#bridgerton queen sophie au
The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Scale a Garden Wall
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"Ugh! Who was the genius who put a wall this high to protect a garden?" Shuri huffed.
It was her. She was the genius.
But as her repeated attempts at scaling the wall that surrounded the garden of the heart shaped herb, continued to yield poor results Shuri was growing increasingly agitated.
"I will get over this wall! So help me Bast" She announced placing her foot on one of the ivy branches and began climbing.
Shuri could feel the ivy giving underneath her. How were these plants not able to carry her weight? She was such a tiny thing, it was a wonder how she stayed on the ground when a strong breeze blew her way.
Surely these plants should be considered a shame to their kind. Either that or the ridiculous garb she had on was to blame. After all, the corset really was very uncomfortable.
"Miss?" Came a voice from behind her.
"OH great just what she needed! a witness!" She mumbled
"Miss? What are you doing" the voice asked, the deep timbre and heavy Talokanil accent marking the person as a Talokanil man.
"Nothing" She replied simply, before placing her foot on the next branch.
"I think you are doing something"
"I am not"
"Yes you are" the voice challenged
"I am doing nothing! And if you could kindly leave me to my nothing and go and wait inside with the rest of the wolves"
The ivy finally gave causing Shuri to fall, but seeing as she had only made it up all of two feet she was able to land on her two feet.
"Ugh! These vines are too weak!" She exclaimed dusting her hands off
"Miss what are you doing?" The voice asked again.
Shuri realized that if she didn't answer his questions he man would remain so she told him
"If you must know I am trying to ascertain the best way to make it over the garden wall"
"And why is that?"
"Well I want to see what the view is like from the other side- I am running away genius!" Shuri called back sarcastically
She remained with her back to the stranger, her mind still trying to calculate how to get up to the top of the wall.
"Won't people notice you are missing?" The man asked
"I'm sure they won't"
"May I ask why you are running away?" He asked.
Perhaps Shuri was so engrossed in her mission but something possessed her to answer him
"Because I think he may be a beast"
"A beast?" Came the confused reply
"Or a troll! Or a mutant with elf ears and wings on his ankles!" Shuri continued
"Wings on his- who are you talking about?" The stranger questioned
Shuri huffed a laugh "That is none of your business random person"
The stranger grew quiet perhaps he was stunned by her responses or perhaps he had left.
Shuri dared a glance behind her, the man was still there. He was staring at her, an amused expression on his handsome face. Shuri turned her attention back to the wall, there was no point in lingering on the handsome stranger whose eyes seemed to burn through her, not when she was betrothed and trying to escape.
"It's the King of Talokan, the Kuk'ul'kan or whoever he is" She pulled on the vines again, before finishing, "I think he might be a beast"
"So beast or troll, what he looks like matters?" The man asked
"I don't care what he looks like!" She turned to face him then, "What I do care about is not knowing and no one will speak of him so therefore he must be a beast or a troll!"
The stranger chuckled, "Or a mutant with elf ears and wings on his ankles?" He said,  his dark eyes lighting up with humor and what looked to Shuri like interest, but she did not want dwell on that.
"Exactly! So if you excuse me!" Shuri returned her gaze to the wall and finally an idea struck her, the stranger was a little taller than her and his physique looked well enough
"Yes! Do you see there?" She cried, gesturing to a crack in the wall just out of her height range.
"I believe that with a boost I can make it over the garden wall"
"You want me to help you?" He asked voice tinged with disbelief
"Yes! Please now hurry! Just take hold of my waist and lift and I'll do the rest" Shuri explained.
"Princess, I have no intention of helping you" came the strangers reply
Shuri once again turned to face the man. Angered by his refusal to help her.
"I am a lady in distress!" She chastised, putting her hands on her hips
"You refuse to help a lady in distress?"
Then she realized "Wait! Princess? I never told you who I was" she accused.
"That is true you didn't"
The man drew himself up to his full height, cocking his head to one side. The movement seemed smug and the smirk on his face even more so.
Shuri was beginning to become regret the fact she ever considered him handsome
"I refuse to help" he spoke taking a step towards Shuri
"When that lady is trying to climb over a garden wall" he continued moving closer and closer until he had Shuri had backed up against the wall. He had her pinned with his gaze and Shuri felt her face grow warm at the attention.
"So that she does not have to marry me" he finished, whispering the last bit in her ear. Shuri refused to shiver she would bot give him the satisfaction.
It now seemed to Shuri, like there was no air left in the garden. Which her scientific mind told her was ridiculous because trees create oxygen and so if anything the garden was full of it.
No her breathless has everything to do with the handsome, dark eyed, brown skinned man who had her backed up against a wall, in literally every way.
The King of Talokan
The Kuk'ul'kan
Her future husband.
Well I said I would do it... and it's late but there I've done it!
The Seaprincess x Queen Sophie Bridgerton Au
The fact that I was only able to write this at 1 am (after writing a punishment essay from my boss) is got to be the most hilarious thing ever.
She can write but she can't do it on command🤣🤣
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sophie being the illegitimate grandchild QC had a deep attachment to so the queen gives her a dress as a gift when she's a kid for her debut in society but then araminta tells the queen sophie died with the earl so QC stops interacting with any possible illegitimate grandchild and then few years forward mrs gibbons reveals she hid the gift sophies grandma gave her and that's what sophie wears for the ball she meets benedict so now not only him but the queen are after sophie
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silverhallow · 1 year
I’ve got a few friends on Twitter saying that the Benophie story line is gonna be connected to QC and mentioned something about it to me and writing it as I’d do a better job that the writers
So this is my idea…
Not that I need another what if au 😂
Richard Gunningworth is still her father…
And Sophie is still his ward
the queen does occasionally check in on her and so does the Princess but once Richard marries Araminta…
The queen cannot stand Araminta and so their crowns support wains but they know they can’t take sophie back…
Then Richard dies when Sophie is 14 as per the book and Araminta forces her into servitude not knowing that her mother is the Princess as Richard never says anything
The Queen enquires as to what happened to the Earl’s ward and is told by Araminta that she died…
But it is the Queen’s masquerade that she sneaks into and meets Benedict…
And then everything happens as per the book…
But when Sophie comes back into the picture and is working at Bridgerton House, she is surprised when the Queen and Lady Danbury come to visit and Sophie brings something into Violet and the queen drops her tea, recognising her and is SHOOK
And outraged and knows who she is but Sophie has no idea of her Royal connections.
And when she’s asked what happened Sophie breaks down and tells them the truth and she says she was thrown out after she snuck into the ball
All of which Benedict overhears and he’s 🤯🤯
And Araminta is summoned to the palace to answer for her lies…
And Sophie is introduced to her mother… the Queen declares Sophie as a cousin from her fathers half sister this to legitimise her…
All of which supports my whole Alex worked with Prince Albert theme since Princess Sophie lived with Princess Victoria after QC does and Princess Sophie would have introduced her “cousin” and her kids to the Future Queen Vic…
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hopepaigeturner · 1 year
☂️Umbrella Academy: Two Steps from Reality ☂️
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“How has no one ever danced with you? You are…you are beautiful,” Benedict murmured still sounding stupefied.
How could one not see that? Could they not see it in her smile, her words…even her very being?
“Yes, ofcourse, because a pretty face makes everything so much easier,” the girl gestured sarcastically, but he saw the glassiness in her eyes.
“A beautiful smile does.” The girl turned to him. Benedict stepped closer. “It is a crime that a woman with a spirit such as yours, a woman with such inner beauty shining out of her mesmerising smile, has never been asked to dance before. And it is an even worse crime that she does not believe she is all those things and more.”
He looked up to find that slightly shocked expression on her face; she swallowed it down.
“And what? You know this from one conversation?”
Benedict loved words, he loved poetry. He loved the way that a string of sentences on paper could have such power over the heart and soul. But something about that single word seemed to hold the world. So he pressed forward and let his words hold his heart.
 “It is the same reason I know that I would be willing to be the one to show you that. To fulfil every one of your dreams.” He held out his hand. “That is, if you will let me.”
She looked between his eyes and his hand. A smile teased at her lips before she slipped her hand into his.
“One dance.”
Chapter 2: Benedict.
Once upon a time, on a terrace, a boy met a girl who wore the most beautiful silver dress.
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Inspired by the brilliant @bridgertonbabe's ideas for a Bridgerton umbrella academy AU. Go check her ideas out!
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myfairstarlight · 1 month
A bunch of (unorganised) thoughts about an AU where Penelope never became Whistledown (i saw debates on twitter and it got my brain WORKING)
No concept of a diamond? No one is there to provoke and challenge the Queen, and Whistledown was the one to name Daphne the diamond
Daphne being forced to marry Berbrooke — it was the public humiliation that drove him away. If it had remained rumours that no one could really prove, he would have stayed.
Colin marrying Marina. Even if Penelope told him about the pregnancy he might have still married her because #HeroComplex
As a result Penelope would try to find a husband much earlier too. She does not have the Whistledown money to get new dresses behind her mother's back but perhaps Violet agrees to sponsor her since they're now officially family through Marina and Colin's marriage, and Eloise is also now debuting
The Featherington would not be ruined at the end of the first season, if anything they're in a better place with the proper connection to the Bridgertons, but they're still in debts.
No cousin Jack plot cuz one of Marina's children would become the new Lord Featherington after Archibald's death? Which still puts Colin as the de-facto head of the estate in the meantime lol
Which puts him in the perfect place to be tortured when Penelope starts to get suitors. As the new head of the family, he's the one who has to veto any suitor, after all
A less opinionated Eloise? Ultimately, it was Whistledown that reinforced her feminist beliefs upon seeing a successful woman fool the ton. Maybe she'd be more jaded and angry especially seeing her own brother force Daphne into a horrible marriage
She also never ends up meeting Theo. Neither does Penelope anyway.
No Pen and Gen friendship
Anthony marrying Edwina? Whistledown calling him a rake is one of the reasons Kate was so against him. But I think she would have clocked him anyway and would want to protect her sister so I think Kanthony is still endgame in this case. Arguably they'd get together with more ease too since Edwina wouldn't be a diamond, assuming the concept does not exist in this AU.
HOWEVER would she take an issue upon learning Anthony forced his sister to marry Berbrooke? She's very family oriented too, and maybe she'd imagine Edwina in Daphne's position.
Though "forced" is maybe a strong word, since Berbrooke ended up blackmailing the Bridgertons to get what he wants but it never would have happened if Anthony hadn't promised him Daphne's hand without consulting Daphne in the first place, so my point still stands tbh
Assuming from book plot, Benedict and Sophie would not be as lucky as Kate and Anthony without Whistledown though. Joining polin in the trenches
Philip would never know his brother's kids, and would have no reason to start some sort of correspondance with a certain someone since he is content in his recluse life
Francesca's story would be thoroughly unaffected at least
And other stuff I forgot, probably
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newtonsheffield · 8 months
so Sophie’s Edwina’s secretary in the bodyguard au?! Oh bless her, she doesn’t get it easy does she 😂😂
Probably pleased she’s not having to deal with the future Queen and her bodyguard drama as that’s gonna be a headache! and all that drama only for Edwina to be like “hold my beer” with Josephine…
Sophie Beckett, Princess Edwina’s private secretary is the hardest working woman in that palace and everyone knows it. Sophie is constantly seen, herding Edwina around the palace with her arms held outstretched, walking forward, giving Edwina little choice but to move in the same direction.
She might not have to deal with Princess Kate and the fact that the Princess is clearly, in Sophie’s opinion, shagging Anthony Bridgerton her head of security. It’s none of Sophie’s business, it’s really not, she just walked past a cupboard in The Small Palace one day and the last time she checked, mops didn’t say “Fuck, Anthony.”
It’s just not Sophie’s problem! It isn’t! She has enough to deal with Edwina, frankly.
“I have a secret.”
Sophie narrowed her eyes at Edwina across the car. “Is it…? About a certain… security guard?”
Edwina narrowed her eyes, “What do you know?”
“What do you know?”
Neither of them spoke for a moment before Edwina sighed, “My secret is different than that. I have a crush on a straight girl I have for a very long time.”
“How long’s a long time?”
“Since I was fifteen.”
Sophie winced, “That’s a long time.”
Edwina groaned, “I know. It’s fucking awful. I haven’t really thought about her in ages and then she showed up at this event and I… fuck. She was my sort of… peer big sister thing when I was at school, she was finishing up when I started and she… is… fucking perfect. It’s annoying.”
“Do I know this woman?”
“She’s… the Duke of Haverford’s daughter.”
Sophie let her mind tick through the list of people, their pictures before she gasped, “Josephine? Ohh she’s pretty.”
“I know.” Edwina groaned, “And I fucking… couldn’t stay away from her at that stupid party could I? I’ve been texting her and it’s a fucking disaster is what it is.”
“Well maybe not, are we sure she’s straight?”
“She told me she was when I mentioned something in passing.”
Sophie winced, “I’m sorry, I guess you need to decide if you want to be friends with someone if it’s going to make you feel like shit. You don’t deserve to feel that way.”
“She doesn’t want me to feel that way.” Edwina’s voice was tiny, staring out the window.
“And it’s not her fault, she is who she is, and you are who you are. I just… I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Right.” Edwina nodded, “You’re right. I’m just going to stop. I’ll stop responding to pictures of her cute little sausage dog.”
“What’s the sausage dog’s name?”
Sophie let out a squeak. “I’m sorry. That’s…” She scoffed, “Barely a cute name. Fuck Josie.”
“Yeah,” Edwina sighed, “Fuck Josie.”
“I didn’t expect you to take our new mantra literally Edwina!” Sophie hissed as she herded her down the hall, her cheeks still burning from having to keep the king out of his own study months later while Edwina rattled the desk drawers loose.
Edwina grinned, “Well, you know what I’m like.”
“I need a new job. I need to transfer to your sister.”
“Speaking of my sister, have I mentioned Anthony’s brother to you?”
Sophie scoffed, “Oh you are not setting me up with someone to distract me! At least don’t use your father’s office to secretly shag the daughter of one of these rich fuckers! Your father thinks I’m insane!”
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
Masterlist of Fictional Fancies
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Bridgerton x Reader Series/Multichapter
Love to Spare (Anthony & Benedict, regency, romance) Touch (Benedict, regency, romance)
Young At Heart (Benedict, regency, fluff & romance)
The Field (Benedict, modern, lifelong romance)
Chiaroscuro (Benedict, vampire AU, angst & romance)
Standalone fics
These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You) (Benedict, modern, romance)
I'll Be Seeing You (Benedict, zombie AU, angst)
Almost Home (Benedict, modern, fluff & feels)
Two Lines (Benedict, modern, domestic fluff)
Locked Out (Anthony, modern, smut & humor)
Gala (Anthony, modern, suggestive humor)
Slide (Benedict, modern, whump & romance)
Still Going (Anthony, regency, feels and romance)
Earned (Benedict, modern, smut)
Take Me Instead (Anthony, modern, angst)
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Benedict Bridgerton and family Series/Multichapter
A Brother's Love (regency, fluff & angst)
Willow Bark (regency, whump & angst)
Let Me Be Your Anchor - AOFAG reimagined
Chapter 17: The Country Visit
Standalone fics
Number Ten (regency, whump & angst)
Waking (ficlet, regency, Benophie)
The Night We Met (ficlet, regency, Benophie)
The Hunting Party (regency, action)
Emerald (ficlet, modern, angst)
Fever. Dream. (regency, romance, hurt/comfort, Benophie)
Marzipan (regency, fluff, Anthony)
New Crowns (regency, fluff and feels)
Priceless (regency, family feels, Anthony)
Through the Storm (ficlet, regency, A&B angst)
Blessed (regency, family feels, Benedict, Anthony)
A Special Day (ficlet, modern, Anthony, fluff)
A Bridgerton Carol (regency, Anthony & Benedict, Christmas, feels)
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Magic in Our Bones - Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett smut
The Fireside
The Balcony
The Palace
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Video Edits
The Bridgerton Brothers Detective Agency
Second Son - inspired
Double Bind - inspired
Succour - inspired
(Be)Longing - inspired
Benedict & Queen Charlotte
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benophie_pie on IG (and TikTok) for more nonsense
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ao3feed-kathony · 2 months
je suis malade
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57766132 by antematter Three years ago, Kate Sharma had nearly been world number one, future Olympic champion, girl most likely. But three years ago, her father had still been alive. Three years ago, she hadn’t broken her leg just before the biggest competition of her life. Three years ago, she hadn’t met Anthony Bridgerton yet. (a figure skating AU) Words: 5299, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett, Simon Basset, Lucy Abernathy (Bridgerton), Agatha Danbury Relationships: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, minor benedict/sophie but I’m not going to tag it Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, figure skating AU, Anthony Bridgerton Loves Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, honestly that last tag is a bit redundant tbh, we stan a comeback queen, Rating May Change, Alternate Universe - Olympics read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57766132
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sea-owl · 1 year
I was rereading my favorite campy ya novels, the Selection, and I thought let me make a Bridgerton au.
So, for some context, the Selection is basically the Bachelor set in a dystopian world. War happened, and now North America is this monarchy, and there is a caste system. Your career and basically quality of life is basically determined by your caste number. 1 is the highest and is royalty. 2s are celebrities and military. 3s are business people in higher postions, doctors, scientists, and teachers. 4s are those like jewelers, factory workers, construction managers, farmers, real estate agents. 5s are the artists and performers. 6s minimum wage workers, basically. They were housekeepers, cooks, store clerks, drivers, waitresses, and seamstresses. 7s are manual laborers like farm hands, gardeners, movers, trash collectors. 8s were considered the "untouchables." Left homeless, unemployable, and basically forced to beg.
There were ways to raise your caste one is to become very famous for your work. One of the characters in the book got his caste raised from a 5 to I believe a 3 because his art was so popular. Women took on their husband's caste when they married, so if she married well, she could be raised up. Joining the military also would raise up men. Another way for a woman to raise her caste is by joining the Selection.
For the royal family in the book the daughters were married for alliances and the sons were married for patriotism. The sons had an event called the Selection where it's basically the Bachelor. Girls in the right age range from all different castes could apply for a chance to marry the prince. It's a televised thing to see who the future queen or princess will be. I believe 35 girls are chosen. Their caste immediately gets risen to a 3 unless they already naturally a 3 or 2, reason being that the girls become so use to a quality of life in the palace they didn't think they could readjust back to their natural castes.
Anyway onto the au. So let's say Violet won Edmund's selection. They get married, they're happy, and they have kids. But when they inherited the throne, they also inherited a war that unfortunately kept them from being able to make the changes they wanted. They managed to secure four alliances by arranging marriages to their daughters, but now they turn around with three sons of marriageble age and a country extremely distrustful of their rulers.
Edmund and Violet decide it's time to do a special edition of the Selection. Three sons, triple the amount of girls. Anthony does not want to do this, there are important matters of estate we need to attend to. Benedict is just gonna take it as an opportunity to get some art advice, and hopes that a few five girls make it in. Something to distract him and ease the border. Colin is going with the flow, if he gets to make fun of his brothers during this whole thing then it's a win for him. After all the goal will be to put on a show and get Anthony the heir married, right?
An application goes out to all homes with an eligible daughter as soon as it's announced. It's extensive from a medical physical, to hobbies the girls do, to their jobs within their castes, and which prince their application will be for. Unedited photos are also required so when the applications are sent in the girl has to go to a government building to also have her picture taken.
Enter Kate, Sophie, and Penelope, castes 4, 6, and 5 respectively.
Kate didn't want to enter the Selection, she actually told her family that she felt sorry for the girls who ended up winning this, especially the one who will have to marry Prince Anthony. She only did it because Edwina begged her to, saying it could potentially help their family out financially and didn't Kate want to have the best possible chances of that? Kate relented because if and that's a strong if, one of them did get selected there was a nice allowance that they got and would really help them. Kate made Edwina fill out the paper work though. She didn't know that Edwina had put Anthony down as Kate's choice of prince.
Sophie saw the Selection as a chance to escape. While her father was a two he had an affair with Sophie's mother who was a six, thus making Sophie a six as well. It was something Sophie's stepmother loved having over Sophie as she essentially trapped her in her father's house. The other servants had thankfully hidden Sophie's own application and helped her fill it out. Sophie picked Benedict at random, he seemed handsome enough, so long as she was picked and could escape this house she didn't care how long she was in the competition.
Penelope didn't have a choice on the application. Her mother was a social climber, always looking to get the best gigs to increase their family's popularity to hopefully rise up in the castes. A chance to have a daughter become a three, or even a one? All her eligible daughters were sending in an application. Penelope doubted she would get picked, the application required an unaltered photo, and others have made it clear to her that she wasn't that special to look at. She randomly picked the third prince, pretending to say it was good luck, a third daughter for a third prince.
The day the chosen girls are announced Kate, Sophie, and Penelope all watch their faces appear on the tv screen.
Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth are all excited to see their brothers make fools of themselves on live tv. Daphne, Eloise, and Francesca also have their fiancés with them to drag around and help them with their schemes to "help" their brothers chose the best girls to be their new sister in-laws.
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 months
Hear me out HEAR ME OUT…
Bridgerton cats au
omg YES
i can't remember who i was talking to about this, but we were discussing how amazing a regency AU would be!!!
anthony and kate? literally tugger and misto i will not take notes (taking away the lying to the younger sister storyline to be tugger and victoria getting engaged because vicki knows her grandparents' rules and tells tugger who understands completely BUT they fail to clue misto in on the plan so there's still the lovely romantic tension between tugger and misto, and at the end the two of them not-so-sneakily set vicki up with the queen's nephew, plato)
daphne and simon are munkustrap and demeter with demeter taking daphne's spot so this is a rare au where munk and tugger are not brothers!! demeter being the quiet younger sister to tugger's overprotective big brother and munkustrap being hesitant to love again because of how his older brother treated him (macavity would take the place of simon's father)
colin and penelope? tbh i'm vibing with it being maybe tumblebrutus and jemima
benedict is alonzo (and even though they haven't released his season, cassandra as sophie!)
eloise as rumpleteazer because i really think it would fit well with eloise and pen being best friends and teazer and jemima being close friends
francesca is electra i will be taking zero criticism
gregory is pouncival
grizabella as violet bridgerton
jennyanydots as queen charlotte
jellylorum as lady danbury
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
could you imagine an AU where Charlotte was desperate for an heir and looked at Kate, Sophie, and Penelope and a lightbulb pinged on her head. “OHHHHH BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS!!!!!!”
It would be a lot of fun to have an AU where in; Anthony and Kate remain butting heads with one another (while pretending as if there's no sexual tension between them); Sophie is the legitimate daughter of the earl and out in society but not taking the bohemic Benedict seriously as a suitor; and Penelope has a glow up afforded to her thanks to her Whistledown earnings while giving Colin the cold shoulder after overhearing him declaring he would never dream of courting her.
Queen Charlotte meanwhile attends the Danbury ball, the first of the season, and shrewdly surveys the room as she hunts for potential wives to settle her sons down and produce legitimate heirs. Sure, her courtiers had made recommendations for particular ladies of the Ton but Charlotte wanted to scope the Marriage Mart herself to see which eligible ladies she personally deemed worthy of becoming dutiful princesses and producing potential heirs for the crown. A lot of the ladies in the room were doing the Most™ to grab her attention and be granted her approval; but the three ladies who happened to catch her eye were gathered by the edge of the room and enraptured in bright and enthused conversation with one another. The queen swans over to them, surprising them by her approaching and engaging with them. She speaks with each of them in turn, and then finds herself encouraging them while indulging herself in sharing their thoughts about art, music, hobbies and interests, as well as their thoughts about certain members of the Ton (she does enjoy companions she can have a good gossip with). After a good twenty minutes of getting to know them the queen declares she is thoroughly impressed by Miss Kate Sharma, Lady Sophia Gunningworth, and Miss Penelope Featherington; and she invites them for tea at the palace the following day. The trio, while taken aback, accept the invitation - after all, who declines an invitation from the queen herself?
The three ladies were pleasantly naive in thinking that tea with the queen was nothing more than that - but as soon as three of the princes join them, they soon recognise the smirk on Queen Charlotte's face - the smirk of a meddling matchmaking mama. And so then, much to Kate, Sophie, and Penelope's shock and disbelief, they find themselves being courted by the princes. The three ladies truly don't know what to make of it and are genuinely worried that regardless of how they feel they might not have any choice in the matter if the queen demands they wed her sons for the good of the crown and country.
Meanwhile it doesn't take very long for word to travel to Bridgerton House and the Bridgerton brothers are thunderstruck to learn that Kate, Sophie, and Penelope are all being courted by princes. Finally all three buck up their ideas as they realise how ardently they love their respective lady and they try to figure out a way in which they can win their sweethearts over from actual princes.
(Plus a bonus scene of them going to the Duke of Hastings for advice, seeing as Daphne picked him over a prince. Simon's internal monologue goes something like, "let's not bother mentioning that their sister was thinking of me while touching herself so I had the upper hand right from the jump".)
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Could Be Worse [Benophie Drabble]
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett, Modern AU
Summary: A bittersweet moment in a rainstorm
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Warnings: None... just fluff and feelings
Word Count: 0.6k
Authors Note: This was written last night in a fun writing sprint on Discord, inspired by @bridgertontess lovely edit above. Im dedicating this to the biggest Benophie stan I know @silverhallow. I hope you enjoy this tiny fluffy snippet. My fellow talented writers @eleanor-bradstreet @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @thebabblingbrookenook and @colettebronte also wrote drabbles inspired by the same image. Be sure to check them out. Enjoy <3
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The rain sluices down inside his jacket, but he barely registers it. The cold trickle seeping through under his shirt, onto his clammy skin, just adds to the pervading sense of melancholy. He kicks a stone and watches it skitter across the pavement before raising his head to stare listlessly out over the Thames. The river is a sludge grey in the downpour, somehow an apt backdrop. Standing on the Embankment across from the gallery. 
She observes him from afar under her red polka-dot umbrella. Not sure if she should encroach on his private moment, but her heart aching at seeing him so miserable. He has no idea she is standing there watching his solitary sadness. He has no idea of the torch she holds for him. 
He deserves better than this, she thinks to herself. Better than the woman who just stomped on his heart on what was supposed to be his big day. His gallery opening, his first exhibition as a solo artist. Instead, Tess chose this day, his special day, to break his heart and run to another man. She wants to make it better, make him see he deserves this and that woman shouldn't be allowed to ruin his achievement. 
“Ben,” she calls softly as the traffic light turns red, and she can cross the Embankment to him. 
He looks up at the sound of his name being called, but in the noise of the rain, he can’t discern the direction, looking either side but not behind. 
She runs across almost furtively and pulls up before she gets too close. 
“Ben,” she repeats, quieter this time. Hoping her tone is soft enough not to startle him. 
He turns around, and all he sees are polka dots. He can’t help the tiny smile that tugs at his lips, even at this moment of utter despondency. Only one person he knows would ever own such a cheery item. And he is inordinately glad she is there for some reason. 
“Soph,” he greets with a gentle smile as she pulls up next to him, attempting to raise her brolly high enough but almost taking his eye out in the process, the height difference too much to surmount. 
He jerks aside to avoid injury, but it just makes him huff a laugh rather than sigh in annoyance. 
“Give me that,” he grumbles good-naturedly, manhandles the brolly from her and holds it above them both. 
“You can do better, you know,” she says, huddling closer, looking out over the river. 
His heart skips a beat. He knows she’s right on some level. And a part of him aches, wishing she knew sometimes that he wants her, Sophie, to be his ‘could do better’. Still, friendship is better than nothing, and she is still smarting from the last idiot who didn't see her value. Didn't see her for the angel she is, at least to him. 
“Thanks, Soph,” he offers a quick smile as she glances up at him, and she checks him in the arm with her shoulder. 
“So are you coming back to your big gallery opening, Mr Big Shot,” she asks gently, “or are you going to stand out here doing your Hugh Grant impression for a little longer?” 
He chuckles at her genial ribbing. She always seems to know just what to say to make any of his burdens lighter, even though he's certain she has no idea of it. 
“Don't you fancy Hugh Grant?” he teases, feeling happier than he has all day. Hell, all week.
“Shut up,” she grumbles, pouting up at him in an utterly adorable way. 
Things could be worse.
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Not tagging my usual list as it's not my usual x reader content.
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first thing first, im just gonna throw whatever idea that comes to mind that i enjoyed here.
now going on with the story:
araminta wouldn't know QC is sophie's grandmother, just that her grandmother used to send letters and money for her debut. when QC sees sophie at the ball (at the end, when she's running away), she's caught off guard by the dress. she doesn't send the guards after her in fears of catching the attention of the ton, so she just stays still and stares. benedict sees the embroidery on the gloves, and asks for his mother's help to figure out who it belongs to. when violet says it's from the queen, he then asks his mother to help him have a meeting with her, who attends him. he wonders if there's any woman the queen could have gifted the gloves and the queen asks him what the lady told him at the ball. benedict is honest but leaves with no other info about the lis. the queen tells araminta to make her a visit and questions her about sophie, with the disguise of her being her goddaughter. that's when araminta realizes who sophie is and that she went to the ball. araminta expells sophie before the queen can act again. araminta could even spend the entire season maybe blackmailing the queen or threatening to with the info about her illegitimate grandchild (the queen puts her on her place sometime in the season, this is not about that). the queen searches for sophie as well as benedict. and when (considering LW's gonna continue after s3) lady whistledown talks about araminta chasing a maid from the bridgertons out (after weeks of reports of benedict's love life), she puts two and two together and sends someone to the jail when the whole thing between sophie, benedict, violet, kate (hopefully) and araminta is happening. the queen demands her release and legitimizes sophie by making up her mother instead of her father, and says she's her goddaughter from a friend from germany.
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silverhallow · 8 months
Bridgerton drabble: A Princess Diaries AU
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Part #1 Sophie’s Choice.
A belated birthday gift for @bridgertonbabe and @sophiebernadotte
Wasn’t life as a princess supposed to be fair? Or maybe not fair, that might be the wrong word. She was privileged, she knew that… even if she had only known she was a princess for a few short years.
Royalty led lives that were in the public eye, normally having been raised in that environment, but here she was… sitting in a country that she’d only known about for 4 years, listening to her grandmother scolding her for jeopardising the wedding that was to take place in a few days time, which would then lead onto her coronation a week after that and it was all Sophie could do not to throw up or cry because she knew her grandmother was right… she had ruined everything.
She’d always dreamt she’d marry for love, that she’d find a man that made her stomach fizz, give her butterflies, that would make her heart skip a beat and her palms sweaty and her feet pop when she kissed him. She wanted the kind of love her mother had told her about, that her mother had experienced but due to the unfairness of her situation, it was an arranged marriage or lose her throne. Those were her options.
A throne that until she turned 16, she had known nothing about.
She had been blissfully unaware that her father had been a Prince… Prince of a tiny country in the middle of the Italian and French sea. Her mother had kept it from her, taking that secret with her to her grave.
Her mother had died 10 weeks before Sophie’s 16th birthday, which was the day her entire life changed.
She’d been stopping with her best friend Kate Sharma and Sophie had been in English when the poshest woman Sophie had ever seen in her life came in and dropped the bombshell of all bombshells on her over a cup of tea…
Which she promptly spat all over her “grandmother's” face.
She was a princess.
A bastard princess but a princess nonetheless, and the only living descendant of the Gunningworth line.
Her father, Richard, had passed away 9 months earlier and to Sarah’s knowledge he had been childless.
It was only after discovering something in her late-husband’s writing desk, did she learn that there was in fact an heir.
Sophie was saving the country from being taken over by the Cavender’s. Their son Phillip had a terrible temper and an even worse reputation at just 17 years old and had once been rulers of their own lands until the people revolted and won back their lands and banished the Cavender’s but their royal blood was connected to Penwood and now it was Sophie, or the Cavender’s and Sarah was determined that her throne would not pass into their hands.
She had learned that Reginald had sent Esme away when she was pregnant with Sophie, he didn’t want a child out of wedlock and he certainly didn’t want the Crown Prince, only Heir to the Throne marrying a commoner and so she’d been paid off and shipped off back to England. He provided money monthly to keep Esme quiet and Esme had been promised that she and her unborn child would be left alone and the secret of Sophie’s birth went to the grave with her.
Reginald had known about Sophie and he had been working out how to tell his wife that they did in fact have an heir and where they could find her, and what had happened, his own guilt weighing in after he’d pressured Richard into a marriage with a woman that bore no children between them other than two step-children who could not inherit the throne but when Reginald died 3 months after Richard it had thrown a spanner in the works as he’d not gotten around to telling Sarah the truth.
Sophie was dumbfounded.
Sarah was Regent, as they had their heir but she was underage and she was able to prevent Cavender getting his hands on the crown.
Since Sophie was underage she would learn the role, but upon turning 20 Sophie was told she’d have to take over the throne, she would get 6 months post her 20th birthday to marry and be crowned Queen otherwise, Cavender would take over.
So Life changed.
Gone were the days she was invisible, where she could blend into the background with Kate, sitting laughing about Shakespere and just being a teenage girl to…
Being a Princess.
She stayed in school but Kate was almost glued to her side. She worked at her studies, she travelled back and forth between the countries as she learned.
Once she was 18, Sophie moved to Penwood and Kate and her family came with her, they’d been her family when she had no one else and Kate wanted to work with Sophie, for Sophie as part of her staff once she’d graduated from University.
And Sophie knew from the moment she moved to her new home that she wanted to be Queen, that she would do anything to be Queen. Her beautiful country that she was learning to love, the rich culture and history that was hers to protect and nourish and the more time she spent there, the more she got to know the people, the more she knew she wanted to be Queen.
So between her studies, her Queen lessons with her Grandmother and getting to know the country’s leaders, she was starting to look for a husband.
Not just any husband, she needed someone titled, not in line for their own throne, someone who understood her importance as Queen. Someone harmless, inoffensive, who would stand there by her side and be a pillar of strength and a symbol but would let Sophie lead.
She would be Queen, and she knew finding a husband would be hard but she had time… or so she’d assumed. She was only 18 after all, she had two years. How hard could it be?
From the moment the plane touched down, Sophie knew that whatever she’d thought her life was going to be like, nothing compared to the circus it was becoming
18 turned into 19 and Sophie had still not found someone that she wanted to marry, any male around her age that would be eligible was not interested in marriage, any man she met at a bar knew who she was and wanted a piece of her as a trophy.
She was to be Queen… Everyone knew that. “Your highness, you must know there isn’t a man on this planet who isn’t interested in marrying you, but it is finding the right person for you who will make your everyday life easier, who makes the mundane fun and who makes you smile” her Prime Minister Edmund Bridgerton had told her as the days got closer to her 20th birthday and she had still not found someone to be her husband, time was running out and she was getting desperate.
“That is all well and good my Lord but I have 6 months, we have 6 months to make this work or everything has been in vain” Sophie sighed during their weekly meeting. Sophie loved meeting her prime minister, They had joked on a number of occasions it was a shame that his title came with his position and didn’t transfer to his children since he had eight of them and the two eldest boys were a little older than Sophie and Kate, she’d yet to meet Benedict who was off travelling and studying and she got on well with Anthony, who was training to take over from Charlie as the Royal Household Chief of Security once Sophie ascended to the throne.
The little wrinkle there was Anthony was dating Kate. Kate was working up to the role of Chief of Staff within the palace and eventually they would run the palace between them and despite their prickly start, Sophie thought they were perfect for one another but it served as an almost daily reminder that she didn’t have that and she needed that. 6 months to fall in love, marry to become Queen…
“There are other ways around it, your grandmother is reluctant to bring it up because she knew how much you wanted to find someone the traditional way but there is always an arranged marriage, I am sure between Ms Gibbons, your grandmother and my wife Violet, they’ll be able to come up with a list of possibilities for you. Aim for friendship first, it worked for your grandmother… love everything else, it is lovely but friendship and companionship will hold you in just as good a stead” Edmund explained
“That’s easy for you to say, you married the love of your live and have 8 children” Sophie replied flippantly but sighed “but I shall think about it, it is likely to be the only option”
“Speaking of my children…” Edmund grinned and Sophie rolled her eyes
“Smooth… what are they after this time?”
“It’s nothing actually just Benedict is back from his travels eventually this weekend after being away for the last two years studying and he is on the last portfolio for his masters and I was wondering if perhaps as a small favour we could add him to your official photographers list up to the coronation and allow him to capture some more… candid photos of the next few months”
“Why not, some candid ones will be lovely I guess after all the formal things…” Sophie said “and i’ll make sure there is a ticket to my 20th birthday party for him as well, if he is back in time that is, it would be nice to meet another of your ridiculous brood. but I will give some thought to your suggestion, having some of those possible bachelors come to the party and meet them…” Sophie sighed.
But after the events of her 20th birthday, Sophie had known it was time.
The only person she’d met the night of her birthday party, the only person she’d felt a connection with had been someone she knew she had no chance with.
She’d been walking through the party, trying to get away from Prince Hans and his incessant staring, as well as Lady Rosamund who was making snide quiet remarks about how it should be her that was going to be queen when Sophie had run straight into a stranger stomping straight on his foot, the most handsome stranger she’d ever met.
It was only after she’d danced and flirted with him and spoke to Kate, did she realise that it was Benedict Bridgerton and it had broken her heart almost instantly.
She’d assumed he was one of the many suitors her grandmother had invited for to meet so to realise who he was, that he was untitled, he was, despite being the son of a Lord, not someone Sophie could ever hope to get to know on a more intimate and romantic level… she knew based on the rules that had been set out for her future husband, it was a no go.
So the morning after her party, she’d called Kate, her grandmother, Ann Gibbons the current chief of staff and Mary and said “it’s time”
A week later she was sitting in the palace movie room with the screens up, profiles up as she looked through all the eligible bachelors that would be interested in an arranged marriage.
Two hours it had taken, going through picture after picture before Sophie had spotted one.
Yes he was a second son but he fit the bill where no one else did. He was the second son of a Duke. His older brother was already married and had twins, their line was secure, he was a Sir. He had a title, a ceremonial one but all the same…
Sir Phillip Crane was everything that Sophie had been looking for.
He was the same age as she was, he was academic, he was cute. He was someone that Sophie could see herself being at least friends with…
It was a start.
And it had turned out Phillip was everything that Sophie could have hoped for. He was kind, he was funny and they seemed to have a lot in common and Sophie knew she’d made the best possible choice…
Or she would have thought so if it wasn’t for Benedict being everywhere she went.
She’d forgotten about her agreement with the Prime Minister and being Anthony’s brother, and he seemed to get on really well with Kate. he was always there.
The torment Sophie felt was horrible, she felt attracted to Benedict in a way she knew she’d never be attracted to Phillip but she knew that she could never be with Benedict and have the life she so desperately wanted.
She wanted to be Queen, she wanted to rule this country that she’d learned so much about, that she was so passionate about and she was close to mucking it all up.
Two weeks before the wedding it all came to a head when during the summer party, Sophie had slipped away from Phillip, leaving him with Kate and Benedict’s sister Eloise as she wanted to get out of her head. Cavender’s son had been lurking and making lurid remarks about her and she just wanted 5 minutes.
She’d given her ladies maids the slip, and was just sitting on the edge of the fountain, trying not to hyperventilate.
She’d not seen Benedict at all during the party, he was employed during these events to take photos as part of her agreement with his father and she knew that it was the last thing she needed. Whilst she desperately craved him to soothe her frayed nerves, she knew being around him was making it worse.
They’d had many a spirited debate about Bryon, about poetry and art and she always seemed to know when he appeared, her skin tingled and pricked but he knew as well as she did, that whatever there was between them, wasn’t possible.
With the way the rules of the country where, fate was destined to keep them apart.
But that day… he’d caught her unaware, they’d given into a moment of weakness and kissed.
It was only when Sophie’s beloved dog Bernie, had come running through the fence with voices behind him, that they’d separated and in their shock at nearly being caught, they had tumbled into the fountain.
It had been the start of her downfall.
She’d confined Kate how she felt about Benedict, how she wished things could be different and she knew that Benedict had felt the same and how she couldn’t have him around her anymore because it was breaking her heart.
Benedict had agreed to step away, to leave his position because he knew the country needed Sophie more than he did and he would never have forgiven himself to do anything that would have ruined her dream to be Queen,
But he’d asked if he could see her one last time before he left, before he walked away and Sophie would marry Phillip and Sophie had agreed as long as no one found out.
But someone had found out. Someone had overheard and warned the press that if someone followed the Prime Minister’s son… they would find a scandal.
And whilst it wasn’t as big of a scandal as it could have been, Sophie and Benedict had just talked, shared a kiss or two, they’d fallen asleep under a tree in the grounds of the castle and it was upon waking that they’d been spotted…
And Sophie was sure her life was going to fall apart.
Sarah yelled at her for over an hour about it, about how she should not be sneaking out and despite the fact she knew how her granddaughter felt about him, she could see how devastated Sophie was about the choice.
Heart or country.
It was a choice she’d known all too well but Sophie knew what she wanted.
What was required of her… it was just a matter of if Phillip would still want to marry her.
“Phillip wait, please! Let me explain! Nothing happened” Sophie said as she ran after Phillip a few hours later after he’d arrived at the palace so they could talk.
“Yes but you went Sophie, you still went didn’t you?” he replied, his voice was strangely calm and not angry and Sophie wasn’t sure if she’d rather he’d been angry or not “I don’t think you understand… despite my geekiness as the press back home call it, I am an extremely eligible bachelor” he said, though Sophie could tell he cringed a bit at the words, knowing he didn’t like to big himself in that way. “I really am. I’ve got plenty of friends, lots of lovely… erm women friends” he said gesturing as they looked at one another
“But i… I still think marriage is a good idea.” he said and Sophie looked up at him in disbelief as Phillip’s face softened as they looked at one another,
“Sophie…” he said, before taking a step forward, placing his hands on either side of her face and kissing her.
It was the first time they’d properly kissed, it had been a brief kiss on the lips when they’d gotten engaged, the same on the balcony when they announced their engagement several weeks ago and as kisses went…
It was the most awkward kiss either of them had ever experienced.
It was like kissing a sibling. It was so awkward Sophie was sure the entire world stopped moving and she could hear the cows in the field several miles away Mooing…
Eventually Phillip pulled away and Sophie with her eyes still shut brought her hand to her lip to almost wipe the kiss off as she had Phillip looked at one another again
“So?” he asked “anything?” already anticipating the answer.
“It was lovely… just… there was no…” Sophie said
“Spark?” they said at the same time and Sophie groaned as she knew what the right thing to do was.
“What are we going to do?” Sophie said her voice breaking a little as she felt herself close to tears. The wedding was a few days away, she’d come this far and now she’d thrown it all away.
Phillip sighed and took a step forward putting an arm around Sophie’s waist, rolling his eyes as the security guards shovelled up the stairs behind them
“No privacy…” Sophie grumbled.
“Sophie… you chose me… and I accepted” he said pressing an almost brotherly kiss on her head “I accepted and so we’re going to stand up in the church next week and say “I do” and become man and wife… and then you’re going to be crowned Queen of Penwood and make the most amazing Queen in the history of this great country” he said tenderly, honestly and a smile on his face that made Sophie feel like perhaps everything could be okay.
“Thank you” she whispered as she kissed his cheek as she smiled back at him.
This was it. Her choice had been made. Country and Duty over her heart. Phillip was a good man and she could do a lot worse…
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Hi all I haven’t read the books so all I know about benophie comes from chats with friends, tumblr, and the Bridgerton wiki. I love what I hear/know of Sophie’s character but please help what would her married name be in a modern au
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chocolatepot · 4 months
Never have I ever: curtain fic?
I think it's fair to say I've written curtain fic, in the looser sense of "cozy domestic fic about an established relationship, not porny" rather than specifically "house decorating". YMMV!
Reclining Nude in Afternoon (OFMD, gentlebend artist AU)
The Knives are Out (OFMD, gentlebend Gentleman Jack AU)
Fresh Towels (OFMD, innkeeper era <- more traditional curtainfic!)
Dirty Laundry (Howl's Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie)
The Cat (Bridgerton, Peneloise)
Homesick (Queen's Thief, Costis/Kamet)
Sticky Notes (Howl's Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie)
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