#brb dying of laughter
houseofzoey · 9 months
Zoey says Thanatos is helping Kalona's soul, which confuses Marx because he doesn't see any glowing lights. Zoey says Kalona's soul probably looks different because he lived as an immortal for so long.
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I'm sorry, this is the funniest description possible.
Thanatos canonically yeets Kalona's soul LIKE A FRISBEE.
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vinjaryou · 7 months
last reblog reminds me though, that i had two silly glitches last night when i replayed the demo with my youngest brother. readmore for potential spoilers:
cloud got stuck when i was trying to get a materia atop a crate - I tried to jump up, he got stuck halfway, then phased up, and could not climb down for the life of him, so I had to reload an autosave.
during the second mako vacuuming sequence, sephiroth was running in circles and my brother was like "...is he chasing his hair like a dog chasing its tail...?" because he did it up until the mako was clear and walked back to cloud like nothing happened.
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storyknitter · 2 years
Eli'anara: Can you give my baby sister six months of her life back?
Valkorion: Well... No, but—
Let me tell you, I legit CACKLED when this ask came in! 🤣 That is 100% how Ellie would be in the "she somehow ends up as the Outlander" AU.
Valky-pants after six months trapped in Ellie's head, with 4.5 years to go before she gets out of carbonite:
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six31 · 4 months
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reireichu · 2 years
i should not have cackled as much as i did with the subtitles of (children arguing) and viserys just being 10/10 done bc the kingsguard are terrible babysitters
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dramatisperscnae · 1 month
"to the curious fella that asked: sometimes i go balls deep, sometimes kyle goes balls deep. it's part of the charm of any balanced relationship, the give and take." [ i'm SO sorry, kyle. ]
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He's just gonna hide his face in his hands and try to pretend he's invisible now thanks.
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iunctura-arch · 8 months
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The other him looks to be getting bullied. Majorly. By a bunch of people. He can't... do anything about it, unfortunately. All he can do is hope that it doesn't end up happening to himself, too.
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reallyrandomtj · 26 days
@badrcputation said HERE: he is putting on the alabaster head, and ignoring any questions. do not perceive him.
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"Come now doctor, what will your partners think if you go and hide like that?" he means the alabaster head.
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houseofzoey · 8 months
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Strong? Sure, in terms of raw power. Smart? Absolutely not.
It's also wild to assert that Aphrodite thought this of Zoey when they first met. Certainly she could assume that Zoey might be powerfully gifted based on the filled in Mark, but smart? No one had any reason to think Zoey is smart, least of all Aphrodite.
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lickoutyourbrains · 10 months
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brb I'm dying from laughter over this I am so fucking happy Lilypadton got giant and yolked af.
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95fangirl · 6 months
Brb dying of laughter.
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brb dying of laughter at the irony of this sticker
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{ThunderAndGrace on Etsy}
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reallylilyreally · 1 month
not to be predictable but breathe through the bruises for the 'send me a fic of mine'
BRB quick reread... (here)
My favorite scene
OH MAN. Ask my to pick a favourite child, why don't you?! Made particularly difficult by the fact that this fic doesn't really *have* scenes? There are some, but it's mainly just, like, visuals.
I ADORE all of the Bucks & Marge interactions we get in this one, the little snapshots of their deeply batshit, deeply domestic set up. And I love with all my heart the repeating motif of the phone calls between Benny and Johnny, and the bruises, obviously, but I think the winner has to be a tie between this:
The 100th outdo themselves, and are all milling around in the hotel lobby a good ten minutes before they need to leave for the church. Blakely looks like death, Hambone has the beginnings of a black eye and there's a conspicuous bite/bruise peeking out of Dougie's collar, but they're all there, dressed neatly and fully conscious. Small miracles. Mothers' sons. Brady adores them, it's unbearable.
Marge's side of the church is full of her family and friends. Buck's side is full of bomber crews. Brady and Benny take the front row, with Crank and Jack next to them, and it feels strangely right. Hambone sits down on Brady's other side, and elbows him in the ribs.
“Douglass is over there by the big drapes,” he says, very quietly. “You give me the nod and I'll give him the signal and he'll set them on fire.”
Brady turns to stare at him, for a moment completely lost for words.
“If you think we need to stop the wedding,” Ham says, deadly serious. “If you think we need to stop the wedding, or if Bucky starts to lose it, you give me the nod and Dougie will set the curtains on fire and we'll cut this whole thing off at the knees.”
There is so much going on in Brady's mind in that second that he can't decide what to say first. Benny seems to have no such problem, leaning over Brady and punching Hambone hard in the shoulder.
“I will cut you off at the knees,” he says, voice dripping with sincerity. “You leave this wedding the fuck alone, Hambone, or I will ruin your fucking life.”
It's the most vitriol Brady has heard from Benny since the last time they tangled with the RAF, and he's a little in love with him, just for a moment. Hambone looks sufficiently cowed. Brady turns in his seat, finds Douglass, and fixes him with a very sharp look. Dougie puts his lighter back in his pocket, and sits down. Brady resists the urge to put his head down on Benny's shoulder and weep. He used to be a pilot. Now he's a babysitter. Benny fixes Ham and Dougie with one last glare of his own, and then turns away from them both so that only Brady can see the way his shoulders shake with silent laughter. 
and this:
He speaks to Benny on Fridays. When the time comes for him to call, Brady’s passed Croz’s 72 hours by a fair handful, and he’s seeing things that aren’t there. It takes him three tries to get the number right, his fingers aren’t following direction. There’s the distant hum of a Mig in the back of his mind, he can see the trails out of the corner of his eye. He’s in the teachers’ lounge. He’s in America, he’s indoors, there aren’t any fighters. There aren’t any fighters. A whole wing’s worth of dead boys are sitting on the sofas with the maths department. The phone rings six times.
“Benny,” he says into the phone. His tongue feels thick and heavy, he can’t make his hands work well enough to put pressure on his bruises. 
“Jesus, Johnny,” Benny says, “Are you alright? Are you drunk?”
He’s so tired he feels drunk. Feels wasted. Feels like he might die. “Just tired,” he says. “Haven’t slept since I got back.”
“At all?” Benny sounds horrified. “Jesus, Johnny, it’s been four days. You haven’t slept at all?”
He shakes his head, and then realizes Benny can’t see him. “Don’t think so. It’s alright. I’m alright.”
“You sound like you’re dying, Johnny.”
He feels like he’s dying. “I’m alright,” he says. “Are you?”
Benny makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds a little like Meatball sneezing. “Christ. I’m fine! Not sleeping great, but I have slept. What the fuck are you doing?”
“Staring at the walls, mainly,” Brady tells him. He makes the executive decision to not tell Benny that he’s seeing things he knows aren’t there. He’s pretty sure Curtis Biddick is lounging by the coffee pot. “I think Biddick is here.”
“Jesus Johnny,” Benny says, yet again, and there’s a note of real panic in his voice. “OK. alright, listen to me, Johnny. Can you listen to me? Is there anyone in the room with you who you know for sure isn’t dead?”
Brady looks. “Yeah,” he says. “Pretty sure.”
Benny breathes out. “Alright. You got anyone there with you that you trust?”
“You’re not here,” Brady says.
“Fuck,” Benny breathes. “No, fuck, I’m not. Just… Just sit tight, Johnny. Find someone for me to talk to, give someone the phone.”
Brady does not want to go near the maths department. Tipper, the English teacher who was a paratrooper, is standing next to Biddick by the coffee pot, watching Brady with his one remaining eye, and he takes the phone as soon as Brady holds it out.
He leans against the wall and waits for whatever it is that Benny is going to do now. Eventually, Tipper gives him back the phone.
“You with me, Johnny?”
“Always,” he says.
Benny breathes out, a soft noise Brady usually hears in the dark. “Good man. Now, you do what Ed says, and get some fucking rest.”
“I’m sorry,” Brady tells him.
“Shut up Johnny,” Benny says, “Do what you’re told.”
Benny hangs up on him, and Tipper prods him with his cane until he gets up off the wall and makes his way to his room. He’s forced onto his bed, and handed the still unopened bottle of whiskey that Benny sent him for Christmas. 
“DeMarco says you have to drink at least a quarter of that,” Tipper says. “And if that doesn’t work I get to physically knock you out.”
Brady stares at him. 
“Which I was about an hour away from doing, anyway,” Tipper continues. “You look like you’re dying. Drink your whiskey, lie down, go the fuck to sleeHardest scene to write
Hardest scene to write
Ooh it's been a while, i don't really remember? I always struggle with endings, i never know how to wrap them up, and this one was definitely no different. It's really hard to work how to turn something into a romance when neither of the characters have any idea that they're in love!!
Favorite character to write in the fic
Gotta be Johnny, because he's so incredibly neurotic and so incredibly brave, and he just loves so hard, he loves so hard it nearly kills him.
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
John/John, for sure. Big brother Bucky and little brother Brady, who take it in turns being the one who isn't fucked up.
Why I chose that title
I wanted something short and rhythmic and reflective of the central motif, so it was always going to be about bruises, and i threw a bunch of shit out into the ether and that stuck!
A fun fact about the fic
I did not ship this when i started writing it, and I wasn't sure if I was gonna have it resolve romantically until riiiiiight up to the last minute. I am now, obviously, fully obsessed.
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razerathane · 8 months
@vinjaryou #I LOVE THIS BUT WHAT#RAZER PLS EXPLAIN LMAO#video#brb dying of laughter
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venitdomum · 10 months
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brb dying of laughter over my dumb son
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houseofzoey · 2 years
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I'm sorry, but Neferet boasting about becoming "goddess of Tulsa" is hilarious.
It's also bewildering that she's calling herself goddess of chaos when she wants orderly, obedient, predictable supplicants doing all her bidding. Like, Neferet genuinely hates chaos, inconvenience, and the unexpected if she isn't specifically the one causing it.
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