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ggydollz · 9 months
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italianiinguerra · 4 months
Pillole di Seconda Guerra Mondiale: 9 maggio
1940 – Paesi Bassi. L’U-Boot U-9 affonda il sommergibile francese Doris al largo di Den Helder. 1940 – Gran Bretagna. La coscrizione viene estesa agli uomini di 36 anni. 1940 – Fronte occidentale. L’OKW il Comando Supremo germanico emana le direttive per l’attacco sull’intero fronte, previsto per la mattina del giorno dopo. 1940 – Belgio. Dalle 23,15, in previsione dell’attacco tedesco viene…
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nazoltd · 1 year
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Buy Bremas VB065200
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shlufim · 6 months
Adam (Puma) Brema z"l, 47 years old, was murdered by hamas terrorists in the brutal attack on the south of Israel on October 7th, 2023. Adam was an asylum seeker from Darfur, Sudan. He had escaped a massacre, and had lived in Israel since 2008. On October 7th, when Adam heard gunshots outside his home in Sderot, he went outside to figure out what was going on and help if he could. He was shot dead on the street by hamas terrorists. May he rest in peace. May his memory be a blessing.
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אדם (פומה) ברימה ז''ל, בן 47, נרצח על ידי מחבלי חמאס במתקפת הטרור האכזרית, ב7 לאוקטובר, כ''ב תשרי, תשפ''ד. אדם הגיע לישראל ב2008, לאחר שנמלט מטבח בארצו, סודן. יהי זכרו ברוך.
On Facebook, his friend Saleh Adam recounted seeing him less than a month before he was slain: “He told me about his longings to see his family and also his desire to come and study at the Sapir Academic College [in Sderot]. Sadly, he didn’t get to see his close family for close to two decades. Brema was a very beloved man among the asylum seekers in Sderot and also among many people in Sderot.”
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rie-anessia · 18 days
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A picture of Hobie and his Nana, Oc named Bre. They sometimes call her Brema. Some random old lady who saw this little homeless boy and brought him home like a stray animal. Now she can't get rid of the pest. (They love each other so dearly 🖤)
Art by @cutiecorner
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opera-ghosts · 2 months
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"ZU NEUEN TATEN, TEURER HELDE" Götterdämmerung - R. WAGNER Here some Siegfrieds and Brünnhildes.
Peter Cornelius as Siegfried; Copenhagen, 1905
Charles Dalmores as Siegfried; Brussels, 1902
Ejnar Forchhammer as Siegfried; ?, ?
Paul Franz as Siegfried; Paris, 1925
Hans Grahl as Siegfried; Hamburg, 1934
Alois Hadwiger as Siegfried; Coburg-Gotha, 1907
Ottfried Hagen as Siegfried; Munich, 1908
Ernst Kraus as Siegfried; Berlin, ca. 1907
Gorrhelf Pistor as Siegfried; Bayreuth, 1931
Julius Pölzer as Siegfried; Munich, 1932
Erik Schmedes as Siegfried; Vienna, ca. 1910
Josef Schöffel as Siegfried; Karlsruhe, ca. 1921
Hans Tänzler as Siegfried; Karlsruhe, 1910
Jacques Urlus as Siegfried; Berlin ?, ca. 1907
Fritz Vogelstrom as Siegfried; Mannheim, ca. 1909
Hermann Winkelmann as Siegfried; Vienna, 1880
Marie Brema as Brünnhilde; London, 1897
Louise Grandjean as Brünnhilde; Paris, 1908
Felia Litvinne as Brünnhilde with Grane; Brussels, 1902
Katharina Senger-Bettaque as Brünnhilde; Berlin, 1898
Fanni Wahrmann-Schöllinger as Brünnhilde with Grane; Hannover, 1920
Hedwig Reicher-Kindermann as Brünnhilde; Leipzig, ca. 1886
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So Italian commentators just told me that Wirtz is the last of ten kids and all his family plays some kind of sport and his sister plays football in Werder Brema.
I didn't care but since I know, you know.
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occhietti · 2 years
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Medieval bremen schnoor con case a graticcio nel centro della città anseatica di Brema, Germania.
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unbiviosicuro · 8 months
Dal punto in cui mi trovo, se solo lo volessi con la necessaria determinazione, potrei, se lo volessi, decidere, in qualsiasi momento, di partire per un posto qualsiasi, per Parigi, per Berlino, per Amsterdam o Rotterdam o Brema, da qui, pensavo, da questo posto qualsiasi dove sono, potrei decidere anche adesso di partire per Amsterdam!; non dovrei fare altro che unire una serie di punti che corrispondono a incroci, confluenze, divergenze, sovrapposizioni su un diverso piano spaziale, attraversamenti di diversa natura, salite e dunque, poi, discese, salite e discese, tangenti, rotatorie, rotatorie tangenti, secanti, archi, semicerchi e cerchi rotatori spiraleggianti e altro ancora, solo questo dovrei fare: individuare e unire tutti questi diversi punti, pensavo, poi semplicemente seguire la rotta senza in realtà mai lasciare la strada. [...] È sempre la stessa strada, pensavo, di continuo percorsa in lungo e in largo in tutti i sensi di marcia, da milioni di autoveicoli, da milioni di esseri umani su quegli autoveicoli, da un posto all’altro per un posto per un altro, tutti sulla stessa strada, tutti, autoveicoli ed esseri umani, per la stessa strada che porta in tutti i posti, che in fondo, a guardar bene, è sempre lo stesso posto, ma questo è un problema di tutt’altra natura, pensai.
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witekspicsoldpostcards · 10 months
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fridagentileschi · 3 months
I nazisti verdi imbrattano di vernice nera i musicisti di Brema !
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nazoltd · 1 year
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Buy Bremas VB064500
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ospreyeamon · 1 year
tasiele background headcanons
Tasiele’s mother Renisele Shan was a Jedi Master, born to two Jedi Masters. Tasiele’s father Bon was a paralegal employed by the Jedi Order parttime to advise them on tax law and conflict of interest declarations. Tasiele loved philosophy and she loved arguing about it, something her parents jokingly both claimed she had inherited from the other.
Her mother was killed in action during the overthrow of the Myrialite autocracy in the Kanz sector*. After her death, Tasiele's father’s contract with the Order was not renewed, with the reason given being that his relation to a member of the Order presented a potential conflict of interest.
The lover Tasiele petitioned the Jedi Council for the right to marry and raise Satele together with wasn’t Satele’s biodad – that brief relationship had fallen apart before Satele was born. It was part of the reason why Tasiele initially had Satele communally reared in the creche; she wasn’t confident in her ability to juggle her duties within the Order with the responsibility of being the sole caretaker of a young child.
In addition to visiting her daughter between missions, Tasiele also volunteered in the Creche when she was on rest-stay in the Temple. She found she enjoyed working with babies and toddlers as she became more confident in how to talk to and teach small children – enough that she was considering becoming a fulltime Creshe Master.
The lover Tasiele wanted to marry and raise Satele with was a sullustan named Jenb Tumm, an actuary employed by the Ord Ibanna Environmental Protection Agency. They met on a thrilling mission involving whistle-blowing survey-droids, forensic accounting and trespassing in swamps, which resulted in the Chief Compliance and Financial Officers of Czerka Brema receiving five-month suspended sentences.
Tasiele had no idea that she was at risk of being exiled and losing all contact with her daughter when she made her petition to the Council. For the vast majority of the Order’s history, it had been considered normal for some Jedi to raise their children or marry or both. There were many examples of Jedi like single-mother and adult-entrant to the Order Nomi Sunrider who rose to sit on the High Council. The request wasn’t a radical one, but rather an appeal to return to tradition; to do what Tasiele’s parents and grandparents and great-grandparents had done freely. The Galactic Republic weighing in on what should have been an internal Jedi affair caught her completely off-guard.
The Jedi Council suspended Tasiele’s sentence of exile early in the Great Galactic War, when it became clear the Order would need to call in every Jedi it could find to stand a chance of holding off the Sith. By then it was already too late – she was gone.
*The dates for the Kanz Disorders and the Great Galactic War come from very different sources and would put the end of the Kanz Disorders as happening in the middle of the Great Galactic War. Given that the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order lost that war, spending most of it being pushed back or in stalemates unable to retake territory, I think it would be very unlikely that they would have diverted resources to dismantle slavery in the Kanz sector. I believe it makes more sense to place the Jedi-Republic intervention led by Knight Mari-Elan Nora a couple of decades before the beginning of the Great Galactic War instead.
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zauddu · 1 year
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i musicanti di Brema dei fratelli Grimm
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opera-ghosts · 11 months
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„Der Wälsung fällt meiner Ehre!“
Some Frickas and Wotans
Margarete Arndt-Ober (Fricka) and Ludwig Hofmann (Wotan); Sopot (Waldoper), 1934
Anton van Rooy as Wotan ?, ?
Marie Brema as Fricka; Bayreuth, 1896
Carl Braun as Wotan; Bayreuth, ?
Franziska Bender-Schäfer as Fricka; Dresden, ?
Friedrich Schorr as Wotan; Bayreuth, 1925
Margarete Arndt-Ober as Fricka; Berlin, 1913
Carl Ljedström as Wotan; Frankfurt, 1906
Luise Reuss-Belce as Fricka; Bayreuth, ?
Henri Albers as Wotan; Bruxelles, ?
Rosa Christiane as Fricka; Antwerpen, ?
Hermann Bachmann as Wotan; Munich, ?
Karin Branzell as Fricka; Bayreuth, ?
Clarence Whitehill as Wotan; Frankfurt, ?
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