#i hate benjamin netanyahu
thedepressedweasel · 9 months
I hope Benjamin Netanyahu kills himself soon!
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thegaycousin-upgrade · 11 months
The thing is
Its not Israel vs Palestinian
Its Netanyahu vs Hamas
And while Netanyahu wants to destroy Hamas and protect Israel, Hamas pretends to want to protect Palestinian, and wants to wipe out the citizens of Israel.
Also Noah Schnapp SHOULD be doing what he’s doing. Y’all really think Hamas isn’t ISIS? It totally is.
I’m tired of people calling honest Israeli accounts propaganda.
I’m tired of people only feeling sympathy for the innocent Palestinians killed and not the innocent Israelis killed.
I’m tired of people acting like Israel is this white oppressor when Israelis and Palestinians are both middle eastern.
I’m tired of people acting like the terrorist attack was justified.
I’m tired of people saying they stand with with the terrorist organization.
I’m tired of having to check on my Israeli friends everyday to make sure they aren’t dead.
I’m tired of being scared to post this.
I’m tired of people demonizing Israel.
I stand with Israel 🇮🇱.
If you go far enough left or far enough right you end up at the same place: Antisemitism.
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icanarachnid · 2 months
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Came across this by chance and wtf Thom Yorke. 🤢 Also apparently one of the members of Radiohead is married to a Z!0 and is somehow one without realizing he's one (read his completely out of touch Twitter). 🫥 Almost easier to believe this is a simulation because wtf. 😣
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ramadan90s · 2 months
Most of us who hate Israel and Zionism we hate them not because of what they've been doing in the past 9 months but for what they've been doing in the past 76 years we hate Israel because we know history we didn't need the media or our parents to tell us to hate them , we saw what they do to others and how they control and brainwash and how many massacres they made and they get away with it and blame it on the actions of others , and the thing is a lot of people wonders why would someone hate Israel so much , but again those who wonders don't know history or didn't even bother to look into Israel and Zionism history .
I know most if you here think the word HATE shouldn't be said and it will not resolve any thing and it will one result to more hatred and more blood but believe me when i say it can't be helped , Israel has broke all limits and crossed all the lines and the fact that people might look at me as a racist or fascist or whatever makes me wonder what world you people live in ??!
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vyorei · 11 months
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War Criminal Bastard says he has to give answers regarding the Israeli security lapse on the 7th of October
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 4 months
The International Court: Netanyahu must be arrested for his crimes against humanity.
The French media and gov: Well, we better give him a mic so he can speak directly to the French, right?
On Thursday 30th of May 2024, Netanyahu was given the opportunity to freely speak to the French people by the channel LCI (everyone has this channel) and the French gov. The man is accused of crimes against humanity by the International Court, and they let him babble propaganda on TV. People protested in front of the TV channels' group headquarters against the "interview". As a French, I am deeply ashamed and angry. It doesn't matter what the French government has said and done, this is unacceptable and no other proof is needed to judge the French gov and media as guilt of supporting crimes against humanity.
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kcyars99 · 5 months
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Imagine being responsible for ruining this rite of passage because of you following those entitled arss privileged kids who spout hatred for a movement that’s turned its attention towards themselves instead of the hostages who are still held in captivity and freedom for Palestine people
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As a high school graduate back in 2017, It’s infuriating.
You’re ruining your own future by spreading hatred and at the same time you are ruining the hard work your fellow classmates by denying them that walk to get their diploma which means their families will not get to see their children become graduates
You should be ashamed of yourself!
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I feel like we all glanced over Kamala saying "strength through unity" a little too fast.
That was literally the slogan Mussolini used to gain popularity and I just. Maybe we all should care about that more.
That "in a choice between Hitler and Mussolini, choose Mussolini" joke might not be a fucking joke
He coined the name of the party based on the Italian word for bundle—fascio—in reference to bundles of rods used in ancient Rome to symbolize strength through unity. The party emphasized national unity—even if it required violence to keep dissenters in check. “Basically, Mussolini hated the Socialists, and so did the rest of the Fascists,” Ebner said. “One driving force behind Fascist violence was their desire to punish the Socialists for not supporting Italy during the Great War (World War I). The Fascists viewed the Socialists as cowardly traitors, internal enemies, who needed to be eradicated.”
See also:
The Economist, for example, which on November 4, 1922, sympathized with Mussolini’s aim of imposing a “drastic cutting down of public expenditure” in the name of the “the crying need for sane finance in Europe,” rejoiced in March 1924: “Signor Mussolini has restored order, and eliminated the chief factors of disturbance.”
In particular, “wages reached their upper limits, strikes multiplied.” These were the factors of disturbance, and “no government was strong enough to attempt a remedy.” In June 1924, the Times, which called fascism an “anti-waste” government, praised it as a solution to the ambitions of the “Bolshevist peasantry” in “Novara, Montara, and Alessandria” and “the brutal stupidity of these folk,” seduced by “experiments in so-called collective management”.
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Fascism responded to what was perceived as the failures of both liberal and socialist ideologies. It is a kind of totalitarianism, demanding reverence for the state and its leader and an elimination of political opposition. Fascist regimes are also characterized by a reliance on propaganda, a focus on militarism, and a concern with indoctrinating youth, as well as by the persecution, ethnic cleansing, or genocide of minority groups. Adolf Hitler used Italian Fascism as a model for his own, though his version of fascism was more violent, racist, and genocidal. In 1936 Mussolini formally signed a treaty with Hitler to form a Rome-Berlin “axis.”
"I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world." - Kamala Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.
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secular-jew · 1 month
I’m a Palestinian American. Here’s Why I Can’t Support the Anti-Israel Protesters. By Elizabeth Gillanders. August 16, 2024
Walking past Union Station in the nation’s capital, I recently was met with a heartbreaking sight. Vandals had defaced the Columbus Memorial Fountain with spray paint, writing the words “Hamas is coming” in big red letters.
Trash and signs discarded by anti-Israel protesters littered the ground. A burnt shopping cart stood off to one side with piles of ash beneath it.
Most depressing, however, were the three bare flag poles that had been robbed of their American flags. Protesters had burned the flags, the only remnant a charred piece of fabric atop another pile of ash.
This was the aftermath of the July 24 “pro-Palestinian” protests in Washington, D.C., organized in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address that day to a joint meeting of Congress.
As an American of Palestinian heritage, some expect me to cheer on these people. They expect me to condemn the U.S., hate Israel, and support Hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to wiping out the Jewish state.
But these expectations don’t represent me, nor my family.
I inherit my Palestinian background from my mother’s side of the family; her parents emigrated to America from the Middle East. My grandma was born in Israel and later moved to Ramallah in the West Bank and eventually to Jordan.
After arriving in America in her 20s, my grandma worked hard to become a U.S. citizen. She learned the English language while raising my mother and uncle. She opened a restaurant with my grandpa, lovingly named the Chicken Pantry, in Hamtramck, Michigan. When that business closed, my grandma worked as a real estate agent before eventually retiring in the land of prosperity.
America brought my family prosperity. My grandparents taught my mother to “kiss the ground you walk on” because they knew what a blessing America is.
They passed this lesson on to me.
Although many seem to think that my Palestinian heritage should cause me to align with protests that supposedly are “pro-Palestinian,” it’s precisely because of my heritage that I cannot do that.
Israel went to war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip only after Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,200 and kidnapped about 250 in a rampage of rape, torture, and murder Oct. 7 in southern Israel.
About 10 months later, as pro-Hamas protesters march in this country to “free Palestine,” they call for the death of America. As they burn the American flag, they burn all that my family has worked to achieve.
As the protesters pledge their allegiance to Hamas, they encourage a group that my grandmother wouldn’t hesitate to call a terrorist organization that operates with a strategy of human sacrifice.
Think about it. Why are there no Hamas military bases in the Gaza Strip adjoining Israel? Because the terrorists hide behind their own people.
They dress like noncombatants in Gaza. They establish bunkers in hospitals. They commandeer ambulances for transportation.
These actions are all in direct violation of Article 18 of the Geneva Conventions, the international pacts that set minimum standards during armed conflict for the treatment of civilians, soldiers, and prisoners of war.
One example is Hamas’ use of Gaza’s most important hospital, Al-Shifa. According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Hamas uses a bunker under the hospital as a base for military operations. This not only makes the hospital a target, but takes medical resources needed for the sick.
In contrast, the Israel Defense Forces have given civilians in Gaza opportunities to evacuate and warned of impending attacks. No other nation goes this far to protect enemy civilians.
How can I support pro-Hamas demonstrators who wish to end the nation that brought my family so much? How can I back a terrorist group that uses its own people as human shields? How can I hate Israel, when the IDF has worked to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way?
I believe it’s important to point out that, contrary to popular belief, not all Arabs think the same. Some of us do see this conflict differently. And our thoughts and beliefs should not be snuffed out because they go against the “narrative.”
To some, perhaps our stance makes us walking oxymorons. But we are proud ones, nonetheless.
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melancholic-pigeon · 8 months
also it just really sucks that if you look at my blog for 0.2 seconds you will notice that my position of "harming civilians is bad" is completely consistent with my politics and has been since I fucking made this account, it is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY EASY TO TELL that I in no fucking way support the Likud party or Benjamin Netanyahu or the harm being done to Palestinians...
...but because I also think Jews are people and have the same stance re Jewish peoples' human rights that I have re all human rights globally, I'm apparently "not normal" about Palestine.
Which means to these jackasses, being "normal" about Palestine requires vocal, unapologetic Jew-hatred.
So yeah. I guess I'm not "normal" about Palestine, because I think human rights violations are universally bad for all humans and believe marginalized people when they provide MOUNTAINS AND MOUNTAINS AND MOUNTAINS of evidence again, dating back MILLENNIA, that they're being harmed.
Human rights for all humans, no exceptions ever. I'm disgusted that this makes me an outlier. I'm still low-key ashamed to call myself a leftist because of the gleefully, sadistically hateful cruelty that has apparently become required behavior in the supposed Human Rights Are Good party.
I keep ranting about this and it probably isn't helping much and that frustrates me too.
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I'm exhausted. 2 whole days of compiling zionist statements for y'all. Please reblog.
(LONG POST: TW- genocidal rhetoric, anti-palestinian hate, additions welcome)
"This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle."
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deleted tweet
“You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," 
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
“We are striking our enemies with unprecedented might,” … “I emphasize that this is only the beginning.”
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
“We're in complete compliance with international law. I think in many ways, we're setting a different standard. We seek to minimize civilian casualties, and Hamas seeks to maximize it.”
-Benjamin Netanyahu tweet 
“The civilized world must unite to defeat Hamas,”
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that 'there is a time for peace and a time for war.' This is a time for war. A war for our common future,"
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
“We will hold Gaza after the war too, we will not trust international forces”
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
"Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electric switch will be turned on, no water tap will be opened, and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home,"
-Israeli minister of energy, Israel Katz
"Each country should take a quota...We need all 2 million to leave. That is the solution for Gaza."
-former Israeli Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked
"The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. Only then will Israel be calm for 40 years."
-former Israeli interior minister, Eli Yishai (2012)
"After we turn Khan Younis too into a soccer field […] we need to take advantage of the destruction [to tell] the countries that each of them should take a quota, it can be 20000 or 50000 […] We need 2 million to leave. That's the solution for Gaza."
-former Israeli interior minister, Eli Yishai 
"King David cut off another 100 foreskins of Philistines as revenge for clogging up the wells with dirt. Our soldiers, who have gone to war to protect their homes and to avenge the terrible massacre that these Nazi terrorists carried out, will cover them in their tunnels with dirt, and will return to peace with the abductees only after they have cut off all these accursed foreskins.”
-Israeli minister Shlomo Karhi 
“We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly,”
-Israeli defense minister, Yoav Gallant
“We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza,” 
There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed.”
Israeli defense minister, Yoav Gallant
“There is no such thing as a Palestinian nation. There is no Palestinian history. There is no Palestinian language.”
-Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich (March 2023)
 "It is natural that my wife would not want to lie down next to someone who just gave birth to a baby that might want to murder her baby in another 20 years."
-Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, on segregating maternity wards (2016)
(Israel must) “create sterile security areas around Jewish communities and roads and prevent Arabs from entering them, including for the purpose of olive harvesting.”
-Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich 
"[Hilltop Youth] are heroes and righteous people, and I admire their love for the people, for the land, for the Torah. Their dedication. But like young people in other domains, sometimes they struggle to hold complexities, make mistakes, and we must know where to draw the line."
-Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich (referring to the extremist religious group “Hilltop Youth” notorious for illegal settler violence 
“It is an entire nation out there that is responsible,”
-Israeli president, Isaac Herzog
“It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.”
-Israeli president, Isaac Herzog
(long chunk of text)
“1. This war is not only against Hamas.
2. This war is first and foremost about the future of the State of Israel and the future of the Zionist project.
3. Any scenario other than a complete and unequivocal defeat of the enemy, at any cost, condemns us and our descendants to a bleak future that will not allow our existence here as a free people.
4. If we do not convey the message to our foes now about the price they will pay for hurting us, they will continue to hurt us mercilessly. 
5. Only strength - military, political, economic, social - will ensure the victory of Zionism and the State of Israel.”
-Tweet from Israeli Foreign Minister Emmanuel Nahshon
“if it is one Israeli mother crying, or a thousand Palestinian mothers crying, then a thousand Palestinian mothers will cry.”
-Israeli Lawmaker, Zvika Fogel (2022)
“We are too merciful. It’s time for us to stop being so. It has nothing to do with racism.”
-Israeli Lawmaker, Zvika Fogel (2022)
“Gaza should be wiped off the map.”
-Knesset Member, Galit Distel Atbaryan
“All of this preoccupation with whether or not there is internet in Gaza shows that we have learned nothing. We are too humane. Burn Gaza now no less!”
-tweet from Israeli deputy speaker Nissim Vaturi
“Your fear will kill us. Stop being humane.”
- Israeli deputy speaker, Nissim Vaturi
“In 1967 we held them by force. We cannot repeat this mistake. As a democratic state we must allow them to leave to other countries, far from here.”
-Israeli deputy speaker, Nissim Vaturi tweet 
"We need to put them (the Palestinians) on boats and send them to wherever will be good for them. They're wanted in Scotland? We'll hand them over."
- Israeli deputy speaker, Nissim Vaturi
“"we can leave one old man (alive) there - he will tell everyone"
-Nissim Vaturi tweet regarding Gaza
(The Palestinians) “They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves”,
-Currently suspended minister Amichai Eliyahu, who proposed nuking Gaza as “an option”
When you go to prison and put a prisoner there you restrict his rights, is that apartheid?"
-Amichai Eliyahu
“Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join! their Nakba, because like then in 1948, the alternative is clear.”
-Knesset member, Ariel Kallner
"Occupation [of the Gaza Strip] is a must. Every time our enemies lost territory, they lost the war. We need to be in full control - that's what will deter our enemies, convey a message of victory.”
-minister of national security, Itamar Ben-Gvir
“My right and the right of my wife and children to move around freely on the streets of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) is more important than the freedom of movement of Arabs. Sorry Muhammad.”
-minister of national security, Itamar Ben-Gvir
“The only thing that should enter Gaza as long as Hamas doesn’t release the hostages it holds is not a gram of humanitarian aid, but hundreds of tons of explosives from the Air Force.”
-minister of national security, Itamar Ben-Gvir
“If the international media is objective and shows both sides, it serves Hamas.”
-former Israeli prime minister, Yair Lapid
"This is Gaza's Nakba 2023."
-agriculture minister, Avi Dichter
“We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba”
-agriculture minister, Avi Dichter
“Human animals must be treated as such. You wanted hell, you will get hell.”
-general of the Israeli army, Ghassan Alian
“The children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves.”
-Knesset member, Merav Ben-Ari
“I am very puzzled by the constant concern which the world is showing for the Palestinian people and is actually showing for these horrible inhuman animals.”
-former Israeli U.S. Ambassador, Dan Gillerman
“99% of hilltop youth don’t cause any harm to anyone - not to the army and not to others. There’s no such thing as ‘settler violence’.”
-tweet from head of IDF Central Command, Yehuda Fuchs (regarding an extremist group)
“...And the thing I most enjoyed was seeing the Israeli flags they put up in every corner, and the amplifier playing the national anthem, HaTikva, at full volume on a loop from morning to night. May their names and memories be eradicated.”
-media advisor, Ariel Elharar, describing treatment of Hamas-affiliated POWs in prison.
“As you will have seen in the last couple of weeks, the fighting is very surgical. It is slow. It is very methodical. We are trying not to reach any of the non-combatant population in the Gaza Strip. And I think that there is no way that we can eradicate the Hamas without dealing with most of its forces that have been— that have fled to the south. Now, again, one little note, “the non-combatant population in the Gaza Strip” is really a non-existent term because all of the Gazans voted for the Hamas, and as we have seen on the 7th of October, most of the population in the Gaza Strip are Hamas.”
-former Mossad chief, Rami Igra
"What they say to me is I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I'm sure innocents have been killed, and it’s the price of waging a war,"
-president Joe Biden regarding Gazan death tolls
“…I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using.”
-president Joe Biden regarding Gazan death tolls
 “Anyone that is pro-Palestinian is pro-Hamas.”
-Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
“Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?!?!?!” You mean the Palestinians who decapitate babies, rape women and dismember children? Or those who hand out candy in celebration? Or those who provide the terrorists aid, comfort, safe passage and a place to hide? Israel doesn’t oppose their ethnicity, it’s their barbarity that is the problem!”
-former ambassador David Freidman
“If you look at how they behave, not all of them are Hamas, but they are all antisemitic,”
-Florida governor Ron DeSantis on Palestinians
“I’m sick of hearing the media, I’m sick of hearing other people blame Israel just for defending itself,”
-Florida governor Ron DeSantis on criticism of Israel
“I don’t even want to call it the Palestinian flag because they’re not a state, they’re a territory, that’s about to probably get eviscerated and go away here shortly, as we’re going to turn that into a parking lot,”
-Rep. Max Miller (who thinks Israel doesn’t need to follow rules of engagement)
“...Israel is not trying to wipe the Palestinian people off the map. Israel’s not trying to wipe Gaza off the map. Israel is trying to defend itself against a genocidal terrorist threat … If we’re gonna start using that word, fine. Let’s use it appropriately.”
-National Security Spokesman, John Kirby
If we killed 4,000 Palestinian children, you know what? It wasn't enough!"
-Stuart Seldowitz, former advisor to Barack Obama
“All of them!”
-Rep. Michelle Salzman (enthusiastically) in response to a colleague asking how many more Palestinians have to die before it is deemed enough
“We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel,” 
-Senator Lindsey Graham
“Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place.”
-Senator Lindsey Graham
“Gaza is going to look like Tokyo and Berlin at the end of world war two when this is over. And if it doesn’t look that way, Israel made a mistake,”
-Senator Lindsey Graham
“Hamas is creating these casualties, not Israel,”
-Lindsay Graham’s statement which contradicts about everything else here
“As far as I’m concerned, Israel can bounce the rubble in Gaza,”
-Senator Tom Cotton
"Israel must respond DISPROPORTIONATELY to this and any future attacks." 
-Senator Marco Rubio
“I don't think there's any way Israel can be expected to coexist or find some diplomatic offramp with these savages. I mean, these are people, as you have been reporting and others have seen, that deliberately targeted teenage girls, women, children, the elderly, not just for rape and murder, but then dumping their bodies off in the streets of Gaza, where the crowds can then defile their lifeless bodies.
I mean, just horrifying things. And I don't think we know the full extent of it yet. I mean, there's more to come in the days and weeks ahead. You can't coexist. They have to be eradicated. And you've pointed out the very difficult challenge ahead—this is going to be incredibly painful. This is going to be incredibly difficult and it's going to be horrifying—the price to pay.”
-Senator Marco Rubio 
“Finish them. Finish them,”
-Nikki Haley after being asked about a humanitarian pause
“This is not just an attack on Israel—this was an attack on America. Finish them, @b.netanyahu. They should have hell to pay for what they have just done.”
-instagram caption from Nikki Haley 
“I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, a permanent ceasefire, with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the state of Israel,” 
-senator Bernie Sanders
“The calls for a ceasefire are outrageous.”
-house speaker Mike Johnson
“there are very few innocent Palestinian citizens”
-rep. Brian Mast
(terrorism is) “absolutely supported by the Palestinian people from elementary school all the way up into the elderly,” 
-rep. Brian Mast
“I would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of innocent Palestinian civilians, as frequently said,” … “I don’t think we would so lightly throw around the term ‘innocent Nazi civilians’ during World War II.”
-rep. Brian Mast
“Rashida Tlaib has alleged ties to Hamas.
Based on these allegations, it’s sadly not surprising she’s calling for a genocide against the Jewish people.”
-an accusatory tweet from senator Marsha Blackburn regarding lone Palestinian congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib
“I don’t have any malice towards Palestinians. I have Muslim friends, believe me.”
-rep. Ryan Zinke regarding criticism of his Palestinian ban 
“I don't trust the Biden Administration any more than I do the Palestinian Authority to screen who is allowed to come into the United States. This is the most anti-Hamas immigration legislation I have seen and it's well deserved.”
-also rep. Ryan Zinke claiming his Palestinian immigration ban is ‘well deserved’
(long chunk of text)
“On the Gaza beach the autumn night is descending
Planes are bombing, ruin follows ruin
See the IDF crossing the borderline
To annihilate the Swastika carriers
In one more year
There won’t be anything left there
And we’ll return safely to our home
In one more year
We’ll eliminate them all and go back to plowing our fields”
-Video on Kan News, sung by several 6-12 year olds
"After the war, Israel should handle Gaza like China handles Xinjiang. Full surveillance state. Re education camps. Sterilizations. It's warranted and the only way to pacify the jihadi population."
"They reproduce like rabbits and raise them to be terrorists, creating more poverty, misery, and terrorism. Why should we allow that. The world would be a much better place if they didn't reproduce."
-tweets from cofounder of Oyster Ventures, Kenneth Ballenegger
“These are the Palestinians. Blood thirsty morally depraved animals who want nothing short of every inch of Israel and all Jews dead.”
“Lots of sand for Palestinians in Sinai which Israel gave to Egypt. Give them all 48h to get there…”
-tweets from pediatrician at John Hopkins, Darren Klugman
(long chunk of text)
“Listen carefully you leftists,
We don’t do reconciliation.
And the chorus stays the same:
May your village burn down.”
-Sung by IDF soldiers in the West Bank 
“No ceasefire!”
-chants from March For Israel crowd in response to Van Jones wanting no more deaths
“I wish they will rape you alive.
They will film you.
And if your mother be alive.
They will send the video for your mother to see how you burn.
That’s what I wish.”
-March for Israel protester
“Let me say the unsayable. I’m not endorsing this but it’s a possible solution which is simply to expel them from Gaza. You might call that ethnic cleansing and so forth but the fact is that at the end of the second world war there were a million Germans kicked out of Poland. There were Germans expelled from Czechoslovakia,"
-Breitbart editor, Joel Pollak
“That’s an option, I think, after all this … If it comes down to ethnic cleansing, you want to cleanse my people. I’ll cleanse yours first.”
-Breitbart editor, Joel Pollak
“There will never be a Palestinian state. It’s over.”
-Breitbart editor, Joel Pollak
“Gazans rape Jewish girls only in self defense,”
-a line from a comic posted by Amy Schumer
“You either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism”
-Noah Schnapp 
“Many are saying that it’s inhumane that Israel is cutting off water/electricity to Gaza. Israel made it pretty simple — ‘release the hostages and we will turn it back on. Instead of pleading with Hamas to release CIVILIAN hostages which include BABIES and TODDLERS there are politicians (cough cough AOC) calling Israel inhumane. If that isn’t enough for you: ISRAEL DOES NOT NEED TO SUPPLY GAZA WITH THESE RESOURCES (which they do, for FREE),”
-deleted Sarah Silverman story she said she made because she was “stoned”
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ohwellokcomputer · 8 months
the fact that merely speaking out against antisemitism is enough to get you mass-blocked by popular tumblr blogs for “zionism” really goes to show how much goyim (mainly white goyim) hate Jews. Y’all really think that any Jew standing up for themselves or our people against antisemitism is a heinous crime. yes this is about That blog that has been blocking every Jew they come across for months. @ That Blog I hope someday you will educate yourself instead of spreading blood libel and hatred and I hope you find a way to break free from the bigotry and in your heart instead of blocking random teenage Jews on tumblr because you’re mad that we aren’t personally calling up benjamin netanyahu to yell at him
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
ny Nils A. Haug
[I]t clearly looks as if the Biden administration just wants to please its terrorist-sponsoring adversaries, Iran and Qatar, by allowing their prized client, Hamas, to win the war.
Regrettably, Iran does not seem to be guided by the same humanitarian, ethical, or "natural law principles" embraced by Israel and the West.
A jihadist in Iran's premier militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)... probably sees the job of the IRGC as driving the US out of the Middle East so that Iran can continue to "Export the Revolution" without interference.
It is with good reason that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu complains that the US is withholding, or "slow-walking," military supplies. In Ukraine, for instance, badly needed arms are always "being delivered" but somehow never manage to arrive until long after they might actually have helped.
Although Israel's leaders are well aware of the immense danger presented by Iran, the US and other Western allies evidently cannot be relied upon to prevent Iran from completing its nuclear weapons program. The US appears to like talking, and talking about talking, diplomacy backed up by talking, verbal "understandings" so long as they have no teeth, then paying what looks like bribe money for adversaries not to "make waves," presumably at least not before the America's upcoming November election.
The Biden administration, it seems, would rather deal with threatening situations via... worthless promises from Iran, Russia, China, the Taliban, the Palestinians or whoever else will offer appeasements.
The critical point is that Israel is fighting to safeguard not just its own nation, but the West and the Free World as well. The battle at the moment seems between preserving freedom or having it extinguished by the forces of barbarism, autocracies and theocrats, but most of all by the passivity of the West.... Silky, stealth aggressors include Qatar -- the consigliere of all Islamic terror groups -- which uses money and its media network Al-Jazeera, not military aggression, as its means of persuasion.
Sadly, the Biden administration appears to view Israel not as a sovereign nation but a US satrapy. It is hardly a secret that the US has been trying to oust Israel's elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and replace him presumably with a subordinate. That US puppet would supposedly be delighted to have a terrorist Palestinian state next door administered by the terrorist godfather, Qatar, and be delighted to see Iran have as many nuclear weapons as it likes.
If Obama ostensibly conceived of this arrangement [the 2015 "nuclear deal"] to "balance the influence" of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the plan has failed colossally. Saudi Arabia, for all its faults, has not tried to enlarge its territory....
At present, both the Biden administration in the US and opposition in Israel to its current government seem to be trying to muscle Netanyahu out. US Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat who happens to be Jewish, declared in mid-March that Netanyahu had "lost his way" and called for "new elections" -- not in the Senator's own country, the US, but in that of a sovereign ally, Israel. Would he have called for "new elections" in England, Germany, Italy or France? Biden, unsurprisingly, quickly "embraced Schumer's speech."
Many, including some who might be looking longingly at Netanyahu's job, have advocated that "Hamas cannot be defeated." Meanwhile, Netanyahu has been doing exactly that.
The US and others have tried to claim that before defeating an adversary, one must know what will happen after the fighting stops, and that destroying Hamas's military capability will just create another whole generation of Gazans who hate Israelis and Jews. Before defeating Hitler, however, no one had suggested that it was important to know what would happen "after the fighting stopped"; the same holds true for Imperial Japan....at present, both Germany and Japan are solid allies of the US and the West. There are probably still Nazis in Germany, but they no longer have the "means, capability or opportunity" to disrupt Europe.
The US appears to be doing the bidding of its terrorist-supporting collaborators, Iran and Qatar, and their supporters -- potential voters in America's heartland -- and those who want Hamas to survive to "attack, time and again, until Israel is annihilated."
All that is required is to make sure that Israel has the ammunition and weapons it needs to fight on our behalf, to make sure they are delivered immediately, and then get out of the way.
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familyabolisher · 1 year
In 1937, urban planners debated turning Tel Aviv into a ‘Riviera city’ in a proposal called the Grunblatt scheme, which is reminiscent of Le Corbusier’s unrealised 1933 Plan Obus to demolish the Cape of Algiers and construct an elevated highway along its coastline. Today, many of the Palestinian beaches belong to private developers and hotels. This is part of a longstanding policy of effacement, whereby Palestinian scenes of dispossession become sites of Zionist leisure. After the massacre of residents in al-Tantura (occupied May 22–23, 1948; population of 1,500) in 1948, the Palestinian population was driven out. A mass grave of several dozen bodies remains, and today it lies under the parking lot of Dor beach, near Haifa. These processes are not unique to Palestine, architecture and redevelopment play essential roles in the construction of a revisionist urban coloniality. Both Tel Aviv and Algiers were given the moniker ‘White City’.
But Tel Aviv is not particularly white. Off-white maybe, mostly grey. Sharon Rotbard’s WHITE CITY, BLACK CITY (2015) examines the Bauhaus style that is the city’s pride. The Ashkenazi elite of Tel Aviv sought refuge in the ‘values of order and rationality’, she explains, against ‘the amorphous black chaos’ of the present. ‘It enabled many Tel Avivians to conduct wealthy bourgeois lifestyles, and at the same time to expose a socialist and progressive façade, to take solace in the assurance that while their city was clearly grey and faded, it was actually white and clean; that although it was no more than a provincial Western outpost, it was as international as the International Style; and that although it was modern, it was historic.’
The early essays about the local International Style in HA’IR and HA’ARETZ newspapers praised it as neither historic nor revolutionary, but as a sensible innovation, emphasising ‘usability, economy, modesty, cleanliness’. Tel Aviv’s Bauhaus represents the aestheticisation of sterility, which was the style’s original function, in a clear through line from the sanatorium that helped to popularise it. The export of this architecture to the colonies held the promise of ridding the cities of their distinct character, of curing the tropics of their diseases.
These architectures, then, reinforce a psychogeography of ‘cleanliness’. In light of the increasing visibility and political power of the messianic-Zionist bloc in the Israeli governing coalition (Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud alongside the Hasidic political parties United Torah Judaism and Shas), the re-emphasis of Tel Aviv’s White City’s heritage serves as a coping strategy of sorts for Tel Aviv’s settlers in particular. It allows them to self-narrate as ‘liberal’ and to separate themselves from an unwashed ‘Other Israel’, supporting the story that Tel Aviv’s relationship to the rest of the state is of a cosmopolitan vestigial organ. This is romantic, but untrue. While the fanatical settler foot soldiers that roam the frontier are perhaps the most visible parts of the Israeli project, a quieter enemy remains at work – the state’s bureaucratic violences, dressed as system planners and administrators. Tel Aviv’s ghouls in their windowless offices stare at population registries of Palestinians, a blinking red button in front of them, adding to their press releases a Biblical or archaeological citation to camouflage the ethnic cleansing.
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
I 100% agree, as someone who considers myself pro Palestine (as in Palestinians no longer dying as well as Israelis no longer being kidnapped and having whatever done to them by Hamas, I just want all of this death and madness to stop for everyone, both Arabs and Jewish people), I’m so disgusted by the antisemitism I’m seeing towards Jewish people and Israelis and I’m disgusted with myself for not seeing it sooner. I’m seeing people engage in casual antisemitism in the name of “not conflating Israel with Judaism” and saying the most ridiculous things. I’m seeing people bring up ancestry tests to check if Israelis are “actually Jewish” or “actually from the land”, accusing Jewish Israelis of being European colonialists because on 23andme or on AncestryDNA, their results may show something like “Polish Jew” or “Ukrainian Jew” for example. True story, I’m seeing people accuse Benjamin Netanyahu of being a white European man larping as ethnic Jewish man and while I hate to defend politicians, I learnt from speaking to the jewish people that I know that many Ashkenazi hebracised their names similarly to how the Irish did after their independence- English names were changed to Gaelic forms. So I’m assuming that that’s what happened with him.
You know how of TikTok many people like to put their flags in their usernames? I’m seeing people who put the Israeli flag in their username (to showcase nationality) get massive death and… other (you can guess the other) threats for simply being from where they are from. Even if the person hasn’t even mentioned Israel!
I’m seeing people deny that the holocaust was “that bad” to Jewish people. That it was a long time ago and that they (“they” being the Jewish community) should move on. I’m not sure if pretending that the holocaust was not as bad as actually was counts as holocaust denial, but in my opinion it’s definitely teetering on the edge of it.
I’m seeing people say that the only real Jews are the Palestinian Jews because the others (others being the Israeli Jews) are European colonialists with “no ties to the land”. Also picking and choosing who is a “real Jew” based off of some ancestry tests (going back to what I said previously). I’m seeing people talk about Jewish people who support Palestinians as “the good ones” (as a black person, I know very well how disgusting it is to be referred to as one of the “good ones”). And while I do not agree with many of the sentiments pushed by a lot of pro Israel crowd (mainly the Islamophobic stuff and anti Arab sentiment that I see, people saying that Arabs cause trouble wherever they go, etc), I will never be able to understand denying someone of their heritage or religion or antagonising them more than criminals based off of their opinions.
Recently there was some hostages returned to Israel and I think one of them was a girl or a woman named Noa, I think (I’m going off of the top of my head, correct me if I’m wrong) and while I’m glad that she was returned to her family (on her father’s birthday right?), my joy was quickly soured by the wishes of death and rape, etc upon her by a lot of pro Palestinian extremists. What happened to wishing safety and peace upon both Palestinian citizens and Israeli citizens? I thought that’s what we all wanted? If I remember correctly, she as well as the other hostages were held in the home of an Al Jazeera journalist, the amount of DENIAL that I saw on social media???? Denying that she and those other victims were put through horrible circumstances, that the 07/10/23 incident even happened, etc. Denying that Hamas is a terrorist organisation or that they even EXIST, etc. I don’t even know what to say.
I’m also seeing people refuse to read different news sources and only read biased news. They’ll say something like “don’t watch American or British or Jewish news channels/sites, only watch Al Jazeera because Al Jazeera is unbiased”… Al Jazeera… unbiased???? Sure, jan. I prefer to read multiple, just to see different perspectives, but to be so biased as to only read Al Jazeera… I don’t even know anymore.
I live in an area in which a Jewish restaurant owner was recently attacked for supporting his family in Israel. “Funding Israel” as they call it now. I don’t care about his beliefs, that’s not my business, but he literally has an Israeli FAMILY. OF COURSE HE IS SUPPORTING HIS FAMILY.
I just wonder, why are people so comfortable calling Israelis demons and evil and everything under the sun? They’d never say that about Russians, despite what’s happening in Ukraine. Or about the Turkish and the Azerbaijanis despite Armenia. Why are we so comfortable demonising a whole nationality?
People say that they’ve read history and they know the full context of this situation when all they’ve done is hear it from TikTok. If people actually knew history, they’d stop questioning why American politicians are so hellbent on having Israel on their side. They’d know that Israel is a coveted ally to have (geopolitical influence, etc) and that if “Genocide Joe” was to stop aiding Israel, Israel would seek aid from somewhere else… like Russia. Or China. Or any other enemy countries of the US.
If people actually knew history, they’d know that complacency is what got Donald Trump elected in 2016. If people actually knew history, they’d know that Bush vs Gore shows us why we shouldn’t vote 3rd party in presidential elections.
If people studied politics, they’d know that Trump has made known his plans to annex the West Bank, flatten Gaza, and arrest every single pro Palestinian protester if he gets elected, referring to the Israel/Palestine region as “unfinished business”.
If people studies politics, they’d know that a major reason for why majority of European countries are becoming more and more far right and installing Nazi governments (e.g. Germans voting for the AfD and the French voting for far right as well) is due to LACK OF VOTER TURNOUT FROM LEFTISTS WHO YAP AND YAP AND COMPLAIN ON SOCIAL MEDIA BUT NO SHOW AT THE POLLS. Ironically, these are the same Europeans telling Americans to not vote.
IF PEOPLE STUDIED AND/OR PAID ATTENTION TO POLITICS, THEY’D BE TERRIFIED OF PROJECT 2025 AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU, ME, US, AND DEMOCRACY AS A WHOLE. (Speaking of, please do spread awareness of P25, it’s very scary and I’d much rather have rights than live in a dictatorship, thank you).
I’m so sorry for rambling about this in your ask box. I know that you as a Jewish person are probably very sick of the rampant antisemitism and the dog whistles you obviously know more of and about that than I could ever possibly imagine as a non Jewish person or a goyim and I’m sorry for ranting about stuff you probably already know about. I’m 18 and most of the people that I know within my age group are choosing not to vote because of what’s happening. I suspect they weren’t going to vote anyway, but now they have an “excuse” for it. And that sickens me as well. That no one actually gives a fuck about Israel or Palestine. No one actually cares about those civilians. People are just using this whole thing as an excuse to be lazy, to not learn, and to spread more hate and tribalism.
I think maybe social media has desensitised people to the fact that this is REAL and not a GAME. When you’re wishing death and rape upon all Israelis, you’re wishing death upon REAL PEOPLE. When you call jewish people Nazis, do you guys ever stop and think about what you’ve just said? Calling JEWISH PEOPLE NAZIS!!! Why is it so normal to strip people of their humanity the second you disagree with their opinions? Sick. As much as I disagree with the Israeli government, I cannot imagine generalising a whole population based solely on their GOVERNMENT.
I have one Jewish friend that lives near me, his name is Eli. He’s Mizrahi and Sephardic Jewish. We graduated together last year from high school. We live in a very white suburb and the antisemitism is rising by the day where we stay. I don’t even know what to say to him and his family right now, considering that this is his lived experience. Having to be afraid. Living in fear. How do you even attempt to comfort someone when they’re dealing with this? I can’t say that it will get better, because we both know it won’t. At least not any time soon. How many times are they going to tell us “Never again”’before “never again” actually sticks?
I’m just tired of this. I’m tired of the hatred. I’m tired of random Jewish people and random Arab people getting attacked. I’m tired of the Islamophobia and antisemitism. I’m tired of trying to push people to redirect their attention to the threat at hand which is Donald Trump. And if I’m tired of this, I cannot even fathom how tired the people affected are. Sorry for the long and annoying ask. Feel free to delete this, it’s a bunch of whining.
I don’t mind the rant/vent at all! the state of this world right now is just so disappointing it leaves you hollow. so much unnecessary hatred and death that could be avoided if people just made different choices. I’d say I’m embarrassed to be american but this is not anywhere near an american problem, it’s the entire world.
I just saw a tweet today about the hostage rescue saying the IDF (aka jews) are “demons” for allegedly going in disguised as an aid truck and then shooting people. like they went in disguised and just opened fire at random because they love to kill. so many people were shot as kidnappers. like, these people harbored kidnapping victims, tortured and enslaved them, and I would’ve preferred a life sentence but I’m not going to mourn their deaths.
now, idk how much of citizens helping hamas is from fear of ending up like the jews hamas brutalizes and how much is an actual desire to kill jews. there could very well be some of them who were hiding hostages to save their and their family’s lives. that being said, this has to stop, and we have to do better as a society when we respond to these events. because where we’re at right now and what we’re allowing ourselves to say/do is doing nothing but harming ALL of us.
these morons will say “never again means never again for anyone!” but it’s a phrase coined specifically by and for jews relating to the Holocaust and antisemitic violence. there is no “never again” if it’s still happening to jews. any goy using the phrase outside a context pertaining to jews is not to be trusted, and they’re a fucking idiot.
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fromchaostocosmos · 4 months
(Because I don't know if/when this article will get put behind a paywall I'm putting the whole thing here)
This weekend, Representative Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat from Detroit, appeared at the “People’s Conference for Palestine,” where she called for the voters to punish Joe Biden at the ballot box. “It is disgraceful that the Biden administration and my colleagues in Congress continue to smear [anti-Israel demonstrators] for protesting to save lives no matter faith or ethnicity,” she exclaimed, “It is cowardly. But we’re not gonna forget in November, are we?”
Also this weekend, the Washington Post reported on plans that Donald Trump is sharing with donors to crush protests by deporting non-citizens participants. “One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country,” he promised. “You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave.”
In short, Tlaib is so angry at Biden for denouncing antisemitic rhetoric at pro-Palestine protests that she wants to elect the man who is promising to deport them from the country. (And while she phrased it coyly, telling people to punish Biden’s “disgraceful” behavior in November can only describe one kind of recourse, because November is when people vote.)
There is something irrational, at least on the surface, about this horseshoe alliance. Many progressives are already pleading with the anti-Israel left to reconsider its determination to punish Biden, whose campaign it has spent months attempting to disrupt or target with harassment. And some protesters surely do hope merely to move Biden as far left as possible and will climb down eventually.
But the position Tlaib revealed this weekend does have a real logic to it that suggests she may not merely be bluffing.
Tlaib, like the groups organizing the protests, opposes any two-state solution to the conflict and uses the slogan “from the river to the sea” to denote her demand for liberation of the entire territory controlled by Israel. Her speech this weekend confirmed the militant thrust of her position. It contained not even a word of condemnation of terrorism, any mention of the hostages, or acknowledgment that Jewish Israelis possess any rights to live under any future settlement. She treated criticism of antisemitic rhetoric at the protests — the extent of which can be debated, but the existence of which cannot — as nothing more than a smear.
She understands the conflict as one of pure good versus pure evil, with the side of good having no obligations and incurring no guilt, and the side of evil having no rights.
Trump has the same belief structure but in reverse. While Tlaib lambasts Biden for continuing to support Israel’s right to self-defense, Trump and his allies attack him for attempting to constrain its exercise.
David Friedman, Trump’s former ambassador to Israel and the leading candidate to hold the same position in a second term, told Marc Caputo that Trump sees the conflict as one of good versus evil. “It’s a far less nuanced approach,” he said. “Trump sees adversaries in two buckets: Are they people who are loyal to America or share American values? Or are they people who threaten America and hate American values? Not everyone fits cleanly in those buckets. But in the Middle East, they do.”
Likewise, Matthew Brooks, chief executive of the Republican Jewish Coalition, explained Trump’s position as a “blank check” to Benjamin Netanyahu. “He’s giving the Israelis a blank check to go in and do what they need to do to destroy Hamas and eliminate the threat in Gaza from Hamas. And what he’s also saying, which is actually true, he said ‘but do it quickly’ because time is not Israel’s ally right now.”
Netanyahu has always tried to maintain some balance between the demands of his right-wing coalition partners to maintain control over all occupied territory and the hope by American presidents to create a two-state solution. Netanyahu has putatively left the door cracked for peace while doing everything in his power to make it impossible: from allowing settlers in the West Bank to terrorize Palestinians with total impunity to shoveling money to Hamas in hopes of marginalizing any Palestinian figures who might want to negotiate peace.
Netanyahu is a one-stater. Trump is increasingly signaling his support for a one-state solution. Tlaib likewise supports a one-state solution. And while Trump and Tlaib obviously have opposing visions for how that single state should be governed, they share an incentive to discredit the forces of compromise that stand in their way and an unstated commitment to some violent future conflagration that will settle the struggle one way or another.
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