#aleks marchant x reader
luna-teeth · 4 years
Not The Couch | Aleks Marchant
Summary: You and Aleks stay after hours and get a little too drunk
Rating: Language
AN: This is my first Cow Chop fic! A little out of my realm so I hope it turned out okay.
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“Let’s do something stupid.” You slurred, looking over at Aleks. He furrowed his eyebrows, setting the bottle of Jack down on his desk.
“Like what?”
“Burn the couch.” He snorted.
“Been there done that.” You groaned.
“But not with me!” You pouted. Aleks rolled his eyes, picking up the bottle again and taking another swig. Everyone had already gone home for the day. The warehouse was almost eerily quiet, minus your high pitched whining. He put his forefinger and his thumb to the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Y/N. We are not burning the couch.” You crossed your arms over your chest and furrowed your eyebrows.
“Fine Brett.” Aleks’ mouth dropped open. You snatched the bottle from him and took another swig with a smug look on your face. You knew that blow had gotten him.
“I am not Brett!” He raised his voice slightly, standing up from his chair, wobbling slightly.
“You’re sure acting like it.” You pursed your lips into a smile.
“Fine! Fine! Let’s burn the couch!” Aleks had caved. You clapped your hands together, jumping up from your chair and almost falling over. Aleks grabbed your elbow to steady you, laughing lightly.
“On one condition.” He held up a finger. You raised your eyebrows.
“This stays between us.” You nodded quickly, a hiccup escaping your lips. But there was a problem in your plan. The couch was in the front lobby. The both of you groaned with your hands on your hips as you looked at the couch sitting there.
“I guess-“
“We are going to have to move it!”
“I was going to say leave it and find something else to burn?” Aleks said with wide eyes.
“Y/N. Do you realize how much work it is to move a couch?” You nodded your head. The room fell silent for a moment.
“And can you even lift a couch?” Aleks asked, shaking his head. You shrugged.
“We’ll find out!” You laughed as you made your way into the lobby. Aleks sucked in a deep breath and groaned. He bit off more than he could chew when he volunteered staying after hours with you. He followed after you and went to the other side of the couch, lifting it up, waiting on you. You struggled but managed to get your side up. You both got the couch into the other room, dropping it down to the ground with a loud bang.
“This is stupid.” Aleks said as you ran into the other room. You came back with the flamethrower and a devilish grin on your face.
“No!” He yelled, backing away.
“When you said setting it on fire, you didn’t say flamethrower.”
“You didn’t tell me what I couldn’t use.” You fired back.
“You’re too drunk for that thing!” Aleks quickly walked over to you and snatched it out of your hands. You wined.
“Brett can barely use it sober.” Aleks explained.
“Well then how is this going to go up in flames?” You put your hands on your hips.
“Lighters?” He suggested, shrugging. You rolled your eyes.
“You know how long that would take!?” He nodded. He grabbed the flamethrower and started it up, pointing it at the couch. You quickly jumped back, almost falling in the process. The arm of the couch lit on fire before Aleks turned the device off. You raised your hands in the air.
“Yes!” You yelled.
“Now how are we putting this out?” You asked after a moment. Aleks looked to you and shrugged. The both of you looked around for a moment before scrambling for the fire extinguisher.
“Where is it!?” Aleks yelled.
“Hell if I know!” You checked under the sink, finding it right away.
“Thank god.”
“Do you know how to use it?”
“Fuck!” You read the instructions quickly, your vision still a little blurry.
“Pull tab, point, shoot.” You did as the instructions read, pointing it at the fire. The kickback on the tank had you spraying the extinguisher everywhere, including spraying Aleks. When the fire was out, you set the tank down and took a look at the mess you had caused. Aleks was flicking the foam off of himself and clearing it from his face.
“What the actual fuck Y/N?” You sucked in a deep breath, trying not to laugh.
“Hey. I put out the fire.” You snorted.
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lovebxt · 5 years
Hey can u please do a cow chop match for me? I’m female, bisexual, 5’5” and i have with blue hair and grey eyes. I’m a fine arts major in college and I also like to read a lot. Other than that I’m really goofy and love to laugh Ironically though, I’m also kinda introverted and quiet around people I’m not close with; but I also don’t like to stick to a routine
I would match you with Aleks!
You guys are similar in your introverted nature and he enjoys being able to just be chill with you. He’ll often lay between your legs while you’re reading and scroll on his phone. He would love to take pictures with you or just of you in general so expect to always be on guard. He especially loves taking pictures of you offguard because you look so good all the time that he has to remind himself that you aren’t perfect! 
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5lbsofsmarties · 6 years
Winter Writing Challenge: Day 22
Word Count: 549 “This is... Nice.” - @snifelisnifsnif Aleks Marchant
Travelling around the holidays was always a nightmare. Too many people and too little patience just spelled disaster for most endeavors. Which is why when your plans to go back to Massachusetts with Aleks to visit his family for the holiday fell through you weren’t entirely surprised. That’s not to say that you weren’t disappointed; Aleks had been looking forward to introducing you to his family and showing around his hometown, things you were very excited to do.
Now, however, the two of you were stuck in LA after more than one canceled flight and several less than helpful airline employees. It was obvious to you that Aleks was bummed. He was never one to really celebrate the holidays but for once he was genuinely looking forward to something, so it was a little disheartening that it had to be cut off so suddenly.
When you returned home from the airport, Aleks took all of the bags back up to your shared bedroom and you decided to try and bring a little cheer back to him. As soon as he was up the stairs, you hurried to the fridge and pulled out the cookie dough that was still in there, set it on the counter, and turned to preheat the oven. While the oven was heating up, you grabbed a few blankets from beside the couch and set them up before pulling up Netflix and looking for a good Christmas movie.
After settling on How the Grinch Stole Christmas, you went back to the kitchen and put the pre-cut cookie dough pieces on a tray to slip into the oven. Humming softly to yourself, you grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and found the last of the cocoa mix that was stashed away as well. The sound of Aleks’ footsteps coming down the stairs hit your ears.
“Honey, what do you want to do for di- what’s this?”
You turned around to face him, both mugs of cocoa in your hands and smiled across the open living area at him. “I know it sucks that we couldn’t go on our trip so… I decided to bring some Christmas here,” you shrugged, holding out a mug for him. Aleks blinked back at your for a beat before a wide smile spread over his face and he began walking over towards you. He approached you, took one of the mugs, and slipped his other arm around your waist to pull you closer.
He hummed softly and kissed your temple, “Mm, thank you.”
“C’mon… I got a movie pulled up too,” you said, pulling away and leading him back to the couch.
Aleks sat down on the sofa and gently pulled you down to sit beside him before he grabbed the remote to start to movie. You reached over and spread one of the throw blankets over both of your laps, pressing closer to Aleks’ side. His arm laid across your shoulders and took a long sip of his hot chocolate. The movie start to play and a little ways in the smell of the cookies in the oven floated through the kitchen over to where you were sitting.
With a small sigh, Aleks kissed the top of your head. “This is… nice,” he breathed out, kissing your hair again, “Thank you.”
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5lbsofimagines · 6 years
Announcing Your Marriage to Aleks:
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It’s well known to the fans that you’re together
And you’re both fairly open with your relationship
Save for a few personal things
Everyone knows that you got engaged
Aleks vlogged the whole ring shopping experience
But you both kept wedding planning fairly under wraps
The wedding itself was great
And a few weeks later a CCTV is posted
On location your hotel suite
Shot after the recption
Everyone is pretty much wasted
You’re still in your dress
Aleks is in his tux - half undone
Brett and James are in their suits
Aleks has his arm around you the whole time
Everyone is laughing and smiling as they talk about how you two met, got together, got engaged etc.
When the video goes live you’re bombarded with tweets and comments
But it’s all so much love and support, surprisingly
And you really couldn’t be happier
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aplaceforrtprompts · 6 years
“quit it or i’ll bite.” for my sweet russian prince aleks?
“Aleks. Allleks,” you punctuated his name each time you said it with a poke to the side which in turn made him squirm.
He didn’t engage with you because it would just make him mess up during his turn and he was not going to let that happen because he knew it was your goal.
He finally finished and sighed as he set down the controller. You frowned a little because he still beat you. You rolled your eyes deciding to lose interest in the game now that you lost and poked his cheek, “Aleks.”
“Quit it or I’ll bite,” he threatened finally looking over at you, keeping his tone playful and light.
You smirked, “Is that a promise?”
“Keep trying and you’ll see,” he practically purred.
You went to poke him again and James finally spoke up, “You guys. We’re still filming. Can we keep it clean so youtube doesn’t demonetize us?”
You frowned and leaned back but Aleks leaned in and whispered softly to you, “Later.”
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getcowchopped · 6 years
#3 with my boy Aleks?
Ooh okay!!
I assume you meant an X reader and sorry if u didn’t akskueje
“I’m not jealous.”
You cocked your head as he spoke, raising an eyebrow.
“Really? You aren’t?”
“Good! Then everything’s settled. See you in a week!”
You smile at Aleks and stand, turning on your heel to leave. A sigh escapes your lips as he reaches out and grabs your wrist, causing you to turn around again.
“If you aren’t jealous, then there shouldn’t be a problem.”
You look pointedly at him and jerk your arm away, crossing them instead. He mimics you and leans back, looking conflicted.
“Okay, fine. Maybe I’m a little jealous. But you’d be jealous too if I was staying in a hotel room with a girl for a week!”
“No, I wouldn’t, because I trust you not to be an asshole.”
You are unable to help the bitterness that had crept into your tone. His dark eyes met yours and softened at your gaze, his hands reaching out once more. This time they were gentle as he envelopes your hands in his, thumb rubbing circles on your palm.
“I know. I’m sorry. I do trust you, I really do. But that guy has a history of being an huge dick. Jealous was the wrong word. I’m just worried, I guess.”
Your frown falters and you shake your head. You lean down and brush your lips against his, untangling your hands so you can cup his cheeks. As you pull back ever so slightly a smile dances across your lips.
“It’s okay. I understand. But I can take care of myself, yeah?”
“Yeah. Plus, those nails of yours really leave a mark.”
You laugh at his cocky grin and kiss him once more, biting at his lip before you pull away.
“You’re an asshole. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
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rtscrobbles · 7 years
I saw that your requests are open and I couldn’t pass this up. Do you think you could possibly do something with either Aleks from Cow Chop or Trevor from AH (because they’re both my favorites and I can’t decide) where he meets the reader at a bar/club on her 21st birthday and she accidentally spills her drink on him. But they totally hit it off and it’s just super fluffy (possibly smutty) and cute. If not, totally okay. Keep up the amazing work! 😊
   It was the night of your 21st birthday, and your friends lovingly took you out to a club for the first time.. well your legal first time. They were so excited and happy to celebrate your birthday that they constantly kept fuelling you with alcohol. Before you knew it, you couldn’t stand up without wobbling side to side. 
   At this moment, of your friends grabbed you by the shoulder and pushed you down onto the leather stool that wasn’t exactly the comfiest of things. They ordered you a water, and made sure you were okay before going off and joining your other friends on the dance floor. You couldn’t stop smiling or giggling, you felt happy. 
   You rested your arm on the bar as a lanky gay with white skin, adorned with colourful tattoos and bleached blond hair, sat on the seat next to you. The second his mouth opened, you felt yourself melt. He turned to you and smiled, “So, you alone or --”
  Without realising it, you pushed the glass of water over, and unfortunately spilt the substance onto his jeans. “I’m so sorry” you blubbered, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. You were too bubbly and too happy at this point in time. 
   “Don’t worry about it. I’m aleks by the way,” He introduces himself, padding the wet spot with tissues that the barmaid graciously handed to him. “I’m Y/N! Nice to meet you!”
       Aleks got you another glass of water, and you two chattered and got to know each other, you decided he wasn’t such a bad guy. “So what’s the special occasion?” He looked you up and down, you almost forgot you were wearing a black dress that barely fit you that you dubbed your “party dress”. 
  “It’s my 21st,” You respond.
  “Oh Happy Birthday then!” Aleks raised his glass with a smile and looked around. “So uh, you wanna get out of here?”
 You looked over to your group of friends, who were as messy as ever but gave you thumbs up, nods and every piece of verbal approval possible. “Sure,” Aleks holds out his hand for you, you take a firm grip of his hand and let him lead you out of the bar. 
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grumpychop · 7 years
not so lazy morning;
pairing: Aleks MarchantxReader summary: You two finally have a morning to yourselves and you take full advantage of it.   warnings: Smut ahead! word count: 2,938 notes: this was supposed to be a cute sleepy morning fic, but it got dirty... fast. i blame aleks.
You never get to have days like this. A day where you have nothing at all to do, just stuck at home in bed with the one you love. Honestly there’s not many days where you two can relax together, always having something planned. But today? Today’s the day that you two have off together, and you can take advantage of it. And you plan on it.
Waking up without an alarm is a great first. The next best thing after that? Having a sleepy Aleks snuggle closer against your back, burying his head against your neck. You’re letting out a soft noise, a giggle escaping your lips as he rubs his scruff against your skin. “You up, babe?” He’s asking, and then planting soft kisses where his lips lay.
“Even if I wasn’t, I would’ve been woken up because of your scruff, you meanie,” you’re giggling, reaching a hand behind you to card through his hair.
“What the fuck? It’s too early for name calling, you dick.” He’s rubbing his face against your neck, and you’re letting out a soft squeal, trying to squirm away from him. He’s wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you back. He’s chuckling along with you, and then he’s moving from playful to sensual in a moment. His lips drag across your skin, peppering soft and slow kisses against any patch that he can find. But then he’s focusing on what the part of your neck that he knows gets you every single time.
You’ve calmed down now, eyes falling shut, a low moan escaping your lips. One arm tightens around your body, resting it underneath your breasts, and the other is slipping underneath your shirt, his hand spanning across your stomach. He’s continuing to brush kisses across your skin, and you’re lowering your shoulder so he has more access, which he’s taking advantage of.
He’s letting out a soft noise, pulling you flush against his front, and your lips are quirking. “Are you trying to seduce me?” You’re asking as his fingers begin to trace random designs on the skin of your stomach.
You feel his lips curve up into a smile and you’re letting out a laugh. “Is it working?” He’s asking and you’re letting out a hum of deliberation.
“Maybe,” you’re dragging out the words and he’s letting out a huff of laughter before he’s pulling back. He’s twisting you so you’re on your back and he’s moving above you. You’re staring up at him, reaching out to cup his face between his hands. He gives you a goofy grin, and you’re returning it with one of your own, before you’re leaning up to capture his lips.
He eagerly reciprocates, one hand tangling in your hair and the other sliding up under your shirt to cup your breast. His thumb circles around your nipple and you retaliate by wrapping your legs around his waist and sliding your own hand into his hair. You’re making sure to scrape your nails against his scalp, which makes him groan, his hips stuttering into yours. You moan in return, and his tongue comes out to brush against yours.
Heat rises in your body, and between you, as the tension grows. He groans with every thrust of his hips against yours and you can’t help the soft moans that leave your lips when he thrusts just right. It’s a slow, dirty grind, but the two of you don’t seem to care. You’re focused on the feelings and the kiss, which is also dirty, mostly tongues and teeth. “God, fuck,” he’s whispering as he’s pulling away, and he’s pulling back to push your sleep shirt up your stomach. You’re helping, leaning up to help him tug it off and then you’re wrapping a hand around the back of his neck to pull him right back down into a messy kiss.
While normally you’d want to take it slow, you know you can do that later. Right now? There’s urgentness in Aleks’ movements and you know he wants to get off. It’s been awhile since you two had the chance to have sex, and being a pretty sexually active couple, it’s been taking a toll on the both of you. Which is apparent by the way Aleks is shoving at his shorts, trying to get them off. You’re helping him, peering over his shoulders to watch as they get shoved off, revealing his ass. “I can’t wait to get inside of you, baby,” he’s growling, as he kicks the shorts to the side.
“It’s going to feel so good,” you’re murmuring in return, and his lips are going right to your jaw, leaving nips and kisses there while he works on getting your underwear off. You’re just glad he doesn’t tear them right off. He’s done that before and you made him buy you three more to replace the one that he ripped. Of course, he didn’t have any protests to that, especially when he got to help you choose them out and watch you model them. He tried to convince you to fuck in the dressing rooms, but you managed to hold out until you got home. It had led to hot sex right against the doorway, his pants shoved down just enough so he could get inside you.
“Good boy,” you purr, when he doesn’t tear them, and he shivers, before glaring at you.
“We’re not going to do that right now.”
“Later?” Your lips tug into a smirk and you can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. But he’s leaning down to scrape his teeth across a nipple, which has you letting out a gasp.
“Maybe. Right now, I just want to make you come.” His hand slides in between your thighs, fingers cupping your center. His middle fingers finds its way between your folds, and he strokes you, his mouth closing around your nipple fully. Aleks is letting out a pleased sound as you’re letting out a breath, eyes shutting and head tilting back to take in the feelings.
“Are you going to make me come just like this? Or do you want to fuck me?”
He sucks at your nipple for a moment, before he’s tugging off with a pop. “Fuck, can’t you be patient?”
“You know I can flip this around on you so quickly, don’t give me this shit.”
He’s raising an eyebrow and he stops all movement. It’s almost like a dare. And you take it. In a blink of an eye, you’re grabbing him by the shoulders and flipping you both on the bed. You’re above him now, and you’re sitting on his stomach, hands splaying out across his chest. Now you’re the one raising an eyebrow, but he’s just grinning up at you, his hands gripping your hips.
“I told you,” you say, and then you’re resting your hands near his head, leaning down to trail kisses across his collarbone. His breath is hitching and he’s letting out a moan. It’s unabashed, just like him, and you can’t help but to smirk against his skin.
“I let it happen,” he’s breathing out as your fingers trail teasingly up and down his chest. You’re letting out a hum, one that sounds like you’re doubting him, and his hands grip your hips tighter. “I swear to god I did.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He flips you back over with ease, and then he’s capturing your lips in a heated kiss. He finds his way in between your legs, hips slotted against yours and he’s moaning at the contact. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer, and you answer his moan with a whimper. He grinds against you, just for a moment, before he’s pulling back, just far enough that he can slip a hand down, one finger sliding inside of you and his thumb brushing against your clit.
Your hips buck, and you break the kiss, the both of you panting, hot breath against your faces. He’s lifting his head up to watch your face, wanting to see the emotions flit across your face. He does this often, wanting to see how good he makes you feel. And if it’s not working for you, he’ll spot it, almost instantly, and switch tactics. He’s attentive that way, which you’re so fucking grateful for.
He’s teasing you, though, finger sliding in and and out of you, slowly, thumb lazily circling your clit. And he’s just doing it to drive you crazy. “Feel good, baby?” he’s asking, but you know that he already knows the answer.
“I hate you,” you’re murmuring, which makes him chuckle.
“No you don’t.” You don’t say anything in return, because he’s just distracting you. You’re wet enough that he can slide another finger in, both curling in the way that makes your toes curl. A moan escapes your lips and you’re digging your nails into the skin of Aleks’ back. He’s grunting, his hips stuttering forward against your thigh and you know how much he likes that. You don’t hesitate to scratch your nails down his back, and he’s growling.
“Fucking…” he’s pulling his fingers from you, and then he’s reaching over into the bed side table to get a condom. You’re grinning, watching as he opens it and slides it on with ease. He’s hard enough already, and you’re very proud of the fact that you didn’t even have to touch him. He’s moving back to you, and then he’s grabbing your hips, pulling you further down the bed and you’re giggling.
“I’m going to fuck that smile right off of you,” he’s saying, which only makes you laugh more. He’s smirking at that, though, and you’re sure he only said it to keep you going. He’s guiding himself to your entrance, and starts to push inside of you.
That makes the smile drop off of your face. You’re leaning up on your elbows to watch the slow slide in, teeth digging into your bottom lip. The head of his member slides in, and once it’s in, he’s reaching to grab your hip, holding on tight enough that you’re sure it’s going to leave marks. Not that you mind, you love looking at them and remembering how they were made. And you know he loves looking at them too… and making them.
He’s watching, with you, as he slides further into you, and a curse leaves his lips. “Fuck, you feel so good, baby. You feel so fucking good. And fuck, you look so good taking my cock…”
You let out a whine at that, because he feels so good sliding into you, the stretch making your head spin. You’re reaching out to grasp his other hand, which had been tangled in the sheets near your arm, and he’s looking up to look at you. “You feel so good, Aleks,” you’re breathing out, and without any thought, he’s connecting your lips, more tongue than anything.
He’s halfway in when he starts to pull out, a slow slide back out. You know he’s setting a torturous pace for the both of you, and you’re wrapping your legs around him, trying to egg him on. But he’s not having any of it. He keeps that slow pace, the lazy thrust in and out, and you actually admire the fact that he has the control to go at this pace. “You’re going to drive me fucking crazy if you don’t fuck me right now, Aleksander,” you growl out, pulling back from the kiss and reaching with your other hand to tug on his hair.
He grunts, and he’s leaning down to nip at your shoulder. It’s a sharp pain that sends a new rush of heat through your body and you yelp in surprise. “You okay?” He whispers it against your skin, and you’re nodding, laying back on the bed fully and pushing his head closer.
“Yeah, we’re good.” It startled you more than anything, but you’re not protesting. In fact, you want more. He’s a little more gentle now, dragging his teeth across your skin as he starts to pick up the pace. He tangles his fingers with yours in one hand, and the other slides to your pubic bone, applying a little pressure and his fingers circle your clit.
You let out a sob of pleasure, gripping his hand tight and your hand is against his shoulder, arm wrapped around him. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me. Hard, I need you so badly, Aleks.”
He groans, and it’s loud against your ear, but you don’t care. His teeth sink into your skin, enough to sting but not enough to break skin and bleed and he thrusts into you hard, making you gasp, then groan. “Like that?” He asks, when he’s let go of your skin. It only lasts a moment, before he focuses on leaving a mark, but his thrusts are still hard.
“Yeah, just like that. Fuck.” The mixture of his thrusts, the work he was doing on your neck, and his movements on your clit, it’s going to get you there, and fast. He always seems to know just what to do to get you off, and fuck, if you’re not glad for the hours upon hours of exploring each others bodies. You’re sure he knows you better than you know yourself.
The sounds of moans, grunts, and whimpers fill the air, the both of your voices combined with the sounds of your coupling. It only spurs you towards your climax, which is approaching faster and faster. “Aleks… Aleks, please,” you’re gasping out, grasping his hair and tugging him up. He’s staring down at you, a groan leaving his lips, and he’s kissing you deeply. You moan in response, tugging at his hair which only makes him growl and slam his hips into you.
You’re whining into his mouth, and it only makes him continue to be rough with you, squeezing your hand as his fingers circle your clit faster. You pull away, eyes squeezing shut as you toss your head back, focusing on the pleasure. Aleks takes full advantage to slip kisses down your neck, heading towards your breasts and capturing a nipple between his teeth.
That’s it for you. Your body tenses and then it hits you and you quake underneath him, letting out a whimper as your orgasm washes over you. Aleks continues his ministrations through it, and when you’re letting out the breath that you’d been holding in, he lets go of your nipple and his hands come up to rest by your head.
“Fuck you look so good when you come, baby,” he’s grunting, and now he’s focusing on making himself come.
“It was all for you,” you whisper, wrapping your hands around the back of his neck and staring into his eyes. You know that’ll get him going.
“All for me?” His eyes only seem to darken more, and you nod, before you’re leaning up to bite his neck. He’s letting out a moan that rivals that of a porn stars and that seems to do it for him. His thrusts lose their rhythm and then he’s staying buried inside of you, soft groans leaving his lips as he comes. You lick the spot where you had bit him, before placing kisses all across his neck, one hand rubbing his back as he finishes.
He’s making a soft noise, pulling out of you and shakily standing up. He takes off the condom, ties it up, and throws it away, before he comes back. You make grabby hands at him, which makes him smile, and he’s easily being pulled right back on top of you. You kiss, lazily, hands running over each others bodies.
“You want another one or are you good?” He’s asking against your lips, hands sliding up and down your outer thighs.
You’re letting out a hum, mentally doing a check over of your body, trying to find any lingering feelings of arousal, but not being able to find anything. “I’m good, baby. Thank you.” You’re kissing him even more deeply, just because you can, and of course he reciprocates. The kiss lingers, and when you pull back, you both smile goofily at each other.
“Shower time?” He’s asking, brushing some hair from your face.
“You read my mind,” you say, with a giggle. He stands up, then tugs you down to the edge of the bed. You’re raising an eyebrow at him, but he just smirks, picking you up into his arms. You let out a yelp, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders and you cling for dear life.
“I know you’re a strong man, you don’t need to carry me to the bathroom,” you giggle, and he’s just pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Lemme do what I want.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” you mention as he sets you down on the counter. You let out a squeal at how cold it is, and you hop off, which only makes him laugh. “You owe me for that!”
He’s leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’ll go down on you for like… an hour, does that work?”
You’re pretending to deliberate, but he just reaches out, tickling you. “Jerk! Yes, okay!” You say, squirming away from him. He’s grinning at you, relenting, and then he’s pulling you into his arms. He’s kissing you, gently, before resting his forehead against yours.
“I love you,” he’s saying, and you’re smiling fondly at that.
“I love you, too, my big, strong man. Now let’s get into the shower and get all nice and squeaky clean.”
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“So you don’t want to sleep with her?”
Pairing: Aleks Marchant x Reader Word Count: 496 Warnings: n/a Notes: this is just a small and dumb, kinda cute one idk
Aleks was always instigating something or annoying someone, anyone, everyone. He loved to push people's chairs while they were working or shut off their monitors or shoot them with the nerf guns or wave lighters around their water bottles.
That's why when Aleks stopped annoying you, people noticed immediately.
"Yo, Aleks, why don't you fuck with your girlfriends monitor?" Brett called at Aleks as he ran out of Brett's office.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Aleks called back. The most you and Aleks did was harmlessly flirt, but Aleks was cute and funny and you couldn't help but blush at Brett's comment.
"Whatever you say!"
"Not whatever he says, he never screws around with (y/n) anymore!" Trevor said.
"Maybe because he's screwing around with (y/n) instead," James wiggled his eyebrows at Aleks. Aleks' face turned bright red.
"He is!" James stood up and pointed at Aleks. You rolled your eyes, laughing. You knew it wasn't true. You stayed quiet, just wanting to watch this play out.
"That's not true!" Aleks defended himself.
"Then he wishes he was!" Asher said from his chair.
You giggled at this as Aleks got even redder. "Just because I don't pick on her doesn't mean I want to sleep with her!"
"So you admit it! You don't pick on her anymore!" Trevor pointed at Aleks.
"That's not- I didn't-"
"So you don't want to sleep with her?" Joe asked from across the room.
You were blushing like crazy at this point. Just the thought of Aleks thinking of you like that made you blush and laugh at the same time.
"Brett! They're picking on me!" Aleks whined.
"They're not picking on you, they're stating the obvious! Just ask her out already!"
"You know what!" Aleks marches over to you. You tried to keep quiet and to yourself. You had your earphones on, though they were muted. You tried to not look at Aleks as he walked over to your desk.
Aleks took your headphones off. "Everyone thinks they're so funny, they're so clever! Jokes on you guys, I think (y/n) is super funny and pretty and I've been wanting to do this for awhile." Aleks leans down and kisses you. You can't see anyone's face but you can only imagine them, wide eyes and mouths open.
Aleks grabs the sides of your face and presses his lips against yours harder. When he pulls away, you can't help but laugh and smile. "(y/n), wanna go get a drink?"
"When?" you ask, still smiling.
"Right now."
"I'm, uh, I'm working."
"Not anymore, lets go," Aleks grabs your hand and pulls you out of your chair.
"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" you call out to your coworkers who you can now see are in awe still.
Aleks sticks a middle finger in the air as he walks out with you, holding your hand with his other hand.
"Now what?" you ask.
"Now we go get drinks, duh," Aleks smirks at you.
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gen-zml · 7 years
Little things about dating Aleks:
   ★ Lots of restaurant and bar hopping for dates
   ★ If ya’ll go to an art museum, he’ll make up little stories for different pieces of art to make you laugh
   ★ He’ll kick your ass in CS:GO and won’t feel a bit of remorse for it
   ★ He’s the kinda bf that’s good for stealing sweaters and hoodies from
   ★ Y’all would probably have matchy bracelets or some shit like that
   ★ He would jokingly act macho at random times (i.e: There’s a thump downstairs that was obviously just the dog ruffing around, but he picks up a prop gun and goes into that weird stance, he tells you to keep behind him while he descends the staircase.)
   ★ He likes his hair played with and will lay his head in your lap while y’all watch movies
   ★ Sometimes he’ll write little songs for you, and sing them to you in his purposely terrible singing voice.  At least the bass part sounds nice, and the lyrics are cute
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lovebxt · 6 years
hi can u do a cow chop matchup djdjcj i think these r so cheesy n cute but um im 5’2”! i have wavy shoulder length black hair! im mixed (black n white) n a lil on the thicker side! (rlly just big thighs n chest dhdjd) i dress... ig goth ? i wear black 24/7 shxjxj n i wear glasses! and my fav things r 90s anime, mcr and thrift shopping!! i also Love shitposting oh and im a journalism student :3 thank u!!
♡  these are so cheesy and I really love doing them! ♡ Buy me a coffee?
I match you with Aleks! He really digs your style and (although he won’t admit it) thinks it’s cute when you watch old anime. He’s a huge dork and loves to try on your glasses or make fun of how dorky you look but he actually thinks they’re kinda hot ;3c You’d totally take him thrift shopping with you but he’d only pick out the most ridiculous stuff to show you because he loves to make you laugh and that’s why he also loves how much of a shitposter you are! In general, he’s really comfortable with you and appreciates how he can be himself with you  ♡
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5lbsofsmarties · 6 years
Nobody Told Me There’d Be Days Like These: Aleks Marchant
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Word Count: 730 Summary: Sometimes a little TLC is all you need.
Though they didn’t happen nearly as often as they once had, you were well acquainted with what you had dubbed your dark days. Days where no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t bring yourself out of the funk in your head and all you wanted to do was curl up in bed away from everyone and everything. For some reason or another this particular dark day was harder than the last few had been; you had even called out of work opting to stay home alone.
You texted Aleks earlier in the day and told him you weren’t feeling well and suggested he figure out dinner for himself as you weren’t feeling up to either eating or making anything to eat. He hadn’t replied and that settled heavily on your mind as well, though you tried to push it away.
As the sun was setting and a pale golden pink strip of light came piercing through the small slit between the bedroom curtains, the rumbling of the garage below momentarily took your focus away from the movie playing on the television. You could hear Mishka’s feet skittering on the wood floors downstairs and after a moment or two you were able to make out the sound of Aleks speaking softly to her before the door leading outside opened - you assumed he took let her out to go to the bathroom.
The apartment was relatively still for a while until you heard Aleks’ feet coming up the stairs which caused Celia, who was asleep beside you, to stir slightly. You tore your eyes away from the screen to see him walking in the room with arms full of bags from the store. Curiously, you pushed yourself up to look at him for a moment, confusion evident on your face. “What’s all this?” you asked, absently pulling Celia into your lap.
“I got some things for you,” he murmured, setting the bags on the bed.
He rifled around in the bags for a few seconds before he began taking things out and tossing them in your direction. “Your favorite ice cream, some chocolate, caramels, that tea you like… uh, some fuzzy socks, a couple hair and face masks; oh, and this body spray,” he rattled all of the items as they landed near you.
“These are an awful lot of face masks,” you said as you picked one up and turned the package over in your hands.
Aleks climbed up on the bed beside you and sighed softly, “Yeah well, I thought I’d do one too.”
You looked up from the pack in your hands and glanced in Aleks’ direction, your eyebrows furrowing slightly. “You hate shit on your face. Especially goopy shit,” you said, as if he had forgotten. Aleks shrugged and leaned back against the pillows as he took off his hat and tossed it to the nightstand on his side of the bed.
“Yeah, but you like to do it and I just wanna make you happy,” he said in a low sort of voice, casting an almost bashful look at you.
There was a beat or two of silence as you blinked back at him before a smile gently tugged at the corners of your mouth. “I love you,” you simply said, leaning over to press a small kiss against Aleks’ lips. He sighed softly into the kiss and smiled warmly back at you as you pulled away from him.
Aleks nodded his head, “I love you too. So, pick some face masks, put on those fuzzy socks, and I’ll be right back.”
You watched as he slipped off of the bed and started towards the bedroom door. “Where are you going?” you asked. Aleks paused in the doorway and turned around to look back at you. He leaned against the doorframe and something about the way he was watching you with his warm, brown eyes and easy smile seemed to lift some of the dark clouds that had fogged up your brain for most of the day.
“I ordered some food that should be here soon. And I’m going to get you a spoon before your ice cream melts,” he replied as he turned back to walk out of the room. He made it a few steps before calling back to you, “Don’t pick a honey one for me. I love you but not that much!”
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rt-reader-inserts · 7 years
Yo. So for the Disney prompts could you do something with "You Are The Music In Me" from High School Musical 2 with Aleks? (I'm pretty sure HSM is Disney)
Hell yeah HSM is Disney!!! Also this tsf took me a while cause I got distracted listening to the entire soundtrack lmao
“Are you ready?” Aleks asked as both your names and chosen song title were called out by the announcer at the bar.
“Remind we why we’re doing this again?” You huffed, the two of you making your way through the crowds to the karaoke machine.
“For fun?” He offered, cringing at his own response.
“Bullshit, but I’m just tipsy enough to continue on with this crap,” You laughed nervously, following Aleks up onto the stage.
It wasn’t until halfway through the song that the exchange of lines with him became more fun than nerve wracking.
“I sang you words I’ve never said, and it was easy because you see the real me,” Aleks sang, moving closer to you, drunkenly swaying to the melody.
As the two of you finished the last line you broke down into a fit of giggles, realising just how close your faces were. “You make a great Troy.” Aleks laughed in response, leading you off the stage with your hand clasped firmly in his.
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aplaceforrtprompts · 7 years
maybe cc alecks w/ some sweet first word soulmates angst?
A/N: I tweaked it slightly from just first words to first words you say when you’re in love with your soulmate.
Word Count: 1,183
“Come on, show off your tattoo,” Aleks coaxed, reaching for your sleeve.
“No!” You took your arm away from him. You hated your tattoo and Aleks knew it too, hence why he was trying so hard to get you to show it off. You always got made fun of for it in school and now by Aleks. The words were harsh and mean. Not like most soulmate tattoos.
“Look, I’m showing mine off,” Aleks flashed Trevor his, ‘I fucking hate you so much’ tattoo that was neatly wrapped around his bicep. “Trevor will even show his off,” Aleks took the camera and turned it to your coworker as he pulled down the collar of his shirt to show off his generic, ‘I love you’ in a small script. “Now, your turn.”
“Why don’t you stop being an asshat and go actually work,” you crossed your arms, clearly not budging.
Aleks rolled his eyes but he left you be. Apparently, he had something he could bother James in the meantime.
“Still won’t give up on showing off your tattoo?” Jakob asked sitting down next to you.
You shook your head, “Ever since he found out how much I hate it he’s been determined to get it on camera.”
“You know he’s doing it because he likes you right?” Asher asked from across from you.
You choked on some air and asked, “I’m sorry, what?”
Jakob’s eyes widened, “Oh! I thought you knew that.”
Asher rolled his chair out so he could see you better. He smiled a little, “Oh, yeah. Aleks has the maturity of a five year old of course he’s the type of guy to pull on the pigtails of the girl he likes.”
“I, uh-” you paused as you tried to process this information hit you but realization hit you first and you made a face at Asher, “Okay. Sure. Aleks likes me, uh huh. I’ve worked at this company long enough. I know what you’re playing at.”
Asher chuckled, “True you work with us but pretty much anyone can tell you Aleks has a thing for you. I mean have you read any of the youtube comments?”
You shook your head.
“Well, you should,” Asher noted before turning back to his work and leaving you to your own.
You didn’t look until you were safe at home that night. You never wanted to look at the comments on videos you were in for fear of people picking apart the way you looked and how unfunny you were and sure they were there. Asher was right though, there was a whole slew of comments about how cute you and Aleks would be together. Some even thought you were secretly dating.
“Stupid,” you muttered to yourself, shaking your head as you closed your laptop and went to bed.
You ignored what Asher, Jakob, and the rest of the internet thought about you and Aleks except at work when he was poking fun at you and pissing you off. You started to push back though. You were tired of him being such a jerk. You decided it was time for him to knock it off. Any time you hinted at him bugging you because maybe he liked you he backed off.
Aleks was yet again bugging you about your soulmate tattoo.
“Come on. Just a peek,” he pretended to reach for your shirt.
You slapped his hand away, “How about you stop teasing me and just fucking own up to liking me.”
“I don’t like you,” Aleks crossed his arms.
“I’m just lucky I don’t have pigtails or you’d be pulling on them like a schoolboy,” you rolled your eyes. “You’re such a baby.”
That earned a round of “oh’s” from everyone listening. Aleks' cheeks flushed and he stammered.
You smirked that you were finally getting him back, “Come on. Just spit it out. Tell me you like me so I can go back to ignoring you.”
That must have heart Aleks in just the right way because he quickly spit out, “stop being such a bitch and get over yourself.” You could see Aleks instantly regretted what he said as soon as it slipped out but it was too late.
You shook your head, you were vibrating with anger as you shouted at him, “I  fucking hate you so much!”
You hissed as you felt a burning on your hip.
“No. No. No!” you muttered to yourself as you quickly lifted your shirt. This couldn’t be happening right now. You wanted to cry when you saw the last insult from Aleks had disappeared from your skin and there sat his name.
You looked up to see him staring too so you dropped your shirt and ran out to your car. You don’t know if Aleks followed but you didn’t check. You just peeled out of the parking lot and sped home.
You spent the next few days calling out. You said you were sick but you knew Brett knew. He didn’t ask though he just told you to take all the time you needed.
It had been over a week when there was a knock on your door. You felt a pit in your stomach form before you even got off your couch.
As you went to answer the door your caught sight of yourself in the mirror. You were a mess.
“Just a minute!” you called as there was another knock on the door.
“Come on, Y/N. I’m sorry,” your heart ached and you felt sick as your heard Aleks’ voice.
You managed to at least tame your hair before you opened the door. It felt like someone squeezed your heart as your eyes landed on your coworker. He looked even worse than you felt. His eyes seemed red as if he had been crying.
The two of you just stared at one another for awhile until he finally broke, “I’m sorry. I really am. I know I’m a dick but I crossed a line.”
“Yeah. You did,” you told him. You could see he’s been beating himself up about this so you added, “Apology accepted though.”
That earned a weak smile from him. You both stood there awkwardly until your eyes caught sight of where his soulmate tattoo was. Your name was clearly printed out on his arm.
You bit your lip as you tried to think of a way to politely phrase your question.
Aleks sighed catching your attention, you looked back up at him as he explained, “Soulmate tattoos are the first sentences you say to one another when at least one of them realizes they’re in love.”
Without thinking you blurted, “But I don’t love you.”
He looked at his shoes, “I know. It only has to be one.”
“Oh. Oh!” a lightbulb went off for you.
“Yeah,” his response was so quiet you weren’t even sure if you were just hearing things.
You reached out and took his hand, making him look up at you again, “I was just starting a movie. Want to join me?”
Aleks gave you a soft smile, “I’d love to.”
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saturdaychop · 7 years
Late-Night Phone Call
Aleks x Reader Angst
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It was late. Probably later than you should have been up. You signed and looked back up at the late night news channel you played for background noise.
Your phone vibrated loudly on the wooden table beside you.
You already knew who it was.
Despite the caller ID giving you blatant warnings against picking up the phone and answering it, despite how god damn late it was, despite the aching in your heart telling you to not do this, you slowly answer.
"I miss you," You hear Aleks say through the receiver, voice wobbly and sounding half drunk. You clench your fist and stare up at the ceiling.
'Why are you calling me, Aleksandr?" You ask. You already know why, though. It's the same reason every time.
"Please," He says. Your heart hurts at the desperate tone in his voice, but you try to stay strong.
"You're drunk."
"I'm not."
Somehow you believe him. Somehow you feel like this time, he isn't lying.
"What do you want?" You ask, wanting to hang up as soon as possible. Every second you hear his voice, tired and rusty, just how it was late at night when it was just the two of you, it made you miss him even more.  
"Just lie to me," He says, voice trembling, "just this one time please lie to me and say you miss me. I just- I need it right now." You can hear his breath stutter as he speaks, and you curl up on yourself on the couch, resting your head on the armrest and feeling your hands shake.
"I have to go-"
"Please." He interrupts you, "I'll do anything-"
You hang up.
Your phone blinks at you one last time before it turns off. you set it back down on the table and sit back up.
There is no use in lying to people who lied to you in the first place.
And you will try to convince yourself this til the day you die.
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spicy-writing · 7 years
Warnings: mentions of abuse, bruises
It wasn’t much of a surprise to have Samuel sneaking over to your house in the middle of the night but it was a surprise when he would come to you with bruises on him. You knew about his dad. Sam had casually told you before that his dad slapped him but he didn’t tell you about what else he did until tonight. You were half asleep, immediately startled when there was a soft knock on the window. You rubbed your eyes slightly before getting out of bed, opening the window slightly for precautions. “Samuel?” You whispered. “It’s me.” You opened the window more so he could get in, noticing his weird behavior off the bat. He could be high right now but he usually wasn’t this quiet. You went to go turn the light on and watched as he winced slightly. “Are you okay?” You asked softly, grabbing one of his hands. When you looked at his face he shied away and you frowned. You went to go take off his sunglasses but he freaked out and grabbed your wrist before he could. “Samuel?” “Y/n,” he started and now that you heard his voice more clearly, he sounded like he had been crying. “Please don’t freak out.” Before you could ask what he meant, his shades were off his face and there on his left eye was a giant bruise. Anger filled you as you lightly cupped his cheek, staring at it. “Who did this to you?” Samuels eyes widened at the harsh tone in your voice before sighing softly. He didn’t say anything as he unzipped his jacket, pulled his shirt over his head to show more bruises. “Sam, when did this happen?” “Half an hour ago I think.” He mumbled, running a hand through his messy hair. You pulled him into a hug, being careful of the bruises littering his rib cage. He held you back tightly, digging his face into your shoulder. “My dad did it.” He eventually mumbled and your heart simultaneously broke and filled with hate. You already thought his dad was an asshole and now this? Instead of lashing out and scaring him, you helped pull his shirt back over his head and turned off your lights. You then lead him to your bed where he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder. All you could do is softly run your hand through his hair and whisper sweet nothings to him, hoping that would take his mind off things. When you heard his soft snores, you placed a kiss against his forehead and sighed softly. You didn’t know how long this was going on for and you were kind of scared to find out-you’d save that talk for tomorrow though.
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