#brother was like 'you probably have less money than me now 😁😁'
butchlifeguard · 6 months
my brother being pathetic again haha we love to see it. i feel like we had one week where the threat of our parents wasnt right behind us and we talked normally but now theyre back and hes like 'and ummm... how much money did you make over the summer 😂😂'
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arleniansdoodles · 5 months
(Warning this is super long I'm so sorry) Absolutely mcfreaking reeling from that charged backfist of a chapter. I have no words. Yang what. What is wrong with you. He really slaughtered five schools' worth of students and masters, killed his adoptive father, orchestrated the murder of his little sister, secretly went back and raised said little sister from the dead, decided to let her wake up ALONE IN A POOL OF HER OWN BLOOD SURROUNDED BY THE BODIES OF HER FAMILY, left her to fend for herself at the ripe age of 11, and then fucked off to the mountains to be a super-doctor. BROTHER. Like yes Yang, it was really cold of Sifu to not let you save your family with the talisman, and your feelings of heartbreak and betrayal are absolutely valid (I would even excuse the attempted theft of the talisman honestly, he was just trying to save them!) especially when he saw you as a son, BUT HOLY SHIT YOUR RESPONSE WAS TO BECOME A MASS-MURDERER! Yin and all those disciples didn't know anything about the talismans, you could have just killed the masters in a slightly less public way and have been basically fine! Jinfeng literally has Infinite Money Glitch: The Talisman, you guys can pay off anyone! I'm so flabbergasted at Yang I can't even express it fully. How do we come back from this bro 😭 I know Fajar actually did kill Yin and now they're besties, but Yang literally left her in a wuguan full of bodies!!!! She could've died or gone insane and Yang just allowed it! How tf was she supposed to turn away from vengeance when that's literally all you left her with! And the fact that she managed to do that anyway and you're just???? Punishing her for it in every way besides physically attacking her????
You know what? I'm gonna go fight Yang a bunch until I get an achievement or something, he deserves it!
Hehehehehehhh XDDD This was me while reading through your message lmaooo:
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That said, I think you're probably the first person I've seen who's gotten this angry at Yang (aside from a few other characters in the fic)! 😂 Game-wise, him reviving Yin in the prologue made the most sense to me out of all the other theories (not that there are a lot imo), and it also works with the implications of the post-credits scene, so I was more than ready to add it to the fic with maximum angst! XDD
Of course, this all means Yang is an even bigger douche than before 😅 There were a million other ways he could've gone about stealing the talismans without ruining Yin's life, but ah well, I had to stick to that part of canon for this fic 😂 I personally think he didn't have this mindset eight years ago; like, how much of his current thinking is actually him and how much is part of the talisman's influence? But even then, it was still a horrible move to make, especially where Yin was concerned (hence why I came up with the Dawn!AU where she lives! hehe). And his entire arc overall was one of my struggling points while writing, because how DO you come back from this? How do you have the happy ending with all the fluffy rainbow and unicorn feels?? Would a happy ending for this even be happy for Yin and Yang's relationship after all he's done to her? So that was quite interesting and tricky to work with XDD
All in all, I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter!! Though I'm sorry it got you worked up loll 😅 Hopefully beating Yang to a pulp helps! 😁 And no worries at all about the long messages; I really appreciate you taking the time to write all this!! Thanks again! 💗💗
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shatterthefragments · 2 months
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Probably blue 🌊 especially with the variations~ but if a specific shade of blue: the tealy blue of the ocean where the trees reflect down into the water as well.
But i also. After starting to paint: yellow ochre is one of my favourites as well 😍💖(i hardly use yellow but if i see yellow ochre I have to get it so I have So Much yellow ochre and i need to use it more! 😁)
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
I think How To Train Your Dragon!!!
Watched it/the sequel with one of my friends back when they lived here!! 🥰💖 one acquaintance(?)’s brother says First go best go, and this is the first thing in my head!! 😁💖
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
I think so yeah?
What this looks like has shifted so dramatically though (yes I’m focus g on the celebration here rn) . From the first wedding I’ve ever attended being a LAVISH Chinese wedding in the city to Ah That Costs Money (also fuck tradition if all i want is the crab claw i could just buy it) to will i ever be loved to I think i am loveable to *screaming* to being unsure to oh yeah a small ceremony and small family dinner after would be nice to I don’t want to eat indoors with some of those fuckers who no longer wear a mask to wanting that legal protection of being integrally linked to one another’s beings for hospital trips etc. to being able to protect each other. To being so SURE of our love that we will endure and hopefully joyfully celebrate as we go through our intertwined lives together.
But uh. I don’t have a good role model in this life for married people atm. So it’s extremely difficult to believe in it.
Tethered. Beholden. Required.
I dream of being Loved. Fully and wholly and romantically by at least one person I think, though I’m unsure of IF we have any legal protections here even though the cutie I ran into at the bus the other month(year?) runs a polyamory advocacy group but I also don’t for sure know either way if I’m monogamous or not???(feelings are confusing,, I’m just open for anything unless I say no and it turns out I’m not I guess?????). (Or is it the amatonormativity?? But I’ve always been a bit of a romantic at heart so I think it’s probably im. Actually romantic and it’s not just that. Not just that it’s “expected” of me).
I mean. By the time I start dating etc we’ll have to reevaluate if legally it makes sense, especially with my taxes if I do take on art as more than just a couple craft fairs a year, HOWEVER we have common law marriage up here and if i (or them) become disabled (to the point of having the status as) I’m unsure of how that effects all that bc if i recall it’s six months living together as a couple. (Which seems super short to me?????)
But uh. You know what. Yeah I think so.
It would be nice to have that legal link were anything to ever happen to one of us.
On a less serious note I simply Do Not know if I could ever wear a ring if I was married.
I could try. I could probably get away with a ring under a glove at work rn
But more importantly- jewellery is a bit of a sensory nightmare and I can’t make myself wear very much!!! Maybe I could wear it as a pin instead idk 🤷🏻
So uh. Yeah I think I would like to get married one day
If you had asked me even five years ago it would’ve been a resounding YES PLEASE. Unsure of and not thinking about it for now ✌️✨
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