#breakdances on my tail or something
Idol AU?! Who all is involved?
okay so me and @max-iwtaco have been brainrotting about it yesterday but we're trying to include as many characters as we can think of XD
i wanted amy to be the main character bc like. look at her...
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but okay so let me summarize what we talked about
-sonic and shadow both debuted when they were very young under competing labels. sonic does a lot of solo singing and rapping stuff, plays guitar, and dances (he specialized in breakdancing which is poggers), meanwhile shadow sings (he can do screamo if he wants. as a treat) and dances (he specializes more in interpretive type dance). theyve always been rivals, releasing albums around the same time and fighting for all the awards and stuff. and dont get me started on idol sports champio ships-
-so amy's dream has been to be an idol, and she took a lot of inspiration from sonic!! so she uses her tarot cards like in canon and it tells her to audition for the same label as sonic is under (tho im debating what to call it) and she does and makes it in!!!
-eggman runs a company. the one that team dark is under. team dark is a band with shadow on vocals and bass, rouge on vocals and electric guitar, and omega on drums. lets just say they have to buy new drums every performance.
-sonic also has a band with knuckles and tails, where he plays guitar, tails is on synthesizer, and knuckles is on drums.
-amy becomes a soloist but cream comes to all of her shows. she has special permission backstage to see her and be her emotional support. also they sometimes let cream on stage to sing a little song and the audience loves it. cream also has a kazoo
-knuckles's dad used to be the head of their company but knuckles inherited it. or something
-tails is a HUGE music theory nerd. he loves math rock
-amy dabbles in music composition (bc im projecting)
-tails and sonic knew each other since they were little and sonic would play guitar for him and tails started learning bc of him and then he got REALLY into music theory and became a big nerd. sonic cant actually read sheet music lmao
-sonic joined the company under the condition that tails joins with him and tails was so cute that they couldnt say no
-since knuckles takes care of the whole company now he doesn't actually perform concerts that often but when he does the audience goes WILD. you never know when youre gonna see knuckles. it's a gamble every time. on the times knuckles cant come play drums big will come to play instead
-big doesnt ever actually show upto practice bc hes too busy fishing. he just shows up and plays the concert and then he's gone again. froggy plays the cymbal
-froggy gets put on the concert posters and big doesnt bc big just shows up. froggy is the star of the show
-sonic raps while knuckles beatboxes. tails tries to rap and its adorable
-cream is the first to listen to amy's demos and comes to support her at the recording studio
-this quote from Max: "ALLSO she would give advice like "everything sounded VERY COOL but it would be even cooler if you added like DUMM DU DUMMM YDHVVJ TXFHVJJV at the end""
-blaze does classical music and plays the violin. silver does techno style stuff. they collab a lot and sound amazing together
-silver is super into composing and posts his stuff on bandcamp. he's not under any labels or anything
anyway. i love them
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sagerain08 · 2 years
I made this like a year ago and thought I lost it. Was hoping and praying i would find it and then I almost gave up and was kind of bummed cause I knew whatever new one I made would never be the same or close to similar cause I seriously didn’t remember it with the awesome photographic memory that I DON’T HAVE (especially when it comes to random interview questions/pick one this or that) The whole point was to get to know my loved ones better so I could be a better person for them and help them more, also know what gifts to make and/or give them for bdays, holidays, and special occasions. Then unexpectedly I find it in my old notes on my phone, lol, awesome.
What is your favorite: Colors, Seasons, Nature Sounds, Places to sit in nature in peace and a public place like the mall, the gym, the library, place of worship, class, or club or gatherings like concerts or raves that make you feel more connected to people and yourself? What foods do you love so much you could have it almost everyday? And sweets, salty snacks, or both like chocolate covered pretzels. Or are you a sour patch kid? I liked warheads and sour candy a lot when I was little a lot. Makes me want gummy worms and Oreos and chocolate pudding and how we made “dirt” back in the day… So good. Just in time for Halloween! :) This or That (2 choice) or Both! Pick at least one please! Fruit Punch or Iced Tea? Burger or Nuggets? Lion or Eagle Chess or Card Games Coin Flip or Rock, Pap, Sissier? Halloween or Christmas? Gum or Mints? Saint Patrick’s Day or 4th of July? Movie Theater or Drive in? Netflix documentaries or watch reruns of nick at night shows. Hats or Bandanas. Gift Bag or Wrapped Gift Water or Gatorade Camo or Denim Fabric Camping, Tent or Cabin… Beach At night or daytime Books or Magazines Laptop or Tablet iPhone or Android Write a short novel or Create a comic book Learn to Surf or Marshal Arts Lightning or Flames which ones more cool Marvel or DC And one more… Gold or Silver Ok one more I lied… Guitar Solo or Breakdance And for the deep questions! :) Enjoy And Don’t Overthink these! :) If you could go to any play or show ever made what would it be and where? Who with? Why? If you were to raise money for charity. What would you do to earn it? Think of your talents and skills… Your dreams and gifts. To help the world rather then get rich. If you had to be raised by a group of wild animals like the jungle book. What kind of creatures would have been your family? Wolves, Panda Bears? Kangaroos?? And also, What if Mythological half man half animals like the mermaid or sentar were real? What if you could be any furry zebra cheeta printed or camouflage lizard man with a head legs/tail/ or any combo of a land animal? Or have gills to breath underwater n teethe like a shark to be vicious in the deep adventures oceans? Or fly in the air like a beautiful half butterfly lady roaming in the forest fluttering about with colorful wings. Or maybe pick a bird you love and Sore high places and talk to humans with your own voice! Like the messenger, and people would know it’s you if they met ya would prob make them faint when your in the form of a blue Jay or owl or even a hawk! :) communication is so important! Believe in the part of u that’s unique and not afraid! To hold grudges and stay mad at people? Not fun right? Does it bother you or is sweet revenge the best option sometimes? What about Karma and or Forgiveness for something almost unforgivable? What would they have to do in return if anything?
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 9 months
Suehirogari live commentary (9/21)
matsui's first tone sounds so sensual??
enomoto's got his mic wrapped
akashi got his hood off first (giving the people what they want; sasuga hiroki)
it sounds just like the recorded version, they can't be doing playback are they?
enomoto and date-senpai got an umbrella/parasol
they cut hizen's mic when he shouted in the megaphone
tonbokiri is looking Fierce
daihannya got the last zoom and he kept STARING at someone in the audience rather than the camera? i'd COMBUST
did the back dancer hurt his knee?
oodenta is gonna fall off the truck if he keep leaning further every time
everyone's raincoats are getting steamy by now lol
everyone sounds softer today somehow
lmao the guy in the audience with the tonbokiri towel headband
someone's got their grandpa in the audience
matsui got rid of his raincoat
the fans in the far back blushing, giggling kicking their feet are a MOOD
thank you camera crew for not cutting to the center shot as usual
part of the tent covering akashi's face
legs 💕
tsurumaru was so thirsty he didn't even kanpai lol
monoyoshi's bad posture
seeing hyuuga pull mutsu by the tail and i'm getting flashbacks to musuhaji when he tried breakdancing and ripped it off
hiroki running among the audience and i'm Terrified he's gonna slip on the ground
where's Tonbokiri btw
onimaru did today's amai kotoba
damn that voice is velvet smooth
hasebe AND tomoe getting up and close with the camera
yep that's akashi on the mini stage behind hizen
why have they been robbing us of this footage 😭
lol tomoe stripping hizen then wiggling a finger no to the camera
buzen sneeze kawachii
ummm they've changed the formation for danzen?
now i'm scared
ok so they definitely did something to the mics this time
lol they each got their respective umbrella guy with them
jfc tonbokiri is Intimidating
his sheer PRESENCE
oop onimaru actually did slip on the stairs
akashi patting imanotsurugi 🥹
well he did it together with onimaru (expectations vs reality)
horikawa stealing finger hearts from yasusada
hizen and ookanehira fighting who gets to get up the stairs first like two gradeschoolers lol
akashi trying his best to be in time for the wave
subtle muramasa tribute
a god amongst men
strut that stuff
this is the closest we'll get to seeing tonbokiri after having just a bit too much sake on the engawa in the evening before muramasa gets in the futon with him
hasebe's solo song is nice
i'd like to see him duet with horikawa
dare no mono demonai jinsei my beloved
oh their mic covers are gone now
i could only imagine how fun shin had learning the moves with haru-chan and shotaro 🥺
technical difficulties?
mic covers back on
oodenta straddling that tent pole
akashi perspective waving at koryuu
hachisuka × koryuu?
tonbo soft smile 🥹
did they do a new formation for Can you guess what too?
where's YOUR itadakimasu ookanehira??
they're all fighting for their spots 😂 literal children
they almost broke bashiko
more technical difficulties
mic covers gone
i'm weak for akashi's smirk illuminated by the red lights
shougo hitting those high notes again
pls two fingers only mr kuniyuki
he's worked enough already so nagasone/mutsu on haiku duty
it's a 🙌 chaos world 🙌
hasebe doing horikawa's high note
i wonder why they put ryuugi and spi when their voices don't match well.. then again it's hard to be on the same level as spipi
utsuhige monoyoshi × tonbokiri (looking like your average 2010s yaoi pairing)
sayonara matsui × hyuuga
no lift this time
no lift for urashima or hyuuga either
bless that v-neck
he looks fucking feral
yasusada and hizen's mics didn't pick up their sakebe unfortunately
a treat to see spi's sweaty chest illuminated by the fireworks
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celebritynowbot · 2 years
Newcleus jam on it lyrics did you see when he went
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But the realįeather in his cap is that he is the first real rap storyteller on wax. The first artists under Russell Simmons' RUSH Artist Management. His songs ‘Super Rhymes Rap’, ‘Bubble Bunch’,Īnd ‘Dollar Bill Y’all’ are hands down old school classics. Made one of the first fifteen rap records and is credited with having made the Quickly dismiss them for claiming that they coined the phrase 'hip hop' andīut Jimmy Spicer isn't just anyone. Ordinarily, I'd look at someone through slit eyes and And then he carefully emphasized the words, “no one anywhere.” Me,” he says with the conviction of a man who just witnessed the landing of a I never heard no one in the entire world, rhyme on beat before
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Now: I never heard anyone use the phrase “hip hop” or rhyme on beat before I
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"And I want you to print this," he instructs me during a phone "because my hair's more wavy than the ships in the navy." early 80's publicity pic Re-emerges with a new record and is making claims that are so over the top that Coz wrote some great liner notes for the latter.Twenty-six years after his last recording, rap pioneer Jimmy Spicer They have a comp out on Rhino and another from the Jam-On website that's worth checking out. These are the only two original albums that the band put out back in the day, along with the assorted 12 inch singles from each. Coz sells CD-Rs of both albums - plus a CD single of Jam On It (also avoid those 90s mixes, it was a bad rerecording of the original track) on his website listed above. The original CDs of JAM ON REVENGE and SPACE IS THE PLACE were Germany pressed and incredibly rare. Relationships between the band and producer were petty bad in fact there's one track on their first album that contains no one in the band at all. I was tremendously confused when I finally found Newcleus on CD - some really bad 90s comps that had a few key tracks and then some unlistenable stuff. Some comps even mix the output of the two. The kids and producer - and I am a bit unclear on this - went on to use the name, and after 1985 there were several releases using the kids or a completely different lineup. The band included some kids, but most of the 'gimmick' consisted of the band members' voices speeded up. I still have the original vinyl too, but it's shot from trying to scratch on a very cheap turntable. So am I the only one with a deep love for this track? He's an awesome guy, very into talking about equipment he used and such - and also unearthed the demo for the track on his website - something I never thought I would hear! I still have the tape they artificially extended the song for what seemed like FOREVER.Įven cooler, now in the internet age I've been able to trade some emails with Ben (Cozmo D) and have discussed the track a bit with him. And it had staying power - I do remember that come New Years Eve 1984, it was the #1 song of the year on Power 99 FM in Philadelphia. There aren't a whole lot of songs that represent a time for me like this one does. I still remember the day my mother bought me the 12" single - I played it end on end, windows open, breeze coming in - I can still smell the air. And then before you knew it, "Jam On It" was everywhere - at least in Bucks County, where I was growing up. I remember being on the playground when a friend of mine played me a piece of "Jam On Revenge", which he had taped off the radio the night before. (No headspinning allowed) I didn't have those skills, so I was the kid who brought in a cheap tape recorder and 12" singles recorded on cheap tapes - which gained me a bit of cred with the breakers. It was the tail end of fifth grade, and when the teachers were feeling generous, they would let us gather outside and play some hip hop while the more agile kids would breakdance. The VH-1 Hip Hop Top 100 thread made me think of this track - my all time favorite hip hop track, and the track that became my soundtrack to the summer of 1984.
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itsinkwell · 2 years
Monkey show has me mentally ill holy fuck,,
I am having such bad phantom tail
Also just finished season three definitely having that “do all of my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep” moment except all of my friends hate me
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
please i need Lester (the human puppy) and Vinny (imagining Vincent with a pony tail or bun or braid just makes me FEEL) for this
also, this typo made me laugh
He actually might have a mental breakdance if he gets overwhelmed by it
loved it, it was so soft and fluffy and now i miss the beach but also wanna take my men to a river close by, due to the weather it is shallow enough you might even be able to walk across to the other side in some places and Lester would love it
the twins would probably be a little worried cause of the current BUT we used to go there when I was a child sooo
The mental breakdance is the next step of a mental breakdown
if it's what I think it is Lester would have so much fun catching frogs and explaining to you what every bug or flower is
Vinny would be drawing everyone from afar, until you come to take him by the hand to show him something and to make him spend time with Lester cause you know he wants to be with his little bro but is always hesitant cause he thinks he's no fun and might ruin the moment
Bo is being the mom friend telling everyone to be carefull just to be the one getting hurt. Okay maybe it was just an excuse to have a little bit of your private attention. He just looks into your eyes as you patch him up and smiles
All three of the sinclair bros has never spent that much time together without having someone ruin everything and it's all because of you babe
Days like this are the ones that make vinny and Bo think about at least trying to have a normal life. They feel so happy and good for once that it's almost frustrating to know once they get back at home everything is going to end
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lasercrusader · 2 years
Thoughts on Sonic Movie 2: Electric Boogaloo (SPOILERS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
At this point I might as well just become a Sonic blog since it’s all I ever talk about but WHATEVER, DON’T CARE, I GOTTA GET MY THOUGHTS OUT ON THIS BECAUSE I HAVE NO FRIENDS WHO ARE NEARLY AS INTERESTED IN SONIC AS I AM, SO HERE WE GO.
Things I particularly liked:
They incorporated some of the characters’ original backstories, like Tails being inspired by Sonic and Knuckles growing up as the last of his kind.
Tails and Knuckles’ characterizations were great. 
Tails was so freaking cute and pretty darn cool, and they successfully made him a nerd without sacrificing his other character traits. 
Knuckles was so freaking cool and surprisingly funny with his naivety; Knuckles was originally characterized as naive and gullible rather than stupid, so it’s cool to see this movie stay true to that idea.
There was a lot more focus on the Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman than the other characters. 
Actual lore and worldbuilding, and incorporation of some of the original lore with a very interesting twist on it. 
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles teaming up and then being legitimate bros by the end of the film. I could see them having an amazing friend/family dynamic. Seeing these three in action together was so hype. TEAM SONIC HYPE.
The mostly human segment involving veterinarian gal and her sister was pretty fun. The preceding shenanigans were also pretty fun.
GUN being a thing was particularly hype.
Super Sonic was really freaking hype.
Eggman references Sonic Adventure when he yells “CHAOS IS POWER!” upon harnessing the Master Emerald.
Sonic and Tails dancing together was amazing, as was the fireplace scene afterwards. SONIC FINALLY BREAKDANCES, and seeing Tails do it too is so cool, as well as seeing them have some legitimate fun together. Very wholesome.
The baseball scene was really great and wholesome.
The end-credits were a step-up from the original, having some great pixel art with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles looking fantastic. On the downside, they still use generic video-game sound effects, but overall the credits were really great. 
Tails’ full name was said at least once.
Sonic vs. Knuckles was pretty darn cool. Seeing Sonic get serious and go all out against Knuckles was pretty lit. Sonic using the spin-dash was awesome to see.
Though the fight choreography could be better, and honestly I don’t think they utilized the characters’ full potentials. Sonic should’ve learned by this point that he needs to use his speed to outmaneuver Knuckles instead of rushing head-on all the time. There was also a lack of any really stand-out moves that you would normally see from the characters, like Sonic’s kicks and breakdance style and Knuckles’ spirals, digging and uppercuts. 
Sonic using a move similar to his bounce move from Adventure 2 was really cool though. 
They remembered Knuckles likes grapes. That’s kinda cool.
It’s not a Sonic game/TV show/movie unless Tails crashes his plane at least once (jk, but it’s a fun running theme).
Tails is always cool in a plane, and it was cool to see the Tornado in some shape or form, even if it’s just a random bi-plane in-universe. Hoping Tails will get another plane by the third movie lol, maybe the Tornado 2?
Things I particularly disliked:
The soundtrack. Again with the soundtrack. As far as I could tell, there was literally no Sonic music except for Tom’s ringtone. Not even a leimotif. If something was there, it was either too subtle (which would defeat the point) or I couldn’t catch it in the mix of the voices and sound effects (which would probably mean it’s too subtle). The soundtrack itself was, aside from the licensed songs, generic movie orchestral arrangements. It not only lacked Sonic identity, it just plain lacked identity and didn’t really stick out at all. Contrast this with the soundtrack of Sonic OVA, which didn’t have any arrangements of game themes but were still very much Sonic in their style, had a lot of identity, and accentuated many moments.
One missed opportunity was Sonic turning Super Sonic. It was an awesome moment, but that’s usually where the awesome music is supposed to kick in; something that would stick out and make the scene even more memorable. But the music wasn’t anything special, so the moment didn’t hit as hard as it could’ve.
Apparently the composer explains his reasoning for lack of Sonic music as: “In an interview with Polygon, Junkie XL shared that it was not possible to rely solely on video game music in the film because it didn't help enhance the story. ‘It would sound too small for the big action scenes, it would not cover enough emotion when Sonic is all alone in his cave and he has no friends. There's a lot of that to it[.]’”. I strongly disagree with this. The games from Adventure-onward used music to great advantage for their stories, and even without the Adventure-era, it should still be possible to at LEAST work in some motifs.
And theoretically speaking, you should be able to remix songs to fit scenes. Ech. 
And associating certain themes with certain characters would’ve been cool, so you could interweave their leimotifs throughout to accentuate certain moments. ECH.
Like seriously though, the teaser for Sonic 2 incorporating the Emerald Hill scene really got my hopes up. 
Source for the above quote: https://www.newsweek.com/sonic-hedgehog-2-soundtrack-1696304
Tails doesn’t get a whole lot of action scenes, and when he does finally enter the fray directly at the end, he mostly relies on a laser gun with only a handful of other moves. Would’ve been cool to see a bit more variety from him, considering the gadgets he had in his in bag and in the games. 
As for being actually able to throw hands directly, I could see that being a thing in the third movie considering he’ll have spent time with Sonic and Knuckles.
No Metal/Mecha Sonic, and with Shadow being introduced so early, it’s unlikely we’ll see a robot Sonic doppelganger (unless the TV series does something). Though with Knuckles being an antagonist for much of the film, it might’ve been too clunky to incorporate. 
Only new Badniks were the Buzz Bomber-based ones. Not too big of a deal but eh.
Kinda feel like the human characters stole some of the spotlight from Tails and Knuckles during the climax when they save Sonic. It was still a good moment for those characters, but it kinda came at the expense of Tails and Knuckles who were straight-up absent that entire scene until Eggman nearly killed Sonic and his adopted parents. Would’ve really sold Tails’ and Knuckles’ bond with Sonic further if they were the ones to come to Sonic’s rescue.
Things of note that I have no freaking clue:
The end credits scene with Shadow the freaking Hedgehog. I knew that with GUN being a thing, Shadow would inevitably follow, but I didn’t think he’d be introduced so soon, nor did I think they were going to stay as close (as far as I can tell) to his original backstory. This could have wide-reaching implications. I’m still iffy on what will amount to some adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2 happening so soon, but if they execute it right they could introduce the heart of Shadow’s character and story to a whole new audience. 
Though the question is, will they manage to pull it off? SA2′s story is pretty dark, and comparatively speaking the films haven’t gone that far yet. 
I have a sneaking suspicion that they brought Shadow on so soon because he’s the second-most popular Sonic character. But who knows, maybe they know what they’re doing.
How the heck are they going to adapt Sonic Adventure 2? Is Rogue going to be a character? What about Amy? Will Adventure receive an adaptation?
It’s possible that the Sonic TV series could adapt Adventure by having Sonic, Tails and Knuckles travel to other worlds, which is how they could meet people like Amy and Big without them coming to the human world. Though it’d be kinda hard to have Gamma be a character if Eggman isn’t going to be around after Sonic 2.
I freaking swear if they don’t play Live and Learn at some point during Sonic 3-
Hopefully the 3rd movie incorporates SA2 music in general. 
The Master Emerald was created after the Chaos Emeralds, which seems to maybe match up with the lore, but in this case it was created FROM the Chaos Emeralds... interesting. And then the Master Emerald breaks and the Chaos Emeralds come out. Cool. Then the Emeralds go flying off after Sonic de-transforms. Cool. But then Knuckles repairs the Master Emerald (which is really cool as it references the Adventure series), but then the Master Emerald is now its own thing and we don’t know what it does but it’s still important...? A lot of things there weren’t really clarified but, I guess the exposition for those things will come next film.
Eggman teleports with the Master Emerald’s power, i.e. Chaos Control. I almost wanted to blurt out “HE CAN USE CHAOS CONTROL!”
Kind of wondering if they’ll ever incorporate Tikal’s prayer. 
A little bummed they seemingly aren’t going to adapt Adventure.
Sonic and Knuckles probably have innate Chaos powers due to their lightning motif.
Speaking of such, I'm still not a huge fan of the lightning stuff and still think it would’ve been cooler if their portrayals were closer to the games (where Sonic’s speed directly translated to force, which allows him to literally weaponize the air and gives him a wind motif, and also gives him reasons to limit his speed in certain situations). There’s a lot of cool potential there that simply won’t be capitalized on.
If they’re adapting Sonic Adventure 2, then chances are they’ll also give Tails his mech, which would be cool, but I’m afraid that Tails may not get an opportunity to just straight-up throw hands. I swear pretty much every film or TV adaptation of Tails (except Sonic OVA) sleeps on his ability to throw hands. But who knows.
Annnd that’s probably it. Glad I got that out of my system. I really like the two movies and think they’re pretty good, but I still think they could be a lot better. I’m hoping someday there’ll be some Sonic film media that really embraces all the things that make the Sonic series so cool (aside from Sonic OVA which already kinda does that), but as far as major motion pictures go, these movies are doing a lot of things right. They’re also introducing some interesting takes on the characters that we likely wouldn’t have seen otherwise. I’m really looking forward to where they’ll take Sonic, Tails and Knuckles’ character dynamics in the future. It seems they’re setting them up to be real bros, and that’s something that would be really cool to see.
To be quite honest, that’s probably one thing the mainline series is missing: delving deeper into the interpersonal relationships of these characters, and a glimpse of what they’re doing on their off-time. I wouldn’t want the games to have Sonic, Tails’ and Knuckles’ relationship exactly like that of the movies, but it would be cool to see some mainline material go more in-depth with them. I think even the mainline versions of the characters have the potential to be bros, though obviously it wouldn’t be the same as the movie versions.
Okay, that’s actually probably it. I definitely look forward to watching it again. I honestly can’t appreciate movies fully if I’m watching them in the theater, so I think the second time around may be even better. XP
In any case, I think this movie may have inspired me to work on some Sonic creative projects... we’ll see I guess lol.
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Survey #381
“don’t try to be the one person who has stayed just to say they never left me”
Do you feel bored with your life? Always. Do you miss anyone who was mean to you in the past? I sometimes miss Colleen, but I know it's for the better that we no longer associate with each other. What’s the most weight you’ve ever gained from a medication? I don't know, but a fuck of a lot. Thanks, Abilify. Have you ever been suicidal? Yes. Do you pray? If yes, to whom? No. What do you miss about high school? Memories with Jason. What do you miss the most about college? Socializing. What was the best date you’ve ever been on? A triple date to an arcade w/ Jason and friends. What’s the last great song you discovered? The most recent one? I don't know, really. Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? Yeah. Don't like what I post, delete me. Have you ever done cocaine? Yikes, no thanks. Do you think you’ll ever get married? Do you want to? I sometimes wonder if I ever will. I'm scared of just continuing to be an unemployed leech that is doing nothing significant with her life, in which case it's like, why even be with me romantically. I feel like such a dead end street. I want to get married someday. Who do you care about the most? When it comes down to it, probably my mom. Have you ever made out on a couch? Yeah. Would you ever get gauged ears? I want small gauges, actually. When it comes to clothing, are you the conservative type? Yes, because I hate my body and don't want others to see it. Do you enjoy eating? I wish I didn't. Have you ever ridden in a race car? No. Do you go out of your way to impress the opposite gender? No. Do you enjoy history? Not really, no. It bores me. Are you a pajama person or do you stay dressed all day? I'm just about always in my pjs. Do you value looks or personality more? Personality is way more important. Have you ever changed religions? Yeah. Born Roman Catholic, converted to Christianity when I further understood the differences, then I went to how I am now: I believe in something(s), but I don't quite know what. I wouldn't call myself a Neo-Pagan, but it's what I relate most to. Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? I would for like, my wedding. Foo fighters vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers: I'm actually not a big fan of either. Are you a fan of the SAW movies? I don't really watch them. Do you ever forget how old your siblings are? My two immediate sisters, I'm sometimes a year off. All my others, yes. :x Mountain Dew or Sprite? Mountain Dew, of course. I really don't like Sprite now, which is ironic because as a kid, it was my favorite soda. Could you ever give yourself a shot? Yeah. Have you ever worked as a cashier? That was one of my duties when I worked at a dollar store. If you are on birth control that allows you take pills and skip your period, how often do you opt to skip it? How come? My birth control doesn't allow me to skip, but rather, it regulates it. Is there a book series where you loved the first book, but for some reason the other books in the series just didn’t measure up? I can't say that, no, as most series I just kinda fell out of, like The Hunger Games. LOVED the first book, started the second, and even though I was enjoying it, I just stopped for some reason? Are there any stores/restaurants that you would like to shop/eat at, but there aren’t any located near enough to you? Haha yeah, like lots of west coast fast food places like Jack n' the Box or however it's formatted. If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? I don't even want kids, so honestly, I'd be stoked if I learned I was infertile. Wouldn't need to worry about the chance of getting pregnant and facing an abortion dilemma. Is there something that you did not used to take seriously, that you either now take seriously or wish that you had in the past (e.g., a relationship that you miss, your education, etc.)? Hm. I don't know. Are there any subjects that you are interested in so much that you would read whole books or academic journals about them? Meerkats, especially. I will read EVERY scientific article about them I find. Are you physically affectionate with your friends? I'm a hugger. When you were in middle school and high school, did you witness a lot of bullying? How did the teachers react to name-calling or violence? Not really, thankfully. Are any of your friends/relatives actually impressive artists or writers? Are you willing to share an example of their work? Yeah. I have a cousin who's really good at drawing, and my sister is a wonderful cake decorator. Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Orange. Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your gf/bf? My hypothetical bf/gf, no. Would you ever donate blood? I have before, and I would again if I knew I was hydrated enough and the opportunity was right there. Would you rather drink coffee or tea? Ugh, neither. Do you get easily embarrassed? YES. How long was your longest make out? TMI alert, like all night. If the person who hurt you most said they’re sorry would you believe them? I honestly don't know. Do you have sensitive skin? Very. What color is your mum's car? White. Do you live in an apartment? No. Do you have a pet fish? Nope. Are you happy with your eye color? I wish they were a more sapphire blue. Solid soap bar or liquid body wash? Absolutely liquid body wash. What color do you want your dream car to be? Baby pink. *-* Do you have more then one favorite band? I say I do, but at the same time I know Ozzy Osbourne will ALWAYS be #1. Do you prefer being single or in a relationship? In a relationship. But it's absolutely not something I'm about to force just for the sake of being in one. Would you be really upset if Facebook ceased to exist tomorrow? Nah. Have you or would you try shark meat? No to both. Do you know anyone that's pescatarian? No. Someone I watch on YouTube is, though. Are you shy or over confident around your crushes? Super shy. Do you think the govt. has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public? Hell, I think it's very well possible, but I lean more towards for financial hoarding, they simply don't further pursue potential cures that are discovered. I mean, just THINK about all the "future cures" you've read or heard about. It's fucking outrageous. It's all to fuel the medical industry. Okay, tin hat coming off. Last time you drank a diet soda? A very long time ago, because diet soda gives me a massive headache. Was your ex born in America? Only one wasn't. Name your favorite type of music and why. Metal. I for one just like the sound, and I find it very therapeutic when I'm especially mad or sad. Even when I'm in a good mood, I just enjoy it. I also feel that a lot of metal songs tell interesting stories and/or have very poetic lyrics. Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books? I haven't, but I've considered it. Can you breakdance? Definitely not. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one? Yes. We were assigned this one war novel in middle school that was FUCKING AWFUL, like I was checked out the whole time. I don't remember its name or anything. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one? Yes; the Warcraft movie I mentioned in a recent survey. Orcs and their fucking deep-ass voice that I couldn't understand. Do you blowdry your hair? No. Tell me about your dream last night. Omfgggggg y'all. So, there's one invert pet that I've never understood the keeping appeal of, and that's giant centipedes. Their bites are notoriously excruciating, and they are just SO goddamn fast. Well, for some godforsaken reason, I wanted one as a pet. Got one, and it immediately got loose. Guess who wanted to shit herself lmao. Centipedes are very cool, but only from a distance, ya feel? Have you ever stayed in a fancy high-class rich hotel? No. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? I don't think so. Describe the worst fight you’ve ever been in whether physical or verbal. I'm not entirely sure about my *worst*, but I know it was with Mom. We've had a few. Have you heated any food in your microwave today? Yeah, a shrimp alfredo Lean Cuisine bowl. Do you own any items of clothing with cartoon characters on them? Yes. Have you ever played Animal Crossing? No, it doesn't seem like my kinda game. Do you own anything (e.g jewelry, accessories) with your initial on it? Yes, but none of which I personally bought because I don't really like them. Do you own any cats or dogs? What are their names? I have a cat named Roman. <3 Have you added any books to your shelves lately? Which? No. Have you bought any new cosmetics or toiletries lately? Which? No. Do your pets have a specific type of food that they prefer? Roman will eat whatever cat food he's given, while Venus, like your average ball python, is a picky eater. Like when I first got her, she wouldn't eat for almost a year because I just couldn't find a method through which she'd accept food. Now she consistently takes frozen/thawed small rats that have actually sat in warm water (versus doing it by hand under running water), and she generally won't strike it unless it's offered to her by tongs, but not dangling by the tail. Picky, picky miss thang. What's your favourite variety of apple? I'm not very particular about flavor so long as the apple is crisp. I canNOT do soft apples. Which of your physical features do you receive the most compliments about? My hair.
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lilac-sweet-giggles · 4 years
Let’s Just Chat (BNHA Ojiro and Shinso)
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Description: During the preparations and buildings of the Culture Festival, Ojiro runs into Shinso once again. Shinso asks if he and Ojiro can try to hang out and get to know eachother which leads to more bonding than expected
(ft. the help of the lovely @gotmeringinghellsbells​ )
Word Count: (1922)
Just a couple more wood to the gym
Ojiro was briefly helping Sero and the stage group set up some things in the gymnasium. As he was walking on his merry way, a figure stumbles back from their booth and into said Ojiro himself. His tail instinctively caught the person before they could hit the ground and puts his Woods down onto the ground, “Woah you ok?”
“Yeah, I guess so, thanks.” wait, the voice, Ojiro turns around to see the person he recognizes from the sports festival; Hitoshi Shinso.
“Oh it’s you.” Shinso says as he saw the blonde locks and the familiar tail quirk he possesses. Helping him to his feet, the blonde goes to pick up the wood he placed down, “Doing something for the festival?” Ojiro asked the taller.
“Mhm, haunted house.” he says as he points to the decorations in the boxes near the entrance of the potential haunted house, “And yo-“
“Shinso-San! We need your help with some more decorations!” A girl with blonde hair and two pink bubbles following her yelled out to her classmate, the Violette sighs and looks to the house.
“Ok how about this, you have freetime later?” The taller asked the other quickly.
“Yes? Why you wanna meet up?”
“At my dorm?” Huh, He’s never been to Shinso’s dorm before so why not?
“Oh sure, 1-C heights alliance right?”
“Yeah, see you after 6?”
“Sure thing...” the two nodded before parting ways to get back to their festival activities.
Around 6, Ojiro was walking up to the door of 1-C and waited for an answer, “Oh it’s you! Need to see Shinso?” It was the same girl from earlier with the two pink bubbles that follow her, “Yeah, you know where his room is?”
“Yes I do! Second floor, last room on the end of the hall-“ she says as she directs him to the elevator, “Thanks ms?”
“Kamusu; Tami Kamusu” she says as she held her hand out, Ojiro shaking said hand, “Ojiro.”
After the brief meet, he finally got to Shinso’s room, knocking softly on it and waiting for a response. The door opened and Shinso quickly brought the other in before shutting the door. "Oh um, hi to you too?" Ojiro was a bit confused by the other's rush to shut the door. "Ah, sorry. Just don't want to really socialize with anyone else who may walk by." Oh, Ojiro nodded before looking around. "Your room is pretty cool." It looked a bit like Tokoyami's room with a bit more formal gothic design, cat stuff, and was that an eraser head figurine?
"Mew." The male froze himself, looking to see a small kitten sitting on the bed. 'Aw, you have a cat?" Shinso gave a nod. "Aizawa's had an accidental litter. He wasn't allowed to keep more than two in his dorm so he passed some around. Her name is Smudge." He gently pet the kitten, earning softer mews and cuter purrs. She was such a sweetie! He didn’t even expect the teen to be into cats, who knew?
“She’s sweet.” Ojiro sat on the bed and the kitten gets onto his lap and tried to climb up, sharp claws!! Ojiro gets her off and places her beside his tail and curls the tail around her like a blanket.
Shinso follows and sat next to the blonde and kitten, “So you wanted to see me, what about?” Ojiro asked softly as he didn’t make eye contact.
“We were just busy I guess, so I thought that we could just get to know one another, besides quirks.“ Shinso mumbles the last part briefly, “Oh? Seems fair.”
“I also wanted to apologize for being too irrational during the Sports Festival. Just wanted to get into the top, not try to offend you or downgrade you, Monkey.” Shinso says as he pets the kitten too, “Ojiro.”
“Mashirao Ojiro, not monkey.” Ojiro chuckles softly
“Oh, damn it....” Ojiro chuckles some more from Shinso’s nickname for him
“Anyway, What is it that you’re doing with your class?”
“Dance + music concert, I’m one of the dancers.” he says as he shyly rubs the back of his neck, “Dancer huh, you don’t seem that excited though.” Shinso says to Ojiro.
The tail twitched awkwardly as Ojiro tried to think of a response. "Uh.... well... just kind of nervous. I've never really danced in front of people before." He looked down as he spoke before slowly bringing his hands up to press his index fingers together. "Mina is in charge of it; She's really good at breakdancing." Shinso quirked a brow before sitting down with the kitty. "So shouldn't you show yours to your classmates too? Seeing as your going to be dancing anyway maybe get used to people being there."
Yeah, he had a point huh? "Yeah, probably should do that. So hows that haunt-" he was cut off. "Show me." Huh? Ojiro looked up shocked before Shinso realized how demanding he sounded. "Ah, sorry. I'd like to see if you're comfortable." Oh,um, Ojiro blushed.
"Don't tell me you have stage fright." He nodded awkwardly before feeling a hand on his back and on his stomach. "W-What are you," the other smirked. "My dad used to do this when I'd get nervous before performances. It loosened me up and made me feel better about what I was doing." Aizawa may have done it a bit here and there to mess him up on his form. Which worked but he wouldn't stop after the male failed. Lectures were hard to hear when tickled.
"Huh? What do- NAH!" Ojiro's tail stuck straight out as the male covered his mouth, eyes wide. Oh no.
The kitten escapes and goes over to her big ol kitten house as she lets the two interact. This gave Ojiro the chance to fall onto the bed and shove at the hand on his stomach, “Hehehe what’s that for??” Ojiro laughs as he wags his tail.
"Didn't you listen," Shinso chuckled. He gently started to tickle Ojiro's tummy. "Sthahahaop! Thahaht tickles!"
“That’s the point, Dumbo. It’s go get the butterflies out, or am I increasing the butterflies?” Shinso was just straight up in thought.
“Pffff don’t phrase it like thahahahahat!” He was wearing a thin t-shit so this wasn’t helping him be protected. Fingers moved gently over his stomach than dug into his sides. Ojiro looked like a beetle stuck on it's back as he tried to squirm around and free himself. From under his curled legs, his tail was going a mile a minute under him. Has he always wagged his tail when it came to these things? Who knows?
Shinso wanted to take the hand away from Ojiro’s mouth; it was the first step to get him less nervous. Ah the hell with it-
He goes forward and takes the hand from said mouth and there it was; The giggling smile, he’s never got to see Ojiro smile, especially from the Sports festival, "H-Hehehey! Shinso!" Ojrio had one eye open, stuggling, but open. His face was starting to turn pink despite the tickles starting to stop. "How is tickling me going to make me less nervous?"
“Well for starters; you’re showing me you now uncovered smile.” Shinso points out as he ruffles the blonde locks.
....now that Ojiro noticed, he was also showing his blush, huh....
This only caused him to blush more before he curled up some, tail hiding his flustered face. "Stooopppp." Pffff, dork
Shinso chuckles and scoots around to get to Ojiro, continuing to mess with his hair, “Pffff stop that!“ Ojiro says as he reaches for the hands but as his arms were up, the hands went to Ojiro’s underarms and that’s when they clamped down, “PFFFFF SHIHIHIHINSO!!!!!”
The male threw his head back before bucking and squirming about. "Leheheheht ghahahao! Leheheht ghahahao!" He slightly scoots the blonde into his lap, head resting as it looks up to Shinso.
“So how’s it going, Monkey Brains?” Shinso asked as he smirked and saw the boy’s slight eyes opened, Ojiro’s laughter picking up just from the smirk looking down at him.
“HAHA THIS IS TORTURE!!” His Tail says otherwise, wagging like the pup-cat-monkey he was.
"Should I stop, huh?" The other blushed before looking away. He was too emabressed, “Y-Yes-“ What the-
He watched Shinso move and lay down on the bed, his head on his pillows,“Sit up and lay right next to me?” wait what?
Under the quirk, he follows what Shinso said and then felt Shinso spoon in from behind, huh? Then he felt a small flick of the finger at his forehead, snapping him out of it, “Ow, What was that for?” He asked as he rubs the small flicked area Shinso flicked at.
Shinso shrugs and just spoons into him some more, arms around his torso while his chin rested on Ojiro’s shoulder, “.....too shy to ask.....” PFFFF AW SHINSO-
Ojiro blushed before smacking him with his tail. "Ask anyway! I don’t like being a zombie." Shinso chuckled. "Your a cute zombie though." Cheeks were puffed before tail swats ensued. "Ow, hehehe hey! Okay,okay! Ah, in sorry!" Ojiro showed mercy to the other before sighing.
They stood for a moment in time, Ojiro getting a bit more used to the affection he was getting from Shinso, then the Violenette spoke up, “Speaking of zombies, Imma be one in the haunted house.” huh, Ojiro didn’t expect that.
“Wait really?”
“Mhm, covered in rag clothes, blood, Imma look like a freak.” he says as he once again ruffles the addictive blonde locks, they were soft. 
“Pff, more of a dork than a freak...”
“A dork huh? Would a dork do this?”
Shinso leans in and noms along his neck, tail riling up again and squealing madly, “GAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
“Would a dork do this?” Shinso asked once again, “YEHEHES THEY WOULD!!” Ojiro laughs as he then felt the noms of said zombie.
Ojiro continued to attack him with his tail, eventually being released from the other. "Alright, alright. Would you like me to walk you back to your room?" The other hummed before smiling. "May I sleep here?”
.....well then; It was Shinso’s turn to blush.
“You wanna sleep here?” Shinso asked a second time to confirm if he heard right, “You mind?” Ok it wasn’t a dream-
The messy haired teen nods his head and laid back again, “Not at all.”
Ojiro smiles some more and took his phone out his pocket, texting Kaminari that he was gonna hang out with a friend that was in general studies and places the phone over the headboard shelf.
“For once I did a good idea.” Shinso chuckles to himself and passes another blanket to Ojiro to use in case he gets cold some more.
“And all we did was talk to eachother...wanna call a truce?” Ojiro asked as he looks to the other with his natural tired eyes, “Yeah, truce.” Shinso says as he pulls the covers over the both of them.
“Good, Night Shinso.” The tailed teen says as he closes his eyes and nuzzles into the warm dark covers, “NigHT-“ uh, he looks down to the covers and saw the tail at Shinso’s feet.
A small chuckle came from Ojiro and an eye that was still peeled open, “....or maybe we could stay up a bit more....”
Oh boy, time for Ojiro’s vengeance....
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spinblue · 4 years
Muse list!-List some things pertaining to your muse!
Repost don’t reblog!
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// I’m going to put this under read more because I got s u p e r carried away and I don’t want to take up too much space on dash 
5 things you’ll find with me
Whatever trinket or accessory picked up on his latest adventure (until he can drop it off someplace safe)
Lol nothing else really
( Sonic doesn’t make it a habit to carry many things with him. With him always being on the go, and often getting into dangerous situation and ultimately getting battered more often than not, there are just too many chances of his belongings getting broken. He will always carry his communicator with him though, because as much as he enjoys being able to go out for a run for days on end without worrying about any responsibility — he would never want to be completely unreachable if something were to happen. He knows that not many people can keep up with him, especially when he isn’t bothering to slow down, so he makes sure there are other ways for people to reach him. )
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom (it’s more like a room at Tails’s place that he occupies)
A pile of pillows and blankets (many blankets!) on the center of the floor that he burrows into whenever he stays the night. 
Various bookshelfs with many books! (King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and Arabian Nights being within easy reach) 
All his trinkets and gifts!
( If you were to ever ask Sonic directly, he would tell you he’s the type of guy who lives in the moment. And yes, that is true — but he’s also someone who cherishes memories with his friends. If there are small trinkets that represent an adventure he went on then he’ll bring it back to his room too. Though he doesn’t go out of his way to bring back a souvenir. He’s not going to like, pick up a rock and say ‘ah yes. this is a rock from that place during adventure #24234 I must care for it.’ But, if something happens to become a memento he’s keeping it. He also keeps all the gifts he has received. He would even press flowers from any flower crowns he received from Cream or other small children. 
Every once in a while he’ll go through to organize his clutter, and go down a quick memory lane. It’ll also remind him to see if he can catch up with certain people that he hasn’t seen in a while, or visit a place to see how things have progressed since he last set foot there. —— Side note, but his way of ‘organizing’ the things is kinda just having various piles of stuff. Some things on various tables or shelves, other things placed on the floor. However, those piles are nicely and carefully put together. Again, he doesn’t want anything to break. ) 
5 things that make me happy
His friends
Seeing new places / Appreciating nature
People, whether he knows them or not, being happy
( These are fairly straight-forward. I wrote a bit about his love of nature on my about page, but to reiterate, Sonic just loves finding places that were untouched by settlement. They are really fascinating to him, and he appreciates the beauty of it all. He enjoys kicking it back somewhere and napping or just relaxing as much as he enjoys running and traveling! He doesn’t have to be on the go all the time. He likes enjoying the moment too. ) 
5 things i’m currently into
Seeing the world from high up (like on a plane wing)
Seeing how fast he can run on different terrains like ice or sand
Testing out his chaos energy manipulation abilities
( Exploring is kind of an always thing he likes to do. 
Breakdancing is just a fun little hobby of his. He enjoys dancing in general, but breakdancing definitely has the most fun movements. It’s also a nice easy way (without having to break any sound barriers) to entertain children who wants to see some cool moves! 
Seeing the world from high up — he absolutely prefers traveling by foot the most, but every so often he likes riding on the wing of a plane just to explore. Not only does it usually mean that his buddy Tails is with him, but it’s just a new perspective that makes places he’s run across seem new again. 
Seeing how fast he can run on different terrains — it’s not like he’s ever been slow even with difficult footing, but he definitely loses some significant speed. He’ll say it’s just for fun, a challenge for himself, but it’s a way of training. Getting ready for what is to come, because the last thing he wants to do is be too slow at a crucial moment just because of something like sand or ice. 
Testing out chaos energy manipulation — again, he is training. Because he’s faced some serious losses recently (Sonic Forces) and he doesn’t want anything like that to happen again. He’s worried, though he won’t easily admit to it. He’s acutely aware that he is far from invincible, even during the times he goes super, and while he’s sure his friends can take care of themselves and the world ( they’ve done it before ) he doesn’t want to leave them to do it without him. He wants to do what he can to personally ensure everyone’s safety. For as long as he possibly can. And using chaos energy has always been something that he picked up well enough naturally, but he wants to actively hone it now. He doesn’t have any illusions that he’ll reach Shadow’s level of skill with it, but he would like to be able to use it if needed to give him an edge. ) 
5 things on my to-do list
Visit all his friends
Do his self given trainings mentioned above
( Pretty self-explanatory and pretty much anything else I could list was mentioned already in some way. Plus, this post has gotten way too long so I’m going to cut it here — ) 
Tagged by: @team-phantom​​ (thank you!!)
Tagging: @violetueur​ , @fckngmogar / @nerdfcx​ , @umbrrage​ , @devilcharge , @prrrower , @cobaltspeedster + anyone else who wants to! ( I kinda just went down my dash to tag people. Ofc it should go without saying that if I tagged you but you aren’t interested in doing this no pressure to do it aowienawoei )
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thanksjro · 4 years
The Mystery of the Transformer Decoys, Parts 1-3: A Whodunnit Adventure
This isn’t exclusively a Roberts’ publication. There were a lot of folks on this one, actually. Of course the first collaborative effort I cover here has five people on it for the writing alone, not to mention the art credits.
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I’ll be going through everything, of course, because it wouldn’t make sense not to, and also because it’ll be interesting to look at how all these young writer’s styles are going to play together.
And you read that right, Pounce and Wingspan are in this. They were in Liars, A-to-D- Pounce was holding the Galvatron puppet- and Eugenesis as minor characters. I’m excited to get a little more of their characterization.
Now, without further ado, let’s get into The Mystery of the Transformer Decoys.
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There he is, our main character- Nightbeat! Standing at over 90 feet tall and wearing the largest trenchcoat this side of Alpha Centauri, our boy’s well on his way to the robotic equivalent of lung cancer as he watches Sideswipe breakdance in an attempt to appease this god of detective prowess. Megatron might be looking to kill him, but’s he’s going to have to try a lot harder to bring this big guy down.
We get a little message from our ‘zine organizer and editor, Richard Ahern, on the nature of putting a thing like this together.
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Good on you for sticking to it, Ahern.
Part 1 of our story is written by Martin McVay; we open on a scene in the Celestial Spires, where Nightbeat and a co-conspirator are dealing with the spoils of Nightbeat’s most recent case- twenty turbo-fox brains on a rope, glowing with residual Matrix energy. Someone paid Nightbeat to find these things. Right off the bat, we’re getting weird. I dig it.
As the co-conspirator checks the goods for any alarm systems or bombs, Nightbeat stares out the window and muses on the way life is at present, with the war looming in the skies of Cybertron, ever present. He notices a light on in the tower across the way- strange, given that it’s late as shit. Before he can investigate further, Getaway snaps him out of his concentration, having finished with the brain chips.
Yeah, Getaway. Relax, he isn’t a completely morally-bankrupt bastard in this- that’s strictly an IDW thing.
By the time, Nightbeat’s gone back to the window, the light is out.
Part 2, written by Ahern, takes place a few weeks after Part 1, with the high-ranking Autobot who employed Nightbeat breaking out the death threats if he doesn’t get those skulls he paid for. It turns out these skulls have a sort of power to them, the sort that makes one loathe to part with the things once they’re in their possession. Still, Nightbeat is nothing if not a professional, and finally makes his way over to Wingspan’s base of operations.
The exchange is made, and Wingspan invites Nightbeat to take in the view from the roof.  
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As Nightbeat leaves, we get the perspective of an onlooker- Pounce- who takes in the scene with glee, having been the one to set up the whole “problem” Nightbeat had been hired to handle, at Wingspan’s behest. He’s less gleeful to find that the guy he hired to tail Nightbeat isn’t terribly good at his job, seeing as he can, well, see him. He may end up having to kill Nightbeat if if he doesn’t get his act together, but that’s life, I guess. He then pulls the skulls from a case and throws them around his neck like a macabre string of Mardi Gras beads.
It was at this point I stopped what I was doing and made a sandwich to make sure my blood sugar hadn’t suddenly dropped, because things got sort of confusing, narrative-wise, and I legitimately couldn’t tell if it was a writing issue or the fact that all I’d eaten in the last 24 hours was a single bowl of shrimp linguini.
Then I came back, tried again, and determined that it was a bit of both.
In the middle of this part, we get some classic magazine advertising action, which helps clear up a bit of the confusion.
There’s a full-page ad for Transformers Junk Files, another ‘zine, this one being a TMUK writing anthology.
On the other page we get a character synopsis for Pounce, Wingspan, and Circuit, who we haven’t met yet in this story. We’ll get to him in a bit.
Turns out Pounce and Wingspan are clone brothers.
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Yep. Clone brothers.
(Their robot modes are pretty much identical.)
No, see, here’s the thing: these are actually established characters within the Transformers franchise. The only reason I didn’t catch it on my read-through of Eugenesis is because I was basing my interpretation of the characters on what was presented to me in Liars, A-to-D, where Pounce looks like this:
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And there isn’t an ounce of kibble visible to tell me he turns into a friggin’ big cat. I just figured that Liars Pounce and puma Pounce were separate entities. It’s not like these guys are huge players in the cartoons or Marvel comics- they were in a single episode of the original 80’s show.
Regardless, it would seem that Wingspan is not who he presents himself to be to Nightbeat, and that the Decepticons just got their hands on something very mysterious and very powerful.
Part 3, written by Charles Ellis, follows Nightbeat as he muses on Wingspan’s threat.
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Well, that’s… ominous.
Things are back to status quo for our good detective, until he’s brought on to solve a murder- excuse me, a cybercide. He arrives on the scene, and the scene is simply doused in mech-fluid.
No, mech-fluid is not at all similar to man-juice. It’s basically blood.
Nightbeat asks just who the hell got offed, and the current consensus seems to be that he was a member of the special branch of Security Forces- robots so deep undercover they practically don’t exist.
Nightbeat takes in the carnage, and quickly formulates a hypothesis based on the damage to the body, the destroyed computer, and the pain chips he’s found on the floor.
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In a brief aside, Nightbeat laments on the fact that he has no alt-mode- they’re a distinctly war-centric thing in the Marvel continuity- as he drives down the road in an honest-to-god jalopy. Then he sees Megatron, and that kind of ruins his day.
The plot catches up to Circuit as Nightbeat confronts him, demanding answers, seeing as he’s working with just about every mob in Iacon.
Circuit is an Autobot known for trying to cut a deal with everyone he comes into contact with. Deals that solely benefit him. He doesn’t have an alt, but he does have a pretty sweet ride that turns into an exosuit when needed. If you read IDW’s Robots in Disguise, you’ll remember him as the reporter who shows up repeatedly in the story there.
With a little moolah flashed his way, Circuit lets slip that he heard about someone seeing “Meggy” at a place called Slammer’s. It’s all he’s got, but Nightbeat’s trying to stay optimistic and heads out to investigate.
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Fixing the Past (Maxwell x MC)
This fic is inspired by day 23 of the Choices July Challenge hosted by the amazing @kinda-iconic under the profile @choicesjulychallenge!
Dedicated to @itsbrindleybinch and @mariaoz, my beautiful Maxwell-stan friends! ❤
Tagging also @desiree-0816 @lady-kato and @jlpplays1! Thank you for your amazing support! ❤
This fic is a continuation of a different fic I once wrote, titled Because of Liam. I may continue this one also, but I don't know if I ever will. Hopefully it will, but not promising anything.
I don't know how good this is. It dragged for too long, though, so I decided to end it early. Maybe one day I'll continue it, but for now I had enough. XD
Here is the link to the first fic.
Day 23 Prompt: Beauty
Pairing: Maxwell x MC (Riley)
Takes place at the end of book 2, after they return to the palace but before the gala.
“Willy, come here!”
The little corgi glanced at his owner but stayed in place, his tail wagging lazily.
Riley frowned. Why were dogs so spoiled?
She sighed. If Willy wouldn’t come to her, she would come to him. Because darn it, she needed a bit of puppy love.
A knock sounded on her door, one that was familiar from all the past waking sessions Riley experienced. A smile rose to her face as she hurriedly opened the door, only to see Maxwell standing at the entrance.
“Hi, Maxwell.”
His familiar smile covered his whole face. He opened his mouth to say something, but the mischievous twinkle in Riley’s eyes stopped him. His forehead furrowed, before the understanding lit a pink tinge in his cheeks.
“Oh, I-” he swallowed as he peeked once again into her room. No, no… to her. “I didn’t come here for that. Not… now.” 
Maxwell fidgeted like he did on his audition for “Cordonia’s Got Talent” years and years ago. He only hoped this attempt wouldn’t be as unsuccessful as his breakdancing session then.
He flinched. That memory was too embarrassing.
“Why did you come, then?” Riley inquired. Thank goodness she was still in her everyday clothes. He was not yet ready to see her in her pajamas at night.
Heck, he wasn’t even used to kissing her yet.
Maxwell cleared his throat. “Well, I wanted to take you somewhere. As a thank-you present.”
“What for?”
Maxwell blushed. Only a few weeks ago everything was so much more simple. Then he was sure his relationship with Riley would always stay platonic, so he knew to stick to his happy-go-lucky attitude. 
Now, however, everything was different. He and Riley were a couple, something that was almost surreal. This was so new to him, so different than what he was used to. Maxwell never had a requited crush. He had a few crushes here and there, but he never acted out on them. Who could like someone as ridiculous as him, anyway?
Riley, apparently. How, Maxwell still had no idea.
“Let’s go,” he cleared his throat. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
She glanced past him at the empty hall. “Everyone’s sleeping?”
Maxwell swallowed. He knew exactly who Riley was asking about. Ever since Liam’s proposal, Cordonia’s favorite fairy-tale relationship turned a bit strained. Liam was still kind to the girl from New York;  and Riley still smiled and laughed around him, but things were different when they were forced to interact.
Maxwell himself never knew what to do in that situation. He was the one who ruined Riley’s and Liam’s relationship, he was the one who stole the girl from one of his best friends. How could he look Liam in the eyes after that? 
“Liam went to his room a few hours ago,” Maxwell confirmed. He still couldn’t forget his empty eyes and his fake smile. Liam was more broken than he would admit, and it hurt to see that.
“Alright. Time to go, then!”
Riley laughed as she gently took Maxwell’s hand in hers. They walked past the nighttime servants, the only people who filled the empty corridors. Some of them exchanged muffled looks, and others smiled as if they could see themselves in the same situation.
It was strange to see all these looks about him and Riley, but good weird. Maxwell laughed and Riley joined him. The weight on her shoulders immediately disappeared, and Maxwell's heart fluttered. Everything was worth it only for this.
Not long after, Maxwell found himself walking down a familiar path, Riley's hand in his. Their strides were slow and lazy, as if they had all the time in the world. A few stars shone in the sky, ones that didn't shy away from the lights of the palace. They were almost as bright as Riley's eyes, almost as beautiful as the twinkle only she held.
Maxwell never could have been luckier.
He was surprised when Riley suddenly stopped on her way. Maxwell furrowed his brows, but when he turned in the direction Riley looked at, everything was made clear.
"It hardly changed."
Maxwell squeezed Riley's hand. "Right."
The tree still stood in its place, its surroundings just as simple as before. Maxwell saw the patch of grass where he almost shared his first kiss with Riley, and for some reason his heart pounded.
"We need to go. I still have the surprise ready, and-"
He finally met Riley's eyes. She looked at him in adoration, so different than the last time they were there. A sheepish smile took control of his face, and suddenly- before he could do anything about it- Riley's hands cupped his face, bringing him closer and closer until…
A warm tingle passed through him. This act was no longer a dangerous journey, full of perilous waters Maxwell never explored. Now it was safety, affection and familiarity. Now it was Riley.
They parted. Riley looked at him, her cheeks flushed yet eyes cackling with beautiful fireworks. She was always beautiful, but somehow after he touched her she was even more so.
"I just needed to fix what happened last time, so now we'll have better memories."
Maxwell blushed. There would be better memories, alright.
Riley took hold of his hand once again, her voice lighter than a feather. "Now… where were you taking me, Maxwell?"
He smiled. They continued walking, farther than they've ever been, until Riley finally gasped. "Maxwell…"
They stood on a cliff overlooking a town. It was hard to see much from this height, but the shining lights awoke magic Maxwell never knew he had inside him. It was almost silent, considering the late hour, but it was still possible to see a few people walking down the alleys, hurrying to their homes.
"This is amazing."
Maxwell gazed at her in adoration, something he could never hold back in Riley's presence. "It's not all. There's more."
She blinked, her mouth open in surprise. "There is?"
Maxwell tightened his hold on Riley's hand. His hand was steady, but his voice shook with all the doubt he still had to hide. "There is."
So he led Riley down, down, down. Past where the original path ended, and straight to where a new path began.
And their future with it.
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nervouswreck-96 · 5 years
Supernova (Sonic fanfic): Chapter 5: What's He Building In There?
Well…shoot. I can't really say anything here, other than I'm sorry. This is where you'd usually find me giving an excuse for slacking off (busy schedule, hectic family life, kidnapped by Bowser, etc.), but I honestly don't have one. There is no explanation for the delay other than a combination of writer's block, a horrific lack of inspiration, and flat-out laziness on my part.
In fact, the chapter you're reading here is somewhat unfinished, making up about 75-80% of the chapter I wanted to write. I'm only posting it for the sake of posting something, and just to see if anyone is still interested.
Don't be surprised if it takes another year for the next chapter to come out, although reviews may shorten the wait ever so slightly.
...too late.
He exhaled, forgetting his place for a moment, and slumped in defeat. Disconnected chunks of black plastic sliced through the lining of his gloves, cutting into his hands. This was all that was left of Tails' communicator. The damned thing had burst open from the casing, revealing a veritable Escher painting of disconnected wiring and snapped capacitors. Through the wreckage of what used to be a working radio, Sonic swore he could hear voices reaching out to him…the same ones he knew might be calling his name this very second, seeking a connection which had been rudely cut.
For a moment, time froze in the fierce stare between Sonic and his metallic duplicate, which isolated the two from the carnage formed in their struggle. A curtain of smoke enveloped the two combatants, as hardly a square inch of the once-pristine area remained untouched by Metal Sonic's explosive arsenal. But at last, there was a moment to breathe, free of the steady stream of fire, shrapnel, and near-death. The orchestra of battle went into intermission, its echoes still ringing in Sonic's eardrum. Still, it was nice to be able to hear his own thoughts for a change. Then again, that didn't mean very much when those thoughts mostly consisted of the words "too late" playing on a continuous loop.
Which quickly shifted to "get him".
Still very much compromised by the high-speed collision with solid ground, Sonic's mind continued to send mixed signals, playing a sick game with his sense of direction. He was twisting, spiraling, traveling at a million miles a minute, yet at the same time, going nowhere, for he knew his hands and feet were tethered to the floor. Even the slightest impulse to his eyes sliced and stabbed at his cranium, which with each passing second felt more and more like an overripe cantaloupe which had some things done to it by a sledgehammer, but by now he'd kept them closed for so long he didn't realize the multi-colored morass of noise in front of him was only an illusion. Regardless – once he worked out which way was up - he contracted his left leg and used it along with his right arm to push himself off the ground.
No sooner had he raised his body off the canvas than it slammed back down again, weighed down by a heavy, steel boot.
Urghhh…feels like someone dropped an anvil on me!
Second by second, keeping his body above the floor became more of a struggle. The weight on his back only seemed to grow heavier the more he fought against it. One forearm could only quiver at the sheer effort it took, so he moved his other down for extra support. But it did no good. The shaky foundation looked ready to crumble at any moment.
No…no, come on, you're better than that! Fight through it, Sonic! Fight through it!
But his puny arms could not take the strain, and his tenuous grip gave way. As he collapsed chest-first to the floor, repressed physical torment was unleashed in a firestorm that exploded from his aching calf muscle and raced up his backside, forcing a bone-chilling wail out of his mouth before he even realized the noise had come from him. That did it. No longer could he bottle everything up. He had been sent over the threshold where the deepest of primal urges finally surpassed overcame his will to fight them off.
There was something weighing him down. Metal Sonic stood over the pathetic sight…staring at him…judging him...his titanium foot firmly nailing the hedgehog to the floor.
"So…this is what the self-proclaimed hero of the universe, slayer of gods, savior of time and space, has been reduced to? Hmmph," he said, afterwards doing his best to synthesize the sound of a disapproving sigh. "I must say, I can't help but feel disappointed."
"Urgh...I've gotten out of bigger jams than this!" The words choked, sputtered out of his mouth as he fought and clawed to escape Metal's hold. He had to keep to short, stilted sentences, a sensible balance for getting his burning thoughts out.
Suddenly, a breakthrough. Sonic's glove managed to catch on a random spot on the floor, and saw his chance to propel to it and break free. He gradually swung his one free arm out, too gradually, and that's as far as he got. Metal Sonic swooped on the maneuver and crushed it with the other foot. With the hedgehog back under control, Metal leaned over to face Sonic's ear, in the process driving just a few more pounds worth of pressure into his back.
"You are nothing more than a horsefly who thinks himself capable of slaying a lion," said Metal. "As I see it, you have two choices; surrender to the Eggman Empire or face the inevitable."
Sonic's teeth clenched, as he channeled his own physical torment into seething rage, glaring with such fury that he could almost feel his eyes changing to match Metal Sonic's blazing red. 'Surrender'. 'Inevitable'. Those words tended to have that effect on him...now, of all times.
A subconscious impulse glued him to the floor, sending him on a mental journey to the other side of the ESS-1, and a picture emerged in front of him where there was none before, a picture of Tails and Knuckles' battered and broken forms lying before him, bearing the scars and bruises forced upon him by some unknown attacker.
But that's all it was. A picture. An apparition. They may have been on a distant planet for all he knew. The radio transmission was the only link the three had left to share, and it was gone.
Guys…I don't know if I'm gonna make it out of this one…
He scooped the cluster of metal and wiring from the floor and balled it tight into a trembling fist. As if to block out the voices, he thrust that same trembling fist into the floor, creating a shockwave that tremendous enough to resonate across the ESS-1 and command Metal Sonic's attention.
…but so help me, we're gonna finish this thing no matter what!
The next words passed from brain to mouth like a whisper, but with the ferocity and impact of a knife in the dark:
"You really don't know me at all, do ya?"
If he had a fighting chance, he had to make something happen now. Just as Metal Sonic put his entire stock of energy into this finishing blow, Sonic shoved himself in a roll toward his left, holding in a scream as Metal - in a last-ditch effort to hold him back - dug his claw-like toes into Sonic's chest, tearing into exposed flesh.
The gamble paid off. He'd forced the mecha-deity into an undignified pratfall.
With momentum on his side, Sonic rolled into a somersault and bounded back onto his feet. Every step he took widened the ever-growing cracks in the foundation that was his body, but he either didn't know or simply didn't care. The weight was now off his back, and it almost felt like he could leap into the air, swing his arms out, and fly. Sweet, sweet mobility, how he missed it so.
A plasma shot flew across his radar, forcing him into a slide that saved his face from extinction...yet plunged his lower body back into a maelstrom of grinding pain. If that was the price he had to pay for mobility, then so be it.
The world flew by in a blur, or at least this cold, gray prison of a world - man, Eggman really needed to vary the color pallette a bit here - and out of the corner of his eye he managed to catch the doppelganger in his moment of weakness. In the nick of time, he transitioned into a twirling handstand, his legs unfolding and spinning like the blades of a ceiling fan, aiming straight for Metal's head.
"Hey...what the-!"
He struck Metal's left hand instead, which did not flinch, but grabbed hold of Sonic's ankle. A flick of the robot's wrist, and Sonic was cast across the room like dirty laundry.
Hmph...not playing games anymore, Metal? Well, neither am I!
With one flick of his leg, Sonic went from tumbling uncontrollably to tumbling with perfect control, recovering with a short, impromptu breakdance routine and finishing with a devastating kick to Metal Sonic's head.
Too devastating. It actually seemed to connect.
At first, Sonic wondered if he'd missed Metal altogether and actually hit a nearby pipe. But after he got to his feet and noticed the fresh, new shoe scuff he'd added to Metal Sonic's shiny gold paint scheme, it all seemed to come together. The aura surrounding Metal Sonic had dimmed, fading out whenever he did anything more energy-intensive.
Just then, the room was set alight in a red glow so intense it forced Sonic to shield his eyes to look up.
When Sonic finally gathered the strength to gaze into the blinding gleam, he noticed Metal just…standing there, bent over, letting the energy channel into his body. A pair of miniature turbines spun in opposite directions, generating light from pure nothingness and storing it as pure energy, until the mechanism burst into life, ready to unleash it all on the hedgehog. When he noticed that the source was the engine contained in Metal Sonic's chest cavity, he engaged his defenses, expecting another pounding.
But something was off.
He stood perfectly still, both feet planted...never leaving the ground, not floating. That couldn't be right, unless...unless he simply couldn't.
Yes! I knew if I ran him ragged, he'd lose his strength!
"What's the matter, pal?" asked Sonic. "Gettin' tired?"
As if jolted with a cattle prod, Metal jerked his head toward Sonic, who realized that was probably the only answer he would receive. The glow intensified, and along with it came a high-pitched hum.
A very familiar hum.
One engine sputtered, throwing Metal Sonic off balance for just a moment. An auto-gyroscopic correction system boosted power to the other to compensate, and order was restored…until the other engine blew fumes. The problem spread across his body, as his internal processes couldn't figure out whether to stay on or not. Finally, all four rockets expired completely, forcing Metal Sonic to drop.
That laser. Sonic could recognize that whining hum anywhere.
I guess he's tryin' to go out with a bang!
A single sentence played on a continuous loop in Tails' mind – This wasn't supposed to happen.
The halogen spotlights practically seared into his fur. This was a play he'd never rehearsed for, and yet he'd practically been thrust onto the stage to perform to a packed house. And everyone in the packed house was itching to mow him down if he slipped up. They'd left him nothing. An entire battalion of Egg Gunners closed in on all sides – some forming an orderly division on the ground, others lining the catwalks above, a few even scaling the walls to get a good shot at the hapless fox.
The companionship of his radio earpiece was cold and dispassionate, providing no comfort or answers, only non-stop static. Static bombarded his left eardrum for so long that the sensations of dizziness he felt when taking a step were the only reminder he was wearing the stupid thing at all.
It all seemed so simple before. A race against time, and nothing more. Just find the nerve center of the ship, get inside, and raise hell. No questions, just do it. He knew he might run into some resistance along the way, but he hadn't counted on the possibility of this much resistance. There was no telling how much time he'd have to make up…how much time he'd already lost…how much time Sonic had to spare…
His head tilted toward the sky…more specifically, toward the impossibly-high ceiling that covered it. It was the only place that looked to be bot-free…at least he assumed it was. After all, the logic was airtight. Even if a Gunner was somehow stationed up there, how could it see him from so far away, much less keep a steady enough aim to shoot him down?
It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. With one massive burst of energy to his tails, he took off, with the resulting wake force knocking a few Egg Gunners to the ground.
He curled his body into a corkscrew loop, rolling himself over to get a better look at his position. A veritable city of lights took shape behind him, hundreds of little specks of light forming one by one, like fireflies dancing in the autumn breeze. Well, except for that one little speck of light rising toward him. Rather quickly, in fact. Uncomfortably so. Enough for him to see the bolts of electricity jutting from it.
Crud. Make that a dozen big specks of light.
Suddenly, Tails knew how his mono-tailed, ground-bound brethren felt during the hunting season. He was all alone, and that made him the perfect target. There was, quite literally nowhere to go but up.
His lungs were fit to blow at any moment, each twist of his tails seeming like it could be the last his system could take, but damn it, he'd just have to outdo his usual best today. If these baddies were packing anything like what Metal Sonic had, he couldn't be a millisecond off. He sliced through the air like a knife through butter, pushing straight upward against gravity with every ounce of energy he had, because if his calculations were accurate—
A balcony railing passed by his field of vision.
In one massive effort, he flung his tails into reverse and brought them to a gradual stop, curtailing his ascent. With nothing propelling him, he curled into a sudden dive, and not a second too soon. His face scrunched into itself – he couldn't dare look. He could only pray he made the right call. The world around him flashed once…twice.
Then a thunderous smack. Then another, heralding an ear-splitting chorus of metallic clanging above. Tails' heart went up his throat. Was he hit? Was he hit? No…he wasn't.
The sight of the searing, magma-like red stain dripping from the ceiling, still sizzling from the heat of the combined laser blasts, was a stark reminder of what would have become of him had he not been so fortunate. It eventually dawned on him that this was all that remained of a steel beam that once suspended from above.
At the last moment, he revved up his tails again, seamlessly transferring the momentum from his dive into a near-vertical climb, toward the only open space . Great, he thought. You survived that. Now what?
As if in answer, from a shot rang out.
He couldn't see it, couldn't track it, until it was too late. He suddenly fell into a sharp, uncontrollable dive...and as the laser's searing kiss finally started to settle in his tail, he realized why. He'd taken a hit.
He managed to keep his convalescence to a brief yelp before the adrenaline of the moment kicked in. Powered by little more than panic, he reached into his draining reserves for one massive boost from his one remaining tail. Unfortunately, he'd generated more problems than lift. In his compromised state, all he managed to do was send himself careening upside-down, sideways, every direction other than the correct one. If anyone were to ask him how it felt to be trapped inside a juice mixer…yeah, this was probably it.
If this was the Tornado, the alarm would have been blaring already. PULL UP! PULL UP! But by then, it was too late. He'd fallen too far, too fast. He couldn't put in any more power, but maybe if—
Then the floor came out of nowhere and knocked the wind out of him.
Guess not.
Knuckles' face dripped with sweat, flushed by equal parts exertion and rage.
One door. One lousy, infernal steel door stood between him and the closest thing he'd ever have to a child. It sapped his strength, it took his breath, it took every pounding he could give it and practically mocked him.
He practically threw himself back onto his feet, throwing aside some flotsam from the pile of deceased Egg Pawns gathered around his feet. That situation went to hell in a handbasket real fast. At least he learned two things from the experience. 1: Entering the wrong password on the keypad will trigger a sneak attack by specially-placed Egg Pawns and gun emplacements. 2: The password is not "password".
Still, that was all he had in the idea bag until Tails got him through the door.
Where was he, anyway? He really should have called in by now.
Knuckles pulled out his earpiece just to check whether he hadn't accidentally deactivated it. Nope…the light was green. Still on.
He scoffed. "Typical. Of all the times to go radio silent…"
Deep down, he was thankful no one could hear him. He knew that they could've heard straight through the mask he tried to project. The irony was as unavoidable as it was painful. He found himself truly alone for the first time since he boarded the ship. In a way, he'd gotten what he'd wanted.
But at what cost?
Screw it. Being a guardian meant having to make difficult…even borderline illogical choices. It said in the old mantra that Chaos is power…power enriched by the heart. He could recite that mantra from memory, but now was the time to act on it. What the Master Emerald truly needed was an act of selflessness.
It felt wrong to turn away from the Master Emerald's glow when it was so close…separated from him by no more than a thick steel door and a line of encrypted code. But eventually, he wrenched himself away and headed down the corridor.
Hold on, guys, I'm coming!
Then it happened again.
Knuckles stumbled, barely regaining himself. Everything went dark in a hurry, and the room spun out of control, becoming little more than a featureless vortex. The faint echoes of machinery and radio static faded out, giving way to the sound of the rustling wind – a vague, nothing sound which signaled that his mind knew to process something, but not exactly what. Both sides of his head throbbed in almost rhythmic fashion, seemingly ready to explode any second.
These pulses…they were worse than ever. The Master Emerald was in pain, and he could feel it. Not only feel it…see it. His eyes were drawn back toward the other side, where a blazing green light shone through the gloom, in tune with the pounding inside Knuckles' skull. Even from behind the thick steel door, the Master Emerald beckoned to its guardian. He tried to take a step, but when took his next one with his leading foot hanging over thin air, he nearly tripped.
This wasn't real. This was only in his head, he'd told himself. He'd been through this very situation time and time again. And yet, he had to ask. What the hell was real anymore?
Ugh…now he could hardly hear himself think.
Real or not…if the concept of pain could be distilled into a single sound, this was it. This…he didn't even know what to call it, this…throbbing in his head that wouldn't go away. It was there one moment, gone the next, then back again, and like clockwork the pattern repeated. Each step was a furious struggle, his better judgement knowing where to turn, but his senses pulling him in different directions. As he edged closer to the gleam, the flux between "searing pain" and "just fine" faded to nothing, and the pounding only intensified, latching onto him, chipping away at his senses like a mad gremlin crawling inside his cranium.
Nope. Not real. Only in his head. Keep moving.
The more he told himself that, the more he was convinced otherwise.
He pulled closer to the noise – if nothing else, to confirm his skepticism. But with each second, it came into focus, and he noted its location on his right. Some kind of impact…could those be gunshots? Punches landing on someone? No…more like metal clanking against metal. Best guess…someone's footsteps. Knuckles got as close as he reasonably could, and tracked the location of the sound. It didn't stay in one place, it was slithering like a snake…tunneling beneath his feet. It had to be on the next floor down.
There it was again. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Yep…those definitely were footsteps. Slow, consistent footsteps. Whoever this was, it didn't sound like they were in any hurry.
That makes one of us…
Sensing Eggman's presence, every light fixture in the room burst into life, bringing into focus the sheer scale of what he had created. The walls were covered in an intricate series of pipes and cables, every single one of them vital to the operation of the ship. They gave off a faint, green glow, normally too faint to have been visible to the naked eye were it not for the ever-present smog giving it something to bounce off. Soon, the majesty of the cosmos would come streaming through the panoramic viewscreen...though for now, he'd have to settle for a view of the sea and the occasional shipping vessel that passed by.
Strange. Somehow this space seemed almost too expansive to fit on a ship this size...and yet still too cramped. Perhaps the tubes were the culprit. They had arrived just last week, after all, and this was the only safe place on the ship where he could store row upon row of cryogenic-stasis tubes.
Speaking of which...
Dr. Eggman paused and turned toward the lines of tubes. There was one more thing he needed to check on.
"Hello? Sonny boy?" he said. "Daddy's home!"
He walked over the capsule marked with the Roman numeral 'I', the only one in operation. Yet more tubes jutted out the sides of each, meant to hyper-accelerate growth by supplying oxygen and water at high enough doses at the proper times. For all his studies and labors, this was his reward.
A shriveled mass of a lifeform grew inside, flaccid tentacles jutting out of the bulbous mass of a body trying desperately to form limbs, its color as pale as cigarette ashes. Eggman's head slumped to his chin, unimpressed with the results. It was just as he'd left it that morning...and the morning before that, and the night after that. He'd hoped he would see some positive growth after a hectic day apart from its master. But one look dashed those hopes.
He tapped on the tube vigorously, waiting for something, anything. Nothing changed...not even so much as a ripple in the standing water.
From a nearby table, he picked up a pen and clipboard and set about marking off all of the project targets that he hadn't come within a country mile of reaching. As he made his way through the list, marking off failure after failure, his nerves frayed.
Grandfather never had it this rough...
"Sir?" asked a muffled voice from afar. Dr. Eggman turned to find his trusty Egg Flapper occupying the space where he'd directed him to go, the glass tube at the very heart of the room. "Shall we begin the experiment?"
Oh! Of course! The...um..."experiment".
In one smooth motion, he tore the sheet off the clipboard, crumpled it, and threw it toward the closest trash can. Turning away, not even taking care to note that his impromptu sky-hook had undershot the basket by twenty feet, he entered the radiation-proof observation chamber. By the time he settled into his seat, he had already lapsed into another episode of "Dr. Eggman's Thinking Out Loud".
"Bah! No matter! After I'm through with the hedgehog and his friend, I'll have all the time in the world to perfect the procedure!"
"Sir, may I politely remind you that Project Beacon is still in an untested state?" asked Flapper.
"Hmm? Oh…yes," muttered Eggman, as he tapped on a touchscreen, cycling through a rather rudimentary menu. Sprawling bulleted lists of flora and fauna from all over the planet were, for the moment, rendered in little more than a white background and the default system font. He was planning to mold it into a sleek and shiny interface worthy of the Eggman name, but Sonic and his annoying friends just had to butt in and ruin his schedule.
If there was going to be a guinea pig for this test, Flapper was the ideal candidate. One of the few remaining holdovers from the Legacy Series, which all drew power from an "organic battery", it was effectively rendered obsolete for battle duty once Dr. Eggman had found a self-sustaining power source. In one stroke, this opened the possibilities for larger and more destructive Badniks...although Sonic and Tails' little jaunt through the middle decks of his ship should have indicated how successful he was on that front.
But Dr. Eggman kept many of the Legacy Series mechs around – or at least the few that hadn't been felled by the hedgehog's foot. Perhaps it was out of a perverse sense of loyalty. Maybe it was his sick version of 'survival of the fittest'. Either way, he bided his time, waiting for the right moment to use them in the field once again. That time had finally come.
"Ah!" He'd finally reached the right selection in the menu.
Theoretically, there was a checklist with scores of other safety procedures both before and after this part, but they'd all become unreadable by this point, obscured by months worth of coffee stains. Throwing caution to the wind, he flipped open a glass box and pressed the silver button encased inside.
The moment his finger pushed down, all electric light in the room dimmed, sprang back into life for a nanosecond, then went out altogether.
Flapper turned upward to watch the spectacle of light above it. Tiny, green bolts of lightning crackled from an orb at the center of the tube, intermittently at first, but becoming more and more frequent...even persistent. As more energy fired through the tube, the bolts connected with each other, forming a consistent pattern which settled in the miniature vaccuum-chamber at the top. The energy only intensified, and chaos collided with chaos to create more chaos. With nowhere else to go, it grew into an unstable vortex looking for an outlet.
This was an inconvenient time for Flapper to notice that the outlet was pointed directly at it.
"Sir?" Flapper asked. "Requesting information on the nature of this experimen-"
Eggman didn't even wait for his loyal servant to finish before pressing the button a second time. The time for questions had long since passed. Had Eggman given Flapper X-ray vision, perhaps it would have been able to see what Eggman saw on his touchscreen.
The target species he'd selected: FLICKY - Flapper's container animal.
Then again, there wasn't anything Flapper could have done about it.
One blast of Chaos Energy from the top of the tube phased through its skin, tearing through every atom of its being. One second passed. There was no movement, no signs of resistance. Two seconds.
The weapon depowered, and one by one, lights returned to the room to revealing Flapper unmoving at the bottom of the tube, reduced to little more than a non-functioning shell - a shell which the Chaos energy had left almost as pristine and new as the moment it left the factory.
But only a shell, with no power. And no power source.
The word, stuck to the tip of the doctor's tongue, fell out with a soft, almost awed whisper.
Knuckles fell to his knees. Never before, not during any of the crises he'd dealt with before, had Chaos cried out to him like this.
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askglamrockchica · 2 years
Sure, here you go. I'm just curious has there been any dancer animatronic in this place before cause it sure seems like it. If not then well then I was hoping to show off some of my breakdancing skills but... Now that I think about it I shouldn't especially with my tail feathers I don't want to smack something or blind someone with them that's why I keep them so low to the ground and closed. -Spin
*chica take the candy and eat it* this is really good! also there never been a dancer here i think
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farashasilver · 6 years
hey! so, i realize im late af, but i finally took the plunge by binging yoi today. once i was done you were the first person that came to mind. idk if you give recs, but i was wondering - what would you say are some essential must-reads for a newbie to the fandom? fic that really blends into the canon and maybe fills those emotional gaps? (feel free to rec your own work as well ofc!) i'd really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction as i consider you a huge yoi resource! 💕
HI I AM THE WORST you asked me this literal months ago and I’m only just now getting around to making you a rec list. It’s been a real busy back half of the year.
OKAY SO I’m gonna put these behind a cut because this is a wall of recs. At least it’s somewhat organized. Some of these are very strong in the canon setting, a handful of them are AUs. You’re not going to get much plumbing of emotional depths from the PWPs, although there are one or two that stand out as really grounding their relationship in skating. Please enjoy this massive list of fic and mea culpa for taking so long to answer you (and I only recced three of my own fics lmao).
Cute short fics that are Safe For Work
Easy on my knees by ineptshieldmaid - Victor’s subby thing explored as a character studyAddicted (to the taste of you) by smudgesofink - After the Cup of China, Yuuri can’t stop kissing Victoryou’re like heaven to touch by lazulisong - Yuuri is wearing Victor’s jacket and Victor likes that a lotYuuri Katsuki Secret Route Walkthrough/FAQ by Metis_Ink - Meta fic written as if the show is an otome game/dating sim, really cutebetter than sliced bread by ebenroot - Victor owns a Yuuri body pillow because of course he doesthe naming of cats by csoru - Otayuri, a little bit of their careers and mostly them gravitating together for a relationshipa slow invasion of the heart by radialarch - Otayuri, Yuri is straightforward about what he wantsIf We Had No Winter by FreshBrains - Lilia/Minako fic where they maybe had a relationship when they were younger and reconnect nowStay Close to Me by dasedandconfuzed - AU where Vicchan doesn’t die before the GPF in Sochi and Yuuri just barely doesn’t medalNight is Young and the Music’s High by opalish - Yuuri somehow gets roped into another breakdancing contest at the press conference for Japanese Nationals. Outsider point of view.Of Love and Other Emotions by smudgesofink - Two fics of nothing but incredibly tooth-rotting fluffthe warmest part of winter by dadvans - Wedding ficThe Bulge (Don’t Bring a Weapon to a Public Beach) by nagoyadelay - Yuuri posts beach pictures. The internet gains an obsession with Victor’s dick.Feet first (Don’t Fall) by gunboots - Otayuri, awkward teenage romcom shenanigans
Smutty Victuuri one-shots
all the sparks you’re trying to hide by pageleaf - Yuuri gets in touch with his inner doma little love, a little sympathy by pageleaf - Yuuri figures out that Russian names have diminutives and uses it to his advantagea day for all the rest by Etharei - Morning after the Cup of China, a Victor introspective plus sweet morning sexStraight to Video by SocialDegenerate - Pre-canon, Victor’s sex tape leaks and Phichit promptly sends it to Yuuri because Phichit is the bro we all wish we could havei’ve come to be where you are (i can’t help it) by incode - Just some nice kinky sexsmoke and mirrors by grim_lupine - Victor randomly gets de-aged to his long haired teenage self and they bonePraise Please by surveycorpsjean - Praise kinkVictor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing - Yuuri doesn’t bomb Nationals and ends up at Worlds in the season before canon, is extremely confused as to why Victor is so interested in himTalk to Me by SuggestiveScribe - Yuuri has a language kink for Victor speaking RussianSubmission by SuggestiveScribe - Shibari bondage and orgasm delay with sub VictorStamina Should Have Been a Verb by scribblywobblytimeylimey - 12k words of completely unrepentant marathon sex where Yuuri’s epic inhuman stamina wrecks VictorIMG_20140215.AVI by neomeruru - Victor finds one of Yuuri’s old sex tapes from college where he one of his ex-boyfriends has organized a gangbang for himMaid to Love You by Kizuna_Auri - Victor in a french maid outfit with lots of kink because why notNot an inch of you I didn’t cling to by Farasha - Post-Rostelecom body worship fic, gentle dom Yuuri, Victor is the subbiest service sub who ever subbed, the YOI fic in my repertoire that’s most grounded in canon, I think
Smutty one-shots for Other Ships
Green-Eyed Monster by flammablehat - Victuuri + Yuri’s raging crush on Yuuri, Yuri overhears them having sex and has an angry jerkoff sessionsix feet under by knightswatch - Otayuri, Yuri has a pair of sexy leopard print heels and Otabek is really into them. someone on the dancefloor, waiting just for you by verity - Otayuri, kinky stuffHands On Education by BewareTheIdes15 - Otayuri, hilarious internal Yuri narrative during awkward loss of virginity shenanigansTeach Me Just What Fast Is by Zee - Otayuri, some kink but mostly them figuring out their relationshipDevour by dannydevito - Otayuri, face-sitting and rimmingKind, Sober and Fully Dressed by probablestars - Chris/Phichit, Chris and Phichit make a sex tape togetherthe taste, the flavor by pageleaf - Yuuri/Yuri, Yuri asks Yuuri to help him get rid of his virginity, hints that it could be future Victor/Yuuri/Yuri OT3crimson headache, aching blush by pageleaf - Victor/Yuri, Victor gets drugged with sex pollen and turns to Yuri for help, also features Victor/Yuuri/Yuri phone sexSoft as Snow (But Warm Inside) by Farasha - Yuuri/Yuri, Yuri gets drugged with sex pollen and Yuuri is the one who gives him a hand, plus emotional codaPino Grigio Boys by cherrybulesque - Chris/Victor/Yuuri threesome, they have some fun together in the hotel at a competitionTonight, You’re All Mine by doncastaway - Chris/Victor/Yuuri, Yuuri and Victor give Chris a booty call and he is not complainingOff the Ice by Halrloprillalar - Chris/Victor, someone throws lacy underwear on the ice as a post-skate gift, they have some fun with itwhat flattery gets you by tripcyclone - Chris/Yuuri, pre-canon, Chris expected Yuuri to be shy in bed and gets a lot more than he bargained forVice by Halrloprillalar - Celestino/Chris, Chris has had a crush on Celestino since he was young and seduces him at a bar
Longer Victuuri Fics (any rating)
Maybe It Started Like This by dance_across - Character study into both Yuuri’s anxiety issues and Victor’s insecurity issues and how they navigate those in their relationshipkatsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian - Outsider POV fic on Yuuri and Victor’s relationship as covered by fan communities and social mediaMaelstrom by feelslikefire - Time loop/groundhog day alternate universe where Victor keeps repeating the Sochi banquet over and over againKintsugi by witchbane - Alternate universe where they’re both in the mafiaCall Everything on the Ice… by shysweetthing - Victor learns Japanese in order to better be able to communicate with Yuuri’s family, also a really sweet look at their relationship developing while they’re in HasetsuThe Boyfriend Experience by cryingoverspilledvodka - Alternate universe where Yuuri had to quit skating and became an escort instead, somehow he still ends up in Victor’s orbitlove like fools by lily_winterwood - Roman Holiday AU, Yuuri is modern Japanese royalty and Victor is a journalist, they run away togetherKings in Couture by slightlied - Devil Wears Prada AU where Victor is the fashionista and Yuuri is his brand new personal assistant (that he thirsts after like woah)we are lost, but we are not gone by persephoneggsy - Dollhouse AU based on the concept of the Joss Whedon show - programmable escorts that can be anyone you want them to be, heavy on the angst and mindfuckeryThe Lily of Kasagiya by Kizuna_Auri - Memoirs of a Geisha AU (kind of) where Yuuri is a famous Geisha and Victor is his favorite charming foreign clientnever stop until the grave by Naraht - A gritty, angsty look at Victor trying to balance coaching Yuuri and coming back to competition at the same timeFated by maydei - Technically a crossover with Loveless but the only thing you need to know about the Loveless universe going in is that everyone has cat ears and tails until they lose their virginity, the author does an excellent job of explaining everything else in the universe
Longer Fics for Other Ships (any rating)
adventures in personal growth by stutter - Otayuri, also features Yuri’s raging crush on Yuuri, series of three fics, Yuri completely and utterly fails at anything resembling “taking it slow”i walk my days on a wire by idrilka - Otayuri, long distance relationship with pining and Skype sexFrom Almaty, With Love by BoxWineConfessions - Otayuri, slow burn get-together fic where Yuri comes to train in Almaty for the summerNeon Pink Motorcycle by goldheart - Otayuri, soulmate/soulmark AU where Yuri’s soulmark is damaged so he can’t see ithe (walked like, looked like) burned like summer by foxfireflamequeen - Victor/Yuri, alternate universe where Yuri suffers a career-ending injury and seeks out the fae to get what he wants (in this fic, Victor is not a skater, he’s a faerie)Commemorative Photos by airspaniel & dance_across - Phichit/Yuuri, Chris/Phichit, Chris/Victor, Victor/Yuuri; a series of fics that starts with Phichit and Yuuri in college and leads into Victor and Yuuri’s wedding (where Phichit and Chris hook up)i know where my heart lies by orro - Yuuri/Yuri, an alternate universe where Yuuri is the 27yo champion, Yuri is the 24yo Russian ace who can’t quite keep up, and Victor is the bratty 16yo prodigyHalf a Chance by ratherunnecessary - Otayuri, also Yuri’s raging crush on Yuuri, a slow-burn fic of Yuri figuring out how the fuck to deal with his feelingsVodka Tonic by Halrloprillalar - Chris/Georgi, a hookup that starts after the Cup of China turns into something that resembles emotions over timeRed, Yellow, Green by dance_across - Chris/Yuuri/Victor, what starts out as a hookup turns into something like a relationshipbite down (to me) by pageleaf - Victor/Yuuri/Yuri, Victor and Yuri seduce Yuri through skating choreography because this is YOI and of course they doAn Excuse to Be There by shadow_lover - Victor/Yuuri/Yuri, Yuri kept the pole dancing pictures from the Sochi banquet on his phone, Victor and Yuuri know whyOpen My Heart by Farasha - Victor/Yuuri/Yuri, Alpha/Beta/Omega alternate universe where Yuri goes into heat unexpectedly, drags Victor with him, and they all have to figure out how to make it work
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kpopstans · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @kpopruinedmywholelifeu ❤️
Thanks for the tag!
Rules: bold the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller (I freaking wish. I'm 5'3"...)
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (Proud Ginger all the way)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair (shorter. It used to be down to my elbows, now it's just past my chin)
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or had braces (twice 😑)
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (so much of my vocabulary at this point 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️)
I can sing well (I'm ~eh~)
I can play an instrument (clarinet and I'm working on guitar)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (I’m a photographer. I can't draw to save my life)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head (I have dyscalcula. It's a real thing.)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (soccer)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (intramural)
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week (I used to. And I'm going to try to in 2018)
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing (one of my favorite things. The reason I'm a journalism major)
Fandoms are my #1 passion (I love these fandoms, they’re all really amazing. But they’re not my #1)
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss (…)
I have had alcohol (not outside of my own house though)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game (hahahahaha no.)
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (or more than one...)
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in an hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in 1 day
I have visited an another country (just Canada...)
I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
I’m in a relationship (I wish)
I’ve a crush on a celebrity (a couple of them actually..)
I’ve a crush on someone I know
I’ve been in at least 3 relationships
I’ve never been in a relationship (single pringle!)
I’ve asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I had a crush on someone for over a year
I’ve been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
My life:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to school (I'm in college, so I live at school, so, yeah...)
My parents are still together
I’ve at least one sibling (1 younger brother)
I live in the united states
There is snow right now, where I live (yep 🎉🎉)
I’ve hung out with a friend in the past month
I’ve a smartphone
I’ve at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
Random things:
I’ve breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I’ve had a teacher who’s name was hard to pronounce
I’ve dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat (the greatest showman soundtrack right now 👌)
I’ve punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I’ve broken a bone (3- my tail bone, my pinky toe and my foot)
I’ve eaten a waffle today
I know what I wanna do with my life (kinda. I hope)
I speak at least 2 languages (English & German. Im attemptingto learn Korean and Gaelic)
I’ve made a new friend in the past year (a few)
And I tag: @bts-aegyo , @minhyuksfatgf , @lets-make-bad-decisions-and-kpop , @pinkfluffyllama , @jackbum-jikook , @curledlife
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