#briala x shianni
anneapocalypse · 2 years
Anne's Dragon Age Femslash!
Happy Femslash February! Have a list of all the F/F fics I've written for Dragon Age so far. Listed from shortest to longest. Ratings are noted here; please check AO3 tags for full list of warnings/content notes.
Herald's Rest. Female Trevelyan/Sera, 370 words, rated M. The Inquisitor finds a respite.
In Darkness Enveloped. Cassandra/Leliana, 1800 words, rated E. The Conclave is destroyed. The Divine is dead. The Left Hand and Right Hand are at odds, and at loose ends. It's the worst of times. It's certainly the worst possible time for this.
What We Can Do Together. Shianni/Briala, 2000 words, rated T. Briala has never called her away from Denerim before, so Shianni can only assume this is important.
Gifts of the Hunt. Female Mahariel/Morrigan, 13000 words, rated M. Lyna Mahariel follows Morrigan through the eluvian, leaving behind her life with the Wardens and with her Dalish clan. With only each other, Morrigan's child, and the magic of a long-forgotten past, what kind of future will the two of them have together?
No Woman Rules Alone. Anora Mac Tir/Female Tabris, 34000 words, rated E. Warden Tabris convinced Anora and Alistair to marry for the good of Ferelden, to unite the lands against the darkspawn. They have settled into a functional partnership and even friendship, but there is no love between them and they both know it. Over time, Anora finds that it is the Warden-Commander and Arl of Amaranthine who has won not only her respect, but her heart.
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jemandthesingalongs · 2 months
slapping down my various hcs abt adaia from my lore:
descended from a dalish clan named tabris, which got their name from tabris, an emerald knight
this is where fang + the family name came from
shares a grandmother with briala's mother, making them + briala herself + the tabris family cousins
born in orlais (not sure where yet)
had frequent run-ins with duncan growing up
got all her martial training as a bard from a young age (likely a family thing)
had at least one run in with marjolaine during bard missions
fell in love with cyrion and made ferelden her new home, something "worth protecting" during the war
tried to raise and teach her child + soris + shianni with more practical means when it comes to dealing with humans, as in being cautious but don't let fear overtake your sense vs cyrion who believes the opposite
was a night elf under the command of loghain and befriended him (dick move decades later during the blight oops)
her vet status post-war is what kept her mostly intact from guards and nobles, allowing her to get away with a bit more than the average elf however...
she's publicly executed by hanging after being deemed a traitor for helping two orlesian spies escape (rip leliana oops x 2)
was in her late 40s/early 50s
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dalishious · 8 years
Have you ever thought about Shianni x Briala? :o
Yesssss, I have, actually! Please consider Briala going to seek an alliance with the one and only Bann of an alienage. And Briala ends up saving Shianni’s life from her would-be killer (because fuck that.) The two work together, spear-heading the elven uprising for equality. 
Please consider it for a second.
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empresstress13 · 5 years
 I was tagged by the lovely @princessdreadwolf , the wonderful @solverne-02 ,and the fantastic @roguelioness!
1. First ship you ever wrote fic for: 
Solavellan or Solasmance of some sort I believe. . . 
2. Ship you write the most now: 
I’ve written very little recently. . . .a bit of gen fic, a bit of Solavellan, some Josie x Cadash, and. . . might be writing some Merrill x OC. . . 
3. Ship you read the most now: 
. . . .probably still Solavellan? 
4. Newest ship:
 I’m shipping my friend’s OCs with other OCs. And my OCs with my friend’s OCs. Lots of OCs. Throw more OCs at me please. . . . . that star elf dude from the Dragon Prince. His voice and my ears. That’s my newest ship. 
5. Rare ship you wanna read more of: 
Tar Miriel x Uinen; Felassan x Anyone; Briala x Shianni X Lanaya. Jane Foster x Science. What. 
6. Your taboo ship: 
Solas and anyone not Lavellan? Rosie x Sam x Frodo? 
7. They never met in canon ship:  
 Briala x Shianni X Lanaya? Tar Miriel x Uinen? 
8. Your unexpected ship: 
Alistair x Josephine ( @wardsarefunctioning‘s fault); also I use to not be a fan of Gimli x Legolas and then I started this one fic that was so so good. 
9. The ship you always forget to give love to:
. . . . I’m a multishipper, so I have a tendency to forget some of my ships by the mere fact that there are too many. 
10. Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): 
. . . Isn’t that what all Dragon Age PC ships are about??? Svetlana Cadash x Josie, Sera x Innanis Adaar x Dagna, Revasulahn Lavellan x Solas or Taraslyah Lavellan x Solas. . . . Adhlea x Deshanna, Beatrix Tabris x Leliana, Nehnara Surana x Zevran. . . .Merrill x (SECRET) 
11. Ship you’re embarrassed to ship: 
ffff. . . . I mean, there’s a certain point where it just doesn’t matter any more, right? 
12. Your most romantic ship: 
FAYRA, which is now the ship name for my cleric, Kyra and her drow ranger girlfriend Faeryl. THEY ARE SWEETNESS AND I NEED THEIR HAPPY ENDING BECAUSE I CAN JUST FEEL THE ANGST COMING. T.T
13. Your sexiest ship: 
. . . hmmmm. I mean. . .I feel like this is super subjective? 
14. Your most tragic ship: 
. . . . I mean. I almost feel like it’s gotta be Solavellan/ any Solasmance by default? OR YA KNOW, maybe any ship with Felassan SINCE HE IS APPARENTLY OUT OF THE NARRATIVE. T.T
Also half the ships in the D&D games I’m in. . ..  y’all are all so sad T.T
15. A ship you want more content for:
If I’ve mentioned it here: I want more content for it.
tagging: @saphyremelodies , @adventuresinastrangeworld , @lycheejellytea , @rawrzimon , @eveninglottie , @dreadhobo , @deleriumofyou , @katalyna-rose
As always:  Feel free to ignore! Only do this if you have the time and/or inclination.♥ Love y’all!
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findsarahh · 7 years
It’s a Family Affair
Sequel to As the Moon Rises.
Summary: With the Inquisition now disbanded, Isera sets her goals on stopping Solas by showing him a different way to change the world. The former Inquisitor, Banreas, has taken a smaller role to defeat Solas, if necessary, with little interest in other political affairs. Isera, with new found political influence, is using her power to collate elven associates who seek to better the elves without destroying the world. But will they be successful?
F!Lavellan x Solas
It has been over two years since her discovery of Solas’s true identity. Isera had sent ravens to every Dalish Clan she could remember. Leliana gave her contacts of elven associates, and Varric stated that he “knew of people” that could be helpful. Of those elven members within the Inquisition, if they hadn’t already disappeared, Isera called upon them to come with her. Almost all of them agreed.
Briala met her at the entrance of the Citadelle du Corbeau, the old fortress that housed the Empress’s troops during the height of the civil war in the Exalted Plains. While the Veil is not torn here, it is fragile.
Isera is sitting on her hart in the shade, staring up at the impressive gate of the keep. “We are waiting on the contacts.” She informs the Marquise. Briala traveled from the Emerald Graves, where she made her home to assist with obtaining the keep.
Briala turns to look at her. “Do you know who it is?” Isera only informed her that she had chosen two people that could be potential advisors. It is likely Briala’s contacts did not know whom she called upon.
Isera nods. “I know of one. She gave up everything to discover the old ways. And the other is a formidable warrior with strange abilities, I hear. Both associates of the Viscount in Kirkwall.” Isera turns looks at Briala who is mounted on a hart. “How is the political climate?” She asks.
There has been a surge of elven associations rising across Thedas. One of the first to join with Isera was Keeper Lanaya from Clan Alarahel who has had a settlement in southern Ferelden for almost 15 years. The Denerim associate, Shianni, the Hahren for the cities and elven advocate for King Alistair also contacted her.
First Neria of Clan Ralaferin helped settle Llomerryn in Rivain a year ago. Clan Lavellan in Wycome has established a strong political presence there thanks to Varric and the will of Keeper Deshanna. Briala had been granted a title, land, and a position within Orlais where she advocated for elves. Banreas, given his title as Herald of Andraste and his actions during the last few years, left him as an idol and hero in almost all elven eyes.
Briala rolls her eyes. “Stormy, as always. Nervous at the new found power of the elves in Orlais, crying at Celene to retract her offer, to you in particular.”
Isera chuckles at the idea. “And her response?”
Briala laughs. “Reminds them that they would be dead if it were not for the Herald of Andraste, who is elven and your brother. How she would be dead, and Oralis would have fallen if he and I didn’t come together to save Orlais.”
Isera chuckles, but both knew that Briala had been plotting against Celene. Banreas had discovered the plot and chose to show Briala in a positive light. He never shared with Isera why he elected to reunite the couple. But alas, his actions lead to their new position of power.
Isera, like most of the Inner Circle of the Inquisition, had been granted noble titles in Ferelden and Orlais. Isera was given land around the Citadelle du Corbeau in the Exalted Plains as a reward from the Empress and King Alistair…well, he said he’d give her just about anything barring illegal acts.
Briala glances around. The bodies of the fallen soldiers have long since been removed, but the land around them is struggling to live again. “Have you thought of what you will do with this place?” Briala wonders. The fortress is in ruin and disrepair in light of recent events.
“Yes.” Isera shares. “I want this to be many things. But for now, a refuge, a place of learning and a place that will be protected.”
“Would you seek to isolate?” Briala asks.
Isera shakes her head. “The Fall of the Dales showed that we cannot isolate. Learning and understanding our differences is imperative.” Isera states. During her time in the Inquisition, Isera studied the Fall of the Dales through the lens of humans who had defeated them and compared the literature to Dalish tales.
One thing stood out—the elves have no allies to call upon when the Exalted March began. There were no avenue of political power. That, in turn, assisted in their defeat once more.
Briala grins at the idea. “And, as a place of learning, what will you teach?” She teases.
Isera smiles with a sly grin. “Everything.” She knows Briala is aware of the plans for the fortress.
Briala believed her when Isera visited, about the impending doom upon the world from Solas—Fen’harel. In fact, Briala shared she met an elf that she now suspects was an agent of Fen’harel.
Isera will appoint Briala is set to be her spymaster and liaison to Orlais. Briala has greater skill in the Great Game and has been corresponding with Charter, one of the Divine’s best spies for months now. She would ensure the political power of the elves.
“And what of your General?”
“My reports say he has been hunting Tevinter magister, long before Corypheus recruited them. Former slave. Has his been leading a platoon.”
Briala frowns. “A platoon is nothing compared to leading a legion of armies.”
“No, but what elf do you know has to lead a charge with the masses?” Isera challenges. The only elf that has lead a large force would have been Banreas, yet he had Cullen as his Commander. No elf would have been raised to a stature such has led a massive army—the idea is unheard of.
“Point taken,” Briala confirms. “Would the Inquisition’s former Commander be willing to train him?”
Isera shakes her head. The idea is a good one; however, Cullen had just settled down in Honneleath with his family and begun a place for Templar who are seeking to be off of lyrium. She would not ask him to leave. “No.”
Briala frowns. “I will see what strings I can pull.”
“By the Creators! Will someone help me with this?” A voice, high and sweet calls from the bottom of the hill. “This is the right fortress, right?” The small figure looks around. She is surrounded by elven guards still wearing the Inquisition armor. They look unsure of the elf.
Isera turns, demounting her hart and walks to the woman. “Are you Merrill of Sabrea Clan?” She asks.
“Oh yes! That is me.” She beams as she turns to face Isera. “Oh my, your eyes—Varric said not to say anything…and there I go saying something.” She babbles. “Anyway, I am Merrill, former First of Clan Sabrea.” She turns to look at the caravan behind her. “I have brought everything that I have collected over the years that could be relevant.”
Isera nods with a smile. “I am Isera Lavellan, and I am the one who requested you here.”
“My goodness! You are the sister of Banreas Lavellan? Didn’t we meet before…?” Merrill hums, still staring at Isera. Merrill frowns. “Why is he called the Herald of Andraste? Did he convert?”
Isera blinks at the rapid questioning. “Let us discuss after we take control of the fortress’s defenses,” Isera asks, as she motions Merrill to follow her. “I was here when the humans had activated the defensive, causing a massacre. I believe I know how to control them, but it is a lot of magic to expel.” She explains.
Merrill smiles, staff in hand as together they open the doors. Isera motions for Briala to stay with the guards. The Marquise frowns as she watches the two disappear into the keep.
Merrill looks around the desolate fortress. “This place is quite big—are we going to get lost?”
“Ah, no. We won’t.”
The worry is evident on her face “Is it dangerous? The Veil is thin here, don’t you feel it?” Merrill states.
“Yes, I do.”
“Hm. Well, we should tread carefully. Don’t want the Dread Wolf to catch our scent.”
Isera snorts, choking back a chuckle. She now believes that Varric did not inform Merrill of exactly the reasons behind the call to the fortress. That Isera will be asking her to join her forces to prevent and save the Dread Wolf if they can.
“Up this way.” Isera points as they head up a derelict staircase. The runes of the defenses are still active and have the potential to attack at any moment due to the tampering by unskilled rune smiths and mages.
When they approach the defenses, Merrill studies the runes. “I have never seen runes like this before. How exciting!” She exclaims as she claps her hands. “Isn’t it?”
“I guess,” Isera responds as she watches Merrill. Isera is not used to the unbridled level of positivity and enthusiasm that Merrill is exhibiting. “Ah, I think to regain control of the defenses, we need to perform…” Isera begins pulling a paper out of a small bag on her back. “…this…” she passes the paper to the other mage.
Merrill studies the paper. “Oh! This is a good spell! Did you create it?” She asks, her large, bright green eyes stare up at her. “If you created it, you are quite a clever mage.”
Isera smiles tightly. “No, I found it in a book. I can show you sometime.” Isera offers.
Merrill beams at the idea as she begins preparing for the ritual.
The two mages walk down the steps of the fortress. There is screaming below. They glance at each other as the rush down to see an elven man with…lyrium tattooed on him yelling at one of Isera’s guards.
“Fenris!” Merrill shouts with glee as she rushes down to greet the man without hesitation. Isera falters before following. Briala is standing to the side attempting to calm the elven guards.
“What is going on?” Isera calls as she stands between the elven who is glowing blue with anger and her guard.
The glowing man glares at her. “Do you encourage your men to insult those you call for assistance?” He demands. Merrill is standing to the side of him looking concern.
“I’m sorry?” Isera says as she looks at him before looking down at her soldier. The soldier stands to his feet, his face is marked with the vallaslin, and he is glaring at the man who continues to glow blue with magic.
“He is imitating Dalish without being Dalish!” The soldier cries with a snarl. Isera stares at him—he’s young and apparently has not left the clan before now.  The man is tattooed with what is lyrium and typical elven patterns.
Isera sighs the bad blood between the Dalish and City elves run deep in some Clans. “That is unworthy of you.” She turns to stand in front of the soldier, her shoulder pulled back, in control of the situation. “Our People are one, no matter the path they took.”
The boy shakes his head in denial. “He’s not our people!” The boy cries.
Isera doesn’t flinch as her face hardens. “And who are the Dalish, boy?” She asks as her eyes narrow.
The boy is quick to answer as he stares up at her in defiance. “Those who did not live in the cities, who refused to submit!”
“No. Who are the Dalish?” She asks again
He pauses glaring at Isera. “Elves!” he replies with bitterness.
“And who are the elves who live in the cities?”
“Elves who have lost their spirit! They are no better than the humans!” He tries to argue.
“Yet, here they stand—city elves and Dalish elves standing side by side, as one, because there was a call for them. Do you see a loss of spirit, now, boy?” Isera challenges his belief.
He glances around, a sea of faces around him, some marked with the vallaslin and some not all staring at him.
A seed of doubt is sown as he glances down. “I..I..don't know.” He hesitates.
Isera shakes her head. “That is not the answer, boy. You know this to be true.” She informs him.
She pauses, looking around. “Back in formation!” Isera orders her guardsmen. “Your first task to help remove the rubble of the fortress. Now go.” Isera orders as she watches her guard march into Citadelle du Corbeau.
Isera takes a deep breath as she turns to face the injured party. “I sincerely apologize on behalf on my men. What has the ability to divide will be mended.” She tells the man. “Briala, please see to it that you create teams of four to help remove the rubble. Two Dalish per two city elves. Let’s start teaming building exercises now.”
Briala’s eyes narrow at the order, apparently wanting to observe the political interaction between Isera and the two potentials, but she departs to pass on the orders.
Isera turns to the man who is no longer glowing blue. “My name is Isera. Thank you for coming.” She introduces herself, tilting her head slightly with the greeting.
He nods. “Fenris.” He glances behind Isera. “Merrill.” He greets the other woman.
Merrill perks up at the greet, stepping forward with a smile. “How have you been? I heard you were killing the Tevinters!” She asks with a little too much enthusiasm.
Isera turns to look at Merrill in surprise. “You two know each other?”
“Yes! We met in Kirkwall!” Merrill shares still smiling. “He isn’t fond of me though.”
Isera blinks slowly at Merrill a small but tight smile forming on her face at the statement before she turns to look at Fenris in confusion. He is frowning but does not say anything.
“Ah, okay.” Isera hums awkwardly. “I am sure you are wondering what you are doing here.”
“Oh, Varric asked us to be!” Merrill replies cheerfully.
Fenris glances at Merrill. “Varric requested that we meet, to hear your request.”
Isera nods, leading them into the fortress and to a large room. There is a chill in the air. This argument is going to be hard to sell, asking two elves who know nothing of her to join her force to stop the Dread Wolf of all things.
“Merrill, as the former First, I am sure you are aware of the tales of the Dread Wolf?” Isera asks, pulling her hands behind her back to mask her nerves.
“Of course.”
Isera turns to Fenris and poses him the question as well.“And you, Fenris? Do you know the tales?”
“I have been…aquainted with them.” He answers. His level of suspicious against her is clear as day. He does not know what to make of her.
Merrill smiles. “I shared him the stories of the Dalish!”
Isera nods, dropping a cloth bag onto a dusky table with broken maps. She pauses, thinking about her words. “What if I told you, that legends and stories as we know are wrong?”
Merrill frowns at the idea. “What do you mean?” She asks.
Isera pulls out texts and papers laying them flat on the desk as she waits to answer. “What if I told you that our stories of the trickster Dread Wolf, who locked away our Gods for enjoyment, are wrong?”
Merrill scowls. “The Dalish may have forgotten parts, but they wouldn’t forget that!”
“What if only parts of the legend are true?” Isera taps the old text. A book she found in the broken library in the Crossroads a year ago with the last accounts of the ancient elvhen.
Isera can see the conflict in Merrill’s face about the idea. But Varric suggested her for a reason. Merrill, as he said, is passionate about the elves and history. She may be resistant, but she will be open-minded.
“Why do the stories matter?” Fenris questions as his level of impatience increases. “How does that relate to why we are here?”
“Fenris, you and Merrill were there when Hawke siblings fought against Corypheus, the first time, no? Could the idea that the Elvhen Gods could still exist as well?”
“The Dread Wolf is…here?” Merrill asks, her voice is small and worried at the idea.
“The Dread Wolf was once and is known by the name of Solas. He assisted with the defeat of Corypheus with Inquisition.” Isera paces back and forth. “He also helped with the discovery of the failed qunari invasion two years ago during the Exalted Council.”
The two watch her pace in silence.
“Solas did seal away the people we claimed as our Gods and crafted the Veil as we know it today. He claims we were warring amongst each other and someone murdered Mythal.” Isera briefly looks at them. “As punishment, he sealed them away for eternity. A side effect of sealing the gods away was the creation of the Veil. We began to age because we lost our connection to magic.”
“You’re lying.” Merrill accuses, her hands resting on her face in surprise.
“I wish I was.” Isera grimaces. “I am theorizing, at this point, after the separation by the Veil, that Tevinter took advance of the chaos and enslaved the elves, thus began our continued subjugation.”
“Continued?.” Fenris asks glancing at Merrill. There are no stories of the elves being enslaved before the involvement of Tevinter.
“Yes…” Isera confirms. “We were…no different than humans. We enslaved our own. Our stories of the vallaslin are right and wrong. Right in the sense that the markings did honor the Gods…but only on slaves owned by nobles.”
Merrill’s eyes narrow. “If this is what this Solas told you, who are also claiming is Fen’harel, he could be lying.”
Isera sighs. “He is not. I found reports of his actions during that time…” Isera points to the papers that she collected and saved two years ago.
“You said Mythal was murdered,” Merrill asks, her eyes still narrow as she glares at Isera.
“Yes. I do not know the details, but she yet lives.”
“You are telling me, Mythal the Protector, the All-Mother, was murdered, but is alive?” Merrill asks.
“In one sense. The Evanuris aren’t killed so easily. Mythal, after her murdered, came to a woman by the name of Flemeth—“
Merrill jumps up, her eyes wide in awe. “Asha'bellanar!” Merrill gasps in surprise. She begins pacing about the room clearly in thought at the name.
Fenris scowls, looking at Merrill. “That witch we freed all those years ago?” He asks, vaguely remembering what the witch was called.
Isera looks between them. “You’ve met her?” Isera asks with confusion.
Merrill nods. “It is a long story. Yes. I believe you.” She begins pulling at a piece of her robes.
Isera shakes her head. “Please, do not take my word. Read these,” she waves to the books. “And decide on your own.” This step is imperative for Isera—she wants them to know what she does about the Solas and the elven history.
“But why call us here?” Fenris asks once more.
Isera glances down. “Solas…seeks to renew what once was. But his belief is that, in order to restore the world as it was, would destroy what we know today—humans, dwarves,…possibly even modern day elves.”
She takes a deep breath. “I seek to stop him, show him that we can lower the Veil safety without destroying our friends.”
“It sounds simpler if we would simply kill him,” Fenris suggests. “What happens if we lower the Veil?”
She debates on sharing her relationship with them. “The easier method may not be the best method. I…want to save him…he is important to me.” She explains. “As for lowering the Veil…,I’m not sure. We were once a part of the Veil, our lives were longer, and it is said we all had magic…”
Merrill frowns in thought before bursting out, “You two were lovers!”
Isera grimaces at the announcement. She takes another deep breath. “Wouldn’t you do anything to save the one you love?” Isera presses.
Merrill sighs looking longingly at Fenris. “I would do anything for Carver. I miss him dearly.” She pauses. “You would do anything for Marian, wouldn’t you?”
Fenris roughly sighs but does not say anything. “What would you have us do?” He asks.
“I not only seek to prevent Solas from destroying this world, but I also strive to make this place a haven for elves. We have Clan Lavellan in Wycome, Briala in the Dales, the Dalish establishment in Rivain, and a settlement and representatives in Ferelden.” Isera shares.
“We will train, education, open our doors to the People. War is coming, I do not know when, but it is. We will need to prepare the elves to fight like times of old.”
Isera pauses, turning to Merrill. “Merrill, you have given up much to further your studies of our history. It is time that our People gave back to you; I want you to be the Magical Advisor for me. You would assist with newly discovered elves to practice magic safely and learn as much as you can about our history and magic of old.”
She looks to Fenris. “And Fenris, you have skills in commanding a platoon. You are a former slave rising to power—you inspire those around you. You would help train the recruits, be in charge of the army.”
“What if I do not agree with your methods?” Fenris challenges.
“I may be the face of this organization, but I do not solely lead or have the power. We will represent the People. I have called for the leaders of both the cities and the Dalish to come and be a part of a senate.”
“The People’s weakness lies in the fracturing and separation of our traditions and beliefs when more things tie us together. We will vote on the path that best represents our People as much as possible.”
“You have put a lot of thought into this.” He sighs as he glances at the old books on the table.
“I had to.”
“Let me read your books. But I feel that I should help you lead the People.” Merrill states as she moves to sit at the table.
Fenris frowns. “I’ll let you know.”
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mustachioedoctopus · 9 years
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i do love some city elf ladies
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
Words: 2064 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Briala/Shianni Characters: Briala, Shianni Additional Tags: Eluvians, First Kiss, Elven Politics, Holding Hands Summary:
Briala has never called her away from Denerim before, so Shianni can only assume this is important.
Written for @chocochipbiscuit for the @black-emporium-exchange
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dalishious · 5 years
ok even tho they have never met, Briala x Shianni actually makes sense and I can see it happening. I need content of this ship now, it sounds so sweet too
Briala, Marquise of the Dales, meets with Shianni, Bann of the Denerim Alienage. They instantly hit it off.
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dalishious · 7 years
do you have any favorite rarepairs?
Canon: Tessa x Charter
Non-Canon: Isabela x Josephine, Sigrun x Velanna, Briala x Shianni,
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