#brian gets suspicious bc despite jack's maturity
apollos-boyfriend · 7 months
jack time :D huge shoutout to this fic bc i have based like 90% of my jack inspiration from it it's so fucking good.
jack is like. the Oldest of the mansion's permanent residents for a long while, if not in general. i'm still unsure what i want to do with tim/brian, but jane at least only visits due to having a family on the outside, so a lot of the time the care taking is left to jack. (slender's fully there, he just doesn't give a fuck to keep the kids from killing each other/cooking meals for them.) incidentally, jack has developed a horrible case of Eldest Daughter Syndrome because. obviously. him being the mansion's kind of sole doctor does not help at all, because not only is everyone else's well-being down to him, if someone gets hurt (which happens often), he's the only one that can help, and if he fails, their death will be on him.
tim and brian and jane try to help as much as they can, but they don't get it. jack can never fully let himself rely on them, because they'll eventually leave. jane has her own family to take care of and god only knows what tim and brian do when they're not around. jack will Always have to maintain independence. he can't let his guard down. if he gets reliant on the other "adults", something could happen when they're not around, and he won't be sharp enough anymore to deal with it.
and i've spoken about this already but. jack is also just a kid! everyone thinks he's older because of his maturity/unnatural height, but he's just 16! the same age as natalie! it takes a very long time for them to realize that, even himself, bc he doesn't actually remember his age due to the ritual. it's only when brian eventually raises his suspicions that they try to do some digging and find out. oh. that's a kid
[send me a "👀" and i'll ramble about an au]
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Just saw your #jack fairy tag and wondered what kind of story you gof for him bc I'm curious
Hey, I’m not the one with the story actually! My friend @lionslove has a big one involving him and I’m sure she’d be happy to give it to you, I more have one for Malcolm bc nobody wanted to accessorize him but me.
So basically, Malcolm’s full name is Malcolm O’Hara, and he comes from a strict religious family in the Midwest. He is a third generation Irish immigrant. I’m thinking his family lives somewhere in Ohio, that his father is a mechanic, and his mother is either a secretary or a Librarian- Something fitting for a woman to do. He’s from a small town similar to my own, which means that basically everyone is a bigoted Republican, including his own parents. His teen years are unremarkable, and are probably spent much like Brian Molko’s; Pursuing drama(which is in fact possible if you live in a shitty small town, as long as you’re willing to drive), getting obsessed with music, and dealing with undiagnosed depression. He manages to graduate high school and is sent to college, where he works part time until he has enough money to buy a plane ticket. He drops out by way of just disappearing, hops on the plane, and ends up in London with no money and very little knowledge of English currency.
From there, he becomes a squatter, and falls in with the runaway gay crowd as one of their many Arthur Stuarts. As in, they’re not sure how long he’ll be with them, but they’ll look after him until he finds somewhere to go. This crowd frequents clubs and shows, and sort of forms their own clique- Pearl, Ray, Billy, and Malcolm, form a sort of superior, romantic miniature society, which is focused on pursuing their work and dreams despite the terrible injustices of Capitalism and the heterosexual world. Eventually they do end up with a shitty flat to hole up in, though how they get their instruments together is beyond me. Most likely, Pearl has a rich relative who dies, and they take the inheritance money and buy champagne and a drum set. Besides that, I know you can find cheap guitars in pawn shops. It helps that they weren’t looking for quality.
So you have The Flaming Creatures, which draw on a number of influences. You have, obviously, the first tastes of Goth with them- This is because Malcolm is a slut for trashy vampire shit and dressed accordingly. He’s also a poet, like Marc Bolan. He’s tried to get a couple of books published unsuccessfully, and writes with a romantic, space-age, fable heavy style. If I were going to describe their sound, I’d say it was a blend of the Caberet soundtrack and the T. Rex sound, and that it would eventually develop into something like Lydia Lunch or The Cure. Of course, Malcolm is obsessed with Caberet, and that makes their eventual move to Berlin a must.
The Flaming Creatures never get as popular as acts like Polly Smalls and Brian Slade, and this is something Malcolm understands but is secretly torn up about. Their sound is different from the other glam acts, and Brian Slade is obviously a sell out. Compared to his first record, Sebastian, which Malcolm liked, The Ballad Of Maxwell Demon is a grab for commercial success through and through, especially with its lead single, The Whole Shebang. It doesn’t help that his idol, Jack Fairy, king of the underground, loathes Brian with a vehemence that Malcolm is happy to return. Jack takes a liking to The Flaming Creatures, and to Malcolm personally. He produces their first record, and later, sets them up with a place to stay in Berlin.
After the Brian Slade scandal, Malcolm is on cloud nine. Their first record, Electric Warrior, is doing very well, and now Brian Slade is dead. They’ve been able to find somewhere better to live, and now several people in the band have girlfriends, so they don’t all have to be on top of each other anymore. He’s even happier when he wakes up the next day to find out that he didn’t actually die, he just ruined his whole life, and Electric Warrior is number five on the charts. Not long after that, The Creatures receive an offer to open the Death of Glitter concert for Jack Fairy.
Arthur appears shortly before this concert, in the Creature’s normal haunt, which is part strip club, part, Malcolm believes, avant garde arena. It forces their music to be sexy.
Malcolm does eventually draw out Arthur’s story, which is far more tragic than his own, and takes him on with the enthusiasm of a child with their first puppy. He’s never had an apprentice before, and is happy to treat Arthur as Jack treated him, teaching him the basics of fashion, presentation, guitar, and men. When the Death Of Glitter concert rolls around, he lets Arthur accompany them, though it’s not even up to him: Arthur is their family, and they’re not sure how long he’ll be there, but he gets to stay until he has somewhere to go.
Death of Glitter happens, and the world is in an uproar, but not like it was with Brian- That was the real world. The inner world, between Jack, Curt, and The Creatures, is rapidly changing. Soon after the concert Arthur lands a job writing for a music mag, and moves in with his first boyfriend; Someone who looks suspiciously like Curt Wild, but is in fact a sweet kid named James. The Creatures pack up and head to Berlin, which is where Jack and Curt have taken residence, experimenting constantly with new frontiers and new sounds. It will be a while before the technological musical advances of the 80’s, but Malcolm and Jack will be at the forefront.
Or at least- Jack is experimenting, creating, and looking beautiful while doing it- Curt is a self-destructive black hole. Back on heroin, it’s all Jack can do to keep him alive and out of the gutters. He can’t do anything about Curt’s increasingly violent stage acts, which now include shattered glass and taking on people in the crowd who could kill him. Malcolm and Jack get closer, as Malcolm has more personal understanding with Curt and is better at talking sense into him. Jack also likes that Malcolm is his opposite; Opinionated, loud, and not afraid to cry or scream in any social situation where he feels the need. They have their similarities as well- Jack is also Irish, as in came from Ireland to London at the age of sixteen, and has similar family and inferiority issues. They begin their relationship which, though it goes through phases, never fully ends and becomes monogamous and fully committed around 1976.
This is at about the point where things mellow out- Curt gradually gets better, after a few life or death scares and a couple of rehab trips. He gets back into his music with a vengeance, and Curt Wild: The Passenger does better than Danger Zone. Malcolm and Jack continue to push themselves artistically, and become more and more involved with their relationship. The Creatures split up, but Malcolm remains as a solo artist, being produced by Jack. It’s around 1980 that Curt and Brian reconnect(a whole other story) and the Berlin apartment becomes too small, as the general hatred for Brian Slade is too big. Curt moves to Paris with Brian in ‘81, and after a couple of years, once everything has softened and it’s clear that some people have matured, Jack and Malcolm follow. Deep friendships are formed all around, and music, art, and poetry continue to be the soul focus of everyone’s life- Outside of Brian, who still has to leave room for his massive and highly obnoxious daddy kink.
Jack dies in 2013 of complications from pneumonia(I haven’t asked Caroline about this but we’ve established that he’s sickly in the respiratory sense so if I’m wrong I am sorry,) and Curt in 2015 of a heart attack. Brian and Malcolm settle into the lives of snarky old queens, and actually become even better friends than they were before, something basically unexpected and unheard of, as far as Malcolm is concerned. Brian passes in his sleep at the tender old age of 80, and Malcolm follows shortly after in much the same way, at the age of 77.
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