#breaking bad s4 spoilers
redr1vers · 2 years
walter doesn’t become a worse man over the course of brba. he just gets better at lying to himself about it. he always has that streak of cruelty in him - that part of him that keeps itself afloat by putting others down. we see it in season one in how he blackmails and verbally abuses jesse, how he treats that failing student, when he explodes the rich man’s car, when he beats up walt jr’s bullies. some of these things may have been justified - but through all of them we see walt being driven, energized, by those rushes of power, of cruelty. they may be justified, but that’s not why he did it. that’s just why he tells himself he did it, once it’s done. he was always driven by that rush of power, of cruelty, since day one.
and as time goes on we see how he gets better at these little excuses. he indulges himself more and more, bit by bit. he excuses his behavior towards his wife, his son, to jesse, to hank. walt uses jesse as a kind of life-raft, to keep his excuses and his yearning for power afloat. jesse is malleable, manipulatable, controllable. as the show’s body count rises walt tells jesse it’s alright, tells jesse it was all necessary, that they did what they had to do. he berates jesse to boost his own ego, uses jesse to keep himself in control, keeps jesse in an agonizing subordinate position all through the show, so he always has someone to keep him on top. to give him the power, the ego, the reassurance, the forgiveness that he needs. he isolates jesse, guilts jesse, shames jesse, and then when jesse breaks and does what walt wants - such as killing gale - he showers jesse with assurances, reminders that it’s okay. they did what they had to. there was no other choice.
and even as jesse forgives walt, over and over, buying walt’s excuses and manipulation, jesse can’t quite forgive himself. part of him understands it’s all bullshit. we see jesse try to fight it, without realizing who he’s fighting - screaming at the narcotics anonymous meeting, asking why? why does he, who killed a man, get to move on, say it means nothing, claim it was justified? by season 4, he’s accepted that it’s bullshit. he knows he’s a bad guy. he doesn’t do what walt does - chase himself in circles excusing, explaining, what he’s done. and so the rift between them - despite walt’s best efforts - starts to grow.
by the end of the show, walt doesn’t even need an excuse: walt is the excuse. he believes he’s the exception; the one who’s so smart, so exceptional, so special that whatever it takes to get his way is simply necessary. walter and heisenberg aren’t separate people, not really - it was all walter, right from the start - but walter likes to believe that they are; because heisenberg is special. heisenberg deserves better, so he should get better, no matter whose lives are at stake. it’s the classic case of a white man born and bred to believe he’s above all consequences.
so “heisenberg” isn’t a different person, not really. walt doesn’t turn into someone different over the course of the show. he is the same man, from the start to the end - an angry, bitter old man with an extraordinary capacity for cruelty.
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krissonlythoughts · 8 months
Me and my husband
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viren talking about how his sacrifices were done for his family (“however dangerous and vile”) really reminds me of how walter white would say that.
and we all know how that worked out for walter
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deimosatellite · 2 years
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
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aastarions · 2 years
why was episode 7 the length of a whole ass movie omfg 
anyways major stranger things season 4 spoilers under the cut
but i didn’t expect vecna to be the kid ngl that took me for a loop got me there
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
i was more than a season behind on better call saul but saw some stuff on the dash so i am catching up atm, and i gotta say, i am really gonna miss this universe once the show is done
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daisysliv · 2 years
won’t let go | eddie munson
word count: 853
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you stay by eddie's side in the hospital while he recovers from the events that happened in the upside down
warnings: fluff, light angst, mentions of death, light swearing, hurt/comfort, possible s4 spoilers, hurt eddie needs its own warning
notes: written based on this and this request that i combined cause they were a little similar in idea! it's short but sweet so i hope you like it. as always, not edited so all my mistakes are my own
stranger things bookshelf
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Shifting in the uncomfortable hospital chair, you leaned forward, placing your elbows on your thighs as you covered your face with your hands. The handcuffs secured around his wrists, trapping him to the bed making you sick.
The second you brought him to the hospital, after pulling him out of the Upside Down, they stuck cuffs on him. They stuck cuffs on him like he was gonna magically escape despite being clearly severely wounded. You argued that with the police but they didn't care, Eddie was branded as a murderer in their minds.
They believed he was some satanic cult leader that went around breaking kids’ bones and taking out their eyes when all he did was play Dungeon and Dragons; and occasionally sell drugs but that isn't the point. This town hated him for playing a game and looking different than they did. They called him a freak for how he expressed himself and the things he did, it wasn't fair. Not after he almost died for this stupid town that hated him and thought of him as nothing but a freak and a murder.
The cops outside his door almost didn't let you or anyone else in the room but you fought like hell on that. You weren't going to be banned from the room while the love of your life laid in pain with no one to comfort him. You weren't going to leave him all alone in that cold, dark room they kept him in.
You reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly to pull him out of his slumber. He had been sleeping most days to avoid the pain he felt where he had been fed on by the demobats.
Eddie groaned, his eyes fluttering open and he slowly turned his head to look at you, a smile painting his lips. “Hey,” He croaked, his voice still raspy from where the demobat had been choking him. “You're still here.”
“Of course I am. I won't leave you here alone and Wayne is gonna stop by later.” You stand from the chair and climb into the bed, careful to avoid his injuries. Laying your head on his chest, you put your ear right above his heart so you could listen to it beat.
Feeling Eddie press his lips to your head, you snuggled closer into him, wishing he could wrap his arms around you. You wished none of this happened. It wasn't right. “You have no idea how much I wanna hold you right now.” He whispers and you could hear the desperation in his voice.
You wanted his arms around you just as bad as he did. You wanted him to hold you close and feel his grip tighten like he was scared to let go. “I want that too.” You manage to say while hiding the way your voice cracked. Gripping at the hospital gown he wore, you bunched it up in your fist trying to get closer to him.
Silence engulfs the two of you, neither of you wanting the moment to end anytime soon.
The sound of his heart beating in sync with yours echoed in your head and you felt comforted. You felt safer than you have in years. “I love you.” You whisper into the silence, the hum of the air conditioner muffling your words.
Eddie nuzzled his face into your hair and you heard him take a deep breath. “I’m scared to end up like my dad.” He admitted and your heart sank. All his life, he's been scared of one thing and that was ending up like his dad who was rotting in a jail cell. “I don't want to be like him.”
“You won't, Eddie, okay? You're nothing like him.” You prop yourself up on your elbow so you can look at him. “You could never be like him, tell me you understand that.”
His big doe eyes never stray away from your face, and you hope he can see the sincerity written all over it. You would find a way to prove that he didn't kill Chrissy or the other teens because you weren't gonna let him be thrown in jail for something he would never even dream of doing. He couldn't kill a fucking fly.
Eddie slowly nods, his eyes softening. “I understand that and besides, if I was like him, I wouldn't have you.” He started to lift a hand, forgetting about the cuffs until they scratch at his sore wrist and he hisses. His hand falls back on the flimsy hospital mattress and you smile sadly.
Lying back down on his chest, you matched your breathing with his and closed your eyes, wishing that those stupid cops perched outside his room all day and every day would remove the damn cuffs. You wanted to feel his arms around you but they made it physically impossible and you hated it.
“If these things are ever removed, I’m never lettin’ you go.”
“Good because I won't let you.” You nuzzled into his side more, keeping your eyes closed and let the air conditioner lull you both to sleep.
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notes: if you would like to request something from the prompt list, you can find it here, just be sure to add the numbers, and if it’s angst or fluff! if you want to request something that is not on the list, go right ahead and send in the ask!
add yourself to my taglist!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it's crossed out that means i couldn't tag you )
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vinillain · 19 days
Great wave chapter 2 spoilers// analysis cuz ahahahaha Adamai… when I get you…
Alr, rant because I’m the biggest Yugo & Adamai fan of all time. And I overanalyzed this chapter to death.
And how the way Adamai treats Yugo is one of the main reasons he’s distant from Amalia.
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This pattern of behavior isn’t new, in s4 he was quick to come to Yugo’s defense when Nora was chastising him. Using words like “we” and because both of them were still feeling the euphoria of their reconciliation came to each-others defense in a new unfamiliar environment. But after he sees how shady and “heroic” their family is he ops to leave, and does so without explaining himself (about the dofus) to Yugo or trys to convince him to come along. Something he definitely would have done in s1-2. (And this is because they have grown so far apart the bond they once had is distant, albeit still there)
This behavior is similar, and again appears here in their entire conversation.
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Yugo who was brooding and trying to be alone after his vision is greeted by Adamai, who IS genuinely worried about Yugo, since Yugo now carries the dofus of their people he and Adamai’s bond is “strengthened tenfold” allowing him to “almost hear his thoughts” and definitely feel his fear and dark feelings. And he immediately calls Yugo out when he tries to hide how upset he was (which tbh he likely does because of Adamai’s next reaction in a bit, meaning this is a common cycle)
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Eventually after some talk Yu breaks down and is honest that he isn’t okay. That his visions terrified him, and here Adamai isn’t dismissive right off the bat, he states that he could feel how bad it was because of their bond, and knew it must have been bad if it shook Yugo up this much
And Yugo tells him about the vision and how “I am the cause.” To which Adamai questions as he seems to think internally, and Yugo like in chapter one with Amalia doesn’t question anything, again he only says “It was real.”
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(I am roughly paraphrasing their dialogue so it’s not 100% accurate)
At this point Adamai scoffs at him to which Yugo who’s still upset by his vision flips out on him starting an argument. Asking if he “bores” Adamai
And Adamai tells him he needs to think with his head. He possesses the power of a god and can’t afford to think with emotions. Which is true, TOT said that Adamai was the logic to Yugo’s actions. He is the thought and the anchor, but while he isn’t wrong for saying this, the way he went about it is making things worse, but it also it makes sense why he did act this way towards Yugo.
Adamai is not someone who bases his feelings on emotions anymore.
He’s spent his entire childhood training and getting ready to meet Yugo and find their people. After the loss of Grougal he has spent his entire life trying to fill the void with an adult parental figure who holds power and wisdom that can help him achieve his goals the way he knows mortals can’t. Hence the “we needed someone with more guidance” like in s4 to Yugo. We don’t see exactly what happened to him from the OVA’s-s3. But we know it had a drastic change on him physically and especially mentally. And a big part of that is that he essentially became a vessel to their peoples dofus. In order to cope with his own trauma and feelings and taking on that responsibility of all this power he surprised any emotions or feelings that could cause him to act rash or get in the way of his main goals.
And when he did let his emotions take over because of his blind rage, he ended up hurting people he cared about which left him even more apprehensive to show any ever again. (Hence why he left his newly found family in s4) But in doing this to such an exstent the way he does, he never actually solves any personal problems of conflicts. Especially with his loved ones. He can’t rekindle his bond with Yugo or try to fix their relationship because he refuses to show any vulnerability. Which makes sense after he was left behind, betrayed and hurt so many times, and more so when he realized that he hurt others in his own pain. He doesn’t want to get hurt or hurt others again.
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And as he states, Yugo has power beyond any mortal comprehension. He now carries the weight and responsibility of their people, and their siblings dofus. Honestly just their peoples future in general. He holds power, power many people want to steal from him or rid him of. Adamai compares Yugo’s situation to how he had to handle the dofus. That he needs to swallow any emotions and think logically. Which he has always done more out of the two of them. Vulnerability is a weakness to him. And Adamai doesn’t want Yugo to get hurt or hurt others like he has in the past.
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He is cruel and harsh in his words. Telling Yugo he does “bore” him. And completely downplays his twin’s feelings because he sees them as being weak. But he DOES care about Yugo, in his eyes Yu will end up suffering more if he shows this vulnerability. It’s why he is mean and tells Yugo he can’t be acting like a child when he has all this responsibility and power in his hands. This isn’t the same when they were little kids, the stakes for them and their people are much hire now.
But to Yugo, who’s tried to fix their relationship countless times, is naturally upset at this. He feels unheard, that’s he’s being over dramatic and that his feelings don’t matter. That he isn’t allowed to be upset at his own trauma. Which is something i think paralells Goddess Eliatrope. How people dismiss her feelings and say she’s overreacting. That she needs to “get over herself” because she is a great goddess with all this power. Etc. something I hope we see more with Yugo aswell.
Being a king already isolates him enough, being a demigod with all this power does so even more. To Yugo, Adamai is the only one he can turn too when he’s upset. It’s why he was so desperate to find him in s3. Over growing old and being immortal. The problems that mortals can’t comprehend. (Something that definitely upsets him because the more power and godhood he gains the more distance he has between himself and his loved ones.) But when he opens up to Adamai about his fears and issues he is shut down or ignored. And that’s why he won’t open up to Amalia. If Ad dismisses and scoffs at his feelings then why should he try to open up to her? He adores and loves Amalia and fears the rejection she might give him. It’s why the moment she was slightly dismissive with her “Calm down, it was just a dream” he immediately leaves to be alone. He already has to deal with Adamai, he doesn’t want her to do it to him too.
But by doing this he is hurting her too. Like him Amalia is STRESSED beyond belief. She has a ton of weight and responsibility on her shoulders. And she can’t manage the conflicts of her people (especially with the eliatropes) If Yugo isn’t there to help her, If Yugo won’t be vulnerable to her. If he doesn’t trust her or won’t rely on her with his problems then how can she? How can she be open with him if he runs away from her at the deepest issues when they share so much intimacy and love.
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Their is already clear tension among the Sadida’s and the (VERY FEW) Eliatropes who now live among them. Many are unhappy with the changes, some openly voicing how “Armand would never have allowed this” suggesting they don’t like Yugo as their king either. And the old man talking about how he lost his son in the war, that the eliatropes haven’t faced sacrifice. (And this is despite that fact that they don’t know anything about their past or the war they went through, how they lost their own families- claiming they don’t understand Sadidan culture or tradition but never trying to learn the other sides either.)
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Communication is the key to relationships. Being open and vulnerable is how we understand eachother. Something reflected in the main three so far and the Sadidans+Eliatropes. Yugo keeps shutting Amalia out because of how Adamai treats him. Creating this endless cycle of distrust among the two and it’s reflected in their own people. Both could be amazing rulers and created a better place if they were both open with each-other. But they won’t, and unless Adamai and in turn Yugo open up and show vulnerability. They don’t have to show all of it, trust is slowly gained. Little by little in a healthy manner. But if Yugo doesn’t then the discourse and tension will continue to grow among all their people. (And if you’ve seen the teaser for a certain upcoming chapter you can see how that’s going 😭😭😭)
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Anyway, in conclusion: someone please get them therapy
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morwap · 2 years
➸ vampire!eddie munson x fem!reader
➸ smut, angst | A/N: i don’t know much about dnd or kas, but this is based off kas theory BUT do not come at me for not getting the kas shit right or whatever bc this is my own version and y’all are gonna get what you get and DONT throw a fit😋🫶 also vecna earthquake has happened but the upside down is slowly leaking into hawkins its not rapid like the end of season 4 anyways hot horny vamp!eddie
➸ nav • e.m m.list
dom!eddie, sub!reader, p in v, “character death”, depression, blood/blood sucking, biting (eddie cant turn you bc i said so), oral f! & m!receiving , praise, pain kink,, “cunt”, pet names, choking, creampie
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♡ ───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧─────── ♡
four months, four fucking months of sleeping with eddies extra hellfire shirt and wearing his pick necklace constantly.
hawkins school had simply passed everyone, you graduated officially without eddie and without a celebration since everyone was helping gather things and rebuild things from the earthquake. just the piece of paper that meant fucking nothing to you while you knew this was what eddie was working so hard for, all this year, wanting to graduate with you, by your side.
you couldnt even look in wayne’s direction at first, knowing he loved eddie just as much then you figured it was better to comfort him and honestly you were surprised when you went to talk to him and all he did was hug you, squeezing the breath out of you and sobbing into your shoulder. you heard him mumbled that he had some things he wanted you to have.
at this point your tears had ran out, feeling like you couldn’t cry anymore and it was just numb. not bothering to get out of bed or even answer the phone when steve, nancy or dustin tried to call, the only thing you could do was close your eyes and replay that terrible day.
the way eddie kissed your forehead before ushering you up the makeshift rope before cutting it, the way you and dustin both screamed for him to not do this. tears streaming down your face as you watched him run out the trailer. your shoulder still gets some pain from you landed on the ground without the crash pad, chasing after him with dustin close behind. both of you screaming eddies name then seeing the swarm of demobats.
chest burning and shoulder in pain as you ran as fast as you could to him, seeing the demobats fall to the ground and not even knowing what happened for them to do that unless they had gotten to vecna but that couldnt even cross your mind at that point. literally no one crossed your mind other than eddie.
getting onto the ground immediately, scuffing up your knees as you did so. dustin was at your side almost immediately. crying and trying to get eddie’s head in your lap without hurting him.
the rest was a blur, you remembered him talking and you responding while it felt like your hearing had gone muffled.
you remembered having to leave him there, dustin tell you that you both needed to go and that they did it but something else happened, something bad. dustin basically had to drag you to the trailer to leave and regroup with steve, nancy and robin.
steve tried to comfort you but nancy had stopped him, shaking her head ‘no’ and telling him to try later.
you forced yourself to help gather things for the things they were doing for people that need help from the earthquake. knowing if eddie was here he would want to help and would want you to help.
when steve saw you dropping things off he asked you to follow him to his car, needing to give you something.
almost breaking down in tears as he got out eddies vest from his trunk, giving it to you and hugging you.
since then you’ve barely left the house, either sleeping all day and night or staying up all hours and fighting sleep since sometimes you’d dream of him. sitting in the shower for hours until your mom was knocking at the door and asking “are you okay in there?” and still denying phone calls. you havent even seen max at the hospital yet, which made you upset and curse yourself for being a bad friends but it was dreadful to even think about leaving your house.
you moved around in your bed, flipping from one side to the other. you had been trying to sleep for hours now, finding yourself not tired at all once your head hit your pillow. it was well past 12 am and your mother had gone to your aunts house to help her do somethings which left you alone in the house.
something felt off, knowing no one was in the house but you still felt like you were being watched. you clicked on your lamp before sitting up in your bed, pulling the blanket off you and putting your feet on the cold hard wood.
shivering as you looked around your room, expecting something to be there but, it was empty. getting up and heading out if your room, going all the way down to your kitchen slowly.
you took a look around, the feeling of being watched never left you—if anything it felt like it was getting more intense. you grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge and a spoon and sat at your dinning table.
eating the yogurt quickly, wanting to be back up in your room as fast as you could and be surrounded by the comfort of your blanket and probably now cold sheets. you tossed the empty yogurt cup into the trash by the back door, taking a peek through the thin curtain that dangled in front of the small square window.
almost expecting something to be looking back at you or at least just something be there but, there was nothing, just pitch black and a lonely street light that flickered like crazy and barely casted any light. sniffling as you moved the curtain back to how it was before and tossing the spoon into the sink, cringing the loud clinking it made against the side of the sink and a glass cup.
you went back to the door and made sure the door was locked, thankfully it was and then going to the front door and checking it as well.
a little squeak came from upstairs, furrowing your brows, you had never thought of the windows or maybe it was just the house settling and if anything it would be dustin or steve and robin just checking up on you or something…right?
calming yourself down and starting to walk up the stairs, you didn’t hear any talking if it was steve and robin so you ruled out the noise being your friends because even dustin would talk to himself if it was him.
your nerves settled when you saw no one in your room, and you came to the conclusion that it was most likely the house settling. getting back into bed and pulling your blanket over you, it was colder than you remember.
you turned and took in a shaky breath, your window was open, fully open and the curtains you had were blowing in the wind. shooting up in your bed and scrambling to your window to shut it.
slamming it down and moving the lock, hearing another noise as you laid back down and pulled your blanket over your head. squeezing your eyes shut as you heard another noise, now it dawned on you that if something did come in you had shut and locked and exit point.
feeling the mattress dip next to you, hoping whatever it was would just go away. a hand pressed against your thigh.
“i didn’t mean to scare you princess”
your breathing stopped, it sounded like eddie. exactly like eddie.
the blanket was slowly being taken off you, you forced yourself to open your eyes and look at whatever was speaking to you.
it was eddie but something was off.
your lamp gave a decent amount of light, enough that you could see him. your eyes looking into his, his brown eyes now had a red tint to them and his skin was more pale.
“eddie?” you asked in a choked whisper.
eddie’s red stained lips curved into a smile, you looked at his teeth and furrowed your brows. were those fangs?
“the one and only” eddie quipped, he watched as your eyes became glossy.
you wrapped your arms around him quickly making him gasp a bit from the sudden movements. your face in his neck and hands fisting his leather jacket.
“m’sorry! m’so sorry, i didn’t wanna leave you there” you cried, gripping onto him tighter as his hand came to rub your back and he hushed you in soft voice.
eddie took in your scent, god you smelled good. it was overwhelming and made him go fuzzy.
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, all that matters is that i’m right here” eddie whispered, pulling you from him and taking his thumbs and wiping the tears from your cheeks and under eyes.
eddie brought his lips to yours, a soft kiss at first but quickly turning rough, your arms wrapped around his neck as his tongue slipped into your mouth. his body pushing your back down to your mattress and moving between your thighs.
“i missed you so much baby” eddie mumbled into the kiss, you whined against him as if saying you missed him too.
you gripped at his leather jacket, trying to push it off him and eddie helped take it off. tossing it onto your bedroom floor, you noticed his shirt wasn’t his hellfire shirt instead it was just a black tshirt.
your hands went to his hair, you could feel him grow hard against you. eddie lifted up, yanking off his tshirt and tossing it beside his jacket, your eyes locked on the faded scars on his sides. eddie leaned back down and kissing you softly before moving down to your chest.
kissing your skin and moving down lower and lower, lifting your shirt so he could kiss down your stomach. you left a bit embarrassed that you were horny just when your boyfriend comes and you should be doing something wholesome and probably crying more but eddie seemed like he wanted this just as much as you did.
you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up and over your head, eddie was already at the elastic of your shorts.
“eddie i want you-” you whined, sitting up on your elbows and looking down at him.
“and you’ll get me, i’m gonna taste you first. its been too long” eddie said sternly, cutting off your whining. he looked up at you and you couldn’t help but wonder about the red eyes.
the red eyes, pale and fucking fangs…god you would sound fucking crazy if you said it out loud, actually maybe you wouldn’t just four months ago you were in a different dimension fighting a demobats and vecna and hearing all the stories about some girl eleven and robin, steve, dustin and erica’s starcourt shit so maybe a vampire wasn’t something too out of the ordinary.
your shorts were being slipped off of you, along with your panties. his lips on your inner thigh, leaving sloppy kisses along your thigh.
“this might hurt a little bit” eddie muttered against your thigh. you bit your lip and took a deep breath, this wasn’t the first time you two had done things with pain involved but you were a little nervous.
you felt his teeth against your skin, feeling fangs start to puncture your skin. your hands fisted your sheets and your eyes squeezed shut. a soft moan slipped from your lips.
eddie let go of your thigh, licking the blood that leaked form the puncture wounds and humming in delight.
“tastes so fuckin’ good” eddie groaned, moving to your other thigh and biting again. you let out a whimper and your hand moved to his hair.
it felt good in a odd way. you hummed as he licked up the mess he was making and a gasp came as his tongue went from your thigh to your cunt.
eddie licked a stripe up your cunt before pushing tongue through your folds, one of his hand moving up to your boob.
his tongue lapping at your clit, you fought the urge to close your legs around his head.
“just like that eds” you mewled, back arching as he sucked and licked your clit. eddies fingers played with your nipple.
it was embarrassing how close you were already, but not having him or even masturbating was too blame.
“m’gonna cum, m’gonna fucking cum eddie” you moaned loudly, your legs closing around his head. your cunt clenching around nothing and you rocked your hips on his face. hearing him hum as he continued what he was doing.
your mouth stayed agape as you came, gripping his hair and trying to get him closer. moans fell from you as your rode out your high.
“off, off, its your turn” you panted, looking down at him as a he wiped his mouth the back of his hand. you pushed yourself up as he got up and off your bed.
eddie started unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants and getting them off as fast as he can, your lips went to his neck, sucking on his skin hoping to leave as many marks as you could.
you kissed down his body till you got to his cock, taking his shaft in your hand as you licking up to his tip.
“oh fuck, it has been too long, no wonder you came so fast” eddie teased, you smacked his thigh with your free hand causing eddie to laugh.
wrapping your lips around his tip and moving your tongue on him, hollowing your cheeks and sucking on his tip before taking him all the way in your mouth.
hearing eddie groan, his head going back as his hand went to the back of your head.
moving your mouth up and down on his cock, taking him to the back of your throat and fighting the urge to gag.
fuck you missed his cock in your mouth, your cunt was getting wetter and wetter by the second and you were waiting for him to start fucking your throat.
it was almost like he started reading your mind because, his hand held your head still and he started to thrust into your mouth. the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat over and over.
you looked up at him and he moaned loudly, cussing under his breath. you breathed through your nose and let him fuck your mouth.
“doin’ so fucking good f’me baby, so proud of you” eddie praised, spit dripped down your chin as you hummed around his cock.
“just breath baby, almost there then im gonna fill your fucking cunt” eddie said in a breathy moan, feeling eddies cock throb in your mouth. you moved your hand to his balls, massaging them and letting your eyes close.
after a few minutes eddie stilled, his cock down your throat as you breathed and waited for his cum to shoot down.
cumming into your mouth as his thighs tensed, you swallowed around him and opened your eyes to look up at him.
eddie’s hair was messy, bangs sticking to his forehead. he pulled his cock out of your mouth, his thumb wiping spit from your chin.
“perfect fucking cock sucker” eddie whispered, grabbing your jaw and bringing his mouth to yours.
your thighs we’re sore and you whimpered into the kiss, eddie guided you to lay down and he hovered over you. you wrapped your legs around his waist and winced at the contact on the wounds.
eddie’s hard on pressed against your stomach, “please eddie” you begged in the kiss.
eddie broke the kiss and leaned back, “only because you asked so nicely” he teased. eddie slid himself between your folds, making sure to graze your clit over and over before bringing his tip to your entrance.
you moaned as he pushed into you, stretching you out just like you remembered. eddie was moaning too, relishing in how you clenched around him.
“fuck, you’re so tight” eddie mewled, finally all the way inside you and watching you squirm underneath him.
eddie’s head rested in the crook of your neck as he started to thrust in and out of you, making sure to brush against your clit with his pubic bone. your nails dug into his back, clawing it up without any thought.
you felt eddie’s fangs brush against your neck, feeling his tongue lick where he was about to bite as you prepared yourself for the pain that was about to come.
a squeak came from you, your nails digging deeper into his skin and cunt squeezing him cock as he bit into your neck, hearing him moan as his fangs were in your neck. eddie’s pace never slowed, it was actually gradually getting faster.
“you feel so good” you whimpered, eddie let go of your neck, licking up the blood that poured out.
eddie’s hand grabbed your throat, squeezing a bit as you moaned loudly. eddie was panting loudly.
“i love you” you choked out, one hand leaving his back to grip his wrist. your cunt clenched around him, spasming as you got closer and closer to your climax.
“i love you so much” eddie groaned, feeling that you were close.
“cum- i know you’re close, fucking cum for me” eddie ordered, his hips hitting harshly against you. your eyes squeezed shut as you focused on cumming.
your legs tightened around his waist and your mouth made an o shape, your brows furrowing together as you came around his cock, ragged breaths and moans coming from you as he continued to pound your cunt.
eddie’s hand still around your throat tightening as your orgasm triggered his, your cunt squeezing him so tight it made it hard to keep thrusting.
his cum painting your walls, after a few thrusts, his hand easing around your neck as you took in deep breaths.
both of you panting and resting against each other. you rubbed his back trying to ease the scratches, if he could even feel them.
eddie pulled out of you and got up, he grabbed his shirt and came back to clean you up. you smiled at him.
after you both were cleaned up enough eddie threw his shirt back to the ground and crawled in bed with you.
eddie laid on his back and pulled you to him, snuggling into his side and holding him tight. you weren’t gonna let him go anywhere.
“i missed you so much” you mumbled into his side, closing your eyes and tangling your legs with his. eddie’s finger was drawing shapes on your skin, he smiled and mumbled “i know, i missed you too..”
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bylertruth3r · 11 months
idc what anyone says he totally knew Will was talking about himself in the van scene and Finn keeps saying Mike’s totally clueless cuz saying Mike was happy about Will loving him back would be a spoiler( he also said Mike didn’t know Will was crying in the van when we literally see Mike looking at Will while being worried) and here’s why:
In this scene Mike was mad cuz Will barely talked to him but he used El's name to pretend he wasn't mad about Will not paying attention to him
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Which is why I think he knew(or suspected) that Will was doing the same thing to mask his feelings for him during the van scene cuz remember he already knew Will's painting was for someone he liked (at first he thought it was for a girl and got jealous(i explained that in another post) also Will used words from their fight at rink o mania and their heart-to-heart scene in the bedroom: “which is why you decided to be a douche to her (me) all day?” “i feel like i lost you or something” "this year has been weird you know? and you know Max, Lucas and Dustin they're great ,they're great it's just it's hawkins it's not the same without you" “and if she (i) was being mean to you or pushing you away was just because she (i) was scared of losing you just like you’re scared of losing her”  “well maybe you should’ve reached out more”  “these past few months she’s (i’ve) been so lost without you”
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this is the face of a gay boy who feels loved in the way he wants to and who realized the boy he’s in love with loves him back 
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But then when things got really bad Will told him he's the heart and reminded him of what they talked about in the van so now he thinks he got it wrong and that El commissioned the painting and in the script it says Will's words gave him the determination to tell El those things (which was literally the only insight we got of Mike’s feelings during that scene)
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also “you’re the heart”(something related to Byler) is the name of the soundtrack of this scene
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also them showing Mike when Will says “what if they don’t like the truth?” and Mike nodding cuz he relates to what Will was saying..
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why wouldn’t El(his gf) like Mike loving her back? nah this was about the opposite this was about Mike not being able to love her back cuz yk he’s gay and being afraid of hurting her and about Mike being afraid of Will finding out he loves him which was also why he never told Will the reason of his fight with El which ironically happened the same episode of the stancy break up 
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and then ofc Jonathan( who’s in love with Nancy) reassured Nancy(who’s in love with Jonathan) about Steve
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                            Wheeler                                              Byers
and Will(who’s in love with Mike) reassured Mike(who’s in love with Will) about El
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               Wheeler                                                                  Byers
at the end of s1 Nancy got back with Steve but they still had relationship problems and started dating Jonathan in s2
at the end of s4 Mike got back with El but they still have relationship problems (and El is still mad at him) and he’s gonna date Will in s5(?)
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luveline · 2 years
baby blurb of reader comforting steve? maybe after a monster situation or a nightmare ♡ love you <33
i love you!!!! (S4 spoilers (not really, just about v****'s general existence)) SORRY I READ THIS WRONG AND ITS MORE STEVE COMFORTING READER
When you wake, Steve is already sitting. He knows not to crowd you after a nightmare but he holds your hand in both of his, waiting. 
"Hey," he says softly. "Hey." 
"Sorry." For waking you up. You've apologised so many times that you don't need to say it. 
"It's okay." He pulls your arm to his mouth and kisses from the crook of your elbow to your wrists, fingers squeezing your palm, a small massage.
You let your eyes drift to the ceiling, your heart pounding in your ears, nauseous from that tripping feeling that woke you, like a chair being kicked out from under you. Your chest heaves. "Shit," you whisper. 
"Same one?" he asks. 
It's always the same one. Vecna gets him. His bones break. He dies. You blink back tears at the thought and take a huge, gasping breath. 
Steve pulls the sheets from your sweaty body, his naked knee pressed to your thigh as he twists to look at you properly. 
You hike up on your elbows. "Yeah." You swallow. "Same one." 
He drags your hand under his shirt, over the hills and valleys of his chest and the soft curls of chest hair until your fingers are over his heart. He pushes his own into yours. You can feel his pulse, strong and undeniable. 
"Feel that?" he asks. 
A ritual, of sorts. You count his heart beats until you can breathe normally. He doesn't begrudge you the time it takes. "I'm okay," he says. 
"You're okay." 
Steve drops back into the space he'd left behind, the two of you shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. It's quiet, the only sounds are your breathing and the tick of a clock. You turn on your side, looking over him for dark veins, for blood, for anything bad. 
When he's definitely free from harm you shuffle closer, tentative. Steve is much less cautious, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you in. "We're okay," he murmurs, his hand stretched across your upper back. "Everything's okay." 
"Everything's okay," you repeat. You almost believe it.
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nihilnat · 2 years
Your favorite song
[chapter one] [chapter two] [chapter three] [chapter four]
Summary: When Vecna’s curse affects you, someone who doesn’t consider himself as a hero outside of D&D comes to save you with his amazing guitar skills, playing your favorite song to save you from it.
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Author’s Note: Heavily follows the plot and contains spoilers! If you haven’t watched S4 I wouldn’t recommend reading this fic. Maybe you could save it for later? Also I’m in LOVE with Eddie and wanted to do something angsty and fluffy at the same time. This chapter is a mix of both. The summary is for the entire series. Also the fic is in a normal font if any of you have problems reading smaller fonts.
Word Count: 4049
What to Expect: Reader x Eddie Munson, mutual pining, reader is talking about a past trauma (losing her parents), friendships, heavily contains reader’s flashbacks about Eddie and the others, Steve and Dustin being the comedic relief duo, Steve being jealous of Eddie and calling him a douche, Eddie is kinda traumatized, Reefer Rick's Shack, Eddie being cute, reader is kinda shy BUT things take a turn.
Spoilers below the cut, you have been warned!
Ever since Nancy and Max started to find more information about Vecna’s curse, you felt uneasy. You had this strange gut feeling that something bad was going to happen to you because you were showing the same symptoms as Chrissy and that nerd newspaper guy before they died tragically: Constant ongoing headaches, having experienced some sort of trauma, sometimes seeing weird hallucinations about that tragic event…
You actually didn’t think about it much at first because you were having a hard time connecting to reality. After losing both of your parents during the mall fire, you couldn’t accept the truth, you didn’t want to. It was as if your brain was denying to take that information as a fact. You felt as if the whole world lost its meaning and that living was useless. You were showing clear signs of depression and wanted to be alone most of the time.
Unless you spent that time with Eddie Munson.
Even though you had a lot of friends and an amazing friend group of four which contained Steve, Nancy, Robin and you. After some time, Eddie Munson, the new addition to your friend group, grew on you faster than anyone would’ve expected.
Before he joined your crew, you ofcourse knew the infamous leader of the Hellfire Club but you were too intimidated to talk to him since he was loud and he had a very theatrical personality. Your mind wandered to the time where he insulted the basketball team and the head of the team called him a ‘Freak’.
You loved how he always stood on his ground and didn’t care what anybody else thought of him. He didn’t mind being called a ‘Freak’ just because he liked playing a fantasy game a little too much. He was also a metalhead and you admired his style from afar.
He was aware of your presence too; You always made eye contact whenever you passed by each other in the hallways or when you were both in a crowded room, you would always search for one another and lock eyes, smiling. There was this tension between the two of you and as much as you didn’t want to admit this to yourself, you had a crush on him.
It was actually obvious because of the way you would blush whenever he looked at you and the way you’d break eye contact very fast because you get easily overwhelmed by how he looks at your pretty (e/c) eyes. He had this grin on his face whenever he caught you looking at him and you adored that stupid little grin of his.
He had a huge impact on you and he was aware of it basically because you sucked at hiding it. But he thought it was cute. That you were very cute.
The first semester went on like that and during the spring break, Chrissy’s unexplainable death shocked everybody in town and Eddie went missing. You knew he wasn’t capable of doing such thing and that he probably had nothing to do with this murder. But you understood why he chose to run away, Brent and his team wouldn’t have listened to a single word he said.
Even though you ‘knew’ he wouldn’t have done such a thing, you didn’t know it for sure. Other than staring at each other, you both didn’t do anything. Not even a single ‘Hi’ has been said.
And you were determined to change that. You wanted to speak to him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. You wanted to show that you cared for him. Maybe you were going a little too strong with this ‘little' crush but you didn’t care.
The day after the tragic death of Chrissy, you were hanging out with Robin and Steve at their workplace. There were new customers going in and out. Steve was trying to find a new girl to go on a date with and almost all of his tries were a fail. You and Robin loved to make fun of him about this topic because he was so desperate. It was nothing harmful tho, he was one of your best friends.
He finally thought that he met a pretty girl who is single but she said that she was going to watch the movie Steve recommended with his boyfriend. Oops, no luck again! He was so close tho, you thought. After she left, Robin started to laugh out loud and Steve rolled his eyes telling:
‘Haha Robin! SO funny. Hey (Y/N) why don’t you shut her mouth up and let me focus on my next target please, thank you.’
Robin was still laughing. A few seconds later she finally catched her breath and said,
‘Why don’t you try going out with the first person who walks into the shop? Maybe you’ll find THE one!’ sarcastically.
Steve wanted someone, anyone to date but was he actually down this bad? You didn’t think he would accept Robin’s challenge but after looking at you with desperate eyes, he turned to the glass door of the movie shop and started to wait. You and Robin looked at each other with amusement in your eyes and you locked your gaze to the door too.
After a few seconds, you saw Dustin rushing to the door. You could tell that he was in a hurry and that he was worried because of the way he acted. You always liked that kid, he was such a goofball but a genius at the same time.
Then he opened the door, yelling ‘Steve! Robin! (Y/N)! We need your help.’
Remembering what Robin said to Steve, about the one walking through that door being the one, you and Robin started to laugh hysterically. Steve looked at you guys yelling ‘C’mon give me a break!’ He then turned to the ceiling, opening his arms to the sides saying ‘What have I done to you?’ with a confused expression and furrowed brows.
Dustin said ‘What, not happy to see me? I know you’re lying Harrington.’
He then wasted no time and ran straight to the computer, rolling on top of the cashier counter. In the process, he knocked some of the movies and tapes to the ground. Max followed him shortly after. Robin yelled ‘Hey! We just stacked them. What’s going on with you!?’
‘As much as I’d like to chit chat with you guys Robin, we don’t have any time for this!’ The three of you were looking at him with such confusion, he understood that he forgot to tell you the reason why he was acting in a rush.
‘Look, this is important, okay? Just help us find Eddie.’
After you heard the name Eddie, you instinctively rushed to Dustin’s side, looking at the computer. You thought that the kids in the Hellfire Club already knew where he was but turns out, even Dustin was clueless. You began to worry about him.
‘Dustin, what do you mean you don’t know where he is?’ you asked, looking straight into his eyes. He knew that you had a crush on him, most of your friends knew it.
‘Look (Y/N), I don’t wanna scare you, but we have to find Eddie before Jason and his team if we want him to be safe. So let’s just focus OKAY?’
He was now going back and forth with rapid movements, shaking his head from side to side. His eyes were wide open.
‘WHOA WHOA whoa, Henderson calm down!’ Steve yelled. Dustin was clearly panicking. Steve grabbed him by the shoulders and started to shake him.
‘Earth to Dustin! Dustin? DUSTIN! That douche must be alright.’
‘Who are you calling a douche? It’s because you’re jealous Steve admit it-’
‘Guys, GUYS! Come on, we don't have any time for this right now.’ you exclaimed and you turned to Max.
Max was holding a paper which had a list of names written on it. You asked whose names those were. She said that those were the names of the people who could’ve known where Eddie was. You were a little relieved that they found some important information but you had to start looking for those people immediately.
After hearing Max, Robin wasted no time and directly jumped to the seat behind the counter as she started to look at some of the clients’ rent history to get a better clue. You all started to brainstorm and after a short time, you finally found a lead: Reefer Rick.
After a short ride with Steve, Max, Dustin and Robin, you finally found Reefer Rick’s house. It was out of town, out of prying eyes. Best hiding spot for a drug dealer.
You didn’t listen to any songs while Steve was driving the car. All of you were anxious and worried about what was to come. The tragic death of Chrissy was unnatural. The way they described the state of her body made you think that no human being could’ve done it, let alone it being Eddie. But how did it all happen? You were going to find it out really soon.
When you stepped out of the car, Dustin was already giving you flashes to use while searching up the house for a sign of Eddie. You first went to the house, trying to look inside through the windows. There was no sign of a living being in there.. You were so sure about Eddie being here that you didn’t even consider not being able to find him. You were beginning to lose hope.
That was until one of you found another perfect hiding spot just at the back of the main house. It was like a small but not so tiny shack. You had to look inside the shack. Then Steve and Robin opened the door by force and all of you gathered inside. You guys were looking everywhere for a sign.
After a brief time Steve grabbed an oar and with its back, he started to poke an old little boat which was covered with a boat cover. He was being a bit harsh so Dustin tried to stop Steve from doing it because what if Eddie got hurt? Well, Steve didn’t care about his protests and continued to do what he was doing.
While the others were still searching, you felt hopeless. You thought that you guys had cracked the code and you were one hundred percent sure that you were going to find him in here. But I guess I was wrong, you thought to yourself, deep in thoughts.
Then suddenly the cover of the boat lifted up and you saw Eddie. In just a few seconds, he was pinning Steve to the wall, making him stuck between the wall and himself while holding a sharp broken bottle to Steve’s neck. Dustin started to yell at Eddie, begging him to drop the sharp object.
While all of these were happening, you were in shock. Dustin was the only mutual friend that they had and he was a great negotiator, so all of you decided that it was best if Dustin did the talking.
‘STEVE DROP THE OAR! Look this is Steve and he’s not gonna hurt you. ’
Eddie turned to Dustin and asked ‘What are you doing here?’ His voice was raspy and low, almost like a grunt.
‘We’re here to help, we’re on your side!’ said Robin, hoping that he will loosen his grip.
And after a minute that felt like years, he finally dropped his grip that he had on Steve and let him go. At that time, he started to be aware of his surroundings and finally saw that he had a crowd watching him. And that you were in that crowd.
Dustin started to introduce the group to Eddie. He started with Robin: ‘Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band.’ She made a little trumpet noise while acting like she was playing an imaginary one.
‘This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D.’
‘And lastly, this is (Y/N)...’
He locked his eyes with yours and you did a little wave with an awkward yet genuine smile. At that moment, your heart shattered into pieces at the sight. His eyes were bloodshot, it was obvious that he couldn’t get a good nights’ sleep for quite some time because he was always on alert. He had to be careful, otherwise he could’ve been spotted. His hair was messier than usual and he looked like he was in pain because he was hiding in that boat, folded and crippled up to fit in. He was wearing the same old Hellfire Club t-shirt and the clothes he had from the day he went missing.
And it was clear that he didn’t want anybody to see him like that. He didn’t want you to see him like that. But you didn’t care about his looks at that moment, you were just glad to see him healthy without any injuries.
While you were both looking deeply into each other’s eyes, Dustin had to snap him out of it saying
‘Eddie, tell us what happened.’
Eddie looked at him and the rest of you, trying to calculate whether to say what he truly saw or not. He started to slowly slide down, his back on the wall. He waited for a moment before speaking, his gaze fixated to the floor. His hands were shaking.
‘You won’t believe me’ He said, sniffing.
‘Don’t want you guys tellin’ me that I’m crazy but I know what I saw. I just can’t wrap my head around it.’
He was now sitting on the floor, his head between his legs trying to cover his face. He then lifted his head and started to shake it slowly, his hands were on both sides of his face. You could see it in his eyes and the way he acted that he was suffering while remembering that night. He looked like he was trying to get away from that memory.
None of you made a noise while you were watching him, then Max broke the silence and said ‘Try us.’
Only then Eddie looked at all of you with confusion in his eyes. His brows were furrowed and he squinted his eyes ever so slightly. And after a few seconds of silence, he started to tell you the whole story. How Chrissy was in a complete trance and he tried everything in his power to wake her up from it but he failed. Then, he said that she started to slowly rise to the ceiling and float for a minute or so before her bones cracked with a sick sound and her eyes disappeared as if they were being pulled in.
You were having a hard time understanding everything he had just said. You were trying your best to not make him feel like he was a freak for telling these but how could any of it be possible? You then looked at the others and saw that they weren’t shocked or surprised at all. They had this understanding look in their eyes. You were more confused than ever.
When Eddie finished telling the whole story, he said ‘I left her there, I didn’t know what to do so I… I ran away.’ His gaze was still fixated on the floor, not being able to look at any of you. Then Dustin kneeled in front of him slowly, saying ‘You know how everyone says that Hawkins is cursed? Well, they’re not completely wrong…’
Dustin then turned his gaze towards you and said, ‘(Y/N) you’re also new to this so maybe it’ll be better for you to sit down while I explain what we’ve been going through for quite some time now.’ His eyes motioned you to sit next to Eddie so you did what he wanted you to do. He was trying to get you close to him and if the events that were happening around you recently weren’t this strange or tragic, you would’ve flashed him a grateful smile.
‘But before the story time, let’s get Eddie some snacks from the car. He must be SO hungry. Right, guys?’ Robin said abruptly. She was also trying to get you guys some alone time. You had sweet friends, didn’t you?
As the others left the shack, leaving you alone with Eddie, you slowly went your way next to him. You weren’t quite sure how to behave or what to do. You were shocked after what he told to the group and you were scared about what Dustin was going to tell to the both of you. Was Hawkins really cursed?
As you sat down and got into a comfortable position, you saw that Eddie’s hands were still shaking, it wasn’t as bad as when you first came to the shack but he was still terrified from all the things he had experienced the other day. He felt your eyes on him and tried to stop his hands from shaking but he couldn’t.
Now, he was trying to hide them and while he was doing it, he tried to put on a brave face, just like the way you had seen him all the time. But you could tell that he was hurting.
So in order to reassure him and stop him, you took his hands in yours. He was definitely not expecting that, neither did you. But in that flash of a moment, you did it. You took his hands in yours. He lifted his face and looked into your eyes, he was embarrassed about it. Embarrassed that he was being vulnerable.
‘uh.. Hi.’ You said shyly. It was as if like you were being aware of what you were doing at that time and blood started rushing to your cheeks, making them a brighter pink color that looked way too cute. He said ‘H- hi’ as well, putting on a small and genuine smile that made your heart skip a beat. You have never seen him like this before, he looked so fragile.
You were looking deeply into each others’ eyes when you broke the silence saying ‘Look, I know things have been more difficult than it should’ve been for you and I know that we don’t know each other very well but I wanted you to know that we are here for you.. That I’m here for you.’
‘(Y/N)..’ he said whispering while getting closer to you. He was looking at your lips now. ‘Thank you, means a lot but… Why are you tryna help me?’
You tried to look at his face but you got overwhelmed by how pretty he was looking. His bangs perfectly framing his face, his beautiful brown eyes piercing through yours, the feeling of cold metal on your fingers because of his rings; He was even prettier up close. You got to see a different side of him today and it drove you to him more.
You were looking at the ground, not being able to meet his gaze. ‘Because I.. I like you.’ You said. ‘I like you and it hurts me to see you this way. Like I said I know that we don’t know each other very well but-’
While you were talking, the coldness of metal from his rings on your palm was gone. Turns out he freed his left hand and he was now grabbing your chin to tilt your head. He forced you to look at him with a gentle touch. After a few seconds of staring at each others’ eyes, Eddie suddenly made a quick move and brought your face closer to his. Your eyes shut close, waiting for his next move. Then you felt his lips on yours, kissing you. It was a gentle and sweet one, as if he was afraid of hurting you if he acted too harsh.
You were so surprised you couldn’t do anything but to return the kiss. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss and looked at your face, observing you and your emotions.
‘I thought that butthead Henderson already told you about it.’ He said emphasizing the butthead part, rolling his eyes jokingly. He loved the kid but that didn’t mean that he was a butthead.
You chuckled a little at his expressions, feeling happy that he was acting like his usual self again. Seeing that you don’t have an answer, he continued to talk.
‘I.. I like you for quite some time now and I thought I made it pretty obvious. At least that’s what they told me during our D&D sessions.’
‘They made fun of me for not having the courage to talk to you but, I’m glad you did. I didn’t want you to be labeled as ‘the freak’s girlfriend’ or something.. Not that I care about what they call me but-’
‘I don’t care about it either Eddie, I like you a lot and nothing can change that.’
He had the cutest smile on his face after hearing you say those words. He looked relieved and happier now, despite the things that has been going on lately.
You were smiling too, probably like an idiot.
‘Robin tried to leave us alone, probably gotta thank her when its all done.’
‘Yeah well, don’t worry about it and let’s get back to where we were, shall we?’ He said, looking at your lips and back at your eyes again, looking for a sign of consent.
You shook your head slightly but eagerly, wanting to continue. His left hand found its way back to your chin, pulling you closer.
Your lips were almost touching when the door of the shack openned loudly. Dustin was the first person to walk inside. When he saw you guys in that position, his eyes went wide and he quickly tried to cover his eyes yelling ‘Oh MY GOD, OH MY GOD! CODE RED! …sorry guys.’ but at the same time he was smirking and he winked at you guys once with the biggest smile you have ever seen on his face.
You guys broke apart and Eddie got frustrated at how you guys got interrupted but it was no surprise, he thought to himself. Then, when he saw Dustin winking to the both of you, he turned to you and flashed an amused yet at the same time, confused smile. You told Henderson about it too and he didn’t tell Eddie a single word about it? He had some explaining to do to Eddie for later.
‘A total butthead indeed.’ you said in a whispering tone, sighing. Eddie turned to you and both of you chuckled. After a few seconds, the others rushed inside, Steve grabbed the oar once again and yelled:
‘CODE RED? WHAT HAPPENED HENDERSON, TALK TO ME’ He was looking around, swinging the oar, being the babysitter he was as usual.
When he and the others saw you sitting so close to Eddie, they understood what was going on and they all started to share a knowing smile.
‘So Dustin, Dustin, Dustin… You knew this fine lady had a crush on me too and you hid it from me all. this. time? …Amazing.’ He said with a low voice, eyes wide open. He was smiling but the smile wasn’t reaching his eyes.
‘Look Eddie I can explain, EDDIE-’ Dustin yelled when he saw Eddie starting to get off of the ground. He ran straight to the outside, knowing that Eddie can’t go out and risk getting caught. Eddie yelled ‘YOUUU SON OF A B-’ but everyone was laughing out loud at that point, even Eddie was having fun... You loved his smile. You really did.
Thank you so much for reading chapter one of the series!
If you like this part, let me know by liking, reblogging or even leaving a comment. All of it and feedbacks are appreciated.
Stay in tune for the next chapter <3
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Round 1, Match 28
Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural) vs John Wilkes and Edwin Booth (US history)
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Propaganda under break. Spoilers for Supernatural
Sam and Dean Winchester
Unlicensed and unregistered guns/vigilante justice
they try to kill each other SO many times. well maybe not that often but more often that is emotionally healthy for both of them. dean tries to kill sam (4.14, 8.06, 10.03, 10.23) and sam tries to kill dean (4.14).
in s10 dean has this really shitty curse that basically makes him really violent and want to kill people. however he also wants to just try to deal with it instead of trying to remove the curse because they know removing the curse would cause something really bad to happen. they don't know WHAT the bad thing is but they do know it would be devastating. anyways sam goes behind dean's back and gathers a bunch of other people to try and remove this curse even though dean doesn't want him to AND even though he knows it would cause terrible consequences. eventually sam does get the curse removed and surprise! the bad thing that happens is THE FUCKING APOCALYPSE. basically.
in s9 dean lets an angel possess sam - something he knows sam would never consent to under normal circumstances - in order to save his life and then, when sam finds out and gets mad about it, dean basically refuses to apologize. and then he just never gets around to apologizing about it or even showing regret about doing it.
in s4 sam lies to dean continuously and works with a demon behind dean's back, and he's also doing the supernatural equivalent of drugs that give him powers. when dean finds out about this he locks sam up in a panic room to suffer through his (very painful) withdrawal completely alone. also sam is having hallucinations of dean calling him a monster. and when another character says that he thinks they should let sam out because sam is at risk of dying, dean says "at least he dies human." later sam gets out of the panic room, dean catches up to him, and they have this huge fight where sam just beats dean up.
honorable mention: in between s7-s8 dean dies and goes to purgatory. the concept of purgatory is previously mostly unexplored on supernatural so sam doesn't really know that dean is in purgatory in the first place but also he just straight up does not bother looking for dean at all and just goes back to living a normal suburban life for a couple months. and then when dean gets back he is SO upset about this and resents sam for it for basically the whole season. (this is also one of the reasons he tries to kill sam.)
also they continually try to save each other, at the expense of themselves + each other + everyone around them. they also treat cas (cas!! my best girl cas!!) really shittily on multiple occasions just because he's in the way of their goals.
ALSO. very important. sam & dean are, respectively, the vessels of lucifer & michael (like the archangels) and essentially they are destined to each get possessed by lucifer/michael and kill each other in the apocalypse (the 1st apocalypse, not the 2nd).
all this propaganda might be a little bit biased in favor of sam because i'm a samgirl but you get the point. they think they're so normal but they are SO fucked up. they hurt themselves AND each other in the pursuit of trying to do what they each think is best and they never ever learn from it. i don't even ship wincest i just think they are so interestingly fucked up AND that's not even going into all the stuff about their childhoods / pre-canon
John Wilkes and Edwin Booth
They were actors which is fine. Except. Edwin was better and John was bitter. And the John assassinated the President while delivering a line well associated with Edwin's Brutus. Edwin (already on the outs with John) disowned his brother after that.
Poll Runner's Note: Also their brother Junius Brutus Booth Jr was arrested because of John Wilkes Booth shooting the president. And the three of them had just done Julius Caesar in 1864 (John Wilkes was Mark Antony and Junius was Crassus), the year before the assassination.
One of Junius' other famous roles was as King John, also in this tournament!
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carigm · 1 year
Today Millie had a fan panel in which she answered that her ideal ending would be Mike and El getting married and Will being happy and confessing to Mike (lol) and ofc the Stranger Things fandom kicked up the old Byler vs Mlvn war once again, regardless of the fact she doesn’t write the show. But I want to break down some points here about things I’ve been noticing today, but also for a while and that I think need to be discussed. Keep reading if you want.
I’ve seen a lot of hostility towards Byler and Bylers on Twitter lately, saying we’re delusional and don’t know what we’re talking about. This always seems to be the go to argument even tho it’s all in the narrative. Today it got really bad after Millie’s comments and even people that were merely disagreeing with her opinions got called everything from delusional to misogynistic.
IF the Duffers suddenly decided to ignore everything they’ve carefully crafted and put into their narrative that doesn’t make anyone delusional, it just makes them terrible writers. Who would be doing a great disservice to all three characters involved in the love triangle.
There’s been an insurgence (on Twitter) of so called “Will stans” who seem to be completely fine with the idea of mlvn being endgame because “Will can just get another boyfriend” Not only is this insulting to what the writers have already established for Will’s character but it’s also a defense and endorsement of the worst kind of lazy/bad writing that could graze our screens.
The Duffers CHOSE to tie Will’s character arc to Mike’s and El’s.
How do you expect them to undo that and create a well fleshed out character that’s deserving of Will, in 8 episodes that we know are not just gonna be dedicated to Will’s supposed love interest, because there’s a shit ton of stuff to resolve?
If this was the route the Duffers were going for, they could’ve clearly given Will a love interest last season (like with Robin) or two seasons ago (like with Dustin) And yet somehow, people think it would be totally okay for Will to get the most meaningless romance of all time as the writers ignore the same story they’ve created.
Another point I’ve been seeing a lot from these people is “Mike won’t come out. Let it go. He’s just a very unlikable character” What does that say about the quality of the writing and content you’re willing to consume then? You’re okay with characters being poorly written? And please someone explain to me how Mike’s actions, especially in S4, make any sense unless he likes Will.
The more people try to simplify this story the more plot holes and inconsistencies it creates.
The funny thing is that a lot of these “Will stans” used to be Bylers themselves but are so deathly afraid it won’t be endgame that they’ve started to use the same rhetoric mlvns use every day to justify what would be atrocious writing.
And this next thing might be controversial but I think it needs to be said.
So many people on Twitter have hit those who disagree with Millie’s opinion today with “y’all are misinterpreting Millie’s words” and let me tell you, no one has. She’s been saying the same stuff for forever and quite frankly she’s never had a coherent thought about Will. Which is fine, at the end of the day that’s not the character she plays. However, I haven’t forgotten how last year (at another panel) she was asked about Byler and said it was just a reflection of Finn and Noah’s friendship and that was what people were seeing…
Whatever the fuck that means, I guess.
Again, I’m not taking her answer today too seriously cause truth be told she’s been saying some version of this since she was around twelve, and has even at times said she was joking about it. If a wedding were actually happening she wouldn’t be able to say it cause I’d literally be a spoiler, even if she doesn’t have the scripts yet or doesn’t know I’m sure there’s things that would be off limits for any actor to say at this point.
But this defense squad that formed today begging for us to not misconstrue her words because “she really cares about Will’s character” is laughable.
Her answers regarding the topic of the love triangle have been anything but nuanced. If she doesn’t want to get into it or address it, that’s fine. It’s her choice.
But of course, mlvn stans are gonna take her answers seriously, as well as those who are now “Will stans” who basically ship mlvn too.
And to me there’s a fundamental flaw regarding the ship wars in this fandom, which these people don’t seem to grasp. At this point, it isn’t so much about “which ship is better” but “which outcome isn’t violently homophobic”
That’s it.
I don’t care how much you ship mlvn, this is the undisputed truth here.
But when your lead actors act like it’s not a big deal, it’s no surprise the fandom doesn’t give a shit.
I can only hope the Duffers were smart enough to see reason and were able to write the only outcome that won’t set television back around 10 years or so.
And hopefully one day, when S5 is out, we can get a more in depth and honest conversation with the actors about all of this.
As for me, I’m gonna lay low and not give much of a fuck until we start getting those Reddit leaks, which were very much accurate for last season. I’ll take a peak at those, and depending on what they look like, I’ll stay around or dip completely.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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Always Waiting | Eddie Munson
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Summary: What if Eddie survived, and instead of mourning for him, you waited by his side, hoping he'd wake up? You'd always wait for Eddie, even if no one else would. HENDERSON!READER
Warnings: HEAVY SPOILERS FOR S4! Swearing, mention of violence and death, food!
Word Count: 1.7K
A/N: This is the first SFW piece I've done for Eddie, and of course, it had to be hurt/comfort. I hope you enjoy it!
You never liked hospitals, never liked the plain rooms and shiny laminate floors. You hated how much sorry was trapped within the walls, and you could never bear to hear the pained cries of someone who’d just lost a loved one. But, for a whole week, you sat in an uncomfortable plastic chair, next to an ordinary hospital bed, praying and wishing that the person sleeping, would wake up.
It had been a week since the events of Hawkins and the upside down, since you and your friends fought Vecna, and most importantly, it was a week since Eddie was nearly massacred by the bats, left lying on the ground and covered in blood. Everyone else got out of the upside down relatively unscathed, but Eddie was barely breathing when Dustin and Steve got him to safety, barely getting him to the hospital in time.
When he got here, the doctors were horrified when they looked at the open wounds covering Eddie’s torso, some of them already infected by the poisonous air from the other dimension. They were shocked he was alive, and even more shocked when he started to recover, kept company by the constant visits from the Hellfire Club, Steve, Robin, Max and most often, you.
You had hardly left his side, only going home when visiting hours ended, to get a few hours of sleep and freshen up with a shower. You knew that everyone was worried about you as much as they were worried about Eddie, but they also knew you wouldn’t leave him in such a vulnerable state after everything that happened.
“C’mon Henderson, I’m taking you home tonight. Everyone was gonna grab some pizza at mine.” Steve’s hand is on your shoulder, squeezing it gently to shake you out of your thoughts, and though you knew he meant well, you couldn’t help but scoff and look at him.
“Sure, I really wanna eat pizza while my boyfriend is barely alive in a hospital. Such a good idea, Harrington.” Steve frowns, a look of hurt washing over his face, but he sighs and shakes his head, understanding that you were tired and worried and feeling so helpless.
No one knew if Eddie was going to wake up, the doctors couldn’t tell if the infection had affected his brain and led him to gain brain damage, but with him being able to breathe on his own, they were set on letting hope run its course. And Steve did feel bad, he thought they’d won against Vecna and saved Hawkins once again until he found Dustin with Eddie’s body.
Eddie had tried to be a hero, tried to be everything most people in Hawkins thought he could never be, and it had nearly cost him his life. So you sat and waited, watching over him as Dustin talked to him about an idea for a D & D campaign, Robin nattered about her taste of music, and Steve sat and waited with you, trying to keep you afloat too.
“Look, I know you want to stay here, kid…but you’re exhausted, you haven’t had a decent meal in days, and you need a break from this place.” Steve’s looking at you then, crouched to your level and pleading with you to take a break, get some air and let loose some of the tension caught in your shoulders.
Then you both heard it, a small cough. Neither of you took much notice, thinking maybe it was caused by another patient who shared the ward with Eddie, but then his machines started getting louder, and soon, to the surprise of you and Steve…he was speaking.
“Pizza… that sounds nice.” Eddie’s voice was awfully croaky, and he couldn’t help coughing, neck craning to try and get into a more comfortable position. Neither you nor Steve reacted, and in reality, neither of you knew what to do. The nurses and doctor swarmed in then, gently pushing the two of you out of the way as they looked Eddie over, and you couldn’t stop staring.
“Okay, I gotta be honest…you might need to pinch me because I don’t know if I’m dreaming or not.” Steve’s remark made you laugh, grinning wildly as you looked at Eddie, taking in his tired eyes and relieved smile. Eddie laughs in response to Steve, and in return gets scolded by a nurse, who’s shoving a straw in between his lips so he’ll drink some water.
Finally, the three of you are left to talk, and you have to stop from throwing yourself at Eddie. He laughs when you hug him, gripping you tight with both arms as your face burrows down into the crook of his neck. He can feel the tears soaking into his hair from your eyes, but like the gentlemen he is, he doesn’t mention it. And when you pull away, he doesn’t let you go far, making sure you’re perched on the edge of his bed within arms reach.
“Good to have you back, man. Now I can tell Dustin his hero survived.” Steve shakes Eddie’s hand without a thought, grinning with relief, and Eddie’s got an arm wrapped around your waist, a hand holding your thigh to ground himself into reality. “Honestly dude, what you did down there, Dustin told me all about it, I thought it was wicked. Anyway, you two have your moment, I’m going to call the others and let them know you’re awake.” Steve’s gone then, and Eddie lets out a soft chuckle. He tries to sit up higher and put his back against the headboard, but he struggles, nearly falling to the side before you catch him.
“Woah, baby, hang on.” You help him move his position and make sure the covers are up to his waist, pillows fluffed properly and that he’s comfortable. A comfortable silence settles over the two of you as you pour him another cup of water, holding the cup for him to drink.
“You know, everyone was worried sick about you, Dustin kept reading the D&D manual to you, hoping you’d wake up.” Eddie looks away then, a sudden onslaught of tears caught in his lashes and taking him by surprise. There’s a lump in his throat that he just can’t manage to swallow down even though he tries with all his might, and when you take his hand and rub the back of it with your thumb, Eddie’s a goner.
He’s in your arms then, gripping on to you tightly and hoping that none of this was a dream, or some fucked up idea of heaven, and you’re holding him just like he always likes, a hand stroking his hair and another one wrapped around his shoulders. He sobs, letting out all of the built-up emotion, trying to shove back the memories from his near-final moments, and you just let him, soothing with soft whispers and quiet hums.
“I…I didn’t mean to be so stupid…I really didn’t.” Eddie pulls away then so he can speak, fitfully wiping his face and frowning when you look at him. “I thought everything would be okay, in some sort of fucked up insanity. But then…the bats and Dustin and…I guess I liked the idea of not running for once.”
Eddie’s words are quiet, and he’s not really expecting a response, but he still gets one, with your hand cupping his cheek and your lips pressing gently against his chapped ones.
“You, Eddie Munson, are a hero. And maybe you don’t want to hear it, but you are the furthest thing from a coward. You made the distraction that we needed, you protected my brother as any good man should, and you did something so stupidly dumb and brave, in the hopes of saving people you didn’t even know.” You stop for a moment, having to take a breath as Eddie’s gaze bores into yours, and when you take his hands, he doesn’t hesitate to squeeze them. “I know our stupid town thinks you’re a monster, a freak and some devil-worshipping murderer, but I don’t care. Fuck what they say, fuck what they think.”
“To be honest…I was worried about you being here if I woke up.” Eddie’s got so much sadness in his eyes that you can feel your heart breaking in two, and once again you’re pulling him to you, soothing him with soft kisses and gentle caresses.
“Of course I was going to be here, baby. There was no chance I was going to miss you waking up, being one of the first people you saw. I’ve been waiting right here for days, right by your side. You weren’t alone, Eds.” Eddie sniffs against your shoulder, and he leans into your touch when you press your lips to the side of his mouth, getting a taste of salty tears and warm skin. “Your uncle’s gonna be so happy to see you, love. He comes to visit every day too, sometimes he’d play you music through your beaten-up Walkman.” Eddie laughs at this, a noise that’s so happy and filled with relief that it makes your body tingle, and he’s shaking his head in amusement.
“That reminds me, someone’s gotta get rid of my Master of Puppets tape, I don’t think I can listen to that song ever again.” You laugh back, leaning in to kiss him again and again, releasing the feeling of his hands on your body, the warmth of his skin against yours and his hair brushing your face and hands where you cupped his cheeks.
The two of you kissed for what seemed like ages, and when more doctors and nurses came to fiddle with his wires and monitors, Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off you or wipe his shit-eating grin off his face.
An hour or so later, he was in a private room, something that Steve managed to swing, and the whole gang was sitting in the various chairs and the free space on the bed, munching on pizza and sharing chaotic stories. Dustin kept going on and on about how well Eddie rocked on the top of the trailer, and Robin boasted about how good of a shot Nancy was, and everyone seemed happy, excited even.
This was home to you and Eddie, surrounded by your friends and your brother, listening to insane tales and laughing when Steve nearly spilled a soda on himself. Eddie was alive, everyone was safe, and sure you’d all been to hell and back a couple more times than anyone would like, but you’d move on.
And as the bites on Eddie’s torso healed, so would his trauma, and you were never going to leave his side, always waiting for him to be ready, always waiting for Eddie to just be…Eddie.
Tagging: @sadgirlml @writingquillsandpainpills @gay-prentiss @prettyboyeddiemunson @gold-onthe-inside @wasteland-bvby
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