#breaking my silence cause this shit has been bugging me since the show premiered
stardustandors · 5 months
The Gothic vampire show fandom gotta be the worst group of fans made up of the worst people I've ever seen in my 20 years of fandom and I'm so serious.
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sweetlysilent · 6 years
Could you write a fic with Tom where the reader and Tom are exes and they aren’t over each other so they get back together? Thx!
hii bb!! thank you for sending in a request!! much love
“Okay spill, where is he taking you tonight?” Your friend Kayla pressed, an excited expression on her face as she clamped her hands together, resting her chin on them as you rolled your eyes playfully at her behavior, taking a sip of your hot chocolate.
“If I tell you will you stop bugging me?” You laughed softly, your finger tracing the rim of your cup, as you gave her a faint smile.
“I can’t promise you anything Y/N, you know how I am.” She teased, even though she was serious, she just couldn’t help herself sometimes.
“Yeah, I do.” You snorted, letting out a small laugh as you leaned back against your chair.
You two had decided to go to your favorite coffee shop, both of you in the mood for a nice hot cup of hot chocolate, which the place you were at made the best hot chocolate you’d ever had in your entire life.
“Okay, so, Danny didn’t give me much, but he told me to dress nice, so pretty much go full glam, the whole shebang, and that he has something important to ask me.” You smiled, your face flushing a bit as Kayla’s eyes widened, her jaw falling open.
“You don’t think he’s going to y’know pop the question, do you?” She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, trying to contain her excitement for you.
“I honestly have no idea,” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders, taking a swig of your hot chocolate, “But there’s a good chance that the next time you see me, I might have a ring on my finger.” You squealed quietly, a bright smile on your face as Kayla tapped the table in excitement.
“I’m so happy for you Y/N, you’ve grown so much over these past two years, I’m so glad you found someone like Danny that makes you this happy, unlike you know who.” She rolled her eyes at the last part, taking a sip of her own hot chocolate as you gave her a weak smile, flashbacks of your old relationship entering your mind.
“It’s honestly crazy, I never thought I’d get over him.” You admitted, your eyes zoning out as you looked out the cafe window. “I wonder what he’s up to know.” You spoke aloud, taking another sip of your drink, not noticing Kayla’s eyes widen like saucers.
“Well, now’s your chance to find out.” Her voice rang throughout your ears, causing your brows to furrow at her words. “What do you mean? I haven’t spoken to-” You began, but she was quick to cut you off, “Turn around.” She spoke quickly, her eyes still glued to who had just walked into the shop.
Your heart was thumping wildly in your chest, but you did as she said, turning around in your seat far enough to look behind you, your eyes widening a bit as they landed on a familiar brunette.
You couldn’t help but look him over, his hair was a bit longer, making his curls more prominent than before, you could tell he had been working out more, his toned body showing through his black t-shirt. Overall he looked more put together, more mature, stable, and if you dare say it, happy.
Your heart ached the more you looked at him, memories flooding your head as you began to breathe a bit heavier. You quickly turned back around in your seat, your heart racing as you began to panic. “What is he doing here?” You whisper shouted at Kayla as she shrugged her shoulders, her face expression strained.
“I have no idea, but he didn’t come alone,” She began, causing your expression to drop immediately, causing Kayla to panic for a second, “Not with a girl, I mean he came with Harrison, blondie is here too.” She raised her eyebrows at the last part, an amused smile on her lips as she checked out Harrison.
“He still looks hot as hell.” Kayla sighed, as you rolled your eyes in response to your friend daydreaming about Harrison. “Hey, snap out of it.” You snapped your fingers in front of her face, making her blink a few times, her face flushing a light pink as you shook your head in amusement.
“Oh no.” Kayla mumbled, her eyes flickering from you to behind you, making you freeze in your seat. “What? What do you mean ‘oh no.’” You questioned frantically, her eyes widening as she glanced back to you. “He’s coming over here.” She whispered, giving a weak smile to you as you began to panic even more.
“No! No I can’t see him.” You whisper shouted at her, your whole body starting to heat up as you covered your face, chills going down your arms as you heard a voice clear next to you.
“Y/N?” The familiar voice spoke, the British accent easy to recognize as you let out a sigh, removing your hands from your face as you turned your head to look up at him.
“Hey Tom..” You mumbled, a faint smile on your lips as he looked down at you, Harrison standing next to him. “Fancy seeing you here.” Tom joked, trying to lighten the air between the two of you as you nodded slowly, glancing over at Kayla who was watching you and Tom intently.
“Well.. It is my favorite coffee shop.. Soo..” You answered, your voice trailing off as you took a sip of your drink, things becoming awkward between the four of you. “Yes. Right. I knew that.” Tom nodded his head, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
“Oh for the love of god, mate, just ask already.” Harrison groaned, rolling his eyes as Tom shoved his friends arm, earning a glare from Harrison in response.
You however gave them both a confused expression, your brows furrowing as Tom gave you a hesitant smile. “Can we talk? Like.. Just us two for a minute?” He questioned, as you thought it over for a moment, before nodding your head. “Sure. Lets go outside.” You suggested, even though it was cold out, you knew that way you’d have more privacy.
You stood up, putting your jacket on and grabbing your drink as you and Tom headed outside, while Harrison decided to take your seat, now sitting with Kayla, who was freaking out on the inside.
Once you made it outside, you found a bench the two of you could sit on.
You both sat down, a few inches apart from each other, an awkward silence falling over the two of you.
“What are you doing here Tom?” You finally broke the ice, wanting to know why he was here in the first place. “It’s a coffee shop Y/N, I was getting something to drink.” Tom responded, motioning to the cup in his hand as you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Whenever I came here when we were together you never came with me, told me you hated coffee.” You shot back at him, causing his face to flush slightly. “Doesn’t mean I can’t come here to get anything else though.” He counteracted, glancing over at you as you let out a sigh.
“Listen, I don’t have time for this little game you’re playing, you said you wanted to talk, so what it is?” You spoke, a slight bit of annoyance in your voice as Tom shuffled his feet a bit.
“Just hear me out okay?” He began, turning in his spot a bit so he could face you better, making you nervous. “Ever since we broke up my life has been shit, sure I’ve been doing movies and going to premiers and hanging out with friends, but none of that means anything if I can’t come home to you.” He began, your heart racing in your chest as his expression saddened.
“I miss you Y/N, I miss us, even my family misses you, they always ask how you’re doing and I still don’t have the heart to tell them we aren’t together.” Tom confessed, his lip quivering slightly as he looked down at his hands.
“Tom..” You began, but he gave you a pleading look, making you stop talking.
“You were right, I didn’t come here to get something to drink, I was looking for you in hopes of running into you.” Tom admitted, a broken chuckle leaving his lips as you stared at him, your eyes starting to water.
“I’ve been a mess without you Y/N, and if I’m being honest, I’ve never stopped loving you, sure I tried moving on, but nobody compares to you, it’s always going to be you.” Tom choked out, a tear rolling down as you looked at him nervously.
“I-I don’t know what to say..” You whispered, your eyes flickering from him to the ground. “Say that you’ll take me back, please.” Tom begged, taking one of your hands in his.
You shut your eyes tightly at his words, you knew you were going to break his heart with what you were about to tell him, but he deserved to know.
“Tom.. I-I’m dating someone right now..” You whispered, lifting your head slowly to see his face drop instantly, the light in his eyes going dull within an instant.
“Who?” He questioned, his voice hard as you swallowed thickly, “His name is Danny, I’m actually uh.. Meeting him tonight.. He wants to ask me something.” You spoke, the awkwardness laced within your voice as Tom nodded slowly.
“Is he what you want?” Tom questioned, his voice a bit bitter as you rolled your eyes at his tone. “Honestly, I don’t know,” You shrugged your shoulders, catching Tom off guard, “What I had wanted was a life with you, but you broke it off and left so fast that I never even understood why you did what you did in the first place.” You confessed, turning in your spot a bit to get a good look at him.
“I know, I know what I did was a dick move, but at the time I thought what I was doing was right, for the both of us, but now looking back I can see what I did was wrong and that it hurt us both.” Tom explained, his eyes pleading into yours as you let out a sigh.
“You know even after all this time I thought I erased you from my heart, replaced that feeling with Danny, but sitting here with you, talking, reminiscing, it’s bringing everything back.” You admitted, letting out a sigh as you watched a few cars drive by.
“So what are you going to do then Y/N? Who’s it going to be?” Tom questioned, his eyes not once leaving your face as you stared out into the street.
Your mind was filled with questions, you didn’t know if you were making the right choice, the past few hours had your whole life flipped upside down.
You stood outside, your black dress hugging your figure nicely as you checked your phone, before you heard feet pattering up to you.
“Hey beautiful.” Danny greeted you, a smile on his face as he kissed your cheek, embracing you with a warm hug. “Hey.” You hummed, hugging him back before you both broke apart.
“Are you ready to go?” Danny questioned, the smile on his lips slowly fading when he saw your hesitance. “Y/N, what’s wrong sweetheart?” Danny questioned, his voice soft as he took your hand in his.
A tear slid down your cheek, a small sob leaving your lips, causing Danny to become even more concerned than before.
“Y/N, you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” He asked once more, his hands rubbing your arms up and down.
“What’s wrong is.. I’m about to break your heart, and it’s not fair to you, you’re the sweetest guy I know and you’re so loving and caring and..” You sniffled, tilting your head back as you tried to stop yourself from crying.
“You deserve someone so much better than me Danny..” You whispered, your voice trailing off as Danny’s face dropped. “Did I do something wrong?” He questioned, his voice cracking at the end as you shook your head frantically.
“No. No, you didn’t do anything wrong, in fact you’re the most perfect and kind hearted guy there is.” You gave him a weak smile, as he shook his head. “Then I don’t understand why you’re doing this, I thought we- I thought we were good?” His statement came out more as a question, as he rubbed his eyes.
“We were Danny, I promise, but things changed, today I ran into Tom.” You admitted, causing him to freeze and look at you. “So he’s the one behind this? He’s the reason you’re breaking up with me?” Danny questioned, his voice becoming louder as he spoke.
“I can’t help how I feel Danny, it’s not fair to you if I still love him.” You choked out, a few tears falling down your cheeks as he gave you an incredible stare. “This is unbelievable,” He muttered, rubbing his forehead as you sniffled, “To think I was about to ask you to marry me, I’m sure as hell glad I didn’t now, saved me the embarrassment.” Danny mumbled, crushing your heart.
“I’m so sorry Danny.” You whimpered, causing him to sigh and turn to look at you. “I know you are, and I think that’s what hurts most, because I fell in love with you for that very reason, you stay true to your heart, and if that’s with Tom, then I won’t stand in your way, even though I don’t want you to go.” Danny spoke sadly, taking a few steps towards you as you sniffled once more.
“There’s always going to be a spot in my heart for you Danny, you know that right?” You whispered, looking into his glossy eyes as he smiled sadly. “Yeah Y/N, I know.” He sniffled, looking you over once more before pressing a kiss to your cheek one last time.
“I wish you the best Y/N.” He whispered, giving you a faint smile before turning and walking back to his car, looking at you one last time before driving off, leaving you alone.
You could feel your heart shattering, you knew deep down it was the right thing to do, but you couldn’t ignore the fact that you could’ve had a different life with Danny.
“Y/N?” A voice called your name, grabbing your attention as you turned to see Tom walking towards you.
You couldn’t help but smile softly at the sight of him, a familiar feeling soaring through your body as he slowly approached you.
He quickly noticed your tear stained cheeks, your mascara smeared a bit, causing him to become a bit concerned.
“What happened?” He hesitantly questioned, brushing his thumb over your cheek to get rid of one of your tears as you melted into his touch.
“I chose you Tommy,” You whispered, watching his eyes widen in surprise, as you smiled in response, “It’s always been you.”
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