#bread's moots^^
Don't do drugs kids
Hey everyone!
Me and Ghost (@guts-blood-n-screamzz) had this idea for a scenario with our ocs (Slyvester and Isa) and i finally finished writing it!
It's exactly 1200 words.
A major cw for; Someone going missing, v0m1t (a whole scene of it, ok), and the usage of drugs, specifically acid. Be careful please.
It’s only been a week since Isabella went missing out of the blue. But no one else except Sylvester seems to remember.
They’ve been given someone, they've finally opened up, they thought they were finally getting better, and just like that; everything was ripped away from Slyvester like she’s never even had anything.
But literally. No one knew who this Isabella lady was, anything at all; even though Sylvester knew the people they were asking about her had definitely met Isa.
It felt like she was going crazy. 
Like she never existed. Was this a long ongoing hallucination?
Has she finally lost it?
They don’t know. It’s hard to know anything while being in the void state after taking acid, laying on the floor of their oversized trash-bin of a room.
Everyone forgot about a whole person’s existence, but did they really exist?
Sylvester was so unsure. The memories felt so real, it must be real, right?
“She doesn't exist, you are crazy! But she felt so real, everyone else saw her, heard her, loved her! She was real!”
The cycle of uneasiness repeated itself in their head, and they just couldn’t stop it. It was pure agony from every side. They couldn’t open their eyes. Everything looked so sharp up front, so blurry from afar, she didn’t even have to focus her eyes to see the moving geometrical shapes on her blanket laying on the bed.
“What if aliens took her?” Sylvester asked herself jokingly as they got up from the floor in motivation of their back starting to hurt more than tolerably.
They lay on the bed in a starfish position, mindlessly staring up at the ceiling, in hopes of the thoughts quitting down.
Unfortunately for them, the worst trip of their life was not about to end any time soon.
“You are just a crazy slut!”
“Like a child you imagined yourself a friend and look what happened the moment you were completely sober!” 
“It’s all your fault!”
They shot up from the bed and ran to the kitchen, throwing the fridge door open and yanking a full unopened gallon of milk out, slamming the poor door back in its place. 
With that same pace and energy, they literally chugged half of the entire gallon in one breath. 
Sounds like someone really wants to escape self-guilt, doesn't it?
Not even five minutes later, while mindlessly zoning out at the kitchen cupboards, Sylvester gets an awful sharp pain in their stomach and they bolt it to the bathroom.
The next sight isn’t pretty by any means. Poor darling is in haste trying to tie her hair up while all the milk that was once inside of her leaves as fast as it entered her body.
They are by no means new to vomiting, yet somehow it felt like this was their first time having this kind of defense mechanism coming from their body.
Thankfully, it did not last long. 
There they were again. Kneeling next to the toilet, elbows resting on the seat, keeping her upper body up, her hair tied up in the last possible second, wondering how many times will she let this happen to them again.
As she was resting after this huge run and exhausting betrayal of their own body, a very obscure idea entered their drug-blinded brain. 
“What if someone really did take her?”
It really didn’t sound stupid at all! Miss Isa was the kindest and smartest person in this god-forsaken village. She helped anyone she knew, always got through the differences, never let anyone sleep on an argument, literally as if an angel was possessing an introverted psychologist.
And that is when Sylvester started thinking about the weird way Isa began acting a few months ago, and how it got more and more intense when it was getting close to the date she went missing on.
Isabella was less and less like herself, paranoid, grumpy; she could hardly be left alone at times! And not to mention that in the past month she went so far as to record herself literally all the time, saying she began having worrying memory issues. 
It all made sense. Someone was behind all of this. Somebody was stalking and threatening Isabella and they just had enough and took her that day.
With that absolutely insane theory and a new burst of hope and energy Sylvester got up, flushed the toilet, and washed her hands and face.
They fixed up the birdnet of the hair they made, and ran back to her room to get some acceptable clothes to pull on so they don’t look like the lunatic they are while on the way to Isabella’s house.
And with that she was off. 
The cozy, well-kept house had a nice welcome mat at the front door, which  Sylvester didn’t seem to give a damn about, lifting it up and tossing it to the side. There was a spare key under the mat.
Sylvester opened the door and the sight kind of shocked her. 
Every room in the house was spotless and clean. Like she was hiding something.
They waltzed in to investigate. Kitchen and bathroom were perfect and orderly, even inside the cupboards. The living room looked like it'd been freshly vacuumed, and there were not even specs of dust on the shelves. 
The bedroom, on the other hand, was in terrible condition. The bed was a mess of blankets and pillows, even though Sylvester knew Isa made her bed every morning from a 3 day sleepover.  The window was shut with the curtains covering it, even though Isabella was quite a fan of leaving windows open to let the fresh air in. 
There was a book open on the ground. It looked like some journal. 
“Jackpot!” She muttered to herself, picking it up and seeing detailed entries that got messier  and  messier with every day that was recorded. It stopped on the day she went missing.
“I’ll take a look at this later.”
They looked to their right and saw Isabella’s work desk. Her laptop was open and plugged in. 
Several sites were open in her browser. 
Most were on how to aid paranoia and insomnia, but there were sites open about being stalked and when to contact the police as well.  There was a site open about different entities, too, but Sylvester was not sure how to take that information in.
After a quick check if Isa had a password on the computer and finding out she in fact did not, Slyvester took the laptop off the charger and ran to get the corkboard and got to work. 
She blacked out.
The next morning they woke up next to a bunch of corpses of the snacks she ate to be able to keep moving, and a huge case pinned onto the corkboard with yarn. 
Exactly like in detective movies.
 Next to that board there was a neatly put stack of papers which appeared to be notes she took for the hangover Sylvester. Smart move from someone who was tripping balls the night they solved a missing person case.
“Time to revise.” She said with hope in her voice and tears in their eyes.
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ani-bunnie13 · 7 days
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you are so loved and appreciated!!
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aquacomet · 1 year
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Happy surprise (belated) Birthday @bamsara!
Thank you for all the work you put into making DCA art and fics and for sharing them! Solar Lunacy has been a blast to follow over the last year and a bit, I'm looking forward to what comes up next!
(Hope you don't mind the lil' cameos I snuck in there hehe.)
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doodle17 · 1 year
oooh, I wanna ask about your future au... I wanna ask about your future au so bad....
When Lili and Raz meet again, is it easy for them to fall into the same routine and banter, while holding back their love? Or is it something very awkward because of how much they've grown and changed?
Yeah they kind of fall back into their flirty teasing/banter! Surprisingly enough, haha. I like to think when the meet again one of the first things they do is tease eachother about how they look, now that they're older.
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Of course, if you remember in the first game, despite Lili having like- a huge crush on Raz she was always teasing him? Well, I think thats kind of her way of showing she has a crush on them, despite her denying it or being completely oblivious to it in the first place.
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It just kinda happens
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sysig · 3 months
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Okay but what if (Patreon)
#Doodles#TSP#Stanley#Me while reading: Now don't make a papercraft okay? Don't make a papercraft don't make a papercraft don't make a-#Predictably lol#It's the kind of structure that invites speculation! Who would you choose and what would their name be and how would they adapt#And The Stanley Parable wasn't even out at the time!! FJkldsafdf#Me when anything: I want to#Stanley would be so fun to play as ♪ Small but close-knit cast and since it's an institute it should have accommodations for his mutism#And he's no stranger to painful and confusing situations haha#You can see my indecision on which sign language Stanley knows haha#He never speaks so we don't know what accent Stanley would have but we know the Narrator is British! So#But I also don't know any British Sign Language and I know it's different than ASL òuò;#Granted my knowledge of ASL is far far far from fluent but I do know some at least so if /I/ was the one playing as him-#Anyway moot point since languages are directly translated anyway :P Though I wonder about sign language#I assume there were some nonverbal patients I just haven't seen any myself :0#I have also made a Narrator card to match Stanley 😔#Actually - hehe - I had a lot of fun picking their ''real'' names ♪#The Narrator's was pretty easy honestly I knew I had to give him the first name Kevan and then I wanted to keep his last initial#So I went with ''Baker'' since it's a common name :) Very cute!#And then for Stanley since I headcanon him as being Greek/Latino - heavier on the Greek side - I gave him a Greek name!#Again same first initial - couple letters even for that ''St-'' sound :) - and scanned through some Greek last names#And liked the sound of Psomas with Stefano - but ♪ You'll never guess ♫#It's a similarly common name for a reason - ''Psomas'' translates to ''bread maker''#Kevan and Stefano Baker they're husbands fr your honour#Hghhghh I just think it's so cute!! And I didn't do it on purpose it was just a happy accident!! I love them <3
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daisynik7 · 7 months
What if Nanami’s dick looks like this? Then what?
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…do we bite it?
We keep it in our mouths until it gets soggy 😬😬😬
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4law · 2 years
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and that is why me and everyone love him so dearly <33 he’s so cute for what
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junranghae · 1 month
oh my god did i say i met you at the seventeen concert
how could i forget mark lee anyways i’ll meet you again at the next seventeen concert [ominous]
my presence at the svt concert was so powerful you felt it from across united center
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diiwata · 2 months
the blr is glitchier than I remembered 🤨 but I'm currently considering if I should post my essay on how district 4/district 7 characters being asian adds nuance to their stories and actions...
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melit0n · 4 months
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Some overly fancy garlic bread for you all!
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 months
Bread? 🍞🥖
Mmmmmmmmm bread…
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^ me btw (real)
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agnesmontague · 1 year
the sheer amount of people who are just as if not bigger lewis carroll fans than me going "oh man i could not finish sylvie and bruno / i did finish but it took everything out of me" is SO funny. it's like the fucking silmarillion for carrollians
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burinazar · 1 year
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incomprehensible Sages shitposts. context explanations are in the tags but they are not going to help i promise
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spidvrbatz · 1 day
Comfort Moodboard - Gift
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x - x - x
x - x - x
x - x - x
For @stary-regression - I'm really excited to give this to you!!
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pt: do not interact: nsfw accounts
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petalpoet · 6 months
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doodle17 · 8 months
My brain seeing you possibly go with Raz and Lili possibly having on and off BF/GF drama makes me think of what will happen with Cecil and Dimitri.
I'm imagining one of the Aquatos or someone close to the Zanotto family having "fortune telling" clairvoyance and just seeing Cecil and Dimitri glitch in and out of existence to the point they're like this ghost kid that neither Raz nor Lili can see. But the one who has fortune telling can see them.
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Wh- huuhhhhhhhh whuuosbshah
(Doodle is taking a minute to process this)
Lilis uncle (on her mom's side) I have his psychic specialty as clairvoyance, and since I HC that her mom is a twin, she has it too SO WHAT IF HER MOM AND UNCLE ARE THE ONES WHO SEE IT
The possibilities are endless mannnnn you are so big brain huuwaaaggggggg
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