sakuramoussy · 1 year
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Dragons of the World of Death
Father Death created the 4 Archangels; a Dragon, a Sheep, a Rabbit, and a Canine. The Archangels in turn created 6 Angels each, matching their own species, aged 100 years apart. 
Archangel - Dread
Dread is the closest thing to a true dragonkin among the Angels. Dread boasts large horns, sharp black claws, and 4 large draconic wings reminiscent of the dragonkin in the land. 
Angel - Reval
When the Archaic War emerged, the eldest became vulnerable, tainted by the magic of the demon race that plagued the land. Reval was no exception, turning against his sister, wife, and daughter alongside any other Angel who opposed him. In his tainted sickness, Reval created imprisonment camps where he and his allies experimented on the untainted Angels they managed to capture.
God - Sin
Lord Death, the God of Death, Sin, was the first to oppose her elder brother. Her highest priority was protecting her beloved niece and wife, but even she, a powerful Reaper and God, could not protect them. Sin still reigns as the current God of Death, and was the one to end Reval’s life centuries ago. 
Reaper - Wei
The Reaper wife of Lord Death, fiercely protective of her spouse and her closest friends. Despite her strength, she was lost in the Archaic War while trying to protect of the twin Gods of Life. 
Reaper - Brecknet
A Reaper with a troubled history following the Archaic War. He remains unknown to the public in the current day, refusing to directly interact with the people he fights to protect. The other Angels of Death don’t seem to like his company much.
Angel - Blink
An Angel of Death who went missing during the Archaic War centuries ago. Many years later, his soul was located in a pool of blood, leading the Death Investigator to rule his death as blood loss.
Angel - Null
An Angel of Death who went missing during the Archaic War. Null’s soul was never recovered, so it is currently unknown whether Null is alive or deceased. 
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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Age: Physically around 30.
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him Male
Sexuality: Straight
Brecknet is a very stubborn, hard-headed, and hard to get to know Reaper. Brecknet does not socialize with people and tends to focus on work, namely to vent out his feelings through violence. Breck is known to have a violent temperament, and is known for his raging alcoholism and hatred towards others, especially Luis. Even Annabelle, Breck’s only true friend, can’t get any positive interaction from him.
Hobbies: Drinking, gambling, fighting off demonkin
Partner: Annabelle (friend with benefits)
Brecknet is a Reaper of Death known for slaying large amounts of demonkin, day in and day out. Brecknet works alone, and refuses to communicate with the humans who get involved with his work, so nobody knows what he’s truly like. All anyone knows is his fearsome strength and his intimidating stare.
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sakuramoussy · 7 months
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The Angels of Death
God of Death - Sin
Reapers - Luis, Brecknet, Pluta
Melody, Bonnie, Gin, Clarita, Annabelle
Death Investigator - Icor
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sakuramoussy · 1 year
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Archangel of Death, Dread, and the 6 Angels of Death they created.
Reval - Deceased. Angel of Death tainted during the war, older brother of Sin.
Sin - Lord Death. God of Death.
Wei - Deceased. Was Sin's wife during and prior to the war, but died protecting a dear friend before the war ended.
Brecknet - A Reaper frequently seen in bars. Rather unfriendly towards humans.
Blink - Deceased. Was killed in the war.
Null - Deceased? Went missing during the war, but his soul was never found, so his death is unconfirmed.
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sakuramoussy · 9 months
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Second Generation Angels of Death in order of age:
Pina [Deceased] - Niece of the God of Death, daughter of Tainted Angel Reval and Angel Livi.
Neira [Deceased] - Daughter of Angel Brecknet and Tainted Angel Reed.
Irida [Deceased] - Daughter of Angel Cyllene and Reaper Icor. Her twin is still missing, they were separated as infants, so the missing twin may not even know their birthname.
Luis - Son of Angel of Dreams Damsel and Reaper Drevis. Reaper raised by Melody after being separated from his parents and being enslaved at Tenriek during the war.
Gin - Son of Angel Jiiraan and Angel of Life Eden. Gin works primarily at the Memorial Graveyard for Fallen Angels, but also works in various Mortuaries in Death City alongside Angel Clarita.
Bonnie - Daughter of Angel Xu and a human named Cheri. Angel Xu went missing when Bonnie was age 7, so Bonnie spends most of her time with her human family, despite her mother passing away many years before her father's disappearance. Weak compared to other Angels, but always willing to help the other Angels with whatever she can.
Drey - Son of Angel Annabelle and Angel Brecknet; Brecknet refuses to involve himself with his son, so Annabelle raises her son alongside the other Angels of Death living in Death Manor.
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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Finally colored Brecknet’s ref.. lol
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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dont ask abt the pose cuz idk I just wanted to make his tail visible
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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redid a Brecknet sketch lol
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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Age: Physically around 30.
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Annabelle is very loud and energetic, always open to going out to bars, parties, or other group events. Annabelle often surprises others with her varied interests, attending rock concerts one day, then singing along to pop music on karaoke nights another day. Annabelle speaks her mind, and does whatever she can to enjoy herself in the company of others. She tends to be a bit flirty and promiscuous when she’s drinking, especially if she’s drinking with Brecknet.
Hobbies: Dancing, drinking, karaoke, hair styling, photography
Partner: Brecknet (friend with benefits)
Annabelle is an Angel of Death who often works with Melody to sort through documentation of missing or deceased individuals. Oftentimes, Anna will go out to collect souls of humans or Angels to bring them to the Chamber of Souls, and will work in cemeteries to keep them well cared for and perfectly illuminated. Anna is often known by her stage name ‘Belle’ by humans who know her from strip clubs and bars.
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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A Different Kind of Comfort
Takes place after ‘ Stillbirth ’
After what is perhaps the worst day of Vin’s life, Vin finds himself struggling more and more with the physical and emotional pains of losing his child. He felt so much guilt in not even letting himself hold her, or even look at her at all, even though the doctors gave him that chance. Though Vin and Luis have made amends, Vin was still struggling immensely with a barrage of self-loathing, guilty emotions all circling back to the guilt of never meeting his own baby. Vin kept the miscarriage a secret from virtually everyone, though a few people in particular knew about the pregnancy due to context clues and personal experience. One unlikely aid in his time of need was Annabelle, an Angel of Death who never once liked Luis, constantly berating him and openly talking about just how much she doesn’t like him or his service dog. Yet when she saw the signs, she was quick to reassure Vin with her presence. 
“.. So. How far along are you?”
“Two months.. You knew?”
“Yeah. Hey, little known fact? I’ve been pregnant before. Twice, actually. One, an abortion, and the other was a miscarriage.. Both to Brecknet, from our stupid little affairs. I know I should stop, but.. Well.”
“I’m sort of in the same boat with Sin.. I should try harder to break things off, I obviously love Luis way more than Sin and Luis treats me so much better, but I can’t shake that I still love Sin deep down.”
After the initial revelation that Annabelle knew about Vin’s pregnancy, she had started to keep an eye on Vin from afar, often making excuses for him when Sin questioned the Angels of Death about Vin’s whereabouts. Annabelle had a lot of respect for Sin, but she’s one to side with a mother, always. She never told a single soul about Vin’s pregnancy, much to Vin’s relief. After the stillbirth, Annabelle approached Vin again to check up on him and discover what happened to his beloved baby.
“.. Hey, hon, are you okay? What happened?”
“Belle.. I lost her.. I lost the baby.. I failed her as a mother..”
“Oh honey.. Stillbirth isn’t your fault at all. Don’t worry, I’m on your side through this. I have a bunch of tips and tricks to help with the physical pains too, if you want I can show you?” 
“.. Do you think.. I’m broken?”
“Huh? No way! Not a chance.”
“... Sin said.. ‘It’s not my fault you’re too broken to have the child you want’ and.. I think he might be right. He doesn’t know about my pregnancy.. Or stillbirth for that matter.. As far as he’s concerned, he’s still supposed to be staying in a man’s form to give me the baby I want.. It’s something we agreed to in our marriage.. But..”
“Hon. It’s not your fault at all. Plus, it's like you said, there’s no way he knew about your pregnancy. He doesn’t know you lost a baby, but either way, he shouldn’t have said something so insensitive.”
“.. Hurts worse to know that Wei was infertile.. Now he thinks that I am, too..”
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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Unread Messages
Vin has been struggling significantly for the past 3 months with a variety of health problems and emotional baggage from his failing marriage and absent lover. Vin has always been notorious for his incredibly poor health, not getting sick often but getting violently ill whenever he does. His poor immune system and childhood health issues only amplified the pain and sickness of his pregnancy, and he's spent the majority of the pregnancy alone with only occasional conversations with Dandy, Sugar, and Carmen due to work, almost no contact with Luis after their last encounter in Icor's office, and the constant arguments between himself and Sin over texts and phone calls. Vin was just exhausted, physically and mentally, and no amount of rest would ease his concerns for Luis. As he sits at the dining room table with Dandy, Sugar, and Carmen for lunch, he finds himself worrying aloud to his twin and closest friends. 
"Last time I saw him, he looked like a kicked puppy. I don't even have words for my uneasiness for his health. He's contemplated taking his life before, what if he tries again? And if he does.. What if he succeeds? I just can't get him to talk to me though.. I don't know what to do." -V
"Maybe Melody knows? She's his sister, right? Have you tried talking to her?"  -D
"Yes, he already has talked to her, Dandy. Vin.. You should confront Sin about it. I think he might know more." -C
"What? Why?" -V
"... When I last had a meeting with Sin, it seemed like Luis hadn't been to work for a few days. That was last week. If he's not working, Sin may know why." -C
"..Oh! Carmen, don't say that.. Vin, I'm sure he's just sick.. Right, Dandy?" -S
".. Maybe, but I'm with Carmen on this one, Sugar. Vin, you haven't spoken to Sin in person for a while anyways. It'll give you the chance to give him the divorce paperwork again anyways.' -D
"I guess it's worth a try. I'll talk to Sin tonight." -V
As nerve-wracking as it is, Vin returns to Death manor, feeling admittedly self-conscious about his weight gain once he gets there. The Angels of Death haven't seen him for nearly two months, but from the way Brecknet and Annabelle looked at him as he passed, he clearly has gained enough weight to be noticeable. That's unnerving for Vin, who's always been notorious for being petite and underweight even for his small size. When he speaks with Sin, the conversation stays pretty short. Sin, as expected, ignored Vin's remark about the divorce and didn't take the paperwork Vin attempted to hand off to him, and he brushed aside his questions about Luis. He doesn't know. That's a terrible answer, he's supposed to know. More worried than ever, Vin texts Luis for the hundredth time this week, and even when he gets home, he still doesn't have a reply. Another unread message.
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