#brodus clay
romanstheory · 1 year
Why do people hate Tyrian (fka Brodus Clay) so much? I saw on Instagram he was forced to retire and people were super happy. I’m genuinely asking because I really don’t know anything about him, just curious
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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blueonwrestling · 2 years
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
X-Play Classic - WWE '13 Review
Live the Revolution.
(And yes, as mentioned by Blair, this would be the last wrestling game Xplay would review for another 10 years, until they came back and reviewed WWE 2K22. Watch that review here.)
(mobile-friendly Link)
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There is a phrase I have only ever heard wresters in behind the scenes interviews use and I think it needs to be more common in more circles: "turn your chicken shit into chicken salad"
It means to take the horrible circumstance you have been given and make something great out of it. Dusty Rhoades with the polkadot gimmick, Wade Barrett being given the character of "guy who gives you bad news lol," or the giant and scary Brodus Clay having to be the super silly Funkosaurus. All these guys were given garbage direction and storylines but through sheer commitment to the bit, they each turned chicken shit into chicken salad.
I want to do that with the garbage that life gives me
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shadow-of-wonder · 1 year
WWE rewatch w Cass
i''ve started watching 'old' wwe from 2012 and just a couple of things I noticed/want to ramble about:
MISS TRINITY FATU!!! I'M SO PROUD OF HER. in 2012, she was really just a funkadactyl dancer alongside Ariane w Brodus Clay. looking back @ it now and seeing how far she came, it makes me feel so filled w pride bc although it took time for them to truly utilize the talent she is, she eventually got what she deserved (mainly).
AJ Lee just got made the RAW general manager and seeing the back-and-forth between her and CM Punk cracks me up now bc they're married in real life now. AJ was my girl back in 2012 and I have memories of my best friend (at the time) and I obsessing over her + her antics during that particular year. I never would have thought AJ and Punk would have ended up together IRL but I guess it's funny how things work out (although I did read Punk cheated on LITAAA w AJ so he trash for that if it's true).
Brock is still breaking men's arms 11 years later 🤣 he was a MENACEEE in 2012 though and I remember hating his guts bc he was going after one of my ultimate favourites (HBK) and he broke said favourite's arm 😭
CODYYY. he's another who has come so far looking back @ then and comparing it to now. I'm so proud of his growth, his development and I'm glad he found his way back home (in a sense).
TOUT. I never really got into the whole tout thing but does anyone remember it? I remember not knowing how tf to use it or download it bc it wasn't available in my country and I couldn't even view any of the tout videos that superstars posted. thank lord for the saviour that Instagram is nowadays bc it makes it so much easier for us to keep up with not just the wrestling promotions themselves but also, the different individual superstars and legends of the past.
I'll probably do another post like this in the coming days as I continue my rewatch but these are just a few things I wanted to share from my nightly rewatching session and I hope y'all enjoyed reading my ramble thoughts.
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No One Lives
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With a title like NO ONE LIVES (2012, Prime), you start out with low expectations. Now, add the fact that it was produced by WWE Entertainment, and you’ll expect even less. Then throw in the directing credit, Ryuhei Kitamura, whose THE PRICE WE PAY (2022) I just hated (and no, I wasn’t planning on doing two of his films in a row, but Amazon doesn’t list directors). Is it possible to move one’s expectations into the negative zone? Yes, it’s the schlock de la schlock. But big surprise, it has a pulpy energy that carries through most of it if you have a high gore tolerance. Helping greatly is the fact that Luke Evans and Adelaide Clemens in the leads make something of their underwritten characters. She’s so good you can’t help wishing for a better ending. A group of crooks headed by Lee Tergesen — who has precious little to do before he goes the way of all Steve Buscemi, eh?— kidnaps a tourist (Evans) and brings his car and trailer to their remote forest cabin (at this point in time, would anybody even consider staying in a remote forest cabin?). When they go through the trunk, they find a bound woman (Clemens). Yes, they just kidnapped a very resourceful and inventive serial killer, and the van is his kill kit. The kills are highly imaginative and only one is sexually exploitative. It all moves like a house afire, and Evans makes even the cheesiest dialog sound almost clever. Sample: Clemens: “You must be out of your mind. Evans: “I’m very much in my mind.” In this film, Kitamura’s direction is stylish without going into overkill. His camera glides along with Evans as he goes about his business and performs at least one pan that made me laugh. Since this is a WWE production, the cast includes one of their wrestlers, Brodus Clay (aka Tyrus aka The Funkasaurus), but the script doesn’t push him beyond his capabilities, and he has great physical presence. For those so inclined, I’ll also point out that Evans is one of the sexiest serial killers ever to grace a bad horror film. Hey, we take our kicks where we can get them.
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 years
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Waylon Mercy was such a breath of fresh air when he came out.
During a time when the World Wrestling Federation had such corny, childish wrestling gimmicks like baseball players, plumbers, hockey players, garbage men, teachers, ninjas, evil dentists, an Evil Santa Claus, and gross slobs, Waylon Mercy came out and played this cool, creepy Max Cady inspired character.
2 decades later, Bray Wyatt entered the WWE during a time when the WWE had corny stuff like Brodus Clay dancing in the ring, Hornswoggle playing a leprechaun wrestling people in eagle costumes, Santino Marella and the cobra, Zack Ryder, etc., and Bray not only had a similar gimmick to Waylon Mercy, but Bray and the Wyatt Family brought some scariness, darkness and edginess to the WWE's PG era and under a PG rating.
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skelltan · 2 years
Indie Promotion Round Up - Edition 1 Part 1 - NWA Powerrr
Throughout the years, wrestling has had its peaks and inclines. While you may have Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and D-Generation X tearing it up in WWE, you may also have your Kennel from Hell, Gerald Briscoe vs Pat Patterson evening gown match or Trish Stratus being force to bark like a dog.
2019 was no exception. I personally think it was a pretty great year to be a wrestling fan, from Kofimania in the WWE, NXT getting favourable reviews, and the inception of AEW. Sure, they weren’t without their hitches – Kofi’s title run ending in him getting squashed by Brock Lesnar or AEW’s growing pains, but I think it marked the start of something great with what would happen in the following years.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m not here to talk about WWE or AEW. I’m no even here to talk about NJPW or IMPACT. No, I’m talking about some of the lesser known promotions – namely MLW and NWA.
Both revitalised themselves in 2017, giving the American wrestling scene a few other shows to keep an eye on as they progressed. MLW was a previously short lived promotion that emerged in 2002 as a spiritual successor to ECW, down to having Joey Styles on commentary and featuring the likes of The Sandman, Raven, Sabu and other notable names, while the NWA is a long living promotion who’s history is a bit confusing, but basically, it once had the most prestigious title in all of wrestling, but has since fallen in prestige somewhat. Oh yeah, also, Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins bought it.
These two companies would have their ups and downs, from NWA featuring talent such as Thunder Rosa, Eddie Kingston and Ricky Starks before they moved onto AEW while MLW had names like Darby Allin, MJF and the Lucha Bros. But where are they now? I’ve heard rumblings about both companies, but never found the time to sit down to watch them and see just what they’re all about. Well, that’s abou to change. Join me as I explore just what is happening in MLW and NWA after the fallout of their (as of writing) most recent PPVs.
I guess I may as well start off with the elephant in the room and have a glimpse at the NWA. They’re coming fresh off their “Hard Times” PPV, where, most notably, they put the world title on Tyrus. Tyrus, for those of you who do not know, is a man who was known for his time in WWE as “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay. He was a man who danced and… was a dinosaur. I guess. It’s not as cool as it sounds, trust me. In that role, he was never really relevant, nor was he world champion material – let alone now, 8 years after his “prime”, if you even want to call it that.
He also is a raunch conservative, constantly showing up on Fox News and has a sexual assault allegation against him. So, y’know. Great champion material. Anyways, the NWA has 2 main shows, both streaming on youtube. NWA Powerrr, which is their main show, and NWA USA, which focuses on the junior heavyweights. I think for this series(?) I’ll look at an episode of Powerrr, an episode of MLW Fusion (MLW’s main, and only, show, also youtube exclusive) and an episode of NWA USA.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into NWA Powerrr, season 11, episode 1.
We’re live from the Sigur Center in Chalmette, Lousiana. Kyle Davis – huh? Is this guy the fused form of Aussie Open? Anyways, he’s an official at NWA, and our host. He welcomes us and brings Tyrus down to the ring. Tyrus himself is from Lousiana so I guess they also wanted him to be a hometown hero.
As he makes his way to the ring, there are some jester masks and such – because it’s Lousiana! I don’t know if this is part of the arena or the NWA themselves designed this but it helps the arena stand out.
We hear from one of our commentators – the commentary team is Joe Galli, Velvet Sky and Tim Storm. Joe informs us this is the start of the “Idolmania Sports Management era”. Well, ok, there’s something I didn’t know. Wrestling legend Austin Idol leads a faction that Tyrus is apart of. I’m guessing they’re the top heel group? Strictly Business was last time I was watching, but Nick Aldis left the NWA, so I guess this is their replacement.
Joe also mentions the Revolution Rumble, which I’m guessing is just the name of this slew of episodes, but also Powerrr Trip? Haven’t heard of it. At this point I glanced at the likes and dislikes and realised they were even, 1.5k a piece. Anyhow, Velvet Sky lets us know Idolmania has all the gold, which made me look it up. As of this episode, two other members of Idolmania held gold – Cyon with the National Championship (which is one of the midcard belts) and Jordan Clearwater with the Television Championship (the other midcard belt). I don’t know why there are 2 midcard belts.
I guess I’ll start a rant. People rant about how AEW or WWE has too many titles, but they serve a purpose. Sure, I’m not a fan of AEW having multiple midcard belts, but at least the ROH are for ROH whenever that relaunches, and the All Atlantic title has a vaguely international theme to it. But the NWA has a world title, two midcard belts, two tag team belts, two cruiserweight belts, women’s belt and women’s tag belts. For a company with a roster as small as the NWA, that’s too many damn belts.
Anyway, rant over. One of these guys is wearing a Ric Flair esque robe, another is a luchador. They don’t look like they fit together. Realizing I’m going to have to listen to a Tyrus promo, I now regret my decision to start this series.
Austin Idol sounds old as fuck and curses out Kyle Davis. He also refers to the Ric Flair looking guy as “the golden boy with the golden toy”. There’s a free innuendo for you. Kyle won me over by saying “I’m glad you found the hard cam” as Austin spins around to face said hard cam as he yells.
The group does a bit of a promo, not a lot to say but Tyrus calls out possible challengers. Matt Cardona, EC3, Thom Latimer. Apparently Cyon and Jordan Clearwater can cash in for the world title at any time? Sounds a bit broken, but ok.
I won’t lie, I wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, but Powerrr only runs for about 40 minutes a week, so luckily they had time constraints as to not overstay their welcome.
We cut to the intro. NWA Powerrr used to have Into the Fire by Dokken as a theme – which actually got me to watch the Nightmare on Elm Street series and got me into horror movies. But now it’s a generic insrumental guitar song. Alright.
Anyways, time for the first match. Mims is here. He’s apparently the number 1 contender for the television title. He has an alright look, I hope he can back it up in the ring. Oh, he’s challenging for the Television Title right now. Alright. Well, it’s Jordan Clearwater, the Flair wannabe who stayed in the ring from the first segment, vs Mims. Maybe Mims can show us why he’s hot.
Joe Galli informs us there’s a 6:05 minute time limit for this match, as there is for all TV title matches? I have no idea if this is founded in history or they just picked a random time limit, but it’s a weird number anyways.
Clearwater is a chickenly heel and tries to run from Mims and stalls for time. Mims pushes him over, though. Clearwater gets back up, does some taunts, and threatens to leave, but Mims takes him by the hair and headbutts him.
Mims charges at Clearwater in the corner but gets a poke to the eye and hits him with… ok, I’m a wrestling fan, I’m not a commentator. I don’t know all the moves, but commentary doesn’t call it, so I’ll just say he slams him.
Clearwater takes control briefly, but Mims gets some hits on Clearwater – though that doesn’t last long as Clearwater takes control again and goes for a pin, but Mims kicks out at 1. Clearwater taunts the crowd to cheer for Mims.
He then whips Mims into the corner. Mims gets some more hits on Clearwater. Clearwater hits Mims with a suplex for a two count. He whips Mims again, but Mims goes for a sunset flip and hits it. Clothesline to Mims, however, for another two count.
Clearwater than gets a headlock on Mims, but Mims fights out. Mims hits a clothesline and back elbow combo and goes off the ropes but gets a big boot from Clearwater. Clearwater goes for the pin, but the time limit runs out.
This counts as a victory for Clearwater and is the 1st of 7 wins which will allow him to cash in the title to challenge for the world title. Ok, so Tyrus didn’t say the rules clearly. Anyways, I thought Mims might get a rematch – and hey, he might – but because of that 7 wins rule, I get the feeling they’re gonna want to move on.
It wasn’t a particularly great showing for either man, though I’ll chalk that up to the time limit. It made the match and having to structure it quite awkward, so we’re left with them trying to work a longer match in a short amount of time, so it doesn’t feel complete. I didn’t really get a feel for Mims as a wrestler and all I gleamed from Clearwater is he’s a coward. Hopefully they have better showings in the future.
There’s an ad for Austin Idol’s wrestling school. Then we’re back to the ring, a match with a 15 minute time limit. Alright, that’s more sensible. Anyways, here’s Ryan Davidson vs Odinson. Ryan looks a bit generic and is apparently from the Wildcat promotion, which they hype up, but I’ve never heard of it, so. His opponent, Odinson, I guess has a Norse mythology gimmick. He looks the part, at least. The chains look a bit out of place, but hey, it stands out.
Joe says he sprayed “the purpose” into his mouth – so I’m guessing he does some kind of green mist variation too? (Hi. This is editor skelltan. Coming back to this, I just realized this is never once relevant in this match.) Ryan here is apparently the longest reigning Wildcat champ, over 900 days. Let’s see how he does, then.
The two lock up. Odinson takes him to the corner, but Ryan fights out and pummels Odinson in the corner. He whips him to the other corner, and spins around – he looks a bit lost, as if he was expecting Odinson to run back and get hit with a back elbow? But continues running, getting hit with a big boot and clothesline. Odin hits an uppercut and sliding lariat on him for a cover and two count.
He lands a knee on Ryan, and two uppercuts in the corner before walking him around the ring for more uppercuts. He charges at Ryan in the corner twice, going for a spear but Ryan dodges. Ryan goes for the Manhattan drop and a scoop slam. He his the ropes and lands an elbow for a one count. Ryan gets Odinson in the corner and atacks him. He then gestures to the crowd, getting them to cheer and continues the attack on Odinson.
Odinson hits Ryan with a forearm and they jockey for position, hitting a DDT (at least according to Velvey Sky) that focuses on Odinson’s arm. Ryan continues working the left arm with a submission. The crowd gets behind Odinson to power out and hit a dropkick. Odinson then sells the arm a bit.
Odinson charges at Ryan in the corner, gets him to the other corner and charges again. He then goes for a torture rack but can’t hold it – Odinson then goes for a big boot and uppercut for a 2. Odinson goes back to the torture rack, but again can’t quite get it – Ryan hits him with a power slam for a 2 count. Ryan takes off an elbow pad and tries to go for something, but Odinson hits him with the pounce for the win.
Ryan looked a little awkward as I alluded to, but Odinson looked pretty good in my eyes. Obviously I’m not saying he’s anywhere near his level, but in terms of in ring style he reminded me a bit of Claudio Castignoli, what with the power moves and uppercuts. There was actually psychology in this match and the pace was much better than the opener and both men got some stuff in. Again, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a match of the year by any definition, but better than the opener and not that bad.
We then go backstage, where May Valentine interviews a man who’ll be in the main event – Aron Stevens. Like Tyrus, Aron Stevens is a castoff from the 2010s WWE midcard. He was known as Damien Sandow and was a henchman for The Miz and had an impersonation gimmick. I only got into wrestling in 2019, so I never got a chance to see him, but people actually thought he was funny in his impersonator role and thought he had potential – he also held the tag titles once and the Money in the Bank, though he failed to cash it in against John Cena.
Anyways, here’s Aron Stevens. Apparently he’s retired and May Valentine is his girlfriend. I don’t know if this is a work or he’s seriously stepping down from in ring action. He’s a little hammy and mildly entertaining. He’s no Eddie Kingston, but I’ve seen far worse promos.
We get another ad this time for the NWA merch shop.
Aron makes his entrance, but cuts a promo, again stating he’s retired and is a manager now, but is still gonna do this match. Apparently he has to or he’ll lose his manager license? He didn’t get that over in the promos, but alright.
Kratos is announced as “the most swagged”? He looks like a poor man’s Luke Gallows, which isn’t a good look. He’s also got garishly bright Hulk Hogan-esque red and yellow gear. He looks terrible. Commentary alludes to a story – Aron Stevens is friends with a masked wrestler called The Question Mark who’s identity is well known. I think I read Aron played one of them but there was another not played by him and the two fought? I dunno.
Anyways, Kyle says “due to the controversy of the black glove” that Aron Stevens is wearing, he must take off his glove or he’ll be disqualified. Very odd phrasing, but anyways, he takes something out of the glove and into his pockets. Underneath, he has another glove – a rubber one. Aron calls for a time out, though, and claims to not have a professional wrestling license, so he can’t wrestle, and says because he’s a manager, Kratos will be fined, suspended and gone.
Aron then beats down Kratos and then says his wrestler’s license is still valid. Kratos hits Aron with a big knee, though. He rolls Aron out of the ring and atacks him, and continues the atack in the ring. He tries to rip off Aron’s shirt. Kratos hits a release suplex. Some masked guys hit Kratos, and that’s the match.
I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Kratos work, but I didn’t get a chance to, so for all I know he’s alright. But yeah, in terms of in ring action and as our main event, that wasn’t great. But it served for an angle, anyways, so let’s hope it’s a good angle.
The Question Mark 2 comes to the ring – this is the one that faced Aron who was the other Question Mark, I guess, but he gets beat up. Aron puts his glove back on and puts something in the glove – I’m guessing something metal, and punches Kratos. The crew then beat up Question Mark 2 and pose.
So, that’s our first episode of NWA Powerrr in the bag. It wasn’t terrible, but if not for this series/my morbid curiosity, I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch this. We still have to wait for a payoff for the main event angle, and Idolmania were whatever, but Odinson was alright, so I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him. Otherwise, I don’t have much positive to say, other than it wasn’t terrible.
Want to read more? Continue here!
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On Top of The World: Looking Back At Season 1 Of Total Divas
11 years ago , on July 28, 2013 ‘Total Divas ’ aired on the E! Entertainment Network. This show gave a peek into the lives of a few of the women of WWE in the ring and out of it . The final episode of the show aired on December 10 , 2019. The inaugural cast included Naomi ( Trinity Fatu ) , Cameron ( Ariane Andrew ) , Eva Marie , Natalya ‘ Nattie ’ Neidhart - Wilson , Brie and Nikki Garcia ( The Bella Twins ) , and JoJo Offerman . The show also featured behind the scenes footage of WWE as well. The show gave a spin off called , ‘ Total Bellas ’ , which gave a look at the lives of Nikki and Brie inside the ring and out of it with their families and business ventures.
The Inaugural episode of Total Divas showed them getting ready for the biggest event in WWE Wrestlemania 29. The Bella Twins were supposed to team up with Cody Rhodes and Damian Sandow ( The Rhodes Scholars ) against Cameron and Naomi ( The Funkadactyls ) alongside Brodus Clay and Tensai ( Tons of Funk ) in a mixed tag match. However , it was postponed until the RAW after Wrestlemania.
My Final Thoughts:
This was one of the best shows on TV in my opinion. I would watch every single time that it would be on TV. My favorites were always Nattie and Trinity. If you want to watch Total Divas , you can find it on Hulu and Peacock.
Love You All,
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glasgowterminator · 3 months
June 12, 2014:
Brodus Clay, Evan Bourne, Teddy Long, Curt Hawkins and other WWE Superstars released.
I didn't even make the headline.
10 years later I am the headline.
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divacrave · 4 months
World Wrestling Entertainment 2013
January 2 - Tamina vs Sasha Banks (NXT)
January 4 - Tamina vs Layla (Smackdown)
January 7 - Kaitlyn vs Eve Torres (RAW)
January 9 - Paige vs Emma (NXT)
January 11 - AJ Lee & Dolph Ziggler vs Natalya & Great Khali (Smackdown)
January 14 - Eve Torres vs Kaitlyn (RAW)
January 18 - Kaitlyn vs Aksana (Smackdown)
January 19 - Natalya vs Alicia Fox (Saturday Morning Slam)
January 21 - Kaitlyn vs Alicia Fox (RAW)
January 23 - Sasha Banks vs Alicia Fox (NXT)
January 25 - Natalya vs Rosa Mendes (Smackdown)
January 28 - Kaitlyn vs Tamina (RAW)
January 30 - Aksana vs Paige (NXT)
February 6 - Cameron & Naomi vs Aksana & Tamina (Main Event)
February 13 - Paige vs Summer Rae (NXT)
February 15 - Kaitlyn vs Natalya (Superstars)
February 15 - Tamina vs Layla (Smackdown)
February 17 - Kaitlyn vs Tamina (Elimination Chamber)
February 18 - Naomi, Tensai & Brodus Clay vs Rosa Mendes, Primo & Epico (RAW)
February 20 - Sasha Banks vs Audrey Marie (NXT)
February 22 - Cameron & Naomi vs Alicia Fox & Natalya (Superstars)
February 22 - Kaitlyn & Layla vs Tamina & Aksana (Smackdown)
February 23 - Kaitlyn vs Natalya (Saturday Morning Slam)
February 27 - Aksana vs Emma (NXT)
March 6 - Cameron, Naomi & Sasha Banks vs Aksana, Alicia Fox & Audrey Marie (NXT)
March 8 - Layla vs Tamina (Superstars)
March 8 - Kaitlyn vs Tamina (Smackdown)
March 9 - AJ Lee vs Natalya (Saturday Morning Slam)
March 13 - Summer Rae vs Emma (NXT)
March 15 - Kaitlyn & Layla vs Tamina & Aksana (Smackdown)
March 20 - Paige vs Bayley (NXT)
March 20 - Layla & Natalya vs Alicia Fox & Aksana (Main Event)
March 25 - AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (RAW)
March 27 - Kaitlyn vs Natalya (NXT)
March 27 - Bella Twins vs Cameron & Naomi (Main Event)
March 29 - Aksana vs Natalya (Superstars)
March 29 - Kaitlyn & Daniel Bryan vs AJ Lee & Dolph Ziggler (Smackdown)
April 1 - Bella Twins vs Cameron & Naomi (RAW)
April 3 - Paige & Sasha Banks vs Summer Rae & Audrey Marie (NXT)
April 8 - Bella Twins, Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow vs Cameron, Naomi, Tensai & Brodus Clay (RAW)
April 10 - Bella Twins vs Cameron & Naomi (NXT)
April 12 - Bella Twins & Tamina vs Cameron, Naomi & Kaitlyn (Smackdown)
April 15 - Nikki Bella vs Kaitlyn (RAW)
April 17 - Emma vs Bayley (NXT)
April 19 - Natalya vs Tamina (Superstars)
April 19 - Natalya, Hornswoggle & Great Khali vs Rosa Mendes, Primo & Epico (Smackdown)
April 22 - AJ Lee vs Aksana vs Layla vs Naomi vs Tamina (RAW)
April 24 - Kaitlyn vs AJ Lee (NXT)
April 26 - Aksana & Tamina vs Kaitlyn & Layla (Superstars)
April 26 - Layla vs Aksana (Smackdown)
April 27 - Rosa Mendes, Primo & Epico vs Natalya, Hornswoggle & Great Khali (Saturday Morning Slam)
April 29 - Naomi vs Brie Bella (RAW)
May 1 - Summer Rae vs Paige (NXT)
May 3 - Kaitlyn vs Tamina (Superstars)
May 6 - Kaitlyn, Cameron & Naomi vs Bella Twins & AJ Lee (RAW)
May 8 - Paige vs Bayley (NXT)
May 13 - AJ Lee vs Natalya (RAW)
May 15 - Summer Rae vs Natalya (NXT)
May 17 - Kaitlyn vs Aksana (Smackdown)
May 20 - AJ Lee vs Layla (RAW)
May 24 - Cameron, Naomi, Brodus Clay & Tensai vs Bella Twins & The Usos (Superstars)
May 27 - Bella Twins vs Kaitlyn & Natalya (RAW)
May 29 - Emma vs Audrey Marie (NXT)
June 3 - Kaitlyn, Cameron & Naomi vs Bella Twins & AJ Lee (RAW)
June 5 - Paige vs Tamina (NXT)
June 7 - Tamina vs Natalya (Superstars)
June 12 - Alicia Fox vs Bayley (NXT)
June 16 - AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (Payback)
June 19 - Summer Rae vs Sasha Banks (NXT)
June 19 - Aksana vs Kaitlyn (Main Event)
June 21 - Natalya & Layla vs Cameron & Naomi (Superstars)
June 21 - AJ Lee vs Natalya (Smackdown)
June 24 - Kaitlyn vs Aksana (RAW)
June 26 - Emma vs Aksana (NXT)
June 28 - AJ Lee vs Natalya (Smackdown)
July 1 - Kaitlyn vs Alicia Fox (RAW)
July 4 - Paige vs Alicia Fox (NXT)
July 5 - Natalya vs Naomi (Superstars)
July 5 - Alicia Fox vs Kaitlyn (Smackdown)
July 8 - AJ Lee & Alicia Fox vs Kaitlyn & Layla (RAW)
July 10 - Summer Rae vs Emma (NXT)
July 14 - Kaitlyn vs AJ Lee (Money in the Bank)
July 15 - Naomi vs Brie Bella (RAW)
July 17 - Bqyley vs Charlotte Flair (NXT)
July 17 - Layla & Natalya vs Aksana & Alicia Fox (Main Event)
July 24 - Emma vs Paige (NXT)
July 26 - Layla vs Alicia Fox (Superstars)
July 29 - AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (RAW)
July 29 - Brie Bella vs Natalya (RAW)
July 31 - Charlotte Flair vs Sasha Banks (NXT)
August 2 - AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (Smackdown)
August 5 - Layla vs Kaitlyn (RAW)
August 7 - Natalya vs Aksana (Main Event)
August 12 - Natalya & Great Khali vs AJ Lee & Big E (RAW)
August 14 - Summer Rae vs Paige (NXT)
August 16 - AJ Lee & Layla vs Kaitlyn & Natalya (Smackdown)
August 18 - Natalya vs Brie Bella (SummerSlam)
August 18 - AJ Lee & Big E vs Kaitlyn & Dolph Ziggler (SummerSlam)
August 19 - Cameron & Naomi vs AJ Lee & Layla (RAW)
August 21 - AJ Lee vs Bayley (NXT)
August 21 - AJ Lee vs Naomi (Main Event)
August 26 - Brie Bella vs Natalya (RAW)
August 28 - Emma vs Summer Rae (NXT)
September 2 - Naomi vs Brie Bella vs Natalya (RAW)
September 4 - Bayley & Charlotte vs Alicia Fox & Aksana (NXT)
September 6 - Brie Bella vs Naomi (Smackdown)
September 9 - Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya vs Layla, Alicia Fox & Aksana (RAW)
September 11 - Paige vs Sasha Banks (NXT)
September 13 - Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya vs Layla, Aksana & Alicia Fox (Smackdown)
September 15 - AJ Lee vs Natalya vs Brie Bella vs Naomi (Night of Champions)
September 16 - Layla, Alicia Fox & Aksana vs Brie Bella, Cameron & Naomi (RAW)
September 20 - AJ Lee vs Naomi (Smackdown)
September 23 - Natalya, Cameron, Naomi & Bella Twins vs AJ Lee, Alicia Fox, Layla, Aksana & Tamina (RAW)
September 25 - Sasha Banks vs Bayley (NXT)
September 27 - AJ Lee vs Cameron (Smackdown)
September 30 - Brie Bella vs Alicia Fox (RAW)
October 2 - Emma & Santino Marella vs Summer Rae & Fandango (NXT)
October 4 - Brie Bella vs Aksana (Smackdown)
October 6 - AJ Lee vs Brie Bella (Battleground)
October 7 - JoJo, Eva Marie & Natalya vs Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox & Aksana (RAW)
October 9 - Charlotte Flair vs Santana Garrett (NXT)
October 9 - Tamina vs Aksana (Main Event)
October 11 - Tamina vs Kaitlyn (Superstars)
October 11 - Brie Bella, Cameron & Naomi vs Kaitlyn, Natalya & Eva Marie (Smackdown)
October 14 - Tamina vs Brie Bella (RAW)
October 16 - Summer Rae & Sasha Banks vs Emma & Paige (NXT)
October 18 - Brie Bella vs AJ Lee (Smackdown)
October 21 - Bella Twins vs AJ Lee & Tamina (RAW)
October 23 - Emma vs Sasha Banks (NXT)
October 23 - Cameron & Naomi vs Askana & Alicia Fox (Main Event)
October 25 - AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (Smackdown)
October 27 - Summer Rae & Fandango vs Natalya & Great Khali (Hell in a Cell)
October 27 - AJ Lee vs Brie Bella (Hell in a Cell)
October 28 - Bella Twins vs AJ Lee & Tamina (RAW)
October 28 - Natalya vs Summer Rae (RAW)
October 30 - Paige vs Summer Rae (NXT)
November 1 - Naomi vs Aksana (Superstars)
November 1 - Bella Twins & Natalya vs AJ Lee, Tamina & Alicia Fox (Smackdown)
November 4 - Summer Rae & Fandango vs Natalya & Tyson Kidd (RAW)
November 4 - Eva Marie & Bella Twins vs AJ Lee, Tamina & Aksana (RAW)
November 6 - Nikki Bella vs Alicia Fox (Main Event)
November 8 - Naomi vs Alicia Fox (Superstars)
November 8 - AJ Lee & Tamina vs Cameron & Naomi (Smackdown)
November 11 - Tamina vs Nikki Bella (RAW)
November 13 - Summer Rae & Sasha Banks vs Bayley & Charlotte (NXT)
November 13 - AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (Main Event)
November 15 - Cameron & Naomi vs Alicia Fox & Aksana (Superstars)
November 15 - Natalya vs Tamina (Smackdown)
November 15 - Cameron & Naomi vs Bella Twins (Smackdown)
November 18 - AJ Lee vs Vickie Guerrero  (RAW)
November 20 - Naomi vs Tamina (Main Event)
November 22 - AJ Lee vs Cameron & Naomi (Smackdown)
November 24 - Bella Twins, Natalya, Eva Marie, JoJo, Cameron & Naomi vs AJ Lee, Tamina, Summer Rae, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Aksana & Rosa Mendes (Survivor Series)
November 25 - Bella Twins, Natalya, Eva Marie, JoJo, Cameron & Naomi vs AJ Lee, Tamina, Summer Rae, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Aksana & Rosa Mendes (RAW)
December 2 - Bella Twins & Natalya vs Summer Rae, AJ Lee & Tamina (RAW)
December 4 - Paige vs Natalya (NXT)
December 6 - Kaitlyn vs Aksana (Superstars)
December 6 - Natalya vs Tamina (Smackdown)
December 9 - Natalya vs Tamina (RAW) 
December 11 - Summer Rae & Sasha Banks vs Natalya & Bayley (NXT)
December 11 - Alicia Fox vs Natalya (Main Event)
December 13 - Kaitlyn vs Aksana (Superstars)
December 13 - Bella Twins vs AJ Lee & Tamina (Smackdown)
December 15 - AJ Lee vs Natalya (TLC)
December 16 - AJ Lee, Tamina & Alicia Fox vs Bella Twins & Natalya (RAW)
December 18 - Paige vs Sasha Banks (NXT)
December 18 - AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (Main Event)
December 20 - Kaitlyn vs Summer Rae (Superstars)
December 20 - Brie Bella vs Tamina (Smackdown)
December 23 - Bella Twins, Cameron, Naomi, Natalya & Eva Marie vs Tamina, Kaitlyn, Summer Rae, Aksana, Alicia Fox & Vickie Guerrero  (RAW)
December 25 - Bella Twins & Natalya vs AJ Lee, Aksana & Tamina (Main Event)
December 27 - Natalya vs Aksana (Superstars)
December 30 - Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Aksana, Kaitlyn & Alicia Fox vs Bella Twins, Cameron, Naomi & Eva Marie (RAW)
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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cavenewstimes · 11 months
Swerve Strickland Explains Why Prince Nana Doesn't Overshadow Him In AEW
Read More Wrestling Inc.  By /Oct. 21, 2023 4:30 am EST Dancing has long been a way for wrestlers to connect with their fanbases, from Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty to Brodus Clay. Prince Nana is no exception, garnering attention in recent times for dancing alongside Swerve Strickland to the ring on AEW television. “It’s very unique to us and some people are like, ‘Oh, Nana is overshadowing you.’…
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saturatedsinset · 1 year
watching an episode of raw from 2013 and woods is feuding with brodus clay over uhhh. the possession of women
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lorecatchup · 1 year
[sound on]
Cody yelling "I'm done with you!" at Randy 👀
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Omg they're going to kiss on screen
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Okay Cody
They were watching Damien's match like that
"That's (Damien) my best friend 🙂"
[The Bella Twins start complimenting and putting his mustache]
"that's my best friend too 😀" STOPPPPPPP
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Someone stop him
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Kaitlyn's over it, good for her
Also apparently he was still trying to date her while also dating one of the? both? A Bella?? Cody, please
Unserious behavior
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The lipstick print on Cody's cheek, please
What was the point of that Kaitlyn and Cody romance storyline, just to show how insecure and awkward Cody is around women? And how deeply unserious he is about having a serious relationship with one? It went nowhere lol
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They're wearing each other's shirts, please
I'm getting bored with the story again, this fued doesn't have any stakes or story or anything but after this Smackdown is Wrestlemania so hopefully something will HAPPEN
Welp, something happened, oof
Cody and Damien came out in fat suits dressed as Brodus Clay and Tensai (a white dude who "thinks he's Japanese"), and the Bellas are supposed to be Naomi and Cameron, who are Black, and what they're wearing/doing is Not Great (I know they're all supposed to be unlikable bad guys but like, come on) I can excuse the fatphobia because it's like, always the lowest hanging fruit joke (and I'm fat) but the uh, racism is ROUGH
Yeah this is a bad look (I'm not solely putting it on the Bellas, Cody and Damien made some unnecessary comments)
Yeah, that wasn't fun to watch. A lot of stuff in these old episodes has like, an underlying racism to it? (and homophobia, and sexism, etc) But sometimes they really Ramp it Up
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