#breaks do not work good when wheels not in regular contact with ground on lose packed dirt
jayblanc · 1 year
The reason I'm getting terrible GPS directions for cycling in my local area, is because someone was editing OSM and just adding in cycle paths where they guessed they were from looking at the sat view on Google Maps.
I discovered the mapping error when I turned into a down sloped path the GPS said was a cycle path, with momentum plus gravity carrying me forward, to discover that actually it was a series of long shallow steps.
I now have actual internet butt hurt.
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ozzy-bozzy · 4 years
Afternoon at the Skatepark
Reki x Reader x Langa
desc. You and the boys head to the skatepark to hang out after work
genre. Fun friendly fluff :D
warnings. nopee
word count. 1.6k
a/n: heyyy heh... back w another fic :3 i TOLD yall I would jump on Sk8 and write fics for it !! but alas, per tradition, I wrote this while sleep deprived and constantly doubting my writing so enjoy. if the ending or literally anything sounds weird blame it on me getting no sleep ever but also constantly being asleep
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You listened to the occasional passing car, the sound of your own breathing, and the tapping of your foot louder. The quiet music playing in the shop began to annoy you as it started looping for about the third time during today’s shift. You had just finished wiping down the front counter, slowly rolling a tech deck back and forth with your fingers. You leaned your head on your other hand and sighed, looking up at the clock for the umpteenth time. Soon your shift would be over, and you could go home and relax. By the second you were starting to regret covering for your coworker’s shift.
You worked in a rather popular skate shop in town. You loved the aesthetic of the shop; posters, skateboards, and printed shirts lined the walls. You remember walking in on the first day and immediately falling in love. The owner was so happy to see how excited you were for work. 
Smiling back at the memory, you did a little ollie on the desk, accidentally sending it flying when the front door swung open, fluffy bright auburn and baby blue hair immediately catching your eye. Their conversation immediately halted when Reki turned and made eye contact with you. You both paused, staring at each other, before he ran across the shop floor and almost jumped up on the counter, with the brightest eyes,
“I didn’t know you were working today!” he cried out at you,
“Ah! Yeah… I’m covering a coworker’s shift, she couldn’t make it…” you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck when Langa stepped up,
“You look...really bored…” You just blinked up at him, slowly becoming embarrassingly flushed.
“Is your shift almost over?” Reki had sloped down against the counter, his fingers now playing with the tech deck. You nodded at his question.
“Yeah, I’ve been bored for hours and I can’t wait to leave” You sighed, and Reki jumped back up
“Hey! If your shift is just about over, why don’t you come with us to hang out afterward?”
“I don't…”
“It’ll be fun! Right, Langa?”
“...yeah, and besides… you could probably use it” He gave you a small smile that you couldn’t help but return.  Reki was beating his fingers against the counter, waiting for your answer,
“Okay, okay sure yeah why not. You guys can hang out for about fifteen more minutes and then I can go grab my stuff from the back.” Reki started to cheer. 
Reki pushed away from the counter and immediately went over to look at the boards. Langa watched the skateboard toy roll across the counter when Reki let go of it, and then turned to look around the store. He was looking around at all the colorful posters, graphic hoodies, and signed shirts from famous bands or skaters. He could definitely see why Reki kept going on and on about bringing him here. 
“You know, Langa, you can put your bag down behind the counter so you don’t have to carry it around” You offered your hand out to him, and his eyes were stuck staring at your form. You cocked your head to the side when he didn’t answer, and he seemingly snapped out of it, his pale cheeks flushing,
“Sorry... And thank you” He handed you his shoulder bag and while you bent over to put it away, he fiddled with his fingers,
“Hey, I’m actually really excited to see you skate with us, I hope you can teach me something new or give me some tips” You jolted back up and Reki burst into a fit of laughter before coming back to lean on Langa’s shoulder,
“Ohoho! I almost forgot to mention!” You immediately tried to signal him to shut the hell up, but Reki being the little troublemaker he is, chose to ignore you,
“Our dear friend here doesn’t know how to skate!” You sighed. Yeah, you didn’t know how to skate. You worked in a skate shop and really loved your job, but you didn’t know how to skate. Your friends and coworkers always liked to tease you for it, and you always meant to learn, but never actually did. 
You shrunk in on yourself, muddled in your embarrassment when Langa let out a small laugh,
“Yeah yeah, I get it, the girl who works in a skate shop doesn’t know how to stake. Big deal. You don't have to rub it in—”
“No no, that’s not why I’m laughing. I don't know how to skate either. Reki is teaching me”
“Wait, really?” he nods. “I never could have guessed!”
You two smiled at each other and Reki laughed again, before going back to admire the trucks on a board he had picked up off the shelf. 
Once your shift ended, you and the boys headed out of the shop. You were headed to the local skatepark, but in the middle of explaining the plans, Reki and Langa’s stomach grumbled, so first, you were off to get some lunch. 
After debating on what to get for lunch, and then debating what to order after Reki’s teasing, you guys had ended up at the skatepark. Reki did a quick stretch and quickly jumped on his board, climbing the quarter pipe effortlessly. You watched in awe, never able to understand how he could skate so easily. Langa pulled out his board and passed you, setting his things down before walking closer to the ramp. You followed him, and Reki offered you his hand. You reached for him, and he pulled you up, sitting pressed to his side while he hooked his board on the rim using the back wheels. Kicking his feet, he ponders to himself while Langa waits for him to speak up.
“Oh, oh! I know! How about you keep working on that practice routine I showed you yesterday, it’ll definitely help in your next beef!” Langa seemed to think it over a bit, before nodding and skating off to find more space.
“Routine…?” You ask,
“Mhmm! I’m trying to get him to learn more tricks and tactics so he can win more beefs at ‘S’. He can’t just keep taping his feet to the board if he means to keep skating.”
“Ohh, well he seems to be doing just fine!”
“He’s improved really fast, he doesn’t fall as much anymore—” Right when he said that, Langa let out a yelp and fell flat on his back, his board flying out from under him, “That being said, he still falls occasionally. Hey, Langa! Why don’t you come take a break and I’ll skate around for a bit?” Langa nodded and skated over to the quarter pipe while Reki stood, gliding down and heading towards the grind rails to practice his own tricks. 
Langa took his spot next to you, leaning back and closing his eyes, taking in the nice weather. You turned to him and smiled,
“You’re getting really good! I don't know how you manage to ride it so easily even though you’re still learning”
Langa blinked at you silently, and sheepishly rubbed his neck,
“Thanks… You know I’m sure if you gave it a try you would be pretty good yourself.”
“Ahh! I appreciate the thought! But, I’ve already..kinda..attempted...In the past, and it just didn’t seem to work out in the past. I’m much more content providing you and Reki and people like you two with gear and good customer service..” Reki skated his way over.
“Nope! You’re trying again.”
“Wait wh— “
“Come on! Slide down!”
Langa gave you a gentle push, before sliding down the ramp himself and Reki pulled
you over by the hands to his board. You hesitantly put one foot on the board but you could feel your legs start to shake when you try to lift off the ground. Langa came up next to you and offered you his hand. Gripping it, you managed to stand on the board. He slowly tried to let your hands go so you could balance on your own, but once you were totally on your own you swung your arms around until finding balance. Actually standing on the board felt… weirdly nice. It wasn’t as scary as you first thought, especially after taking the initiative to start. You heard Reki call your name, snapping his fingers. He stood a good few feet in front of you, his arms outstretched, waiting to catch you,
“Well? Come on! Kick off the ground and push yourself over here”
“Reki I can’t—”
“Sure you can!” Like it didn’t even need to be said, Langa put his hand on the small of your back and slowly pushed you to give you a head start. That’s when you started losing your balance. You glided forward towards Reki on the board, and not knowing how to stop, you started shifting your weight and you heard Langa start to say something and turned to look at him when the board flew out from under your feet and you fell back into Reki’s arms. His arms hooked under yours, holding your top half up against him. Langa starts to panic, asking if you’re okay or hurt. For someone who gets hurt from learning to skate on the regular, he sure does worry when someone else gets hurt. 
Your gaze just shifts between the two, one more worried than the other, but still worried. Your face cracks into a grin and you start laughing, pushing yourself up to stand properly in Reki’s hold. You grasp his hands in yours, and bring them up,
“Please teach me to skate!!”
The two boys stopped, their faces changing from concerned to confused, before lighting up. You had never seen them smile brighter.
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houseofglass · 5 years
Supernatural: the cheesy season
Okay, we’re halfway through the last season of Supernatural and I feel like it’s time for me to weigh in on it. There’ve been a lot of posts about how disappointed people are, or how they feel like the returning characters are a waste of time, and how awful the story line seems to be.
Whelp. Buckle up, I’ma gonna give you my lovely opinion. Some stuff I like, some I don’t, and some I’m really neutral about.
First: returning characters. I don’t mind this at all. I like seeing how some have evolved (looking at you, Becky) and how some were in the early seasons and are now playing a similar part this season. The return of Garth was nice. I don’t catch all the returners, but some of you do and point them out. If I could remember who you are, I’d give you a shout out to reminding us which episode/season the actor appeared on first, but I don’t, sorry. I think Supernatural should include as many returning bit-part actors as possible, just because it’s cool to watch.
As for regular characters, I loved Alexander Calvert’s portrayal of Belphegor and was mucho saddo to see him dead. I wanted more of his sass. Lots more. Sigh, I miss Crowley.
Second: set design. I’ve noticed the return of some things, like the motel room divider, and I love that! More please. Bring back sets that aren’t the bunker or Baby, bring back cluttered living rooms like Bobby’s, bring back a seedy motel, bring back a rough bar. The show has evolved to look very soap-opera-y: clean lines, organized set, everything in its place. This isn’t a bad thing, shows evolve and change, but it’s a nice callback to see a set that resembles the early seasons when things were messier, grittier, and more working-class.
Third: the plot. I mean....Chuck as the Big Bad, I can accept that. Sure. But, he’s, like, God. Normally, in a game or movie if someone has god-mode that means they’re basically indestructible. I don’t know how our boys are going to resolve this or bring it to a satisfying conclusion and still maintain that Chuck is all-powerful. When the finale of season 14 presented Chuck as the One To Vanquish I immediately decided how I was going to watch this last season. More on that later.
Fourth: Jensen and Jared’s performances. Jared has done an excellent job in keeping Sam consistent. Truly excellent. I don’t particularly love Jared as a person (anyone who plays pranks on people loses points with me, extra points if it’s sexual-based pranks on the job) but he’s a good actor and has done a good job on his, well, job.
Jensen’s acting....is lacking. He’s not as good lately. Actually, he hasn’t been for the past couple of seasons. I’ve wondered if he was ready to move on around season ten and started the wheels moving then. Wheels like getting his beer company off the ground and firmly established so he can have some passive income when the show ends. He’s a bit OTT, notably with the silent communication with Sam when Rowena wanted a drink in episode, uh, I don’t remember. The one with the cheap pink dress she wore. Also with his crying over Cas recently. I get it, he’s sad, but Dean doesn’t break down like that. Only once that I can recall, and he had to set himself up for it (driving to a secluded location alone, finally letting go). I feel like Jensen has lost the core of Dean somewhere, and it’s magnified by how well Jared is performing.
Fifth: Jensen’s audition reel. 15x04 was promoted heavily as directed by Jensen. I expect this and have little/no problem with it. He’s directed before and seems to enjoy it, and it’s the last season, so of course it would be promoted. I don’t have any opinion on his directing style as I don’t know what a good or bad director looks like. But the heavy promotion along with the heavy media presence is getting tiring. I understand, he’s about to be out of work and needs to go job hunting, but it’s wearing thin on me. Like the tap dancing. I watched the episode and thought he wasn’t particularly good at it. DJ Qualls was better, and I thought DJQ had more training and was surprised to learn he didn’t. When I found out they only had two hours’ rehearsal I thought, “yeah, it shows” because it missed the mark. Good attempt though. Nice to highlight Jensen can learn on the fly. I expect to see more of Jensen’s abilities as the episodes wind down. Actually, honestly, it feels desperate to me, but I’m not an actor and I don’t know if other actors do the same thing.
Sixth: showrunning. This entire season could have wrapped up by now. The plot is thin (fight God and win!) and not a lot of information is given in each episode. Instead the episodes wander around and highlight Jensen’s audition reel. The best wrap-up so far is finding out Rowena is the King of Hell. I freaking love that! It wraps up her character arc nicely.
Seventh: oh the cheese. This season is cheesy. Holy moly such cheese. Monsters in hot summer daylight? Oh my. VampChesters? Goodness me. Even that episode where Lilith returns as the girl who falls on the antlers. Man, that poked fun at the boys in a way I enjoyed, but it was still cheesy. Is this new fromage because Chuck is an unreliable narrator? Is this some meta accounting presented as fine Brie? Only time will tell.
Final thoughts: I mentioned above that the season 14 finale helped me choose a pair of glasses to use while viewing the show. Now, I’ve seen many finales in my day. Some I’ve loved and some I’ve hated and some I’ve been left disappointed. So now I understand something this social media generation seems to lack: I have no control over how my favourite character/show will end. No amount of whining, complaining, justifying, yelling, shouting, or cajoling will get the writers/showrunners/actors to do my bidding. Fandom has become toxic in this regard. FFS people, the only reason to contact those people on SM is to say thank you. Nothing more. You have no control or input. Nor do I.
So I sat in front of my TV with my cheesy goggles on and decided, “Fuck it. Fuck it all. I’m gonna taste the cheese this season.” And I have. Although I have complained, like, see above, I’ve also let go of any expectation of the show. It’s too long in the tooth at this point, with too many side characters and too much soap opera makeup (seriously, Dean was lit like a soap opera mistress in a few episodes. Like, wtf?) to take seriously.
So I invite you to enjoy some cheese with me. There are ten episodes left. Just ten. Ten more times to watch my favourite character, Baby, drive across the screen. Ten more times to have a new opportunity to write a coda or fix-it fic. Ten more times to imagine an OTP in a new scenario provided by the writers.
Have a slice of cheese with me. Watch the show with lightheartedness. Wish these actors adieu and expect nothing. We have no control over the ending, and no matter how much it hurts, we will have to say goodbye to Sam and Dean’s adventures at some point. Might as well do it with a smile.
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silkimagines · 6 years
Imagine an impromptu first date with Detective Loki -- it seems you’ve had your eye on one another for awhile. This is a short second-person story in two acts, and my first attempt at the genre of x-reader fan fiction. Written for a friend.
Nobody Should
“Happy Thanksgiving, detective.”
The place is deserted. There’s a light snow falling outside the diner windows, adding to the dirty slush that’s accumulated on the sidewalk outside. He’s seated at his regular table, facing the street. He always sits facing the street. You’ve wondered if he’s more interested in what’s going on outside – or just doesn’t want to face the people inside. 
You’ve just refilled his coffee, and he thanks you, by name. Well – that’s not hard; you wear a name tag, after all. The first time you served him, you weren’t surprised. But the next time, he remembered things. Little passing comments you’d made. And you wondered if he was always so attentive to waitstaff. You didn’t want to read too much into it, though -- he must have a good memory for detail; he is a detective. Your boss told you that -- he’s been a regular here since long before you were hired -- though you already knew his name and reputation from the papers. You never thought much about him until you met him in person, though. And lately… you’ve been thinking about him a lot. “You get that problem with your car fixed?” he asks.
The smile you give him is as surprised as it is bashful. He remembered something that trivial? “Oh. Yeah.” You give him a little nervous laugh. “Turns out it was just really low on oil. Thank you for asking. Uh… your cases going well?”
He nods, but doesn’t elaborate. But that’s what you expected; by now you know he only talks about the closed cases. He’s fairly tight-lipped about ongoing investigations, and that’s appropriate for his work. You admire his professionalism, but you wonder if he ever relaxes. He never really seems relaxed. Still smiling, you set down the tray with the check and take a moment to peer over his shoulder. Now he’s got the newspaper open to the sudoku, and he’s halfway through solving it. You enjoy watching him work things out… even if it’s just for fun.
“Not many people here on Thanksgiving,” you comment. It’s a Chinese restaurant. Turkey and cranberries aren’t on the menu, and it’s getting late.
“You’re here,” he replies flatly, still staring at the number puzzle. Is he – teasing you?
“Yeah, I noticed. So are you.” You give him a lopsided grin. “Why do you always come in here on my shift? You know, if you wanted to see more of me, you shouldn’t sit facing the street.”
He glances up at you sharply, eyes closing tightly in a series of short blinks, and you’re uncertain how to read his expression. “I always come here for Thanksgiving. How come you’re not with your family? I thought you told me your brother’s visiting. You love his kids, don’t you?” He has been paying attention. You mentioned your nieces earlier when you brought him his order.  He had the paper open to a toy store advertisement and you said you planned to go buy their Christmas presents tomorrow. You asked him if had any Christmas shopping to do. He didn’t.
“I’m still kind of new here,” you shrug. “They always stick it to the new employees. Make us work holidays. But to tell you the truth, it’s not so bad. I’m getting time and a half, and I’m not stuck at the kids table next to the younger cousins I can’t stand, just because I’m still single. Or worse, the adults table, where everyone’s expecting me to agree with them on politics. They’ll save me a plate, and I’ll  catch up with them later. This is peaceful.” You look around the empty room and smile. It is peaceful. Just you and him. “You always come here?”
“Every year.” He tosses it out casually, as though it’s the most normal thing in the world. He’s leaning to the side, pulling out his wallet, eyes focused on the bill.
“But – don’t you have…” You don’t want to pry, but you can’t help asking. “There’s nobody you’d rather be with today?”
He doesn’t answer, just blinks twice as he counts out bills. He places them on your tray, and as you take it back to the register you wonder if you’ve overstepped. But you can’t stop staring at the back of his head, this… handsome yet enigmatic and solitary man having Thanksgiving dinner alone in an empty Chinese restaurant. Again. You glance at the big clock on the wall and bite your lip, wondering how bold you’ll dare yourself to be. As you walk back towards him, you make up your mind.
“Thank you, detective.” You’re formal as you hand back the tray with the final receipt and his change. And then, you drop the formality. “You know, you’re my last customer… and my -- my shift is over, if you… want some company.”
He looks up at you, surprise registering in his eyes. You almost lose your nerve in that moment. You’re not usually this forward. “Nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving,” you assert, standing your ground. You know you’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t at least offer an alternative. “We could hang out here  awhile, talk… maybe find somewhere to watch the football game…” Where? There’s no TV here, and you don’t even care about the football game. You’re just grasping at straws.
“We have a TV at the station,” he says, as though reading your mind. You nod politely. That’s not quite what you had in mind. He’s giving you a scrutinizing look. “But I don’t want to watch the game.”
There’s a beat, and you burst into laughter. “Me neither.” And he cracks a small smile and huffs a brief, soft chuckle. Then there’s a moment – a charged, awkward silence -- and he breaks eye contact.
“Might go for a drive,” he says. You follow his gaze out the window and frown a little at the flurries coming down.
“In that?” You hate driving in snow.
“Yeah,” he answers softly, checking his phone for messages. There’s another long pause. He looks like he’s trying to work something out. Then he looks up at you. “Wanna come?”
Your eyes widen. His lips twitch upward in a ghost of a smile.
* * *
If he were any other man, you might be getting nervous by now. You’d probably have asked him to take you back when the car turned off the brightly-lit main streets lined with buildings to follow a narrow country road. It’s getting dark, and it’s snowing – not the best driving conditions, and a bit remote from the heart of the town. But you trust him. Everything about him tells you you can trust him.
He stops the car, and you see why you’re here. Ahead is a large pond, and beyond the opposite shore are city lights glowing in the dusk. Around you swirl the quietly descending flakes of white. “I’ve never been here before. This is beautiful.”
“I come here sometimes,” he says, “to think.” You understand. You need that kind of space, too. He unbuckles his seat belt. You do, too. You guess he plans to sit here awhile, and you’re fine with that.
You think about him sitting alone in the restaurant. Then you think about the fact that you’re here with him now, in his car. “I like it.” He gives you a quick glance, hard to read.
You sit in silence for awhile, the engine running to keep the heat on inside the car. Your eyes are drawn to his fingers, tapping idly on the steering wheel. You’ve noticed them before; you’ve always been curious. Your fingers venture over, and you immediately have his attention. He flinches, draws back his hand; you follow suit and withdraw yours. “What are those for?” you ask, referring to the tattoos on the backs of his knuckles. “Those zodiac signs?”
He’s silent for a moment, then slowly holds out his hand, contemplating the markings. “People,” he replies. “People I’m not sharing Thanksgiving with.” There’s something dark in his tone; a bitterness, a sense of loss. It’s a tone that makes you want to take that hand and hold it, but you don’t. Not without asking.
“May I?”
He looks at you carefully, and gives a slight nod. You lean over, reach out and touch the markings. It’s the first time you’ve gotten a good look at them. “Did it hurt to get these?”
He pulls his hand back. “A little. But it’s – have you ever gotten a tattoo?”
You shake your head. You’ve thought about it; haven’t had the guts.
“There are some things that hurt a lot worse. And when you’re getting ink, all you’re thinking about is how much less it hurts.”
You nod. You understand. “You’ve got one on your neck, too.” He’s usually wearing a collared shirt with long sleeves, but you’ve noticed.
You look at him expectantly.
“I’m… I’m not really good at these things,” he says.
“What?” Now you’re frowning slightly, confused.
His eyes gesture around the interior of the car, land back on you. “This…”
It takes you a moment. And then you get it. Suddenly your cheeks feel hot.
“I’m… not either,” you admit, giving him a blushing, apologetic smile. Snowflakes disappear as they land on the windshield. The hood of the car’s turning white, except where the engine’s heat is melting it off.
“You want to look at it?” he asks, fingers moving to the button on his collar.
“What?” Briefly mesmerized, you’re yanked out of your reverie, uncertain where this is going. Then he shifts to fully face you, turning his head toward the back seat to expose the left side of his neck.
Your eyes fall on the sunburst design, wondering at the meaning. “That’s beautiful,” you say. “I’ve always wondered…” It’s gotten dark enough now that you’re looking at it by the dim dashboard light. You twist in your seat and lean forward, trying to get a better look. You lose your balance and fall against the steering wheel. The car’s horn resonates loudly in your ears.
“Fucking—" he shouts, flinching backward in the driver’s seat.
“Shit!” you yelp simultaneously, jolting your body back and off the horn.  “God, I’m sorry.” You both stare at each other a moment, then burst into cringing laughter. “I’m sorry!”
And now he’s laughing with you, as you stare out the windshield at the snowy scene outside. Your heart’s pounding with adrenaline, embarrassment, and – joy. You’ve never heard him laugh before. You’ve made him laugh. And it sounds… beautiful.
At last it’s quiet again, and when you look back, you catch him looking at you. “…What?”
“You were right, before,” he tells you. There’s that unreadable look again, and a sudden buzz in the pit of your stomach tells you that now you can read it. “At the restaurant,” he clarifies. “You were right. I always come in during your shift.” You lock eyes.
He begins to lean toward you, then hesitates, eyes searching yours. He’s reserved, tentative. Like always. You’re nervous as hell.
“It’s all right,” you nod at him, holding your breath. Your eyes are focused hypnotically on his lips, closing as they land on yours, soft and ephemeral, like the snowflakes. But much warmer. Your heart stops.
He pulls back a bit and you catch your breath. And in the next moment, he steals it away again.
You see the shift in his eyes first: intention. Purpose. The force of his kiss pushes you backward. His lips crash into yours as though he’s kicking down the door. Your hands fly up, then settle lightly around his jaw, pads of your fingers against his stubble. You push back, fighting for breath. You feel his fingers in your hair, against the nape of your neck, sending a tingle down your spine. The spice of his aftershave mingles with tobacco smoke in your nose. Eyes closed, you succumb to what’s been building in you for longer than you’d admitted to yourself. Your lips wrestle with inelegant passion. You hear soft sounds from the back of his throat; you hear yours answer. At last he pulls away, and you give him a bashful smile, your cheeks flushed, breath shaky. “Wow…” you exhale. It’s a good thing you’re already sitting down. Your brain’s as scattered and patternless as the flurries outside. “What did I do to deserve that?”
“Like you said. Nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving,” he mutters softly, staring at his lap. And when he looks up at you, his eyes hold a question.
“Nobody should,” you answer. Your hands take his, and this time he doesn’t pull them back. “David?” Your voice is small and shy, and hearing your lips pronounce the word feels… awkwardly intimate. As often as you’ve chatted before in the restaurant, as much rapport as you’ve built, you’ve never called him by his first name. But under the circumstances… “Would you like to -- show me the rest of your tattoos?”
If you’ve made it to the end here, thank you for reading! I think the whole x-reader genre is awkward, because I, the writer, don’t actually know anything about you. So rather than presume I do, I’ve imagined a character, and hopefully, the second-person perspective serves to help you put yourself in the story. I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
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geezertcyclist · 6 years
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I have been meaning to add my list of lessons learned.  I include  it below. I also plan to post a list of where I stopped my bike each day, maybe in a few days. I hope this helps others trying to bicycle across the country.
Lessons learned:
Bullet points for those who don't want to slog through  the text: -Granny gear and preparation -Start date -Route planning     -Motels -Days off -Routine -Food -Bike trails I found -Equipment
Granny gear and preparation - I live in flat land, so it was very important to make some practice rides over the mountain passes in Washington. In 2016 and 2017 I drove out to Washington and rode my bike over the four mountain passes. I learned that I needed a granny gear to climb over those passes. My current lowest gear is 28 teeth on the front sprocket and 32 teeth on the rear. The mountain  passes in Washington are very long and steep, the most difficult climbs of the entire biking journey. I'm glad that I had the granny gear or this bike ride might have ended right near the start.
Start date - I planned to take a break around July 4th to attend some family get togethers.  So I decided to do half before the break and half after the break.  That put me starting on May 15. That is a very early start. I was lucky this year. Washington pass had opened  about a week before I started. I was also lucky that it did not snow on me while I was riding. Anyone starting this ride before June 15 has to be prepared  for snow on these mountain passes. 
Route planning - I planned to go from west to east and take advantage of the prevailing westerly winds. I used MapMyRide.com to plan out most of my daily routes.  But as I got close, I drove some of the route to see for myself. That was especially important on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state. The official Olympic Discovery bike trail takes you on Highway 20 from the intersection of Highways 101 and 20, but the first 6 miles of Highway 20 are steep and winding.  There is no shoulder and with all the logging trucks and other traffic on highway 20, they recommend taking highways 104 and 19 to bypass this dangerous section. It is 20 miles farther. I took the bypass. I recommend that to anyone taking  this route. I originally planned to average 80 miles per day. While the  weather was cooler in May and early June, I was able to make a pace near that, but as the weather got hotter in July and August, I found that it was better to plan on 60 miles per  day. 
Motels - I planned this journey using the support vehicle driven by my wife. I had less gear on my bike because I could keep most of my gear in the car. Also the SAG vehicle could stop and help me with cool water on hot days and a dry place when it rained. At the beginning we thought that the car  could pick me up if  I did not make it all the way to the motel. Near the beginning we tried this. At Marblemount WA I was able  to go 20 miles extra one day. The  next day the SAG vehicle took me to that point. That made a 90 mile climb over Washington pass only 70 miles. But as we traveled farther, we found that it was  difficult to get both of us up and out of the motel  to take the bike to the starting point. Things worked better when I could wake  early and leave the motel by myself.    Then my wife could sleep in and check out of the motel about 10 am. She would stop by along the way and check on me about 11. Then proceed to the next city.  If I needed help, we had cell phones to keep in contact. 
Also my wife was the one who contacted motels and made reservations. We needed reservations ahead of time because many times the motels were full when we arrived. She checked out reviews on TripAdvisor and most of the time we had good places to stay. Over this whole trip we only had a couple places that were "dumps." But they were also the best spot in that city. Again this whole adventure would have ground to a halt without the help of my wife driving the vehicle and setting up the lodging. 
Days off  - From the beginning I planned to take Sunday off from riding. We would find a local church to attend and have one day out of seven to  rest and recuperate. I found that by doing this I was able to keep riding each day and each week I kept making progress.  At my age (67) I think that I needed that break.
We also planned a two  week break at the midway point. This was very good for recuperation of my body, but it also allowed me to have my bike get a tune up and a new chain.
Routine - As the journey progressed we settled into a routine. I pumped the tires up the night before. I would wake at 5:30 or 5:45. I would put on Boudreaux's Butt Paste and dress in my riding clothes. I would check the weather and review  the route for the day on line. I would do my stretches, lube the chain on the bike, check for my fluids and fruit. I took two Advils and ate breakfast. I usually started riding at 6:36. Near the last few weeks I would finish about noon or 1 pm.  We would check into the motel early. I would take a shower. Then eat some lunch. 
At the beginning we thought that I would have time to read books or perhaps sit in a chair to take a break along the way. We brought chairs and a box of books for the first half of the journey. We found that I had little time for either,  so we left these things behind on the second half of the ride. Less weight and less hassle. 
Food - I found that chocolate  milk was the best rejuvenating beverage at the end of  a day of riding. Most days I had a breakfast with eggs, potatoes, toast,  orange juice and  a banana.Each night I ate big - having steak or a large piece of chicken.  I only lost four pounds,  but I did lose about an 1 and a half off my waist. 
Bike Trails - I used the Olympic Discovery trail in Washington state. A key section  was under construction this  year, so I took Highway 101 for most of  the  Olympic peninsula. 
I found the Historical trail and took it through Kalispell MT. I used the North Star Bicycle Route in Minnesota toward St. Paul.  I also used the Mississippi River Trail from Hastings MN  into Iowa. 
Near Chicago I used the McHenry County Prairie trail, the Fox River Trail, the Prairie Path, and the Salt Creek trail.In Ohio I used the North Coast Inland Trail. I really liked the Western Reserve Greenway trail from Warren to Austinburg.
In New York I used Bike route 517 and Bike Route 5 (the Erie Canal Trail). I also used the Erie Canalway Trail. Route 5 is an on road signed trail,  while the Canalway trail is mostly on the towpath of  the old Erie canal. The Canalway trail went through Rochester without going  on surface streets. But in Syracuse I needed to go on surface streets through town.
The Cape Cod Rail Trail was very good, paved and shaded, but I only used it for about 5 miles total. 
Equipment - I mentioned about the granny gear above. I used a hybrid bike - The Specialized Sirrus Disc model purchased at the Wheel Thing in Lagrange Park IL.  The highest gear  was 48:11 front to back, and the lowest gear was 28:32 front to back. 
I used metal toe clips. They are no longer available commercially. Some of the metal toe pieces started breaking last  year.  One of my brothers fixed it with wires, but the other side broke in the last week. So I wired up the other side with green floral wire, as can be seen in the photo. On the last day I noticed that the other pedal broke. It is time to buy new ones. They will be plastic, and I have used plastic on  my other bike. It should work fine. I liked toe clips  over  cleats. That way I could use regular  gym shoes.  Others prefer cleats. This worked  fine for me.
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junker-town · 4 years
Henry Ruggs III’s speed isn’t the only thing to love about him
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Henry Ruggs III is one of two Alabama WRs expected to be drafted in the first round in 2020.
Retired defensive end Stephen White believes Henry Ruggs is everything an NFL team could want in a No. 1 receiver.
If you have heard anything about Henry Ruggs III, you probably have heard he’s fast.
I mean real fast.
It’s only natural that most people would associate his name with speed at this point because my dude has some serious wheels. As evident as it was at the combine — where he posted a blazing 4.27 seconds in the 40-yard dash, one of the best times ever for a receiver — it was even more obvious on tape.
Ruggs knows he’s got more pewnnnn than the average cat, and he plays the game that way. In the four games of his I watched, I didn’t see him wasting any time chopping his feet or slowing down to try to make a juke move in the open field. Rather, he would just mash the gas and run right by them.
Which isn’t to say he couldn’t make guys miss in the open field. He was pretty good at that at Alabama, as well. It’s just that most of the time he was so fast he didn’t even have to break stride to get by the defender.
What Ruggs does well: He’s fast *everywhere*
When they say speed kills, they had guys exactly like Ruggs in mind. He has the potential to take it to the house from anywhere because angles mean nothing when you have that internal NOS button that nobody else on the field has.
Ruggs has the kind of speed that puts defenses on alert every single play, and can potentially open things up for other players underneath. Even if you roll your coverage to him, however, that may not stop him from beating all of your guys deep. And the wild thing is he never looks like he is running that hard. He just glides down the field, and before you know it he’s gone.
Even in the red zone, Ruggs can make a difference. From the 15- or 20-yard line, he can smoke anybody on a fade route who tries to press him at the line. When defenders back off, he can hit them with a quick slant so fast Ruggs will be celebrating in the end zone before the corner has even planted his foot in the ground.
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What Ruggs does well: He plays physical
You know what, though? Ruggs isn’t “just” a speed receiver by any means.
First of all, he’s 5’11 and almost 190 pounds — not exactly the kind of receiver his speed is usually associated with, DK Metcalf excepted. Ruggs is not a small guy at all, and he plays even bigger than his measurements. In addition to all of those deep routes, he also ran a ton of shallow crossers and other short-to-intermediate routes. I also loved the way he finished off plays when he had the ball in his hands.
No, Ruggs won’t truck stick guys like A.J. Brown or Deebo Samuel do, but he will lower his shoulder on contact so he can get an extra couple yards at the end of every play. As I always say, those hidden yards can really add up over the course of a game, too.
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Ruggs doesn’t go down too easy, either. He is a strong runner with the football in his hands, and one missed tackle can turn into six points in a hurry with him. That also means he is a good candidate to run jet sweeps and end-arounds. He did a little of that in the games I watched, but not nearly enough in my opinion. Even in those limited opportunities, I watched the guy break ankles on the way to getting around the edge.
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No, it wasn’t a huge gain, but that play should’ve gone for zero yards or a loss. You can’t imagine how frustrating it is to have the “right” defense called and still lose on a play because their guy is faster than all of yours. What are you supposed to do in that situation?
You better have somebody who can tackle covering him, too, because when Ruggs breaks away, you might as well strike up the band.
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What Ruggs does well: He can make smart catches
But wait, I’m not done.
In addition to being fast and physical, Ruggs also has good hands. Technically, he was targeted 24 times combined in the four games I watched, but four of them weren’t really catchable. He caught all 20 of the ones that were.
Oh, and seven of those 20 catches went for 20 yards or more, including two that were more than went more than 74 yards. Oh and he also had five total touchdowns in those four games.
In fairness, he didn’t have to make a lot of “tough” catches, but that’s another advantage of being so fast. You don’t have to worry about trying to make many contested catches if the defender can’t catch up to you.
Regardless, no drops is no drops and that has been rare for me to see since I started doing these breakdowns. If nothing else, it shows he didn’t lose concentration on any of those (easy) catches while looking to run before he had secured it, as I’ve seen even some of the best receiver prospects do over the years.
There was still one more thing that impressed the hell out of me about Ruggs’ tape. It was even enough for me to put him at the top of the wide receivers I’ve broken down so far.
To be precise, it was two plays against Auburn that did it for me.
On both plays, the corner pressed Ruggs at the line (which I didn’t see often); then on the snap, the defensive back would turn and bail to try to stay in front of Ruggs and kind of ride him to the sideline to curtail his ability to get down the field. I’m sure that sounds like a smart tactic when facing a receiver who is probably faster, straight-line speed wise, than that defensive back.
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But then Ruggs did something I wasn’t expecting.
He pushed down the field like he was running a go route, but then at about 10 yards he was about to quickly throttle down, swat the corner by, and catch what amounted to a back-shoulder fade that happened to be thrown more like a regular out route. Ruggs didn’t have to jump to get the ball, but functionally it worked in the same way a back-shoulder fade would. He got the DB upfield, where he couldn’t make a play on the ball then stopped, made the catch, and got a few extra yards after the catch on both plays.
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I should note here that if Ruggs had actually needed to jump to catch that pass, I have no doubt that he would’ve been able to do it after watching him post a 42-inch vertical at the combine.
Who wouldn’t want that?
Where Ruggs needs to improve: A crisper release, I guess?
Now, here is the part where I would normally go through my concerns about a prospect, but ... I just don’t really have many for Ruggs.
I suppose there were a few times where his release off the line of scrimmage wasn’t as crisp as it could’ve been, but I sincerely doubt that will be a problem for him in the NFL. There are just so many ways offensive coordinators can move guys around now so they don’t even have to see much press coverage.
Combine that with the fact there aren’t many corners who are actually good at it now that you can’t contact the receiver after five yards, and I just don’t see that being an issue for him on the next level.
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I just don’t know what else I could nitpick, though.
Ruggs’ NFL future: No. 1 WR
Ruggs can line up inside, outside, or in the backfield and make big plays from all those spots the NFL. He has the kind of talent that has to be accounted for every week. He also has the potential to improve whichever team takes him, not only through his own contributions, but also by making life easier for everyone else on offense, including his quarterback.
Just about the only way to keep Ruggs from gaining yards was to tackle him as soon as the ball got to him, as happened a few times in the games I watched. Other than that, however, he could make something happen when there didn’t seem to be much there. That’s when a guy is elite.
Of course, I haven’t seen every wide receiver in this draft yet, so it’s impossible for me to say for sure that Ruggs should be the first one selected this year, but I will say it’s hard for me to imagine another receiver being any more worthy than his tape says he is. I was sold on both Ruggs’ teammate, Jerry Jeudy, and CeeDee Lamb, but Ruggs is on another level from those guys, in my book.
I don’t know if I would call him the “perfect” receiver prospect, but I can’t really come up with any major weaknesses in his game. He has all the characteristics I’d want in my No. 1 receiver. Now I get to sit back and see if NFL general managers agree with me.
Be sure to check out my other scouting reports on Chase Young, Jerry Jeudy, Derrick Brown, Jedrick Wills Jr., A.J. Epenesa, CeeDee Lamb, Javon Kinlaw, Mekhi Becton, and Terrell Lewis.
For the purposes of this breakdown, I watched Ruggs play against Duke, New Mexico State, South Carolina, and Auburn.
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haulix · 7 years
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Overcoming mental blocks in art and business
Anyone trying to make a living with their creativity, from music to marketing, will tell you there are few times in life more frustrating than those moments when you feel as if your inspiration has run dry. You know the feeling. It’s usually something that hits you settle into work on your passion project at night, or perhaps just after you have arrived at the office, and try as you might to get something meaningful accomplished you pretty much just spin your wheels until you feel comfortable excusing yourself in order to spend the rest of the day in a ball of self-loathing introversion on your living room floor, praying to any deity willing to listen that you have enough episode of The West Wing left to avoid you work for one more day. We’ve all been there, or at least those of us who have been working long enough to burn through the first 50 or 100 ideas that we had, and if you feel you’ve yet to reach that point then trust me - It’s on the horizon.
We don’t bring up those uncomfortable times in order to scare. Sd face the same thing on a fairly regular basis, and we like to refer to it as what author Steven Pressfield calls “Resistance.” That is, a universal force that works against human creativity on a daily basis. We all face it in our own ways, much like we all fight our own battles most the world never knows of. There are a million anecdotes and essays on overcoming Resistance, and we’ve offered several here on this blog. Whether or not it works for you can only be learned through application. Yes, good old fashioned trial and error.
The next time you’re confronted with a creative roadblock in your professional life, take time away from your forced search for inspiration and try losing yourself in an alternate path. Develop an alternative path for yourself, your music, your agency, your label, or that secret side business you always hope to one day attempt. These adventures can sometimes be the source of new real life paths, such is the case with many so-called ‘side projects’ in music. Artists from various genres take a break from their day-to-day career to pursue other creative avenues just like anyone else, and sometimes their efforts lead to new financial avenues that certainly don’t hurt their bottom line.
Developing alternative paths to success for yourself can allow your mind to relax and consider options you might not have been able to adequately access when attempting to force creativity. Let’s explore a few examples to better illustrate this point:
Musicians -
Let’s say you’re the lead guitarist and songwriter for an aspiring rock band. Your first demo went over well with local audiences, and the second was good enough to help you secure a few opening slots on national tours when they roll through your region’s bigger venues. You may have even been able to tour, albeit without the benefits of a bus or guaranteed sell out crowds. Still, you’re making progress and you can feel your dreams of stardom starting to come together.
As you find yourself beginning to thinking about your third release, which would probably be your first full length, you discover you have hit a creative wall. Writing riffs and lyrics was never something you found all the difficult before, but for whatever reason everything you’re coming up with at this current point in time is clearly not good enough to help you get you ahead.
To clear your head and relax your thoughts it might be wise to consider an alternative career in, say, top 40 radio pop. Ask yourself, “What would it take to make it in pop music today?” Think about the songs and artists topping the charts, the themes found in their music, and what it is about tracks like Bieber’s “What Do You Mean” or The Weeknd’s “I Can’t Feel My Face” that keeps people reaching for the repeat button again and again. Some answers will come fast, but others will take time. Think about what these artists do that you do not and ask yourself whether or not their approach to marketing or songwriting could aide your personal efforts. Heck, you may even try penning a song or two. Why not? Trial and error is part of any healthy exploration.
By the time you realize how lost in your pretend career you’ve become enough time should have passed for you to return to your real work with clear eyes and an open mind. Remember the things you learned about yourself and your peers during your brainstorming session and use it to influence your future work.
Industry professionals (label owners, site editors, publicists) -
Maybe you’re a label owner, struggling to keep your costs low while hustling around the clock to not only bring attention to the talent on your roster, but also to sell records. The grind required to keep a small business afloat, let alone build a new music empire, can be devastating on the mind of a creative person. One the one hand, your spirit and soul desire constant exercise and exploration. On the other hand, you need to find what works for your business and stick with it.
On those days when you cannot seem to focus on emails, accounting, marketing, or anything in between, it might be best to allow yourself to unwind with by exploring an alternate professional path. Just like the example for musicians above, you should stay within the realm of what you do (aka - running/building a business), but what it is your fake company does is entirely up to you.
For the sake of simplicity, let’s say your secret wish is to start a subscription box company that offers consumers the chance to receive 1 new album in the mail each month, along with an explanation for the record’s selection. The first thing you need for this business is a name. You decide ‘New Music Monthly’ is a good name and from there set to outlining what would be needed in order to get your business off the ground. You need a web host, a logo, and a cost estimate sheet. You know boxes can be bought in bulk, but you will have to contact the labels/artists you wish to work with in order to know if they would be willing to offer you a discount in order for buying X amount of records. You also need startup cash, which can be earned through launching pre-orders for your first box.
After the basic business details are ironed out, you should then turn your focus to understanding the type of customer who would want this product. Assume that your first few music shipments will be products from your own label, then outline what kind of music fan would be interested in whatever release you might choose. Be specific. Narrow down your fans to a specific age group (teens, young adults, adults 25-35, 35+, senior citizens, etc). Do (or did) these people go to secondary school? Do they attend a lot of concerts?
Once you figure this out you can begin to brainstorming how to accomplish the difficult task of targeting these consumers. Do they frequent Facebook? Twitter? Would placement in a magazine be a wise choice? Depending on which method of outreach you choose, how much will it cost? Can you advertise this way regularly, or do you only have the budget for a single campaign? Again, be specific.
Once you iron out your faux business plan you will not only have a potential new path to financial success, but you will have inadvertently developed marketing tools that could also be used for the real problems facing your actual business. The target market for your faux company will likely be the same, or close to the same, as your actual business. The plans you made to reach those made up customers can be applied in one way or another to the customers you are hoping to reach in with your label. You will have more or less done the work you needed to do in a way that tricked your mind into doing work it might not have wanted to do otherwise.
There are a million potential paths through life available to all of us, but far too few ever make much, if any, effort to explore their options. We would never advise you to abandon your dream(s), but we do believe that exploring alternative career paths can lead to success in your current field. What matters most is that you keep an open mind and try as much as you are able without jeopardizing your current professional/financial situation. You can use the examples laid out in the post to get you started, but don’t hesitate to make up your own adventure whenever time allows.
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Top 10 Garage Door Maintenance Tips For Homeowners
There is no other part of your home that experiences as much wear and tear as your garage door. You never realize how often you use your garage door until the day it breaks down on you. The majority of families in the United States use the garage as the main entrance into their home, being used multiple times throughout the day, thousands of times per year. When kept in good working order, it can provide security and storage at your convenience. Having a garage can really make life easier, but when it is not cared for can become a safety risk to you, your family, and especially children. With it's natural wear and tear, a garage door cable can come apart or a door opener can malfunction, resulting in a hazard to your belongings and anyone near your door. In order to keep it running properly, it is essential to perform routine maintenance to avoid expensive repairs. The following top 10 garage door maintenance tips for homeowners will help keep your door working properly for years to come. These maintenance tips require no special skills and usually take less than 10 minutes each to perform. Required Materials Needed Avoid last minute trips the hardware store by having all of your materials onsite and ready ahead of time. You may not use every single tool listed, but having it available will save you time and frustration.    Wrench set    Tape Measure    Hammer    Pliers    Screw gun    Weatherstrip    Lubricant/Cleaner (WD-40)    White Lithium Grease    Toothbrush    Flat blade screwdriver    Garage door rollers Safety First In order to ensure safety while working on your garage, remember to never remove the lift cable. The garage cables are under extreme tension and will cut like a knife if released. Never try to adjust or release the garage door springs. This is a job that should be left for the professionals only. 1.) Paying Attention When was the last time you visually inspected your garage door? You may not be a certified technician, but you can take the time to check out your garage. If you have a metal garage, check for rust spots. These areas should be sanded, primed and painted. If you have a wooden garage door, it should be checked for water damage. If not sealed properly, wood garage can warp and lose their shape over time. It will also be good to wash your door on a regular basis with an all-purpose cleaner. Your garage door makes up a large portion of the exterior of your home, so keeping it clean and presentable will have a positive effect on the appearance of your home. 2.) Watch & Listen To Your Door As It Operates Do you have a noisy garage door? Do the springs pulleys and cables on both sides look symmetrical? Does it move smoothly? Or does it jerk in certain places? Taking the time to observe and listen to your garage every time you use it is the best precaution every homeowner can perform. By doing this, you will be aware when something doesn't sound right, or when something looks out of place. 3.) Testing The Balance First, disconnect the opener. You do this by pulling the red handle at the end of the red cord. Once it is disconnected, open the door about half way. If the garage door starts to close on its own, then the garage door is not balanced properly. The springs on the door need to be re-adjusted. We recommend that you contact a certified professional to repair or replace your springs. Your garage opener will have to work harder if the door is not properly balanced. This will ultimately shorten the lifespan of the door. 4.) Test Safety Features (Auto-Reverse) There are two safety mechanisms on your garage: mechanical and photocell. A door that does not have these safety features is outdated and needs to be replaced immediately. In order to test the mechanical safety feature on your garage, place a solid object on the ground in the path of the garage door. When the garage touches the object while closing, it should automatically go back up. When testing the photocell feature on your garage, simply stick out your leg in the door's path when closing. Your leg will come in contact with the photoelectric beam (not visible) that runs across the bottom of the door. The garage should automatically reverse once your leg contacts the photoelectric beam. 5.) Visually Inspect Your Cables You should never touch the cables. These high tension cables are responsible for lifting the door. They have enough force to cause serious injuries, even death. You can visually inspect that garage cables too if there are any broken strands or anything that is out of order. If you see there is damage, we recommend that you hire a professional. 6.) Clear The Tracks Take a look at the tracks on both sides of the door. Clean the garage door tracks so there is no debris or trash. Also, look for any physical damage making sure it is straight and aligned. Tracks that are damaged can cause the door to not be smooth and it will be very noisy. Spray the garage tracks with a citrus-based solvent or WD-40, then wipe everything clean with a cloth. If needed, use an old toothbrush to loosen up dirt and grime, then wipe with a cloth. Any major repairs or adjustments to the tracks should be handled by a professional garage door technician. 7.) Apply Oil To The Moving Parts Ten minutes of work can add years to the life of your garage door. Keeping your door parts lubricated will keep your garage running smooth and quiet. Your should use white lithium grease on your garage opener chain and spray lubricants on the rollers, hinges, bearings and tracks. Also apply grease to the garage door opener chain or drive screw. Remember, never attempt to do any work on the springs or cables. Leave that to the professionals. 8.) Replace Weatherstripping (If Needed) The weatherstrip is the piece of rubber attached to the bottom of your door. It is called a U-shaped astragal. It keeps that rain water, debris and rodents from entering your garage. Check along the side of the door and adjust the stripping if necessary. You should replace the rubber weather strip on your door if it's starting to crack and fall apart. Use a flat blade screwdriver to remove the old weather strip before installing a new one. They are easily found at any hardware store like Home Depot or Lowe's and are usually sold by the foot. All you have to do is find the width that best fits your situation, cut it to fit your garage, then install. You can also contact your local garage company if you have further questions or concerns. 9.) Check All The Bolts & Screws On Your Door Examine and tighten the brackets on the rollers and the bolts with a (socket) wrench. The average garage opens and closes more than a thousand times a year. It is easy for hardware, screws and bolts to become loose with all the movement and vibration. 10.) Replace The Rollers Garage rollers that are cracked, worn or chipped should be replaced immediately. You should only attempt to replace the rollers if it is not attached to the door cable system.
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bhgaragedoor · 4 years
Top 10 Garage Door Maintenance Tips For Homeowners
There is no other part of your home that experiences as much wear and tear as your garage door. You never realize how often you use your garage door until the day it breaks down on you. The majority of families in the United States use the garage as the main entrance into their home, being used multiple times throughout the day, thousands of times per year. When kept in good working order, it can provide security and storage at your convenience. Having a garage can really make life easier, but when it is not cared for can become a safety risk to you, your family, and especially children. With it's natural wear and tear, a garage door cable can come apart or a door opener can malfunction, resulting in a hazard to your belongings and anyone near your door. In order to keep it running properly, it is essential to perform routine maintenance to avoid expensive repairs. The following top 10 garage door maintenance tips for homeowners will help keep your door working properly for years to come. These maintenance tips require no special skills and usually take less than 10 minutes each to perform. Required Materials Needed Avoid last minute trips the hardware store by having all of your materials onsite and ready ahead of time. You may not use every single tool listed, but having it available will save you time and frustration.    Wrench set    Tape Measure    Hammer    Pliers    Screw gun    Weatherstrip    Lubricant/Cleaner (WD-40)    White Lithium Grease    Toothbrush    Flat blade screwdriver    Garage door rollers Safety First In order to ensure safety while working on your garage, remember to never remove the lift cable. The garage cables are under extreme tension and will cut like a knife if released. Never try to adjust or release the garage door springs. This is a job that should be left for the professionals only. 1.) Paying Attention When was the last time you visually inspected your garage door? You may not be a certified technician, but you can take the time to check out your garage. If you have a metal garage, check for rust spots. These areas should be sanded, primed and painted. If you have a wooden garage door, it should be checked for water damage. If not sealed properly, wood garage can warp and lose their shape over time. It will also be good to wash your door on a regular basis with an all-purpose cleaner. Your garage door makes up a large portion of the exterior of your home, so keeping it clean and presentable will have a positive effect on the appearance of your home. 2.) Watch & Listen To Your Door As It Operates Do you have a noisy garage door? Do the springs pulleys and cables on both sides look symmetrical? Does it move smoothly? Or does it jerk in certain places? Taking the time to observe and listen to your garage every time you use it is the best precaution every homeowner can perform. By doing this, you will be aware when something doesn't sound right, or when something looks out of place. 3.) Testing The Balance First, disconnect the opener. You do this by pulling the red handle at the end of the red cord. Once it is disconnected, open the door about half way. If the garage door starts to close on its own, then the garage door is not balanced properly. The springs on the door need to be re-adjusted. We recommend that you contact a certified professional to repair or replace your springs. Your garage opener will have to work harder if the door is not properly balanced. This will ultimately shorten the lifespan of the door. 4.) Test Safety Features (Auto-Reverse) There are two safety mechanisms on your garage: mechanical and photocell. A door that does not have these safety features is outdated and needs to be replaced immediately. In order to test the mechanical safety feature on your garage, place a solid object on the ground in the path of the garage door. When the garage touches the object while closing, it should automatically go back up. When testing the photocell feature on your garage, simply stick out your leg in the door's path when closing. Your leg will come in contact with the photoelectric beam (not visible) that runs across the bottom of the door. The garage should automatically reverse once your leg contacts the photoelectric beam. 5.) Visually Inspect Your Cables You should never touch the cables. These high tension cables are responsible for lifting the door. They have enough force to cause serious injuries, even death. You can visually inspect that garage cables too if there are any broken strands or anything that is out of order. If you see there is damage, we recommend that you hire a professional. 6.) Clear The Tracks Take a look at the tracks on both sides of the door. Clean the garage door tracks so there is no debris or trash. Also, look for any physical damage making sure it is straight and aligned. Tracks that are damaged can cause the door to not be smooth and it will be very noisy. Spray the garage tracks with a citrus-based solvent or WD-40, then wipe everything clean with a cloth. If needed, use an old toothbrush to loosen up dirt and grime, then wipe with a cloth. Any major repairs or adjustments to the tracks should be handled by a professional garage door technician. 7.) Apply Oil To The Moving Parts Ten minutes of work can add years to the life of your garage door. Keeping your door parts lubricated will keep your garage running smooth and quiet. Your should use white lithium grease on your garage opener chain and spray lubricants on the rollers, hinges, bearings and tracks. Also apply grease to the garage door opener chain or drive screw. Remember, never attempt to do any work on the springs or cables. Leave that to the professionals. 8.) Replace Weatherstripping (If Needed) The weatherstrip is the piece of rubber attached to the bottom of your door. It is called a U-shaped astragal. It keeps that rain water, debris and rodents from entering your garage. Check along the side of the door and adjust the stripping if necessary. You should replace the rubber weather strip on your door if it's starting to crack and fall apart. Use a flat blade screwdriver to remove the old weather strip before installing a new one. They are easily found at any hardware store like Home Depot or Lowe's and are usually sold by the foot. All you have to do is find the width that best fits your situation, cut it to fit your garage, then install. You can also contact your local garage company if you have further questions or concerns. 9.) Check All The Bolts & Screws On Your Door Examine and tighten the brackets on the rollers and the bolts with a (socket) wrench. The average garage opens and closes more than a thousand times a year. It is easy for hardware, screws and bolts to become loose with all the movement and vibration. 10.) Replace The Rollers Garage rollers that are cracked, worn or chipped should be replaced immediately. You should only attempt to replace the rollers if it is not attached to the door cable system.
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 4 years
Regardless of whether you are new to the world of fitness or an expert on the matter, there is always an advantage to boosting your education regarding the subject. You’ll see better results when you follow our advice.
The best exercise programs will not only tone your problem areas and allow you plenty of flexibility. Search for classes in your surrounding area.
Don’t focus exclusively on crunches to strengthen your abdomen. A university discovered that a quarter million crunches to burn a single pound of fat. You must exercise your abs in various different ways.
TIP! Don’t avoid doing exercises that you do not enjoy. Instead, make a point of completing them.
Write down all the exercises that you do every day. Note your workouts as well as any extra moving you do.Buy a pedometer that you can use to track how many steps you take each day and include that in your record, too. This type of written record will prove invaluable in tracking your total progress on your end goal.
Always dress comfortably when doing your workouts. If you work out at a fitness center, there is some pressure to wear new, high end workout clothing but this is unnecessary. Make sure to get workout clothes that you are wearing is easy to move around in. The right clothes will make exercising more comfortable and enjoyable.
A machine that does not offer proper padding can cause bruising during your workout session.
TIP! When doing moves that involve lifting weights over your head, contract your glute muscles on each repetition. This gives your butt a great workout, while also exposing you to less of an injury risk due to your body being in a better position.
Flex your glutes at the top of each rep when you lift weights over your head. This will exercise your rear while also ensuring that you are keeping good form. The position you assume when flexing your spine greatly diminishes your risk for injury.
Many are under the impression that working their abs out daily abdominal exercise is wise. This is not the best thing to do for these muscles. Abs need rest periodically.You should attempt to let your abs rest period between workouts.
Test the bench before using it. Press down to feel the padding is made out of.
TIP! If you are trying to start a strong fitness program, think about kickboxing. Kickboxing is a pretty physical sport, but it really gives you a good workout.
Weight Loss
Increase the pace of your workouts to a higher intensity to help accelerate weight loss. More exercises performed in a short period of time helps weight loss. This will make you to see great results with how much weight you lose.
You should give you body when it says it needs rest. Some personal trainers are quite strict about when and how you don’t rest after every set. Take a rest whenever your body is letting you to do so. Ignoring the signs your body gives you up for injuries.
TIP! You can increase the rate your strength grows by doing your exercise routine in 10 percent less time. This helps your muscles getting a better workout in, while also helping to improve your stamina.
If you are looking to putt a golf ball more accurately, aim about 17 inches past where the hole is for putts that are straight on. This is an area will be free from footprints. The grass will be thicker which has the effect of slowing your ball will go slower.
Leg Extensions
Leg extensions will increase the tone and mass of your quadriceps muscles. Leg extensions are a pretty easy and almost every gym will have at least one leg extension machines. The extent of the exercise is sitting down and extending your legs up while in a seated position.
TIP! Your contact skills can make or break your volleyball game. Foosball is a great way to accomplish this, surprisingly.
Prior to beginning a weight-training program targeting your arms, know exactly what you plan to achieve.If adding bulk and building muscle are you goals, concentrate on heavy weights and intense workouts. If your goal is just more defined arms, you can get away with smaller weights and more repetitions, but do extra repetitions.
This will make certain that you’re able to take less risks and get more benefits. You should definitely see a doctor if you have ongoing health problems or are a smoker.
Are you attempting to get into shape? A jump rope is a cheap-and-easy way to get your blood flowing so that you can begin your workout fresh.
TIP! As time goes by, running can be both a curse and a blessing. It can do your body quite a bit of good, but it can also do quite a bit of harm.
Find a local place that provides open use of workout machines. Some corporate companies may let workers have free membership to their employees access to a gym as a perk. If your company does not offer this, you are more likely to stick with your program.
Any fitness regimen should include stretching. Be sure to take time stretching before you exercise and again after you are done. Failing to stretch properly can increase your risk of injuries.Stretching the muscles allows them not only to prepare for a workout but also to relax and prepare.
Consult a nutritionist to optimize your nutrition. You can easily get rid of unhealthy food, but do you know exactly how working out is going to impact your diet?
TIP! Box squats really work those quadriceps, so make sure they are part of your workout. Box squats are designed to increase the power with which you perform regular squats.
One good tip concerning tennis player is to train the eyes in order to focus better. If you move a little closer to your opponent, your eyes will be exercised more when you look for each ball being lobbed at you. This can also improve your reaction times.
This opens up your airway and make running easier.
A great fitness tip for those people looking to build strength is to lift lighter weights at faster speeds. This helps your muscles to generate more force behind them. Choose weight at about 50% of your upper limit.
TIP! To really get fit fast, do yard work often. Your yard could always use some improvements, and you could use the exercise.
A useful bit of advice for people that mountain bikes is leaning the body forward when they ride their bikes uphill. This keeps the weight and you will keep your front wheel on the ground.
Exercising should be high on your #1 priority. Daily exercising is just as vital to your overall health and well-being as your morning shower.Put exercising on your to do list every day. This will ensure that you get some exercise in for the day.
If you injure yourself, continue to work out the opposite side. Arms enjoy a symbiotic relationship, so when you damage one arm, yet keep working out your other arm; researchers found you still retain a significant increase in arm strength despite not working out their injured arm. This has to do with the linking of muscle fibers are connected.
TIP! When exercising your core muscles remember your back muscles as well as your abdominal muscles. If you are experiencing back pain when doing abdominal exercises, work to strengthen your back muscles.
By using this article, you will be able to finally see the results of your hard work. Learning as much as possible about fitness regimens can give you the best workout achievable. Remember the things you have learned here and use them to get yourself into excellent shape.
from https://ift.tt/2WraTPW
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 4 years
Motivation and knowledge are both needed to become fit.
You will anticipate your workout routine.
Maintain a record of the exercise you do each day. You can even keep track of what the weather you had that day.This can help you reflect on the lows and highs of that affected your day. If you couldn’t work out for a couple days, include the reason in your daily record.
TIP! If you need a little confidence boost in your fitness routine, buy new workout clothes. It’s not a major expense but it might get you to the gym.
Running in an outside far surpasses the workout you than a treadmill. Running on paved surfaces is better in the winter than using an indoor treadmill.
You can’t develop a six pack doing crunches all the time. Abdominal exercises will strengthen your muscles, they don’t burn belly fat.
Muscle Mass
TIP! When exercising, after you do a repetition, exhale. When you time your exhalation for this stress-free part of the lift, you’ll be able to take in more air.
When weight-lifting, doing a number of repetitions using lighter weights serves to give you greater muscle mass than doing fewer repetitions using heavier weights. Muscle mass is is not all about being able to lift the most but to endure the longest without losing strength.The largest body builders in the world swear by this way of training.
Work on increasing your volleyball contact skills for volleyball. The easiest way to do this is by engaging in foosball. Foosball is a sport that requires good hand-eye coordination to succeed. These skills can be mastered and tailored for volleyball world.
Many people want to do abdominal exercises each day. This is not the best option. Abs are like any other muscle and need rest too! You should strive to give your abs rest period between workouts.
TIP! Simple rule for working out to build your body: Fewer reps with heavier weight will build more muscle mass. Begin by selecting a muscle group, such as the chest.
You need to concentrate on improving your stride speed if you intend to take part in a sprinter. This means placing your foot to land beneath your body rather than ahead of it. Use the toes on your rear foot to push forward. Your speed in running will increase as you practice this technique.
Only work out the muscles that you had exercised the day before. An easier way to accomplish this is to work out tired muscles.
Take it slow if you first start a fitness program.This helps prevent injury rates and build endurance.
TIP! Make sure you are leaving time for exercise each day. If you just change little things like walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator you are succeeding.
Never bounce your body while stretching.This can cause unnecessary strain on the muscles. Although many people think that doing this will help you become more flexible, this does not cause greater flexibility.The truth is that you are running an increased risk of injury by doing this. Keep in mind that correct stretches are solid holds not bouncy.
Bend the wrists when you are exercising your biceps. Do your regular bicep curl but with your wrists turned back a bit for increased effectiveness. It may be a bit uncomfortable the first few times you do it, but it won’t be long until your used to it.
Do not just work out one part of your plan in place. Some people buy into the myth that focusing on one part at a single muscle group or area of the body is the path to excellent results.
TIP! If you want to become stronger more quickly, do your fitness routine ten percent faster. This can also help your endurance, so that you can work out for a longer period of time.
Shop for your workout shoes later in the evening. This is the time of day when the feet are at their largest, so you will have a better chance of finding shoes that will fit and be comfortable at any time of day.
One good tip concerning tennis player is to train the eyes in order to focus better. If you move a little closer to your opponent, your eyes will be exercised more when you look for each ball being lobbed at you. This helps to quicken your coordination and reaction times.
This opens up your airway and make running easier.
TIP! Do you want to find a way to make chin-ups simpler to do? It can help to alter the way you perceive them. Rather than imagining yourself pulling up, visualize yourself pushing your elbows down.
A useful bit of advice for those who enjoy mountain biking is to pitch themselves forward when they ride their bikes uphill. This keeps the weight evenly distributed and you will keep your front wheel on the ground.
One excellent way to increase your fitness level of activity even if you are at rest. You can do some leg lifts while you are sitting at your desk, or do leg raises while at your desk.
Pay for your trainer in advance to keep you motivated to complete all training sessions.
TIP! As you work toward meeting your fitness objectives, it makes sense to pay a personal trainer in advance of your sessions. This makes it more likely that you will follow through with your workout sessions.
Do some workouts in your own home. You can easily do push-ups, including sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. You can do weight training at home with dumbbells or exercise bands.A jump rope lets you need for cardio exercise.
Your muscles will be better prepared a little before you dive into your full-on exercises; stretching before each work out is vital. Doing so will prevent you from a lot of injuries.
Take chopped fresh fruit to work and skip the vending machines or unhealthy treats offered by co-workers. When you have a break at work, walk around the office rather than just sitting at your desk or in a designated break area. This is another healthy choice can include in your fitness routine.
TIP! Learn how to do box squats and add a great exercise to your routine. You will get better results by doing box squats which will help you with regular squats.
Stretching is a vital part of fitness that doesn’t always get enough attention. Stretch for at least 10 minutes to cool down after any workout.
Consider getting professional after you have decided what your fitness goals are going to be. Nutritionists can be fairly inexpensive for a one-time meeting to have your questions answered. This will allow you an idea of how your body works with certain foods.
If you use this article’s advice, you ought to feel more confident with your fitness goals. Keep in mind that part of getting fit is putting the advice you are given to good use.
TIP! When cycling, steady does it gets the job done best. You are going to make yourself tired, the faster you go.
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from https://ift.tt/3dMBJIS
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 5 years
Getting physically fit is a unique experience for everyone.The advice presented here can help and let you figure out where to start.
Personal Trainer
A personal trainer is a workout program. A good personal trainer can evaluate your goals and body type and recommend suitable exercises for you. You will have a great start and a plan you can stick to.
TIP! Examine your interests and find an exercise program that you enjoy now, and will probably enjoy six months from now. If you choose something you enjoy, you’ll be excited to work out.
Try exercising during TV shoes to keep your momentum steady. You can use commercial or do an exercise when there is a break in the action. You could even do simple strength training exercises with dumbbells while you sit on the sofa. There is no shortage of ways to get a bit more exercise in your day.
When you’re weight lifting, doing a number of repetitions using lighter weights serves to give you greater muscle mass than doing fewer repetitions using heavier weights. Muscle mass is not built solely by lifting large amounts of weight; endurance is also key. The top lifters in the world swear by this way of lighter weight.
Here is a great piece of advice from tennis and sports enthusiasts that will help you to ramp up forearm strength.Start buy laying a large sheet of newspaper on a table or some other flat surface. Crumple the whole piece of paper using only your writing hand for 30 seconds.
TIP! Spend no more than one hour at a time lifting weights. Muscle wasting will begin after an hour of lifting weights.
Do you want to make doing chin-ups a little easier? If you change the box this can help. Imagine pulling down instead of pulling your whole body up. This can help them appear easier and will allow you to complete more.
The benefits of fitness reach far beyond the physical body. Regular exercise can also help you feel better emotionally. The endorphins released during a sense of well-being and happiness. Working out also enhances your self-image and your confidence level.You are essentially only a way to being happy.
Increase the “density” of your workouts to accelerate weight loss. You will lose more weight if you do a greater amount of exercise in less time. This will allow you to see great way to increase weight you lose.
TIP! As you begin to form a fitness plan, you have to keep an open mind. There are a multitude of exercises that don’t require you to hit the gym.
Kenyan Method
If you would like to run like a champion, you should learn the Kenyan method of training. The Kenyan method is to train slow in the first third and then kick it into a long run. Your pace should become quicker toward the whole length of your run. When you are on your last leg, your speed should be your fastest pace.
Rather than counting to the amount of reps you desire, count backwards from the intended total. This helps to shorten your workouts to feel shorter because you are thinking in smaller amounts.
TIP! Take on the exercises that you normally avoid. For many people, the exercises they avoid are the ones that they’re the least skilled at.
Break your run down into three distinct phases. Start running at a slower pace and then work up to doing the standard one. Push your pace up as fast as you can get it during the final portion. This pattern improves your endurance so that you can run for a longer time during succeeding sessions.
You can find out about this by taking your pulse when you wake up in the morning after a particularly hard workout.
Try and perform some of your workouts outside when it’s possible. Go for a hike, take a jog on the beach, or play a sport. This will give you a nice change of nature. Being outside helps you think better and help you to think more clearly.
TIP! You might like a treadmill, but running in the outdoors is better for you. Although treadmills are especially convenient during the winter months, running outside on pavement is best.
This will make certain that you’re able to take less risks and get more benefits. You need your doctor’s advice and approval if you have a history of health concerns.
A great exercise routine is to use a weight bench with either barbells or dumbbells. You need to be sure you choose the right type of bench for this. You will only end up with a weakened spine by using these kinds of benches.
Doing sit-ups correctly will cause back pain.Take a Swiss ball by placing a rolled towel under your back for similar effects. Anchoring your feet when you perform sit ups adds extra strain to your back.
TIP! Try to keep an even speed when you are riding your bike to work. Keeping a steady pace puts less pressure on your knees, and allows you to ride longer.
Jogging is a great way to improve your stamina immensely for exercising. You want to try and jog a bit more every time as you workout.
A good fitness idea for bikers is leaning the body forward when they ride their bikes uphill. This will help you even out your weight evenly distributed and the front wheel on the ground.
Do you want to have legs that will have all people looking at you? Then it is important that you try both seated and standing lower legs.
TIP! You should never do extreme diets or go overboard with exercise. Extreme exercise can damage joints and muscles, cause dehydration as well heart problems.
This type of record is sure to create greater knowledge of your awareness and measure the accomplishments that you have made over time. Treat your fitness as a life-changing goal.
Aerobic exercises are essential in shape. Do full body workout and ab workouts on alternate days.
Working out is not something only young adults. Most gyms want customers of any age group. Speak with a representative that works there about the classes they offer for people that are offered.
TIP! A kickboxing class is a great way to get fit. Kickboxing is an intense workout, and fun as well.
Take fresh fruit with you so that you are not tempted to buy junk food from the vending machines or unhealthy treats offered by co-workers. During your break, take a brisk walk and enjoy a piece of healthy fruit. This healthy addition you can improve your fitness routine.
Soft drinks are one of sugar.
You can get a good workout by taking your children outside. Any activity will benefit you and your children moving is beneficial to all of you.
TIP! Contact skills are crucial for anyone wanting to play volleyball. One great way to work on these is through the table game of foosball.
To maintain, or even improve it, don’t let an injury cause you to quit, keep working your uninjured limbs while the other one heals. This will not only help you keep your strength up, it stimulates your muscle’s nerves in the injured area and helps to prevent the loss of any muscle mass.
While fitness is entirely a personal workout routine for each individual, it does achieve the primary goal of making oneself more attractive and much healthier. Use the tips you learned here to carve out your own, personal fitness routine. Make fitness an important part of your life.
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