#bsd fisheye compilation
originalaccountname 4 months
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TOTAL: 15.5
6 Atsushi // 4 Lucy // 2 Akutagawa // 1.5 Dazai // 1 Kunikida // 1 Higuchi
Controversies: Dazai wailing at the loss of the young detective woman was received with divided opinions regarding its fisheye-ness, was given 0.5 point.
Episodes featuring fisheye shots: 8/12
Average per episode (featured): 1.94
Average per episode (total): 1.29
Honorable mention:
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>all fisheye posts<
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its-jijii 5 years
bsd counters
hello a while back i decided to endeavor on a journey of tallying the number of times whoever said whatever. so now it's 8 am cause i pulled an all nighter binge re-watching all of s1 for this 馃椏 enjoy
apologies in advance if some of these are a few numbers off,, i'm very sleep deprived and sure i missed some, but i'll catch them again when i rewatch later owo. for now though, here's some counters
your fav, orphanage flashback counter
ever wondered how many orphanage flashbacks atsushi has had? yeah same
in the first episode there was three and in total for s1, nine
"brat" counter
how many times has kunikida called atsushi brat?
seven times in the first episode alone actually. in total for season one, 33 times.
"dazai-san" counter
how many times has atsushi said dazai-san?
apparently only 15 times but that feels wrong so i'm sure i missed some >:(
"dazai-san" counter
again but this time it's akutagawa.
somehow got the number three and that definitely feels wrong so uhh either he says it more in s2 or he says it a lot less than i remember
"jinko" counter
how many times has akutagawa called atsushi jinko?
i actually don't think he's ever used atsushi's name so it's always jinko. so far, 12 times.
"kyouka-chan" counter
i know atsushi says kyouka-chan a fucking lot but i wanted to actually count.
in s1, only four times so far. definitely a lot more later on.....
"teme" counter
chuuya saying teme :) i know there's compilations on youtube but i'll be adding to this as i rewatch s2, s3, and dead apple. so those videos but now more
so far, 13 jfc
"akutagawa senpai" or just "senpai" counter
higuchi really likes akutagawa and it honestly shows in the sheer number of times she says those phrases.
so far, 15 times.......
ranpo opening his eyes counter
yeah this one is exactly what it sounds like. the number of times ranpo has opened his eyes,, and that was only for like a frame or two so basically every other frame with him is with his eyes closed.
eight and a half times currently. i say half cause once he only had one eye open as he was staring at a marble.
DAZAI counter
how many times does kunikida (while usually angry) say dazai's name?
currently it's at 16. yeehaw
atsushi getting injured counter
this sounds really broad and it kinda is but. in these "injuries" i count getting exploded, being impaled, having a limb cut off, and violently thrown into something as injuries.
currently it's at 11 but i feel like there's more that i missed
um okay so that's all for now. will reblog later with more tallies for s2, and also probably more counters in general (how many times does dazai say kunikida kun/atsushi kun, how many explosions, etc). drop a reply if u want me to add a counter to look out for thanks bye
(i'll also be doing screenshot compilations of horrible fisheye scenes and ass shots so don't worry about those ;))
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originalaccountname 7 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
Episode 1 count: 1 (in the first 30 seconds!!)
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Honorable mention:
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originalaccountname 7 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep1 - ep2 - ep3
Episode 3 count: 3 (and one that just kept coming back worse)
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Subtotal: 6
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 6 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep1 - ep2 - ep3 - ep4 - ep5
Episode 5 count: due to conflicting opinions, Dazai is gets added to the total, but gets half a point: 1.5
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Subtotal: 8.5
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 1 month
This season was harder to track and featured less clear staple bsd fisheye shots. Some were only visible in movement (no uncomfortably long close up), some feature a heavily warped background but no warped features, some lack the appropriate facial features to truly be easily categorized as a fisheye shot.
Since I included some fisheyes that were heavily warped backgrounds with moderately warped features last season, in the end I decided to count them this season too. Honorable mentions are mostly animation-based instead of camera-based, or lacked warping in both face and background.
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3 Atsushi // 2 camera + cat // 1 Dazai // 1 Akutagawa // 1 Kyouka // 1 Q's doll // 1 Lovecraft // 1 Fitzgerald // 1 Katsura
Episodes featuring fisheye shots: 9/13 (s1: 8/12)
Average per episode (featured): 1.44 (s1: 1.94)
Average per episode (total): 1.00 (s1: 1.29)
Honorable mentions:
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>Season 1 compilation<
>all fisheye posts<
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originalaccountname 1 month
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - Dead Apple
Dead Apple count: 3!!!!
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Atsushi continues his impressive streak with a third win!!! Congrats!!!!
Since Dead Apple is 90 minutes long, it means, statistically, you saw a fisheye shot every 30 minutes. A good ratio!!
>Season 1 compilation<
>Season 2 compilation<
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originalaccountname 20 days
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep26 - ep27
For this, keep in mind that from my season 2 compilation, I established that I will count shots that have a notable warping in the background, even if the eyes are not doing "the thing".
Episode 27 count: 3
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Subtotal: 5 (we are on fire!!!!)
Honorable mention:
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originalaccountname 6 days
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep26 - ep27 - ep28 - ep29 -
Episode 29 count: 2
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Subtotal: 7
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originalaccountname 6 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep1 - ep2 - ep3 - ep4 - ep5 - ep6
Episode 6 count: 2
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Subtotal: 10.5
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 7 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep1 - ep2
Starting off with this shot that evaded me in episode 1:
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Episode 2 count: 1 (inverted fisheye, used twice)
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Subtotal: 3
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 2 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep13 - ep14 - ep15 - ep16 - ep17 - ep18 - ep19 - ep20 - ep21
Last week, I missed this shot of Q's doll! it gets in here for ep20:
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ep21 count: the longest, weirdest fisheye in history*
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*season 4's Kunikida fisheye is probably a proper rival
Subtotal: 8
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 2 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep13 - ep14 - ep15 - ep16 - ep17 - ep18 - ep19 - ep20 - ep21 - ep22 - ep23
ep23 count: 1 :(
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Subtotal: 9
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 2 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep13 - ep14 - ep15 - ep16 - ep17 - ep18 - ep19 - ep20 - ep21 - ep22
ep22 count: 0, we only got regular zooms, even if Poe deserved at least one fisheye shot 馃様
Subtotal: 8
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 3 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep13 - ep14 - ep15 - ep16 - ep17 - ep18 - ep19 - ep20
ep20 count: 1 (double feature)
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Subtotal: 6
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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originalaccountname 4 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep13 - ep14
Missed shots from last week (thank you @kyouka-supremacy), the first one is definitely a fisheye, the second one has background bending but the cat face is... not very fisheye-y. Maybe another 0.5 point? Maybe 1 point for the both of them?
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Ep14 count: 1!
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Subtotal: 2, probably...
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