#brought to you by my in progress biochemistry degree
something that kind of annoys me is when peoiple genuinely criticise tom taylor's nightwing run by saying "dick is so out of character in those 2 issues where he gets the shit beaten out of him and then falls through his window"
that is taken out of the context of dick recovering from a traumatic brain injury so yeah he's going to be off balance after being whacked in the head MULTIPLE TIMES what are you talking about?!?!
it's ok, just breathe
the panel for reference
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Nightwing (2016) #83 pp. 12
don't believe me?
dick gets shot in the head just above his left ear, which you can see in both of these panels and in the cover for nightwing (2016) #50 (if you pretend if's a mirror image bc why is it on the right)
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Batman (2016) #55 pp. 21 Nightwing (2016) #50 pp. 2
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Nightwing (2016) #50 Cover
you can also see his brain scans in the same issue which nicely show the area of damage and literally list what happened
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Nightwing (2016) #50 pp. 2
so he lost bone (skull), blood (obviously), brain tissue (we'll come back to this), cerebrospinal fluid (bc there was a whole in his head), and suffered from severe vascular swelling (we'll return here too)
so, what brain tissue did dick lose?
here's the very basic anatomy of the human brain
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John Hopkins Medicine - https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/anatomy-of-the-brain (i drew the red circle)
now the ears sit just in front of the cerebellum, roughly somewhere around the red circle which lines up with the brain scan showing the damage is roughly in that notch where the temporal lobe and parietal lobe meet
the temporal lobe is involved with speech, rhythm, and short term memory
the parietal lobe is involved with pain and touch recognition, recognising objects, and oh would you look at that, spatial recognition
dick go shot in the part of the brain that tells the body where it is in relation to objects
no wonder he had a hard time fighting and trying to climb through windows, his coordination was all fucky
now the cerebellum is the part of the brain that affects balance BUT but but but we haven't talked about vascular swelling yet
vascular swelling is where the walls of the blood vessels swell (whodathunk) and this causes a reduction in the blood supply as they swell inwards
outward swelling with increase pressure on the brain which is not good either BUT this reduced blood flow = less oxygen to the brain = damage
there's a reason the symptoms of hypoxia pre-passing out are pretty much limited to your brain bc that's the organ that goes first
so with a decrease in bloodflow to his brain, there is a decent change damage was also done to every single part of his brain
now the blood supply does come in past the cerebellum so tbh there probably wouldn't be that much damage if at all however even with that it would explain how dick was still effected from getting shot
so having learned all that, lets take a look at issues 81 & 83 shall we
in #81...
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 5
he gets whacked in the head by heartless, someone with enhanced strength
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 12
he passes out because he's been whacked on the head near to where he was shot
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 13
this is nicely confirmed by babs
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 19
he gets pushed back whilst fighting and due to his injury induced lack of spatial awareness, he falls down the stairs
then in #83, after fighting blockbuster, almost getting shot again, and flying through a helicopter...
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Nightwing (2016) #83 pp. 12
he falls through his window
so yeah, i do think this is reasonable for dick to do given he's recovering from a brain injury and has just been hit in the head and probably hit it whilst falling down the stairs
and if you've made it this far, i want to emphasise the 20 million valid reasons to criticise tom taylor's nightwing run, but this just isn't one of them
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thompsborn · 11 months
ooh ooh!! if it’s not too late: could i get a quick backstory on why the Gang is majoring in what they’re majoring in?
okay so peter has already stated what he intends to major in. it was in chapter four when he was talking to harry:
Harry’s brows quirk up, just slightly. “Oh, really? What are you planning to major in?” The question makes Peter perk up—these prerequisites are soul sucking, but he can’t lie, he’s excited to eventually make it back into a lab again. “Biochemistry, physics, and chemical engineering,” he says. Then, more as an afterthought, feeling that bubble of energy that he used to get when making a new discovery in the labs at the tower, or coming up with ideas with Ned, he adds, “I’ve also considered mechanical engineering and doing a chemical physics degree instead of separate physics and chemical engineering, but the more I looked into it, the more it seemed like a good idea to do the individual programs first, and then maybe come back one day for chemical physics in the future, you know?”
i picked these degrees because 1. when looking into them, they just felt like what mcu peter would be most interested in, but also 2. the main majors that peter tends to have in the comics is biophysics, bioengineering, and photo journalism, and since photography isn't as big a thing for this version of peter, the other two felt more fitting, but i thought regular physics better suited mcu peter. and then chemical engineering, while often connected to like industrial chemical plants, is basically the development of products through chemical processes. which is like. literally peter making his spidey webs lol.
i haven't officially stated any of the other characters majors in the fic yet so just to be safe i'm going to put theirs under the cut and use the spoilers tag for this post in case anyone wants to wait until it's brought up in the series! (warning: harry's answer is Very Long)
harley's was obviously going to be connected to engineering in some way, that's just like. very obvious in my head for any version of harley that's based on canon and not a total au. specifically, though, i see harley more of like mechanical engineering. while i see peter as more about the chemicals (even though he would also be good at mechanical engineering, esp considering in homecoming it's mentioned that he used to be in the robotics club) i see harley as more like a bot builder, a tinkering kind of dude. kinda like tony. mechanic, you know? i pretty much feel like every version of harley i've written would major in mechanical engineering.
though on my alt ao3 babyloveparkner i have a fic with harley majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and minoring in chemical and biomolecular engineering, so like... i think mechanical engineering fits him best but i could see him double majoring in something else.
for homeward bound harley specifically? as of now, where we're at in the first fic, he's planning to major in just mechanical engineering, but as the series continues he may become open minded to doing a double major or minoring in something as well. i can definitely see hb harley getting attached to electrical and computer engineering. i haven't decided yet for sure if he'll actually add something else but at the very least he'll consider it at some point.
gwen was kind of hard to decide tbh? because like canonically she is also a stem major, in the comics she specifically majors in biochemistry, but like. idk i wanted to keep her stem and an absolute genius but i wanted to try a slightly different approach.
currently in the fic she's technically undecided other than knowing she wants to go into stem, but as the series progresses she's going to find a passion for criminal justice and forensic science. i may also have her double up with something else, maybe she'll still also get a biochemical degree as well, but with her being involved in peter's investigation and her dad being a cop i can just really easily see her wanting to combine her love of analysis and science with a passion for solving things and helping people. specifically for hb gwen!!
harry was the hardest to figure out because no matter how much i have looked i have not been able to find a single confirmed major for him in any version of canon. like he's also incredibly smart in most versions of canon, especially the most recent game where he's shown to be as nerdy as peter (even though he also states that peter is the smart one out of the two of them) so it's like...
it's really hard because obviously homeward bound harry is VERY different from any version of canon harry, which was done very intentionally because of the fact that in no way home norman mentions the fact that oscorp doesn't exist (which is why i made it so norman exists in hb but that he tried starting up his business during the five years between snaps and in the same industries as stark industries so, while oscorp does exist, it isn't a huge skyscraper like it usually is, which is why raimiverse norman wasn't able to find it and assumed it didn't exist at all) and then norman says "my son..." with this pained expression on his face, basically implying that harry doesn't exist either. but, like with oscorp, i wanted to make it so that harry does exist but norman wouldn't have been able to find him even if he tried going to like a local library and looking him up.
hence the name change - harry lyman - and, also, by making him harry lyman, peter doesn't recognize his last name and connect that he's the son norman mentioned at FEAST. but also that means harry can't know who his dad is, because if he mentions that his dad is norman osborn at any point then peter will be able to connect those dots anyway. therefore, harry doesn't know his dad, and oscorp is a little starter business between norman and otto that's struggling to make it off the ground and build any traction.
but that fundamentally changes harry in a lot of ways, you know? he doesn't have the same daddy issues he has in canon because he doesn't know who his dad is and has had no influence in his life from norman. the most significant thing about his dad is that he was never in his life to begin with. but that also means harry wasn't raised rich, he wasn't raised surrounded by his dad's business, and he isn't expected to take over the company one day like in canon.
so that crosses business degrees off of the list, because without the influence of oscorp and norman, i don't see any reason for harry's character to be interested in any sort of degree relating to business. plus, there's still the fact that his character is shown to be super smart, so a stem degree would make the most sense, and then also there's this connection between him and his friends because they're ALL going in some kind of stem, which i think is cool.
but what stem degree fits harry? specifically homeward bound harry?
i looked through a lot of lists and did a lot of probably unnecessary research into various different types of stem degrees, and i kept hb harry in my head the whole time - the way i've developed his personality, what would make the most sense?
what i've decided on is applied mathematics.
the reason for this is because i can very easily see harry loving math. i haven't really gone in depth with his background prior to the start of the fic - all that's really been established is that he was raised by his single mom, emily, in the suburbs of new york, and up until esu, he never had any friends, which contributes to why he values his friendships with peter, gwen, and harley so much. and, obviously, he doesn't know who his dad is and doesn't really care to find out.
his background is going to be explored more down the line in the series (i've said this before but by the end of the series there's going to be scenes from the pov of everyone in the spidey squad, including harry, and also one shots from various perspectives as well) but what i'll say here is that his childhood was pretty confusing to him. he was happy with his mom, yeah, and he may not have been raised rich but he was never poor, either - he never worried about food or clothes that fit or losing their house. he grew up comfortable.
but also he grew up unsure about a lot of things. he was never able to make friends because he didn't really understand how. the kids at school never seemed to struggle with talking to each other and making up games on the spot and becoming friends in a matter of minutes, but his brain just never worked like that. he could never figure out what to say, he could never really get into the games the other kids wanted to play, and while he liked running around a playground sometimes, he always preferred a book or a worksheet.
he's not neurotypical, is basically what i'm trying to say. then again, literally none of these characters are, but harry was never like a "normal" kid. (harley is kind of similar in the fact that he never really had any friends in rose hill and he never wanted any, either)
so basically, harry struggled to understand a lot of things, like how to make friends, like why he didn't know who his dad was (his mom has always told him that it doesn't matter, which is kind of why harry now doesn't care because he's always been told it doesn't matter so why would be care about something that doesn't matter, right?), and various other things in the world and the people around him.
but he could always understand math. it's consistent. there's rules. sometimes the rules are confusing and kind of convoluted, but with enough practice, even the confusing and convoluted ones can make sense. there were always things he was curious about, too, though, so while he found comfort in the structure of math, he also found intrigue with other stuff, too. he loved to learn. always has.
applied mathematics feels like it makes sense for homeward bound harry, because applied mathematics is literally the application of mathematical methods in different fields. it can apply to physics. it can apply to medicine. it can apply to finance and business. computer science. engineering. biology. robotics. SO many things.
he loves to learn and i think he would love to be able to apply math, something he's always loved and found some comfort in due to it's consistency and that he's always found fun due to it feeling kind of like a puzzle he needs to solve, to various other fields that he would also love to learn about. it's all encompassing.
that's a really long explanation i'm sorry i didn't mean for the answer to end up this long but!!! those are the majors that i've decided on for the core four in homeward bound!!
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Smile for me #5
A photographer and a girl who hates being photographed.
Pairing: wedding photographer!Jungkook x Nam Jia (OC)
Genre: fluff, comedy, romcom, slice of life
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Word count: 11.7k in total
Warning: slightly tipsy Taehyung 😂
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Actually, I realised that Jungkook wasn’t a bad guy.
Okay, I may have overreacted the whole thing with my insecurity concerning photographers but hey, you know what it’s like when it comes to girls! I was never the type who liked being on photos and I wasn’t even afraid to say so. Nonetheless, he didn’t deserve to be a witness of my reckless behaviour and I knew it by the time I brought him some food.
“Oh, thanks.” He snapped out of his thoughts as he saw me walking up to him with a plate full of food. “You shouldn’t have done this for me but thank you.” He bowed at my direction which was kind of weird since I didn’t usually earn such respectful response.
“You’re welcome.” I eased him with a smile as we sat down on a bench. It might sound peculiar but I enjoyed just sitting beside him while he was eating. I chattered about the dishes I had chosen for him and he nodded while his mouth was full of rice. He looked funny but I didn’t want to outright laugh at him, so I made an attempt to suppress my teasing grin.
All of a sudden, someone cleared his throat behind us and we both turned around to see who it was. I assumed that it was Mr. Grey Hair who crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows, making his bafflement clear but it could have been Mr. Hot Pink as well. But the latter looked surprisingly delighted to see his friend with the girl who almost strangled him 4 hours ago.
“Oh, we interrupted something?” Yoongi asked pryingly and before I could say anything, Jungkook instinctively stood up and raffled his chocolate-brown, slightly curly hair.
“No, hyung! I’ll go right away!”
“You don’t have to, kid.” The photographer raised his arms in defeat while the blondie smiled supportively. I was quite amused by the nickname he used because it was obvious that Jungkook was the youngest out of the three but he didn’t seem like someone who appreciated this particular compellation. “We were also thinking about having something for dinner.” He explained gently while letting his arms flop by his sides.
Jungkook fidgeted so anxiously that I bet that he was never as nervous in his whole life as he was now. After all, I was the one who mentally killed him for taking pictures of me and even yelled at him in public, so it wasn’t a surprise that he was ashamed, now that he was talking with me. And the other guys didn’t even know that I had already apologised.
“You can go with them if you want. I see that you’re quite uncomfortable around me.”
“No, I’m just−“ Mr. Innocent bashfully looked up at me and I could tell that he was dead wrong. Hell yeah, he was embarrassed!
“He’s just shy around strangers, especially girls.” Seokjin whispered like it was our secret but his voice had a teasing edge to it. Well, I was aware of that fact, thank you very much. Maybe Jungkook wasn’t the most outgoing person on Earth but he made quite a progress in the last hour. Until his friends showed up, he was pretty talkative and seemed just fine. But I guess it’s okay if you’re more terrified when your friends are around.
“I’m surprised that he hasn’t run away yet.” Mr. Grey Hair joined in and he was definitely donning a grin. “But it seems that everything is alright between you two.” He accentuated mildly and a half-knowing, half-questioning look came into his eyes. He wasn’t that kind of guy who tried to look scary and make me want to scamper away because I had definitely hurt his friend’s feelings but he was more like that kind of guy whose words were the ones that could kill you.
“I’m sorry for being rude to the two of you, too.” I darted between the two elder guys who had totally different reactions. Mr. Hot Pink was incredibly happy and my sudden confession made him jump in excitement while his friend merely shrugged his shoulders.
“No problem. If Jungkook accepted your apology, we’re also fine.”
“I did.” The boy blurted out but his voice was barely audible.
When everyone averted their eyes to him, he looked down at his fingers and started toying with his camera. His face was flushing red.
“And that’s okay if you’re a little harsh sometimes.” Yoongi cleared his throat and tried to clear the tension in the air. “I guess he got used to that beside me.” He finally boasted one of his gentle smiles and it made him much more attractive. If he didn’t act like a grumpy grandpa, he was quite nice.
After Yoongi’s chuckle, the next few minutes were spent in an odd silence. None of us knew what we should say or do, so we said nothing. It was hilarious since there were 3 guys around me who probably hated me hours ago and now they treated me like I was their good buddy.
“But why do you hate cameras so much?” Seokjin met my gaze, his eyes hinting at his incomprehension. I was kind of prepared for this question but not for the following compliment. “You’re pretty, so that shouldn’t be a problem.” He declared confidently like it was a fact that nobody could counter but I almost fainted.
Mr. Hot Pink was really handsome, and when a handsome guy says that you’re pretty, you tend to believe it because he must have had his definition of beauty.
Yet, I didn’t want to cherish this perfectly false statement, so I tilted my head and vigorously shook my head.
“First of all, I don’t think I am pretty and plus, I just don’t like how I come out on photos.” I snorted but Yoongi cut me off.
“Oh please, I’ve seen worse.”
“Believe him, he’s prominently honest.” The cameraman put a hand over his mouth and whispered into my ears. Upon locking eyes with Jungkook, I swore I saw a jealous glint in his onyx-black eyes. Or maybe I was wrong. Maybe, I don’t know. But that’s for sure that his shoulders stiffened as he was watching our scene which could be easily misinterpreted.
“Thanks.” I murmured, not sure about what I should say. When I peeped at the blondie, judging from how clueless he looked, he may not have noticed my hesitation. Gosh, even if I grew up with Taetae, he didn’t even compliment me, except for the times when I kicked his ass at Mario Kart. Other than that, I could have been a boy, he would probably treat me the same way, so I was definitely not used to receiving compliments.
I was praying again for someone up there to help me break this awkward silence and God must have heard my desperate words because Mr. Grey Hair finally spoke up.
“Alright, Jungkookie.” He patted the youngers’ back and started walking forth. “We’ll leave you here. It’s for your own sake. Socialise a bit!” He was already bawling the last sentences as they were getting further and further away. They literally ran away to make sure that Mr. Innocent wouldn’t follow them but I still heard as Seokjin said:
“Do you think there’s still something left off of the cake?” He asked his friend and that was it. They were gone.
Poor Jungkook was too dumbfounded to process what was happening. Aigoo, they were such cunning guys! I didn’t think that they would just leave him with me. Not after our unforgettable first encounter. It looked like they actually supported our relationship. Wait, what?! We weren’t even in a relationship!
“It looks like they love teasing you.” I let out a giggle as I sat down on the bench again. Jungkook followed me but didn’t start eating, he answered my question instead.
“As the youngest, that’s what I get.”
“Not like you mind it,” I pointed out and his sly smirk indicated that I was right. Instead of annoyance or wrath, hints of felicity and gratefulness were swimming in the onyx-black sea of his eyes.
“Not like I mind it.”
And so this is how our little conversation begun. First, he was talking about his hyungs and how they treated him, hence how he respected them. When Jungkook was young, Yoongi was his neighbour and both of them were the only kids in their family, so despite their age gap, they were spending most of their free time together. Even if it meant that they were eating out, walking along the Han River or taking photos. Yoongi was always keen on photography but Mr. Innocent wasn’t really at that time. One day, he took his friend’s camera without permission and upon seeing his works, Mr. Grey Hair encouraged him to try it out. Jungkook got a camera for the following Christmas and that’s how it all started.
Seokjin was actually Yoongi’s best friend and the three of them all attended – or used to attend − the same university; Seoul Institute of the Arts. Not to mention that they were also roommates at the flat they rented since the elder guys moved out of the dormitory after completing their degrees. Now, they had a studio with some friends where Jungkook also worked. They did this for a living while Mr. Innocent thought that it was a rewarding job besides studying. Well, he got paid well and his friends didn’t look down on him, so he stated that he was having the best time of his life with them. They had taken tons of photos for schools, companies and families, so it wasn’t a surprise that they even came to Busan for my aunt’s wedding.
The fact that at least we both lived in the same city perked me up. I didn’t know why because it wasn’t like we will ever meet again but it made my heart leap. When I didn’t ask more questions, Jungkook turned to face me and boasted one of his sheepish smiles.
“And what about you? What are you studying?”
“Biochemistry at Sungkyunkwan University.”
“What?” His jaw literally dropped and it was so funny that I couldn’t hold back my laughter.
“I really do.” I said in between laughs but he still stared at me like I was the craziest person on Earth. Believe me, I’d seen this expression on literally everyone’s face who asked me the same question. “I’ve always been interested in how biological molecules give rise to the processes that occur within living cells, so that’s how I ended up at the field of biochemistry.” I shrugged because it was interesting for me but I saw that he was still in the state of shock.
“Sorry, Miss, but were you even speaking Korean?” He wiggled his eyebrows and I knew that he wasn’t any serious about it. I playfully smacked him in the chest like we were already good friends but I didn’t really mind his teasing.
We were talking more about my studies since he was curious what kind of classes did I have to attend, what will I do for a living in the future and somehow, we even started talking about my family – aunt and Namjoon as well. The last topic was weddings when Jungkook got a text from Seokjin that they needed him for the newly-weds first dance, so we both headed to the hall. When I bid my goodbye, I was smiling like an idiot and Taehyung happened to be there when I sat down at our table.
“And you say that you don’t have a thing, hah?” He caught me completely off-guard which only resulted in my irritated grumble and my grandmother’s confused expression. Thank God that my parents were at another table with their friends, so they couldn’t see as I was trying to shut him up with covering his mouth with my hands.
Who knows if he was right or not? What if we really had a thing?
Gosh, boys were complicated.
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blog-researchblog · 5 years
My Future As a Advertising Manager
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I have always thought about what I have wanted to do with my life since I was young. From going to college and starting off as a biochemistry major and switching into marketing, there has been a very big change in my life and I am working through it to see and set up my future. What I now would like to do after college is get a job within the marketing department specializing in advertising. Advertising has always interested me because growing up advertisement has been everywhere, good and bad. It brings the attention in and makes you focus on what is going on whether it is advertising with retailing, big businesses, or even politics.  I know marketing is the right fit for me because it blends my passions and interests.
There is a lot to be passionate about but some things that I am very passionate about are working out and working on bettering myself as a whole. The article from Scott Christ’s  “7 Powerful Questions to Find Out What You Want to Do with your Life” helped me more closely reflect on how my passions and interests can connect with this career. I love working to make my life better and try new things in life, one thing that I had tried for the first time is painting. Painting is a good stress reliever and it makes me think about what things to put together to create art. Creating art is something I would love to do within the future like putting things together to make a masterpiece. Another passion that I have is working, at a very young age I started working and not a lot of people can balance their time wisely but somehow I have done it. Between being so young and working is like a second world, I would go into work and I get to be my best self meeting other people's needs and creating friendships through that job that I have and also finding out what we all have in common. Working with people that I actually enjoyed and got along with is motivating, I have worked with people that treated me awful and it made me not want to show up to work anymore. What I have come to the conclusion of is that all jobs are different and with all the knowledge that I have gained from working so young and progressing throughout the years of different companies, learning different strategies  would surely bring some sort of enlightenment throughout schooling so it explains why I have such a passion for this type of major. 
 Which brings me to my last point, I feel like I am willing to work as hard as I can to get what I want. I am here at college which none of my family has done and I am willing to stay here and be dedicated to getting my degree to not only prove to myself but prove to my family if I want something, I have to work for it. I will always live by that with any situation because it creates a good mindset on not only your work environment but your home life. Making sure that I am on track and I am knowledgeable about obtaining a marketing degree and working on the qualities that I need to represent a good one, I had decided to do a little more research on the degree itself in the Occupational Outlook Handbook to look into the pay grades in different states, and much more that created a lot of interest for me.
Reality of the Job 
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According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, marketing and advertising managers are projected to grow eight percent from 2018 to 2028. Under the management title, there was a  “Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers” title, and a screen showing all types of information in that field of work including how to become one, how much they pay, and many more. An advertising manager's job is to create interest among potential buyers of a product or service, sometimes they put together campaigns for clients, or advertising in the media to advertise the organization. The number of jobs that are currently projected is a very big important factor because everyone wants a job that will always be needed in the future.
There is also a page that shows at least a bachelor's degree to pursue in this career and it also gives examples of classes that would be beneficial to take such as management courses, economics courses, and even computer science courses. Some of the important qualities contain analytical skills to determine strategies for the organization to interpersonal skills which deal with people inside and outside the organization. To do more research about this career I had interviewed a family friend to see what the job was like on a day to day basis.
On the job Interview
Furthering my interest in the marketing department, I interviewed Renee Mentionis who is a store manager at Victoria’s Secret in Freehold, New Jersey. I had met Renee while she was working close to home at a shopping mall at Ann Taylor just starting off as a Team Lead. She had gotten her business degree at East Stroudsburg University and although she is not in marketing/advertising, I figured she would know a lot about the career and what is going on around that field of work.
I started the interview by asking what her normal day looked like and she said her every day job is to influence and inspire through employee engagement. One of the things that a manager especially should develop into being is inspiring and influential to the employees that would want to build up in the company and get to a position where someone is withholding the entire company. Renee had told me she “selects top talent for open leadership positions within the district”and  searches for people to recruit for her positions that are available. Growing into leadership roles jobs become more complex because managing higher volume stores and oversees a lot of the managers and employees. 
The work environment seemed to be interesting so I had asked Renee what the work environment looked like on her day to day basis and she explained that the completicity is also related to the work environment, and hers is very fast paced, which is normal for a typical retail business environment in an area that is well known for shopping. Specifically she said,  “the environment is fun, high energy, and can be very stressful at certain times of the year.” which in regards to Black Friday and Christmas Eve shopping. Black Friday is where she sees the most traffic because of all the deals that they have. Also Victoria's Secret has two annual sales that create a lot of business to where customers come in and out and it is super hard to stay high energy when it is super busy. Keeping a fun environment in a job like retail is very important because having coworkers and peers get along makes working together a lot easier. There were times that I had worked with horrible attitude coworkers and they showed no interest in working together to maintain a good working environment and that brought me to a point where I did not feel like doing the best that I could.
 The retail industry is also suffering due to online shopping but that does not stop the traffic that comes in. Renee explained “Some stores, in general, are having issues with traffic deficits and shopping online is helpful in convenience”. With going into the marketing business a lot of the work that would be occurring would be online advertising and it's very possible to see in store businesses increase greatly and I am sure that is not good for the business. Renee had said that the thing that interests her about working in the service industry is looking how to fix and work with the problems that go on in a company and lead and develop a successful business. Making sure everything is in order and going correctly also interests me, so I  think that maybe this really is the job for me.
This whole interview experience enlightened me on the hard work I will have to put in to achieve what Renee has achieved in her years of starting off as a team lead into the top manager she is today. She explained to me that it is going to be a lot of work, working in a fast paced environment but the whole point of growing up to be successful in not only your job but in life is working hard with business marketing can lead to some problems in the field but can find ways to be fixed, which I had found an article in The New York Times explaining an advertising problem that has gone on currently and what you should watch out for in those types of situations. 
Career in the News
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Rihanna’s Lingerie Line Accused of Deceptive Marketing
The New York Times: Sapna Maheshwari
In Sapna Maheshwari’s article from The New York Times, Rihanna's Lingerie Line Accused of Deceptive Marketing she explains Rihanna’s line is deceiving because of the Savage x Fenty line advertising for the monthly subscription that they offer. The advertising company called Truth in Advertising is not putting all of the terms and conditions in the monthly subscriptions so people are being charged for things that they don't even realize they are being charged for. This discount was created so people are prompted to sign up and buy things on the website for a cheaper price but in reality it is doing more harm than good.  Truth in Advertising has tracked hundreds of complaints about the company's billing practices and are warning the consumers who like to shop on Savage x Fenty to be aware and to read the terms and conditions before signing up for something.
I chose this article because I felt like when Renee brought up the issues of having trouble with the media and not being able to control everything all at once this was a perfect example. This industry is very competitive and this article shows that some things can be advertised the wrong way and give people the wrong idea when it comes to buying something. 
Some things that still come up as questions to me are if advertising is really a big issue in the industry or if it is benefiting the industry. As for articles like the one I had chosen, it is hard to come up with answers because people are making a living advertising brands so that they can profit from it. It was intriguing learning about how something so small can impact a company’s profits and what I would like to do in the future is limit that as a factor by using skills that maybe some companies do not have at the moment while working as an advertising manager. The overall point I am trying to make in picking this article, interviewing Renee Mentonis, and researching the Occupational Outlook Handbook is that advertising is everywhere and learning and getting to know my major gave me a different perspective on how hard the job is and how hard you have to work to get it.
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jakehglover · 6 years
Extreme Life Extension and the Search for Immortality
By Dr. Mercola
If you want to live to celebrate your 100th birthday, you’re not alone. Some are going to great lengths to achieve extreme life extension — if not immortality itself. Statistically, the younger you are right now, the greater your chances of living to 100 and beyond, thanks to improvements in 3D printing, stem cell research and nanotech technology.
At present, about one-quarter of children born today are expected to live beyond 100,1 and research shows the number of centenarians in the U.S. has been doubling every decade since the 1950s. By 2050, the number of centenarians living in the U.S. is expected to pass 1 million.2
The fascination with extreme longevity is an enduring one and the search for “the fountain of youth” has a long history, from tracking down sacred, life-giving water sources in the days of antiquity to the invention of nanobots and stem cell research in the modern age.
The Search for Immortality
The featured VPRO Backlight documentary, “Becoming Immortal,” documents some of the latest advancements in the fight against aging. “If aging is considered as a disease, then the cure is immortality,” the narrator says. For some, the dream of eternal life is so strong, they freeze their bodies — or just their heads — in cryogenic tanks, where they await the day when the technology to revive them has come to pass.
According to this film, billions of dollars are spent biohacking the human biology in search of longer life, and Google has created an entire department dedicated to investigating the human biology of aging and mortality. “The techies are convinced the human code can be cracked,” the narrator says, “if not during their own lifetime, then shortly thereafter.”
The ultimate goal: The ability to extend life indefinitely, allowing you to live as long as you wish. As noted in the film, while some find life unbearable and seek to end it sooner rather than later, others truly love life and want to keep going far beyond what is currently considered a normal life span.
Entering the Deep Freeze
In the desert of Arizona is a company called Alcor, founded in 1972. Here, those who refuse to accept the finality of death can have their remains placed in a cryogenic deep freeze to await reanimation at some future date. Freezing your head costs $80,000; placing your entire body on ice will set you back a cool $200,000. Some are also choosing to cryopreserve their pets, in the hopes of reuniting with them in the future. Freezing a small pet’s head costs about $5,000.
For proper preservation, the patient is immediately frozen following death. Cryogenic freezing involves preserving the dead body in liquid nitrogen. After the blood has been replaced by an antifreeze fluid to protect tissue integrity, the body is placed in an arctic sleeping bag and cooled to about 166 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (110 degrees below zero Celcius). Over the following weeks, the temperature is progressively lowered until it reaches about 321 degrees below zero F (196 below zero degrees C). 
According to Alcor cofounder Linda Chamberlain — who currently has three of her own family members, including her husband, stored at the facility — the idea is not to be brought back to life as an old and feeble person. The idea is that once reanimation is possible, the technology will also be advanced enough to actually rejuvenate the body, essentially winding back the biological clock to a much more youthful stage. Cloning would also need to be perfected to allow for the reattachment of your frozen head onto your cloned body.
‘Somewhere Between Life and Death’
According to Alcor, once frozen, the individual is “located somewhere between life and death.” “It’s kind of like if you were in a hospital, and the person was in a coma,” Chamberlain says when asked how she feels about her family members being in this in-between state.
“You know their body is still alive, and that there’s hope that medical technology will be able to fix what they died of and bring them back to a healthy state of functioning. And so, for me it’s very much like that. I feel very joyful and happy when I’m back here [in the cryopreservation room]. In addition to my family members, I have dozens of good friends [here] that I’ve known over the years. This is a very inviting place for me. I like being here.
Am I afraid of death? You bet I am. Death sounds boring. It’s the end of everything. Death there’s no way back from. With cryonics, we’re talking about stopping death so that we have a chance of living vastly extended lifespans. Real death means all the information that was once in your body … is gone, irretrievably. Maybe fear is the wrong word … maybe [a better word is] detesting the idea of going out of existence.”
While most of those awaiting new life at Alcor have expressed the desire to be brought back into a healthy human body, Chamberlain has more exotic wishes for her future life. She aspires to be brought back into a technologically sophisticated frame composed of nanobots, which would give her the ability to alter her physiological functioning at will. She gives the example of being able to go skiing on Mars without concern for the lack of atmosphere.
The SENS Research Foundation
Silicon Valley is home to the SENS Research Foundation, where scientists such as Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist and a leading authority on life extension, aim to stimulate rejuvenation research on a global scale. Rather than hoping for reanimation after death, SENS is focused on damage repair, essentially turning back the biological clock before death occurs.
“We’re interested in restoring the body of an older individual, in terms of its structure and composition, to something like it was in early adulthood,” de Grey says. “If we can do that reasonably well, then we will by definition restore function, both mental and physical.
But that’s very different from how people have historically thought about how to address aging, either by directly attacking the symptoms of old age … or alternatively trying to clean up the way the body works so that it just ages more slowly in the first place.”
Gene Therapy
Silicon Valley’s growing obsession with radical life extension seems a logical outgrowth of geniuses creating life-altering technologies that affect millions if not billions of people. It’s a hubris of sorts, that makes them think they can crack the human code and bend mortality to their own will. However, as noted in the film, techies are not necessarily very good at understanding the complexities of human biology, or predicting the risks inherent with “biohacking.” Still, some accept the risks and use themselves as guinea pigs.
Liz Parrish, founder and CEO of BioViva, a biotech company specializing in antiaging therapies, was her company’s first patient. “If you don’t look young, you’re not young,” she says. Parish used gene therapy to lengthen her telomeres. According to BioViva scientists, her biological age reversed considerably. At present, these kinds of gene therapies are illegal for human use in most Western countries. Parrish received her treatments in Colombia.
How Telomere Length Affects Aging
Telomeres were first discovered back in the 1930s. Every cell in your body contains a nucleus, and inside the nucleus are the chromosomes that contain your genes. The chromosome is made up of two "arms," and each arm contains a single molecule DNA, which is essentially a string of beads made up of units called bases.
A typical DNA molecule is about 100 million bases long. It's curled up like a slinky, extending from one end of the chromosome to the other. At the very tip of each arm of the chromosome is where you'll find the telomere. In 1973, Alexey Olovnikov discovered that telomeres shorten with time because they fail to replicate completely each time the cell divides. Hence, as you get older, your telomeres get increasingly shorter.
If you were to unravel the tip of the chromosome, a telomere is about 15,000 bases long at the moment of conception in the womb. Immediately after conception your cells begin to divide, and your telomeres shorten each time the cell divides. Once your telomeres have been reduced to about 5,000 bases, you essentially die of old age. This is now thought to be a major key that explains the process of aging itself, and holds the promise of not just slowing aging, but actually reversing it.
Exercise Slows Down Telomere Shortening
In 1984, Elizabeth Blackburn Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that the enzyme telomerase has the ability to lengthen the telomere by synthesizing DNA from an RNA primer. She, along with Carol Greider and Jack Szostak were jointly awarded the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009 for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.
The following year, research3 showed that exercise buffers the effect of chronic stress on telomere length, which helps explain some of its well-documented effects on health and longevity. Other studies have found there's a direct association between reduced telomere shortening in your later years and high-intensity-type exercises. As noted in a study published in Mechanisms of Aging and Development:4
"The results of the present study provide evidence that leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is related to regular vigorous aerobic exercise and maximal aerobic exercise capacity with aging in healthy humans. LTL is not influenced by aerobic exercise status among young subjects, presumably because telomere length is intact (i.e., already normal) in sedentary healthy young adults.
However, as LTL shortens with aging it appears that maintenance of aerobic fitness, produced by chronic strenuous exercise and reflected by higher VO2max, acts to preserve LTL … Our results indicate that LTL is preserved in healthy older adults who perform vigorous aerobic exercise and is positively related to maximal aerobic exercise capacity. This may represent a novel molecular mechanism underlying the "anti-aging" effects of maintaining high aerobic fitness."
Millionaire DIY Life Extender Turns Back Biological Clock
Another do-it-yourself experimenter and SENS Foundation supporter is real estate millionaire Darren Moore, who uses FOX04-DRI, a senolytic agent, in an effort to turn back time. As explained on his website:5 
“A senolytic … is among the class of senotherapeutics, and refers to small molecules that can selectively induce death of senescent cells. Senescence is a potent tumor suppressive mechanism. It however drives both degenerative and hyperplastic pathologies, most likely by promoting chronic inflammation. 
Senescent cells accumulate in aging bodies and accelerate the aging process. Eliminating senescent cells increases the amount of time that mice are free of disease. The goal of those working to develop senolytic agents is to delay, prevent, alleviate or reverse age-related diseases.”
In mice, FOX04-DRI has been shown to turn back the biological clock. The substance, which is hard to come by, costs about $500 per milligram, so it’s by no means an inexpensive experiment. There are also no guarantees it will work in humans. Moore, however, believes some risk is worth the possibility of gaining a longer life, and more importantly, longer health-span.
But he’s made his share of mistakes. One experimental drug caused severe side effects, making him break out in a swollen, itchy rash and caused rapid heartbeat and dangerously high blood pressure.
Optimism and Zest for Life Is a Powerful Longevity Predictor
Life extension, especially when we’re talking about extreme life extension — possibly to the point of making us more or less immortal — brings up a lot of questions. What makes us human? What is personal identity? Is there a soul, and if so, what are the spiritual ramifications of reanimating your corpse? Who should have access to life extending technologies? There are many more, and as advances are made, we’ll eventually need to face all of these questions.
As of right now, death is still a certainty for all of us. You can, however, slow down the aging process, and you don’t need to be wealthy or reckless to do it. According to longevity researchers, the majority of centenarians — people who are 100 or older — do not feel their chronological age; on average, they report feeling 20 years younger. They also tend to have positive attitudes, optimism and a zest for life. Indeed, having a positive outlook on life has been shown to be THE most influential factor in longevity studies!
Interestingly, healthy behaviors cannot fully account for impact optimism has on mortality. Some researchers believe optimism has a direct effect on biological systems. Indeed, while conventional medicine is still reluctant to admit that your emotional state has a major impact on your overall health and longevity, a 2013 article in Scientific American6 discusses a number of interesting advancements in the emerging field of psychoneuroimmunology.
Researchers have found that your brain and immune system are actually wired together. Connections between your nervous system and immune-related organs such as your thymus and bone marrow allow for crosstalk between the two systems. Your immune cells also have receptors for neurotransmitters, which suggests they can be more or less directly influenced by them.
What Centenarians Recommend
In interviews and surveys with centenarians, the following themes come up time and time again when asked to explain why they’ve lived so long.7 This list contains things most of us have quite a bit of control over. The same cannot be said for predicting the emergence of reanimation technologies and rejuvenation drugs.
Keeping a positive attitude
Eating real food
Managing stress
Clean living (not smoking or drinking excessively)
Living independently
Strong family ties
Exercising (most report basic activities like walking, biking, gardening, swimming)
A network of friends
Staying mentally active and always learning something new
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/04/07/longevity-factors.aspx
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sherristockman · 6 years
Extreme Life Extension and the Search for Immortality Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you want to live to celebrate your 100th birthday, you’re not alone. Some are going to great lengths to achieve extreme life extension — if not immortality itself. Statistically, the younger you are right now, the greater your chances of living to 100 and beyond, thanks to improvements in 3D printing, stem cell research and nanotech technology. At present, about one-quarter of children born today are expected to live beyond 100,1 and research shows the number of centenarians in the U.S. has been doubling every decade since the 1950s. By 2050, the number of centenarians living in the U.S. is expected to pass 1 million.2 The fascination with extreme longevity is an enduring one and the search for “the fountain of youth” has a long history, from tracking down sacred, life-giving water sources in the days of antiquity to the invention of nanobots and stem cell research in the modern age. The Search for Immortality The featured VPRO Backlight documentary, “Becoming Immortal,” documents some of the latest advancements in the fight against aging. “If aging is considered as a disease, then the cure is immortality,” the narrator says. For some, the dream of eternal life is so strong, they freeze their bodies — or just their heads — in cryogenic tanks, where they await the day when the technology to revive them has come to pass. According to this film, billions of dollars are spent biohacking the human biology in search of longer life, and Google has created an entire department dedicated to investigating the human biology of aging and mortality. “The techies are convinced the human code can be cracked,” the narrator says, “if not during their own lifetime, then shortly thereafter.” The ultimate goal: The ability to extend life indefinitely, allowing you to live as long as you wish. As noted in the film, while some find life unbearable and seek to end it sooner rather than later, others truly love life and want to keep going far beyond what is currently considered a normal life span. Entering the Deep Freeze In the desert of Arizona is a company called Alcor, founded in 1972. Here, those who refuse to accept the finality of death can have their remains placed in a cryogenic deep freeze to await reanimation at some future date. Freezing your head costs $80,000; placing your entire body on ice will set you back a cool $200,000. Some are also choosing to cryopreserve their pets, in the hopes of reuniting with them in the future. Freezing a small pet’s head costs about $5,000. For proper preservation, the patient is immediately frozen following death. Cryogenic freezing involves preserving the dead body in liquid nitrogen. After the blood has been replaced by an antifreeze fluid to protect tissue integrity, the body is placed in an arctic sleeping bag and cooled to about 166 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (110 degrees below zero Celcius). Over the following weeks, the temperature is progressively lowered until it reaches about 321 degrees below zero F (196 below zero degrees C). According to Alcor cofounder Linda Chamberlain — who currently has three of her own family members, including her husband, stored at the facility — the idea is not to be brought back to life as an old and feeble person. The idea is that once reanimation is possible, the technology will also be advanced enough to actually rejuvenate the body, essentially winding back the biological clock to a much more youthful stage. Cloning would also need to be perfected to allow for the reattachment of your frozen head onto your cloned body. ‘Somewhere Between Life and Death’ According to Alcor, once frozen, the individual is “located somewhere between life and death.” “It’s kind of like if you were in a hospital, and the person was in a coma,” Chamberlain says when asked how she feels about her family members being in this in-between state. “You know their body is still alive, and that there’s hope that medical technology will be able to fix what they died of and bring them back to a healthy state of functioning. And so, for me it’s very much like that. I feel very joyful and happy when I’m back here [in the cryopreservation room]. In addition to my family members, I have dozens of good friends [here] that I’ve known over the years. This is a very inviting place for me. I like being here. Am I afraid of death? You bet I am. Death sounds boring. It’s the end of everything. Death there’s no way back from. With cryonics, we’re talking about stopping death so that we have a chance of living vastly extended lifespans. Real death means all the information that was once in your body … is gone, irretrievably. Maybe fear is the wrong word … maybe [a better word is] detesting the idea of going out of existence.” While most of those awaiting new life at Alcor have expressed the desire to be brought back into a healthy human body, Chamberlain has more exotic wishes for her future life. She aspires to be brought back into a technologically sophisticated frame composed of nanobots, which would give her the ability to alter her physiological functioning at will. She gives the example of being able to go skiing on Mars without concern for the lack of atmosphere. The SENS Research Foundation Silicon Valley is home to the SENS Research Foundation, where scientists such as Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist and a leading authority on life extension, aim to stimulate rejuvenation research on a global scale. Rather than hoping for reanimation after death, SENS is focused on damage repair, essentially turning back the biological clock before death occurs. “We’re interested in restoring the body of an older individual, in terms of its structure and composition, to something like it was in early adulthood,” de Grey says. “If we can do that reasonably well, then we will by definition restore function, both mental and physical. But that’s very different from how people have historically thought about how to address aging, either by directly attacking the symptoms of old age … or alternatively trying to clean up the way the body works so that it just ages more slowly in the first place.” Gene Therapy Silicon Valley’s growing obsession with radical life extension seems a logical outgrowth of geniuses creating life-altering technologies that affect millions if not billions of people. It’s a hubris of sorts, that makes them think they can crack the human code and bend mortality to their own will. However, as noted in the film, techies are not necessarily very good at understanding the complexities of human biology, or predicting the risks inherent with “biohacking.” Still, some accept the risks and use themselves as guinea pigs. Liz Parrish, founder and CEO of BioViva, a biotech company specializing in antiaging therapies, was her company’s first patient. “If you don’t look young, you’re not young,” she says. Parish used gene therapy to lengthen her telomeres. According to BioViva scientists, her biological age reversed considerably. At present, these kinds of gene therapies are illegal for human use in most Western countries. Parrish received her treatments in Colombia. How Telomere Length Affects Aging Telomeres were first discovered back in the 1930s. Every cell in your body contains a nucleus, and inside the nucleus are the chromosomes that contain your genes. The chromosome is made up of two "arms," and each arm contains a single molecule DNA, which is essentially a string of beads made up of units called bases. A typical DNA molecule is about 100 million bases long. It's curled up like a slinky, extending from one end of the chromosome to the other. At the very tip of each arm of the chromosome is where you'll find the telomere. In 1973, Alexey Olovnikov discovered that telomeres shorten with time because they fail to replicate completely each time the cell divides. Hence, as you get older, your telomeres get increasingly shorter. If you were to unravel the tip of the chromosome, a telomere is about 15,000 bases long at the moment of conception in the womb. Immediately after conception your cells begin to divide, and your telomeres shorten each time the cell divides. Once your telomeres have been reduced to about 5,000 bases, you essentially die of old age. This is now thought to be a major key that explains the process of aging itself, and holds the promise of not just slowing aging, but actually reversing it. Exercise Slows Down Telomere Shortening In 1984, Elizabeth Blackburn Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that the enzyme telomerase has the ability to lengthen the telomere by synthesizing DNA from an RNA primer. She, along with Carol Greider and Jack Szostak were jointly awarded the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009 for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase. The following year, research3 showed that exercise buffers the effect of chronic stress on telomere length, which helps explain some of its well-documented effects on health and longevity. Other studies have found there's a direct association between reduced telomere shortening in your later years and high-intensity-type exercises. As noted in a study published in Mechanisms of Aging and Development:4 "The results of the present study provide evidence that leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is related to regular vigorous aerobic exercise and maximal aerobic exercise capacity with aging in healthy humans. LTL is not influenced by aerobic exercise status among young subjects, presumably because telomere length is intact (i.e., already normal) in sedentary healthy young adults. However, as LTL shortens with aging it appears that maintenance of aerobic fitness, produced by chronic strenuous exercise and reflected by higher VO2max, acts to preserve LTL … Our results indicate that LTL is preserved in healthy older adults who perform vigorous aerobic exercise and is positively related to maximal aerobic exercise capacity. This may represent a novel molecular mechanism underlying the "anti-aging" effects of maintaining high aerobic fitness." Millionaire DIY Life Extender Turns Back Biological Clock Another do-it-yourself experimenter and SENS Foundation supporter is real estate millionaire Darren Moore, who uses FOX04-DRI, a senolytic agent, in an effort to turn back time. As explained on his website:5 “A senolytic … is among the class of senotherapeutics, and refers to small molecules that can selectively induce death of senescent cells. Senescence is a potent tumor suppressive mechanism. It however drives both degenerative and hyperplastic pathologies, most likely by promoting chronic inflammation. Senescent cells accumulate in aging bodies and accelerate the aging process. Eliminating senescent cells increases the amount of time that mice are free of disease. The goal of those working to develop senolytic agents is to delay, prevent, alleviate or reverse age-related diseases.” In mice, FOX04-DRI has been shown to turn back the biological clock. The substance, which is hard to come by, costs about $500 per milligram, so it’s by no means an inexpensive experiment. There are also no guarantees it will work in humans. Moore, however, believes some risk is worth the possibility of gaining a longer life, and more importantly, longer health-span. But he’s made his share of mistakes. One experimental drug caused severe side effects, making him break out in a swollen, itchy rash and caused rapid heartbeat and dangerously high blood pressure. Optimism and Zest for Life Is a Powerful Longevity Predictor Life extension, especially when we’re talking about extreme life extension — possibly to the point of making us more or less immortal — brings up a lot of questions. What makes us human? What is personal identity? Is there a soul, and if so, what are the spiritual ramifications of reanimating your corpse? Who should have access to life extending technologies? There are many more, and as advances are made, we’ll eventually need to face all of these questions. As of right now, death is still a certainty for all of us. You can, however, slow down the aging process, and you don’t need to be wealthy or reckless to do it. According to longevity researchers, the majority of centenarians — people who are 100 or older — do not feel their chronological age; on average, they report feeling 20 years younger. They also tend to have positive attitudes, optimism and a zest for life. Indeed, having a positive outlook on life has been shown to be THE most influential factor in longevity studies! Interestingly, healthy behaviors cannot fully account for impact optimism has on mortality. Some researchers believe optimism has a direct effect on biological systems. Indeed, while conventional medicine is still reluctant to admit that your emotional state has a major impact on your overall health and longevity, a 2013 article in Scientific American6 discusses a number of interesting advancements in the emerging field of psychoneuroimmunology. Researchers have found that your brain and immune system are actually wired together. Connections between your nervous system and immune-related organs such as your thymus and bone marrow allow for crosstalk between the two systems. Your immune cells also have receptors for neurotransmitters, which suggests they can be more or less directly influenced by them. What Centenarians Recommend In interviews and surveys with centenarians, the following themes come up time and time again when asked to explain why they’ve lived so long.7 This list contains things most of us have quite a bit of control over. The same cannot be said for predicting the emergence of reanimation technologies and rejuvenation drugs. Keeping a positive attitude Eating real food Managing stress Clean living (not smoking or drinking excessively) Living independently Strong family ties Exercising (most report basic activities like walking, biking, gardening, swimming) A network of friends Staying mentally active and always learning something new Faith/spirituality
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loud-snoring-os · 7 years
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#76: Training Frequency, High Intensity Training, And Training Protocols Over A Lifetime - Andy Galpin PhD
Dr Andy Galpin (Instagram and Twitter) has a degree in exercise science, a masters in Human Movement Sciences and a PhD in Human Bioenergetics (studying the structure and function of human skeletal muscle at the single cell level), This also resulted in the opening of the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory (BMEP) at CSU Fullerton.
The BMEP lab studies the acute responses and chronic adaptations of human skeletal muscle in response to high force, velocity, power and fatiguing exercise from the whole body, down to the individual muscle fiber and even into the individual DNA. The team does this by taking muscle biopsies from non-athletes and elite athletes from different backgrounds (e.g. normal college student, MMA fighter, Boxer, Weightlifter, etc.) and use highly sophisticated laboratory techniques and equipment to address questions about single fiber "type", size, function, protein quantity, diameter, mitochondria, and myonuclear function.
Check this video they shot with Conor McGregor to measure the angular velocity of his spinning back kick! I stand corrected: this was 3 years ago! Not "recently" like I said in the introduction to this episode *blush*.
I really enjoyed Andy Galpin’s interview on The Joe Rogan Experience which led me to ask him on to Corporate Warrior.
Every now and again, I like to invite someone on to the show who isn’t from a HIT background and has a different opinion on what exercise is the most effective for various desirable outcomes. Whilst Andy does believe that HIT provides some value, he believes that traditional high intensity training falls short in meeting all of the requirements for optimising health, longevity and even muscle gain.
Check out Andy's new book: Unplugged: Evolve from Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness, Performance, & Consciousness (Amazon US / Amazon UK)
In this episode we cover:
Andy's opinions on the pros and cons of the typical HIT protocol
How Andy adds muscle to his athletes
What Andy has changed his mind about regarding muscle adaptation/growth and post-workout nutrition timing in recent memory
and much more
This episode is brought to you by Hituni.com, providers of the best online courses in high intensity training that come highly recommended by Dr. Doug McGuff and Discover Strength CEO, Luke Carlson. Course contributors include world-class exercise experts like Drew Baye, Ellington Darden and Skyler Tanner. There are courses for both trainers and trainees. So even if you’re not a trainer but someone who practices HIT, this course can help you figure out how to improve your progress and get best results. Check out Hituni.com, add the course you want to your shopping cart and enter the coupon code ‘CW10’ to get 10% off your purchase!
To subscribe via email and get my FREE eBook with 6 podcast transcripts with guests like Dr Doug McGuff, Drew Baye and Skyler Tanner – Click here  😀
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che-ck-your-self · 7 years
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addcrazy-blog · 8 years
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New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/5-clothier-chromosomes-convey-synthetic-existence-a-step-nearer/
5 clothier chromosomes convey synthetic existence a step nearer
The purpose of making a complicated organism with a genome designed and built from scratch within the laboratory has come to a massive step nearer.
The crew that constructed the first synthetic yeast chromosome three years in the past has now brought 5 extra chromosomes, totaling kind of a third of the yeast’s genome. It’s a dramatic scaling-up of our talents and opens the door to large-scale genomic engineering.
The arena has already visible one synthetic genome, that of the bacterium nicknamed Synthia. But, microorganism has tons smaller and simpler genomes than higher organisms such as yeast and human beings, referred to as eukaryotes. Synthesizing a eukaryotic genome is, therefore, a far more complicated task. In 2014, a group led via Jef Boeke, now at My College Langone Medical Middle in The big apple Metropolis, controlled to construct a single yeast chromosome. They then replaced one of a residing yeast cell’s natural chromosomes with it – the primary time this had been achieved in a eukaryote.
Boeke’s group has given that edited the whole yeast genome (see “Re-engineering yeast”, underneath), before farming out the synthesis of the 16 rewritten chromosomes to a global consortium of geneticists and yeast biologists.
This week, the consortium announced the of the entirety of a further 5 chromosomes. Everyone changed into assembled from pieces of 30,000 to 60,000 DNA letters. This allowed the builders to “debug” Each segment as they brought it, correcting for inadvertent errors that crept in at some stage in the modifying technique.
Due to this careful debugging, yeast cells with the new artificial chromosomes develop just as speedy as regular, wild, yeast in laboratory cultures, in spite of the wholesale alterations. “It’s miles exceptional how lots torture the yeast genome can take and nonetheless be glad and healthful,” says Boeke.
Other researchers say the health of the modified yeast is high-quality. “The reality that they had been able to do that throughout 5 unique chromosomes, and the fitness remains similar to wild kind cells, that’s pretty superb,” says Dan Gibson at artificial Genomics, a biotech employer in L. A. Jolla, California, that is developing artificial chromosomes in any other yeast species.
“It now units the degree for the remaining, that is setting all 16 synthetic chromosomes into one mobile,” says Gibson. “I now have greater confidence that they’ll be capable of obtaining that.”
If and after they do, researchers desire to examine a massive amount. “In case you take a bicycle and wreck it all the way down to its smallest parts to your basement, and reassemble it once more, you know a hell of plenty greater approximately your bicycle than you did earlier than,” says Boeke. In addition, taking aside the entire genome and rebuilding it need to yield new know-how of lifestyles and its tactics.
The biotechnology industry, too, needs to see massive payoffs. Yeasts are already biotech workhorses, producing merchandise consisting of prescription drugs and even perfumes in vast fermenting vats.
Unheard of manipulate An artificial genome will provide bioengineers Unheard of manipulating over yeast metabolism. It’s, as an example, permit them to extend yeast’s repertoire of molecules to be produced or degraded.
Researchers could also “humanize” the yeast with the aid of incorporating human variations of genes. Geneticists already do this for some genes straight away, but synthetic chromosomes might allow them to go a good deal further – a massive plus in terms of testing new capsules and Other treatment plans.
The biggest payoffs, However, can be ones that no one foresees. We tailor our ambitions to what’s plausible. “The history of genomics is you do what you can do, and then you definitely rationalize that that’s all you desired,” says George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University. Another time is possible, we’ll possibly think of new things to do, he says.
Commonplace Material, Design and fashion designer The latest of the entirety of the human gene map within the scope of the Human Genome Undertaking is an essential scientific development. But, some results of this Project are being distorted in a few evolutionist publications. It’s far claimed that the genes of chimpanzees are ninety-eight % similar to human genes, and this is provided as a proof for the declare that apes are close to people, and consequently, logical ancestors of humans as claimed through Darwin’s theory of evolution. The argument is deceptive.
The declare of ninety-eight% similarity is devious. To assert that the genetic make-u.S.of guy and chimpanzee endure 98 % similarity to Every Other, the genome of the chimpanzee also needs to be mapped just as that of man and the two have to be as compared. No such result for the chimpanzee has been completed yet.
This claimed similarity is an exaggerated generalization grounded on the similarity in the amino acid sequences of a few 30-40 fundamental proteins present in guy and chimpanzee. A sequence evaluation has been made with a technique named “DNA hybridization” at the DNA sequences which can be correlated with these proteins and only the ones a limited wide variety of proteins were in comparison. But there are about hundred thousand genes, and consequently, a hundred,000 proteins coded by using these genes in humans. The declare that each one the genes of man and ape are 98 % similar is based totally on the similarity in 40 out of one hundred.000 proteins!
Moreover, the above-cited primary proteins are Commonplace essential molecules present in diverse Different residing beings. The systems of the same styles of proteins gift now not handiest in chimpanzees, but also in absolutely exclusive living beings, are very just like that in people.
for instance, the genetic evaluation published in New Scientist have found out a seventy-five % similarity among the DNAs of nematode worms and guy. (New Scientist, 15 May additionally 1999, p.27) This simply does not imply that there is best a 25% difference between a guy and these worms!
Then again, the analysis accomplished on some proteins display man as close to some very distinct living beings. In a survey completed via the researchers at Cambridge University, some proteins of land residing animals had been compared. Amazingly, in almost all samples, man and men were paired as the closest relatives. The next closest relative became the crocodile. (New Scientist v.103, sixteen August 1984, p.19)
every other example utilized by evolutionists on “the genetic similarity among guy and ape”, is the presence of 48 chromosomes in chimpanzees and gorillas and 46 chromosomes a in a guy. Evolutionists regard the closeness of the wide variety of chromosomes an as an indication of an evolutionary relationship. However, if this common sense has been genuine, then guy have to have an even nearer relative than the chimpanzee: the potato!. The range of chromosomes in a potato is precisely equal to the range of chromosomes in a human: forty-six
those examples display that genetic similarity does now not constitute proof for the theory of evolution. that is because the genetic similarities are not in step with the alleged evolution schemes, and on the contrary, they yield absolutely contrary results.
not highly, while the issue is evaluated as an entire, It’s miles visible that the situation of “bio-chemical similarities” does now not represent an evidence for evolution, however on the opposite leaves the principle in the lurch. Dr. Christian Schwabe, a biochemistry researcher from the Medical School of South Carolina College, is an evolutionist scientist who has spent years to find proof for evolution inside the molecular area. He in particular did researches on insulin and relaxin-kind proteins and attempted to set up evolutionary relationships between residing beings. However, he had to confess for many times that he couldn’t find any evidence for evolution at any point in his research. He said;
“Molecular evolution is ready to be familiar with a method advanced to paleontology for the discovery of evolutionary relationships. As a molecular evolutionist, I must be related. Alternatively it appears disconcerting that many exceptions exist to the orderly progression of species as determined through molecular homologies; so many in reality that I suppose the exception, the quirks, May additionally convey the extra crucial message” (Christian Schwabe, “on the Validity of Molecular Evolution”, Tendencies in Biochemical Sciences. V.11, July 1986)
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