#bruh I got shot for these people and the fucking nerve
Had zombie dream where I was telling a group of survivors to run and these motherfuckers were taking a nice little stroll, woke up before anything happened and now I'm twice as angry
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Riven’s Unhinged Screaming of Dante’s Inferno Rings 5-8 (aka Panda 2.0 (part 1)
Me this entire raid tier
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(Eric is a good bean he’s just got a little bit of a temper problem fite me if you dare and honestly as one who had a shitty father i can’t blame him really)
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the man, the myth, the motherfucking evil bastard bird of hell maker
Anyway.  Wanted to clown on his ass, but honestly, need more information. 
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WHY YES THANK YOU.  I NEEDED THIS ICLY, THANK YOU.  (Because guess who got yoinked Exarch-style to come help out?)
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Anyone else feel their tetanus shot act up seeing this or was it just me?
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(day one of a new raid.  wiping was had)
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*gets Destiny’s Child stuck in her head* GODSDAMNIT
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*Ancient Soap Opera Intensifies*
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Yes.  Please.  I need a breather.  And more drinking.  Cuz WHAT THE FUCK
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Dude, I figured this out at the start of the first raid tier.  WE ALL DID. 
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‘Teehee it’s okay she’s a doppleganger! You know what they say, everyone has one!  She’s got to be a good person at heart so it’s okay to trust her!’
(side note:  Still feel this explanation even stronger for the ‘Azem knew about us’ theory)
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i know where this is going o/’ and i don’t like ittttt o/’
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Greeeaaaaat.  We’re working out father/son issues it seems.
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-files this nugget away for later-
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please stop starting shit with your son my guy.  please.  PLEASE.  WE HAVE ENOUGH ON THE PLATE AS IT IS.
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8 notes · View notes
op-peccatori · 4 years
Hopefully, Yours (part 2) | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor/Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature 
Word Count: 8326
Summary: It took some cake, a friend, and some impulsive behaviour, but they got there. (part 2 of Hopefully, Yours)
Warnings/Tags: making out, language, my cheeseball antics
a/n: I was afraid of opening this doc at one point because every time I did I added more words to it ;; Also accidentally deleted the first draft, so I hope I didn’t leave anything out for this one. 
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After Hours | Victor and Y/n
200, 280 views • Feb 8th, 2020
1.19M subscribers 
somsom 5 minutes ago
They’re both so nice. Victor’s always made out to be this heartless CEO, so it’s nice to see this side of him :) 
tooktiktook  7 minutes ago
cheribb 15 minutes ago
their eyes said more than enough <3 <3
saltqueen 16 minutes ago
what i wouldn’t give to have someone look that soft over me
Victor eyed the cheerful grin splitting Jason’s face, just a little uneasy in his seat. 
While having eager eyes on him was not an unfamiliar experience, he’d never been in a position where he was expected to talk about his feelings on camera. Not that he was about to confess in front of the entire crew of the show, but when it came to you the lines always got a little too blurry for his comfort. 
He got a little too eager.
“Just be nice,” Jason had instructed gently, and Victor steeled himself. 
They started, quite predictably, by asking him about his ideal type. Resisting the urge to scoff, he tried to stick to the script he’d worked on with Goldman, who had insisted on being present for today’s shoot. Not that Victor was complaining; it wasn’t exactly part of the job description, but Goldman had been enthusiastic, which Victor could appreciate and would certainly reward. 
Goldman had also spent most of yesterday handling the public relations department in his absence, preparing them for his appearance on the show. A tentative plan would be sent to him by tomorrow morning. He had faith in them, believing that they would be able to make this look good for him. 
“Someone who works hard,” he answered, knowing you would laugh at that. “Who can be themselves around me, someone I can be myself around. Someone...kind.”
The times you’ve spent in Souvenir flit through his mind, some quiet and some full of bright-eyed chatter.
“You’ve known Y/n for some time, right?” the interviewer asked. She looked nice, but he’d been on the block long enough to know that even the kindest faces can often hide the sharpest teeth.
“What do you think of her?”
“She’s a very kind person,” he said easily. “One of the most hard-working and inspiring people I’ve ever met.”
You would surely gape like a fool after  seeing this. It was a little embarrassing, but Victor was determined to leave your image shiny after this. He would not have any words of his twisted to give you a bad name. If it got even a fraction of his feelings across, well, that was a bonus he wouldn’t mind having. The intimate setting of the ferris wheel had seemed to help some, but his admittedly indirect confession didn’t reach you as he had hoped.
God, but his father would love this.
“Did you have fun on your date?”
“It was lovely.” They tacked on another question and he nodded. “I...yes, I’d love to do it again.”
It was a little curt, but he didn’t really get what Goldman had meant by ‘nod tenderly with a far-off look.’
What would you think of that?
The interviewer raised a brow, her smile widening. “Let’s get to it, then. How do you feel about her?”
For some bizarre reason, the first thing that had come to his mind at this question was his inexplicable need to check your social idea every day. And the way his heart beats just a little faster when you’ve posted a new picture. How, in moments of weakness, he’d given in and saved a few to his phone. Even a mental reminder of it made him a little hot under the collar.
There were many things he couldn’t even begin to try and explain when it came to you.
Really, the list is endless.
Victor’s current favourite was the video you’d uploaded of eating the tiramisu he’d cooked. He watches it at the end of a bad day and just like that, he feels a little better.
“I think anyone who ends up with her would be the luckiest person in the world,” he said honestly. “She’s beautiful in every single way.”
The last three words were supposed to have stayed in his head, but saying them felt natural. Goldman seemed to approve, shooting him a discreet thumbs up.
When you walk in, sleep-deprived and grumpy but trying to hide it, thinking he won’t catch on as if he isn’t running sharp eyes over every inch of your face. When the first sip of your coffee is too eager, leaving your tongue burnt and him with a pressing need to soothe it with his own. When you eat too much sugar and complain about a stomach-ache; he scolds you for it, but his arms are left straining with the need to wrap themselves around you.
He cherished these moments and wanted every single one all to himself. 
She makes me greedy.
“Would you want to be that person?”
Victor laughed, light and incredulous. 
Yes. Yes. Yes. 
“I guess time will have to answer that question for us,” he said, the ghost of a smile on his lips, leaving it at just the right note to keep viewers hanging—right along with him.
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lightscameranaps ✓ @jasonp
Hope y’all enjoyed the episode! #HopefullyYours
bandanaman @headaccs
@jasonp sooo really sorry about this but we’re kinda dying over here
raspberrydream @berryberry
@headaccs Victor’s acc is still private. Maybe there’s something there? 
srirachafire @hotsauce
@berryberry But Y/n’s isn’t private, and there’s nothing there. Give it up guys, they’re just friends. 
bandanaman @headaccs
@hotsauce bruh that look?? was not friendship 
raspberrydream @berryberry
@hotsauce those words?? were not friendship
srirachafire @hotsauce 
@headaccs @berryberry you two?? are hopeless romantics
lightscameranaps ✓ @jasonp
@headaccs honestly? me too D: 
bandanaman @headaccs
@jasonp !!!!!! asdfgdvsd
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Closing your Moments and the entire thread discussing the episode, you flop back down onto your mattress. Reaching for your newest plushy, you hug it tight, perhaps a tad too aggressively. 
It’s odd. You struggle between the visceral sort of pleasure that comes from a job well done—because the response is terrific—and the trembling nerves that come from watching yourself on a date with Victor.
Watching the episode had been harder than you had expected; you hadn’t quite been expecting the way Victor was looking at you—the intense gaze was a little too convincing, and watching it from the audience’s perspective was flustering. 
You spent most of it trying to suppress the inconvenient surges of hope, telling yourself it wasn’t real.
There really was nothing to know. The ferris wheel shot had ended there because you had nothing to say to Victor’s answer. You don’t know if he was referring to his past or his present, but the look in his eyes made it clear: his feelings were still there. Instead of pressing him, you chose to stay quiet, exhaustion clear in your face and sinking deep into your bones.
Victor had seemed to understand and maybe even appreciate it, probably not wanting to discuss it either, and only insisted on dropping you home. The ride to your place had been mostly silent, but you had tried to ask him his thoughts on the day and the shoot. He kept his answers concise, appearing a little distracted, which was so unlike him it made you wonder if he regretted opening up.
You’d spent the entire ride trying to quell the delicate little thing trembling in your chest.
The next video started while you were lost in your thoughts, and it happens to be your individual parts. Curious, you lean in, wincing slightly at the way you were fidgeting. 
And then they switch to Victor. You both had to wear the outfits from the date for these, but you still weren't quite expecting the impact his voice alone would have on you. 
And as always, those fierce eyes have you freezing in place.
“Let’s get to it, then. How do you feel about her?”
He looks unfazed by the question. Of course, they go over the questions with you beforehand, but you still remember how nervous you’d felt when asked how you felt about him; Victor’s eyes flick towards the camera, filled with intent, as if addressing you—and you close the laptop with a snap, your throat tight.
You don’t have to watch that right away.
You had been very careful about what to say, how to act, channeling your inner-Victor to adopt a marble-smooth expression. Say nice things about him? Easy, you didn’t even have to make anything up. Imply just enough to keep people guessing. 
Keep your unwanted feelings to yourself. 
Palm coming to rest over your heart, pressing down as if it would alleviate the ache there, you try to sort through your thoughts. You never really thought there was a chance, but to hear it confirmed was a blow you weren’t prepared for. 
It’s ridiculous to feel so insecure, you think. You feel like you lost a competition you had never even had the chance to compete in. And over an unnamed, mysterious figure? So silly! 
But another part of your mind says it’s okay to feel this way, that it’s only natural. You’ve had such strong feelings for Victor for so long. And all of these feelings, the good and the bad, are yours; the wounds of your heart, the light in your laughter. Fighting them would only make you suffer. The love and the hurt are part of you, both important in their own right.
Knowing all of that doesn’t make it easier, though. 
After all, Victor had alluded to his feelings on camera, to your face. Knowing him, he would never do that unless he was sure about the person. 
“This fucking sucks,” you admit out loud, and at the heels of your words come the tears. Because, to make it even worse, people really seem to think it’s you. 
You can’t blame them, because even you had been taken in by his soft looks. Anyone watching would believe he’s smitten with you. Good for the show, terrible for you. 
You’re not strong enough to reply to them, to tell them you aren’t that fortunate, and have been hoping Victor, or someone from his team, would put a stop to it. 
But there hasn’t been any word from them and you curse out loud at the fact that he expects you to do something about it. As if there’s any more emphasis needed, your phone vibrates. Unlocking it with a miserable sigh, you scroll down quickly.
Minor [19:40]: am I watching this right? Boss, are you dating the CEO? PLS SAY NO
Chik [20:21]: You bitch. When were you going to tell me you snagged THAT? So I was right back then, ha! Anyway, you two are adorbs. The puppy eyes are disgusting. I’m proud of you.
Chik [20:22]: also...deets. Now. I’ll even throw in a please!!! 
Lucien [20:40]: Well, now. I seem to have missed out on quite the opportunity.
Kiro [20:45]: I wish you’d invited me. But I guess it wouldn’t have mattered. I hope he makes you happy, Miss Chips! He better, or else ;P
Frowning at the texts you scroll back up, hoping, hoping, hoping, and at the sight of the name that always sits at the tip of your tongue, you curl up tighter.
Victor [21: 05]: Are you okay?
Y/N [21:20]: I’m fine. Moments seems to be blowing up, haha. Did you watch the episode?
Victor [21: 20]: Yes.
Victor [21: 21]: Did you?
You pause at that, looking guiltily at your laptop. You had, sort of. Fighting off your own thoughts had taken up most of your attention. Resolving to watch it again—a clear display of previously dormant masochistic tendencies, roused by Victor— and actually pay attention this time, you turn back to the screen.
Y/N [21:22]: Yeah, but not the individual parts. It was nice, they made it seem so real! But we’re going to have to say something to let them know there’s nothing like that.  
You wait anxiously for a reply, a part of you clearly suffering from delusion hoping he’d oppose that. When there’s no text from him for a few minutes, you plug your phone in to charge and get out of bed, heading for a quick shower before you get something to eat.
Heartbreak hasn't been enough to curb your appetite, and you feel more than ready to let dessert have the chance to make you feel better.
Who needs Victor when you have cake, right?
Just as you’re halfway through cutting a slice of the cake Jason—well, his team—had sent as thanks, trying to keep your thoughts away from the bottle of wine you‘ve got tucked away, your doorbell rings, breaking the melancholic silence of your apartment. A part of you wants to roll your eyes at your dramatics, while the other feels you have the right to wallow for as long as you need to.
The irrational side of you stirs once more, conjuring thoughts of Victor rushing over, and you peep through the hole with a wildly thumping heart. 
Lucien’s serene smile chases those thoughts away, and you open the door with a sheepish grin. 
He looks a little tired, his dark bangs ruffled; unlike his usual sharp appearance, he looks impossibly soft in his barn red sweater and comfortable looking track pants. He’s also got a folder tucked under one arm.
“Sorry to drop by so late,” he greets you, his warm eyes bringing you a little comfort instantly. “But you mentioned you’d be working on Miracle Finder tomorrow and I wanted you to have the chance to go over my remarks before that.”
“Lucien! Thank you,” you insist, waving away his apology. “Would you like to come in? I’ve got cake.” 
He searches your face for a moment, and his eyes narrow the slightest bit. You feel a little self-conscious in your over-sized sweatshirt and shorts, but it’s not like he hasn’t seen you in various states of disarray before. 
“Can’t really say no to that. Let me get my laptop,” he finally agrees. You wait at the door as he gets it, before leading him in. But you notice his curious, inquisitive looks, so subtle and so Lucien, as he toes off his shoes.
“Everything okay?” You reach for another plate, cutting a second slice as Lucien takes a seat at the table. 
“Yes, of course. It’s just,” he hesitates, and there’s that odd scrutiny again. “I wasn’t expecting you to be alone.” 
“On a Sunday evening?” The first bite of the cake tastes like sweet comfort over the taste of despondency, and you send a silent thanks to Jason. “I spent the day napping.”
“Well, after the show I just watched,” he says, quite slyly in your opinion. “I wasn’t even sure if you’d be home.”
“I didn’t know you were interested in dating shows.” You’re aware your tone is more than a little petulant, but Lucien only laughs around a mouthful of the cake. 
“I am if you’re in one,” he retorts. “This is quite nice, by the way.” 
“The director, Jason sent it. And, honestly, it wasn’t planned. We were supposed to have Kai and Hollow on, but they ended up clashing horribly. Jason asked me and Victor was around, so…” you trail off, uncomfortable. 
“Is that why you texted me that day?” He seems to have remembered your message, and you wince slightly. You had texted him later with an apology, but hadn’t really expected him to cotton on. He doesn't look mad, just expectant.
“Well, yes, but Jason wanted, he wanted Victor.” Stumbling over your words, heat suffuses your skin as you flounder for a moment.
Lucien watches you with the eyes of a fox and the understanding of a good friend. “Just Jason?”
“Was it just Jason who wanted Victor?” he asks, tilting his head as your mouth purses. 
No, no, of course it wasn’t. You stare down at your half-eaten cake, the other half of it beginning to churn in your stomach. His small, soft smiles. His scent. His rants on street food and the way he dragged you away from food that would ‘absolutely make you ill, you absolute dummy’ as Jason resigned himself to having to cut all of that out. It all comes back in a rush, your head left feeling heavy.
And then it feels the weight of a hand, as Lucien reaches over to pat it gently. “Never mind. Why don’t you get your organizer and we can go over tomorrow’s episode?” 
Relieved, grateful and slightly emotional over his silent acceptance, you rush to your bedroom to find your notebook and laptop, barely catching the light of your phone screen before it went black. Unplugging and checking it as you exited the room with your materials in hand, your train of thought comes to a screeching halt.
Victor [21:59]: Do you really believe that?
Victor (2 missed calls)
Victor [22:15]: Y/n.
Victor [22:16]: ...Did you fall asleep?
Victor [22:18]: Dummy. Goodnight. 
Unwilling to delve into what his first text means, you shift your thick planner in your arms and type a quick reply. 
Y/N [22:19]: Hi! Sorry. I went to get something to eat and then Lucien dropped by. We’re going to get to work haha ^^
Victor [22:19]: …
You wait for a whole minute before Lucien calls for you, and let your hand fall, phone locked, with a sigh. 
Well, at least he’ll be happy to hear you’re working hard.
Sinking into familiar, engaging discussions with Lucien is easy. Even with the thoughts of Victor looming at the back of your mind, you straighten out a plan for the shoot. Lucien listens to your input carefully, adding his own notes as you squint at yours. His voice, familiar and soothing, lulls you, distracting you from yourself for a short while.
Before you know it, it’s eleven and you’ve got a fantastic plan in hand. 
“I’m sorry I kept you so late,” you say for the second time in a minute, and he gives you an exasperated look. “And thank you.” 
“I’ve told you, there’s no need for all that between us,” Lucien repeats, crossing one long leg over the other as he adopts a thoughtful look. “However, perhaps you could satisfy my curiosity regarding one thing.”
“What is it?” 
You were prepared for a philosophical question. What he comes up with is, in your opinion, way more difficult to answer. 
“Why aren’t you with Victor?” he asks seriously. You blink, uncomprehending.
“Like, right now?” 
“Right now, or in general. I didn’t think he would just...let you be,” Lucien mutters the last part under his breath, but you still catch it. He continues to say something about possessive bastards, but you’re not touching that.
“I think you’ve misunderstood,” you say, slowly, with a nervous laugh, shoulders hunching a little. “All of that was just for the camera. Victor and I aren’t like that.” 
“But you have feelings for him,” Lucien points out, cutting straight to the heart of the matter and yours. Really, this is almost cruel. Lucien turns to face you fully as you sigh and sink back into the couch. 
“I do.” It’s the first time you’ve admitted it out loud. Sure, some of the people in your life have had an idea, but you’ve never said it. Lucien seems like a good person to start with. “But he doesn’t feel the same way, so.” 
And you’ve never said that out loud either. It hurts, as you put it out into the universe. As if shying away from it before would have increased your chances. 
Lucien looks at you oddly. “Did he say that? Because the way he looks at you says otherwise. It’s quite embarrassing.”
You feel heat creeping up the back of your neck.
“I’ve never told him how I feel,” you mumble, pressing the side of your cheek into the soft fabric, hoping it would swallow you up. 
“Then how do you know how he feels?” Lucien continues to probe, and you exhale forcefully because it’s so clear to you; why isn’t it ever as clear to everyone else? 
And Lucien is supposed to be your smart friend!
‘Well, there’s also someone else in his life but I can’t exactly say that.’
“Because it’s Victor,” you declare with an emphatic sweep of your hands, hoping it would somehow get your point across, that it would explain how unattainable he is. Just as you do, two things happen successively. 
One: Lucien looks at you as if he wants to boink you on the head or laugh really loudly. He does neither, but his mouth twitches violently.
And two: there’s a series of loud, heavy knocks on your door, before the culprit seems to remember you have a doorbell and rings that instead. It only rings once, but you can sense that the person is still there.
Exchanging alarmed looks with Lucien, you rise to your feet and shuffle towards the door.
“Let me,” Lucien murmurs, stopping you before you can reach the entrance, and steps forward to look through the peephole. His only reaction is a quick, sharp exhale before he steps back to unlock the door. 
Without telling you who was just knocking at your door like a maniac. 
“Wait, who i-” the words fall away with your panicked thoughts, as Lucien opens the door to reveal your uninvited visitor.
It really is Victor this time, with his chest heaving as if he’d run up the stairs. Victor, with his inky hair pushed back carelessly, in dark grey sweats and a light grey t-shirt and indoor slippers. 
Victor, with a furious look in his eyes as he pushes past Lucien, who looks a little too entertained in the face of such ire. 
“Sorry to intrude on your cosy evening,” he says, after a short pause, through clenched teeth. You stare at him in disbelief, unable to form actual words at the moment. It feels as if a concentrated storm itself has swept into your living room, ready to swallow you up. 
Of course, a part of you would be more than okay with that. Even with that knife-sharp glint in his eyes, you can’t help but want to throw yourself at it, let it graze the softest parts of you, in an emotional variation of bloodletting. 
Sometimes you surprise yourself with the things you think.
Maybe you should’ve changed into nicer pyjamas after all, damn it.
“Victor? What-is everything okay?” You look him over carefully, seeing no visible signs of injury. The stony look on his face, however, keeps you from coming too close. What could you possibly have done now?
Swiftly, you run through a list of work-related tasks. Nope. Nothing. You’ve been sure to give it your all this week just so Victor wouldn’t feel the need to call you.
Even now, though, something under your skin starts buzzing, as it always does when his entire attention is on you.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t everything be okay?” he says mutinously, crossing his arms over his chest. Okay, you’re sensing more than a little hostility here. 
And, because life is unfair, bitchy is also a good look on Victor.
“Well,” you draw out, looking past him at Lucien, who shrugs lightly. Victor frowns at the exchange. He levels a downright lethal glare at Lucien, who tilts his head in clear interest. Kinda hot, but you should probably keep that to yourself lest you push Victor to the point of spitting fire. “It’s...late...and you’re here…?”
That has his mouth doing that little spasm it does when he’s pissed. “And I notice I’m not the only one. What, is it just me who’s barred from coming to your place this late?” 
“Well, n-no,” you stammer, looking once more at Lucien who seems content to watch and be unhelpful. “But Lucien was just here to talk about tomorrow’s episode.” 
Why are you here? 
The question seems to hang in the air, unsaid yet clear. 
Victor says nothing, standing tall in your living room like an indignant matron. You feel helpless, confused, elated and increasingly offended because of the implication in his words that only catches up to you now.
You pick the path of offense.
“But what, exactly, did you think Lucien was doing here?” you ask, your tone turning decidedly cooler. He returns your glare. Behind him, you see Lucien trying to hide a smile. “You seem to be under the impression that I make it a habit of entertaining people in my evenings?” 
Victor blinks at that, arms coming loose, and you hold up a hand.
“And even if I did want to have friends over at night,” you say loudly, through gritted teeth. “What business is it of yours?” 
“It’s inappropriate,” he insists. 
“No, what’s inappropriate is you coming into my house and telling me who I should, or should not, be spending time with, regardless of the time.” Much to your frustration, you find yourself blinking back tears as your voice cracks towards the end. 
Victor deflates at that, the ice in his expression melting in the face of your furious tears; Lucien, concern clear on his face, takes a step towards you. Your eyes squeeze shut, as if that would hide you from them; anger and embarrassment war within you at not only crying in front of Victor, but to have a quiet Lucien witnessing this ridiculous drama. 
Where did your peaceful day go?
You hear footsteps, hesitant and barely audible, come closer, feel the heat from a body as it nears yours. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll leave.” It’s Victor.
Your eyes snap open to the sight of his back, your feet carrying you forward without the aid of your thoughts, a hand curling loosely into his t-shirt. 
Leave? Just like that? 
He stops in his tracks, looking back down at you in surprise. You’re not sure what he sees as you keep your eyes fixed on his shoulder, but it makes him sigh softly.
A thumb wipes under your eyes, gentle, and strong arms wrap around you carefully, pulling you into an—unreasonably broad, you think—chest; his comforting scent envelopes you, pulling you back from the edge. 
It’s frustrating. You want to yell at him for barging in like a lunatic. But you don’t want him to leave. You want to sink into his steady embrace and allow the solace it brings.
With your face pressed to his t-shirt, you miss the way he looks back at Lucien, who nods and turns to leave, but not before holding Victor’s gaze for a moment longer—you don’t see the warmth drain from his face, the vicious warning warning clear in his eyes. 
Victor pulls you closer, nodding once. 
If Lucien’s answering smile is a touch more resigned than amused, neither of them can really acknowledge it. 
You try to pull back when you hear the door close gently, but Victor cards a hand through your hair and you slump back into his embrace. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, stroking your hair, with a gentle hesitance uncharacteristic for the decisive man. “That was...extremely inappropriate of me. I should not have done that. I can leave. I should.”
He should. But neither of you move. His heart beats a little faster, the sound clearer the longer your ear remains pressed into his chest. 
With cotton in your mouth, your mind totally mush with the knowledge that Victor’s hugging you, and with the little voice yelling that he does not get to hold you after driving you to tears—it takes you a moment to form a response. 
But you can’t resist. “So what you’re saying is you made an impulsive decision.” 
The soft motions of his hand pause before he huffs into your hair. There’s no other response, and it makes you smile a little.
“Why did you?” you finally ask. Victor quite visibly lost his cool. While he did seem to have something against Lucien, this was a bit much. You hadn’t been aware that the hostility ran this deep.
He tucks your head under his chin, the arm around your waist tightening, and as the anger subsides, your face begins to heat up as you realize how intimate this is. But Victor seems content to stay like this, and your heart hammers when you feel something brush the crown of your head. 
“Dummy,” he mutters, and yes, his words are slightly muffled by your hair, and you feel the urge to stick your head in the refrigerator. “You had that guy over this late at night. Do you really need to ask?” 
“It’s just Lucien,” you respond, and this time he lets you pull your head away to look at you with abject disbelief. 
“Just? There’s no just with that guy.” He seems serious, so you swallow the laughter bubbling up.
“Lucien is a dear friend,” you assure him. “You were really that worried about it?”
“Worried,” Victor repeats, staring at you. Your confusion is clear in your face, as the feeling that you’re missing something creeps in. “Worried. Yes. I was worried.” 
You nod encouragingly, and take a quick step back when he laughs. It isn’t one of his airy laughs, that escapes him when he finds something funny. It’s low, almost strangled—and then he steps forward, expression melting into sheer intent. 
When he speaks, his voice is a full octave lower and it scrambles your brains with shameful ease.
“Since he was the one you considered over me for our date that day. Yes, I suppose I was worried,” he muses, matching every unsteady step you take backwards with one towards you. You refrain from pointing out that it was for a show, and all too soon, the back of the sofa hits your hips and Victor looms over you. 
You tuck the part about him knowing you wanted to ask Lucien first away for later. Victor, his soothing scent, the heat from his breath, his tempestuous gaze—your senses flood with him.
“Y-yeah. But you didn’t need to be, he always helps us out,” you point out confusedly, and he gives you a familiar, unimpressed look that brings a small, and odd, measure of relief. 
“What kind of a person would I be,” he says, and your stomach swoops as he leans over you, hands resting on the top of the sofa as you lean back. “If I let dangerous men like him think they have a chance with you?” 
“Dangerous? He’s…” The rest of his words catch up and you can’t think, tongue struggling to form coherent speech. “Not...dangerous?” 
“Too dangerous,” he murmurs, lips brushing over your temple. Something in the back of your throat trembles. “Even if I don’t have the right, I…”
He doesn’t continue.
Holding your breath, you count to five before releasing it, pulse beating an anticipatory beat in your veins. “Why should anyone think they don’t have a chance with me?” 
You know he hasn’t, but with how everything in you stills after asking that question, you wonder if he stopped time.
You’re not sure if it’s the right question to have asked, or the worst.
But it gives him pause, and when the tip of your tongue slips out to wet your lips, his eyes slide down to your mouth. A large hand slides up your spine to rest at the back of your head, your skin erupting with goosebumps at the touch. 
Your lips part on the softest sound and it makes something rumble in his chest, quiet but clear with how close he is. 
It gives you what you’ve been dreaming of—Victor’s lips falling over yours, soft, with a rushed breath and fervent eyes, something desperate at the edge of it. Everything goes quiet, with only your blood pounding in your ears. It feels as if every inch of you is awake in a tingly sort of way, your thoughts deserting you at the way he looks at you, ready to devour. 
There’s hunger in his eyes, and you feel faint when it hits you.
It’s also his answer, you realize, mouth opening to say something, anything, and he pulls you back, kissing you fiercely. Something in you caves, spilling into your blood, setting it alight with a burst of sparking desire.
Victor kisses with his entire body, like he does everything else: controlling every inch of it, sweeping your mind clean, licking into your mouth with the determination that drives his every action, to conquer.
But you’ve been determined to match him since the day you first met him, all too eager to push back and clash. You don’t mind the clack of teeth, the lack of rhythm, and Victor only presses in harder as your arms slide over his shoulders, fingers weaving into his hair. Your tongue is a sly thing that licks along his, your mouth a clever warm weapon that sucks at it, and he unravels. 
Hands that were so careful lose their caution as they dig into the sides of your hips, slinking down and hooking around your thighs as he lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
“You’re not stopping me,” he rasps against your lips, almost questioning, pupils blown wide. He looks so good you might just lose your mind, and this is after a kiss.
Taking a page out of his book, you kiss him again. 
He carries you around the sofa—with a strength you’ll be sure to admire deeply once you’ve regained the ability to form thoughts—even as he sucks bruises into the delicate skin of your neck, sitting down with you sinking into his lap. 
You’re shivering, you realize, at this sudden fulfilment of a desperate, impossible wish. Your knees press into the sides of his thighs as Victor kisses the corners of your mouth, the curve of your upper lip, the plush, swollen jut of your lower lip—and you feel deliriously drunk. 
He watches you carefully.
“Oh,” you say, half-slurring, kissed stupid. “That’s why.”
“Hm,” he agrees, nuzzling the side of your face. His eyes are bright, his arms a grounding touch around your back. “No one should think they get to have this.” 
“No one but you?” It’s meant to be clever, sharper, but it comes out shy instead. He nips at the shell of your ear, and you can’t bring yourself to be mad about it. 
“If you allow it,” he confirms. He presses his lips to the soft skin behind your ear.
Something swells within you, sweet, sudden and threatening to dissolve you into tears. It breaks open, everything you’ve worked so hard to suppress spilling out like hoarded treasure out of a box now too small to hold it.
“I like you.” It comes out in a rush, and you slap your hands over your face. This time, his low chuckle rings clear in your ears. But when your breath hitches on a sob, his grip on you tightens, lips finding your forehead. “I really like you. So much. I have for a while. At the fair, all of it, I wasn’t...wasn’t acting.” 
“What, and you thought I was?” He looks a little offended when you take a peek at his face. But the sight of his ruffled hair and kissed-puffy lips sends a hot, thrilled jolt through you, and you have to restrain yourself from pouncing. “I have many skills. Acting, admittedly, is not one of them.”
“I thought maybe it was a hidden passion or something,” you mutter, trying to repress a wet laugh at the withering look he gives you, gentle hands wiping at your eyes. “What, you were great!”
“Nope. That was all real,” he declares, pulling you in to rest against him, your head on his shoulder. You feel a little awkward, but that’s mostly outweighed by how much you want to stay here. “...well, maybe I was a little…”
“Nicer than usual?” you offer, and he huffs into your hair. “Cheesy, like you binge-read several romance novels the night before?”
“Cheesy?” He protests, and you laugh with warmth building and rushing through you. “I thought you liked all that.” 
“I do.” This time, the kiss he presses into the crown of your head is firmer. 
“Then I’ll do it.” You look up at him, a little enchanted, a little bewildered, but the former wins out as the corners of his mouth curl up. “Every silly thing you want to do. Oh, and I really like you too.” It’s almost a scoff, but the tremor in his voice and the flush that spreads across his skin speaks his truth.
“Really?” you ask, your grin a little mad and ridiculously beatific. It feels unreal, the joy and relief spreading through you; he pecks the tip of your nose.
“Have I ever given you reason to doubt me?” Victor asks, and the solemn sincerity in his voice prompts you to deliver a loud, smacking kiss to his cheek, just because you can. To your unending joy, the lobes of his ears are almost impossibly red. 
“Never,” you assure him, peppering more kisses over his skin, fascinating by the sight of him pinkening. A thought strikes you, dampening your rising spirits. “I thought...thought there was someone else.” 
He makes a soft, surprised noise in his throat, disbelief winning out over the tenderness for a moment. “Who?”
“I don’t know!” You press your face into the side of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent, hoping it would help with the remnants of hurt. “Some mystery goddess.” 
He’s quiet as you nuzzle his rapidly warming skin, feeling the first hints of sheer mortification settle in at the way your voice just cracked. He whispers something. 
Victor clears his throat. “Just you.” He buries his nose in your hair before you have the chance to lean back like you want to. “It’s only ever been you.” 
Not expecting the sincere confession, it feels as if the breath was punched out of you.  “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” 
He toys with a strand of your hair, curling it absently around a finger. “I didn’t want to overstep. And to make you feel like you had to reciprocate.” 
You stay silent, sensing that he has more to say, even though you want nothing more than to wrap yourself around him and never let go.
“I’ll admit that I feared you would feel pressured to be with me. And that would...I would rather see you happy with someone else, than see you miserable with me.”
“I could never be miserable with you,” you protest at once, feeling almost offended by the mere suggestion. 
“I’m not...I know I can be difficult.” The words fall out in a rushed exhale, as if he wants to get them out before they can be swallowed; you feel weak with the force of your emotions. “But I can try for you. I did that day. I wanted you to relax, to have fun, like you do with your friends. I didn’t want you to be so...cautious.” 
It’s true, you realize guiltily, that there are times where you can’t completely relax in Victor’s company. Those are the days where your feelings sit a little heavier in your stomach, when his words strike a little sharper. The thought of disappointing him, of doing something not to his taste, of judgment, held you back. 
But the day of the fair had been different. He met you halfway, maybe even more than that, and never said a word of complaint. You’d assumed that had been for the camera, though.
“Please,” he says with a roll of his eyes, and you realize you’d said that out loud. “No, that was…” He lowers his gaze, long lashes fanning over the tops of his cheekbones. “That was to show you that you can have fun with me too. I...like you. The way you are. Every bit. The determined, unyielding parts.”
You stare at him.
“The hurting, unsure parts,” he says, a little quieter. “The silly, ridiculously cute parts—don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what,” you ask, your overworked mind trying to process his words, knowing your smile is probably embarrassingly dopey. 
He scowls at you. “Just be yourself with me. Dummy is fine.” 
“Victor,” you exclaim all of a sudden, startling him. “How am I supposed to stay standing in the face of you saying things like that?” 
He rolls his eyes again. “First of all, you’re sitting right now, and I don’t plan to let you move for a while.” Predictably, you feel a little lightheaded at that. “And as for the future...then don’t try to stand, dummy. You can just rest here.” He pulls your head to rest on his shoulder, patting it firmly.
“I’m going to die,” you say with absolute certainty into his shoulder. “I can’t survive this.” 
“You have to,” he mutters dryly, tucking you more firmly against him. “Haven’t you seen the discussions? Our ‘love story’ can’t end in your death, too many would be left devastated.” 
“Including you?” The look you direct at him is positively vulpine, and he snorts, pushing your head back down. Bully. 
The titillated fluttering in your stomach makes you smile.
“...I can’t become a widower before we even get married,” he says solemnly, and you can nearly feel the blood drain from your face as you rear back. 
The corners of his mouth twitch with something like mischief, and the smack you deliver to his bicep is perfectly justified. 
The undoubtedly chiselled muscle you feel very briefly will also require further rumination once you’re alone.
He’s cracking marriage jokes, no doubt referring to the few comments gushing about a secret wedding. An hour ago, you had been under the impression that he was madly in love with some mystery figure. 
Like a bird just freed, your heart flutters at the thought of him having feelings for you.
“Say it again.” 
To his credit, he doesn’t do you the disservice of pretending he doesn’t know what you’re asking for. He clears his throat, eyes flicking to the side before finding their way back to yours. 
“I like you,” he says, a little lower, a lot deeper. “Dummy.” 
You wish you could see what your face was doing, because it makes his eyes go really, really soft. Now that you aren’t weighed down by the frantic need to hide your feelings from one of the most astute people you’ve ever met, you feel like you could float away the way you’ve seen Gavin do, just from how free and happy you feel.
“Just for the record,” you say quietly. “I like you the way you are too.”
“Even when you’re being a jerk.” He tweaks your ear lightly, rolling his eyes when you giggle. Your heart beats a harsh beat as you try to come up with the right words. “But you’re also the best man I know. When you have it together, and when you don’t—I’ll be there for you. Always.” The way he’s always been there for you.
He kisses the tip of your nose, his pretty eyes a little shinier than before.
“We should aim for a real date first.” He sounds decisive, and a little hoarse.
“...I have a list of places I thought would be good for our first date,” you admit, eyes still locked with his despite your shy admission. He looks pleased, always happy when you take the initiative, and you watch his mouth do that tender thing for a second before leaning in for a swift kiss, catching his lower lip between your teeth as you pull away.
“Good.” His head falls back onto the sofa as your lips trail down his neck curiously, mouthing at the slope of his adam’s apple. Just because you can. “Send it to me.”
“Good,” you murmur, breath hitching in your throat as his hands curl over your waist, skimming the hem of your sweatshirt. “We’re doing this, then.” 
“Most definitely.” With how throaty his voice has gotten as you reach his clavicle, a gentle explorer, you’re not sure words will be your allies for much longer.
“Will you be my boyfriend then, Mr. CEO?” you ask playfully, tasting the words in your mouth. Victor makes a soft, content sound in his throat. 
“I’m all yours,” he affirms, relishing the words in his mouth, raising his head to look at you through hooded eyes. You both know it, just a little, but saying the words brings a giddy, vulnerable sort of feeling with them. “And you…”
With no need for hope, just certainty, you rise up to kiss him softly. 
“I’m yours.” 
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Goldman stares at Jason in horrified disbelief, shocked by the words that had just left the director’s mouth. He glances at his boss, whose only reaction had been to cock a brow. 
“Would you be open to replacing Kai?”
“I’m...not really one for such shows,” Victor says, quite delicately in Goldman’s opinion, knowing the man usually has no qualms about being savagely blunt.
“I’m aware. I just thought it would be something different, something that would let people see a different side of you,” Jason explains, still completely at ease. 
Victor’s expression makes it quite clear he doesn’t care about people seeing other sides of him.
“Who’s the other participant? Did Hollow come back?” Goldman asks, curious despite himself.  In his very personal opinion, which he will definitely be keeping to himself, it might be nice for Victor’s image if people saw he isn’t always heartless. 
“Oh, no. She didn’t,” Jason says pleasantly. But the look in his eyes is almost hawklike as he keeps them locked on Victor. “I asked Y/n to do it instead. She agreed.” 
Now, to the untrained eye, Victor gives no outward reaction to that statement. 
But Goldman sees the way his brow twitches, the way his lips purse the slightest bit. He wonders if Jason, as a director with many years of experience under his belt, caught it too. 
“She agreed?” Victor asks, sounding as if he doesn’t quite believe it. 
“Yes,” Jason answers, suddenly distracted as he glances at his wristwatch. He sighs, a touch too dramatic to be convincing, but Goldman doesn’t think Victor cares about that. “But I understand. We wouldn’t want you to do something you’re not interested in. I have to go check on her, we’ll keep you updated.”
Something is happening here, Goldman realizes. Jason isn’t rushing out, but seems to be waiting for something. 
Victor, staring at the surface of the coffee table, is struggling. 
Goldman struggles too. He struggles not to roll his eyes in abject exasperation, to pray for divine patience. Why is he like this? Of course, to step into such an obvious trap surely goes against all the instincts he’s honed over the years, but none of that matters when it comes to the delicate matters of the heart! 
Instead, he catches Jason’s eyes, pushing his glasses up his nose, eyes glinting. 
“But who else would you ask to step in on such short notice?” Goldman asks, pointedly. 
And finally, Goldman holds his breath as the ghost of a smirk passes over Jason’s mouth.
This is it.
“Oh, it shouldn’t be a problem. Y/n said she could call Professor Lucien, having already guessed Victor wouldn’t be, um, up for it. She really knows you well, huh?” Jason informs them cheerfully, and even Goldman isn’t expecting that. He thought Jason would go for the ‘who will help poor y/n’ route.
It’s obvious manipulation, and they all know it. Knowing Victor, he will stubbornly refuse to give in and suffer for it. At least, the way he’s glaring at Jason seems to indicate that.
Goldman rushes through several justifications in his head, forming a rapidly coherent argument as to why he should do it, carefully keeping ‘if you don’t want to see her with someone else, suck it up’ and ‘please, please, watching you sulk is really sad I can’t do it’ off the list. 
Surely, Victor wouldn’t let the sexy professor sweep you off your feet? He’s heard the man talk, that kind of smooth talk should not be allowed and holy hell, Jason has played this really well. 
“They do get along well, so it should work,” Jason muses, slathering a little more icing on his three-tier cake of clear-cut manipulation, drama, and subterfuge.
“I’ll do it.” It’s said through a tightened jaw, but it rings clear in the silence of the room. Goldman abandons his mental speech, head whipping around to stare at Victor.
“Oh?” Jason sounds genuinely surprised, as if he hadn’t been aiming for this from the start. 
“Yes,” comes the answer, leaving no room for argument. 
“Are you sure?” Jason asks, oddly somber, finally abandoning the pretense. So he is in possession of some morals, who would have thought?
“Give me the briefing,” Victor says, shoulders set in a firm, determined line Goldman is all too familiar with. 
Jason relaxes into his seat, relief clear in his face. 
And as Victor turns to him, giving him specific instructions about his outfit, cologne and flowers, determined to do this right with that familiar, besotted spark in his eye, Goldman feels warm pride trickle in. 
‘We’re gonna get you the girl, boss.’
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I know the last behind the scenes thing wasn’t really needed but I had to 
Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it!
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S2 11 | Battleplan
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 1912.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, blood, murder, dead body, swearing (always).
A/N: This is kind of a filler. Not too long. Bruh, LAST CHAPTER OF SEASON 2.
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Things were complicated. Melissa wasn't talking to Scott nor me, she witnessed me flashing my eyes, and she saw Scott as a werewolf.
When Matt had dragged my unconscious body to one of the rooms where almost everyone was, I woke up for a couple of seconds, Stiles was unconscious on the floor, and Mr. Stilisnki had been hit on the head, falling to the ground. Then, the Kanima appeared, I found strength from somewhere deep inside me when I saw that he was planning to attack Melissa. I took the arrow out of my belly, the pain made my eyes flash, and while I stabbed the Kanima on the back with the same arrow, my eyes met Melissa's.
Stiles was receiving help. I felt bad because a couple of days before I had promised to protect his father, which I wasn't able to do. Not only that, but he was also ignoring me.
I was sitting on the bleachers, a lacrosse game would take place in a couple of minutes. I noticed Stiles and Scott talking to each other, and decided to go up to them. "Hey," I whispered, hands inside the pockets of my jacket, it was freezing. Scott glanced up, offering me a little smile. However, the other boy continued talking without acknowledging me.
"It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?" His eyes were teary, legs bouncing up and down. "Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just-. I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can do. I can't-."
"It's okay."
Stiles shook his head. "We're losing, dude."
We were losing. We were losing people, and maybe we were losing ourselves on the way.
"The hell are you talking about?" Coach appeared from behind them, and even though I saw him coming near, I got startled. I was jumpy. "Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg."
"What? What happened to Greenberg?" He began looking around.
"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less."
"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"
"Yes, unless you'd rather play with yourself."
"I already did that today, twice." I almost chuckled.
"Get the hell out there!"
The hazel-eyed boy restlessly grabbed all of his things. Before he could walk to the field, I stopped him, my hand clutching his jersey. "Stiles, I-"
"I can't talk," He didn't even glance at me. "This is important for me." Wasn't I?
"Yeah," I whispered, but he was already running to the field. "Good luck," I muttered. I heard Scott calling my name, but I just offered him a smile as he did before.
I went back to the bleachers, deciding to sit next to Melissa, but she quickly waved Lydia over. I didn't think much about it, or at least I tried not to while I sat next to Noah. His arm went around my shoulder as he kissed my forehead. For a moment, I thought I would break down. Noah couldn't help but scream for Stiles when his son walked to the field.
Things got even more complicated. First, Isaac came to the game, sitting down next to Scott. They both seemed to be friends now. Then, I noticed that Gerard was wickedly smiling while peering at Scott. Something was going on. Next, Jackson took a player to the ground, inducing him into unconsciousness. Coach asked Scott to play, and Melissa suspected that something more was going on, something more than just a lacrosse game. But then Scott disappeared while Coach screamed for him to come back.
I got up from the bleachers, determined to search for him even though my wound was fresh, and still hurting. But then everyone on the bleachers started cheering up, Stiles had scored. And another one. Then, again. The team hugged each other, congratulating. Stiles glanced at the bleachers, his eyes met mine. I was clapping, proud of him, grinning widely. He beamed back, but just for a couple of seconds as he seemed to realize something, then the smile wasn't for me, it was for Lydia Martin. And I suppose that is how everything should be.
The buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the game and our victory. The excitement didn't last. The lights went out, and someone screamed. Everything seemed to slow down. People falling to the ground, screams, bumping into others, running, fear. I made sure that Mr. Stilisnki was fine, running to the field, searching for Stiles. But I tripped, falling to the ground. I tripped over someone just lying there. I tripped over Jackson's unconscious body.
"Jackson? What's happened to Jackson?" Lydia's terrified voice sounded all over. "Jackson! Jackson! Jackson, what's happening?" She kneeled on the floor, next to him. I quickly got into the same position as her, grasping her arms, doing my best to calm her down.
"Can we get a medic over here? We're gonna need a medic!"
Melissa came running to us, putting her head over his chest. "He's not breathing. No pulse." She started pressing his chest, trying to bring him back. "Get down here." She glanced at Lydia. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up."
"Stiles?" I whispered to myself, running to all the lacrosse players, looking at them in hopes of finding a familiar pair of hazel eyes.
"Where's Stiles? W-where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?"
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The last hours were horrible. I spent them being embraced by Scott, reassuring each other, convincing each other that Stiles Stilisnki was perfectly safe.
I ran with all my strength, the wound on my stomach was burning, and it was probably bleeding as Melissa told me not to force myself. But I couldn't help it. Stiles was back. Stiles was in his house.
"You came running?" Mr. Stilisnki's eyes were wide open after he opened the front door, letting me come inside the Stilisnki household. I nodded my head frantically, glancing around. "He is upstairs." He smiled. I grinned, running towards the steps until his voice stopped me. "Lydia is there too."
"Uhm," I turned around. "C-can I wait here until she comes down?" He seemed confused. "I don't want to interrupt their, uhm, talk." He shook his head while smirking, muttering something under his breath. "Want something to drink?" I approved, following him to the kitchen, and sitting down on a chair. "How are you feeling?" He handed me a cup.
I fiddled with it, feeling the warmth go through my hands. "I did look inside the backpack." He waited for me to go on. "Some pictures of famous people she admired, and a picture of her with the friend who took care of me."
"No picture of you."
I sadly smiled, glad that I didn't have to say so myself. "Love," I sighed. "It's a strange thing. Mr. Stilisnki," He glared at me. "I mean Noah," I laughed while continuing. "How can I trust people when the ones who should teach me about it weren't even there?" My voice cracked. "Now, I'm terrified. I don't want to get too close because something bad could happen."
"Or something beautiful," His hands grabbed mine, thumb rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "Love feels good and hurts so bad, that doesn't mean everything will be wrong. There will be joyful and sorrowful moments. You need to go through all of them."
"If they ta-."
"Nobody is going to take you away, okay?" He softly whispered. "I will take care of that."
"Uhm," I heard someone, turning around to see Lydia. I smiled at her, although I don't think it looked like an honest one. "I'm already leaving," She glanced at the older Stilisnki. "Thank you for letting me stop by."
After we heard the door close, he nudged me. "Go."
I tried to calm my nerves while breathing deeply. I lightly knocked on the door, and when I heard his voice my stomach fluttered. However, I didn't like what I had in front of me. His cheek was bruised, a large bruise all over it, and his lower lip was busted.
My hands grabbed his neck, moving his head to the other side so I could examine his wounds. "Who did this?" He didn't reply, eyes meeting mine just for a couple of seconds. "Who did this, Stiles? I swear to god I will kill whoeve-."
"That's your problem." He pulled my hands off him. I studied his body posture, he was anxious and mad. "You don't know what you are, but you still throw yourself into trouble. A pepper spray?" Why was he talking now about the other day? "Pepper spray against a Kanima? Got beaten and shot, you still ran your mouth and insulted Matt which made him hit you, even while you were unconscious." His lower lip trembled. "And I couldn't do anything about it because I was paralyzed!"
"I would do it again."
"See, that's the problem. Y-you don't care about getting hurt." He stepped closer to me. This time, his eyes didn't leave mine. "But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my fucking mind." His eyes were teary, and at this point, mines were too. "You see, death doesn't happen to you, Y/N. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh?" He was screaming now. "And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" I flinched a little, not liking when people raised their voices. "Um- I'm so sorry." He brought me closer to him, hiding his face on my neck. "I missed you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"
"Is this why you ignored me on the field?" I embraced him tightly, terrified that he would disappear. I felt him nod. "Stiles, I would do anything for you like I know you would do anything for me." I felt him nod his head, bringing me even closer to his body.
Our eyes met. Arms still tight around each other. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He got closer, head inclined to the right side, getting closer.
"Y/N, wanna have dinner here?" We jumped apart. Warm invading our faces. Stiles blushing quite hard. "Oh, did I- does Chinese sound good?" We both nodded, shyly smiling as he closed the door behind him.
I found the strength to turn around and glance at him when I heard a faint melody resonating through his room. He had moved closer to his computer, playing the song. My eyebrows were furrowed, waiting for him to explain what was going on. "What is going on?" I whispered, not having the strength to talk louder.
He beamed at me. "I want to slow dance like we did at the dance." He came closer, asking for permission to place his hands on my waist. Of course, I nodded my head as my hands travelled from his chest to his shoulders, resting there. "But just with you."
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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raideo · 3 years
can you explain that jojo "this one sparks/does not spark joy" thing? i do not know the context but i want to
This ended up being longer than I intended to write and also has some yucky themes in it so I'm putting it under a cut, but
(edit) ALSO, I can see how that post may be seen as a “this one sparks joy because its all dudes” and “this one does not spark joy because its women” but thats absolutely not what its about- I hope no one takes it to mean that.  It’s that comic spinoff #1 is really rich in story and has returning characters we are all excited to see and #2 is a garbage porn fest lmao  
SO ok- two spinoff comics were announced and have been highly anticipated, one of which stars two characters who would NEVER be associated with each other and the entire fanbase was beside itself with excitement for what we could only imagine was gonna be the wackiest shit ever, because both of them are dumbasses- one is a teen with a heart of gold and the other is a morally questionable (but sometimes ok) cOWBOY?? who used to be one of the bad guys- but like one of the ones who you could always picture switching sides and reluctantly joining up with the good guys (and whose stand is just literally a fucking gun LMAO). So far the first chapter is absolutely AMAZING and is going into the backstories of a bunch of the supporting villain characters from part 3 and exploring their mental states after their leader was defeated and the ptsd they have from how they were extorted and controlled by him. And we are all super hyped to see these characters again and to get more content of them and explorations of their past. The art style is really solid and obviously took a lot of care, and for the most part - aside from Mariah who is known to be a female character that enjoys showing off her body, the women are drawn pretty respectfully. It might be weird to mention this out of nowhere but like- it matters when you get into the OTHER manga that came out this month... ugh I have not READ the other one but from the little bit I read about it, its a one shot about an OC artist that uses Jolyne (A PRISONER IN A PRISON?) as inspiration for her fuckin PORN art? idk man- it seems hella sus, and apparently its trashy as all get out- you can kinda tell by how they draw Jolyne on the main cover that its gonna be super creepy... the main character has a stand that controls the mood of people she draws and she gets obsessed with Jolyne and yeah you can see where this is going.... some creepy stalkery rapey shit ensues. Its literally just horrible fanmade porn that somehow got published as a real spinoff and we (the jojo fans i care to associate myself with at least LMAO) are all over here getting nauseous about what a mess it is. I haven't read it because the synopsis I saw sounded super offputting and the art style makes Jolyne look like shes 12... and just NO, no, a million times no. I made the mistake of looking into it a bit more so I would be able to answer this ask (don't feel bad, I just didn't want to trash talk something I didn't know much about) and also IM SO MAD that they had the NERVE to use Lady Gaga's song Bad Romance as the namesake for the creepy artist stand's name. What a waste bruh...
Anyway yeah- like not to say you cant read it and like- idk get your grim jollies in private but it sounds super yikes and its a mess. Another case of like, yeah I know its fiction and just for fun but hoo boy it just doesn't seem right.
this has been rai's jojo recap, have a nice day LOL
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fearlessmayee · 3 years
Top ten AFHF documentary moments, go!
Thank you for asking sea, but you've really put me in a dilemma, how the f am I supposed to choose 10? All of it was my favorite, he shined like the sun throughout the entire thing.
1. We got to see him in his element, him being nervous and excited just anticipating to share his passion with us. Can you imagine him thinking wishing to run away, and yet, staying put, squaring his shoulders and facing it head on. Hoping to give up, yet hoping against hope to do it again, even if it's just one more time.
“I hate this feeling [before going onstage]. Helene always said to me, that's a choice is it nerves or is excitement? It’s the same. Only now I look in the moment I feel it, but I look at it differently. […] I always have this feeling before in my mind where I’m thinking ‘if I could run away, I would’ but now I’m thinking ‘just get me out there!’ ”
2. You can see, that he is so far away from his ''image'' of One direction, yet the same teenage boy having this unattainable dream of being a singer, and that lad from donny. Expectedly, yes, he has grown and changed throughout the years, but his fundamentals and core remain the same.
“You know coming from a situation like One Direction it was never gonna be a walk in the park becoming a solo artist. I’ve had shit to deal with.“
2. BRUH, Vulnerability? from a white male? In his 20s and 30s?Who's an reputed artist? Who's a millionaire? I-? This line was just so true, and raw, and REAL.
“When everyday is the same, it’s hard to feel creative and its hard to get any kind of inspiration”
3. This sentence to me represented acceptance of struggles, usually a strong personality would rather not acknowledge his/her/their struggles. They'd rather be seen as someone who can do this in their sleep instead of saying, that yes my life is hard sometimes.
“Too many times in my career have I had to pick myself up and go ‘right let’s go again’ ”
4. Efforts, the sheer efforts. When you're at the level that you are, you happen to start putting significantly lot less effort in your work. Instead here's this baby, who is working even more hard, putting in extra energy, time, and assets into honing his craft. A true dedicated artist.
“I put in a lot of work with Helene over Zoom as well because of that I don’t think I’ve ever been that excited over a gig and I finally feel like I’m gonna get out there and not just enjoy it for fucking just bathe in it. Love it.“
5. Right, an artist who values his fanbase instead of taking them for granted and only using them for their money? you're kidding! An artist, who regularly emphasizes the importance of his fans, and never forgets to thanks them? Right, you're dreaming! An artist who meticulously plans a free festival for his fans? You're delusional
“Just the togetherness. That’s what makes me feel like I can take on the world. Because with that lot behind me, who’s gonna fucking stop us?”
6. Helene. That relationship - its closeness and intensity -- really surprised me. You can tell that they share a deep meaningful emotional bond. She's a mentor for him in every way and its clear she loves him as much as he loves her. A pretty rare sight, in between people who don't give really seem to give a fuck about him. There's a mother/son vibe there and he seems to trust her as completely as she admires him. Tbh, Helene I cried too.
“I trust Helene implicitly. She can tell me after I smashed it and I’m trying to read between the lines. Today, today she was fucking crying man.”
7. The moments the band were given to really what they can do, jamming out (including the strings going for it too.) Steve is phenomenal as is Michael, but they're all incredible frankly. The band was so cool, I'd also like to mention the other artists and people who's work The production design, the set design, the lighting, the sounds. Everyone except the marketing and advertising department, should clap themselves for a job well done.
8. Charlie. How well he gets Louis. How loyal he is to Louis, how much he appreciates who he is and what he can do. And how extraordinarily skilled he is at what he does himself. In fact this demonstrate just how good Louis is at finding people whore superb at what they do. He did his job phenomenally, exceptionally.
9. The fans as shown through the lens, which might be a substitute for through Louis eyes. Their love, their pride and delight came across so clearly .I loved that all the rainbow flags were given the spotlight - instead of being skimmed over, Only the Brave was a true moment. Similarly Two of Us, was a real moment, the fans knowing how much the song it meant for him, and understanding its value and being respectful about it. How they seemed shell-shocked and speechless during changes.
10. Maybe most of all, the reckless, fun, fuck it all style of the celebration shots moment and the band euphoric celebratory hug, showing their bond and relationship clearly. I absolutely loved those moments in the film because they were so Louis. He may be the leader but he's also a literal kid, a partner in crime some might say, pure unpredictable fun.
Watching the AFHF documentary, I feel every emotion that Louis went through and I know that we all are felt them together. He was just so happy and confident during the concert. A God on the stage. Anyone who has doubts Louis performance abilities, I urge you to watch 5 minutes of this. The immensity and intimacy are like nothing I’ve experienced with any other artist.
He is a real person, instead of some carefully crafted media persona; he is genuine artist, instead of any fake popstar wannabe; has real talent, instead of pretending to be talented; he is humble and kind, instead of someone advocating to be humble and kind, he is gold, instead of being glitter, and he is the SUN, instead of the moon who leaches of off someone else's light.
His character and personality was really visible. This was better than any interview, any promo, anything we could have hoped for. His standards are so very high, and he’s truly harder on himself than anyone else around him. I've no idea how he doesn't drown in the pressure and instead finds a way to break the expectations. Truly, As many have already commented, Louis always delivers, because what he gives is from his incredible intelligence and his big heart.
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The reason it was fucking unbelievable was yes, ’cause I played me music and I sang some shit, but more importantly that we all are in the same room with the same idea, the same intention, the same feeling... And that, more than anything, is what I’ve come away from these situations feeling just this togetherness, and that is what makes me feel like I can take on the fucking world.
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8 Livethought Stream: Episode 1
And as I have done for the last couple of seasons, here is my live thoughts as I watch the episode. Spoilers below, of course, for RWBY Volume 8, Episode 1: Divide.
First shot we get is of Cinder cleaning a floor. Dammit, and I was hoping she was secretly a whore in Mistral. Ehh.
Convinent that the Grimm Whale has LANDING PADS on its side. Quite a few of them actually. Do Grimm launch from them like VTOL attack craft?
Neo and Cinder are flying a new as of yet un-named vehicle. Im going to call this one the Remora cause it kinda looks like one.
Im getting massive Leviathan vibes from this whale. Wont lie. Mixed with a bit of Hive influence from Destiny.
Neos look of confusion and fear is at the same time both amusing and adorable. Also, she has no shirt over her bellybutton, which I find slightly amusing.
Salems throne has some kind of link to somethign else in the Whale, there’s no other reason for it to have that glowing power bank on the back. Also it seems to be made of bone, as is most of the rest of the interior. So...presumably, Salem shaped this entire thing like a bonesinger.
Salem still got the titties out uniform AND I STILL HATE THAT HER VOICE IS JEN TAYLOR!
Salems got Grimm bone arm bracers. Interesting..
Neo is literally saving this entire episode for me with her silent adorable sass.
And Tyrian with the ABSOLUTE FIRE. Also hey hes back, guess he got up here somehow.
Note on the throne Room; all the doors we see are connected to Salem’s throne via those glowing lines, which seem to curve and go elsewhere. I think this is the Whale’s nerve center. And it looks like its on the back if the huge bone in the reare near the teeth is its spine.
And Neos like “hey wait I didnt sign up for this”
Correction; its not a door, its a MOUTH. Wall mouth.
ANNNNDD new designs for everyone on the evil team. HAVEL BE BEAR BRO. TOTAL GAY ENERGY. It looks like he tore the sleeves of a nice dress shirt and just BELTED it in place. And Merc looks like a fucking GOPNICK, HA! What the fuck does he have hanging from his right leg though. 
Yeah, knew it. She touches the throne and the whale responds. Its her command seat, literally.
And Salem putting that bitch IN HER PLACE. You do it queen.
Fuckin scramble the moment RWBY shows up. Man that was fast, I was hoping Oscar would be lost for a bit longer.
And Mantle proper slowly decends into what I have always seen it as. Good.
And May takes out a drone with her weapon like a chad. Nice. I guess Atlas doesnt keep track of their drones...wouldnt shock me
Ahhh resistance headquarters inside an old bar. The Huntress’s moving personnel...nice.
Oscars like “no dont touch me” and then “oh wait, titties, oh yeah...” Poor confused farmboi
Huh. Who’s the eyepatch chick with the cute faunus on the wall there. Interesting.
May Marigold; no nonsense. Good
“Largets Grimm Horde ever seen”. Okay, sure. Doesnt seem that big to me honestly.
Interesting. Ammunition cases on Remnant are nearly identical to ours, down to the large rectangular lockingn flap on one end.
Hmm. Casualties, judging by the watch and dropped material. No surprise. The weak get eaten in this world.
Also hey, faunus Futaba
Oh wonderful, no free-launch for the stadium. BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT RIGHT?
Also, Stilltskin on the wall there. Some kind of whiskey
Main Atlesian Military Compound. Prepping myself for a MASSIVE dissapointment...
“Operations room”. Well, I guess it fits, but I would ASSUME its more accurately called a command and control center, or possibly command information center, depending. We’ll see soon enough.
Salems out in open war? Good. Time to break out the fuckin heavies people.
NGL this whole scene feels really oddly hamfisted. Its...strange. Doesnt feel like its flowing naturally.
Noras got a point but like, bruh, its Remnant. No ones got fucking militiares. You sat on your fucking hands for 80 Y EARS AND THIS IS HOW IT SHAKES OUT FOR YOU
And there’s a difference between division emotionally and splitting up to handle two objectives. Ruby, please stop being a civilian for 20 seconds and THINK
Cute, Penny’s gone full maiden depressed. First thoughts; self sacrifice.  Good idea. But make it more brutal, Penny. Make it a frontal assault that will make that bitch BEG for the end she cannot have. You have lasers, you have maiden powers, hit that whore with an alpha strike that will make Nicolas Kerensky wince!
Goooood. Pennys going for Atlas. CUT THEM TO RIBBONS POLENDIA!
Two teams, two days. Two seperate stories and things get messy.
Remnant is doomed. Lol, jumped a head a little bit buddy? Get out for a little bit mate. See some of the other kingdoms, check how they’re doing.
Atlas has defenses? Sure they do. Something tells me we’re not seeing that...
And guilttrip. Wooooooo not impressed.
Awww Marrow sadboi.
ALSO HES FUCKING DUMB AND USELESS AND WE NEED HARE TO LEAD THE ACES NOW OKAY? We need someone willing to draw blood, not a showboat
Hare’s commentary is mine. Angry snort indeed.
Winters there too, looks like shes still beat to shit. Annnd there’s Ironwoods new arm.
Adorable specialist is adorable. Huh. Wonder if I can use her for something.
Medical brace for Winter...odd. Did she suffer burns or something? A stimm sleeve like in Gears?
Blah blah giant Grimm force blah blah okay yeah whatever
Atlas has hardlight shields. Okay, good. But we know how useful those are against proper attacks...You got anything else? Missiles? AA batteries? SOMETHING?
Seriously its a giant flying army, fill the fucking sky you morons!
Oh look its the two useless members of Atlas’s council.
Wish we coulda seen the dude get smashed though. Damn ratings. I wanna know what a bullet does to a person in this universe.
Hare’s face here was the perfect ending to the situation. Confusion, wonder...acceptance. Exactly.
Same with Winter actually.
Huh. Wonder who Salems talking to.
And now for the new opening...
Everythings going to shit, shocker. Nic ecallbacks to other stuff. Oh great does Salem have WINGS now?
This last part reminds me of the trailer for Halo Wars 2
Wonder if the shadow under Crescent Rose at the end means anything.
Annnndddd thats it for this episode! See you all next week!
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shewrites02 · 4 years
The Trinity |Golden State Warriors| Chapter One
Summary: Golden state rookie Quincy Williams feels he has found the love of his life, but how can he balance basketball, a new relationship, and growing fame.  
word count: 2.8k
"QUINCY! QUINCY!" Reporters shouted in the little room containing only his 5th post-game interview. He fiddled with the Rolex Stephen bought him, after He won their very first game for them. Now he began to feel as if he didn't deserve it. The screaming of reporters grew louder and Quincy new it was time to face the beast he created. He looked up and choose a reporter in the front row to answer to first. The room fell silent and all eyes now laid on the nervous ESPN reporter. He spoke timidly but his voice fell on Quincy like a thousand pounds. "You scored 23 points in the first quarter, an all time high for you so far this season. How much of an accomplishment was this for you in your rookie season?" Quincy's eyes squinted at the reporter causing the reporters hands to shake more vigorously. It was obvious that Quincy's 6'6, stocky, shooting guard stature was intimidating. And His hard expression helped none, at easing this reporters nerves. "It doesn't mean anything! We still lost, and a personal win doesn't mean a thing if your team lost. Ask me this when we win." Quincy hissed. He refrained himself from cussing knowing that wasn't a good headline for a rookie player. He didn't want to be labeled as another player with a "bad attitude." He knew that could ruin careers, and he didn't want to end his career before it even really began. "Just eight questions." Quincy mumbled to himself. Reminding him of the NBA regulations that permitted the players to only have to answer 8 questions in any interview. "QUINCY! QUINCY!" The reporters started to bark again. He picked another reporter. This time a women, who sat in the back with her hair tied. "Quincy do you feel your team mates gave this win away? Or do you think you needed more help out there? " "I feel as if mistakes were made among me and my team. Dumb turnovers and lazy defense on my part. Next question." He quickly brushed the insult he felt off his shoulder. He hated the fact they acted like Quincy was the only player out there, as if he didn't have the legendary Klay Thompson, and Stephen curry playing along side of him. It seemed to him these reporters were always trying to twist his words into him saying something bad about his team. As if he wasn't truly blessed to play with these guys. As the interview continued Quincy continued to get the usual post-game questions. Like 'why that shot? Or what was going through your head when..?' The same old things. Well that was until... "Quincy, you're known as showtime do you think you still live up to that expectation, or do you feel stripped of your title? " Quincy had never felt so offended. Them asking him that question was like them asking if he felt all those long practices on the court were for nothing, or if getting up at 5 o'clock to train alone was a waste of time. They were asking if HE had given up on his career this early in the season. Quincy clenched his fist and sat up in his seat. Fuck his image! He was finna tell every reporter how he felt! He opened his mouth to finally speak his mind like he's wanted to this entire interview. but then came Stephen, shirtless in his game day shorts, storming up the stairs of the stage like platform, then snatched the mic from Quincy. "Quincy Williams is still showtime, will always be showtime, and is the best rookie out right now! And anyone who questions that, questions me and the golden state warriors!" He defended. He then snatched Quincy up and dragged him to the locker room. The vets in the locker room laughed. Not at Quincy, but at the memory of their rookie seasons. They've all gone through being eaten alive by the press, and this moment just reminded them of that. "Are you stupid?" Stephen yelled at him jokingly before draping his towel across his shoulders. Quincy remained silent. He was still pissed and talking to his teammates, that took nothing but the games seriously, wasn't on the top of his to-do list. He just crossed his arms and leaned against his locker. "C'mon man. This shit happens to every great player, especially rookies. You gotta prove yourself. Despite the score." Klay informed him then headed to go take a shower himself. Quincy listened to his advice, but just didn't want to acknowledge it. Not now. His stubbornness wouldn't let him let this go. He snatched the basketball he kept in his locker and headed to the court. "Bruh, where you going?" Andre called after him. But nothing. Quincy walked on the court and took in the empty stadium. This was like his home to him, but he felt like his city was beginning to turn against him. He walked over to the 3-point line. Pulled up and shot the ball. Swish. "He dribbles down the court! The shot clock winding down, and for the game win..." He shot the ball again after acting out his play by play commentary, and once agin, swish. "Quincy Williams with the game winning shot!" He fetched his ball that was now down the court and headed to the center of the Golden state emblem. He sat down the ball in his lap then laid back staring up at the ceiling. "You need to go home rookie! Fuck the media!" Green yelled out to him as he exited the stadium. Considering the number of people left in the stadium was dwindling down, he agreed with Green's suggestion. He then entered the locker room and changed into his grey slacks with a red polo sweater, and exited the locker room with Steph. Some paparazzi still lingered, but wasn't too obnoxious that steph, and Quincy couldn't continue their conversation about the game. "That 3 you made in the corner toward the end of the second quarter was dope! I can't do that with all the luck in the world." Quincy confessed. Steph laughed. "Practice rookie! It took me from freshman year in high school til sophomore year in college to master that." Steph informed him. Steph had really taken Quincy under his wing, and watched out for him. He knew what fame could do to boy who never had anything. It could make him become arrogant, cocky, and NO golden state rookie was going to be that. They continued their conversation, and all Quincy could do was mess with his rolex. He was disregarding almost everything around at this point, even what steph was saying. All he could think was that he didn't deserve this anymore. Eventually they reached the player exit where Reily, and Ayesha where waiting. "Daddy!" Reily yelled. Her little legs moved swiftly as she went to embrace her dad in a hug. He swooped her up then swung her onto his hip. Ayesha then came and gently kissed steph, and whispered what Quincy assumed was good game. "Hi que!" Reily yelled, flailing her arms in a waving motion toward Quincy. She had trouble pronouncing his whole name, so he let her call him by his nickname. "Hey Reily, hi Ayesha.... I'll catch you later steph." Quincy went to exited from the family scene when steph called after him. "I bought that for a reason Quincy... believe in yourself." Quincy smiled and gave Steph a slight nod. He went out to the the car lot. The brisk Oakland air hit his face and immediately he regretted wearing a sweater in the hot Oakland weather. Moving quicker to get out the heat he found himself in front of his 2015 Benz that he bought himself the day he signed his contract. When he got in ESPN radio blasted throughout his car. "I don't know what got into Quincy Williams tonight Mike. He just.. wasn't himself." The radio host commented. Immediately Quincy shut off the radio. He looked down at the Rolex on his wrist then chunked it into the backseat. He didn't want to think about it let alone see it. As he cruised around the city he passed a diner his mom used to take him to when he was sad. Dirty Diana's. When he was in college he would drive all the way from UCLA to Oakland just to feel at home after a bad game. He parked and just peered into the tiny diner. Except from a little boy with his grandfather, and what looked to be a construction worker, the diner was empty. He took one deep breath before turning off the car and proceeded in. The little boy gasped as he noticed the first round draft pick in front of him. He repeatedly nudged his grandfather and pointed. Quincy noticed, and waved, but decided not to say anything. He loved his fans, but he wasn't in the mood right now. Quincy sat in a booth toward the back, and after a few seconds he was greeted by a waitress. When he looked into her eyes he was mesmerized at how beautiful simple brown eyes could be. It felt like just the two of them in that diner. Her smile was so soft and bright, it almost made Quincy forget how horrible he played tonight. Not only that but, her straight black hair reached down her back and shined against her brown skin. It reminded him of how his mother's hair was when he was younger. Her name tag read rosemary. "Sir?" She asked interrupting all these thoughts Quincy had going through his head. "My bad." He mumbled timidly. Which was strange for Quincy. He had always been so confident, so out-going, and definitely never one to shy away from a beautiful girl. "Can I have a slice of pie please?" "What kind?" "Which ever is your favorite." He replied softly. His flirting was almost so settle, she didn't notice. It he wasn't obnoxious like she was used to. So she didn't really know how to react to him, so she smiled and went to go his pie. "Rose, do you know who that is?" The cook, Sam, asked dragging her into the kitchen. She looked down at his hand on her arm, and his bug-eyed expression, and gotten a little afraid. She didn't know who he was, but apparently he was some big deal. "That's Quincy Williams! First round draft pick, plays for golden state! The boys the best rookie, since Jordan!" He whispered. He looked around as if he were afraid that Quincy was just gonna walk up behind them. Rosemary looked at him with a blank expression, he said a lot of words that she didn't understand. Like rookie, and first round draft pick. "Great?" She said in more of a question than an actual statement. She freed her arm from his hold, and went to get Quincy's pie. "Here you go." She smiled softly as she put the pie down in front of him. "Apple pie with ice cream." He announced before taking a big bite. "My favorite." She reminded. Quincy dropped his head and smirked a little bit. He thought she had kinda blown what he said earlier off, and paid it no mind. But he found it cute that she remembered. Rosemary went to continue her shift, but Quincy grabbed her hand and drew her back. It wasn't like she had a dinner of people to attend to. "Here." Quincy said handing Rosemary a spoon. She looked at him then around the dinner, as if she had a big responsibility to attend to. "C'mon... it's your favorite." She untied her apron then sat in the booth across from Quincy. "I'm taking a break sam!" She shouted over to the cook that had previously held her hostage in the kitchen. He glanced up at her with his eyebrow raised. She ignored him and took the spoon from Quincy. At first they sat in this comfortable silence. Quincy just admired her beauty as she sat in front of him oblivious to all the thoughts he had going through his head. He was astonished of the fact she hasn't said one thing about his career, or asked 'what is like being a pro-athlete?' Or any other question females, or people in general usually asked when first meeting him. "You have no idea who I am uh?" She had shoved another bite of pie in her mouth so all she could give Quincy was a puzzled look. She wondered why he cared so much whether or not she knew about his career. Then she came to the realization of how hard it must be for him to find a girl who's not a gold digger or something. "Well sam said something about you being some rookie baseball player or something.... Quinton Williams? And Something about you and Jordan. I don't know. " she confessed. To be honest she really hadn't paid that much attention to what sam was saying. She just assumed he didn't know what he was talking about. "Quincy." He stated laughing. She was the first person in a while who hadn't known him. Rosemary gave him another puzzled look. "What?" "Quincy... My name is Quincy. I'm a basketball player, I play for..." Quincy just stop talking. It was obvious that it didn't matter to Rosemary where he played, and if she didn't care it wasn't worth him talking about. "Your name, rosemary... I haven't heard that name in a while." She ran her fingers across her name tag, with a small smile on her face. It made Quincy curious to know what about her name was so special to her. "Common tell me." He cooed to her. She blushed a little bit. There was something about Quincy that reminded her of a high school crush. There was just something so... fun, and genuine about him. "I'm named after my grandmother. She was my best friend growing up.... I used to get picked on because of my name in elementary school. People would tell me to watch out before someone ate me or something. It's stupid now." Quincy couldn't refrain from laughing. Knowing him, he would've been one of those kids. She gasped hitting his chest. She wasn't mad he laughed, but she definitely didn't expect that! "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He pleaded. "But you have to admit... it's pretty funny." "It most certainly was not funny! I would cry because of that!" But rosemary, herself laughed. This was the first time she had laughed about the situation. She usually thought about as such a tragic thing, but now... it seemed less of a big deal to her. It was finally funny. "Before I started playing basketball I tried to play football, and I- I sucked. I was really bad." Quincy confessed as rosemary was dying laughing. "I tried to play almost every position. Quarterback, but I couldn't throw to save my life. I would constantly hit my line man with the ball in the back of the head. And I couldn't catch so the ball would fall right through my hands. I got called butter fingers til my freshman year " Rosemary laughed harder. She liked the fact Quincy would embarrass himself to make her feel better, and Quincy didn't mind doing so if it meant he got to see her smile again. "Well i guess it doesn't matter now Mr. Superstar." He looked down, after his performance tonight he was feeling less than a superstar. Rosemary sensed the tension that now lingered between them. "I'm didn't mean to say..." "No, it's not you. I just... bad game." He ended the conversation. He loved that he didn't have to talk about basketball with rosemary. He definitely didn't the want to start now. "So rosey...." Quincy went on to interrogate her on her whole back ground, as did she. Like where they were from, their family. Things like that. Quincy even told her about being cut from his his school basketball team his sophomore year, because of selling drugs trying to be a thug, and he had never told anyone that. Not even his mother. They had talked and laughed for hours. Shared secrets with each other. They even talked about their future goals. This was the first time in a long time Quincy had felt like he meet someone genuine. Someone who finally didn't care, or barley even knew about his career. I mean she didn't know much about basketball, but he could change that! "Rose, it's time to get back to work!" Sam yelled at her. She took a deep breath, and rolled her eyes. Only three more people had walked in, it wasn't like they really needed her. But Rosemary knew she couldn't argue after a 3 hour break. "I gotta go. But I'll see you later."
A/n: I really hoped y'all enjoyed this. I already have 5 other parts written so if you would like me continue lemme knowwww. Also if you’d like to be added to the tag list lemme know. 
Tag list: @loganwrites20 @terrablaze514 @shaekingshitup @highasfantasy
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yeoobiii · 5 years
A New Home | Neighbour AU | Prologue
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Prompt: “Hey, I locked myself out, can stay at your place until my roommate comes home?”
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Reader, Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N’s life couldn’t have been more ordinary. She lived together in an apartment with her sister, while being a student at the nearby college. The small flat next to hers stood empty for a while now, until one day two young men moved in. What at the beginning seemed like a simple new encounter, tured out to turn her world upside down.
Warnings: swearing (future warnings will be added to each chapter as the story progresses)
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: I’ve finally got some time to write again. Imma be honest with you, I don’t know how far I’m gonna be able to take this story. I’m going to write it as long as I have ideas and have fun doing it. It also depends on the feedback this is getting, if no body wants to read it, i’ll probably not continue writing it. Anyways, I used the prologue to kind of explain the readers situation and to get to know her surroundings. I hope you enjoy!
Prologue Chapter 1
Your day was not really eventful, but still at the end of it you found yourself exhausted on the couch in the living room, glad that you made it through another day of work and college. You were lying there already changed into your PJ’s, a plate of noodles placed in your lap, watching the new season modern family on Netflix.
At the moment, you should actually be doing your homework but you figured that if you’d get up earlier the next day, you could still do your homework in the morning right before class. You hated that you were the kind of person who had to procrastinate everything and get it done at the very last minute. Even though at the end, you always had your assignments due on time, you had to give yourself credit for that. You just hated that you put yourself through all this extra pressure due to lack of time. But maybe that’s exactly what you needed. Otherwise, you wouldn’t get anything done, ever.
You had finished your dish, put it in the dishwasher and allowed yourself to have a drink. So, you took a glass and a wine bottle with you on your way back to your comfortable couch. After pouring yourself a glass, you were just about to press start on the third episode of the season as your front door opened.
Your head shot up in a quick movement and you were greeted by the figure of your sister and roommate, who apparently just went grocery-shopping then she was carrying three grocery bags and was currently struggling to get the door open.
“A little help?” she yelped, one bag slowly slipping out of her grip.
So, you got up and held the door open while taking a bag from her. As the bags were all put on the kitchen counter, she mumbled a quick “thanks” and went to take her shoes off. The two of you started to put the groceries away.
“How was your day?” you asked her while putting the butter and the cheese into the fridge.
“Bruh, don’t even ask.” she started, still kind of on edge, “After I dropped Frankie off at our parents’ house, my car suddenly broke down so, I was late to work on a day I was specifically told not to be late. And after that my whole day basically just went to shit. And the worst part of it all, at the store they were out of my favourite ice cream.”
Frankie was your dog. The cutest little corgi someone could ever imagine. Sometimes you had to give her to your parents, though. Every time you knew the both of you were going to have some rough days or even weeks and with that probably not enough time to properly take care of a dog, you decided to give her to your parents. Also, your parents loved her. They would never admit that because they were always against you two having a dog in your own apartment, but after meeting Frankie for the first time, they instantly fell head over heel in love with her. So, they didn’t mind watching her from time to time. And with your finals coming up and your sister being especially busy the next few weeks at work due to a project she soon needed to present, there was sadly not enough time for a dog at the moment.
You didn’t like giving Frankie away. Not because you didn’t trust your parents with her. You knew they were going to take good care of her. Much rather because you always felt bad. To you it always felt like someone could think you didn’t want to take time out of your day for her, to pet her or play with her, which was definitely not the case. You just simply couldn’t. Also, you hated not having her around. She was your favourite part about coming home. She always lightened up your mood and you loved playing with her or simply just cuddling with her in bed after a stressful day. But you knew it was the best for her to give her away for a few days, because you knew you couldn’t take care of her, the way you wanted to.
Your sister was working in a graphic office and was on her way to become a concept artist. She started there as an assistant. Like, the kind to bring you your coffee and your lunch. She didn’t really do much artsy stuff. But as time went by, she started to really proof herself to her boss and everybody else at the office. So, after two years of working there, she was involved in little design projects here and there and often was asked for her opinion. A few months back she got the chance to develop a project all on her own. She always told you it was nothing big, but you knew this was really nerve wracking for her. She started to work more and come home late. So, at evenings you were often alone. At the start you felt kind of lonely, because you were used to your sister coming home and eat dinner with you for your whole life. But as soon as you realized how much this actually meant to her, you found a way of dealing with it. At the end, you always still had Frankie.
“What about you? Did you finally talk to that cute guy from work you’ve been talking about for days?” she teased, the smirk on her face growing. She knew she would get on your nerves with that one.
“No, I didn’t. Well, I kinda did because I have to work with him. And I’m not talking about him often, shut up. I don’t even know him!”, You flinched back at her.
“Maybe you should change that.” she started. You wanted to interrupt her, but she just kept talking, “Y/N all you ever do is come home and be in your room, studying or lay on our couch all day. You barely go out anymore. And it has been over three years since you introduced me to someone you really like.”
You rolled your eyes at your sister. She knew that meeting new people and especially dating wasn’t as easy for you as it was for her. Since she was sixteen, you’ve never witnessed her being single for more than three months.
“You sound like Mom.”
“I’m just worried about you.” she assured you and slightly stroke your hair.
“Well, don’t be. I’m doing great on my own, thanks.”
The bags that only ten minutes ago were filled with groceries are now empty and its content safety stored in your cupboards and fridge. You decided it was time to end this argument and go back to your series.
“Anyways” your sister changed the subject, which you were very thankful for, as she was following you to the couch in the living room, “I wanted to tell you that the new neighbours are gonna move in on Monday”
You groaned and threw your head back, new neighbours, great. You knew it was silly and not going to happen, but you hoped that the apartment right next to yours would stay empty forever. Or at least for as long as you lived in this apartment building. Your last neighbours weren’t quite the match. Also, on Monday started your two weeks off. You got a whole two weeks off of college to study for your finals. So, you were actually hoping for it to be a rather quiet day.
“I know, I know. But I heard it’s going to be two guys, around our age. Maybe they are cool.” your sister explained a little bit too optimistic for your liking.
“I thought maybe we could, I don’t know, bake them a cake or something” she suggested.
“A what? Why would we do that?” your head shot up and you looked at your sister in confusion.
Meanwhile, she spotted the wine bottle on the coffee table in front of you and made her move to pour herself a glass.
“Because maybe it will set us of for a good start. And who knows, maybe they are cute.” she pointed out, shrugging her shoulders while a small smirk was forming on her face.
“Lu, you have a boyfriend!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air.
“I meant for you! For fucks sake.”
There we fucking go again. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at this comment. Your sister wasn’t wrong, though. Maybe a kind gesture like that could set the foundation to get along well in the future, because you really didn’t want history to repeat itself. And maybe who knows, you were going to have a somewhat decent relationship with your new neighbours.
“Fine, lets bake them a cake, whatever.” you agreed.
“Great!” your sister smiled “you’ll have to make it though.”
“What? Why?” you hissed at her, getting up from your comfortable lying position, sitting up straight to be eye to eye with her.
That was typical for your sister. She suggested something and at the end you had to do all the work to make it actually happen. You loved your sister, but that was a character property that really got on your nerves.
“I have to work on Saturday and on Sunday I’m at Matt’s.” she casually explained, taking a sip wine from the glass you originally put there for yourself.
“I really can’t believe you”, you took the whine glass out of her hand and emptied it, “Fine, I’ll do it.”
Matt was your sister’s boyfriend. They were dating for almost a year now and you could tell that your sister really liked him. You liked him too. He was always nice when he was around and he was good for your sister.
Shortly after your little argument, the two of you just continued watching Netflix where you left of. At around eleven o’clock your sister decided it was time for her to get ready for bed. So, she got up and wished you a good night, putting a kiss on the top of your head.
“Good night, love you.” you retorted, watching her on her way to the bathroom.
“Love you too.” she closed the door behind her.
At around twelve you also got up to call it quits for today. You cleaned up the living room and soon after went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Ten minutes later you were found in the warm comfort of your bed sheets, fast asleep.
Saturday afternoon you were standing in front of an empty bowl in your kitchen, the flower and milk standing right next to it. Fuck it. You went to get your car keys from your nightstand, put on some shoes and were off to the supermarket where you ended up buying a cake which you could easily make look like you did it yourself.
You’ve barely seen your sister all weekend which meant you had the whole apartment for yourself, which you usually liked. But after quite some time it can get kind of lonely. You took the time to prepare your studying for the next two weeks, though. Which for you meant, making sure there were enough snacks around.
On Monday, your sister still hasn’t shown up. You were up at around 9 am. You made yourself breakfast and ate it while continuing watching modern family. At ten o’clock you decided it was finally time to get some work done. Studying went great for the first half of the day. The new neighbours were always at the back of your mind, though. You were wondering when they were arriving and what they would be like.
At around two in the afternoon, you first heard some people talk outside in the hallway. You instantly assumed the new neighbours arrived. So, you got up from the kitchen table and went to prepare the cake. For you their arrival came at the perfect time, because you really needed a break from starring down at your books. If you were honest, they could have shown up at any time of the day and you would have been glad to have a reason to not study.
The cake was done quickly. You just melted some chocolate and used it as cake glaze and after you also put some sprinkles over it. Even though you barely did anything, you were proud of how “your” cake looked. You also continued to hear people walking and talking in the hallway, right next to your apartment, which assured you that the new neighbours were actually here.
So, now you had to plan out how you were going to do this. Was it easier to wait until they are finished getting everything in the apartment? They don’t need some random girl trying to put something in their hands while they are busy carrying boxes. On the other hand, they’re maybe glad about a snack as strengthening.
That’s also a point you very much disliked about yourself. You overthought everything. Even such a silly and innocent thing as bringing your neighbours a cake. At this point, your sister was usually taking over. She was way better at talking to strangers and new people in general. She just had way more charisma than you. Bad thing for you was just, your sister was no where to be seen. So, you could either wait until she got home, even though you had no idea when she would show up again, neither did you want to listen to another of her speeches about how you have to handle stuff like this on your own and just talk to people. “It’s not that difficult, you just talk to them.” Yeah, no shit Luna. Never would have come up with that idea…
As you were thinking about the scenario in your head you ultimately decided to just bring the cake over like right now. Just to prove your sister wrong. Within thirty seconds you were standing in the hallway carefully carrying the cake on a plate. As you turned your head to the right, you saw multiple packing boxes pilled up in front of the front door of the apartment next to yours. As you spotted them, you instantly regretted the decision you just made about a minute ago. You were about to turn on your heel and walk straight back into your apartment, but as you were about to turn, a young man around your age, carrying yet another box to the entrance of their flat, turned the corner and with that irrevocable appeared in your sight. The boy, much to your dislike, spotted you instantly and you froze in your tracks.
“Oh, hey” he started and placed the box he was currently carrying on the ground and made his way over to you. “I’m Harrison. You must be our neighbour. Nice to meet you.”
He held his hand out for you to take it.
You had to agree on with your sister on one thing: This boy right in front of you was quite the eye-catcher. You’d never say that out loud, though. He had somewhat short, ash blond hair and was not extraordinary tall, neither was he small. You could also get to the conclusion that he was doing sport when you looked his figure up and down. But the feature that most stood out about him, were his ice blue eyes. You had never seen eyes like this before.
You were struggling to shake his hand with the cake still in your hand. He must have noticed that, so he just went in for a short one-armed hug. Ah, A hugger, you thought.
“Yeah, hi. I’m Y/N.” was everything that you said before your mind went blank. That’s what always happened. You already pictured yourself standing here in an awkward silence for another five minutes until you began to slowly moving backwards into your apartment while he dedicated his attention back to his boxes.
But to your relief, Harrison was quite the talker.
“So, for how long have you been living here” he asked, seemingly still excited about the new encounter.
“About two years now.” you somewhat stuttered, your mouth speaking before you could even think about the question.
“You think we made the right choice with the apartment then?” he wondered, pointing at his open apartment door.
“Yeah- yeah, sure. The apartments are great. And it’s also pretty quiet around here as well.” you somehow managed to answer and at the same time hoping this wasn’t about to change with their arrival.
“Sounds great” Harrison retorted, an excited smile forming on his face.
It was quiet for a few second as Harrison’s eyes spotted the cake you were carrying in your hands once again. As you realized what he was looking at, the purpose of this whole thing came back to your mind.
“This- This is for you by the way” you held the cake right into his face.
“Really? Thank you so much!”
Just as he was about to the cake out of your hand his friend appeared behind him, also who would have guessed it, carrying boxes.
“Hey Harry, we got like the best neighbour ever” he looked over his shoulder at his curly haired friend which speared no time to make his way over to the both of you, “She made us a cake!”
“It’s from me and my sister, to welcome you in the apartment building and as our new neighbours” you explained, your hands now behind your back since you didn’t know what else to do with them.
“Awesome, thank you. You gonna regret that, though” the curly haired boy said and smirked slightly as he went back to carry the boxes into their shared flat.
“He’s just joking” Harrison clarified, making a note in his head to slap his friend at the back of his head later.
“Would you stop flirting and help me with our stuff, dickhead?” you two head harry shout form inside the flat. Oh, this boy is definitely going in for it, Harrison thought.
If your eyes did not completely betray you, you could see a slight blush forming on Harrison’s face, which you unintentionally mimicked.
“I gotta go, sorry. But thanks again for the cake”, Harrison thanked you a last time.
“Yeah, totally. I also gotta get some stuff done. And it’s no problem.”, you slowly started to take little steps backwards in the direction of your apartment door.
He waved at you and soon disappeared through the door frame into his apartment, “For fucks sake, what was that for?”, you could hear him slightly hiss, before you yourself closed the door to your apartment.
So, you know officially met your new neighbours. But not even in your wildest dreams you could have imagined what was about to come.
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missmartian369 · 5 years
Episode 19: Elder Wisdom Reaction
- We already starting out with my nerves shot. Why is Lex and Godfrey on my screen?!
- Troia!!!!!! Garth!!!!!!
- Here come the Outsiders!!!
- LOOK AT ED’S SUIT!!!!!!!!
- Oop! MIss Martian’s in a psychic battle.
- Kid Flash just got blown back by the arrow. Yikes. 
- Awww look at Ed being concerned for him!!!!!
- “I’ll be fine.” says Kid Flash.
- Hey don’t take credit for the Outsiders work Flash.
- Lex can go play in fucking traffic!
- “As a result a child was badly hurt.” “I’LL BE FINE!” LOL.
- Oh Halo is getting lectured. Rightfully so.
- Dang Miss M benched her from the team.
- Ok Ed Sr. you’re starting to annoy me.
- I love that Beast Boy, Tara, Static, and Blue are playing air hockey with each other.
- Dr. Jace get away from Violet.
- Oh the Violet/Brion drama begins.
- Hold up why are Ed’s dad, Jay Garrick, and Cassie’s mom here?
- Jaime and Virgil are both 18 years old.
- Barthalamue????? (I probably didn’t spell that right lol)
- Yo the adults are starting to piss me off!!! LET BART, CASSIE, AND ED FIGHT GOT DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ok Violet told Brion what happened with her and Harper.
- Dammit Teo Marrow is back with his damn monkeys. Where’s Superboy when you need his ‘I hate monkeys’ attitude when you need it?
- Oh shit Violet is coming clean to both Brion and Tara about the bribe.
- Brion.......don’t walk away from Violet ya’ll need to talk this out.
- Tara........calm down girl just breathe......breathe.
- Dammit stop texting Deathstroke Tara!!!!!
- Finally the adults are getting some sense talked into them.
- And look art Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, and Static kicking ass and taking names!!!! I’m so proud of them!!!!
- Why is Jace doing a video of “We are all Outsiders?”
- Bruh.........somebody come and get Godfrey and Lex.
- Ok........in all seriousness.......the Anti-Light is really starting to stress me out. This is gonna blow up in their faces.
- Ya’ll peeped how in the beginning Lex was the one that said “Knowing and proving are two different things” and at the end Batman was the one who said it? Yeah this is not gonna be pretty.......
- Uhhhh Violet what are you doing? Please don’t write a good-bye letter and run off!
- Ya’ll this was a very good episode!!!!
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blackpantherismyish · 6 years
One Of The Homies
Chapter One
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Word Count:  1.5k (damn near 1.6)
Warning(s): Cursing, Death threat (???)
A/N: I know this been a long time coming. I started college and the shit was honestly in the back of my mind at the moment. But I’ve gotten in the grove of things so hopefully I can update more (don’t kill me if I don’t)
Small inspiration from No Scrubs by TLC (towards the end)
It was a warm, summer day in Oakland, California. The four friends sat on the front porch of their shared condo, smoking a blunt and reminiscing about their childhoods.
“Ayo E, you remember that time Mini knocked the wind out of yo ass when we were kids?” Cam asked, before breaking out into a fit of laughter.
“Man hell yeah,” Erik exclaimed, glancing over to his pocket-sized homie.
“Didn’t think her little ass was that damn strong,” he replied, lightly punching her in the shoulder.
“Well that’s what you get for underestimating me,” Mini responded, giggling.
“Can I sit here?” the young boy asked, standing next to the table that Sekhmet sat engulfed in her sketchbook.
“Sure,” she replied, never taking her eyes from the page.
The boy leaned on the table, staring between her hand and her face.
“My name’s Dominic, what’s yours?” he asked.
“Sekhmet,” she replied, slightly annoyed at his continued attempts at conversation.
He scrunched his nose up in disgust.
“What kind of name is that?” he asked, sitting back in his chair.
“My name, that's what kind.” Sek replied, smugly. Dominic rose from his seat and shook his head.
“Okay… Well… it was nice meeting you.” He backed away from the table, rubbing his head.
“But it wasn't nice meeting you.” Sek went back to her book and laughed to herself. Serves him right.
Dominic made his way back over to Erik, face still frowned up. Erik seemed a bit confused as to why he came back so quick.
“Dom, what's the matter? Why you frowning?” Erik sat up from his seat as Dom sat across from him and his half brother Cameron.
“Cause bruh… that girl over there was being rude and all I was tryna do was be nice and sit with her.” Dom folded his arms and sat back.
“Nah bruh. We don't tolerate disrespect over here.” Erik stood from his seat. He made his way over to the table where Sekhmet was now standing, holding her pencil and sketchbook against her chest.
“Aye.” Erik called to her. She looked back unamused. Why were these guys bothering her right now?
“Yes?” Sek asked as she shifted her weight between her feet.
“Why you had to be so rude to my friend?” Erik tilted his head to the side.
“Why couldn’t your friend ask me himself? Better yet, why can’t ya’ll just leave me alone?” Sek watched as his facial expression changed like she had flipped a switch.
“Man, just answer the question.” Erik sighed. This girl was really starting to get under his skin.. Sek stepped forward until she and Erik were only a few inches from each other. Erik towered over her. At 4’5” he was rather tall for an 8-year-old. Though she’d never admit it, she was a bit intimidated by his size. Being that she was only 3’9”, she had to crane her neck to look up at him.
“Nah,” she responded sarcastically, before turning to walk away.
Erik’s hand moved before he could think and nudged her back slightly, making her stumble forward. She whipped around and landed a blow to the middle of his chest, successfully knocking the wind out of him. For a 7-year-old, she packed quite a punch. Satisfied with herself, she turned and proceeded to walk away.
“Aye!” Erik called out to her, between his coughing fit, but it was no use. She kept on walking, leaving him to suffer alone.
A few weeks passed, Sek and the boys exchanging glances between each other in passing. Finally one day, they decided to stop ignoring each other existence and formally introduce themselves. Sitting in her usual spot under a large tree, Sekhmet did what she always did, emerged herself in her sketchbook and ignored the world around her. Humming softly, her small nimble fingers contorted the sketch pencil in a way you would think was possible for a child as young as her. The weight on the table she was sitting at shifted, causing her head to rise ever so slightly.
“Yes?” She shot a quick glance at the three boys then went back to her drawings.
“We got off of the wrong foot last time we talked and we thought it would be a good idea to try again.” Dominic looked over at Sekhmet as she placed her pencil down and closed her sketchbook.
“Sure.” She slid the book back into her bag and leaned on her fist to look at the boys.
Being the first to stick out his hand, Dominic gave Sekhmet a soft smile.
“I'm Dominic. You can call me Dom or Nic. Whichever.” He lifted his shoulders in small shrug.
“Sekhmet. But you knew that already. You can call me Sekh, Or AJ.” She put her hand in his and shook it.
“I'm Cameron. Cam for short.”
“And I'm Erik.” Erik was the last to shake her hand.
After the greetings she went back to her drawings while the 3 curious boys questioned her.
“Why are you always by yourself? You got something wrong wit you?” Dominic tilted his head down to look at what her fingers had been scribbling over. It was a decorated skull with flowers growing out of the otherwise empty eye sockets.
“I just don't like people. You 3 are lucky I haven't shoo’d you away by now.” Sek brushed eraser shavings out of her way and continued doodling.
“Jesus you were a brutal lil girl.” Cameron laughed, blowing smoke into the air.
“The fuck you mean were, she still is a mean lil girl. She just grown now.” Erik retorted sipping from his red cup as Sekhmet smacked his chest. When she hit his chest, he nearly choked on whatever he happened to be sipping.
“Nigga shut up. You still a big bitch that get on my last nerve.” Sek rolled her eyes, sitting back in her seat.
“But you love me though.” Erik flicked Sek on the forehead as he went back to sipping from his cup.
“That’s-” Sekhmet’s voice was cut off by the sound of a car horn and the screeching of tires.
“Aye Mini!” A squeaky voice called out from the car as the tinted windows were rolled down. Rolling her eyes, she stood from her seat on the porch.
“What you want Dre?” She walked over to the car, holding the blunt between her lips.
“When you gon let me take you on a date, lil mama.” The nigga, deemed as Dre, leaned against the passenger window, brushing his hair out of the way. His head was covered in messy dreads, unlike Erik’s.
“When you get yo own car.” Sek blew smoke from her lips as Dre scoffed.
“I told you, Imma be getting my whip soon guh.” Dre waved the smoke out of his face, and looked at her.
“You been saying that for a minute.” Sek tried her best not roll her eyes in aggravation as the bullshit spilled from this man’s mouth.
“I know but I’m forreal this time.” Dre nodded as if to confirm with himself.
“You still live wit yo mama?”
“Yeah bu-”
“Dre hit me up when you finally get yo own shit.” Sek finally let her eyes roll to the back of her head.
“Bitch, How bout you hit me up when you get those 3 dicks out yo damn mouth!” As if he said a magic word, four 24k gold desert eagles pointed toward his head.
Sekhmet walked up to the window of the car and pressed the cold metal of the pistol against his forehead. Her hairs stood on end as Erik’s large presence moved up behind her. His pistol now pressed against Dre’s temple.
“Nigga you ain’t the first body I done dropped. I don’t mind adding a nigga to the list.” The color of Sek’s eyes shifted and the atmosphere changed. Taking a drag from the blunt that was between the fingers on her free hand, she blew it in his face.
“And I’m pretty sure, yo homie aint tryna have blood all in his mama whip.” Erik voice boomed and Dre’s eyes widen.
“Plus I’m pretty sure if they dicks were in my mouth, They’d be bigger than you.”
Dominic and Cameron stood a little ways behind the two with their pistols drawn and ready.
“Aight. Aight. I-I aint mean no harm. I’m sorry.” Dre pulled back from the window and he was visibly shaking.
“Thought so. Now get the fuck out my face unless you want a bullet between yo eyes just because.” Sek’s voice dripped with dominance as she stared down Dre. Dre looked over his shoulder and give his friend a slight nod and the car sped off. Putting the pistol back in her waistband like a old hood nigga would, she walked back to the porch and took her spot back in the chair she was once sitting in.
“I swear broke niggas got the most confidence.” Cameron rolled his eyes, taking his seat again.
Erik’s jaw clenched slightly as he put his gun back on safety and back in his waistband much like Sekhmet had.
“Broke niggas also get bullets to the brain the most.” Erik grumbled lowly, plopping back down into his seat.
“They broke.. So what they got to lose.” Sek let a bullet from her pistol dance between her fingers as the sun hit the gold casing.
“Other than their life?” She looked up catching the bullet in the palm of her hand.
Taglist:   @panthergoddessbast @sweetsexysavagery @blackpanthersmut @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-4evr  @hearteyes-for-killmonger @killmongersgurl @dreamingoftchalla @drsunshine97@thehomierobbstark @texasbama @youreadthatright @kumkaniudaku @hailerikmonger @wakanda-inspired @lunaerly @shesfromwakanda @wawakanda-btch @ange-sensuel @magic-madness-heavensin @eriknutinthispoosy @muse-of-mbaku @sicksadgen @killmvnger @allhailnjadaka @vanitykocaine @amethyst1993 @thickoreo@blackpantherimagines @kxnfuzed  @bidibidibombaclaat
A?N: There are a lot of people who needed to be tagged, and honestly it’s 1am and I got class in the morning soooo, I’ll add yall heathens later. LOVE YOU! A BITCH IS A TIRED, SICK, COLLEGE STUDENT!
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mollyshaj · 6 years
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 “Why are you still ignoring that man?” Ebony said then laughed while we talked on Facetime. She was on set for a photo shoot and getting her hair done so she called me to cure some of her boredom. “Took the job at his hotel but not giving him any type of attention?”
“You damn skippy; if he’s not telling me why I didn’t know about that shit we don’t have anything to talk about. All of that has nothing to do with business though, fuck it.” I shrugged my shoulders.
I took Rashad’s offer on working at his hotel as a financial director and it’s a good job; I gave him a genuine thank you then went about my business. I don’t have anything else for him at the moment.
I don’t like being caught off guard and the shit that happened at his mother’s house wasn’t sitting well with me. It wasn’t his fault that big head bitch was there but the fact that he told me about all of his relationships besides that one pisses me off. This nigga was ready to marry somebody at one point, that’s important for me to know.
“You’re a stubborn ass somebody but I get it. He should’ve told you about that shit.”
“Exactly my point, he doesn’t get that shit though.”
“What are you doing anyway? Shouldn’t you be at work instead of talking to me?”
“Lunch break,” I moved the camera to my turkey avocado panini I got from the restaurant in the hotel. “The food is bomb as shit too; I swear I thought avocado was going to be nasty. It’s good as shit, i still don't get why white people put it on everything but whatever.”
Ebony started laughing. “What does the hotel look like? I’ve been to the one in AC, that shit is nice as hell.”
“This one is nice too, it’s really upscale.”
When Rashad first told me he owned a bunch of hotels I thought he was talking about some Holiday Inns or some shit. I was wrong on so many levels; this man owns six luxury hotels.
There are two in New Jersey, two in New York and two in Pennsylvania. His next move was to open one in Atlanta, Georgia and another one in Miami. He’s really about his business and working here has boosted my respect for him as far as him being a business man. I don’t like him right now so I’m not telling him that shit.
“Okay his big ass is about his business.”
“Yeah I guess,” I shrugged my shoulders.
“So petty, it’s been two weeks Nicole.”
“So? He still hasn’t given me an explanation so fuck it and fuck Rashad.”
“Fuck you too,” his voice coming out of nowhere made me jump in my seat.
“You scared the shit outta me, stop creeping up on people.”
“You in my office, fuck you talking about.” He shot back.
“Nicole for real?” Ebony busted out laughing. “How you talking shit about him and avoiding his ass in his office? Yo I can’t, I’m hanging up I’ll hit you when I leave this shit.”
“Alright,” I ended the face time then looked up at him. “Thank you for interrupting my conversation.”
“So you can talk shit about me to your friends but you won’t talk to me about what happened?”
“All I wanna is why you never said anything, when you tell me the reason we’re good. You choose what the fuck is going to happen because it was your fuck up that got us here.”
“I wouldn’t call it a fuck up.”
“Nah bruh you definitely fucked up. Are you going to tell me why you didn’t tell me about the bitch or not?”
“What the fuck do you wanna know Nicole?”
“Why you didn’t tell me about the bitch and why didn’t y’all get married? You proposed and never made it down the aisle why?”
“I didn’t tell you about her because I hate the bitch. I don’t like thinking about her ass and giving her that ring was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. We broke up because she left me for her punk ass broke ass ex. When she left she left with all the shit I bought her and she took $50,000 from my safe.”
“Why does your mother like her if all that happened?”
“My mother doesn’t know what happened, neither does my sisters. All I told them was we broke up, nothing else was their business. I don’t like getting in detail with them about my personal shit.”
“That’s understandable but you should’ve let me know that shit.”
“I never thought it would come up, I never expected to see her ass in my sister’s house. As far as I’m concerned the bitch died three years ago when she did that bullshit.”
“Do you still have feelings for her?” I asked and watched his face carefully. I wanted to see if there was any physically indication that the mention of her would make him nervous or something.
“Man fuck no, I can’t stand that grimy bitch. I don’t forgive and forget; I remember everything and handle you accordingly. I wouldn’t spit on that ho if her body was on fire, fuck her.”
“Alright I believe you, thank you for telling me.”
“Are you done with this attitude shit now?”
“Kind of, but I have another question. What the fuck is your mother’s problem?”
“What?” He looked at me confused.
“Oh yeah you weren’t paying attention to her facial expressions. Your mother doesn’t like me.”
“We were there for what? Five minutes?”
“Yeah and she gave me a couple of stink ass facial expressions. You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to but I’m telling you now she aint fuckin’ with me like that.”
“I’ll handle my mother alright; you don’t have to worry about it.”
“I’m not worried at all, she aint my mama. Any drama with that is going to be on you so I’m good.”
“Aight man,” he shook his head chuckling. “Do you like it here so far?”
“Yeah it’s cool. I’m wondering if you told people who I was because they act real hush hush when I come around.” Most of the employees I’ve encountered so far are weird with me a little bit. I don’t know if it’s because I’m new or if it’s because they know I’m in a relationship with Rashad.
“Nobody has been saying some bullshit right?”
“You know I don’t even tolerate that so no. They’re just weird as shit, it’s cool though. I guess it’ll take them some time to get to know me. You haven’t told anybody we’re together right?”
“Nah nobody in here knows,”
“Good, I told you no special treatment.”
“Well so far you’ve been doing a good job. I knew you could handle it but you sure it’s not too much?”
“Nah, being responsible for the finances of a luxury hotel and the paychecks of over 300 people is light work.” I smirked at him and he chuckled. “It’s an adjustment but I’ll get the hang of it. We have to talk about that office though.”
“What about it?”
“Bro that shit is like a damn broom closet, no wonder the last nigga quit. He probably couldn’t breathe in that muthafucka.”
“So you want a bigger office? What happened to no special treatment?”
“That’s not special treatment that’s just common courtesy. The room is small as hell for no reason. I’m not trying to pull the girlfriend card but fuck it; I need more space than that. Why do you think I’m in here?”
Rashad’s office is the size of a suite but he has the nerve to put the person that’s in charge of his money in a coat closet. That’s just disrespectful.
“Alright I’ll work on getting you a bigger office, and you can work in here until that’s done on one condition.”
“Oh God; what?”
“Move in with me,”
“Rashad I just started liking you again and you want me to move in with you?”
“Would you rather go back in forth to Jersey every day?”
“You say that like your house is close, you live damn near an hour away from the city.”
“That aint the point,”
“It is the point.” I laughed. “I need to think about that alright, moving in together is a big ass step and I don’t want us taking it too early.”
“I don’t think it’s that early but I know how you are about the shit so I’ll give you your space. You’re coming home with me tonight though.”
“Whatever Rashad,” I laughed waving him off.
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“All of these stuffed animals are not going to fit in the car.” Ebony told me as we walked over to my car.
“We’ll stuff them in the trunk.” I responded. “Y’all had fun?” I asked Jayden, Tristan’s son Damien and Mariah’s daughter Tiffany.
School was about to start back up and Ebony wanted to take Jayden somewhere before he started 6th grade.
He said he wanted to come to Hershey Park so I called Tristan up telling him to let me take Damien since he and Jayden are the same age. Ebony asked Mariah if Tiffany could come so she came along too.
We spent the whole day riding roller coasters and eating hella junk food. For the most part there were no problems but Damien tried it a lot. He’s a smart good but the mouth he has on him is reckless. I had to yoke his ass up a few times.
It’s not really shocking, Tristan is as blunt as they come and Sade is a push over; of course that little nigga would be disrespectful. He doesn’t pull that shit with his dad though, Tristan will fuck his ass up.
“I did, thank you for getting this for me.” Tiffany said, holding up the big blue teddy bear I won for her.
“You’re welcome little mama.” we got to the car and I got the kids inside. Before Ebony could go around to her side I grabbed her waist sneaking a kiss in. These kids were cock blocking all damn day.
“Have I told you, you look good as shit today?”
“I don’t any other day?” she asked with a chuckle.
“I’m not saying that. What I mean is you got on these little ass shorts and I couldn’t grip this ass in the presence of children.” pulling her close to me I gripped two handfuls of her ass causing a squeal to leave her lips.
“Those same children are in the car Kaylin.”
“They ain’t thinking about us. You had fun today?” I asked with my lips against her neck.
“Yes I did; thank you for coming with me and paying for it. You know I could’ve put in for some of this right?”
“I do but I told you I got it. Don’t worry about it; you wanna thank me do that shit tonight.”
“Nasty,” she kissed me on the lips before pushing me away playfully.
“You like that shit though.” I slapped her ass then went around opening her door for her. Once she was inside I got in and pulled off soon after.
We dropped Damien and Tiffany off before going back to Ebony’s house. While she got Jayden ready for bed, I was in her bathroom taking a shower.
“Did you use all the hot water?” Ebony asked after I came put the bathroom in just a towel.
“Nah, you’re good to go.”
“Okay. Don’t go messing around in my closet. I put your stuff in the top two dresser drawers.”
“You washed my shit and put it away? Thanks ma.” I kissed her cheek.
“No need to thank me. You’re always leaving shit over here; I might as well wash them. You know, your friends child is bad as shit right?”
“Damien?” I chuckled. “He doesn’t act like that when his pops is around. I don’t know what the fuck was wrong with him today.”
“He needs his ass whipped.”
“That’ll happen because I’m telling Tristan what the fuck he was doing. You lucky Jayden doesn’t act up like that.”
“Jayden knows better.”
“I can see that. Well since we took them out today tomorrow night is going to be about me and you.”
“Me and you?”
“Yeah, if you’re going to act weird about it I’ll call your mom and ask her to baby sit. If not my mother would.”
“I can’t ask your mother to baby sit my son.”
“Yes you can, it’s not like she hasn’t met him before. Plus my mom loves kids, Jayden will have fun. I can ask her, she won’t mind.”
“Fine, tell her I’ll pay her for it and everything.”
“No you’re not. Don’t worry about it, let me handle everything.”
“Alright, I’ll let you handle it.” She went into the bathroom while I threw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt.  Just as I was getting comfortable on Ebony’s bed there was a knock on her door.
“That’s you Jay?” I asked, loud enough for him to hear through the door.
“Yeah,” he answered.
“Come in man,” the door opened and he came walking in. “Your mother is in the shower,”
“Okay. I came in here to for you anyway.”
“Aight what’s up,” I sat up giving him my full attention.
“Thank you,”
“For what?”
“Everything you did today, and for making my mom happy. She hasn’t been this happy in a long time.”
“You’re welcome Jay, you and your mother is making me just as happy though so don’t sweat it aight.”
He nodded. “Are you gonna marry my mom one day?”
“I don’t know yet, but the way it’s looking I just might. Why? You wouldn’t be okay with that?”
“No I would, I think you nice and all that. I think you should, she likes you and if she does start to love you, you’re a good choice.”
“Am I?”’
“Yeah, like I said you’re nice to her and me. She’s always smiling when you’re around and when you’re not around she smiles whenever she’s talking about you. Which is a lot, I hear and auntie Nicki on the phone, they talk about Shad too.”
“That’s what females do Jay,” we both laughed.
“Seriously though, from man to man I think you’re a good guy.”
“Man to man huh?” I chuckled.
“I am a man, a young one but I’m getting there.”
“You’re right, I respect it. So you think I’m the right man for your mom huh?”
“Yeah, I mean I’m not saying you perfect but you’re good enough. You have a job, that’s always a good thing. You aint broke,” Jayden said and I laughed again. “Just don’t hurt my mom, she doesn’t deserve that and I really don’t wanna have to hate you.”
“I promise you I’m never going to do anything to hurt your mother. I care about her and I know the both of you have been through enough. I’m not here to cause any more problems so you don’t have to worry about your mom okay?”
“I hear you.” He nodded. “Well I’m going back in my room before she comes out, good night Kay.”
“Good night,” I held my fist out for a pound and he gave me one before running out the room.
“Are you sure you don’t mind keeping him? I can take him to my mom’s.” Ebony asked my mother when we were getting ready to leave. We were at my mom’s house dropping of Jayden and Ebony was acting as if he would be some type of burden. She’s not understanding my mother love kids, so watching Jayden is a treat for her.  H
“Ebony he is fine right here with me. We’re going to watch movies, snack on some pizza and I’m even going to kick his little ass in some 2K.” My mother told her.
“I’m pretty good; it’s going to be easy beating me.” Jayden smiled up at my mom.
“I’m pretty good too and I know I’m going to beat you. I’ll let you believe you have a chance for right now.” She said back.
“Y’all have fun. We’re about to go.” I said, getting her attention again.
“Okay. Have fun. What are y’all going to do?”
“Going out to the city to catch a movie and get something to eat. Nothing too heavy,”
“Jayden be good okay?” Ebony said to him and he nodded before running towards the kitchen. “Thank you for watching him, call me if he does anything.”
“Girl I got this, go ahead and have a good time. You look too cute to be worried about him, go out and spend my son’s money please.”
“Really mama?” I laughed at her.
“Yes, I’m dead serious.”
“She’s right about you looking good though,” I pinched Ebony on the ass then laughed when she hit me. “You know you like that shit. Aight ma, we’re out.” I kissed my mother’s cheek then Ebony and I left.
After going to the movies to see Sparkle at Ebony’s request we went right next door to BBQ’s to eat. I really didn’t want to go there but Ebony was dead set on having their Texas sized drinks.
As we were leaving the restaurant my name being called made the both of us turn around. When I saw Brandi walking over to me with a smile on her face I sucked my teeth.
“Look who we have here, aren’t you two so cute.” Brandi said with a smirk. “It’s funny, you’re here with her but you haven’t spoken to your daughter in how long? You kick me out then you just drop all contact with your child? I never expected this from you Kaylin.”
“I dropped contact because she isn’t my child.” This wasn’t the time or place to have this discussion about Angelic but she wanted to bring her up so here we go.
“Excuse you? She’s not your child? Nigga you can’t be serious,”
“Nah I’m dead serious, I had a test done and she’s not mine.” When I dropped that little bomb her eyes got big as quarters.
“What do you me-mean you had a test done.” Brandi stammered.
“Don’t stutter now, you were just running that mouth with no problem a minute ago.” Ebony said and I gripped her hand, letting her know to relax. I had this under control; I don’t need my girl out here boxing this bitch.
“Angelic isn’t mine, and for some reason I get the feeling you knew about it all along.”
“Kaylin I-“ She started to give some weak ass explanation when a nigga calling for her cut her off. Looking up I got super confused when I saw Ebony’s ex walking up. When he grabbed Brandi around her waist then kissed her cheek I looked over at Ebony who looked shocked out of her mind.
“Oh shit, so the gangs all here,” This nigga laughed. “So we done switched baby mamas now huh? Maybe you can convince this bitch to let me see my son.”
“Watch your mouth,” I told him, trying to stay as calm as possible. Looking over at Brandi who still looked stuck over the news I gave her. “So this is what you on? Do you know what you’re doing?” I don’t care about Brandi but I’m assuming she has no idea who this nigga really is.
“Don’t worry about what she’s on my nigga, I got her. Worry about your own bi-“ Before the ‘itch’ could even leave his mouth I crashed my fist into his jaw dropping him instantly.
“I told you to watch your muthafuckin’ mouth nigga!” I shouted at him as Ebony moved in front of me so we were facing each other.
Grabbing my face she looked me straight in my eyes. “I have no problem with you knocking his fuckin’ head off but this is not the place. Calm down.”
I nodded looking at Brandi help the stupid muthafucka off the floor. “Really Kaylin? You didn’t have to hit him! I’m moving on and you’re mad about it?” Brandi snapped at me.
“The fuck?” Ebony looked her way. “Girl you must be delusional, nobody is fighting over your stupid ass. Nobody gives a fuck about you being with that pussy!”
“Bitch bye, nobody was talking to you. You’re just mad he doesn’t want you anymore, stank bitch.”
“He doesn’t want me?” Ebony laughed. “Great, tell him to leave me the fuck alone then. Go ahead and act like you have a prize with that nigga if you want to. You don’t even know you’re in the presence of a fuckin’ demon. Kaylin let’s go.”
Before we walked off completely Ebony turned back around. “Word of advice, don’t have him around your child. Ask his sick ass why I’m 27 and he’s 34 with a ten year old child.” I grabbed her hand and walked up the street to my car.
Once we were inside and I pulled off Ebony looked over at me. “I know Angelic is not your child and I don’t know how you’re going to handle the situation with her but you might want to make sure she’s good and not around him. He’s a fuckin’ pervert Kaylin, and he’s evil. It’s no telling what he’ll do to that little girl.”
“I hear you, I’ll handle it.”
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themarchblessing · 6 years
“Ravyn!” I yelled over my shoulder. “I need your help!”
“Bitch..why are you yelling? I’m right outside.” She said coming into view. “Ow! Te ves increíble en ese vestido de mami! You look like a three course meal and don’t get me started on the shoes. Where in the hell did you get those?” She rambled with excitement. Her compliment made my heart thud in my chest and my palms sweaty. Tonight is Brian’s birthday so he invited Ray and I to come along to his party at this club in Manhattan. It’s now going on 10:30 and I’m still not ready. I had Ravyn come over to the house two hours ago so we could get ready together. She’s all dressed and ready but me? I’m having trouble piecing together a full look for this damn party.
I bought a new dress, some new jewelry and brought out the shoes Corey gifted me a few weeks back. The sandals are a perfect fit and they’re super comfortable for four and a half inch heels. I know for a fact Corey will be there since Brian is his best friend and all. I just want to look my best since we’re going out.
“Are you sure this isn’t too much? Ravyn I need your honest opinion.” Turning around I flipped my hair over my shoulder and smoothed out the fabric of the dress.
She walked around me and adjusted some areas, stopping in front of me. “You look beautiful honey. Stop being so hard on yourself and really look in the mirror.” She smiled turning me around by my shoulders. I followed her advice and did a once over of myself, spinning in a slow circle.
I do feel good about my appearance. I think seeing Corey tonight is what’s making me nervous. That night I went to dinner with J has fucked with my mental ever since then. Nobody knows I even went out with him and nobody knows we slept together. I was pretty tipsy so that’s where majority of the influence was derived from. But it’s the reason I enjoyed the night so much that’s eating me up. I’ve never fantasized about another man during sex before. I feel like a such a terrible and stupid person.
“Now..get your pretty ass out of this room so we can go have some fun. I’m ready to shake this ass that I have worked very hard for so let’s go, right now mujer!” She clapped loudly. Ravyn left the room leaving me to check myself out one more time. I brushed through my hair once more again seeing my curls soften out more, I applied lotion to key spots, spritzed on more perfume, and went around the room. Grabbing my littlest purse I killed the lights in the bedroom and followed Ravyn outside to her car.
Tonight is going to be fun and I’m going to get drunk. I can see it happening now. The ride to TAO is a half an hour ride from my house which gives me time to relax and have a little fun of my own with my girl.
“Reach in my bag and pull out the yellow makeup bag. I have some party favors in there I have been dying to use. You told them we were coming yeah?” She asked.
“Just sent Corey a text.” I uttered unzipping the small pouch. “What am I looking for?” I quizzed tucking my hair behind my ear.
“Edibles. They’re sour and they’re potent so I’m warming you now. You only need one because of the dosage but I’m taking two. I’ve been hella stressed these last few days and I need to chill out. They should be in single packs. I’ve got tons of flavors so pick whatever you like mami.” I found what she was talking about and opened two packs for her dumping them into her open palm. “Mmm, sour apple is the best!” She excitedly cheered.
Chuckling at her dumb ass I took two for myself hoping to relax just as much as her. The remainder of the ride to the club is going so smooth. I feel so calm, my body feels warm, and now my hormones are acting up. That one night with Julian made me miss having sex on somewhat of a regular basis. I don’t know what I’m going to get into tonight but I know it’ll be interesting. Ravyn’s playlist set the perfect ambiance to get us into a carefree, relaxed, party mood. The line to get in was filled with people but thankfully we don’t have to wait in line. Brian ended up calling in a favor so instead of Ray having to park on the street, we used the valet that Brian had set up for all of his guests. The loud boom of music that bounced off the walls meshed with the sounds of partygoers made it sound like a live concert in here.
“This place is packed! How are we gonna find the guys?” Ray spoke in my ear as I looked around the room. I don’t even know how we’re going to do that. There’s people everywhere you look! At the bar, the lounge tables, the dance floor, near the bathroom, just everywhere! I spotted two men standing in front of a set of stairs meaning the group must be up on the next level.
“This way!” I shouted over the music. I held onto her hand so we didn’t separate as we made our way over to the stairs.
“You here for Brian Lux’s party?” The guy asked as we stepped in front of them.
“Yes we are. Do you need our na-“
“Finally! What the hell took y’all so long!?” I looked up to see Brian jogging down the steps with a bottle of Jack in his hand. He looks faded already which is a given since this night is all about him.
“Fashion problems..” I shrugged.
“Let ‘em up bruh, they’re definitely with me. Come on let me introduce y’all to some of my friends.” Brian took us around so we could meet everyone in our circle for the night. Men left and right were gawking at us, and some even hit on me but thankfully Brian and Ravyn shut that all the way down. This lounge area that Brian reserved just for tonight is perfect for the amount of people he invited. His friends and co-workers are all very kind and have a good sense of humor. With everyone in such a good mood the night should be a breeze.
So far the night has surpassed all of my expectations. My nerves vanished after my first two shots, thanks to the dudes who hit on me and my high is settling well with me. Being a full time señora doesn’t allow me much free time to really let my hair down and be a woman. With the respect and love I have for my role as a parent I still need to create that time for myself to take a night off every once in a while. And all thanks to my girl Ray and her mother, I can do just that and not feel guilty about anything. Rochelle is keeping my baby boy tonight so I’m not too worried about him but I still miss him very much.  
Ray and I got comfortable within a group of people who were all smoking and drinking. All kinds of party favors were going around up here. “Here B, take this.” Ravyn said, tapping my leg. Putting my phone back inside my little purse I pushed back on the seat taking the shot and drink from her.
“Ravyn what is this? Don’t try to kill me now..I still have a baby to care for once I’m sober again.” Bringing the shot glass to my nose I shrugged and threw it back tasting the burn and cinnamon. This is definitely Fireball.
“I am not trying to kill you. You wanna dance? It’s a lot of yummy looking men out there..” Ray sang out, swaying beside me while sucking down her drink.
“What else did we come here to do?” I slurred with sass. Sipping from my drink as well I followed Ravyn down to the main dance floor. A few other girls and some guys they were conversing with followed us and soon we had a whole party down here. We all took turns dancing with one another, laughing, just feeding off of each other’s vibes. The sound of cumbia music blared through the speakers shocking me to the core. No club I’ve ever been to has openly played any sort of Latin music so to hear music from my grandmother’s home country is blowing my mind.
The music mixed with the liquor and the edibles did a number on me. I’ve been dancing my ass off for most of the time that we’ve been here, feeling like I’m 20 years old again.
“You sure know how to keep a man’s attention.” A voice said from out of nowhere. My face straightened out in confusion thinking I was about to be hit on by another drunk idiot until I laid eyes on him.
“You’re creepy as fuck you know that?” I shook my head at this fool waiting so long to make an appearance. Ever since we arrived I’ve been dying to know where he is. Sipping on the last of my drink I successfully pushed my empty glass into some random girl’s hand.
“Oh yeah? Ok, I’ll remember that.” Corey’s lazy smile and extremely red eyes told me exactly what level he’s on. He’s not much of a drinker or avid smoker but I can smell the weed practically radiating off of his body.
Rolling my eyes at the joke he fed into I picked up my mass of hair and held it on top of my head for a minute. “I’m just kidding. Who did you come here with aside from the birthday boy?” Licking my lips I dropped my hands to my hips and scanned around us quickly.
“Just him. I ain’t come here with nobody special. What about you?” He rebutted, stepping closer to me as some people moved around behind him. Somebody bumped him causing us to be pushed really close together.
“Um..” I mumbled, feeling my heart race in my chest. Why do I feel so nervous right now? “Ravyn. Just Ravyn. How was your trip to Miami?” I asked, slowly putting some space between us.
Corey shrugged lazily and waved to someone behind me. “It was hot. I wish you could’ve came down with me. You always said how badly you wanted to visit the 305. You would’ve loved it B.” He nodded surely. A woman holding a tray of shots appeared and Corey took two. “For you.” He handed me the shot and without hesitating I swallowed every drop of liquor which I came to realize is Hennessy.
“You and Ravyn are equally trying to knock me on my ass tonight. Ooh..” Handing Corey my empty glass I fanned myself and pulled at my dress feeling my body temperature skyrocket.
“Not even close. I see you’re wearing them..” His vision darted down to my feet and so did mine, us both looking at the heels he got for me. I still can’t believe this man bought nearly thirteen hundred dollar Gucci sandals. But he wasn’t lying to Zay when he said I’m secretly in awe with Gucci’s style.
Lifting my head I pushed my curls back and sucked on the inside of bottom lip. “I really do love them. But you did not have to do this for me, you know that right?” Fixing the collar on his shirt I got lost in myself, getting handsy with him. He didn’t seem to mind so I didn’t think anything of it.
“You can keep saying that all you want but it won’t change anything. You uh, care to show me how it’s done with this music? You’re the only expert in here I know.” The growing smile on his face made my heart skip a beat. This liquor has me so fucking gone. I’m reading into moments I never do, I practically molested him with my hands just a few moments ago and then came the memory. Two memories to be exact. The night we kissed two months ago and the night I had sex with Julian. I remember painting a mental picture of Corey’s face while J was eating me out. And once we started having sex, the visuals just continued rolling like a never ending screen of credits. And I’m so proud of myself for being conscious enough to make Julian wear a condom.
Without a word I let my state of mind and my hormones do all the talking for me. The selection of music is supreme tonight. Every genre that you can move your hips to and sing along to took over the entire club. Everyone around us is having a grand old time enjoying a night of no stress and work. Tonight is about all play and I’m okay with that.
After another hour of dancing I felt reality slip away from me each time the song changed over to a new one. Not one guy came to bother me because of the fact that Corey never left my side. He’s an angel for playing along knowing very well that I hate strange men flirting with me. This little charade we played didn’t feel wrong though. We’ve never been like this around each other let alone in public. We’re once again crossing over into new territory. The drugs and the liquor are the motivators for the behavior we’re displaying tonight.
“You know something..I can’t feel anything.” I spoke in his ear, using him as support so I didn’t fall.
“That’s the liquor talking. What else have you had?” He asked, running his hand over the side of my head gingerly. His fingertips brushed along the outer edge of my ear, giving me goosebumps.
“Well..” I dragged out standing up straight feeling his hands on my lower back. “Aside from the shots and the drinks, a few edibles.” I shrugged innocently. Laying my head on his chest I threw an arm over his shoulder taking in his scent it’s the same cologne he wore to Izaiah’s party. It smells ten times better now than it did when I first got to sample it. “Mm..hueles tan bien..” I moaned. The way he smells right now is arousing me for some odd reason.
“What did you say?” He chuckled deeply, holding me close. Our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces, he fit into me as well as I fit into him. Un ajuste perfecto.
“You smell really good. Hueles tan bien.” I repeated, lifting my head to meet his hazy and half open eyes. Once again but this time on my count, history repeated itself. My soul set off like a round of fireworks as we kissed like no one was watching us. The moment began just like the last and turned into something much more than I anticipated. We started in the middle of the room and ended up against a wall that kind of hid us from other eyes.
His lips traveled from mine to my jawline and then down to my neck. Tilting my head to the side I felt my hair tickle my arm as I eagerly welcomed the trade off of his mouth and tongue against my hot skin. “Te quiero tanto,” I moaned feeling his hands tease the hem of my short ass dress. He moved to my ass making himself comfortable there while my arms stayed around his neck.
“You sure about that?” He grumbled, teasing me in the worst ways a woman could imagine.
Cupping the sides of his face in my hands I looked at him with such blurry vision. My eyesight may be tweaked but I know who this is. No amount of liquor could make me forget. “Yeah I’m sure..” Running my thumbs over his cheek I met him halfway and reconnected our mouths. Every part of me has been craving this man and I want him now while I have the chance.
This kiss is a battle purely for control. It’s a battle to see who wants who more. But I think the energy on his side matches mine, no argument needed.
“Come on,” he hastily parted from me leering at me with faded eyes. I followed Corey somewhere and once we were lone in this room that appears to be an office, I pressed play again. I practically threw myself onto him and he welcomed my eagerness. He embraced my desire for intimacy and accepted the moment for that it is rather reading into it too far.
Us not being in view of anyone else granted us the chance to really take things up a notch. Corey gripped my hips firmly and picked me up off the floor. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist watching my hair cover him partly since I’m now towering over him a little. He carried me over to an empty desk and just continued on from there.
“Corey I need you,” I blurted out. He backed up from me, his chest noticeably moving up and down.
“Here?” He breathed heavily searching my eyes for clarification. The beat of the music crept into the room creating just enough of the mood I was hoping for.
Nodding instantly I pulled my dress up over my hips and ass giving him silent permission to continue what we’ve started. The hunger in his stare solidified that he’s still on the same page as me. He didn’t speak. He just fed into the moment, feeding both of our egos and current desires. I saw him reach for his back pocket and I couldn’t fight the laugh. Hassan would be so proud to know that his son still stays strapped with protection to this day. Corey is the only man I know who actually cares about his sexual health and staying safe.
“You don’t need it.” I breathed, kissing different areas of his face.
“Sabrina are you sure?” He asked caringly.
“I trust you.” I don’t know what I mean by that. But I just don’t want to him to use the rubber.  This is that time. That time we never had a serious conversation about. The line that we unspokenly agreed to never cross is about to be annihilated but that didn’t stop Corey from needing more reassurance. “Corey, please believe me when I tell you that I trust you more than you can imagine. I need this and I need you. All of you.” I spoke. Nibbling on my bottom lip I studied his face swallowing the lump in my throat.
The air made it in between my legs creeping all the way up my back. My final okay sealed the deal. I heard that zipper come undone and even though I’m a little nervous to actually do this, I’m ready in a sense. All of my thoughts of him when I was fucking J and that kiss don’t mean nothing. I think Corey noticed that I got a little nervous so as a way of helping to relax he kissed me gently washing away my thoughts of uncertainty. And my thoughts of Julian altogether.
The shock of him taking his time to get this going did not fade. No, it stayed with me. And when I felt full I no longer could look him in the eye. If I were to possess some weird, freaky habit right now it would be the ability to come out of my own body and watch the scene that’s playing out. I can’t believe we’re actually doing this. The back of my eyelids are a beautiful sight being that my brain needs time registering our actions.
As I looked up at the ceiling my mouth formed a full circle the further he inched himself inside of me. Then my lip made its way underneath my teeth as I shivered from the pleasure.
“You okay?” He uttered for the first time in what seemed like forever.
“Yes..” I moaned without any doubts. “I’m perfect.” I assured him. My state of arousal caught up with me to feed into what he’s giving me. I got one hand on his hip and the other on the small of his back. I didn’t feel the need to think about anything else. This is different than sex with J. That was good but this..this is fulfilling to my soul and my inhibitions. I’m very drunk and I even though don’t know how long this moment will last I hope it doesn’t end soon.
Leaning back on the table I watched her fix her dress and hair before we go back into the club. I just fucked my best friend. Damn. I still haven’t told her that I’m Zay’s dad which is making me feel a million different mixed emotions. Being here for my boy’s birthday is not the ideal place to have that talk so yet again I’ll have to put it it on hold. My mind is flooded with bits and pieces of what we just did. And she let me hit it raw. That’s a pleasurable memory I’ll take to the grave. I doubt if this means anything or if it’ll ever happen again but at least I got to say we crossed that line. And it was so good too. It’s a shame I can’t relive one of my all time favorite moments. Now I have my own personal experience of what sex is like with Sabrina Guerrero.
“What are you smiling about?” She spoke taking me out of my thoughts. I didn’t realize I was.
“I just-I don’t know.” Running a hand over my mouth I pushed off the table and walked over to her. She toyed with her hands as we stared at one another not speaking.
“I don’t really know what to say right now. I don’t want this to be awkward for either of one us but I’m speechless. Except for what I’m saying right now. But even with that said I’m not sure what to really say.” She babbled on with a certain look in her eye. Her pretty brown eyes had a red tint exposing how fucked up she is.
“Good speechless or bad speechless?” I asked, pulling some hair out from under the shoulder of her dress.
“Good speechless.” She assured. “So what now..”
“Well I’m more than positive Brian is acting a fucking fool so we go back out there. Or I can take you home, it’s up to you Lori..” her hands found themselves on my chest but they didn’t stay there. Nah she was feeling herself emotionally and feeling on me physically.
“I don’t want to go home tonight.” She groaned softly. That’s all I needed to hear. Sabrina and I went back to the party like nothing happened. Well almost. No one questioned where we went but when Brian spotted me he looked back and forth between Bri and I with a stupid ass grin on his face.
We went right back to partying and drinking as if we hadn’t had enough to drink already. I’m good with my mine. I can hold all my liquor and I know Sabrina can so the rest of our time together is going to be one hell of a night. We stayed at the club for another couple of hours leaving with some people Brian and I came with. Placing my jacket over Bri’s shoulders as we stepped outside I looked for the guy who I gave my car to earlier. I spotted him up ahead stepping out of the driver’s seat.
Sabrina was lost in the cars going up and down the street and the people coming in and out of the club. Placing my hand on her lower back earning her attention. “Come on..” I walked behind Sabrina over to my car helping her inside first.
“Here are you Sir.” He said as I closed the door once she was fully in the passenger seat. I turned around and exchanged my keys for his tip, getting in the front seat, taking off down the street. This drive back to Brooklyn is going to be fast one. I smoked just shy of three blunts and finished the remaining bottle of Jack that was passed amongst our group. I’m so damn faded.
With what happened in that room I can only imagine what’s it gonna be like once we’re actually alone.
“You alright? You haven’t said much.” I spoke up as we made it to FDR drive. Glancing over I saw her on her phone.
She looked up at me and nodded. “I’m okay. I just wanted to see if he was awake but he’s not. He’s sound asleep.” She mumbled, slipping her phone back into her purse. She pulled my jacket around her some more and began fiddling with the tips with her hair.
“Izaiah?” I asked, moving in and out of traffic.
“Mhm. He’s with Ravyn’s mom tonight. I miss him.” She sighed and sank into the seat. From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of light come from the floor. The lights on the side of the highway must have caught her shoes at a good angle.
Just thinking of little man made me aware once again that I still haven’t told her the truth. She has no idea that we are indeed a family. She has no idea that Julian isn’t Izaiah’s father, but I am. The way life works is so funny to me. Here I am with the mother of my child and best friend who I had drunk sex with for the first time in my life hours ago. And she’s clueless that I’m the reason she even had a baby.
The rest of the drive we listened to music without talking too much. One thing I love about Sabrina is that she’s okay with silence every now and then. She’s okay with living in the moment and not trying to find something to talk about at every turn. I’m the type to get lost in my thoughts and forget that I’m with someone in real life and not speak for maybe hours at a time. So many people have judged me and called me out on my shit but Bri doesn’t. Why? Because she does the same thing. We got to my building, I gave my car over to Joey who’s the regular valet person who works overnight.
“What’s up man?” He spoke shaking my hand.
“Shit man. Had a long night.” My speech slurring made him laugh.
“You don’t have to tell me. It’s all over your face man. Have a good night bro.” He dipped away inside the car, closing the door and pulling off towards the garage.
“Why am I so cold right now?” I looked down at Bri to find her hugging herself for dear life.
“Let me get you upstairs before you freeze to death.” Laughing at her attempt to warm herself up as if that would completely fix the problem I walked beside her to the elevator.
“Good evening Mr. Howard, or good morning I should say.” Lucy spoke up.
“Hi Lucy. You okay down here?” I asked wanting to make sure she feels safe.
She waved her hand at me and smiled. “I’m fine love. You get this beautiful lady out of this cold before she gets sick. Go on now.” She pointed out picking up her paper again.
“She stays down here alone all night?” Bri asked as got inside the elevator.
“Mhm. Trust me she’s not afraid of this job. She’s a lot more lethal than she looks.” I stated truthfully. Our ride up was quick. When we got into the hallway Sabrina began taking my jacket off and held onto it. Unlocking the door I allowed her to step inside first.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been here it feels like deja vu.” She said laying my jacket on the countertop along with her purse. She then began to take her heels off.
“Leave those on.” I demanded. She did as I asked and walked into my room without another word. Following behind Bri I spotted her standing in front of the window, drawing the curtains back.
“I’ve never seen the view from in here at night.” She stepped back and did that thing with her hair again. She was holding all of it at the top of her head as she admires the view. “Es tan hermoso. I can see so far out.” Sighing deeply I decided to bask in the same view as her. The sweet smell of her perfume, the scent of her hair, and just having her here is making my dick hard. Sabrina has spent the night plenty of times over the years but nothing like this. I can’t call it a one night stand or anything degrading because of how much value she holds to me.
Grabbing her hands I freed them of her mane and interlaced her fingers with mine. I remember when we were like twelve or somewhere around that age and Bri had come over to my house one day. My parents weren’t home that weekend and she was going through some shit at her house so I offered to let her stay with me. Anyway, she was telling about what was going on at home and then she started crying. After I got her to calm down she had fell asleep and so I carried her to my sisters room. At that time and still today my sister wasn’t around much so her room was the perfect place to let Bri sleep in peace. I’ll never forget this night. Fast forward and I was knee deep in sleep and all of a sudden I woke up feeling somebody touch me. Something told me that Bri wasn’t happy about being in that room by herself so I let her lay with me in my bed. We didn’t talk for the rest of the night but right before she fell asleep she accidentally or purposely, I never figured out which, felt me up. I couldn’t fight how excited she made me. I couldn’t control it.
It just happened. When I tell you I experienced my first hard dick at the age of twelve because of her, I’m not bullshitting. Lori was the only female friend I had growing up and I always thought she was a pretty girl. So to be touched by her sexually for the first time in my life was life changing.
“Corey, what are you thinking about, love?” Sabrina wrapped my arms around her waist turning her head upward to look at me.
“This first time I ever felt my dick get hard thanks to you.” I admitted.
“What? How did I have anything to do with that?” Oh yeah she clearly does not remember.
“Don’t worry about it. It was a long time ago. Look I’m glad you’re here.” I haven’t seen much of her and Izaiah lately since our work schedules keep clashing. I’ve been busy so much like it’s not even crazy. Bri lets me talk to him on the phone as much as I want and he’ll call me whenever he wants but I like being in his presence physically. And obviously hers too.
“Thank you for letting me stay. I didn’t wanna be alone tonight. And I’m sorry for being so distant it wasn’t on purpose.” She turned around to face me, holding onto me for support.
Silently I started unzip her dress. Once it went as far as it could go I pushed the soft material down all the way to her hips. “You can stay the night whenever you want to. I might be drunk be I mean it. You and m-Izaiah can be here as often as you like.” I almost slipped up and called him my son but I caught myself.
“Cuando queramos? Estás segura?” She questioned holding her hair out of the way.
“If that means whenever you want to then yeah. Take this off.” I ordered. If there’s one thing I’ve come to realize it’s that dark liquor mixed with weed makes me demanding. Complying to my demand with no problem she and I worked together to get her out of this dress. I know she’s been dying to get out of this and now this is the time. As I helped her step out of her clothes I noticed tattoos I’ve never seen before. One wrapped around her ankle, another one on both sides of her hips, and the last one was encasing her left thigh. “Where did these come from?” I asked in shock the Sabrina actually faced the needle. I tried to convince her to get one in college but she said no. Her exact words were ‘hell no and fuck that’ but I guess she had a change in heart.
“Change in heart. They hurt like hell too.” She chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. Being curious to see what they all are I took a minute to get a good look at every one of them. The writing on her thigh is in Spanish so of course I’m naturally fascinated to find out the meaning. “This one if you can’t read it that well says ‘eres tu propia mina de oro’ meaning you are your own gold mine. Or I am my own gold mine.” She explained as I ran my my fingers over the small words.
Picking up her leg I got a closer look seeing a feather on top of her foot connected to what looks like small beads.
“I got this one for Leo. You remember him? He called you Chino every time I talked to him about you. I miss him.” Hearing her say in less words that her mother’s father passed away struck a nerve. I lost my grandfather on my mom’s side two days after my birthday, three years ago.
Deciding not to go further into this topic I placed her foot back on the floor and stood up to full height. Walking around her to check out the ink that made me curious most of all I felt my jaw drop. Covering her entire lower back is a half skull half woman who’s eyes weren’t filled in. She’s a representation of an old school pin up girl with a teardrop under her left eye. The surrounding ink were roses and smoke and a ton of shading. One would claim this piece is depressing but to someone like myself, I know otherwise.
This time she didn’t have to explain the meaning of this one. I know it’s a cover up. She never and I mean never told me how she got third degree burn marks and scars along her lower back. I know who did this to her. The ink is a symbol of Ace breaking her. In simple words, Bri was like broken glass after she left that nigga. He broke her down in so many ways it’s depressing to even think about let alone talk about.
She turned to the side causing her hair to shift and swing over her shoulder. I looked up in time to see yet another tattoo I have never noticed. The stars on the back of her neck traveled almost to the point of touching the buckle of her bra. They’re all blacked out.
“I hate him so much for all the fucked up shit he did to me.” She said touching the ink on her lower back. “You know once upon a time he told me he’d kill me if I ever spoke to you again. He hated you so much. But not as much I hate him for treating me like I meant nothing. My mom cried herself to sleep every night until I told her I left him. Her worst fear was getting a phone call from you or Ravyn or somebody saying that he actually did kill me.” Quickly she took her heels off pushing them aside with her feet. She moans in satisfaction to have her feet bare and free to move about.
I knew Ace threatened her but I didn’t know to what extent his words went. “Lori, you know you’re better than that right?” Kissing her shoulder I repeated my actions, internally regretting not going through the plan Brian and I came up with. Sabrina knew what I had did to Ace. But she never knew I had other plans for him.
“I know baby I know. I was young and very dumb when it came to him. I never told anyone not even my mom knew that he was the reason I almost couldn’t have kids.” I tensed up feeling like my heart had stopped. Just thinking about her never bringing up the idea to have a baby killed me. Because not only is that her baby but he’s mine too. Selfishly I envisioned not meeting up her that night in the city when she first got back. If Ace was successful in whatever he was doing to her I wouldn’t be a father today. Sabrina wouldn’t be a mom and we certainly wouldn’t have gotten to where we are in this very moment.
Sabrina started crying which broke me down to see her so distraught over somebody like Ace. Sweeping her off her feet I carried over to my bed laying her down with ease. Nothing I can say will take away the all pain she experienced in the past. But what I can do is try to make her forget. Even just for the night.
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Otome Friday
Antares Route
-Eggplant is a dumbass. 
-But you already knew that
-I hope the creature eats the eggplant. 
-Damn. Eggplant got away. 
-First aid for Antares.
-Yay! The eggplant got arrested. 
-Lmao “enjoy your title while you still have it”
-*ahem* GIVE CORVUS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS!!! He deserves more than this!!
-Oh fuck. CG nearly made me spit potatoes. (I was eating hash browns at the time of writing this.)
-Meeting with the higher ups went well. 
-Eggplant got demoted and 20 years.
-Final episode
-That went by really quickly
-Why. Why do we have to kiss him in front of the superiors? (Oh ADI no you don’t...No no, I’m going to.)
-I like drama. 
-So no drama. Just Antares showering Zella with compliments 
-Yay, we can get married.
-Oh dear. Zella wants to invite his family. His brother.
-Now he’s pouting like a child being forced to make up with his brother. 
-Oh wait. He is. 
-The Promise crew is precious. 
-Atlas! “Blink once if he’s holding you against your will”
-Omg. I think that’s the first smile I’ve seen from Atlas in this route. 
-Well fuck. The plant for the antidote is gone. 
-Say goodbye to the universe kids!!
Antonio Route
-Here’s hoping I actually like his route. 
-If it’s a betrayal route I’m out. Fuck that.
-So the premise is that he’s sponsoring Grace on a trip. And that’s he’s actually after Ziva. What?
-Here we go
-....University of Barcelona. I’m not jealous. (I am. Spain is beautiful)
-....Damn. Damn him for looking so hot in a fucking t-shirt
-So we’re trying to sell the house in this one
-Oh fuck no! who is this fucing creep!
-Lol they called him “will sleep when he’s dead”
-What the fuck is going on?!
-He gonna come back and bite you Ziva.
-Interesting interaction with Mac.
-Again. Why is Ziva/MC sleeping on the couch? Does that house only have 2 rooms? I doubt it. Considering her parents had a study in there.
-This is a long ass first chapter
-Antonio out here staking mfers
-Ew. Victor’s still in this one. Can we stake him now. Ya know, get it over with?
-Did we have to go the twilight route with the reveal? Really?
-”Why does he have to be so terrible yet so good looking?” That sums up Antonio’s character right there.
-They pulled a “damn bitch you live like this” 
-WTF is that interior?! Omg it’s so gaudy. 
-”He vants to suck your blood!” LOL I can’t take anything seriously
-Okay. We might be actually getting somewhere with the whole Ziva/MC is not what she seems angle
-You know, for a servant, Victor is awfully mouthy
-It’s cute that Ziva is worried about Mac getting roping into supernatural stuff. 
-UGH! What I hate about this route is that Victor’s in it. 
-Arguing with Victor about the decor is my new fav thing
-AHHHHHHHH I love this so much.
-Tired Buyer is up to some shit
-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ziva don’t be stupid!!
-OMG I can’t believe this is actually happening!
-Ziva you’re a dumb ass.
The Royal Romance
-Aw shit it’s back!!
-Gimme my King!
-I can’t resist the opportunity to throw shade. Especially at Neville
-Murderking is excited for the duel. Cause of course he is. 
-And they’re doing this with real swords?
-Yas Drake. Throwing all the shade. “I have respect for my betters. I just don’t consider you one of them”
-Dude just got shot (in the arm) and now he’s getting stabbed! 
-We go from sword fighting to WWE. I love it
-Of course when the sword gets pointed at him, Neville shows how much of a coward he truly is. (And then he shaves his head and goes to word for Eros)
-Where’s your baby Savannah?
-Olivia I love you!
-It’s her Aunt. Like we already knew. 
-Though I was hoping for it to be like Drake’s mom or something. 
-Oh that last option is so tempting. So very tempting. 
-But I don’t need anymore enemies. Middle option it is. 
-Did we really need the purple goblet? I mean I love it but come on. 
-Olivia don’t be sad! 
-Stories about little Olivia. 
-I hope.
-Jesus. Yeah we get more background on murderking
-That’s right Olivia, Riley is here for you!!!
-Say it with me “Frrriiiieeeennnndddsssss”
-And we’re back to dealing with the baby drama
-At least it was free
-I’m just trying to stretch this chapter as far as it will go
-This back and forth is getting on my nerves
-Dude a 14 year old is better at dealing with their feelings than Bertrand 
-Ugh it’s finally over!!
-30 diamonds to spend time with Liam....ugh fine!!!
-Yeah, your favorite spot right after the hedge maze. 
-We got new underwear
-No old people staring while we sleep thank you
-Hey it’s Leo!
-Yes. One of the things Leo’s good for. Backstory.
-Liam though Bastian was a vampire. Cute
-Murderking wants to get sentimental. 
-I notice how Leo didn’t speak to Regina. Like...at all.
-That is a decked out necklace
-someone decided to bomb the place. 
-I swear to god. 
-Also can PB treat injuries like they’re actual injuries? 
Blood Bound
-I’m getting tired of this book. Seriously tired of it. 
-I’m gonna try to finish it out but I may drop it after the first one. 
-I want to know what Kelsey/MC is.
-Cause we all know she ain’t human
-Here we go
-Yas Kamilah! Burn them!
-Bruh. Your system is worse than the American Legal system. And that’s fucked
-Nicole you shady bitch. 
-Is there anything Nicole didn’t have her hand in? 
-Lily quoting Missy Elliot is life!
-I’m not touching Nicole unless I have to...
-Nicole. You’re going above and beyond. Calm down. 
-Why did you bring Jax into this?! Leave him alone!
-Ugh! I think I’d rather be sitting next to Lester than let the Baron touch me. Puke
-Baron backstory? No thank you...
-I need a full body picture of Kamilah in 1920s garb stat!
-Gaius. Why don’t you change your clothes?
-Omg. It’s just like the movie “Daybreaker” (great movie btw)
-Hold shit. Gaius wants(ed) to release a fucking plague 
-One more fragment. (the head)
-I never noticed the pile of bodies in the lower right corner of the tapestry
-Oh I so glad it was part of the plan
-How the hell did you hide those clunky ass goggles under your shirts?
-Why is Adrian half naked?
-I pulled the lever
-WHo’s the little boy?
-I love Kamilah so much!!! “Bashed his head in with a trophy” savage af
-Adrian and Jax sizing each other up. I ship it
-Shit. I’m gonna go play the lottery 
-This is why I don’t give side characters chances, They do shit like this!!!
Veil of Secrets
-”And then I ran into the masked man” and decided to have his babies
- -And the masked man is....Flynn
-Called it. So did 90% of the fandom
-”Everything ok?” Yeah I just need to calm my thirst.
-ex-con or not. 
-I didn’t ask for a flashback!
-OMG Kate was living out her favorite book!
-Oh ew it’s a nanny cam bear
-lockbox Password is Magelo
-How old are you Flynn!
-Kate suspected Tanner of cheating
-But what if I want to beat Tanner’s face in?
-Going on a yacht with Flynn
-Ugh Bryce again. (I REALLY hope that the chief of police is his daddy. They look too much alike for it to be otherwise)
-Ulysses is also the ship’s name
-Omg. That was wow!
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
The Risks of Devotion [fic]
Pairings: Uraraka Ochako/Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Bakugou would protect his princess no matter what, wanted to stay by her side no matter what. He just had to admit it to himself. 
Rating: T
Tags: a/b/o dynamics, fluff, a hint of angst tbh, royalty au 
Note: Finally, my last holiday gift is for the lovely @emeraldwaves​ <3 This is my first time writing kacchako and idk how I did, but I wanted to attempt it for you bruh LOL You’re such an amazing friend and I’m so happy we met. I hope you like this! ILU. 
Bakugou was the kingdom's strongest alpha, no fucking doubt about it. He could best any obstacle, could beat any opponent into the dirt. All his teachers had boasted about him, and rightfully so, saying he was destined to be a palace guard. Protecting royalty, securing wealth and stability for his family, there was no downside to it.
So from the young age of eight, he'd lived, eaten, and breathed the palace air. He'd trained with the kingdom's most promising alphas, and remained at the top of the class all the way up until he came of age.
Yeah, Bakugou had stopped assassination plots, could break another alpha's limbs with one twist of his own arm, but this, this was by far the most stressful thing he’d had to go through. And it was a trial which happened once a week, like clockwork, and he couldn't escape it.
He had to protect his future queen.
"Katsuki, are you mad at me?"
Bakugou's head shot up from where he'd been glaring a hole into the floor, his searing red gaze finding Uraraka's face in an instant. He hated that sometimes, how he always seemed to naturally fixate on her, though the anger had grown from explosive to simmering in the past few years. He wondered sometimes if it was completely gone altogether, but like hell would he let himself admit that.
She was looking at him with wide eyes, bright and innocent, and a little something he chose not to point out. Bakugou never knew how to handle Uraraka when she looked so damn sad. Couldn't she just bottle it all away? Be better with her emotions? It was annoying, for her to sit there all dolled up and have the nerve to look sad.
If she could just be the peppy princess she was supposed to be, it would make this situation a lot easier.
"Huh? Why would I be?" He answered gruffly, doing his best not to shout as he kicked his fancy dress shoe against the wall. He hated those things, hated the dinner parties where he had to wear them. This whole thing was useless. "It's not all about you!"
Except it was.
Bakugou stared at her, took in the frilly pink ball gown which just barely passed her knees. She was probably cold, since she hardly wore anything that didn't include pants or leggings. Her skin shone from the sparkling oils she'd been washed with, and the silver crystals sown into her dress acted like spotlights. They brought out everything about her, from the dips of her collarbones to the blush on her cheeks. Bright, shining, regal.
A princess.
The only thing that gave her away as being anything less than a perfect mate, was the mark on her neck. It was covered by foundation now, the royal dressers had certainly see to that shit. But Bakugou knew it was there, could trace the unseen lines from memory alone. An old bond mark.
What was the fucking use in hiding it? Everyone knew. Everyone talked about it.
Bakugou knew first hand people talked about it, because it was usually him that punched anyone who so much as mentioned it. His hand still stung from when he'd done so the other day, but it was a dull, satisfactory pain.
Bastards. They can all just shut up.
Uraraka hummed, choosing not to say anything. Pisses me off.
Uraraka always fought back. From the time they were kids playing around the palace and throwing rocks at each other, to now. Uraraka annoyingly refused to back down from one of Bakugou's screaming matches.
It was one of the things he...whatever. Didn't matter.
"Are you ready to go yet?" Bakugou asked, tearing his gaze away from the spot on her neck. It still got on his nerves to this day. Almost two years later. That same, possessive urge overcame him. The need to kill.
How dare some second rate, cowardly alpha claim his princess and run off.
"Not really," Uraraka sighed, plopping onto her bed and kicking her feet. They'd made her wear heels today, which he knew she despised. "What's the point? I'm just going to have to talk to a bunch of uninterested alphas. I'm tired of this..."
"Then tell your parents to knock it off," Bakugou muttered, messing with the various daggers on his belt. "Sick of this shit..."
Uraraka shot him that look, the one he hated. Like he was some stupid child and she was scolding him. "You know I can't do that Katsuki. My parents want me to find a mate and be happy. That's...all they want..."
Yeah, great. These so called 'matchmaking' balls were held weekly for the sole purpose of finding the princess, a beautiful omega, an alpha of good character and standing. The kingdom needed future rulers, future heirs to the thrown.
One would think it wouldn't be a hard problem to solve. What alpha didn't want to mate with a princess?
Finding an alpha to love her though, that was another issue. One they'd already failed at. The first alpha who had been considered suitable, ended up being a total fraud. Uraraka had been crushed, and she was left with a mark on her neck to remind her of the debacle. And it would be there until she found a new suitor, which was why they kept up with this mess.
Bakugou despised it.
Uraraka's legs stopped kicking as the heavy silence settled over them, and he could see how close she was to crying. He knew he should just leave and back down before he got in trouble with the chief of the guards for upsetting the princess.
But sometimes it was hard to remember he was supposed to separate his role as a guard, from his one as a childhood friend.
Friend. If he could even be called that. He never liked handing the term out, but it was the only one he had, and they'd been joined at the damn hip for so long...
Stupid. He should've never been a guard.
"Yeah because you seem pretty fuckin' happy doing this," he said with a grunt.
For some reason, he felt like he'd maybe walked into a trap, which only served to anger him more. Uraraka's eyes were still wet with unshed tears, but now she was grinning at him, jumping off the bed to saunter on over. The bells on her dress jingled obnoxiously, giving away the obvious skip in her step.
"I wouldn't have to do it if you'd stop being so stubborn Katsuki," she chided, her voice a sniffling sing song.
No. He didn't want to talk about this.
"I don't know what you mean brat," he growled. "Hurry up and finish your damn hair so we can go already."
But it was getting harder to actually mean any of his words, Uraraka was so close. Her scent had always had that irritating effect on him. It was weirdly intoxicating, like poison, but...obnoxiously sweet. The thing about Uraraka's scent was it was hardly a scent at all. Light, like the air she seemed to float through when she walked, settling easily on his senses. Subtle, like her silent, ballerina like footsteps through the halls.
He stepped forward against his will, and he could feel her breathe against his neck.
"Katsuki," she whispered, gripping his bicep. His muscles were tense, but he let them relax under her grip. "You don't have to be such a hard ass around me you know."
He growled, but didn't object.
They always went down this road, it always came back to the fact she--
"I only want to be with you, that's how it’s always been," Uraraka continued, her voice firm. "If you just asked my father--"
"No! That'll just ruin everything!"
"So you're fine just staying like this?" Uraraka gripped both his arms now, pleading, and he refused to meet her gaze. "Is this really better?"
Bakugou hated not having answers. He always had the right fucking answers. It wasn't like it wasn't uncommon, for non-royal alphas to prove their worth and ask to court noble omegas. But this was the princess, and it just hadn't been done in a long time.
Uraraka's father was a kind, thoughtful king, loved by many. He had also hand selected Bakugou to be Uraraka's personal bodyguard when they'd reached a certain age. After all, they'd been together all their lives. It was expected.
Bakugou didn't want to lose that honor, he didn't want to erase his own expectations for himself. But well, he hadn't expected to feel this way about the princess. Confusing, dangerous feelings, but they overpowered him all the same.
Bakugou glared at the floor, his own thoughts angering him. Uraraka was staring at him, her expression soft, her smile hesitant. She could read him well, he admitted that much. She matched him in strength, in confidence.
There was no better omega, and he deserved the best.
All at once, all their past arguments flashed in his mind, his instinct to mate with his princess. It was an instinct which had been there since his sixteenth birthday. He thought about his anger when Uraraka had selected another alpha, before she'd realized her own feelings. He remembered the rage he'd felt when that alpha had betrayed her.
And more than anything, he remembered how much he hated and dreaded every single ball, hated seeing and hearing alphas flirt with his omega.
He was Bakugou Katsuki. He didn't back down, he went after what he wanted no matter the stakes. Nothing and no one would prevent him from achieving whatever he set his mind to.
"You do want to be with me, don't you?" She asked, hammering the final nail into Bakugou's coffin. She'd never actually explicitly spoken about wanting to be together, it was always underlying, implied. Obvious. Now that the words were actually in the air though, Bakugou's walls had a chip in them, and it was all it took.
"Aren't you supposed to be smart? You should know," he said, a soft 'tch' falling from his lips as he let her fall against him. He inhaled her scent greedily, and he felt her do the same.
And if anyone asked, he certainly did not hug back, but in the dimness of the royal quarters, no one would suspect a thing anyways.
One thing Bakugou Katsuki did not do was kneel. So when he took the stance without much objection, Uraraka was more than a little shocked. She probably gasped aloud, which was also probably why Bakugou glared at her, but oh well.
The ball the previous night had yielded no results, as expected. Noble alphas were still as fake and conceited as always, and she wanted nothing to do with them. She never had. The first alpha she took was more out of family obligation than anything else, and she'd learned her lesson from that.
Bakugou Katsuki was and always had been her alpha. All they needed to do was make things official. Which was why they were currently in the throne room, pleading their case to her father.
Another thing she knew about Bakugou, was that he didn't particularly value the art of speech. Words were simple, minimal, only spoken when necessary. The guard was smart, exceptionally so, loud too, but sincere? Well yes, he could be, at least with Uraraka. But with words?
She didn't know.
Turns out Bakugou never failed to surprise her.
"I pledged to be the best royal guard in the kingdom, and I am," he began, his voice unusually calm. It tended to happen when Bakugou held a conviction so strong it couldn't be rivaled. "It's my job to look after the princess, and it always will be. I don't really care what anyone says about it, even you King. I'm just telling you. I'm not leavin' her, and I'll easily fight off any alpha who gets in my way."
Uraraka felt a pleasant shiver course through her, and for a moment, instinct took over. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of Bakugou holding her close, claiming her. It was all she'd been wanting.
But part of her quaked in fear when she glanced at her father, expecting to see anger or shock. After all, not many people would call what Bakugou had just said polite, or even respectful. Bakugou didn't yield to anyone, no matter how powerful.
He was number one, and he believed it whole heartedly. Uraraka smiled, because that meant deep down, he thought she was pretty damn special too. Whether or not anyone else saw that was another story...
However, instead of rage, her father looked...amused, relieved even. The smile on his face was soft, and he shook his head much in the same way he used to do when Uraraka played too rough with the other kids and got into trouble. Even Bakugou looked unsure of what to do with the reaction, watching like a hawk as the king rose from his throne.
"You're not exactly giving me room to argue Bakugou-kun," the king said, looking to the queen with barely concealed joy. "Not that I plan to. It's about time you two sorted everything out."
Uraraka rushed to Bakugou's side, both of them looking like they'd been thrown into a different dimension. Bakugou was glaring at the floor, probably pissed at himself for not being in on the joke.
Uraraka found her voice first, not letting herself believe that things could work out so perfectly all at once. "You mean...you...knew? And it's okay? We can be together?"
Bakugou's head shot up at the words, and he shuffled closer to Uraraka, ready to protect her against any onslaught.
But there was none. Her father just chuckled, sending her a scolding expression. "Did you really think we'd be so harsh Ochako? We want what you want. Whatever makes you happy," he said, and the tears were already forming in her eyes as he continued. "Plus, these balls are getting way too expensive."
Uraraka laughed, letting the tears spill from her eyes, and tackled Bakugou in front of the entire throne room, palace administrators and all.
He may have yelled at her to get off, but he held her tight, pulling her as close as possible.
Judging from the way the entire room let out a collective sigh, she was pretty sure this was long overdue.
A few months later, the day before her wedding, Uraraka lounged in Bakugou's arms, letting the summer breeze drift through the room. The old, hateful mark on her neck felt nearly invisible, and she closed her eyes, letting Bakugou's scent wash over her.
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yujachachacha · 7 years
Get to know me
Tagged by @symphonyalpha​ (I forgot the URL for a second and was like, “Why isn’t Jaewhy showing up when I type it in the user mention???” lol).
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Last: 1. Drink: Barley water, because that’s what my family drinks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2. Phone call: My grandma, telling me what time she needed me to drive her to her doctor’s appointment. 3. Text message: To my little brother, telling him to STFU because he kept sending me dumb shit on iMessage. 4. Song you listened to: Does SIF count? If so, “Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki”. If not, I was headbanging to “Paradise Lost” by Chihara Minori after dropping my grandma off at her friend’s place the other day, lol. 5. Time you cried: tbh I probably teared up a little when I was watching the footage from the Lantis preview of the Aqours 1st Live BD/DVDs 。゚( ゚இωஇ゚)゚。
Have you: 6. Dated someone twice: I haven’t even dated someone once :’))) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I’ve kissed exactly one person, so...hm. There was a period of time when I had conflicting emotions over what happened, but in the end, I don’t think I regret it. 8. Been cheated on: See #6. 9. Lost someone special: I’ve had a grandfather pass away, and this is probably going to sound bad, but...I really appreciated him, and he was nothing but kind to me. However, since I’d only seen him about three times in my life, the biggest way his death affected me was through my mother. It took her a while to get over my grandfather’s death, so it changed the way I behaved around her during that time. 10. Been depressed: Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Exactly once, because I made the mistake of keeping pace with my uncle in Korea who takes soju shots like a champ. This also happened to be the night before Lunar New Year, so I got chewed out by my aunt (older sister of my uncle) once she realized why I was so lethargic during the festivities. _(:3 」∠)_ I don’t regret it though, because before that I had never been hungover before and was wondering what my limit was, haha.
List 3 favorite colors: 12-14. Red, blue, and...uh...other than those two I don’t have any definite faves. I guess the third would be either yellow or purple...? I’ll just go with purple for the sake of completion.
In the last year have you: 15. Made new friends: #TeamONIBE 16. Fallen out of love: That would require me to fall in love with someone first. 17. Laughed until you cried: I think it might have been when Mayushii and King did that disastrous cooking niconama. Like...what the actual fuck, do they seriously not know anything about basic kitchen safety and hygiene??? 18. Found out someone was talking about you: The number of times I’ve gone on to Discord and found out that someone in ONIBE was talkin’ smack about me... (。・ˇ_ˇ・。) It’s all in good fun though, haha. 19. Met someone who changed you: See #15. 20. Found out who your friends are: Nothing says "friendship” like screaming your heart out at an anisong concert, eating McNuggets while insanely drunk, sleeping while squished together in a seedy neighborhood, wotaing loudly in a moving vehicle, and other various activities I did with people I had never met in real life. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ AX 2017 was hella great for ONIBE bonding. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t think I’ve even used FB for non-work stuff since 2016 lol
General: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: If this means “I’ve actually met them in person and have had a decent conversation with them”, then maybe a few hundred? But if this means that I actually talk to them on a semi-regular basis, then, like...10, maybe. :’) 23. Do you have any pets: See my answer in the previous chain post I did. tl;dr I had a turtle and a dog in elementary school, but after that, no pets. I’d like to have a dog when I get a place of my own, though. 24. Do you want to change your name: Nope. 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Watched LLS Episode 13 in the morning and ate Korean BBQ in the evening. 26. What time did you wake up: Today? I honestly don’t remember. Sometime before 9? 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Laughing at dumb shit on Twitter and Discord, probably. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The Delayed Viewing for the 2nd Live for the US! I’m making plans to meet up with ONIBE folks again and it’s gonna be ~L I T~ 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Early in the morning. She was like “lol get up and lose some weight” while I was still in bed so I groaned back, “You’re one to talk,” and went back to sleep. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I was gonna say “how about eliminating my student loans haha” but I suppose this is supposed to be a more serious question. I guess it’d be nice if I was a neater person. Like, my room is a total mess right now and I’m terrible at keeping track of things I should be working on... 31. Listening right now: Fun fact - I actually only listen to music while I’m driving. Otherwise, it distracts me from what I should be doing. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yup, that was the name of my debate coach when I was in junior high. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People who hate on LL seiyuu. Like, they’re actual human beings who are working really hard to live up to the expectations of thousands - no, millions of people worldwide. To be quite honest, I invite you to tell me if you legitimately want to shit on any one of them (both µ’s and Aqours), because I have yet to see a single person who has had a good justification for doing so. 34. Most visited website: Probably Tumblr/YouTube/Twitter/Reddit, too lazy to figure out which one of those it is.
Jaewhy put in random questions here because they were missing for some reason, so I guess I’ll continue those: 35. Mole(s): I have a few around my face, but other than the one on my right cheek I don’t think they’re that noticeable? I don’t spend a lot of time in the sun like other Californians. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 36. Mark(s): I have a birthmark on the backside of my right shoulder that I’m sort of self-conscious about. It’s the perfect shape for getting a tattoo of a sunflower around it, so maybe I’ll do that some time in the future? 37. Childhood dream: Lawyer. 38. Hair color: I feel like I’ve answered this in a previous chain post, but it’s black. Duh. Though if you hold it up to the sun, some of the ends are more like dark brown. 39. Long or short: Long. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: See #16. Nope. 41. What do you like about yourself: I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time staring at computers/video games and I still don’t need glasses. :D 42. Piercings: No, but I should probably get my ears pierced at some point? 43. Blood type: O. 44. Nickname: Yujacha, but a lot of people shorten it to “Yuja”. 45. Relationship status: Single. 46. Zodiac: Libra, Dog. 47. Pronouns: I feel like it’s obvious what gender I am, so just go with those. 48. Favorite TV show: I don’t really watch TV these days, but if I’m kicking back with some hot cocoa at like 2am I might watch Criminal Minds or something. 49. Tattoos: Nope, but like I said in #36 I’ve been thinking about it. 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Wisdom teeth removal is technically dental surgery. 52. Hair dyed in different color: I had highlights in my hair a few years ago, but they faded real quick. I’m vaguely considering dyeing it brown in the distant future...? 53. Sport: It’s fun to watch the occasional match when there’s a World Cup or Olympic thing going on, but otherwise I have no interest. 54. (A question I came up with since #54 was missing) Extracurricular activities: I was a debate kid for most of my school life, and in college I was in the Korean Club and Student Union. 55. Vacation: Does the 2nd Live DV later this year count? 56. Pair of trainers sneakers *American anthem plays in the distance*: I actually need new ones because I’ve tripped while hiking on at least two separate occasions due to my shitty old sneakers.
More general: 57. Eating: Haven’t yet. 58. Drinking: Wasn’t this literally the first question? 59. I’m about to: Eat. 60. (This question was missing so I'll make one up again) Thinking about: What to eat lol 61. Waiting for: 2nd Live DV~ 62. Want: Money tbh 63. Get married: I’d like to at some point, but at the moment I’m kinda tired of hearing about it from every middle-aged woman who talks to me (including my own mother). 64. Career: Working on it.
Which is better: 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs, because they’re warm and comfy and can be shared by complete strangers. 66. Lips or eyes: I was gonna repeat a previous answer and say “eyesmiles” but since this is “lips or eyes” rather than “smiles or eyes”, I guess my answer would fall more under “eyes”. 67. Shorter or taller: Bruh, if someone’s shorter than me then I’d need to check their ID to make sure they’re not jailbait. Taller. 68. Older or younger: I’ve never dated anyone so I honestly wouldn’t know, but I’d probably look for someone close to my age first? 69. (Lmao why was 69 missing :3c I’ll just make something up again) Outgoing or shy: The former, since I’m lazy. If someone doesn’t drag me to places I’ll just lay in bed all day. 70. Nice arms or stomach: It’s actually really hard for females to have a toned stomach, so any gals with abs are like ooh~ 👀 But I actually like hands! I have smol stubby fingers so I really dig people with nice hands. 71. Sensitive or loud: The former, because I don’t need the entire neighborhood to know when I’m gettin’ laid kthnx 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship, because sure why not? 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Maybe the former, but if they’re being too much of a lil’ shit then I’d go for the latter instead. I’ve dealt with friends who take like 20 minutes to decide what to order from a menu so I know that feel. :’)
Have you ever: 74. Kissed a stranger: Nope. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yup. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I’m pretty sure I annoyed half of ONIBE during AX when I went “haha y’all are blind af” after I found out I was pretty much the only one who didn’t have corrected vision. 77. Turned someone down: I was about to say “no” and then I got a sudden flashback to a certain incident in college, wow thanks for making me remember something I had tried to forget...sooo, uh, yup. 78. Sex on the first date: See #6. 79. Broken someone’s heart: IDK if turning someone down counts as breaking their heart. 80. Had your heart broken: ...yes. I think? 81. Been arrested: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died: Do fictional characters count? 83. Fallen for a friend: Uhhhhh...kind of? It was complicated.
Do you believe in: 84. Yourself: I’d like to think that I do. 85. Miracles: KISEKI DA YO~ ...sorry, I had to. Yeah. 86. Love at first sight: Shukashuu is living proof of this. 87. Santa Claus: Nope, sorry Maki!!! 88. Kiss on the first date: Sure.
Other: 90. Current best friend(s) name: IDK if I have one. :’) 91. Eye color: I’m Asian, take a wild guess. 92. Favorite movie: I don’t really have a favorite, but I did like “Kimi no Na wa.” (Your name.) so much that I made it my phone’s lock screen.
Tagging: I've only tagged people the first time I did one of these and I’m gonna try to keep it that way. If anyone who reads this wants to give it a go, feel free~
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