#bring back yitzhak rabin please
thedepressedweasel · 9 months
I hope Benjamin Netanyahu kills himself soon!
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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What do you think? You see this? It is a Hezboll@h flag (the one in yellow with a machine gun) being waved in front of the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan. You see the masked terrorist supporters? This is an outrage. Let’s be VERY clear. This flag is of a terrorist organization. The terror supporters are on our streets menacing people, intimidating, promoting physical violence and more. It is Jew and Israeli Hatred. By the way, do you see the name of the street- Yitzhak Rabin Way. It’s shameful. So what is the answer? Simple. Give the NYPD the power to arrest these people- NOW. Take the gloves off NOW. Bring in the FBI to investigate and bring the organizations and individuals funding this anarchy to justice- NOW. The Attorney General must bring the full power of her office down on these terror supporters and criminals- NOW. The Governor must call back the State Legislature and do whatever it takes to bring law and order back to our City and State. That starts by ripping the masks off these thugs and misfits- NOW. The time for talk and sympathy is OVER. Stop the politics of looking the other way because you may upset your supporters and do the job you were elected to do. Mr. Mayor, please, use your office and all the tools you have to bring an end to this. You have terrorist flags waving in your City. Act NOW. 
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