#bruh i left highschool to AVOID this
vilelittlecritter · 8 months
Off, the game of all time
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Sorry arts so slow I'm STILL hella busy
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last-of-the-jaded · 2 years
I still think about this one interaction I had in highschool where I left my phone unlocked on the table while I went to the bathroom at Starbucks and the friend that I was with at the time had gone in while I was in the bathroom and followed/followed back on their own account to this account without my knowledge… I only checked because my phone had moved on the table when I came back and we had discussed tumblr earlier that day… but like the levels of trust that were broken after that interaction… like bruh our fandoms were not at all mixed… I was an anime video game blog and she ran one of those depressed hot girl aesthetic blogs and bruh—— even just thinking about the levels of delusion she had to do that without my knowledge or permission, especially when I avoided the topic of following her account earlier on…
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter three:  Satori, you are such a fucking idiot
Summary: Y/n and Tendou are deeply in love. Living on the other side of Tokyo now, the Monsters are still up to their old shit. They even opened a few businesses for Tax reasons. Even though it’s been almost three years later, Y/n still has never been able to understand how they have avoided the law several times. When Tendou’s Mother reappears in his life, Y/n is confused as Tendou claimed she is dead. Finding out Tendou is being forced to take over the family business by his Mother, she soon learns the truth behind Tendou’s reason he never gets in legal trouble is his family business. His mother is quick to decline Y/n as his future wife and tries to set up Tendou with someone she sees more fit. What will happen to Y/n and Tendou? What will happen to Tendou’s “family business”? What does this mean for the future of the Monsters?
Tw: Swearing, mentions of violence, selling medication, blackmail, hacking, drinking
Word count: 1.1k
Taglist Open! Send an ask or dm to be added! 
Third person pov 
The guys had gone back home around 1am, as Mei had passed out on the couch in Yamaguchi’s arms. 
The Monsters arrived back at their house quickly. Suna and Kenma had now joined the group. They gathered in the kitchen as they sat around the table.
“So what was the super important thing that the other two can’t know about yet? Kemna asked.
“He said just y/n for now.” Shirabu said from the doorway in the kitchen. 
“Oh shit, must be pretty damn serious then.” Suna whispered to Kenma. 
After Shirabu had sat down things had gone quiet for a moment. Tendou looked around at the three new faces there. 
“My mother found me. There is no easy way for me to say this but,” He took a deep breath.”She runs the South side Yakuza.” 
“Are you fucking serious?” Shirabu spoke up. 
“We have three days to let her know what we think. I have no choice, kyotani joined already as well. You guys do not have too but I would suggest leaving town if you want out. Once you are in, death really is the only way out. “ Tendou said. 
“I thought about it a lot while we were at the hangout tonight, I’m in.” Terushima said. 
“Hell yeah fucker!” Kyotani said as he bro hugged him. 
“You guys don’t have to decide right away. So please think about it and just let me know by Tuesday at noon.” Tendou said. He stood up at this point and left the table. Kyotani followed close behind him. 
“Are you really going to join Teru?” Hanamaki asked.
“What do I have to lose man? You guys at this table, plus Y/n, that’s the only family I got now. I want to stay loyal to them, those two guys as well have been there for me for so long.” Matsukawa looked over to him. 
“I think I will say yes after I deal with something real quick.” He stood up and left the room. 
“What are you guys thinking?” Terushima nodded towards the three newest members. 
“I want to talk to Y/n, but I know Tendou has to do that as a one on one first. I really need to think about it first.” 
“I just need to sleep on it. I guess it’s basically what we do now but on a much bigger scale. I think sleep will help me feel more comfortable instead of just saying yes now and regretting it later.” Suna said. 
“I would have to set some ground rules. For one I don’t do physical activities and I refuse to work in the field. I am not the strongest but I do have a lot of  hacking experience and I am good at what I do.” Kenma admitted.
“I am sure a hacker would be needed. You have mad skills Kenma, but yeah let’s talk to Tendou. His dinner is Monday with y/n. He will probably power text out after to see what everyone feels or for a meeting.” Terushima said. 
“Are you seriously considering it Kenma?” Hanamaki asked, Kenma shrugged at him. 
“Why are you backing out Maki?” Shirabu stepped in asking him. 
“You guys are all new to this lifestyle, you know? Is this something you want to spend the rest of your life doing?” 
“Honestly I was just going to seduce a CEO then steal their company and make my assistant run it for the rest of my life anyways. A dream life of riches right there.” Suna said. Terushima laughed a bit at his response. 
“Dude that’s actually pretty smart. I see why you are a business major now.” Terushima said. 
“Honestly, I was just going to hack something big and probably blackmail my way to the top as well.” Kenma said with another shrug.
“You babies are growing up so fast.” Terushima said, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes. “Just yesterday you were just two teens on campus, today you are ready to swipe billion dollar companies.” Shirabu laughed. 
“The only thing I was going to do was be a doctor, but maybe working with you guys would be better. I still have quite some time to go, but I do have a lot of medications if you need it.” Terushima laughed again. \
“You really are swinging in the big league already, I just don’t think you realised how close you really are.”
Meanwhile upstairs…..
Tendou sat behind the desk as he looked down at his hands. :
“Just rip the bandaid off and say it the fuck now.” Kyotani said. 
“It’s not that easy telling my one true love, hey I get to kill people for a living now!” Kyotani sat in the chair in front of him. 
“She definitely already knows what type of man you are. Look at us back in highschool. We were fighting people, hell you shattered Oikawa’s leg with a bat!” 
“I know, But Kentaro,” Tendou took a deep breath, “I don’t know what she will do, maybe she will leave me... Maybe it would be better that way, at least I would know she’s safe.” 
“You are a fucking idiot. I bet you she’s going to give you that look she makes when she thinks, then 10 minutes later jump into your arms and tell you she fucking loves you and I will call you a fucking idiot but you two will be fucking fine.”
“I am not sure this is the lifestyle she would want to live.” 
“Satori, you are such a fucking idiot.” He smacked the back of Tendou’s head.  
“What the hell mad?!??!” Tendou snapped as he stood up.
“Do you not pay attention to her and her own fucking monster pack at her mother fucking school!” 
“I guess I didn’t think about that. She really did recruit them all, and she leads them when I am not around.” 
“Y/n was also the one that destroyed 7 cars in a parking lot cause a guy cat called her and she couldn’t remember which one it was.” 
“Matsukawa needs to stop giving people bats for their birthday.” Tendou said now with a laugh. 
“Let’s fucking go drinking. We could use peace at mind for a couple more hours fucker. It will make things easier when you tell her.” 
The two walked down stairs as Matsukawa was now reentering the house. 
“The fuck you do?” Tendou asked him. Matsukawa stood in front of them, covered in fresh blood. His bat still in his right hand, also covered in blood.
“I was playing baseball.” Matsukawa said with a laugh.
An: Really seeing a soft side of Tendou for y/n 🥺
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Taglist:  @satan-ruler-of-hells @atria-avior @freakydeaky226 @ems1des @idontknow-whatto-callthis @maer-333 @bruh-kill-me @elianetsantana @tanakasimpcorner @babyshoyo​ @ash-levi​​ @ifilosemyselfagain @wisteria-wooseok @ashytoes101 @fantasycantasy @angstyclowns @johnnysactualgf @putmeinyourdeathnote @lukes-princess @black-rose-29
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silentsnow777 · 7 years
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Team Fortress Oc Trapper
Please feel free to give critisism on this and everything just don’t be mean please. I’m saying this because i already had unpleasant experiences before. I’m just having fun, that’s all.
Name: Ana Jade Katich
Age: 29
Date of birth: 15th of February 1946.
Place of birth: Serbia, NS Language spoken: Serbian - Native                              English - Fluently                              German - Beginner                              Russian - Medium knowledge (only because of Katja)
Gender: Female Body Type: Muscular, especially upper body due to the weight she is carrying. As for her breast size, she is almost flat.
Hair Color/Style:
Dirty blonde, medium lenght, messy and usually has her hair set a stray until she is scolded by her teamates to tie it up.
Eye Color: Jade green, that's where the middle name came. :3
Height: 5'9'' or 179.83 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Sexuality: Straight
Team: Red
Class Name:
The Trapper (aaaa idk help me out on this one!) /the point is, her class is related to setting up all sorts of traps, slowing down the enemy wip/
Offensive/Defense/Support or other:
Scars or Birthmarks: In the '
Military Academy' at one of the exercises her right cheek was almost cut open. After that her injury was sewen up badly by an amateur 'Medic' (her c
olleague) and it healed up leaving an 'ugly scar' ,as Ana would explain the patch on her cheek. Other than that, just basic small scars on her body.
Tattoos: None  
Personality: Very curious, asks too much question if i may add. Annoying at times. Ana is o
ptimistic, persistent and adventurous person. But at the same time also sneaky, sarcastic at times, inpatient and self-centered in some of the situations. But she tries to avoid it.
Disabilities: Memory loss caused by a strong hit in the head
Likes: Destruction, action, challange, of course besides loving destruction she enjoys sitting in peaceful surroundings reading a book or something.
Phobias:  Hydrophobia (let's just say she left that out when she was writing her resume, and none of her colleagues know that <-<) /and yes i am aware that maps have ponds in them but that is another story/
Dislikes: Being treated unequally, lying, being wrong, not getting what she wants
For the reason unknown to her, she has a fear of doctors. Also that annoys the shit out of Medic since she never shows up on her checkups and rarely calls him to heal her on the battlefield.           Spiders and anny long legged creature.           Also water, duh.  
Some special items and weapons (i don't know what i tried to do here, i'm trying to be creative :T WIP):  Jar of glue (to slow down the enemies)                Wires connecter to the explosives (yes, i know demoman has similar thing just without wires but this is what i got for now)                Bear traps                More coming when i get inspiration :T
Pets: She used to have a dog. A female Dachshund to be exact called Masha. But the dog is decesed since Ana was 14. (i gave her my beloved dog T-T, i miss you Masha aaaa)
Family: Mother Katarina 52 years old - Status: Alive                                                         Current place of residence: Serbia             Father Fabian 51 years old - Status: Alive                                                       Current place of residence: America
Friends: Katja             Feel free to ask
Bio: Being the only child in the wealthy family, Ana never actually had to take care of anything. Her life was easy, well apart from the argues  she had with her dad who was obsessed with the fact that she wasn't born male. He wanted his child to continue his work as a mercenary but as a woman, that would be really hard if not impossible. But Ana being stubborn , wanted to prove differently. She comfronted her parents about her plan and while mother was being against it, her dad was actually really supportive. He even told her an old friend of his held an 'Military Academy' where she could be send to until she gets enough training. Of course, she was thrilled about it, she could finialy make her father proud and do something with her life. So, when she turned 15, she went there instead of going to the highschool. At the beginnig of a progam everyone was assigned a partner they were sopose to spend all the years at the academy with. Her partner was a girl named Isabella who was an orphan and was taken in by the owner. Over years they became close friends. At the age of 18, Ana's parents divorced for the unknown causes besides their marriage always being at the edge. But Ana never found out what was the reason her parents finally decided to divorce. Her mother flew back to their home town, allowing Ana to stay with her father until she finishes academy. When she was 25 Ana finaly finished her time at the academy and she was ready to be hired by her father or at least somebody else. But right after her first mission, she had a nasty accident where she hit her head and lost her memory. She was sent back to her mother, her hair shaved of do to the fact her head wound needed to be stiched up. Luckily she didn't get any other mental dissorter apart from memory loss. She didn't remember who the employeer who hired her was, what she was doing, not even the last days from the academy. Years passed, her hair grew back and when she turned 29 she decided to try her luck as a merc in Teufort. After 2 times of her resume being declined she finaly got hired. And that's where the comic starts~
Ana is obsessed with cleaning, not to that point where she is a Germophobe but she just likes her stuff clean.
She doesn't know how to swim. (i mean, she is a hydrophobe, what do you expect)
Also she doesn't know how to drive, she never found a reason to.
I didn't add that in the ref sheet, but she is wearing a backpack. I mean, where else would she keep all her traps in. Also that makes her run slower since of the heavy 'luggage'.
She is oftenly mistaken as a guy because of her looks and her behaviour.
Her googles were given to her by her dad and for that reason she wears them most of the time.
Her father is a top surgeon and a very powerful mand.
After killing more then one enemy in 20 seconds: ''Oh wow, i progressed.'' or ''You should've just give up'' Destroying a building: ''They were destroyed as they worked, by being hit.'' Kill assist: ''Hey, we make a pretty good team!'' or ''That was awesome!'' Domination: ''Guess i'm winning then!'' or ''You are pretty weak to be honest.'' Dominating a Scout: ''But i thought you were the fastest one 'ere?!'' or ''I'm sorry kid, better luck next time!'' Dominating a Soldier: ''But you have a granade launcher! Use it!'' or ''And you call yourself a soldier?'' Dominating a Pyro: ''Bruh, you got extinguished.'' or ''Guess i'm to cool for ya, eh?'' Dominating a Demoman: ''Hey, your liver is fallin' out.'' or ''Znas, maybe you could get to my level if you stop drinking.'' Dominating a Heavy: ''Hah! And you call ME small!'' or ''Sasha won't save you now big guy!'' Dominating a Engineer: ''Maybe you should hit your machines harder next time.'' or ''A toaster would show more resistance.'' Dominating a Medic: ''I never even liked doctors.'' or ''Well i guess the one needing healing now is you!'' Dominating a Sniper: ''I don't like Aussies anyways.'' (she honestly has nothing against them, she just likes to annoy the heck outta him) or ''You're skinny as hell, tell me, are you anorexic?'' (<-- that is not me trying to make fun of anorexic people, i'm just trying to get into Ana's personality, she's a douche sometimes) Dominating a Spy: ''But i thought you could get invisible?'' or ''Am good enough now asshole?'' Sudden death: ''Aaah, shit...'' or ''W-what? When?'' Set on fire: ''I'm on fire! Literally!'' or ''I'll rather burn alive then jump into the water!'' Hit by a Jarate, Mad Milk etc: ''Ah! Ewww..." or ''Odvratno!'' /gross/ Teleportation: ''Hey, i didn't know this actually exist!'' or ''Thank you Engie!'' Healed by Medic: ''Thanks, i guess?'' or ''Danke doktore!'' or ''Thanks doctor!'' I'll add more later :T Team Fortress 2 (c) Valve
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter thirteen: Whatever I’m leaving
Summary: Y/n and Tendou are deeply in love. Living on the other side of Tokyo now, the Monsters are still up to their old shit. They even opened a few businesses for Tax reasons. Even though it’s been almost three years later, Y/n still has never been able to understand how they have avoided the law several times. When Tendou’s Mother reappears in his life, Y/n is confused as Tendou claimed she is dead. Finding out Tendou is being forced to take over the family business by his Mother, she soon learns the truth behind Tendou’s reason he never gets in legal trouble is his family business. His mother is quick to decline Y/n as his future wife and tries to set up Tendou with someone she sees more fit. What will happen to Y/n and Tendou? What will happen to Tendou’s “family business”? What does this mean for the future of the Monsters? 
Tw: Swearing, violence but not graphic, blood, stalking
An: Tumblr is still trolling me cries. I will make a post when everything is fixed !! This chapter was supposed to be posted about an hour ago and I have literally been uploading it on repeat only for it to crash and not post :((
____________________________________________________________ Third Person POV 
“Well I wanted you to meet your new Fiance.” Kohaku said. Tendou began to laugh hysterically. 
“No, Y/n is my finance.” He said back. 
“She’s not good for you Tori. I just want you to see how bad she is for you.” Kohaku stated.
“If anyone is bad for me it’s you. Hell you made me take your business over.” He scoffed. 
“Don’t act like you weren’t in deep shit of your own.” She spat back. 
“Not shit that can kill my Fiance.” He said back. 
“If you want to believe that go ahead. I helped you out and that's it.” Kohaku said. 
“Whatever. I’m leaving.” 
“Why are you leaving your own house?” 
“I’m changing the fucking locks and this is mine and my friends house only.” He said as he left the room. 
Back at their current house… 
Y/n brought Terushima downstairs as they caught Matsukawa as he was heading out. 
“I’m off to meet someone at the docks. Kyotani is already outside waiting for me.” 
“Alright good luck man.” Terushima said as he slapped him on the back. 
The two stopped in the kitchen too and seemed like they were making food. The two saw Hanamaki carrying a bag as he slowly left the house, hoping no one would see him. 
“He didn't even notice us here.” Terushima said. Y/n shrugged as she told him to follow as she walked down to the guest room. 
“Kenma, I brought him.” She said as she walked into the room.
“Did you check the piece of paper?” Suna asked her. 
“No not yet.” She said back. 
“You may want to see it.” Shirabu said as Terushima was reading over the messages with Hanamaki. 
Y/n looked over to Shirabu and then to Suna before she pulled open the paper. Koshi Sugawara, it read. 
“Isn’t this the guy who was supposed to take me on a date in highschool?” She asked Shirabu. Terushima’s head poked up. 
“Fuck it is him. He went to our school as well.” Terushima added. 
“I thought you two texted?” Shirabu asked. 
“We did till the date then he blocked me afterwards. I assumed it was because of the date anyways so I didn’t really care all that much.” Y/n told them. 
“So now what do we do with this information?” Suna asked,  directed at Terushima. 
“Well since Kohaku is being a demon I think we just keep this between us for now. We do some more research or maybe scout missions to see what he's doing and what not. Just try and keep tabs on him the best we can as of now. I don’t want Tendou to lose his top and kill him before we get answers.” Terushima said. 
“He has a good point. Satori would kill him on spot with no questions asked.” Y/n said. 
“Okay then it’s settled.” As they all fist bumped they heard the loud slam of the front door. The five stood up as they went to go see what was happening. 
“Satori?” Y/n spoke up. He turned on his heels and looked over to her. “What happened?” 
“That fucking bitch shows up with a whole fucking other women and tells ME that this fucking random bitch is my fiance!” Tendou screamed. 
“Holy shit what the fuck.” Terushima said. 
“She had the nerve to tell me that Y/n is bad for me. Like fucking where you dumb bitch.” He said as he slammed his fist into the wall. 
Y/n walked up to him slowly and wrapped her arms around him. 
“Hey, it’s okay Satori. Let’s go take a bath together.” She whispered into his chest.
Down at the docks, Matsukawa and Kyotani were sneakily following a shipment crate on foot. The two were on a private job they had started as a side business as hitmen for hire. It just so happened this day they got some people they wanted to happily take out one by one. 
“Look.” Matsukawa pointed at the crate as it was finally placed. A few men came out from the car that was following it along. They unlocked the crate as they opened it up walking inside. “Are you sure that’s the right one?” Matsukawa asked. 
“Fuck yeah it is. I checked the tracking number.” 
“Is anyone you can see still in the car?” Matsukawa asked him. 
“Let’s move closer and check.” 
The two snuck closer to a better view of the car. They peaked and no one was there. 
“Come on.” Kyotani flagged him down to follow as he creeped up to the crate. He peeked inside and saw only the two men they had originally. “Time to play your favorite sport.” Kyotani said as Matsukawa raised his bat with a demonic smile on his face. 
The two ripped the doors back open and stood in the entrance way. 
“Sup fuckers?” Matsukawa asked. The two men turned around as Matsukawa and Kyotani were standing resting the bat and crowbar on their shoulders. 
“What the hell do you want?” The one asked. 
“A better question is why the fuck are you on our turf?” Kyotani spat. 
“North side will run this fucking place soon assholes.” 
“The only thing you run is your mouths.” Matsukawa said with a laugh. 
The two guys reached into their jackets and went to pull out their guns. Before they could fully pull them out both were being struck by the Monsters weapons. Matsukawa and Kyotani were going absolutely insane with their swings. Bones breaking, screams and crying were all heard from the men. 
After the two were sure they were dead, they started to raid the crate. 
“Look at this dude.” Matsukawa called out. Inside the box in front of him was a load of guns. 
“Gun running. Nice.” Kyotani said. 
“I’ll go get the car. Stay alert.” Matsukawa said as he walked out. 
When Matsukawa came back he noticed a shadow moving around in the distance. 
“Mad look.” He nodded towards the shadow. Kyotani looked out and noticed it must have been someone following them. “Should we shoot them?” 
“These guys got a silencer on theirs. Let’s fucking kill this prick.” Kyotani said. 
Over in the shadows hiding was someone they knew all too well 
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Taglist:  @satan-ruler-of-hells @atria-avior @freakydeaky226 @ems1des @idontknow-whatto-callthis @maer-333 @bruh-kill-me @elianetsantana @tanakasimpcorner @babyshoyo​ @ash-levi​​ @ifilosemyselfagain @wisteria-wooseok @ashytoes101 @fantasycantasy @angstyclowns @johnnysactualgf @putmeinyourdeathnote @sunflow3rbab3 @black-rose-29 @sageinlove @mykuronekome @mus1caln0tes
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