#and sam is somewhere in the background in both cases
shallowseeker · 1 year
If you're a native Spanish speaker, wanna take a stab at the telenovela in 7x03? (It's very hard to hear under the main audio.) You can hear, My love, my love? I think I hear, no me dejes (Don't leave me) in the mix.
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I love that Ricardo, you know, has a bloody collar and smudge on his right brow, kind of like...you know:
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It also, of course, calls to mind John's death in 4x03, but only in how Mary cradles him.
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The rest is so-- [REDACTED]
And if you think Dean wasn't grieving in his prickly veneer of toughness, listen to his voice in that brief moment he thought Cas was back. His breathy little "Ca-as?" is sooo shaky.
Then, he and Bobby both grabbed onto him with the intention of getting him home (and working through what just happened, "Okay, one thing at a time.") It was so--
This is the same episode where Cas said he had no more nostalgia for Dean and threatened to snap him into bloody soup, and then Dean urged Death to kill Cas, and Cas looked somehow shocked, despite what he'd just threatened to do himself. They're so--
To say nothing of the look on Dean's face when the Leviathan says in clear words, "Cas is, hmm, gone. He's-- dead!"
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midnight-els · 1 year
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the West Wing would have been even better if they'd had a White House cat. Some headcanons bc I was thinking about it today:
Jed gave the cat a very grand, biblical name. Everyone else has shortened it to something very stupid.
Obviously all of the press and the public adore the cat. There's a minor upset in a polling themed episode when Joey confirms that once again the cat has higher approval ratings than the president. Josh is cross that they are polling on this at all.
There is one chair in the Oval Office that is The Cat's Chair. The staff know not to sit there as you'll get a. covered in fur and b. screamed at by an irate cat trying to force you off. They never warn any of their least favourite congresspeople about this.
The cat wanders around in the background of episodes, often being chased or petted by the extras.
The cat is not allowed in the situation room. The cat is always in the situation room. They had to come up with a special bug detecting protocol for the cat in case anyone tried to take advantage of this.
Ripped from the headlines plot about a congressional investigation into something related to the cat, based on the incident about Clinton's cat's postage.
The cat LOVES Air Force One. The Secret Service do not love having to get him on board or captured to get back off.
Leo and the cat are best friends. They're basically this meme. Leo's the grandma. Jed is the mom.
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Aside from Leo, the cat loves the secretaries best. They always have lots of treats for him in their desks. Debbie is the only one he doesn't get on with; she has resorted to using a plant mister to spray him when he tries to get on her desk.
Josh thinks he and the cat are archenemies. The cat hasn't paid more than 2 seconds notice to Josh in his life.
CJ and the cat are archenemies. CJ was very pro-cat until she caught it fishing in Gail's bowl one day. Now she's at war to keep it out of her office. She's still trying to convince Danny to write a piece exposing the cat's dark side to its adoring public. Carol is very tired.
Sam wants so badly to be best friends with the cat. The cat thinks he's trying too hard. Will ends up exactly the same way.
Toby and the cat have never properly interacted and both are very happy to leave it that way.
The cat is supposed to stay in the residence during big events. Abbey stopped enforcing that after he got out and scratched Lord John Marbury when he picked him up against his will.
The cat has a secret service code name. One time, the code names are changed and an overenthusiatic reporter tries to break a story on the first lady's 'unusual activity' by following what he thinks is her code name. It's the cat's. CJ dines out on this for weeks.
The cat occasionally goes missing. The secretaries and Charlie have a recurring B-plot where they have to go and recover him. Somehow, the cat has always ended up somewhere relevant to the A-plot.
The cat properly goes missing after the incidents with the Thanksgiving turkeys and the goat in CJ's office (aka prime cat territory). Each time she claims she'll be nicer to the cat when it returns. Each time it lasts about two days.
Margaret thinks the cat has psychic powers and frequently provides warnings based on her interpretations of 'the signs'. Usually she's right.
The cat somehow makes off with the final edits for the state of the union one time (of course they were only handwritten on one piece of paper). Chaos ensues.
Jed tries to send the cat to Manchester partway through the series. After large-scale outcry from the staff, press and public he is returned to the White House. Unfortunately, after a couple of months as a barn cat he is even more badly behaved than before.
The cat is in both Jed and Abbey's official portraits.
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dotthings · 3 months
Have many thoughts from my rewatch of My Bloody Valentine. Good example of how some episodes (in this case one that was already strong) gains even more richness on rewatch and with knowledge of a full series run.
So Dean fully loses all his appetites. While Cas, who doesn’t have food appetites, takes Dean's plate and starts eating. Just something about Dean and Cas being yin-yang in how Famine is affecting them. Cas taking Dean's plate to eat.
What Dean needs, the reasons he feels hollow, isn’t something that can be fulfilled by food or one-night stands and what Cas actually wants isn’t anything to do with food either.
And this is all Cas not Jimmy. Even if Cas blames Jimmy his vessel by name, but canonically, Jimmy's soul is already in Haven by this point. Jimmy's been gone since the start of S5.
To review: Cas was blown to bits by an archangel twice, at the end of S4 and the end of S5. In The Man Who Would be King (S6), Cas specifically references being put back together after being exploded at the end of S5, however, the same thing happened to him at the end of S4. In The Things We Left Behind (S10), we get a reveal that Jimmy’s soul was freed after Cas was blown to bits and reassembled but which time isn't specified. “The human soul, it can only occupy a body while it retains a certain … structural integrity, and this vessel, it was … It was ripped apart on a subatomic level by an archangel” and he tells Claire that Jimmy's soul was freed from his body and he's in Heaven. The "subatomic level" fits the end of S4, since both times the body left physical traces (end of S5 Bobby is splattered with blood, start of S4 Chuck has a molar stuck in his hair).
In season 5, Cas's body is his own, a soulless container that holds Cas's grace and essence.
Therefore, in My Bloody Valentine, Cas blaming Jimmy is Cas in denial. It's all Cas, or rather, his own physical shell, and Cas's own feelings of emptiness, in play. Even if on its own, Cas's grace might be unaffected by Famine, he is vulnerable because of his meat suit. (At the time MBBV aired, we did that explanation, now it's transformative bleedback that adds another layer for Cas in MBBV and the Dean mirroring is more than a slightly symbolic displaced thing where it being Jimmy is a way to suggest it's also Cas, no, it's textually all about Cas).
In MBBV Cas isn’t facing up that it’s his own feelings of hollowness. And he not only tries to push it off on Jimmy (whose soul is gone), he uses the language of addiction.
“I’ve developed a taste for red meat…I’m an angel I can stop any time I want.”
This conversation with Dean and Cas plays out in background audio, while on screen we see Sam spiraling into withdrawal symptoms.
(The shift in Cas’s language makes me wonder if there was already a note in a file somewhere about Cas's vessel and it didn't get spelled out until S10. Authorial intent is tricky, and my thesis isn't based on authorial intent but full series knowledge/reveals, but there are signs in MBBV that Ben Edlund may have intended that it's all Cas, just Cas in there, and Cas is an addict in denial. Who knows.)
While Dean and Cas’s effects from Famine are framed as yin-yang, or complementary, Sam’s is on its own track, as his craving for demon blood gets jacked up.
Sam has grown in self-awareness to the point where he asks to be “locked down” and Dean and Cas team up to continue working the case. Which fits with the yin-yang of Dean and Cas in this ep.
But it isn’t just Dean and Cas who are mirrored. Sam and Cas are mirrored through addiction behaviors. Cas’s denials. Sam’s withdrawal symptoms. While Dean is his own category with his absence of appetites or addictions. Dean is his own black hole of emptiness.
Cas then moves beyond the denial stage of the addiction and admits to Dean that burgers make him “very happy.” Cas is spiraling, yeah, but it’s also Cas no longer falling back on distancing by using Jimmy as an excuse or addiction denial or bragging about how because he's an angel he's immune. It's vulnerable. Yet he's still in denial because unlike Sam, Cas can't admit he has a liability and he pops out of the Impala to go kill Famine by himself before Dean can even finish speaking his sentence of his doubts about the plan.
Before that, Cas asks Dean why he’s not hungry and Dean’s explanation is almost plausible: that because Dean doesn’t deny himself his appetites the way many people do, he’s “well fed” and content, therefore not hungry.
We know that's not really it. I like how Cas asked. Dean showed his concern for Cas’s sudden gluttony, Cas shows his concern for the total absence of appetites from Dean.
Famine to Dean: “Hunger doesn’t just come from the body. It also comes from the soul...that’s one deep dark nothing you’ve got there, Dean. Can’t fill it, can you?…I can see inside of you, Dean. How broken you are. How defeated. You can’t win and you know it but you just keep fighting. Just keep going through the motions. You’re not hungry, Dean, because inside you’re already dead.”
Which is Famine speaking some truths on what Dean is feeling in S5. Famine sees the truth of the torment Dean is in. But it isn’t The Truth about Dean.
Famine wants Dean to give up and give into the despair inside of him, because that's the way he'll say yes to Michael and how Famine, the horsemen, and the archangels all get what they want. But we know Dean won’t give in and that Famine is wrong, because that isn't all Dean is. He maybe going through it in S5, but he isn't giving up and he’s got plenty of life in him. He’s more than how their enemies see him and he’s more than what their enemies wish would devour him whole, the things they have wanted Dean to believe about himself.
Because so long as Dean keeps fighting, they know they’re screwed.
Famine is giving a truth that’s also a lie. Dean in fact isn’t empty. He thinks he is, and Famine picks up on it, but Dean isn't empty. He’s full of love. And strength. But that doesn't mean he's not depressed. It doesn't mean he can't fall into despair.
What’s extra heartbreaking about Dean’s lonely prayer to God at the end of the episode is that he’s looking for help in the wrong place.
First we see Cas sharing Dean’s vigil while Sam goes through withdrawal in Bobby’s panic room. Dean isn’t alone, and Cas tries to comfort Dean. But Dean’s in so much pain he walks out, away from his friend who cares, to pray alone in the junk yard to an uncaring God.
God was never on your side. God doesn’t care. God’s entertained by all this suffering in fact. God’s not even God, he’s the demiurge, and Sam and Dean are his playthings. The help, the answers, are each other. The help for Dean is the people who love him, who he loves. He has Sam and Bobby and Cas. And they will be enough.
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
I'm Not Okay
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!PlusSized!Reader
Warnings: Mention of bullying, plus sized reader, afab reader, angst then fluff
Words: 1.8k
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Being away from Dean was a feat in and of itself. But this case was especially hard since he was gone longer than usual.  
Usually, he’s gone for maybe a couple weeks on cases, tough ones maybe a few weeks. But this one is going on two months. It made you worried and stressed, even though he called as often as he could to talk about your days or to have you investigate something. And when you were stressed and worried, you tend to eat more often along with binging shows to distract you from your thoughts. 
Finally, Dean called you one day. “Hey baby, we’re on our way back to the bunker. We’ll be there in a few days.” You could basically hear the giddy grin in his voice as he spoke to you.  
Your face broke out into a giant smile. “Yeah? I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much!” You did a small wiggle in excitement at the thought of finally seeing your man after so long.  
He chuckled and sighed in contentment. “I can’t wait to see you either, baby. Although I think you missed your own personal body heater” He teased you.  
You giggled. “How’d you know?” You teased right back.  
You heard Sam in the background, and you frowned a little as Dean yelled back at him. “Alight, baby. I gotta go, I’ll call you tomorrow, alright?” 
“Alright, love. Be careful... both of you!”  
“We will. I love you, sweetheart!” He said before a rustling came from the phone.  
“I love you tooooo!” Sam sang into the phone making you laugh. You listened to them fight with laughs falling from your lips.  
Finally, Dean took back the phone. “Alight, baby. See you in a couple of days.” 
You spoke through laughs. “Alright, babe. Love you.” 
After hanging up, you went back to watching a show on Netflix that had caught your attention for a couple of hours before getting up to cook something for supper.  
Once finished, you watched one more episode before getting up to take a shower and get ready for bed.  
Walking into the bathroom, you put on a playlist on your phone to listen to while you shower as you got undressed.  
Looking up into the mirror, you paused.  
Your brow frowned as you looked at your body. Is your stomach sagging more? Do your stretch marks on your breasts look more prominent? Have those scars always been that color?  
You gave a deep frown as you dragged your hands over your stomach, feeling the soft skin and sucking in your tummy while pressing the tissue into your body. Your hands went from feeling your stomach to your love handles and grabbing at them.  
Biting the inside of your lip, your hands made their way to your breasts. Holding the heavy tissue, you tried to push them up.  
You sighed and turned to turn the shower on and stopped as you saw the cellulite on the sides of your thighs and some on your ass cheeks. Your jaw clenched as the self-consciousness grew in your mind.  
You hurriedly got into the shower and tried to let the music and sound of water drown out the intrusive thoughts.  
You had always been on the heavier side, and you had always been a little self-conscious of your body. Especially, when you were younger, and your mother would always make these little passive aggressive comments about losing weight. And when kids in your grade would pick on you for developing earlier than others. After high school, you worked on yourself. You only worked out enough so that you were healthy and then when you use to hunt like the brothers you were in shape enough to hunt the things that go bump in the night.  
You met the brothers on a hunt way before finding the bunker. You hunted alongside them for years, and somewhere along the way you and Dean fell in love.  
At first, you weren’t going to act on it. But Dean did. Dean loved your body and worshipped you when you finally got together. He showed you love that no one had ever shown you before.  
He didn’t give a fuck about anything. He enjoyed what enjoyed. And you tried to mimic that in your life.  
And it seems those doubts were coming back.  
When you got out of the shower, you avoided looking into the fogged-up mirror as you dried off as much as you could before putting on your underwear.  
Now you walked into the room, forgoing the shorts and tank top you were originally going to wear to bed, you dug through your dresser for some baggy sweatpants and a baggy shirt.  
You curled up in bed and silent tears welled up in your eyes before you cried yourself to sleep.  
The next two days carried on the same. You ate less though, and you were binge watching more shows to distract yourself from your mind.  
Dean could tell something was wrong when he called you both days to check on you. You were giving him small answers and when he asked what was wrong, you just told him you felt like you were coming down with something.  
The day that the boys got back, he definitely knew something was wrong when you didn’t come greet him at the entrance like you usually do.  
He raised an eyebrow before looking over at Sam, who also looked confused at the missing piece. Dean sighed, “I’ll go look for her.” Sam nodded and followed down into the map area. Sam headed towards his room and Dean headed to your shared room first.  
Dean walked in and paused as he found you lying in bed with your back facing the door. His brow frowned in concern as he let his bag drop down by the door and shut the door behind him. You softly flinched at the sound of the bag dropping, but you didn’t look over as you seemed to curl up even further into a ball on the bed.  
Dean quietly walked over to the bed and sat on the side and put his hand on your side. “Baby?... What’s going on, huh?”   
You were silent as tears fell from the corners of your eyes down onto the pillow. You didn’t want to answer him. You didn’t want to speak, and you were afraid if you did, he would agree with you.  
He stared at you and then moved to take his boots off along with his flannel. He slowly moved to get under the covers with you. His hand slowly rubbed your back for a moment before moving to wrap around your waist to pull you close to him, but you tensed. He paused and grew more concerned. He let his hand rest of your waist and just rubbed up and down your side.  
“Baby... what happened while we were away?” He whispered into the room. Just being cautious of the tension in your body.  
You were still for a moment.  
You shook your head.  
Dean stared at the back of your head. It was silent as he let you stew in your head for a few minutes more.  
“Baby girl, can you please tell me what is bothering you? At least try to. I wanna help, but I have to know what’s going on.” He told you as he scooched closer to you. You didn’t tense up this time, but you were still contemplating if you wanted to tell him why you were stuck in your head. 
There was a lull in silence before you spoke up, your voice was raspy from the nonuse of that day. “I gained weight...” 
He frowned and stared at the back of your head. Dean couldn’t tell from all the layers on top of you.  
“So? You’re still my baby-”  
“Dean. My stomach looks so saggy and uneven that I feel ugly. My stretch marks are more prominent again... my hips look weirdly shaped, and I feel like... like I’m just so ugly.” You cut him off as you ranted for a moment. “I hate the way I look. I can’t look in the mirror without feeling disgusted with myself. I don’t know why you stay with me. I don’t know what you see in me.” 
Dean’s eyes watered up slightly as he listened to you. He swiftly wrapped his arm around you and pulled you as close as he could to his chest with his other arm going underneath you to full encase you in his arms.  
“Y/N... I know what I say won’t help all the way, but I get it... but I love you. Whether you are four hundred pounds or however you weight now, or if you were as skinny as a twig. I love you because you except me for how I am. I never got that from my dad. You make everything seem worth it. You make the tough days feel like they are worth it. You make all this bullshit we deal with on a daily basis, feel like we are making a difference in the world. The shit we do, is a thankless job but we do it anyway and you always tell me that I’m doing my best whether it was finding like the tiniest detail on a job or if it’s saving someone’s life. You make me feel so important... and I can never express everything I feel for you in words, but this is a start. You are beautiful no matter what. You just... You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” 
More tears spilled down your face as you listened to Dean talk. His voice cracking every now and then from the pure emotion in his voice. His arms were enclosing you to him, if not he felt like you might disappear on him.  
“So, what if you have a more pronounced stomach or you have stretch marks or if your body is purple or if you looked like Jabba the Hutt. You are everything to me, Y/N. You are beautiful and perfect for me.” 
You went to move to turn around and face him and he let you lose for a moment to do that but then gripped you tightly to himself again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and put your forehead to his. You were still crying but because of his words and how your heart and mind felt lightened a little bit from the emotion that poured from his rant. His eyes were still watery and shined from the tears that didn’t fall but you still saw the love for you in them.  
Every inch of your body was against his, with your legs intertwined together. Your fingers dug into his hair, and you just stared at him for a solid second.  
You took in a ragged breath before whispering out. “I can’t promise that I’ll be okay right away... Thank you, baby. I love you so much...”  
He sighed out a ragged breath too before reaching forward and kissing you lightly on your lips.  
It was going to take a while for you to be alright but with Dean by your side... You think you can get to be okay with yourself.  
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 4 months
TMAGP 18 Thoughts: Dead Letters
Another really great episode. Feels like the show has hit its stride now and it just keeps getting better and better IMO. I can't say I entirely get the episode's title though. This one feels fairly strained to me and I feel like it must be because I'm missing something obvious.
Spoilers for episode 18, and some lightly implied spoilers for TMA, below the cut.
Teddy and Alice being Teddy and Alice isn't something I have a huge amount to say. I'm never 100% sure how you're meant to read these two. Teddy having his own little story in the background is interesting though because the framing of this implies he's very important to the narrative. His leaving is the instigation for two of our main characters to be able to join the OIAR, his leaving party is the opening scene of the show, and every time he's been in it since something about him has progressed. It could just be a grounding element so that not every character is wrapped up in it but it seems fairly obvious that his story is going somewhere.
Fun Fact: I've mentioned it before but as it was name dropped, Robert Smirke was an architect for the Royal Mint.
Lena continuing to be very Lena about everything really does warm my heart. She could just be entirely disinterested, distancing herself from the employees for their safety, or other reasons beside. Either way "Oh, is that its name?" is wonderful and she should never change.
This statement was really great. Augustus being back is a massive highlight. Tim Fearon has killed both of his episodes and I want more of him than we're getting. A haunted house narrated by him is really a treat to listen to. The literal contents of the experience we hear narrated back to us isn't something I have too much to say on. It's got some strong Hilltop Road vibes but is at Church Street. Church Street itself doesn't have anything too important to mention about it. Milton Court, however, is interesting. Violet was seemingly the victim of the same thing that killed Drowning Victim a few episodes back, likely [Error]. But what's interesting about the Milton Court Open Space is that it's about 20 miles from where Drowning Victim was. These cases happened 3 days apart which is ample time to cover that distance but it's interesting because it's largely along the path you'd drive if you were coming from Manchester, where the Institute's ruins were, back to London and taking the M40. You'd drive passed Ickenham. I would not be surprised if we see a similar case from early further north along that route. Another thing of note here is the extreme malnutrition. I think a lot of people are going to link this back to Darrien from the last episode but I think it's more obviously a physical symptom of reliving said experience. Violet wandered though a house with no exit until she starved, like how Drowning Victim, well, drowned. No notes otherwise, great incident. Well, "Some figure reaching asking questions in an alley?" is curious phrasing but I won't get to into that.
Alice and Sam's chat directly addressing the contents of the case is something I love to see. Alice is trying her best to bury all that, bless her, but Sam is for sure never letting this drop. It's just great to see this stuff not washing over them now and it's all becoming more and more relevant. Although it does bring into question why Augustus read this one out. Chester seems to read things that nudge people to act a certain way but this one seemed almost cruel. Like Augustus was trying to get under Alice's skin. In any case its hard to find a thread between this and Taking Notes, at least as far as "motivation" goes.
Oh Gwen. Poor, poor Gwen. Finally opens up about her truly fucking awful experiences and Sam laughs in her face about it. To be fair to Sam leading with Mr. Bonzo is a perfect wind up and I would've laughed too. We all would've laughed if our co-worker said that. To be fair to Gwen, Mr. Bonzo has traumatised the shit out of her and who else is there to really lead with? And as always Anusia killed it here. What a glorious F-bomb too.
Backing up just a little bit, there is this quote during that interaction:
GWEN In the cases, you know how there are often things or places or people or whatever who… aren’t right? Who seem to be causing all the awful things to happen.
Which is fairly interesting if you've been reading theories. Specially about what CAT# means. The most common theory by far is "Person/Place/Object". Meaning that CAT1 indicates a supernatural person in the incident, CAT2 a place, etc. Now, I have written an essay all about this subject entitled "Putting the CAT# Back in the Bag: The Flaws With Person/Place/Object". So, y'know, I don't buy it. Gwen mentioning it now feels like a red herring too given how early it is. Obviously that feeling is rooted in my current belief about said theory. If I don't think it holds water I won't think this is a clue about that. But it's not just that. I think this is too early from a narrative stand point, CAT# standing for those things pointless from a narrative standpoint, and if Gwen has settled on those three things it's not much of a stretch to link it back the the case numbers and part of the point of them is they're inscrutable to everyone there.
Because all of the above isn't enough for this already stellar episode we meet two new characters. Georgie and Jack. Both at long last as they've both come up before. It's hard to talk about this without getting into TMA stuff. I'll try to be light on TMA spoilers but Celia and Georgie have history. Now, unlike with Celia, this very much seems like TMP's version of Georgie. She's a conspiracy theorist instead of a ghost hunt, she's paranoid instead of fearless, and she seems to know as little about Celia as you'd expect. The conspiracy angle is also really clever. TMA was very much just about supernatural encounters but TMP has the cast working for the government. So Georgie has stayed fairly consistent in this regard it's just the shows themes that changed. Celia finding Georgie makes a lot of sense to me though. Their history makes her a good touchstone here and as she's still podcasting about strange things it's a good cover as any. However whatever is happening with Celia is clearly getting worse and she's not lying about it well.
GEORGIE Celia, I’m saying you don’t need to lie to me. CELIA I’m not! [zzzzzt]
Sure you're not, Celia. Sure you're not.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 2374 not much to explain on this one I don't think. Spooky house that you can't escape from gets you spooky house you can't escape from numbers.
CAT# Theory: CAT1 is semi-interesting for the theory I think it definitely isn't (see here). Because for that theory to remain consistent corpses end up as objects. Which you'd think would put this in CAT3 if assessors were applying those themselves, and if they aren't all headers of this type being people seems very farfetched when we've seem objects that compel already.
R# Theory: C seems reasonably to me. Having a spooky memory and talking about it seems like the sort of thing no one would care about.
Header talk: Memory (Derelict) -/- Compulsion. Two interesting things here. Firstly, the section being Memory implies that this experience actually happened. Either to Violet or someone else. It could be a ham-fisted section choice if there isn't anything for hallucinatory experiences of this nature but I'd assume there must be. This system is so specific and as that would be a large oversight it seems unlikely that it isn't there. But it's hard to say how much any given assessor knows about what they're picking. Misfiles are always possible. The subsection is the other interesting thing. Derelict is such a specific subsection here that Memory must have 100s of them.
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main-7 · 4 months
A unknown person walked through a portal, suddenly ending up somewhere as she spotted 7 people. "Oh! I didn't know there were more people like me..'Ello!" She greeted, waving. She had a short hair tied up, scars on her face and arms as she wore a black turtleneck sleeveless. "The names Samantha! I prefer Sam though." She waved.
Ik u know me- I can't mention my own blog for some reason-
It's ok, I allowed anonymous post
When the unknown person hopped out of the portal, she found herself in a chamber.
The chamber is a grand, circular room with a high, domed ceiling adorned with intricate mosaics depicting celestial bodies, galaxies, and constellations. The walls are lined with shimmering, luminescent panels that pulsate with soft, calming hues, creating an atmosphere of serene yet energetic anticipation.
The unknown person who traveled through another dimension was met by a young female girl. Her appearance was obscured mainly by a dull lavender hoodie with white crosses on the side. Underneath the hoodie was a white crown with a yellow star gem in the center. Two horns decorated with light yellow-colored crystals stuck out of her hoodie.
She had two semi-mechanical wings. Their secondary colors were pink, but their primary colors were opposite. One of them black and the other white.
Her cape was a majestic gradient, consisting of light pink-purple and dark purple that was decorated with light-yellow stars and meteors that moved across the cosmos within the clothing. Additionally, in front of it, there were two scarf ends; both had a white tip in the shape of an arrow that was below one large white diamond for each.
Her entire attire was various shades of pink-purple mixed. Purple straps over her shoulders trailed down to her knees, where her pink-to-purple gradient socks reached. They were held by two belts: one went over her shoulder and one around her waist, above a light pink dress decorated with purple stars and clouds.
Her sleeves had a galaxy-like aura swirl mixed with pink and purple. On her left wrist, she was holding a golden watch(?) strapped to it while talking to the six other people who appeared as small holograms.
The only face that the unknown person could see was light indigo scleras, and within the scleras were pink-to-purple gradient irises with a white outline around them. Within the irises, there was a white ring around them, decorated with blue stars that overlapped a large yellow star in the background. Finally, for pupils, there were completely white with a yellow outline around them.
(Reference here: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cd/20/c4/cd20c42a8267808ce22b335a0f6f9b38.jpg)
The soldiers and guards there gasped in surprise, and every military soldier froze in their tracks as they looked at the person who came out of the Royal Astral Gateway Chamber (R.A.G.C for short).
They had never seen an object, a person, someone, or something come out of their military-guarded portal. Only soldiers with the correct frequencies and passwords can access the portal to check in with personnel who work and guard dimensions, multiverses, universes, fandoms, galaxies, cosmos, and worlds.
But if were someone else who went to the R.A.G.C. accidentally, they'll get reprimanded or approached with caution before reprimanding.
From either outcome, if the person poses a threat, they'll get captured and taken into custody by the Astronomy Starway Asteroid PForces (A.S.A.P. for short) into questioning.
Suppose a person DOES NOT show any hostile actions. In that case, they get taken into custody at the Nexus Exploration Wayfarer's Haven-Hub Station (N.E.W.H.H. for short), which is a place where the person will get taken into care and questioned by the caretakers. They will do their best to help the person before sending them back to their original dimension or escorting the person elsewhere.
Several Nebula Vanguards (royal Galaxy Guards of the Kingdom of Stellaris) quickly landed in front of the unknown person with their jagged, obsidian spears at her. Each of them had the same armor.
The armor consisted of large, high-graded military boots with thick armor plating constructed from compressed black hole energy, painted with white and pink paint. The guards don a knight-like helmet visor that ominously glowed yellow. They also had black wing plates that stuck out of the helmet's side with yellow spikes sticking up from the knight-like helmet connected with the wings. It seemed to be like a crown.
The fabric that covers them was made out of delicate linen from space gases with a touch of compressed black hole energy to make armored fabric. They also had a black-to-yellow cape gradient from their back. Finally, they each had a pair of large, tech-like wings, with the skeletal structure having an insignia of a pink-purple moon, with the feathers being colored pink-purple too.
(Reference: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a0/a0/43/a0a043da093d878410ad5cdf0391a70e.jpg)
"Halt! In the name of the Stellaris, who are you, and how did you find access to our heavily guarded Astral Gateway?!" One of them demanded, as the unknown person was surrounded by four more, their spear pointing towards her.
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Comfort in Vegas
Summary - Part 23 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends), Andre x Danny
Warnings - Smut
Series Masterlist | Masterlist 
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It’s after midday when you finally pull into the car park of the hotel where Andre and Danny are staying. It’s a fancy high-rise building beyond anything you and Dean have ever stayed in. Andre knows you well enough to know that you would be freaking out the second you saw it, so went ahead and booked a room for you and refused to tell you the cost.
“At least it looks like he gets paid well to spend all day on that metal death trap in the sky,” Dean says as you get out of the car and admire the highrise building where you’ll be staying for the next few days. 
Opening the trunk he slings both his and your bags over his shoulder and follows you into the lobby. As you approach the entrance the sizeable automatic glass doors slide open, welcoming you into the opulent space. You see Dean’s jaw drop out of the corner of your eye as he takes it all in. Sparkling chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow upon the polished marble floors. The walls are adorned with intricate gold accents and mirrors are strategically placed along the walls to reflect the shimmering lights and create an illusion of endless space. The air is filled with a subtle fragrance, a blend of delicate flowers and the alluring scent of luxury. Soft music plays in the background, adding a touch of sophistication to the bustling atmosphere.
At the centre of the lobby stands a magnificent reception desk, staffed by an impeccably dressed concierge attendant. The desk itself is a work of art, crafted from rich mahogany with intricate carvings and gilded accents. Behind it, a vast wall of cascading water creates a soothing ambience. Just as you’re about to go over to the concierge you hear someone call out your name. You turn towards the voice and spot Andre and Danny walking towards you hand-in-hand. You call out to them and race to them, embracing them in a big bear hug. Dean stands awkwardly a few steps behind you just watching the scene unfold until you pull away and introduce him and Danny to each other. 
Dean’s never been great with letting new people in, but he’s not rude. He stays polite while sticking close by your side. Noticing his slight discomfort you wrap your hand around his arm as Andre and Danny lead you to your room. When you enter the extravagant elevator you notice there are floors for a gym and a pool and sauna; you’ve never stayed somewhere with a pool before, and you don’t even own a swimsuit. You let out a quiet sigh and lean your head against Dean’s shoulder which sends his mind into overdrive with potential plans and secret promises for your future. The elevator finally comes to a stop on the twelfth floor and you all file out. Andre hands you a keycard with the number 1203 written on it. 
“We’ll give you two some time to settle in then I’ll come over to discuss the case,” Andre says.
“Sounds good,” you reply before jogging down the hall to where Dean’s already standing in front of your room.
“What’s got you in such a rush? Can you please try to be a little nicer to my friends?” you say as you unlock the door and walk in. 
Before he can respond you’re running over to the floor-to-ceiling windows offering an unobstructed view, showcasing the dazzling lights of the Las Vegas Strip below you. Your mouth drops open and you can’t help but stare in wonder as you look around the room. It’s not your normal scene, and you’ve never been the type to desire all this opulence, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to enjoy the next few days. 
The room itself is a sanctuary of indulgence, with plush carpets caressing your feet as you step further inside. The walls are adorned with tasteful artwork, offering glimpses of contemporary masterpieces that add sophistication to the ambience. Soft, ambient lighting casts a warm glow throughout the room, creating an intimate and romantic atmosphere.
A king-sized bed commands attention in the centre of the room, draped in linens of the highest quality. Plump pillows and a silky duvet invite you to sink into its embrace. A canopy above the bed, adorned with sheer curtains, adds an element of enchantment and privacy. Dean dumps the bags on the floor and rushes over to you, picking you up and tossing you on the bed before climbing on top of you. You let out a small groan of contentment as the soft mattress conforms to your body. Within seconds he’s attacking your neck and face with kisses. 
Eventually, he stops his attack and rolls onto his back pulling you over to lay on his chest. “This is the treatment you deserve. I wish I could give you this,” he says sullenly as he rubs your back.
“Only if I can have it with you. But I don’t need this, I’m not sure I even want it. I’m not some fancy lady, Dean. I’m a hunter and even when we’re not, I just want normal. A house with enough room for us and our kids and a backyard for them to play in. But it’s nice to experience this just once … with you.”
“It just sucks that this Andre guy can give you more than I can.”
“That’s not true. You give me so much: protection, happiness, love, just to name a few. Those things mean way more to me than a king-size bed and satin sheets. You have no reason to be jealous of Andre. I love you and only you, Dean Winchester.”
You sit up and place a soft, passionate kiss on your fiance’s lips before climbing over him to go to the bathroom. When you open the interior door you’re met with a luxurious bathroom bathed in marble, it boasts a deep soaking tub and a separate rainfall shower, while fluffy towels, robes, and high-end, complimentary toiletries are meticulously arranged on the vanity. You look back over your shoulder with a smirk, “Care to join me?”
“What about the pledge?” he sighs.
“I just thought you might want to join me for the fanciest shower ever, but if you think you can’t control yourself I’ll just enjoy it by myself,” you say as you pull your top off and toss it towards the bed. 
He’s off the bed with his arms wrapped around you in record time. You lead him into the ensuite closing the door behind you. He unclasps your bra letting it drop to the floor before removing his own shirts. You pull away to turn on the shower, then finish stripping yourself seductively and stepping under the rain. He sheds the rest of his clothes and joins you. As he presses his chest to your back you can feel how hard he is already and instantly feel bad for tempting him. 
You reach for the soap but he knocks your hands away and lathers it between his hands instead. He then rubs his hands over your body, starting my massaging your shoulder blades and down your back as you let out soft moans at his touch. His hands then move around your front paying special attention to your breasts. Losing control at the sensation he ruts against you from behind causing you to moan out his name. Gaining back a little control he slides his hands down your stomach to where you now want his most. He crouches down and spins you around so his face is level with your core. 
“Please, Baby, can we forget the pledge? Just say yes,” he sighs out as his hands rub each of your thighs.
You nod but he doesn’t move.
“I need you to use your words for me, Sweetheart. I need to know you’re okay with this. I’ll get out right now if you want.”
“Fuck the pledge. I need you. I want this,” you moan out as you slip your hands into his hair pushing his head closer to where you need him. 
Like a racehorse released from its gate, he delves into you, eating you out like a man starved. He kisses, sucks and nibbles your sensitive bundle of nerves as his hands continue rubbing and digging into your thighs. The amazing, burning sensation in your core grows within seconds and you’re moaning out his name. One hand drags up your inner thigh, higher and higher until his fingers are slipping between your folds and delving into your wet heat. He moans against your core sending vibrations straight through you as two of his fingers slip easily inside. 
You throw your head back in pleasure, moaning, but as you do the water from the rain shower runs directly over your face and down your throat causing you to lean forward and start coughing instead to get the water out of your lungs. Dean shoots to his feet instantly rubbing rough but comforting circles on your back as you cough. He pulls you out from under the stream. After a few seconds, you attempt to take a few deep breaths. You continue to cough sporadically at the feeling of water in your throat and lungs. Dean shuts off the water and leads you out of the shower and carefully dries you with one of the plush white towels before helping you into one of the robes. He then does the same for himself. Once you’re both covered he turns back to you and checks that your breathing is more steady. Satisfied, he pulls you into his chest for a tight hug. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
He pulls back so he can look you in the eyes. “For what? Almost dying, again? Ruining the moment?” You meekly nod and he shakes his head at you before pulling you close again. “Who would’ve thought … even in the fanciest place shower sex is still complicated as hell. At least my pledge is still intact I guess.” 
Still embarrassed you keep your face buried in his shoulder until he starts sprinkling kisses along any skin he can reach. “Come on, Sweetheart, look at me. These things happen. What about that time in the back of Baby when I smacked your head against the window or when I slipped off the seat? We’ve had our fair share of awkward sexual moments, don’t go getting embarrassed on me now.”
You sheepishly look up at him and he quickly kisses your lips. You break apart when you hear knocking. “I’ll get it. You get dressed, I don’t want him ogling you like this,” Dean says.
“He’s gay,” you call out as Dean walks off to get the door. 
“Don’t care. No one gets to see me girl like this except me.”
You laugh at him as you grab a change of clothes and retreat back into the bathroom. Once he hears the ensuite door shut he opens the hotel room door and welcomes Andre in. 
“It’s good to see the two of you are enjoying the amenities,” Andre says gesturing towards the robe Dean’s still dressed in. “I guess I should say thanks for this, especially for Y/N, she really deserves this. I’m glad you let me in on it as well.”
“You make her happy man. I used to hunt with her, I was there after she lost her family, I’ve seen her at her worst, and after recent events so have you. But I have never seen her as happy as she is when she’s with you. So, thank you. Just please, get her out of this life. If you’re not willing to leave, love her enough to set her free.” 
Just as Dean’s about to reply you walk out of the bathroom in jeans and a plain black t-shirt. “Hey Andre,” you say as you join them in the entranceway. You reach for Dean’s hand but he pulls away and rummages through his bag before retreating into the ensuite. You send him a confused look before leading Andre to the small lounge area at the end of the bed. You take a seat on the plush two-seater lounge while Andre opts for the single armchair. 
“You really have outdone yourself, this place is amazing. You sure you don’t want us to reimburse you at all?”
“Did monster hunting start paying?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Then no. Save your money for when you tie the knot, get out and start a family.”
“I believe we have a case to talk about first…”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A/N: I hope Dean doesn’t take Andre’s threat too seriously…
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99, @heavenlyhopeful0
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pikaflute · 1 year
okay i did my superball headcanons now time for my other pookie (flint paper)
older than sam and max but not by much, probably like early to mid 50s
divorced twice, it's fine though
trained in like martial arts, i think he should be allowed to throw people around more (normal)
actually enjoys sam and max company. partially because he is insane but also because they're funny to him. like haha you boys throwing anvils on people? that's good love is love
he likes men and women. thats my truth. we will ship superball with him if its the last thing i fucking do!!!!
probably gets love letters from ladies and men who he helped on cases or flirted with to get info. and also max. a majority of them are from max. he can tell because they're misspelled
i think he needs to be hairy. for my sake. i also don't think he shaves. again im normal. normal poster
i think he had a mullet when he was younger. one day he asks for help cleaning his office and sam and max find that picture of him in college with one and they go HUH and he goes oh yeah that was me and sam and max both desire him more carnally
he does classy drinking. he has like cognac and whiskey in office and those fancy decanters but will occasionally like down a bottle of vodka
user pikaflute when she hasn't said a character is from new jersey in the past twenty minutes: hey guys i think flint paper is-
has had to get his office fixed over twenty times. the landlord hates him but flint pays his (and sam and max's cause god knows they don't pay rent) rent so far in advance he is never getting kicked out
speaking of, he's probably rich. he's good at solving cases and threatening individuals pays a lot. even though sometimes he works on a "hunch" he's always proven right.
he's an only child. thats why he's crazy.
probably knows a bunch of languages for investigating. one time max hears flint speaking french and max is like "hes going to speak french to me while in bed" and sam goes "wait in fucking line"
probably did gymnastics as a teen. explains why he's so nimble and good at fighting. AND HOT
drinks coffee but so black it's still coffee grounds. he orders this from (girl) stinky all the time and she's like "im throwing this pot at you" and he's like "good! i need a pick me up!"
he did modeling at one point on his life on the side before becoming a full time investigator. if sam and max ever find those shoots they're going to fucking die
when sam and max were first moving in, flint did an entire background search on them and when he met them for the first time he told him everything he found out and sam and max both fell in love with him instantly.
one time he works on a case with sam and max and it causes so much property damage that the three of them are permanently banned from staten island
cannot cook to save his life. he asked sam if spaghetti is supposed to be black and sam was like "i....maybe not."
very good with kids surprisingly. he babysits for sam and max and asks geek if she wants like water or anything while he beats a guy up and she's like "i'm....good."
one time when sam and max actually did their job and brought a criminal into jail they saw flint in there and he was in the process of breaking out and he's like "hey boys! can you unlock the door for me?" and they both went "anything for you."
he 100% knows sam and max want him so bad it's not even funny. it's flattering to him
he doesn't drive. he just walks to places and somehow gets there faster than a car
also has a tattoo somewhere, probably on his back. i don't know of what, i'm just homo okay?
listens to jazz mainly. it fits the noir aesthetic. his office reeks of cigarettes.
[walks up to the mic] sock garters [everyone cheers]
he's autistic and he stims by shooting and beating people up. I'm only like half joking
i think hes shorter than superball by like an inch. so 5'8
i don't think he's played a video game since the 90s. he's a light gun shooter master though.
i also don't think he knows anything about modern pop culture at all. half the shit max says to him might as well be in a different language
sleeps naked cause he's Like That
doesnt like horror movies. they just make him angry and upset
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liaromancewriter · 2 months
Hey there! Curious...
Do any of your MCs (or their LIs) have a "work husband" or "work wife"? If so, how do they feel about that?
Thanks! :)
I can finally respond to asks! I'm only responding for Cassie and Max since I know them inside and out.
(Full disclosure, I hate the idea of a work spouse. Never encouraged that kinda relationship myself, but to each their own.)
Cassie happily admits that Bryce is her work husband. They've been close since their intern year. Like canon, Cassie was the only one Bryce trusted with his family's secret, and he asked for her help with Keiki.
Due to scheduling, they often worked night shifts together during residency. They get competitive with each other; the surgical vs. medical rivalry is alive and well. I showed a bit of their dynamic in the background of some fics, notably Whatever It Takes. When they first met, he reminded her of Max, so it was an instant friendship.
As for Ethan's reaction, he doesn't particularly care but is always amused by the idea of a 'work husband' especially after he becomes her actual husband. He's used to Bryce dropping by their apartment, especially at meal times. Cassie and Bryce can get pretty rowdy together as they both love adventuring and trying new things. So, Ethan keeps an eye on his phone in case he needs to bail them out. (He hasn't had to...yet.)
Now for Max. If you ask him, he'll scoff at the notion of a work spouse. He keeps things professional at work and that's that. If you ask Sienna, she'll tell you that Samantha Clarke from his team is it.
Max and Sam have worked together for ten years. She's always been his deputy / second in command, his protégé. Yeah, they're close friends, but she works for him. You can see their dynamic in the middle of this fic, Somewhere With You. Of course, Sienna shakes her head at his obliviousness.
Sienna loves Sam though, and calls her Super Woman because she's a single mom with a high-powered job. Sam was her guide during her first pregnancy, willing to answer any questions and share her experiences of balancing motherhood and a busy career. I showed their friendship dynamic in this text fic, Summer Vibes.
This was a fun ask. Thanks!
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ollieinoue · 10 months
Time & Location: The Commencement Gala later in the night Featuring: Ollie Inoue & Sam Jiménez Also Featuring: Gabriel Jiménez, Ren Inoue, and Faye Inoue
"See! It looks so pretty!" Sam said, holding her phone above her head and giving a 360 view of the theater, and the commencement gala around them. Showing her grandfather, and Ollie's parents over face time what was going on. She pulled her phone back down smiling widely into the front camera as she spoke, "everyone looks like movie. It's crazy."
"I wish we had been able to make it!" Gabriel replied, slightly faint and fairly hard to hear
Ollie slid his arm around Sam's shoulder from behind her, leaning his chin against her other one, and tilting his head towards hers as he looked at their families on the screen. "Next year we'll get you guys all up here for my graduation," he said, nodding his head, chin digging into Sam's shoulder making her squirm away as he did. He glanced at her with a small laugh, and pulled her back hugging his arms around her waist.
"Are you hitting the road straight after you guys leave?" Ren asked.
"Uhm, I think we are probably going to drop my stuff, and Sam off first, and then we'll be heading out," Ollie said. Maybe Monty will stop in and say hello to his sister or something as well. He let Sam go, rocking up onto the balls of his feet to look around, attempting to find find Monty, but grew impatient and gave up about two seconds in, turning back and shrugging his shoulders. "I'm pretty sure we're doing that first. So, we'll see you in a few days."
"Alright, you two behave until then," Gabriel said, and pointed at Ollie, "especially you."
"Me?" Ollie scoffed, holding a hand to his chest. Like he wasn't the one between the two of them who was known to be a troublemaker. In some certain circles…
"No going missing either! We don't have the money to get a bunch of news organizations on your case so you'll be shit out of luck!" Faye called from somewhere in the background off screen.
"Oh my god fuck off," Ollie snorted, before Sam pulled the phone away from him with a click of her tongue.
She sent Ollie a look, before turning back to the screen. "Okay, we're going to go now. I'll see you in a few days! Byee! Love you guys! Miss you so much. Mwah mwah mwah." Sam held the phone back out to Ollie the both of them blowing kisses at their family members before she disconnected the call. "So!" Sam's eyes scanned across her phone, before she dropped it into her bag, and looked over at Ollie, "do you want to go get breakfast tomorrow morning? All this food is so so fancy, and it makes me want like… I don't know, hashbrowns or something." Ollie made an ooohhh sound, nodding his head. "Do you think Jacqui and Monty will want to come. It could be fun! We'll all go to the Diner or something."
"Hashbrowns do sound good. And bacon, and pancakes. I can get Jacqui out of bed," Ollie nodded his head, "maybe for Monty. I might have to get him a to-go box or something, but I'll try to get him up." If anything could coax Monty into getting up early (earlier than he usually did) it was probably food. His eyes followed Sam as she made to pull away from the table, blinking a few times. "Wait. Are you leaving me already?" 
"Yeeeeah," she said in a faux regretful tone, with a grimace. "I'm probably going to head back to my room and get all my packing done early. Plus it'll be super quiet and cozy while everyone is here." 
"Alright," Ollie said, a dramatic groan, before wrapping his arms around Sam hugging her obnoxiously tightly. "Love you. See you tomorrow. Text me when you get to your room!" 
"Okayyy let me breathe," Sam said as she pushed Ollie off of her, the two of them laughing. "Have a fun rest of the Gala. Let me know if anything weird happens! I'll call you before I come over tomorrow!" She dodged Ollie reaching over in attempts to ruffle her hair, and waved over her shoulder as she headed through the crowd to make her way out of Tate Theater.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
I’m not like ordinary girls
~~starter call for @predatorymaniac
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Cassie wasn’t like any other girl, there was a hole in her life where she chose to forget about it - especially high school and all the shit she had to go through with her family. So she decided to move to Woodsboro where she would start her new journey alone, somewhere where no one knew her past and all the drugs and smoking she done to erase it all because of how toxic her family were towards her and her sister, of course, Cassie kept in touch with Lexi even though she didn’t want her sister to reveal to their parents where Cassie was now living.
There was this one boy who she had met whenever she went out partying who had a very similar background to her and shared a massive fascination with the Woodsboro massacre’s and how it was all related to this girl called Sidney Prescott so with Nate, they made a plan that involved both of them getting bloody just to reenact the original massacre but with the originals children/great children that were linked to Sidney - all this was just to get her and Gale back into Woodsboro just to kill them. 
Cassie never fully spoke to Nate because it was all just killing and washing off the blood then acting as if nothing had happened even if Cassie tried to persuade Nate to move out his house and come live with her but Nate thought that it was “too dangerous” in case they got caught and the whole plan would go to waste with both of them getting locked up. 
One of the good things about about Cassie was not only that she would always get away from all the mess she got involved with but she knew how to gut someone/give them a bloody kill and she wanted to teach Nate how to do just exactly that but he also was the one who’d nearly get them caught due to his anger issues and whenever they’d have an argument, he would always threaten to get just Cassie locked up.
First thing was first, Cassie had to make friends with her old friend’s sister and the friend group before Nate and her could began their plan of attacking Tara first just to lure Sam and Nate into Woodsboro from Modesto. Nate cloned Cassie’s number while pretending to threaten to kill Cassie just to get Tara to play a trivia game while Cassie was waiting at the door just to attack Tara - the plan was to kill her but Cassie wanted to make it more interesting so she kept Tara alive.
Cassie successfully cut into Tara deeply while breaking her leg and stabbing the knife through the girl’s hand before leaving the scene and going back to her ordinary life, she was on her way to call Nate to tell him that she had done what he needed to do but she couldn’t reach his phone. “You piece of shit - you told me that you would have your phone on when I done what you needed me to do but here we are and I can’t get through to you!” Cassie grunted while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it before seeing Nate in the shadow. 
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Bitten: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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The film cuts back to the abandoned house with Kate on the sofa, filming the two guys.
"So, the FBI is here. Your neighbor got murdered, but you're totally cool," Kate said.
"No. It's not that I'm cool. It's just that, like... I mean, then it's good that the FBI are here, right?" Brian said, not finishing a single thought.
"Hey, baby. Listen," Michael interrupted.
He plugged in his iPod into a docking station, playing "What's the Matter" by Milo Greene.
"Oh. It's pretty. What is it?"
"It's the song that was playing when we first met," he grinned.
"Aww. You are so disgustingly sweet."
Michael leaned down and kissed her tenderly, but the moment was short lived.
"You ready?" Brian asked from the background.
"Yeah. I got to go," Michael said to Kate.
"What? So, you just foam the runway with our song and then you got to head out the door?"
"I promised I'd help him test the new cameras."
"Don't give me that shit. I know you two idiots are gonna go shoot cutscenes for 'Jackass'."
"Come on. We both know he has nobody else to do this with. Rain check."
"Whatever. You're dead to me."
Kate and Michael kissed once more before he left with Brian. The film cuts to the college campus at night. Michael and Brian were filming near a football field, and they're just goofing off at this point. Michale was filming Brian who is climbing a tree.
"Dude, this tree is awesome. Maybe I could--maybe I could... get upside down and--"
"No, no, I said do something cool. Not stupid."
"Can you get--can you see me? Is this cool?" Brian hung upside down in a goofy way. "'Cause, man, it feels pretty cool."
"It's like "Dumb & Dumber 3," Michael joked.
"Wait, dude, dude, dude, dude," Brian panicked, pointing somewhere behind Michael.
The camera turns and you, Sam, and Dean were standing there next to the Impala. It's clear you didn't know Michael and Brian were there otherwise you wouldn't have had this conversation right here.
"It's those FBI guys."
"Help me down this tree. Help me out of the tree," Brian whispered.
Michael helped his friend out of the tree, and the both of them hid while secretly recording you.
"Oh, alright. Well, thank you, guys, very much for your help. You're free to go," Dean said to a couple of kids.
You were questioning them about the latest murder, but they didn't know anything that was helpful.
"There is not a case here," Sam shook his head.
"There is a case here. You're rusty. We just got to dig a little deeper."
"Is it just me or are you getting a workplace-romance vibe from those two?" Michael whispered to his friend.
Sam and Dean in real life give the laptop screen a bitch face, and you just laugh at his comment.
"You two do act like a more married couple than Dean and I are."
You turn your attention back to the screen, and your smile is lost when you realize what's about to happen next.
"Why don't we figure this out at a diner. I need food."
"You just ate," Dean said.
"I need food," you growled, flashing your eyes blue at him.
What can you say? It's the pregnancy. You thought no one saw it, but the two friends saw it and captured it on camera.
"Fine, we'll get food."
You three left the area, and Brian and Michael stared at each other in horror.
"I think we just saw a demon."
"Dude, let's get out of here!"
The two boys left the area and headed toward the football field, spotting a couple making out by the bleachers.
"Come here, come here. Look, look, look, look, look, look," Michael said, already forgetting you and your demon eyes.
The camera is focused on the couple, and you recognize the male as Scott from earlier.
"D-bags mating in the wild."
Michael and Brian get closer, and that's when you realize the couple isn't just kissing. Scott is kissing the girl, but she clearly doesn't want this. She was trying to push him away from her, and on the third try, she was successful.
"Oh, ho, ho. Strike three," Michael said loud enough to capture Scott's attention. "You're a dick."
"What's your problem?!"
"This is gonna look great on YouTube."
Scott had enough of this and started running toward the pair, and Michael and Brian booked it in separate ways. Scott can't run after both of them at the same time, so he chose to run after Brian while Michael hid in the bushes. He didn't want Scott to get his friend, so he waited until Scott was far enough ahead of him before jumping into action.
"Hey, Brian, Brian! Meet me at Scott's mother's house!" Scott heard this and turned, running after Michael instead. "Oh shit."
The more Michael ran, the more his camera glitched. Michael led Scott into the woods by the football field. The camera cuts to the same scene, but in night vision. Michael was hiding, but Scott was nowhere to be found.
"Thanks for a great night out, Bri," Michael sighed.
Scott was clearly not coming, so he decided he wanted to leave. He got up, but stopped when he heard a low growl come from the trees.
"Hello? Hello? Scott, cut it out, man!" The growling got worse, and Michael was terrified. "Oh, God. Oh, God."
He tried to climb a tree to get away from whatever wanted to hurt him, but he fell to the ground. There was more growling, and Michael screamed as he was taken by what you assume is the werewolf. Michael's screams are terrifying, but it doesn't stop there.
The film cuts out immediately to Brian who was searching through the woods for his friend. He is also in night vision.
"Hey, Michael. You can come out now, dude. Scott looked for us for a while but bailed." He searched for his friend but only saw his camera on the ground. "Mike?" There was heavy breathing in the background, and Brian found his friend on the ground. "Dude. Oh, my God. Dude. Michael. You okay, man?"
"I'm okay," he groaned.
"What happened?"
"I don't know. I don't know."
The camera paused on a wound that's on Michael's shoulder. He's been bitten by the werewolf. Judging based on the bodies you found and the fact that one of them was Scott, that Michael turned. The werewolf who bit him didn't kill him and decided to make another of his kind.
"Oh, God."
The film cuts back to the house where Brian was carrying Michael in.
"Kate!" Brian yelled, bringing Michael to the couch.
"Oh, my God! Baby!" she panicked, rushing over to him and making sure her boyfriend is going to be okay.
"What is it? Is it bad? Brian. Kate. Is it bad?" Michael asked, freaking out because they are freaking out.
"Call for help! Bring a first aid kit!" Brian said.
"Okay," Kate cried, opting to go for the phone first.
Brian pulled Michael's shirt back to show Kate the bite, but frowned when the wound was gone. All that's left was blood to show that a wound was there, but no broken skin to prove it.
"The bite--the bite's gone."
"911 what's your emergency?" dispatch said over the phone.
"Did--did you dicks just punk me?" Kate gasped, hanging up on the police.
"It's completely gone."
"Baby, it's okay. Hey, hey, hey. Honey, it's okay. It's okay. Babe," Kate comforted Michael who was clearly in pain.
The film cuts to the next day, and Brian and Kate were at the table talking while Michael was sleeping on the couch next to them.
"The doctor said he's gonna be fine. You heard him. Literally not a scratch on the kid," Brian assured her.
"If anything happens to Michael, I-I don't know what I would do."
"It's okay."
Michael awoke from the couch, not alerting the couple at the table. He walked to the kitchen and opened the door, but instead of being normal, he ripped the door off the handles, scaring Brian and Kate.
"Did you just pull that off?" Brian gasped.
The film cuts to Michale showing off his new strength, using Kate as a dumb bell. He was holding her over his head, laughing.
"Whoa. Whoa," Kate laughed.
"Okay. Okay, okay. Now one-handed," Brian said.
Michael did as he was told, only holding Kate with one hand above his head. She giggled and shrieked, scared that she was going to fall. Michael dropped her in his arms and kissed her, happy with his new powers.
"He doesn't even know what he has. Poor kid," you sigh.
The film cuts to Brian using the desktop, trying to figure out why Michael is the way he is now.
"Maybe you got bit by an alien. That would explain the FBI," Kate theorized.
"Or maybe a mutant bit you," Brian said.
"Am I a superhero now?"
The film cuts to later that night and Brian was setting up a bunch of cameras around the house in different angles, probably to capture anything weird that Michael might do.
"What are you doing?" Kate asked.
"What do you think I'm doing? I finally found my movie."
"What? Michael? Michael is not your movie. We don't even know what happened to him."
"Exactly. I'm gonna get Michael's origin story on-camera."
The film cuts to Michael and Brian sitting at the kitchen table, eating some breakfast. Well, Michael was eating, but Brian was just staring at him.
"You're kind of creeping me out, man. Seriously, nothing superheroic to see here. Just a delicious bagel."
"Hey, man, I have this idea. It's gonna sound really weird, but don't laugh, okay?"
"No promises."
"I, um... I really want to be able to do what you do. So I-I think maybe we could go back out there and get that thing to bite me, and then we could both be superheroes."
"Stop! What? Are you serious?" Michael gasped.
"Michael, you can't keep this to yourself."
"Keep what to myself? We don't even know what this thing is. Why the hell would you want it?"
"Michael... I don't--I don't want to be Piggy anymore, man," he said sadly.
"You're not a pig, man. Brian, listen to me. There's nothing wrong with you. You've just got to figure out what it is you want and go after it. I'm telling you--you don't want this."
"Right, because I don't want to be super-strong or have a prayer of getting any ass this year or... Please, please," Brian begged.
You have a feeling that Brian won't let this one go.
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faithandfairies · 1 year
Supernatural 14x13 Lebanon Musings; Dean’s Heart’s Desire
Okay, so I’ve been re-watching Supernatural and it’s kind of nice.
And it’s weird because when I first started watching it I was like 12 and I thought Sam and Dean were both these really cool dudes who were ladies men and were mostly having the time of their life.
And I have a totally different viewpoint now. I mean, I still think they’re badass.
But they’re not playboys kicking ass and taking names. They both had a traumatizing childhood and clearly wanted families and normal lives. To recreate for themselves what they had lost. 
In Sam’s case what he’d never known because he was too young. Hell, Sam was well on his way to achieving that before Jessica died.
And for Dean what he has quite literally wanted ever since he lost it at 4 years old. Old enough to remember what a real, happy family was like. Like a phantom limb he could still feel. And trying to make that dream come true in the present since he couldn’t go back and undo the past he literally sought out a wife and child the moment he didn’t feel like he had to follow unwritten orders from his dad.
I love then that the show rounds out with Dean raising a child with his brother and a male angel who’s in love with him. 
Love by the way that Dean’s dad specifically expresses that Castiel is a male angel. He could have just said angel but he didn’t. 
Because Dean gets that family he’s always wanted but it looks different than I feel like even he thought it would look.
I don’t remember what my favorite episode was originally and I haven’t seen all the seasons completely yet. I think I stopped somewhere around season 11 and then saw episodes here and there.
But from my recent re-watch my favorite is season 14′s Lebanon.
I just love how that episode makes everything come full-circle specifically for Dean.
We really get a “Dean living his heart’s desire” feel from it.
From his parents reuniting and him not being able to take his eyes off them as they do so. To the family dinner. All of which he’s desperately wanted but was a wish he never in his wildest dreams thought could come true.
It also has two other things I really love about it. The subtle queer love story in the background between two girls. 
And Dean telling his father and brother two very important things in my opinion. 
The first is directed at his dad when his dad pulls him aside and asks him why he never settled down and had a family and he tells his dad he has a family. Someone pointed out that it’s interesting that John solely asked Dean and not Sam this question and that it’s possible John knows he’s queer and it’s a commentary on that. He tells his father he does have a family with Sam and Cas and Jack. 
The second thing is when Dean tells his brother that he’s good with who he is. He knows who he is and he’s good with it and pretty much wouldn’t change a thing. I love this for Dean, because Dean has always struggled with self-love and self-acceptance and so this is a nice little moment that shows he’s come a long way in that.
And the queer love story that takes place between two girls is a lovely choice but I believe also imperative to Dean’s story if we consider the episode to really encompass Dean’s heart’s desire. Because the love story is hidden in plain sight. And directly relates to Dean given that it starts with half of the queer couple-to-be stealing Dean’s car to impress her girl crush. 
It’s also, the way it’s done, it briefly becomes the main story when the girl steals Deans car and then continues on in the background through intimate looks and touches between the girls. All hidden in plain sight. 
It just underlines that a love story doesn’t have to be in your face the way the love story between Dean’s parents is in order for it to be valid. 
Also, I’ve recently seen the episode where Dean goes on a road trip with Jack and it’s just a nice parallel between Dean trying to help raise a kid he doesn’t understand and John trying to raise his boys.
You have Dean, who is terrified of snakes, yet still trying to be understanding of Jacks’ interest in keeping one as a pet. And trying to understand all of Jack’s quirks and being quietly supportive even when he doesn’t understand. It’s just such a healthy difference in parenting tactics, between John and Dean but also between Dean and his younger self.
I say this because a lot can be derived from who Sam and Dean are as people. There’s just a lot of toxic masculinity wrapped up in their behavior. Where they’re all about being manly men even when they’re not. And teasing each other if they don’t fit the stereotype. All of which leads to gay/acting like a girl jokes/digs and teasing each other for the things they like or are afraid of and doesn’t really inspire authenticity (being yourself and being okay with being yourself). 
And I believe this all stems from how their father raised them but also from the balancing act of a too young Dean, a self-conscious tween and teen, trying to please his father and maintain the image of being the man he wanted him to be, embody a weapon shaped by his father to protect his brother and the rest of the world, an alpha male and an actual present father to Sam.
And don’t get me wrong. The boys love each other. They’d both die and kill for each other and have. They’re fantastic at the grand gestures. But not always great at the day to day.  They very clearly don’t understand each other well and in the beginning especially Dean is loathe to talk about his feelings or listen to/talk about Sam’s. Something that even in his relationship with Cas becomes an issue. They (Sam and Dean) don’t do deep conversation well or don’t want to do it at all.
And so even if one of the boys was some type of queer, I don’t see it being in the forefront. Simply because of how they were clearly raised based on how they interact with each other. And this macho image Dean especially projected initially didn’t leave much room for anything else. Especially not for Dean possibly being queer. Having to be on high alert, tough and brave and often deadly all the time, would never have been able to exist alongside Dean being queer.
So while I think the creators of the show didn't queerbait, they in fact made it very obvious that Cas was into Dean and Dean was into Cas while they also clearly loved each other, it was easy for it to fly under the radar and for them to keep it there given the world of toxic masculinity the boys lived in.
Now, if they had been raised by their mother I think things might have been different. Maybe. Or hell, even if they were solely raised by Bobby.
This also makes me love that Dean’s story doesn’t end on earth. He really ends up embodying the “There’ll be peace when you are done” part of the song. Because on earth he somehow always finds his way back to hunting and unlike with Sam you don’t get the impression that Dean would marry hunting with having a family and true happiness on earth.
But also, the last time we physically see Cas he pretty much offers Dean happiness with him while also letting him know that they can’t have it on earth. What Dean does get is the promise of a happy ending with Cas, if he wants it. I say the promise of a happy ending because from previous story lines we also know that leaving the empty isn’t impossible. And these boys have repeatedly done the impossible.
And then Dean arrives in heaven and Bobby very meaningfully tells him that Jack (God) and Cas rebuilt heaven. The raise of Bobby’s eyebrows as he tells Dean this and Dean’s answering smile tells me that it isn’t a stretch to believe that Cas is in heaven and waiting for him. Bobby very helpfully also tells him that it’s a big new world out there and that this heaven is the heaven Dean deserves. It just makes me think of that song God Help the Outcasts and the line “Show them the mercy they don’t find on earth”. All of which tells me that if Cas is part of Dean’s heart’s desire he can have it. It is up to him. 
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rossalotus · 2 years
The Owl chef and his Christmas recipes - #2 Ham!
The next video loads after a random ad and Keiji smiles when he sees Koutarou’s bright smile shining at the camera. The kitchen is clean once again and Koutarou is wearing the same apron and Santa Claus hat
He looks too cute
“Hey Hey Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Owl Chef! I’m Koutarou Bokuto and today we’ll be making one of my Keiji’s favorite Christmas dishes: Apple and miso glazed ham! It’s absolutely delicious but honestly this one is a little above my level and, since I wanted it to come out perfect for the love of my life, I called a dear friend, who’s a professional chef, to help me out today. Please welcome the owner of the famous and delicious onigiri restaurant Onigiri Miya, Osamu Miya!”
Osamu comes into scene from behind the camera, wearing his usual Onigiri Miya apron and hat and giving Koutarou a hug before turning to the camera. He smiles a little but soon it becomes clear that Osamu is not used to being filmed. His gaze goes from the camera to Koutarou and then to someplace behind the camera - where Keiji imagines Kenma probably is. He stands still and his voice breaks a little as he speaks.
“Hello. My name is Osamu Miya, it’s a pleasure to be here and I hope I can help Bokuto today, though I’m not sure why ya called me here, this is an easy recipe”
It’s weird for Keiji to see him like this. After many years with Rintarou, who films every single moment of their lives, it would be expected that Osamu would have better resourcefulness in front of the camera but it is the other way around.
Maybe having Rin by his side makes it all different, Keiji thinks
“For you it is, Miya-sam, but we are only mortals here and I can never get the ham right. It’s always too dry…”
Osamu smiles
“Oh, if that’s the case, then I’m sure I can help. There are a few tricks that will make yer ham juicy every single time!”
“Hey Osamu, watch your words! There’s kids watching!” Rintarou’s voice came from somewhere behind the camera and as soon as Osamu heard it, his whole expression and body language changed. He was now back to his usual self, throwing his best /I’m done/ face at his husband, he rolled his eyes and continued
“The secret is making sure to have enough glaze and cooking it slowly. This one is going to take around three hours to be ready.”
“Well, no time to lose then!” Koutarou replied with a happy smile, listing the ingredients as Kuroo brought them
Keiji couldn’t hold back his surprise at the gigantic ham leg they were cooking but this was Osamu after all, his big family always cooked for a whole battalion
As they work, Keiji realizes that the recipe is, indeed, easy. The glaze is done soon and now it’s time to bring it to the oven. Osamu arranges the leg on the tray and Koutarou takes it to the oven
It’s a three step walk and Koutarou is a professional athlete. He can handle this
Or so Keiji thought
The video starts to move in slow motion again as Koutarou stumbles and the scene unfolds magically: Carmina Burana plays as both Koutarou and Osamu scream inaudibly in horror and their efforts are shown useless as the ham hits the ground. There’s glaze all over the kitchen and Rintarou enters the frame by rolling on the floor, laughing his heart out
Kenma turns the camera to him and the music stops. On the background, screams and laughter can be heard and Kenma just says an unbothered “We’ll be back”, before everything turns black
Though Keiji did laugh at the edition, he gets worried. The look on Osamu’s face has murder intention and Keiji knew exactly how mad he got when people wasted food and messed the kitchen up
A moment later, black and white images of the kitchen are shown in a fast forwarded video of Koutarou cleaning up the kitchen as Osamu cooks a new glaze and then Koutarou washing the ham leg with a sad face as Osamu visibly lectures him even though nothing can be heard
The audio and color return when Koutarou is walking to the oven once again, this time with Osamu by his side to ensure everything goes smoothly 
“So now we’ll wait for it to be done!” Koutarou announces happily and Osamu smiles at him, a sign that they are ok again. Keiji exhales in relief, his husband is not getting murdered today
When they take the ham out of the oven, it looks absolutely delicious. Rintarou, Kuroo and Kenma come into the scene to taste it and everyone seems happy.
“And you know what the best part of this is, my friends? You can definitely use the leftovers to fill Keiji’s onigiri on the next day!” Koutarou says and Osamu nods in agreement
“Thank you, Miya-sam, for being here today and in the next video we’ll have a visitor directly from France! See you in the next video!”
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
dating a faceless streamer/youtuber; mcyt x reader
+ this was a request, but it got deleted in my drafts ;-; sorry!
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since he is also a faceless youtuber
he’s very understanding of keeping your privacy
and whatever reason you have to not reveal your face, he respects it
he knows what it’s like to have people tell him to face reveal
sometimes his voice will just appear in the back of your streams/videos
like in sapnap’s with the question about one direction
and chat is like, how long has he been here?????
the two of you would hint at a face reveal
and then after weeks brush it off like it was nothing
because you like to torture the fans, I guess🙄
because dream never has a face cam on
he has the perfect seat for you on his lap whenever he streams/films
and the same thing goes for when you film/stream; he’ll be sitting right next to you with his hand in yours or on your thigh
you’re known as the faceless couple
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it really doesn't bother him at all that you’re a faceless streamer/youtuber
I don't see him as the type to post a whole lot of pictures with his s/o anyways
or something along those lines
so it wouldn't make a big difference to him
would just think it was funny to tease chat about knowing what you look like, when they don't
and then having them just hear you voice in the background of his videos sometimes
but not actually seeing you
he kinda likes that your relationship is more concealed
and that it’s harder for people to come at you when they don't know what you look like exactly, just because he’s dating you
because that would honestly be his biggest worry when revealing your relationship
so he’s happy that’s one less worry :)
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does everything to not get people to beg for a face reveal
he doesn't want people to put that kind of pressure on you
especially if they go after you for it just because you're dating him
like, he will make a video about it if he has to
or tweet about it
the last thing he wants is for the fake fans to try and reveal your face or other things about you
when clearly that’s what you wanna keep private
that being said, he’d do so many streams with you
wether it’s gong against each other, or being on the same team
you always have so much fun together
even if you're literally in the same room together
if his face cam is on, he’d look over at you every now and then and send you a smile or some shit like that
there’s some pretty cute moments - expect a compilation
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bad would be really proud to have an s/o who did youtube/streamed
and he would for sure help you out if you ever needed him to!
like with coding
or just general growth in your channel
wouldn't really care if you showed your face or not - whatever you're happy with makes him happy
he would just make sure that you never felt pressured to show your face
he knows people out there can be meanies
and come for you just because you don't show your face
and he’d always be there to talk to about it if it ever stressed you out
he would also make sure that you didn't hide your face because you didn’t like it or something like that
and if that was the case, you bet he’d be reassuring you
calling your all kinds of sweet things and show you lots of love
he takes lots of pictures of his two favourite girls
you and rat, of course (without showing your face, obviously)
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he actually really likes that you're a faceless streamer/youtuber
like, he doesn't notice how much he likes it
before he realises all of the times you'd sneaked some hand-holding while streaming, or shared little kisses when on mute wouldn't have been possible if you both didn't show your faces
you’d share these secret glances when streaming/filming together
and no one would even know about it
sometimes his chat hears a little talking in the background from you
but techno just brushes it off like you weren't sitting right next to him the entire time
and vice versa
he also just stays with you when you're working
sharing small touches and words
chat also notice eventually how much you gush over each other without noticing
it happens A LOT more than you realise
especially from his side🤭
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wilbur soot:
okay so
I think wilbur would have a hard time not showing you off to stream every second of the day
he would just always talk about you and want you there with him in his streams
and miss your touch after 5 minutes of being apart
but would be totally respectful of you wanting to remain faceless
he would just talk to you from an angle where chat couldnt see you
but yeah, he loves that you do the same type of job as him
and most of all, you motivate each other on days where you can't be bothered to even get out of bed
you’re definitely that couple that everyone makes cute compilations of
and that everyone strives to be
chat loves you, what more can I say
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corpse husband:
the power you two hold over everyone is actually immaculate
you stream/film together all the time
just having fun and being yourselves
he would definitely ask if you could join the games he plays with others when streaming
and if that wasn't possible, he’d just get you to come into his room and be part of it that way
he teases you a lot on stream
both cutely and mischievously
and your viewers are like👀
while his chat is just going crazy
you share lots of giggles
like, seriously, the majority of the videos/streams consists of you two laughing your asses off
you two will forever be known as the faceless couple
even if you both face reveal, that’ll always be your title
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zak will find a way to show you off no matter what
he just can't resist
the way his heart is always beating out of his chest because of you is just too much for him to not ever show you to the world
but of course with your consent only
he wouldn't ever pressure you or anything
but since you're only remaining faceless
you can expect LOTS of matching outfit pictures taken in the mirror
and just lots of pictures of you in general
with your face blocked out or not in view, of course
you'd always be helping each other with your setups or videos
and he’d want to introduce you to literally everyone he knows
especially bad
you don't necessarily stream/film a lot with each other
but you're always in each others’ company in some shape or form
he always mentions you in his streams
just small stories or conversations
chat can tell he’s head over heels for you
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karl jacobs:
he's the most support person everrr
he’d always be celebrating even the tiniest achievements with you
you hit 2k subs? he’ll treat you to an expensive ass dinner
you hit 1 million subs? he’ll buy you a whole room full of filming gear to improve from your previous ones
you managed to finish that one video you've been struggling with? he takes you on a weekend trip to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
he’ll beg you to join him in is streams
just so he can hold your hand :)
or laugh with you every once in a while
he doesn't need you to face reveal at all
your company is all that matters to him when it includes the rest of the world
I mean, he’s the one able to see your beautiful face all the time, so he can't really complain even if he felt like it
always tweets about you or tweets things at you that only you two understand
and everyone is like ?????
but you don't care :)
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fundy actually doesn't talk a lot about you in his streams or videos
mostly to avoid people leaving bad light on you in the chat
unless he’s in the same game as you, of course
which in that case, the first thing he’d want to do is find you and talk to you in the game
he’s very respectful of you keeping your face private
and tries his best to keep the pressure of a face reveal off your shoulders
especially if it’s happening in his or your comments
if it gets really bad, he’ll eventually talk about it on twitter or something like that
does tiktoks with you
only with your voice though
and posts manyyy pictures where you’re tagged, but only slightly in view
he doesn't really care about your face being a secret
as long as he gets to see it, he’s happy
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alex has so much fun making videos or going live with you
and obviously you have the best collabs
you’re the funniest couple on the platform and it shows
he would talk so much about you - like, telling embarrassing stories about you or some shit like that
or saying how clingy you are with him
and chat would be like AWW HE TALKS ABOUT THEM
and he's like “no”😤
but alex can't fool anyone
he’s in it for real with you🥴
and at times, he doesn't even try to hide it
especially when he speaks up about ho proud he is of you
and how people should respect your choice of remaining faceless to the world
but then he quickly moves on to his silly self again
with blushy cheeks ^w^
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has you on his lap constantly
even when his hand-cam is on
nothing will stop him from making you sit on his lap while he’s streaming
he loves that he can rant to you about the problems he faces sometimes concerning his streams
because you get it
he’d teach you the games you didn't know of
and you'd teach him the games that he didn't know of
and then you'd stream/film together after learning the basics
he doesn't talk about you a lot on stream
but chat eventually figures out it’s because you're literally in the same room as him
and how do they find that out, you may ask?
well, your snores coming from his headphones made it very obvious to say the least
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sam knows what it’s like being a faceless streamer
so if you wanted, he’d give you all of the advice you needed
and if you ever considered face revealing, he'd totally help you!
you guys have matching setups 
you sometimes talk to each other across the room as you're playing the same game together
because it’s funny to tease chat that way
you’d be posting pictures on social media
that give off hints that you're with each other a lot
like, in one photo he’s wearing a hoodie
and the next day, you post a photo of you in that exact same hoodie
stuff like that
he also celebrates big and small achievements with you
wether it be you achieving them or him, you always celebrate together
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matching. outfits.
ahhhh chat would be going absolutely crazy at the fits you guys have sometimes
and you're always matching
as in always
he tells their stream that you have a matching crown like his
but that chat obviously can't see it on you because you don’t have a face-cam
she likes telling stories about you
like, memories they have of you two together
and he just always compliments you and praises you for your hard work on her streams
telling everyone how happy you make them
she also always invites you to join his streams because it means a lot to them that you're there :)
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jack manifold:
jack is so excited about the fact that you're also a streamer/youtuber
it makes it easier to open up about your relationship online
because some people already knew you before you revealed you two were dating
though I feel like jack would kinda like the secrecy of your face online
just to brag to his audience about how he gets to see your face every day
but also because he likes that there’s more privacy for you
sometimes he’d pop into your room without knowing you were streaming/filming
and would just start talking to you while you giggled about how you were “kinda in the middle of something”
when jack realised what you meant, he’d hurry out of the room in an instant
you’d always be in each others chats/comments
showing what a supportive couple you were
he always raids you at the end of his streams if you’re streaming at the same time
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tommy always forgets that you're a faceless streamer/youtuber
and is sometimes sooo close to blurting out something he shouldn't
because he’s so used to seeing you, he just kinda forgets that no one else can
you always have to send him a text to “sToP TalKIng AbOUt yOu” so he doesn't accidentally reveal something
that being said, he literally talks so much about you
again, I’m bringing up that time he said that tubbo is so clingy
he says the same thing about you
but he’s really the clingy one, and it’s pretty obvious
you catch him saying things like “yeah, y/n is really cool”
or “guys, please don't say stuff like that to y/n”
getting all serious and shit🥺
he asks you constantly if you can join his vc
even when you're busy, he’s like “pay. attention. to. me😤”
it’s really entertaining sometimes
especially when his streams just consist of you two bickering the whole time
calls you his favourite woman
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ahhh tubbo is so sweet when it comes to you
like, when anyone mentions you he just starts smiling
and wants to tell everyone about you
even if they already know you from your channel
he just can't help but ramble on about you
especially to tommy
he replies to all of your tweets
and you reply to all of his
you always feature each other on your channels/streams
and share a celebratory cake when reaching subgoals
sometimes chat notices similarities in your layouts
like a colour change
or a similar pattern
posts a photo of your pinkies intertwined
wearing matching bracelets you made yourself
and everyone finds it super cute<3
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he would encourage you so much to join his videos
and wear the same type of outfit to cover your face with
but with a sense of yourself in it so you'd look similar, but not exactly like each other
you'd be matching outfits so often
doesn't talk a lot about you on his streams
apart from mentioning how short you are
but on TWITTER
that's a whole other story
his twitter has practically just become a fan account of you
he’s always in your comments
just to leave a :)
or a supportive comment
if you ever wanted to do a face reveal
he would do it with you if it meant making you feel more comfortable about it
or less nervous
you’re just very lowkey and cute
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork  @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets​ @vernon-dursley​ @childhoodgrunge​ @fivxss @hexagonclash​ @crazyjuls12​ @littlebabysandboxburritos @shifted-dreams@lenamarie666 @reinyrei @sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @honeyglaazed @carisle-mikealson​ @ineedtogetoutofhere​ @twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys​ @squiddyyyy​ @c0wc0ww​ @animeweeb019284​ @m00-bl00m-k0le @stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre @uhhhguiltypleasures​ @trappedchest​ @punzrights​ @trashgremlin36​ @cyberrsoot​ @elebeleb​ @k3nn3dis-crap​ @karlshoodies​ @rascal-in-banishment​
5K notes · View notes
yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes  x fem!reader - Chapter Five
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chapter four - Chapter Five: Come A Little Closer - chapter six
Series Masterlist
Plot: As the hunt continues for Dr. Nagal and the super serum, Y/n learns the ugly side of being a superhero while also finding herself drawing closer to Bucky.
Warnings: spoilers for episode.3, angst, fluff, language, description of injuries, unwanted touching, blood, character death (minor), anxiety, *cue Start of Something New from High School Musical playing in the background*, idiots in their feelings getting interrupted a lot, dancing Bucky. did I mention feelings?
Word Count: 6.9k
A/N: So this is semi rushed because I didn’t have as much time to work on it as I typically do but hopefully it still holds up. I’m currently in a stupor right now after today’s episode and trying to plan out where the rest of this goes, exciting and nerve wracking lol. 
Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party and stay out of trouble. Those were Sharon’s instructions. Not only did she know how to throw a party but the Madripoorians knew how to enjoy themselves. The pomp and circumstance didn’t match New Orleans by a long shot, but they sure as hell threw themselves into it.
Sharon was in charge of asking around to see if anyone had any information on Wilfred Nagal while we were stationed at the bar. After Sharon’s talk, I was nursing a glass of whiskey trying to blur the various scenarios she’d put in my head. Each step we’d taken so far had landed us somewhere more dangerous. Within days we’d gone from an impromptu fight with Super Soldiers to breaking Zemo out of prison to a shootout in the streets of Madripoor. The deeper we got, the higher the risk. I’d never thought of Sam’s job as easy, but I could have never understood how difficult it was until I was doing it with him.
I looked over to Sam, Bucky and Zemo who were doing the exact opposite of what Sharon had told us to do. They couldn’t have looked more out of place. They looked like a bar joke; a superhero, a 100 year old assassin and an escaped Sokovian convict walk into a bar…
“Have any of you ever stepped foot in a club?” I asked, leaned up against the side of the bar. The three of them looked lost, causing me to roll my eyes, “Dance, drink, do something!” 
“Excuse me,” a masculine voice that didn’t belong to anyone in our group said from behind me, I turned and faced his presence, “It’s a crime that someone as beautiful as you hasn’t been out on that dance floor tonight. Care to join me?” Was it a cheesy line? Extremely so. But blending in meant blending in. “Why not?” I downed the last of my whiskey and allowed him to take my hand and lead me into the middle of the action.
The center of the room was packed body to body, filled with people innocent moving to the house music to those grinding against one another in the most sinful of ways. The handsome stranger put his hands on my waist, I placed mine loosely around his neck and we began to dance. There was enough space between us that it wasn’t uncomfortable and I found myself actually enjoying myself. But the longer the song went on, the more the guy’s hands started to wander. It started with a few circles in my hips that I wasn’t a fan of to rubbing up and down my sides, when they trailed around my back and down to my ass was when I wriggled out of his grip. “C’mon sweetheart,” he shouted over the music, “It’s a party, lighten up.” I was fully prepared to tell him exactly what I thought of men like him when a gloved hand grabbed his shoulder roughly, I looked to my side to see the body belonged to Bucky. “You’re done, pal.” The creep was inches shorter than Bucky and couldn’t match his intimidating steely stare. He put up no fight and simply backed away in fear, bumping into a few people on his way out of the main room. Bucky moved in front of me to act as some type of shield in case he was stupid enough to come back, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured him, “You didn’t have to come over, I can handle myself, y’know.” “I know you’ve got no problem telling people off,” he smirked, “But I couldn’t help myself. That kind of stuff doesn’t set well with me.” “Well, thank you,” I said, “But you’ve made one fatal mistake, Barnes.” His brows knitted together in confusion as I smiled, “You’re out on the dance floor with me.” I watched as he connected the dots, “No, no, no…” “Yes, yes, yes,” I contested, lightly tugging on his non-metal arm as he started to walk away, “You need to blend in and there could be another handsy creep nearby, so consider it a public service.” His 1940’s origins wouldn’t allow him to leave a woman by herself in a potentially uncomfortable situation, this much I knew. With a heavy sigh that I could practically hear over the loud music, he met my eyes. “I don’t know how to dance to this, it doesn’t even sound like music to me.” I rolled my eyes, “If only you had someone to teach you…Give me your hands,” he offered me his flesh one, “Both of them.”
He defeatedly put out his gloved metal hand and I took hold of them both, carefully placing them on my hips. They hesitantly held onto me as if maybe I didn’t want him touching me despite the fact that I initiated it. I watched him to make sure he was okay with me positioning us, his eyes stayed glued to where his fingers rested. Not wanting to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was, I settled my hands on his broad shoulders. Receiving no arguments from him, I continued moving us. We looked too much like middle schoolers in the middle of a gymnasium with all the space between us. I took a step towards him to shorten the distance, still watching him to make sure he was okay with what I was doing.
“Don’t focus on perfect steps,” I called over the noise, “Just try and feel the beat.” I took a step to the side, pulling Bucky along with me clunkily. His eyes were locked on the floor watching our feet as I began to alternate steps to the beat. I placed a finger under his chin and brought his line of vision up to meet mine, “Stop thinking so much.” I picked up the rhythm again and began to sway my hips a little with each movement I made, trying to take my own advice. Bucky looked like he didn’t know what to do, this was so far from any type of dancing he’d ever taken part in. But the more he felt me loosen up, the more his body started to feel less rigid. Where I’d been guiding us, Bucky met me and took the reins and started to move us. The heat I felt from his hands through our mutual layers of fabric sent tingles up my sides. We’d unconsciously moved closer to each other, our chests brushing with each movement. I peeked up at Bucky through my eyelashes under the pretense of making sure he was still comfortable, but I lost myself once I got there. His normally bright blue eyes had darkened significantly as he looked down on me. It felt like a shot of adrenaline straight down my spine while simultaneously making my knees weaken. I dared to slide my hands down from their resting position on his shoulders to his thickened biceps, giving me something to hold onto. It set off a chain reaction of his hands still lightly holding onto my waist to tighten, putting my body fully in his control. He started to guide my hips in figure eights, his heated gaze flicking between the motions and my eyes. With a shockingly little amount of hesitation, I snaked my arms to wrap around his neck pulling us what a few days ago would have been defined as too close. Now as I drowned in his blackened, dilated orbs and felt each breath he took against me, it didn’t feel nearly close enough. I found myself craving as much of him as I could get. Something had taken over both of us and I didn’t want it to loosen its hold.
“Hey,” Sharon’s voice flooded my ear from behind, “I found our guy, let’s go.” As soon as I felt her leave to go fetch the others, Bucky and I ceased our movements. Our chests pressed into one another as we panted, his pouty lips parted with each breath he drew. I swallowed harshly as I struggled not to notice how tempting they looked, trying to focus on anything else. The shine of a light layer of sweat down his neck, the sharpness of the jawline I suspected I could cut myself on, the scent of his cologne enveloping me, the pressure of his thumbs pressed into my hipbones, the way his dilated pupils sent a wave of heat through me…Bucky was all I could see or feel and I didn’t want it to end.
“W-we should…We should go,” I stumbled over myself, still unable to look away.
“Yeah,” he answered, breaking our stare only for a second to look down at my lips. I had to force myself to unwrap my arms from his neck, he immediately followed and let go of my waist. I wanted to grab his long, slender fingers and slide them back in place, but stopped the urge in its tracks. Now was the time to get to work, no matter how inconvenient of a time it had come at.
In the early hours of the morning, after Sharon had gotten everyone out of her gallery, we departed for the shipping yard Nagal was supposedly at. Awkward wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how Bucky and I were acting around each other. We’d barely said two words to one another, averting our eyes anytime they met. Something had happened out on that dance floor and we were both determined to ignore it.
“Madripoor could give New York a run for its money,” Sam commented as we walked between shipping containers.
“They know how to party,” Zemo responded, he’d spent plenty of his evening out on the dance floor demonstrating his off-beat moves.
“With that bounty on your head, the longer you’re in Madripoor, the less likely you’re ever leaving,” Sharon said as she guided us, using the coordinates she had on her phone. I followed her, relieved to have a little extra feminine energy around. “All right,” she stopped in front of a unit, “He’s in there. Container four-two-six-one. I’ll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagal but hurry, we’re on borrowed time.” We each took an earpiece she offered.
“I’m coming with you,” I said, immediately turning on my heel to block my brother’s argument, “I’m of better use out here if there are any problems. Let me do my job, Sam.” 
He took a deep breath and blinked, silently conceding to me. “Just stay safe,” he urged.
Inevitably, I met Bucky’s eyes that were already trained on me. He didn’t need to voice any of his concerns, they were all etched on his face. “I’ll be fine,” I said, trying to reassure both men that I could handle myself. I broke from the group to head off with Sharon, falling in step with her. 
“Hey, Sharon, you sure this is the right one? It’s completely empty,” Sam’s voice came through our comms. “Positive, it has to be,” she answered as we hurried through the yard, “How good are you and those hands in combat?” “Energy blasts, force fields, levitation,” we turned a corner and ducked behind a container, “Tell me what you need.” She threw a hand out to stop me from going any further, pressing a finger to her lips after. She peeked out from behind the unit and quickly hid again, “Guys, we’ve got company.” “What do we do?” I whispered.
Sharon raised the hood of one of her jackets and looked around us, spotting and grabbing a small metal pipe. “We buy them some time.” I nodded firmly, creating a ball of energy with my hands and waiting for her signal. When she darted out, I followed and we stealthily snuck up on the three bounty hunters nearby. Sharon began brutally attacking them with the pipe while I focused on throwing a blast at one of them, he fell to the ground unconscious. The two that Sharon had been taking on kept getting up after her beatings, I levitated one of them and threw him against a container.
“Every bounty hunter in the city is here, we gotta go!” she said into the comms, turning to me after, “Watch yourself, these people fight dirty.” As soon as the words had left her lips, another hunter appeared. He came towards us with  large knife, trying to tackle Sharon and forgoing me. I used my energy to shove him backwards, giving Sharon time to form a plan of attack. She ran towards him as he rose and twisted his arm, body slamming him to the ground and wrenching the knife out of his hand. She didn’t waste time in stabbing him in the back, quickly throwing the bloodied knife at another approaching hunter who was now trying to pull the weapon out of his forearm. Sharon kicked him into a container just as burly arms wrapped around me, pinning my arms at my sides. I kicked and flailed as he lifted me off the ground before moving to slam me facedown, I created a force field just in time and the two of us bounced off it and landed on his back. The second his grip loosened, I levitated out of it and landed on top of one of the shipping units. With an outstretched palm, I raised the wriggling man to my level and threw him across the ship yard. Below me, Sharon had a struggling hunter trapped between her legs and was choking him. I watched the man wheeze as he desperately tried to get her off of him and regain air. When his flailing began to cease, I was unable to watch the life drain from him and turned away.
A bullet flew past my head and I dropped to my belly, spotting a bounty hunter below firing a machine gun aimed where I’d been standing. When Sharon jumped out and kicked him in the back, his attention turned to her and he slammed her back against a shipping container. She pulled the barrel of his gun up and he fired a round in the sky as she held him off. She grabbed a knife stuck out of the waist of his pants and stabbed him, using his body as a shield as another hunter fired at her. I created a force field around her, allowing her to get safely behind a container to plan her next move. Pulling out the knife again, she nodded at me and dropped the corpse as I dropped my energy. She stabbed the guy lurking around the corner of the container before firing a fatal shot. I watched one last hunter come around to where she had just been standing, waiting for her to come around. I raised him in the air and flicked my fingers towards him, the gun dropping from his hands before I slammed him into another unit. After sweeping the area to make sure nobody was left, I floated down to where Sharon stood trying to catch her breath.
“We gotta go,” she panted as we ran back in the direction of the shipping container that held Nagal.
We weaved through the unit quickly, landing in the doctor’s hidden lab. “Guys, we’re seriously outta time here,” Sharon announced.
The sudden sound of a gunshot made us all jump, Sam and Sharon running to apprehend Zemo who had just fatally wounded Nagal. “What did you do?” Sharon trembled.
Bucky reached out to grab my arm and pulled me behind him, shielding me from any further attack. Just as my hand had nervously sought out his forearm, a sudden explosion threw us backwards. We harshly hit the floor, a symphony of groans escaping us all. Bucky and I had gotten separated as we’d flown and I blindly reached around for him, for Sam, anybody. “Anybody see Zemo?” Sam’s voice came through my ear.
I rose to my knees and started pushing myself up, my body screaming at me to stop. Bucky raised me up the rest of the way before pulling Sam and Sharon to their feet as well. We’d barely gotten our footing when a second explosion hit, this time from the chemicals in the lab rather than an attack. Luckily, we had gotten out before we’d been injured further. I stood behind Sharon, my head on a swivel trying to find the culprits of the ambush. “All right!” Bucky yelled, “Wait for my signal!” He hadn’t even finished speaking when Sam started shooting towards a pack of bounty hunters and taking off on his own. “Damn it!” Bucky came out from around the corner of the smoking unit and started firing at the men while Sharon and I ran around to the back where Sam was. “Can you create a force field?” Sharon shouted at me over the gunfire. “If I do, whatever bullets we fire will stay in it with us,” I shouted back at her, ducking below the barricade we now had for ourselves and next to Sam. The three of us crouched down and I began shooting out balls of energy towards each incoming bullet, deflecting each one away from us.
“And you like living here?” Sam yelled at Sharon.
“It’s not terrible!” she replied, popping up and down behind the fallen piece of metal giving us protection.
Bucky came down from his position to join us, “I thought we were gonna go left!” “You went the wrong way!” Sam stopped firing to berate him. “I was clearing the way!” Bucky argued. “Really? Right now?” I yelled.
“I came out first, you were supposed to follow me!” “And where are we now?!” “Guys, not the time!” Sharon attempted to quell their petty argument, dropping behind the barricade when her gun was out of bullets. I tuned the fighting out as I worked on redirecting the bullets. The blue energy streamed from my hands, my reflexes quick and my mind never more focused. One hunter loaded his machine gun and aimed it at me, as soon as the ammo started flying I used my energy to shove them back his way before levitating him and slamming him into a shipping unit. It was only for the split second he was suspended in the air after the hit that I caught the sight of the bullets lodged in his chest and his head cracked open from the power of my hit. He limply fell to the ground, his eyes still open yet cold and hollow.
I had killed a man.
The shock took over my body and I quickly absorbed the energy back into my body immediately. I stood there unprotected as I stared at his corpse, ripe with life a moment ago and now devoid of anything. If it hadn’t been for Sam shoving me down behind our barricade, I would have stupidly continued to leave myself exposed in horror of what I’d just done. 
Another explosion kept us down, we hesitantly peeked over the shards of metal to see a fight breaking out. While the mask was new, I knew the coat belonged to Zemo, who was now taking out bounty hunters left and right. Through the flames I could see him shove, flip, shoot and punch. He looked back at us as if to signal that he’d cleared the way to escape. The four of us took the chance and made our way out of the wreckage, sprinting through the maze of shipping containers. 
“Buck!” Sam yelled, opening the nearest unit’s door and using it as a shield while Sharon and I leapt in, avoiding the gunfire. He pulled Bucky in shortly after and closed the door, the attacker having been dealt with.
The container was dark, the only light seeping in from a few cracks in the corners. When a hand grabbed my arm, I shrieked in terror and readied my energy “Hey, hey, it’s just me,” Sam hurriedly announced his presence, “Are you okay?” Was I okay? I had just ended someone’s life, I was the furthest thing from okay. But to reassure him that physically I was fine, I hummed my answer, there were too many words swirling in my brain to say anything more.
We waited a few more minutes until there was no noise and nobody had come for us. Bucky used his super strength to punch the metal doors open, the sound of screeching tires greeting us as a vintage model drove up in front of us.
“Supercharged,” Zemo smiled from the driver’s seat.
“You’re going back to jail,” Sam said.
Zemo sighed, exhausted with Sam’s fixation on placing him back where he belonged, “Do you want to find Karli or not?”
“He’s right, we need him,” Bucky opened the passenger’s side door and climbed into the vehicle, “And there’s two of us and at least twenty of them. Come on.” “Wait, when did it become twenty?” I asked, not yet approaching the car.
“We’ll fill you in on the way,” Bucky answered. “Fine,” Sam begrudgingly agreed, “But if you try that shit again-“ “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Zemo said, somewhat unconvincingly but beggars couldn’t be choosers when it came to help and we were beggars. “Well, that was one hell of a reunion,” Sharon shut the door to Sam’s side.
“Come back to the States with us,” Sam offered.
“I told you, I can’t,” Sharon declined, the sadness I sensed in her making a flash of an appearance, “Just get me that pardon you promised me and,” she turned to smile at me, “Keep her alive, I like her.” I put a hand on her shoulder, still a little breathless from the fight. “You do the same.” 
With that, Sharon walked off into the ship yard while Sam said a quick thanks. I walked around to the other side of the car, ignoring Sam and Bucky’s back and forth as I climbed in and sunk into the seat. Even though we were safe from immediate danger, my heart was still racing and I could feel its beat pounding in my ears. I shut my eyes and held my head in my hand as we drove off, the image of the bullet stricken bounty hunter laying motionless on the ground at the forefront of my mind.
On the plane, everybody had retired to their separate corners and tasks. Zemo was fixing food in the kitchenette, Sam was on the phone with Torres, Bucky was cleaning his vibranium hand and I was curled up in one of the chairs with unshed tears flooding my eyes. I had never ever wanted to hurt anybody with my powers and in the heat of battle, I had used them to murder someone. I had taken a life and there was no coming back from that. Some innocent part of me that had remained through the trauma I’d seen in my life had been stripped away and I wasn’t going to have it returned. The moment played and played and played in my head, I didn’t think I would ever forget the sight…
I had been blocking out Sam and Bucky’s conversation until I heard the shield come up, or as they were referring to it, the hunk of metal.
“Maybe I made a mistake,” Sam said. “You did,” Bucky immediately agreed.
“Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have put it in a museum. Maybe I should’ve destroyed it.”
Bucky paused before answering, “Look, that shield represents a lotta things to a lotta people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain’t gonna be Walker. So before you destroy it, I’m gonna take it from him myself.” The tears I was trying so hard to withhold unavoidably fell to my cheeks, I was overwhelmed. Anxiety began to fill my body as the day’s events flashed across the inside of my eyelids. It was too much. Too much.
“Y/n,” Sam’s voice across the aisle punctured the bubble of my mind, “You okay?”
“I don’t care,” I whispered, my palm digging into my forehead. “What?” 
“I don’t care,” I exclaimed, leaping out of my seat and turning to face Bucky and Sam, “About the shield, about Walker, about whatever happened on that phone call, about anything. I killed someone today, I actually ended somebody’s life and now we’re just sitting around like nothing happened. I don’t understand how you guys can be so relaxed about any of this when a few hours ago, we were landing bullets in people’s chests!” 
Sam and Bucky, to their credit, were silent as I blew up on them. When I’d finished with more tears down my face than I’d started with and a strained voice, I hurriedly made my way down the aisle and to the bathroom, locking myself in and the world out. My back slid against the nearest wall and my body sank to the floor, I finally allowed myself to sob my sorrow out.
Sam and Bucky sat in stunned silence after Y/n had left, only daring to consider speaking when they heard her muffled cries from the jet’s bathroom. Sam’s phone rang, it was Torres calling with information about Donya Madani most likely. He looked over to Bucky, “Someone’s gotta talk to her,” he stated, care and concern laced in his tone, “You and I both know what it feels like to make that first kill.”
Bucky sighed loudly, he knew exactly what Y/n was feeling and wanted to help her, but he wasn’t sure how he could do that. He could barely make it through a therapy session without feeling like he wanted to jump out the window, especially when Raynor started bringing up his dark past. But on the other side of the door was a woman he cared about for reasons he didn’t fully understand and she was hurting, and that was enough motivation for him to get up from his seat and rise to the occasion.
He raised his fist to knock, hovering over the door for a second before he made contact with it. “Hey,” he said, his voice raised so she could hear him, “You wanna let me in?” The silence that followed let him know that wasn’t going to happen.
With his concern growing, he grasped the metal door knob with his metal hand and twisted it till the lock broke and the knob detached. Zemo could take it up with him later, all Bucky could focus on in that moment was Y/n and the river of tears flowing steadily down her face stemming from her puffy, bloodshot eyes. 
I took my hands off my eyes when I heard the creaking of metal, looking up to see Bucky holding the now broken doorknob in his hand and watching him discard it on the floor. He entered the room slowly, approaching me with just as much caution and shutting the door as much as he could. The bathroom was small but he still managed to find enough room to slide down next to me, our bodies packed tightly against one another.
We rested in the heavy silence for a moment before Bucky spoke up. “I get it.” When I didn’t respond, he continued. “But he was gonna kill you and if it were my choice, I’d have saved you too.” “Yeah, I know, it was self defense but, Bucky,” I paused to look at him through my tears that were holding firm, “I still killed someone. Bad guy, good guy, it doesn’t matter. He was somebody’s son o-or husband.” “He was a low life, Y/n, and you probably saved a lot more people than you think,” Bucky said, beginning to fiddle with his thumbs like I’d watched him do frequently. “Stop trying to make me feel better about this,” I muttered, sniffling and wiping the wetter side of my face, “You were trained for this kind of thing, you volunteered for the war and knew you’d have to make these kinda calls. I promised myself a long time ago that if I ever revealed my powers, I would only use them for good. Because that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. But after today…” I trailed off and looked down at my lap, resting my forehead against my knees, “I don’t know how to look myself in the mirror.”
The only sound filling the room was the sounds of my trembling breaths and Bucky’s steady ones. I knew he was only trying to help, but I wasn’t sure if there was anything he could say to make me feel better. “You helped save our asses today,” Bucky eventually said, his rough voice low in his chest, “If you don’t want to think about having saved your own life, think about protecting me and Sharon and Sam. Today could’ve gone south real quick and part of the reason it didn’t is because of you. This kind of stuff…it’s not easy. But it gets a little easier knowing that you’re doing the hard stuff to save good people.” I leaned back as he spoke and rested my head against the wall, watching his lips move and try to ease my conscious.  It didn’t help, but it didn’t not help. When joining Sam, I hadn’t thought about the possibility that I would have to make split second calls like the ones I made today. My naivety was my own fault. I knew that the person I’d killed today would have slaughtered  any one of us without a second thought and Bucky was right, I probably saved one of us from dying by deflecting the bullets. The deed would weigh heavily on my mind for a long time, but maybe listening to Bucky was the first step in making peace with it.
I wiped underneath my eyes until they were as dry as they could get, “Thanks, for trying at least.” Bucky sadly smiled, watching me collect myself with a deep breath and a sniffle. “Are you okay?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t crossing any lines but needing an answer, “After the whole scene in the bar?” His demeanor changed quickly, his softened features hardening and his body going stiff once again. He cleared his throat awkwardly and mumbled an ‘I’m fine’ before rising to his feet. I stood up fast enough for the blood to rush to my head but couldn’t find it in me to care. “Bucky,” I said, reaching out to wrap a hand around his vibranium wrist, “Stop.” He listened and robotically turned to face me without actually looking at me. I knew that I could never come close to understanding how traumatic acting as his past alter ego could have been, but I was determined not to let him stew in his feelings longer than necessary. Words may not have been enough in the moment, but any other option was just as risky. Maybe a little risk was what the situation called for. 
I let go of his wrist, my hands awkwardly held in the space between our chests before I surged forward to capture him in a hug. His body only tensed further as I pressed myself against him, his hands at his sides unknowing of what to do. No matter how bad I sensed it was going, I continued nonetheless. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, my face close enough to his ear for it to create goosebumps on his neck. 
Internally I told myself to let go, I was probably making him feel wildly uncomfortable. The second I loosened my grip, his flesh arm shot out and wrapped around my waist. With a small smile, I sunk back into the embrace and let myself be enveloped by Bucky once again. His scent invaded me, a mixture of the sweat of battle and whatever cologne had remained on his body from earlier. The attractive scruff he wore brushed the side of my face, sending electric sensations through me. The arm that firmly held him to me made me feel protected, it was the first time on our journey that I’d felt well and truly safe. Bucky shifted so that his cheek was now against the back of my head, pressed into my hair. The act struck a different type of feeling in me than when we’d danced, it didn’t hold the intensity and heat. This was warm and pure, like light itself. Surrounded by him and feeling his warmth radiating through me, I was convinced that I was experiencing a glimpse of heaven.
I couldn’t tell who broke apart first but Bucky’s arm wasn’t yet ready to leave my waist. My hands lost their place around his neck and were forced to slide down to his firm chest. I looked down at their placement, trying not to think too much about what lay underneath.
“You’re not nearly as bad as you think you are,” Bucky said quietly, sparing me a small smirk.
“Neither are you,” I smiled, soaking in the rare softness that we’d been given and wondering why my pulse quickened the second our eyes met. 
A sudden knock on the door startled both of us. “Hey, Torres got intel on Madani, you guys gotta hear it.” Sam’s voice carried through.
Bucky and I instantly separated at the sound of my brother’s voice, him awkwardly putting his hands on his hips and me shoving mine in the pockets of my jacket. Whatever feeling had been in the air dissolved at the remembrance that there were so many other important matters on the other side of the door demanding our attention. Bucky pushed the slightly ajar door open and moved aside to let me out first. 
“What’d you get from Torres?” I asked, pausing outside the bathroom and leaning against the wall. I could feel the heat radiating off Bucky’s body as he stood behind me.
“Madani died yesterday,” Sam answered, reclined in his seat looking stressed, “In Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea. Zemo,” he gestured to the Baron, lounging in his seat, “He’s got a place for us to stay there.”
“Latvia,” I sighed, looking over my shoulder to glance at Bucky, “Here we come.”
A few short hours later, the plane’s cabin lights were dimmed and each piece of the foursome was asleep in their seats, except for one.
Bucky sat awake, switching between staring at the ceiling and Y/n’s sleeping form. She had curled up in the chair across from him and went to sleep surprisingly fast. He envied her, his thoughts were going to keep him up all night.
Once he’d gotten both feet on the ground after the Blip, losing Steve and starting his new life on his own, Bucky had recognized that he didn’t want to be alone. He still had the same dream as he had in the ’40’s; to meet a nice girl, settle down and raise some kids. Now in modern times, everything was so much more complicated than it had been then. He’d tried online dating, failing miserably and finding the whole process unnatural. He had humored Yori and gone on a date with Leah, a waitress at their favorite sushi place, the conversation turning too dark for him to handle. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to meet the mythical One when every avenue left him confused or overwhelmed by the dirty deeds of his past.
Until she came along.
Y/n came into his life unapologetically and in the last minute he would have ever thought he’d meet someone. She had dazzled him from the start, despite his initial annoyance, and had kept him on his toes since their first meeting in the hanger. She held the same level of strength when she was telling him off in the therapy session as she had revealing her broken past. She was the only person in a long time that had been able to make him smile, genuinely smile. Not the kind his therapist told him to flash during his three step process for making amends. Bucky was jaded and cynical about the world around him, but she brought him something that looked a whole lot like happiness. But the biggest and loudest quality of hers was that she cared. She cared for everyone around her, even those that didn’t deserve it. He’d been nothing but snarky to her on their first day together and she’d still rushed to save him when she’d heard he was in trouble. She was making sure that he was alright every chance possible, not because she thought he would slip back into his old programming, but because she simply didn’t want him to suffer. All of it led up to the moment in the bathroom where she had pointed out that he had volunteered for WW2. To anyone else it wouldn’t have mattered why she chose that example, but it was everything to Bucky.
She had chosen to bring up his history as a soldier, not the soldier.
That was the moment where Bucky realized he was falling for her. It finally made sense to him why when he’d held her on the dance floor his skin felt like it was on fire, why he hadn’t wanted to let her go, why her safety had become one of his top priorities. Rather than have something to fight, he now had something to protect.
But Bucky couldn’t forget to fear in her eyes when he’d sought them out in the Madripoor bar. When he had his metal hand wrapped around the neck of the Winter Soldier’s latest “victim.” He didn’t blame her, she’d be insane not to be afraid of him. Yet she was still there for him, trying to help him through his trauma that she was knowledgable on. The thought both hurt and warmed his heart. 
As he watched her sleep, light snores coming from her lips every once in a while and her feet tucked so tightly below her legs he didn’t see how she could be comfortable, he smiled. Even unconscious she could make him smile. Y/n was a new sensation he was still getting used to but damn it all, he loved it and wished they had met under different circumstances. He could have asked her to dinner, brought her flowers, strolled through the city with her…Bucky finally felt relaxed enough to shut his eyes, drifting away and dreaming of the woman who had wormed her way into his heart.
—— We touched down in Riga in the early morning and headed for Zemo’s hideout he had in the city. Even if we were here under unfortunate circumstances, I still tried to take in as much of the city as I could. When was the next time a girl from NOLA was going to have to opportunity to be in Latvia? The four of us strolled down the sidewalk, Zemo talking more to Sam about the remnants of Sokovia than Bucky and I. We hadn’t spoken much since our conversation in the bathroom but he had made an effort to ask me if I was okay after I’d woken up. I wasn’t sure what I was but I knew that when Bucky was around, I felt a little better. 
“I’m gonna go for a walk,” he announced as we approached the stoop of Zemo’s place.
“You good?” Sam asked, only seconds before I could get the same words out.
“Yeah,” Bucky nodded, already backing away from the group, “I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
I watched him walk back down the sidewalk, fighting the overwhelming urge to follow him and wondering if there was something to it. He may have been a super soldier, but I could still protect him. If there was anything I’d learned about Bucky in the short time I’d known him was that he didn’t have any qualms about running headfirst into a fight. Bucky was also a terrible liar. Those facts were what made me worry the further I watched him head down the road.
When had this happened? When did this man I’d know only a few days become someone I cared so deeply about? Why were all my thoughts beginning to orbit around Bucky? Since the first time we’d actually sat and talked, when I’d opened up to him about my powers and my father, I’d felt something for him. Something that had only started to increase the more time we spent around each other. On the dance floor in Madripoor had been another significant incident, one that had been harder to recover from without acknowledging that there had been some sort of spark. The moment I realized I wanted as much of Bucky as I could get was in the bathroom the night before, when he’d held me in his arms until he was forced to let go. When he’d felt like an oasis in the middle of the nightmare we were in. For all his faults and demons, the man he was rang louder than anything else and had captured my heart in a matter of days.
I had fallen for Bucky Barnes without even realizing it.
“Y/n,” Sam interrupted my thoughts, “You coming?”
His beckoning couldn’t have come at a worse moment, as I’d just broken through the barriers my mind had built. “Yeah,” I mumbled, forcing myself to turn away from keeping a watchful eye of Bucky’s departing figure. As it had been with any moment regarding the Super Soldier and I, the world always found a way to remind us there were more important matters at hand.
A/N: OH, we’re really in it now...Hope everybody enjoyed, feel free to let me know what you thought or if you’d like to be tagged! 
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale​ @wanniiieeee​ @asoftie4bucky​ @edencherries​ @i-reblog-fics-i-like​ @ttalisa​ @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess​ @rinaispunk​ @weirdowithnobeardo​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @godlypotterwhodiaries @eternalharry​ @voguesir​ @mizz-kraziii​ @okayline​ @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories​ @nicklet94 @intricate-melody​ @aesthethickks​ @stumbleonmywords​ @simplybarnes​ @21bruhs​ @lostinwonderland314​ @superbookishhufflepuff​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @zozebo​ @fandomxreaders @kittengirl998​ @sarai-ibn-la-ahad​ @i-know-i-can​ @x-judyjude-x​
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