#breathe ez salve
horsentale · 9 months
Breathing Support Monthly Special
OCTOBER MONTHLY SPECIAL Horse N Tale Horse breathing support product BreatheEz opens up airways, eases coughs & congestion. Easy to use, all natural ingredients. Discount automatically applied at checkout. Order now
BREATHING SUPPORT MONTHLY SPECIAL October monthly product discount. All natural horse breathing support monthly special product BreatheEz by Horse N Tale. Provides support for a healthy respiratory function, helps with breathing difficulties or a respiratory tract problem. BreatheEz horse breathing support eases coughs and congestion and assists your equine athlete to breathe better. It opens…
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jelzorz · 2 years
following on from the CHET ficlets (111, 114, 115, 116)
They happen across a travelling doctor on the way home.
She's a Sunfire elf with ties to Lux Aurea, she says, and she takes one look at Rayla and offers her help. "I'm a friend," she promises after she catches the way Callum's fingers tighten protectively around Rayla's shoulder. "That horn needs tending to. I can help."
Reluctantly, cautiously, Callum lets her. It's hard to trust people these days, especially after what they've all been through, but Rayla's in too bad shape to wait until they get home. It's Ez who convinces him that it'll be okay, especially after the doctor says she knows Queen Janai.
"You might know our aunt, then," says Ezran.
"Ez..." warns Callum, but the doctor only smiles and nods.
"I wondered if that might be who you are," she says. "Your Majesty. Your Highness. Captain. My Lady." She bows at them in turn, offering a nod to Soren and a hand to Rayla to beckon her forward. "Come. Let's get you fixed up."
They take the opportunity to set up camp for the evening, and Callum tries not to watch too closely or seem too paranoid, at the way the doctor--Navah, she'd said--pokes and prods at Rayla. Soren takes pity on him at last and heads over to see how things are going, and Callum is left to tend the fire with Ez.
"She'll be okay," says Ezran reassuringly. "Navah seems nice and she knows what she's doing. Better than any of us, anyway. Rayla's gonna be fine."
A pause settles between them. The fire crackles happily in the night. Ez heaves a sigh.
"Do you wanna do Big Feelings Time?"
Ez nudges his elbow. "Like when we were kids, remember? We say what's on our mind, and the other person says they hear you, and it makes you feel better?"
Callum grimaces. "I don't really wanna talk about my Big Feelings," he murmurs.
"Well, I do."
Ezran gives him a look. "I have Big Feelings too, y'know," he says You're not the only one who missed her, and who was scared, and who was worried about her--who's still worried about her, especially after what she's been through. She's my family too."
Callum falls silent at that. He looks away, his face warmed by the fire and red in shame. "Sorry," he mutters.
Ez twitches his lips at him. "I get it," he says quietly. "When we got that message from Claudia--when Rayla's... horn turned up in our mail..." He shudders. "I don't think I'd ever been so angry and so scared at the same time. I threw up after you left. The idea that someone could hurt Rayla like that..." He swallows and pokes sadly at the fire. "I think--and again, I get it, you love her differently, and she's more than family to you but... I think you forget sometimes that you're not the only one who loves her."
There's another pause. Callum presses his lips together and blinks in the firelight, his eyes watering. "Sorry," he rasps again, his throat dry. "I--um--"
"You don't have to apologise," says Ez kindly. "But you guys aren't alone out here. What Claudia did was messed up but... not everyone wants to hurt her. Soren and I, and even Navah, and all the people at home--we just want to help."
"Right. Yeah." The stick Callum's been using to poke the fire feels slick with sweat, the bark sharp against his palms. His throat is all clogged up, and not just because he wants to cry and scream and rage all over again, but because there are feelings there that need to be aired and...
"We don't have to talk about it now," says Ez. "But we have to talk about it, okay? We still haven't... really discussed all the stuff that happened while she was gone, but she's home now. She's gonna be okay. So... let's talk about it properly when we get back, okay? Promise?"
Callum nods. He glances at Rayla, and the way Navah is applying salve to the stump of her horn, and the way Soren's taken over splinting her bad wrist. He sucks in a breath. "Promise."
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horsentale · 2 years
Breathe Ez 2oz Salve
Breathe Ez 2oz Salve
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