#but all the racism bullying and harassment is just so fucking fucking gross
stardustandors · 5 months
The Gothic vampire show fandom gotta be the worst group of fans made up of the worst people I've ever seen in my 20 years of fandom and I'm so serious.
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showmey0urfangs · 11 months
Alright Toni, since you decided to get on this public platform and start insulting me and dragging my name in the mud, seemingly out of the blue then fine, I'll bite and give you the attention you crave.
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For reference, this is the post they are referring to, that I made back in September, criticizing the gross implication that Louis enjoys being subjected to racism and being emasculated by white men. A post in which btw I did not even mention your name.
And this was the other post I made some time before that, expressing my dislike for the prevalence of what I consider to be harmful racist and homophobic tropes in this fandom—which earned me a series of hateful comments and anonymous messages, no doubt coming from all those lovely people in your comments who are calling me names and accusing me of all sorts of things simply for daring to disagree with the great Masterletters.
Well, newsflash Buddy being black does not place you above criticism when you say some dumbass racist shit. Nor does it give you the right to bully and harass other fans for expressing opinions you don't like.
I will reiterate the same thing I said a month ago: Me expressing my opinions on my own blog, in posts that I usually don't even tag, is not me policing other writers.
I am allowed to say that I dislike certain tropes and find the way they are written in this particular fandom—especially when it comes to Louis—homophobic, dehumanizing and racist. That is my opinion and you're more than free to disagree with it.
I don't comment on any of your fics, nor do I come onto your account or in your inbox to tell you what to write. And I have never attacked other fans anonymously. When I have something to say I will always do so from my own account. Hiding behind vague posts and anonymous hate messages is you and your friend's MO, not mine.
Since you all seem so convinced you're the bestest writers in this fandom and your interpretation of these characters is the only correct one, then great. Keep doing you! After all, I'm just a talentless nobody who is sooo jealous of your brilliant writing skills, so why do you even care so much about what I think? Why are you so obsessed with me to the point of continuing to stalk me and talk about me even long after I've blocked you?
It's always funny to me that you and your friends want to act like the moral authorities in this fandom, harassing and bullying other writers to the point that several of you got banned from discord servers and are blocked by half of the people on here for the nasty way you behave, and yet you still fail to see the irony of you perpetrating the same racist and harmful tropes in your own writing you claim to denounce. And you certainly seem to have no issue targeting any other black fans who dare to disagree with your very narrow interpretation of these FICTIONAL characters. You think it feels "off" that I called you 'kang' and yet it's okay for you and your friends to call me and other black fans coons, race traitors and other derogatory racial slurs?
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As you said so yourself, I have never interacted with you and as a matter of fact, I have most of your little group blocked, both on here and on any other platform, and carefully avoid any and all interactions with any of you. So I would appreciate it if you keep my name out of your fucking mouth!
And this is my PSA to everyone who liked that post, is friends with any of these people and/or endorses the way they behave towards other fans: please kindly unfollow me and refrain from interacting with any of my content in the future!
I come here to have fun and enjoy my silly little gay vampire show, and I always try to remain civil and have open discussions with everyone, even with people I strongly disagree with. But when someone decides to fuck with me and thinks they can intimidate me or silence me with cheap high school mean girl tactics, I will meet them with the same energy!
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
Just read that vent/rant post you did,holy shit,I don't know who's Star but what the actual F U C K[I honestly feel bad for you,are you doing okay as of right now?]
Yeah.... it's awful.
Even if I was Star, why would they still be stalking me after all those years if im not even interested in "Anti Hazbin" stuff anymore?
Since im not- Why is Cherry/What The Hazbin/Sia's (its a group) fans stalking and being racist towards this random kid that most of these people haven't spoke to in almost four years?! Wasn't the point of this community was to be against bullies and racists? It's so fucking creepy, reminds me of the "its your consequences!" harassment towards Erin Frost- but 10000x worse since it's racism towards this random black young woman they basically groomed into a hatedom to go after Vivziepop and her fans despite knowing that Star shouldnt even have been in this fandom at 15-17 to begin with, and now that the adults in the hatedom cant groom her anymore, they've been sending racial slurs and harassment towards this child, for years! The "anti hazbin" hatedom groomed this child into joining their hate groups by telling her how "great!" she is for saying what they want her to say towards Vivziepop and leaking her personal info behind her back (like they did on Tapatalk) and then the "Anti Hazbin" fandom groomed her again by "accepting" her into their hate group (discord and all) to bully Vivziepop and her fandom -and now they're spouting racism at this person of color for leaving?! Why?!
What is is? A online cult? Why?! Why do they keep harassing these poor kids with all this creepy parasocial shit?! Its so fucking weird and gross! It feels like im watching a psyhological horror movie. What the fuck?! These "anti hazbin" people really be convincing thier literal followers that its "ok" to harass people just because they wear a tshirt, like a cartoon (not even if its for bad reasons, but just because), or anyone who likes Viv or anyone who doesnt support their groups or the people they idolize so much. The other way around being- you guessed it, Vivziepop and her "followers" who feel the need to defend her for almost anything she does, spreads her ideolegies, harass any "disbeleivers" of her or her shows being "near perfect", etc. This is just a reverse of that!
In case you're wondering: These are the definitions of a "online cult":
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It's either the Hazbin fandom and their parasocial relationship with Vivziepop causing them to try to harm anyone "bad faith" who doesnt agree with their ideolegies and only say that the "true" followers are the ones who almost 100% support her without quesitoning it or support her ideologies one way or another, or its the hatedom and how they also groom people (including children as young as 15 or less!) into following their ideolegies against Vivziepop, with the people they worship convincing them not just criticize Viv, but to outright (even if unintentionally due to the toxic nature of social media.) convince people to outright verbally abuse fans who dont agree with their ideologies and abuse those who try to no longer support said groups, same for the Hazbin fandom, but centering around toxic positivity instead of negativity. They are both literal online cults- one just centers around Vivziepop, while the other one centers around being against her to the point of basically worshipping people who outright have stated that they want her career destroyed, not just the group I mentioned but multiple people that they ideolize for their hazbin criticism posts no matter how awful that their behavior online becomes, the same way people idolize Vivziepop just because of the content she makes.
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THE HAZBIN FANDOM: (Art Credit: Miss Nightmare.)
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There's being supportive- and then there's being a goddamn cult and idolizing someone to parasocial extents and then creating propaganda about how anyone who doesnt support her are "haters!" regardless if they like Hazbin or not. Same with the kind of shit happening in the "Anti Hazbin" tag. You people are disgusting!
It's why ive turned off anon, Twitter and Tumblr is full of so much parasocial grossness from "im online so I say what I want!" racists and homophobes it's so disgusting. Ughhhhhhh it makes me feel like im touching a piece of dirt with a shit in it! Nasty people! 🤮 It's starting to make me question whether I should even use the "Hazbin Critical" tag since they also have creeps like this that have been targetting people for who knows how long. I know there's the "all fandoms are toxic!" statement but it comes to a point where things become outright cultish. It's so damn gross! What the hell?!
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beetrootbug · 2 years
White people concern me
I saw i really concerning quora thread (is that what they are called?) and it was essentially about people debating the ethics of a white person wearing box braids. A concerning amount of people said it was "white bigotry" to tell someone off for wearing box braids and that "it's just hair". One white girl was sent home from school for wearing box braids, and someone replied to the mother stating "you should sue the school for discrimination". The amount of privilege dripping from that statement is gross, imagine being able to sue someone over any minor inconvenience. Now i must state: i'm am not black, nor am I white, which puts me a really interesting position as an outsider to this sort of stuff. Personally, i am more than willing to respect black people's culture, i really don't think it's that difficult. So it baffles me that white people get so upset about it. One person said "is it cultural appropriation of the chinese if we use gunpowder? No." Which yes, it is not cultural appropriation to use gunpowder, to MY knowledge, chinese people have never been discriminated against for using it or inventing it, you know what they have been discriminated against for? Their eyes. Everywhere you look you see people making fun of chinese people's eyes (not just the chinese of course, but japanese ect) many children make the whole "chinese, japanese, zombies" joke. And yet you know what was trending a bit back? Fox eyes. SUDDENLY when a white person pulls their eyes back, the monolid is pretty. It always was pretty, but it took a white person doing it for people to like it. And you know what? IT STILL BACKFIRED FOR THE POC COMMUNITY! Chinese and japanese people were being sexualised by white men whilst black people were being harassed about asianfishing, because a lot of black people naturally have monolids. Somehow an issue that wasn't even relevent to black people became another thing to attack them over. Someone else pointed out that a white girl was beat up for wearing box braids by a black person, which isn't right of course. HOWEVER, I have heard a few stories of white girls being bullied by OTHER white kids for having box braids. You know what else i've heard? Countless stories of black kids being harassed for their hair. Countless stories of chinese kids being bullied for their eyes. Countless stories of trans people being attack for their top scars. The list goes on for us minorities, but the minute a white cis person is hurt? tragedy! Hurt by one of us? WHITE BIGOTRY! For those of you who aren't aware: reverse racism doesn't exist. It doesn't. Most of the accounts of "reverse racism" are white people not liking the fact that they have to think before speaking. Not liking the fact that they might be wrong about something. Not liking that they need to be better and learn. and you know what the craziest thing is? I TOO NEED TO MIND MY LANGUAGE! ME, A BROWN PERSON CAN'T SAY OFFENSIVE RANDOM SHIT ABOUT JEWISH OR BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY OTHER RACE THAT I'M NOT APART OF??? SHOCKER!!! WHITE PEOPLE AREN'T THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE TO "be careful" OF WHAT THEY SAY, WE ALL FUCKING DO, AND WE FUCKING DO IT WITHOUT COMPLAINING, SO STFU, YOU AREN'T SPECIAL AND YOU AREN'T DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.
There was one reply in that quota thread that gave me hope, the person stated that "short story, if you want to use box braids, end racism". It's so easy for people to say "i don't see colour" Well you should. Because for centuries, POCs have been discriminated against for our features and skin tone, you don't just get to say that its "not a problem anymore". Acknowledge colour, have discussions about colour, have discussions about culture, preferably from people of said culture (though it isn't their responsibility to educate you, they can do so if they are comfortable)
Another comment i saw somewhere feels relevent here:
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"when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
Also, equality isn't just "treat everyone the same", it's "give everyone the ability to achieve the same thing and be treated with respect" If that means you need to mind what kind of braids you wear, then you do it, because in order to be equal we need respect.
ALSO also, to the people saying "most black people don't care, only a small amount do" thousands (if not millions) are upset about it, they may be smaller in comparision, but it's still a lot. And about the "poorer black people" who "don't give a shit", of course they dont care, they're too busy trying to deal with all the other shit white people have done to them.
Final statement: anyone using the excuse "vikings did it first" you're wrong. Vikings most likely didn't braid their hair, if they did, it was to quick get hair out of their eyes, not a fashion statement. Some most likely had dreads that they allowed to grow out to make them stand out from the slaves who were bald (oh yeah btw THEY HAD SLAVES), but even then we don't have much evidence for them having dread apart from a throwaway line from a roman saying they had "rope hair". Overall, egyptians were doing braids way longer than the vikings and they certainly didn't invent braids anywhere similar to cornrows. If you want a "viking hairstyle" get dutch braids.
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athenamariee · 3 years
The Industry
Hello! It’s me, your friendly gayborhood OT5/camren stan! This post contains some sensitive content so be aware and enjoy me bashing the music industry :) (feel free to comment or reblog if you want to because i love to see what you would like to add on)
The music industry is shitty as we know, but do you really know how shitty the music industry is towards women? Teenagers? People with mental health issues? Well I'm going to tell you using the band, Fifth Harmony, as an example.
When the girls first started on the X-Factor, they were 15 (2), 16 (2) and 19 (1). They were thrown into stardom when they first auditioned for the show and they were definitely not ready for it. The girls were told that they were not good enough and worked 3x as hard as anyone else on that show. They eventually made it to the semi finals and placed third overall. From what we know, SYCO records and Epic records signed them to both labels. It is important to know that both men who are/were in charge of the labels (The Devil and L.A. Reid) have been accused of s*xual harassment by people who have worked with/for them. I want to talk about a few things when it comes to being signed to a record label.
1. They do not care how young you are, as long as you’re making money for them, they will treat you like absolute shit. This is seen in the audio recording when Lauren is talking to ally telling her thay they are treated like literal slaves and have seen nothing from it but stress and anxiety. Camila also goes on to say that they worked them to the extreme and receive nothing from it. As we all know, this is true. They worked the girls so hard that Camila has been hospitalized multiple times because of them not having enough time to rest and relax. She had to miss shows so that she could properly rest. She also sings while she is sick more times than not because she doesn’t want to disappoint the fans. Lauren suffered from a deep depression and she turned to substances to help cope with that. Ally also turned to alcohol because she was suffering from a deep depression. She also talks about how a producer s*xually assaulted her very early on in the group. These things just slide when in the industry because men are creepy and they don't know what basic human fucking decency is. The industry is built off of old rich white men and young girls which is gross. Also the fact that they would spend 20+ hours filming videos and/or recording music in one day is absolute abuse. They were young teenagers working 20+ hours in a day?! Who said that that was okay??? They were dealing with not only regular exhaustion, but tour exhaustion (time zones), jet lag, constant rehearsals, constant interviews, being in the studio all day and being away from their families for long periods of time. Keep in mind, they went on a tour EVERY YEAR FOR 6 YEARS! To say that they were overworked and underpaid is a HUGE understatement and they deserve their fucking flowers asap.
2. I want to talk about the cyberbullying that went on towards this group. These girls (especially Camila) were all bullied while on the show and to this day. This was harmful because of the long term effects. Ally was insecure about the fact that she had broad shoulders because someone called her a fucking refrigerator. Lauren was called fat on multiple occasions along with things like a s*ut, a brat, a bitch, a whale and she was only 13 when this started because she had been cyberbullied before but it came 10x worse when she was in the group. They made so many comments about her body that she had lost a lot of weight and you could see her collar bones. The racism that Normani received was absolutely unacceptable. The fact that Camila was straight up blocking people who said anything negative about Normani without hesitation, supporter or not, says a lot about her character and her friendship with Normani. They actually were a sisterhood and the media wants us to think that they aren’t when we all know that it was the very opposite.
3. Let's talk about the way that the girls were oversexualized and the reflection album and tour started the oversexualization of the girls. With songs like ‘Like Mariah’, ‘Body Rock’, and ‘Worth It’, the ‘REFLECTION’ album came out in January 2015. Camila and Dinah were only 17 when this song was released, making them 16 when this song was recorded and mixed. If they were 16 when this song was recorded, that means that Normani and Lauren were 17 when the song was recorded making 4/5 of the members minors when this song was recorded. They waited until Camila turned 18 to record the music video for the song making Dinah the only minor in the music video which is still kind of unsettling to me but I digress. On the tour, they were made to wear very skimpy outfits and start twerking on stage. They were super young and had very young fans which kind of makes it worse. This didn’t stop into the next album, it just got worse and eventually, Camila got tired of how they were oversexualizing her and she left the group. This was completely valid and I do not blame her for wanting to go.
4. No creative freedom was given. As Lauren has stated before, she is an artist. She writes her own music and helps with production because it's her art. Funnily enough, 2 other girls in the group write and produce their own music while the other two only write I believe. All of the girls in this group are fucking artists. They all create art and they are not just manufactured like a lot of people say they are. These girls had no say in what they sang, wore, worked with, how many hours they were in the studio and who had what parts in the songs they were given. They just had to work and make money. They were the sole providers for their families and if they weren’t making money, they were screwed. They were also under a very strict contract and as much as they wanted the freedom to write and collaborate, they were never going to get it. Camila knew she would never be an artist in the group and that she would only be seen as a popstar. But imagine if they actually had the creative freedom to do what they wanted from the start. We would have so much content from them, so many bangers, probably a visual album or two and so many good music videos. We see the way that the girls are when they have complete and total creative freedom. It’s absolutely amazing and we get such good content from them nowadays. I would love to see them colab on an album together after they all leave their labels. I feel like it would be absolutely insane and I’d live for it honestly. I would also live for a tell all but Lauren said that that was way in the future so we have to wait.
5. Abusive PR stunts. Now as we all know, Lauren and Camila have had their fair share of PR stunts. These first started in 2014 and they still go on to this day. The first relationship being when Camila dated (I’m using the term dating very, very loosely here) Austin Mahone, A.K.A dorito boy. At the same time, Lauren dated Brad Simpson from the Vamps who eventually outed her with the song ‘I Found A Girl’ and talked about her with the rest of the boy band about how he basically looked at her like she was a piece of meat. Lauren was officially outed when the pictures of her and Lucy (with her irrelevant ass) got exposed by Perez Hilton (fuck you you asshole you can rot in the depths of hell for all I care) and it got exposed that they had already been dating for a year when those photos were leaked. Camila ended up with Matthew Hussey (who is 10 years older than her) and then ended up with the one and only king of yogurt which just recently ended (thank fucking god his face isn’t all over my timeline anymore. His fans are more melodramatic than anything on this planet). From 2017-2019, Lauren was dating the druggie Ty Dolla Sign (his neck tattoo is kinda stupid ngl) and he also helped Laurens addictions grow into something horrible. Not to mention, he is 14 years older than Lauren which is really fucking creepy and should have never happened. They definitely need their asses kicked and Ty needs to go to jail. Again.
6. Their mental, physical and emotional health were not taken seriously. As I have previously mentioned, Camila had been hospitalized due to her body being overworked. This and the fact that in a few interviews and on stage the girls had been seen crying gives us a tiny hint that this lifestyle was emotionally overwhelming and they were not taken seriously. Another thing is that the girls all suffer from mental illnesses. Camila has ADHD, anxiety, depression and OCD. This is hard to deal with on your own but it's harder to deal with while touring and shit. Lauren has anxiety and depression while also having self esteem issues from all of the online bullying. Both have had issues with alcohol and Lauren smokes to ease the anxiety and just let go.
7. Homophobia in the industry. We all know that lauren is queer and after she left the group, she was kind of hindered in the way she made music. We also know tha Camila is queer but if she came out it would ruin every PR relationship storyline that she’s had an it would prove that every camren, caliee, and caylor shipper was right to ship her wiith women. Dinah is also queer and if she came out it would most likely break the internet. Normani is also queer but she can’t come out due to contract conditions. If the homophobia in the industry wasn’t so ramped, we would have all of these queens to ourselves.
All of these things are very important in the industry and we need to dismantle the industry and rebuild it from the ground up. This shit has gotta stop and it is up to us to fix it because we are the ones inheriting the industry next. I want some of you guys to think about going into management, PR, music law, tour management, production and so many other jobs to help dismantle the misogynistic, homophobic, shithole of an industry and have artists treated like they are actual human beings because that truly is what they are and they deserve to get treated as such. 
As always, with much love
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savnofilter · 2 years
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     some things to keep on mind on this blog...
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✥ part time spam page.
you will probably see a ton of opinions & shitposts on here.
✥ obsessive behavior is not tolerated.
im not anyone special or high & mighty but please do not message me in a way that may be obsessive. [ie; demanding responses, creating accounts just to message me, harassment (obvs) and so forth.]
✥ i am not 18+.
if you are an 18+, mdni or aGeLeSs BlOg-anti following me.... wyd? i literally have a question mark in my bio where my age should be and my pinned post says im 17. if you dont want minors & etc not interacting with you, dont interact with them first.
✥ preferred interaction age range is 15-20.
so if youre younger or older, please be courteous on how you reach out to me. obviously if youre just being nice i dont mind, but if you are reaching out to me other than that please be mindful on what you say.
✥ anti "degenerate" dummies.
if you are dark content consumer and you are proud for liking fucked up shit and or make it your whole personality — please please please, do not interact. i understand people have their interests so therefore i dont really have a big issue with some of you as a whole. but if your whole existence is to be quirky and different by promoting gross shit do not talk to me please. i will not respond.
✥ while we're at it, yes i am a proud anti of...
- pro-ship
+ pedophilia
- incest.
+ racism (ie; saying things like "blackwashing" exists when it doesnt tf. stuff like that)
- fandom spin on ageism (no karen, its not ageist to question why a 30 y.o is being weird w/ fake and real minors and question why 40 y.os are still writing fan fiction.)
+ bullying minors
- anything gross tbh.
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yes, this applies to all blogs. and yes, this list could change over time. thank you for reading!
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allthislove · 4 years
TW: Su*c*de
I literally just got my account restricted for 6 days on Twitter because I defended Meghan Markle from Megyn Kelly. The real thing that happened is that the Twitter algorithm doesn’t allow you to make threats or tell someone to unalive themselves, so when I tweeted at MK that Meghan Markle “wanted to unalive herself”, in response to MK’s gross tweets about MM just wanting attention and wanting to be higher in position to the Queen (racist nonsense, really), the algorithm thought I was telling MK to khs. So, almost immediately after I sent that tweet it restricted my account for 7 days. I tried to appeal, but if you appeal, it can cause your account to be restricted for longer. So, basically, I can look at tweets and I can DM my mutuals, but I can’t tweet, retweet, or like anything.
And the thing that frustrates me is, this is not the first time Twitter has restricted my account for challenging racists. It’s literally always something arbitrary, too. Like, racists on Twitter can say something extremely racist unless it’s the n-word and they get to stay. Twitter will review their tweets and “find that they don’t violate the terms of service.”
But if I’m mean to a racist, if I call them a jealous hag and say “A BLACK WOMAN SAYS SHE WANTED TO UNALIVE HERSELF AND THIS IS YOUR RESPONSE?” (which is what my tweet said, roughty. IDK because it’s gone now.), immediately my account is restricted.
I’ve seen racists call Black people apes, call Asian people the c-word, openly say that Black people are stupid, lazy, other racist tropes, and 90% of the time when I report their tweets, they’re not taken down and the account isn’t restricted. The troll gets to keep trolling.
And like, it also isn’t fair that racists can harass BIPOC all over Twitter, but we can’t even call them “bitch” in response without getting restricted or suspended. Twitter is not built to protect Black people or other people of color. And we’re not allowed to protect ourselves, unless we’re nice about it. Which is just digital tone policing. I’m not allowed to get angry at a white woman dismissing the racist trauma a Black woman was subjected to for the past 4 years, but Megyn Kelly is allowed to continue spewing her thinly veiled racism under the guise of “Meghan Markle is entitled, a gold digger, and uppity.”
Meghan is a problem to people like that because she challenges their notions of white femininity being the gold standard, but that’s another post. 
They act like they’re supposed to be able to abuse her for years and she’s never supposed to say anything. She married one of the two most famous princes in the world, and they say she wants “attention” when she announces her pregnancy, or reveals that she’s expecting a girl. It’s thinly veiled racism. 
And like, I do think it was an algorithm mistake and I did appeal after I let them take the tweet down, because I don’t think I deserve to have my account restricted for 7 days for the accurate thing I said (and it initially said 12 hours, so I don’t know how it got to 7 days except I think they think I was telling Megyn Kelly to KHS when I was talking about Meghan Markle’s brush with suicidal ideation.) But, also, I’m really fucking frustrated because every time I start challenging racists, especially racist white women, directly, on Twitter, my account gets restricted soon after. 
Like, I shouldn’t have to politely suggest Megyn Kelly not say mean things about Meghan Markle. I should be able to be angry and respond with as much venom as she has. ALSO, they should have human mods to make sure that every time someone types “khs” or “kys”, they aren’t immediately suspended even if they aren’t communicating a threat or bullying. 
Like... I’m not a 12yo. I don’t tell people to kys. I don’t use unaliving as a threat. Especially in response to someone I like saying they felt like unaliving. I’ve had suicidal ideation myself, why would I wish that on anyone? It’s frustrating. 
If anything, Megyn Kelly was instigating someone to unalive themselves, by poking at someone who obviously had been in a dark place. 
I also have 0 respect for these media personalities who dogpile the “bad woman” of the month, because we literally just watched the Britney Spears doc and they did the same things to her when she was at her lowest (and similarly, had just had her boys). And worst of all, they did this same thing to Harry’s mother. I’m just... I’m not going to be nice to that hag after she’d do this. 
Separate post about white women and Meghan Markle, soon.
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asettledsky · 5 years
So, when this first started there were a few people on the anti side who were like "omg, you're not oppressed because of your gross ship!"
And I truly believed that. Because it's a ship for chrissake, and it's not like anyone has died or been beaten up or anything. Even when a good friend of mine self harmed because of the verbal abuse she was getting online and sort of brushed it off as her being a bit oversensitive to commonplace bullying and name calling. (For which I feel a little bad now.)
So yeah, I definitely agreed that it wasn't the same thing as oppression. At first. But the situation has escalated since then and, well.... it's starting to look an awful lot like oppression.
Now, don't get me wrong, still definitely not comparable to sexism or racism or homophobia or anything like that that actually matters. Those are wide sweeping social issues where the people in power are causing lots of problems. This is a bunch of whiny teenagers who think that their opinions matter enough make a difference in who ships what.
And honestly.... they kind of do? I mean, not to me, and not to older fans who are the ones creating all the content, or anyone with common sense. But to other teenagers who are also in the new generation of fandom it matters.
So, oppression, as I see it anyway, is denying someone the right to exist. There are different levels of it. The most extreme forms of it being straight up murder, and the most mild versions of it being someone saying "you can't be here, you're not allowed" without actually having the power to enforce it.
Now, antis screaming about shippers in virtual space obviously falls pretty low on that scale, but it is SUPER obvious that that is exactly what is happening. And it's escalating.
First it started with just trying to shame shippers into stopping. When that didn't work it got more aggressive.
They started yelling at shippers and threatening violence. That didn't work because this is the internet, what were they going to do.
Then there was an appeal to authority. "The creators wouldn't want you to ship them!" Which was laughable, but then they couldn't have known. (Note: This is still a talking point about the creators of the musical, but there is literally no proof on either side so it's a pointless one. [No, Creepy Old Guy is not proof.])
Then, when that proved ineffective they've gotten to the "It's ILLEGAL" argument. They're currently stuck on this one because they don't understand the law or why the laws they're referencing exist. So until they gain some sort of perspective they still think they're right and that they can "win" with this talking point.
Alongside all of this is the casual hate held for shippers. Which is actually the more damaging and more effective method of oppression. Because, circling back to the whole opinions and how they matter thing, new fans who are just coming in to fandom are seeing it and doing one of two things. Joining the crusade blindly, or seeing beetlebabes, liking it, but being too scared to express themselves.
Guess what, oppression achieved! You've successfully scared some of a new generation of beetlebabes into not existing! Except no, not really. They're in hiding among you, pretending to be antis because you've scared them and convinced them that they have no right to exist on tumblr. They're still there, you just think you've done your job because you don't see them. You haven't accomplished anything except being bullying little assholes.
In response to this beetlebabes shippers who are grandfathered into the fandom have tried to be louder and fighting against this so new fans can feel safe in expressing themselves.
So what do antis do? They mass report beetlebabes content so that is doesn't show up in tag searches, they post hate in the main tag, and to top it all off... They plaster DNI on every single thing they post, no matter whether it's related to those characters or not, and scream about harrassment if someone they think is a beetlebabes shipper even casually likes their stuff.
Basically, the shippers they can't control they are trying to silence. Because if the new fans can't see our content then they'll be convinced that WE are the minority (we aren't) and that if they so much as think Lydia and Beetlejuice could be a couple then something must be wrong with them.
So... yeah. This is a form of oppression.
This is, of course, all going on on tumblr though. So it all seems pretty damn trivial to me. Tumblr is a fucking weird website to begin with and is just one small part of the internet. Beetlebabes content can be gotten in so many other places online so it's all pretty inconsequential.
HOWEVER, it's fucking leaking. Discord espionage, trying to get rid of the spaces beetlebabes make for themselves, finding babes on other websites and harassing them there, and just being casually ugly.
And yesterday, a friend of mine has been physically bullied for being a shipper. They were "outed" in their school in some way, and a group of their peers yelled slurs, screamed that they were a p*edophile into their face, and shoved them into a wall. OVER A SHIP
So now the cyberbullying is just bullying. This is who antis are, this is what they advocate.
Bullying, in case you didn't know, is also a form of oppression. It's a social tool designed to stamp out "weird" behaviors so that the children being bullied will turn out "normal".
So, good job antis. You're the school yard bullies.
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reylo-solo · 5 years
I have thoughts.
About what happened last night and on nye. If I don’t write them up somewhere I may explode. Don’t read if you don’t want to. I just need to vent. Also I’m on tumblr mobile and it’s still not letting me insert a read more break so I apologize if this clogs your timeline. :/
1. Arrogance. It reeks of pure “I’m famous and can do/say whatever I want” arrogance. Sucks that I thought he was better than that. Disillusionment to the extreme on my part.
2. How is he gonna put out an ad he did with a company, the slogan of which is to “put down your phone” and enjoy life, then turn around in 24 hours and upload something so immature and inflammatory? That’s quite contradictory. I wonder what the company he did the ad with thinks of that? If he keeps behaviour like that up he’s going to find himself losing brand deals and job opportunities. Any director worth their stock knows fans build an empire. How’s it going to look when they see him harassing a group of fans just for a little ego boost? I get a feeling the words “don’t you know who I am? I was in star wars!” may end up being something of a common refrain in the future if that’s the case.
3. He knew what would happen, because it happened on nye. He knew he’d get people upset, get antis and even people with no clue about any of it riled up and shouting “racism” in his name, thus making him trend on twitter. And all the noise made on that platform would flush out the truth: that it all started bc he made a gross misogynistic joke that people didn’t like. It wasn’t specifically reylos that called him out on it either, it was rightfully unimpressed and uncomfortable women, but it’s the shippers he decided to deflect with.
4. Because he did this, and because the truth got drowned out by a bunch of people using us as scapegoats, reylos are being blamed for being racist towards him and Finn since the casting for TFA was announced, when anyone who was actually around at that time knows the racism came from old, white male fans, who said there couldn’t be a black stormtrooper. (And I have to ask - how can reylos be at fault for this particular instance of nastiness when ‘reylo’ as a ship wasn’t even a thing yet? We only had the trailer! We didn’t even know these characters yet! Make it make sense, luv). Don’t get me wrong, though. The racism he faced and has faced through this has been truly awful and unjust. But it wasn’t specifically reylos spewing it, which is somehow what many people seem to have taken away from all of this. The fact that he has done nothing but push this false narrative rather than turn the mirror on the real problem (i.e. the older generation’s “fandom m*nace”) is...haunting to me. It feels spiteful. It feels cruel. I’m sat wondering why. Why use your 1.5 million follower influence to harass a group of people shipping two fictional characters online, when you could put that influence to good use for, idk, a charity against cyber bullying perhaps? Or some other cause he supports? It’s baffling. Almost as baffling as the fact that no one else who’s feeding into this with any kind of public influence cares to look behind the curtain.
5. That being the case, celebrities and other news outlets with large platforms are reporting that we’re a toxic fandom based in racism and bullying. Continuing to spread that toxic narrative that he built to deflect from his own mistake. And why? Because we’re a fandom largely comprised of women, to be sure. We ship a pretty gentile (and canon) enemies to lovers couple. And because we’ve been dogpiled and attacked for four fucking years as it is so he likely knows we can get defensive when wrongfully accused or targeted. This enlarges the conversation; it makes it trend. This inflates his ego. This is why we should not engage.
6. Lastly, I must have been following the right people on all platforms these last four years, because I have never come across a reylo who was racist towards him (or anyone else for that matter) and wasn’t immediately called out and exiled from the fandom for it. That says something.
In short: I’m glad Star Wars is over because I’m tired of being a scapegoat just because I ship two fictional characters in an online fandom space, where it should be safe to do so but apparently isn’t. I’m tired of the bullying and the death threats, and it still isn’t enough to get people to leave us alone. I just want to read and write fic about these two fictional space nerds, and reblog art of them, and talk to the friends I’ve made bc of it all in my own space, where I’m not inviting anyone who doesn’t like reylo to look at or engage with reylo. That’s it. So for someone like him to come in and act that way, with his platform and his connections...it makes me sick. I’ve lost all respect for him. Not that it means anything to him, clearly. Just sucks.
With that out of my system, I continue my day reblogging great posts and writing fic. (Side note: Please don’t reblog this post - I don’t need unwanted attention brought to it. No matter what we say or do, they will not listen. They will not relent. And I don’t have the energy to deal with it rn. I may end up just deleting this later anyway, but I needed to say it somewhere and twitter is REALLY not the place, for so many reasons.)
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catboyfeli · 4 years
It's funny, these ppl on social media and in lying furious call us toxic, racist, phobic, sexist, etc yet this whole month and most of May I see them outing themselves as what the accuse us of, but still proclaim "certain ppl can't be racist only whites" "men this and that" "systematic racism is the only racism" (Apparently, some leftist got the dictionary to change the definition racism to fit their narrative 😡) All this is going to backfire eventually. The damn racist and white guilt ppl 🤦
oh yeah i totally get it. i hate when ppl try to use excuses like that bc?? ok thats not the case but even if it was, being prejudice isn’t ok?? ur literally outing urself as a dick but apparently its ok if it’s “technically” not racist. thats like me telling ppl w depression to stop whining bc i have it worse. it’s a dick move and never justified.
and just general stuff like that. the misandry esp bothers me since males genuinely do face a fuck ton of sexism for being male, or just amab in general, bc sexism is based more on conforming to gender roles than actual gender or sex these days, esp for men. like i’ve said before, men who weren’t manly? treated just as bad as women in the past tbh.
on the race topic, i know i as a non-poc cannot fully comprehend the racism poc do face, but racism towards white ppl is still a thing lol, it’s just not going to be on a systematic level. my dad grew up going to an all black school and was bullied and beat up for being white, which is--get this, racism. i am privileged for being white, but that doesnt mean i deserve to be punished? like wtf?? why is it sjws are more willing to punish white people than actually help black people and other racial minorities??? why cant they go donate to charity or help improve black communities instead of yelling at white ppl (or poc with the ‘wrong opinions’) online? all ur doing is making ppl angry and silencing them out of fear, which isn’t ok, and no, don’t even start with the “revenge” bullshit.
non-minorities also shouldn’t be afraid to have opinions w/out being hunted for being offensive or whatever. people legit cannot change their beliefs without first understanding why they’re wrong, and if they’re too afraid of backlash to share their beliefs, of fucking course they’re not going to be able to change their beliefs. and you literally can disagree w people and not be racist or whatever. i’m so tired of such buzzwords being thrown around. they’ve completely lost their meaning. instead of these words being serious accusations, they’re nothing but mindless insults to people you dont like.
i wish the loud minorities would just stfu and leave us all alone. like when it comes to nonbinary people? i feel most ppl dont rly care about us, and would be more supportive if it wasnt for ppl on tumblr yelling abt how gross cis people are and all that like dude. Chill. i don’t think ppl would care much about obscure/mogai labels if it weren’t for the toxic ppl who often use them.
anyway idk why equality is such a radical concept to people. how about we support minorities without harassing non-minorities simply for existing? thanks to all this shit, ppl are more racist and homophobic and stuff than ever. a good example is my mom, who ignores black oppression bc she genuinely thinks it’s all propaganda. five years ago she wouldn’t have thought this. the stupid media and gross, loud minority has made her closed minded and bigoted.
even just posting this makes me wary bc i just know someone is gonna find a way to make this problematic. they always do lol. but i dont hate cis ppl for being cis or neurotypical ppl for being neurotypical. innocent individuals shouldnt be at fault or be expected to hold the weight of the world on their shoulders.
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Whats the most ridiculous thing you've seen on tumblr?
A lot of things,
but notably the hard core anti culture that’s risen as more creative content and media rolls out, everyone plays arm chair activism and thinks they’re making a difference by “calling out” abusive and toxic ships- no dear, all you’re doing is telling someone not to ship something because you see something wrong with it. Not only will that not work the way you want to, but then you make them to continue to ship that ship in question out of spite.
People on here get easily offended over the most menial and trivial shit we’re the reason the far right, the moderate right, and even the most sane of liberals laugh at us, as it has been since this website came into existence. A site meant for ages 17 and up is infected by children 16 and under who don’t worry about real world problems and are often being parented by the same 20 year old arm-chair activist who they’ll never meet personally thinking they’re protecting a child by telling grown adults to “be nice! and do nice things on the internet so we can protect the minors!”
It is because of these people they made tumblr boot out the whole nsfw community which largely included a lot of gay, bisexual, and curious men- my community, that’s likely one of the most worst things that I’ve seen happen here, a whole community that is already frowned upon and condemned by the real world was just booted off the only safe space where they could express themselves and be free and they harmed NOBODY (and yes of course there were the one’s with sinister intentions but those are excluded, I also think tumblr staff doesn’t know how to run a website without fucking someone up).
The whole call out culture gets so bad on here it has caused people to commit near suicide.
disagreement of opinions often leads to gross harassment and cyber-bullying, hate blogging, and often I see the behavior being encouraged by grown adults and minors, it’s to a point where it’s not even taken lightly as a joke anymore people 100% mean just that when they say “oppress X shippers!” because then it gets taken too far and someone ends up wanting to hurt themselves
The sense of entitlement fandoms get when they receive creative content is disturbing, we’ve grown so used to have everything just given to us right away when we don’t ask for it- then when we do, it’s often ridiculously unrealistic at the time, and when we’re told to “wait” or “no” everyone wants to throw a whole bitch fit and harass the creators and run them off social media.
The way we’ve misconstrued words and their meanings causes us to throw them out at anyone and everyone in every argument no matter the context, racism now means “if you don’t ship white and black together you are racist!”, homophobe now means “you don’t ship these “gay” men together you are homophobic!” Or when we judge someone’s personal character and/or beliefs based off what fictional character they like or don’t like “you like/hate this character so you are a X! and you do X!”
Idk if there’s more but those are some things that had or have put me off from this website, just the overall culture and behavior that’s accepted and the people it attracts just puts me off sooo much, it’s more disturbing because at one point or another I was and likely am still guilty of most, if not all of these things, but I’m just more self-aware... this was a very broad question lmao
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pasta-abomination · 6 years
Time to be brutally honest:
All the garbage you say about James and Mehcad are because James is dating L3n@, and you don’t like that.
You want to talk about how M//n-3l is a terrible character “because he owned slaves”--and then attack a black actor because someone on your feed said that he said a bad thing once? I’ve seen people imply that Mehcad doesn’t know what oppression is like even though he’s black, because he’s a man. I’ve seen people--from your fandom specifically (you know who you are)--literally tweet at Mehcad that Jimmy Olsen “shouldn’t be black”.
This isn’t a question of an actor’s skill, the problematic things he may or may not have said in the past and whether or not you think he ever “apologized” properly. It’s definitely not about a character’s “fragile masculinity”, or the writers’ room’s racism and absolute failure to give James a consistent story over the last two seasons.
This is about you, and the fact that you aren’t getting what you want, and you know that just saying “I think L///na & K@/ra should date” won’t get you anywhere with either the fandom or TPTB, so you just shit all over the character, the actor, and every little thing either of them says and does, and you wind up saying some unbelievably problematic things in the process.
I literally don’t care what other ship fandoms do, either, because this is not about them. This is about you, your fandom, and your shitty behavior that regularly wanders into racist, that you feel completely entitled to inflict on anyone within earshot, because... idk, you’re gay?
Bully for you. I’m gay, and that doesn’t make the racist shit I’ve said or might say any less racist, and it doesn’t make any wank I’ve spread around less wanky, asinine, or distasteful. It doesn’t make gross exaggerations of supposed personal transgressions of an actor or actress any less grossly exaggerated or intentionally misleading. It doesn’t make any toxicity that’s come from me any less toxic, and that’s what you all are being. Toxic.
James Olsen has been the least toxic representation of masculinity on the entire show, apart from maybe J’onn, and I am fucking sick and tired of hearing you assholes tear him apart because you don’t like the fact that TPTB are having him date your fave.
Tough. Fucking. Luck.
You don’t have to like James. But you need to be upfront about why you don’t like him--You don’t like him because you don’t want him to be with L//3n@ on the show, because you feel very strongly about L3n/a being a lesbian. Gu//@rdc0rp is a NOTP for you. Hard pass. You have this attachment to a headcanon, and I get that sometimes, it can get a visceral emotional reaction out of you to see something that directly contradicts it.
And you know what? I can understand that. That’s kind of part of fandom, for better or worse, is this strong emotional attachment.
But that doesn’t give you an excuse to harass the actor. It doesn’t give you an excuse to say things that, when said to or about a black man, have a very particular valence. It doesn’t give you an excuse to claim he’s said bad things when nine times out of ten, what really happened is that you harassed him until he snapped at you, and then you screenshotted that single tweet, or you took something he said or did out of context and interpreted it in the worst possible way, not because it’s reasonable or likely, but because you want to see that actor and character in the worst light possible.
You wonder why everyone and everything seems “against you”--and it’s not because you’re oppressed, it’s because you’re being a fucking asshole.
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uhhhhhhokay · 6 years
My Unpopular Opinions of 2018
This is messy, a bit mean, and full of my mad/irritated feelings. You’ve been warned. No slipping into my asks as an anon to fight with me because I’ve posted this on my account. These are my opinions and I’ve already said that they aren’t that nice to some shows
1) Charmed and Black Lightning are the only good CW shows and it has the best lesbian rep of 2018 (and Rosa from b99 would be the best bisexual rep)
2) Melanie Scrofano/Wynonna Earp is the best part of Wynonna Earp. Honestly lately the rest of the characters for me have either awful or boring or funny but given nothing to do
3) Also even though she’s the main actress, Melanie is somehow the most underrated actress/character in the show. She’s disregarded by so many fans, either in favor of Wayhaught or Doc, and the show treats her like shit by constantly putting her with Doc
4) Descendants fans who pit Dove Cameron and China Anne McClain against each other in the hopes of making the other seem superior are doing absolutely nothing for their careers and are contributing to the unnecessary comparison between successful women
5) Also I don’t care if you don’t like Dove Cameron, but hating her for that Mal/Harry comment she made months ago is so fucking ridiculous. She’s a girl in love who also loves her character, god forbid she make her own headcanons for it, and it wasn’t like she was asking for it to happen (and no she wasn’t disregarding Mal’s current relationship Ben because she was talking about Mal and Harry being exes god damnit) 
8) Timothee Chamalet or whatever his name is, isn’t that great. Like he’s fine I guess but like....Have you seen other actors? I mean, there’s Fady Elsayed, Jack Black, Jordan Renzo, Greg Austin (rip Class), and so many more actors that are, in my opinon, significantly more talented
9) Letterkenny and Galavant are the best comedies out there
10) Riverdale is shit for erasing Jughead’s asexuality and queerbaiting fans at the beginning with Beronica 
11) I’ve said this before, but people disliking Cole Sprouse because of the abuse allegation against him is incredibly valid. 
12) Mike Flanagan, Jordan Peele, and Kate Siegel are the only people I trust to write some bone chilling horror stories 
13) The Haunting of Hill House is better than American Horror Story and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrine combined 
Now it’s time to get serious.....
14) I have no respect and cannot get along with people who talk about how ugly people are 
15) The hellsite is shit for so many reasons but some of its worst qualities are when people take a situation and make it black and white, have zero sympathy or empathy for other people, and twist peoples words and put in meanings that were never there
16) I also hate how how people only care about mental illness when it doesn’t come to their jokes or memes. For example, mental health has been talked about a lot in regards to Ariana Grande, which is good, but once her engagement with Pete Davidson ended, no one hesitated to attack him in almost every way possible even though the man has been very outspoken about his depression. I don’t know shit about Pete Davidson but I’ve seen him relentlessly be attacked and have his depression and suicidal thoughts be joked about. 
17) Stanning is a fucked up culture that we need to leave behind in 2018. There are some celebrities who have a lot of projects that I love and I admire their talent, but the concept of stanning either includes an unhealthy amount of devotion to a celebrity or it erases them as a human being and reduces them down to objects. In some cases, both of these are true. It’s a sick thing for both fans and the celebrities. If a celebrity does something wrong, call them out, and if they don’t listen, well forget it or move on. Cancelling them as if they can be thrown in the garbage and disposed of promotes negativity and hatred, which is doesn’t solve anything, and it can inhibit any growth from that celebrity. They are human and will inevitably fuck up. It’s the only way to learn and grow. 
18) This is about Wynonna Earp but it’s a serious post. I’ve made my thoughts about this show abundantly clear but there is one thing I haven’t talked about at all and that’s the racism in the show and in the fanbase. Disclaimer: I am white. This show hasn’t treated any of their poc or black characters well. The latest example would be the treatment of Dolls and Kate. The last two seasons Doc has had two women of color as his love interests, and both of these characters have been treated as objects to make Wynonna jealous. There is also the lack of story and villainization of these women. There is also the major lack of story with Dolls, which most likely led to Shamier Anderson’s decision to leave. I won’t get into anymore, this is how I’ve always viewed these poor storylines, but I will say this: white fans of Wynonna Earp, we do not get a say on how black viewers should feel about any of these storylines. White lesbians, you would be livid is Waverly or Nicole were killed, and rightfully so. Black people or people of color probably felt the rage you would’ve felt if you lost one of those characters when Dolls was killed off. Telling people to get over it is cruel. If people want to stop watching, that is their right. We have no place in telling them how they should feel about the treatment of their representation. 
19) I made this post a while ago but it holds true: https://uhhhhhhokay.tumblr.com/post/179314393735/shows-with-good-lgbt-rep
20) Everyone needs a break from social media. I know that for some people, it really helps because we have friends on here that we can talk to, but it also has so many negative effects. The real world is nothing like this toxic website. You should take breaks from it every once in a while. You need to get hobbies. You need some other past time than this website. The majority of people on this site aren’t good and everyone should take a breather from it. I take breaks from this site on a regular basis and when I do it feels so fucking good. 
21) Random but The Lodgers is the worst movie ever and it’s an even worse horror movie. Would not recommend. Unless you feel like roasting something for an hour and a half. The only good part about watching that movie was that I watched it with my roommate who I am good friends with and we laughed our asses off and made fun of it so much. It is truly awful. Even though I had a blast roasting it, I will never get that time of my life back. 
22) The Last Jedi does not deserve that 91% on rotten tomatoes. Just like how The Lodgers deserves far less than 56%.
23) Time to get serious again. I get that a lot of us wished that the shows we loved were real, but they aren’t. That’s a fact that everyone needs to realize and accept. To me, hating an actor for their character’s actions is just as fucked up as stanning. They aren’t their character. They are not responsible for the shit their characters pull. They are carrying out the story written for them. As for writers, sometimes the writers do not support their characters actions either. Just because the character is evil or mean or whatever does not always mean that the people who work behind the curtain support that. 
24) Shipping real people and harassing them is sooo inappropriate and messed up. I shouldn’t really have to explain this one but too many people on this site don’t seem to grasp it. I mean, didn’t Harry Styles say a while ago that all the smutty fanfics, tweets, and fanarts about him and his bandmates effect his friendships with him? Him reacting that way is not homophobic, btw. It is him reacting naturally to people fetishizing and sexualizing him and his friends. These are real people. Their relationship, sexuality, and god just so much of their lives is none of our business. They don’t owe us any information about their personal lives. We don’t own them. They are their own people, which also means that they make their own mistakes. 
25) Random again, but original Charmed fans put their show too high of a pedestal. I never got really into show. I tried it, think I watched half of the first season, and I did a little research on it and I was in the fanbase for a hot sec but it was very short. From my research, it seems to me, that for a feminist show, the cast (except Shannon Doherty) was the opposite behind the scenes. I know you can’t help who you don’t like but you can control how you talk about someone, especially to the public, and from what I’ve seen there’s been more negative comments from them about their castmates than positive. I don’t think anyone will know the whole story but to me the feud between the og’s leading ladies has always very catty to me, and it’s gotten even worse with the remake. You can be protective of your show without being rude. You don’t have to support the remake, and you can do that without being rude either. By the way, this is more directed towards Holly Marie Combs, who I believe has been the most outspoken about being against it. Three young actresses are doing the job they love and they were given a chance to be the new charmed ones for a new generation. There is no reason to be so negative about it. It looks even more immature when you see the cast of the original Sabrina who gleefully gave their support to the new cast. 
26) Adults please stop thinking every show is for you. it’s not. Some shows are for kids, some shows are for teenagers, and some shows are for you. If you enjoy the show that’s directed towards a younger audience then that’s great. If you don’t enjoy it, then that’s fine too. What is not fine is you acting like that show was meant for you and tearing it apart and bullying people of that directed age group online. I can’t believe the amount of times I’ve seen some 19-40 year old dipshit on the internet go and bully a 15 year old only because they said they loved a show. That is not only sick and immature but it’s uncalled for. 
27) Also 15 year olds or younger, do not use your age as an excuse to be mean either. You might be young and you will definitely make huge mistakes, but there’s is nothing to justify you telling someone to kill themselves or insulting them just because they don’t like your favorite character or something. You might not be as experienced as some adults, but you’re old enough to know what the fuck you’re doing and how wrong it is. Don’t be cruel and blame it on you being young and stupid. You maybe young and all of us will always be a bit stupid, but that does not excuse your behavior. And @ older people who do that shit too, your older age and power does not excuse your cruelty either. Nothing excuses telling someone to kill themselves. Ever. Especially if it’s over a goddamn tv show. 
28) Can Ryan Murphy please just make one tv show and stick with it until it ends? He has so many great concepts but because he wants to do all of them at once they all go downhill after one season. 
29) On the same but different note, fuck Ryan Murphy for having Violet and Tate get back together. My girl deserves better than a serial killer/rapist that also got her mom killed because he impregnated her with the anti christ. Fuck that.
I never intended this to be so long lol no one will read this
30) The Hormone Monster is literally a metaphor for hormones. Stop twisting it into pedophilia. That show is so sex positive and is so much better than most of the sex ed that we got. 
31) Let’s leave monster fucking behind please
32) Puzzles are a treat to do
33) Funko pops are cute but they make a lot of dumbass decisions regarding which ones to make (like I saw pops of that new nutcracker movie a while before it was released like maybe wait and see how it does first????)
34) Also lets stop thinking of ships/shows as a way to up yourself as more progressive or whatever. We all have our trash shows and ships, stop acting like a saint. Just because someone has a trash ship, does not mean they are lesser than you. 
35) Fanbases are usually always trash. This didn’t change at all in 2018. 
36) Class’s first season was significantly better than Torchwoods first season. You guys are just mean. 
37) While I adore Class, Patrick Ness’s dialogue was really YIKES sometimes (the Charlie April deleted scene nearly killed me). Overall it was good though because it was the closest depiction of how teens speak.
38) Also any teen drama show that has a teen speak seriously in a hashtag should burn in hell (if a hashtag is used in dialogue as joke then it’s fine because it’s funny)
39) An actor being on a show you don’t like does not warrant hate
40) It’s been two years since Class but still, fuck the dw fans who were/are so mean to the class actors, especially Vivian Oparah and Sophie Hopkins. 
I think that’s it.
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johnsonandcoulson · 7 years
have always loved this blog and probably always will but guys, aren't you too harsh on people? I mean you block every blog who was once considered as ~neutral to skyew@rd shippers, yet Chloe herself did a lot and said a lot to heat the interest in those shippers? I think if people have realized why it's WRONG to like the ship and consider yourself as Daisy fan at the same time, it's great. We should learn from our mistakes not being hated for making them, we're all people, aren't we
Hi anon,
First of all we don’t block all the neutral people to Skyewards (we wouldn’t finish blocking, lol), we block people who have Skyeward content and anti-Daisy posts because we don’t want to interact with people who are okay having Daisy hate and content that romanticizes the abuse a woman of color received at the hands of a Nazi.
For the record we have also blocked Daisy/Coulson shippers who have Daisy hate in their blogs or who have insulted/attacked us. Pretty recently we were attacked by a few fellow shippers for stanning Daisy too hard and not giving white dudes the attention they deserved. 
We have no problem with Skyewards who have realized that it was an awful thing to ship Daisy with the Nazi who terrorized her and threatened to rape her. If they have posted about regretting it and have deleted their racist/misogynistic/pro-abuse content we don’t block them. People make mistakes. We have. But you’d be surprised how few people actually regret shipping Skyeward or admit that the ship was problematic and harmful. No, they just go on and act like they are the biggest Daisy fans while still having graphics in their blogs about how aroused she is when Ward handcuffs her.
Most people stopped shipping Skyeward because it finally (after years!) became an unpopular opinion in fandom, mainly because the show kept reminding people it was a gross, gross idea. Or they stopped because the ship was never going to happen anyway. Not because they saw WHY it was wrong. Again, that’s why they have no trouble keeping pages and pages of content excusing Ward for his abuse and villifying Daisy.
Also this is a shipping blog? Why are people acting like this is a general blog or that we ever claimed it was? Most people in this fandom wouldn’t want to be reblogged in this blog anyway, why are you acting like we are denying them of some godgiven right? It’s a pretty personal blog in many ways. This blog is mainly for Cousy shippers, and before we reblog something from someone who isn’t a shipper WE MAKE SURE FIRST that person is completely comfortable with having their graphics alongside posts about how Daisy and Coulson should make out. It’s amazing how the previous anon ignored that point in our reply and twisted this policy into “you just don’t want to play with the rest of the fandom”.
Our follower count is very low, and our gifsets don’t get half as many notes (if that!) as any other blog making Daisy stuff. These messages imply that we are robbing these people of exposition by choosing not to reblog them here. Honestly they would probably get less notes if we reblogged them.
Like this fandom has spent years telling us VERY LOUDLY that they don’t want us to be part of the AoS fandom, yet we get yelled for not including the rest of the AoS fandom in our blog.
Almost no general AoS blog or the Daisy fandom at large ever reblogs @hamsterfactor‘s gifsets, yet we need to be giving explanations for not reblogging stuff from people who still have TONS of Skyeward content (ie Daisy hate) in their blogs.
People are allowed to learn from their mistakes but we have been personallly harassed and bullied by these people, so we don’t owe them interacting with them, simple as that. It’s a bit frustrating that everybody in fandom is very quick to go and defend people who spent years spreading racism, misogyny, Nazi apologia and rape culture and who bullied so many people, but that no one ever thinks about how the people who suffered that harassment might feel. It’s all about forgiving the parts of fandom who were toxic, never sympathizing with the people who tried to protect Daisy and her fans.
Skyeward shippers must be always given the benefit of the doubt and we have to forgive and forget but we Cousy/Skoulson shippers are still treated like garbage. Even people who like and interact with us have to qualify it with “I don’t ship Cousy/Skoulson but” just in case, like we’re a disease. We were one of the few corners of fandom who tried to stand with Daisy when most of the fandom thought that throwing her to the arms of her abuser was a normal thing and non-problematic and who cared more about “fandom unity” than about the spreading of racist, Nazi apologizing, pro-abuse discourse in fandom. We are still considered “worse than the Skyeward” by many people in this fandom. No one ever goes to other blogs to say “hey, you should hang out with the Cousy/Skoulson fandom” but we have to make concessions for the Skyewards. Seems fair.
Seriously there are people who have done so much harm and have spread so much Daisy hate and rape culture and pro-abuse stuff in this fandom that we just don’t want to see their names in our dashes. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request. We are trying to look out for our own mental health here, and it’s fucking us up that we get demonized for prioritizing that and not wanting to interact with the same people who were reblogging stuff by our harassers daily.
It’s just frustrating that even after dealing with harassment by Skyeward shippers for three years this fandom at large will still go out of their way to defend them and attack us.
We’re all people, except for us, apparently. We have to write hundreds of words trying to excuse our choice to not reblog people who have anti-Daisy content in their blogs, but I bet those people don’t get anons asking them why they still have that harmful stuff, and of course no one asks why blogs that claim to be pro-Daisy reblog content from Skyewards.
I get your intention is good, anon, and we agree we all make mistakes, but think again how we must feel getting people in our inbox asking that stuff from us that no other fandom gets asked, how it feel that it’s pretty obvious that today we still can’t dream of being treated by this fandom half as decently as people who spent years fighting to popularize a pairing between a woman of color and her Nazi abuser. 
Hope you can see it a bit from our point of view.
PS. Don’t throw Chloe under the bus here. She stopped talking about the ship positively way before most of these people we supposedly should be reblogging stopped posting anti-Daisy content, I can assure you, and she has done a lot to fight the kind of mentality that excuses Nazis and abusers since then. Plus an actor supporting a toxic ship is never an excuse to indulge in the kind of behavior this fandom saw since May 2014.
- the very tired mod becketted
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thewillowbends · 7 years
Hope you don't mind the question(feel free to ignore if you don't feel like answering): Do you think there are certain characters in fandoms that people "aren't allowed to dislike"?
I’m assuming this is about the argument I had the other day? If so, of course not. People are absolutely free not to like something. There are plenty of things I don’t like. However, there is a certain amount of responsibility we all have for auditing our own content. The world cannot be expected to protect you from things you don’t like, nor should it. It is also not acceptable to me to police other people’s content. It’s irresponsible and disrespectful to decry other people’s likes or dislikes with any implication of base character. When you make people’s fandom preferences personal enough that you’re casting moral judgement on their character, then it’s time to step away from the computer and grow the fuck up.
It’s perfectly acceptable to say, “This fandom thing squicks me out because it taps into this issue.” Its perfectly acceptable to say, “This grosses me out.” It’s perfectly acceptable to say, “I just hate this pairing/character just because.” You shouldn’t be dumping that content into the tags because it’s rude, but I’m not gonna cry about it. The problem with Tumblr is that it’s developed this culture of the bully pulpit pushing a moral absolutionist agenda. Once it finds a Fandom Issue of the Moment, God help you if you’re on the other side. If issues tap into very real world problems that harm people, like unacknowledged racism or romanticized sexual violence, I think it’s entirely fair to discuss those as problematic and call out the behavior. But provided content is properly marked and with adequate warnings, there’s really no excuse to throw hissy fits over it, yet Tumblr has somehow got this idea it’s acceptable to single out specific ideas and preferences and malign the people who practice it. Which is just so much…no. stop. I live in the United States, yo. I’ve got enough real world issues to worry about to have enough fucks to give about Tumblr purity wars.
The Rey/lo tag is a perfect example of what I’m trying to say here. I’m a Finnrey hopeful where canon is concerned, but I like the pairing in theory and will read fic about it. But fuck me where that tag is concerned. Can’t go five feet without tripping over a post about how people who ship it are awful/sexist/racist/rape apologists. And sometimes, those points are made fairly - there IS a serious problem if you’re framing Finn antagonistically to shore up Kylo Ren. There is an unsettling trend of POC being sidelined in favor of white characters. Calling those issues out is how people sometimes are forced to confront subconscious prejudice. Etc, etc. Acknowledging these issues is not problematic. Posting about how somebody who ships it is repulsive and automatically racist/sexist/morally reprehensible is. Harassing people over fictional characters is fucking lame.
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