#pl reval
sakuramoussy · 1 year
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Archangel of Death, Dread, and the 6 Angels of Death they created.
Reval - Deceased. Angel of Death tainted during the war, older brother of Sin.
Sin - Lord Death. God of Death.
Wei - Deceased. Was Sin's wife during and prior to the war, but died protecting a dear friend before the war ended.
Brecknet - A Reaper frequently seen in bars. Rather unfriendly towards humans.
Blink - Deceased. Was killed in the war.
Null - Deceased? Went missing during the war, but his soul was never found, so his death is unconfirmed.
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prismichannah · 1 month
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psychicvoidtale · 2 months
Crowley face reval pls
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ineecho · 7 months
Going to be honest but I need bucchigiri to give us an explaination for Arajins behaviours? Like I get it he probably hates himself because hes a coward. He probably also feels like he doesn't deserve to be friends with someone as amazing as Matakara specifically because of that. And then also how he's always putting on a facade infront of Mahoro but like how does that happen?
What brought this question on was how he acted right after learning about the injury and then being super pissy when asked if he could help. Literally last episode and the beginning of this episode Arajin was finally acting somewhat friendly with him and now all of sudden he doesn't give a shit?
I'm sorry I don't think the running away flashback TM is enough to warant that change. From what I remember he was gone for like 5ish years but it still seems like there was a period between runaway flashback and then him leaving (pls correct me if im wrong). We also saw in the latest episode he started ignoring Matakara after abandoning him but I can't believe Matakara would let just that happen so he probably kept trying to be friends. I wouldn't be suprised if Arajin out of guilt got pretty annoyed with Matakara's idealism and that has just been snowballing since elementary school.
Now into truely imaginative things:
I feel like shit happened with him before he came to live with his mother. We currently don't know anything about that 5 year period where he was gone or why he came back. I'm thinking maybe his dad was shitty? So when Matakara didn't come back for the party it struck a nerve? If I go off the rails maybe his dad wasn't home often so he just assumed Matakara and his brother went off to have fun by themselves. In the morning (before learning about the injury) he said "if he wasn't going to come he could have just said so", so I'm not suprised he wasn't as worried as the others. Because he did look genuinely concered when he got told about the injury but then a switch flipped once it started being about him helping.
If I'm being generous I think it could that he knows hes such an asshole so he thinks he doesn't deserve to be the one helping matakara and maybe whe hes like "we aren't friends" he means it in the sense of "i'm such a shitty person I'm not good enough to be his friend". I want to imagine its meant to be this but I don't have confidence that Arajin has even thought this hard about anything so idk.
Also little side prediction:
I think Matakara has false memories of what happened that day, which could work since he was pretty beat up. The reason is because he truely didn't think Arajin ran away but If he woke up alone in the forest wouldn't he think something was up? So maybe someone saved him and because of his concussed state he imagined Arajin? I'm currently ruling out the possibility that Arajin came back to bring him home because that seems like vital info about the situation but we have never gotten any indication of that.
With everything he's going through right now I think if it were true it would be a pretty big revalation for him.
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
I'm really late with this question but, given that in the kh4 trailer they show donald and goofy looking for sora in reality, do you think we could see a dual story with sora in unreality learning about the MOM and kairi in reality learning about luxu and the foretellers, which is something that alot of the fandom seams to be forgeting about like, what are they gonna do? why did the foreteller's get brought to the future? where is ava? so many questions, and i think kairi's training would be a perfect avenue to reval these things to us through
Thanks for the ask! It's interesting you bring up Luxu and the Foretellers, because when I finished KH3, that was the element of the ending I was the most excited about, so I enjoy speculating about what their roles might be moving forward.
I also wondered about the glimpse of that cutscene we saw of Donald and Goofy. At the very least I think we'll get cutscenes like that scattered throughout the game showing Sora's friends in reality looking for clues to help him. Gameplay would be good too, and there might be a higher chance of that for the Keyblade-wielding characters at least? Like we might get moments in KH4 where we temporarily play as Riku, Aqua, Roxas, Kairi, etc. similar to what happened in KH3 and ReMind.
I'd love to see more moments of Kairi too, and I agree that connecting her to Luxu and the Foretellers would be a good way to do that. Since she's training with Aqua and presumably Terra and Ven are around as well, it would be a good way to involve them with the main storyline. It would be fun to see them sleuthing around trying to find out more about the Lost Masters, especially given that very brief moment we saw of Kairi in that teaser for Birth By Sleep Volume 2 (which it seemed to be scrapped and/or shortened into what became 0.2) that showed her investigating the Old Mansion with Hayner, Pence, and Olette:
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(Then again, this same teaser trailer also foreshadowed Sora disappearing...
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...so it's possible some of the concepts we saw in it that didn't get used for 0.2 might still get used down the line? Nomura pls)
I do think eventually that whatever Sora's learning/dealing with regarding the Master of Masters and whatever his friends are discovering about Luxu and the Foretellers in the Realm of Light will converge into a single cohesive narrative, perhaps at the very end of KH4 to set up the next game? I get the vibe that Sora will be fighting the Foretellers throughout this next saga culminating with him facing off against the Master of Masters at the very end of it.
My crackish theory for several years now has been that the Master of Masters is going to trick Sora into helping him return to reality and that's where the final showdown will be, but I could also see everyone going to Quadratum instead.
I'm hoping we get a few more crumbs of information soon to speculate off of lol, the KH4 reveal trailer was beautiful but I need more food to create better theories (and to avoid getting too attached to theories that might get jossed down the line).
Thanks for the ask!
Screenshots are from here.
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doctordonovan-a · 4 years
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closed starter   |   for @pryceism​ !​
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 one of these days,      likely   sooner   rather   than   later,      the   brunette   scientist   and   professor   is   going   to   end   up   truly   question   if   perhaps   the   shooting   she   survived   was   less   a   matter   of   survival    &&    more   being   placed   in   an   odder   ring   of   hell.      normalcy   has   been   replaced   by   simply   what   can   be   explained   as   vaguely   possible,      what   she   can’t   rule   out   with   experience   whispering   how   much   stranger   the   world   truly   is   to   what   she’d   once   believed.      it’s   hard   to   feel   like   she   ever   awoke   from   her   coma   when   every   day   merges   more   with   the   stuff   of   fever   dreams.   (    perhaps   she’s   still   there,      dying,     and   this   is   all   her   brain   easing   her   to   nothingness.   )
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 ❝   I’m   going   to   stop   you   there,   ❞      gaze   doesn’t   rise   from   the   essays   she’s   flicking   through,      years   of   experience   making   the   sound   of   shoes   &&   walking   as   distinctive   as   fingerprints   in   her   ever   paranoid   alert   presence.     who   else   would   come   at   this   hour?     ❝   if   this    ‘totally   normal’    sample   is   twitching   or   is   a   flower   that   will   bleed   when   I   prod   it,      I   require   warning   and   future   bribery   in   the   form   of   coffee.   ❞
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tinypiratebastard · 4 years
it is really great that you’ve listened, and learned that as white (and non-black) people we are all racist, culpable, privileged and part of the problem. Quite a few people seem to be stopping there though, and busying themselves with the hard task of congratulating themselves on recognising the problem and then happily going back to their day to day with the knowledge that they’re now Racist and Self Aware.
There’s another step guys! There are loads more steps! Don’t waste folks time and energy with your apologies and your contrition. Instead, use your own time to actually listen and learn and act! Okay? Okay.
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abel-lollipops · 5 years
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Re:vale anniversary icons ;
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samuraizm-archive · 5 years
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*kitty mode*
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yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~Last Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/07)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 23 – Awaken
Jane (Izumi Iori): Fabra, over here!
Fabra (Nikaido Yamato): ...... How's Cielo!?
Terra (Nanase Riku): Fabra-san...! Cielo is... Cielo is...!
Fabra: Terra, calm down.
Fabra: I say that but, his head is badly injured... The risk is high...
Fabra: We have to carry him to my laboratory. Gimme a hand.
Fabra: Jane, you call Novem and Octo. Bring them here using April's vehicle.
Jane: Understood.
Fabra: Why did this happen now of all times......
Fabra: The 'time' is close and yet... Cielo must be repaired as fast as possible.
Novem (Momo): ...... Fabra-san, what happened!?
Octo (Tsunashi Ryunosuke): Is Cielo-kun okay!?
Fabra: It's pretty bad......
Novem: Is the malfunction so bad that even Fabra-san can't repair him?
Fabra: I haven't checked all the parts, but it's definitely bad.
Fabra: What's more, we don’t have time.
Novem: ...... Time?
Fabra: Ah, no. Anyway, please hurry and repair him.
Novem: ...... I understand. I'm going to give it my all.
Octo: I will do my best too!
Fabra: Thank you. I'm counting on you.
―― Some days later
Fabra: You call this fixed...?
Novem: I have fixed him, but......
Fabra: Cielo, wake up.
Octo: Cielo-kun, please wake up.
Terra: Cielo......
Jane: ............
Novem: Good afternoon―!
Dissen (Yuki): Hello.
Octo: Good afternoon!
Terra: Everyone!
Jane: Good afternoon.
Novem: How's Cielo?
Jane: He hasn't woken up yet......
Novem: I see......
Dissen: Here, a gift.
Terra: A bouquet? Ah, it's "Mary!"
Jane: There's so many... Why?
Novem: Isn't it amazing!? It's the result of our research!
Novem: Dissen-san did almost everything though.
Dissen: Well, yeah.
Dissen: But it's thanks to Novem and Octo that I could grow this many.
Octo: No, I just helped a little! It's all thanks to Dissen-san and Novem-san.
Dissen: Terra. Flowers have a language of their own.
Dissen: The meaning of the flower marigold is, 'the brightness of life.'
Dissen: Let's hope Cielo will wake up soon. (1)
Terra: The brightness of life......
Terra: Cielo, open your eyes......
Jane: Terra......
Terra: Let's sing again... Let's sing our song together.
Terra: La~♪ Lala~♪ La~♪
*clack clack clack*... *whee――*
Cielo: ...... Terra.
Cielo: That song......
Terra: ...... Cielo!
Terra: Yes... It's our song!
Cielo: ...... Aah... That's right... I remember now.
Terra: ...... Cielo... I'm so glad!
Fabra: Looks like Terra and Cielo have remembered their 'duty'......
Fabra: Now, my last 'duty' is――
Part 24 - Fabra and Cielo
A long time ago, in this world, humans and robot dolls lived together.
The robot dolls were there to help the humans. But when the humans started to use them as tools in wars, the robot dolls started to demonstrate their true values liberally. As a result, the world wars intensified, and everything was destroyed.
"We can't go on like this."
That's what everyone thought, and yet the world kept falling into ruin each day.
"We can't go on like this."
A robot doll researcher, Doctor ――, with their few trusted companions, started a project called the "Accordatura Project."
They forcibly put the few remaining humans to sleep. Meanwhile, the robot dolls replaced the humans, and repaired the environment so that humans could live there once again.
Their companions were divided into two groups,
One group utilized their brains and abilities, becoming a base for the robot dolls.
The other group believed one day, when they would wake again, they could lead the people so that war would never happen again. They remained human and fell into a deep sleep.
And then, when the tuning was over, and the environment was ready, the clock tower will become a music box.
With its sound, the sleeping humans will be awakened, and the robot dolls that have finished their 'duties' will fall asleep. So that they would never be tools of war ever again.
To play the sound of the music box, the 'duty' of two robot dolls with beautiful singing voices――
Cielo: ...... Hey, Fabra.
Fabra: Cielo. Are you alright now?
Cielo: There's one last thing I want to ask.
Fabra: How sudden. Well, it's the last one, right? I shall listen.
Cielo: You told Terra and I to recall our 'duty.'
Fabra: Yeah.
Cielo: Why didn't you just tell us, instead of having us recall it by ourselves?
Cielo: There shouldn't have been any problems even if you told us when you awakened us.
Fabra: You've got a point. However, I vaguely felt that it would be meaningless.
Cielo: Meaningless?
Fabra: Yeah. It took quite a long time until you two woke up, but when I could finally awaken you, you had lost your memories. I was surprised, and impatient because I had to continue on with the project.
Cielo: Hahaha. I'd like to see your impatient face.
Fabra: Don't make fun of me... But halfway through, I started to think what if that was part of the plan.
Cielo: Who the hell changed the damn plan... Don't tell me, that Doctor?
Fabra: ...... Yeah. I think he did.
Cielo: Why? What if we didn't wake up until the end......
Fabra: If that was the case, we prepared a substitute to replace you, and have him play the song to the whole city with his performance.
Cielo: I see......
Fabra: ...... That guy, I heard he was a "bright person," but he's such a contradicting person.
Cielo: Then, that substitute... Jeune, he might have refused to play the song of the end?
Fabra: I don't know......
Cielo: Why!? If he didn't do it, our plan would......
Fabra: Yeah. It would have been messed up. This world would become the robot doll's world instead.
Fabra: ...... But, the Doctor was probably okay with that. (2)
Cielo: Huh?
Fabra: That person, they liked the robot dolls. In fact, they probably loved them.
Fabra: That's why they couldn't stand it when the robot dolls were one-sidedly used for the humans' convenience.
Fabra: You get that feeling too, right? It should be carved into our hearts, we have been through everything after all. (3)
Cielo: ...... Yeah. In fact, if the humans didn't order the robot dolls to, they wouldn't have hurt anyone......
Cielo: Actually, some of them are even more human-like than real humans. They are kind and thoughtful robot dolls......
Fabra: Did you change your mind?
Cielo: ...... No. Nevertheless, I still want to do continue this project. I don't want to lose my hope towards humankind.
Fabra: I see......
Cielo: Are you relieved?
Fabra: Well, I am. I feel as if a load has been taken off my shoulders. But, are you really okay with it?
Cielo: Yes. I will sing. We will sing the song only we can sing.
Fabra: ............
Cielo: Shall we dream? Until the humans put an end to their quarrel, and awaken us someday.
Part 25 - "Duty"
Cielo: La~♪ Lala~♪ La~♪
Terra: La~♪ Lala~♪ La~♪
Martin (Izumi Mitsuki): Jane-san.
Jane: Martin.
Martin: This singing, it's Terra and Cielo, right?
Jane: Yes.
Martin: It's so gentle. It gives me a nostalgic feeling somehow......
Jane: You're right.
Martin: Jane-san, even though I only asked you once, you have taken care of Terra this whole time, thank you very much!
Jane: No, I really enjoyed it.
Jane: We don't have a concept of "friendship" inside of us, but I feel like I got a similar experience from him.
Martin: Terra is a good guy, right!? ...*yawn*, I'm getting sleepy......
Martin: Until now, I felt sort of unsecured, but now I think I will be able to sleep in peace.
Jane: Yes, I feel the same.
Martin: Good night. Jane-san.
Jane: Good night.
Fabra: Jeune.
Fabra: You should prepare to sleep too.
Jeune (Rokuya Nagi): ...... Playing this song, is my 'duty.'
Fabra: You know about the 'duty?'
Jeune: Vaguely. Once I heard the melody from the clock tower, I remembered it clearly.
Fabra: ............
Jeune: ...... Don't worry. I will sleep properly.
Fabra: Then it's fine......
Jeune: Even if I'm just a substitute, I still want to fulfil my 'duty.'
Fabra: I see......
Fabra: Saying this now is meaningless, but when you were awakened, I felt so relieved. Thank you, for waking up that time.
Jeune: Worst case, if I'm there, we would still manage somehow. I'm just needed in the worst of times, aren't I.
Fabra: Still just as conflicting until the end, huh?......
Jeune: Fufu. I'm just enjoying our talk.
Jeune: I'm sorry for taking your time. Good night, Fabra.
Fabra: It's okay. Night, Jeune.
Jeune: ... Every time I tried to play this song, it felt like it would be the end, that's why I always hesitated to play it......
Jeune: The sound of the clock tower's music box and those two singing are the keys of this plan.
Jeune: My sound is… just a reserve......
Jeune: I have no choice. That was my 'duty.'
Jeune: So that the robot dolls can dream sweat dreams, all I can do is to perform with all my might.
April (Yotsuba Tamaki): I'm so sleepy I can't... Let me sleep here......
Meir (Osaka Sougo): You can't! We should sleep in that place!
April: I want to eat pudding before I sleep......
Meir: You just ate your last pudding, you know. Ah, there's my special cookies, do you want to eat that?
April: Anything but that......
Meir: Why... I made it for you......
April: This is Terra and Cielo's singing, right?
Meir: Yes, it is. It's so beautiful and sweet......
April: I feel like I'll have good dreams.
Meir: Yes......
Meir: April-san, my 'role' is a chef, but in the end, I couldn't make a delicious original recipe, I'm so sorry.
Meir: I'm happy you helped me taste-test my cooking. Thank you very much!
April: Haha, you don't need to worry about that. If there's an opportunity, I will taste your cooking again someday.
Meir: Yes! I will definitely cook a delicious meal! Good night, April-san.
April: Yeah. Night, Meir.
Novem (Momo): Dissen-san, you're bringing that girl?
Novem: Wouldn't it wither?
Dissen (Yuki): I planted some seeds here so it will be okay. And Novem's insects are here too.
Dissen: This "Camellia" is always with me, I don't want to leave it~. You get it, don't you?
Novem: If you're ok with it then it’s fine.
Dissen: Novem, you always spoil me, huh?
Novem: Well, Dissen-san wouldn't listen to me anyway, right?
Dissen: That's not true though.
Novem: That is true! Wait, why are we fighting now of all times.
Dissen: Fufu. You're right.
Novem: At first, I thought you were a weird robot doll, but taking care of a great researcher like Dissen-san wasn't bad!
Dissen: It wasn't bad, that's all? Weren't you supposed to say, "But I really like Dissen-san!"
Novem: Ahaha! You're so helpless, geez. I really like you, Dissen-san!
Dissen: Thank you―. I like you too.
Dissen: I'll be happy if lots of plants grow the next time I wake up.
Novem: You're right! I'll be happy if there’ll be lots of insects and animals!
Dissen: Then, we should sleep now. Good night, Novem.
Novem: Good night, Dissen-san.
Octo (Tsunashi Ryunosuke): Augus-san.
Augus (Yaotome Gaku): Hey, Octo.
Octo: The clock tower was made for this 'time,’ wasn’t it.
Augus: Looks like it. The staff I asked you to check on that time was actually the wind-up key for the music box.
Octo: To think that this tower was a music box, I was surprised.
Augus: Me too. To think that there's a trick to it.
Augus: I've been living here for long time, but I've never realized.
Octo: Augus-san, you are not going to sleep?
Augus: ...... I'm watching over the music box so that it’ll keep working until those two finish singing. This is my last 'duty.'
Augus: It looks like I was set up to be the last robot who would fall asleep.
Octo: I see... Thank you for your hard work.
Octo: Then, I will sleep first.
Augus: Yeah. Ah, wait.
Octo: What is it?
Augus: I promised Novem to praise you for developing the insect robots.
Augus: You did such an amazing job.
Octo: ... Thank you very much! I'm so happy!
Octo: Augus-san, good night.
Augus: Yeah. Good night.
Part 26 - Lullaby
Fabra: It's been a long time since we were awakened.
Fabra: Now, my long lasting 'duties' will finally come to an end.
Fabra: The very first robot doll I awakened was Augus.
Fabra: It really helped when his thoughts had been programed to not realize the tricks in the clock tower.
Fabra: That man who became Augus’ base, it was just as he said… He was also an excellent man...
Fabra: I tried to awaken Terra and Cielo afterwards, but they wouldn't wake up for some reason.
Fabra: I was so confused at the time. I ended up awakening other robot dolls first.
Fabra: It's like what I said to Cielo, that was probably part of the plan too.
Fabra: I wanted to ask, but I have no means of knowing, it's too bad.
Fabra: ............
Fabra: ...... It's time.
Fabra: Everyone, thank you for everything.
Fabra: Good night. Sweet dreams......
Terra: Cielo, I'm happy I can sing with you again!
Cielo: Me too.
Cielo: I'm glad I can fulfill my 'duty' with Terra.
Terra: Seriously! Cielo, you were so reckless! If you had been broken that time, we wouldn't have been able to sing together like this.
Cielo: Like I had any other choice. My body moved on its own.
Terra: Cielo.
Terra: Our song, will it reach everyone?
Cielo: Yeah, it will definitely reach them. Are you worried?
Terra: Just a little......
Cielo: ...... You worked hard and practiced many times, it will be okay.
Terra: ...... Wha!? How did you know!?
Cielo: Ahaha.
Cielo: ...... It's about time for us to sleep too. Good night, Terra.
Terra: Good night. Cielo.
Once the sound became silence...
The robot dolls in the city fell into a deep sleep.
Years passed――
This is a city where humans live―― a world without robot dolls.
At the heart of the city, a huge ancient clock tower soars into the sky.
― FIN ―
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Jane ― Izumi Iori Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo Dissen ― Yuki
Proofread by @ousama-pudding Thank you very much!!
(1) ok Marigold usually means memorials for lost loved ones (makes it sound like cielo died hahah) but Japanese has different flower language sometimes so let’s just let it go :)
(2) Fabra doesn’t use specific pronoun for the doctor so we decided to use 'they'!
(3) Fabra meant that since they were based on the doctor’s companions, they should have the same feelings towards robot dolls, but he doesn’t say it straight out.
I had a lot of fun translating this. Big thanks to each of you for taking the time to read! Merry Early Christmas and Happy Birthday Yuki!! ❄💕
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
Colouring Books (Jungkook Imagine)
pairing: dad!jungkook x mum!reader
genre: fluff & family (is this a genre pls idk)
word count: 0.44k
m.list | not requested
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The character development of the twins you raised alongside Jungkook following their second birthday was astonishing to say the least. From birth, it was more obvious to you that they’d truly adopted their father’s appearance and demeanour; velvety doe eyes, behind which was only adoration for those looking back into them. From 6 months, their identical laughs became clearer to everybody around them. Hearty chuckles came in bucketloads at the smallest spurts of entertainment.
Your question of traits they may have picked up from you continued over the months. Their newest one, inquisitiveness, yet again was attributed by Jungkook. Anything around them which could be questioned was, and settling without an answer simply did not happen. Some days, they even acted as your tiny shadow, just tracing your movements and contributing their queries wherever they saw fit.
Perhaps your favourite interaction of their curiousity was their interogation of Jungkook’s tattoos. Children had a habit of pointing out the more minor details of their surroundings. Albeit, a full sleeve of artwork is hardly a small feature, yet it was nothing new to them; the tattoos had been around much longer than they had.
One day, while relaxing with Jungkookm in the front room, the patter of bare, tiny feet sounded against the wooden floor planks.You looked over Jungkook’s shoulder to see your girls march through the door with a pack of crayola markers. The disarrangement of rainbow colours displayed the frequency of use the markers had. Reds next to blues, yellows next to purples - their budding creativity was yet another feature they’d inherited from their father. 
One look at their mischevious smirks told you everything they were planning. Jungkook thinned his eyes, recognising that same mischief. You were just one step ahead, “Please tell me you haven’t drawn on the walls...”
"No!” They simutaneously chimed, shaking their heads in sync. You chuckled, partly in relief that your white walls remained plain, “Arm please!” Jungkook stretched out his curled right arm upon which a majority of his tattoos sat, having still not quite figured out what was coming next.
The girls tipped out their markers onto his lap and chose their starting colours. As the felt tip reached the corner of their first tattoo, Jungkook finally clocked their intentions. His eyes curved into smiling crescents as he titled his head back in glee, “Who gave you this idea?”
“Your arms look like colouring books daddy!” Her tongue poked out from the corner of her closed motuh as she focused on scribbling chunky purple lines across his skin.
“Hmm, I guess they do!” He replied, with a hint of revalation in his voice, “This really tickles though...”
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minaramen · 2 years
hi im a little confused about the 17 questions thing? at first i thought it was for all the idols but seems like just revale? can u explain a little pls? sorry >.<;;
Hello, there will be the chance to ask questions to all the idols during the weeks that precede their group's anniversary. Answers will be published with each group's in-game event
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
Hm, what does this remind me of?
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|| Really got inspired by the Coat of arms to draw this, Tallinn's one having a lady on it with a red dress, gray hair and yellow crown
I suddenly got the idea of Reval aka Tallinn having had points in her life where she had gray hair or hair was turning grey, and one of these times could have been during the Livonia era
I also looked into when Põhja-Tallinn started to - exist, as a part of the city, because of how I have the top part of the hair represent it, and to my surprise pretty quickly, so as a sign that her hair is starting to represent this area as it develops, her hair be starting to go upwards
This just for fun pls don't kill me pls ||
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beykhabarr · 3 years
ma'am i'd appreciate it if you didn't take my breath away each time you did some sort of a reval please
Pls you're gonna make me cry
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bananoirandbugaboo · 5 years
For ppl who were confused as hell in the chat blanc epiosde:
So here’s wt happened in the timeline with reveal:
Marinette goes to give adrien gift as ladybug and as she goes out of the room, he sees her and realizes her identity. As marinette goes back and tells her frds she gav the gift, Adrien comes there. Clearly in love with her he confesses to her in front of marinette frds. They kiss, then they soon become all over the media. Nadia is talking abt them, Chloe is jealous and whatnot. V get everything v hv so badly wantedddd
Buttt then Gabriel tells marinette tht she is ruining the agreste business and forces breakup. As marinette does the break up she runs away crying, as Akuma flies to her adrien turns to chat noir to destroy the akuma and now marinette knows who adrien is. They hug and it’s sooo cuteeeee, but Nathalie sees and tells Gabriel chat’s identity and hawkmoth decides to use it to his advantage. the next scene in timeline they bombard hawkmoth and they end up in the basement( with emeile’s body) and knowing tht adrien loves his mother he shows it to him. He freaks out. Hawkmoth tells him he’s doin it all for emilie, for adrien. Adrien freaks out more and screams WHY and rushes to scream cataclysm at his father but stops and asks ‘why’ one more time. Gabriel being an ass starts to fight him and convinces chat to giv miraculous but ladybug tells him not to. As ladybug and Gabriel quarrel over it adrien jst wants to b alone. Hawkmoth takes this opportunity to akumatize his own son.
AGH I WAS SOO HAPPY AT THE START WITH REVAL AND DATING BUT UGHHH THEN THIS HAPPENS.after this he becomes chat blanc who wants her miraculous, not to giv to hawkmoth, but to save their love without destroying everything. He attempts to destroy himself initially, but somehow he destroys full of Paris ( ladybug and hawkmoth as well)
So this is wen bunnix come to ladybug, in the normal timeline. The one where ladybug has jst given the gift and is running away. Bunnix tells her she has made a huge mistake today and takes her through cool timeportal shit. She Takes her to the future where chat noir is chat blanc so she can fix everything.
See the thing is all the scenes mentioned above v only get to see them now. As ladybug is in the future fighting chat blanc, bunnix is trying to find the root cause of it by looking at various things marinette did after leaving the gift for adrien( how they start dating, them being popular, Chloe being jealous, Gabriel wants breakup up chat destroy akuma, reveal etc etc all the things I wrote at the start)
Basically ladybug destroys chat blanc akuma( btw she knows tht chat knows her identity but she doesn’t know his). So her theory for him finding out is tht adrien must’ve seen her in the room so he told ppl abt it until it reached chat( liek secrets spread) and thts how chat knows identity.
So she asks bunnix to take her back in time 10 mins before she gav the gift. Then she stops the ladybug in tht timeline frm signing the gift( as marinette) And does the whole miraculous ladybug thing which fixes everything.
So no more reveal.
as adrien sees ladybug in the room nowwww she makes up some random excuse abt the Present being frm Britain and runs away. She sees bunnix. Bunnix thanks her fixing everything and then tells her she knows her identity(like obviously she jst watched the future completely) and tells ladybug she knows another secret as well( probs who chat noir is but didn’t tell her the secret). Ladybug asks if she knows who hawkmoth is and bunnix says she can’t tell. She says she will keep the secret and then went through portal. Then ladybug changes to marinette and she tells her frds tht she couldn’t give the gift. Then they all laugh it offf.
Now the last scene I don’t get. A all. If someone understands PLS TELL ME( I can edit the post after and explain if after my frds tell me wt it is)
Here’s the scene:
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