#i perceive the truth
foolondahill17 · 1 year
Sam's a headache girlie
Dean's a stomachache girlie
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shallowseeker · 1 year
If you're a native Spanish speaker, wanna take a stab at the telenovela in 7x03? (It's very hard to hear under the main audio.) You can hear, My love, my love? I think I hear, no me dejes (Don't leave me) in the mix.
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I love that Ricardo, you know, has a bloody collar and smudge on his right brow, kind of like...you know:
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It also, of course, calls to mind John's death in 4x03, but only in how Mary cradles him.
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The rest is so-- [REDACTED]
And if you think Dean wasn't grieving in his prickly veneer of toughness, listen to his voice in that brief moment he thought Cas was back. His breathy little "Ca-as?" is sooo shaky.
Then, he and Bobby both grabbed onto him with the intention of getting him home (and working through what just happened, "Okay, one thing at a time.") It was so--
This is the same episode where Cas said he had no more nostalgia for Dean and threatened to snap him into bloody soup, and then Dean urged Death to kill Cas, and Cas looked somehow shocked, despite what he'd just threatened to do himself. They're so--
To say nothing of the look on Dean's face when the Leviathan says in clear words, "Cas is, hmm, gone. He's-- dead!"
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inavagrant · 1 year
Tem a menace/malewife/himbo magnet.
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xuanelle · 1 year
DC doesn't want you to know this but j'onn j'onzz is genderfluid
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swordsofsaturn · 2 years
salem saberhagen was DEFINITELY bisexual
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fourkillers · 1 year
thank u for seeing my vision 🫡
janai would fit with them so well… in ring style and aesthetic
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thebutchtheory · 2 months
the more i read about transandrophobia as a concept from 'transandrophobia truthers', the more i just end up feeling like these specific experiences are better explained under things like 'gender essentialism' or 'oppositional sexism', or that at the very least these terms need to be brought into discussion of transandrophobia more, but they aren't.
a lot of transandrobros end up coming off like MRAs because they're trying to describe experiences that they don't have proper wording for, and then go on to speak in ways that clearly shows they haven't unlearned [internalized] misogyny/toxic masculinity, gender essentialism and oppositional sexism themselves. often because they haven't read any theory on the subject, and because a lot of them outright refuse to read up on transfeminist theory or understand transmisogyny as a systemic force outside of 'misogyny that trans women experience' or 'transphobia that trans women experience'. then they go on to try and talk over trans women about transmisogyny, or speak about trans women discussing transmisogyny in some extremely bigoted ways because of it.
like, the amount of trans women discussing transmisogyny who have read or even written entire books about transmisogyny, transfeminism and feminism in general seems to be astronomical compared to the amount of trans men discussing transandrophobia that i KEEP seeing. i've seen trans men who have read theory, but they seem to be the bigger popular bloggers that others base their opinions off of, if that makes sense. as if other people in the community are trying to theorize on what people who have actually read theory are saying, without reading any theory themselves.
so much of what transmascs experience is related to misogyny, but it's also related to gender essentialism, oppositional sexism, and toxic masculinity--all things which the trans community has taken from cisgender heterosexual society and applied it to themselves in a way that is Queer Inclusive This Time, yet they never question it.
i'm BEGGING transandrophobia truthers to read books about trans oppression, and to bring this language into your vocabulary when discussing your experiences. when i started doing that with my experiences as a butch on T, it gave me a new perspective on all of it, and the queer community itself.
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AITA for preferring not to play with Japanese splatoon players?
Okay I know the title sounds bad but please hear me out. I’m not a very good Splatoon 3 player. I’ve noticed that Japanese players go HARD. Very consistently absolutely cracked at Splatoon. The other day, I had a friend over, and I groaned when I saw that the entire enemy team had Japanese names. Before I had a chance to explain, she fucking TORE into me, calling me racist, bigoted, all that shit. She left quickly, very mad at me. I don’t treat Japanese people any different, I don’t leave or throw the game, I just mentally prepare to lose. She still won’t talk to me. We’re both white adults in our 20’s. Am I in the wrong here for automatically assuming I’m going to lose against Japanese people?
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hunybody · 1 month
they literally gave eddie a built lesbian girl bestie who does street fighting and bailed him out of jail after knowing him for 3 days and made him so so so much worse. and you want me to dislike her??? you want me to say ugh ew i hated that arc. GROW UP it fucking ruled so hard i want her back so bad they were so fucking funny
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u call gojo princess exactly one time as a joke and he lets out a giggle he didn’t know his vocal cords were capable of producing
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
hippie pandora this, divine vision plagued/blessed pandora that— THIS WOMAN LITERALLY DID NOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT HER SILLY LITTLE EXPERIMENTS. i know ppl love to make her out as the soft girl, the one in colorful clothes, bearing happy smiles, speaking encouraging words in soft tones. the glue of the group that holds her boys together and is the most empathetic of the bunch. *WRONG BUZZER NOISE* pandora literally didnt care enough about a literal racially(?) motivated War going on to pick a side. she’s like one of those people that don’t go vote!! T-T she’s privileged and she KNOWS and she doesn’t let her close family do Shit to jeopardize that ‘just to help others’. pandora is very selfish and egotistical! she probably rolled around in her grave when she saw luna befriend harry and help fight in the war. maybe she would be proud at last (once they won!) but mostly i think she probably would have liked to trottle her daughter and lock her in a room where she’s safe. pandora probably wasn’t that good of a person if we’re being real. she was possibly unsafe about her spell innovations, she was a mastermind and a maniac. pandora was a unbelievably talented witch and she actively chose to not be of help in a war. she was a horrible and i looooveee her for it. in this house we support women’s wrongs!!!!!! dont rob her of it<3
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foolondahill17 · 10 months
The first time John dropped Dean off at kindergarten, Dean went over to the little pretend house corner with the plastic play kitchen and held a baby doll in his arms because he missed Sammy and started crying when the teacher told him those were girls' toys and refused to let go of it all day. Like if you agree.
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captain-hen · 5 months
buck and eddie can't talk about the will yet because the minute they actually do finish hashing it out, they'll have to immediately eat each other's faces afterwards. girlfriends and boyfriends be damned.
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tuungaq · 4 months
picture if you will a modern au w/ bucky egan cry-singing to good luck babe by chappell roan at the local bar, while in parallel, buck cleven is listening to it at home while shoveling an entire pint of vanilla ice cream into his mouth and dissociating
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void-and-virtue · 3 months
Do you guys think Neil actually succeeded at being “Neil” in Millport? In the sense of, actually passing as quiet, non-obstructive, non-confrontational nobody teen “Neil Josten”?
I feel like all that we know about him back is that Hernandez was onto his squatter behavior and also that he had beef with the cheerleaders for some reason (one-sided if he managed to fly under the radar, which makes it so much funnier if he was just so done with them but for apparently no reason) and also his own assessment that he portrayed Neil to be a pushover.
Like. This was an established personality by the time he got to Palmetto. He’d been playing that character for a year, which is longer than ANY of his other roles/fake personalities while he was on the run.
Was he keeping it up well? Was it working until he ran into Andrew? Was it working until the Foxes were being the Foxes and you simply cannot live and thrive in that company without being unhinged and exposing yourself as unhinged? Or do the kids in Millport have their own stories about this guy that they’ll abruptly remember when he becomes famous? What about his teammates? What DID go down with that cheer squad that made them memorable enough to elicit shudders when thinking about their counterparts at Palmetto?
There’s so many possible answers to this and I can’t decide which one is funniest
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francesderwent · 5 days
the problem with the “do you have interests you don’t talk about on tumblr” poll is it seems to have never considered the possibility that whatever is received is received according to the mode of the recipient
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