forgottenroyal · 7 years
# 2, 33, randomize
Unusual Headcanons
2. How do they listen to their music? ipod, mp3, computer, cd, records, etc?
In modern, definitely an ipod or her phone. More likely her phone, but she loves cds and records too. There’s just something she loves about having the closest thing to a physical copy of the music. As well as nothing beats hearing it live.
In her main verses; considering there aren’t many choices, she prefers to listen to music live. Especially if it is Cadenza playing. Even though she isn’t much into playing, she likes to sit beside him as he plays every chance she gets. She enjoys being close to the music, and watching the master work his magic. As well as any chance she can get to have some kind of distraction.
33. Are they too hard on themselves over the little things?
Oh, absolutely. There is not way that she is not hard on herself about virtually everything. She’s got anxiety, so she overthinks and over-analyses everything. Especially her own actions, and everything about herself. If one little thing goes wrong, to her it’s like a huge thing going wrong, and she blames herself every time. She’s always thinking of how she could have done things better. So she is always second guessing herself, and telling herself she’s not worth certain things.
Random: 26. What are they most passionate about? what could they debate about for hours?
Wow. This is a hard one. She is passionate about so much. Cause she has so much fire in her heart. One of the first things that comes to mind is, of course, Adam. She would defend him with her life. No one understands what he went through like she does. So she’ll defend him to the ends of the earth.
Another thing would be her people. She is a princess after all, and if she was ever under circumstances where she had to be a ruler, or put her people before herself, she would do it in a heartbeat. If you threaten her people, you are threatening her. You disrespect anyone under her charge, and you are disrespecting her. You don’t mess with the people she is meant to protect and help. You just don’t do it. Unless you want to see her deadly side, because she does indeed have one.
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[ @brckenkeys wished for a starter; ]
— The young golden haired enchantress sighed lightly as she walked about the castle. This castle was her safe haven, happening upon it in her moment of need. She had been traveling for so long that she had passed out on the floor moments after entering from exhaustion and blood lose.
She had been chased and attacked by wolves, having her leg bitten badly. To which the enchanted staff helped her at the orders of their master. She had been there for a few weeks now and knew everyone there, save for the beast quite well. Normally, she had a small shadow following her, Chip the enchanted tea cup.
But today she was going to visit the maestro. She’d offen visit him to relay message from his wife in the East wing of the castle. The door of the ballroom creeked open, “Maestro Cadenza?”
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temeraaires-blog · 7 years
⊗ + family
Oh, man. He’s got thoughts on family. A lot of thoughts.
Let’s just start with the one that has a basis in canon before roaming off to complete headcanon-land. He does want a family of his own. He likes the idea of family. You see it on his face just before the Gaston musical number where he’s very obviously imagining some fantasy land where he can have a husband and kids running around (though I don’t think it’d occur to him in so many words, since the idea hasn’t been introduced to him). 
But he also knows that he can’t have that, and would rather just be a bachelor his whole life than do something he doesn’t want to do just for the sake of having a family (e.g - a marriage of convenience with a woman). So, even though he wants a family of his own, he thinks it’s out of reach and doesn’t really lose too much sleep over it. It’s just the reality he lives in.
Okay. Everything else is gonna be much more heavily headcanon based. So. Forewarning.
Family is something that’s quite complicated for LeFou. He hasn’t really been close to his family since he was ten. And, because of that, his biological family is second to his found family. He has all the notions of family and lineage that comes along with living in the eighteenth century, but because his family is small and the only living members are his aunt and sister, he puts a lot more stock into his friends. They become the most important people in his life. They become his family.
He was close to his family until he moved to France. In Switzerland, where he was born, he spent most of his time with his mother and brother. There weren’t very many other children nearby for him to play with and his mother was too anxious to let either him or his brother go as far as they’d need to to get socialized. And so, for the first nine and a half years of his life, LeFou was pretty close with the rest of his family.
It wasn’t until he was ten, his father died, and they moved in with their aunt in France that LeFou started to broaden his horizons. And as such his opinion on his family shifted. They were close enough to town, and Maman was so ill, she couldn’t really put up a fuss if the boys went out and played from the second their chores were done till dusk.  He started to see his mother as overbearing, he started to see his brother as a bully (irony, thy name is LeFou), and essentially took all the time and devotion he’d previously had for his biological family and transferred it to his friends. And, when his sister was born, he didn’t spend as much time as he probably should’ve helping out.
It’s something he regrets as he gets older, as one by one they all leave – whether through death or moving abroad or getting locked away in an asylum –  and he doesn’t even have them as an option anymore.
It’s part of the reason he idealizes the image so much. He’d had what he thought was a perfect family when he was little (they weren’t. Maman was either overbearing or too ill to care for them. Papa drank way too much – something LeFou ended up inheriting, actually –, the boys antagonized each other, and it was often a struggle to stay afloat). But he was a kid and he saw it as an ideal. And he’d love to live up to that. Love to have people to love and be able to just get a house and a place created to say ‘This is Love. We Love Each Other Here.”
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brckenkeys replied to your post: not sure about new icon. thoughts?
Love it!! Reminds me of Shakespeare ^^
well thank you love :3
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hcrnedprince-blog · 7 years
ѩ - Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play?
yeah i wanted for a long long time to rp merida. but i couldn’t seem to get her voice down and i tried, i really did try. there’s a few more but merida is the one that springs instantly to mind. and its so frustrating because she’s scottish, i’m scottish , she’s feisty and rude , i’m feisty and rude… i don’t know what the problem was until i actually sat down and tried to write her so…
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silentaide · 7 years
❧@brckenkeys liked for a starter
Chapeau's hands were careful as he quietly shut the doors to the music room.  The young master's lesson had already passed, but that never stopped the maestro from playing his harpsichord during other hours of the day. And Chapeau had always been respectful when it came to music, even before he came to work at the castle.
Speaking of, the king and queen were hosting a ball in a few weeks, and the queen had asked him, as well as the maestro and the madame, to provide some music for the evening.  It was a simple enough request, but while Chapeau had exchanged a few words with Maestro Cadenza, they had never played together.  He only hoped that he would be able to keep up with the maestro's skill.
“Pardon me, Maestro,” he said quietly as he approached, “if you have time, I was hoping we could practice a few pieces together.”
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forgottenroyal · 7 years
brckenkeys replied to your post “Everyone needs to look at my new icon that @brckenkeys made! I love it...”
I'm glad to hear you like it!
I love it!, and I’m so astounded by the fact you picked on of my favorite pictures of her without knowing it *kisses*
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riftmeanewone · 7 years
prima volta | @brckenkeys
Sorren knew from experience that opening a shop in a new location was always a bit of a risk, but fortunately his antique restoration business was stable enough by other means that he could afford to move his base of operations. He had already set up everything and had his ‘grand opening’ day. All he had to do now was establish good relationships with his customers.
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Sitting behind the counter with the sun filtering through the dusty air, he whittled a small piece of wood, collecting the shavings carefully as he waited for someone to wander in.
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
[ sends you my url]
          Munrie’s unwanted opinions - Not accepting
CHARACTER IN GENERAL: I haven’t seen either version of Beauty and the Beast i’m sorry but he’s baroque and a musician so that’s p cool HOW THEY PLAY THEM: I think pretty well! Good stream of headcanons and threads THE MUN:  I don’t know them too well and some stuff’s made it a little bit awkward, I’ll admit, but they seem nice enough
RP WITH THEM: Sorta? I know we had a couple thread starts but i think they got droppedWANT TO RP WITH THEM:  Sure
OVERALL OPINION:Fun character, beautiful aesthtic, great writing, and a kind mun
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whatshouldbedone-a · 7 years
@brckenkeys liked for a starter
“Maestro?” She called out to him, poking her head around the door to the grand ballroom. It had been only a short time since she’d stumbled upon the palace and somehow convinced the master of the castle to let her stay and work for her keep. “Are you in here? I have a question for you....”
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brckenkeys replied to your post: I'd have to say you're a person who likes, Dan...
Actually I had the same reaction. About not watching the show after he died, because he was my favorite character.
i finished it but it is all somewhat of a blur
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hcrnedprince-blog · 7 years
Sends in my url - If you please
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following; (accepting) @brckenkeys
my opinion on;
character in general:  maestro cadenza as far as i know was meant to be a moulding of forte from the enchanted christmas, but i think introducing new characters builds into the world of beauty and the beast. of course adam would have his own musician at beck and call for balls and stuff. so i love the addition of the character in that respect. i thought he was fantastic, and i wish we had more of a chance to see him in action and know a little more about him. i loved his onscreen presence. Cadenza is just a nice character. And his love for Madame De Garderobe is so palpable and believable that i just fell in love all over again. Plus stanley tucci is always a win how they play them:  with excellency maestro. i think you could very well be taken in if theres a sequel or whatever made and make out pointers for this character i think you’re that goodthe mun: i havent spoken too much to the mun, save when they send me positivity when i’ve had a shitty day or getting shit left right and centre. but i can tell you they are a doll and i adore
do i;
follow them: yuprp with them:  not really... i think we were talking about rping together but it never happenedwant to rp with them: heck yes, give me life-affirming friendships with the staff of the castle any dayship their character with mine: nah, i see it more as a father/son sorta thing
what is my;
overall opinion: hecka lovely muse and mun
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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forgottenroyal · 7 years
ooc: Please, never consider you or your blog as trash. Or yourself unworthy, because you're very worthy ~
Oh gosh. You are so sweet! I don’t even know what to say to this other than thank you.
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I am so glad you’re back! I’ve missed seeing you on my dash. Your Cadenza is amazing, and Alice has always wanted to interact with him. 
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
            Rococco gutterpunk brats - not accepting
👘 = Does your muse try to keep up with fashion trends, or do they wear whatever they want?
                The second one. They’re aware of trends, and if they see something they like they’re more than happy to pinch it from high society, but on the other hand, you see Beatrice clinging to a natural waistline instead of an Empire one, while Pierre would be more than happy to spend the rest of his life replicating his officer’s regalia.
👕 = Does your muse have a colour preference on their clothes? If so, what colour and why?
                 They both prefer jewel tones over pastels or neutrals, and Beatrice usually prefers red over other colors. Pierre loooooooooooooooves his yellow though, even though Bea won’t sew it for him because he doesn’t look good in it ;p
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mmegarderobe-blog · 7 years
It’s not so much that I want to kiss you. I want to relearn vocabulary words from the shape of your mouth. All my poems are yours first.
     Oh. His lips were right there - so close she could feel the warmth of him on this winter night. The air around them was frigid and still, but Allegra felt nothing save for heat between them. Yes, there was a distance, a space, but what did the physical matter when she could feel the very beat of her heart reaching out to hold him? He said these things to her, but she wasn’t sure if he was teasing. Did he want to kiss her? Truly? The way he spoke was so beautiful that it was no wonder his music was as incredible as it was. Her breath was short and exposed in puffs of white clouds bursting past her parted lips. 
     The singer’s dark eyes glanced down to his mouth and wondered if he would taste the same as the last time they’d kissed. It felt like an eternity since their shared kiss in that noble’s study. Perhaps... no. These silly feelings in her chest were just the remainders of her excitement from their shared concert not an hour before. Allegra laughed and the golden notes were only slightly off center for the realization that she really ought not to be standing so close to him. Twirling a lock of her curls around a finger, she tucked the whole of it back into her braid and turned away to watch the lagoon. It looked ever so lovely at night. ❝Oh, Dante, you’ve always been such a silly boy.❞
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temeraaires-blog · 7 years
@brckenkeys liked for a starter 
“If it’s not too forward, might I ask what is it that inspires you so obviously when you’re playing music?” 
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