#broken legs symbolize powerlessness and emotional vulnerability
shallowseeker · 1 year
If you're a native Spanish speaker, wanna take a stab at the telenovela in 7x03? (It's very hard to hear under the main audio.) You can hear, My love, my love? I think I hear, no me dejes (Don't leave me) in the mix.
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I love that Ricardo, you know, has a bloody collar and smudge on his right brow, kind of like...you know:
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It also, of course, calls to mind John's death in 4x03, but only in how Mary cradles him.
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The rest is so-- [REDACTED]
And if you think Dean wasn't grieving in his prickly veneer of toughness, listen to his voice in that brief moment he thought Cas was back. His breathy little "Ca-as?" is sooo shaky.
Then, he and Bobby both grabbed onto him with the intention of getting him home (and working through what just happened, "Okay, one thing at a time.") It was so--
This is the same episode where Cas said he had no more nostalgia for Dean and threatened to snap him into bloody soup, and then Dean urged Death to kill Cas, and Cas looked somehow shocked, despite what he'd just threatened to do himself. They're so--
To say nothing of the look on Dean's face when the Leviathan says in clear words, "Cas is, hmm, gone. He's-- dead!"
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 74
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 74: False Freedom
*****So this chapter contains Dub/Con so you have been warned.******
Ten days. Ten days you were without conscious thought. It’s been ten days since you were able to see out of the windows of your eyes. Ten days of pure blackness, of being confined with the creature. Only the dying embers keeping you company, but they were slowly receding around you, your territory shrinking, the monster creeping closer. On Earth, you weren’t free.
But now you were face to face with him, with your own personal demon. His eyes peering into your soul, knowing that he was controlling you. Seeing you struggling to hold on. Watching you behind the glass.
For once his helmet was off, but his voice was void of emotion. “You will come with me to Exegol. He has requested your presence.” You wondered who he was. And why he needed you to be there.
You wanted to respond, but you couldn’t. Kylo still having control over you. You know he was watching you internally scream and beg him to let you go. You were lashing against the grip of the black creature that held you back, that held you down. You were powerless to him.
But your body betrayed you as he took your arm and escorted you to the shuttle that would take you to the Supremacy. You could feel the darkness taking over as you were strapped in. When you gained consciousness you were finishing dinner, you felt yourself regain control of your voice.
“You will join me in bed tonight, Kitten.” It wasn’t a question, it was a command. You watched as his eyes watched you, knowing there was little you could do to resist him. He was a beast that had already captured its prey, now was no time to fight.
You tried to move your body, but you only had control of voice. “Why are you doing this?” The sound of your own voice seemed foreign on your own ears. You hadn’t had control over yourself in over two weeks.
He was agitated now, something about your question was angering him. “As I said before, this is for your protection. I do not know his full strength and the only way to protect you now is by occupying your mind, putting up a wall you can not do yourself.” But who was this man that threatened you, that asked for you?
“And killing my family? Was that putting up a wall too? Or was that so you could have me all to yourself?” You knew that there was nothing you could do now to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to. You were completely at his mercy.
He scoffed, he was acting like the villain in this story. “We gave them a merciful death. Our enemies would have watched them tortured, to try to get to you. I did you a favor.” His face sneered at you, there was no remorse for what he had done. You felt the tears fall down your face, seeming to have control over the windows now. Allowing you to show some emotion. “Making me watch the first order murder them was a favor?” You wondered just how far he was willing to go to ‘protect’ you. Your family was dead, your friends brainwashed, your planet seized. He was a monster.
His eyes narrowed at you, one twitching with anger. “Remember, you are the First Order now.” Yes, you were the face of it now. The Empress.
You tried to remember back to when he told you that he wanted you to rule for him, but the memory was becoming murky like it had been tainted. “You’re right and I have control over nothing, not even my own body.”
His eyes grew dark as he leaned forward, his body language as threatening as it could be. You felt the internal hold on your body release, and then you felt the Force wrap around you, holding you now from the outside of your body. “You want control, here you have control.”
You struggled against the invisible grip. “You know that’s not what I meant.” “But this is what you are going to get.” He then commanded you up with the Force, your feet levitating off the ground. No control over anything as the tendrils wrapped themselves tightly around you. You were being taken to the bedroom and put on the bed.
You were afraid, this was not the same man who left you weeks ago. “Please don’t do this.” You felt the bed dip with his weight as he crawled up over you. You wanted to push him off, wanted him to get away from you.
His eyes feasted upon your flesh, seeming to mark exactly where he was going to bite into you, like his last meal. “What am I not supposed to do? You are my wife are you not?” His eyes focus on your chest and crotch, taking you in like an object to be defiled.
Your voice broke as you pleaded to him “I am, but I don’t want this, not like this. I want you freely, no Force to hold me down, no Force inside my mind.” For some stupid reason, your love for him was still fighting the fear and terror you felt for him. Trying to remind you that you love him with every fiber of your helpless being.
His demeanor shifted for a moment, it softened. “Promise you won’t run away?” He seemed vulnerable in that moment, and it made your heart yearn for him. Your voice was quiet, your crying calmed. “I promise.”
You felt the tendrils release you, the black entity inside your mind leave you. You were yourself again, but for how long? You weren’t really even able to enjoy this freedom as Kylo began attacking you with kisses, biting love marks into your skin. You heard fabric ripping as your dress came off of you. The Force wasn’t holding you down but his hands were.
You felt conflicted at the situation. Should you be letting him do this? After all he’s done? But your body betrayed you, giving in to his touches and kisses. Every fiber of your being overcome with joy knowing that he was next to you, that he was loving you. It didn’t take him long to get his clothes off. He wasn’t fully erect yet, but that wasn’t unusual.
You struggled against his hold. He was still resisting giving you freedom. “May I please have my arms back?”
His voice was harsh, “Why?” His grip tightening, you were sure that you were going to bruise.  
“You haven’t let me touch you when we’ve made love. You’ve always just held my arms down.” You wanted to be able to touch him, but that never seemed to be an option. You wanted to hold him, maybe that would help this broken man.
He complied, but then a hand wrapped itself around your neck. “I need control,” was his explanation. He used his free hand to stroke himself hard.
You were being choked. His hard pounding thrust caused you to force yourself harder into his hand. Cutting off blood flow to your brain, but not oxygen. Your hips rolled upward as you struggled. He wasn’t going to kill you, but that didn’t mean you didn’t need to be afraid. But again your body was betraying you, your slick was pooling between your legs.
Once he was done making himself hard, his hand found its way to your hot core, plunging a finger in without any warning. He was pissed, and so it seemed that you were not going to get any more warm-up than absolutely necessary. After a couple of thrusts, a second finger was added and then a third. When he thought you were prepped just enough he forcefully split you in two. His pace rough and quick, unrelenting as he pounded into you. You lacked the ability to speak for a different reason, his hand still clamped tightly around your throat. He was vocalizing groans, snarls, the occasional fuck. His lips and teeth covering you in deep dark bruises. This was the first time that he seemed to break skin, you had a bloody bite mark on your breast. The man fucking you was truly a monstrous savage.  
Unlike before he climaxed before you, but he left you feeling empty as he pulled out. You were flipped over, your face shoved down into the mattress as he took you from behind. Yes, you might have had your arms free, your mind free, but you were far from freedom. There were tears in your eyes as you finally reached your orgasm, he was close to his second. Gone was the loving man you once thought you knew, now he was a creature that haunted you, something born of nightmares. A demon trapping you to your own personal hell, but you could help but feel pleasure at your release. Your body still overjoyed at the things he was doing to you. Your body and you slowly becoming two separate entities as he occupied you, both in body and mind. Your tears staining the mattress.
When he pulled out he released all over your cunt, covering your crotch in his hot cum. His grip on your head holding you face down on the mattress released. His hands now attached themselves to your thighs. A long hard swipe fo his tongue changed your tune entirely. Lapping you up, now this was a delicious pleasure. His enthusiasm for your combined juices seemed to return. He hooked a finger inside you to try to scoop out as much mixed cum as he could, after a while the finger just seemed to massage your walls as you produced more and more arousal. His tongue occasionally thrusting in and out of you, before you came to your climax. Your legs collapsed under you as Kylo’s touch left your body, and his weight left the bed.
He went into the bathroom where you heard the shower run, for the first time since you’ve been married he had abandoned you on the bed. He wasn’t returning to clean you up. When he came back, there was no good-night kiss, no real acknowledgment of your existence. He turned off his light and seemed to fall asleep. You tested your own strength as you tried to get off the bed. You limped into the bathroom, the woman in the reflection haunted you, the love bites no longer reminded you of sweetness, but pain. They were marks of ownership, pure ownership over your existence. You turned on the shower and let the scalding water try and wash away the pain in your heart, but it couldn’t. Not before you lost control over your mind once more. The black creature invading your sanctuary. You wondered when the next time you would be guaranteed moments of freedom.
When you came to you were stuck behind the glass. No control over yourself. You were now wearing different clothes. You wondered how many days had passed by, how many days he had stolen from you. For some reason some stupid part of you was still in love with him, believing that he was actually protecting you. But now you were descending to the surface of Exegol from what you could observe. You were going to meet him, whoever he was. You were surrounded by the knights and Kylo, a blaster placed on your hip. You could sense the nervousness from the knights. If they were afraid, you should be too. You weren’t sure if you were being led to your death or not, but you were afraid either way.
Kylo wore his helmet, his lightsaber in his hand, ready to jump out of the craft when you landed. The knights assumed similar positions. You were the only one strapped down, but you could feel Kylo’s Force around you, like some sort of protective bubble. When the exit ramp lowered, it looked like you were released directly into the gates of hell. Chanting was heard in the distance. You felt yourself lose full consciousness once more.
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pantodinamos-blog · 6 years
Izuku has died
(  @smcsh  ||  meme  ||  not accepting  )
                                                        Wake up. 
                                                Please — PLEASE. 
                                                        Wake up. 
                                                 Open your eyes. 
          AN SCENERY OF HORROR. A horrifying nightmare incarnated into ACTUALITY, painted as the ultimate catastrophy. As if obscurity reminiscing of a dark cloak was draped upon him. And he —- oh, he. He was here, with legs folded, as knees had made contact with the dirty concerete underneath him. And in his arms there was it; the worst case scenario transpired. The personification of DESPAIR, illustrated within a youthful figure, ornamented in thick liquid substance in a crimson complexion, accompanied with wounds that brought such FATAL OUTCOME. And he, — oh, he. Overshadowed nuances of sapphire wouldn’t dare to incline themselves eleswhere. HE COULDN’T. The inability stood there; powerless and vulnerable. And such description was merely scratching the exterior of what subsists within his most subtle flexor. — a muscle that has transformed into a TIGHT KNOT, now pierced with thousands of needles. A metaphor that felt too real.
          A mixture of emotions was depicted upon angular facade, all of them encircled around the HORROR of this sight, like thick brush strokes. As if everything was saturated in black and white, with several shades of gray combined, eventually splattered with pigments of deep red — HOPING that this was nothing but a gruesome play orchestrated, with him having one of the LEADING roles. He hoped that this nightmare wasn’t manifested into pragmatism and he was, somehow still, buried in the arms of Morpheus. Hoping for a JOLT to happen, for lids to provide unconcealment and to find himself surrounded in the four walls of his bedroom. But fate had other plans. And those plans included a promise being BROKEN, once inescapable acknowledgement shall take place.
                                  Izuku Midoriya has died.
          He found himself piercing the sight of the young adolescent that was lying on the cold ground. He found himself mustering, miraculously, enough STRENGTH for slender arms to wrap around the fallen adolescent, bringing the epitome of desperation closer to his own frail existence. The realization STRUCK him like a lightning bolt, with anguish left like a wildfire. And the more he would stare at the embodiment of terror, the more his own body would shake in distress, in agony, in fear — in DESPAIR. He was there — lifeless, with two innocent and large tints of evergreen remaining open, offering the illusion of staring at the clouded and dark sky, above them. Lips were parted, with drops of blood escaping them. The customary attire was in HORRID shape, with certain parts torned, unveiling ATROCIOUS injuries; too detailed for the naked eye to behold; as if someone had dug deep into the youth’s body. He was there. SOULLESS.
          Life had graced him with the cruelty of NOT fulfiling his own promise. Thus ineluctably, numerable remembrances would cross his mind, offering him screenplays of the times he VOWED to protect his young successor, even if it would cost his OWN LIFE. He had sworn to PROTECT him. He promised to assist and eventually watch the youth becoming THE GREATEST HERO, and someone that would eventually SURPASS his vaunted heroic persona of ‘ All Might ‘. The boy who portrayed courageousness and emitted willpower to protect, WAS NO LONGER HERE. Lieu, the great reminiscence of his past self, was now lying down like an inanimate object, with its soul leaving for the afterlife. The one referred as ‘ Symbol of Peace ‘ had FAILED to protect what was the most significant to him —- life had graced him with THE GREATEST GIFT, and took it away, emotionless. 
          No. IT WAS HIS OWN FAULT. His own vulnerability was the causation of this. And he is now paying the ultimate price; the gargantuan weight of this PAIN was placed atop his shoulders, prompting him to crumble, and slowly turn into innumerable pieces. He was given ---- CURSED, with his own life remaining here, and the incapabilty to do NOTHING other than stare at the dead body of the nineth ( now former ) holder of One for All, and having all the blame shifted at him for being UNABLE to keep his promise. He had FAILED, as a mentor and as a paternal figure.
                                           Young … Midoriya… 
                                                   Midoriya … my boy. . . 
                                           I —– … It’s my fault. 
          His mind was clouded, with contemplations INCAPABLE of making sense. He could sense salty fluid morphing in the corner of his eyes, now strolling down the flesh of his cheeks like a WATERFALL. His body – trembling in shock was unavoidable. Hues of deep blue wouldn’t dare to hurl a glance eslewhere. Instead, he brought the deceased youngster even closer, bringing him into an EMBRACE; to hold him like this once more. He found himself screaming internally — and consequently, externally. HOPELESSNESS was manifested within a loud cry, like a plea, nay — begging for this to be nothing but a vivid dream; A NIGHTMARE. He found himself screaming his young successor’s name again, and again, and again. He had recognized the circumstance, but LOATHED and REFUSED to believe it; hoping for a hallucination performed by a mastermind; hoping that someone ( and seemingly someone who poses as a great thread ) was behind this UNMERCIFUL SCHEME. The view of reality was too cruel to accept. And yet, that was, de facto, the reality.
          UNAVOIDABLY, a variety of memories would cross his mind, all of them centered around the two of them. From their first encounter and the way the pro hero had ADMONISHED the youth, to the point of acknowledging his worth and choosing him as a SUCCESSOR. The hours, days, months of training — the secrecy behind the quirk known ( and not by many ) as One for All. But there’s more. And that would be the BOND between them. The main reason to consider young Midoriya as the greatest gift in his life, bestowed in his way. It has been established in his mind that the he was a RECOLLECTION of his own past self; notwithstanding the timidness, there was bravery and willingness. More bravery displayed than from an actual, classified pro Hero — or anyone with said supernatural prowess in possession. That child had NOTHING, just like him. That child had drawn the SHORT STRAW, just like him. That child reminded him his own ORIGIN and the main purpose of life. That child made him BELIEVE in himself and fight for survival and for a brighter future.
          The child that was like a SON to him, was no longer alive. The child that had brighten up his own existence, had passed away. HE WAS GONE, and neither ALL MIGHT, nor TOSHINORI YAGI couldn’t do anything, in order to prevent this. It was too late, and regardless all the screams and tears of sorrow — he couldn’t do anything, anymore. 
                               And that child was now gone.
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