kanesha L Wright
Henry Stanley Clement
Mary Catherine Currie
Presley Grace Gaters
Danielle Nicole House
HAYWOOD continued:
Caroline Elizabeth Newcom
Elizabeth Blair Simpson
Ashton Muriel Taylor
Kristin Brooke Turner
Emily H Wright
Anthony Glynn Anderson
Jaclyn Devin Arnold
Andrew B Austin
Bethany Jo Autry
Emily Gore Baughn
Trent Cavalier Beacham
Justin Andrew Brown
Molly Brooke Brown
Leighann Nicole Burkett
Eduardo Carreto-Salgado
Charles Michael Carrington
Lauren Rae Cole
Tonie L Coleman
Emily Anne Dyer
Paul Leo Fowler
Cassidy O Garner
Johnathan Keith Goodman
Melissa Allean Gray
Andrew Garrett Grice
Bethany G Hayes
Crystal Renee James
Haley Nichole James
Kristen F Lawler
Sarah Michelle Lindsey
Abigail Marie Maness
Morgan Elizabeth Maness
Jessica Brooke Montgomery
Fernando Gonzales Munoz
Vanessa Ann Nelms
Jimmy Hunter Powell
Katelynn Allison Nichole Pratt
Allyson C Reeves
Alyssa L Reeves
Kaley Elizabeth Rogers
Jacob Daniel Smith
Kersten L Springer
Dalton Bryce Womack
Samantha Frances Dixon
Taylor Brooke French
Seth Zachary Gibbs
Courtland Nicole Hester
David Penick
Ashley Nicole Bates
Andrew Carver Dunavant
Conner Clayton McLemore
John Daniel Moore
Jakara L Snipes
Remoun Abdo
Cassidi Grace Adams
Malarie Alexander
Sajedah Alghunaim
Rami Amer Al-Jafari
Kimbrielle Elise Allen
Kaitlan Sheree Anthony
Faith Selene Atherton
Colin Andrew Barnett
Marietta Nicole Barnett
Sydney Taylor Brookshire
Ethel Louise Brown
Megan Fairchild Buehler
Michael Aaron Campbell
Jessica Dianne Carter
LeeAnne Madison Clement
Rachael Merriem Clenney
Curtis Andrew Cobb
Jacqueline Brooke Cole
Vania Evette Comer
Claire Allison Cooke
Humberto Coronado
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 4 of 5
Alberto Coronado Chavez
Christian Taylor Cotner
Melissa Anne Craigie
Sarah Mae Craigie
Jarius Okuria Curry
Kiley Renee Douglas
Sarah Elizabeth Droke
Diana Steffy Escober
Chloe Nicole Espitia
Jessica Danielle Gibson
Damian Jordan Gladney
Zia Goli
MADISON continued:
James Tucker Goodwin
Sydney Gail Grammer
Brianna Madison Gregory
Eric Michael Gunn
Olivia Marie Guzzo
Alex James Haggard
Marshall Britton Hammill
Korean Nichele Harris
Garry E Harvey
Sarah Elaine Harvey
Amanda Nicole Haynes
Berlie Grace Hieagle
Edith Charity Horst
Cody Lynn Hunt
Kayla Nichole Johnson
Kassidy Blair Jones
Hailey Renee Jones
Meagan Hope Kitchen
Janelle Nicole Kyle
JuliaAnne Frances Lansdale
Dillion Robert Larimore
Patrisha Dannielle Leadbetter
Sarah Fulton Lim
Philippe Lumpkin
Lance Austine McElroy
Michael Todd McFadden
Natalie Mendoza
Blanca Estela Mireles Valdez
Madison Marie Montchal
Michael Lee Montgomery
Stephen Houston Morse
Belinda Sue Murchison
Andrew Steven Murley
Justin Robert Mutschler
Callyn Leonard Nims
Rebekah June Pennington
Nicholas Anthony Pica
Brittney Michelle Pickens
Anthony Daniele Previtera
Paige Marie Ramage
Teena Maree Rea
Nicolas N Reyes
Anna Belle Robertson
Xavius K Robinson
Eric Lee Rooks
Rachel Elizabeth Royer
Adriana Salinas
John Louis Santana
Sandra Shari Santiago-Bullington
Heaven Leigh Schatz
MADISON continued:
Tempestt Bernice Seward
Hailey Elizabeth Shephard
Joseph Michael Shephard
Mya Taylor Spivey
Allison Claire Stutts
Victoria Lynn Subia
Kimberly Nichole Sullivan
Brooklyn Marie Taylor
Debra Taylor
Allison Faith Thomas
Robert Mikael Utley
Ryne Vinson
Jordan Breanne Warren
Kenneth Connor Weaks
Clay E Webb
Kaylyn Alyra Weddle
Jacob Dylan Weidner
Destiny Marie Westbrook
Elizabeth Renee Williams
Ashton Vernard Willis
Kameron Dean Wilson
Noah Alyssa Wilson
Brooke Ashlyn Woodard
Brinlea Madison Woodard
Ryan K Woods
Alexander Ryan Wortham
Jeremy Dean Yates
Kelci Nicole Zabriskie
Kathrine Rose Atkinson
Joanna Elizabeth Barlow
Jonathan Ray Bauer
Carrie Elizabeth Clausel
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 5 of 5
Haylie Marissa Crum
Elizabeth Hope Doucette
Shelbi Elise Doucette
Eric Ryan Gowler
Evan Parker Harris
Kateryna Kucherenko
Warren Austin Lowrance
Mary-Elizabeth Adale Lyons
Payton James Mast
Elizabeth Nicole Miller
Andrew Vinson Pettit
Tamara A Pickens
Samuel Reid Pierce
Jacob Alan Qualls
Ashton Brooks Rich
Josiah David Rininger
McNAIRY continued:
Dakota LeighAnn Russell
Angela Michelle Taylor
Jon Michael Williams
Stevie Brooke Mers
Sandra Marie Dicks
Ian Jose' Bibiloni
Nicholas Jordan Blankenship
Issac James
Brandon Tyler Maxwell
Michael Hoang Nguyen
Theresa Donyelle Allison
Carlye Kay Dixon
Amy Lois Bartlett
Brittany Nikole Bunch
Jessica Gable
Nicholas Caden Grace
Tom Eric Jehnzen
Lyndsey Brooke Scott
Page 1 of 4
Lindsey Nicole Baker
Michael Keith Coady
Corina Nicole Hensley
Jearleh Generale Obas
Justin Lee Smothers
Kelsey Jordan Yates
Kallie Cheyenne Berry
Hannah Olivia Boroughs
Jennifer Renee Bratton
Stephanie Marie Brown
Layla Dawn Byrum
James Zach Cagle
Meagan Renee DeLaney
Joshua Cody Douglas
Austin Chase Ezell
Chadwick Heath Futrell
Hunter Lynn Harris
Sara Beth Hayes
Kaitlyn E McAlpin
Jackie F McClain
Hannah Lea McWilliams
Charles Neil Prestwood
Charles Neil Prestwood
Jazzlyn Janae Ray
Michael Ray Rogers
Kelsey Layne Runions
Rachel N Sellers
Heath D Spain
Riley N Toombs
Kasey M White
Amanda Michelle Williams
Danielle Leigh Williams
Kevin Wayne Williams
Kelsey L Wortham
Brianna Gayle Allen
Erin Michelle Barnes
Zackary Jordan Bethune
Jonathan Trey Ervin
Sydney Taylor Frank
Kelsey Lynne Grissom
Haley Cheyenne Hardwick
Morgan Elizabeth Hays
Bayley Madison Holder
CHESTER continued:
Austin Tyler Holman
Dylan Wesley King
William James Lampley
Dustin William Tyler Montgomery
Austin Edward Moore
Amber Shalane Mosley
Jaylan Dewayne Northern
Jared Patrick Page
Christine LaShae' Puckett
Trenity B Puente
Cody Allen Riley
Kendall Anne Shaw
Payton A Wilkinson
Yulissa Bautista
Makalah Carter Buckner
Hilary Brooke Butler
Yeltsin Chapina
Meraleigh Peyton Holland
Erin Yessenia Juarez
Kevin Scott Kail
Anthony J Merriweather
Joseph Braden Nace
Lauren Breanna Pender
Lionardo Sanchez
Seth Daniel Shewmaker
Kordell Jay Smith
Lee Rice
Brett William Bell
Jesse Alan Burns
Morgan Anna Crews
Lacey Leann Hicks
Geovany Jimenez
Jacob Christopher Maness
Tiffani Cheyenne Shea
Kayleigh Morgan Smith
Jase Lee Taylor
Jordan C Tubbs
Leslie Ann Darrow
Page 2 of 4
Elizabeth Ann Fisher
Allison C Hodge
Kyndal Riddick
Chari A Swift
Jaleesa Shavon Blade
Kelsey Roxanne Wilson
Reagan Wesley Barnhart
Bethany Carol Lynn Bolin
Kayla Gabrielle Bowie
Seth Everett Brown
Zachary Monroe Case
Lila Marie Cauley
Andrew Tyler Chambers
Andria Marey Cole
Charles Benjamin Coleraine
Madison Paige Ellis
Taina Bronjour Escalera
Carly A Fry
Heather Michelle Frye
Emily Jerene Galvan
Melissa D Goodrich
Alyssa Faith Hartig
Matthew Davis Hawks
Braydon Gregory Hendrix
Baylea Alexandra Holmes
Olivia Langston Hunt
Rachel Nicole Jones
Amanda D Littleton
Lauren Elizabeth Miller
Raquel Taylor Miranda
Austin Eli Moore
Jessica N Paz
Haley Nicole Rainey
Kayla Michelle Reeves
Anna Sison
Kyle Martin Trompower
Mackenna Grace Upchurch
Bailey Anne Vandiver
Brandt Gage Wright
Austin Zinkann
Luis Santiago Ayala
Kamryn Nicole Brown
Kenylsha D Bryant
Lashara Shavay Burkley
Megan Ashley Caicedo
Ethan Scott Grantham
Timothy Landon Lee Harris
Joshua M Kennamore
Michael Brandon Knepp
Rianna V Lewis
Christopher Z Luciano
Keylon D Muex
Andrea Lashae Mullins
Keanna Monee Pirtle
Patric D Stewart
Taylor Brooke Alexander
Bailey Reese Brasher
Jenny Marie Briley
Alyssa Mariah Dilday
Ricki Kay Lynn Ford
Ryan Mitchell Guyer
Tori Ann Haggard
Austin Wade Henson
Makaila Cheyenne Keymon
Dustin Kane Moore
Mickay Vaschelle Qualls
Jefferson Charles Rey
Serenate N Searles
Jordan Luke Sledge
Elizabeth Diane Talley
Delaney Jean Timberman
Ronita D Walker
Brooklyn Paige Anderson
John Burton Friedman
Jennifer Marie Hendrix
Amye Ann Pitts
Nakesia Monique Shephard
Leigh Anne Stanley
Page 3 of 4
Jordan Ray Bartholomew
Adam Clayton Briggs
Timothy Dovone Clark
Martice Daniel Crawford
Drake Daniel Eason
Jacob Alan Ewell
Zachary Robert Haynes
Shanna L Lindsey
Destiny Lanette Moody
Alaina Elizabeth Moore
Jordan L Morris
Jessica Marie Nowell
William Survan Pickering
Eli Tyler Plunk
Dylan Frank Powers
Holly Duncan Pratt
Brandi Sheree Reeves
Caitlin Ashlee Scott
Samuel Paul Shannon
Jacob Randall Thomas
Lyndsey P Tosh
Haven Nicole Trull
Emily Nicole Vinson
Trevor Chase Wood
Lilly M Woods
Trey M Wright
Erika N Barlow
Brianna Leigh Houlle
Allie Joy Murphy
Chelsea N Phifer
Holly Nicole Potts
Rachel Gayle Ragan
David Ian Sarnik
Rachel Tioni Silvester
Mikala Cheyenne Spry
Joel Tyler Estes
Beau Bradford Simpson
Kolie J Smith
Simonne Janae Snipes
Kenzie Owen
Brittany Zinelle Anderson
Samuel Davis Anderson
Isaac H Andrews
Amie Lee Scales Autrey
Crystal Linda Autry
Mark Anthony Bedwell
Matthew Elliot Blackwell
Shelbi Leigh Bond
Cameron D'Anne Briley
Chelsea Lane Brown
Hunter Daniel Brown
Marcus Wayne Brown
Ryan Mitchell Butler
Kimberly Renee Carpenter
Richard Jacob Crosnoe
Yulissa DeLaCerda
Mouhamd Elsebae
Hunter Mckinley Finan
Eric Nicholas Forsythe
Russell E Fowler
Brooke Lauren George
James Jacob Gross
Olivia Grace Hall
Jayda McKenzie Hampton
Christian Carter Hays
Janet Diane Hilliard
Angel Mae Hodgin
Brian Jacob Honey
Haleigh Elizabeth Hooper
Garrett Carson Jeanes
James Edward Johnson
Kalesha Rachelle Jones
Shalanda Denise Jones
Jessica Ellen Kirby
Dylan Alexander Kyle
Shea Elizabeth LaFont
Annabel Leon
Bishop Jones Lewis
Elizabeth E Macon
Hunter Allen Massey
Banks Christian Mayo
Jacob Lee McCord
Abby Leigh McNeal
Michael Patrick Mills
Page 4 of 4
MADISON continued:
Jacob Weston Morford
Jennifer Lynn Nieves
Lauren Marie Nieves
Ryan Joseph Palmatier
Carson Mitchell Parker
Chiquita Lashon Perry
Shainia Danielle Perry
Jessica Lynn Pittman
Andrew Christopher Pope
Naydelin Ramirez-Gonzalez
Desiree Ransom
Kaylee Renae Riddle
Cheterra Nicole Rogers
Julie Amanda Rouse
Joshua Bryant Shuford
Allison Taylor Smith
Mia Kayley Spivey
William A Swift
Christina Leigh Tall
Zachary Chase Taylor
Nicholas ONeil Teague
Anna June Thompson
Blake Martin Tims
Shelby M Tisdale
Hayden L Towater
Kayla Jordan Vaughn
Jesse A Williamson
Taylor Nicole Willis
Haley Nicole Worsham
Sarah Janine Yelverton
Joshua Avery Frantz
Tina Bailey Bennett
Brandon Kyle Brown
Jacob Ryan Cox
Kendall Shae Dickerson
Zachary Alan Howell
Sarah Elizabeth Hurst
Caleb Tate Kennedy
William Homer Lescheck
Landon Troy McAfee
Anna Marie Moore
Megan Nichole Morris
Haven D Phelps
Krista D Ray
Joshua Lee Shelby
Lauren Elizabeth Steele
Emily Katherine Surratt
Kayla Renee Bradley
Michelle Amber Donner
Lucas W Veltri
Kristian Alisha Davis
Bethany N Workman
William Blake Qualls
Sadler Allen Goodwin
Marcus Andrew Lytle
Annamarie B Pugh
Jerrica Katline Hicks
Brennen Zachary Cobb
Denise Rae Cook
Audrey Louise Grooms
Jeffery Lynn Hampton
Starr Anne Petersen
Lawson Michael Roberts
Darin Reed Cole
18 notes · View notes
thrashermaxey · 5 years
Ramblings: Tavares, Stamkos, Murray, Campbell, Dahlin, Barn Burners, & College Signees (March 26)
    Monday’s schedule was chalked full and Pittsburgh and New York got things started in an early affair. The lottery-bound Rangers jumped out to a 2-0 first period lead off the sticks of Brendan Lemieux and Vinne Lettieri.
  That was all the waking up the Pens needed as they rattled off five straight to take this one 5-2. Matt Murray stopped 33/35 for his third straight victory, and fifth straight quality start. The 24-year-old limped through the first 11 contests of the campaign with an 0.877 save percentage. Since that time, he’s 23-7-4 with three shutouts and a 0.931 save percentage mark.
  All is well with Murray.
  Jared McCann grabbed an assist on the fifth goal to give him 13 points in his last 15 contests. The 22-year-old former first-round selection is on his third organization but appears to have found a fit. McCann has great wheels, a heavy release, and loads of tenacity. He’s finally cracked the second power-play unit, but 31 of his 34 points have come at even-strength or while shorthanded.
  There remains some intriguing upside with this player, especially if he maintains his space in the top six moving forward. He skated alongside Phil Kessel in this one 
Freddie Andersen has been an unmitigated tire fire during much of the fantasy hockey playoffs. Monday night’s games represented either the first or second week of the Championship matchups. Freddie owners were praying to the Hockey Gods to get their number one netminder back.
  The Leafs took on a flailing Panthers squad with hopes of righting the ship. They scored two goals on their first four shots and chased Samuel Montembeault. The first frame in this one has been clipped and sent to Webster’s Dictionary to be placed next to ‘firewagon hockey’. It wrapped with the Leafs up 4-2.
  If either coach gave their dressing rooms an earful after 20 minutes to get back to some tight-checking affair, it didn’t work. The final result was a 7-5 victory for Toronto. Andersen stopped 31 of 36 – not exactly the result that was hoped for.
  John Tavares owners weren’t mad though. The first-year Leaf scored four goals for the first time in his 10-year career. His 45 goals on the season trail only Alex Ovechkin. His 86 points are one behind a career-high. 
  Not a bad first act.
  A trio of goals plus one for the road.
What a game and @Enterprise hat trick for @91Tavares! pic.twitter.com/eVv7ZLVIzE
— NHL (@NHL) March 26, 2019
Jonathan Huberdeau tallied two goals in this one to give him 19 points in his previous 10 contests. He’s just three goals away from setting career-highs in goals, assists, points, shots, power-play goals, power-play points.. you get the point.
If the Leafs-Panthers game was a barnburner, the Bruins and Lightning were must-see-tv. The top two teams in the Eastern Conference met in Florida on Monday and got at it.
  Steven Stamkos scored two first period goals sandwiched between a Brad Marchand tally. The Bruins then scored three second period goals to head into the final 20 minutes up 4-2. Seems like a fairly safe lead, no?
  Victor Hedman brought the Bolts to within one, and then Nikita Kucherov did was Nikita Kucherov does. Absolutely snipe one while coming down the off-wing.
  Snipe. @86Kucherov pic.twitter.com/QkVxTxbIDw
— NHL GIFs (@NHLGIFs) March 26, 2019
  That tied things with seven minutes left to play. All that remained was an Anthony Cirelli tally with under a minute remaining to steal win number 59. That places them as the third-most prolific team in NHL history. One win away from the 1976-77 Montreal Canadiens, and three shy of the 1995-96 Red Wings.
  Granted, the Bolts have had the benefit of overtime and the shootout but their 53 regulation victories would still put them as a top-15 club. They have five games left on the schedule to push for history.
  Stamkos added two assists in this one as well. He’s now up to 93 points on the season, and the Lightning boasts three players with at least 90 (Stamkos, Kucherov, and Brayden Point). It's been seven long years since Stammer has been in the 90-point zone. It's good to have him back. 
The Bruins top line each contributed two points in this one. Despite the loss, that trio is as deadly as they come.
Another start and another victory for Jordan Binnington as the Blues defeated the Golden Knights 3-1 on Monday. The 25-year-old stopped 24 of 25 to improve his record to 21-4-1 with a 0.930 save percentage. This is some crazy mumbo jumbo that going on in Missouri these days.
  I’m up on back-to-back ramblings this week, so expect a bit of dive into Binnginton tomorrow attempting to evaluate him heading into drafts next fall.
The Kings left Ilya Kovalchuk at home to work with the skills coach but brought their game with them to Calgary. LA knocked off the Western Conference leaders 3-0 with Jack Campbell grabbing the shutout with an impressive 42 stops.
  Campbell hadn’t posted a victory since February 5th, but that’s not such a damning portrayal of him as it is the Kings in general. The 27-year-old has outplayed Jonathan Quick despite receiving some of the worst run support in the league.
  Campbell: 8-13-1 0.926 SV%
Quick:  15-21-6 0.891 SV%
  It’s not as if the Kings are throwing softballs to Campbell. His last five starts have been against Calgary, Winnipeg, Arizona, Tampa Bay, Washington, and Boston.
  Who knows where the Kings go from here (they’re hoping right into welcoming Jack Hughes), but the crease situation is a clear as mud heading into 2019-20.
Cory Schneider made a season-high 45 saves, and Pavel Zacha scored a goal an added two helpers as the Devils defeated the Sabres 3-1.
  Rasmus Dahlin grabbed a primary assist at even-strength to improve his total to 41 points in 75 contests. That ties him with Bobby Orr for the second most points by a U19 blueliner in the history of the NHL. He trails only his coach, Phil Housley’s 66.
  It’s been a remarkable season for the youngster. I’m not sure many people will be betting against him breaking the 50-point plateau next season. Maybe we should be talking about 60?
Juuse Saros made 29 stops, Ryan Johansen scored a shorty, and the Pred blanked the Wild 1-0 to clinch their fifth consecutive playoff appearance.
  The Wild are digging themselves a hole. With five games left on the schedule, they sit two points out of the final wild-card spot. They’ve also played more games than Arizona and Colorado – the two teams they trail.
  To give some positivity to the realm, I’m quite enjoying the trio of Jordan Greenway, Luke Kunin and Ryan Donato. Those three have been lining up together at even-strength and on the team’s second power-play unit.
  All three possess decent multi-category upsides.
Tyler Seguin and Radek Faksa each scored two goals as the Stars beat up the Jets 5-2. Dallas was the better team in this one – which unfortunately has been something of a common theme for Winnipeg’s opponents of late.
  Connor Hellebuyck made 32 stops – a few bell ringers to keep this one ‘close’. Jacob Trouba continues to be leaned on heavily on a backend that sorely misses Dustin Byfuglien and Josh Morrissey. Trouba logged a game-high 26:37 while chipping in an assist, two shots, two hits, and two blocks.
  Of note, Byfuglien took part in the morning skate on Monday. He was wearing a non-contact sweater, but it’s a good sign. He’s apparently closer to returning than Morrissey, but it’s difficult to imagine the coaching staff rushing either back. Perhaps a game or two before the playoffs would be ideal, but they need them at full health for the second season.
Despite controlling much of the play, the Sharks continued their recent slide by falling to the lowly Red Wings 3-2 in the late affair. That’s six straight losses for San Jose – four of which came at the hands of non-playoff teams. They're missing Joe Pavelski in a big way, and we haven't heard much on his condition. 
  Brent Burns was a minus-one but peppered nine shots on goal over 29 minutes. 
  Don't look now, but recently signed college free-agent Taro Hirose has four assists in his four NHL games while bouncing around the bottom six. He's been seeing a few seconds of second unit deployment as well. The 22-year-old tied for the NCAA lead with 50 points in 36 games this season, so he knows how to find the scoresheet. 
  He'll be an interesting one to watch in camp next fall to see if he can plant himself a secure job in the top nine and maybe even push for top six opportunities. 
Some prospect talk:
  Tis the season for university squads to say farewell to their top prospects. Most schools hope and expect to hold onto a real asset for two seasons – three if they’re lucky. But every now and again, we see the one-and-done kid.
  That’s exactly what happened on Monday when Flyers’ top prospect, Joel Farabee signed his entry-level contract. The most recent 14th overall selection is expected to rehab an injury in Philadelphia before heading to the AHL for the Phantom’s playoff run. His NHL deal will kick in next fall.
  Farabee had a tremendous freshman campaign, taking home Hockey East Rookie of the Year honours after producing 36 points in 37 contests. That mark was the third highest for any first-year skater. He also led all freshman in shots (131) and shorthanded tallies (3).
  Making these totals even more impressive was the fact they were accomplished on a Boston University squad that struggled for most of the season.
  Those in keeper leagues should have Farabee firmly on their radar. The 19-year-old is already an accomplished two-way player which should allow him to see NHL ice quickly. His upside screams productive, top-six winger.
  Joel Farabee, ladies and gentlemen! Wow. #GoBU pic.twitter.com/qeeAol3ebX
— BU Men's Hockey (@TerrierHockey) March 3, 2019
  Farabee wasn’t the only Terrier to exit BU today. Dante Fabbro (NSH), Jake Oettinger (DAL), and Chad Krys (CHI) all signed pro deals.
  Fabbro signing in Nashville is big. Rumours had long swirled that the 17th overall selection from 2016 may consider playing his senior season and opt for unrestricted free agency rather than attempt to climb the gauntlet that is the Predators’ backend. Nashville is sure happy he didn’t.
  Oettinger, the 27th overall pick in 2017 wrapped up a junior season where he stopped 92.6 percent of the shots he faced over 36 games. He’s the clear option for the Stars long term and has definite upside.
  Krys, a 2016 second-rounder is an offensive, left-shot defender who will try and navigate the Hawks’ depth chart. He needs a good amount of seasoning.
  Follow me on Twitter @Hockey_Robinson
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-tavares-stamkos-murray-campbell-dahlin-barn-burners-college-signees-march-26/
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
PIcture Perfect
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2nQg61D
by SnoopyLover58
Bucky's wife has a surprise for him. So, she recreates the old neighborhood, with help from Steve and Tony! This is the perfect Valentine's Day gift.
Words: 1114, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Reader, Brayden, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Natalia Romanoff
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Additional Tags: Daddy Bucky, Reader Wife, Brayden Grant Barnes - Freeform, Brooklyn, Valentine's Day, Surprises, Baby Barnes #2, Bucky Barnes Feels, Alternate Universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2nQg61D
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Picture Perfect Valentine's Day
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HhO6MT
by SnoopyLover58
Y/N has a Valentine’s Day surprise Bucky will never forget.
Words: 1127, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Reader, Brayden Grant Barnes, Steve, Nat, Wanda
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Bucky Barnes Feels
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HhO6MT
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