#brett x aleks
saturdaychop · 6 years
Pay Attention, Marchant 3
Summary: Aleks wears lingerie and Brett dies inside.
Pairing: Brett x Aleks
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, male lingerie, vibrator
Words: 1,411
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[ First ] [ Second ]
Brett had never been one for sexting. It seemed too impersonal and thought out, like a playwright instead of the act.  Maybe it was that he couldn’t see, feel, hear his partner over text. Maybe it was because he was too impatient for that kind of thing. Maybe it was because he wanted to actually see how blissed out his partners got at his touch.
Whatever the reason, Aleks seemed to always want to sext anyway.
Aleks: Brett.
Aleks: Peep this shit.
[Image Attatchment]
Brett had indeed, ‘peeped that shit’ right as he got into his classroom that morning. 'That shit’ had apparently been lingerie, and where Aleks had gotten male lingerie, he had no idea.
Not that he was complaining.
No, Aleks looked stunning in the dark maroon lace he strutted. It fit his frame perfectly and he wanted nothing more than to rip it off of him.
Brett: You’re going to kill me, Aleksandr.
Brett sighed as he sat down in his desk chair, watching as his tired students slowly fill the desks in front of him.
The rest of the day went smoothly. There were no unusual interruptions in the class reading,  no vomiting or bodily fluids flying anywhere, no random screaming by an exhausted student.
It was a fairly normal day.
Until 7th period, which, of course, was the class Aleks was in.
“Alright, class. I want you to read pages 45 through 86 in your assigned reading this weekend. No, no groaning I know for a fact the other English teachers are assigning more. Don’t forget to check online for your rubric!”
The students rushed out of his class, ignoring his words as they all tried to get home for the weekend. Brett signed and sat back down, head in his hands.
He sighed.
“Do you need something, Aleksandr?”
Of course, Aleks had stayed. When had Aleks not stayed behind in his classroom? It’s been like this for a few months now, Aleks staying after to either get fucked or just hang out with his teacher. Either way, Brett wasn’t as annoyed about the presence of his student as he let on.
Brett looked up at Aleks standing in front of him. His shirt had been lost somewhere, showing off the dark red bralette he wore, his black jeans low enough to show a small slither of the same fabric underneath.
Ah, it had already started.
Brett took a deep breath.
Aleks pushed his papers to the side on his desk before crawling up and sitting on the dark wood, facing Brett as he spread his legs, letting them dangle off of the desk. He smiled, leaning back on his hands as he displayed himself for Brett, as she showed off knowing what he was doing to his teacher.
He had grown confident in his actions. Too confident.
Brett would have to do something about that.
“Is there a reason you’re sitting on my desk like a god damn delinquent, Marchant? Or are you just asking for a detention?”
The scene had been set. It had been set the second Aleks sent that fucking picture. He knew what he was doing, he fucking knew, and Brett had no idea what his student had planned.
The power shifted back to Aleks as his hands ran up his chest, eyes lidded as he watched Brett. His lip chewed between his teeth as he ran his fingers over a nipple, through the flimsy bralette.
Brett placed his hands on Aleks’ knees.
Aleks swatted them away.
“No touching.”
Aleks’ hands ran down his chest to his jeans. He unbuttoned them, then unzipped them, then ever so slowly pushed them down his hips. Brett’s hands gripped the arms of his chair tightly. He could take over if he really wanted to. He could push Aleks over his knee and punish him if he wanted to. But this seemed more interesting.
His jeans laid on the floor now, maroon panties hugging his hips tightly, creating a soft muffin top. Brett wanted to squeeze and bruise the softness there, leave hickies and scratch marks all over until Aleks keened and mewled.  
His pants were getting a bit too tight for him now.
Instead, he watched silently as Aleks’ hands caressed his nude thighs, soft sighs leaving his lips. If he listened carefully, he could hear a soft buzz-
“I’ve been thinking about you.”
Oh god. He’s going to talk. Brett will not last long with this.
“Yeah?” Brett replied, playing along. “What about?”
Aleks bit his lip and let out a soft moan.
“You fucking me, folding me in half like a girl and going at it. Rimming me and slapping my ass, fuck, Brett.”
Aleks was working himself up with his own words. Brett could see his cheeks redden, could see his dick harden slightly as his hands rubbed his thighs softly. Brett watched Aleks’ hand run over his clothed dick and arch his back.
This wasn’t going to last long.
“I’m sure I can do something like that for you, sweetheart,” Brett mumbled, knuckles going white at his grip on his chair.
“I’m sure you could”
Aleks moved forward on the desk.
“Touch me.”
Aleks already lost his pacience.  
“Ask nicely.”
He pouted at that, hands running under his bralette and pinching his nipples. He bit his lip, back arching.
He had made his bed, now Aleks would have to lie in it.
“Please,” He sighed.
“Please what?”
Brett was not going to play nice.
“Please touch me, sir. Please.”
Brett was a weak man.
His hands ran up Aleks’ soft thighs, watching as he trembled and bit his lip. Brett kissed the soft skin between his hips and his stomach.
Aleks reached behind him and handed Brett a small plastic box.
Oh. Oh my. Oh fuck.
“What’s this, baby?” Brett asked. He knew exactly what it was. He knew exactly what was happening here. He should have realized sooner that Aleks had been working himself up this whole time with a vibrator from how sensitive he seemed at his own soft touches.
And just like that, the power shifted.
Brett pushed a small dial on the remote. He smiles as Aleks moans loudly, arms shaking behind him. Brett had not given him this, he had no idea where Aleks would find something like this, be able to afford something like this.
“Do you have a vibrator in you, Aleks? How long have you had it on?”
“All day,” He moaned out, hand running through his hair softly. “All day, sir.”
Brett groaned softly, hand tightening on Aleks’ hip. This kid was going to be the death of him, he was positive.
“Wow, all day,” he mumbled, turning it up again.
Aleks was shaking on his desk, back arched and eyes squeezed shut. His dick was hard in his panties, a small wet spot forming at the tip. He was displayed for Brett, ready to be fucked and used.
He set the small remote down on the desk and looked up at Aleks. hands still gripping and touching his hips.
“Tell me what you want,” Brett whispered, planting soft kisses on his stomach. Aleks whined and shook his head. Oh, so now he was embarrassed.
“Fine,” Brett sighed. “I could let you come like this, touch you until you cum all over those pretty panties of yours.”
Aleks moaned and nodded his head. Brett smiled and squeezed him tighter.
“Yeah baby, you want that? You gotta answer me, sweetie.”
Brett smiled.  
He reached over for the remote and turned it all the way up, watching as Aleks shake and moan. His face and chest were red now, shaded lightly against his pale skin. Brett leaned up, kissing Aleks deeply, whispering soft nothings into his ear and kissing down his neck. Aleks’ hands grabbed at his shoulders and nails raked down his back. They could hear the vibrator clearly now.
Aleks chanted Brett’s name as he moaned.
Finally, finally, Brett’s hand traveled down to Aleks’ dick. He palmed it softly, watching as Aleks’ eyes squeeze shut.
“Brett, fuck I’m gonna-”
“Cum whenever you want, babydoll. You’ve been so good for me.”
With Brett’s name on his lips, Aleks came. His back arched and his nails left red trails down Brett’s arms. Brett continued to leave soft kisses down Aleks’ chest and neck, letting him come down from the high slowly.
“So good,” Brett mumbled. “So good for me.”
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Aleks x Brett // Live
Let me explain this: this was co-written by a really good friend of mine who wanted to remain anonymous. 
Her favorite member of CC is Brett and mine is Aleks. So, when I got a bad sunburn, she carried my backpack on her front side and it looked like she’s holding a child. We combined their name to make “Braleks”. When I asked for some inspiration for my next chapter, she suggested a fic of them and the rest is history. She wrote this in a Rocky Horror Picture Show panel at Comicon wearing a sombrero. Long story, short: don’t go to Comicon with me :))))) Enjoy this gross and filthy fever fic (no smut, sadly, although I might do a smutty second part, if this gets really good reception). Please let me know what you think so I can tell her.
Aleks’ POV
I couldn’t stop thinking about that moment between Brett and I a week ago.
We had just finished filming that pepper spray video for our FIRST week. I could still feel the hellish sting of the pepper spray and the sweet relief of the milk on my eyes. I can almost hear his pained cries and see his vulnerable, slumped shoulders post-spray.
I can’t get the feeling of him out of my head. I can feel my fingers aching to touch him again, after I wiped the pepper spray from his assaulted eyes. I think so highly of Brett… I hope he feels the same.
I decided to check Twitter sometime after midnight to clear my head of him before I went to sleep and discovered a new trending hashtag: #braleks. To my surprise, other people in the community and the fan base shared a desire for me to be with Brett. From what people were saying, apparently there was something that happened with a blog.
Brett’s POV
It’s been one week since the touch.
I can still feel his tender caress echoing on my skin. I knew I should say something but I also knew it would get in the way of our work.
To get my feelings out I just typed it out on my blog, around midnight, but I didn’t publish. For seemingly hours, my finger hovered on the publish button, never clicking just waiting. The suspense making my stomach lurch and bubble.
I went to bed feeling like a weight had lifted off my chest with the sheer catharsis of writing out that I… that I care about Aleks.
The next morning I awoke earlier than usual to prepare for a livestream with my beloved. We were doing a podcast in the warehouse, the place where it all began. We sat down and hit all of our usual marks before turning to see what the people in the chat had to say. We turned to the chat to discover it was filled with “#braleks” and “braleks ftw”, a few people were even demanding for kissing! I was shocked!
“Aleks! What is this about?” I demanded with a curious voice.
“I-uh. I can’t-um…” Aleks stuttered while blushing. He turned his head away and I could see his pale, slender neck.
“Aleks… you can tell me anything. I’m here for you because-because I love you Aleks.” It felt so good to tell him.
He turned a looked at me. “Brett…” he looked at me and our eyes locked. Time stopped and the world spun around us. There was nothing but us. I grasped his face between my hands and brought our faces together and our lips greeted in sweet and lovely assembly. The kiss seemed to last for hours, but it was an amazing feeling.
There were fireworks. Our lips meshed perfectly together, almost as if they were puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly together.
The time resumed as our lips parted and we realized the stream was still going. I hurriedly stumbled up and switched it off, avoiding the chat area as best as possible.
Aleks’ POV
The kiss was absolutely amazing. It was everything I had hoped it would be. It was everything I had fantasized about during those late, lonely nights.
We broke apart, blushing, to realize the camera was streaming everything, including the passionate moment we shared. The chat was blowing up.
Brett jumped up awkwardly and turned the stream off, leaving me behind in the chair. I listen to his light footsteps as they pat away before hearing the door open, then close. I let out a sigh and pursed my lips, still tasting his on mine.
To earn the love of one you cherish is the best possible feeling that can be obtained. The kiss signified this to me.
This may sound silly but, I love Brett. I love him with every fiber of my being. Because I now know he loves me, I want to ask him on a date. I figure I should let a few days pass while I plan the perfect date, all the while avoiding everyone as much as possible, including him. I wait for Saturday to roll around before I spring my plan into action…
Brett’s POV
Aleks has been avoiding me for four days since our kiss, I wonder if he doesn’t like me after all?
Meanwhile, the whole crew has been teasing me relentlessly so I’ve been spending even more time at the gym and listening to “Eye of the Tiger” nonstop. I want to get away from it all. I know he has feelings for me and I do as well. I want to block everything and everyone out.
Saturday comes and I’m heading up to my room the change after a long shower when Aleks stops me. A slight shade a pink graces his cheeks as he sees my glistening torso. My lower half is covered in a towel but even that catches him. He avoids my gaze.
“Are…are you busy later?” He stumbles out, scratching his neck. I lick my lips.
“No, why?” I ask, taking one step closer to him. He’s taken aback.
“I…I was wondering if…if you’d like to go….on a date?” He stutters. I reach for his hand.
“I’d love to.” I reply, leaning forward to lock his lips with mine. I loved the taste of his lips on mine.
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chopmyhead · 6 years
The CC boys taking care of you when you're sick
Thinking about this a lot cause I've been sick lol
So let's start off with saying he's the most responsible one for sure.
He's the one who will actually take the steps to make sure you're taking your medicine properly. Like he'll set an alarm on his phone and everything.
But he also knows that the best way to feel better is to feel comfy so he'll bring all of the blankets and wrap you up and carry you to the couch so you can both watch netflix or something together.
He's dedicated to work tho so he will leave you alone if he has to go in but dammit if he doesn't text nearly every 15 minutes to ask how you're doing. Like to the point where you have to tell him the notifications are disrupting your sleep lol
Ngl, he's terrified of you being sick cause that means he might get sick.
But at the same time, he's such a worrier and he hates to leave you on your own and honestly, he likes you too much to see you feel so awful.
He'll let you sleep in his bed and come in every once in a while to feel your forehead and pet your head and just be lovey.
But then you'll suddenly have a violent cough and he'll jump up and just be like, "I'll, uh, I'll get you some hot tea and some cough drops." And run from the room and wash his hands
He means well and it makes you laugh lol
He wants to take care of you so badly it hurts but he kinda fucks it up lol
Instead of relying on regular medicine, Aleks will look up home remedies to see if they'll work better. Which means these weird recipes of lemon, honey, vinegar oil, etc.
Being a good sport and honestly you'll try anything at this point since you feel like shit, you drink whatever concotion he makes for you.
It works at first until the vomiting begins.
He'll feel like an asshole and vow never to leave your side til you feel better. He even says he'll be your personal butler for the entirety of the time you're sick.
You enjoy his comfort so much that you might be "sick" for a lot longer than usual.
Trevor is a sweetheart to the max.
He doesn't know much about doling out medicine and all that. But he feels your pain and that's all that matters.
He'll get you your favorite food from your favorite place and serve it to you on a tray in bed.
He'll lay down next to you whenever he can and just stroke your arms and back and hold you.
Trevor knows what it's like to just be in pain so he does what he can for you. You take note of all things he does for you so you can return the favor whenever he gets sick.
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uberhaxor-hd · 7 years
Aleks “No Homo” Marchant
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aleksthememe · 7 years
Is there a ship name for Hannah Lee/Mike Jaundice? Or am I like the only person in the world who thinks that they would be good together? Or am I just weird?
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Alibi: a fake chop fic / ch. 1
   You took a deep breath as you read the print in the faded sign. Crouch & Hopp Thrift. The r and the ampersand on the sign had seen better days. If you didn't look close enough, you would've merely thought that the thrift shop had been called Couch Hopp.    A shiver made its way down your spine as you imagined the opportunities that this city, the infamous Los Santos, held in store for you. Although known for having one of the highest crime rates in the country, it was also known for Vinewood, one of the most illustrious film industries in the world.    You did your best to open the door to the run down shop on your first go, but you soon realized that the hinges had almost rusted to the point of being immovable . You had to force the door open with your shoulder, nearly face planting. The tinkling of the bell echoing throughout the dusty shop.    "Been walking long?" A deep voice inquired, humor lacing the edges of his words. You glanced up at the man behind the counter, a smirk gracing his features.    "I'm fine," You blushed, thankful that you hadn't actually fallen, which would have led to even more embarrassment. God knows you didn't need more reasons to hit yourself by the time the day had ended. "Oh yeah, that damn door always sticks," The man realized, as he stepped out from behind the register and reached out to shake your hand. Without meaning to, you give him a once-over. He was well-built, you instantly knew that he was a gym rat, short dark hair with a stubble, and he was good deal taller than you. Overall, he was a very intimidating person. Catching yourself staring, you quickly grasped his hand, shaking it. "I'm Brett, and I'm assuming you're (Y/N), the new hire," You smiled and nodded, hoping he hadn't noticed your gaze. "Joe told me about you, said you were exactly what we needed," He commented, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.    "It's good to meet you, and I'm not sure what you needed, but I'm glad to be it!" Your voice higher than you would have liked. You would have been lying if you said weren't anxious. You were already hesitant getting a job in such a bad neighborhood, but with a giant like Brett being your boss, you couldn't help but be even more nervous.    He chuckled, and began walking over to the register, where he spent the next fifteen minutes going over how things worked at the shop. Explaining where certain objects went and how to haggle with customers if they ever tried to lower the price of the wares. You took mental notes, not wanting to disappoint Brett, who you learned wasn't as menacing as he appeared.    "You won't be seeing me around much, as I will almost always be busy with other work," His eyes had a strange look in them as he said that last part, but you didn't bother asking what 'other work' was. "You'll mostly see Anna or Joe, who help manage the place," He grinned and patted you on the back.    "Is that it?" You asked surprised at how simple it all seemed. It couldn't be that easy, could it? "Oh shit I almost forgot," Your boss cursed, his hand slapping his forehead. "Sometimes our suppliers will stop by and leave messages on when and where we'll receive our next shipment," He gave a small smile. You pondered this. "Why don't they just text or email?" Narrowing your eyes slightly, more out of confusion than suspicion, but Brett seemed to believe you felt the latter. "Old fashioned geezers," He grunted, slightly irked by your question. "Afraid of technology and whatnot," He added, doing his best to sound a little more positive. You decided that you had enough information to do your job correctly. After a few more minutes of small talk Brett gave you a pat on the back. "You'll do just fine, kid. If you have any questions I'll be back in my office," He gestured to the door in the corner of the shop. "And remember, the moment you receive a supplier's letter," He leaned in closer, his expression one of deadly seriousness. "Don't. Fucking. Open. It," The look on your face must have been one of terror, because your employer began to laugh. Your eyes widened and you gave a halfhearted giggle. "You should have seen your face," He mocked, doing what you suspected was an imitation. "Okay, I'll leave you be. See you around, kid," And with that, he took long strides to his office, and was gone. Your boss was certainly an interesting character, and you weren't quite sure how you felt about that. Doing your best to be a good employee and not question her job, you made your way over to the shelves in the back of the store. For your first task as an employee at Crouch & Hopp, you had the pleasure of unpacking two boxes of the latest shipments of wares. Most of which, you discovered, were dusty books that were dated as old as fifty years. A smile graced your features when you paged through the old novels. Maybe this job would be better than you thought. You had about emptied the boxes, save for a small clock, which looked as if it had been used for awhile, as the glass over the numbers was scratched slightly, along with the wooden exterior. Tracing your fingers lovingly over the intricate carvings around the sides, you attempted, and failed, to reach the shelf only shelf that would fit the clock. It wasn't that you were particularly short, it was more that the shelf was certainly taller than you. Too distracted to hear the faint ringing of a bell. After several minutes of standing on the tips of your toes in an attempt to give the clock a home, you gave up, deciding to ask Brett where a stool was. You turned around, the antique in your arms lovingly (as you had grown fond of the small time piece), you stifled a scream as you came face to face with a stranger. "Oh shit, didn't mean to scare you." His eyes widened, and you guessed he had not expected you to turn around. He ruffled his blonde hair, which you realized was definitely not his natural color. "I was comin' in to see Brett and I saw you trying so hard to reach that shelf, and frankly," He rubbed his arms awkwardly. "You looked kinda adorable and I was gonna ask if you needed some help," He reached for the clock. At a loss for words, you decided you'd rather not bother your boss on the first day and gave the man the dusty clock. He stepped around you and lovingly set the antique down. While he had been doing that, you couldn't help but stare at the ink that covered his arms. "You're going to regret those when you're older, you know," You commented absentmindedly, tracing the artwork mentally. Your eyes widened when you realized what you had said. "Thanks Mom," He chuckled, turning around and leaning against the shelf, his gaze meeting yours. "But I think I'd need to live long enough to get wrinkles to regret them," He smirked. You gave a sharp intake of breath. What did he mean? Was he sick? Did you just remind a dying person that they wouldn't live to be elderly? Almost as if he read your mind, the blonde boy stepped closer and stuck out his hand to shake. "I swear I'm not dying," He laughed, and you put your hand in his. You could feel his callouses rub against your finger tips as he pulled away. "I really don't think about what I say sometimes, the name's-" "ALEKS!" Brett's voice thundered across the shop, and the stranger, who you now knew was named Aleks, froze like a deer in headlights.    "Yeah, that," He said under his breath, his cheeks flushed. You began to wonder how well he knew your boss, and if there was a reason to be terrified right now. "Stop distracting my employee! She doesn't need your smart ass comments while she's working," Although he sounded furious, he looked only irritated. Almost in a fatherly way. Aleks gave you a mischievous smile before heading into Brett's office, leaving you confused and slightly amused. You couldn't help but wonder if every day was going to be like this.
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sofrpc · 5 years
as requested, i have created a masterlist of 550+ unique and underused male names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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abel, acacius, ace, achilles, adagio, adaiah, adalius, adley, adelio, adonis, adrian, adriel, aiden, akello, alain, alarik, alastair, alek, alfred, alfonzo, ali, alisio, alonzo, amari, amedeus, amias, amos, anakin, andre, ansel, anton, anwar, apollo, aragon, aramis, archer, aries, arlo, arrius, artemis, asher, ashton, asriel, atlas, atlantis, atticus, auden, august, auri, austin, avery, axel, aziel
bacchus, baden, bailey, baldwin, balin, balton, bandit, banks, barley, baxley, baxter, baze, bear, beau, beck, benson, bentley, berlin, bianco, bishop, blade, blaine, blaze, bode, bodhie, booker, bosley, boston, brandon, brantley, brayden, braxton, brecken, brennon, brett, briley, brinley, brock, bruno, bronx, brooks, bryce, bryson
caelan, caesar, cade, cador, cage, cain, caleb, callaway, callen, callister, callum, calvin, camden, campbell, carlisle, carlo, carrick, carter, casey, casper, castiel, cedric, cesar, channing, charles, chase, chuck, clifton, clinton, cleon, coen, coleman, colton, crew, cristiano, cooper, corbin, corey, cortez, cravin
dale, dallas, dalton, damari, damian, damon, dane, dante, dario, darius, davon, dax, dean, declan, dedrick, delius, demarcus, demetrius, dennis, denzel, deon, derek, devon, dexter, dillon, dimitri, dion, dolan, dominic, drake, drew, drystan, duke, dwayne, dwight, dyson
eaton, echo, edan, eddison, eden, edrick, eli, eliam, elias, elijah, elio, eliseo, ellis, emilio, emerson, emmett, enoch, enzo, ernest, eros, essex, evan, evian, ezra
fabian, falcon, fallon, farley, felix, fenton, finley, finnick, floyd, flynn, fonso, ford, forester, francisco, franco, freddy, frederick, frodi
gabe, gabriel, gaius, gabin, galvin, gareth, garrick, gaston, gaveel, georgie, gemini, giorgio, glade, gonzalo, gray, gregory, greyson, griffin, grover, gunner, guy
haim, hadden, hadley, hale, hammond, hanan, hanson, harden, harley, harris, hayes, helio, helix, hendrix, hermes, hiram, holden, holland, holmes, houstan, howard, hudson, hugh, hugo, hunter, hyde
iago, ian, icarius, idris, iker, ilario, indigo, isaak, isaiah, israel, ithiel, ives
jace, jadon, jago, jahziel, jairo, jakez, jakobe, jamari, janos, jaron, jasper, javier, jaxon, jayden, jaylon, jaziel, jenson, jeremiah, jermaine, jersey, jett, joaquin, jonas, jose, joss, jovani, joziah, judas, jude, julian, julius, junior, justice
kace, kaden, kael, kairo, kahlil, kai, kaleb, kamden, kanan, karson, kashton, kasper, keenan, keiran, kennedy, keon, kenton, kenzo, keyon, kez, kiah, killian, kingsley, kito, klaus, kobe, koby, kodah, kohen, kolton, kristian, knox, kyan, kynan, kyson
lamar, lamont, lance, landon, laney, larkin, lawyer, lazarus, leandro, lee, legend, lennox, leno, leon, levi, lex, liko, link, locke, loki, loman, lonzo, lorenzo, luca, lucian, lukas, lyam, lynx
mac, machi, macklin, maddox, magnus, maison, major, makeo, malaki, manning, mano, marion, marlon, mars, martez, mathias, maxton, mekhi, meyer, micah, milian, miller, milo, montey, montez, myles
nakos, nasir, nathaniel, neel, neriah, nero, nevada, nicolo, nicklaus, nickolai, nico, nike, nikos, nixon, noah, nolan, norton, nye
oakley, oberyn, obi, obsidian, octavian, oison, olimpio, olsen, omar, ontario, onyx, orion, orlando, oskar, oslo, oryn, otis, oxford, oxley
pablo, paley, palmer, parker, parson, pauly, paxton, pearce, perkin, phelix, phoenix, pierre, pike, podrick, porter, preston, prince, puck
qamar, quinten, quillon, quince
racer, radley, rafael, rafer, ralph, rambo, ramiel, ramone, randall, raven, rayan, reed, reese, rhydian, ricardo, ridley, riker, riley, river, robin, rocco, roderick, roland, roman, romeo, ronan, roni, rowan, royden, rufus, ryder, ryland
sadler, safari, salem, salix, salvador, sami, santiago, sawyer, sean, seaton, severo, shayne, shiloh, silas, silvano, simba, skander, skyler, slade, spencer, spiro, stanley, stefan, syrus
talmon, tane, tanner, tate, tatum, tavis, teddy, terence, theo, theon, tirion, titus, tobias, tommen, tonio, travis, trey, troye, trystan, turner, tyrell, tyrese, tyson
ulan, uri, uriel, urien
vadim, vale, vance, valentine, vaughn, venturo, venus, vermont, vero, victor, vidor, vince, volante, voss
wade, walker, walter, warner, warren, watson, waylan, wayne, wilder, wilson, wilton, wolfgang, wyatt, wynton
xander, xavier, xenos, xylon
yates, york, yuri, yusef
zacharias, zade, zavier, zayn, zed, zeke, zero, zeus, zion
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ao3feed-thiam · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hz7GGN
by satrix
MultiCrossover- An invasion is going to happen, can the supernatural save it. As she collided with him, their impact could have been heard for miles. He an immovable object and her an unstoppable force, love and lust colliding as one. Their passion could last days or weeks at a time. This was the only time that he could let go of his emotions. Suck at intros
Words: 1174, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Twilight Series - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), Animorphs (TV), Blade (Movie Series), The Bureau of Magical Things, The Covenant (2006), Falling Skies, Heroes (TV), I Am Number Four (2011), Kyle XY, Mutant X, The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Roswell (TV 1999), Runaways (TV 2017), The Secret Circle (TV), Shadowhunters (TV), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Tomorrow People (2013), Underworld (Movies), Wolfblood (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Beyond - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Rachel (Animorphs), Marco (Animorphs), Cassie (Animorphs), Tobias (Animorphs), Ax (Animorphs), Jake Berenson, Holden Matthews, Luke Matthews, Willa (Beyond), Blade, Abigail Whistler, Hannibal King, Kyra Glen, Imogen, Lily, Darra (Bureau of Magical Things), Ruksy Tevala, Peter (Bureau of Magical Things), Caleb Danvers, Reid Garwin, Tyler Simms, Chase Collins (The Covenant), Pogue Parry, Hal Mason, Matt Mason, Ben Mason, Tom Mason, Cochise (Falling Skies), Claire Bennet, Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders, Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Noah Bennet, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Lyle Bennet, John Smith | Number Four, Maren Elizabeth | Number Six, Sarah Hart, Bernie Kosar (Lorien Legacies), Sam Goode, Mark James, Kyle Trager, Amanda Bloom, Nicole Trager, Jessi XX, Declan McDonough, Josh Trager, Lori Trager, Stephen Trager, Shalimar Fox, Jesse Kilmartin, Brennan Mulwray, Emma deLauro, Lexa Pierce, Adam Kane, Chloe King, Alek Petrov, Jasmine (The Nine Lives of Chloe King), Brian Rezza, Isabel Evans, Liz Parker, Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Maria DeLuca, Alex Whitman, Kyle Valenti, Jim Valenti, Karolina Dean, Nico Minoru, Gertrude Yorkes, Alex Wilder (Marvel), Chase Stein, Cassie Blake, Diana Meade, Faye Chamberlain, Adam Conant, Jake Armstrong, Melissa Glaser, Nick Armstrong, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Luke Garroway, Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Brett Talbot, Isaac Lahey, Bobby Finstock, Cora Hale, Corey Bryant, Danny Mahealani, Derek Hale, Alan Deaton, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Garrett Douglas, Hayden Romero, Jackson Whittemore, Jordan Parrish, Kate Argent, Kira Yukimura, Liam Dunbar, Lori Talbot, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Mason Hewitt, Sheriff Stilinski, Dread Doctors (Teen Wolf), Nolan (Teen Wolf), Josh Diaz, Tamora Monroe, Oni - Character, Gerard Argent, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Kali (Teen Wolf), Gabe (Teen Wolf), Cameron (Terminator), Sarah Connor, John Connor, Derek Reese, Stephen Jameson (Tomorrow People 2013), Luca Jameson, Cara Coburn, John Young, Russell Kwon, Astrid Finch, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Leah Clearwater, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater, David (Underworld), Selene (Underworld), Michael Corvin, Eve (Underworld), Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Tyler Lockwood, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Rhydian Morris, Maddy Smith (Wolfblood), Jana (Wolfblood)
Relationships: Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Rachel (Animorphs)/Tobias (Animorphs), holden mathews/willa, Holden Matthews/Charlie (Beyond), Claire Bennet/Brody Mitchum, Sarah Hart/John Smith | Number Four, Maren Elizabeth | Number Six/Sam Goode, Amanda Bloom/Kyle Trager, Shalimar Fox/Brennan Mulwray, Emma deLauro/Jesse Kilmartin, Chloe King/Alek Petrov, Chloe King/Brian Rezza, Max Evans/Liz Parker, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Chase Stein/Gertrude Yorkes, Jake Armstrong/Cassie Blake, Cassie Blake & Adam Conant, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, John Connor/Eve (Underworld), Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale, Jacob Black/Renesmee Cullen, Michael Corvin/Selene, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hz7GGN
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einchop · 6 years
My Fake Chop Videos (V 4.0)
This is just getting ridiculously long now lmao
Cats In The Cradle 
Do Re Mi (James)
B E T R Y A L (Brett and Ryan Haywood from AH)
I Wanted Revenge (James and Geoff Ramsey from AH)
Howlin’ For You (April Fools Prank, Ein and Mishka)
A Little Something
Sweet Dreams (Aleks)
The Support Team (Everyone but James & Aleks) 
Jakob Gets Kidnapped AU
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Anna & Lindsey
I do Coke
Goodbye July
“Thinking of a Heist?” (Aleks and Michael Jones from AH)
We Built This City (All the Fake Crews)
Red & Blue (Aleks & James)
Darkness (Brett)
“What’d you do last weekend, Aleks?” “… Nothing, really.”  (Aleks)
“He saw too much…” (James)
T O X I C (Novahd)
Fast Cars (Aleks)
HEAT (James)
Different faces and different places, but the story remains the same
Devil’s at Work
Sweet (James)
PARALLELS (James & Aleks)
“Looks Like I don’t need you anymore, James…”
If I let him in (Brett & Aleks)
Take Me to Church
Who are you really?
Lone Digger
Aleks -  Fake Chop Origins
Brett Hundley
James Richard Wilson Jr.
Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant
Pumped Up Kicks
Here Comes the Sun
There’s a New Gang in Town
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cow-chop-junk · 7 years
Brett roasting Aleks.
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Aleks x Brett // Sick
Anon on Tumblr requested
Brett taking care of Aleks while he's sick maybe? Aleks tries to tell him he's capable of taking care of himself, but he nearly faints just from having to stand at the door to let him in. Brett takes him to bed and immediately cancels all his plans for the next day so he can give him his undivided attention
Anon also asked for smut but honestly, there is already so much Brett x Aleks smut in the book. I'm sorry. This will also be kind of short because you all love to see Aleks weak, for some reason, and there is already another one. I don't want it to be too similar.
Enjoy =) --------------> Aleks groaned, shutting the loud alarm off. He clears his throat, obviously sick. He realizes he can't go to work like this. He calls Brett.
"Hey, Aleks, what's up?" Brett replies.
"I-*cough* I'm not feeling too well. I can't come in today." Aleks replies in a hushed voice.
"That's alright. I'll be over to help you."
"No, I'll be good. Don't worry about me." Aleks says.
"I'm coming over. I'll cancel everything and come over. That's the end of it." Brett says, ending the call. Aleks places his phone down, sighing.
A few moments later, the doorbell rings. Aleks slowly stands, dragging his feet to get to the door. He can barely walk. He looks through the peephole and realizes it is Brett. Unlocking the door, he mumbles a small greeting before passing out in Brett's arms.
Brett carries him back to his bed, tucking him in the sheets. He places a light kiss on Aleks' sweaty forehead before leaving to make some tea. While waiting for the tea to steep, he digs out a washcloth and wets it cool water, folding it. He walks into Aleks' room and places it over his forehead, desperate for his fever to break.
He exits the room, returning to his tea. He plops himself on the couch that he and Aleks had spent too many drunk nights together on. Brett decides to scroll through random things on his phone before getting bored. After he finishes his tea, he rinses the glass and approaches Aleks' room. Opening the door, he quietly sneaks in.
Brett walks over to the other side of the all-too familiar bed and begins to undress himself down to just his underwear. He slips into the bed beside Aleks, wrapping his muscular arms around him. Aleks instantly relaxes in his grip. Brett drifts to sleep with Aleks, his small snores filling the quiet room.
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trashboiiz · 6 years
First Day Flirtations (Aleks x Reader)
(A/N: I am back from the dead!! By dead I mean school. So this is a very late secret santa gift for @einhd !! Sorry it took so long! I had the flu for a week and I haven’t been on tumblr much. Hope you like this long ass fic because I can’t write anything short.)
Today’s the day. The big ol’ day. The day I’ve been waiting for the whole summer and it’s finally here.
I feel like I’m going to vomit.
The night before I packed my backpack and made a lunch so I didn’t have to worry about getting anything ready today, because of course I’d pick out a CowChop shirt for my first day interning if I was rushing. And I don’t want to be that person.
So, I packed the usual phone chargers and lunch that I probably won’t eat since I’ll be too nervous. I also packed some extra clothes because I have no idea what’s going to happen when I get there, and a notebook in case I wanted to seem like an overachiever and take notes.  I have no idea what I’m supposed to bring but I’ll bring everything just in case. I’m ready for the disaster that is CowChop and myself.
“You excited, Y/N?” My roommate asks, walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
“Hm?” I shove a granola bar in my mouth as I google directions to the warehouse.
“For your internship, your first day dude”
“Oh” my roommate notices my nervousness and comes over to pat my back.
“You’ll do great man, I know you’ve been looking forward to this forever” I nod, “maybe you could show them the fanfic you’ve wr-“
“TAYLOR!” I throw on my backpack and spin around, “I’ll die before they find out about that”
She giggles and throws me my jackets that was on the bed.
“Y/N you have 30 minutes to get to the warehouse”
I check my phone and begin to panic as 9:30AM lights up on the screen.
“Have fun! Don’t worry too much!” Taylor yells as I run out the room.
“If I timed this right I would be 5 minutes early not 2” I mumble to myself, “maybe I’ll skip breakfast to save time”
It’s almost 10am, the time Brett told me to show up. If I hadn’t run I would’ve missed the bus and would’ve been late. I can’t be late on my first day, I’d have to quit immediately and never return.
After walking a few minutes from the bus stop I arrive at the feeble gate protecting the Cow Chop warehouse. Through the gaps I can see the familiar parking lot, filled with cars and set pieces that were destroyed; I wonder if I should’ve brought some bandaids.
“Y/N?” To my left I hear a crackle and see a small intercom.
“Y/N? Is that you?” I walk over and look into the tiny camera, awkwardly.
“Y-yeah! It’s Y/N, the new intern!” I stutter, trying my best to sound enthusiastic.
“Welcome to hell, kiddo”
The gate jolts open and I slowly walk inside, excited but terrified at the same time. Brett stands in the doorway, looking more muscular than in the videos but also less scary.
“Nice to meet you Y/N” He shakes my shaky hand with more force than I was expecting, “Thanks for being on time, fucking no one else takes this job seriously enough”.
I chuckle, unsure of what to say.
“Well we might as well get started” Brett holds the door as I walk inside, “I guess I can give you a tour and then we’ll talk about the other crap like rules and what not. Basically, point the camera at someone when they’re speaking and don’t burn the place down”
For the next 20 minutes or so, Brett gives me a tour of the warehouse; only 5 minutes involved showing me the office and the rest of the tour was sidetracked by Lindsey who wanted to meet me and wouldn’t stop talking.
“Here’s your desk” Brett walks over to one of the many plain black desks, “if you need anything, don’t ask me, I don’t edit shit”
He laughs to himself, “no, but really, ask Lindsey or Anna, they’re the most helpful here, obviously’
I set my stuff down and take a seat, getting ready for whatever they throw at me.
“Someone will come over and teach you about editing stuff, maybe Asher. I don’t know. Anyways, welcome again, you’ll do fine.”
As Brett walks away I glance around the office and see a handful of the Cow Chop crew: Anna, Lindsey, and James; I wasn’t surprised that Asher and Aleks were late. I spend the next hour watching the other trickle in and introduce themselves, although I already know who each of them are. Anna teaches me the Cow Chop style of editing and shares her expertise on what works for each video. Asher gives me some tips too but mainly jokes around, which helps alleviate some of my stress and take my mind off of my anxiety.
“Well look who finally decided to show up”
I look up from my desk and see Brett berating a tired Aleks.
“Maybe if you didn’t stream till 5am you’d show up on time and we could make videos for our fucking channel!” Aleks shrugs him off and goes to sit at his desk, but stops when he sees me.
“Who’s this?” Aleks looks at me confused, “Brett who’s this?”
“It’s Y/N, the new intern” Brett yells back, “Don’t you ever fucking pay attention?”
“I have ADHD Brett, don’t bully me”
Brett huffs and slams his office door behind him; I definitely won’t be asking him any questions anytime soon.
Aleks walks over to me and put his hand on my desk.
“So you’re the new intern,” he smirks, “I’m Aleks, but I assume you’re a fan because who would actually want to work here”
I smile back, feeling like I look like an idiot.
“If you need anything just let me know. I sit over there” He points to a desk a little in front of me, “I can’t really help with editing or anything but whatever”
Before he walks to his desk he squeezes me shoulder. I don’t know if that’s a softball coach squeeze or a guy having a crush on me squeeze. I try not to think about Aleks in a softball uniform and get to editing my first video.
I finally have time to eat my lunch after filming some content and editing the one video I was given. I still feel like a nervous wreck but now a more competent wreck. As I go through the video, cutting clips and adding effects, I eat my sad sandwich, which was a bit soggy because I made it the night before. Nevertheless, I continued eating it because I was too afraid to order anything to the warehouse; maybe in a few weeks I’ll have that confidence, or maybe never and I’ll just suffer.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you eating?”
I look up to see Aleks standing by his desk, a microwavable meal in one hand.
“Uh, it’s just a sandwich”
“That looks pretty shit,” Aleks says as I chuckle, “Do you want me to order you anything?”
“What? N-No, I’m fine, really”
“Well can I at least sit next to you while you edit so you don’t look so sad”
I look around to see if anyone else was here, but I guess everyone went out to lunch; I don’t know if I should be happy or nervous, maybe both.
“Yeah, sure”
Aleks pulls up a chair next to me and begins eating what seems to be leftover Chinese food.
“Oh I remember this” he says with his mouth full, “I was really bad at this game”
“Yeah” I giggle, “I can’t really see a way to edit it to make you look better”
“That’s my aesthetic though, terrible at games that aren’t FPSs”
I don’t say anything even though I know he’s lying; I’ve watched enough of his videos to know he’s not very good at any game.
As we eat we go through the video; I mark down parts to edit as Aleks suggests them. But after awhile we get distracted from the video and just…talk. It’s nice. For the first time in awhile I’m happy having a conversation with someone and I’m actually interested. I don’t know if it’s our mutual dislike of LA or that Aleks has pretty blonde hair and brown eyes that sparkle when he grins, but it’s nice.
“Y/N wait”
I stop laughing and freeze, worried I did something wrong, but Aleks leans over and brushes a strand of hair out of my face.
“Oh, thanks” I blush.
“No it’s, I-” Aleks stutters, “It was distracting. It’s just my ADHD, ya know.”
We sit in silence for a couple seconds, unsure of what to do.
“I, uh, I got to go do some work and stuff” Aleks mutters.
“Yeah, I should keep working on this video” I turn back to the monitor as Aleks stands up.
“We should do this again sometime, Y/N” Aleks puts his hand on my shoulder, “Welcome to Cow Chop, happy you’re here.”
Aleks eyes look soft, like his bleach blonde hair and his tired face. There’s a warmth to him, something that’s inviting and calming. I feel safe.
“Thanks Aleks. I’m happy I’m here too.”
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“So you don’t want to sleep with her?”
Pairing: Aleks Marchant x Reader Word Count: 496 Warnings: n/a Notes: this is just a small and dumb, kinda cute one idk
Aleks was always instigating something or annoying someone, anyone, everyone. He loved to push people's chairs while they were working or shut off their monitors or shoot them with the nerf guns or wave lighters around their water bottles.
That's why when Aleks stopped annoying you, people noticed immediately.
"Yo, Aleks, why don't you fuck with your girlfriends monitor?" Brett called at Aleks as he ran out of Brett's office.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Aleks called back. The most you and Aleks did was harmlessly flirt, but Aleks was cute and funny and you couldn't help but blush at Brett's comment.
"Whatever you say!"
"Not whatever he says, he never screws around with (y/n) anymore!" Trevor said.
"Maybe because he's screwing around with (y/n) instead," James wiggled his eyebrows at Aleks. Aleks' face turned bright red.
"He is!" James stood up and pointed at Aleks. You rolled your eyes, laughing. You knew it wasn't true. You stayed quiet, just wanting to watch this play out.
"That's not true!" Aleks defended himself.
"Then he wishes he was!" Asher said from his chair.
You giggled at this as Aleks got even redder. "Just because I don't pick on her doesn't mean I want to sleep with her!"
"So you admit it! You don't pick on her anymore!" Trevor pointed at Aleks.
"That's not- I didn't-"
"So you don't want to sleep with her?" Joe asked from across the room.
You were blushing like crazy at this point. Just the thought of Aleks thinking of you like that made you blush and laugh at the same time.
"Brett! They're picking on me!" Aleks whined.
"They're not picking on you, they're stating the obvious! Just ask her out already!"
"You know what!" Aleks marches over to you. You tried to keep quiet and to yourself. You had your earphones on, though they were muted. You tried to not look at Aleks as he walked over to your desk.
Aleks took your headphones off. "Everyone thinks they're so funny, they're so clever! Jokes on you guys, I think (y/n) is super funny and pretty and I've been wanting to do this for awhile." Aleks leans down and kisses you. You can't see anyone's face but you can only imagine them, wide eyes and mouths open.
Aleks grabs the sides of your face and presses his lips against yours harder. When he pulls away, you can't help but laugh and smile. "(y/n), wanna go get a drink?"
"When?" you ask, still smiling.
"Right now."
"I'm, uh, I'm working."
"Not anymore, lets go," Aleks grabs your hand and pulls you out of your chair.
"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" you call out to your coworkers who you can now see are in awe still.
Aleks sticks a middle finger in the air as he walks out with you, holding your hand with his other hand.
"Now what?" you ask.
"Now we go get drinks, duh," Aleks smirks at you.
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aplaceforrtprompts · 7 years
Holiday Flash Fic Challenge: Day 2
Pairing: Aleks Marchant x Reader
Prompt: “You may have gotten a little drunk at the holiday party last night and told me you had feelings for me.”
Word Count: 551
Requester: Anonymous
“Hey Trevor,” you sat down at your desk next to him, “Aleks has been weird today. Like extra weird. He keeps giving me these really creepy smiles and he won’t tell me why.”
You watched your friend trying to hide a smile and you crossed your arms.
“Not you too,” you moaned.
“Sorry, it’s best you talk to Aleks about it,” Trevor told you getting up. You had a feeling he was only moving to avoid talking about this further. He paused though before turning away and quickly added, “Ask him about the party.”
Your eyes instantly widened. The holiday party this weekend had been a complete blur since after Aleks had brought a date to started pounding drinks. Coming alone and watching the guy you have had feelings for the past several years was not something you wanted to deal with sober. You thought you had avoided being embarrassing. You had checked your texts and social media but with that one comment, you felt you were very wrong.
You looked over to the couch where Aleks was filming and he shot you another one of those looks. Your heart jumped in your chest and not for the normal reasons it did when he looked at you.
You waited until he wasn’t looking and snuck into Brett’s office. Brett just gave you a look before going back to work. You sat down in the beanbag in the corner of his office you had stuck there for times you wanted quiet away from everyone else.
Brett must have noticed something was up because you were jumping nearly every time you heard a noise outside of his door.
“You okay there?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You bit your lip as you looked at your boss not sure if you wanted to know the answer but you asked cautiously, “What did I do at the holiday party?”
Brett rolled his eyes and didn’t even look at you, “Nothing.” You began to relax but then he added, “Except your whole confession about you being in love with Aleks and his date was a bitch. I mean she was but boy did you let her know.”
Your heart fell into your stomach and you felt numb, frozen in your beanbag chair. You weren’t sure how long you sat there with your mind reeling but you finally got up when Brett told you to go grab lunch.
You stopped in your tracks when you rounded the corner and Aleks was there with that stupid smile on his face. You instantly started babbling some sort of excuse, “Listen, I had a lot to drink the other night and I love all you guys. Every single one of you. I just was feeling feisty that night.”
Aleks just nodded and let you ramble for a solid minute until you ran out of steam.
“So?” you asked him, not sure how to judge his reaction.
“Well, I brought the date to make you jealous. Guess it worked,” he smirked.
“I- You- What?” you looked at him, not quite understanding.
Aleks rolled his eyes and took a few steps closer, “I’d spell it out but I think this will be a little more clear.”
And with that Aleks pulled you in the rest of the way before he kissed you.
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trecotrash · 7 years
Follow You
A/N: Things have been shitty, so here’s a bit of a song inspired fic for you guys! (ALSO, I will finish the rest of the musical requests. Wifi was a bitch and didn’t post the ones I wanted to post, so I gotta rewrite those. And if I haven’t gotten to yours, I’m either rewriting it or it’s from a musical I don’t know a lot about so I’m listening to the song over and over again)
Pairing: James Wilson x Reader
Description: Since their meeting and becoming a part of the crew James has been falling for Reader. Once she gets captured, he realized that he would do anything to get them back. 
Inspired by Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon
When he first met her, he didn’t know what to think. She was in the middle of taking out a body, in one of his spots. In all fairness, almost all of the gangs in Los Santos came to this spot to dispose of some of their bodies, but Brett told him to keep an eye on her. He hired her for a few side jobs since he didn’t need any of his crew to get their hands dirty. Not only that, but she did the dirty work for a lot of other crews in the city. 
No wonder the Fake AH Crew hired her so much. She’ll do pretty much everything. James moved in closer in order to keep a better eye on her.
“You know, if Brett hired you to keep an eye on me, there’s no point in sneaking around.” She turned towards where he was hiding. “You can come out. I don’t bite...most of the time.” James kept a hand on his gun as he walked out of his hiding spot. “Let me guess, you’re the one who usually takes care of the bodies afterwards, but when Brett hired me, he wanted you to keep a close eye on me so I’m not sabotaging anything?”
“I..wha-...how did you-”
“It’s just the same thing over and over again,” she replied. “All of the people who hire me get one of their crew members to keep an eye on me.” He nodded. “You know, you’re probably the cutest by far.”
“Well, you’re probably the cutest girl who knows how to properly dispose of a body,” he complimented.
She winked at him. “It was nice meeting you. Can’t wait until next time.” She hopped into her car and drove away. James couldn’t help but stare at the moving vehicle. She was something else, and he knew it. 
For the next couple of jobs, it was the same pattern: the girl would go out to the usual spot, James would follow her there, she would call him out on it, and they would hang out for a few minutes. A few jobs after that, it ended up being their new routine.
“You know,” James started, “we’ve been meeting here for a few weeks now, and I still don’t know your name.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call this meeting, but whatever floats your boat,” she teased.
He chuckled. “Will I ever get to know the name of the pretty girl standing right in front of me?”
“That all depends.”
“If I get to know the name of the pretty boy who’s been keeping an eye on me, or as I like to call it- stalking me.”
He chuckled. “You know if I was stalking you, you’d have no clue about it.” 
“Touché.” She jumped off the hood of her car. “Maybe you’ll have to wait until another time to learn my name.” Before she hopped in her car, James grabbed her hand. 
“James,” he told her. 
“(Y/N).” He smiled and let her go. She got into her car and drove away.
As time went on, her work with Fake Chop became more frequent, and eventually, they inducted her into the crew. For missions and heists, she somehow managed to be with paired off with James, and she would be sent off with him for smaller jobs. 
“You know, I’m starting to think it’s a bit weird that I’m only paired up with you for jobs,” she mentioned after she disposed of a body. She closed the trunk of her car and leaned against it. 
“How so?” James asked. 
“Ever since I officially became a part of the crew, it appears that we’re assigned to do tasks together,” she pointed out. “I mean, look. Brett assigned us to dispose a body together. That seems pretty odd, don’t ya think.”
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. “I mean, it could...if you didn’t know that I pretty much asked Brett to keep pairing us up,” he admitted. “I mean, it was the only way I knew I’d be able to spend a lot of time with you.” She chuckled. “What?”
“That’s adorable,” she teased. “You know, if you wanted to spend time with me, you coulda just asked me out on a date.”
His eyes widened. “Would that have actually worked?” 
She shrugged. “Only one way to find out,” she winked as she walked to the passenger side of the car. “By the way, you’re driving. I’m too tired to.” 
He smiled and caught the keys she threw his way. He hopped into the car and drove off. As soon as they got to the base, he shut the engine off and turned toward her sleeping figure. She stirred and curled up against the window. She looks so adorable he thought to himself. James took his phone out and texted Brett.
To Brett: (Y/N) passed out in the car on the way to the base. We’re gonna crash here tonight. From Brett: Okay. Be sure to lock everything up. 
He glanced over at (Y/N) one last time and decided to carry her in and let her sleep instead of waking her up. He got out of the car and got to the passenger side. He carried her bridal style. As he walked up to the warehouse, (Y/N) cuddled against his chest. He couldn’t help but smile. Once he got into the warehouse, he set her down on the couch. Before he could lock up, she grabbed his hand.
“Don’t go,” she murmured. 
“I’m just going to lock up.” She hummed and let go as she turned and curled into the couch. He set up all of the alarms and locked up before he made his way back to her. He kissed her forehead before she grabbed his hand again. 
“Please stay,” she whispered. “Even the toughest need someone to cuddle with.” He grinned as he cuddled with her on the cramped couch. Despite the fact that they could fall off at any moment, he couldn’t help but feel comfortable with her. 
“Hey (Y/N),” he breathed, “go on a date with me?”
“Of course,” she mumbled into his chest.
From that point on, they got more and more in sync. Brett didn’t even have to assign them together for them to know they would be working on every mission with each other, yet the closer they got to each other, the more dangerous it became for them to date. 
“You know, you never told me why you started going freelance work to begin with,” James mentioned as they were cuddling on their couch one night. “You always said that you left your crew, but you never said why.” 
She sighed. “If I tell you, you’re going to hate me.” 
“You sound so sure of yourself,” he chuckled. She slapped his chest. “Seriously though, I don’t think you could say anything that could make me hate you.”
(Y/N) took a deep breath. “My father sold me to a different crew because he was indebted to them,” she confessed. “It was easy for him to give me up since it was either me or my older sister.” Her fingers curled into a fist, and her eyes were shut tight. “She was daddy’s little angel, so he gave me up. He was desperate, and I was the accident of the family after all.” 
James grabbed her hand and held it in his. “What makes you think that I would hate you for that?”
She shook her head. “I haven’t even finished the whole story yet.” He nodded. “The leader of their group, she essentially forced me to be her girlfriend. It was practically the only way I knew I’d survive.” 
“Did she?” She immediately shook her head.
“No,” she answered. “She didn’t force me to do that because I was still 16 at the time and for some reason, she had a moral code when it came to that.” She chuckled. “I was just fed up with how they did things, so I escaped, changed my name, and tried to stay low. It just sucks that I was stuck in that loop for the longest time. I loved the thrill of it, just not the people I was forced to do it with.”
“What crew were you with?” he questioned. 
“The Harpies,” she whispered. She felt him tense up. “I’m sorry.”
“Were you a part of what happened to my sister?”
She shook her head. “That happened right after I left.” He let out a sigh of relief. “I knew her when she was first brought into the crew. I helped her as much as I could.”
“But, you left her behind, didn’t you?” She could feel herself start to blink away the tears. “This is why you thought I’d hate you. You had the chance to save her, but you didn’t.”
“James, I didn’t-”
“You didn’t know,” he finished for her. “I’m going to go to sleep.” He got up and walked away; he didn’t even give you a chance to let her finish the story. She sighed and grabbed her phone.
She quickly sent a text to Brett letting him know that she was going to stay the night at the base: she told him it was to help her get ready for the Splenda Pine 7 mission he assigned her to help with, but they both knew it was a lie.
The following day, on her way back from helping the Splenda Pine 7 boys with their heist, when someone put their hand over her mouth. “Miss me?” was the last thing she heard before being injected with some sort of tranquilizer. 
That morning, James woke up to a note attached to his front door. He checked his phone, as the note instructed, and immediately went to the base. “Brett, we have to do something!” 
“What are you talking about?” he questioned.
“They took her! They took (Y/N)!” Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. “I just got a video from The Harpies. They had her tied up, tape over her mouth, and they...” He paused as he tried to find the right words. “They beat her up pretty good.”
Brett sighed. “I know how much she means to you, but we can’t just storm in there and take them down. That’s going to get you killed.”
“We can’t just sit down and do nothing!” Aleks stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Dude, you need to calm the fuck down,” he said. “We just have to wait-”
“Wait for what? For her to be dead? To get pieces of her corpse?” He shrugged his hand off of his shoulder. “We have to do something! I love her!” Everyone stepped back at his statement. “I love her, and I’m not going to lose her without letting her know that!” 
Brett sighed. “Alright, what’s the plan?”
On the other side of town, (Y/N) is trying to find a way to get herself out of the room they put locked her in. She managed to get out of the rope they used to tie her to the chair. She put her ear up against the door and listened. 
“Looks like I got what I wanted: our pretty little canary is back!” she heard their leader cheer. “Not only that, but we now have our key on taking down Fake Chop!” She scoffed at his statement. There was no way she was their weakness. It’s not like she was that important to them. “Now come on, go grab her. Our guests are about to arrive!” Her eyes widened as she hid next to the door.
It opened and one of the members walked in. “What the-” Instead of taking the opportunity to take the girl out, she ran out the door and locked it behind her. “HEY! Get back here!”
She batted her eyelashes. “Sorry, but I have some business to attend to.” She blew a kiss and ran to where everyone was going in. She stopped and hid by the doorway as she watched James walk in. 
“Glad you can show up.” 
“Where is she?”
The leader chuckled. “Wanna get down to business I see.” She took a step back. “One of my girls should be here any moment with her.” She turned around, and (Y/N) hid behind the wall. “Or, if I’m not mistaken, she managed to escape and is standing right by that doorway.” She raised an eyebrow and looked both ways to see two women pointing guns at her. “You might want to come out dearie.” She put her hands up and walked out with the two women holding her at gunpoint. “Well well well, good to know you haven’t changed one bit my beautiful canary.”
“Look Robin, you probably just wanted me back. There’s no need to drag them into this,” (Y/N) spoke up.
“Now that’s where you’re wrong.” She walked towards her with the grin she knew oh-too-well. 
“Now sweetie, you know that’s now how this works.” She took her face in her hands. “But since lover boy over here has been playing by the rules, there’s a good chance that I’ll get what I want.” Robin turned towards James. “Now, did you bring me what I wanted?”
He set the suitcase down on the nearby table. James opened it to showcase the array of weapons and stacks of money. “Look I followed all of your orders, now please just let her go?” He questioned.
Robin laughed as two of the girls held his arms. “Oh, I only told her that you would be able to see that she was alive, and now that you brought me everything I asked for, I’m going to kill her!” 
“You lying bitch!” James yelled. Two more girls came to help restrain him as he fought to get out of their grips. “Why would you do this?”
“Because she left!” Robin smirked. “Now that we have her back, she has a choice: she either rejoins the crew or leaves the only way you’re allowed to.” She took out her blade and took a step closer to (Y/N). “Now my sweet canary, as gorgeous as you are, I’m afraid I have to kill you.” She stabbed her stomach once. “But don’t worry, I’m going to love every moment of this torture.” She stabbed her once more.  Before she could get a third stab in, she heard two gunshots. “What part of come alone did you not understand?” Her attention was turned towards James, who was able to free himself from their grip.
“I suggest you run,” he said through gritted teeth, “because trust me, I’m someone you don’t want to fuck with.” Robin’s eyes widened as she motioned her crew to retreat: of course, she gave (Y/N) one last stab before she ran off.
James immediately ran to her side as the Harpies fled. “Come on (Y/N). You gotta stay awake,” he whispered. He looked down as the blood poured out. He tore off a piece of his shirt and attempted to apply pressure on all three wounds to stop the bleeding. He heard the doors behind him fly open as everyone ran in.
“Aleks, go after her. Trevor, go around the side and cut them off. Asher, bring (Y/N) to the van and bring her to the base,” Brett commanded. He walked over to James as Asher took her out of his arms. “I’m sorry this all happened, but she’ll be okay.” 
Soon enough, they were back at the base with no luck in catching the Harpies. Asher told James which room she was in, and he immediately made his way there. He walked into her room and looked at her sleeping body. He pulled a chair up to the bed and took her hand in his. She stirred, and her eyes fluttered opened. “Hey you,” she managed to say.
“Hey,” he whispered. He brought her hand up to his lips. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Well, more or less,” she said in attempt to lighten the mood. “Why’d you come after me?” 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, why did you seem so keen on saving me?” she repeated. “I knew in a heartbeat that they would have left me to die if something happened to me, which is why I became a freelancer. So, why’d you save me?”
He chuckled and squeezed her hand. “You can drag me through hell if it meant I could hold your hand.” He placed a kiss on the back of her hand. “I will follow you, no matter what.” 
“Cross your heart and hope to die?”
He went through the motions and held his right hand up. “I promise you I’ll never leave your side.”
21 notes · View notes
einchop · 7 years
My Fake Chop Videos (v 3.0)
Holy shit when did this list get so long??
“What’d you do last weekend, Aleks?” “… Nothing, really.”  (Aleks)
“He saw too much…”  (James)
T O X I C (Novahd)
Fast Cars (Aleks)
HEAT (James)
Different faces and different places, but the story remains the same
Devil’s at Work
Sweet (James)
PARALLELS (James & Aleks)
“Looks Like I don’t need you anymore, James…”
If I let him in (Brett & Aleks)
Take Me to Church
Who are you really?
Lone Digger
Aleks -  Fake Chop Origins
Brett Hundley
James Richard Wilson Jr.
Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant
Pumped Up Kicks
Here Comes the Sun
There’s a New Gang in Town
244 notes · View notes