#brotp: she calls me cookie
Sir Pentious perhaps?
Certainly, my dear!
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: His dorkiness! I like how he starts out trying to be intimidating so he'll be thought of as a formidable foe, and then learns to embrace his naturally dorky self and be a better person. Maybe there's a message there about toxic masculinity? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Least favourite thing about them: That so-called 'joke' in Episode 6. You know the one. I mean, you can't have a whole episode taking sexual assault seriously when it happens to Angel Dust and then turn it into a joke when it happens to Sir Pentious. I'd have preferred it if, instead of Pen being dragged into the sex room, Valentino overheard his "sex with everybody" line and started offering him a job at the porn studio and making him flustered, and that was what motivated Angel to stand up for his friends.
Favourite line: "The only cool thing here is to say 'No' to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!"
brOTP: I like the enemies-to-friends thing he had going on with Angel Dust! My favourite moment is in Episode 5, when Pen is trying to shield his cookies for Lucifer from Angel's grabby hands, and then he has to stand up straight to salute Lucifer with a quick, "Your majesty!" before he goes back to shielding the cookies, but it's too late because Angel's taken one, but Angel doesn't make a big deal of it, he just says, "Heya, short king," to Lucifer as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. They're like brothers! Pen is the responsible one and Angel is the naughty one, but at the end of the day, they've got each other's back. It's fun to watch!
Also, now that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, I love the thought of Emily becoming his new best friend! She could show him how Heaven works, and he could teach her what he knows about Hell, and together they could try to find a way to let Charlie know that redemption actually works.
Plus, there's the angst potential of Sir Pentious interacting with Molly - he knows who Angel Dust is, and she knows who Anthony is, but they don't know they're talking about the same person... I'd love to see a Pen/Emily/Molly trio going on escapades in Season 2!
OTP: CherriSnake! I wasn't sure about the ship at first, but it's grown on me. It's a neat example of the enemies-to-lovers trope, where Sir Pentious' admiration for Cherri as a worthy opponent turns into something more romantic. And they could have bonded over being inventors - Pen with his gadgets and Cherri with her "brilliant explosive contraptions". Too bad he only confessed his love a few seconds before his heroic sacrifice...
I think I like this ship for its potential. What will Cherri do now that Pen is gone? Will she find out he's in Heaven? Will that motivate her to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, to get redeemed herself and be reunited with him? It's rife with story possibilities!
nOTP: Sir Pentious and Vox (StaticSnake?). Mainly because Vox told Pen to kill himself in Episode 2. That was unacceptable.
Random headcanon: Sir Pentious has a son! Remember that moment in the pilot when Angel said, "Harder, Daddy!" and Pen replied, "Son?!" I think Pen did actually father a child when he was alive, and he'd been scouring Hell trying to find him again. (And for a moment there, he thought Angel was declaring that he was his son.) Pen never found his son in Hell, but now he's in Heaven, maybe he'll have better luck...
Unpopular opinion: I actually quite like Sir Pentious' singing voice! It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. And I much prefer it when characters' singing voices match their speaking voices, instead of being wildly different. (Looking at you, Vaggie.)
Song I associate with them: @hazbinned made a video of Pen being kept awake at night by Angel blasting out "Made You Look" by Meghan Trainor, so now I associate that song with Sir Pentious! LOL!
Favourite picture of them:
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kirbyofthestars · 1 year
Aloe cookie
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Sexuality Headcanon: that’s a Noncommital Shrug from me dog
Gender Headcanon: gorl. she’s a butch gentlewoman of some variety or another.
A ship I have with said character: nothing tops whatever trixic bride of frankenstein homoerotic besties-turned-sour thing aloecy has going for it i’d say. they’re a good mix of really sweet and sort of fucked up and i’d love to see more interactions between them in the future :]
A BROTP I have with said character: hero. gentle-yet-morally ambiguous scientist 8 naïve college kid genius. kind of mentor/student relationship where “i want to be just like you :)” is reciprocated with a firm clasp of the shoulders and mildly panicked No You Don’t. Holy Shit.
A NOTP I have with said character: i’m vaguely lukewarm on her with any of the stembro trio but that’s about it i think? wouldn’t really call it dislike though :v
A random headcanon:
aloe is polite and laid-back and possesses a calming presence akin to a beloved schoolteacher while also programming world domination bots and conducting questionable experiments in order to bring back her bestie from the dead and overall being kind of an antivillain all things considered. i think it takes a bit of time and a bit of prodding for her to become self-aware of all that though.
General Opinion over said character: i could say i certainly think about aloe a little too much but i think that’s pretty easily extrapolated from all this innit
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meowizard · 1 year
white lily cookie for the character thing. pretty pretty please with a cherry on top :33
ask game
favourite thing about them: their weird girl-ness... i can't think of another female fictional character who does unethical like she does WHILE BEING cute and sensitive <3 her descent into despair is written well feminist icon fr.,.,.
least favourite thing about them: her plait's drawn weird.
favourite line: 'you don't smile anymore... when you look at me' <- the only fucking line that chilled me when i was playing through
brOTP: outside of the ancients? fragments of her have found kumiho over the years :3c
OTP: polyancients ^3^ within that, cacaolily's my fave
nOTP: the fact she's, like, 80 always nags at the back of my head when i see her shipped with anyone other than the ancients... not a notp per se bc i know it doesn't really matter but definitely makes me squick
random headcanon: there are more fragments/ghosts/remnants of herself hanging around the world. idk how that would work but it's never explained
song i associate with them:
unpopular opinion: i know it contributes to her exploring thing, that she's too busy researching to be a ruler, i feel like they could have given her a kingdom. or a following of some kind, like the pilgrims to pure vanilla! i'm hoping that's what blue lily and lilybell are, but i doubt it. it's just- the game, the game is called kingdom i think there should be more kingdoms-......maybe one day i'll design one
favourite picture of them:
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she looks cosy :) tucks her in
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sandalaris · 1 year
oo, yay!Uncle Eddie: There are like no canon characters I ship him with, lmao
My NOTP for them: Him and either Gecko brother. Just not for me. :/
My BROTP for them: Eddie and Jacob! So much potential for a friendship and we were denied even the possibility in canon *cries*
My OTP for them: I like the idea that (had he lived) he would've met he next wife at some point. Some older lady who chain smokes, is kind of ditzy, can handle a hand gun while seeming to not understand/get the kind of work Eddie and the Geckos do, (it's up for debate whether she actually does or not) and calls the boys "sweetie" while always trying, and failing, to make cookies. Possibly played by Jennifer Tilly maybe? I can picture her really well in a role like that.
My second choice pairing for them: I could also see Uncle Eddie in a total opposites attract sort of way. What about him Venganza? I'm writing an AU fic where they're close cousins, for plot for reasons, so I'm kind of stuck on that version of them atm, but in general, I think I could see it.
My fluffy pairing for them: Him and living! Uncle Eddie needs to live! Or I suppose I could get behind background him and Jacob in just the right fic.
My angsty pairing for them: I do headcanon that one of his ex-wives died, probably of cancer or something similar, and he's always kind of thought of her as The One. And yes, she was his ex-wife when she died, but they had this whole on-off thing going and there's a part of him that wonders if they would've kept getting back together their whole lives.
My favorite poly ship for them: Don't have one. It's hard enough to think of general ships for Uncle Eddie, let along him with more than one person. :/
My weirdest pairing for them: I know it's going to sound odd, but I was rewatching season two the other day and I kind of noticed how much Sonja and Eddie seemed to genuinely get along. I haven't explored it, at all, but I'm not opposed to an AU where she never worked for Malvado and therefore didn't go after Seth and her and Uncle Eddie hit it off and... the rest is history.
Meredith Harlow (I've seen limited episodes of season one and none of season two, so these are almost all tentative and subject to change, lol)
My NOTP for them: I don't really have a full on notp for her, but I'm leaning towards her and Katherine.
My BROTP for them: Her and Katherine? The moment I realized they were aunt and niece I really wanted them to bond.
My OTP for them: I'm still rooting for her and Ethan, although I don't know if they are OTP material yet.
My second choice pairing for them: I've seen some Joel/Meredith material out there and it's caught my attention. Maddie has some insane chemistry with older actors. Most things I've seen her in I've ended up shipping her character with a technically-too-old-for-her man.
My fluffy pairing for them: Meredith/Ethan. I know there's some angst potential there, but I really just see them as a fluffy, cute sort of couple.
My angsty pairing for them: I know I'm repeating myself here, but I feel like part of what intrigues me about Joel/Meredith is how it's got this edge to it. Not exactly angsty, but closer than anyone else I ship her with. I also saw a scene between Meredith and another character I don't know the name of that had a kind of angsty, shippy undertone, but I since I haven't seen the episode yet, I'm not going to count it, lol.
My favorite poly ship for them: I don't have one yet, but I feel a potential one brewing so... we'll see.
My weirdest pairing for them: I don't know that I've seen enough of the show to have a weird pairing yet. :'(
Carl Gallagher
My NOTP for them: That crazy chick who died. What was her name? The one who wore a vial of his blood around her neck and camped outside his basic training base. She was just way too insane.
My BROTP for them: For him to actually have a bro. Maybe him and Fiona, in that older-sister, younger-brother sort of way. She just was always so there for him, fighting for him and trying her best to raise him right. And in he truly cares for his family, even if he’s less obvious about it. Oh! And him and Debbie in the first seasons.
My OTP for them: I kind of liked him and that girl he was with just before the show ended. I feel like the last season was a flop, but I liked her.
My second choice pairing for them: Just him and a non-cheaty girlfriend. The ones I liked best for him always cheated on him and that sucks.
My fluffy pairing for them: This is definitely more of a broship than romship, but him and Debbie had so much potential!
My angsty pairing for them: Him and that friend of his that went back to prison. I really don’t see Carl as anything but straight, but two of them were a good angsty pairing.
My favorite poly ship for them: Don’t have one. He doesn’t seem very poly to me.
My weirdest pairing for them: I could see, although I don’t personally ship it, but him and Debbie having something quasi-borderline-thing going on during those early seasons.
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catty-words · 4 years
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I read the new chapter. As usual is was amazing!
also, something I love about your writing is how you always teach a lesson. I'm always learning while reading and I love that. You always teach something through your writing. Thank you for constantly teaching us and helping us learn, and to be better.
Now, can I say the Lightwood-Bane siblings own my whole heart! Like, Rafe calling Max a "lil shit" was hilarious and definitely spot on sibling rep.
Consul Alec is superior!
The Lightwood-Banes are prescious and amazing and beautiful.
Jace and Clary had done well.
^ not me crying at this.
“So, we love them. We love them every day. So, they remember there is good in the world,” Alec said. “We love them so much that in a century or two when they think of shadowhunters they will think of love. Not that room. Not those people. They will think of us. They will think of you and me.”
^ do you want to see me cry? Is that the goal here? You want to see Bec sobbing on the floor?
He knew Magnus would love him until the day Alec passed. But would Magnus be attracted to him till his last day?
^ I want you to know I literally said "Magnus will always see you as that boy with the dark hair and blue eyes, you dork."
David is literally most precious thing, like I want to cry. He's so precious. Also is he going to use a bow and arrow like Alec? Because that would be cool, but if David ends up not wanting to fight that would be cool too. And Clary and Jace would be proud of him no matter what he chooses, I just know.
Simon being amazing at running the Academy is no surprise. We been knew he'd be great at it. But the way he's teaching them about Downworlder history and about Downworlders has me so proud. He literally is changing things just like he said back in his Academy days. George would so proud.
Izzy being the weapons master of the Clave is so fitting. Also, her being the only one to know where the Iron Sisters are and the only one who can get in contact with them, is something that can be so personal. They're biased because they like Izzy so much, I said what I said 😌
Jace teaching his kids all kinds of stuff is very Jace of him. God, I love him. Also, I feel like he prefers to teach them about books, music, and languages at first and then teach them how to fight. As much as Jace loves being a Shadowhunter and fighting, I feel he probably prefers his kids not learning until they are 13, idk it's just something I feel.
Clary being a badass artist is the best! I love her! She literally is a Shadowhunter and an artist, she's both. I love her.
Magnus and Alec being in love as ever. These two. Also, apparently Sagittarius and Virgo are amazing match. And guess what? Magnus is a Sagittarius and Alec is a Virgo. Obviously, they're perfect for each other either way, but there's that too.
Diego is the best Inquisitor we've seen, I said what I said. But also, he seems like a good dad.
Alec and Tessa brotp had my heart.
Also, I can't imagine any of that was easy for Tessa, all the memories that probably resurfaced.
Also, also the way Alec is literally changing everything even tho people don't like it. He said "I don't care." But also the way tmi gang are helping, and how they are all so different and have grown so much.
Fuck the cohort! Fuck those cruel Shadowhunters!
Dude, I keep forgetting that this isn't canon that I'm reading.
Max and David are adorable. I can't wait to read more about them.
Is Rafe interested in a certain Inquisitor's daughter? I don't usually like to force these things, but I'm getting some vibes. If not then that's cool too, but yee. Honestly, their brotp could be good as well. I hope to see more of Rafe and Anjali.
Max really is a handful, isn't he? I love him.
Magnus and Alec are in trouble with their boys.
I want to hug the Lightwood-Banes. Most of all I want to give Max a big hug.
This is LITERALLY amazing.
Thank you so much bebe 🥺🥺🥺
My ravenclaw ass is incapable of writing fics without putting in lessons lmao. My dream of writing crack fics remain a dream 🤭
And you REALLY need to do astrology posts for tsc characters I would love that 😍🤭😎
And here is a stock image of Jace and David. They are baking cookies for Clary and the twins 🥺
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skyllion-uwu · 3 years
Headcanons for Victor Blake please?
Ah heck yeah, Victor! Lovely strawberry man
1: sexuality headcanon: Demiromantic/Pansexual
2: otp: How can I choose one?? I guess in order of actual OTPs it would be Blakeworth and Krueblake <3 However I like Blakeworther (although that's techinally an OT3) the most.
3: brotp: Victor and Vanora. If she hadn't [insert Chapter 4 spoilers], I could see them getting into chaos together and pulling pranks on Vincent
4: notp: Not really one I can think of because there aren't any ships I've seen that make me go "nope" (well, I haven't seen it but like if anyone shipped Draco and Victor I'd go "nope" because while Draco is characterized as Vincent's brother [insert Chapter 4 spoilers])
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: After Vincent brought him the cat hot chocolate, he went and got cat-shaped cookies the next day in order to thank him.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: I too have no idea what direction I'm headed in life and jealous of people that do.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Him calling everyone "my dear". I could never do that with a straight face. How does he do this
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon Roll. He's doing his best with his revenge-bent husband insisting that there are no morals, therefore he should be able to kill a man.
Send me a character and I'll give these headcanons on them
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sir-adamus · 3 years
Baiting one f/f with literally years of buildup only to change direction and go for...another completely different f/f ship with 0 buildup (oh I’m sorry, the buildup of they’re vaguely in the same area and had a whole conversation once) yeah that doesn’t sound fucking insane at all. I don’t take va words as canon so barb saying her opinion is meaningless because it can change. Two blksn had all this buildup too and according to you it has no chance. Third let’s see if ladybu/g do land together could become more romantic while bb is a brotp. Fourth Neptune and kali thought blksn were more than friends just like nora did so don’t take Nora into consideration either. Until Blake says she has romantic feelings for yang and they’re mutual any ship has a shot.
wow you didn’t even fucking read the thing you're quoting, huh?
and god, would it kill you to break up your word vomit so it’s actually fucking coherent
actually, y’know what, i don’t fucking care. what the actual fuck is your problem with me? why can’t you take a fucking hint and go the fuck away? you’re obviously desperate for attention or you wouldn’t dedicate yourself to this fucking shit - like, the quote from a response from ages ago now, you actively go looking for shit to go at me with, you've probably been sitting on that since you realised i was ignoring you. what the fuck is your problem?
because it doesn’t matter if i ignore your stupid shit being put in my inbox, you’ll go away for a couple days, a week maybe, but then you’re right back saying stupid shit, trying to bait me into responding. well congrats asshole, you get a cookie! you’ve made your point, so long as the point is that you have the narrative comprehension of a week old dog turd and can’t see the blatantly fucking obvious and are so devoid of any kind of positive attention that you intentionally go out of your way to harass strangers on the internet
i get this shit from you constantly, i rarely even actually engage in your shit and just make fun of you now - i don’t need your shit! no one needs your shit! you contribute nothing, you hateful little fuck!
so stop hiding on anon like the little fuck coward you are (and don’t hide behind an excuse again because it’s always obviously a lie), and be honest (for once in your miserable fucking existence) about why the fuck you have spent years harassing me over a fucking ship in a goddamn internet cartoon, you pathetic fuck
call me toxic, gloat about how you got me mad (if you managed to figure that out yourself, good job! you can read!), pat yourself on the back for whatever this pathetic little victory is worth to you, because i’m never responding to you again
it isn’t my job to entertain the clown
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 12 rewatch thoughts
- I would like to thank them for keeping in din’s harried yet triumphant ‘hAH!!’ when he gets the explosives to stick to gideon’s ship in the ‘hey remember when this happened last season’ section, that was a nice gesture from the showrunners to me personally, I assume
- this episode actually helped me find more enjoyment in the last one, because it’s such a nice reassurance that even though they’re pulling in more stuff from other star wars media this show won’t suddenly stop being its own thing and mando won’t suddenly stop being himself and it’s very comforting to me somehow haha
- the small hesitation before din calls out “do you... do you have the wire?” lol lol lol he’s completely aware of the bizarreness of what he’s doing here but hey being alive is already so damn weird etc. 
the softness of his voice the whole way through and the fact that he never, never blames the baby for not being able to do what shouldn’t really be asked of him in the first place, tho... ;____;  
- the tiny exasperated head tilt din does when he realizes the hatch isn’t going to extend all the way fdslkfhasdlashfs  
- din is looking down at the baby the entire time while greef talks to the mechanics ❤️❤️❤️
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(the baby seems pretty drawn to/excited to see greef again and mando seems to notice which is extremely cute. he’s becoming really good at tuning in with the kid) 
he also greets cara baby first in much the same way as he does peli, like he knows what the main attraction here is lol, they do a very sweet bro nod at each other. god I wish gina carano wasn’t so terrible imagine if we could just have this BrOTP without hesitations :( 
I think greef is actually a bit worried to begin with after seeing the ship, he sort of takes din in intently before he huffs a little laugh and grabs his arm. it must be a bit stressful to be his friend and not be able to see his expression right away when you worry something might be seriously wrong haha
- people are finally treating the baby like you would a real baby and it’s such a blessing, everyone talking and cooing at him and baby babbling back
(I wonder if greef has children of his own? he does have an undeniable air of experienced grandpa about him in this episode, it’s adorable)  
- din does so much talking -- unprompted, even! -- these days, it truly is an embarrassment of riches 
- capital E Emotional about this shot with IG-11 right behind din and cara inviting him into the school in front of him. some past carried with us into the future shit going on here  
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IG-11′s legacy’s still got our back y’all :’) I swear to god if gideon blows up nevarro at some point I’m going to lose it 
the ‘oh yeah?/that so?’ way din leans his head back after she says “wait until you see inside” is also amazing
- baby reaching out his hand like ‘can have?’ is so polite ;______; he takes after his father (including in the ‘fool me twice, I’ll fuck you up’ department haha. listen you get one chance to be cool about it and then no more mr nice mando/baby)
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go ahead, kid, make a fuss about it. who are you going to tell, huh? who’s going to believe you? you gonna tell them you got bested by a baby? a magic baby? no? that’s right. I took your dignity as easily as I took your macarons, there’s nothing you can do to change it, and now you gotta live with that. sweet dreams.
(this is a joke. the baby is not evil. I hate that I even have to specify this but I’ve seen some stupid shit in the tags in my time you guys haha) 
- I can’t work out what anything on greef’s desk is supposed to be, but if that’s a computer it’s got to be older than even the razor crest lol
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- friends: din yes?
mando: din no, only repairs
friends: din yes please?
mando: ... [sigh] din yes 
he truly has next to no defense against people he actually likes asking him for something huh lol. well a self care co-op mission clearly did him a world of good in this one at least it’s all fine
- “I’m starting to dehydrate, Boss” is an excellent line and delivered perfectly, I cackle every time (”You park your gills right there until I say otherwise” is a good runner up too) 
- it’s so nice to see the small moments of communication between them in this one after mando was so out of sync with the team in the last one (and tbf those guys didn’t even try to give him any pointers at all, they really left him to flounder through the whole thing if you watch it carefully haha)
- the mythrol’s jacket still looks so comfy, I want one
- aaaaah the way din says “I don’t like this” is just so... hnnngh it’s perfect, there’s a vulnerability and openness to it for a moment. greef glances over at him like he hasn’t heard him sound like this before too, which just sells it even more
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u ok bro?
you know shit’s fucked up when din djarin expresses an emotion without even being forced to by circumstance (I think what I mean is that it’s actually really rare for him to state how he feels about something just to do it, usually his communication is more practically oriented, more along ‘I think this is the best cause of action because of a and b’ lines, or like when he tells omera he’s grateful it’s... more to inform her of it and make sure she knows than to express himself? but he’s starting to do it more with people he trusts now and it gets me in the heart? man I’m finding this hard to articulate let’s move on lol)
- I really, really wonder about pershing’s position in all of this. his plea for the child’s life did sound genuine -- he did try to guard him with his own noodly scientist body when he thought din was out to hurt him, remember -- but is that only because he knows he’s in deep shit himself without the blood the baby can give? is he maybe not quite cool with whatever gideon has him doing? (he does sound quite strained when he talks about the ‘body’ rejecting the transfusion and the ‘volunteer’ potentially suffering the same fate... hm.)
idk why I want there to be something redeemable in him so bad, maybe it’s just my weird yet enduring attachment to ladon radim in stargate atlantis messing with me they’re kind of similar in some ways (yeah don’t ask me I don’t know either sometimes the heart wants what it wants in ways reason can’t explain)
- tfw ur literally launching yourself across a pool of boiling lava because you’re Dad and your baby’s in danger T__________T he just does not stop running towards that kid for even a single second help
- there’s something so innocently pure and... old fashioned? about the scene with mythrol and greef screaming the entire time they drive off the cliff, it feels like something out of a movie from like three decades ago. that whole segment feels a bit like that, it’s just there to be fun and that’s okay sometimes
- every dog fight in every movie should have a baby nonchalantly snacking on a cookie in them, it elevates the experience immeasurably (he squishes his nose a little bit with the macaron when he misses his mouth at one point, which is more than anyone should be expected to bear honestly)
I love that even all fixed up again the razor crest groans and creaks like an old tired thing when din makes it flip to dive, he 100% did take out a bunch of ferraris in his stalwart morris minor of a spaceship and I treasure him     
- there’s so much life and emotion in din’s voice here I can’t!!!! I simply can’t!!!! imagine if we get to hear him openly laugh one day, would I even survive it??!!!!
 also the kid makes such pitch perfect ‘having my lil nose wiped and whining about it’ baby noises when din uses his cape to clean him up (din does turn the autopilot on before he turns around to deal with it, for those who, like me, worry about these things) 
- between carson showing up and the stuff the droid talks about in the lesson they’re doing quite a bit of outer rim vs. core worlds theme building in this one, I wonder if this is going to ramp up more or what
- god but gideon’s theme SLAPS tho 
he’s probably going to try to fuck up everything I love but you can’t fault him on the tunes he’s going to do it to 
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elareine · 3 years
Babe! So Prompts? As always Roydick (romantic, brotp, platonic —whatever you’re comfortable with) if I remember correctly you wrote me a little something for Roy's bday and it is still one of my favourites!!! Anyways— Roydick+Lian picture with Santa Claus!!!
Hey love, hope you’re ready for some fluff! 
Dick drew the line at climbing in through the chimney. He wasn’t fucking Spiderman, no matter how many jokes Roy made about circus kids. Also, modern chimneys weren’t made for that. He would get stuck and die, and then his entire family would laugh at him in hell. So he entered the Harpers’ living room through the window like a normal person. 
There was a plate of cookies and a glass of mild awaiting him. Dick took care to slide the wrapped parcel he’d brought with him under the tree first, then he advanced on to the food. 
Oooh, chocolate-raspberry cookies. His favorite. 
Sadly, he didn’t get to enjoy them. As soon as Dick lifted one of the treats, the ground was torn from under his feet. Before he knew it, he was dangling from the ceiling, held up only by a rope around his feet.  He just about managed to suppress a curse. 
It was all so totally worth it for the delight on Lian’s face when she saw him. “Ha!” she yelled. 
Dick chuckled nervously, doing his best to keep his voice low and rough. “Oh, no-ho-ho. You caught me.” 
“What’s that, cupcake?” Roy appeared, looking appropriately sleep-tousled in pajama pants and a tank top. Dick could feel himself reflexively start to smile and violently shoved it down. 
“I caught Santa!” Lian told her father gleefully. 
“So I see,” Roy smiled. When Lian turned around, he gave Dick a discreet thumbs-up, presumably at the effectiveness of his disguise. Good. That beard was itchy as fuck. 
Lian stepped closer and lifted a finger. Dick did his best to look worried, with just a touch of amusement because he was Santa, so he probably didn’t get to feel afraid, right? 
“Now,” she said, “there’s something that I want from you. And you better do it, because if you don’t, I’ll leave you hanging here.”
“Lian,” Roy warned. “What did we say about torture?” 
Lian frowned at him, then turned to Dick. “Promise you’ll take a picture with me first.” 
Dick pretended to consider the offer. “Only if I can have one of these delicious cookies.” 
“Deal!” Lian said immediately. After cutting Dick loose, she barely gave him any time to orientate himself before dragging him over to stand by her dad’s side. “Selfie!” 
A picture with Santa Claus—mostly for bragging rights, Dick assumed, though Roy hadn’t said so when he asked Dick to fill in for the role. 
“Alright,” Roy laughed, holding out his phone. “Everyone, smile!” 
As Dick did, he wondered what Lian would see when she looked back at this picture in ten years. Would she recognize him then, even with the cheek paddings and the wig and the beard? Would she see how much her father had loved her, that he was willing to ask his best friend to help out like this? 
(Would Dick even be in their life, then? But that was too depressing a question to ask on a night like this.)
Or would she simply think of it as a small miracle, inexplainable but joyful? 
Dick loved that possibility, too. In his opinion, children should grasp every bit of magic they could and hold on tight. 
“Okay, cookie time!” Lian grabbed the plate and held it out to Dick, who took one and bit into it. 
“Those are very good,” he praised, knowing fully well she and Roy had spent the afternoon baking them. The kitchen probably looked like a disaster. (Or maybe not. Roy had become much better at these things over the last years of being a single father.) 
“You can have the milk, too,” she allowed him generously. 
While Dick inwardly groaned—lukewarm milk, how tasty—he drank all of it. 
Roy watched, amused. “Maybe another cookie?” To wash away the taste, Dick thought, grateful.
“Well, I won’t say no,” Dick chuckled, patting his (fake) belly contently as he ate. “I have a long night ahead of me. It’s sure nice to see some hospitality, even if your invitation was a little peculiar, young lady.” 
“That’s okay,” Lian told him artlessly, “I’m not a lady. Oh hey, you should take my letter with you! I forgot to mail it.” 
Dick accepted the letter, stowing it away in his coat. Then he gave a wave. “I must be off. The reindeer will be worrying already. Have a merry Christmas, young Lian.” 
“You, too, Santa!” 
Aware that Lian would be running to the window as soon as he was outside, Dick moved quickly: Grappling over to the neighbor’s house and then up, hiding behind—of all things—the chimney. 
Not a second too late, either. He could hear the window open behind him just as he slid behind the chimney. It only closed three minutes later when Roy called out: “C’mon, pumpkin. You can have a cookie, too, but then it’s time for bed.” 
“Alright,” Lian replied, audibly pouting. “But I want another story.” 
Just to be safe, Dick waited another twenty minutes before standing up. From the rooftop, he allowed himself one last longing look at the warm glow of the living room. 
They’re not yours, Dick, he reminded himself. Just because he loved Roy—loved them both so, so much—didn’t mean he had any right to stay. 
To distract himself, he opened Lian’s letter. Just to make sure he managed to get everything on her wishlist, of course. The handwriting was spiky but legible. There were barely any spelling errors, either. Dick shook his head, torn between pride and worry. Lian had just started first grade. 
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for visiting. You are busy, so I will keep it short. I have been very good this year, so I want two wishes. 
The ‘two’ was underlined twice. Dick raised an eyebrow. He was only aware of one. 
First, I want my own superhero custume! Daddy says I can’t go out with him yet, but I can at least start training, so I wanna look really cool. Please? 
Okay, that one was taken care of, thanks to Alfred.  It had been the content of the parcel Dick had dropped off earlier. 
Second, I want Uncle Dick to finally marry my daddy so he never leves. Daddy wants that, too, he told me so. 
Thanks, Santa! 
Yours, Lian Harper 
(I’m taking prompts until the end of the year.) 
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fawninthewinter · 3 years
Mabel Pines in Gravity Falls
General opinions
She's super cute. She may not be my favorite necause of the times the narrative glossed over some of her more inconsiderate actions and didn't properly call her out on them but some fans over exaggerate her behavior even during her worse moments (she isn't a horrible person people she's a preteen who makes stupid decisions at times. Obviously doesn't excuse said actions and the narrative not usually bringing attention to the fact the were inconsiderate but the way you talk about her you'd think she commited multiple heinous acts of something) aside from that area, she was a lot of fun most of the time. Her giddiness made me smile and I like how she was naive and bubbly but not stupid. I admire how she was just about ready for anything as well. A tough little cookie.
I don't really have one considering her age but child friendly Mabifica is cute. I could see them getting together when they are older.
Her and Dipper! Mystery twins forever.
Pinecest. Gross.
Random headcanon
She carries on the tradition of scrapbooking memorable moments in her life through her teen years all the way into adulthood after her experience in Gravity Falls. As reminders of how those parts in people's lives can impact them, good and bad. Especially after Dipper's speech in her fantasy bubble.
Also she is autistic and it ends up becoming on of her special interests.
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notcorrect-persona5 · 4 years
Sadayo Kawakami. Do it, I DARE you.
hahaha let’s go
favorite thing about them
i think the most important part of being a teacher is caring for your students and showing it. when i first played persona 5, i didn’t like kawakami because she didn’t seem to have these traits, but in her social link we learn what is happening in her private life along with how much she used to love teaching. she even tutored that boy just because she cared about him and wanted to see him succeed. kawakami genuinely loves her students, and with ren’s help she’s able to become the teacher she once was.
least favorite thing about them
probably how rude she was to/about ren and ryuji at the beginning of the game. i know she was scared of getting close to her students again, but she didn’t need to treat them poorly or talk down to them.
favorite line
“i wanted to become a teacher who takes care of her students. that’s the mindset I had!” as someone who is studying to become a teacher, I really like this quote.
I guess ren?? haha
REN X KAWAKAMI. she did not go through all of that, realize what it means to be a good teacher, and then DATE ONE OF HER STUDENTS.
random headcanon
when futaba goes to shujin next year, kawakami is her homeroom teacher. she recognizes how intelligent futaba is, and she tries to encourages her. although unaware of her social anxiety, kawakami can see how nervous she gets talking in front of the class, so she doesn’t call on her unless futaba raises her hand.
unpopular opinion
her sweater reminds me of a thneed which is the sweater looking thing the once-ler makes in the lorax.
song i associate with them
uhh what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger by kelly clarkson? idk 😂
favorite picture of them
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she looks so pretty!
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Jonathan Byers (For your character questions Ask)
favorite thing about them
He’s incredibly caring and selfless to his family. He’s extremely devoted to Will and Joyce (frankly taking on more than such a young guy should have to). At 17 he’s discussing helping pay for his mom’s mortgage . Then of course, Jonathan is a surrogate dad to Will in a lot of respects. In s1 it’s cannon that he cooks breakfast for Will, wakes him up, drives him places, works extra shifts to pay the house bills. Gives Will coded pep-talks about his sexuality. And sometimes calls Will (coded fatherly nicknames that dads give their kids)- like “kid, buddy, pal, and sport”. He’s paralleled to all the ST mom’s taking pics of their kids in their ghost busters costumes, as well. I love Jonathan. He pretty much sacrificed his entire childhood to be the father figure for Will, that Lonnie wasn’t. He did all of this since he wanted Will to have more than he did (aka a Dad).Jonathan  in s1 even said in the past Joyce had “anxiety issues”. And tells Joyce, “This is not an okay time for you to shut down,” implying there has been times when she has shut down, and left him with the  burden of caring for Will and herself .  Joyce even apologizes in s1 for not being there for him as a kid ( cause she was too busy working). Many s4 movies emphasize Jonathan’s devotion to Will and knowledge that he sacrificed his childhood to do so .
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least favorite thing about them
He constantly think he’s inadequate and often refuses help. Calling himself a “weirdo”.  Not telling Joyce of the supernatural threat cause “she’s been through enough”. And constantly apologizing for not being there for Will- and blaming himself for what’s happened to him. 
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Like joyce said “you act like you’re all alone in this world. But you’re not!” And Bob reiterates his trust issues saying “I’m really getting through to them- well except Jonathan he’s a tough cookie to crack.” Murray also parrots this saying “trust issues, am I right? Something to do with your dad.”  Jonathan has severe trust issues and I hope he heals from that .
favorite line
"You shouldn't like things because people tell you you're supposed to.”
Obviously - my brOTP is Jonathan and Will.
Don’t really have 1. I used to ship jancy (still wasn’t fond of the camera incident though). I like jonathan and nancy but after s3 I think they may be better off not together . I like both but I think maybe they’re not the best fit together.
if we’re talking about popular st ships of him like Jancy and I guess... stoncy & steve/jon? I’m mostly indifferent. I feel like nOTP’s are more vitriolic. 
But I just feel like Jancy isn’t right for each other, in the long run.Nancy only apologized for claiming Jon was sexist but not for making fun of him for being poor and his dad leaving -calling him “oliver twist” (a poor orphan). Which clearly pissed him off since when he talked to her on the phone later he did a clap back referencing the book saying he was with ‘Fagin and the gang’. Which is similar to Mike apologizing for being ‘jealous of Max’ but not for the fact he lied (the reason for the breakup in the first place). The fact Nancy says “here comes the Oliver Twist routine AGAIN”. Implies Jonathan has tried to open up to her in the past but she dismissed it as just bellyaching. I just can’t really get over that.  I don’t think either was completely in the right though. I talked about all the pairings (including jancy) and their parallels to other ships, in way more detail- here and why I don’t see them as endgame.
random headcanon
- Since Nancy says in s2  Jonathan likes reading Vonnegut. I think it may reflects a lot about Jonathan!
Vonnegut like Jonathan was born in Indiana- like jonathan.He was an atheist and a humanist and served as the honorary president of the American Humanist Association.Some quotes by him:  “I am a humanist, which means, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without expectations of rewards or punishments after I am dead...  purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.”
A lot of his books critique society in a scifi form.
- In Breakfast of Champions (1973), Vonnegut vows to “clear [his] head of all the junk,” and race and racism are at the top of his list of “junk” to be cleared.  In the book he critiques colonialism, and institutional and social racism predominantly focusing on the mistreatment of black people. “I think I am trying to clear my head of all the junk in there...I suspect that this is something most white Americans, and nonwhite Americans who imitate white Americans, should do. The things other people have put into my head, at any rate, do not fit together nicely, are often useless and ugly, are out of proportion with one another, are out of proportion with life as it really is outside my head.”
-  Slaughter house 5 (1972) was based on his own experiences as a  ww2 soldier. “It sees war as a tragedy so great that perhaps only the mask of comedy allows one to look it in the eye. Vonnegut is a sad-faced comedian.  The book says Billy may be hallucinating about his experiences with the Tralfamadorians as a way to escape a world destroyed by war—a world that he cannot understand ( heavy Will foreshadowing). Even while Vonnegut admits the inevitability of death, with or without war, he also tells us that he has instructed his sons not to participate in massacres or in the manufacture of machinery used to carry them out”. The phrase “so it goes” represented the deep sadness and resignation to death- appearing with almost every death in the novel. This phrase become a popular mantra in the Anti-vietnam war movement.Mr. Vonnegut wrote at the end of the book, “was shot two nights ago. He died last night. So it goes. Martin Luther King was shot a month ago. He died, too. So it goes. And every day my Government gives me a count of corpses created by military science in Vietnam. So it goes.”
- In a letter from 1965, he also recommended a novel to his wife. ‘here is a really lovely book about it in my study -- on a top shelf. It's red, and it's called The ABZ of Love." “Indeed, the book was in many ways ahead of its time and of the era's mainstream, pushing hard against bigotry and advocating for racial, gender, and LGBT equality with equal parts earnestness and wry wit.”
-his novels also had a lot of gay characters and this caused a lot of controversy at the time.
Reflecting  how he’ll probably be supportive of Will-  which was foreshadowed in s1 when he was encouraging Will not to behave a certain way cause his homophobic dad wants him to.
unpopular opinion
probably Jancy not being endgame
song i associate with them
-’should I stay or should i go’ . obvious cliche choice, i know.
favorite picture of them
Hmm... I’m not sure. I just find Jonathan & will exchanging looks with each other and laughing precious.
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Raphael and madzie!! please I will sell you my firstborn for some Raphael and madzie content. Like him babysitting and sleepovers and playing dress up and watching Disney movies together. Raphael wearing this tiara and him and madzie playing together. Baking and singing together, going on trips to the park together and Raphael just being so happy.-
-Like if you think about it they are technically cousins🤔 with the whole found family thing, Catarina and Magnus are siblings Raphael is Magnus’ son ergo madzie and Raphael are cousins but they still think of each other as siblings. Raphael is her big brother! Please🥺
ok anon i hope you know that you are literally my new favorite person in the whole wide world and this ask is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i will literally never shut the fuck up about raphael and madzie i will make this brotp a thing if it KILLS me just you watch
idk if id say they are technically cousins because i don’t know if catarina and magnus consider themselves siblings - definitely family for sure, but i get the feeling it’s more of a “generic” family feeling rather than a Specific Dynamic you know? but either way this is found family so it’s not like family tree/architecture is actually that stiff and matters that much, RAPHAEL IS MADZIE’S BIG BRO idc
and it’s literally canon that raphael is the best, most thoughtful, caring and dedicated older brother so like!!! honestly it’s what madzie deserves. she has a wonderful mom (two if you subscribe to dotarina raising madzie together <3) and underful uncles and a wonderful brother who is always on her side and would do anything for her, and that! is! fantastic! 
especially because like madzie is implied to be used to big families, since iris was going around making an army of warlocks basically lmao and like of course that was an abusive family dynamic but the point is that she was used to having siblings. but she was also implied to be the eldest and now she is the youngest! and she gets to have a nice big bro who takes care of her and plays with her and has her as a priority and i just 🥺🥺🥺
and god not to be a slut for raphael and rosa but i picture raphael just telling madzie all that he could about rosa?? you know??? he’s all like “you have an older sister too, you know? it’s a shame you never got to meet” and madzie kind of tilts her head and asks him to tell her about it. so raphael does. he sits down with her and shows her pictures of the both of them together from their childhood up until her death, and he tells her all the stories he possibly can. he says, “she would have loved you just as much as me. she always wanted to be someone’s older sister. said she wanted to take care of them like i take care of her” and madzie is all like “she sounds sweet. i wanted to know her, too” and raphael tears up slightly and he’s like “yeah. yeah. me too, cariño” and she hugs him
and like not to slut over this but i like to think that raphael teaches madzie about the monarch butterflies and día de los muertos and one day they are playing outside and a monarch lands on madzie?? and madzie calls it “rosa” and the butterfly is just flying over her head, alternating between her and raphael, for the whole afternoon? and raphael chokes up. fuck it all the legends are true, i love this alright
just like.... obviously raphael’s relationship with madzie is not some kind of substitute for his relationship with rosa, because madzie deserves better than that and no one can be rosa but rosa. raphael loves madzie for madzie, because she is sweet but fierce, extremely intelligent and with a playful/slightly mischievous (in a good way) side that is slowly blooming as time goes by and she heals from her abuse more and more. she is also good, endlessly caring, kind, compassionate, imaginative, affectionate. madzie is madzie and that’s all she needs to be. but the idea that raphael has someone to share rosa with, even if madzie obviously doesn’t feel about her the same way raphael did as they never met, but to bring her into this new family in a way... and let madzie knows that she also has another sibling looking out for her, even if from another plane... that’s nice and good food okay. and i think madzie would want to know about her, just like she tells raphael about her other siblings from when she lived with iris, even if they never got to be too close (cuz i doubt iris would risk letting them become very close and eventually realize her abuse and possibly rebel against her) 
maybe it’s madzie herself who brings it up, she asks raphael about the pictures in his home or about his “ave rosa” plaque 🥺 and he tells her about it and makes sure that she knows that he doesn’t love rosa more or less than he does madzie, just differently. they are both his little sisters no matter what
anyway! onto more rapha&madzie focused headcanons. first of all you are so correct about playing dress up and shit, raphael is a SIMP and a sucker for his lil sis so he absolutely will wear a tiara if she asks no questions asked. simon sees it one time and he doesn’t even consider making fun of him because raphael shoots him a glare that absolutely reads as “i double dare you, motherfucker”. not because uwu girly stuff just because he has this whole serious vibe and there he is with a tiara and tiny braids. we stan
also look i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, raphael absolutely learns how to handle black/kinky hair for madzie. he was used to doing rosa’s hair but that was very likely straight or just wavy hair. madzie’s hair texture is different and raphael makes it a point to learn everything he can about how to take care of it and make hairstyles that she might like and won’t hurt her, okay? and yes i know that madzie straightens her hair but i like to think that over time she stops. i kinda headcanon that one of the reasons she did it was to look closer to iris, plus just the fact that as a white abuser i doubt she exactly planted it on madzie to love her natural hair. but over time living with catarina and being closer to a mostly-poc family and seeing maia and other beautiful black women with their natural hair and/or afro hairstyles, she stops straightening it, and everyone encourages her, raphael included. he even uses that, like, “i’ve been learning how to do these hairstyles for you, you know” and he shows her some and she gets so excited about trying them and it’s great
(initially he has catarina’s supervision, because again black hair is important and even if raphael is a moc he’s still nonblack. but catarina trusts him and he’s always so careful and makes sure to always listen to what she says, asks questions and all but takes notes lmao, so it works) 
and baking!!! i mean look madzie is gonna be naturally prone to liking to bake, as a warlock and shit. and if regular kids already play with making potions, warlock kids are definitely even worse, especially because she does see catarina, dot, and magnus doing that all the time so it’s one of the things that she likes to mimick. and baking is basically potion making but edible and solid lmao. but like she loves it, mixing the batter, adding sprinkles, seeing as the textures change and the taste builds and stuff like that, you know? she’s definitely fascinated by it especially because she does it without magic and it’s just, wow, so cool to her?? and raphael as the cook that he is is more than happy to teach her, bake with her, and see her enthusiasm. raphael with oven mitts taking a batch of cookies out of the oven yall. i need a second
and like i absolutely subscribe to genius madzie because LOOK that girl is endlessly fucking smart and so intelligent especially for her age, not to mention powerful and observant and just, she’s brilliant. and with both catarina and magnus, huge nerd extraordinaires, and possibly maia because i like to pepper in the fact that maia and raphael are dating, she gets all the incentive she could possibly want to want to learn about both mundane science and magical theory
but in short like! raphael getting her those chemistry sets for kids, you know? where you have some recipes and you can mix up ingredients and they change color or otherwise change and shit? my friend had one of those when we were kids and my god i loved it so much, i was just fascinated. i think madzie definitely would love it, and raphael knows that she will, so he takes a whole day off for when he brings her this gift because he knows they will be playing all afternoon. and they do! she’s super excited about it and raphael as usual is all careful and teaching her how to do it properly without spilling and taking the measures appropriately and stuff. and it’s super sweet
initially they follow the recipes and raphael’s autistic ass is just delighted to do that, but madzie quickly starts doing some #improv, and again, because she is a genius, she quickly starts to figure out what each substance does. so she’s texting theories, trying out experimenting, seeing if she’s right, trying to asses her work? you know? basically literally a mini scientist using the scientific method and stuff and raphael is so proud of her and in awe of how smart she is and he tells her that she’s the smartest kid he’s ever met and kisses her forehead and she giggles and is just super excited?? 
also sometimes she asks raphael what he thinks and he’s just like “uhhh” because he has no idea lmao he’s just happy to see her do her thing and help her with the practical parts. and she giggles at him and she’s lowkey outraged but again, she’s just sweet and he loves her
i also 100% think it was madzie who figured out a potion to make raphael able to eat (oh look what is this fic that mentions that doing here) because FUCK mundane raphael all my homies hate mundane raphael, the heavenly fire made him a daylighter. and she could see how sad raphael was that he didn’t get to eat at all, especially because he clearly loved food and he always had this sort of longing when they were cooking together, you know? it also made her sad that he couldn’t try her cooking, and he was always telling her that to cook, you need to always taste what you’re making, and once she says “but you can’t do that” and he looked so sad she immediately felt bad about it, even if obviously it isn’t her fault
anyway my point is she knows how much this means for raphael and she wants him to be able to eat human food again, both for him and for herself. so she spends a long time studying vampire anatomy/digestive system, food properties, and magic, and she eventually figures out a potion that he can take before a meal that makes him able to eat. it goes slowly, initially he can only drink, but eventually she does figure out a way to make him eat anything and he just cries like a baby tbh. she is worried for a second but then he takes her in his arms and hugs her fiercely and peppers kisses on her face and says that this is one of the best things anyone’s ever done for him and that he’ll “forever be in her debt” or something that makes her laugh because raphael doesn’t owe her anything, he’s her brother. and he tears up all over again
of course that takes some years but they’re immortal so who cares. and catarina is SO proud of her little genius for that, too. raphael and maia include the potion as courtesy for any vampire who orders food at taki’s and share the recipe and it’s just a small revolution in the vampire world and madzie is already making history like hot damn. GENIUS MADZIE OKAY
but of course first and foremost she is a kid and deserves to be a kid, i just love her being naturally curious and interesting in researching and learning and stuff. but of course they also play a lot, and keep trying to out-cheat each other as she has magic and he has super abilities and the game becomes more seeing who can cheat the most and get away with it than anything else lol. and it’s its own brand of fun
also, raphael keeps trying to get madzie to eat healthy but the second he averts his eyes she’s like “abrakadabra this is now ice cream” and he’s SO frustrated. absolutely nothing can stop her from doing it. “if you eat these carrots i’ll buy you ice cream later”. guess what she can just turn it into ice cream now. your tactics are meaningless
also madzie playing dressing up! and she wants to be Stylish like her mom and her big bro and her uncle magnus but of course she’s a kid so her sense of style is essentially book magnus lmao but raphael 100% indulges her in all her endeavours and helps her make her outrageous outfits and shit. she likes colorful stuff as we’ve seen and he paints her nails and stuff. sometimes she makes herself mini suits mimicking or straight up matching raphael’s and raphael thinks it’s the cutest thing. especially when she like, imitates his blazer but keeps wearing a boa as well or something. aioudjsauihda i love kids and fashion can you tell
and she sometimes picks out clothes for him and guess what? raphael 100% wears them because it’s madzie and he is s o f t for her
and singing!!! and DANCING!!! there is no way raphael can’t dance no matter how hard he tries to pretend otherwise, and between him, dot, and magnus, madzie just loves to dance and becomes a great dancer in no time. raphael loves twirling her around. also him teaching her the jarabe tapatío you can’t tell me that she wouldn’t be all over that shit. the playing with the dress, the bright colors, dancing around the sombrero.... bitch she would love it. and they have so much fun doing their little improvised version of that and she claps and he has his hands behind his back and has the greatest smile on his face and she’s having so much fun
also raphael loves reading for her!!!! and eventually when they move away from reading books with pictures she starts creating her own “holograms” to illustrate the stories with magic, and raphael is so proud of her!! she’s just immensively creative and makes such beautiful illustrations for the stories and as raphael reads she changes around the setting she’s creating and it’s so fun and they both like it so much?? and she eventually falls asleep on his lap and he tucks her in and kisses her forehead and 🥺🥺
she also likes to paint and idk why but i have a feeling that raphael fucking sucks at painting, so that’s funny and he smiles and says that she has so much more talent than him... 
and every time they are together raphael has the hugest smile on, it just doesn’t leave his face for a second. especially when they are playing outside in the sun and he just so fucking happy and basking in the warmth and playing with her, you know? and as madzie grows older, talking and just chilling together as well? you know? he just loves her so much and his cheeks almost hurt by the end and just aaaaaaaaa they are the sibling dynamic we DESERVE and DEMAND 
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catty-words · 5 years
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In our pitch for the show, the way that technology has taken over love, and the fact that we don’t ever have to stop thinking about the object of our obsession, was a big part of the show. 
- Rachel Bloom on the commentary track for Josh Just Happens to Live Here!
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snacc-noir · 4 years
The Idiot Effect - Part 2
Marinette the Flirt AU 
(Basically the fic where Marichat’s a brotp and Marinette’s a mess of a flirt but it’s hilarious. Also i suggest you read chapter 1 first because yeah that’s how numbers work i guess)
Even Chat’s gleeful that evening, fashion-disaster akuma confidently ruining his schedule and all. It’s typical banter, happy days, and being pulverised into city building walls.  
Adrien can’t pay much attention to his acquired brain injuries after today. He’s won his lacrosse game and he’s with her and it’s wonderful: the superheroine and girl of his dreams with a brain as thick as the brick he’s soon thwacked against. She can’t pick up his utter amour for her no matter the flirt, but it doesn’t matter because they’re great friends having great times fighting for their lives and universe as they know it thrice a week.
The best of moments.
“We’ll have this science failure wrapped up in no time, M’lady,” he assures with a smile too large for a Monday afternoon. “Our chemistry is immaculate.”
Joltingly, a green slob of magical rudeness cuts through their side-by-side stance.
Her lips are sly, mixed-coloured suit leaping in his peripheral as she murmurs, “Apparently not.”
Chat’s feet stutter on the ledge. Just for a second.  
One day, one day, he’ll admit to her straightforward – no jokes, no grins, no puns. A great sacrifice, yeah, but as Chat Noir it’s only expected of his bravery to pour his heart out to the most fantastic woman on earth. He has nothing to lose anyway – just maybe a shred of hope that he’ll get to spend his life with her and promise her everything in the world because he’s that guy. But it’s not as if his love for her can be blamed on him mind you, since,
“Ladybug– Ladybug is incredible.”
He’ll love her with a chance or without. No matter what his insecurities or Plagg thinks.
“Marinette’s cooler,” Plagg retorts around a bite of camembert cheese, once again falling tired of his chosen’s latest monologue about how amazing his dream wife was in battle.
A basketball lands in Adrien’s catch. “Stop with that.”
“You totally like her.”
“I know you do.” The entire roll magically disappears in his much smaller body. “I know everything.”
Lifting himself upright on the couch, he pegs the ball at Plagg in effort to get him to shut up, but the whole levitating and fusing with matter thing don’t really work in his favour. A sound clutters nearby and Adrien grins seeing the stack of cheese on the piano tumble variously.  
Plagg gasps and his owner rolls back into the sofa. “Then tell me how Ladybug hasn’t figured out I have more than a ‘crush’ on her.”
“Oh, yes; when she called you her little fanboy.” Plagg huffs, unbeknownst to Adrien if it’s from the Fall of Bastille or cynical indifference. “I guess you’re just so cool she can’t possibly imagine that someone like you, your royal awesomeness, could fall for her.”
Adrien’s brow slumps, hanging over soundless green eyes of ‘Shut your cheese trap’. His room, the definition of Rich Kid Flex, waits in a silence that holds Adrien’s dignity (if there’s much left) by the neck.
“Or there’s another guy.”
Adrien stills.
Another guy?
“Yeah. Why not?” Adrien hasn’t even realised Plagg’s allocated another camembert roll until a familiar, repulsive, gulping sound. But it’s the words that coil unpleasantly in his gut.
Why not?
Ladybug very much in fact could have another guy lined up in her unmasked persona, which already seems doubtful because doesn’t she have, like, the best judgment? (‘That’s rude, Adrien, you’re right but still.) And besides, he can… wait… forever. It’ll be like waiting for his dad to join him for dinner! It sucks, but Adrien’s persistent. One day. Sure.  
Adrien presses his lips into a thin line and looks up at the kwami with a meek expression. “You don’t really think so, do you?”
An uninterested murmur meets him.
“Eh, even if there is, you can always go to Marinette.”
“Marinette is kidding, Plagg,”
That’s the difference. He’s not with Ladybug – that’s blatantly obvious – but Marinette is… well she’s certainly forward but she’s also certainly joking. He knows this. Plagg knows it, and yet—
“She’s still cooler, though.”
Adrien face-slams a pillow. What is with him with that? Looking back, he doesn’t know what he expected when talking to Plagg of all a-holes about the situation. Advice? Sympathy? Ha. He’s the god of bad luck for a reason, and that reason seems to be making Adrien’s life a laughingstock.  
And a laughingstock it is. Not that Adrien knows it.
Plagg inhales more camembert to cover his chuckles.
“Why don’t you just ask him out for real?”
A locker’s door slam shakes the adjacent compartments.  
“I asked him to marry me the other day, Alya.” Marinette checks if she has everything sealed in her bag (‘Physics textbook, lunch box, cookies, true feelings about Adrien. Check.’) before the weight joins the burdens on her back. “I don’t think I can be any more obvious.”
“Maybe he thinks you’re jok—”  
“And after moaning about how hungry I was, I asked in the cafeteria if I could order him because he was a ‘certified meal’.”
Her friend’s casual serenity goes stiff. Alya’s hand slaps to her mouth, lips rigid and trying feebly to keep in the sudden influx of erratic snickers. Huffing, Marinette offers her back to talk to instead as she trots for the hall.  
“What are you—?” A throat clears, Marinette’s stride out the threshold warning she had thin time to get herself collected or she’ll be walking by herself. “What are you thinking you’ll do? Finally confess?”
“I’m not sure.”
Really, she’s not. There’s something so exhilaratingly frustrating about watching an obtuse straight-A student frolic around his own obliviousness while she throws him her feelings like flower petals, as though it’s a wedding with his comical dumbness as the marital. But there’s something safe about not laying the grounds of her true ardour seriously for him to trample on anyway. He very much could not like her – in fact, he likely doesn’t. And that’s fine!  
As long as she doesn’t have to hear it from him.
Shielding her palpable heart with whims of wits seems the safest route, because no matter her confidence level, being brave enough to literally confess is another story; another genre entirely –  
“I know you can do it, girl. Don’t doubt yourself. And if all goes wrong, like say, Adrien running your feelings over with a reminder that you’re just friends,”
Marinette’s pace stammers a little,
“blame his dumb judgment with his dumb detective skills.”
She sighs, thoughts arguing. Her bag strap fills her grip as she politely tells the whispers of insecurities to get stuffed.
“Thanks, Alya.”
Maybe… she could consider it.
tysm for all the support on the story! 
tagged (if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters lemme know, also sorry if you didn’t wanna be tagged again):
@amiraculousplatypus @wegan97 @soap-lady @poisonouscephalopod @woodsbeyond1 @spartanxhunterx @laadychat @mochegato @gelana-12 @heldtogetherbysafetypins @galaxiesanddaisies @melicmusicmagic @legallyspawned @aarushi-03 @purple-people-eaters-productions @gothfoxx @glassesandcardguns @princess-of-fangirls @mewwitch @emeraldpuffguide @johnlockfeels @kittyynoirr @aryamanbose @paintedbirdsong @trubel43 @lulumatthews
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