#brocedes x valtteri
12romy · 2 years
I love both of the prompt stories 😍
Could you maybe write something with Lewis/Val(/Nico)? Getting a tattoo together
Omg omg omg I don't know if you suggested a Lewis/Val/Nico or just Nico instead of Val, but I went with the first option. I am OBSESSED with this trouple idea XDD
So here you go, tattoo parlour AU ^^
Valtteri had known a lot of undecided clients, but that couple clearly won the title of most annoying clients ever. In a way, it was quite entertaining, to see the couple fight about what tattoo they wanted to get.
"You're really talented," one of the two guys told him - the one with a lot of tattoos.
"Lewis, we're not here to get something this extravagant!" the blond one replied, and 'Lewis' rolled his eyes.
"I know, I'm just looking... I might come back..."
"Well, focus on us right now, we're trying to decide on a tattoo to get together," the blond pouted in a way Valtteri couldn't help but find cute.
"Well, I already made a lot of propositions, but none of them were good enough for you!" Lewis protested. "Tell you what, why don't you choose something, Nico?"
"I wanted the date of our first date, but you're against it!" Nico replied.
"Well, yeah, a date a pretty lame!" the man protested, making his boyfriend pout again.
"It's not lame! Right?" he turned to Valtteri, and wow, no, that was not his job to get mixed to that.
"Er..." he hesitated. "I mean, a date is a bit simple... But if you want something discreet, I can make stylized symbols."
"Oh, a heart could be cute!" Lewis exclaimed.
"A heart? How cliché are you?" Nico protested.
"Ugh, nothing's good enough for you!" Lewis complained. "How about a flower, then?"
"Oh, a flower with a meaning, you mean?" Nico perked up, enthusiastic all of a sudden.
"Forget-me-not symbolises true love, if you're interested in that," Valtteri mentioned, the two of them turning to him. "Red roses are a little classic but very pretty. I can look into more flowers if you're interested..."
"Actually... Forget-me-not is a pretty good idea," Lewis blinked. "That's the flowers I offered to Nico for our first date."
"You remember?" Nico exclaimed, blushing.
"Oh, of course I do," Lewis cooed, and Valtteri wanted to throw up with how cute they were.
"I can think of a design for next time, do some sketch," Valtteri offered. "We can get an appointment next week for the actual tattoo, see if you like my design."
"That sounds amazing!" Nico exclaimed.
Valtteri didn't think much about the couple apart during his sketching, but he found himself quite happy to see them pass the door of his shop. He greeted them and got straight to business, showing them his drawings.
"They're all beautiful," Lewis blurted out, Nico was still silent, mesmerised by the drawings.
"I don't know which one to get," Nico bitted his lip.
"I like the second one."
"I like the first one and the third one," they said at the same time.
"... Do you want to take another meeting to have the time to decide?" Valtteri offered, and they ended up taking him on the offer.
But you see, the week after, they fought to know where to put the tattoo and delayed for another week.
During the fourth week, finally, they got their tattoo done. And so, Valtteri thought with a pinch of disappointment it would be the last he sees of them. That was until Lewis strolled inside his shop a few days later, with a cup of coffee, explaining he was passing by and wanted to come and say hello.
And then, Nico did the same, bringing pastries. And then the two of them again, and they stayed for an hour inside Valtteri's shop to chat.
It was around then that Valtteri understood he was in big trouble because he was getting a serious crush on the couple. They turned out to be fun, and truly interesting guys to be around, and they both were charming.
No, really, he was in big trouble.
"So, you know a lot about flower language... What flower means I love you?" Nico asked, one day they were sharing a coffee during Valtteri's break. He was the owner of the shop anyway, his break was whenever he wanted.
"Hmm, you have a lot, it's hard to pick just one."
"What's your favorite, then?" Nico cocked his head.
"Red tulip," Valtteri answered without thinking. Nico nodded with a smile.
A few days later, the couple was back again. With a bouquet of tulips.
Valtteri probably blushed as red as the tulips they gave him when they asked him out.
He obviously said yes, wondering how he got this lucky.
Send prompts!!!
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penaltyboxboxbox · 5 months
whats stopping you from posting your omegaverse headcanons my king……do it
truly what is stopping me....ok my omegaverse assignments under the damn cut and honestly thank you to @wewentcarracing my fellow scholar who's own research has DEFINITELY influenced my own
Charles: this bitch is an omega. everyone is in love with him and he smells so good and is distracting to everyone in the damn room. we're going to question his abilities because of it too he will face anti-omega media bias despite the achievements of other omega drivers all of charles mishaps are blamed on the fact hes an omega
Carlos: alpha idc what you contradictory parties wanna say hes a big hairy alpha and hes proud of it. but hes like pretty well managed and likes to act like hes a lot more...idk wild during his ruts and stuff but like in all reality he keeps it together very well but just uses being an alpha as an excuse to hoe around.............is not mated to charles but like wants to be soooooo badly and like the way charles plays around it constantly makes him insanely whipped . as he fucking said it himself he wants to bite charles and has to control himself. ok.
Pierre: i cant decide honestly like sometimes i want him to be an alpha who has no self control and sometimes i want him to be a very ashamed omega. depends on the day and also what i'm assigning for esteban....
Esteban: He is either a beta or a really lame alpha..............i like him being an alpha making him super protective of lance but like THEY DONT LIKE EACH OTHER THAT WAY but like. maybe a little a esteban just too polite to lance to say anything. teehee. omega pierre x beta esteban is goated also. just saying.
Lance: OMEGA.............uses this as an excuse to always be laying down and being sweet and asking people to do things for him :) and they always do. also he has the most sweaty disheveled unwell heats ever and just generally reeks of maple syrup and pancakes
Fernando: alpha and he wont let you forget it. he stank. hes freaky. yeah. talks about it TOO openly. everyones had a taste too like can you blame them. guy who is also like slobbering all over lances neck in public theyre gross about it
George: I loooove George as an alpha who really dislikes the loss of control aspect of alphadom. As the wise sadie one said, george thinks being an alpha is terribly gauche. at the same time has his own cockiness about the fact he IS an alpha like he has his moments there......using his alpha privilege when it suits him but hating it when its not something he can use to his advantage or that might make him act a fool
Lewis: Beta who lets people believe he's an Alpha whos just so mentally in the zone and turbo vegan that he is able to remain in complete control of his urges and emotions. Gets testy when questioned about it its NONE of their business. Definitely does in fact really really want to be an alpha. (nico an omega btw just add this to my brocedes narrative)
Yuki: Alpha and proud of it. He's like writing alpha specific instagram captions.
Daniel: This man is THE beta ok. used to be self deprecating about it but now just embraces it. hes the beta they brought into the enclosure to keep max from becoming insane.
Max: an omega but like. weirdly ravenous one. he is breaking down omega stereotypes but like he's not even trying he's just a weirdo.
Checo: also an omega but hes like a tragically lame one when in heat. like this man is the king of the pathetic heat he wants to be led around by the hand and makes everyone around him feel bad for him. smells like orchids and carnations.
Valtteri: beta who is literally just chilling
Guanyu: reverse lewis, alpha who everyone thinks is a beta and he just lets them, doesn't want people prying into that part of his life. does not have a complex about being an alpha though and being around val keeps him w a cool head yk
Alex: Alpha.......knows he's a good one too like too aware that he'll get the job done and WELL definitely more than a little cocky about it and thinks he generally like. deals with himself well doesn't THINK he lets it get to his head as much as it does. HUGE flirt w like any omega.
Logan: Omega like what do you want me to say he spends every moment wiggling and whimpering and blushing like......hes an omega. he smells like he smells like fresh cut citrus and seawater 🫶😔
Lando: he's an omega but he smells offputting he smells like burnt sugar and monster energy. was like convinced mind body and soul he and carlos were a THING until the chussy lured carlos away and now lando is stuck being a little weird about it for all time he cant quite click w someone else and hes a weird mean little tease because of it
Oscar: Alpha who is soooooooooo incredibly chill about it. You wanna hop on my dick? ah. ok i guess. have at it. like this guy is not pressed about any of this shit
KMag: alpha but i have no strong opinion here i just think hes normal
Nico: alpha who smells terrible to every omega ever and can never find a rut partner and yearns for the hole but he just cant win
bonus seb cause i can: seb is an alpha..obvs w charles duh but ALSO was a freakish little alpha in his younger days who got off on being gross and contradictory + wonderful truly paired with beta mark with his absolutely massive complex about being a beta and snaps at anyone who tries to bring it up in regards to his behavior etc etc etc hotheaded beta and evil twink alpha who goads him about oh fuck me all you want youll never be MEEEEE oh i need it actually. anyways
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querencva · 2 years
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