jesncin · 5 days
Do you have any publishing Agencies you'd recommend for new comic writers and/or artists?
I'm assuming this is referring to literary agencies? And I can't really speak to that since it's a very personal choice to be represented by a certain agent from a certain agency. I've had a great time under my agent, Britt Siess, who founded her own agency "Britt Siess Creative Management (BSCM)" because I like her organizational abilities and her understanding of the industry is unparalleled in my opinion (and my art is a great fit for her personal tastes). But some of my peers have picked other agents and agencies to represent them for a ton of other reasons. So it's all down to personal preference and whether you vibe with an agent in the end.
There's a difference between a literary agent and an illustration agent too. Lit agents are for storytellers (like writers, and author-artists, etc.) while illustration agents are great for folks who want to illustrate book covers and such. I've only ever been under a lit agent so I can't attest to much else other than my own experience.
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carla51two · 3 months
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imgoing bscm yo working my part time in tomodachi life restaurant
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yugocar · 3 months
hey yugo people important question; how would you say mutual in bscm. or whats like a good equivalent
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csakamulokbamulok · 1 year
Hogyan lett BSCm?
Na azt tudtátok e, hogy nekem főiskolai diplomám van. Amikor végeztem még csak ez volt. Utolsó évemben vezették be a BSCt. Mondtam is, na nekem kell ilyen. kérdeztem, hogy, közölték, hogy előről kell kezdenem. Ezen nevettem és mondtam, annyira azért nem kell, hogy 3.5 évig szopjak miatta.
Pár év múlva, aktív dolgozóként, kaptam egy levelet az alma matertöl, hogy várnak vissza szeretettel, egy év levelező, párszázezer forint és lehet bscm. Ezen is kacagtam.
20 évvel később, igazolom a diplomámat kanadában es BSCként ismerték el. Hát igy lett BSCm.
Gyorsan frissítem a linkedin aláírásomat.
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silvers-not-home · 1 month
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ignouassignmentguru · 3 months
BSSS-183 जीवन कौशल जानकारियाँ in Hindi Solved Assignment 2024
BSSS-183 जीवन कौशल जानकारियाँ Solved Assignment 2024 TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS Course code: BSSS-183 Assignment Code: BSSS-183/ASST/TMA/2024 Marks: 100 Title Name BSSS-183 Solved Assignment 2024 University IGNOU Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) Course CBCS-BAG/Honours, FYUP-Majors/BAM/BSCM/BCOMF Language HINDI Semester 2024 Course: UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES Session January 2024…
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ignou-service · 4 months
BSSS-183 Solved Assignment English Medium 2024
BSSS-183 Solved Assignment English Medium 2024 For January 2024 Session ALL UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES (CBCS-BAG/Honours) (FYUP-Majors/BAM/BSCM/BCOMF) ASSIGNMENT January 2024 BSSS-183 LIFE SKILLS TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS Course code: BSSS-183 Assignment Code: BSSS-183/ASST/TMA/2024 Marks: 100 Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. You have to…
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stephendeguzman · 2 years
I want to be able to protect innocent people who are being held to justice for the criminal activities of people. In the past, crime is more dominant, such as rape in which a woman is convicted of the need to be prosecuted by the police authorities as my dream. My strand is that I'm going to learn from it in the future, what I've learned is going to make me feel better. I'm going to take a bscm to serve our country
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linguisticmaps · 7 years
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Syllabic consonants, most often [m, n, r, l], are consonants (typically sonorants) that can appear as the nucleus of the syllable. Czech and Serbo-Croatian are well known for this, where there can be entire sentences without vowels: E.g.   Škrt plch z mlh Brd pln skvrn z mrv prv hrd scvrnkl z brzd skrz trs chrp v krs vrb mls mrch srn čtvrthrst zrn. 
English also allows an [l] as syllabic in bottle, cattle, or [m] in rythm, or [n] in button.  
French also has [l] like in formidabl[e] but in this case the last vowel is deleted so it doesn’t really count as a true syllabic consoant.
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seokmatthewz · 4 years
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yugocar · 26 days
Sorry if this is weird to ask but why do you read books on serbia in english?
its perfectly fine to ask, although a lot of people haven't liked my answer in past. there's a few reasons that overlap. texts about the balkans (and serbia) are a difficult area to go through because of the overwhelming amount of nationalist propaganda (at worst) and instinctive biases (at best). this is by far the most present when the texts originate from the countries themselves, especially with anything written after the 90's. of course, there is also plenty of bias when it comes to foreign authors, but it helps that they aren't directly and recently involved. and also i'm personally much better at spotting the bias/propaganda that western authors paddle out. with bscm texts there are the really obvious offenders, but some information that is fabricated can slip past me. i trust a serbian book about balkan history about as far as i can throw it, unless its personally recommended to me by someone i trust. i still have a lot to learn about the region, so my current approach is to start with foreign texts and move then towards very select regional authors. (in case i totally misread this ask and you didn't mean authors, just the language, its because the books i want to read aren't translated into serbian.)
as far as academic texts go its a different story. from those i do primarily read from regional authors, but most of those are published online in english because academia is obviously dominated by english/global north.
those are the main reasons, but i also have no shame in admitting that i'm very comfortable reading english. my relationship with serbian will always be a personal matter to me and i will NEVER use my language to participate in nationalist conversation. my own country is entirely responsible for where i ended up with my mother tongue, so as far as i'm concerned, i don't owe them anything. where, when and how i nurture my relationship with my culture and language is completely up to me and done entirely by my own effort. a little bonus i guess is also getting to share the information with diaspora yugo people who might not know the language, or friends sincerely interested in the topic who are from other countries.
i hope that answers your question, and sorry if the answer is overboard! guess i had a lot to say on the matter.
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ayellowbirds · 3 years
our fanfiction
EDIT: September 19, 2022 by @ayellowbirds​
About three four of the people in this system have written fanfiction, so let’s start keeping track of them. The authors: Bone @neveyleh​, any and all pronouns. Dead bitch, genderfluid, sexuality is “yes”. Kerys @dzhukhe​​: it/its, she/her, or they/them. Giant bug, pansexual gyne.  Rainbow: @ayellowbirds​​, she/her or they/them. Nonbinary lesbian golem. Sylvi(e): @urukuduk​​, she/her. Bisexual half-orc halfling woman.
A few things here were written before we became plural. Nobody in particular is credited with those, below. That person doesn’t exist any more.
All’s Fur in Love and War by Rainbow https://archiveofourown.org/works/35752249/chapters/89151436
Tendo Akane and her sisters had been told to expect the arrival of her father's old friend, so that one of them could be engaged to his son in an arranged marriage to unite the schools of Musabetsu Kakuto.
She was not expecting a girl.
She was especially not expecting a girl with a fluffy, striped tail and cute little ears.
Alternate Mode by Rainbow Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Transformers Generation One https://archiveofourown.org/works/37853611/chapters/94522234
In 1984, a volcanic eruption in the northwestern United States awoke two warring factions of mechanical aliens who began their ancient battle anew, drawing upon the natural ability to change their shape. In 1996, the martial artist Saotome Ranma defeated his greatest enemy, and started to come to terms with his supernatural curse to change shape. A few months later....
Better the Devil You Know (A Giri AU) by Rainbow and @beedok​ Fandoms:  All Saints Street x Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/38742624/chapters/96869475
Nick is in the business of souls, and when someone who's signed his over kicks the bucket unexpectedly early, he's off to Qinghai. There's just one little complication.....
Bishōjo Sentōin Citizen Moon (An Earth-211128 fic) by Bone, Rainbow, and Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Sailormoon x DC Comics https://archiveofourown.org/works/40853745
So was born a loving, generous, brave girl with a heart of healing that bridged the distant past and the present day. Taiin Usagi’s years were joined by the love of her Papa and her Mama both, and as time caught up to their discovery of the reality that was her and her Mama’s past lives, Usagi was set down a path to become a heroine.
BSCM is an Earth-211128 fic, set in the same reality as Sylvi(e)’s Lilit Rising. Featuring a prequel story, Past is Prologue, Princess: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40849236
Daemonologie by Rainbow Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Darkstalkers https://archiveofourown.org/works/31973326/chapters/79189681
After the battle against Saffron, everything goes back to normal. Akane didn't die, and Ranma is thankful for that. I mean, she woke up and started moving around, right? Dead people don't do that. Unrelated, why is Ranma feeling so drained, lately?
Deus ex Nerima by Bone Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Norse & Greek Mythology  https://archiveofourown.org/works/41549304/chapters/104209740
Saotome Ranma's life has always been so strange and chaotic, you'd think that a god of mischief (or one related to gender) had a hand in it. Turns out, things only get stranger once those gods actually reveal their presence—and exactly how they're connected to him.
egg-tapping is a traditional English game, wherein.... by Kerys Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Urusei Yatsura x Stop!! Hibari-kun! https://archiveofourown.org/works/32450785/chapters/80468182
Ranma is off to college.
So is Ataru.
It's not the worst roommate situation possible, but... something's going to crack.
Giri by Rainbow  Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/28175067/chapters/69039285
Most Ranma fans have wished it would happen, after everything the old man did. If it happened right before the start of the manga, though?
Half Cup of Tea (A Teaverse story) by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½, Stop!! Hibari-Kun, Way of the House Husband https://archiveofourown.org/works/36073111/chapters/89926087
A prequel to Tea For Tea that hits a bump in the road and becomes an AU. Ranma has felt the feeling building and building that she's really a girl, and that her cursed form is the right one. Leaving behind what she knows, she gets on a bus headed anywhere... and winds up back in Tokyo. Secrets build up under shadows, and without a home, she will accept a dangerous offer....
Isekai Okonomiyaki-ya “Ucchan” by Rainbow Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Isekai Izakaya “Nobu” https://archiveofourown.org/works/39319017/chapters/98394129
Once upon a time, the staff of a little restaurant in Japan found that their front door suddenly opened not onto a local street, but in the otherworld city of Aitheria. This is the story of what results when it happens twice on the same Aitherian street.
Kakomazalos (An Earth-211128 fic) by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Urusei Yatsura x DC Comics https://archiveofourown.org/works/40318947
It's another Earth-211128 fic from Sylviandrine! Wait, what'cha mean, Ranma ain't in this one? Well, there's some Rumic stuff here, right?
...Oh, that miserable mass of misfortune?
Well, maybe the Oni invasion of Earth will go over better on an Earth protected by a bunch of superheroes.
Eh? The Justice League is letting it happen?
Kakutogi Sentai Moretsuger by Sylvi(e) and Kerys Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Super Sentai https://archiveofourown.org/works/38192251/chapters/95418019
Ranma doesn't think much of Akane's ability as a martial artist, and he's prone to putting his foot in his mouth. As far as Akane's concerned, the latter is a good excuse for her to hide just how skilled she actually is, and what she does with that ability....
A Line Between (part 3 of Sliced, in Half) by Rainbow Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/31760788/chapters/78618073
A few months ago, Ranma was split into two bodies. One was a girl, one was a boy. Neither one was in the body they wanted. Now, the girl is going by 'Komako', and she needs to figure out who 'Saotome Komako' is, in a world that's especially hostile to a girl like her. It doesn't help that the Kunos are back in Nerima, and need her and Ranma's help.
Looking at Other Girls!? by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/36776899/chapters/91746898
There’s a handful of fanfiction out there that looks at content like the Neko-ken arc, or the episode "Am I Pretty? Ranma's Declaration of Womanhood" and use these as the basis for telling stories in which Ranma is plural, and Akane has to deal with being a singlet who is engaged to a system.
This is not one of those fanfics.
The Luckiest Girl in the World by Rainbow Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34647385/chapters/86256307
The events before, during, and after "Ella no entiende nada", from the perspectives of Ranma and Akane. Ranma realizes that 'being a guy is supposed to be hard and miserable' is a lie. Akane discovers something about her sisters that shakes her convictions about who she is.
And Konatsu winds up in the middle of all of it, even as things start to change drastically.
Meeting on a Pinhead by Kerys Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/37833523/chapters/94469698
For some reason, Genma is sure that his old buddy's daughters will appeal to Ranma's sense of beauty. Ranma isn't sure about that.
Especially when he finds out why his old man was so certain, and what it means about the nature of the three Tendo daughters.
Noppera-Jō (An Earth-211128 fic) by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½, Detective Conan, and Magic Kaito x DC Comics https://archiveofourown.org/works/39435429/chapters/98696865
It's another adventure from Earth-211128 as Ranma settles into the path of being a superheroine—and with the return of an exhibit of Atlantean treasures at a museum in Odaiba, that path is about to cross with Japan's most famous costumed criminal, and the detective who is best-known for beating him....
(Not) White Like A Skeleton by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Overlord https://archiveofourown.org/works/35559550/chapters/88648534
There was no way. It couldn’t be, but… Momonga looked down, and instead of the robes of a magic-using skeleton or the flat chest of a depressed gamer, he saw—encircled by the edge of black-feathered wings that spread out from the lower back—the pronounced bust of Albedo.
Ranma: One or the Other by Rainbow & Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½ x The Slayers https://archiveofourown.org/works/30427761/chapters/75021942
We've seen a few suggestions that a Jusenkyo curse can really fuck with the mind of the person who is cursed, to the point of it being effectively a different person who comes up when the water falls down.
So, let's have some fun with voice actors!
And by "fun", I mean that i intended this to be a silly diversion from "Giri", and the draft is now edging on some angsty shit. Join us, won't you?
ran/ko nibun-no-ni by Kerys Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/32122195/chapters/79581502
Saotome Ranko knows who she is. Not half of anything, not a boy. She's a girl, and she's going to prove it. Even if that means doing the one thing she hates most: getting into some fights.
Reversi by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/32905921
What happens when it's not just roles that are swapped, but places in families? What does a Ranma cared for by the Tendo family look like? What happens when Genma trains Akane? And then, when they meet...?
Since When is Jupiter a Binary Planet? by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Sailor Moon https://archiveofourown.org/works/37590280/chapters/93828529
Brand-new superheroine Tsukino Usagi is more than a little surprised at how Mamoru looks. Especially because he's sharing a body with a girl named Makoto.
Splashdown by Rainbow Fandoms:  Ranma ½ x Nemesis (by April Daniels) https://archiveofourown.org/works/33008428/chapters/81929107
A fight takes Danny across the Pacific. Ranma meets the person he blames for everything that went wrong, months ago.
Sweet Soul Revue by Bone Fandoms: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/40506066/chapters/101479584
What, another Ranma ½ AU? Well, yes, but this one doesn't branch off from the beginning.
Ehh? Why are there TWO P-chans?
Unsung Prayer by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½  https://archiveofourown.org/works/38925561/chapters/97348206
I got bit by a plot bunny, so here's another AU where Ranma shows up alone at the Tendo dojo, with a different curse and a reason to hide it.
Unwavering by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/41399106/chapters/103816797
A boy, cursed to have a body that everyone takes to be a girl. A meeting at an arranged marriage that comes as a complete surprise. And a complication: that Saotome Ranma is not the first boy in the wrong body in this house.
Wish Upon a Variable Star by Kerys, Rainbow, and Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Sailor Moon https://archiveofourown.org/works/36304597/chapters/90506824
Someone in the Tendo household has a secret that she's absolutely certain nobody else can know about, and a visitor is about to arrive to grant a wish in the most unexpected way.
who you are in a hot shower, who you are in the cold rain by Kerys Fandoms: Cowboy Bebop x Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34049044/chapters/84694669
Faye Valentine didn't know who she was before everything, but she had a lead.
It's not like she's being tricked or misled again, right?
Years of the Rabbit & the Horse by Bone Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Sailor Moon https://archiveofourown.org/works/40935057/chapters/102583626
Things don't go as planned. That is the nature of car accidents, and also Saotome Genma's life on the whole.
you wouldn’t last one ri in my shoes by Kerys Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/35723380/chapters/89074972
In which roles are swapped, and bets are made. Akari and Ryoga didn't expect a visit to the Tendo household would wind up with them getting involved in a wager between Akane and Ranma... and especially didn't expect it to end in major shifts to their own identities.
#1 Childhood Friend by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34588294
The first'a series of one-shots; plot bunnies that i might or might not expand. A scene came to mind... what if Ranma knew Akane before they met, without realizing it? And what if that meant Akane knew something secret about Ranma?
“Come on man, be reasonable!” Fandom: Batman https://archiveofourown.org/works/27993012
Dino Maroni has regrets.
divided and multiplied (part 1 of Sliced, in Half) by Kerys & Rainbow Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/31720120
A curse undone, a daughter and a son, a birth and a birthday. Be careful what you wish for, because sometimes wishes glitch.
divide by six (part 2 of Sliced, in Half) by Kerys Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/31742536/chapters/78569641
A year, in six seasons. A glimpse of what happened between Ranma and Akane during "divided and multiplied".
Do You Have Any Chocolate? by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/32026504
Ranma's feeling crummy, Akane is shocked to learn why. Something short and silly.
Earth Sucks Fandom: Transformers G1 https://archiveofourown.org/works/1423690
Shortly after arriving on Earth, Sideswipe makes some observations about what he does not like about the Earth. The Earth proceeds to give him more to be worried about.
Inspired by this post by @wily-red-and-galeforce-gold​
Either Way You Look at it, This is a Throuple by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34604095
The genre of 'split fics' explores the idea of Ranma being split between his male birth form, and his female cursed form, in two different bodies. Well, usually, those just explore the emotions around the split. How do things work out with the attempted fix, though?
Ella no entiende nada by Rainbow Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34091731
Akane walks into Ucchan's. She's just had two big shocks, and she's about to have another.
Gem School: Gem Glow Fandom: Steven Universe https://archiveofourown.org/works/5021302
Steven's late for his new job. Um, what is his job, again?
A short work inspired by Hilary Florido's promotional art at http://hilaryflorido.tumblr.com/
A Horrible Night to Have a Jusenkyo Curse by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34724068/chapters/86458507
A tribute/sequel to Beedok's "Vampire Fangs". Kodachi is worried about how pale and tired Ranma has been, since the vacation ended.
How my Hotblooded Martials Arts Manga Became A Romantic Comedy! by Sylvi(e) and @beedok​ Fandoms: Ranma ½ x Stop!! Hibari-Kun https://archiveofourown.org/works/36112321/chapters/90021886
Ranma has been having gender-y feelings, and needed to get out of Nerima for a bit to cool off after a fight. The plan was just to relax for a couple of days, but then Ranma met a boy and the two of them clicked.
Ranma always did like the grumpy type.
lilit rising (An Earth-211128 fic) by Sylvi(e) Fandoms: Ranma ½ & Batman/DCU https://archiveofourown.org/works/35392750/chapters/88218964
So much of what has gone wrong in Ranma's life can be traced back to the questionable actions of his parents. As things wind down from the chaos of the misguided 'wedding' attempt, a new face will call into question everything that Ranma has assumed about the motivation of the woman who birthed him, the man who raised him, and who exactly he is....
Mei mămăligă, cu mujdei de muștarul de usturoi by Rainbow Fandoms: Delicious in Dungeon https://archiveofourown.org/works/32554543
A couple of years after everything settles down, Chilchuck deals with some unexpected visitors.
Old Habits Fandoms: MCU https://archiveofourown.org/works/2704664
A brief vignette about Steve and Peter at an electronics store, a few hundred words too long to be properly called a drabble.
once constant by Rainbow Fandoms: Batman, Superman https://archiveofourown.org/works/27979632
In the middle of the night, Clark hears the terrible noise of something going silent where it was once constant, and he knows. Bruce Wayne is gone.
Inspired by this post by @lurkinglurkerwholurks​
On the Hudson Line Fandom: MCU https://archiveofourown.org/works/32247367
A Hudson Line train crosses the northern border of the Bronx. Steve doesn't remember it looking like this, up here.
A Solution for Your Problem by Rainbow Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/36418294
Ukyo is absolutely certain that this is the solution for Ranma.
Summer Sensations Summarized by Rainbow Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/39628620
One-shot, inspired by some fanart that was going around, labels, and pronouns.
Tea for Tea (A Teaverse story) by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/35688532/chapters/88984597
There are universes where Saotome Ranma eventually has enough of the chaos in Nerima, of the demands of family and fiancées, and disappears, only to be found months or even years later living under a new identity. Often, it seems to be Nabiki who makes the discovery; sometimes it's another member of the Tendo household, or even Ryoga. Several of these fics tie the circumstances of Ranma's disappearance to an accident that locks them in cursed form, and the pigtailed martial artist ends up married to one of the male cast members, or even an OC.
That isn't quite what's going on, here, as someone else will find while putting a life in Nerima behind her.
there’s a word in English for that by Kerys Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/32113558
Hopelessly lost after finding a cure at Jusenkyo, Ryoga disembarks and finds himself somewhere unexpected, meeting a familiar face with a few changes.
They Say Everyone Has a Double, Right? by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/34598776
The latest weirdness in Ranma's life is annoying enough for Akane, this early in the school day. It doesn't help that Ukyo's milking it to get closer to him, and that it's reminding Akane of frustrations from middle school.
But, well, when it rains in Nerima, it tends to pour.
We Meet Again, Saotome Ranma by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/37682791
Oneshot. A year or two after the end of the series, Ranma and company have received an invitation to the new home-away-from-China of the Musk Dynasty. It's going to be a fancy party, right? Things are cool between him and Herb. No need to worry about any unexpected encounters from his past.
Faction Fandom: Transformers G1 https://archiveofourown.org/works/1109171/chapters/2232678
Circumstances have drawn the Autobots and the Decepticons together in the face of a common foe and the promise of outside assistance in restoring Cybertron. How well will two factions function as one, and what does this mean for those who have spent all their lives knowing only the war? On top of everything, Shockwave has to cope with having a face again.
Inspired by and following Function by pink_shoes.
Never Mind the Wreckers Fandom: Transformers IDW (2005) https://archiveofourown.org/works/5451506/chapters/12601343
Skyfall left behind a lot of problems, the kind of problems you usually call in the big guns to deal with. But the big guns are busy elsewhere—time to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
rock the planet by Kerys Fandom: Kamen Rider Fourze x Urusei Yatsura https://archiveofourown.org/works/36290698/chapters/90470764
Kisaragi Gentaro is the hero of Earth, who has reached across space to grasp friendship in his hand and made bonds even with strange alien life forms.
So, of course, he's completely unprepared for a game of tag.
Transfusion Confusion by Sylvi(e) Fandom: Ranma ½ https://archiveofourown.org/works/32143963
Even master martial artists need help from their friends, sometimes. Or, is that help from rivals? Sworn enemies? What exactly is Ryoga, to Ranma? The answer may soon be, "dead". Dead to him.
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ignouassignmentguru · 3 months
BSSS-183 Life Skills in English Solved Assignment 2024
BSSS-183 Life Skills in English Solved Assignment 2024 TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS Course code: BSSS-183 Assignment Code: BSSS-183/ASST/TMA/2024 Marks: 100 Title Name BSSS-183 Solved Assignment 2024 University IGNOU Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) Course CBCS-BAG/Honours, FYUP-Majors/BAM/BSCM/BCOMF Language ENGLISH Semester 2024 Course: UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES Session January…
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yandwfashion-blog · 7 years
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queen-olivia-benson · 5 years
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