#brian egg
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The Body in the Fish Tank: the unsolved murder
In August 2018 a headless, hand-less torso was found hidden under a staircase inside a fish tank in the SoMa District home of 65-year-old Brian Egg. Two people were arrested, but then released for the murder of Egg. 
“When he suddenly disappeared, I knew there had to be something amiss there,” a friend of Egg’s said. He remembers that when Egg disappeared, the message on his phone said he was away on vacation - Suspicious, considering Egg never used his voice mail and the voice was not his. Neighbors also saw strangers in his home. His friend asked police to do a welfare check on Egg. They did, but it was only cursory. “No response at the door. And saw nothing suspicious,” said police. 
A few months later another frantic call to police, and this time, responding officers found someone in the house. A strange odour wafted through a locked room. Police found a body without a head or hands in a large fish tank. They arrested Lance Silva and another transient, Robert McCaffrey, living in the house. Both were charged with ID theft, financial crimes, and homicide. Through DNA, the mutilated body was identified as that of Brian Egg. An autopsy concluded he was murdered and died from blunt trauma. Lance Silva and his friend were later released.
The Brian Egg case began in late May 2018. That’s the last time that Egg was spotted in his South of Market neighborhood. A full timeline on the case is posted below:
Late May or early June 2018: Brian Egg last seen in his South of Market neighborhood, San Francisco police say.
June or July 2018: Egg’s brother, Devon Egg, says he phoned his brother and an answering machine picked up with a request to leave a message. He said his brother never used an answering machine and he didn’t recognize the voice on the machine. He called back and someone answered who gave his name as Nate. He said his brother would call him right back after he finished walking his dog. No one called back.
June 1, 2018: Court records show that a 2007 BMW was purchased for $5500 by someone who had identified themselves as Brian Egg from a dealership in Newark. A purchase document for the sale would later be found in possession of Lance Silva after he was arrested in connection with Egg’s disappearance.
June 15, 2018: The BMW purchased on June 1 was towed from 379 5th Street in San Francisco for parking in a no-stopping zone. It was retrieved later that day by two men, one of whom identified themselves as Paul Foran, the second was identified by police from surveillance video as Lance Silva.
Late July 2018: Police say they receive the first calls from neighbors reporting Egg’s disappearance. Officers respond to the home twice. They knocked on the door. Each time, there was no answer and the officers left.
August 2, 2018 Egg’s long-time neighbor and friend Scot Free makes a post on the social media site Nextdoor to alert neighbors. Neighbors expressed their concern and said they would also report the suspicious activity at the home to police. Strangers were seen coming and going from home.
August 4 or 5th, 2018: Neighbors say the third check by police apparently prompted the people living in the house to frantically clean. They observed soap suds coming out of the home and bleach was being used to clean the front of the home. Someone in the home had also painted part of the front of the home including a door.
August 7, 2018: Police say Egg’s sister filed a missing person’s report. They send officers out to the house for a third time. But again, after no one answers the door, they leave.
August 14, 2018: Neighbors call 911 after the private crime scene clean-up company Aftermath showed up to clean the home. Robert McCaffrey, 52, was arrested at the home. Neighbors say he had at least $1,000 cash in hand to pay the company for the job.
August 16, 2018: Police arrest Lance Silva, 39, in a nearby residential hotel. Both men are charged with homicide, ID theft, elder abuse and financial crimes. But the San Francisco District attorney’s Office eventually drops the charges pending further investigation. McCaffrey is freed. Silva is held in jail in Alameda County by authorities for a parole violation. Court records show he had a prior convictions for grand theft. The parole violation stemmed from identity theft and fraud charges. Police believe he was using Egg’s debit card.
August 17, 2018: After searching the home for four days, police find a human torso in a large fish tank that was hidden in the home. They seek DNA samples from family members in an effort to identify the remains.
August 23, 2018: Neighbors say that a round-the-clock surveillance of the home by police since August 14 ends.
August 28, 2018: San Francisco police hold press conference revealing details of the case for the first time. They defend not taking further action during those three checks on the home. They say there wasn’t sufficient suspicion break into the home but neighbors strongly dispute that.
August 29, 2018: Lance Silva appeared in court in Alameda County to face charges related to a parole violation.
April 24, 2019: Lance Silva released from jail after ‘sentence served’
May 2019: Egg’s death officially ruled a homicide by San Francisco Medical Examiner
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deeploretv · 5 months
Who put Brian Egg's body in the Fishtank?
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In mid-2018, Brian Egg, a San Francisco resident known for volunteering to clean up his neighborhood, suddenly went missing under highly suspicious circumstances. His disappearance went largely unnoticed for several weeks until his brother Devin attempted to reach him by phone in late June or early July.
Devin grew alarmed when an unfamiliar voice answered Brian's phone, claiming to be someone named Nate who said Brian would call back after walking his dog. However, Brian never returned the call, which was highly out of character for him.
Over the following weeks, Brian's neighbors began to notice strangers frequently entering and leaving his home. Despite multiple calls to police expressing concern over Brian's whereabouts and the suspicious activity at his residence, authorities failed to thoroughly investigate.
It wasn't until early August that Brian's sister officially reported him as a missing person. Even then, police conducted only minimal efforts, simply knocking on the door a few times before leaving when no one answered.
Meanwhile, Brian's neighbors witnessed what appeared to be a frantic cleanup effort happening inside the home, with soap bubbles and a strong bleach odor emanating from the residence as strangers painted portions of the exterior.
Finally, on August 14th, over two months after Brian was last seen, neighbors called 911 after observing a crime scene cleanup company at the property. This time, police arrested 52-year-old Robert McCaffrey at the scene.
Two days later, a second suspect, 39-year-old Lance Silva, was taken into custody nearby. Both men were initially charged with homicide, identity theft, elder abuse and financial crimes after it was discovered they had been using Brian's credit cards.
However, in a shocking turn of events, the San Francisco District Attorney's office eventually dropped all charges against the two men pending further investigation, citing lack of evidence.
It took a four-day search of Brian's home for police to finally make the grisly discovery - a dismembered human torso concealed inside a large fish tank hidden under the stairs. The remains were confirmed to belong to Brian Egg, whose death was officially ruled a homicide in May 2019.
Despite the arrests, the apparent cleanup effort, and recovery of Brian's body, no one has ever been convicted for his murder. The motive and complete circumstances around his death remain unclear, leaving his loved ones devastated over the lack of justice and closure in this disturbing case.
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NADDPOD is crazy cause one moment it’s the most ridiculous unhinged shit you’ve ever heard and the next I’m crying over the beautiful, scary, and compassionate world that Murph has created.
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sea-buns · 7 months
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I feel like this belongs in the Zac-Murph face palm collection
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humbledragon669 · 4 months
S1E2 – The Book Write Up P2 – 11 years ago and The Present Day/Thursday (2 days to the end of the World) (up to Aziraphale and Crowleys’ arrival in Tadfield)
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Alright, let’s get dug straight in, shall we? There’s a lot of background narrative being covered in this section, including the introduction of quite a few new characters.
Let’s start with Anathema. I don’t have a lot to say about her intro scene, but I do have two questions:
Why THE HELL is her mother allowing her to draw in that book? It’s the only copy of a 350-year-old book that contains prophecies that have all proven to be correct. In reality that book would genuinely be priceless, and we will see later in the series that the book is still considered valuable to the family. I don’t like writing notes in my cheap paperback books, so the idea of a child drawing IN COLOURED PENCIL in this book chills me to the bone, yet her mother just lets her do it without so much as a blink of an eye. Mad woman.
We know that the book contains prophecies up until the end of the world. We also know that at least one of the prophecies contains an actual year (1980 – the one with the Apple). Furthermore, we know that Anathema is named specifically in one of the prophecies. Just how many Anathemas did this family have in the hopes that one of them would be the one to save the world? Logically, only children born after 1980 would be eligible but that still leaves at least one generation of descendants prior to the one we see in the show. I suppose there could be another prophecy that states what year “the” Anathema was to be born but I like to believe that somewhere there’s a little group of related women called Anathema all fighting over who gets to save the world.
Next up – Newton. Again, not an awful lot to say here, other than the camera crashing into his bedroom window makes me laugh every time I watch it. I don’t know why this specific moment was chosen to break the fourth wall just as much as I don’t know why I find it so funny.
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Having worked in IT for more than ten years, I can say without a doubt that there really are people like poor Newt who are cursed with breaking anything computer-related just by looking at it. They’re exasperating because they usually think the whole thing is one big joke and hold their technology incompatibility up to be some sort of prize. At least Newt has the decency to look abashed by his strange “gift”.
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Newton’s home location is confirmed to be Dorking in his first present day scene when we see his mother shipping him off to a new job. We don’t know the location of the United Worldwide Holdings (Holdings) office in which he attempts to establish a hold as a wages clerk, but I can say for certainty that the location of his introduction to Shadwell is central London. For those whose UK geography is worse than my own, it would take over an hour to get to central London from Dorking, regardless of the transport mode of choice. This has always struck me as rather odd – it’s clear that Newt has difficulty holding down a job. The home that he apparently shares with his mother looks pretty run down from the outside, suggesting that money isn’t exactly a commodity in their household. So why would you take a clerical job, that likely doesn’t pay much, in a place that’s over an hour away? Perhaps Neil and Terry just chose Dorking as Newt’s hometown because it has a slightly funny sounding name…
Side note: the chances that the Hot Dog van that Newt and Shadwell get their drinks from would be allowed to park there, right behind the Houses of Parliament and directly in front of Westminster Abbey, are null. I would even go so far as to suggest that Shadwell himself would likely be moved on pretty sharpish from his chosen pulpit. Makes a pretty impressive backdrop though, hey?
Let’s just take a moment to have a chortle at Shadwell’s ideas of what sort of activity would give the game away for any self-respecting witch:
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Speaking as the last in the line of Welsh “wise women”, I can (pretty much categorically state) that none of my ancestors have done any of those things. Maybe apart from calling the cats funny names, though most of my maternal line had/have a strong dislike for animals of the feline variety. My cat is called Kishi, which is supposed to be Japanese for “love bound to Earth”. It’s a wholly inappropriate name for her, as she’s really just a massive prick, like every other cat there is.
Why does Newt stop to listen to Shadwell here? Why not just ignore the crazy man on the pedestal like every other person in London? Obviously that would cause a bit of a plot problem. Perhaps it’s his ancestral right driving him into the arms of the Witchfinder Army – there are certainly crazier things that happen in the GO universe! As it turns out, Newt’s recruitment is well-timed, what with there not being any soldiers of rank higher than sergeant, and only one of those at that.
Easter egg time!
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This ridiculously quick shot of Shadwell’s newspaper gives us a veritable treasure trove of Easter eggs/nuggets of information for the keen eye:
Shadwell’s address is confirmed as located in Crouch End.
The reference numbers for the adverts begin with the letters “GO”.
There is an advert for a lost book, which we can just make out is one of Terry’s – “Colour of Magic”.
Save the best for last! The advert for a lost hat clearly describes Terry himself, and his signature hat and scarf. Not only that, but he apparently lost it in a book shop in Soho. I wonder which one that could be…
This fleeting glimpse of newspaper is a perfect representation for one of the main reasons I love this show so much. Most casual audience members will never see it. Some more interested parties will see it and think little of it. Others, like myself and likely anybody reading this waffle, will not only see it, but understand the references and then squeal with delight at the little present that was left for us to find. It makes me feel valued as a fan whilst at the same time as if I’m sharing in a secret that the creative team has left for me. This is great television making at its very best.
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Quick Easter egg here in Jasmine Cottage: the image that Anathema has pinned on the wall to represent the Antichrist is the same as the one used on the playing cards from episode 1 (albeit in black and white):
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When we find ourselves back with Crowley in his apartment, he’s clearly furious with himself about losing the Antichrist. We also learn that he discovered the joys of tending to houseplants in the early 1970s. I’d like to think he inserted them into his life after the event that takes place in 1967 between himself and Aziraphale (which we will see in the next episode) – perhaps he was looking for something that he could try to use as some sort of poor substitute for his true desires? The presence of the houseplants and the timeline for his discovering of them is included in the book, so in honesty I doubt this was the intention for their purpose, but I like the possibility nonetheless. The scene with the houseplants provides a little nugget of information that we can store for reference for later – Crowley’s houseplants actually shake when they’re frightened.
Once again, I don’t have much to say about the next scene: that of Newt’s arrival to the Witchfinder Army’s HQ. I will pause briefly to note the wording of the notice on Shadwell’s door:
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This calls to mind the phrase used by Aziraphale to refer to Crowly in episode 1. I’m not sure there’s anything in this as “foul fiend” has often been used to refer to demonic or evil beings. That said, it’s difficult not to try and make some connection, given that the two uses of the phrase are so close together in the show. We will later find out that Shadwell is working for both Aziraphale and Crowley for the same purpose, so defying the “foul fiend” in this case becomes somewhat impossible.
Quick pause for a moment of appreciation for that strut that David pulls off in this next scene. Honestly, there are professional supermodels that couldn’t manage that sort of casual arrogance, even if somebody told them they could stay thin and eat whatever they wanted for the rest of their lives.
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This is the first time we find out that Crowly has adopted a first name for himself. I’ll talk about it a little more in the write up(s) for episode 3, so for now this is another piece of information for us to store for later.
I quite enjoy just how awkward Aziraphale sounds leaving a message on the answerphone. Dealing with the unannounced arrival of two angels in his book shop he can handle, but having to leave a message instead of speaking to Crowley direct? Perish the thought. This seems to me a quite human attitude to have – when answerphones started to become commonplace, people (on the whole) hated leaving messages once they realised the person they wanted to speak to wasn’t going to pick up. What I find interesting about the conversation that they do have is that Aziraphale’s suggestion is actually incredibly obvious. In fact, it’s about the only possible scenario that would make any sense. Crowley’s disbelieving expression would suggest he doesn’t feel the same way:
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Still, at least this conversation tells the audience that this pair haven’t given up on working together to try and stop Armageddon just yet (it would be a pretty short and disappointing show if they had, wouldn’t it?!).
At this point in the episode, we are introduced to Crowley’s driving style which could be described as suicidal dangerous. He seems pretty confident with it though, so it’s unlikely this is out of the ordinary for him, urgency of their mission notwithstanding. Aziraphale doesn’t actually seem that bothered by it initially, not until we hear the horns of other angry drivers, where it becomes apparent that he’s actually very uncomfortable indeed. We’ll see a fair amount of material on the theme of Crowley’s driving and its effects on Aziraphale in this episode, almost like we’re being set up for something…
Crowley is pretty insistent on the use of “we” in this scene, despite the fact that Aziraphale really didn’t have anything to do with losing the Antichrist (he just took Crowley’s lead on this one). The angel doesn’t really dispute it though, though perhaps he’s just too worried about being discorporated to argue.  What is pretty obvious is that Crowley does not appreciate being told how to drive, and it makes me wonder how many times they have had conversations exactly like this before.
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I’m going to wrap this part up with a quick round-up of the “The Them” scenes in Tadfield, prior to the arrival Aziraphale and Crowley in the village. As with much of the other narrative-based scenes in this episode, I don’t have much to say about them, but I did make note of a couple of (potentially) interesting things:
Pepper’s middle name is Galadriel. For those people who have managed to live their lives without any sort of interaction with Lord of the Rings up to now, this is the name of an Elven queen in that universe. As much as it would be cool for there to be some sort of subtextual Clue hidden in her middle name, I think it’s more likely it was just picked because it was a fitting one for the daughter of a reformed hippy.
Anathema recites parts of an infamous speech from Shakespeare’s Macbeth here: Eye of newt and […] tongue of dog. What I find interesting about this is that there are two ingredients in the potion recipe that have been omitted (a frog’s toe and the wool of a bat), leaving only the two elements that can be found in the show – a Newt and a dog. Honestly, I’m not sure what to make of this, not least because I’m not even sure what relevance the rhyme has to what she’s doing at the time she recites it. Not to mention that she hasn’t actually met Newt at this point, so would have no knowledge of his name (to the best of our knowledge, he’s only referred to as “man” or “boy” in Agnes’s prophecies).
Wensleydale brings up the Spanish Inquisition when in the woods, which we know Crowley has claimed responsibility for (to his Hellish masters). I absolutely love the way that the religious reasoning for punishing people is so masterfully undermined by Brian’s earnest reasoning here. I should point out that in addition to being a hereditary Pagan, I am staunchly against organised religion (not faith; I consider that to be an entirely different concept and feel that it’s integral to the spiritual identity for pretty much everybody. I believe we should all have the right to follow our chosen faith without the overbearing interference of organised religion) so the satiric tones that people who were being executed would have been grateful for their persecution if they had understood the reasons behind it fully really strikes a chord with the religion-cynic in me.
There’s an interesting little set detail here in the Them’s den:
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These look like old-school weighing scales to me. In the context of the conversation that the Them are having about torturing witches, these could be said to be a reference to the practice of weighing people accused of witchcraft against the weight of a bible to determine their guilt. Alternatively, it could be a reference to the scales we will see later in the series as the summoning object for Famine. Or it could be nothing. I doubt that last one though.
That brings us quite nicely to see Aziraphale and Crowley arriving in Tadfield, which feels to me like a good place to finish this part of the write up. I’m going to be tackling a couple of important moments in the next part (can we say “wall slam”?), which I’m aware have been discussed at length already, but I have things to say and I’m going to say them. They’ve probably all been said before, but they need to get out of my head and into a piece of writing so I’m going to say them anyway. Questions, comments and discussion on this part welcome as always!
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eefos · 1 year
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Easter Eggs I guess? Did you notice?
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caelichythcat · 1 year
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omg-snakes · 1 year
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Sneason's Greasons from OMG (what have I done??) Snakes!
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Steve inviting Billy over for an egg hunt... all of the eggs are inside of him.
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xxvampcakezxx · 1 year
[SPOILERS FOR MONSTER ROADTRIP] it's been two months or so? since i last played monster roadtrip and OH. MY. GOD. I LOVE THE NEW LOCATION. I LOVE THE META-CABIN. i went for the third option and picked the riskiest choice AND GOT THIS
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and just. it worked. IT WORKED!!! SHE'S FINALLY HERE!!! BUT TO MY SURPRISE SHE'S... WASHING MACHINE DAHLIA LMAO XD tbh this is why i love monster prom and all the games so much, they're meta but in a clever way, not in a sarcastic and throws shade on their own game kind of way. i love that they're aware of dahlia not being a hh and made this instead. i haven't finished my gameplay but this is amazing
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larsbarsart · 1 year
@cardinallll I drew more of them. Here's the whole page!
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I'm gonna try drawing children versions of these eggs next! :]
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samasmith23 · 1 year
I always loved this little Easter Egg of both the Earth-616 and Sam Rami Trilogy Green Goblin masks from the "Hobgoblin" arc of Brian Michael Bendis’ run on Ultimate Spider-Man!
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Heck, I actually noticed it when I first read the issue as a little kid!
From Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) #75 by Brian Michael Bendis & Mark Bagley.
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localmvtt · 1 year
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Marble Hornets eggs if they were in QSMP
NAVY= Alex's child
GOOBER= Brian's child
RAVEN= Jay's child
CRIMSON= Tim's child
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pinkiepig · 10 months
and also leaves you a small avocado plushie
You’ve gave me the perfect thing to consume whole
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allycat75 · 3 months
So which are you, Boston Dumb Fuck?
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(Hope you had a great birthday. Now back to trying to fix the mess you made of your life.)
And yes, I am referencing Yiddish to remind you you "married" a little antisemite and decided to wear the colors of the Nazi flag on the Vanity Fair Oscar red carpet debut with the darling little wifey, not only poorly pretending to be the doating hubby but also the relevant actor people recognize and care about. Did you feel accomplished waiting for your Uber after only being there 20 minutes?
Yep, this is your choice now. Choose wisely, because currenly, every move you make seems a complete, pathetic manipulation and is met with suspicion and derision, at least by those paying attention.
I'll let your theme song play this post out...
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kevnoah · 1 year
Everything is normal
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I worry about nothing
Because nothing is on my mind
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