#bry shut up about xena
bryonieamber · 9 months
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i couldn't think of a way to make a comic out of it but i always found it funny how Gabrielle's staff is collapsible for easy storage
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bryonieamber · 3 years
hello xena fans
i am going to post a series of images that will make you hate me.
just.... prep yourself
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bryonieamber · 3 years
fellas i couldnt think of a way to draw this in a funny comic, but i feel pretty confident that this eve kid is fucked. like. this show has such a high child mortality rate. every time i look at this baby i look at my watch like... how much time she got left?
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bryonieamber · 3 years
starting to think that when everyone told me "season six is really good", what they meant was "gabrielle wears a lot of sexy outfits"
which.... i mean.... yeah
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bryonieamber · 2 years
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i've gotten a few!
I've also gone through most the entire libraries of ff.net and ao3 of xena fics, and im currently heading alphabetically through all the older xena fics that only exist through the way back machine and impossible-to-navigate websites built in the 90s that are somehow still alive.
im currently in the Os.
to be clear, im not reading every single xena fanfiction i find, that'd be ridiculous!
im just reading most of them.
rough estimate, i must've read something like 300 at this point. i've been spending most of my free time going through this slog. its been months. i started back in early october and im still reading xena fics. im ruining my brain. ive lost control of my life. i come home from work and my cat wants me to feed him but i say sorry man, i need to read 10 fanfictions by 7pm. and thats even when im skipping tons of the ones that are like. way too long, or dont sound interesting.
trying really hard not to let this get to the point where im not reading for fun anymore and it just turns into an obligation because i just want to be DONE. because i am genuinely really enjoying most of what i find. but GOD its so exhausting
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bryonieamber · 3 years
Now i'm gonna have to explain Xena to my therapist on Wednesday.
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bryonieamber · 3 years
so for my birthday my mom bought me a Xena t-shirt. and i wore it to work last monday. and i basically went the whole day without anyone caring until i was clocking out, and then this woman in like her 50s catches me and says "oh, i love your shirt", and we couldnt get into any real deep discussion, because i had to clock out, so i was in a bit of a rush. but we talked really briefly about the show.
and i was so jazzed that even a single person was talking about xena with me, but that moment really made me realize how fucking tiny and little i am. i am like a small baby and everyone else who watches this show is twice my age.
i don't know what the opposite of a "fandom mom" is, but i feel like that's what i am.
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bryonieamber · 3 years
a little more than a year ago, i was only even remotely familiar with Xena: warrior princess because every time i went on ao3 to look at all the f/f shit on there, i remember i would inevitably run into XWP fics CONSTANTLY and it pissed me off.
i said to myself, "god, this dumb show is clogging up all the results. im NEVER going to watch this show, it sounds stupid, I'm just gonna blacklist it."
then some time around late 2020, my art school buddy maddy and i were chatting and she says to me "hey bry, i got this box set of every season of Xena: warrior princess! do you wanna watch it with me sometime?"
and i thought. "im gonna hate it, but even though it is CERTAIN to be terrible, i know i'll have fun if im spending time with a friend."
but it wasnt until a couple months later that we actually watched the first episode together. january 24th, 2021. we hadnt exactly been planning to watch it that very day, but i had just shown her Calamity Jane, and i think maybe that was what told her that it was time.
i wasn't super into it the first episode. i thought it seemed fun and campy, but i wasnt convinced i would really enjoy 6 whole seasons of it. i thought gabrielle was annoying, and i wasnt really sold on her and xena as a couple. which worried me, because according to maddy, that was the main draw.
but very slowly, that attitude of mine started to change.
"eh, i guess i can see it. im not sure i really ship it, but i guess its fun to imagine."
"oh shit. actually, they're a lot of fun together."
"this show has absolutely no right to be as fun as it is."
"okay alright okay alright alright alright these two women are IN LOVE and i think i might be losing my mind."
i think by episode 10 i was completely sold.
even back when i first started watching it with maddy, we only ever got together to watch like once a week or two weeks. it was slow goings.
and even worse, I decided i wanted to avoid spoilers because experiencing this piece of shit tv show in as authentic a way as possible was my #1 priority. which meant no browsing the tag on tumblr to find discussions about the show, no looking up fanart, and DEFINITELY no reading fanfics.
which sucked for me because i had developed a hyper fixation for this dumb show when i was still not even done with season 1. it was all i wanted to talk about or think about and it was so embarrassing and i was losing my mind but i was SO DETERMINED not to spoil anything for myself.
now here i am. 8 months later.
im finally done.
and i would LOVE some fanfic recommendations
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bryonieamber · 3 years
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OOO okay okay so i dont know very many headcanons other people in the fandom have. but i have heard a few through my friend maddy. and theres one i really really like.
when Xena's pregnancy thing happened and i was coming up with predictions as to how on earth THAT happened, she told me about a fan theory/headcanon that Gabrielle is trans, so the baby is biologically hers and Xenas. and i really like that idea way more than what the actual reason turned out to be.
i also came up with a headcanon that i am very attached to.
so meg has been pretty vocal about how badly she wants a family of her own, right? well, remember that family in chariots of war? the kids who were all like "wow xena we love you please stay with us and be our mom!" My headcanon is that Meg randomly stumbles upon that family, is mistaken for xena, and just sort of goes along with it because she's like "hell yeah finally a family who loves me!" and its like. she feels like she has to keep pretending to be xena in order to be part of their family but really they come to love her for who she is.
i actually started a whole fic about this idea lmfao. i just... need meg to be happy. so my headcanon is that THAT happens.
i also headcanon basically everyone as bi, with pretty much the only exceptions being the many lesbians.
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bryonieamber · 3 years
guys today is the day
its the 6th month anniversary of the day i watched xena for the very first time.
still havent finished the show but you know, im gettin there.
and since i havent finished the show yet i still cant really go out and engage with fan content and discussions online because i still have to avoid spoilers.
but i really REALLY want to talk about xena because im obsessed with this show. so today seems like a good day for xena talk. so PLEASE friends ask me xena questions and tell me xena things im so lonely
or, you know, even if you dont ask me things im just gonna talk about xena stuff today totally unprompted too, whether you like it or not!
So for all the folks who follow me and dont really care about xena, you can blacklist the tag 'bry shut up about xena' and you wont have to hear all this crud
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bryonieamber · 3 years
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@moddieeee GOD me too. you all look like youre having so much fun out there
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bryonieamber · 3 years
this seems like as good a time as any to bring up the fact that several months back, i made like an hour long youtube video analyzing the religious symbolism in The Bitter Suite, but it got taken down because of copyright stuff so i did like two weeks of research and work for nothing.
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bryonieamber · 3 years
hey everyone
just a quick heads up: i hate xena warrior princess now
gonna make a hard pivot back to furry art and dragons thank you for your understanding
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bryonieamber · 3 years
Favourite episode so far?
DEFINITELY a day in the life. but i feel like that's a pretty popular choice.
i also loved Fins, Femmes, and Gems a lot. that feels like an episode made specifically for me. and like... the rest of you guys can watch it and enjoy it too if you want, but its mine, they made it for me.
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